jaihjUqtao FIAIIRI;IBURG, PA THROAT EVENING, MY 26. 1861. NOTICE TO ADVER,TISEItS.—AII Adver tkements, BUS;lit.4.l Notices, Marri ageN, &e., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, Inuit nvariably 1!e. aCCOM ran 4 ed with the CASH. Advertisements ordered In the regular Evening Edit ion are inserted in the Morn in., Ed tt ion without extra charge., AND COUNTRY. ATTENTION, DOTJGHERTY I S BATTERY —The members cf the Battery are requested to meet at the Captain's office, corner Third and Mar bet, this evening, at 6 o'clock, to receive their 0. D. FORSTER, -0. S. I=ECCEI WANTED—A journeyman coach-maker. One SOlO is accustomed to working on bodies pre fea•ed. Apply to. R. J. FLEMING, may2o-dlw Third street. I=El WE hare had another supply of rain to-day, which commenced falling this morning, and continued during the forenoon. IMIZMI To: Cumberland County Agricultural So ciety has decided to hold a Fair On the grounds at Carlisle, on the 12th; 13th and 14th of October next. A LAD named. Montgomery, living at Maple ton, Huntingdon county, jumped off a rail road train when in motion, fell under the wheels, and had both arms cut off DEPARTED — The various one-horse shows that were in operation here during the past few months. When the soldiers . left, the monkey. showmen found their " occupation gone " I==l:=ZMl TN addition to the list of places struck by lightning, noticed yesterday, we learn that two or three horses were killed on farms ad jacent to the city during the storm of Tues day, evening. Car.. Moikt.ts E. ROSE, of the Seventy seventh Pennsylvania regiment, haVing re covered from the effects of his imprisonment in rebeldom, has gone to the front to reloin his regiment I=l Tllll " Curtin. Sclfool House,' in Philadel phia, was dedicated on Tuesday afternoon, with imposing ceremonies: His Excellency, Governor Curtin, delivered a very interesting address ,on the occasion. OUR readers are ,again reminded that Rev: H. L. Soule, of Strippensburg, will deliver an address in the Wormteysbnrg Bethel, this evening. Those who attend will hear au un usually interesting and eloquent discourse. IT has been rumored that quite a number of the officers of the Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania regiment were killed in battle. Intelligence from Richmond, however, announces that Colonel White, Lieutenant. Colonel Bennett, Adjutant Gotshall, Captain kletzgar and Cap tain Fox aro prisoners, together with Lieute nant O'Connell, whom Lieutenant Crouse re ported as wounded. E=r2=ll OHE CITY AND THE DRAFT.--AithOligh a Mil licent number of volunteers have been fur nished by this city, at large, to clear it from the dratt, under the past calls for men, we learn that the sub-districts composed of the Fifth and Sixth wards, are still somewhat "short" in their, quotas. If such is the case, and a draft is made to , fill the quotas of those wards, there must be a surplus from other portions of the city, which will dobtleis be credited on a future draft should any be made. FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENT.—On Thursday morning an old man named Rodger, and his son, from Philadelphia, were passing through a railroad cut three miles east of Altoona, when they met a westward bound train and stepped over to the eastward track out of the way. It sipears that a train was also ap proaching from the west, which they did not perceive, and both were struck by-the engine and thrown from the track. The old man was instantly killed, and the boy considerably cut about the face, but not dangerously in jured. They were in very destitute circum stances, begging their bres.das they traveled. Rgr. J. Waimea JACKSON delivered his in teresting and eloquent address on "Andrew Jackson," at Mifflinton, on Friday evening last, for the benefit of the Sanitary Commis sion. According to the Juniata Sentinel, the copperheads were not pleased with the lec turer or the lecture. How could they be? Jlev. J. Walker Jackson is a Christian and Andrew Jackson was a patriot. How then coulktories and infidels be enamored of such men?` The Sentinel, in describing the effect of the lec ture, says the copperheads fairly wilted; and and when lie spoke of Vallandigham as a traitor, they got as mad as hornets; and when he contrasted Jimmy Buchanan with Jackson, their indignation knew no bounds. I==l HAMIISBITEGEAS WOUNDED IN GEOII6IA. By the following extract from a letter received from Mr. Ale - x. W. Bergstresser, it will be seen that some"Of our Harrisburg soldiers have Participated in some hard lighting in Georgia, Messrs. Lundy and Barringer belong to the 18th Regulars, and Mr. Bergstresser to th 79th Pennsylvania Volunteers : - RESACA, GA., May 17, 1361 COL. 11.A.11IIIIIGIIT WOITNDED. — Wo arrived here yesterday. We have had some 'hard fighting, and have whipped the rebels•badly. There was some very hard ftihting at this place, and the rebels were driven off in such a hurry that they left their dead lying on the field, and our regiment has been left here to bury them and gather up the arms and am munition left lying around. We eapiured eight splendid cannon and bits of small arms and ammunition: besides about six hundred prisorttrs. Elias Lundy is safe, but James Barringer was hit with a rifle ball in the left hand; his fore finger is off and his hand pretty badly crippled. Our whole army is , marching on towards Rome and Atlanta, and I e.tpeet there will be more hard fighting, THE paymaster assigned to the performance of that duty, paid off a large number of the militia of 1802, to-day, in our city. TnE rumor that Lieutenant Win. Brick•-r and Sergeant Dock, of Cumberland county, had died in a rebel prison, was, we are pleased to learn, incorrect. ArrENTIoN is invited to the advertisement of a sale of valuable property, at the corner of Chestnut street and Dewberry alley. Here is a fine opportunity for profitable investment CoarmENDABLE.—We learn that William S. Shaffer, H. A. Ross and A. Hummel, three of our citizens who were out with the militia in September, 18G2, on receiving their pay this morning from the paymaster, at once handed it over to the U. S. Christian Commission. WASHINGTON LODGE, No. 1, Independent Order of Good Templars, the oldest and best Lodge in Pennsylvania, will meet this even ing in their Hall, fourth story, next to the Court Hens°. Come early. Important busi ness. THE SILT' of Huns's Horst.—The sale` of tht asplendid property known as Herr 's livid. was made this morning, to Mr. Harry Thom as, for the slim off orly thousand dollars. The house and its location are the best in the city, for business, and no doubt the new proprietor will place it under such auspices as to render it oue of his most profitaLio investments. LIABILITIES OP TELEGRAPH COMPANEES.--.A. case of great interest to telegraph companies and the public was decided a few 'days "tsgo in the New York court of common pleas. A. firm telegraphed to their agents in New York to sell five hundred sharesef Southern Michigan stock at the morning board, and buyfivelinn clred Hudson in the afternoon. The word "Hitdson" was omitted in the dispatch, and five hundred Southern Michigan were bought. The result was a heavy loss to the parties who gave the order, and this loss was directly due to the mistale.irt the transmission of the dis patch. The result was a verdict in favor of the claimants, thus establishing the priu3iplo that telegraph companies are responsible, like other common carriers, for the accuracy with which they transmit the messages entrusted to them. WYMAN IS REIM—The original world-re no wned Wyman hps arrived here, and will ap pear . every evening • this. week, at Sanford's Hall, in a bill of extraordinary attractiveness. As a magician or ventriloquist, Wyman has few (if iniy) equals. • He performs the most as tonishing feats tver witnessed. We would advise all who desire to pass an evening pleasantly, in a state of bewilderment, at the most mysterious transformations and romantic illusions,,to go to Wyman's entertainments, where the acts and mysteriei of the ancient magicians, -astrologers, sorcerers and jugglers, will be illustrated to perfection. There will be a grand matinee on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Wyman will occupy the Opera House but three days, as Sanford's troupe will return next Monday. Prof. Weber's Orchestra has been engaued, and will be in attendance at each entertain meut given by Wyman. I=l POLIO& AFFAxas.- 7 -Bgfore the. Moon—There were two cases of violation of city ordinances before hisTfonor, viz: , • John Power, for keeping a filthy hog-pen was fined $3, upon the payment of which, and costs, ho was discharged. William O'Donnell built a 'hog-pen against the premises of his neighbor. The Mayor re leased William on condition_ that he would pay the costs and remove the& hog-pen. Other cases were disposed of, as follows: Florence Smith, drank and disorderly, was committed to the While there he became so disorderly and noisy -that lie was sent to prison. William A. Thomas and john H. Dean, "drunks and disorderlies," paid fine and costs, and were discharged. A. Wilson, a vagrant, was furnished with lodging, and discharged this morning. - Andrew Stotzman was found hugging a tree at the corner of Third and Walnut streets. Andrew being rumble to _relinquish his hold, the officers kindly took him in charge and committed bun to the back , up until he became sober. -Upon a hearing, it was discoveredthat Stotzman was a profesSiohal liegg,ar and re• volver. As is the case with nine-tenths of the travelers of his class, he was going to Carlisle. Upon payment of fine and costs, he was per mitte&to resume lais journey, and crossed the river, en route for home. THE CAUSE OF TEAT RUSH, - It was but .a few days ago, When Market street was thronging With ladies that swayed to and fro, With, eyes, so bright and longing, With wonder everybody gazed Upon these .waving masses, But everybody looked amazed At the running of all classes. "Miss Annie, please," called out Miss Kate, "What's going on with Mary V' "Prayilon't keep me, or be late, Indeed, I must not tarry." Mks Kate felt rather queer at that Cool answer of Miss Annie, And would have took her by the hat, If she had'nt espied Mrs. Granny. To her she walked and asked her quick, With eyes spreading flame and fire, "Where to? Mrs. Granny, so fine and ahead" "I'm going to Mrs. Mayer's. "For she's just received the latest styles. Of Bonnets, Feathers, Head-dresses, And fancy goods that really smile In everybody's faces." And there Miss Kate went with the rest„ And bought to her desires, And ever since there she finds the best • Millinery goods at Mrs. MAYER'S, Market street, between Second and I'ront Boger's old stand. may 2C i-3t. To Usiox NEWSPAYEILS. —We observe that nearly all the Unimillewspapers of Pennsyl vania, have the-snaine of Hon. Choules F. Read, nominee for Presidential. Elcietor for, this Coniressicsial 'District, printed errone ously. His name should be spelled Read, not Reol.—NontrosOi'epublican. ila ECIE IM3=l GENERAL Ks VE. —By the following, . . - I from a lengthy account of the battle of San- day, 15th inst., in General Sherman's depart_ I nand, it will be seen that the gallant Harris burger, Gen. Knipe, was severely wounded. He made a noble charge on the enemy, and in the attack received the rebel fire. The nu merous friends of the General will regret to hear of the injuries he has sustained, and will hope for his speedy recovery : General Williams, who had been posted on the left of Wood's brigade, in 'anticipation of the rebel -flank movement, on hearing the musketry on his right, had ordered General Knipe, who commanded the brigade on the right of his line, to go to Wood's assistance- I Knipe moved off with alacrity, and, cross ing the hill - from the east; fell upon the rebel flank before they had any warning of his approach. Leading his men in person, he charged directly into the rebel column, the bayonet doing the work of execution when time was insufficient for loading, and, without halting his column, fairly pushed the rebel force down the hill with his bayonets, occa sionally firing a volley to expedite the rout. This was one of the most gallant deeds of the campaign. The rebels were largely superior in. number to both Knipe and - Wood com bined; but the audacity and determination of Knipe's attack defied resistance. The face of the hill was strewn all over with rebel dead and wounded, their brigades were crowded one upon another, and, in inextricable confu sion, they were routed and driven from the attack. General Knipe was not content with a simple rout, but; following closely on the heels of the fleeing foe, he cut them down at every step. The chase was continued in this manner until the enemy were run into their reserves, concealed in the dense timber, and the attacking party was himself attacked. Obstinately. refusing .to, give way, the , gal lant Knipe stood with his little Brigade and contended with a force, probably ten times greater than his own. Returning volley for volley, he maintained his advanced position, and would doubtless have continued to do so until reinforcements reached him had he not, fallen severely, wounded. His brave men bore him to the rear, and the column steadily fell back to their original position. Though of short duration, it is seldom that a more desperate fight - is witnessed than the one I have attempted to describe so briefly. Its character can - be judged from the casual:. ties it entailed, The rebel loss in this charge alone must have been notless than a thousand men. Our own loss was heavy. These brave men fought with heroism and bravery almost unparalleled. Of General Knipe's stall every officer was either killed or wounded. Lieu tenant Knipe, a nephew of the General, was literally shot to peices. But, though compelled to fall back, the brigade brought off some trophies of the Vic- tory they had achieve& Among Alieao were the battle flags of the Thirty-eighttrid Fifty eighth Alabama regiments. They also took a number Of prisoners. LARGE , ARRIVAL OF GOODS EMI . _ NEW YORK' AUCTION. GREAT"BARGAI - NS IN•MUSLINS,. Pull yard wida bleached muslin, at 30 cents; worth 40 (lents. Bleaoheil muslin, at 25 cents; worth 35 -cents.,l, Bleached muslin, at 22 cents; worth 30 cants- , • 20 pie( 'es of all wool flannels cheap. Black Silk, at $1.20; worth $1.37., Black Silk, at $1 30; worth $1 59. Black siltt, at $1 . 45; worth $1 65. - ' • 2000 yartht of black silks. from auction. Beautiful pearl color silk finish alpaca. - Alpacas in I eather color, stone colors and othcr cote's. White cambries, soft finished 5-4 French Cambric. Jacouetts, to 'Minnie, Irish linen. Shirt breasts, all linen,at 26; 30; 35, - 40 Enid 56 cents. . Splendid;assortment of calicos. • • Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks. Stockings, the L est and cheapest.' ' , Pocket handkerchiefs fur ladies, al all prices.' Marseilles quilts mid crash for towels. We have now a very largo stock of gond; all - bought at reduced prices, and vhich we will sell at prices which cannot fail to give "sati.sfsction We have.also a very largo lot of alpacas, cashmere cloth, bombazines. S. LENT. my 24 • . SPECIAL NOTICES. joy- To Clear the House. of Flies ' uso Dutchees celebrated LIGHTNING FLY-KILLER;'' neat, cheap article, easyle uso. Every sheet will kill a quart. SOLD EVERYWHERE. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., 10th and Market streets Philadelphia, wholesale agents. rny24-d&wBw Pure Vegetable Medicine. ONI of thevery best Vegetable Medicines ismovr offered to the citizens, and-strangers of this city. It will purify the blood, and leave the liver and bowels ints good liegt4y condition. Operates without the least pain. Old and young, male and female, ail can take of it. As to, the - truth of this hundreds can testify, as it has bean - well tiled for the last tea years. It is prepared only, and seld,.by,Hrs.. L Ball No. 27 oouth - Plne street Harrisburg, Pa. inr2.3 Bannva,rit's Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are= specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufa,ctured only by C. A. Bannvart & Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all 'orders should be suldressed. Sold by .druggist, every. where, Read the following testimonials from some. of •our eminent elagpxme.. Eismasstrao, FAL Bth, 1884. C. A. BaxxviarDear Sir; T. lave used Brown's Bronchial Troches, WiStar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throit troubles and in comparison Wittilek.na. all, can cheerfully _...Commend your own as a most admirable specific for .publio speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I Imve„fOund than . serving in time of need; most'effectually. Yours truly, .• : T. H. ROBI;NSON, •• Pastor of W. S.. Presbyterian Church. agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Troches. -W. CATTBLL, .Late Pastor of a S. Presbyterian Church. I . IARBISIIITRO, Jan., 1864. To O. A.X.m - vetry--Dear ;Sir: In the habit of speaking`very frequently and in places N vhere the vocal organs Are very San& taxed,. I have found the mead of some gentle eipecto nuit, and-that-want has been supplied in your ercellent Troches. I consider them very far supprior to any Lozenges that I. litive , ever usedon removing speedily that huskiness of the voice srigil/g from its too frequent use, an 4 impairing tit effectiveness of the delivery of pane ac dresses. Yours, &c., - • INC. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. Binsvairr—Dear Sir: Having n,4ot your Troches, I am free to, say they are the 'best I have ever tried and lakei great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflieted ivith sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, &c., G. G. RARESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue tdethodistChurch.. Iksrarc - r.A•gpmbrur's °orlon, Haingsistato, Feb. 29, - 1864. i, To C. A. 13.eurtvenr—Dear Sir : found your.Troehes to be invaluable in m lieving hOiieeneta and in strengthening th? muscles. of the throat. They impart diem-nen, to the voice, and are certainly. of great bane t,:gi-p.ll pnbho speams. A, "VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE," _ • • w VENTRILOQUIST AND WIZARD, Sanford's Hall, On Thursday, Friday & Saturday, May 26, 27 & 28. POSITIVELY BUT TOICEP. NIGOTS ONLY. Matinee on Nalurday .afternoon, at 3 o'clock Grand Coup de Etut in ATE, n . mA N v -1104 ~ecnperform some of THE MOST WONDERFUL THINGS EVER WITNESSRD! In the practice of the Mysterious Art of •Diablerie and Magic, he will not promise exaCtly,te RESTOR,E , THE DEAD.TO LIFE, nor . yet engage in so many words to make spirit voices audible to common ears,.but .he will approach as near to it as the'- resources:of Science will permit. The. Programme will be varied on each occaeion,_ selecting from the following Extraordinary Feats, ' , THErAMOUS CRYSTAL CASKET, MYSTERIOUS CABINET, "1 1 31aci.M/L - Sristi scrap ! The Caldron Fantastique, The Electric Watches, Meehan ie,al Amalgam,La Chapeau Frolifique, the Mysterious Laundry. The Dove Sprite, The Filtration, Miraculous Restoration, Le Casquet du Diable, Electric. Chair, as performedbefore his Royal Highness the PRINCE OF-WALES D SUITE, using the same Chair occupied by the Prince of Wales. Bank Note Feat, as performed before LORD HOOD and PARTY, at the St. Lawrence Hotel, Montreal, Canada East. Inexhaustible Bottle, as performed before PRESIDENT FILLAIORE and CABINET, at Washington. ' spirit Rapping Drum, as performed before JAPANESE EMBASSY, Philadelphia. A - ethereal Suspension. as performed 12gfose PRESIDENT LIN COLN and the OFFICERS OF THE AMIY. Electric Clock and Rings, as performed before all the FOREIGN MINLSTERS, - in the 'Presidential Mansion, at Washington. Great Gtin--Feat, as performed before the HON. J. R. McDONALD, Pr# 0 ....(1. Minister of the Canadas. Mysteriollii - Coin, as performed before the HON. MARTIN - VAN BUREN. Productive OccupatiOn, os performed before LORD NAPIER, at a Dinner Party, at Willard's Hotel, Washington El 1 M ed .t,,These Feats Will appear incredible to the sense—impossible to the impPobable tethe imagination. They will bewilder the one, elude.the other, and dofy the whole! including CHANGES, TRANS , Toltm.A.TloNs, ,SECRET..MANIPULATIONS, OCCPLAR DECEP TIONS, PASSES, and ." CR OM ANTIC SIONSI CONSISTING OF DISSOLUTION, RU .-riaonueriox- . • SEPARATION AND B. 1f..-UNIO AT Of an'inCinity of objects belonging to the company, combining the rapidity of motion ' • and itsdmperceptible effects on the observer, illustrating the :. trx alb a& ivaII'STZMZIZZ Of the 'Ancient Magicians, ihnitoo and Brahmin Astrologers, Egyptian Sorcerers, Indian Juglers. and the MarvelS of the Eastern of old. . 3 Durnig the Evening, Mr. Wyman still perform his Which ',Will embrace novel scenes, humorous dialogues with his: SPEAKING AUTOMATON! - - Who is always received with screams of laughter, Besides imitations of animate and inanimate object; illustrating Lilo wonderful powers of the human voice. N WYMAN'S LAUCHABLE F,E*L\'t vi FIGURES 2 Which are exhibited in the following oyder. : The-Polandm the ; Ball Tosser, Harry Helm, Polka Party, Soniebody Notoily, • Old Dan Tucker, Madame Metamorphosis; Comical Joe in • his great Act of Horsemanship. - 0 ADMITTANCE, 25 CTS. CHILDREN 15. DOORS OPEN AT 7 O'CLOCK, WANTS. rl - 1 WO GOOD QUARRYMEN _WANTED . to quarry (2000 y two thousand - perc)A -of : LIME STONE for building. Apply at K EYSTONE NURSERY. WAIV'TED. IBIBIEDAATXC.LY,. BOY Store Must, sisali English and German. soirio littio — onwrieuco prefernxL „CATHCART & BRO., my 23-46 - *•:-Riat docir Rabe Thiriisburg Bank: Ii7SNTED, MAN competent to take charge of a Res ., trinrant. Also, a Restaurant Cook. Apply , at the NATIONAL, HOUSE, Market stroot,Harrisburg. The best wagei yaid. ' - • • my2ll-d3t* A - KNITTED—A good Cook in a hotel. Call V at 93 Market stmt. my2o-dtf a - VXTANTEti-Ll."gotod pastry Cook ;and .good meat Cook.. Inquire at We_ aizo4tte • • • • , git - AxiibiltousE. • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TRUS,TEE I S SALE VALUABLE . IRON - WORKS. BY virtue of a deeree''of the Circuit Court for Washington county, as a Conit of Equity, the undersigned 'trustee will sellarphhlie sale, in !Tent of the Court House, in Elsgerstown,lni .atTESDAY, the itifEE DAY OF JUNE, 1864, all that VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, situate in Washing ton county, Maryland, known as the GREEN SPRING EIRNACE PROPERTY, which was for inanyyearsnwned saad carried on by . J. DIXON' ROMAN & . 1 and IsliOlv for sale en account of the death of oho of the partners: said property contains 1,394 ACRES OF LAND, (more or less,) of which about 200 are cleared and in wexcellent state of 'coltivatiory - the balance being - - v-Xr. 7-4.*INTI)= • The EDEN /LEE on said land is 3.5. feet high, with an - eight ThaVEOSII CASTING HOUSE, COAL 'HOUSE and BRIDGE HOUSE, and is' run by an over-shot wheel 40 feet high...l44s in idgad rwOr, and the water powef un failing, and altsuoiont Said " FURNACE is only one kmile•ftom 'thb , Chesapeake And Ohio Canal, and about the same distance from the Iron Ore Bank. There is also A. Goo - p - 13 VVELpING: HOUSE if near its 'Fanlike; also a large BARN and other out buildings, and ori, different parte.offsaid tract of land there area number of -TENANT ROUSES, (in all ten or twelve) •in good repair, . • • . • The above property will be sold entire or in parcels to stilt purchasers; such •parcels to be made known at the sale. T•he undersigned will Also sell at the same time 5114 place about . . • . -- - - FIFTY-THREE ACRES ~OF LAND, - . separated from theaboyebythelandsof Goo. Peidt. , A limestone Quarry on said canal, near li , CoY'a Ferry, containing FIFTY SQUARE PERCHES OF LAND. TERMS OF SALE, as prescribed by the Dectitt, arc: One-third of the purchase• money in cash on the day of sale, on the ratification thereof, and the balance in two oval annual instalments' of one. and two years from the day of sale, with interest from that day, the purchaser to s''ive his notes with approved secdrity for the deferred payment* and onpayment of theentirepurchase money, the Trustee Will execute a deed , to the purchaser as re , quireA by the Decree: F If. DARBY, TrUitt*. -Lebrined 'Examiner,” Midtltead ing "JourniV copy ioallyliiittrofnd hills to the :fru* Etre at,lingerstOr* forthwith,'- •-• • • The Exhibition Closing with CANTERBURY. , MUSIC .HALL. WALNUT ST., • BELOW Tant.D.' Lace • . OPEN EVERY EVENING, With a First-claim Company of -• RINGERS, DANCE* COMEDIANS, &c., Etc. 15 cenM. Seats in 130xes r. _45 1... NEW ADVERTIgEMENTS. MILLINE'RY' GOODS . NO. ft SQUARE, (Nerldeor to Felis's donfeetioneryo - RE SHE IS PREPAMID to sell to the ladies of Harrisburg and viciliity,the • Latest Stylet..of Milliiiery and Faacy Goods, At cheaper prices than any' house in the city. The quality of her goods cannot be Surpessed. bREAS .11:11C1No11% * THE. LATEST 8.71%$ be'neattf executed: Ladies call end examine for yourselvCs. aolS-dtjyll T INVITE TICE: ATTENTION OF CITY I as well as Country-buyers- to my well seleeted stock of DRY GOODS; which has been bought before the recent advance in all kinds of Domestic and Imported Goods, which I will .sell off at an advance a ten.frier.cent ttit city iti.iolesale prices `Among them you will ihadliresiOdeds Of all styles and colors, among which. I will only mention a stock of. Challies, which for bSatity_cf, style can't be surpassed. 4 , ' Prints, lower than anybody'else. Ginghame, Linen Table Cloth, Cassimeres, Satinetts,. , Oottonates, Muslims of all prices,. especially one yard widd muslin, three yards fur one dollar which can really not be beat. - Shawls, Silk Goods NOTIONS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, I always keep alarge and well selected stock all linen handkerchiefs at ten coats apiece, and , , Best two hundred ` yard 'spools, Whitn and colored - Tea Napkins, $1.15 'per dozen. ' • ' Kid Gloves best and cheapest. for Ladles and Childffisn,.in all styles. • "• Paper Collars, Also, constantly .a stogir of gloves, hose, undershirts and drawers, neckties, scarfs, and 'Lockwood's linen lined • CE CANNED FRUITS OF EVERY DESORIP ki 110 N. SAITO ,NS of all the celebrated mlnufsoturers. SARDRM, IRTBTARDS CI every description. Also, BROWN STOUT, FINE TRAB, 00.11.80r- I TIOAR 1111 d SYRUP of all grades andPrfees, and' the best- looted, stock outside of PRlLidelphis. J w goods gomanteetins represented _ Particular attention paid to all-cinders.fininikai4dncei - Goods carefullypgpised and delivered to all par& of e citytree of charge. ' SHISLERAFRADISIt,I' , mys 8115et*xa't° W%Deck,4c4 =SEM TO COMMENCE AT 8 H •I -33 13 , S M R S Hoop Skirts, SQL. BRONVNOLD, Corner Second and Market, . opposite JonekHouse: OLIVE OILS, SECOND A_ It L L!L I if„ATEsT STYLES' DIRK; ,11, 1.1-,'..lllarktt. - Street, IS PLEASENO. tiTourice tiiille - ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity; (who have so liberally patron ized her since her arrival in this city,) that she has just received, direct from the maikiracturers and importers, a SECOND SUPPLY of tire finest goods the market could afford in the line of FRENCH AND MERMAN MILLINERY, and is now prepared to offer great inducements to pur chasers. Her stock consists in part of BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, HEAD DRESSES, CAPS, ORNAMENTS, &C. SIL - ES, VELVETS, LA4I3, RIICHM., HOOP SKIRTS CORSETS, HOSIERY, ILINDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, COLLARS, _ CUFFS, BELTS, NETS, FANCY GOODS, &O. Also; a pplendld assortment of SILR. WRAPPINGS, SILK COATS, • • - CIRCULARS, MANTILLAS, • - • - LACE POINTS. PARASOLS, &C. Alsa, Ties, Scarfs, Pocket Books, Porte Monnales and Purses, elegant Steel and Jet Pins and Brooches, Bells arid Belt Buckles, and a full line of Trimming and Fancy Goods„ as cheap as the cheapest. Special &it has'been exercised in the selection of these goods, with a view to the wants of this community, and the ladies generally are invited to call aid examine theas sortment. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore received, I rmipectrally solicit a continuance of the same. Don't forget the place: No. 13 Market MRS. ;MAYER Oil Pa ED cie,,, la [.`,a Pa P po 0 Pa 02 ED e+ 1 1 $::)A P 1864_ RATS RO ACH >.= Sr& 1 As Spring approaches ANIS and ROACHES From Vizir/sofa come end; And MICE and RATS, szi spite of CATS, Gaily skip about. 00311111'. EXTERMINATORS For Etats, Mice, ftonehes, Ants, Bed Bugs, Riosquftos, Moths In Pars, 'Woolens, etc., Insects on Plaints, Fowls, .Aninusla, etc. p rs al "15 years established in N. Y. City." "Only Infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come Out of their holes to die.4' CC P vs -0 Pi Pa P agrSold by all Druggists.everywhere owl ! I BEWARE I i I of all worthless imitations. Jog-.- Costar's" Depot, No. 483 Broadway, N. Y. Sold by GRD &CO -, Wholesale and retail agents, Harrisburg, Fa. marl6-d*w6m CIRCULAR. HISTORY OF THE PENNSYLVANI4 RESERVES. 0 VLLA.S BURRCo. respectfully announce I that they have in preparation a History of the Penn sylvania Reserves from their organization to the expira tion of their term of service. This History will contain the names of all the Officers and Privates of the Corps—their. promotions, casualtilis and discharges--also, graphic descriptions of their camp life and their gallant achievements in the many battles is which they have taken part—ail derived from official and authentic sources. The History of the Pennsylvania Reserves willbs in Cbts VOLUME of 600 pages, octavo size, neatly printed on good paper, and sub.§tantially hound in black cloth; containing a steel engraving of the lamented Reynolds, and - One of Governor. Curtin, (who that recommended the formation of the Peunsylvanis Reserve Corps,) and will be sold only by subscription. - It wid be ready in August oast: Price —Three doilars per copy. _ ' The Publishers feel confident that the hist pride which every Pennsylvanian must entertain for the brave men whose gallant achievements and patriotic 9AP-dot-piton it records, wilt - secure for "Tun UllirifOßT" 'a generous and appreciative reception. ELL-IS BARR &PublisliSrs, No. 6 East King street. P e't Zs 2 CD El LLNCASTER, April 26,1864. AGENTS Viresvro.to canvass for the above work in amp 'strict of Pennsylvania. RrwponAiblo references required. myi-d&wlm TO ARCHITECTS AND ISUILDEDS. Pa 0 Pd By the Act. of May sth, an: 4pPrOpriation of Fifty Thou sand Dollars was. made for the Extension of tho Capital Buildings at . .liarrisbug, Architects and Builders are hereby reghedectio present plantforsaid extension, and proposals' for building the sama,,,.to.the undersigned, by the fifteenth 'day of. June. The Main object to be at tained by the proposed extension is to; furnish additional Gominittea Ream for the Legislature, and the extension is to conibrin as Par ea possible to the architecturb of the present 18/aiding. A. a CURTIN, Governor, • ISAAC' SLEIsTILEFt, Auditor General. ' JAIiEST. BARR, Surveyor General, HENLI.If D. MODEE;Ststelreasurer. Hxaxiexr - May19;1864 „,` . dtd b 2 03 SALE OF CONDEMNED STOCK. . WAR Dmirrmies - r , ' CAVALRY Btllcktir OFFICE,OCSITER QMARIVOLISTL F . It t .W.A.samcloN. D. C. Nay 16 1861 Will be sold at PUBLIC A ucriON to th , hightuit bidder, at Gieshora Li...pot, ter THURSDAY, the 26th instant, be ginning at 10 o'clock; at., from one hundred and fifty (160) to tiro hundred (200) HORSES. ' "': These horses have been condemned as digit for the my airy smile.° of the army; for road and flout purpos,is many good bargains may be had. ' Horses sold singly. Terms: Casbi in- if. S. currency. JAMES A'. nag, Lieut . Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, Civalry Bureau. .myl9 td Notice to Contractors. • NORIO:EFS C&TTEAL BAILWA.T , GCL, OFFICE OF THE Cures B:sapiens, 'Elisfassinta, PA, May ii, 1861. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until May 25, tor the 'whole or any pert cif the grad uation and ballasting for the second trackof the Northern Central railway between Dauphin and Sunbury. Work to be contaliencedimmedlately. Fullinformatien may be had by applying to F. C.. Arnis, - Fati.; Principal Assistant Engineer at SiniburY,Paf, ar to the undersigned. The company reserve the right ter - rlectitny or all pro posals made. ' ; STANLEY GOODWIN, • . . myaldOn2s, . • • : Chief Enineer. - • - U B gAtE.—The SirbOriber will offer at Public Sale, at the Court House in Harris burgh, at two. o'clock, P. as., ' O.)L. SATURDAY, May 28, 188-1., his saw-mill property, located between the Pennsylvania Railmed on the west, and the Pennsylvania Canal on the east, and adjoining'the Harrisburg Gas Works. The lot -contains three anda 'half acres, on 'which is erected - A TWO-STORY S'TEAII with lower story: of stone, containing • ono Malay saw, capable of sawing timber 62 feet in length-, and two Cir •cular sews, with a Are proof engine room attached. The machinery is minty new, and in good running order. There is also a large basin for holding timber, two Dwelling Houses, a Stable, Carriage House and Wagon • Shed on the IoL Lumber can be shipped either by Rail road or Canal. Teem—One-third of the purchase-money ..when the deed is made; the residue can remain in the property. . If the property is not sold, it will be leasuctfor a tumor years from the first of June, when pentagon an be For any further information inquire of the.suljsCriber, residing in Front street, above Pine, Harrisburg., mylifts JOHN- 8.. COL SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY TEAIi happy to offer to the public a large .aad splendidassortment or . SUPERIOR GO LD PENS , manufactured ; by LEROYW. FALTACTEILD. These rens are well finialted, elastic, and will give en tire satisfaction, • PLEASE SE . HEI F T EIt'SBOOK. STORE, Second etitet,i;pposito Presbyterian Choral., irtir,riatimg alas ' MOTH "SACHET POl DER, PERFUMING LiNiAr ,Al73..PizEVENTfivis 'MOTIF mars pOWDEft—a compound of valuable articles for the destructiOlku.riboted amng, or difsted over !'urs, Wooleiuf;''Carpett,, - Clothing, &e.. packed away , for `eurtimer - , will effectually prevcni moth. Be i ng a r iwi, a deiisligtill; Ailibisiblarkriime r ; fist piegoate clothing, I:c., with The finest fabric, Cannot:be iatereti by its use. Pre and Rad - A v. A KELLER's .iiittrane Felicy-etadiatOre,S 49l Market strtet. 11. 14 T Ja 11 G. J.-Lt& iff MB MEI am; i 2 864 C 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers