THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED MORNING AND EVENING, BY GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SDi'GLE SUBSCRIPTION Tar DAILY TKLEGRAPH is served to subscribers in the city at S cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $5 00 in advance. Those persons who negleetto pay in advance will be charged SEI 00. SITEF.KLY TELEGRAPH. Too TELBJ ru is also published weekly, and is furnished to subscribers at the following cash rates Siugic copies, weekly Three copies to one l'ost Office Ten copies to one Post Office MEDICAL. GLAD NEWS FOR THE lINFORTONATE! TIM LONG-SOUGHT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST Cherokee Itemedy,, AND I CHEROKEE INJECTION! COMPOUNDED FROM . ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. UTERUS BEE REMEDY, the great Indian Diuretic. sures all diseases of the urinary organs,. such as Isamti news of the Urine, Inflammation of the Biadder t Inflam mation of th Kidneys, Stone in the Madder, Stricture, Gravel, Greet, Gonnorhea, and is especially recommended in those cases of Fluor Anna (or Whites in females) se/Acre _ all the old nauseous medicines have faded. .lam It is prepared in a highly concentrated form, the dm only being Crain ono to two teaspoonfuls three tholes per day.• 0- It is diuretic and alterative in its action; purifying - and cleansing the blood, causing it to flow in all of its original purity and vigor); thus removing from the system all pornicious causes which have Induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or itsaist: ant to the CHEROKEE HESIEDY and should be used in conjunction with that meflieine in all cases of Oorreerrhea., Oled, Puler Albus or Whites. Its effects are . hemlinp, nothing and demulcent; removing all scalding, heat, chordee and pain, instead of the burniUg anfl ' almest un endurable pain that is experienced with nearly all the cheap quack Injections. Jor-By the use of. .the CHEROKEE REMEDY add CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two medicines at the same time-all impropeiiiiichirgeti ate removed, and the weak mod organs are speedily restored to fell vigor and strength. . imrFor full particulars, get our pamphlet from any drug store in the country, or write us, and wo will Med free, to any address, a Tull treatise.. • *a_ Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per hottlf3; or three bottles for $5. .Price CHEROREE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. M. Sent by express to any address on receipt, of price. .Sold by all druggists ovorywhere. DR. W. R. REMIT - IN.& CO., Solo Proprietors, marlo-eodly No. 59 Liberty `Street; Novi York. CHEItOYETI CURE TEE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES An unfailing cure for Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weak- nest, Nocturnal Emissions, and all diseases caused by self - pollution; such as Loss of Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pains in the Back, Dimness of mien, Premature Old Age, Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Trembling, Wakeful ness, Eruptions on the Face, Pale Countenance, Insanity, Consumption, and all the .IXrqful complaints caused by de parting from the path of mature. SWThis medino is a simple vegetable extract, and one n which all can rely, salt has been used in our practice' for many years, and with thousands treated, it bait not failed in a single instance. Its curative powers have been, sufficient to gain victory over the most Stubborn case. .ps-To those who have trilled with -their constitution, until they think themselves heyondlhe reach of medical hi, we would say, Despair not 1 the Mown= CURB will restore you to health and vigor, and after all quack doe tors have failed Sir For full particulars, get a Circular from any Drdg Store in the cmintry, or write the Proprietor, who. will mail free to anyone desiring the same, a full treatiiie - in pamphlet form. in-Prices $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by express to all parts of the world. Atir Sold by all respectable druggists everywhere. R. MERVIN 1k CO., Sop: Pworrarroxs, marle,eodly No. 52 . 1..tberty street, New York. F E LIQUORS'. Shissir •Sz;-Pr'azer, (Successors toWm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) DEALERS IN F IN E .FAMILY GROCE RIES opposite the Court House, have on bandanna selection of BRANDIES / of different vintages. PEVA' AND COMMON WINES, Of Every Deacriptims. WHISKYS. • OLD BOURBON, • MONONGAHELA, FINE IRISH AND SCOTCH Whlskya The best over brought to this market. !OLD WHEAT, .17A321Ar NECTAR, e,I And the' cebiai ,l; ed . crwrtlirf GROVE WRISEY. CHAMPAGNE WINES. 'maw JOHANNESBURG, - SCOTCH AND. IRISH. ALES. LONDON BROWN STOUT. !MD CHERRY, PL&NTATION WIGWAM TONIC Brrnuts With a complete stock of ENGLISH AND AHERICAN PICKLES And condiments of every description now in the market, and at I'H LOWEST RATES. FINE TABLE OILS.-40 boxes fine table oils of the Mist importations for Bale, wholesale and retail, by . SHISLER mys . midcessors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. -JJ)CASES FINE IMPERIAL FRENCH MUSTARD, for sale by SHISLER &FRAZER, m➢s successors tO NV: Dock, Jr., & Co. 50 DOZEN JARS ENGLISH PICKLES, comprising Pleating, Choi'', Chow, Cauliflower, Mixed Pickles, Gerkins, Walnuts and Onions.. For sale wholesale and retail by SHISLER:k FRA 7 4 I{ 6 . 14 0 5 successor? to W. . . , . . 1.5 000 LBS. TrA.MS-.-7=nleea-thou , sand lbs. Ificnener's 'Excelsior Ifams cured expressly for family use and for this market, Bale at . CHIMER Sr FRAZER, feb2 (successom to Wm. Dock, jr., & Co,) ORANGES! ORANGES 1 !--21) *boxes in prime order. Just received wholesale and retail rot SIIISLER & FRAZE.I4, successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., k ,„. i DRAM MUSTARD, the best imported; just received and for sale by , gliStitt FRA feyi. r.. (stumessars W Wm. Deck, & Co) ; T O Tag' I F UBLIOI—Thei undersigned offer for sale, In their season, a very large quantity Varior RoSE BURNES, and FLOWER PLANTS in 'great etyb J. MISR. 'll//// . ~,,• • . „ ii , 'k V?' • C . 1: t • ..-Ar • • • $1 50 4 00 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER MEDICAL. DYSPEPIA I . DISEASES RESULnaG FROM DISORDERS OF THE UVER lID DIGESTIVE 0111 ANS, IEO 0 FL A.NIDIS 6-ERMAN BITTERS, j • • r, I • . • , THE ' ,GREAT, STRENGTHENING TONIC. 'SE Bittora,haye performed more cures; . hdve and' give better satisfaction; have more Les-; timonY; have more reapectable people to .vouch for them : Wan any other article in the market.- . We,dofy,any sine'tb , contradict this 'assertion, and will pay $l,OOO to any 'one 'that Will produce a Certilicate ,pub , lished by us that is'not genuine. HOfland's German Bit tors, will cure every,cap3 of Chronic or Nervous :Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseases arising .from a dis-! ordered stemach.. serve , % the. following, symptoms, re sulting fromtheftiliordeis of the digestive organs: Con- i stipation, inwardZiles,_Fullness of. Blood to the head, Acidity of the. St:ornabli; Nous*, Heartbern, bi.igusf for ruLlness'or weight hi thOStomich, Sour F.inctatioft., Sinking oriluttering at the pit of the stomach; SWIM:n . I4 i of the head, Hurried and difticult z brpathin g, "lettering at the heart, Choking or:sffo ucating sensations when in al lying posture, DironemoeviaiON.Dota or webs before i,the sight r iever the head, Deficiency of pets pirationy Yellowness of the skin and eyetyPain hi the:side, .bask, chest, limbs, &c... Sudden hu.shee of:heat,,. Burning, in the flesh, Constant. imaginations of evil, and: great de pression of 'Spirit& Remember that this Bitters is not alcoholic, contains no: tum or whisky, and can's make -drunkards, but.the! bast Tonle in the world. - - READ WHO ' " SAYS SO' . . From the Rev: Levi G. Beck,- Pastor of theßaptist; Church, rembertoh, N.. J., formerly of the North Baptist!. Church, Philadelphia. . , [have known Hooliand's German Bitters favorably lfor * a number of years. I have used them in my.ownlamily and have been so. pleasial.with their effects that I Wa.8413- duced'to'retommond them to many others,• and know:that; they have operated in a . strikingly beneficial manner. take great - pleasure in , 'thtts publicly iorodlaiming this' fact, and culling the attention of those afflicted with Lhe, diseases for which ,ffloy are - riicorompaded to these' Bit-i tars, knowing from esnerleiffle that My recoinaientlaiion, Will be sustaitexL. I do this teeth - cheerfully is Hoof-; land's Bitters is intended to "benefit the afflicted, 'mid Is' "not a rum drink." Yours "" • , . From Rdy., J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the En. cyclopedia of Reliffioua Knowledge and Christian Chroriietc Philabelphia : , Althhhgli not disposed to favor or recommend Petene : .blehicinas in general, through distrust of "their ingredients, and effeets, I yet know or no sufficient reasons a. man May not testily to.the benefits he believes lilinself to have received from any simple preparation,, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Ilooflanffis,Ger! man Bitters, prdliared by Dr."C. M. Jankson, of, this city because I was Prejudiced against them for. many yes s,l under the impression that they . were' cagey an alcoholie mixture: I'am indebted to, my friend ,:' Robert Shoemal ker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice 'by proper! tests" and fur encouragement tOtry, them when 'angering from great and' long continued debility. The use of three bottles of those Bitters' at the beginning of the present year, was 'followed by evident relief and restorel Lion toe degme et bodily and mental +igor which ,I ,hatE not t for months before, and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thenkVed and mso 'friend' for di: reeling me to the use of them. ' • .7..NEwroN BROWN, Philada. I From Rev. Warren Itandffiph, Pastor' of Baptist Church, Germantown, Penn. Dr. C. M. Jackson:=LDear , Sir:—Personal experience enables me to say that I regard the German Bitters, pre. ; pared by you, as a most excellent Medicine. Da . cases of severe - cold and general debility I have been medicine,', fitted by the tweet the Bitters. and doubt...not they Wilt produce similar effects on others. ' . Yours truly WARDEN RANDOLPH„ ' . • Germantown, pe. From Rai -if... Turner, Pastel* of Redding N, Church, Pliiladt4plda.' • lief Dn C. M, lackson:—Deor Sir:— ving, your Ge rman Bitters in Mr fandly freOMNY I Mit PTaliaW In that it his beetiof •great•seilice. I believe thist cases of general debility: of the system it is the salaie and most valuable remedy of which I have any knowledge. I Yours, respectfully J. EL. TURNER, • • , Ne... 726 14,. Nineteenth street. From the Rev. J. M. Lyons,' forewtrly Pastor of the . Columbus (N: J.) and Mileatown (Pa.) Baptist Churches. i Him Itoonte YE Jaelisetn:—Dear Sir:—l feel itnpleasure , kthus; of MY Own- accord, tobeartestimony to the excellenatt4 the Getman Beittrs. Seem year since AsMir. Amick af: ivitilDfspeplia; I used them with' mety - bilitelleß4 reCults.' I have often recommended them to perioneen: feebled by that tormenting disease, and havi heard froni them the Jmoat- flattening -testimonials as to their greae . value. Tticeses itrgeneraPdebility,4 .bellevelit to be a p:urpasspi:L iorgNs, • CLARET . . ; From the Rev Thomas:W*l,MM Pastor of Roxboro ugh Baptist Churc'h. . •;• ~,; „.• • .; - : . -.., . . '• Dr. Jackson :L—Dear Rik :--LI. telt at-,duo So your . excel, lint: preparation , Hoolland:: German . Bitter s„ to add ,', my testimony to the deserved, reputation it has Obtained: ; I hive for years, at titMm,lMtin treibled erith great disorder in my headand. nervous . mate*. r: was advised spy_ a friend to tritikatMe of your sys tem . Ritters;,44 so, and have ermient:ed ifirMtoull unexpected relief; .My health has been very materially Asineated.Tconfldently.reetan; I. mend the article where meet with cases similar M . my own, and have been assured by:. many of fir..goOd of temp,. Reepicitully yours, .- —,.• • '--- , I T. TiER, Re inuA rt. , From Rev. J. 8. - 'Herman, , o the" Gpinitui ,Beformed Church, Kutitown, 'Barka county, Pa. , . have Dr. C. M. Jackson:—.Respected Sir :—I , e b ee n troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty years, and Vaili never used any medicine that did me as, much good at Hoofland's Bitters. lam very much limithied in health, after having taken Ave bottle" - Yours with respect, ' - • J. S. HERMAN. • . . PRICES.. OO Large Size (bolding nearly double quantitt) gl;uu7 $5 per bottle—hg( doz small giM-75 cents per ,bottle—lisilf doz. 4 0(1 BENFARE OF:COUNTKRTEITS • s ee 0 0 1, signature of "C. M. JASES4SI,”,. th e WRAPPER Of each bogie. • Should your nearest Ilkuggizt net have the article, do not be lAA oftbi any Otte isitoiniatine prei, an wt em , that may be offered in its place, lalit•pepd ."4. we will forward, securely packen,.., • - Principal Cillice and •Iftinulictory, • R.O.iii:S.VokR,U,R STEER ;; 111.MIDELPHIA. ....I . JONES dr . • Ilsoxieers fo C. IL Jacksond PROM:VMS For sale by Drumlins and Dealers in ovary town in the United States. my/04aw/y It= LEVI G. BECK. , "THE .UNJON-NOW AND FQ.RYIVEI.." HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY EVENING, MAX 186-1 MISCELLANEOUS: JULIUS RQS,EINpA 29 OPTICIAN, BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Harris burg and vicinity that he has removed to No. 29 North Second street, two doors frbm Walnut. Thankful for the confidence and patronege bestowed on me during my stay on Market Square, I hope to merit a continuance of the same at raynew stand. PARTICULAR ATTENTION is called to the CELEBRATED TINTED PARABOLE SPECTACLES, for which Fclaim the undermentioned advantages: leL That from the peculiar construction of the Glasses, they assist and preserve the sight, rendering : frequent change quite unnecessary. 21 That they coifer abriliiancyand distinctness - of vi sion, with - alt an)eitlit eu.sq itrid comfort not hitherth en joyed by spectacle wearers. 3d. That the material from which the Lenses are ground is manufactured. specially for, ,optical purposes, and is roan, mean sae nittnniorx., and no' liable to become 4th. That the frames in which . they are set; whether in gold, silver or steel, are of .the finest quality and finish, and GUARANTEED mass= in every respect . • .sth. That, from.their peculiar color they prevent a as perflnity of light affecting the retina,. and. therefore strengthining the optic nerve and rendering it less liable to Artauroals., Constantly tn.hand, a large assortment of Achromatic Microscopes; ,Spy,Glasses, Opera, Marine. and Field Glass es; Stereoscopes anti Views, Magic Lanterns, Barometers Thermometers, liagnets, Ste., &sc. Remember that Rosendale's Institute will be permanent at No. 29 Nortit - Beound street, liveditors, from the Bueh er House. - • * 4 4 -11 ' * - ap7-dawam .NO , EXCUSE .. FOR EXPLOSIONS. ASHCROFT% LOW wAtilqt Ts AN INFALLIBLE PROTECTION against aay poseible iiijw t to .steam boilers, from ai lack et tv watar,,tdclita the .great . iource of so. many sad catastro phes, and smmuch damage the burning of boilers. We warrant this instraurient to be a perfect insuranc: against suulk coutingencies; perfect satisfaction guaran teed ur no pay. Price $5O. Send for an instrument and try. at; if :not satisfactory you may.return it. .Circulars with references sent to any one desiring them. Addiese your communications to ni.34-d&wtf ' Pittsburg, ALBRECHT, RIMS & SCHEIDT'S EXCELSIOR PIANOS. SOLE AGENCY AT W. ENOCH:ES, 'O3 Market street, Harrisburg. "VI OR .REASONS i)erfeetly satiefacfory to itYS - EliFj bavotaken,tbe wiry °tithe above, t m l est rescellent Piaxios. ' Th e'riblth is invited to come ant ex amine for themselves. - A fewSollomaoket Sc Co!s Piaggs pg y m et a . 1.2 w 5 d dsol , , SOLE, AGENCI,TOR..THIS, CITY WADI happy to' 'offer 'to the public a large and splendid assortment oil SUPERIOR- 'GOILITY PENS; manufaetunid • LEROY -W. -FAIRCHILD. These Penoare'viell MA'AM. ; elastic; and will give en tire satisfaction., . • PLEASE TRY IPFIESL • SCHEMA'S EfOOK STORE, Second strtet, opposite Prothyterian Church, Harrisburg ap23 MOTH SACHET POWDER, ' PERFUMING LINEN AND PREVENTING MOTH THIS PONYPE.K—a compound of .ildnable articles for the, destruction of insects—distributed among or dusted aver Furs, Woolens, Carpets ; Clothing, &a, packed.away-for summer, will effectually prevent moth. Being also a defightful, diffusable perfume it will im pregnate clothing, Ste., with a lasting and pleasant odor. .The finest fabric cannot be injured by . its.use. ' , .Prepared and itolfi. at • ' , KELLER'S :,. Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street: , 0923 DRS , HITE'S; , YELLOW W A TP: 1 1: POWDER FOR HORSES.—During a practice of many yparkin this • commonity, Dr. Hite has satisfied hiniaelf that.thli pew der is vastly:superiorto'imy other article In nse':for /the curis'of Yellow Water . , and - is -of xreat service to; Horses that have - lost their appetite and aralridebelindi Mend tired or distempered, • Also, that'll. will prevent Glanders, Colic and •the•Hols;when faithfulizmied two Or three times a week—l-invigorating: and fattenirig. For improving the condition of a Horse, he asserts there is no better medi eine, as it will strengthen the stomach; and assist diges tion, cleanse the intestines or Offeniiiio matter, and regu late the bowels; when coinive,•purift• the blood and pro •mote perspirationtbui the skin is - kept loose, the; pores tare opened, and a lean, scabby horse becomes mt. and - The Powder 'can. be u3ed for Cattle, Sheep and' Hogs, with good effect. . • • • . ' PrePared only and Sold at - Keller Drag Store,. No. 91 Market street, Haritiabt4tx. .c : SMITH . ~. . A • • AALTTOR t aNITE.N" wA'..9E' '...311.4.41W, frAS removed his Officefrom Third to Wal nut Street, next to the Prleon. All businessin- Muste4;to him will recoiveTr,QP/Pt. Blur Ofrefl4 attention . : .Fop. a - . - 9 T' 'tabiltbre; corrier, of Secon • .!ind - Vine Areas, eaieg eliNivo and a ILidEfe,et on Sol comf liiicione hundred one:atop-00; feet, un fine atom; running back two hundred and-ten feet AO- Barbara .salley, there being pace, for four futl. building iota ; and, &moat de siraide,sto for a Governor ' s Mansion or public buildings. For particirlurs9ngulre of .Mrs MURRAY, corner of Se cond and Pine meta. mare-tf LOTS FOR"SAL`E. - - .- EVERAL LOTS on Third street: near S North, are; for, sale ' IatjWALTERS , Store, cornei ht North and Third ifreets: - • • FINE ELA.CrICHEIM , " and 'EtIjERBERRIC WINE --- Warranted tare; 'lbl:skiff) at SFISLEA & FRA /111:111 CELEBRATED' VIM - GENIA. OIL OF A.IX, and Day . & /dartin's London Blicking,. Ilia re ceiveirand for fide 4)y.- • SHISLER-& , FRAZER, •foi- . • . • 'NUMBS:BOra to' Wm. Docli,gr, CO3 PE= C.P I DXE ,fir st lit ill .:size* s T R / k RAZER :p e p* oiecessoretowm. Doc)c., & Co.) Ql,lobUtls - ' 'Aviows , Laer , . 4 , • At (dels) , D9c3i.c.; 47, ai Oa TRANSOM. PAPER. A,BRAIITTFI3I, assortment of. TRANSOM PAPER. Call and see it at? SCHEFFBR'S BOOKSTORE,. my2o Hanisbarg, Pa. : . . FRESH' PINE ju." SHLYsLE i s . t i 7e c iyed i j at a pgp Successors to W 'Dock., Jr.;"k MINGLIStr'Bt - kiVit'Aer l . ,-.Txu3t ler thieteliest of *4'l n • (Successors to Wm. D00144r3 i FFOB,SALB---A very handsome o-horse PEDLER WAGON—cheap for cash. Direct letter to BOX No, 81; Harrialourg, Pa, raarll4l. 29 •o 4DYERTISENIENT - . - smOo*p v A- 1 4 zl I.A.TEST'STY4 . 2E.S! MRS. M. NITER, 11.- Market street, SPLEASED tb `tonionnoe to the ladies , of I Harrisbureand vicinity, (wlfolowisolibemlirpatron iced her since her arrivakin ,she has jprat received, direct from the manufacturers and impOrlers, : li , SECtENb..:StrP.PIit of the finest goods'the . market could afford in the Hoe of FRENCH AND AMERICAN - MILLINERY . and is now prepared to offe,r great inducements to, pur chasers. Her stook consists in part of BONNEIZS, RIBBONS, . FLOWERS, HEAD DREasfiS, CAps, - OANAMENTS, &O. SILKS, VELVETS, LACES, RUCHB4, HOOP SKIRTS CORSETS, HOSIERY, , '- , HANDKERCHIEFS, GIAVES, COLLARS,, CUFFS, DEUS,.NETS,VAHOY Gopiols, &O. Also, a splehdldiketortment OT SILK WROPINGS; SILK COATS, • ' CTRCITLABB; - DELITTILLAS, ' r • LACE POINTS Also,Ties, Sairfsfl'ocket Books,' Porte- illonnalee - and! Purses, olegantZteel and•JetPins and Brooches, Pelts and Belt. Buckles, and, so full line of Trimming abd Fancy Geode, aheaVairthe cheapest. . Special dire hicrbeen exercisedin' the selection of Sheila goods, with a view to themants of this community, and the ladles generally are invited to call and examine then sortment, Thankful for tho patronage heretofore received, I respectfully solicit a contlneenoe ofthe gaunt., forget tho,place; No. ig /16*d street,' MRS. M. ~CIR,.CULARz. mita or Tit, itINSIT, RESERYES.: : LIAS BA,P.Br& Co. respectfully announce' , that.they have in prepazittion a History of the Penn- , sylvania Reserves froni . their •irfganization to the •esnita tion of their term of service:: . - ' •- , P": This History will contAin -:the names ot. all the Officers and Privates of the Corps—their prenaotions, casualties. and discharges—also, graphic descriptions of 'their camp life and their gallant acblevementi inlhe many battles j which they have taken Part--all derived. from ofteial and authentic sources. ' ' • ' The History of the Pennsylvania Reserves will be in On VOLUME of 600 pages, octavo size, neatly printed on good , paper, and substantially bound hi blank cloth, containing, . a steel engraving of "thelamented Reynolds, and ono of Governor Curtin , -(who first recommended the formation. of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps,) and will be sold, only I;Y...subscription. bo.ready ,August nest. Pricei —Three dollars per copy. The PublishersTeel confident:that the just pride which every pennsylvanian must entertain fur the bravo men, whose gallant achievements tuid t pariotic self-devotion it records, will secureßlF"Ton'Hinvoity" a generous and a rl e . i :.lll 2 . e l t eal IRARie4ix),iu . _ .No. 6 Bast King street. Lt.s.ratt, April 2,1, 1864. • Una*. ..Wa.'Prilf. IX, , Untatil:forithe abbvriwOtik) 1 nichrer y! district of Pennsylvania- Responsible referencearequired. my4-d&wint AlfJetXopl, CONDEMNED HORSES,' ', .. -r-is , , c.,Niwit n i-Ai.,.6l 7 .3,3iiiiiigici: , . tiFFICIC di CHIEF QUATirRAISTKR, WAPIUNGTON, D. C., April 25, 1884.'1 LL be sold ,at public unction, to the, highest bidder, at the times and places named be-: low, vii: , - - - - ' Reading, : Ponn'a, Thursday, May...26th. ' ,LebanonFearea, Thersrlay,,June2d. - Northuinberlard, Pinti'i; Tlitrb'day; June ,oth. ', Penn's, .ThurMat:Jtinolatli • s - .Wllilerttsport. P.ennt'N Tllursday[dlme 23d. ' • . One Hundred (100) horses at,GottAtrrg, and Twom Mu dred and Fifty (2,50) at eactiof Iv, etherplaces. . : • These Ifinses have been " Condimieit as unfit' for the Cavalry service:of the United States Army. •.. . • ' For road and form purposes Many good bargains may be had. Horses will be sold singly. ~ .. . , . . Sales begleat lila - Bi., and centieun dilly , till all an TPAS: ~c . .A4iT.iit.1 1 .444 311 . 6 4tes iiresslift notes ohlY. ..._ • , JAMES A. Mkt ~ L t..Col:iind'OCQ. M. Cavalry Bureau._ C A" TION N ") FRUITS OF EVERY DESORT.P 4.IJOES of all the celebrated rw.ufacturers :., SARDINES,. • • . • ' 'MUSTARDS; o every description;'.. - • - • . Also, BROWN STOCT,,FINE TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR ''aid•SYßll?:,, g rall. grates and prices, and the best selected stoceentside • = All goods guaranteedinreinisented; : • Particular attention paid 'O4ll ordnrsfrpm a illstawa Gonda easefully picked , syil delivired to all parts of the city free of charge. SEMLER A FRAZER, my 4 ). successors to W. 'Deck, Jr., '& Co. ' E" IATA.TWAT PRITATk, •:Thistseverelliropeitios 4 2 the Flstite of WILLIAM ALi MON-, deceased, halthe city.ollHarriliburg, cenststing:of Rouses on Front street and Chestnut street, at SO.d,nesi the .corner of',Front and Chestnut si.reets, a racunflei otj /luitierie street;' neat Thlld street ;and. ),.93‘ _acres Iti oflasid , ate Sestet-if terndinis orMarket streetfaissef fererLforliele. :For terms of sale apply to the uudersignedi ScAnill and Ifttble strectsi d621-dtr] '' ' TEOMAS COLTIMAK., BURLINGTON HERRING :— The fait, of the edaspn. •Juat received. at u 1 94 • - , t BOY,ER FOITRP.E44 CANBERRlES.=i'ehoibe lot of rfalibei ries Just received u 4. FRAZER, mys _ successors to W. Dock, Jr., -Ir. - " F'ett• leitencliired LARD, just received at--7i . BilTSIXtb & YRAZER; nltg 3 ,.. I "-(t!lMlttort to. Vitt- Dock, it-ohCO-) A FRESH supply of lif_iclienefseolebrated IlL_Stlgas Clued Hams and Dried Beetvat nap] . ,HOTEL & KOZRAR. . BUTTER, •tllTllEß:•= 2 lrriiish . •btit,r from Snydor'.. - countil recifiied.iviry..week: eggs at. ' = :E4. 1 5.1 • . I P,TrEit MiPPERMt • . T OTS for sale on the cornermf.Third and ..jj Broad streets.Enquire of ,W,ll. 'O. MarADDEN. - - , „ 1 31.A.plEREL,,in KU* F_L ceivedat ''• t• • SHISLER & rRAZER, mar? (suc,cesno: vs to - Wro . Dock, Jr., 'Ar Co.) (10EN Sae nit le. Just _le.. ki calved at slaStrag: FRAZER, mar3l ' successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) CEWEET,ClDElL—SwripusFeetcider ,jp3t 'CP 'reoeitia hatiliir r theibazieror`gstifallqtaiiitity at • " - ' , BOY= Ar. KOICRPER. BIJORWEEEA.T-= - Just received. A very .; smalllot. ..lrisetcliojce BIICIEWHEAT,,st KHMER & PRAKER, .mar3l (successors to Wm. Dock, jr.:, &Co.) OlLS.—Fine Fialad.oils just received .SHISLER MUT, 'EXt., PS Suocesepra to.W. Dock, Jr,* Co, .LBS t owefor ' `/A Cod fish; ' ' ,3Eile at ' SMS.LSR as FRAZER'S, 1 0 0 V ," .feb2 ' (Successors to Wm- Ag Co.) 060q3rtedT,P,GeotlgiTF.irg of : th e 4 ' lie7 e brand received , - arber Ettilby . , febl (editedeo - re felVid; Moak ji.;`& - CO:) I HAY of the best qua li ty is offered for sale. Call at M'CORMS'9 COAL OFFICE on the Osaaizsarrisburg. apBo-tf Webster. NEIV ADVERTISEMENTS GENEREAL, ANNOUNCEMENT; Spring of 1.864. KEYSTONE NURSERY. S the *piing season for planting Trees, rapidly idvancing to as olesexceot for Evergreens and 'Potted Pltuits- , •the subseriber aSksatten tion tothe stock he has on hand, fur sale at prices , suite to the times.. AMohg them aro a well seketwi.stookof the tdd . • , ; FRUIT TREES, ada ir tect 40, tto3,wents of planters generally. ' • :APPLE TREES . are of.good size and principally of well known varieties, ripening from the earliest' to the latest. 1 ACE TREES of mcst of the leading and tested.varleties, of extra size and vigor and includingthe cglebrated Griffith or Susque hanrut. Dwarf and Standard:.- Tha.Bartlelt, Sickle, Lawrence and other varieties, are. the best Standards ever offered for sale in Harrisburg. The Dwarfs: particularly Duchess d'Angoulesse and Flemish Deauty, are lin& , , Upwards of forty of the best varieties, and s net to Le excelled in size and any colleetion.inthe country. Among them are Triumph, of Cumberland, May Duke, Black Tartanan, Cleveland,-Rockport, Go+. Wood,Hein'e Hortense andall the•leading . .itettrts, Duly, Bigarrearus and Morellos. - . PARASOLS, SiO • - - APRICOTS: Good strong, well-rooted trees of good varieties • GRAPES: Principally • Hardy Native 'Varieties. • A quantity' of For eign-varieties, principally Black .Haluburg, White Nice and Muscat of,Alexandria, in Pets, will be ready for sale in a few weeks. Among the.HardSoNatires, which after all, are the only 'reliable odes fbr out-door culture, aro Catawba; sabella, Clinton, Oporto, Concord, Delaware, Hariford!:Prolifle, Rebecca, Louisa, .Christie's Improved Isabella Taylor's Dullitt, Cuyahoga, Early Northern Mus cadine, California,a Maicatawney, &c. ReCand.!Wkite. Dutch, 'Cherry Fertile de yalnali, Blank:Nap bearing plants Gooseberries: Rough roar is An/ennui SCOdling;- homing plants. LIWTO.X. B A CKIIVAEIEB nxtralstrong, bearing plants, by the ,dozen, hundrod or thousand, at loveratea ,- - • ' • NUT TREES': • • SRanish Chestnut, English Walnut, Black Walnild, White Walnut or•Buttenint, Pecan:Nut_ • RRIIIIA_TiB ROOTS,- . _ ,SoMetimes called Pie Plant:aadmow largely &Rivaled as the. "Wine Plant," of best varieties. . . ASPARAGUS, ROOTS, and many other roots and plants. ' Principally Silver Maple, Norway Maple, ._,.Catalapa, Horse Chestnut, English Ash, Red Fringed European Lin. den, Magnolia, Acunimata or Cucumber Tree. A tine assortment of Double Flowering Alnceas, White Fringe, Pui"ple Fringe or Mist Trap, - ldahonia, Ntagnoliar. , , Pyres, Japoniaa,:Treeltcra, , gre._ . . Balsam Fir or Balm of Gilead, Norway Fir, -Silver ~Fir American other Arbor Vitms.• o • . , , . . • '_. . . PRIVATE SALE . , of Trees, Tines, Sce; in the teiver Market Honse, every Wedaosday and Saturday morning during the planting season: free of charge, at, express OffiCeS, railroad depots, for warding houses and private residences in the city. Packing of articles for shipment carefully done, at charges barely sufficient to cover expenses: . , PLANTING.. In the city or neighborhood attended to;Und when de 'sired, growth will be warranted or' the plants replaced with others of equal quality. - JACOB MISEL RAMIUSBURG, April 14, 186.1.412 w GREAT BARGAINS IN JEWELRY Av FORSYTH Se'CO., 42 AND 44 NASSAU STREFT NEW YORK. . jAdjoininx the Post Oee) 4 4 fincitliiiihlnilkeiit list irk , WATCHES -I CHAINSPANT,LR I ( Pze VALtIED AT 1300,000. EACH ARTICLE ONE DOLLAR, AND NoT TO BE PAID FOR UNTIL YOU KNOIP WHAT .YDU AICE TO. , KET. - 150 Gold' liaVer Watches.. $l5 00 to $4O 00 each, 200; Ladies'. Gold Watches:: 85.00 each . , 500 Ladies' & Gents' Silver do 15 00 each 6,000 Ladies' Gold Pencils 400 to 600 each, ( 6,06kG01d-taind Brmnlets .'.....-• ,=. 3AO *to • 10: 00 edih 16,000 I.Ockitk Chalias and Maga. "'l 50 to 600 each 6,000 Cameo, Mosaic and Jet . Brctoches • .... . . 00 to 6 00 each • 6,004400r5e and Vlicrentliie- kir- 4 t • drops 400 to 800 each' 10,000 Gents' Breast Pins . 250 to 800 each 15,000 .Bleinre Button; and Bosom Studs ?' 50- tod. 6 -00 each 10 000 , Seta Lidice". Jewelry. 5 00, t0 .,. 10 ; 90 each 6;000 Live and.Fliirentiini - Seta.. "4 00 to . 6 00 each ' 101000 L ava Pens; Bilver-moniited 400 to '5 00 each 5,000 Gold Pens, with Shyer Bx tension Cases and Pen cite . 400 to 600 each -The articles in this stock of Jewelry are of the neatest and most fashionable styles Certificates of all the va rious, articles are put id..sealed envelopes and mixed, thus giving all a fair-chance, ;Indic-sent by mail; for 25 • cents - each; and =Abe receipt of the. certificate, it is at your option to siendifkut DOLLAR. and take .thenamed in it or not. Five certificates for it; eleven for -ss.; thfity for $5; sixty for $10; one hundred for.sls: ' Certiftente . money to: be enclosed with order. Coriestitindence .promptly answered.• . ' - Ai:m.s-ra Wu:trap in every town and regiment:: Send ors circular, A,ddress. . W. FORSTrEt& • ' •-' • 42 wad 44 Natratt Street, New York, mar2s-dwasBixinti3m - . 'CI_IJM PECTORALS ass osefttl to soot he; ljto cough, allay Tickling in the Th . roat, to relieve Hoarseness, OstirrhrilareaMitoatrkc. - They contain Voltafoot, Horehound, Ipfutactuinha, &nags ; and Squi ll , Ithe meet tellable espectorards knitekii,)zirei the MIMI 'ac tive constituents, so blended with Gum Arabic and Sugar, that each lozenge contains *mild and very pleasant dose. Manufactured solely . py,_ S. A. „KUNKEL &BHA, Afibtheetuies,-11i3 -Mirka street; Mailability. LARGEINVOICE 6F NEW A RAISINS, • - CITRON, cimatalrrs, PRWSES FIGS, &C., SEISLER Sr FRAZER'S, in 0291, (puope.p!sors to VV:ip. ; Ikigk,. Jr., AL. Co.) FA,& PERIIsTE!SWORCEggKER 11 the most popular and the ptirest. ever. offered to the public, just received and for sale by febl # AgroXefitior to 1).0 4, c SWEET; CEDER.,--A small :but very fume lot of.Sweei 'Cider, just received at. SEMLER & .FRAZFX, (Sa*ssairs to W. Dock; NW B 0: 01{ 8.-THE SHOT:11AB STRAPS , • SHODDY Just received rdeIST BGBEFFItR , S BOOKSTORE' • AirES.S BEEF and KESS choice article of Mess Beef and Pork at . • • &EISLER' & PRA= ap9 (successors to Wm. Dock; _ _ ON - :THF; fire the'Seitsoit, ;fild : ton Herring. just taaehred at SEMLER & FAAZER, onmeporsto Dciek;-jr.;'& Co.) Ped,T lA '9lllgar gik n tedilitboLic; Leo i E NGLISH DAIRY and - . NEW YORK STATE ORME. st No 20) WM. DOOR, 13. 7 CO. PRICE TWO CENTS CHERRIES atuuLorrs SHADE TREES SHRUBBSRY EVERGREEN TREES TAKES DELIVERED - IT•.• •• . " :i ' i ' re ire r • e :,_ S T IA 11 - PI INIII 0 '._ 0-16 ' II 14 , AfITEMSINN RATES-DAILY TELEGRAPH. .' The following are the rates for advertising in-the Tau. GRAPH. Those latving-advoilaing to do will Sind it car venien Mir reference. .1* - Four lines or less com lines etrnore than four consi FOR A HALF sQUARIL One day S SO Two days 60. Three days . 75 One week 125 One month 3 00 Tiro months '440 . . Three months 5 .60 Six months 800 One year - .16 001 Administration Notices ..,, .. ... . Marriage Notices • ',,'.'- ' . - • ..... off Auditor's Notices • - ‘ i .' ' '' ' "' * ' 160 Progiratmoticetariteltinsallon ,gas - Businesanotices ; trammed in the .gocai iihrast, or before Marriages and' Deaths, Clntes Pont Lass for ouch insertion. ..titute one-balt square. Flght. ••, weenare. ITOR 'oinesoriar.. one day $ GO Twe+dayef;: . . 1 . 0 1 vs Onoweek 2 26 Onelnenth 6 CO .3151timentliti.. Three months-- 11 CO Sin menthe 15 0 o ne year_ Y 26 CO $2 22 EVENING EDITION. ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT. XXXl'lintli Congress—First Session. SENATE ASELUGTON, May B. Mr. Johnson, of Maryland, offered a reso lution of inquiry, calling upon the President for information es to Aluk delivery of Signor .Agaelle,s to the Spanish authorities. Ordered to be printed. Mr. Powell, of Rentucky, offered a resolu tion characterizing theaet of the administra tion, lathe suppression of the publication of the Word and the Journal cf Commtrce,,as violation of the ConstitutiOn. The resolution was ordered to be printed. - - Mr. Fessenden, (Maine,) from the Commit tee on Finance, reported the legislative, ex ecutive and diplomatic appropriation bill, with the diSagreement of the House thereto. He moved'that the Senate adhere to its posi tion, and accede to a committee of conference, to be appointed by the chair,which was agreed to i nouo OF REPRESENTATIVES. Ir . . . Washburne, (Illineis,) from Hie Com mittee on . Commerce, asked leave to report a bill appropriating two hundred and fifty thon sand dollars for, the preservation and repair of the public works on the lakes, and one hum, dred thou Sand dollars for similar purposes On the sea-coast. He said that in the prerient condition of the country, the "committee will notweport any general river and harbor, bilk, but they consider it necessary that the ,ap propriation proposed should by, all meant be inade'in order to save the work Erin:a de struction. This was all which could now be accomplished. He desired that the ::hilt should l?e . printed, and called up on a future oadasion. ' - Mr. gtevens (Penhsylianis) objected, un less it be considered in committee of the .whole on the state of the Union. Washburne, gave notice that he would move for a suspension of the rules to intro . duce it next Monday. The House resumed the consideration of the reciprocity question. Markets by Telegraph. NEW Voss Kay Noon,-Flour is dull; wheat and corn ditto. Provisioms quiet'. ` Petroleum has a downward tendency, receips 3395 barrels: : ' New York Stock: Thrairkets Stocks dull, Cumberland preferred 751; Y. Central 133 t; Pennsylvania Cen•rgl 110; Caireen' Company 142.1; Wisconsin 6e 701; 'Erie 114 i; gold 183; 5-208 registered 107; 'eon -lions 107.4. treasury 7 3-10 s 111; one year ca.- tificuts 984.- - . 'A J O INT RESOLUTION prcopig ,certain A amendments to the Constitution. . . se it res . alvea by the Senate andqtrolisc'of Riltreientation tH,e UosisionweaWt of Permaylvanig:in -Genera4,Aftps.,- Up met, That the following arnendineitt be prOpated to ;the Constitution of the"Coinmtinwealtli, in accordance with the provisions of the tenth article, thereof: , There shall be an additional section to "th third skittle of the Constitution, to be designated as section four; as follows : , ..Stern& 4. Whenever any of thiqualireif eleCtint of thts Commonwealth shall be in any actual militely rot.- vice, under a requisition (him. the President of the :United States, - or by the authority of this - Commonwealth, - aids electors.may exercise the right of mintage in all elections by the 'citizens, under such regulations as are, or shall be prescribe‘tby law, at fully as if . they were preteens at their usual place of election." Sagruis '2. There stall be two additionidseetions to the eleventh arLicie of the Cuastitution, to be, designated as sections'eight and nine, as follows: ."Secrnix tt. No bit stun ne prsed2by UtotiaggisLitore, containing more than one subJeid, which shall ly clearly 'expressed in the title, except approPriatioii MK' ` ' .`6Eelles NO bill shml be P•liectiilY the. l 4ll l illerete granting any potters, or Privileges, in any case, where the authority to grant:such powerS, or privileges, 'hait fiee' or may, hereafter be, cuuferred upon- the courts or this Commonwealth." - ' HENRY C...ICHNSON, Speaker 911* house of Representatieee. JCIIN P: PINNEY, Speaker of Mt 'Senate. OFFICE OF THE SECELTARY 'OF. THE - COMMON - W .- SALTO,/ . . ItiRRISEURG Aiiri/ 25 1864. • Pbmsylvania, ss:' I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full; true and Correct copy of the original Resonition - of the General A.Wmmbiy, entitled- A Joint ' Resolution proposing certain AinendinentsAo iLo Constitution," as the same remains on likt. in this office. - • • Is Tam:sexy whereof, I have hereunto set my s..] hand and caused the seal of the SecretarPti: ot - Lice to be affixed .the day and year above written. • • . - • Secretary if theVoixotomootittk The above resolution having been agreed to by, a -ma jority, the members rf each House, at two Succesaive sessions of, the General : Assembly of this Commpnwealeh, the proposed amendments will be'subteitted to the pee- Aim, for their adoption or rejection, , on thexintivlVEßDAY AF AUGUST, in the year of our. Lord one„thousauff. eight hundred and six.jt-four, in temtirdance with the tenth -Effi e% of ,the,Constitution,end the acOntitled "An Antinie- Bcnbing,the time and manner of submitting to thepeopfti, , for their approval and` ratifitntion - or rejection; 'Me po- Posed Pateaduente" to::t!ke Coustitution,". appmedVe 'twenty-third day of April; one thimsond eight hoodrcd and sistk:funr. -• , FSK • - ELI ffLla , • S • scre/avy of the comnaosaoe4t.h.r. • • -7 3311 . , , • - - LUNG FEVER POWDER FOR . HORSE D, _TrITE, well lmown in this. commu nity...lot' his veal:arms in the martaite r nienClif all ' l 'sPrat*iiwtitahting to the Morse; oilers a medicine- 4m same he. has used for many years in practice) in i this form to lollie public, feeling Confident that'owners'oVvilnabie ' horses wiG appreciate its worth, as a speetlylmfeAfLttfat formidable disease (Lune FeverYwill follow its faithful AM and arict adherence to directions. , ' PILE, it - pu.a7 An . INFT . mhs ATKIN OFITIELIINGS, CaIgOILS, COLDS; INFLUENZA, LUNG FEVER, Sic., this is the f;est remedy known. . _ . PREPARED ONLY, AND SOLD AT Seller's . NO. 91 MARKET STREET - RARRISBURG • PA. . . Where can be had also, Di. Hite's, Liniments, for Swee ney, Stifle, and fur oliband new'Sdeiti &a: my 21-1 w - • _ • , ; RALPH .111,A,CLAY A TTOBITEY-LT4a*.---Itatriirt and Unwi btiilclibt Harrisburg . Strict attention paid to all legal Wanes& Mika* daims collebted ALARGE invoice of freshfeas„neveraisina. prunes and figs at BoYERAF 4041tEllli Vbit tA r TA 4 4.—A Five-Horse pbvee ST 3i A: *ENGINE sndBOILSB, fin guoit (oder. Apply td GrEENTi Wagnitt st*.cbeltne Sixth. ia)234‘i'. A , ,4101 14 - A 10 "§ 1- 4 kOls flafPlY it Mich eitels's' Excelsior Has and Dried Beer, at— janp9 8011. kat & O YOU ivish"a good gold. Fen,?lf _se SCHEFFRIVS Book4i4re.. tray 044 ", ,NAV, 4,0 BOXESIi ORAN GES, ofOI n r io sal e : at . JOHN WISE Fruit Stare EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers