THE TELEGRAPH Is PUBLISH:FM MORNING AND EVENING, BY GEORGE BERGNER. 9FFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SL a,CRIPTION fui: DAILY TimEwitAro is served to subscribers in the edy at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will he charged $5 00 in advance. Those persons who neglect to pay in advance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. TELEGRAPH is also published weekly, and is furnished to subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly.— .„ , Three copies to one Post Office Ten copies to one Post Office MEDICAL. GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE! THE LONG-SOUGHT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST Cherokee Remedy, AND CHEROKEE INJECTION! COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS,, BARKS AND LEAVES. CHEROKEES REMEDY, the great Indian /MireNG Cures all diseases of the urinary organs ; such as huma ne= of the Urine, Inflammation of the Bladder, Inflam mation of As Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Stricture, Grand, Gleet, Gonnorhea, and is especially recommended in those,cases of Fluor Albus (or Whites in females) o where; all the old nauseous medicines have failed. lye It is prepared in a highly concentrated form, the" dose only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three times per day. ,gam It is diuretic and alterative in its action; purifying, and cleansing the blood, causing it to flow in all of tie original purity and vigon; thus removing from the systeM all pernicious causes which have induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as aridly or 82614 ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used in conjunction with that medicine in all cases of Gonorrhea, Meet, Fulor Albs or Whiles. Its effects are healing, soothing and demulcent removing all scalding, heat,' chordeo and pain, instead of the burning and almost un- - endurable pain that is experienced with nearly all the cheap quack injections. gpz-By the use of the CHEROKEE REMEDY and CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two medicines at the same time--all improper discharges are removed, and the weak ened organs arc speedily restored to full vigor and strength, ,For full particulars, got our pamphlet from ani drug store in the country, or write. us, and we will mail free, to any address, a full treatise. Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or, three bottles for $5. .I,t,.Price CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or:i . three bottlee for $5. M.Sent by expretp to any address on receipt of . price. tm. Sold by all druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. MERWIN & CO., . Sole Proprietors, tuarlo-eadly No. 59 Liberty street; New York. CHEROKEE 0:17-RE THE GREAT INDIAN MTIDIOINE cb3rPouNDEo FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES - - - An unfailing cure for S,permatorrhea Eeminal Wee ness,Wocturmsd Emissions, and all disetsres - caused ae pollution; such as Loss of Memory, Milner:sal Ldasiitidy Pains in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Trembling, Wakeful ness, Eruptions en the Fade, Pale Countenance, insanity, Consumption, and all the Direful complaints caused by de. parlingfrom the parka/ nature. air This medicine is a simple vegetable extract, and:One a which all can rely, as it has been used in our practice fur many years, and with thousands treated, it has not failed in a single instance. Its curative powers have been 3thlcient to gain victory over the most stubborn case. .d To those who have trifled with they:constitution, until they think themselves beyond the reach of medical id, we would say, Despair not the CEIEROKEECIIRE will restore you to health and vigor, and after all quack doc tore have failed I inir-For full pai - ticulars, get a Circular from any Drug store in the country, or write the Proprietor, who will mail free to any one dashing the same, a full treatise in pamphlet form. ta-P.rices $2 per bottle, or three bottles for 'and forwarded by exprsse to all parts of the world. - nr-Sold by alt respectable druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. MERWIN 4t CO., &us PROPRIETORS, marl° codk No. 59 Liberty street, New York. GHIA! DISOOTTRY I Useful and Valuable Discovery. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more general practical utility than any invention now before the public. It has been thoroughly tested during the last two years by practical men, and pronounced by all to be Applicable to all artful Arta. SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparations known. HILTON'S iNSOLUBLIS Cxragi is a new thing, and the result of years of 'study; its combination is on 9. new thing. Scientific Principles, !And under no circumstances or change of temperature, will it be come corrupt or omit any offensive amelL Its Combination BOOT AND SHOE _ . Manufacturers, using Mactlnes, will find it the best artiole known es Cementing for the Channels, It works without delay, is not affected by any change of temperature. foot and Shoe Man ufacturera. JEWELERS Will find it sufficiently adhesive for their use, as has been proved. Jewelers , . .1Z is Rapala/1y Adopted. to Leather, tint we Mahn as an • einiecial merit, that it sticks Patches to BOOM =!and: Shoes sufficiently strong without stitching. Families. It la the only . : LIQUID GiEME.NI Extant that is a sure thing for mend- Parninare, ing Crockery, Itrja a liquid. Toys, Bone, Ivory, And articles of Household use .REMEMBER Rueros's lxsoLusia CENT Is in a liquid form and : as easily apl • ; EILToN'S Nilo/471ns . talons? Is instdunle In water For: HILTON'S bisoLusix CEMENT _ Adheres oily substances. Remember, Supplied In 'Family' or Itanufac; turor'e Packages from 2 ounces taloo lba HILTON 44.9% CO4. P'novidence,.R. Fin IMMI =I Dili B. M. GILDER DENTIST RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity that he has removed hismf nee from Market street to Third street, next door to the- Pitc•lot and Unio n oi t leS,..yitere he is prepared to emoi r i.- siodate allAirkto !nit des i re his Prorcssional servidft tilillisDttl • - / / / / - L ,l *- c l i m ow , ...--._,, • 5. „. --- ----,-,.___----- . dint 1 0';`11-•-,:k?-ne attro----alp _ __....,„,._..„,.,„,......1.1.„ bi• 11•1,..,...„1„,,,,,,.._....,,_ Si 60 4 00 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. MEDICAL. DYSPEP'SIA, DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE • ORGANS, ABB CIIBIBI BY HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, THE AREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC. TiTvsE Bitters have performed mare cures; have give better satisfaction; have more tee: timony ; have more respectable people to vouch for them than any other article in the market. We defy anyone to contradict this assertion, and will. pay $l,OOO to any one that will produce a certificate pub lished by us that is not genuine. Hoflanft German Bit ters, will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseases arising from a dis ordered. stomach. .Observe the following symptoms, re sulting from - the disorders of the digeStive organs: Con stipation,- Inward•Piles,lness of Blood to the head, Acidity of the , Stornach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for 'Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or fluttering at, the pit of the stomach, Swimming of the head, Hurried and difficult breathing, Fluttering at •the heart, Choking. or suffocating sensations when in a lying postnre, Dimneis of vision, Dots or webs before the sight, Fever and dull pain In the head, Deficiency of pers piration, Tellownem of the Skin and eyes, Pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, &c. ' Sudden flushes of heat, Burning in the teak Constant Imaginations of evil, and great de pression of spirits. • , . . Rethember that thiSßitters Is not alcoholic, contains w rum or whisky, and can't make drunkards, but is ti.e beet Tonic in the world. gran WHO SAYS SO From the Rev. Levi G. Beck, Pastor of the Ba ptist Church, Pemberton ? N. J., formerly of the North Be .pust Church, Philadelphia . I tiavn knewn Ifoofland's German Bitters favorably for a numbei of yearn, I have used them in my own f.hraily and have been so pleated withlheir effects that was in duced to recommend them to many others, and ha ow that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial • manner. ' I take great pleasure in thus publicly proclaianiing this fact and calling the attention of , those afflicted - with the diseases for which they aro- recommended to these Bit ters, knowing &dm experience that my reeomistendation will be sustained_ - I do this "more cheer/folly as Hoof land's Bitters is Intended to. -benefit the %Michel, sad is "not a run drink ." Yonts• truly. • From Rev. J. : Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the En cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. and Christian Chroni cle;Phllahelphla. Although not.disposed to favor or recommend Patent Mehicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet. knows of 110' sufficient: reasons why a MIL may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received fronruny simple preparation, in the hope thethe may thimconuithite to the benefit of ethers. . . Ido this the more readily t regard to Hooflandis Ger man Bitters, preparedby Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city because I was prejudiced against them .for many yea re, under the impression that they were chiefly an aloolio.'le mixture.- lam indebted to my." friend, Robert Shoertu. , - ker, Esq., for the removal, of this prejddice by proper tests, and for 'elicouragemerit to try them when suffering from great iurd : long continued debility.. :The use of three bottles of these Bitters at the beginning of the present year, was followedbY evident relief and restora tion to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not for six 'months beforey and had almost despaired of regaining.. Ii therefore thank God and my friend for iii reeting me too use of them. . . J. NEWTON BItOWN, Philade. From Rev. Warren' Randolph, Pastor of Baptist Chula; Germantown, Penn. Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear .Sir:—Personil experience enables me to say that:l.regard the. German Bitters, pre pared by yen, as aMest excellent medicine. In cases of severe cold and general debility I nave been greatly tette fitted by the use of the Bitters and doubt not they will produce similar effects on others. ' Yours truly 'WARREN RANDOLIII, Germantown, Pa. From. Rev. J. H. Turner, Pastor of nodding ' AI. E Church, Philadelphia..' Dr. C. N. Jackson:—Dear Sir:—Having used your Gor man Bitterain my family frequently I am prepared to say that it has been of great seivice I. believe that in most cuseii.of general debility-of thenystem It is the inifest and most valuablexeinely ot•which I-have any knowledge. Your; rwmectfuily - J. H. TURNER, • No: 726 N. Nineteenth drer.i. :From the Rev. J. EL Lyons, formerly Pastor of the Columbus (N. - .11) and Nilestown (Pa) Baptist Churches. New Boolumus, N. Y. . Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear Sir:—l feel it &pleasure thus, of my own accord, to boar teathrrony to, the excellence of the German 'Linters. , Sonia years since .being much of ilionxi*lth:BygPegebt,'l used them with very beneficed resudrii 4 l:havg - olleu recommended them to persons en feeblett by that tirrinenting disease, and have heard nor them the - most 'flattering testimonial! ,a 2 to their gre at value. - In basekbt,,geriemr debility, I, believe it to be.a tonic that cannot be surpassed. J, LYONS... From the Rev Thomas Winter, Pastor of Ronborough Baptist Church. Dr. Jackson :—Dear Sir:—l felt It due so your excel lent pr,eparation, Eloofland • German .13liAms, to add my testimony to the gieserved: reputation has obtaineiL • I have for years, at times, been troubled, arlth. great disorder in my head and nervous syritem: 5 'vitas advised by a friend to try a bottlebf Your"DerrAnt Bitters; did so, and have experienced great and linitspected relief; my health has been very materially benerhied. I•confldently ree.,om mend the article where I woof with cases 'to Amy own, and have been seated by. many of their good ef fects. Beepentrtilly youra, WINTER, Roxborough, Pa. From Rev. S. VtISZISIan, of the :German Reformed Church, Rutztorm„ Barks county. Pa.. 4 D yspepsia Dr. C. R. Jackson:—Respeeted. have been troubled wit ,nearly twenty years, and have never e4 e o .l4 , s.l:ll@dicine that did me as much good. as ReellatkVa Bitter& lam very much improved in health, aftel having taken five bottles. Twill with reaPeet, J. S. -11:EILIUNS r -, PRICES. gLarge Size (holding nearly doable quantity,) $1 60 per bottle—half dos . . . ... $5 00 Small gi28,75 cents per bottle--balf dor.. -4 00 BEWARE OP ,COUN'fERPRITSI . ,4ee that the signature of '‘C. M. JACKSON , ' is on the WRAPPER grozach. bottle. . Should year neliess- druggist not have the article, do .aot be Put err by ; any of - the intoxicating preparations that p ay be °Fero:Unite pWae but send to us, and we will Ibewanl, lamely packed, hy expr ess - ?:, Principal Ulm and Manufactory, NO. 681 ARCH STREET, 2' . . PECILABELPIHA. ICI .IDNIp & EVANS, Nuceeztiii to-0.14 Tack:omit Oa „,_ _ . 3 1 : • 1 1 . . .2 - ROPICISTOIL9. For sale by rguielitentilisabirs in every town in the United States. myl(l4lawly "THE- UNION-NOW AND FOREVER." HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 25, 1861 MEDICAL. KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON APURE and powerful TONIC, Corrective and Alterative, of wonderful efficacy in diseases of the STOMAOH, LIVER and ROWELS. Cares Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints Headache, General. Debility Nervousness, Do- . pression of Spirits, Constipation Intermittent Fever, Acidity of the Stomach., Nausea, Heartburn Disgust for Food Fiillnese or Weight in 'the Stomach Sinking or Filittering at t6a Pit or the StomaCh, Swimming of the Reid, Difficult Breathing, Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyes, Fever and Dull pains in the Head, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest and Limbs, will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility,. Disevo- of the Kidneys and ' Diseases arising 'front a disordered Stomath, Good for Mile or Female, Old or Young. 'rhe most beneficial medicine known; gives better satis faction and cures more diseases than any other prepare Lion offered to the Public.- Prepared solely by S. A. KUN KEL gc BRO., 118 Market street, Hdrrisburg. For sale by Druggists and Dealers everywhore. • BEWARE OF Uc , . Counterfeits e:0 As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the only sure and effectual remedy in the known world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsia and Debility, and as there are a number of imitations offered to the public, we *ould caution the community to purchase none but the genuine article, manufactured by' S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., and has their stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. The very fact that others are attempting to imitate this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speaks volumes in its favor. The Bitter Wisps cf Irmits pat:UP 14 75 'cent and $l. 00 bottles, and sold by all respectable druggists throughout the country. Be particular that every bottle bears the ac simile of the proprietor's signature. This Wine includes the most agreeable and efficient. Salt of Iron we 'possess; Citrate of. Magnetic Oxide com bined, with the most energetid of vegetable tonics, Yellow Peruvian bark. The effect in many cases of debility, loss of appetite, and general prostration, of an efflcient Salt of Iron, combined with our valuable Nem! Tonic, is most happy. It augments the appetite, ralseslhe pulse, takes off musculor flabbinees, removes the pallor of debility, and gives a florid vigor to the countenance. GENERAL DEPOT, For sale by all respectable dealers throughout the ountly. NEW GOODS-JUST OPENED BERGNER'S "kook and Stationery Store. Embracing every new and improved style of POCKET ' ,BOOKS, XAGIC CURRENCY HOLDERS, CALF SEEN POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, PORTMONNAIM, ko at rair...e s to suit all circumstances POCKET CUTLERY, Conaslshing of a line assortment of Westenholm'a Supe Pocket Knives. GOLD PENS, From. Newton's celebrated ratinnfactory. Every Pen with a guarantee. PORT' FOLIOS, WRITING CASES, ROSEWOOD DESKS, PAPETEItIES, • Together with every article usually found in a first, Book and Stationery establishment, at myl2) BERGNER'S, 51 Market street Steam Weekly to Liverpool. itpOITOIEING at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Har -11 bor) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, Igewlfork and Philadelphia Steatnatdp Company, are in landed to sail as follows: EDINBURG, Saturday, May 7, CITY OF WASHINGTON, Saturday, May 14, CITY' OF • MANCHESTER, Saturday, May 11, and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North River. . RATES OF PASSAGE, PAYABLE Dr GOLD; OR ITN EQUIVALENT DI CURRENCY. e l . FIRSTGJABLIT.. t ...BBO 00 ,STEERAOR .. . ......$ 3O 00 do to London 85 00 do to London._ —.34 0 0 do to Parka 95 00 do to Paris 40 00 do to Hamburg..... 90 00 do to Hamburg.... 87 00 Passengers also forward to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &n, at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: let Cabin, $7 5 ,. $B5, $lO5. Steerage, $33. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy . tickets here at these rates. .. For lortherinformaticin apply at tho Company's Offices JOAN G. DALE, Agent,,ls Broadway, N. Y., or C. 0 ZIMMERMAN, .Harrisburg. ftl3-dly irCLINTOCFS PECTORAL :SYRUP. THIS INVALUABLE SYRUP, which is en ttrely.vegetabre in its composition has been em ployed with wonderful success for many tears in the cure of diseases for the AIR PASSAGES and LUNGS. For any form of the disease, such as COUGH, TICKLING of the THROAT, SPITTING OF BLOOD DIFFICULT BREATHING, HOARSENESS, LOSS OF-VOICE and HECTIC FEVERS, its use will be attended with the happiest results. It is one of the best and safest medicines for all forms of BRON CHITIS and CONSUMPTION. A° laudanum or prepara tion of Opium in any shape inthis syrup. PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. For sale at BERGNER'S Cheap Book Store. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. . BOYER & KOERPER S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS &of GROCERIES, Queen's and Glass Ware, AND ALL KLNDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, gYE just opened a large and well selected 'ok of goods at their stand, No.B Market Square, Harrfshiwg, Pa., to which they invite the attention of the public generally. nolo-41y 118 MARKET STREET ELiRRISBI7RO, PA MISCELLANEOUS. NO EXCUSE FOR EXPLOSIONS. ASHCROFT'S I e OW WATER DETECTOR IS AN INFALLIBLE PROTECTION against any possible injury to steam boilers, from a lack water, which is the great source of so many sad catastro phes, and so much damage from the burning of boilers. We warrant this instrument to be a perfect insuranc • against such contingencies; perfect satisfaction guaran teed or no pay. Price $6O. Send for an instrument and try it; if hot satisfactory you may return it. Circulars witirreferences sent to auy one•desidng them. Address your communications to D. C. MEADE & CO., my4-d&wtf Pittsburg, i's. PIANOS. ALBRECHT RIEI(ES & SCHMIDT'S EXCELSIOR PIANOS. SOLE AGENCY: AT W. ANGCEEE'S, .93 Market street, Harrisburg. VOlt REASONS perfectly satisfactory to 17 "MYSELF I have taken the agency of the above most excellent Pianos. The public is invited to come and ex amine for themselves. • A feW Schotnacker & Co's Pianos on hind yet will be dsol low. mar2s-U PAPER WAREHOUSE: FARRELL, IRVING & 00. 510 MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., - MANUFACTURERS of 111. DOUBLE -S'PRENOTH MANILLA. PAPER OF ALL SIZES ROLL WRAPPERS on hand or made to order. Highest price paid for rope in large or small quanti ties. . marl-clam R EMOVE D. SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE ) TO SOUTH SECOND STREET, Two Doors Below Kelker's Ba.rdware Blare, OPPOSITE TEE PR4S.I3I7TERIAN CHURCEC ',►MELODEONS AND'O.A.BIW ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX FIRST TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, ONLY GOLD MEDAL. (ever won by instruments of this , • class) has been awarded to MASONHAMLIN'S INSTRUMENTS. & A full assortment of these lnstrwnents always on hand. et KNOCM.E'S Sole Agent, je4-2tavily) - 93 Market street. JOHN A. BIGLER & 3811. OK. -0 Rte, MARHET- STREET, 'ABOVE FOURTH, (NETT To ADAMS =woos omCE,.) • 'HARRISBURG. Warrants, Claims, Government Securities, Checks Vouchers, Sm., cashed. _ mar2Sd2m* Thomas C. M*a.cDowell, OFFICE fist THIRD ST., BELOW PINE. HAR.HISBURG, PA. ALL manner of Military Claims promptly attended to, and claims collected against the General ur state Governments, either in Congress, the Court of Claims at Washington city, or at Harrisburg, without un necessary delay, and on moderate terms, ap29-d6m PURE CONCENTRATED COFFEE SUGAR. AND MILK. - DERSONS making up boxes to send to their Jl_, friends in he army„will find this an elegant article; one box making, forty cups of oolfee, equal to any Java cone, and with little labor. For sale at SIILSLER & FRAZER, no 24 ' (successors to Wm. Dock, fr., & Co.) HrLA.DELPHIA COLLEGIATE INSTI- A. TOTE FOR YOUNG LADLES No. 1530 Arch street. Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D., E. CLARENCE SMITH, A. M., Principals. Ninth Year. Threesdepartments; Primary, Academic, and Collegiate. Full college course in Classics, Mathe matics, higher English and Natural Science for these who graduate. Modern Languages, Music, Painting and Elocution by the best masters. For ciirculars apply_ at the Institute, or address Bp.x. 2611 P. 0., Philadeiphia Pa. " ap2o.6m.* SAP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut meg and New York State Cheese, just received at SHISLER a, FRAZER, mys successors to W. Dock, Jr."; Do. TXTALNUTS, OREANINUTS, 'FILBERTS V V For sale wholesale at SHISLER & FRAZER, m,ys successors to W. Lock, Jr., & Co. APPLES. ' -We have just received a fine ,seleCtion of APPI.RS, to prime order. - For sale by. the barrel, bushel or mall quantity at. SIiISI.ER &-FRAZER, feb3 ' (succeiars to Wm. Dock, , jr., & Co.) FINE TABLE OILS.-40 boxes fine table oils of the best importations for sale, wholesale and retail, by SIUSLER & FRAZER, mys successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. 10 (MATEST RD F f ill or !le 1 b 1 3 4, PRRIAL FliE"11 . SHISLER & FRAZER', mys successors to W. Dock, Jr.; & Co. 5(1 DOZEN JARS ENGLISH PICKLES, comprising Pioalilly, Chow Chow, Cauliflower, bilked Pickles, Gerkins, Walnuts and Onions. For sale wholesale and retail by SHISLER & FRAZER, mys successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. 15,00 0 LBS. HAMS.—Fiffeeu thou sand lbs. Mb:themes Excelsior Hams cured expressly for family use:Lud for tills market., aide at feb2 = SHLSLIKR & FRAZER; (Mccomors to Wm. Dock, jr., & CO.) ORANGES! ORANGES! !-211 Vases in prime order. Just received wholesale and retail . . SHISLER & FRAZE 3, f h. 2.. . successors to Wtn. Dock, jr., & Co") DURHAM MUSTARD, the best imported, just received and for sale by. SHISLER k FRAZER, febl (Etticceirors to Wm. Dock, jr., k Co.) THE CELEBRATED VIRGINIA OIL OF .ADC., and Day & Martin!s London:Blacking, just it e cci ved and fur sale, by .SHISLER & FRAZER, fel isuccessors to Wm. Dock, Ir, & Co.) Sc PERM CANDLES; first quality, all sizes. SHISLER & ERAZER, sept 24 (successors, to Win. Dock, Jr., .& Co.) N A.T I E - FINE BLACKBERRY and ELDERBERRY WINE.— Warranted pure. For sale at SUISLER & FRAZER, jan2.s (successors to W. Do 4, jr., & Co.) FUR SALE—A very handsome Two-horse PEDLER WAGON—claeapTorck.b. Direct letter to BOX No. 813, Harrisbu Pa. marll-tf AALS ! HAMS 1 !,L-hlichenees Excelsior Just, cured. Reoefired and for sale at SrnSLER & FRAZER, warn ( Successors tn W. Dock. Jr.. & 00., T o THE PUBLIC.—The undetsigned will offer. for Bale, la their season, it very large quantity of ROSE BUSHES, ,and FLOWER 'PLANTS in great variety. - - J MISH. NEW MACKEREL, HERRING AND SAL MON at Emy4l BOYER & RDERPER. ---Webhter EVENING EDITION. ASSOiCIATED' PRESS REPORT. NAVIGATION OF THE RAPFAHANNOCK. Obsti-uctions Itemoved. On Thureday evening last the gunboats Yankee, Lieut. Hooker; Jacob Krobel, acting master Schultze, and the Frisch.* acting master Street, arrived at Fredericksburg, after an exciting passage of three days up the Rap pahannock. • The boats belong to the Potomac flotilla, Comnianaer Parker, and the expedition was sent up under the command of Lt. Hooker, who commands one division of the flotilla. - The Pusehia took the lead in:going up, she being fitted with a heavy torpedo fender which exploded several torpedoes on the passage, but no damar , e was dono to oth boats. Quite a number of torpedoes were' found and removed. Some guerrillas were seen on • the banks of the river, but they did not venture to attack the boats. All the vessels above named are at Freder icksburg, while others, the Currituck, Dra gon and Anacostia among them, are patrolling the river. Capt. Street reports the Rappahannock river clear of torpedoes from its mouth to the wharf at Fredericksburg, but there are guer rillas lurking along the banks doubtless hop ing to do mischief. Transports can now reach Fredericksburg with supplies for the army, and to convey oir wounded to the North. Depredations on Lighthouse. WASHINGTON, May 24. Last Thursday night a party of fourteen persons, two of whom were colored, came out from the Virginia shore, and watching their chance, made a dash across the Potomac to Blackstone's Island. Going to the light house at that point, they proceeded to destroy tha lamp and lantern; which they did most effectually. They.aleo carried off about twenty-five %gallons of oil and started to carry oft the light keeper; Mr. Jerome MlVilliatis, but through the entreaty of his family he was allowed to remain. Since the destruction of the light a lard lamp has been used to guide vessels bound up the river. XXXEEth Congress=-First Session. Mr. Vanwinkle, from the Committee on Finance; reported favorably on House bill :to to punish and prevent the counterfeiting of coin of the United States. On motion of Mr. Collamer, the Brazil mail steamship bill was taken -up amipassed; yeas 21, nays 24. The Internal Revenue bill was then consid ered and the amendment of the Finance rf Com mittee , acted upon ' as the bill was read. Mr. Johnson, of Maryland, introduced a bill granting lands to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from Lake Superior to Puget's Sound. Referred to the Committee on Public Lands. Mr. Chandler (Mich.) called up House bill to appoint an additional supervising and two Incal inspectors of steamboats for the col lecting district of Memphis, Tenm After an amendment offered by Mr. Willey, (W. Ira.;) striking out the clause of the bill 'repealing the act of 184 authorizing the ap pointment of two local inspectors at Wheel ing, Va., the bill was passed. The Internal Revenue bill was taken up after the expiration of the morning hour, and was discussed at length on the clause regu lating the duties and salaries of officers to be appointed under the law. The amendments of the Finance Cofamit tee, which were verbal, were generally agreed to. The Senate then • • Adjourned: AousE OF REPRESENTATIVES The House, by a vote of 69 yeas to 23 nays, concurred in the Senate's amendment that the comptroller,upon terms prescribed by the Secretary of the 'treasury, may permit an ex change to' be made of any of the bonds depos ited with the treasurer by an association, for other bonds of the United States authorized by this act to be received as security for cir culating notes, if he shall be of 'the opinion that such exchange can be made without pre juclkle to the United States. The bill for the incorporation of a news boy's home in the District bf, Columbia, was then passed under the eperattenof the pre vious question, alter a long debate. The House resumed the consideration'of"the reciprocity treaty bill, when Mr. Davis (N. Y.) made a speech against' propriety and expediency at this - time &tir ing the notice,for termination of the treaty. The House soon after adjourned. • From the James River. THE REBELS MAKE A NIGHT ATTACK. REPULSED WITil HEAVY LOSSES. They Bury Their Dead Under a Flag-of-Truce, The steamer Thomas Powell, General But ler's dispatch boat, has just arrived and re ports everything quiet. 'There has been no fighting since last Saturday night, when from the last accounts the enemy received a severe punishment for their , attempted - night sur prise: - They buried their 'dead under aflay of truce. Capt. Geo. Emerson, of the 67th Ohio, was shot through the body, and'died last night on the hospital transport. Two hundred and forty-nine wounded men were brought to Hampton Hospital eire ning, all woundedAince the fight. of Monday, the 6th.— - : _ _ _ Thirty-four hundred wounded men lily° . been brought down James river since the army first landed. PRICE TWO CENTS IVASHD.IGTON, May 24 WASILINGTON, May 24. SENATE. FORTRESS MONROE, May 23 STEAM PIINIUNG OFFICE.' riZIADVENt RATES—DAILY TELEGRAPFL /no fel:owing-are the rates for advertising in the Itrr 3.1.APE1. These having edvertiffrag to do will find it col. v!aien 'for refereneP. titute one-balf Fig :tut a sq,arr. OR ON SWART- FNir ilnes or 7e.ts cnn E(..5 t t core Oar. c Fol. A HALF SQtalcX. One da 30 Two day 4 50 Three days... 75 One ..... 1 25 One month 3 00 Two months 4 50 Three m0nth5........5 50 'Six months ... 8 00 One year 15 00 Administration Notices__ Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices Funeral Notices each insertf. tar - Business notices tune before Marriages and Deaths, each insertion. One' day $ t Two nays .. I( 0 Three days .. 125 One week 225 One month .. 6 1 0 Two months 9 00 Three moliths..; _'..,ll=Co BM months 15 0 One year 25 CO : - $2 25 ....... ... . 1 50 in the Local Cahoon, or Enna. Cm. - yexErt laws .ror Movements of a Privateer. MELBOURNE, Arsumit, March 24th; via Bosrox, Ma y 24th. A suspicious steamer supposed to have been a privateer, was seen of Cape Otway. This fact has discredited American tonnage here. NCI'S" York Stock Markets Stocks are irregular; C. S R. I. 1174; Cum berland preferred 74; Illinois Central 1324; Michigan Southern 100 a; ditto guaranteed 143; New York Central 1344; Reading 461; Hudson River 148; Virginia Gs 51; Missouri Gs 71; Erie 116; Michigan Central 167; Har lem Railroad 252. Gold outside, price 1841. NEW ADVERTISE N.MNTS. BAGS! BAGS! BAGS! TV JEW AND SECOND-HAND SEAMLESS, BURLAP AND GUNNY BAGS , FLOUR AND SALT BAGS, ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY & CO., Ka. 113, 1 - 62111, Pram St., Philadelphia. feb26-d3m 111)FA DDEN I S MARBLE YARD'. CORNER OF WALNUT AHD FIFTH STREETS, Harrisburg, Pa. ruldersigned. having opened a Marble E Yard in this city, beg leave to inform their friends and the public in general, that they are prepared to fur nish MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION SUCH AS Monuments, Tombs, Bead Stones, Mantles, And House Work in Marble and Brown Stone. Otto us& call and we will guarantee satisfactton. ICIA.DLEN & CO. B.—Lettering neatly none in English or German. triar29-dly A. C. SMITH, ATTORNEY .- TT AS removed hisOffiee from Third to Wtil .1 J. -nut street, next to the Prison. All business-4n trusted to him will receive prompt and care:ill attention. ap4 FOR SALE MEE valuable ;property, corner of Second 11 and Pine street's, being fifty-two and a indirect en de em:el:and one hundred and sixty-eight feet on Pine street, running back two hundred and ten feet to Barbara alley, there being space ler four full building lots, and a most th sirable site for a Govenaor's Mansion or public buildings. For particulars enquire of Mrs. MURRAY, corner of Se cond and Pine reets. ma74tr AA . . LAEGE S, INVOICE OF NEW RAISIN CITRON' CURRANTS PRIDIRS, , . • FIG 4 SC. , At SEMLER & 14'10201 (yunenssnra to Wen: Dock, Jr.,."*• Co.) CRANBERRIES.—A choice lot of Cranber riesjust received at SHISLER & FRAZER, mys successors to W. Dock, • PRIM E LARD. F' Kettle Rendered LARD, just received at SHISLER & FRAZER, mar 3 (sueoessors to Wm - Dock, ja, &Co.) A FRESH supply of bfichener's Celebrated Ala_ Sugar Cured Bares and Dried Beef, at u 0251 BOYER & KOERPER BIITTE;R, ,BUTTER.—Fresh roll bufter 'from Snyder county received every weir. Alpo eggs at (royal BOYEft. S ICORRIER. LOlB tor sale on the corner of".third and LOlB Broad etreets. Enquire of O. C. .ILSAIJDEN. .inar4-4.11.1 OK NO. 1 24...A.0KE1tEb, in Kitts, just re miirodat SEMLER & FRAZER, mar? (succeszors to Wm. Dock, Jr.. & Co.) (1011 N 11 1 1 - FIAII—A fine article. Just re ceived at o'HISLER & FRAZER, mar3l rucce& - -ors to Win. rock, Jr.. G. Co.) QWEET ClDER.—Superior sweet cider just ►.7- -received. ror sale tho ban ci or small quantity at BOYER tir KOr Kt 1C BIICKWHEAT Just received.- A very small lot. Fine choice BUCKWHEAT, at SHIHLER B FRAZER, (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., &Co.) MEI F' S.—Fine salgd ods just received SEMLER Sz. FRAZER, p 3 Successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. 1 00 0 sal liß e S at At st ° Nt icegfißh' •;or .Ireb2 (Sger.x*sors to Win. Duck. Jr.. & Caj I,ooo las. CODFISH- o' the cele - orated St George brand, - just received and for sale by. SEMLER tk FRAZER, febl. (successors to Wm.: Dock, Jr.. Ita Co. ENGLISH DAIRY. and NEW YORK STATE CHEW.. At [no2o] W3L DOCK, JR., & CO. ALARGE invoice of fresh teas, new raisins, prunes and figs at BOYER a IWERPER. itty4 - FOR SALE.—A Five-horse-powei STF4M ENGINE and BOILER, in good order. Apply to F. GEETY, Walnut street, below Scab- feb2S-tf HAMS! HAAS !—A fresh supply of Mich eners's Excelsior Hams and Dried Beef, at 3an29 BOYER .14. - RORRPER. T rL PERINE'S WORCESTER SAIJOA,S., . p the roostPoinitar and the purest ever °cereal* the public, just received and for sale by • • • • • • _ SAISLER*. pIAZEIc febl. (successors to Wrd:, & Co . SAVA, Jamaica and Laguyra ebffee; at - SHISLERAt FRAZER- • Nuccessora to W. pock. jr.; &- Co-1 n 023 A FATIUUTIO OUT BOOT oJR CONSTITUTION, GOVERNMENT AND UNION. "Our Government," arveirpoaltion of the- Constitution, ke., for popular usa, Wilialaxy:--p l iee $L For sale at (1014 BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE_ NO. 4 JONES' ROW. 'ME, UNDERSIGNED respectfully inform 11 the public that he haspurchaseit the . RAT AND CAP STORE, Late the property of T. J. BURNETT, deceased, and that be will continue the business at the old stand, wheee.,hic will constantly keep - on hand a general assortment of • • • II A T s . , C A P,.' • OF THE LATEST E'l*YrEE" which will be sold at reasonable ratesi A liberal share of patronage is respemAiny MarM"cl2m H. H. LONG.. :._: BURLIB . NGTON TrFna.. . The *pt.., a the season. JuSt received - ' - my 4 QwEgT : OIDER. —A am Abut lot ►J of Sweet, Cider, Just received at SRISLER & FRAZER, (Succeseora to W. Dock, Jr., & Co.) mar2B NEW YORK May 24
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers