THE TELEGRAPH IS PIIIILISITED MORNING AND EVENING, BY GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. • SINGLE Susi•cßii'TlO\. THE DAILY TELEGIZAPH is served to subscribers in the city at 8 cents 'per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $5 00 in advance. Those personswho neglectto pay in advance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. Tea TELEGRAPH is also published weekly, and is furnished to siiiiscribers at the following cash rates: Single copies, weekly ...... ........... ..... $1 50 Three copies to one Post °trice 4 00 Ten copies to ono Post Office 10 00 MEDICAL. ELIXIR, DR. WRIGHT'S REJIIVEI:iATMG ELIXIR, CF LIFE. ' Prepared from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing math ing Injurious , to the most Delicate. Raerhe Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern discoveries in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely new and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old and worn-out systems. —This medidifie has been tested by We most eminent medical men of the day, and by, them pronounced to ,be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the ago ,One bottle will cure General Debility: gay-A few doses cures Hysteries•in females. Aw• One bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart ' garA few doses restores the organs of 'generation. —From one to three bottles restores the manliness and full vigor of Faith.; - Air-A few doses restores the appetite. : r • —Three bottles cures the worst case of Impotelicy. ,ogrA few doses cures tee low spirited. eg-One bottle restore mental power. egrA few doses bring the rose tothe cheek. ag-This medicine restores to randy vigor and robes health the poor, debilitated, Worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pleazure. ,The listless, ehervideilyiaitiOhanver-tasked man. of business, the victim of :a nervous depression, the in dividual suffering from:atm:ler* debility, or from weakness of a single organ, will all find; immediate and permanent relief by the use of this Elixic_or kasence of Life. ,@-Price, $2 per bottle; or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by express, on receipt of money, to any ad dress —Sold by all druggists everywhere. ' DR. W. R MERWIN & CO., Sole Proprietors, . marll-eodly No. b 9 Liberty street, New York. CHEROTCP.V, PTT,TA. •: iIIGAR-COATED. FEALALE REGULATOR, HEALTH PRESERVER. - CERTAIN AND SAFI. skit-For the Removal qf Obstructions and the Inslyance qf Regularity intheßecurrenceof the Monthly Periods. They cure or obviate those numerous diseases that spring from irregularity, by removing the irregularity -They pure Suppressoil, Excessive awl Painful• Men struntion. - • - • 'Ear They cure Green Sickness (Glilorosiz.)' - /Of-They cure Nervous.and.Spinal Affections, parnS in the back and lower parts of ,thehody, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lcr - tiess' of Spirits, Hysteria, Sick Headache,-GlddinesS, &A, &c. a word, by removing the irregularity, they re3iove the" mese, and 3vith it ALL the effects that spring from it . Composed of simple vegetable extracts, they cell.: t sit nothing deleterious -to any :conhtitution, howirrer . elicate, their function'being to 'substitute' stribieh . for weakness, which, when-propetly used, they to. .sy—They Mai be safely °Sea at any age, a.n , d, at, any perioc, EXAISIT DURING 1 . 13;6 FIRST TEMZE .Nott•ras, during which the unfailing nature of their action would infallibly PREVENT pregnancy. letters seeking Information) or 'advice will. be promptly, 'freely and, discreetly answered. - pi -Full directions accompany each box. Ara-Price, $1 per box, or six boxes for $5 Aar:Sent by mail,, free of postage, on receipt of price. 4Sold by all respectable druggists. DR. W. R MERWLN,St CO., Solo Fropricturs. marll-eodly No. 59 Liberty street, New York. For sale in Harrisburg by S. A RUNNEL Se-BRO., 115 Market street. • - 'Useful anorVithikble , • Discovery. ORHAT ihRKNiVIMT HILTOTiPS INSOLUBLE CERFANT 7 Is of more general practical iittility than any inNontion now, before •the public It hag been thoroughl&sted during the last two years by practical . men, and pronounced by all to be . BIIPBBIOR 40 A lir I' Adhesive Preparations knownJ.: • ' • lityroies'LviotuittaCattsarr Is 8 neyt thing,. and the result of years of study; combination is on Scientific. Principles;;.. • And under no circumstance§ or' change of temperature, will-At. be, come corrupt or omit any offensive Applicable to all . useful. Arta A now ibiug. Ita Combination BOOT_AND:SHOE ki IManufacturers, using Machines, find the ,beet. article kno*n. as Cementing for the Channels, iftOrks without delay, is not affected by any chute of temperature. Moot and Shoe Man ufactureri3. JEWELARS I Will find it sufficiently adheslye for their use, as has been proved. B isl.:Tedally Adapted to':Lpathe . , And we claban as an especial Axiom, that. it sticks Patches to Baits :and Shoes sufficiently strung iithous stitching. it is the only . . • laTiM:l Families. IL I Q urn 0 1 Ulla a liquid Extant that is a sure thing forPtitend ing Turilitu tockery, • Bone, v 4 And articles of Household use 1/617' REMEMBER a. Hmrox's issoLumat Osamu. Is in a liquid form and as easily plied as Paste. fluirorre lasoLuma Csarairy Is insoluble in water or oil. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEE-MIT Adheres oily substances.. Retueliaber. • Supplied hi Family or Mat:ired: hirer's Packages from 2 ounce ilo leo HILTON BBOS & --, • • .PruPrietpri, • Prbi-den Yinis3 It :ea's In ?Yakut = I -DR. IL M. GILDEA, t ,- . DENTIST, f..,,, - pp ESPECTPULLY intones the eitit of. 1.11) Harrisburg and vicinity that he has remov ltis Of fice from Market street to T.hird street, r uext ,doar_,_ , , the Patriot aziallnion office, where' heris - probarell64Nom :. modate all who - pay desire his professional service:l aprl4 ..,.. i• A GENTS wanted to sell the Stan tort' of the War. A rare chance to *lake, !money. Age n t s are . dlearing from $lOO to $2OO per niontil:'29o,ooo volumes already sold. SetutTor circulars. Addreag. JONES` BROS. & E 101: LtNblishers, Baltimore Alib :TAM?. lot of choice CataWbe s for sale at [mart] - JOHN WLSE de 80 ~ - . • ----,--. - .... . . .. • . , • k\: ~ 1 'xi liz/;x,>"-1:. . . . . . . . t. '.-: .., .... •t'. . . . . . . .„. -.„..._._ ....„...., .. -7r .._:/:',__....... - . . te .tom ; , -. 7 ., ;;:..: . . • '' :': . i • . .-:-""' . ' --k :. n; • - ‘-. 7 . . 4 .....) ~ --.,,,i . 4 t*4. •„ . , •T'''- -- .,..- , , 1 .! , ,. t.. ;...--- 3 . 4 11 1 ° ” w ir-....,..z ... , 4'..-..T.1. - •""- - . . -.„ =, - • , , . • , , - mo . . _ . . ...... BY GEORGE BERGNER. DYSPEPSIA, FRITT7 DISE A RES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS - :I*-::`illit;'LlVE-11 ) . :_p : prugsryCor. ANS; 1100 FILAND'S t:BITTEI, Z 1 ' THE GREAT STRENGTHENING` TONIC, 111 ESE Bitterg have Verforrned"mgre?cures; have l and do give better satisfaction; have More tes timony; have more respectable people to vosok for them than anyother article in the market. . • • We defy any one to contradict this assertion; and will par 81,000 to any : ne that willpreduce 'certificate Pub hed by us that is not genuine. Holland's German tare, will cure every case of Chronic!, or Nervous,. Debility,. Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseases arising (rime a dis ordered stomach. • -Observe the following syutOtems,!re. suiting from the disorders of the 'digestive organs: 'Con stiliatims rneptrdyiles, ~Fullness .of .Blood ; to. the head, Acidity of the Stomach, NausescHeartliure,. Disgust; for Food; Fullness ' or !might in the Stomach; Sour Ernctation.s, Sinklng.orilattering at the pit of the storriech, Swimluing of the head,.Hurried andiiitticult breathing, Fluttering at the heart,: Choking or suffocating .sensations when in a lying,poSture, Dimness of vision; Doti, of webs before the sight Fever And dull pain in the head; Deficiency of pers piration, Yellowness of the akin andreyeti, Pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, /Lc. • Sudden flushes of heat, Burning in the' flesh, Constant Imaginations of evil, and great de prosaic:ln of spirits. Remember that this Bitters is slot, alcoholic, contains no' rum orwlgsky, and can't make &Mika:dß, bat is : the best, Toalc in the world. From the Rev. Levi. G. Beck, Pastor of the .Baptist Church, Pemberton, N: formerly of the North Baptist Church, Philadelphiti; • ' ' - .*.. •* ' *, * * * * * * I have known Boolland , aGerman Bitters favorably fOr it number of years., I lave used them in my ovm fmnily 'So" and have been pleased with:their etitigts that I was in duced to recommend Mein to inany others, and know that they have operated in a strikingly .benellcial manner. I take great pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming! this fact, and callinglbe attention. of, those afflicted with the diseiMis for which - -thef are -recommended ta' these Blt - tersi knowing from experience ,that my recommendation will besnita;_inetl. . I do this more cheerfully , ,as ,Hoof lanes Bitted is, intended to •benellt the .; and Is "not'U'ruar drink." 'Fours' truly. ; " • ' -LRFY G. snit From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., _Editor of. the En.; cyclopedia of ReWimps Knowledge And Christian Chroni, Cie; I' hi/ateiPl,4 - . : , , Although not dispoSedle faVor, or recommend' Patent Alchicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and:effects, I yet know of no reifilelent, reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others I ho this the more readily ht regard to Hooflamrs Ger man Bitters,. prepared by Dr. C. N. Jackson, of this city because I was, prejudiced against, them ,for many years; under the impression that they' were Lhiefy an alcoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend;: Robert Shoema ker„Esq., for the, removal , of this ; prejudice . hi proper taste, and for encomsgement to by theist when sutfeking from great arid Tong continued .debility. The' .use of three bottles of these Bitters at the beginning of.the present year, was followed by evident relief and restora tion to a depte.of bodily and mental:Tiger' which I hail not for six months `before, and had almost ,despaired of regaining. I. therefore thank God and Say friend' for, dl= rootingme to the use of them. - • - ' • " J. NEWTON.BROWN, Philada. From, Rev., Warren. i Rimdelph, Pastor .of Baptist' Church, Gerrintaitovin,',Penn.. . Dr. C. • Jtiekson:—Detir:'radial. experience enables me tosay that Ixegard the: German ' Bitters, Pre pared by iron,. as a mostlexcellent medicine. In asses of severe cold and general debility I have, been irreatly,bene, fitted by the use of the - Bitten& anifilenbe not "they will, produce similar effects en °them. Yours truly , WABBEg XrANDOLPII, Geinguitown, Pa.", . :From:Rev..Turner, . Pastort-of AHedding d. E I Marsh; -.f : 7 "I`j: li. 0..31. - JaCkssii;-,--Dear Sir:,--,Haviog used, your Ger man Bitters lirmyfomity'ffemteritly ritot:prepared to r say, that it been.of serited most cases of. genetakdobility .the:system itaaltit Safestland most velutdde remedy of which I have any knowledge. TOON' resigmteauk. . TtrItOR,! N0.12/31t1Tineteentlt street. Prom the Rev. J. M. Lyonsi formerly. :Pastor. of the celmnbus,(N. and ldtlestoyin (Pg.) Baptist Otturebes.:'' Roarceil. N. Y.- -- Dr."o:ll.'"Jabksirnt:Driar'Sti.- - Tfeelletigelaiirt Runk, of my own acoordi,tnhienr.testimony to the excellende of the Germsu Almon. 'smile yams _since being muck at dieted with Dyspepsia, I used tkem with very beneficial results'.' - 'I: have ofteik,rechimiinndeetliem to persons, en feebled by-that tormentintittsinsk and have . heard; cram them the most ilatteririt-ttittlinordele 'as to their grent. value..: In.eases.of general debility ; -to great tonic that (=mot: be surpassed. -J. M. LYONS. • . . • Fiona the'ltev Theinas Winter, Pastor or RokberoUgli Baptist Church. • • • • • . _ Aim to your excel lent preparation,. Bootlind German. Bitters, to , add my testimony to the deserved reputation it his Oblakied.• I have for years, at iimes, been 'troubled with greet 'disorder my-head,in and nervous system. I was advised: , a friend to try a bottle of your German Bitters; did so, and have experienced' great and unexpected relief; 'My health has been very'materially benefitted. I confidently recom mend the article where .I meet with cases .similar. :to my own, and have been assured by many their good ef fects.' BeetectfallY ,yeurs; • T: WINTER, Itiiiboniugh, Pa: From Rev. J. S. Herman, of the German Retained Church, Kutztown, Berke county, Pa.. Dr. G. IL Jackson i—Respeeted have been troubled with Dyspepsia. nearly twenty years, and have never used any medicine that did. Me .as much good as HOotiand , s Bitters. lam very much improved In health, after having taken live bottles. - rlis with respect, J. a Earwax:- , • • lange'Size (holding nearly doable quantity,) $1 0(1 per bottle—half dor ifp 00 Small S ize -75 !eenee Per bottle—halt dof,. 4 00 • •• • -BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! ' See that the signature of 'T. M. JACKSON. Won the *TAPPER' of each bottle. . , • -Should your neainst druggist not have the article, do bet.he put ini* - any 'of the intoxicating preparations that ',bit be offered hi,* place but - teuid to na, and we will 011 7 44, securely packed,. express- , Thnotpal-Onice „ IE end , Manufactory )10., A. '6ll '''RO STREET', • , D,ELPRZd. JOIOS.SirrANS. • '34 i o - For sale by Druggists and Dealers In every htithe United elates. mylO•dawXy MEDICAL. AP.E cttr.:::n BY BEAD WHO SAYS SO MIR I=ll " T E UNION-NOSY JD, ,F 9211 .y ,F.Pb Webster: HARRI§BURG, PA.,- TH; RSDAY 1016 26„ . 1864 . , it 3IEDICAL ki n d • . L.%1 tit „ •r - .• , Kll.ll(gli'S RITTER WINE; QE, ON. A PIII2E - and powerfuj.TON.T.Q;:.Correotive and Alterative, of wonderfoleffiettoy In.dieoaseb of the STOKA.CH, LIVER road BOWELS. , . . . Cores Dyspepsia, , Liver Complaints ; . Headache,J-Deneral, Debility, Nervousness:, De preasion of Soffits; DOnstipation . .. Interiniltent Fairer of the' StomachiNsiusetc.Hiri!biip ,_pisgast for Food, Fullness or'Welght In the &milso Fluttering at the Pit of the S to mach, Snitiiiiiing of the .Head, Difficult Breathing; Yellow. need of the 'Skin and' Eyes, Fever and' bull pains yin it, be Head, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest:and Limb s' will cure g ym ease. of Chronic or, Naqrsfons; "Debility; Diseadasof the Kidneys' and Maus* hrisinefriim disordereff , " Stomach, Cceisi Male p or , Female,,Old.;:: .or Young., The most,beneficial m edi c ine known; gives better silt's 'faction and cures more diseaSas then any other pippkra:. tion Offered to 'the PubliO. Prepared solely bYS: A. HUN EEL :& BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisbufg, For sale by Druggists and.Defacrs everywhere. • BEWARE 014 Comint,erftits As KunkePs.Bitter Wine of Iran ia the• only sure and effectual remedy in the known world for t , the permanent 'ollie or Dyrpep.suz awl - bebill4:and as the6"are a nittriber. Or; imitatiens offered: io•the pnblio, we oniulecitition the community tp.purohase nonei.bntr.the - EgnidnEuartlele, manufactured by S. A. KUNPREZ. Bno., .and has taw. stamp on ihn'top "the cork of every . botild. The, very fact that .4ithers are ( ( lmititta .- this valuable remedy, proves Its worth and speaks vopames in 10.faror. ,The. Bitter Millneof Iroute put up in .15 ,centlatid $i 00 bottles, aup. eold,hyreipeOtable drugglsta„througl!tout 'the country:. ',Ate..pettieUliti-that pcit!,.ki(hes.o t ac simile of the propriFtor'd signature . signature . . • ' 'This Wine, includes the :most agreeable: andt ell:talent Saltef , Tron we possess; Cltratel of . 14agrtetio Oaide Com-. bleed, - WlLEthe ,mostjeneigetic of vegetable topics,,Xeliche Peruvian birk.- 'The effect In lieu:cased debilWoes of appetite; and generarprbitratiorn iai effidelit Salt of Iron, colah)rmi, with Oar:walkable Norio! Tonio, •lai most happy. wagminkts the,appetitei raises.the poise,: takes - or muscialorilabblneas, removes the pallbr Of, debility, and giveS 'o:florid vigor to Sltrcountonants: • GENERAL DEPOT!, , For sale by.: respeOtOble :dealers tbiougbout, the ounu9. : 1 NEW GOODS---JUST OPENPIi Book and:t Stationory , Store. ~,Kmhrsoing ovary mervanitimproved style of t . - - :POCKET, BOOKS, -c4 ; MAGIC CIIRREtrOtIOLORRS, CALF skirl `POCKET , 13004 V - BUCKSKIN PURSES,: PORTMONNAIFE, ka to min all.elrcomstangea of a lane assortment of *eriteliholik t Supo Pocket Knives. From NowtOn'scelebrated matattliCtoty. • ,Every res PORT rums, ' ' w/ t/T/ / 44 • ' ' icisi7top.mks. - A rXrtiEnik aio„ Together with every , artidle- venally fodrid tri reflrit Book and itationejlekte ' kakitiMent, at :P' ' I'',loRailtß'S; l sl'l.fmket'..sirOt „ .. :team : : Weekly: t 0.... , Tprpoo • : rporOBING at QtrUNSTOWN, (36tIk;Etar -1 bor.)l Thd_well,'known..Steal:lmre Of‘the Llvinilxd, New York and Philadelphi a , pcpapalitp, crFiglolll hiFfl kit tended to mans follows: • ..; ' ;: EDINI3URGI &Initial, Ma 7 1 CITY OF W AS HI NG TO N, •Batardak, May :191v,01,TY, 0 ' , MANDIIESTSR,:' Saturday ) . May,ll,,and revery, *Weeding Saturilat, :at. Noori f ' ol ' Proi44, Nort h 'lnver, , i, . ' iSoIe'PASSI,GE, i ' ' : .istrammo rti -dorm; OR ITS 140144.11C5T i tti iiiiiiiiNOT. FlNgr e51N..... .180 0 i ::l S ; TE ERAGWO... , .W $39 00 ,do to Lindon ' 8 5 ,00 d01t010nd0n..;..:051 uu . do CO- Ririe ' op oo di to row cw o 2 do' to'Haebnig.`lo 90 'do*fcr Sambarg - 't at y , PassengerdAdlio. , f ito!Miy* BreMen, , Rdter ,. dam, An t w erp /a.,,at eludylew.rates .., ,•. 4 ; , Nies from Liyorpocd or ow l : T o: mu: 4 A ,C a bi n , $75, 485, $lO5. , Steerage, $35. ,n, ose-Aiito wish ' to send, for theiffrieridslcan hay tmketoheidat these'ratea' • ; For: furthar..thformation apply at the Offices Company's ~. JOAN: G. DALE, ibimit.; 15 Broadway,,N,..Y44orra , 0 ' ZIMMERMANIfirrieb . ' -- 112541.17 !.1 1 F - 10TORAL'''SYRUP:' fIiNEELS DIVAIIOI:4t4 , tricwl4cit is len , iirely vegetable i ts, 'emnfulsition hes been ,e l2l- • ployeil 'With wonderful htincis'for many tearsin the cure of disabsess for thmitaR.PASSAGES and LUNGS. 'Far any form of the disease, such as COUGH, TIGHLINHbf the THROAT, SPITTING:OF, EiLOOD, DUTICULT,BREATILING, ROAREIID3S, OF 'VOICE and HECTIC FEVERS,, its qs#,liirilrb9 Attended with, the, happiest, one of the best and,safest medicines for alLformsfArgicar GUMS and coDTErwiloN, 2V4.l4,24,itr.]pnwiii:d -tizet'qf abk#T, e Inthis'iterix „ ITACE'stoo PER For sale tit'BEßGlsilit , S Cheip - lioOk Store;'' NEW GNOCERV-AND PROVISION STORE. 'HOVEff Ara. R IC 1. -- r" OEUPER; 4 W- FLO L E:SA w ida LAfAADlya/LIL , • ' . in I iir`= G 5 _R _ll, E S, t , ' — "cetio474'ffimkg.r.4l.ffeWaMti • . • i 'l O V i g i nrYrfP•V i " I 'l jilt3t9M9d * Fraliw, :.• s Orgbod* dieli sang, o. 3' let • • Harrisburg, Pa, to which they invite the attention o the public generally. - nolo4l/y ~._-'- iCS'A:Y'+a..--%.6 <Yi34:J4~. •~:CLLC.a .:: •.:wN.'hr .~_ lis mARKFI:B7#ET. AngtEtt' —bus. 14 V 44 Villit ;Fftligolsis-1 ASHCROFT'S-LOW WATER DETECTOR • TVANWAILUSIM PEQTECTION,ambiIit afe~eltklirY fo Vtiiiehofl64,ltcfni of water, whir& titibt:wtaksiDdie tifiggrlnanY dad aataairc ,- plies, and so much damage from the burning of boilers. We warrant this histrument to be a perfect ituuraFte fedninntrOeres7 rev' etfelicr.trui - Send for an instrument.aud try It; if not satisfact4ory, .YRlt i cia.Mallirn Siryultirp„withnfeTences sent to any onct.Wirlnglthoni. 344tWyouipmutibtoilicitil ' D. C. MEADS & CO:, Pittsburg, my4-d&yrtr riLBRECHT,,,BIEHRS & SCHMIDT% ..EXCELSIOR PIANOS; . . SOLBi 40.E.N0Y •W. .E.NOOI T . 43 Market Meet 4; Matziehem t . RUSClNS,;.perfci9tly, satiefaatiny, to ,JU MYSELF I Lave taken the agency of the Ocoee moat ,excellent Pianos. *lifted to' cemer;And".ex ambiti hie theretieNee. - - • ' '• :.A.fwaiSohomaoker• ii.Co , airituiot On band yet, will be daol low. mar2s4l PAPER .I`A BRE LL, IRVING it,CO: ' ,i. . *to /Cu' OWSTICKILT, PHILADELPHIA, PAL, rICVANTIE'ACITTIGIRS of 1 Dotrilla4 l Gl' ALL SIZNR on hand or made to Order.. *eked met paid' fbl• rope krige ma) gnentl Mak.' • . 1 • ' .111.114301 • ,7 :•;• REMOVED.' • • . SCY Figlr4e'S sciie.sTmeir." O I A P ritt 0 - 0 F rtit SOUTH- SIVON1? 14 9TRRNT, . • A'Wo.: Doors; Below, . Store, • fIIOPPOSITF4 TEE PRESBYTERIAN. OEURRIE • : MELODEONS AND O.ABINET ORGAN` TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUM, ..1 . .. M:EDALS, ONLY bOLDßeKDAt'leyer won by` InStnniti of , ible class) Insilmien iiwaniedio MASON & HAMLIN'S INSTRUMENTS.' !..kifullassortment'of, the .ftistraments itlarayS on han4l. 1.. W. 00CILE!S, Sole Agent,: fe4-2tawly] . 1) 3! }ticket street 01y#.7 LEM St C BROI 30. S , ma:Wen= FOURTH, ( OFFICIO HAR - R - ISBURG. tacirtterttailre4 A ~ThomilikpieDs42lll ; 4); . ; ; - tn r, -s, . ,-OFFICE T=HIRD ST., BELOW PINE. . HXxlussUxa, re I LL maimer.cit./Lilite i ty.• Claims k promptly: „a., attended to,and,elakmacolieetedagtpat the General or'State'dOVerhmetWelther Id Courses, 'the court of Ctaians at Wilshington at,:Harriatiurg,ltvitheirt **Mary play, and oe moderate terms. ap22-depo • PURlli y 'olo RATED _?7 nuyik.t - paizit.§Ows bbieitlo sena to MOW fried& Ili army; Will thidthia an elegant aticAe; ,one. box making . forty! cape . coffee; .eqund Wanly Java . coffee, and with llttlahker. , Yr ; ate.ttt Tß i, • :::no: rfOpie,J Si. . . _ . . PUITIAPEX-111 1 / 4 k(OOLLEratera mism _24: • „TLUE ECM, YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 Arch at Bei% CHARLES A. SMITH, D. b„ E. CLARENCE SMITH; - & - ILTPrlgreliiiiter 4 P --- '- Ninth Year. Threerdemettsa thimary, Academic, and Colleglia. , TFO.Recolleaßomb Choodcs, Mathe matics, higher English and Natural Science for those who graduate. Modern-Languages, Music,. raintingianit ,Elocutionpg the hest pieaters. i . For onrcniantagordy - eit 'thethilititute'oeatidreeißOX 2611 P. A terrhilidelphis Pa ;PI 4' .:;.tt P. 4tv sp2o-611*,; AP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut. ji ° ,st ItaMi t rrivlst , " mys sprawl' to W. Dock, Jr:, & IMlZERimaicainis. WALN ORSAMNIITS, FILBERTS: For sale wholesale at SHLSLEX& FRAZER,. Cl *A S I ; 10 1C . 8 0 444/ 4 W feCO; • 4 PPLES. -. • ' : . c --rr f, A I '4. 7 f f i r !: .. ' il 4 ithshr l e(ll6tn;cilivid ai line4elealaki of tiAl. 141, in prime order. For us,lehy,• the banul, bushel or sinkll quantity at ,9 tir . 1 It d smsLER &FRAZER, febB (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & (u.) MIIRMABLEVIEJSILILAWII.,. 16t.ele firth Wile 1 D ..e" Mire( wtiateitdeiaitt retail, by - - SHLSLER & /MAZE; .17 5 , , „14 lay usts"no nap At' WE A-1 MOVARriloilaiiiiii os ssIsLER & F, mys UIXEMEIOII3 1,0 W. book, R Jr. AZEE Co & n DOZEN 2 1. RENGiaSICP CFPq II I, comprising - Ticalilly, Chow Chow, Cauliflower; / 14 1faifiae. 1 4, ',ll44 ll PlW.9ldz> ol ,4 0 1 1 8— For tele, iihommue iindletin by — mujuLElr& Iritiagß z i; :t rg • IRLINIMINPOOI..W.Mock, Jr., & 15,090 HAma — R 4 een th @ u r , HA MS— a4iatita,i;r4,664lowank,rdi sale at, - SELMER & FRAZFR; OItANG.F.,B4,QBANWN3I 1-20 boxes , in prime oder. Just received wholesale arid retail • MlLEiLlift & FRAZEE.' ;14 . I44WORITA te.lllrts. jr., & 'TAITRHAM. IMUSTARA: the, best.iiitOorted, L" , just.repeiyed sod for sale by , ' S :ffiSpER felg (stux*Wicto.WP/1 D°e 3 / 4 z , & ) THE CELE.I3RAtEi) ArtaGliTlA. .O.IL :OF haXoo4:lluy.k liatulatt. Mackin, just ft- Cei via . and I:9T, moleamii by, SEM= FAA.ZER; • onikoni Win. W44' jr_ ACGD. ,QPERM OANDLES,-firstquilityoalltsizes; • .81n0 1 44 8 & ERAZI,6 . sePt 24 ( 10 x1 889 0 1 ,IAIMPN ' „ firY°) FINE , BLOH - Bintßit,and , IiaIIiERBERRY WJNE war.nukted.puro: •,,For ale at • • - • 7GIOR SA I 4 - 7 , 4NtV, Two. horse 'PEDI.EVW,AGON- 7 cheap for calk Dirot letter to BOX' gp; Pa..- • `nyarn-tf • 111L - MIM 11 AXS!!—Mich0 1 ?q • B.,r tiOelsi, eir*L7Roeiii4 lar i t al de at • ' foar2Be ;'(ElneatiecontiviVf. 3J0a14.71r. ai . 4 , liff7ag I n theiZ Maga, ave e tity kost4su: . varieciutvl „te. Carl as it: , : .I\TEW MA.OKEBEL, KERBING AND 11924 of tairij HOMIER NOISPZR. EVENING EDITION. Tlie Assem- , T- .. • . pr y . • Cbrrespolkience •Telgraph.] NmmwAititiliEw Jlataur,, Kara; 1864-. EDITOR 'Thmwile-tyri:- ;; —The Old School P.res-• byterian AsSeinbly 'convened in this beautiful city thi - Thersdayriurining•last. Rev. Dr. W. L. Breckenridge, of Keriticky,' pipaehed the ope "rdrig , sermon; and Bev. Dr. Wood;: of In diana, was chosen M - Oderator: The tOtalntun b'er 'of ministers and - elders-ID atm:del:led is about two hundred s end fifty. ''•• There being but; one -School church. in Nciwaik; the hospitality of ' its members would have been severely hilted to entertain so large a bodY,but through the kindnees bf the New School breth . rim, who have ,a number of churches here,' and also' of ; some Of the Methodist brethren, whose houses were thrown open,. all'have been pro vided for. Courtesy like this beautifully il lustrates the,runty of spirit' and kindness of feeling whic prevails' among the' various branches of the church of Christ, notwith ;standing the diversity of-outward organiza= tion. There is much business of an importL ant character before the Asseinbly,inidits time, is fully occupied. • • On Saturday afternoon aboutlialf• of the members•visited old Princeton, to witness the ceremonies - incident to the laying of the dor ner-stene Of new hall connected with the Seminary. ' The .excursion was Er delightful One, arid :the party returned , to Newark at an early hour in the, evening. . A. letter was yesterday read to the As sembly, from a prominent gentleman in New York,inviting theinci - Visit that city on Thurs day afternoon • next: Thi • has;provided con veyances which ; will receive the members at the, ferry, from *eh they will be driven to Central - Park,' end other placesa interest, returning in time'for thwevening train. As sembly voted to accept the invitation. .Wednesday afternoon next has been set , • apart for special praise _and prayq4. on, behalf of the country. The New School:Assembly, , in session at Dayton, Ohio,' was' notified by telegraph, and, this morning a dispatch was received, stating that they had unammonsly . resolved to unite in the services. A highly important paper.uporithe Slavery question. was reported this morning from a committee, and has been made, the,spetial or der for Wednesday evening, It, willno dotibt elitit animated discussiori: 'There are other important questions yet to be tonsid-. ered by the Assembly, which willrequire them to work with a great deal of industry, to as to adjourn at the tatted time. They are now holding three sessions a ,day, thou& herSto-, fore the evenings have heen devoted to preach ing. It is probable that the -fond adjourn ment will take place. about Tuesday of next week. c", 'G. nO• Tereord, ON TO' RICHMOND The Retreat of Gen. Lee M. Davis Cabinet Gone tropflichigond Arrival of Conti abands Affairs at Fred e ricksburg • yoni4dioN,lriq , 25. The _Rein:Wean extraont which con . tains the-fallowing; It gives ns fileantire to ' ablePl3:eu. city that t 'tt announce that intelligene'l has reachd General 'Lea', 'after falling bablelrerii; the N or th A t o m , (as mentioned .. b y , Gei tha i t e,: h t e an .hati t,) commenced haahastyTet'rg s ou t t i A nna flier,' . a. reached anoint-heyolid pramed with great vigor by the corps ender Gen.:Giant.; , Thelatter isin the : saddle ail the:time, day 'and night,, directing the 'general Movements ,1 person • rent is 'evidently embarrassing tee. the latter Oinks ; the :tbnner ttinnilitary -in his tactics inM i ndt stopping his pursuit -* Unless'peet'Stops to tight tolday, we shall next hear of the - grind: conflict for the city of Richmond, before or in the Works of ' that • The idViced`say - that Jeff Davis ' and his cabinet left Richmond some days - kis; fearing • that in the . 4)pr:inching' anaconda - embrace of Grant they might begobb,led'UN There is little doubt that Itichnkeind by this'time is pretty well cleared onto r its in hebitants. •It l iitla:stliing lead than tt . ' fortress. me of the trophies . of. Grant's . ad vane Onilichmorid have arrived here. _ The Steamer NVnioakiik'*hich arrived here last night, breeight np l about 100 contrabands congisting o men, women and- Children,— Weise contrabands are fithii.'the ''vicinity ,of Bowling Green and' Guiney'S Statfon, and brought ' with them a large ;;quantity of bed clOthing and. Other housekeeping articles. There are still a ntunber of sick and wOnnd 7 eft at Fredericksburg, and as soon ; $s they are 'removed that place willalso lode ite'import: awe, qiiit,43. as soddenly as Bells Plaire.has. '•, 'Skirmishing with , guerrillasocetira daily,but it always results in 'ourfavOr.' jr 41, do.f Fro,m,Havana-Arrival of Mini. 4441 -1. 1:•' Thomas Corwin: . • REw Yost, May 25. The steamier Eagle, from Havana on!the 21st, has arrived. • , , „ • ' ,I,Who Hon. Thomas Corwin, Miniater to,Meico, is.a passenger. Vesseltitillie.Ds3iniskßoiasessions i it:// :IngtifYoax,'ll4.2s. The Government of the Danish West" India possessions has issued a proclamation that until forthei ncitiati,Einefehata, vessels sailing wider colors, hitherto,: aehrkelgte4ad u ty'; the Danish Government—even thoseistat at!war with Denmark—map enter and -depart I .llroni the Danbh West India Ishuids unxii6l6lstell-' MELO. klatinlAw toW. 4:40 V e t erau s_ 43 . l oPg.VPwairliai 'Kw, YORIC, May 20. The.atb.Proarracont: regiment has embarked fariNew.OrkeUed on the traimportriM'Olellan, its forlough having expired. fir , stevnei Albany ! from New Orleans on the sth inst., has arrived. PRICE .TWO CENTS. ASSOCIATED' TEA ,t The tolloWing are the rates for advertising in the Tm.,. antra. Those having advertising to do will find it mr. venien tfor reference. OCT Four lines or less constitute one-half square. Etgh• lines ormore than four constitute a square. FOR A HALF &WARR. FOR OFR BQUARR. One day Mk One W., .4 CO Two days 50" lin daYo —. .. ICO Three days - 75 Three days .. 1 25 Oneeek... - 1 25, , One - m nth . 8 00 -Oitirmeintik " CO Two months 4 60, Two m0nth5...:....9 0 0 Three months 5 50 Thte to.onlies. . 11 CO menthe 800 -six .kaa.LILIIbeS 0 One year 16 00 One - -2.5 tO Administration ;Notices.- Maritime Notices ' " "75 Auditor's Notices... FuneralNoticesesMeartion ier4tiiliess notichi ' if neit -"before Marriages and Deaths, each Insertion. From Port Royal. • Capture of Blockade Runners Delegges Appointed:4o Baltimore Convention. Mk ON FORTO'RUMTER AND MOULTRIE - Niw YORX, May ‘ . 25. The Steamer- Arago,' from Hilton -Head on the 22df inst., has aitived. The,evpdition.irtm Jacksonville, Florida, had 'explored the ole country. on the east side of the SE John's river for 150 nines: 'Two (blockade - miners were-captured at 4mynuvwith 200 bales of cotton , ork - board.— Some four or five thousand cattle." also captured. A great many loyal 'l 4 lpridi pus were enabled to escape from the swampt'- The Convention at Beaufort had "ehosenilel °gates to„iha Baltimore Convention, haa t tled by Gen. Saxton. • The monitor Montauk, one of the vessels which recently attacked FotEumter, had ar Port Royal, for .repairs. _The action lasted through thirteenth. and fourteenth inst. - - - TWo casenates . b! Sumter were opened and alafge -portion of the new pirapet tumbled into the water:- The, south portfon of.t.he face:of Fort.Moultrie was also latockd down. Our batteries on Morris Island were Some .what injured by the rebel fire.- ' - The .• attack was atill goiii'g on atthe latest dates, and it was expected:the effectiveness of Sumter would be entirely destroyed. An expedition sent to ,Taines Island had 'Captured several rebel`pickets: Congress---First Session HOUSE OF itEE'RESENTAIIVES The House rejected the report by a vote of 25 yeas to 121 nays,. and ask 'another commit tee of conference. . The Speaker laid before the house the reply of the President to the resolution adopted yesterday, enclosing , correspondence between Secretary Seward and Air. Dayton, relative to the House resgigjpol.n against the French in vasion of Me Secretiuy 'Seward says it is praticaily en executive question, and not belonging toiCoti gross to take action in the premises, and that while the President receives the unanimous declaration of the House with the profound respect to which it is entitled, he direct:: Mr. Dayton to. inform the French Government that he does not intend h to depart from our heretofore eynunciated, policy concerning the French occupation of 'Mexico. Itappears that the French Government was much exercised by the resolution, but Mr. Daytonit.• explanations quieted the excite ment. . - - motion . On of Mr. Davis, (Md.,) the corms "pondeiidene'e loss referred to the Committee on - Foreign Affairs'and ordered 'to be pinted. The Gold Marlgef. NEW Yoilr t ., i llax 25. Gold elOsedlt 1841. 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS., BAGS! fiaTBAGS NEW t AND SECOND-HAND BRAMINSB, BURT WI" AND GUNNY • `,. ir-PQIIE MUM EtiES, Alof, SIZES, PRINTED 'rO.OII,D.ER, BY ,JOHN T. BAILEY & co., No. 113, X<rth. Runt St., Philadel j ihi c. feb262dOm =III M'FADDEMS MAILI3LE YARD. CORNER OF AVaNUT AND "lug STRIETS, - Pa. rraßurularsigued hayirigßpened a Mathla Yard in this city, beg. leave to inform their f r iends 'and thiipulilic iii , general, That they-are • pretiated io far- MARBLE WORK AVEVERYSESCRIPTiON Monuments,. - • Tombs, • ' _tread - geon'ds; . • ; - And lioneeNark in Marble andßtownStnue. Give us a can andwo Will gnapntree satistnetten. • ,• • VrADDErekco. ig..G.—Lenerjeg neatly none in MOO or German. _ _ . . . .4421".711,0)ELNEN; A..7C 11101 - 0 r . putoyq4 his Wass to:WaI .ALL nut streeti'neit to the i'xis'bix. iiitsineO3 in trusteitkohlm wa'receivo pronipt - and careful attention. FOB. SALE,, ~IHE valuable PickieiV; ond inittinWeitects i , bbing-fifty-tweicidighitiffeet 6[l se (*Ad, and one hinadred and sixtight .feet;oß Fice street, 'running be& two hundred and 'ten feet to Barbara' alley, there. being awe for four .full blinding lets, iiielooiost de, straw° site.for.a Governor's Mansion or public buildings partionlais enquire of MURRAY, cerner. tif Se. coed and Pine - reefs. . . ,'.11240/41' A, LARGE IN - VOICE OF NEW - RAISINS . ON; CIIRRANTS fri . I'4 • nms - - SALS/44*-M145 - 134 , 5, :4Sueceisqrs to Wm. Dock, 4 r ., .o i. Cu-) At No2o] Id;SH .1)..4111X and , NEW YORK KrATE, CHEESE. - • ' • - WIL; booK; & co. __ _ _ iho2o] LARGE`indo ibeof fresh tem, nelv =Bins, joi_- :prunes and do at- - ... ,:tBOYiERAzieOkIWER. FOR-WY:4 - 4, FiNg-.XOII34IIQ.Wion,STEAM ENGINE and i .B, in good order.. nicy to rebuff, • ..,,.. 2 7iFninatiltivt., kodos.Sixib. HA 3lB lM%—Afresh sarivlrof-Phlich esers's...sf,slsiti,r, Mims end Dried Jseer at .. Jan 29 ' • • BOYER Ir • T,EA..& PERIM'S WORQE;STER PAX.FPES. JLI the meti... Peirelei and punxit ever offered to the pabiiq jestlec` eived and foe pale by SHISLER F4AZltit . (sucee4lors to Wei: Doeh. f _jr.,k . febt JAV , Ajacoltica an LogtH simacatt yr - efeo, Frui t ,li t z t • (successors w ; I:04., jr_;,*, Ca) II no= VO4 II -4. 1 ° UT:r 1 44) 0 .4-I ouit : CONATMMONi.SOVIT AND MELON. "Oar Government' an expeatton , of the Cnnattnnton, be.,:fotpoilutitiante. l °lty:MAPlngani tittlilltE F ar ,--11-rvAIWNPVS.444N.PAIRE . WaYslar-M7.-i-itlfoh(ablitlVlKWute lot df Sweet Cider, jest received at SHIM= & mar2ll gammon to W. Dock,F=.) . ...... in MO' Mari Cdowtor., or EMIR Okelle fr.r WAS ii May 2.5 avdEr. • AS A. C. SMITIt . 1 50
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers