ah(C,rtiegapil HARRISBURG, PA TUESDAY EVENIMi, MAY 24, 1864. NOT t C If. TO ADVERTISE a S.—All Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, Ac., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, Avast invariably be accom pat“eci with the CASH. Advertisements ordered In tke regular Cni lig Edition are inserted in the Morn big Edition without extra charge. I rOWN AND COUNTRY. TIIEIIE was a large attendance at the Ein tracht pic-nic yesterday. Everything passed off pleasantly. THE GREAT CENTRAL SANITARY FAIR will open in Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the 7th of June, and continue two weeks. AIL Wm. KIL3I3E, the famous piano :manu facturer, of Baltimore, died on Saturday, in the Glst year of his age. Goy. Curars is announced to take . ..art in the opening ceremonies of, the Pittsburg San itary Fair, on the first of Julie. I=l BAPTISM. —On Sunday afternoon last, three persons were baptized in the river, near State street, by Rev. Mr. Rakestraw, of the Ridge Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church. OUR readers should -not forget that San ford's Minstrels, the star troupe of the world, will perform at the Opera House, this evening, as usual. For the best performance in the city, go to Sanford's. Tr is very difficult to live," said a widow with several girls, all in genteel poverty. "You must husband your time," said :4 sage friend. "I'd rather husband some of my daughters," answered the poor lady. LARGE numbers of rafts are passing down the river daily. The river is in fine nrder for this business, and the lumbermen are taking advantage of the opportunity afforded them to ship their timber to market. Tim Conferees of this Congressional dis trict, appointed to select delegates to the Bal tinfore Union National Convention, will as samble in Sunbury, to attend to that duty, 'to morrow (Wednesday) evening. Ix OrmitzrioN. —The Provost Marshal re ceived instructions this morning, to remove the guard from the ,Inland telegraph office, and the operators were fully released. Business has already been resumed, and dispatches can be sent, as usual; over the Inland line.' ==l IVYArsx Is Commo!—Wyman, the celebrated wizard, is coming; and will appear at San ford's Opera House on Thursday and Friday evenings. Here is a chance for our citizens to witness some of the mostastonishing feats ever performed. THE Eighth Reserves met with a handsome reception at Pittsburg, on Sunday night. A_ brass band escorted them from the depot to the City Hall, where a magnificent supper was in waiting for the returning heroes. The Mayor welcomed the brave boys in behalf of the city, I=l=l INDIAN REsttancs.—A few days ago - while some men were engaged in excavating for the foundation of a new freight depot in Lambert- Ville, Bucks county, they came upon the re mains of an Indian, about two feet below the surface, lying under the roots of a stump of an old pear tree. By the remains were found a singularly shaped pipe and an' arrow head. I= 11.kmamto A.commgr.—A man by the name of Joseph Hare, aged fifty-one years, and an employee of the company, was run over by the cars on the Pennsylvania railroad, near Brinton's Station, on Saturday, andinstantly killed. •It appears he was standifg on the track and was caught by two trains approach ing in opposite directions, and killed, as above stated. HORSE THIEF Alt - RESTED. —A man named George Holmes was arrested yesterday,, on a charge of being a horse thief. Holmes brought A fine horse to this city, and sold him for $99 —less than half his value. Other movements of the stranger led to the suspicion that the had stolen the animal. He was taken before the Mayor, who committed him to priion for furthehearing. Subsequently it was ascer tained that the horse had been stolen from, a farmer named Abraham Hershey, of fawns ter county. I=l Tzs Paxton Fire boys anticipate a grand time on the occasion of their pic-nic, to-i4or row. The bar and refreshment department will be in charge of George B. Caldwell, who .has had extensive experience in catering to the tastes of the public. Conveyances will run to Haehnlen's woods, from Mr. Caldwell'S ladies' saloon, on Second street, near Waal ington Avenue, from the Second Ward House, corner Second and Chestnut streets, and from the Washington House, on Walnut street. No improper characters will be admittedlto the grounds. An efficient police force hits been engaged, and with the assistance of the managers, will see that order is maintained during the day. THAT \Tv ar. CASE. —ln our police report of Saturday evening, we announced the arrest of Augustus Cassel, charged with selling un wholesome veal, which was said to have been but two weeks old. The father <of Ay iglist „ was in the city this morning for thr purpose of instituting suit against the 7 ,artiest who Caused his arrest, but the fine If .nd costs hav tug been paid by the young r Atm,. l(yhiciLwas considered a 'virtual ecknor .71edgmertt guilt,) prevented any Retie', b e i ng liroright in the case. Mr. Cassel, S. r., informed 'mg:that he can produce abundr mt evidence t`O Priive that the calf was five weeks old at the.time it was killed. We are pleased to learn—that the young man wah innocent of the` Crikae wish which be wasi enraged. WE learn that Lieutenant Wm. H. Bricker and Sergeant J. Clinton Dock, of the Third Pennsylvania cavalry, both of Cumberland county, died, recently, in one of the Richmoita prisons. WE learn that William Hepford, a boy of 10 or 12 years of age, fell from the canal bridge, at the foot of Chestnut street, this morning, and was seriously injured by strik ing a boat as he fell. It is feared that he cannot recover. TO-NIGHT is the last but one, of the enter tainments by Dubois' Combination Company, at Brant's Hall. The Octoroon will be played for the last time. The occasion has been set apart for the benefit of the ladies connected with the company. The performance will conclude with Off to the Wars. HEAVY Roanzus—sl3, 000 STOLEN. —Th e resi dence of Mr. D. Brainard Nelson, in Elmira, was burglariously entered on Thursday night, and thirteen •lhousand dollars, in greenbacks, taken from the poCket of Mr. Nelson's panta loons, which he had placed under his pillow or safekeeping. He offers a reward of one thousand dollars for the recovery of the mo ney, which was mostly in one thousand, five hundred and one hundred dollar bills. =CI A CORRECTION.—The Tory Organ this morn ing says that the Clerk of the House had kindly consented to allow the Independence Chair and Table to go to Pittsburg, for use in the Sanitary Fair, to be held shortly in that city. So far as the "Independence Table" is concerned, the Clerk of the House has no authority to allow it to go hence. ThG "ta ble" was loaned to the managers of the Pitti burg Fair s. by i llr. yirien-Forney,State Libra rian; to Whtsse bephitment that ancient * piece of furniture belongs. ArFAIRS AT THE MAYOR'S OFFICE. -J'no. Winters, arrested last week, on a charge of keeping a disorderly bawdy house, has been released from prison, he having given hail for his ap pearance at court. His wife, who escaped at the time the other arrests were made, has ap peared before the Mayor, and entered bail to appear at court. David Reed, charged with false pvetence, gave bail for court.. Henry Hall, colored, for disorderly conduct, paid fine and costs, and was discharged. Francis Berry and Ann E. Moore, both col ored, arrested tor.. disorderly conduct, were fined and discharged. Henry Goodwin, arrested on a similar char ge, was fined. Bernard Calligan, vagrant, was dischargesa, with orders to leave:the city. Sarah Smith and J. Wesley Dorsey, both colored, and disorderly, were sent to Fort Simmons for ten days. Mrs. Lydia:Poorman, for abusing Mrs. Mary Henry, was arrested last evening, and this morning entered bail for her apiMaranne at court.. COL. DICK COULTER, of the famous old Ele venth regiment Pennsylvania volir steers, reached this city, Just' evening, suffering from a severe bullet wound in the left bre-test, re ceived while on picket duty with the .tix - cay of the Potomac. We were called upon, on t wo occa sions to ie Cord the death of this gallant: soldier, on rumors which were then believed: to be time. Each...time the statements pro'red to be incorrect. To-day we met Colonel Comlter, looking as if ho had certainly escaped d eath within a hair's breadth. His word is a n lost serious and painful one, and will •undoubtecily keep him from thtifield for a long time to corn. e. While the service veil! thus lose, temporarily', of course, a good officer, no man in co m mend in the army has more faithfully d tis charged his duty, and no soldier is better en titled to rest. Colonel Coulter leaves for Greensburg to-night, where he will rem ain till kis wounds are healed and he has gath ered new strength for pttrticipating in a fit ;lit to which he has given the best feeling of his heart and the purest blood of his body. Cuthrorrs's Fems..—Passing through One , of our principal streets a few evenings since, •we observed a group of smiling young misses, (neither of whom we judgedktid - yet seen her I teenhood) enwtged pluying,"store" in front of the residenee,of one of our most re specta ble citizens. The "'counter" or 'rather a small table was covered with a napkiz r as pure as the foaming crest of a wave, upo n which was laid with precisive order an er idless va riety. 0.4.41'4.0. in the _shape of wax and worsted work„ etc., etc., all of whit It we un derstood was the result of the laboz • of their own infantile hands. The presidia g genius of this -miniature ~e stablishment". was a bright; blue--eyed, gOldei-haired: n i Liss, with one of thp;selowning ciau.utenances, which to look upon would open the: heart of the most stoic of mankind. She plied Ihez vocation with a:winning artle.ssnesn, and, Sturing the few moments of. our obwervatic,n. w-a noticed more than one passerb y pause to znoke a pur chase. The Proceed's of the Sales seemed to be considerable, an 7 l we ' weretnformed that they were intend' id as, a contribution to, the Sanitary Fair. Our object it noticing this incidentis So di rect the atter'_don of the amiable and ittoefa tigable 1 Managers in our city to a very , P ieasin gt ens of increasing the contribntiorim of this strict to the Treasury of the Sanitary' Co m`.ision. Children naturally love a/Anse l:ll°a" of this kind, and under the sanction of a rep .ponsible agent of the 'Commission, th ere are few parents who would not indulge thcir ctlo ones with the necessary capital to star t cue miniature "stores." ,-33 y all means let the little " five-year olds" be permitted to have their " say ' in one of the grandest benevolent schemes ever conceived by mankind. POSITIVELY SELT , TNG OFF AT COST TO CHANGE Busn - Ess.—The subscriber now offers at re tail his entire stock of staple Dry Goods and Fancy articles at COST, consisting of Muslins, all kinds of Dress Goods, Flannels, Calicoes, Shawls, Cloaks, Silk Mantles, Sun Umbrellas, Parasols, and Gents' Ynrnishing Goods, to gether with a large lot of Hoisery, Gloves, Arc. Dealers will do Well to call before pur chasing elsewhere;-, Corner sif 2d, and Walnut streets N. B. To any pirsin wishing the entire stock, together 'with the stand, extra inducle menta will be offered. my23.3t. WANTED--A journeyman coach-mab. , r. ruN who is accustomed to working on bodies pre ferred. Apply to. B. J. FLEMING, narty2o-d1 w Third street. mr:::: FM:ND !—This morning, on Market street, a considerable sum of money,which the owner can have. by proving property and paying charges for advertising, D. D. DOMER. 'my2l-3t* Attention, Militia of 1863: The Susquehanna Mounted Rangers will meet for pay, at J. D. Hoffman's Franklin House, in Harrisburg,'on Thursday, May 26, at 9 o'clock, A. 31., when a prompt attendance of all the members is required. H. W. HOFFMAN, my2l-3td Late Capt. Commanding. NEW ICE CREAM SALOON J. D. Kinneard respectfully informs his friends, and the public generally, that he has opened an lon Gamed &mom on Market street, near Third, above Croft's Clothing Store, and two doors east of King's Hardware Store. He hopes to receive' a share of public patronage. m24-2t* LUNCH! Laic! ! LUXOR ! ! !—The under signed having removed his Lager Bee? Saloon to Second street, below Chestnut, at the stand formerly occupied by Kr. Biestef, will serve up a free hutch to-morrow, (Weduesday,) be- tween ten A. ar. and two o'clock P. ar., when he will be happy to meet his friends and the public generally. He flatters himself that his new style of serving up " Satterliraut " will meet the approbation of U.!, most fastidious epicure. ATICH'L C. SAUSSER SUPREME Cousr—.3fiddie Disirict—May 23, 1864.--Court commenced at 3 o'clock. Pre sent, Woodward, Chief Justice; Justices Thompson and Strong. Petition of C. 0. Zimmerman praying for mandamus on Stale Treasurer. Mandamus granted; returnable on Thursday, 26th May. Messrs. R. M. Speer and A. O. Furst were admitted as members of this Court. Richson vs, Yeates. Clinton county, Sub mitted. Houston vs. Bowers. Blair county. Ar gued. Hammond for plaintiff in error; Hall & Neff for defendant in error. William et. al. vs. Huget & Co. Blair county. .Argued. Hammond for plaintiff in error. • _ Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - vs. Mada ra. Blair county. Submitted. Shoenberger vs. Lloyd. Blair county. Ar gued. Landis & Clavin for plaintiff in error; Hammond for defendant in error. • • Nixon vs. M'Closkey. Clinton county. Non Pros. Hughes vs: Plack. Blair county:— —Non, Pros. Stuffier vs. Laugham. Blair county. Con tinued. • Longafellow vs. Mank. Blair county. Non Pros. Lloyd vs; Bauch. Blair county. Non Pros. Beatty vs. Lycoming Mutual Insurance Company. Blair, county." Continued. ., Court adjourned till 6 o'clock to-morrow morning. • SVPIZEME Counr--Middie District—May 24, 1861.—Court commenced at 9 o'clook. Pre sent, Woodward, Chief JUstice ; Justices Thompson, Strong, Reed and Agnew. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs. Chat ham, Juniata, county. Motion to quash writ. Commonwealth of Poiansylvanie vs. Hosea Capp. Clinton county. , Motion to 'quash writ. Lloyd_ y 9. Farrell. Blair county. Argued. Blair for plaintiff in error ; Hall for defend ant in err or. • Brotherline vs. Swires. Blair- 'county. Argued. Blair for plaintiff in error; Hall for defendant in error. ' Charles cores was almitted as a ineniher of this Court. Wilson vs. Crowell. Clinton county. Ar gued. IsfAllister and Furst for plaintiff in error; Meyer for defendant in error. Drue vs. Carkskaddon. Clinton county. Argued. Armstrong and M'Allister for plain, : tiff in error; Meyer for defendant in error. Court adjourned till-nine o'clock to-morrow morning. Shoop vs. Shoop. Cumberland county.— Opinion by Woodward, Chief Justice. Judg ment reversed and judgment entered , for plaintiff in. error. , Steele vs. Legal Representatives of . W. F. Brodhead. Pike county. Opinion by Thomp son, Justice ! . - Decree of the orphans' _court :reversed. Woodward, Chief JuStiCe; dis sents and files a dissenting opinion. 311.'Credy's appeal. Philadelphia. Opinion by Strong, Justice. Decree'aftltmed. Rptrickler vs. Burkholder. Cumberland county. Opinion by Strong, -Justice: *Judg naent affirmed. Gettysburg railroad eompany vs. Kohler, et. us. Lancaster county. Opinion by Strong, Justice. Judgment affirmed. Brisman vs, Trustee of Lancaster county. Lancaster county. Opinion by Thonipson, Justice. Judgment affirmed. Caudee's appeal. Crawford county. Opin ion supplementary to a former one by Wood ward, Chief Justice. "We see no occasion to change our former decree." Bucher and Burkholder's appeal. Lancaster county. Opinion by Strong, Justice. Decree of orphan's court reversed. Grubb et al. vs. Brooks et al. Lancaster county. Opinion by Thompson, Justice. Judg ment reversed and new trial awarded. Oswald vs. Kennedy. Cumberland county. Opinion by Thompson, Justice. Judgment affirmed. Natcher vs. Natcher. Cumberland county. Opinion by Thompson, Justice. ',Tudgment re versed and new trial awarded. . • . Harter vs. Bomberger. Lancaster. Opinion by- Bead, Justice. Judgment reversed and judgment for plaintiff on verdict of jury. , Heidelberg township road. York county. Qrder of court Utririned, Opinion by ; Agnew, Justice. • Shroder et. ILL vs. John Hatz's executors. Lancaster Comity. Opinion- byl Agnew, Jus tice. Judgment reversed and judgment en tered for plaintiffs in error. Laidig et. ux. vs. Coover's executors. Cum berland county. Opinion by Agnew, JUstice. Judgment affirmed. Stoner vs. Hunseclrer. Lancaster county. Opinion by Agnew, Justice. Judgment af lirmed. rennsylvania railroad company vs. 'Jacob Zug:. Cumberland county. Opinion by Ag-, new, Justice. Judgment affirmed. Gross vs. Leber, use of Wiedler. Lancaster countv. Opinion by Agnew, Justice. judg ment reversed and new trial awarded. Shaeftt.r vs. Geisenberg. Lancaster county. Opinion by Read, Justice. Judgment af firmed. City of Philadelphia „vs. Pennsylvani. r road comp.any. Certificate from Nisi Prins of Philadelphia , . Opinion - by Read, 4 Tnfiace. Judgment affirmed. • Alie To . Clear the House of, Flied, use Dutcher's celebrated LIGHTNING PLY.II.II,LEF, a neat; Cheap article„easy to use. 'Every sheet *l.ll t:4 l .re (Dien. SODD EVICRYWHF.Iit. ) )4, 'RICHARDS lt 'CCE,•loth.findUarket, gereels, PkilladolPtiity irhohiale.agente. • niy244lkWBit Tf:). THE PIIBLIC THE ' RAND TELEORAPH , COMPANY. The wires of the Inland Telegraph Company are once more placed at the control of the managers by order of the -Government, and business will to-day be Tv.siimed on all the line, and messages again forwarded with the dispatch and faithfulness which have hereto fore characterized the transactions of this company. In making this announcement the managers deem it due to themselves, as well as to the Government, that they should state that the restrictions lately placed upon them were dictated by what was considered at the time, considerations of public safety. It was the conviction. of •this necessity that induced the managers to rest quietly until the -odium thus created pallid be removed. They were unwilling, while-the arrest of their operators continued, to say a word, fearful that the agi tation of the transaction might impair the im partiality of the Government, and do it injiis- • ties at an hour when its reput r atiOri should appear• unsullied before the world; but the time has now arrived when the facts of the case can be safely laid before the public, and the. full vindication of the. Inland Tele- - graph Company made known for - the gratifica tion of its: friends and the confusion of its enemies. ' • . There is .110W,ICLo doubt in the public mind that the' Government: Wes greatly imposed upon and-induced to interfere to close up the, Inland Telegraph Office through information furnished by individtals who werejhe jealous rivalS and hittar, opponents of . said com pany:, The -Government itself seems to • aVe stispiciens of this- 'reef by; the no .le manner,_ in which . those .in....,Mithority now seek to repair an uruntentionahinjury, in the recognition of those prominent in thie, control of this line. , Hereafter", the Inland Telegraph compannt. as heretofore, Will devote`itself seduonsly to the service of the public, and in deing this the company will never forget that'they owe a paramount duty`in contributing tO:the suc cess of the government Profoundly iiiipresSe.ii, with the . peril which surrounds that goverri= - Inentand deeply sympathizing. with its efforts to re-establish its authority and carrypeace to all- the States, : this company feel ;that it would be better to have their wires melted and their batteries destroyed than „that one word- should' bdtranemitted hi-them to the ..embarrassmen*of the national-taupe. Our liOpe of success as business men is centredin the complete success of the Government. By this hope we have 'been gnided in the past, and by it we are determined to be controlled in the, futur.- ViitVklais e]cpladatio,p thmariagn of the Land Telegraph Company' solicit a renewal of -the immewe patronage temporarily in te4rupted by the action "df the Odvern ment to discdver the perpetrators of a Use fraud ; perpetrators who had no con nection with the business of this line either as employeert. in its service, or patrons seek ing its conveniences. • JOHN FOTTRELL, Manager Harrisbnra Office. Eknaisadad, May 24, 1864. my2.4-3t SPECIAit NOTICES. Pure Medicine ONE, of ;the pixy best Vegetable --Median' es is now offered to the citizens and strangers of this city. It will purdy the blood, and leave the liver and bowels In a good healthy condition. Operates without the least pain. 'Old and young, male and female, all can take -of it. As to the truth of this -hundreds can testify, as it has been well -tried ferthe last `ten rears. It is prepared *only and sold by Mrs. L. Ball, No. 27, south Pine street, Harrisburg,-Pa. • • e" rity23 NEW 4.1.) ERTISEMEN TS. E"C CYN ID A Tr. R 1 77 A. 1.4 LATEST STYLES! MRS. M. MAIYRR, . No. 13 Market Street, PLEASED . to announce to the ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity, (who haveao liberally patron ized her since her aridval in this city,) that she has just received, direct from the manufacturers and importers, a SECOINID SUPPLY of the fittest goods the market eould afford in the line of FRENCH, AND AMERICAN MILLINERY, and is now prepared to offer great indUcements to pur- chasers. Her stock Consists in part of BONNETS, RIBBONS -. FLOWERS, HEAD DRESSES, CAPS, ORRAE f..RITS; &C. EIiKS, WELVETS, LACES, RUCHES, - HOOP SKIRTS CORSETS, HOSIERY,, ' HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, COLIIHS, OUFFS, BELTS ;- NETS, FANCY Gl_ &C. Alp a splendid aslortnwnt '-ediIf..w.RP.INGS, • • •• SILK_ coATS., , , - • - ''GrActriLka, g " • • ;MANTILLAS, . LACE POINTS. - • . Also, Ties, Seinfs, Pocket Books, Porte Monneles and Purses, elegant Steel and Jot Plus and Brooches ,'Belts and. Belt Buckles, and a full 'line of Trimming `and 'Fancy Goods, is clamp as the cheripost. ' 'Special care has been exercised in the selection of these goods," with a'view to the wants of 'this community, and the ladies geneVly are invited to - call and examine chess sortment. Thankful for:the liberal patronage . heretofore received, respectfully solicit a continuance of tbo same. Don't forget the place: No. 13 Market street, MRS. - M. MAYER. valuable Land for Salo. WILL be exposed to public sale, on Salm": the4th day of Juiic next,. at 10 &Clock M. at the Court House on . the city'of at, the FARM and Tract of fjuid` late the estate of 'Jacob Grove, deiCeaSed, midi on which, he resided at the time of his heath", sltuatein Susquehanna township, Datil:Aga county, on the public road leading from Harrisburg to on Pihrien ereek,'HirVo Sethi from Hairisburg, bounded by lands or H. Alricke; CooVer she . relater's heirs, con taining thirty acres of LIMESTQN.F. LAND, well fenced and in good order;vvith alarge two`story frame di - veiling HOuSE, barn and out houses, all newly bun, and an orchard of apple trees and other fruit thereon. - Possession Will he given on the first of-April next. Terms.of Inlet) lie made known by the undersigned, itients - 'fo'r the heirs of Jacob Greve; deeeaded. . SAMUEL GROVE, myl6-datawtekw3t JOHN GROVE. Dr. J.. 1,!.. KELLER'S GRSNIMAR , DESTIERION - TOOTH WAS 11 THESE elegant preparations combine the most desirable cleansing and astrinient gl> lines They rendenthe Gums, hard aill'ibealthypnetitralize the acid secretions v„ or,the- mouth, (thereby, 're7,4ring the 'prime cause dr-decay:F-14i' their detersive properties they preserve,the natural color of the, Teeth, withopt, in the least degree injuring' the ' while they' -Impart to the breath a fragrance peculiarly aromatic and pleasant.— In fact they tiro THE BEST .41FtTICLESin use for the pur poses named, as nrair : : trial 'Will : fullS , "demonstrate, and as has been libundently. l proved by their extensive sale in this community during the last 14 years- and which; will be readily testified ..to by many who have repeatedly urged the Proprietor to still further extend , their sale and usefulness. They are warranted to. be free from those destructive acids which so frequently contaminate many of the preparations of the present day. Prepared and sold at the Dental Roans of the Proprietor, corner of , Second and Walnut streets.: t JoIIN P 7 JoLLER, • . . , • ' Surgeon Dentist. For sale also by the principal Druggists of the city. ap2l-dtf LOWS FOR - SALE._ - .SEVERAL LOTS on Third street, near, North, are tor , i3ale.. Inquire at W4TERS'. Store, corner of 'North an&Thirdatreets. ' myl7-tr -Soldiers' Portioll<is.i A LARGE assortment at • '": PERGNER'S CHEM" BOOKSTORE, mar,lo Sokeitt. WttplOsale of retail pt, Jo* ptices. SMOKED . BEE, A k, OHOICT LOT At .1(10.01 W . DOLTIK, IL & Oc. - - - - LjAY of - • the' best .quality , ts -”oireted for • sale. Call at H , CORNICK'S,.CQAT, OFFICE en the Canal 'Harrisburg ' 40 BOXES tORANG4B,' :gob& order ; We, 100/Bairelikit - CHoicE APP TIES for rake. ROI ' JOHN WISE 7ruitStore __l? 11-7 0 .- L.-- • • • mwo GOOD QUA.RRYMEN WANTED A. to quarry (2000) two thousand p - rch of LIME STONE for building. Aon!F at the • KLYSTONE NURSERY. WAN TED IMMEDIATELY, - A BOY in the Store. Must speak English 11_ and German. One having some little experience preierred. CATHCART St BRO., my23-4t Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. AMAN competent to take charge of a Res tauraut. Also, a Restaurant Cook. Apply at the NATIONAL ROUSE, Market Street, Ilarrisburg. The best waxes will be paid. uty23-date' WANTED—A good Cook in a hotel. Call at 93 Market street. niy2O-atf —A . go i o T a E m p elt g l o a d q i ir)e.. i t t r t y he Cook, and a ap3o-dtf BRADY ROUSE. A GENTS wanted to sell the Standard His tory of the War. A. rare chance to make money. AgentsAgents,are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per mouth. 200,000 velure:Les already sold. Send for circulars. Address JONES BROS. k CO., de 30 . ;Publishers • Baltimore. Rd. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OF VA L t r 'lV /3 L t tit N WORKS. vey virtue of 'a decree of t.h Cireult Court for. WastOngton county, as a Court of Equity, the Undersigned. trustee Nill sell.at public sale, in front of the Court House,. in Hagerstown, on. TUESDAY, the 14TH DIY OF JUNE, MI, all that VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, situate in Washing ton county, Maryland, known as tho GREEN - SPRING FURNACE PROPERTY, which was for many year ow,ned and carried on by J. DIXON ROMAN & CO., and is now for sale on aocoont of the death of one of the 'partners. Sold pioperty contains 1,391 ACRES OF LARD; (more or less,) of which about 200 are cleared and iu an excellent state of cultivation, the balance being The FURNACE on said land is 35 feet high, with an eight foot BOSH, CASTING HOUSE, COAL and BRIDGE HOUSE, and is run by an over-shot wheel '4O feet high. It is in good repair, and the water power un failing and all-sufficient. Said FURNACE is only ono mile from the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and about the same distance from the Iron Ora tank_ There is also A. GOOD DWELLING HOUSE "near the Fun:lace; also a large "BARN and other out iluildings, and qn different pacts of said tract of land there are a number of TENANT HOUSES (in all ten or twelve) in good repair.', The • The above property will be sold entire, or in.parcels to suit purchassrs; such - parcels to be made known at the Eal.e. The undersigned will also sell at the same time and place about. ' FIFTY-THREE ACRES OF LAND, sepMeted: from the above by the lauds of Geo. Feidt. Also, A.l-iixnestpue Quarry on said Canal,naiitr . liPeoyis Ferry,, containing MITT SQUARE PERO D TERMS OF , SALE, as '.prescribed by the Decree, are: One-third of the purcluise 'money in cash on the day of sale, - on tho ratification therecif; and the balance in two equal annual instalments of one and two years from the day of sale, with interest from that day, the purchaser to give his notes with approved security for the deferred payment; and on payment of the entire purchasemoney, the Trustee wilt execute a deed to the purchaser, as re quired by the Decree. F. 3L.DARBY, Trustee. mr2o-ts Lebanon "Courier," Lancaster "Examiner," and Read ing "Journal," copy weekly, and send bills to the Trustee at Hagerstown, forthwith. TO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS By the Act of May sth, an appropriation of Fifty Thou sand Dollars was made for the Extension of the Capital Buildings at Harrisburg. Architects and Builders are hereby requested to present plans for said extension, and proposals for building the same, to the undersigned, by the fifteenth day of June. The main object to be at tained by the proposed,extension is to furnish additional Committee Room for the Legislature, and the'extensioa is to conform as far as possible to the architecture of the present building. A. G. CURTIN, Governor, ISAAC SLENEER, Auditor GeaeraL JAMES P. BARB, Surveyor General, HENRY D. ISIDORE, State Treasurer. HARRISERTRG May 19,18.54. dtd . . ' ''or - rime • - .. Pa - xton. Fire Company, (To aid hi the erection of a new engine licivan,) 1 - IA3MEINLEIN"'S WOODS, ON 'WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1864. 'Tickets 25 cents laConveyances will leave the Hose House, Second Ward House and the Washington House, on Walnut street, every hour during the day; Tickets can be procured by applying to any member of the Company, or to either of the following committee of arrangements myl9-td SALE OF CONDEMNED STOCK. Dremu - Amy; • : • • Cur OFFICE OP Cam Qu.kawmaxasnut, ' WasaiNcmy, D C. May 16, 1564. PARASOLS,'. SE,C Will bu sold ot PUBLI.C.AUCHON to the highe6:t bidder, at Giesbori Depot, on THURSDAY, the 26th instant, be ginning at 10 o'clock, n„ from one hundred and fifty (150) to two hundred (200) HORSES. These horses have been condemned es unfit for the cav ,alry service trf the army; for road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. nurses sold singly. Terms :_Cash, in U. S. currency. JAMES A. EKIN, ,Lieut. Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, myl9-td , Cavalry Bureau. PU RI I C SALF;.--The Subscriber will oiler at Public Sale, at the Court House in Harris: burgh, at two o'clock;_r. K., , • OY SATURDAY May 28, 1861, - his saw-chill property, mated between the 'Pennsylvania Railroad on the west, and the Pennsylvania Canal on the east, and adjoining the Harrisburg has Works. The lot' contains three and &half acres, on whinhYsetected A TWO.STORY STEAM SAW-MILL, with lower story of stone, containing one Mulay saw, capable of sawing tiMbor 62 feet lengta, and-two Cir- O - Ulariawi, lire-proof engine -room attached. The machinery.iS nearly new, and in good running - order. There is also a large basin for hoMing timber, two Dwelling Houses, a Stable, Carriage Hansa and Wagon Shed on the-lot, Lumber can he'Ship p ed either by Rail road or ' " Tneens---One-third of the. pirchase-money when the deed is made; the residue cen remain in the property. If the property is not sold; it willbe leased for a.termof years from the first of June, when possession can be given.. . For any further information inquire of the subscriber, residing in Front street, obeys Pine, Harrisburg. my 19-ts ' JOHN B. COL SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY lAllthappy, to offer to the public a large and splendid assortment of SUPERIOR . GOLD . PEPTS, manufactured by" IkFROY W. FAIRCHILD. These Pens are well finished; clasite, and' will give en tire Satisfaction. - PLEASE TRY TREST.. SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE, Second street, opposite Presbyterian Rhumb, - Harrisburg, Pa. ap23 CANNED FRUITS OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. SAUCES of all the celebrated manufacturers. SARDINES, - OLITE OILS, ~ MUSTARDS, of every description. Also, BROWN STOUT, FINE TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR and SYRUP of all grades and prices, and the best selected stock outside of Philadelphia. AB goods guaranteed as represented. -- Particular attention paid to all orders from adistance. ccei6ors all io lS .w LE . P. Do & ck, Fß 3r Az ., Eß, st G oo ds carefully packed and delivered to all parta.of the city free of charge. En myb Co. • . It.A.LP.II IVIACLILY A 'TTORNEY-AT-LA.W .—Patriot - and Union A Strict- attention- paid to all legaibusinesa. Military daiins : .tnylo-4113m-eod , • - . • . pitio Flom all hinds at NM • - " BOTEIi 144)=1 0 4. ~1 WANTS. WANTED, TRUSTEE'S SALE TIMBER LAND. 'GRAND TO BE HELD AT J. A. HALLER, DANIEL DOCKER, GEO. F. WEAVER Jr. B. J. SHOOP, C. F. VOLLMER, DAVID-SIMONS, JOHN CARRICHNER. AMU.SENENTS. Blt A N_T 9 S HALL. Manager EIGHTH NIGHT Off': THE • DRAMATIC COMBINATION LAST NIGHT BUT ONE Will be performed with the original music, excellent scelioi 3- and dancing, &a.,• THE OCTOROON. This evening benefit of the ladies attached to the combination. To conclude :with the laughable Farce OFF TO THE WAR. Seats. nay be secure! at Damivait's Drug store PRIti'ZS OF 3DIf_LSSIO3.Z Reserved seats Seats not reserved . 25 cents. Doors open at 74. Curtain rises at 8. myl6 SANFORD 'S THIRD STREET, BELOW 31-i,RKET, REAR OF HERR'S HOTEL: S. S. SANFORD....Proprietor and A4plager. Observe the attraction for THIS TUESDAY EVENING. THE R I s. THURSDAY EVENING W A. N THE cELEBRATET) WHICLiN WILL APPEAR Orchestra Seats Seats can be procured in advrtice van's Drug Btore. Doors open at 63i. Coriimeike a to 8. -. .' •, _ Police always in ,attendance to pri=erre order.T.' Admittance 25 cents Orchestra chairs, 50 cents. Private boxes. entire, 25 each: single seats, '2l each. CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL. WALNUT ST., BELOW Tll.ll‘D. DON SELL OPMZ EVERY EVENING, With a Firat-clasa Company of SL`tERS, DANCERS, COMEDIANS, 4e.,.4 . 0. Minim:lnm `eats in IlroxiT 25 NEW ADVERTISI.MVIENTS. RATS, ROACHES. ac. 1864 As Spring approaches AlTrtS and ROACHES Front their holes come out; And MICE and RATS, !A vide of CATS, Gaily skip about. COS rARY , EXTEBMINATORS For Eats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Mosquitos, Moths in Pates, Woolens,-etc., Insects on Plants, Fowls, Anlmnl4, 'etc. "15 years established in N. Y. City." "Only infallible remedies known." - "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the 'lceman Paulily. 7, "Rats come oat of their hole; to the." .ga-Sold by all Druggists everywhere tay-I ! I Bzw.airs ! I of all worthless ioiltations.' :or ,, Costar's" Depot, Na 483 Broadway,'N. Y. AurSold by D. W. GROS§ at CO.,' Wholesale and retail agents, ' Harrisharg,. Pa marl6-dawSm JULIUS' ROSENDAL.E, 29 CoPerICIA..N, BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Harris burg and vicinity that he has removed to No. 29 North Second street, two doors from Walnut. Thankful for the confidence and patron go bestowed on• me durin2 ray stay on Market Square, I hope-to merit a continnancZl of the same at fry ueiv.stand. PARTICULAR ATTENTION is called to the CELEBRATED TINTED PARABOLE SPECTACLES, for which 'claim the undermentioned advantages: Ist. That from the peculiar constructionof the Giasse-L, they assist and preserve the sight, rendering frequent change quite unnecessary. 2d. That they confer a brilliancy and distinct:it:la of vi sion, with an amount of case and comfort not-hitherto u joyed by spectacle, we trees. 3d. That the material from which the:Lenses are ground Is manufactured specially for optical purposes, and is Puns, HARD AND nips •ra vr, and no' liabla to become scratched. 4th. That the frames in which they aw het,,whether iu gold, aver or steel, are of the finest an a l and GUARANTEED PEAFECTDI every respect. sth. That, from their peculiar color, they preTonka perfluity of light affecting the retina, and therefore atrengthining the optic nerve and rendering it to liable to Amanrosis. Constantly on hand, a large assortment- of Achromatic Microscopes, Spy Glasses, Opera, Marine and Field. es; Stereoscopes and-Views, Magic Lanterns, Barometer. Thermometers, Magnets, &m., Remember that Rosendale's Institute will belierramieut at No. 29 North 'Second street, five deers creel:the 'Reel, er Rouse. ' all?-dawaro SCHOMACKER & `IAN - OS SOUR GRAPES moo well known in this ell to nee'a coin mendation. In use by PRESIDENT LINCOLN, GOVERNOR CURTIN JUiDE Pk.kRSON, And many other distinguished citizens. The undersigned offers these superb instruments at prices that tanniot fail to command public patronage. N. B—No OLDsteek on hand. Also, Sole Agent for the unrivalled STEINWAY PIANO., Also, BRADBURY'S CELEBRATED - PIANOS. Chickering's and several other of the very b e st makes. None bat perfect instruments sold. Call and see largest stock out of great cities. - mar2k-tf S. WARD Third street Music State. OF. . , The subscriber offers for sale the stock and fixtures of his well known WHOLESALE LIQUOR SLIME:AND RECTIFYING IiSTABLISILNLENT. fie will Sell the Whole or part of the stock, and the entire listurtai. Tist,busi ness has been carried on about fifteen years, and IS well established. With the store is connected a Good "COPPER STILL It lssituated on Canal street, between Pennsyl vania railroad and canal, and has a private sidingauitable for forwarding purposes Pirisetadoirgiven , triduddiately and lease given for from one to ten years. Terms to suit purchasers For further information, apply on the pre misesfo . Emar24-41 ) ..DEO.IG. KUNKEL NO. 4 JONES , ROW. THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully informs the public that he hap purchased the - - RAT AND CAP STORE Late the property of T. J. BURNETT, deceased, and that he will continue the busines at the old stand . , Where Le will constantly keep on hand a general assortment of & . 3 ...OF THE LATEST STYLES, which will be sold at reasonable rates. A liberal share of patrimage is - respebtalidited. toar2SAL2m IL IL LONG. B"Ln\ TGTON EL!..R.11113G, ,ThEyfersti of the season. Jut receiv ed at • ' • ... At , Tny4 ROYER & ICOERPER. QWEFA flgtElt.---Mmallitt* very fine 140, AJ of Sweet Cider just I r! iretiat aSHESL & FRAZER, RUM= A r E C traa Wk. S. a. DUBOIS 50 cents ..S.le Le 29 EMI El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers