TIIE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISTIED _lO T 2 YIN U AND EVEN - 7\t, Y 0 E 11 G GNER. op-r.vE THIRD S 7", NEAR WA 1,,Y UT. ;ITS ('l' .;Ri'k j) gLti(ll.l: 7.,CRIPTIf TELMILAPII t • 1-7,1)- 12r t.ll, ctlt .t , S per WoOk. Yearly 00 in advance. 'lbw: , persi2n,',Vllo ts) 111 .:Vallee will be cliargo.d $6 00. WEEKLY TELI-.GRAPIL TELEGILAPIT is also lin blished weekly, and i 3 run isbcd to subscribers at the followiug cas:it „ ! ,, , , g l, copies, weekly.. • • .• • • Three copies to one Post ()Wee To copies to one post, 111. E MC Ai.. GLAD NEWS FOR VTR UNFORTUNATE! THE LOIs.:0-SOUGHT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST Cherokee Remedy • AND , . CHEROKEE EVECTION! comPuusDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAXP. CIIEROKEEB REifEDP, the great Indian Diuratie, ores ntt diseases of the urinary organs, Such as Inermti nine,: of the Urine, Inflammation of Ute Bladder, Infleun of iha Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Stricture, Gravel, died, Gonnorhea, and is especially recommended in post cases of Fluor Altus (or Wldtes in females) wOire all the old nauseous medicines have failed. R is prepared in a highly concentrated form,'the dose only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three times per day. ,dre• It is diuretic and alterative in its action; purifying and cleansing the blood, causing it to flow in all ofjts original purity and vigoa; thus removing from the system ail pernicious causes which have induced disease... : CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or al4fer, ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used4a conjunction with that medicine in all cases of Gonorrlion; Gleet, Fulor Albus or Whites. Its effects aro healing, soothing and demulcent ; removing all scalding, heat, chordec and pain, instead of the burning and almost ,uril endurable pain that is experienced with nearly nil the amp quack Irtiedions. It,By the use of the CHEROKEE 'REMEDY 6,1 CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two medicines at the same improper discharges are removed, and the weal: eyed organs are speedily restored to full vigor and strengui. .4.1 - For full particulars ; get oar pamphlet from any drug storo in the country, or write us, and Ire will ntjlil frPe, to any address, a full treatise. 4 ,- -) Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY,.S2. per boltle - ]or three bottles for $5. v.a..Price CHEROKEE INJECTION, ssi per - bottloilor three bottles for $5. „Sent by express to any address su receipt" of . . uri&?. 11.2),.. Sold by all druggists avorywhore. DR. W. R. DI) RWIN & Sole Proprietors, marlo-oodly No. 59 Liberty street, NewYinic CHERONEE CURE THE GREAT INDIAN ATFDICINE COMPOLNDF:I3. ERDM ROOTS, BASKS AND LEAVES An unfailing cure for Spermatorrhea, Seminal it nets, _Nocturnal knissions, and all diseases caused by ;0- pollution; such as Loss of Memory, Universal Lcssi4de, Pains in. the Back, Dimness .of Vision, Premature Old'..ilge Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Trembling, IValceul,- nest, grupiiiois on the Face, , Pale Countenance, Insanity, Consumption, and all the Direut complaints caused bi2de partingfrinn the path of - gar-This medicine is a simple vegetable extradt, and:nne n which all can rely, as it has been used in our practice for many years, and with thousands treated, it has not tiled in a single instance. Its curative yowers have beep at licient to gain victory over the meat stubborn cane. those who have trifled with their constitution, until they ilinknhemselves beyond4lie ;Teti& of Medical id, we would say, Despair not ! the CHUROK&E CURE will restore you to health and vigor, and after all quack doe ~ . • tors have failed l ,E 'For full particulars, get n Circular from any Drug Store in the country, or write the Proprietor, who will nisU fied to any one desiring -the snob°, a full treatise in pamphlet form. tm-Prie4s S 2 per bottle, or three bottles for 35, and forwarded by express to all parts of the world. • .053 — Sold by all respectable druggtsts everywhere. 331 t. W. IL AfERWIN lv CO:, SOLE PROPAINTORS, No. 59 Liberty street, New York. innrlo eodly Useful and Valuable Discovery. HILTON'S GRINS DIfOOPYBY I INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more general practical utility than any invention now before the public. It has been thoroughly tested during the last two : years by practical men, and pronounced by all to be SUPERIOR TO ANY; Applteablo to al usotul Arts. I Adhesive Preparations known. HILTO3'B I.N2OLUBLIS CILXENT Is a new thing, and the result of years of study; its combination is on A new thing. Scientific Principles, And under no circumstances or change of temperature, will it be come corrupt or omit any otreiasivo [smell. - Its Combination BOOT AND 81108 Manufacturers, using .Macuities, will find it the best article known as Cementing for the Channels, it works without delay, is not affected by any change of temperature. toot and Shoe Man ufacturers. JEWELERS Will find it sufficiently adhesive tor their.use, as bas been proved. I. Jewelers. Il is Especially Adapted to Leather, And toe claim as an especial merit, that it sticks Patches to Boots and Shoes sulliziently strollg without stitching. Yazdllea LIQUID OE II F., 3 fi Extant that is a sure think far mend- Furniture ing, Crockery, Toya, . Bone, Ivory, And articles of Household use It:us a liquid • REItEMBER • I.l.rsormain Comarr Is in' a liquid form and as easily am -plied as paste. HILTON'S INSOLUBLB ONNENT Is' insoluble in water or oiL HILTON'S LISOLUBLN GENE - Adheres oily substances Remember. Supplied In! Family or ltariufac: turves Packages from 2 canoes to 100 tba HILTON BROprotrSOcc6,, .Phiiidetice; Finis} Agents In Phtla I • . MMlif DR. B. DENTIST - RN ESPECTFULLY informs the eitizen§:. of Ji_iu Harrisburg and vicinity that he has removed hip of fice from Market street to Third street, next door toe-the Patriot. and Union office, where he is prepared to ELCOOM- Modate all who may desire his professional services, x ii . • 1.\..,„ A .A. LA vi ._ . . _ . . . _!. ..elli ..• _,,_.,,,,T)y-___ .. ~ . gtaTil, - .. ~:-.„,:...„4 „ ,.,.,, „_,_..) _•_. . __-__.,,,,,. -.....„7„, 4,.-.. . , - ..- .- . , • ' * , ,, -- 0.- , .% 4,....„._- ....: 4 - ..., „ 7-.,....-, -,--,.._. . 1 . . $1 50 4 00 .10 00 DISORDERS OF THE LIVER GEIIMUN T' SEitterS have performed snore cures; . . have and do•give better satisfaction; have more tes timony.; have more respectable people to vouch for them taint any 'ether article in the market. defy.aiiy, one to contradict this aasertion, and, will Pay $l,OOO, to any one that will produce a Certificate pub not genuine. Holland's german Bit ters, will.cure eve& case of Cbronio or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidney; and diseases arising from a dis ordered stomach: Observe the following, symptoms, re sulting frtim the disorder& Of the digestive organs: Con stipation, Inward Piles; Fullness of Blood -to the head, Acidity of the &preach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, Swimming of the head, Thirried and ditlicult breathing; 'Fluttering at the heart,, Clinking or suffocating senianions when in a lying posture, Dimness of vision, Dots or webs before' the sight, Fever and dull,pain in the head Deficiency of pers piration, Yellowness of the skin and eyes, Pain in tbe side, back, chest, limbs, &c., Sudden flushes of heat, Burning in the flesh, !Coats& Imaginations of evil, and great de pression of spirits." ' Remember that thlii Bitters is not 'alcoholie, contains no rum or whisky, , can't make drunkards, but I s the best Tonic in tim world . NU From the Rev. Levi G. Beck, 'Pastor *of the Baptist Church, Pediberloti, N. formerly of the North Baptist Church, PlUladelphia.. * * * * * * * * I have known - Hoofiand's German Bittors favorably 4 for a number of years.. I have used them in my own family and have been so pleased with their effects that I waS in duced to recommend them to many others, and know that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. 'I take great pleasure in .thus publicly -proclaim ing this fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the diseases for which they are recommended to theca Bit ters, knowing from experience that my recomniemdation will be sustained. I do this more cheerfolly .as; HOW land's Bitters is intended to benefit the afflicted; and is "not tkrum drink. 'Yours truly. ' LEVI G. BI W K. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor - of the 'En cyclopedia of Reli4itius F nowledge and Christian Chroni-. cle,Philahelphia. • Although not dispbsed to favor or recommend 'Patent Itlelticines in general, t'ltrough distrust of theiringredieuts and effects, I yet, knOw of no sufficient reasons why man may not,lOstify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from auy'simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of.ethers: I do this the more readily in regard to Hoefland's Ger man Bitters,' prepared by Dr. a M. Jackson, of this city because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the iropreion.that they were chiefly an 'alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend;' Robert' Shooing- , key, Esq., for the removal of this prejudiCe 'by proper tests, and for 'enootuiigement to try them when suffering from great and 'Ong 'continued debility. The use Of three bottles of these Bitters at the beginning of the present year, was Ibllowed by evident relief' hod -restora tion to a degree of b - Mtily and mental vigor which' I - had not for six months before, and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for .di recting me.to the use of them. - ' ..... NEWTON BROWN; Philada. From Rev. Warren 'Randolph, Pastor of Baptist Church, Gertramtmin, " ' Dr. C. N. Jackson:--Dear Sir:—Personal experience enables me to say that I iegard the German- Bitters, pre pared by you, as amost excellent medicine:` In cases of severe cold andleneral debility I have been greatly bene fitted by the use Of the Bitters and doubt not they will produce similar effects on others. Yours tnily WARREN RANDOLPH . d eermantown, l'a. • o ,• ' , _ . . From Rev. J. a Turner, Pastor-of Redding M.. E . Church, Philadelphia. - . . . . Dr. C. a Jackson:-l:-. har Sir :—Havingpied. youy,Ger.-: Aran Bittern in tar family frequently I am:prepared to say that it has been of Ireat service. I believe that in most cases of goneral.debility, of the system it is the Safestnrid most valuable remedy:of. which I have any . knowledge. Yonrs,vespectfekly J. IL TURNER, . . .. . . :No. 726 N. NinoWnth street. . . From the Rev. J. M. Lyons, formerly_ .ptistor of the Columbus (N. J. 4 bndMilestown (Pa.) Baptist,Clirches. New ROCHIELLE, N. Y. t Dr. C. X: Jackson:—Dear feel it a pleasure thus, of my• Own accord, to hear testimony to the' excellence of the German Bitters. Some years since being much of flicted with Dyspepsia, Fused them yery. Beneficial results. I have' often• r'ec'ommended them to • persons en feebled by that tornienting disease, and hive heard from them the most: flattering testimonials as to, their great value. In casei et general debility, I believe it to - be ,a tonic that canneebe surpassed. J. BE LYONS. From the Roy Thomas Winter, Pastor etßoxberough Baptist Churelt. Dr. Jackson:.‘.-Dear Sir:—l felt it due to yorir extol lent preparkiiiii, "Welland German Bitters,'W add my testimony to the deseryed reputatimi it has obtained. ' I have for years, at timet, been troubled witli:great disorder in my head and:nervous system. I was advised by a friend to try a bottle of your German Bitters; did so, and have experienced:great and unexpected relief; . my health has been versimaterildly benelitted. I confidently recom mend the article where I meet with cases similar to my own, and have' been. assured by many of:their good of tests. It Is the only T. WINTER Roxborongh; Pa. From Rev. J. S. 'Hernias, of the- German_ Reformed Church, Entzteema,.Bcrks county, Pa • - • Dr. C. 11. 'Jackson-Respected Sir:—l 'have h'een troubled with Dyspet)Sii.iiearly twenty =years,; and have never used any medicinelhat did me as much good as lioolland , s Bitters. lam very much improved in health, after having taken five bOttles. Yours with•vespect, J. B. BERMS:10B PRICES. Large - Size (bolding nearly double quantity,) $1 00 per-bottle—half duz • • .45 00 Small Size-75 cents per bottle—half doz. - 4 00 • BEW.4aE OF 'COUNTERFEITS I See that the signature of "C. M. JACKSONt is on the' WRAPPER of each •bottlo Should your n'ea'rest druggist not have the article, do not_be._pnt off by any of the intoxicating -preparations that maybe offered in .its place, but send to us, and we- will forward, securely packed, by express Principal Office and Manufactory, NO. 631 ARCH STREET, : PHILADELPHIA. • • • JONES & NvAws, Successors to C. It: .Tackson ' - PRCiPiIiTORS. For sale by Druggist. and Dealerst bravely , ' town In the United• States. • - • '• bIY4O-ttew/y , Qom. Ell BY GEORGE BERGNER MEDICAL. DYSPEPSIA, DISEASES RESTTLTDiG FROM AND DIaSTIVE ORGANS, 'ABB CUBED BY • 11.00 FLA ND'S THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC, SEAD WRO SAYS SO ,pectrupy yoursiti "THE UNION-NOW AND FOREVER." HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENNG,L 101' , 23; 1864 MISCELLANEOUS, GREAT BARGAINS LN JEWELRY ! mr% F , OBSY-TH & CO.,' 42 AND 44 NASSAU STREET, NEW. YORK. (Adjoining the Post Office,) Offer for sale the following magnificent fist of . WATCHES, CHAINS, JEWELRY, • &0., VALUED AT $300,000. • EACH ARTICLE ONE DOLLAR, AND NOT TO BR PAID FOR UNTIL YOUHNOW WHAT lOU ARE TO GET. 150 Gold and Silver Watches.. $l5 00 to $lOO 00 each 200 Ladies' Gold Watches 85 00 each 500 Ladies' & Ceuta' Silver do 15 00 each s,ooo.Ladies' aold Pencils.-- 406 to • 600 each 5,000 . Gold-band Bracelets.-- 300 to 10 00 each 10,000 Lockets, Chains and Rings. 250 to 600 each 6,ooo`Cameo, Mosaic and Jet Brooches ... 4'oo to 600 each 6,000 -Coral 'and Florentine Ear- . :Aron? 400 to - ; 8 00 each 10,0na Cants" Ilranat. Pine u . r.o to 8 00 each 15,000 Sleeve Buttons, and Bosom Studs • 250t0 ' 600 each 10000 Sets Ladles' Jewelry...... 8. 00 , to 1 10 00 each 6.000 Lava and Florentine Seta.. 400 to .6 .00 each 10;000 Gold Pens, Silver-mow:de& ; Holden__ „ .. „ . 4 ' j)0 t o 600 444 1, 5,000 Gold Pens, with Silver Ex- ' . • ' tension Cases and Pen oils • ' 400 to 6:00 each . The articles in this stock of Jewelry are of the. neatest and. most fastilorstb4 styles. Certificates .of all tee va rious articles are punt' sealed envelopes and mixed; thus giving all a fair chance, and sent by mall, for: 25 cents each; and on the receipt ofthe certificate ; it is at your option to send ONE DOLLAR and 'take the article named In it or not., certificates for ill; cloven for $2; thirty for $5; 'slaty for $10; ono hundred for $l5. Certificate money to be enclosed with order: Correspondence .promptly answered., , ' AGENTS WANTED in every town - and • ritgirne,nt. Send of a circular. Address W. F.ORSYTIL.& CO., • 42 autl•44 Naseiu street; New York. inar2s-dweis3m&w3in' • . CILRC,TJLA"R. HISTORY OF THE. PENNSYLVANIA. RESERVES. T:LIAS BARR S; Co. respectfully_ Ar t noorice that they have in preparationra History of the Penn sylvania Reserves from theii organization to the expira tion of their term of service. This History will contain the names of all the Officers and Privates of the Corps—their promotions, casualties fulutdischar g os—also, graphic descriptions of their cahip life and their gallant achlevements in. the many battles in which they have taken part—all derived from oftlffial and authentic sources. The History of the Pennsylvania Reterves will be in Ns Voirodm of 600 pages; ciatave slse r meatly printed on good paper, and substantially bound In black cloth, containing . . . . a steel engraving of the lamented Remolds, and one of Governor Curtin, (who -first recommended the formation of the Penutylvania ReserVe Corps.) and will be sold only by subscription. It will be ready in August next. Price' —Three dollars per copy. The Publishers feel confident that the just pride which. every Pennsylvanian must entertain for the brave' men whose gallant achievements and patriotic self-devotion it records, will secure, for "THE HISTORY" a generous and appreciative reception.- - . ZT.TaS BARR & CO., Publishers, , NO: 6 East .11ing4treet- LANCASTER, Apri. 25 1884., t 's Aozyrs WANTED to canvass for the abeyeirtgleeyery, district of VemisylVdnia. Respongible reterencestetlialredl , my4-il&wim • NO EXCUSE FOR EXPLOSIONS , • . A,SHCROFT'S LOW WATER DETECTOR , • TS:AN L_NFALLIBLE PROTECTION akainst ._i_ any possible injury to steam bolle'rs, from a 'lack. of water, winch is the great source of so 'many sad catastro phes, and so much damage from the burning of boilers., We warrant this instrument to be a perfect insaranc• against such contingencies; perfect satisfaction guaran teed or no tiny. Price $5O. Send for En instrument and try it; if not satisfactory .you may return it.. Circulars with references sentito any. 'one desiring them. Address your communications to D. C. MEADE & CO.; Pittsbarg, Pa. PIANOS. ALBRIGHT, RIEHES & SCHMIDT'S. EXCELSIOR PIANOS. -SOLE AGENCY AT W. ENOCITE'S, . , 93 Market street, Harrisburg. T 1 ,4 OR REASONS perfectly satisfactory to .A 2 blirsELF I have taken the agency of the above most excelleht Piano& The public is invited to come' and ex amine-fcir themselves." ... A few Schomaoker& pi's Pianos on -hand yet will be *now.mar2.s-tt e TAVA.,Jaanaica and Lagnyra Coffee, at.' SHEELER hr FRAZER tio23 • -• (successors to W. Dock. jr & Co.) A:RAT±tiona GIFT BOOK. • . OUR CONSTITIITIO_N, GOVERNMENT AND UNION. "Our Governnient,P artexposition.of the Constitution &c.., for popular use.. By.)f, 7.l , ll.mninr: Price ,g 1„, yo; . de.1.4 AREEGNER , E_BOOKSTORE. rpEE.CELEBRATED AIX, and Day & Martina London Blacking, just- re. °dyed and for sale by SHISLER & FRAZER, . fel . - , (successors to Wm. DOCk, jr &To.) SPERM CANDLES, first quality, all.sizes _ - SHISLER & ERAZEI copt.24 (sill:motors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & CO.) NA TIVE-W - INE-._ FINE BLACKBERRY and ELDERBERRY WINE. Warranted pore. For sato Kt SHISLEIt k FRAM" R. %tab ' : to W.. 1 um) TIOR SALE—A very handsome Tvico-laorse PEDLER WAGON—clidati. for &At.. Direct loiter to BOX No. 313, Harrisburg, Pa. marll-tf ILTAMSL , ELMS !!--. Michener's Excelsior 11. Just cared. Received and for sale at 5- SELMER - 1 1 1tAtElt . , mar2B - (Successors to W. Dock. at, keg.' mo THE PUBLICI.L-LThe undersigned 1_ otter or eala id their . sealoii, a very largo quititfty Of ROSE 'BUSHES, ant FLOWER' PLANTS to great variety. T. aus. WIOR SAVE.—A Five-horse-power STEAM ENGINE and BOILER; in good. Order. Apply to feb23-tf Soldiers' Portfolios. A LARGE-assortment - BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, marlB Sold at Wholesale or retail at low prices S MOIEED BEEF, A CHOICE LOT . . At Relsl, , , W. DOOR, ;Tx, & 00. DrAY of the best quality is offered for eale. Carat' 3rcomacK , s 00AL OFFICE on the Comal.,:Ennisbnrg. ' • .ap3o-tf 4UBOXES ORANGES, in good order also, 100 Barrels of CHOICE APPLES for sale a 7FANGLLSH BREAKFAST TEA. re ceived, a fine chest of English Break-fast Tea; 'at • SHISLER & FRAZER (Succespere to Wm. Nock; Jr.) 'MEESE. PINE APPLES jiiat received at SEI.D.:BLER & FD.A.ZER t ap3o Successors to W Dock, Jr., & Co. 2n - BOXES SPERM ,O4NDT.N.4 t - of a very Ur superior rook% just reeeived 'aid for :sale by SHIBLER'ir FRAZE 4, febl (eueeessors tcrWra k 'IOTAMS! HAMS!—A fresh supply of Mioh eners's Exnelalor Hams and Dried Beef at jan2O BOYER ds,BoEftPElt. NEW MACKEREL, HERILLNO : 14. t 3.211/ MON'at Vl* BOYER is 4.QE.W.84 F. GEE'rY, Walnut street, below Wail) JOHN WISE Fruit Sore Nutilte AL. • - . • . . . , . „ • : gill KUNKEL% BITTER WINE OF‘DION: !Eli APURE and powerful TONIC; Corrective Wand Alterative, of wonderful aim* , in diseases of the STOMAC} . I,:LIVO and.B9WFX. , :. Cures . DYsPePsia) • . • LiVor'Odurplaints • Headache, Genend • . Debility,..Kervousnoni; De- • • • ' Pression of . Spirits, Coestipation . i Anterniittent Fever, Acidity of, the Stomach, NauSen, Itanythurii, Dtateistfor Food, Fullness or Weight the StoMaoh, Sinking oc Fluttering at the• Pit of :the :Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Difficult Bieithing, Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyes, Fever and Dull pains in 'the Head,- Pain in , the Side, Back, Chest'and tinibs, will cure' every case of ...Chronic . or Nerv.ous Debility, : :Diseases of the. :Kidneys and • Diseenes arising from. a disordered • ' - • Siomaich' Geed' 'for r Adale ' - • :',45f , Female, 'Old ' ;; • • Or. YINIEV "i , .• • ' : The most beneficial medicine ittiowng lives bettonpafia faction and cures more diseases than any other prepara tion offered to the Public.q.Prepared solely by& A. KUIT EEL & BRO., 1181darkett3treetAarripurg. For sale by proislatotivalhulers,eaa'rywhere. BEW - tRE OF • .1 - Cp, - ; latz.. Counterfeits .igr .•• - - MMM As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the only suro and effectual remedy in thelitufan. world for the permanent, 'cure of, Dyspepsia Mittliebaify.i.titid as there are a. number of imitations offered to the,pnblis,,watronld, 9aittion the community to Puroffese none' Mit — the' gelatine article,. manufactured by A. Kmrsst & BIM.; and haailhdir stamp 00 theitop of We corrof ;every bottle. The veil , fact that: others are attempting - Act' Imitate. this valpable remedy,.proyentts worth nnd 11tTakS volumes in ite.fa'ver. The Bitter Wine of Ironic put up in 75, cent mill 00 bottles; and sold by all respectable druggists throughout thecountry. Bo particular that every bottle; biutra.-the gp abeilank tba : pteprie . t9fil signature: . • - 7 • Ttkis %Vine includes Alio most agreepla and efficient Salt possess Citrate, Of •Magnatie Oxide corn=biped, with . theMicistthittigetic e: iegetable tonioa, ;Yellow :Peravian liarkzr, The etfectibt manYi.aisgs :of AqUilit.7, , ,ldsc ti . pgetito, mid gar:Loral prostration„of eflicient,SalOof Iron, combM4a . : our' Valuable Verve Tonic;:itienadst .happy. aligramill the' appCtite,:ralies the pulse, takes: :ofr. masculorfiabbiness,:.reutoves-:this wait' of•debility, and gives a florid vistip.M:thg coNtitenance.,-( GENERAL_. DEPOT, fliis*TctET AismEt . ; ~• ; HARRISBURG, PA. For sale by all respectable dealers throughout the ountry. NEW GOODS---JUST OPENED m E GN Bpok , and ,RatjAnpry Store • Erdbracinkim4 ildtmprthestFle of • • i PSTICET, BOOKS, ' mime onmattrilaDEß - ail " ta) CALF SKIN POCKET BOOKS, BEQKBKIN PITASES, itofrredomumn &41! at pricia to stilt all ilnumitancel: ; •' • • • . AEVCONEWPVTLARAtY9. .Conststing on tlnit onorunentror W•fetenhOn'o Supe • . . PoCki4 gnlvea GOLD ,PENS r ' • FrOm Nowton's 4 veleimated manufactory. Every Pen with a . guarank. WRr~tTO,ca ES, p*wocip DESKS • ' • PAPE T ritRIES; ko Together with EA;ISiy• 'art:We junudy tbund ! n a first Drls Statio n ery •." • - ' .• .1 tEfetti*TE* 53: Ela*tWeet! B A4:1! BAGS! BAGS I NEW ITEC 4 NE S VD SEAMLESS; -BUBEAP,ISD B 9 FLOUR 411 7 7) 5AL.T.:1144 ALL N*S, •RRDTTEE. I ,!i I O ORDER, .t"f . JOHN T. BAILEY & COQ No. 113, Nortrlkofit St., Philadelphia. f 0 2643M ; < s ; W4llill OM'S PECTORtIig SYRUP. aiyALIJABLE.SYRIIPL ,w,1,103. PE.= - likely vegetable IltiV edititosition,xlias- beea am ployed with wonderful success for many years In the mire of diseaseinfor,the I . I4:II:PASEIAGINkand g.ITAGS. Fg any form of the dieeluai COI3GIITICITING of the, TUROAT _SPITTING ' OrIILOO ,D DIFFICULT BREATHING,_ goAR.SprEss,ILOaVOF VOCE an HECPIC FEV I ERS, its use will be tittenderi with eifi happie:st'results. It Is one qf the best and safest inedteines for all forms of BRON CHITIS and"CONSVMPTION. No laudanum or prepiri tion•qf Opium itt Oily shape ingisf l l l l 4 P. • PRICIV, $l.OO TER BOTTLE. IForlsale at BETIGIOZEVS Chew Nctok Store, . . NEW •GROditt 'AO , PROVISION STCfRE. BOY ER &OERITR,. WHOLESALE AND:.I3,-F;TAIL DEALIKR3 'aro GR. 114:4C Mh J S Queen% and GrlasssVELV3 l .' AND ALL XII01.5;01: ' OOi3 N Ttitri R.,0 , 1)II 0:E, HAVE just opened a.„large and well selected stock of goods ,at their stand, Vo. S Market Square liarriSbinT, to which t&jr" fiiviiethe attention of th 4 public;generally_ noin-dly FOR SALE, 11111TE - irtaligare propeity,.bornetl;Ot Second , and Pitiarsatte . etn, tieing filty-twe arid a half feet on Se cond and oneliundred awl sixty-Oight feet onPine street, running baolf,-.two hundre4:and. ten feet,to 'Anil:ware tkoene Wog space AO' fOny ttilllntilaing jots, and &most do sirablisfte Itiy a Governor's lditnalcti orpublai Wilding& For paiticulare enquire . of:Mrs:l 1113UtRAgi' _ornerier; se: wad and Pins reeta. Webster 14WA DDIEN* NIARIBLIO cotriEß 'ovrwAistrr Alm Firma snumrs, lEtarritburg, Pa. THE undersigned having opened, a - Marble Yard in this city, beg' leave to "inform their friends and the public In - gengal; Illitt'they - are - prepared to fur- MARBLE WORK OF EVERY .DESCRIPTION MontuAents, Tombs, , Head Stones, And House Woik in barbla.and.Brown Stone call azidWe will 'gturiaittee m Visfiltln i CO . N."3l—tatering neatly none in English or German. 1141491.44 X Toucm - NG at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Hex bor.) The well known_ Steamers .of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia 'Steamship - OomPany, sre in: tended to sail as felledrn: : . EDINBURG, Saturday;May 7, CITY GEV' . W ASHINGTON, Saturday, May 1413. tr i OF MANORESTBR, laturday, May.ll, and every !exceeding Saturday,, at Noon, from Pier 44, North River. RATES. OF PASSAGE, PASAHLE , IN 11013?, OR, ITS EQUIVALIZT LS txtsluatem, FIRST CABIN ' $BO 00 STEERAGE' • S3R - b0 do to London 85.09 Idoto I oßdon 34 00 .do to Paris . 95 00 Ido to Paris 40.00 do to Maratitirg,..:. 90 00 do td Ramberg__ 37' 00 Passengers also.. Dir, wardexi tO Havre, Home; Rotter dam, Antwerp - &c.; at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or -Queenstown: Ist Cabin, $75, $65, $lO5. Steerage, $35. .Vaose who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets hero at these rates. Forfurther infcmaatiodapply atthe - Company's Offices . , JOAN- G. DALE, Agent, lb Broadway, N. Y. or C. 0. ZIMMERMAN, Harrisburg. [f'23-dly MIS ATTORNEY,-- HAS removed his Office from Third to Wal nut street ? next to the Prison. All husinws in. Wasted to him will receive prompt and carotid attention. SPLENDID INDUCE . AIENTS TO PURCRSEttg. NO ADVANCE IN THE PRICELOE IM PORTED GOODS. , . Having .purchased heavily-before the first of May, we have not advanced. our prices since the new tax of 50. per cent. on all imported goods. . • , CATHCART. & BROTHER, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. PRICE TWO CENTS. NEW' ADVERTISEMENTS. sub :t Steam. Weelkiy to Liverpool. A. C. SAII'I'IIS DREStk'GOODS IN LARGE ASSORTMENT TEE AltadOliN SKELETON SKIRT, TEE 13EST NEW. STYLE, THE BEST. MATERIAL, TIM BEST MADE, AI~D ~ -=- tAaiIONABIX SKIBIA OUT, IjI±,2NEOS ; - ; t Any other skirt of the same style is only an imitation LA DTF'S' ANI2, tigNTLEMEIVS • tNrikil, IyV&R Marinet UneeiShirts arta' Dra*era, Cashmere do do do Donet Flannel, do do do Cotton. Lisle. Thread Finish do ' Pure Lisle Thread Under Shirts do ALL SIZRS•AND , QUALITIS. ' Y4 ' CAT73CART ;S: BROTII#R, Next door to ; the H.arrisburg Bank. . _ Han"isburg",'ll4 - 9, 1864 PAPER WAREHOUSE. FARRELL, IRVING Ss CO. 510 ,IiEsTOR STREET, PECELADELPHIA, PA., , ItirANUFACTITRERS of Ivy . DOI;JBLIEG STRENGTH! • ' MANILLA PAPER OF ALL SIZES. ROLE 'WRAPPERS on hand or radde to order. Ifigheotcprice rope 14, large or small , quanti Um. ,:marl -83m t 000 deorgd Codfisik; sale at SHISLER &FRAZER'S fO2 ; (Successors to 4., co.) . .1-00013? -'8. Ce1:1"811‘. of IhO Cele brated ' George brand, just. received an& for sale hy SELISLER &:E.RAZE. . feel (successo . Virtu. Dedlc;jr:, 3L Go.) ENGLISH DLTRY , and kiEW _ •_,,.•• YORK RAT' ,6j, [no2o] Js„Js„ & CO. _ A , AItGE invoice of fresh teas, new raisins, -puree and gigs at. BIZETE4t4L 11.0.RPER. LEA: It EERINE'S 'WORCESTER SAUCES, the most popular-and the phreet orer offered to fhe pubilq JOstret.V.vel and for sole by • SAISLER & .FRA7Mft, fehl • tsuccessors to Wm. Doek, jr.; & Co. . . .. .. . p. ITBLIO , S OHP.Q LS. ~ : btuotrr.. SQIIIS of dlirefentsizeit, Willson's excellent series of Spellers and Iteadei - s, published by` lerper & Brothers, together with all other School Books and Writ.; log tfaterials are offered, wholes•alwand retail, at dee? SCHE;STEWS.BOOKSTORE. INE NO-' t MAGIKER k in Kitts, just re loelvedat • !SHISLEZ- & FRAZER. marl (successors to Wm. Lic,v4. Jr.. SL Co-) 00Ry the article. Just re ceived at SEMLER & FRW.End o mar3l =cement-to Wm. Dock . Jr.. , 4,1 VEET ClDER.—Superior sweet cider ; just ,D received . Forsalehy the barrel r small quantlUKat my 4 • • BO 'W.& KOICKYKO. • BIICKWHEAT -. 7 Just received. A very small lot. Fina . ctibica BUCKWHEAT, at SHISJ,ER le FRAZER, (successors ta Wm. Dock, Jr. ; Ar. 00.) marBl VINE salad oils jusftreoeived . 12 at SHISLER & FRAZER, & pap . "Stacipespors D0ci„.3"r.,, , & Co. A KITE ASS — OtTBEE Ift OF ix ; • PORVFOLIOSFPORT- FOLIOSF , ' • . OtIMICENI - ItiOICGAMMORBOARDSI‘ Received at ISORMFFIR'S.X9WOr. STEM PRINTING OFFICE, ADVERTLSENG MATID34DAILY TELEGILAPEL Th e ibikmting*r2 the rates thr advertienteit , Those ha'tirig, adrertiging to do will fist ceti6nt tfor rethrtice. Four lines or constitute one-na Fq.nire. lines ti more than ,oar atm- a egmr, 1 - os. A HALF SQFAEB: One day $ 90 Two days Three days . 75 One week 125 One month 3 00 Two months 60' Three m0nth5........6Q, Six months • 8 00 One year— . oo Administration Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices... Funeral Notices each insertioi /or Business notices before Marriages and each insertion. EVENING EDITION. From Washington. SPATCH FROM SECRETARY STANTON, Later from. General Sherman. Operation of Gen. Bunk . General Butler Still Confronting the Rebels. Complimentary Address of 'Geri. Meiiide - to - His Troops. To-Alcirjor-iieneral, Dix.---Dispatchea• from General Sherman state that our forces found in Rome a good deal of provisions and seven fine iron works and machinery. We have secured two good bridges and an excellent ford across the Etowah. -The ears are now arriving at Kingston with stores and two days would be given to replenish and tit up. • dispatch just received from Gen. Banks, dated at Alexandria the Bth of May, stateethat the dam will be Completed to-morrow, May 9th, and the gunboats relieved. He would then move immediately for the Mississippi Gen Canby we.S at the mouth of the Red river on the 14th of May, -collecting forces to assist Banks if necessary. - Dispatches from Gen. Butler dated- at 10 o'clock last night, report that. he had been fighting all day, the enemy endeavoring to , close in on our lines; we shall hold on. We have captured the rebel General Water of the Texas troops. (Signed) EDWIN M. STA.NTON. WASHINGTON, May 21.—General Meade has issned an order comnthnenting General Tyler's division and- General Kitchen's brigade for their gallantry on Thursday. , There was no fighting on Friday. Funeral of Gen. Wadsworth. ROCHESTER, N. Y., May 21. The Evening Express has the following spe cial dispatch: GENt..ESSEE, May 21.—The funeral of the late deeply lamented and gallant General Wadsworth is now taking place in this village, which shows, by every outward sign, evidence of the great affliction which has tulle:a. upon it. Every place of business is closed, funsial wreaths are hung upon doors, balconies and windows, • and the people till the streets, doorsteps and every stand point from which the long solemn procession can be reviewed as it passes on its way to the humble village church and to the modest rural cemetery. The ousequies are as unpretending as they are solemn. The remnant, of the brave 21st regiment who served under Gen. Wadsworth in many battles, have come here from Buffalo with their regimental colors and band,* and form the escort. ' Wasurscaos, May 22. —Six hostages, arrested in Fie'dericksburg, arrived in the city to-day and were' Committed to the OldaipitaiPrisqn. They are held for the return of our wounded men who were sent to Richmond . by the citi zens of Frederic.sburg alter the first battle of the Wilderness. FitOi NORTH CIROLINA Rebel Iron Glad Noith Carolina *draylid. The supply steamer Neurbeme, from. the blockading squadron off the coast of North Carolina, has arrived with a large number of blockade running prisoners. ' The rebel iron .clad North Carolina, which recently came a short distance over Wilming ton: bax leaked so badly as to be compelled to run ashore, when the tide fell she broke in twain amidship. Her consork_the Raleigh, is nearly completed. d2w Later from Europe. uspensipn of Hostilities for One Month .Nr.w Yomx, May 22. The steamer America from Southampton on the 11th, arrived this morning. The falloiing . items Of, news were not cov ered by the Bermuda 'news. : • . ILL the House of Loid, Earl ItussellStited that the 'Conference had agreed to a suspen sion of hostilities for one month, front the 12th of May, on 'condition that the bloclade of the. German ports should be raised: - Parliament will-Adjourn front._• the-13th to the 19th of May. Tlie. Bank of France has raised the rate of discount to'S per dent In the recent naval engagement the Aus trians were badly beaten, one of tneir frigates being in flames. The Danes anchored be hind Sand Island. Fifteen Swedish and Nor wegian vessels 'of war willassemble on the 15th off Gottenburg, under Prince Oscar. Garibaldi arrived;at Capron on the 9th. The. Danish naval success and the &Aspen aion of 'hostilities were received in London with animation. Consuls advanced 'bb 91i and 914. The Austrians have pillaged``-Hor sens, Venders and o ther places Jutland; One car of the express traingoing North- on the Cleveland, Columbusnua' Railroad, was threwn - off the track'near Crestline, this morning,. - Mr. DeWitt. of Clevehinkwas killed arid a number of others injured, but none of them seriously and all of them were brought here... Explosion of the Propeller Nile. DErnorr, May 21. The prppeller . Nile exploded this. morning at the dock. Sis.persont.are known to have been killed, a.ld several others are supposed to be :wound ed. The boat is a entuplete. wreck: • - Counterfeits in Circatiatleit. • I Itotnon,llll4 - 20. w e n executed fivep on Ilia .Aerckauts' Bank of Lowell, are in circulation..._ I=l One day $ CG Twe days .. 1 i 0 Three dars. ..... . 1 2E, One week". 2 25 One month . ... , 6 Ttko months 9 00 VIMe months ..,... 11 CC Months 15 0 One year.,, : ;:_}:, . :26 GO $2 25 - .... . . "75 in the Local Odumen, ar 'Rana thatiroalars tut WASEONGTON, May 21 Nzw Yolm,,Mfty 22 1=10:2111 Railroad Accident, . 1 . _Ortemmitax, 1114 y 21 _ 1 60
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers