'l l ll - E TELEGRAPH 18 PUBLISHED MORNING AND EVEiVING, BY GEORGE BERGNER. PFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT TERMS OF SU;3!;CRIFTIO SINGLY: rL Bay /01'1 T at; D Aus TELEGRANI is serro , i to sulmcribers in tht city at 5 cents per e:sek. Yearly subscribers will be charged $5 00 in advanee. Those persons who negiectto uity in a:I ranee will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. Tits llama RAPLI IS also published weekly, and is furnished o subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly., Tl.ree copies to one Post Office Ten copies to one Post Office.. MEDICAL. GLAD NEWS, FOR THE 'UNFORTUNATE! THE LONG-SOUGHT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST., Cherokee Remedy, AND • CthEROKEE INJECTION! COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND WYE& • CLIEROK EEE REMEDY, the great Indian Ditiretic, cures all diseases of the urinary organs ; such as inconti nence of the Urine, Inflammation of the Bladder, Inflam mation of the Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Stßeture, Gravel, Gleet, Gonnorhea, and is especially recoms4nded in those cases of Fluor sillms (Or Whites in- females)'.where all the old nauseous medicines have failed? • a , - It is prepared in a highly concentrated form, the dote only being from one to two teaspoonfuls threetmes per day. a— It is diuretic and alterative in its action; pulping and cleansing the blood, causing it .to.ilow in hit Le its original purity and vigon; thus removing from. the Vern all pernicious causes which have induced disease. rg. CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or t ratt ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used in conjunction with that medicine in all cases of Gar/lea t Meet, Falor Albus or Whites. Its effects are hau - ling, soothing and demulcent; removing all scalding, ; heat, chordee and pain, instead of the burning and almost un endurable pain that is experienced with nearly all the cheap quack Injections. tF.l3y the use of the CHEROKEE REMEDY and CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two medicines at thiCsame time—all improper discharges are removed, and theAyeak ened organs arc speedily restored to full vigo'i. arid. strength. sw-For full particulars, get our pairiphlet froca any drug store in the country, or write us, and we will mail free, to auy address, a full treatise. limPrice, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per 'bottli3; or three bottles for $5. im_Price CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. tY .Sent by express to any address on, recnipt of price. . • MSoldhy all draggists everywhere. DR W. R, .11E4WIll SE CO., • = Sole ProprieLors 7 .: ,. , marlo-eodly- - _No. 59 Liberei sltsreet, CHEROKEE CURE TILE GREAT IDiDIAN MEDICINE ME= ROOTS, BARKS AND -LEAVES. s.- dis 'unfaning . cure for Sperrnatorrisca, Seminal Teak nets, Nocturnal Emissions, and all diseases caused b4Self pollutian; such as Loss of Memory, Universal Las Pains in, the Back, Dhnnexi of Vision, 'Premature Obteige Weak Xernes; ilifonsity of Breathing, Trembling, II"- nersi'lt. 4 o#M B ....°P.l.l4 Taco; .F.tae.. - .Countetesme., — .Weiiiity,•. Consumption, and al/ Use Direful., complaints-, caused by partingfrom ihePath of nature. lar This medicine is a simple vegetable extract, and:one' n which all can rely, as it has been used in our practice for many years, and with thousands treated, it has not failed in a single instance. Its curative powers have been suniciont to gain victory over the most Stubborn &iris. - parTo"those'Who have trifled with their constitution, until they think ihemselves beyond the reach of medical id, we would say, Despair not the Cemsoxsz Carus will restore you to health and vigor, and after all quack doe tors have failed full . particulars, get a Circular from.,,,sgii Drug Storein'the country, or write the Proprietor, who will mail free to any one desiring the same, - a full treatise in pamphlet form. Sa-Prioes $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by express to all parts of the world. ga - Said by all , respectable druggists .everywhere. DR. W. R. lIERWIN & CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS, Li !' ert Y Eitreett-New inarlo._eoclly Usefill and Valuable Gaz.ve Duscovsar I HILTON'S . _ INSOLUBLE - CEMENT'. IS of more general practical utility than an invention now before the public. ft has - been thoroughly tested during the last two years by practical men, and pronounced by all to be SUPE,,RIOR TO ANY Adhesive Pieparationa known. hppllcable to all useful Arta. Humorr's Issomnmx CENswr is a new thing,, and the result of years of study; Its Combination is on A new thing. Scientific Principles, And , under no circumstances or chiange of temperature, will it be come corrupt or omit any offensive smell. ite Combination Manufacturers, using Machines, will find it the best article known as Cementing for the Channels, it workS without delay, is not affected by any change of temperature. Boot and Shoe Man ufacturera JEWE.CERS Willfind it sufficiently adhesive lot their use, as hatbeen proved Jewelers. It is Especially Adapted k Leather, And we claim. as an especial merit., that it Sticks Patches to Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong without, stitching. -' Famille4l. (LIQUID CE 9 It:is a liquid, I Extant that is a sure thing Tor metal llnroeltery, Toys, Bone, And ditiOle4 of Household use rY' . . - • • • REMEMBER Ilu....rorea.lasentruar CEMENT is in a liquid form and as easily app plied as paste.' . 'En:roles bisoLouLa Crannrr la insolunle in water or oil. HILTON'S licieoLunme CEMENT Adheredoily 'substances. Remember. Supplied In Family , or , Manufao; turer's Packages nom a ounces to 100 lbs. • - - Fulis3 ante in natal =I , - DR. B:111. GILDEA, • DENT LS r s-! igipEotteatm - Ly infopus the eitizerig , ol _IA) Harrisburg andMeinity that. Ite-bas removed bisl4- flee from Markepgreet tp,'Ebird;strusiiPSA.4ooriMs Patriot Eiiiiirnion-ofaeov,Vdteams rsepanolg modate fitbressional 'senices: aprl4 . . le 1 •)‘. . '' `.. \ s Ve - . N , 1 I 1 1. V • clim b / .. . , ~::: • - - ,„. ple ,• 2 - , -..,...7.7_ . ." 4 . 7- 14. 1 ' _:,:'! ' . • • - . . '—... ..r. . i : ic74 i • Z ... 71 .->-=• - ' : . . . : ‘ -l e ' i , I ii. , ; , . • ' : ~.. :. .. t . ... . . . .° aill - p _ .. .... . $1 50 4 00 10 00 a]On7ll/kl - BITTERS, ITIMSE Bitters have perfdrmed more cures; 1_ have and do give better satisfaction; have more tes timony ;.have more respectable people to vouch for them Loan any otheraiticle is the market. ; We defy any one to contradict this assertion, and will pay $1;000 to any one that will produce, a certificate pub lished by us that is not genuine.. Hofiand's. German Bit fe're, Will cure eVerY,Citseof Chronic or Nerrous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys,:and diseases arising from a dis ordered-stomach. - Observe -the following symptoms, re sultinefrom the diserders of the digestive organs: Cow. stipationi Inward riles; Fullness of -Blood PS -the head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust. for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinkibg or fluttering at the pit of the stomach,- Swimming of the head, Hurried and difficult breathing; Fluttering at the heart, Choking or sufibcating sensations when in a lying'posture, Dimness of vision, Dots or webs before the sight, Fever and doll, pain in tale head, Deficiency of pers piration, YelloAriess - of the skin anitaYea, Pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, _the. : Sudden flushes-of heat, Burning in the flesh, Constant:Slaitenations of evil, and great -de pressien:of spirits. - Remember that this Bitters is not alcoholic, contains no rem or whisky, and - can't', make diunkards, libt is the beet Tonic in .'• . . . • . . ' Limy° known Hoofiand's German Bitters favorably for a number ; of . years. I have , used them in my,own family and have been so pleased with their effects that I was in duced to recommend them to many others, and know that •they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. I tako. great,, pleasure in thus, publicly proclaiming, this fact, mid calling the attention of those Maimed with the diseases for which they are .recomnacnded to these Bit ters, knowing Brom experience that my recommendation mill be sustained. I do this-more ; cheerfully „as Hoof land'a Bitters is intended to benefit the enlisted, 'and. is "not a rum. drink." Tours truly. ' • LEVI G. BECK. Discovery. BOOT AND SHOE It ie the only ffiLTONBROS: Prowiet,44li% • Providence,-It-L EXIM BY GEORGE BERGNER. MEDICAL. DYSPEPSIA, DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, 888 OITELED BY HOOFLAND'S THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC. READ WHO' SAYS SO From the Rev. Levi G. 'Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Baptist Church, Philadelphia. ***.*:9 • * * * * Prop Newton Brown, IX ID., Editor of the En cYclopedia'Of-iteliSicitur Knowledge and Christian Citron!, cle,•Philaholphia. • Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent. Melilaines in general, through distrust of their . ingredients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why, a man may not testify•to the benefits he believes hiniself to havff received Dein any simple preparation, in' the hope that'll& may thus contribute to the benefit of others. Ido this the more readily in regard to Roofland's Ger man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. B. Jackson, of this city because I was prqiudiced against - them for many years, under thelmpreasion that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. .1 am indebted to my • friend, Robert Shoema ker, Esq., for the removal of this - prejudice by 'proper tests, and for encouragement to try theni_when suffering from great and long continued debility. • The use of three bottles of these Bitters at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restore- . lion to a degree of. bodily and mental vigor which- L had not for six months before, and had almost despaired 'of regaining. I therefore thank GO and my friend, for di recting me to the use of them. • • J. NEWTON BROWN, Philada.• From Rev. Warren Rundolph, Pastor of „Baptist_ Church, Germantown, Penn. • • Dr. C. M Jackson:—Dear Sir: : --Personal experience enables mete say that I regard the German Bitters, pre pared by you,'as a most excellent medicine.. In cases of severe - cold and general debility I have been greatly bone fitted by the use of the. Bitters. and doubt, not they will produce snare abets on others. .Yours truly WARREN RAN7JOLPK, ,Germantown, Pa. From ReV. IL • Turner, Pastor of 'nodding 3L E Church, Philadelphia. Dr. C. - Id.4ackschi: , --Dear Sir:--Having used your Ger man Bitteris-hrmyfamily frequently lam . Porepared to say , I that it.hai liven "of great service. believe 'that in most cases of general debility of the system it is the safestand most valuable remedy of - which I have any knowledge; J. TURNER, ours' r*E"fullY No. 720 N. Nineteenth street. From the. Rev. J. M. Lyons, formerly Pastor of the Columbus (N. J.) and Milestown (Pa.) Baptist Churches. . . . Nsw Roams; N. Y. Ds, p.; if.:Jackcon:—DearSit:—.l feel it a pleasure thus, 4 of ipy own acconkto.bear testimony to the., excellence of the Gerosab Bitters 7 Some years since being much of Meted:with Dyspepsia, I used.thern •with very beneficial resUlta.- ,Ibave often recommended them to persons' en .feebled by thal..forraenting disease, and have heard from them she most flattering testimonials as to their great .value. In "doses of general debility, I believe it to be a tonic that cannot be surpassed. J. IL LYONS. From the Rev Thomas' Winter, Pastor of Roxborough Baptist Church: • ' • Dr. Jackson :—Dear Sir felt it , due to your excel lent . preparation, - .Roollaid German Bitters, to add my testimony to the deiterved , reputatiOn it has obtained. I have.for years; at times, been troubled with great disorder in myhead and nervous system. I was advised by a friend to try a battle of your 'German Bitters; did so, and have experienced great and unexpected relief; my health has been very materially beninitted. I confidently recom mend the article where I .meet With cases similar to my 'own, and have been assured by many 'of their good et. fens. Respectfully yours, T. WINTER, Roxborough, Pa. From Rev. J. S. Herman, of the German Reformed - Church, Rutztovni, Berks county. Pa. Br. C. M. Jackson:—Bespected •Siri—l have been troubled with 'Dyspepsia nearly twenty years, and have never used any medicine that did me as much good as Hoofland's Bitter& lam vary. much improved in health, after having taken five bottles. Yours with respect, .. _ • PRICES. Large 'Size (holding nearly double quantity,) $1 00 petlxittle—half. doe $5 00 Small Slze--75 cents per bottle—half doz. 4 00 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! See_ that the signature of. "C. M. JACKSON , ' Is on the WRAPPER of each. bottle.- Should.yournearest.druggist not have the article, do not be put off bran) , of the intoxicatingpreparations that may be offered in its plane, but send to us, and we will forward, securely packed, by express. principal caw and Manufactory, 1111' NO.' '6Bl ARCH STREET, - " • JONES.,VEvANg • , SigOster ato 'a IL-Vitaktili 4 PROPRIETOR& FOrsal and Denims in every town in the 'United State.. mylOottawly "THE UNION ----N°W A-ND ''.'"gl) v A „ LIE ••-• rebster 41. - HARRISBURG, 'PA., TUE§ PAY g , 17 KING, „.19A ifs KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON. APURE and 'pliwarful TONIC, Coirective and Alterative, of wonderful efficacy in diseicat of the STOMACH, LIVER and BOWELS. Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints Headache, General Debility, Nervousness, De- pression of Spirits, Constipation Intermittent Fever Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Ifetirtlairn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach , - - Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomdch, Swimming of the , Head, Difficult Breathing, Yellow ness of the Skin .anit Eyes, Fever and Dull pains In the 'Head, Pain in the . Skip, Back, • Chest'and will cure every 'also of Chronic or 'Neriiiiis • Debility, Diseases of the Hidneys..and - Diseases arising from a disordereit Stomaeh,. Gerd- for Male or Feinale, : Old .cir Young. The most benellaial inedicine known; gives' bettei sett's - - faction andbures more disoaeral,than , any ptlior propani tion offered to the Public. Prepared solely by H.,A; RUN ECM & BRO.; llft Market street, Harrisburg. For. sale by Druggists aud Dealers everywhere. BEWARE :OF 111; Coxunderfeits As Kunkel's - Bitter Wine of Iron is the only sure and effectual remedy in the known world for ;tlie-permanent oure.of Dyspepsia and Debility. and as there' are a mikber of imitations offered to the pnblic, we'ivould Oaution the community, to purchase none but the genuine artiele, manufactured by S. A. Kustssi. & Back, - and: has their. stamp'on .the top of:the cork of every bottle.:.. Th? fact that others are attempting to' imitate tkls valuable remedy, proves its tirOth and speaks, voinuiß:itt The Bitter Winebi eent-aiiii4lt 00 bottles, and sold byiall flisipecable;drugglsts Biro.ughput the country. Be particular flit ( every ,bo4ke, Itip the ao simile of, the proinietoPs'efgriAteie.:'• ' ' r. This -Wine ncludes' the .most - . agreeable and -elle:o'FM, Salt - Of Iron we possess; - Citrate or .ffit g riettii.l".4l4e coin bleed, with the- mOst energetic of vegetable toules,Tellow: Peravianhark. _ The effect in many cases ordebility, kiss of appetite s andgeneral prostration, of an efficient Salt of Iron, combined With, our valuable gime Tonic, Ja.rtiost happy. .It auginents,the appetite, raises the pulsektakes off muscalor flabbiness, removes the: pallor - of de ilityi and gives a florid vigor Lo the countenance. - GENERAL DEPOT, For sale by all reispeatable dealers throughout the' wintry. Whereas, Letters of Administration upon die estate ef Henry 11„ Lerman,. tleeeased, late of.. Halifax. township, Dauphin county, hiv,e, been ; grsted, to .Ch,riatian 4 Lyter, of Halifax townshlri,: . in•said county, AdnHalktrVorof said deceased, .all persons indebted the said , "estate are re quested to 'make immediate paynient, and-all. ' .. theie . hat ing claims or demands against the same will mako them known without delay. to CHRISTIAN. LY.f ER, - my - 113-,dorme Administrator: AUDITOR'S..NOTIO. , Et Inc Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of D auphin county to distribute among creditorsthe - balancersmail:ling in the hands of Christian tyter, administrator of Samuel H. Hochlander,.late of Halifax towaship,decoised,. will sit for that purpose at his office, in the city. of- Harrisbuig, on Tuesday, the 14th day of June, A. D. 1864, at 2 o'cloCit, r. lc, at which time and - place parties interested aro hereby notified to - present their Claims. myl6-doaw3t ' mint ORLYDON, Auditor: A UDIT OR'S, NO TIOE. rue Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Dau phin county to distribute: among creditors the belittle° remaining in the hands of,B. G. Steever, Administrator of G. A. Pike, Ito of Upper Paxton .township, d-ceased, will sit for that.purrese at his office,,in the city of Harkie• burg, on Wednesday; the 15th day 'June e. D. 1864, at 2 o'clock, r. et., at which time and place Partes interested are hereby notified to present their claims. myl64loawBt 11. M. GRAYDON, Auditor: AUDITOWS:IiOTIDE. In the Court of "Common Pleas of Dauphin- county.- The auditor appointed by the said Court to make distribu tion of the-fund arising ftnm the date &the real estate of Thonias - Dinimus;under venditieni tswonas, No. of Jam T., 1864, hereby gives -notice that he:Fill attend to the duties of his appointment-on Thursday, the lgthAay of May nest, at the hourof teMo'clock, A. M, at big 9lDee, on N. Third street, in the city" of Burrigburg, when 'Mad where alt parties interested may attend if they see prePer.. ap27-dlawat ROBERT SNODGRASS, Auditor.' rumours PECTOBAL SYRUP. . rnms INVALUABLE SYRUP, which ihen tirely ;tegetablo in - itscomposition, has neen. em ployed with wonderfuL success for many. years in thetire of "diseases for.the.Alß PASSAGES and LUNGS. Rime./ form or the disease, such as COUGH .TICKLING of tie THROAT, &MING OF BLOOD iDIFFICULT BREATEMG, HOARSENM, I4)' OF VOICEand HECTIC FEVERS, its use will be attended with the happiest results. It is Übe of the best and safest medicines for all forms of .BRON CHITIS and CONSUMPTION. /Vo ktudantnai or prepara tion.of Opium tit any shape inthie soap. ' PRICE SLAG PER BOTTLE. For sale at BERGNER'S Cheap Book Store. , NEW GROCERY AM) PROVISION STORE. BOYER & KOERPER, W H 0 L,E SA LE AND RETAIL DEALERS y GS _C IE RIES, Queen's and Glass - Ware AND ALL KINDS OF ' 00IINTEY PROD - I:JCL RAVE just opened a large and well - selected stock of goods at their stand, No.B NarketSetiare, Harrisburg, - Fa., to which they Invite the attention. of the public generally. nolo-d/3" J. S. 'MAHAN. FOR SALE, T gE va14a1:491 property , corner ',isf 5690; nil ''' ' arid Pine streets, being fifty-two and:ahalftbetifin.Se , cond and one hundred andaisiy-eight feet on Pine street, E o ning Ilwic.. vprk -oe ' hundred and ten feet to Barbara alley, .3:l44lfortauf calk bpimin, go dg-, altiS for a Governor's 'tension or public buildings. For particulars enquire of Mrs. MURRAY, corner of Se cond and Pine reels. marsil-tf MEDICAL. El tLI ' * , • " ' 118 ItIAICKET,STREET ELLiewsßlizeG,4l Rm MB EVEllfG,lmnok mater trOrii - iteA River The Release of Our -Flet. Froth. General Shea "man. THE POTOMAC ARMY s. Condition Better Qui it Has -Ever,Been • - .Ourf Armies. , icßeinforeed: •_) .• - W/kstlit.f6± 4 ,6,llLaY. 23, 1 35 . 0 t, Gen: notticz.` • Mar Gen. Canby dated at at the mouth eoe'the'ito SN'ef :mid fight Miij 15, stath i'erter.has Vist,;ar-! • rived and that .the , remainder of the gqiiboattt will'arrive`tb-ffight. A . . Ger. l ßanks will, fikebably - 'reaby port on the Atchahtlays. to-niteiroW. A dig:atoll from; tllindraf- - f&ter dated on: board the flagahlii"Black Hawk, 'at the: mouth of Red River,"Marlfith, states that the por tion fthe aquadrott•T.abote! thd lfalls at Alexandria have been released from their un pleasant position, owing to the indefatigable exertions of Lieutenant Colonel Bailey, act- ing engineer of pia 'Nirieteentli Army Corps, who ' p roposed and built the'darit of six huriL Bred feet across the river'at the lower falls, enabled - all the vessels to pass - Safety; the-beck water; of the Mississippi, reaching Aletandria, and allowed them to pass over all the bhoaliand the 'obstruCtiiina plant ed bilheeneray, to a point of safety: • - • Lientetiant=o.6lonel Bailey will-be ittiffiedi ately.neininated for `pitimdtion. lor• 'distin guished and ; meritorious service's.- l• An unofficial report f6m , Caiiia, dated May 22d, states that the army and gunboats were . all safe at the mouth of ,the. Red river and at Semmsport.- - . Major.'Oeneral Sheimen,, by a dispatch dated fit.-fi :so P. :31., last night, reports' that' he will bealreialy by to resume his operationB." l e . • , • Returned veterans' and YegimentS, he Says,. have inoi‘e• than tepladed ail losses and detach- We have n' , 6' ,, officitif reports; since iny' last' telegraui; "kr0 5 133. Gerieial Giant or General Bub-i. • Official reports of this &Pertinent shoW that within' eight days ,after the great 'battle at Spotteylvania Court ikfouse,-inany thousands veterantroops'haAbbfeii ,, forw, ariled to Gen et-tally/4mo_ .... zt Dai The *lible".*lYlT• =ar4ply stipPlied wiffillfficraticins of idWsiliteno:e. • - dlTpWeid;or-'2090 tick - and'-worinded have 'been'tratteported q.Cliattle fq 4 the Wasliffigtint ;hospitals - and bladed under ' 4311rd - cid Care:. • , A• • ' = Over'eight' 'dials' and prisoners2have been 'traiciipoitect_fiiitigheli3Old - to piisbn dePots„ fth`a: a late am` ourit of arti ll erY-aiid other im 'pedinienta 'fif an 'active ''eartipaiga 'brought' :Several thousand fresh cavalry horses have_ been forwarded to the army, and the grand . army' Of , the Potorriac iS now fully as'atrong itenumberSandbetterequipped, suppliediantl furiiishect thanswheii the' campaign , opened: Several tliousaiiid•reinforeementa' have also . 'been 'ffirwaided.t&other +and ample' _ supplies' tp-a11. ,11 - I- Duiing•tliedEinie 4 tinie aVer;' , 3o,o,oo: volun steers- for one days" r ßeen mus teifsdinto the serN , ice; clothed, arnied, 'equip ped and trans p or t e d to their respective' posi ti,sns) •I• • : tfikThis statement is due' to the - Chiefs "of the `Staffs and • Thireaus and .theii '-reapective Corps, to'whoffithe credit belongs. ` • (Signed) • -EDWIN VI?, STANTON, -Secrettikrof . From_, v, . '4NEffts EnGiur The army news , is regarded as highly favor able by military men; but' it is understood that - the Go - yernment does noVapprove of the publication 'of statedients and ru mors. - Reliable info*natidii will be promulga ted without delay 1 Nuw York Bank S .'" NEN 1:04,11x13.' Statement of the . condition Of the' New York Banks forthn • May 23d: Loans, rncroase,43l47BollB;!SpEiciei;debrease, $543,- 464; circulation, ; decrease, $115,002; depos its, de 6 feSsS, $ 1 , 31 :04: .r. . • '..--7----r-h-ib,soPt.Ar rut, Marketsby Telegraph. ; = pumArdiratut, Mix '23. Trade is very ) dull in all debrirtriints.— Cloverseed sells at $6 25@6 50 )Timethy at $2 75®,3-00 and Flifsseell , t - Flinir is dull, but holders are firm in their views: Sales of 500 bbls extra Family at" sB'®B' 50 per bbl and fancy.at . $9 ) (g950. , Rie flour is steady at $7, and Cornmeal at $5 87i• - • ' •- The offerings of 'Wheat are small, hut it ds held Brialy;• sales ; of 3,000 bus: :Pennsylvania red at $1 ) 80, and 800 bus. Delaware do at Sii 84;•*hiteranges from $1 90 to` $2 00. `Rye sells arrival at $1 55. Corn dull at Si: l 4o for yellow; 2;560 bushels • white "sold , at •$1 35.• Oats, are steady at 87@89. ProViSiinisro 611;khads are 'drill; petroletu:a is• , held firmly; s ) ales . of crude at 36i; reibied•ihbOnctati'ssgsok = and free 64®66c. -Whisky:le- held - firmly ; sales of Pennsylvania, at 41,-30.(0,1 33. Beef arid Cattle are in - iretiVedebidridand sold at15(419e, the highest figure - ever realized and but 466 'head offered. • ' •••" The receipts of Cattle are very small this. week, only reaching about,46o head. , The market is very :Arm , and pricei `have advanced; all the stock-'on sale sold. at 14@.18C: per pound for conimonisiltxtra: ; Sheep are scarce and prices' better; , l4l6o, head sold at 88(,g,90' for clipPed;and , 11012 c per lb gross ter wool sheep.-- Cows.are with out change ;150 Iteddi sold at:frorn 26 'up' 65 per head'asito qttalityi' 1 1:1 ' Hogs; about 1,800 head sold at, from 10@l3c. the 100.11:4-netteastu.qua1ity. - • {1 t 41inwtMcnOg May 23 . Fl,olf has dechned sc. for State sales, of 0;9 0 9 1010;* f ox S ta t e Arks® 7'001'414:- Ohio 9argi-(q.,,C,Pu591,19,9.1,A ; Viiketit 4 allll, 84,61itort Corn is 142 c lower with" smailT * sales. Bek quiet ; pork and lard steady. Whisky steady at $1 29. Petroleum quiet; receipts 1,900 'Obi Oil ' - WAM3l!ff Way: 23 PRICE TWO CENTS. Miiiialls - Executioxii . ..ait - Fort - 21.?flerity: -- ' , • LIMIDIOBE ' May 23. Andrew. Laypole :alias Isadore Leopold, a notedgueriilla, who was captured in the month of April, 1863;• was hanged this morning about half-paSt 4 o'clock, at Fort- Wiling, in ac- • cordance with he sent nc -of a Military Com mies-Ikt, of which •Lientenant Colonel W. N. Bates, Bth New York Volunteer-rtillery; 'vas Piesident, and which sentence being ; lap- proved. by . the, President, was,, by order; of Major General 'Wallace, commanding this MilitarY . DePaitnient, carried into erecntiOn. There were four charges alleged against him—First, being a spy. . Second, of violating the aet;for :enrolling and calling out the Na tional forc,es,..approved, Marth :3d,.. 1863,; in ' lurking and acting as a spy in and. ! about the pesta, - quarters and,encampments ,of the thified`States,dri the'Stiite of -Virginia, espe diallY about the -army it lor : near - Sharpsbtirg on or about the7gotb. , , of April, 1863. Third, violation of the laws of war, in that, from the Ist of Novernber, 1862, 't6 20th April;'lB63, l he :did carry on tvpartiiari and' guerrilla . wdrliare against the Government of the United •StaleS, assisting others in doing ao and on the. ipth March,.1842,. did kill Charles E. Entler, at: or near Sharpsburg. ' Fourth; murder, in. that, :On- or about the 19th November, 1862; ati, or near Dam No. 4 on the Potomac river, he *as engaged in prosecuting a partizan or guerrilla Warfare upon and against the loyal, citizens of Maryland and Virginia; contrary to the laws and customs of war, and did kill Martin Cro akers, a good and loyal citizen of Virginia, 4nd' that while acting as a guerrilla; and being in disguise:, On 'or about" he 16th March,. 1863, he did' secretly, wilfullY, traitorously and with malice aforethought, shoot -and kill Charles E. Ender. The prisoner pleaded .not miilty, to all the spepificatioits of the above charge. The Com mission having ''itiaturely considered the evi dence adduced:of the 3clitnd 4th oliarges,viz Of carrying on a ,partizan and guerrilla war fare and murdering Martin Crolter,s and Charles E. Entler, and sentenced him to be hanged by the =neck until dead,' at such time and place, as the. commanding General should di rect—two-thirds of the Commission concur ring therein. 'lhe ProCeedings, fuldbig,,,teacl sentence Were approved bY Brevet Bilgadaer, General Morris, and sent by him' tii Brigadier General Lockwood, who forwarded them! to . the President.—. Meeting with.the President's approval, by order. of Major General Falla'ee,' 'Brigadier General Morrie was chided with theiii t tiOril of 'the. bider„ 'and prep trans i t Wiir a el* him93l..earrying it intAffeet. 'A. s 'old wet .erected about the Centre of the drill ground, within the enclosure of the fOrt, .outside of the garrison..! The fact:oil the i.eie cution being ordered: was communicatedlto Leopold on - Snialay'efining,inad the Chap lain- of —the- post, Rev. Dr. A. A. Reese, re mailitMain . 4 . , ,ver 4 i t I)42,'Zir,wttiePt were' k'i;Ectip -Teligibt4 exercise:Eel& express ing himself as being. prepared to meet his Afate. -iDrilißeese yvasp. also' with; , him from. 34 o' T cloclt thig inoininr mitt' he was launched' into eternity. ... - . i =II XXXVIIIth Congress--First Session; SENATE , WASHENGTON May 53.' "A" communication '*as received from, the Secretary of War in answer to a resolutiOn iof the Senate transmitting a list of all the obi eers in the army, their record,,etc. • On motion of Mr. Foote, Vt., . the reeding, of the d'oeunient was, suspended, and it was •ordered to be printed: - On motion of Mr. Grimes, (lowa,) his bill in relation to naval eupplies,.which was re ported upon adversely by the Naval Commit tee, was takenup, and Mr. Grimes proceeded to, defend the bill against the report of the Naval Committee, and defending` also the chief of bureau of yards anddoelts, and, &- plaining, the manner in which frauds and cel l-nein= against the Departnient had 'been accomplished: ". • • HOUSE 'OF. REPRESENTATIVES. ,Mr. Pawes, (Mass.;) front the Doiximittee bn Elections,, reported .a resolution that Messrs - . Chandler, Segur and Kitchen, whose claims to seats asltepresentatives have been'reject ed, be allowed mileage for one session- and monthly pay till the:passage of the resolutions in their respective cases.. Mr. Dawes said that Mr. Chandler is dis trict attorney in the Eastern District of Vh giancbtit received no salary, being paid in fees amounting to plohably .twenty-five thou sand dollars per annum. The naniekilldr;Chtindleirwas stricken out, and-the resolution, as thus . amended;, adopted' tliree'idajOiliy. On motion of Mr;.gpffroth, it was resolved that; the Senate - Concurring, both houses ad journ the session on the 6th day of June, at noon. .. Mr. Kinney, delegate from Utah, offered!. a resolution which was unanimously adopted, deelaiing as the senee'•Of this House that:tile present crisis in this causeless and unjustifia ble rebellion, calls londly, on Congress ~for united patriotic legieltition; that theself-hecii fieing services of our =soldiers, unsurpassed in ancient or modearCAVEirftire, should be sustain ed in the field, and are entitled to our thanks, and forgetting all past differences, it is the duty of Congress to sustain the constitutional 'authorities of the country in their endeavors. to suppress the rebellion. -• . Mr. Grinnell (Iowa) offered a resolution-0- questing the President to inform the. Rouse whether, by order 'O the Government, the publication of the -Wend and Journal of Co7lZ ynerce of New York was suspended, and if sb, such order and proceedings be communicated. Objeetion being made, the resolution was laid over. - On motion alert% • Arnold, (Ill.;) a resoln tion,was adopted instructing 'the commit-4e . on legislation,, if necessary, to punish the for, fiery and publication of official documents, and also what legislation is necessary to ptiniul those who throughthe , press or otherwise, i give, information and aid and comfort to the rebels.. . v "•••":“" 'Mr. Hubbard; (lOwa,) offered a resointicin -providing that the 'Howe meet daily at 11 :instead of 12 o'clock ' • Mr. Windburns objected. • . - wasmotion of Mr. Pendleton„Aie redijetluticin was tabled; yeas 91, nays 0• . • ' Prayn IN. Y.) aced leave, in:1.1;0181f Of hie friends of the delegation ; to .offer a 'reso lution. He would; with...the;:kifictperntiesicei. of the Hallse ? I#B.to say Clew ,words an, eg plenatioit•of the rectaOar winch hul t uced thenl to requestiftieh 'action by theb The reso .Julion vcaareed-foianfoiantitibiiHaffoKoWe:j Resolved, That the conduct of the executiVe authority of the Government in recently clos ing the offices and suppressing the publication STENtillitlNetthlCE, AMU:TIMM RATS —DALLY TELEGRAPH. Tae following are the rates for advertising in - the In.' In OIL Those having . adrertisftig to do win find it co, valien tfor referenci% Four lines or !ess mr-hair spear, Figt lime r more alma 1, a —l.l.:re. "WS &WARN. One day ..$ Two days r t 1 (0 Three &Cps .. 125 One week... 2 25 0necnt0nth...„.....,„;..... 6 0 Two 9 CO Three 11 (0 Six months..., ...... 15 0 One year .. 25 1.0 9 2 25 - FOR A _BALI S4C.AIU. One clay $ 30 Two days ' 50 Three , . .... : 75 One week... .... 1 25 One month 3 AO Two mouths.... . • 4 -60 Three mouths... ... 5 50 Six 8 00 One par..: __.ls 00 Administration Not Mes.... sLsrrlage Notices' Auditor's Notices.... Funeral Notices each Insertl 23Ei!M gkir Dustmen Rotted' before Marriages and D each insertion. of the World : and Journal of Commerce news papers, in the city of New York, undef cir cumstances which have been placedbefOre the public, was an act unwarranted in itself, dan gerous to the cause of the Dnion, in violation of the Constitution and subversive of the principles of civil liberty, and as such is here by condemned by this House. Objection being made, he moved a suspen sion of the rules in order that he might; intro duce the resolution, but the question was de cided in the negative—yeas 54, nays 79. Obstructions ;Removed from - the Rim*pa- hannocX. WASI:?c . CNGTON, Any 213 It is reported that the' gnxibeata' dr' the Potomac flotilla have °removed- all _the . - ob structions, inflie Itappaltaxmook: riyer. New York Stock Market • • Nnw Yonx, Stocks dull; Ist call, Cumberland prefiirecl 754 ; New York Central 136 i.; Reading 145/ ; Hudson River 152 ; Canton Co. 434 ; Missouri Gs 70 ; Erie $1 60k ; 1 year certificates 984 ; Registered 5 2Cls' 106 i; Cou pons 1064 ; _Tredquryslll4; Gtild 1824. RnormAit BoAnD.--Chicgo and Rock Island 1174 ; Cuiriberland preferred 754 ; Michi gan Southern 991 ;. ditto guaranteed 142 ; New York Central 1344 ; Reading - 1464 ; Hudson River 1524 ; Canton Company 444 ; Missouri Gs '7l • Erie 116 g ; Gold 1821 ; one year certificates 981 ; Coupon 5 20s 106 a. Naval Academy Commencement.: WASHINGTON May 23 The annual examination at,the-Naval Acad emy commenced:on the 20th.:' The folkiWing is.the board of visitors: Commodores John Marston and John Rodgers, Capt. Pickering, 11. S. N., Henry Barnard, Connecticut; Jas. A. Hrimißon, New York; G D. A. Parks, JR ; JIIO. 'W. Harris, Mo., and C. D. Roberts, Wisconsin. - Philadelphia Stock .llarket PramAremPni.e, May 23. Stocks heavy, Pennsylvania 5s 674 • Read ing Railroad 73h ; Norris -Canal 8:5; faing Is land 46; . Pennsylvania Railroad 714; Gold 182; exchange onNew York par. . , MISCELLAffEOUS. NO EXCUSE FOR EXPLOSIONS. ' 'ASHCROFT'S LOW WATER DETECTOR IS AN INFALLIBLE PROTECTION against . any poible injury to steam buileri, from a lack o: water, winch, is the great source of so many sad catastro phe, and so much damage from the banana of boilers. We warrant this instrument to be a perfect ilisuranc. against such contingencies; perfect satisfaction guarau teed or no pay.. , Price SSO Send for an, instrument and try it; if not satisfactory yottmayiretinn it. Circulars with. refereixida sent to any one desiring : them. - Addre-m your commonications to • D.T:IIIMDE & CO., To.Y 4— ti&w.tf - , --:..Pittsburo Pa. PIANOS. ALBRECHT, RIEKES id SUMP! r• - SOLE liglgTi l l' F lP N LtC 93 matket. street, Efarrisburi OR REASONS perfee'tly sf' adoo to F MYSELF.I. have taken the agency of tho above most excellent Pianoa. The public is invited To come and ex 'Milne for themselves. A few Schomacker & Co's Pianos on hand, yet be d.sol low. - mar2s-tf 'PAPER WARE - 11015E4E. FARRELL, IRV.LNG d G.Q. 510 MINOR STREET, PEnitADELPMA, PA., M ANUr itigiW I L S T o ir i IENGTH MANILLA PAPER OF ALT. SIZES. ROLL WRAPPERS on hand or made to order. Highest priolS paid for rope in large or small 'outtriti ties. • - marl-d3o. A. C. SMITH, ATTORNEY - Ane - - 11CAS removed his Office from Third to Wal nutt trusted to him will receive prompt and (=mini attention. 100 0 S at . St 7 STalt k eg z lll 3 hgor .reb2 . (Successors to Wra. Dock: Jr,. .41E11( g) LBS. • CODFISH; of the' tele -11000 brated St. George brand, jast received and for sale . by SBISLER & FRAiER, fail. (..sairlissors to Wm. Doak, jr., b Co.) VNGLISH DAIRY And NEW - YORK - StAIreCHEESE. [nom] A - LARGE invoice of_fresh teas; new raisins, 11 prunes and figs at BOY ER & KOERVER. my 4 - FOR SALE.—A Five4torse-power STEAM ENGINE and BOILER, in good order. 'Apply io ♦ l. GEETY, ' 'Walnut street, below Sixth. felm-ti -5 I TAMS! HAMS!—A fresh supply of Mich -5 :eners's Excelsior Hains and Dried Beef at jan29 • BUT E R & KVER4Ftit LEA & PERINE'S WORCESTER:SAUCES, the most popular and the purest everolliiredto the public, just received and for sale by • SHISLER febi (successors to Wm. pock; and - T-V 1 UCC.I-ft% iktrEy7 - SHISLFA Ar• FWE.II. . (successdra toW. Mac_ jr,,V6).) CM A I'ATILLUTIO GIFT BOOK: CTUR CONSI IUTION, MIVERNYUENT ON. "Our Government," en exposition - of - the - V,stritiois, kc., for popular use. By M. sale'at 4e14 BERGNEVS BOOKSTORE ..... THEcELVTIRA.TEI) . . VIRGINIA , GTE, ,GF AIX,. and Day & Martin's' I:Olabbs just: la ceived and for sale by . wauft,Eß FR A zgit i fel (anncesscan to Win, , Dock, jr, & co-) QP.galNi CANDY.F.S, - first attality, all sizes. " - - SHISIEft & ERAZEN (aaccessors,to Wm. Dock, Jr._ it Cm) - sePt 2 4 N ._ A. TT 't-- •E' 4 07 . IN N .. L. FINE 'BLACKBERRY and . ELDERBKI: T 35.— Wannniedvaret. Yorsalacce to e at sms ext o v;. ian2s FOR SALE--A very handsoniii - , Two se PEDLER WAHON--cbeapifor ect - f6 to HOX No. 313, Harrisburg, Pa - no - Aim HA NI 8.11,—. .....bilicheriees- Excelsior. JOLI Just cured. Received and for 81f le Et • . - (Secoissiirgu) lik•rooelii-CMAIEteP‘ mar2B -•• Tii e , •..t• .1 , . 11° 'l3±N•PlTl3tila:Tiiii . Amatheewill offer f.or *4 ,e- in.their:Atisonf,nAielZr. ^34 qlaltity of ROSE' EtTSHES, and FLOWER PLANTS" in great variety. , J. MISJL NEW MACKEREL, BERETNG AEI:TS/IL MON at Imy4l BOYEIt & KOERPER. 1 60 WM. DQCS;Jit.„ CO. 4.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers