pait g Etitorapt U ARRISBURG, PA MONDAY EVENING, MAY 16, 1861. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, die., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accom panied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered In the regular gventug Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. e TOWN AND COUNTRY A STATED meeiVofthe Ftlendship Fire Company will be h din their hall this Mon day evening, at the usual hour ? I inyl4-2t 11===110 Law von THE FaOrrr. - Six companies of the 184th Pennsylvania regiment left for the front on Saturday. I=o2=l Two hundred and fifty condemned Govern ment horses will be sold by public auction at. Illifflintown, Juniata county, on Thursday next. Tun Susquehanna river is "on a high," owing to the recent heavy rains. This morn ing the water had reached the height of twelve feet above low water mark. Tm committee on a day's labor, income, &c., of the U. S. Sanitary Commission, ac knowledge the receipt of $39 25 from the pro prietor and employees of tlio Jones House, in this city. PASSED THROUGH. —Several regiments of the Ohio National Guards passed through ,this city on Saturday, on their way to . WashingtOn and othes points requiring guard duty, to be performed. C. WILLIAM BOYER, a valuable and en.- terprising citizen' of heed township, - Dauphin county, died at his residence, at Duncan's' Island, on Monday, the 9th inst He was an honest man and a good citizen. ===:i RAINI Rand-7o have had several very heavy showers of rain since Saturday, and there is every indication of "more to come." . Old Mother Earth must be thoroughly soaked by this time. ELECTOR FOR THE EIGHTH DISTRIOT.-AATOH . Mull, Esq., the Presidential Elector up-: pointed for the Eighth Congressional District,' having died, the name of William Taylor, of Womelsdorf, Darks county, his been substi tuted to fill the vacancy. PROPOSALS FOR RAY.—Two hundred tons of good hay is wanted by the Department.of the Susquehanna, for which proposals will be re ceived at the office of Captain Iteiohenhach;• A.. Q. It, in this city, until noon on Thursday next. See advertisement for particulars. TECH NATIONAL HALL will-open this evening. with a new troupe of world-renowned negro. performers, under the management of Mr. G. L. Hall. Among the list of performers -we see the names of Jake Budd and Dan Howard, who will make their last appearance in tibia city to-night. Forum DELI:x-11r. games Daley, of this city, was found dead, yesterday afternoon, be . tween the upper winding. bridge and. the Oreek bridge, near the car factory. DeceaSad has been subject to falling fits, and it sup posed that his death was caused by them. He had one of them at Filbert street yesterday morning. His remains were taken in charge by lfis friends. Tag old pioneer place of amusement is the place to pass an evening pleasantly. At San- ford's the best bills are always presented, and no other house has ever yet equalled the Opera Hall in their performances. a inag., nificent bill for this evening's entertainment at the Opera House. The Burlesqe Gimes is in itself worth the price of admission; . then there are the great Arabs in a number of,won derful acts; besides a number of short plaYs; dancing, singing, etc., all the best. nthe Go to Bannvart's and secure orchestra-seats during the day. Thum; Pakszu Ilisruscis.—lt has been de cided that UniOn prayer meetings'in behtilf of the country shall be held this week-in.the same order that was observed during:the past week, viz: Monday evening, in the .NeW School Presbyterian Church; • Merida* even ing, Lutheran; Wednesday. 'BVaildife,' • bid School Presbyterian; Thursday evening, Lo cust Street Methodist; Friday evening, tist; Saturday evening, Gerinan Retormed. The regular lectures and.prayer ,meetings in the ,various churches will be suspended, in order that all may unite in the great;subject prayer—our country. A. PECELLDELPHELAN lam= Imaxors,r-: John M. Phillips, a Philadelphian, - charged with committing a rape on a little girl, nine years of age, was about to be. tried in court at- Springfield, Illinois, on Tuesday last. .11% had been planed in front of the Judge'S - bench, ,; hen a brother of the girl fired a revolver at • ounding him severely. This'-excited,. the crowd present, and a rope was broitglit:to hang him. The prisoner was, however, re- i mpved to another room, and escaped hanging..l A rush - was subsequently made for him, the room broken into, and several shots fired-at Phillips, one - of them taking effect, and lie died shortly afterward. ==ll Paov. Aso's:v.—This gentleman, whose sera vices at the concerts of the Aiming Men's. Christian Assodiation were so highly spoken. of, has been tendered a complimentary bene ; fit by his friends in this ` city. IN-i=reto,itot night has been sekapart as the time, and St:4l 7 ford's Opera House as the place; - :' 6 n Avitioh" . , casion there will be one of the best zro*ioal" entertainments ever given in this city. ie hoped that a handsome profit may-memo-4Q Prof. Asche, who has gratuito - asly given, his . services for the entertainment of our - citizitiis. on different occasions. Tickets can lytroit..:" I tained at Knoche's music store, and fri4slithe: friends of , the Prof. Do not fail to gO, lovers of music. HELM Loss.—Capt. A. G. Oliver, 12th P. B. C., lost $1,900 in the cars between Altoona and this city, on Friday night. He offers a reward of $3OO for the recovery of his money. Doubtless one of the pickpocketi who infest this city relieved the Captain of his green backs. If so, ho will never hear of them. See advertisement headed "$3OO reward." Tan Hanaiscirso SOLDtERS in the 87th Penn sylvania regiment hare so far escaped, al though engaged in, eight different battles fought by the Army of the Potomac. We de rive this information from Mr. Jonas Rudy, who received a letter, dated in the field, on Friday last, from his son -serving in that regi ment. Mr. Rudy writes that their command er, General Sedgwick, was killed, and that it is impossible to estimate the loss in their reg ment, although it is large.: Those who have survived, are in good health and spirits. THE Ocroaoox. —This great picture of South ern life will be performed at Brant's Hall to night, by Dubois' troupe. No doubt it will be produced in the best style, as there are a number of fine performers in the company. All who desire to see the Octoroon should go to Brant's this evening. Go early, to secure a good seat. Reserved seats can be secured at Bannvart's drug store at any.tiihe during the day. Per sons desiring to secure seats should apply early, as there will doubtless be a jam at the hall. The company brings the very best recommendations from the . press and. people everywhere. k. PaZYATE SALIeS of 4.154. p BeTA.rz..-4ohn, R., HauSehiola to tyaniehteedy, a lot of irielfrid fronting on Market street twenty-six feet three inches, and extending along Fifth street one hundred feet to a ten-feet alley, thereon erect ed a two-story frame house, and two-story brick back building, &c., for the sum of $10,50Q., Williaelenninds 'Eiefd l to tasilital l i ht"iiinetti a lot of ground situate in West Harrisburg, at the corner of Broad street and Barton al fronting *Bread street ' fifteen and. uz depth fifty-five tact, whereon erected a two story brick house, for the sum of $l,OOO cash. William D. Earnest sold to Hon. XI. R. Young the undivided half of two-thirds of four hundred acres'offlattdcinlTenksOrr township, Dauphin county, Pa., for $66.66, cash. VISIT OF THE ;M. E. GENICIOLL PONY/MEN= TO 'II9)ZPENIOII7O4 I ' I 4 4 ' 1 44; - At' MOO* on Satnr- day ; tlie.members.of the .31: R.• General •Con ferece, session at. Philadelphia , :l4 l id a visit to Independenee-Rall. The members forinedln line.:and, headed .by Rev. Colonel - MocklY,,ida:tche#,Yilhe whore PF4-, Tiansly.assembled a large , number of •Ctincil- Men and the Commissioner of City -Property: Tho delegates were received on "behalf of the city by James Lynd, Esq., ofSelect Coun cil, in which he heaftily welcomed them to the Ha111;44 AulepsrLdence. - , [4le 4isid; Your high positions as individt s, , your learning and loyalty, fully entitle you the compli ment, but it is more partitularly due you in your collective as membeis of one, of thedargest and most influential Conferences in ,the country; hOpe that the next meeting of the Oeneral Conference might be attended by delegates from every Section of the Union—the Union of free, as well as independent States. Bishop' Sinipson , replied in' a feW litippy re marks on behalf of the Conference, after Which Colonel Moody moved to sing the Doxology.. This was done, tutd, had great , effeet,. .to, the. Saore_dneas .the place where it took place_ ~.,----ar---- THE Napoleon the attention of the French Academy of Sciences was called to the fact that a storm of rain or snow invariably fol lowed a battle; alwaYilj in — proportion!' to the magnitude of the conflict, especially if there , was heavy cannonading. This was -particu larly the case in the Russian canipaign,,Which viasfollowed _lg. such :sue* storms as never, before wereVitilessedln-the'South: sf .Europ. Seine Otthe. 4 .`wivants declared that 'charges of artillery, and incessant, volleys "of musketry produced concussion in the air, and `drove the clouds out of their course, while others went so limas to adopt-the theory since advocated by Prof. Espy, "that the immense smoke of a battle was in itself sufficient to produce rain. There were skeptics, however, and when thewarclosed it "remained amooted . . . ‘ . , Those who:rerneraberltha rains - -Whierr 'folh ilowed the seven days' fight before Richmond, L as well as those which followed allihe • other ..rominent battles on the Potomac, will at ',once •aclmowledge_the theory , to lie comet— ' that bittleddbitutb,' - thkehirneili in the most singvilitifthenanner. —lf '-' any evidence were wanting we need only refer to the rains at in tervals, and l the,:h9ev.oloutlk i crenardons in one direction alidiliabrieln another, floating 'to all points of the compass, as. if governed by anything elietli t ui a regular current of • It is thus conclusiveo4/11vOie evidence so ,plainly before us, that wars bring rain in sum :Mar, and snow storms in Whiter- what extent .this may hold good, me was unable to conjecture, but there is no rem ion why the present rains may not extend 'over half the globe, since it is impossible t o see a clear gleam upon the horizon in any direction: Rapid discharges of artillery and musketry blend into one continuouwroar, and instances :are upon record where. tl2a, y - were heard at a 'distance of forty miles. It/sound alone can _travel so far, one can tea m wa le idea how far the force which produaes the concussion in the air may travel before iA exhaust's itself. -It is usual to have showers in the middle of May, but long continued Was are out of the ordinary course of aentie at this season of "the year. The subject:is one wOrthy the at ') jention o meteorologiits, as well as all others •Who take any intsresthn the pia enomenaof th e weather. PitOPESSOIt ASCBIe will have a benefit Sanford's Opera House, to-morrow (Tuesday) evening. A rare entertainment will be given, and we know of no person more deserving of a bumper than Professor Asehe. CHANGE- or Hotras.---The spring change in the time of the arrival and departure of trains on some of the railroads, took place to-day. On the Pennsylvania Railroad, trains now leave for the East, as follows: Through Ex press, 2:40 A. M. ; Fast Line, 6 A. at. ; Mount Joy Accommodation, 7:20 A. aa. ; Columbia Accommodation, 12:20 P. at. ; Mail, 110 P. M. ; Harrisburg Accommodation, .(via Colum bia,) 5:25 P. at. Westward—Baltimore Ex-. pres, 2:10 A. M. ; Philadelphia Express, 3:10 A. m. ; Mail, 1:30 P. M. ; Past Line, 3:50 p. at. On the Northern Central Railroad, trains leaveliere as follows: For the North—Mail, 1:35 M.; Express, 3:15 A. mi., Sunbury Ac oomreodation, (new train,) 4:00 at. For the Soutk—Mail, 1:20 P. at.: Express, 2:50 'A. ai ; Hariisburg AccoMmodation,, 7:00 A. at. 'The reader should clip the above and pre serve it, as it will be found convenient for reference PICKPOCIEBTS <SEIiT Om—The two pick pocketS, Haviland and Hoyt, convicted of picking Kr. Irvin's pocket at the depot, were sent to the penitentiaiy this morning, to serve out their sentence of two yawl, The biggest rascal 'Of 'the 'tlire.e t Langley,'lvho iiras - also corivieted of the;ciffenge; but granted t a mew trial, goes " scott free." The.evidenee being conflicting as regards his identity, his counsel prevailed' on the court to grant him a new trial; as soon as this .waS accomplished the court reduced his bail thousand dollars, which was tendered very coon thereafter, and that is the last we shall hear of him. Since his escape from the clutches of the law, his confederates in crime who were left to suffer, have made full confessions of their crime,' and' acknowledged thernselies guilty of the offence for which they were convicted. Langley, it appears was the leader of .'a regu lar gang of pickpockets, 'and has already served live years at Sing Sing in the New York penitentiary, under the name of Allen, and hawas also; ncarcerated in the Philadel :phia prison for three months on suspicion of 'being a pickpocket. We presume that he will avoid this-city, at least lei , awhile:- The other two have also been arretit4 bn various occa sions but have avoided conviction heretofore by giving , bail • for-theirappearance at cbtirt, which was;afterwards forfeited. In this case, the bail demanded, five thousand dollars, was too much diem - and herice'the' conviction. Out of some dozen pickpockets arrested here,' but two or,,three have ever been convicted, the others having escaped by thebail procesa. - Amnia Conference of the .A.. M. E. Zion Church, now• in 80881031; unanimously adopt ed the following preamble and reeolutions, which were - reported by.a committee appointed for that purpose: t .. . • DivisiPus siid. dissensions cor t .» stittite a formidable element of weakness among any people; And whereas, nO.race can have 'grjeditbeeaxu3ef6r eccie s eutrition and union 'of effort,.with to their elevation and greatness, than the Ijitherto . despised and still despised and "Wed coloredAmerieans; therefor% • Res.Olved,- That we regard with satisfaction and.intense solicitude the recent indications of a wide-spread desire among all classes of our people for a union of 'the •A. M. E. and. A. M. E. Zion connections in America as a hopeful sign of its early consummation. Resolved, That the' interest of the 'colored Methodist churches, espeeiallyin America, are one and inseparable, and no past or present difference should be allowed to prevent their coniSolidatidn beyond the'tiine'necessary to arrange for its basis. Resolved, That we heartily . ..concur with any fair and reasonable Measures tensing to has ten this glorious., event, and we hereby in strubt our repreeentatives in the general con ference, to give •their -united--influence-and support to ,any ,plan which maybe agreed on to that end. - - • - - Resolved, nettle allusion to this subjdot in the Episcopal address delivered at th'e opening of the.general conference of the A. M. - E..Ohurcli,' now sitting in Philadelphia, in which the Bishops recommend the appoint ment of a committee to confer with a similar committee from the general conference of the 4. M. E. Zion Chinch,..indicates a'favorable disposition on the part of the: Bikhops of said'abfirch toward, the contemplated, union, Which : gives hbud of ultimate 'success, and should be conducive to a corresponding dis position on the part of our Supermteriiient. HENRY JOHNSON, ROBERT A.-GIBSON, L. T. JONES,- - , Committee. 'HAm*situita,.M4 14, 1864 SPECIAL NQTICES. AA PHYSIOLOGICAL view of Ma TIRTO GE, ,its4kairditS 30 0 PMes, and lad. thtepipleS And Engravings of , tifi'diettoray of thti Sexual Organs:qi a state of Health and Disease, with a Treatise on Self Abuse, its Deplorable Consequence upon the Mind and! Body, with s ibs `tithor's Elan of Treatment—:the' only talon:in/rid sifooosiinil mode of sure, as shown by the re. port of cases treated. A. truthful adviser to the married; and those contemplating marriage, who entertain , doubts of their physical condition. Sent free of postagelo any iddress e onsedeipt. of 25 cents, in stamps or postal cur . iet:ybraddressiug , Dr. Li CROIX, No. Si Maiden Lane AIM . y, N. Y. roarl-dawBm To all Who have Corns. This week is a good time to cut and trim your corns, and to get some or Mrs . Baits Corn Salve that has cured. so very many. All who have corns just try for your selves. Can be had for 15 cents a box, at No. 27, South Pine street. MRS. L. BALL j N. B.—Orders from a distance promptly attended PI as this can be sent by mail. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOAKS!!! ALL sizes, kinds and styles at very low 11 prices. The'best quality of Hoop skirts from 75 cents to $2.00. • A superior article of white muslin at 25 cents. • A good article of ladies' stocking, 215. bents per pair. Alm, a large amnbeautiful assortment of spring sini, summer dress goods, ladles' Mid 'gentlemen's handker-i chiefs; . hemmed and plain; cambric and Swiss muslin, " camb ric and Swiss edging, and & full and complete as. sertment. of other goods, to which we- attention:Of purchasers S. LEWY, Rhoads' old stand, corner Market...and Second sta. HAIR, DYE t. HAIR DYE t Batchelor , " Celebrated Moir Dye LS' THE Wl' 41iT THE WORLD. Vie only Haratka, Tive and :Reliable Dye Swum. This splendid Hair Ilye la perfect—dbanges Red, Rusty of Gray Hair, instantly ton Mom Block or Natural Brom withotit lajusturthe Mak or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair softlnd boat:lW; imparts fresh vitality, frequently tivistorinyiti pristine color, and redid.' the ill effects of Qad Ayes. Th e genuin e IS Signed WI:111AM A. BATCH ELOR: `others - ire mere Imitations, and should be avoided.' SOld *all Druggists, &o Factory—ill BAR CLAY sr N. Y 'fineitimoWaltrfr ion= max IVR mouse inz HAIR je2Bly- MUlia27 Business Attended To. Bounty, Pension ; Back Pay, Subsistence and Military and War Claims, generally, made eut and collected. Per sons residing at a distance can have their business Unne eded by mail, by addressing - 4IIGENE SNYDER, Attorney-at-Law Third street, Harrisburg,.Ps. dalT-dly COLGATE'S 'HONEY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such universal de mand; le made from the choicest materials, is mild and emollient in Is nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely benefiehd in its action upon the skin. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. ha26-lowly WANTS. WANTED, AGIRL to do general,: housework. Good wages will be paid. Apply at comer of Pennsylgattia :,venue and - Herr street. JOHN A. GLUCK myl43-2t* 0.. ANTANTED-A Barkeeper. Apply at the EUROPEAN HOTEL, Market street, Harrisburg, Pa.• • • myl6-3L* NURSE WANTED. A RESPECTABLE WOMAN to take care of a young child. Geed reference required.. inquire ojruer or Fient and Pine , greets. niyl6-3t* WANTED --.A situation by a middle-aged man In a 'dry goods store or ofdce -as clerk. Reference given. Adayess D. H. E. Front street, near Broad, Harrisburg P. 0. • myl4-dlw* • . - VXTANTED—A middle-aged GIRL; one that ' can cook, rash and iron. None but a good one need apply, Wages • $1.75 per week. Apply . at 74 Mar ket street. . • rnyl3-3t WANTED—Two good Milliners; two good fir!!'' bands; good wages will be paid. Apply to Mrs. J. ,11IBBSelio. 8 Market square, next door to Fella's colt- TeitiOnery mylB4l3k* V[TANTED—A good, pastry Cook, and a Y•Y "good eat Cook. at the a1..30-ett ta ' BRAD' HOUSE. . A •`'`." 1- I, r ri. NT . t .e w ly. sited to ii i r . A the ce S t t u an ui tiard akemo lifie rare money, Agents are clearing from 'llOO to pot) per month. 200,000 Volumes already sold. Send for circulars. Address JONES BROS. & CO., ' e 30 Publishers. Baltimore. bid— ADVERTIS.EMEA TS. NEWSt GO4D NEWS 1600 YARDS FANCY SILKS, At the old prices from $l.OO to $1.24., 1000 YARDS BEREZE, At 20,'15 and 81 cent& . ORGANDIES, GRENADINES, and the bilged stook of DRESS GOODS IN THE CITY. CLOAKS, CIRCULARS, • SHAWLS, LACE POINTS. CARPETS: CARPETS! at WILER & CO., NO. 4 Market Square, Harrisburg. myl4-414t PROPOSALS 'FOR HAY. AsitausTSMAartatstasraa's °FEU; 1 Hirtitasattact, Pa., May 13 ; 1884. I SEALED PROPOSALS win be received at this office until 12 o'clock sc, Thursday, May 19th, 1584, for finntshingthiedgpartment with (2011)'two hun dred tons of baled hay, (2,000) .two thousand pounds per ton, all to be of 14 best merchantable quality, subject to suet' insfiection at I may direct, (150) one - hundred and fifty tabs to be delivered at Humtnelstown,, Penna., (on the line of the Lebanon Valley Railroad,) and (60) ffity tons at Harrisburg , : • • Proposals for any amount, say over (00) tons of hay, , on this contract will be received. Each party obtainintn . coptraet *in .be required to en ter into bonds, with approved sureties, for its faithfu execution. The department reserves to itself the right toreject any or-all bids, if not deemed satisfactory. Proposals will be'addressed to Captain E. Riochen barb, Assistant Quartermatter •Volunteers, Harrisburg, and will be endorsed "Proposals to furnish Hay. , • By order of CAPT. 7. G JOHNSON, .' • ' . Chief Q. IL Department Susquehanna. RaPRENBA ( *. Capt. ang.4 M. APPEALS. 14th Collection 'District of Pennsylvania. NOTICE IS HEREE V GIVEN that the lists, valuations and enumerations made by the • seven] assistant assessors, for the year commencing Mai Ist, 1664, in pursuance of an "act to Ito, ovide internal rev enue to support the Doyen:quoit, and to pay interest on the public debt," and the amendments thereto, will be open for examination at the following named plams, from Wednesday, June Ist, until Saturday, June 4th, both days inclusive; - For the county of Dauphin, at the office of Adam K. Fahnestock, U. S. collector, Harrisburg, Pa. For the county of Northumberland, at the office of P. 2. Shiudle,.assistantassessor,Sunbury, Pa. For the county of Dideitt, at the office of assistant asses . sor t.intries fi. Shimer; - . For the county or Snyder, at. the office of assistant ns sossorjohn Bigler, in 'Middleburg. For the county of Juniata, at the office of assistant as sessor P.: O. Stewart, in Mffilintown. EXTRAkTd FROM VA faAW.—Ati appeals must be in writing, and must specify the particular cause, matter or thing respecting which a deciSion is requested; and shall 'moreover state the ground or principle of inequality or error complained of.„ DANIEL SINDIG, ' 'Assessor 14th District, Penna., Middletown, Pa: my-13—d3thw3t OP_O S A L °MIN CHITa COILYIB.9ART OF SOSSISTENCI; • DEPARTILENT OP TEE SIISQIIMILANNA, HARRWIItrRO, Penna., May 11, 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS in duplicate, are respectfully. invited by the undersigned, until 3 P. m., Saturday, May 21st, 1864, for furnishing the UnitedStatea Subsistence Department, delivered in Harrisburg, Pa., with “Fresh Baef, of a good and .marketable quality, In proportions of Fore and Hind Quarters Meat, (Neck, Shanks mid Kidney Tallow to be excladod,) In such quan tities as may be required, and on Such days as shall be designated at this Mace; commencing - May 23, 1864, for a period of four months The ability of the fulfill the agreement must be guaranteed by two responsible persons. whose signa tures must be appended to the guarantee. In,a.*e of ran. lire, the United States reserves the right of purchase else. where, to make up the deficiency, charging the advance paid over the contract price to the party failing to deliver. Bids musclie legible, the numbers written, as well ws expressed by figures; and no member of Congpassoftleer or agent or the Government service, shall be - ddmitted to any share therein, or to any benefit which may arise therefrom. The proposals will be opened at 'three r. sc, Saturday, May 21st,-1884 and bidders are invited to attend. _ ' " BROWNELL GRANGER, Capt. and C. & & V., Chief C. S. Dept. Susquehanna. AUDITOR'S NOTITE. • . The Auditor appointed .by the Court of ColnMon Pleas" of Dauphin county to distribute among creditors the bat. ance remaining in the hands of Michael R. Apeman, as signee of Henry F. Saylor, of Conewago township, will moot the parties interested at his office, in the :city, of Harrisburg, on Tuesday,. the seventh day o' Juno nest, at 10 o'clock a. Id, of which they are hereby notified. myl2-lawd3t H. GRAYDOIsT, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. . . . . In the matter of the account of A. B. Fahnestock; Eaq., sequestrator of the Downingtown, Ephrata and Harrisburg turnpike road, the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county has appointed the subscriber auditor, to make distribution of the balance of money in the hands of said sequestrator, among the creditors'of said turnpike mad company, and the.auditor has appointed Wednesday, the 22d day of June next, at his office in Harrisburg, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day, as the time and place of making said distribution, when and whore all' persons having any Aloha will please to make it known. myl2-lawd4w • . JOHN ROBERTS Auditor. MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER ME DALS, AD TVA ONLY: GOLD MEDAL (ever won by Instruments of this class .has been awarded to MASON & 'S INSTRUMENTS.. .A:full assortment of these instruments always on hand. W. KNOCHE'S, Sole Agent, 93 Market et eat. je4-2tawly] JOHN A. BIGLER & CO,, 13 Mt OP IL V. S , MARKET STREET, ABOVE FOURTH, (Nza „To ADAM TXPRZEIS OFFICE, ) .HARRISBURG. Warrants, Claims, Government Securities, Checks Vouchers, &0., cashed. •, mar2sd2m*.. . NEW MA.CBERET4, FrVIRRTNG AND S A L` NON at Dayil BOUR onpER. AMUSEMENTS. BRANT'S RA..LIL. Manager The citizens of Harrisburg are informed that the above ball will be opened on MONDAY EVENING, MAY 16, 1864, with a DRAMATIC COMBIN ATION, carefully selected from New York and Phil adelphia, to produce the celebrated American drama, entitled the OCTOROON, or Life in Louisiana. This very great production has caused the most EXTRAORDINARY EXCITEMENT ever known in the annals of the drama, audit will be given entire with all, the adjuncts ne cessary to makelt as successful in this city as it has been in News' York, Philadelphia and Boston, where it ha's enjOyed a run oftover four hundred nights. Further particulars in future bills. PRICES OF ADMISSION Reserved seats Seats not reserved . , Doors open at 74. Curtain rises at 8. inyl2-3d SA.NFORD 9 S ItIEALL. TILLED STREET, BELOW MARKET REAR OF HERR'S HOTEL. S. S. SANFORD Proprietor and Manager GLORIOUS BILL FOE THIS MONDAY EVENING, MAY 16 S., THE ARABS. THE RIVAL BEAU. ESSENCE OP OLD VIRGINIA. Orchestra Seats can be procured in advance at Bann wart's Ding Stem Doors open at 834. Commence to 8. Police always in attendance to preserve order. Admittance gis cents. Orchestra chairs, 60 cents Private bores. entire, $5 each; single seats, At each. ~aaTcgacocx~~ NATIONAL HAILL. CORNER OF SECOND AND SOUTH STS WM. HITCHCOCK Sole Proprietor G. L. HALL Stage Manager AiT HITCHCOCK respoctfully informs • the public that the shove elegant palaceof amuse meat IS OPEN EVERY EVENING, .withan entire new company of popular artists carefully selected from' the principal places in the country, forming a FIRST CLASS MINSTREL TROUPE, interspersed with a variety of singing and dancing, an en tertainment superior to any ever presented to the citizens of Harrisburg. The Hall has been repainted and fitted op in the most costly and elegantstyle, and every attention will be paid •to the comfort of its patrons, the accommodations for ladies being superior to any place of amusement in the city, it being the intention of tne proprietor to make it A FAATTLY RESORT, presenting, as it does, a CLASS ENTERTAINMENT; By tho following talented company: MR G. L. HALL, MR. W. CHAMBERS. MR. RICHARD MYERS, MR. FRANR LU MR. ED HAVEN, . MR. W. WORRELL, srsrFesbrA4 ' - am. W. NARVO. MISS ROSE "VOLANTE, The beautitdStvocallst.. = MISS ADELA:FDE The fascinating.Deusueso. Admission 25 Reserved seats 50 Pkiviice boxers . 5 00 Seats in Orchestra ' ' 1 00 'Doors open at 7. Commence at S precisely. my 9 ... . - CANTERBURY MUSIC HA WALK TT ST., BELOW THIRD. . a.. Soler Esee OPEN .EVERY•INENDTB, With a First-class Company of SD:BEES, DANGER; COMEDIANS, Admission... . . . ...... . . . t ..:.15 cents. Seats in Boxes .25 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CANNED FRUITS OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. SADEES of all the celebrated mainifitctiirers SARDINES, - - OLIVE OILS, MUSTARDS, of every description. ' • • • Also, - BROWN STQIJT, PINE TEAS,-COFFEE,,SUGAR and S Y RUP4of all grades andprices, and the best selected stock outside of Philadelphia: All goods guaranteed as-represented, .. Particular attention paid to all orders froth a distance. Gs carefully packed and delivered to all parts of the city - of charge. SHISLER & FRAZER, mys successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Co. PBILADELPHIA. COLLEGIATE INTSTI= TETTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 Arch street.. Met% CHARLES. A. SMITH, D. D., E. CLARENCE SMITH, A. IL, Prininpais Ninth Year. Three departiaents: Primary, Academic, and Collegiate., course. Mathe matics, higher English and'-Natural Science - for-those who graduate. Modern Languages, n Music, Painting and Elocution by the best masters For eiirculars apply at the In or...address PDX. 2811 04: Philadelphia 1864 _pa= 1864 AiSfni4 %minim:ha - ANIS and ROdalfid Prom their hold coutexotd; And MICE Cild'adiA wa epac of CATS, Ciady aldp. about. COSTAR'S -EXTERMINATO?S: Forßats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Mosquitos,• Moths in Fars, Woolens, etc., Insects on. Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. '1.5 years established••tu,AT, Y. "Only inlatiihle reMedies knouts." 'The from Poison:o , • ' , Kos dangerous to the Human - Family.” "Eats come out of their holee:to die." hgroSold by all Druggists everywhero gari ! Basra= lof all worthloss imitations. Age , Costar's" Depot, No. 483 Broadway, N. Y. Axii-Bold by - D. W. GROSS & CO., Wholmale and retail agents, marlB-dawBra ' . Harrisburg, Pa MAGNOLIA BALM. rEZis the most delightful and extraordi article ever discovered. It changes the Sun burn and Face and Hands to a pearly, satin texture, of ravishing beauty, Imparting the marble purity of youth, and the distingue appearance's° inviting in the city belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples, and rough ness of the skin, leaving the oompiexion fresh,. transpa rent andsmooth. 'lt contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronized by Actresses and operci Singers.' It' is what every lady should have. Sold wholesale and re 4 tail by S. A . KUNKEL & 13RO • P ap294tr ..:.‘ • 118 Market street, Harrisburg. . Thonias C. MacDowell, ALtt_orit e y-ettni.a w . OITIOE IN THIRD &.,PELO - W PINE. Fannr4BUß6, PA. . A Lt manner of Military ClaimsprOmptly JIM. attended to, and claims collected agaiiid,the General or State.Governmenta,.either In Congress, the Court et- Claims at Washington city, or at Harrisburg, without un necessary delay, and on moderate genes v2940'1 NEW AD V ERTISE S. . . OFFICa Paocosr .. 14 . ra .1:42:511Xrn, Pa..NNyLi".ll4L!.i' lissalan Ce.G,..maymot --Oahe end that an persons irite . iinve notice, anti the ottleal. vi,w, Jallirdto and accurate revised enrollment, be promoted, the foilowin ,s. in accordance with circular order No. 4d, A. A. Provost Afar stud General's office, Is hereby publi.sheit I. The different Boards of Enrollment, Western Di- Vision, ?a., me requested to immediately prceeed to exe cute the said section of the act of Cotigreis, entitled "An act to amend an act fur enrolling and calling out the on. tionalforces, and forotherpurposes," approved February 25, 1861. IL They will at once appoint, the necessary enrolling officers for their respective dkaricts, with instructs:us, Ist. To enroll all persons Whose names Lave been omit ted by the proper enrolling officers, peotions enrollment. 2nd. All persons who shall arrive stllie age of 20years before the draft, S. C. DUBOIS 3d. All aliens who shall have declared their intentions to become eittzens. 4th. All persons discharged frorerihe military or naval service of the linitedaati.s who have not been in such for two years during the present war. And all persona exempted imder the proSision6 of the second section of the enrolling act, approved March 3d, 1863, bat not exempted under the previaona of the act approved February 24, 1864_ lIL - The Board of Enrollment will also at once proceed to strike from the enrollment, upon satisfactory proof: lst. The names of all persons who have arrived at the age of forty-five years. 2d. The names of all persons manifeatly, physiedly or mentally aunt for the service. 3d. The names of such persons as are at this time ac tually and legally in the military or naval service of the United States. 50 cents 25 cents 4th. The names of such persons as have serve[ its the military or naval service two years or mote, during the present war, and have been honorably discharged there from. JNO. KAY tak:liENT, mylo-2w Cap'. and Pro. *le.' 11 __Eh DLit. Penna. SVACONI) ARRIVAL: LATEST STYLES! MRS. N. MAYER, No. 13 Market Streol,.• IS PLEASED to announce to the littlies3 Harrisburg and vicinity, (who ha'te so liberally patron ized her since her arrival in this city,) that she has just received, direct from the manufacturers and imporcens, a SECOND SUPPLY * of the finest goods the market could afford in the lino of FL Elll AND AMRRICAN MILLINERY, and is now prepared to offer great inducements to par chasers. stock consists in part of BONY TS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, READ DRESSES, ORNAMMTS, &C. SILKS, VELVETS, LACES, RUCTIES, 1300 P SKIRTS CORSETS, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOV.&4, COLLAR 3, CUFFS, BELTS, STETS, FANCY GOODS, &C. Also, a splendid-assortment of WitAPP.RiGS, SIT K COATS, CIRCULARS, • MANTILLAS, LACE POINTS. PARASOLS; &C. Also, Ties, Scarfs, Pocket Books, Porte Mammies and Purses, elegant Steel and Jet Fins and Brooches, Belts era Belt Buckles, and a full line of Trimming and Fancy' Goods, as cheap as the cheapest. Special care has been exercised in the selection ottaimp,` goods, with a view to the wants or this community, and: the ladies generally are invited to call and examine cheats: sortment. 'Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore received, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Don't forget the place: No. 13 Market street, MRS. hi MAYER OF CONDEMNED HORSES. WAR D.E.MULTALICOT, CAVIL.IIY,l Orman or thump Quannontasina, WA.BIIIIICGTON, D. C., April 29, 1864. WillL be sold at public auction, to 'lin:, ighesthidder, at the times and places wait be,, low: Penn'a, Thursday May 19th. Reading, Pen.n s a, Thunnay, May adth. Lebanon, renn'a, Thursday, June 2d. - Niih , mberland, Thursday, June 9th. Scranton, Penn's, Thursday, June lOUL Wthiam.e.port, tnun'a,, June 23d. One Ithudred (100 hurres at b'enyebinp., and Two Hun dred and nity (25u) at each .the ..tae paste:.. These Humes nave been coudeinned as 'Unlit for the Cavalry service of the United 6tat.3 Army. For road and t'arru parteadmlnluty good bargains may be had. Horses will be told singly. Sales begin at Ida an,-anti continue: daily till all are . sold. . . . . . .: . . . TEEMS: CJSII in United Stetes Trasurynoton only. - ,.. - JA.stES .1.4161 N. Le. -Cot aiid.b,. (1., M. cavAiry Etur,a.u. .. ap2B dtd Notice to. C;Ovitractors. liolollBB.s(CH.Nrkia. RAILWAY CO., OFF/CS OF TES.. CHM? I.:NM:VEER, HARRISBURG-, P_-1, -- iday 9,1864. PROPOSALS wi.ll l l3e . reeveti- et this ()filch until May 25; tor the whole qr arty parl of; the grad uation and ballasting for the'neemEil tie& ofith4l4'erthern • Central railway between Dauphin and Sunbury,. Work to be commenceilimmediately...Putt infiirmation may be bad by applying to .P. C. Arms, Esq , Principal Assistant agineer,at Sunbury,Pa., or to the undersigned. The company reserve Inn pght,to reject any, or all_pror posals made. 6TANLEY GOtiDWThi, nay2.-din4s Chief Engineer,. MORTON'S GOLD.PENS. • Another lot of liorton's UNRIVALLED GDLD Just received at Softener's Bookstore. All pens warranted for one year. F'TABLE 0116.-40 boxes fine - tibia oili of the best importations tor sate, whole 'sate and recall, by S&L9LER & FRAZER, mya successors to IV. Dock, Jr : , & Co, it!OASES FINE 1 NIPEEIAL FILENUII MUSTARD, for Sale by ' .SHISLER & FRAZER, mys sucys.r.,o• rs to W. Dock., Jr., k, Co. 50 DOZEN JARS ENGLISH PICKLES, comprising Picaliliy, Chow Chow, Caulifktwer, kiss(' Pickles, Gerkins, Walnuts and OftiODS.Por sale wholesale and retail by SHISLER &FRAZER, myb ' , successors to W. Dock Jr &Co SAP SAGO, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut, meg and Neer York State Cheese, juatJneeived at BiliStEß FRAZER, mys stedess. ors to W, Dock, Jr., UTALN CREADINUTB,. FILBEILTS.. Y V For sale whelesale at. _ mys CRANBERRIES. —A. choice lot of tra,hber ries just, SHISLER & FRAZER„ tays sot— -.gots to W, Dock, & C 0. .. BURLINGTON HERRING. the season. Just received at uy4 J AVA,Jamaica and Laguyra Coffee, at BRISLER & FRAZER (sticaltwora to W. Dock. jr , & Co.) vw23 riIHE CELEBRATED VIRGINIA 011 11 AIX, and Day & Martin's London Blacking, just In. ceiyed and for sale by SIIIdLER &. FRAZER, .. . fel (successors to Wm. Dock, jr , & c 0..) Fh SALr—A very - handsome Two-hdrse E EDLER WAGON--cheap for r , Qa , Direct lotto: to BOX No. 313, Harrisburg, Pa. - inarll-tf AHANSll—Micilener's Excelsior. I I Just cured. Received and for sale at SHISLER dr FRAZXP., (Successors to W. Dock Jr_ - A c o - = MO THE PUBLIC.—The unclersig,neci will offer for nale, In their season, a very large quantity Of ROSE BUSHES, and FLOWER PLANTS in`-great variety. J. MISR. APPLES We have just received a fine selection' of APPLE; in prime order. For sale by the barrel, bushel or sown quangity at SEMLER k FRAZEE, feb3 (sucCestots to Wm. Dluty Jr., & co.) QPERII CANDLES, first quality, all saes. " ' •stusisx. do ERAZE% (successors to wit,. Dock, ft , C Y sept 24 N A.TIVE WINE FINE BLACKBERRY and ELDEBBEFRY - Warranted pure. For sole at SH/SLER & FRAZER. (successors to W. Pock, lan2s icrAY of the best quality is offered for JLI_ sale. Call aL M'CORMICK'S CO 1 OFFIV ith# Ctiarr isburg. 40 4BOXES °RANG APPLES for sale at tee „JOHN, WISE Fruit Store 1 , 1" AMR != , A 4:rreSh &Slimily? of I,Acti. Ai. inters% Excelsior Hams and Dried Beef at Js 2s BOYER & iDERPER. AUCTION SALE - SEMLERIc FRAZER, succesgora to W. : ook, Jr, & The IT=E -- of BOYER k Ran—PER:
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