MEDICAL. - s 0 CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER VONSTITITTION WATER GREAT REMEDY FOR THE * ' CONSTITUTION, IVNAND THE ONLY Xl4O REALEDY FOR DIABETES, and DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER. CONSTITUTION WATER Has been pronounced by the Medical Faculty and the public, to be the most wonderful remedy for the perma nent cure of all diseases of the STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS and BLADDER that has over been offered. It isnot a MINERAL WATER. It is from experiene that CONSTITUTION WATER has emanated, and we now say let no man doubt, when a single bottle has been known to cure diseases which the best medical talent in this country has failed to relieve. A remedy possessing the virtues of Constitution Water cannot be classed under "quack" preparations, as it is uow used by the most scientific practitioners in this city. It is only second class physicians that cry down popular remedies, while the 'better skilled make use of every means to accomplish a cure; and the success of the phy sician increases as his knowledge of different remedies enables him to produce a cure, chile othere fail in the at tempt. Science is satisfied with the truth. • Give Constitution Water a fair trial—we mean you who are under some rpeciehists's care from year to year, and We partieuhirly allude to ladies who are constantly resorting to /tied treatment, and all sorts of local applications for diseases, wijit as much chance of success as there would be from local applications to the throat for diseases of the brain. •We have been always careful .to nse language in- our circular that could not shock the most delicate organiza tion, but we receive so many communications from ppr sons for which Cctnstitution Water is -adapted, and of whose diseases no mention has been made, that we have some to the conclusion that if the remedy is capable of producing a cure, no matter what the disease may be,. it should be made known. The medicine is put up for the public, and there should be no exceptions. We would say, Constitution Water is not like a gilded pill, made to suit the eye and taste; it is a medicine, in every sense of the term, placed in the handsof the pee= pie for their relief, and if taken according' to Oho three tions it will, in every case, produce -a mdical'eure. We would say that the directions in regard.' to diet, etc., re late only to the disease under which they occur. DTVRETES Is a disease of the stomach and liver, acting through the kidneys, and is, without doubt, the most obstinate disease, except consumption, that affects the hurnan constitution. We have no space for discussing carafes, but will State that the effect of the disease is the conversion of the starchy principle (or vegetable portion of the rood) into sugar, which stimulates the kidneys to an excessive secretion of wider. Many persons suffer from this disease who, are, ignorant of it; that is, they pus large quantities during the day, and are obliged to get up from one to fifteen or twenty times during the. night. No notice is taken of it until their attention is - called to the large discharge of water, and often when it is so far advanced= to be beyond the control of ordinary remedies. Another symptom is the great thirst, which, when the disease is fully estab lished, is Intolerable—the patientarikkeconstaftely without bang satisfied; also fttryness of the mouth, cracking of the lips, a sweet breath, in the more advanced eases, and finally loss of appetite, emaciation; and the patient gradu aly sinks from exhaustion ; • CONSTITUTION WATKa is, without doubt, the only known remedy for Diabetes, and we have as much confidence that it is a specific as we have that opium will produce sleep, and truthfully say that it has cured ovary case in which it has been used. STONE IN TEE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSIT, ETC., ETC.,- Diseases arising from a faulty secretion—in the one case being too little, and accompanied by severe'pain, and the other a too profue secretion—which will be speedily - cured by the ............... . COMM uTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION - WATER THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN.REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR DIABETES. LIMITATION OF THE NEM OF THE - BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF , THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER. • STRANGUARY AND BURNING, OR PAINFUL URI• HATING. For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too muph cannot be said in its praise. A single dose has been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms. • Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the small of the back and through the hips ? A teaspoonful a day of the Constitution Water will relieve you like magic. PHYSICIANS Have long since given up the use of buohu,..oubebs and; Juniper hi the treatment of those diseases; and only uses them for the want of a better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER has proved itself equal to the task that has devolved' upon it. DIURETICS irritate and drench the kidneys, aqd by constant use soon lead to chronic degeneratien and confirmed disease. , We present the Constitution Water to the public with the conviction that it has 'no equal in relieving the class of diseases for which it has been found so erninently-atte.- mastiff for curing ; • and we trust that we shall be rewarded for our °Torts in placing so valuable a remedy , in a form to meet the requirements of patient and physician. - READ! WRAT) ! I READ 1 ! ! • DAYVILLE, Pa., June 2:lBB2—Dr. Wm. H. Gregg-- Dear S'ir: In February, 1861, I was affected with sugar diabetes, andfor five months. I .passed more than tty o, gallons of water in twenty-four hours. I was obliged:to got up as often as ten or twelve times during the night, and in five months 1 lost about fifty pounds in weight. Daring the mouth of July, 1561, I procured two bottles of Constitution Water, and in two days after using it I ex perienced relief, and after taking VWo bottles I was en tirely cured, soon after regaining my usual good health. Yours tr. 111.1".. . J. V. L DE WITT &faros Comas, N. Y., Dec. 27,1861.—We5. Gregg di Ca.—Giants: I freely give you liberty to make use of the Bellowing certificate of. tho value, of. Constitution Water, ' which Loan recommend in the highest manner: My wife, was attacked with pain in the ahoulders,•whole length of the bock, and in her limbs, with Palpitation of the Heart an d irTitation. the Bladder. I called a physician, who attended her about three months, when he left her wors e` than he had found her I then employed one of the best physicians I could find, who attended her for about Mho months, and. while she was under his care she did not suf per quite as much pain. He finally gave her 1:43, and said; ° gar CRSe mai facurablo... .FtY," said he, "she has such a topthination of complaints that medicine given for one *pa• rata against some other of her d(tricultieo." About. this time she commenced the use of Constitution Water,.and to our utter eattfulshinent, almost the first dose seemeel to have the desired effect, and she kept on improving rapidly under its treatment, and- now superintends- em tinily her domestic affairs. Shales not taken 'any of the Constitution Water for about feet weeks, and we are happy to say that it has produced &permanent- cure. • wX IL VAN BtiNscHorm.. Wassaitstruna ' Conn., March 2, 1862.—Dr. IV. H Gregg—Dear Bir:—ilaving seen your advertisement o. 'Constitution Water," recommended for Inflammation or the Kidneys and Irritation of the Bladder, having suffered f or ts past three years, and tried the skill of a number of, skysisissis with only temporary relief, I wasinduced to . 1 . 1 7 ; cm . medicine. I procured one bottle of your agents , at Rartford, itltsfsm. Lee, Sisson & Co., and when I had used half otik . to my surprise I found a great change illtißY health. nave used two bottles of it, and am where li never exfuyited to . bein my life, well, and i s g oo d I „ Lim a "pram my gratitude For it; I Teel that it is all and more than you recommend it to be. May the blessing et God ever attend you. in your labors of love. Yours truly, _LEONARD BIGELOW, PM BALE. BY ALL .DRUGGISTS. PRICE $1... WM. H. GREGG & CO., Proprietors. MORGAN & ALLEN,_ General Agents, jen.2o4l4wenx-eod No. 46 Caiff street, New York. SOLD BY _ JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWDB, PHIMADSEGIMI4 - . PA., KUNKEL & US Market street, Harrisburg Pa: AND ALL DR IT Gr G S*.iir NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TELTGKA.P' 11 Steam Job Printing ESTABLISIIMEN'f, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, HARRISBURG, PA . T_TAVIiNG recently added - to our Jobbing _Lk Department a large amount of new 'type, several new fast steam presses of the most improved machinery, and other material, we are new prepared to execute at short notice, and in the most approved style, ALL KINDS OF MILITARY BLANKS, LETTER SHEET HDADINGS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, RAILROAD BLANKS, POSTER% in one or more colons; PROGRAMMRS, - BILLS OF LADING, PAOMIESORY NOTES, LEGAL BLANK eats J 0 13 • .W 0 .R. K • . OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, PLAIN OR ORNAMENTAL. Orders from a distance attended to promptly. marlo-dawtf A. F. ZIMMERMAN, Practical Watch Maker, No. 62 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. - DEALER IN FINE W.A.7121356u4i: RINGS, SETS OF JEWELRY: FINE SILVER WARE, PLATED WARE, TEA SERVICES, • • AND ALL RINDS or SEWELItY. Has CCM 411t1T on haw te.well .effected arid-elegantly assorted stock of FINE WATCHES .. . • RINGS, ' AND SETS. ETRE SILVER WARES. AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, Both in Gold and Silver Casa - Also, a:fine assortment of ' LADIES' WATCHES Constantly on band.' , - ' - W. 9. -4. 4 . 11 - 1 47 OJT EI-dEGrA:NIP Of ail descriptions; all of which will be sol Ear this LOWEST .OASH PRICES. larCall and examinethii goods':: :".. Particular attention paid to repairing of ilno.Watehes, such as Chronometers, Duplex and other. Celebrated Watches, and all kinds or Jewelry neatly' repaired. None but the most competent workmen employed, and the whole matter under my own personal supervision. A.P. ZI.MIERKANi -,- mar2,Bl No. 52 Market street, adjoining-13rtinVe T. F. AVATSON, MASTIC CEMENT . UANUFACTURER, PITTSBURG, TS turniah and coat the ez torior of Buildings with tho MASTIC CEMENT, on::a new system. This material is entirely different from all other cements used heretofore, and is the, only reliable, imperishable coating for outside work.. Mixed with pro per proportions of pure Linseed Oil It formate solid, dura ble adhesiveness to Briok or Stone, Walls, making a beau tiful, Tine water proof surface. and tluish equal. .tetßrown Stone or any color desired: • -,•• •/: • Among others for whom I have applied the Mastio:Ce meat, I refer to the following gentlemen: J. Bissell residence, Penn street, Pittsburg J. D. M'dord, J. IL Shoenborger residence, Lawrenceville. A. Hooveler, 41 '4, James NrCandless, " Allegheny city. Calvin Adam; Third street, Pittsburg. James Wood, owner St, Charles Hotel, " William Vohel, Girard House, Barr & Moser, architects Dispatch Buildings, " . • , John B. Cox, residence, Front street ; J. y ono; tt tr Please address • • T. F. WATSON, • " P. 0. Box 1,300, Pittsburg, Pa:, • rehll3-dem or, Penna. House, Harrisburg, Pa. . . PHOTOGRAPH A LBUMS: ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT Photograph Albums. .131 P OUND in. FINE MOROCCO—panelled, _LP gilt and mounted with two timely gilt clasps. • ALBUMS WITH 30 Pictures for $3 00 40 44 44 • . 3 50 00 Et 44 . 4 00 together with crrious other styles of, binding, ,slzeo 3 and prices, which will bo sold cheap. Soldier,s you cannot buy a prettier, more durable and Cheaper album anywhom. Callanddeeat ,EICII.EPPEIPS'•Bookstore, marP2Atf • - • Harrisburg,- Pa. "THERE IS NO SUCH WORD AS FLEW! TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CUTIEBS AND COEAIBA. This preparation is „particulaxly recommended to the MEDICAL PROFESSION and-the PURIM for the"prompt and certain career DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KID NEYS, URINARY ORGANS, ETC. = - It may be relied on as the best mode for the administra tion of these remedies MUM large olasa oT disc:mead both . Sexes, to which they are applicable. never interferes' with the digestion, and by its concentration, the: dose is much reduced. N..B.—Purchaans are adilsed to ask for TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CURERS AND. COPAIBA, and take nothing °boots imitations and worthless prepa rations, under simidai names, are in the market. Price $1 00. Sent by express on receipt of price. Menufito. tured only by TARRANT & CO., No. 278 for street, corner of Warren Street, New rork, and for sale Druggist: genera 74 , • . 0at.22411y For sale by S. A.,MCINKLE & BRO., and by Dragglate generally. - AN ASSORTMENT OF . • ;1 t 1 - 1 8 . 0V t - • 100. STY OF POCKET BOOKS All 4 -R_ PCOII, 2"31 - CONN:A.I3Mufft . FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, -- • i': - , - AT, • • KELLER'S '- Drug and Fancy GOO& Store, No. 91' street: The beatlforoceo ' TIZAVET.ING - SATOH ELS, And a general variety' of 'FANCY GOODS,' suitable,..f4t, I .Presents, note on - hand at KELLER'S Drug Store, marlo-tf' , 9l;llarlirekstreet,.: .S I LA.';s W A 11 , 14 DFALIIB IN PIANO FORTES, 11113TiOPEONS,,'SREET VIOLINS, Flutes, ,s, Banjos;; anj. •uags, Drums, FifesTAnii,-.allkinds.of Musicallierohtuadiee. `,Picture Pram,..f..ookingßlasses,.Photograph.Re.tds and Albums, Ambrotype Gems, Engravings, Pictures, Zie. Remember the place, No. 12 Third street,, the largos . Music Store this side of the great bides.. jan.lB:dtt 1 - 31PORt4NT TO ALL.--It will re'slooiiiii 1, sick to health the intemperate to temperance. .The 'Rhubarb wi ll do it all. Don't think the reading .of . the advertisement - Will do ,• we don't claim that. But if ,you will go to C. K...KELLER'S Drug Store ant4get some of the Wine and.':exiiiiirre is` for set you right, I . warrant you. on that : , Drders .spr .Wiimand wino ants taken and filled by Onr. authorized agent,C. It KELLEB,Se.l).l4arket street, - Bwrisburg; Pa or (URI entailers apply, to or address the above. lAIIESICIAMENT • . ~ Milford; Pike county, mart-dtf - Whoreistdo.Dealer In WineTlants. ileotived H AYA I 4 1 2 13 . 1 44§ , 5t att6. , 1L 0at i no2o (00:40nOrs to Wm Doak, jr., to.) . . „ . rtROSSE & S3A.( YELL _ ENRWSH: PICKLV,s - rar,e arrt,i,cltfor tiide inet, received and for sale by • "• • • " 'SEMLER & 'FRIZER, febl , i , opesays,toxi A , - ri-plvidoc ~.32.11011=, :LES! -APPLES4 —l5O bbls. of •York - 1 State Apples' of ' every pariatY - : AJao, York Slate — L. PP I Butter, for Bala at 'ja29 'BOYER - Jr ROBBER& 1 iftiVAN4,O44.NGEE N , just reoieye d at iteja .StiYEB&ROERP . R.A.riatOADS. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. riseitßtZ " - -- "=" 1 91 - ju. • THREE TRAINS DATIGN TO NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, Noven - .ber 16th, 1863, the Passenger Trains willleave the Phila delphia and Readiiisg. RagrOad Depot, 'at HT•risbtirg . fdt' New York and Philadelphia, as follows, viz EASTWARD EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 6.10 A. if., on ar rival of the Peansylvanla•Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 1.45 A. x. A sleeping ear is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without Change. , , MAIL TRAIN leaves - Harriebnrg at 3.00 A. IL: an'lv,lng in New York at 5.30 P. ac., and Philadelphia' t 1.20 PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 r. 31., arriving In New York at 10.25 P: itoitgladelgia at 7.00 If.r.. . WESTWARD FAST LINE leaves NeW York at. 8.00 A. at., and Phila delphia at 8.15 a. lc, arriving at Harrisburg at 1.15 P. Y. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Philadelphia at•&80 P. rt., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.20 EXPRESS TRAIN leives NeW Ycirk at 7;00 p, m., =ar riving at Harrisburg at 2.00 A. and conneetingwiethe PerinsirWania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping car Is also attached tc.. this train. • • - ,Conneptions are rnade at Harrisburjmith . trains on tie Perinsyl*ia,: Northern Central and Cumberland Valley railroads, : .and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkeibarre, Allentown Easton, &c. Thiggage checked thloug h . faro - between New . York and Harrisbarg,_ss 15 ; between:llairisburj" and Philadel phia, $3 35 in No. 1 oars, and $3 ill 140.1, For tieketior other intormatiOn apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. nol4-dtf 1864. 4 , ro.r 113■11101412i1 . es. \ tazahitawbuies..ig • .4t E r ie ' Philadelphia all Road.- , T.FrTB great line .traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the . eit • It has been leased by the Pgersrfac yams R PARY, and under their - au.stiees . - throughout Its entire length. .It is now in use, for Passenger and7iiiigh .eris fromHarriCburete Emporium fullesi . 6n the . tern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie (ts miles) on the Western Division. , TIME OF PASSEHGER - TRAMS AT HARRISBURG. Mall Train leaves North • , 1,45 . Express Train leaves North 8.28 A. ar. Cars run through wixioinilikesroi both' irays un these trains between Philadelphia and Lock Have,,and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven: • " . _ Blegant'Sleephatnah 'On Expretia • trabil both ways be tween Williamsport, Baltimore, and, wiuigtwoq end Philadelphia. For informattorumpeoting Passenieitiniciness apply at the S. E. Corner 11th and Market atreeta And for Freight business of the .Company's Agents: S. B. Kingston, ectrlner 13th and Market stroeta, Philadelphia., J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J. K Drill, AgeniN. C. R. R., ••4: ) IL HOUSTON, • . General Freight Agent, LEWL9 L. 1101J11,_ . P. 7 General Ticket ,4gent Fhira. , ,JOS. naa-d/31 • • - fa .4/anteer, - I ; I q IT O . : - " h s's el. • & Fr`azer , (Suc'cossors tq )4 in. Dock; Jr., ,& Co,) EATIEUS IN • PINE FAitliaY D RIB opposite the CourtHouse t itave on handailne selection of • BRANDLESS of different vintages. FINE AND COMMON WINE, • ' • • . "• * l ;4 .optcriPikii: • OLD BOURBON • ," • .AtokokdAHE.r , .i .• . . FINE I RISH AND SCOTCH WlAskyis _ The c beet eito'brektglit to thik inarket OLD WHEAT,- i•r 4 s 'PAIIi * LT NECTAR, And the celebreted,,, • , t !• • • .•:.! 'CITAMPAGNE-IWllkitS: • !sinom JoEiANN): Fattmo, •.• SCOTCH AHD• IRISH ALES. ;-4.0 1 5 71 9N EVOWN:sT9rI7% WILD. CHERRY, PLANTATION, WIGWAZTONIC 8171728,1 ;With a complete stock oP ENGLISH AND A.DIIOI/117Alir PICK.LES , ;And Condiments of every de riptiOttridis in the noarket i . and at ! ' • THE LOW*T ~[jag NEW GOODS-JUST OPENED ! AT 13E R G R 9 S Book and: Stationery Store.' Embracing every new and improved style of POCKET BOOKS / ' MAGIC cuREENciIIOI.DERS, • CUM SltIN POCKET BOOKS, -.. BUCKSKIN PURSES, • • ' ' PO.RTMONNAPB3, at *prices to stiitidliircomatancos. POCKET CUTLERY, Consisting of ifine l tusitti lei s c s e e t nt of v Wattenholm's Sage_ s. :GOLD PENS, From Newton's celebiatedmanufactory. Every • - with a guarantee. PORT mace , WRITING CASES, ROSEWOOD DESKS; • ‘• • PAPETKEtiIiBi Igo Together with every article mmally, foundß a llOina Book aildS qitionery establishnient,at, kyl . 2j, BERGNER'S, imiet MOTH SACHET POWL I'ERPUMING LINEN AND PREVENTING NOTE. 911118 POWDER—a compound of valuable' 1. articles for the destrtietion of insects—distributed arapni-or'dOsted over Furs, l'lrotilens± Carpets, Clothing., &c,, packed 'dank for summer, will effectually prevent • moth . , Beiug'alio a delightful, ditrusable 'perfume it, will Iny pregnilte clothing, &c., with a lasting'andploastuit odor: The thick:loth;carireet he inftired by its nse: . , . . Prepared and sold 4 KELLER'S, Gpods Store, No. 91 ,Market, streeL ap23 Gll PECTORALS are useful to spstate a lsy Tickling in, dot Throaty to :Joliet% miaigenem, ,Catgrrh, Sere Thriet s , . Tow -contain Collates.; Rural:mond, Xpecacuanha,.,Sanega ,and AMA. (theiMost reliable uxpeccolants knoRlla;) ar€llte shier: as, titiSonstituenia, so bletichnt ulith Gum Arakic and Sugar, that each lozenge, contains. a. mild and trempleatatat dew Atanarsetureo solely by: jan27 Apothecaries, 118 Market street, Hartislmw 15 ; 00u HA.M.S.—Fiftee . thott-. land'lba Ifichener's Eabeisionlainp' cured expreAsly for ft9l.l7luve,dlol_•, t4iff., „market, :•"' • SffiSLKFC & j feb2 (successors-to Wc . i. Dock, jr,,,,kc0.), N E,w, 33.0 0 31 161.110tTLbEll iiobitrf Just peostusti EdelBl . AC.44,l.,:xtfatAlto9ll§l(m.c., 'PLEB. just , received At F I L EBII-13 -, SIIDdSLER /k FRAZER, ap.3o . • ••-Successors to W Dock, Jr,; • ltirg,Sa 35BEIFLiiiha _al: article of 71 lef,a:Secf,aull Pork at WISUR '&EFILAER ap9 • (.119cos9.0Yi to Wm. P9O; FINE OIL -Fine salad oils jiist ieceived al [iity4) ; B OYE R. dr.AEGARPER. 1'10.Y0121 wish a good Gold Pen? If so, f rit soxylz i rs 1 4 ,1m0.. zur,34,....„ CUMBERLAND VALLEY FR JINK.EIL Tic RAIL ROADS. erilf.ANOt OF HOURS.—On and after Mon k./ day, April 4th, 1884 , Passdnger trains will run daily, as follovm s (Sundays excepted* FOR GIirAMBERSBURG AND H_dRRISBURG: A. IL P. IC Lam Hagerestown 7.00 2.46 _ . Greencistle 7:37 3.35 / Arrive at 817.420 Chambessburg, Leave at Leave.Shippausfkilt .1.. " Newville ''is • --• A-34 Carlisia ' V 55 10.10 .• 3.12 Mechanicsburg 625 1942 .2.42 Arrive at Harrisburg . 6.65 4.15 8.40 FOR cs:Amp.stasußci AND HAdßaftltrisT: •b llr. P. Y. T. IL Leanugarriabqrg,,i. 8.06. LB2 420 Mechanicsbur s g 8.47 2.1.5 4.54 . . 9.27 2.55 6.29 " Newcillu ‘. 10.22 3.2 a Sli.lcipensburg ' 10.8§ .. 480 . : Cba lab•er°l • 4; (Arrive at..... 00 &SO I Leave at 11.10 A. 40 Leave Greenestle .1L65 6.30 Arrive at Hagerstown F 12.36 8.10 4Eir Making close connections at Harrisburg. wi#t trains for Philadelphia, New e York . and Pittsburg and with rains for all 'points iffst. • Air The Train leaving . : Marrieburg at 4.200 .. m. r runii only as far ea Carlisle O. fr: . Suit. * R. Chantherabarg; Apin 4 4 : 1864-17 1864 IREADINCr 1,LA:11.40103. WIN -ER ARRA'N'GEMENT:` ri REAT TRIMIR LINE - FROM THE Jl*_ N'ORTEt and irdlitiimit forPhiladelphia,Wewitork, Reeding, Potteville r Lehanon, Allentown, piston, Am, &a. leave Harrisburg for l!'hibidephli., New - York; jog, Petteville find anintermadiate lantana, a ils,* 4. L and 2.00 r. ac _ New York illiprean *leaves' Hartistnirg 'at $.BO orriving at New,York L etl.4s the eamo der. Fares from Harrilliurf: New York, $5 i 6; to MM. dolphin $.3 86iattd.$8 Thiggage checked tinting& Reter.ninsi leave Nellr; , - Y•WElit 6 .t..,12 neon, and 7 rill/Mt:mg Repress.) 'Late Philaelplatit at 8'154 at; ;dn Steeping cars In the imilrorie Express Womb , to and fittniPltisbni isithoetchanae. * • • • - P 10801 4 66 by the Catawissa Railroad, leave4amaemt, at 6.50. a. at., and 2.16 r. a., for Ptitlidelplila; Near York, andel' *ay pohdar Trains Jape Pottsville at 9.15 A.. X. and 240 r. a., for Rarrisburg and New York. ' • ' An Accommodation Passenger train. leaves Reading at: &P A. a., and returns from pliilaxtelplaia at 5.00 r.. it. ' " the ' Xo7a-Aribut ra daily:Aiiiiday , excep ,A Sunday train leaves PottaviUe at 1.30 , x. ;if and,Pllll7 adelphia at 3.15 1.. x ;co ' atatiorOdlleake, Swam and litiouraton Uckete at . I , :e ducixt . rate s " to? and froo? , 11polula. . . General Superintendent. .govemlier . l4, &wit, ,T 4114 UNITED STATES :HOTEL - 'HARRISBURG: PA..' D H lIIITCHISON Propiietor. • FITS well knOw9l. Hotel npw 4.1 : a-- gou tion to accommodate the traveling Rablfc, affording the Most, ainPle'cerrimniences alike for the trastetit peat • and the permanent boarder. , 'THE UNITED STA.TI23 HOTEL has been entirely refit ted throughout, and now hai - accommodations equal in extent, comfort and lusury, to so hotel between. Philade lphia and'Pittabhrg.: Its location bent liathe 'Mate CapittUi.beinglin easy acmes to all the rallrowidepour,:mid in aloe, proxlmity to all the public offices and, basin lo calities of the City:' 'lt banion; all t h e coiiiimiencee df .f• (741. ,- 0". /-214 El :151 ,, 0 , 151 , L i.• and the Proprietor Is determined to vamtsettkitr, en, pew, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the image. The patronage of the traveling public is reaped:oily skill ' cited; , . • ,, • ;.• STAZE: . CAPITAL," , cifißitgit or THUW wAufErr • . rtiffeundersiea ha - .1. knoyint house enlarg roughlyielid:rited it TlidrOoins ha te been repainted Slid fspereCiintithe entlre.nstallahment elegantly a.iNturnisthed.: , „Bang:plea, sandy and eligibly logsteA f .anyovided:pith stvprycon :*entailed, it offers tp the public - tits Comforts and 111mi ries of' a' first clam hotel Tr r'ind always In attendance,: .AltailoWell titockeewith choice . liquors is t atfachedio the establishment,: de.26-41.y , . W. G. THI , 1" I Proprietor: Corner 0f*04.',0f3,44 and /414401010?; • HARRISBURG.4.NOWA,vrt.r. tla.B • Proprietoe.' 12.56.dtt • Neir'aild Popuir " - BOJO:: UWE 'WIWI'S :EVlDENgkaijitritil, ty , the Liu4thor of "sotioe Ppor; j ., :;.[ 50 cts. 'THE *LOR'§ . BECItti, lOr Sirs. 124DOSTRIAL BIOGRAPHY, byßuilloir, maim off.`Belf , • z! AIPNISWOO: 1N WAR TENESiiand..other .; CUDJO'S - u.lltE; thepuist popular boo o e ay. LES 3114.E1141i1ARS,Ntolor Husele great b00k... • $1 60. Adt•ES:EttaigifffalioWing how a very large , fam ily may live on ir 'small farm. LIFE OF LINCOLN, contalning,4 . speeches. procla mations, Ste., to date. Riper cbver:" ' '" 50 cte "Also ' ISFk OF OENEW,L,ICOLELIA.N,.SO eta. BuTLEF4' , .' 25 IdEADE, 25 " .-q4A/ITy , 1 ( s" 4 For salo at ; biERAP - 1341*,:sitotilig.. 17 . 016 PH OTOGRAPH ALBUMS Photograph Albums.' Photograph Albuitts. . ' . Photograph. Albuniii.— ; • _ • Photograph Albahae4, T HE largest and cheapest variety of PM TOGRAPH-ALBIIMain the city are constantly kept at, [marl2] , 11.E.RGHER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. tIRENCH43 -9 4NS—A rare article, jest A: Calved at, SEMLER & FRAZER, reb3 — (Buccoesors toym. Dotk, Jr.. '& Co. .:" MORTON'S GOLD PENIS. Another lot of Morton's Unrivalled Gold Pons for sale at - -SCHEFFEIVS BOOKSTORE. All notis yarranted for ; ne year. (deb NEW -B A KERY, Broad Street, belnvirt • Second and = Third; r. widergigit4ll.hait. opened . new ,U6:4; ,totY, in the Sixthenad, where he .prepared - tor ppIy.!BRZAD AND .W.. 113 at , : a reasonable ..rata. wax min genet - action .wholelll give him a call, Re. i Ng ui B owleg breed at the rate of Fl,s. a z and run weight guaranteed. Jazt64ltr, . Shade-Trees. Apia assortment 'art - ; 2 , .-. : -..,f1 . Silver Mit•le,„ - Nornitk iiiiille, -T ' ' ',,,,, -. Taller Ally Horoci' mount 4 " 1 - ; ••••`• „, ~ European 'Lind; '. ' ', ..' ', ' '.! 31apOolia or GliminiVia. ' 'Zio . , .IV, . . ~ ... ' ILEYWORE , . , . • , , March 15, 1864." • - - 2,17'; : 7:: , ',7., '. ilexrisbu stIPF,II.IOR VaLTSS AND 13WDtEfi : Ifter' o ffered in this niarhet; In bottles b 'ion or quart BMUS & F _Olnooessoß 1 : 060 k4: ;k • - ' AND HOTELS. JraPRT 'FiURG. 8%00,80 12.65 I.ZB .0. 1 82 2.00 Joax INONI3 PUNCH PERIONC4 DROPS, MEI _F*I I Pu!.E il.f4P‘ll4"-Ft3' Are the only Imam remedy ;that will euatamenaty and iiniariebly, restate and regnlatettielbmalesylltendirelliow ;in* Irregulartitts, and pradnolochealthe tiger mad c' , . 11:YONS,PRRIODIOAM DROPS . Are a.thild preparation; the only true:one or the kled ever i dtsooveredin this country, and acts directly on the parts raided, idastiiald'and powders Caidely reach' tittizi se Ithey.iwork through spritpaity, IntOnot 4 alt•Anaelg and I Pcsitivlx. I ' Are jou sciftilug from r Constant, wiliety Si the Tign l latretttrn ofrattuger Prealltftl 11t40k3 i ; olie.yonrielfnit uneasines, for LyOn's PariodlcslProps, .11 - taken a day or two before the 'expeoted.pssiod;wlgposi tively and inrariab i ly,,regulans its,comlng, as sure as effazt ea use, daylight. tblbiws &Attlee. Arolosjadri onfaablod,by s, ar unable to.beisdsi ;labor lind dagger of Imam° • , . LYON'S I PEIUODIGAL IltOPB Come to lon as !blessing, for Is notpreventlimbialtprAhan• 'whit -If regularly taken, it is a certain: Prevailhe i. and will pave you much peril and numfhours of mfeciag. - Have you been afflicted for many years with complaints lnoidtlnt lathe BC`xs that. i1itV".4. 4 4 1 W. the. Phi* ahem aMflic7Junriiig'yen on to an early grave LYPPk PFitIODIQAk PRQFP Are the meet reliableregelafor ever knowri, sad jars, &-ti nasSioodl thcieetivegelaridesilhat havedededAfairdbotor's skill. Will you waste away with suffering fresi Letioorrtwea;' ;Prolapses, Dysmenorrhomi andurthousand other ditllnal ganted, nv i under the intros of. aupprereedand vtentaadiutore, when an taVestmeat it one dellikr lif . _ L***.?BatFPD/CIAL DROPS sonwir save : ISO nob ninths drop. when forbidden in the direetkana, for althouglC a• pcititiire car's, and heindese at' an' other' times thwart eq medal armktbudy:4o.lloted WWII& ruid:WArerzethe fncitra the sling - orgardin‘that, takertataraproParlirdett they:would prodnoe'ritindhr 3tat9 to .9rs atPdcw‘ which ail. Vials.wha - Wi r iadd raDd oenoe; alioifld - carefully guard. . . bitot'S' . . ..hnent,the aguirdaticato conatituUon skimp thaw jet Ma proprietaa wish to guard against Its udaubS:. hoping that a thousand bottlas will be mod for a goodpar s4lr,WheMiliVi used .P 3 r:.alt • • :LYONS PEItIODIOAL Ditostsv 1:3 i • L. the neyer4hiling-lrernale Beater; huftir oats bisvery Druggist, in the dty andeountty, and tin not, if yon rine yolithaialthiand-z-irialt Darin- relhihle' medicine; buy 'any other..,, Take nit ether, Inttnif theDruggist_ to ; Innow .yott ipplt has riot got It; DI4C/1101 send lUKI get it l yon. • 11: YS-I• • 0 bitMek. & OMB JOHN, 4-,qp:*)RT, st Novthisarth Einfeti "- 114' .• dooll Id HEE MEI BEIM 7; 51.1314,4 r -; .".*•• ; 177.3:7t : . • 1 . • :•••14 et .1. twig o.i:el IS , .„i, I= )-41 Amt , tit . :!.. Gam " ' 06(.4 - t" 4 - . - tit/ MM I=ill t 5 C. Gni BEE EM !MEE EMI *7- 11324211' .• Yew Hagen, bona At:wittiefiae, br =3l -. <. _ '~ zLa'~S MEM MEDICAL. =I Dom. JOHNSON, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL , ittidteozintn ed t l i : tuTt , :e s t 0 z t for Lin speedy DISEASES OF MPRLIDE-WE RELIEF DI SIX TO TWELVE HOURS NO MERCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Cure Warranted, or .No Charge, in from 61,1 to Two Days Weakneaa of the Back, Affections of the Kidneys ~t d Bladder, Involuntary Digcharge; Impotency, Gentili g, Nifty, Nervoumiess, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Bean, Tlmittv Trembling; Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, DQesse of he Bead, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the LVEr Lungs, Stomaelr or Bowels--those terrible d;,... 30 , 4r ; arlaing from the Solitary Habits of Youth—chrome se em and solitary practices more fatal to their victims toss song of Syrens to the Mariners of Uli - ssee,' bliglatimg thei r most im brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering 'carnage, ponsible. YOU'NG MEN Especially, who have become the victims of SolitiaT that dreadhil and destructive habit - which autmely sweep. to an untimely grave thousands of Young lien of the must exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who m ight otheralee have entranced listening Senates with the Mug. dere of eloquence or waked to ectesy the living, lyre, geay cell will full confides's& " MARRTA GE. Married persona, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, defer . &c speedily cared- Re.whij plates 'pewit(' under the care of Dr. J. may re ligionalp [meals in nig honor as a gentleman, and tea: dangly rely upon his skill as a Physician, ORGANIC WEAKNESS mmediately cured, end' ftill'ilgor restored This distressing affection—which readers we miserable and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the v ic tif tramper indulgence. Young persons are too apt to cOmmit excesseS from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, oho that under stands the =bras will pretend to deny that the power or procrosittOtt Is lust sootier by those failing into improper haMts than bethe prudent. Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the moat serious and de. struaive symptoms to both body and mind arms The system becomes deranged, the physical end mental ftmetionassmdbisted i lots or procreative poutr. nervous izittabllitg r dyspepsia, palpitation of the bean, indigestion, adikitiational debility, a wasting of the frame. comb, cot atiostptiait, denty-and4salls. Ckyricic No. 7,.30611 FREDERICK STF.E.F.T, Left hand side going from Bailin:tore street, a few itutra from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. 'Letters must be pfd and contain astamp. The Domed DipliAlnas gln his aloe. DR. JOHNSON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Er.,t sate front anent the most eminent colleges in the taited States, andihe greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and eLe. where, has effected some of the most astonishing cure: ilea were ever known'; many troubled with ringing in the head and, ,ears when asleep, .great nervousness, Lein!, alirmed' at' sudden 'Slitinds, "bashfulness, with irequest iffushlag,,attelndednotnetimes wi th . derangement of mina were cured immediately., rktTICITLAE NOTICE These are some ofF the end and melancholy elects pro duced by early habits of youth, viz : weakness of the Leek and limbs, pains in the head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, net Tops irritability symptoms of consumption, &a. MANTALLT.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to bee.rembid—loss of Memory, confusion of ideas, de , meal= of opints, evil : forebodings, aversion to society, gait distrust, love of solitude, timidity, &c., are some or theMaileprOducal. YOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves by a certain practice iv dulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned frau, evil companions, or at school., the erects of which are nightly fen, even. when . asleep, and it mat,cured renders marriage wipes sible, and destroys bothmind and body, shotdds3Qly! mnuedlately. Whets,, t t had a young man, the hopeof his country, the darling Of his parents, should be snatched from all Prospect!! and.enjoymehts of „life, by the consequence of deviating from the 'path of nature, and inflwgn /1:1 a eerie& secret habit . , 'Such-persona ltuar, before custom- ITINTWITMAI Reflect that a sound mind and body_ are the most hecesthry requisites to promote connubialhappiness. liadeed,witla Out theseiihe journey through life beeont , s a wary Sl grinutge ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind become& shadowed with despair and tiii,hl with the melanchalytrefieetion that the happiness of another be (MIMI blighted with eur. own. DTSFASE OF TMPEUDENCE. , When the misgaided and linprudent votary of pleistre daalshe has imbibed lite seeds of this painful disease, too often happens that an ithitned sense of shame or the dread of dffiddvery deters hint Thin applying to those who from, education and respectability, can alone befriend hun. Di falls into the hands of ignorant and designing pretend errs, who, incapable of curing, filch his pecuniary rah /141MS keep him trifling month after month, or as long as ' the smallest. fee can be obtained, and in despair leare trim With ruined hetilthibilgh over his galling disappointment, or,-bythe use of the deadly: poison; Mercury, hasten the oonatitutionalsymptoms ofthis torriblediseittwouch as ante- Mona Or'the 'HHead r Thrbit„ NOse,'Skin, etc., progressing with teightfid ;rapiditT., till death ,pule a period to his dreadhll sufferings by sending him to that undiscovered andrbir Tient whence travedd' minx= OEM ,INDQRSEHRIT OF THE FrbysS. Thirteen y thoneindsmirat at this inelitution year Eder yearomd , the numerous important . surgical operations 'performed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the reporters of thetletivai)spar, and many otliernapers,notices of which :Nave appeared stippnand again before the, public, beeides .Ithrettuidinges'a gentleman of character 'and DaV6ll5l - la cauMcient guarantee to theafflictel. ;Ile-votoaLiaf,:ip:ptaotrowsioriDil . Mice No. 7 South .Nredes7e7c Strews,. afdta-tily NEW PHILADREPHIA o A. K. * - 4 'ls-0 R. IND. W. GROSS' NEW J3LOCK, Market, Street, Harrisburg. _ 4000 DIFTERR,bjT STYLES or FABB/ONIBLE AND C lIL ARS, .1 2 -LPINE SPRING SHAWLS Wilt MIA ogibeflat of April. .10110RITOLIOS I PORTFOLIOS I I CHESSMEN and Backgammon Boards, a fine ascot mint, NM received at SCE _IERFKR'S BOOKSTORE. SMOKED SALMON,i FINE - skufeA Jims , recOtted. at SEIDLER lc FRAXER, rob:. Ooteceitioth Win'. Dock, & Co.) ro.liADlES:—lti:yizitt - irbah goal Lette Paper, Eire Wilts,. Irk, Pena, or anything ele in the üßry line 31, 159. do well by ,s ci at , BE, Harrishura _ 11019 IVOAR9 I - 1 ( OYSTRItki Beal Salta, ander thaJones Hoaae 2 York ;liver Oysters, a fine article, arch* did Jiinee Holum - - aka Tenaphal, which will :bq saved up In line style at short; mate under ttie`Jones House, by #O lO - • JOBEPH WIVKLY. ITINCICriES :kg Tllty the Barret, LJialt Bind, Jar or Doze it ao2o • Sr FRAZER'S, ` " `l3occessOrs to Wm: Dock% Jr., t cal AYEW HUNDRVT) 61 the best PEAR TREES, of valuable leading varieties, ever oeered Wroth) inAprOnburg, are ow on hand at the Keystone Naree*7• [apll JACOB SUSI I ,01D-ERl!—Two Barrels of SWCC ; C ID sal; Pure;C:RISB Just received at ~; .18 . BOYER ts.SOERPES. MEI excelsior koala", o_ sea" Jost. roce!ved and for civ Eit„ • - * ' & co.) lEEE flohouxgr_ BOWLS.- .131.1tAibliLLS rwisEs ALL 'PDRTEMONNA)P3;OI:I a genital variety of LEA. 7111131 OP, ODSi :Just received at _ BE.E.GNESTOBJ;._ - ROkritliO SWERItY; imported 'Ullt:;ilB4B , .filrarraatedthe Tined: Sherry Wine in thIE pgnia. Jikor_ a* at .58.121hER at FICAZES • At — _ (anccennorn to Wm Dock. Jr., & lja) _CatiND 4IICES,,of the most se c - pettor'seultheice tyrtixids; just received end for see AYa) . ' WEIMER & FRAZIER, ~ I (filaatatant ta War. Derlk4r.,di t ,_'.€ 3r MEE pwirll.4ly SMOKED
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers