(„ _r_ , A l,lk t/t j Hit I 49, tIS A - 4 . 7 6 p._ %. r, it f.,5 .13 1.; it G • 1' A E'SDAY I. - _ E ;;Tic, rr) ADvicAvrisElz:4.-‘,9:11 122,i111.CAS `bog ICCS, vr.t: It a, &c.„ to Kert2 - Ft: ittsertiott In th e • 1,:.• mu :A ittr;:xlably be aceort ,72` Wit it. CA I. l:ie - er9i .nceniy orciere;l in the regular El: a e n:.; Ettl t ion are Ili serted in the illorn. i;% ion AV :110 nt extra charge. 1 . 0 , WN AN O COUNTRY A LITTLE GIRL died of excessive laughter in Philadelphia a few days ago. Drvmmm.—The - Harrisburg Bank has de clared a dividend of five per cent. out of the profits of the last six mouths. THERE will be a sale of two hundred and fifty condemned horses at Newport, on Thurs day of this week; also, a sale of one hundred at Gettysburg on Monday next• Mas. MAYER announces a second arrival of 'new millinery goods, at No. 13, Market street. An immense assortment of articles belonging to her line of business are on exhibition. Give her a call. Sec advertisement., POF>TPOIZED. —We have been requested to announce that, owing to the coldness of the weather, the sale of evergreens, roses, &c., announced to take place to-morrow morning, has been postponed until Wednesday of nest • , week. Two waiter girls were, dismissed from the concert saloons in Philadelphia, on Saturday evening last, in compliance with the law, re cently passed, prohibiting their preSence in the saloons. RAIN, ETC.—LI - Ist evening we were visited with a very heavy fall of rain, which - contin ued daring most of the night. - To Clayis quite cool and stormy, leading to the belief that there was a hail storm west or north of us. I=l ATTENTION is invited to the advertisement of J. It. Boyd & Son, who offer :for 'sale the building used by them. A bargain may be had, as the building must be disposed of, in order to make room for a new one of larger dimensions. • ==:l Triu regular stated meeting of the Paxton Fire Company will be held at their room this (Tuesday) evening, May 3d, at 7?- 1 . o!clock. It is desired that every member of the company be present, as business of great importance tp all will be brought before the meeting. A R EBEL MAIL GAMBIER SENTENCED. - , —Miss Sal lie Pollock, a resident of Cumberland county, 11(1., charged with conve'ing a rebel mail, has been convicted by a military commission at that place, and sentenced tO imprisonment in the Western Penitentiary, in Pennsylvania, until the conclusion e.if the war. I=lE3=l LEE, the famous manufacturer and importer of canes, umbrellas, sunshades, has re sumed his stand in the rotunda of the capitol, where he will exhibit a large variety of his stock until the adjournment of the Legislature.. Of course the usual ceremonies so creditable to the members of both Houses, of presenting canes to each other, as tokens of their mutual esteem, will take place at the coming close of the present session, and Lee will furnish these articles to the donors. I= MAN TJUPS. A correspondent desires, through our columns, to direct the attention of the proper authorities to a certain locality in the Fourth ward, on the corner of Sixth and Walnut streets, a placo well calculated to break the neck, arm or legs of the passersby, especi ally on a dark night, or• even in daylight, in case au individual should have too heavy a load of tanglefoot whisky aboard. So, to save trouble, wo would advise the owner to put a temporary fence thereon.. !MEI= A DAY or two ago, an attempt was made by a soldier to carry off a little girl, of five or six years of age, belonging to a family in Chest nut street. The parents having lost sight of the child, the father proceeded to the street in search of her. He was just in time to see the soldier, with the little one in his arms, turn ing a corner two or three squares distant.. The father succeeded in overtaking the party, and rescued his child. The soldier could give no reason. for the act, except that he was taking the little girl up town to purchase cakes for her! Parents should not permit their child ren to run at large until they are old enough to take care of themselves. 4 r MEMBERS of the Legislature, and others, before leaving town, should call at Rosen dale's, on Second street, near Walnut, and purchase a pair of those magnificent specta cles, which Mr. R. will suit to your eye. The spectacles offered for sale by him are said to be superior to any others in the market, and are becoming celebrated throughout the State. The best of home reference can be given as to their excellent qualities. Mr. Rosendale has also a fine stock of microscopes, opera, marine, field and spy glasses, stereoscopes, magic lantern, barometers, magnets, &c., which will be sold at low prices. Give him a call. TEE morals of the city are improving Matters have been exceedingly dull at the Mayor's office, and Port Callender has not been crowded since the date of our last re port. But one drunk appeared before the Mayor this morning, and he was discharged upon payment of a fine and costs}- Peter Swamberry and Arthur Campbell, members of the fraternity of boot-blacks, were arrested for disorderly conduct and profanity. r'lt ap pears that these Knights of the Prush en gaged in a game of fisticuffs. on the . : 4treets, yesterday, and freely used words that - are for bidden by the laws. Peter and Arthur were furnished with lodgings in the lock-up, and this morning appeared before the MayOr in a mane t indicating that their arrest had. had the 'desired effect. WANT.ED.—.A. girl capable to cook and do general housework. Best of reference re quired. Inquire at this office. I=l Trx Provost Marshal gives notice that the Tarious sub-districts should present the evi dence of credits yet due them, before the sth inst. This matter should be attended to, as through neglect, the proper credits might not be received. It is a matter of great importance to have all the credits due. MOM DINNER TO VETERA.NS. —The citizens of Ly kens Valley intend giving a grand compli mentary dinner to Co. B, 9th Pennsylvanis. Cavalry, at the Cross Roads in Washington township, on Saturday, 14th inst. Addresses appropriate to the occasion will be delivered by Col. A. J. Herr and others. PROF. lEENRY C. ORTH will, on Monday next, open classes for instruction in vocal mu sic, in the Lecture Room of the Baptist Church, corner of Piue and Second streets. The terms will be found in our advertising columns: - The reputation Prof. 0. has ac quired will recommend him as an instructor fully competent to impart instruction in music. Look Our FOR Thu DRAFT !—A fine oppor tunity is now offered to able-bodied men to avoid the impending draft. The Ninth Penn sylvania CaValry, which is at home on fur lough, is in need of a number of men to fill up the ranks, and a number of recruiting offi ces have been opened. Persons joining this regiment will receive a local bounty of $3OO. run particulars may be foUnd in :our adver tising columns, to which we invite attention. COL. Ross AT LIBELTY. —Colonel Rose, of the 77th regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, has arrived under a flag of truce at Fortress Monroe. It will be remembered that Colonel Rose, in company with some one hundred prisoners, succeeded in making his escape from Libby Prison, Richmond, where he has been confined for a long time, but was recap turned and taken back again. It was to him principally that the others were indebted for their escape. AT noon on Tuesday nest, the time. for re ceiving proposals for the necessary material for the re-construction of Carlisle Barracks, will close, at the office of the Chief Quarter master, in Chambersburg. The articles wanted consist of a large quantity of lumber of vari ous kinds, 150,000 bricks, 500 bushels of lime, 1,500 bushels of sand, 6,700 pounds of nails, and 24,264 feet of tin roofing. Proposals will also be received for 14,760 square yards of plastering. THEME wawa large attendance at. Gardner Sr; ne.mmings' circus, yesterday and last even- ing. A number of first-class performers have been engaged by the proprietors, and appear at each entertainment---including the Arab family. The celebrated clown, Dan. Gard ner, is always on hand to amuse the specta tors. The tent is pitched at the foot of Mar ket street. See advertisement. Barax & Krso's circus arrived to-day, and opened out near the Cotton Factory, where exhibitions were given this afternoon, and will be continued until to-morrow evening. Amon; the performers in this circus are many celebrated equestrians and gymnasts who are . well known throughout the country. Jimmy Reynolds, the people's clown, is con nected with the establishment. See advertise ment. PENNSYLVANIANS WOUNDED IN THE RED Rrv na BATTELS.—The New Orleans Bra, of the 19th, contains the names of the following sol diers of the 47th Pennsylvania Regiment, brought from Grand Ecore to New Orleans, on the steamer Ohio Belle. They were wounded in the battles of Sabine Cross Roads and Pleasant Ridge : Samuel Wagner, Co. D; Cornelius Cramer, Co. C; William Pyers, sergeant. Co. C; Ed ward Mier, sergeant, Co. B; H. Holester, Co. B; Robert A. Kingsborongh, Co. H; Isaac Baldwin; Co. D. Tax General Conference of the M. E. Church convened in Philadelphia yesterday. Bishop Morris is the presiding officer. The opening exercises were as follows: gear 9 o'clock all the Bishops of the Church entered in the following order: Rev. Bishop Morris, Senior Bishop; Rev. Bishops Janes, Scott, Simpson, Baker and Ames. At 9 o'clock Bishop Janes called the Con ference to order, and the Senior Bishop pro ceeded to open the proceedings by reading the 84th Psalm. The Hymn 219th was then announced and sung, beginning "Jesus the name high over all," &c., after which the venorable Bishop offered up a simple and eloquent prayer. • Bishop Janes continued the religious ser vices by'reading the 20th chapter of Acts, after which . the 27th Hymn, beginning "I love thy kingdom, Lord," was sung, And prayers were offered by Rev. Dr. Peck, of Wyoming Conference, and Rev. Dr. Elliot, of.Missolui Conference, two of the oldest members of the body. - - - The Bishop then took the chair. On motion, Rev. Dr. Harris, SecrettuT o the last General Conference, was invited for ward to receive the certificates of the Dele gates and to act until a permanent organiza tion was effected. The alphabetical list of Conferences, num bering forty-eight, was then called, and the certificates of election of its Delegates pre sented and read by the Secretary. The entire number of Delegates elected amounts to 216; this, of course, does not include the deputies from England and Canada. 181 delegates answered to their names at roll-call this morning. On motion Rev. Dr. Harris, of Ohio, was elected permanent Secretary of the General Conference by acclamation. A resolution was offered, and unanimously adopted, requesting the trustees of the Unioi. Church to throw .to the breeze, over the church, the Stars and Stripes, during the ses- sions of the Conference. A resolution setting apart Friday as a day of 'humiliation, fasting and prayer by the Methodist chniches in the city, was offered and adopted. EDITOR Or DAILY TELEGRA.PE, Sir:—You will doubtless recollect that the time of the return of the Fifty-fifth iii lantry and Seventh cavalry, you called the attention of persons re-enlisting to the fact, that, in case they accredited themselves to any locality outside of the county, their fami lies could not avail themselves of the benefits arising from our County Itolief Fund. De spite your warning, and against the personal advice of friends, a considerable number, al lured by a moderate advance on our township bounties, were accredited to other counties, and, consequently, their families receive no Pay. I have written to the proper officers of sev eral counties, in order to ascertain whether they could not receive pay from the counties to - which they have accredited themselves, and have received adverse answers. It seems that Dauphin stands alone in this matter, -as the relief is extended to the families of all persons who are accredited to it; and in view of the fact I would call the attention of persons enlisting, or who contemplate so doing, to the following facts: A man of family, say wife and four children, under our county regUlation is entitled to two dollars per 'rcr• pelt, 'riaidg a yearly amount of one hundred and four dollars; for three years, three hundred and twebie dollars. A wife and three children receive one dollar and seventy five 'dents per week, or ninety-one dollars per annum; for three years, two hundred and seventy-three dollars. A - wife and two chil dren one dollar and fifty cents per wed, or seventy-eight dollars per annum;, foi three years, two hundred and thirty-four dolllrs. Now, we are all well 'aware that, by the tithe a soldier recieves his bounty, that it is „slightly diminished, and a man of family be longing to Dauphin county, can see from the above, that it would be-quite as well for him to accredit him Self, even without any local bolinty, to his own 'county, as the amount paid to the family is vere nearly aslarge as the highest local bOunty offered. Again, 'this.money is regularly paid at , the end of every fourth week, whilst it frequently happens that months elapse between pay days in the field. In :conclusion, allow me to say to all Dan phin county men, give this matter careful eon sideration, as it is a plain statement of facts, which seriously affect your wives and little ones. Think before you act! A FRIEND OF THE SOLDIER. MaY— Pleasantly, 0 rosy May Comest thou this waiting way, With thy fingers full of flowers For the bosoms of the hours! ' Blessings on thee, month divine! Woman worships at thy shrine! 0 that naught of evil now Cciuld o'er _shade her parian brow, And especially that wo - - She alone is doomed to know? Does she know it? then let her stay the ills By reading in this paper of The wondrous Cherokee Pills! ADVANCE IN DRY GOODS.—We.do not wish to be considered in the light of alarmists, but owing to the late law passed by Congress, put ting a heavy duty on foreign merchandise, dry goods generally liave advanced in New York and Philadelphia,during last week, some twenty to fifty per centum. We notice this fact, and respectfully say that the purchasers of dry goods would do well to take advantage of the large stock at former prices, at the cheap dry goods store of 0. L. Boman, No. 1, corner of Front and Market stredts. SPECIAL OTIC CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! GLoAng wE have now on hand a splendid assort ment of all kinds of spring and summer C1 , )&112. The very best quality of silk mastics. Cloaks fur children. Sp.endid assortment of cloth for cloaks.' The cheapest hoop skirts in the city. 20 spriag hop skirts, best quality, 75 Ms. Beautiful skirts for ono dollar. The largest assortment of hoop skirts. 500 dozen ladies , stockings at all prices. spleudid assortment ut cambric. . Irish linen, a fine lot from auction. A lot of hilt - summer's dry goods, 25 cents a yard. Dry goods at 25 cents, 30 cents, 35 cents and all prices. We will sell off a largo lot , of dry goods cheap, which we have On hand yet from last season. S. LEWRY. Bannvarit's Troches. - - = For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A. Bannvart & Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. .old by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: HARRISBURG, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. BeruivAnr—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. • pff-I agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Troches. W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. RABBIS/317EG, Jan., 1864. To C. A. Bainsrvenr---.Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, have found the need of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising Qom its too frequent use, and impairing the iffectiveness of the delivery of public ad iresses. Yours, &c. JNO. WALSER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. RuorvAnT—Dear Sir: Having used your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great ?leasure in recommending them to all persons ttflicted with sore throat or huskiness of JOiCe arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, &,c., G. G. RAKESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DISTRICT ArroronEr's OFFICE, Hagansmrso, Feb. 29, 1864. To C. A. Runivenr—Dear Sir : I have round your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bane -5t to all public speakers. A. J. HERR Mrs. Ball's Remedies. I take this method of cheerfully thanking the public 'or past favors, and still solicit their kind attention to my nedicines. ' To tell of all the wonderful cures I have been Mle to ti,rform would be impossiule. I would call the atention of the ladies particularly to this valuable inedi dine. I think I can safely say it is the very best offered to them. It will regulate the whole system; can be taken at any time; no fear need be apprehended in re '.e.ard to it. I have also a valuable Salve to kill proud flesh, and another to draw and heal. This has healed sores that have rap 20 years. My Dysentery Drops, In rant cordial and Cough lrrops have been well tried. I need say nothing in their favor. I.have constantly on hand those Medicines and Salves. MRS. L BALL, inar7.6 No. 27 South Pine street, Harrisburg, Pa. A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing certain .LA amendments to the Constitution. • Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Represenktlues of the Commonwealth. of Pennsylvania in General Amn. biymel, That the f dimving amot.dments be proposed t.. the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in areordm e with the pr ;vision ; of the tenth article thereof: There shall be an Adoional section to tric third attic', of the Constitution, to be designated as section fosr, td; follows: "SECTION 4. whenever any of the qualitled clertors of this Commonwealth : ire ii he in any actual mid CON ser vice, WI ier a requisition from the l'resident or th • Utdird States, or by the authority of this Commona..dlit, such electors may exercise the richt 01 siturage in I::: ele.thms by the citizens, under such regulations at are, lir sta prescribed by law, as fully as if they were present mi. their usual place or eleetiOn " SECTION 2. There ishall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of, tile Constitution, tb be detonated as sections eight and nine, as follows: "Samos S. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature, COMainlng more than one subject, which shall bo clearly expressed in the title, except appropriation bills." " SECTION 9. No bill sba!l by passed by, the Lo.gis'ature granting any powers, or privilege.% in ally Cm, where the authority to grant such pmeets, or privileges, has been, or may hereafter he, conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth." EMMY p. JOHN:3O.N, Speaker of the HonseitNepresentatives. JOHN P.TENNEY • Speaker of the Senate. OFFICE OF TM's' SECRITARY OF TRU CO4MONWEALTII, Flaunts crico, April 25, ISG. Pennaybxenia,s: I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the original Joint Resolution of the General Assembly entitled " A Joint Resolution proposing certain Amendments to the ColletitiltiOO:' as the sarno remaips on file in this office. IN TESTIMONT whereof, I have hereunto set my [L. sa hand and caused the sell of the Sooretary's of fice to be affixed, the day and year above wiittett. ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the,Sommonwealth. The above resolution having Ifeen agreed' to by a ma jority of the member , rf each Rouse, at two successive of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, the proposefl amendments will be submitted to the peo ple, for their adoption or retention, im the. FIRST TUESDAY OF 'AUGUST, in the year of our tord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, in accordance with the tenth arti cle of the Constitution, and the act, entitled An Act pre scribing the tune and manner of submitting to the neople, for their approval and ratification or rejection, the pro posed amendments to CouSLitUtiort, ' approved the LeTnty.third day of April, ono thousoud eight hundred and sixty.four. ELI SLIFER, ap27_ ' Secretary of the commonwealths.. AUCTION SALE CONTEMNED HORSES. Wan DEPARTMENT, OAVALEY BUREAM OFFICE OF CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, WASHINGTON, D. C., Aim! 2.5, last. WILL be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the UMW and places named be. low viz: biewport, Pcun'a. Thursday, May sth. ,• Gett.3sburg..Psnit i a, Monday, May 9th. Altoona, Peun'as Thursday, May.l2ML; Penn'a, Thursday May 19. h. Read.nz, Penn a, Thursday, May 20th. Lebainkranai'a, Thursday Jude 2d. North •mberland, Peun'a, ibursday, Juno 9th. Scranton. Penn's, Thursday, June 16th. W.hiamsport, Foun'a, Thursday, June 33d. One Hundred (100 , horses at Gettysburg, and Two Hun dred and Fifty (25u) at each of the other places. These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the United States army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. • - Horses will be sold singly. Sales beginat 10A at., and continuo daily till all arc sold. TESMS: CASH in United State*, Treasury . notes N only. lAM EKI. Lt. Col. and C. Q. M. Cavalry Bur. au. ap2B dtd MAGNOLIA BALM. THIS is the most delightful and extraordi nary article ever discovered. It changes the Sum burn and Face and Hands to a pearly, satin texture, of ravishing beauty, imparting the mai big purity of youth, and the distingue appearance so inviting in' the city bete of rikidon. It removes tan, fieckles, pimples, and rough. .ness of the skin, leaving the comp.oxion fr. l, transpa rent and smooth. It contains no mat. riot injurious to the skin. Patronized by A. tresses and Opera wagers. It is .what every lady should have. Sold wholesale and re 'tail by S. A. itUNKEL t SRO., I.lll.:llaricet street, Harrisburg, Thomas C. IgoeDowell, t ern e y-a t -L a - vr OFFICE IN THIRD ST., BELOW PINE. HARRISBURG, PA. A LL manner of Military Claims promptly ..nt. attended to, and , clnima collected against the General of :State Governments, either in Congress, the Court of Claims at Washington city, or at Harrisburg, without un necessary delay, and on mo.lerate terms. ap29-dbm N EW PHILA D ELPHIA CLOAK STORE. CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, CIRCULARS. 1,000 CLOAKS from $7 00 to 525 00, AT THE NEW CLOAK STORE, MARKET ST.RE4T, izr D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, HARRISBURG. ap7.l SURE PROTECTION AGAINST EXPLOSION Burning of Boilers or Flues D. C. MEAD, (AF _PITTSBURG, will remain in Harris- NJ burg for a few weeks, to supply Ike ASHCROFT LOW WATER DETECTORS to all in this vicinity who !nay 4sire to have it applied to their Boilers. This instrument is simple and sure in its operation, and warranted to give PERFECT SATISFACTION, OR NO PAY Orders maybe Left at THIS OFFICE, where the instill meet may be seen. ap27-dtf Dr. J. P. KELLER'S Dental Preparations GRANULAR DENTIFRICE AMERICAN TOOTH WASH HESE elegant preparations combine the T Most desirable cleansing and astringent qualities. They reader the Gums hard and healthy; neutralize the acid secretions of the mouth, (thereby removing the prime cause of decay.) By their detersive properties they preserve the natural color of the Teeth, without in the least degree injuring the enamel, while they impart to the brea h a fragrance peculiarly aromatic and pleasant.— In fact they are THE BEST ARTICLES in use for the pur poses named, as a fair trial will fully demonstrate, and as has been abundantly proved by their extensive sale in this community during the last 14 years. and which will be readily testified to by many who' have repeatedly urged the Proprietor to still further extend their sale anti usefulness. They are warranted tq be free from thost destructive acids wh ch so frequently contaminate many of the preparations of the present day. Prepared and sole at the liental Roams of the Proprietor, corner of Second and Walnut streets. JOHN P. KELLER ; Surgeon Dentist. For sale also by the principal Druggists of the city. ap2l-dtf NO. 4 JONES' ROW. THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully informs the public that he has purchased the HAT AND CAP STORE z. Late the property of T. J. BURNETT, deceased, and that he will continue the business at the old stand, whe, e he win constantly keep on hand a general assortment of HATS CAPS - 154 e. OF THif LATEST STYLES, which will be sold at reasonable rates. - A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solicited. mar2B4l2m ' IL EL LONG. 20 BOXES SPERM CANDLES, of a very superior make, just received and for sale by SHISLER & FRAZER, febl (summers to Wm. Dock, Jr., & BRANT'S HAJALi LJUiI !J l'l OE: Harris & Clitton?s NEW ORLEANS Burlesqe Opera Troupe P112.-k S 6 .8111 - D. 18 STAR TENISDATAND 'FliplY, iitlY 60 AND 6th. TIES cititrrE , ix aaktoviledged, by the Press and public, where they have bad the honor of appearing, to: the greatest coin • • bination or Artistic e;cellence and the most original Ethiopian Delineating Troupe ever before consolidated under one management and MASTERS OF THEIR PROFESSION HARRIS & CLIFTON FRANK WINSLOW, Agent. J. NORRIS, Stage 'Manager CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL. WALNUT BM,. BELOW: , UMW. DONNELL OPEN EVERY' EV ENING, With a First-class Company of SLNGERS, DANCERs, C4_IIIEDIaICS, se., &O. Admission.. ......... .......... ...... 1.6 cents •=eats itc.,ll4ixes .... . ... . " MISCELLANEOUS. Useful and Valuable Eiturar iiiautivrar I Discovery. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more general practical utility than any ineention now before the public. it hes ueen thoroughly tested during the last two years by practical men,,and pronounced by all to be 0:,.P R 0 - R. TO A NI Applicable to ail uEsful Arts. Atiltesiv. Preparations known. Drsomiatis CBZIZNT is a new thing, and the result -el' years of study; its combination is on Bcientific Principles, And under no circumstances or change of temperature, will it be come corrupt or omit any offensive smell. A new thing. Ito Combination Manufacturers, using Macuines, will had it the best artide known HE Cementing for the Channels, a works without delay, is out aneeted try any change of temperature. Boot and Shoe Man nfaztarers. JEWELERS Will iltid it sullkieraly adhesive for their use, as has been prove..l. 'jewelers. .Pis Especially etaa.p.tal to Leather, Aid ice claim as au especial merit, that it sticks -Patches to Bouts and Sums salicietalv strong without Melling, -. Famllles L-IQUID E 111 E '1 Ext - iat that s a sure thug for mand- ICs a liquid trurnit , Crookery i Toys 'Done, Ivory, And articles of riousebold use REMEMBER RivroN's trlsuLum.s Cumms - r Is in a liquid Cum and as easily ap RemembeT, plied as paste. HILTON'S INSOLUISLS Cnanorr Is insoluole in water or oil. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Adheres oily substances. Supplied in Family or Ifanufne: tuner's Paelr.sges from 2natmes to 110 lba Fiala = Agents In Mad jelB-dly Lykens Valley Coal Company NOTICE. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Lykens Valley Call Company will be held at the office of Edward Gratz, Esq., No. 4 South Seventh street, Pniladelphia, on 'Llonday, the 2d day of May nest, at 12 o'clock. for the election of Seven Directors to serve for the ensuing year. E. GEO. HOFFMAN, Prest L V. C. Co. apl dlm JOHN A. BIGLER & CO., MI IR, 0 lK MARKET STREET, ABOVE FOURT.II, (NEXT TO ADAMS EMPRESS OFFICE, HARBISMURG". , , Warrants, Claims, Government Seem ities, Checks Vouchers, kc., cashed. mar2Sci2m. Open Market for Cavalry Horses. ASST. QUARTERMASTER'S (TICE, HARRISBURG, Velma, April sth, 18434. NTLL further' order's, HORSES ; fit for U Cavalry Service, will be pi mba.sed at this place lu open market None will be received under Dye r nor over nine years of age. Must nut be under hanOs in height. For' partienlara applito N. C. REICHENBACH, aps-dtf Capt. and Amt. Quartermaster. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE INSTI x. TUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1510 Arch street,' 'Rec. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D., E. CLARENCE SMITH, A. M., Principals. Ninth Year. Three departments: Primary, Academic, and Collegiate. Full college coarse in Classical, Mathe matical, higher English and Natural Science for those who graduate. Modern Languages, Music, Painting and Elocution by the best masters. For ciircu ars apply at the Institute, or address BOX 2611 P. 0., Philadelphia ap2o.6m* I. 4 IItENOI - 1 13EAN6-2.. rare article, just re ceived at SHISLER th FRAZER, feh3 (successors. to Wm Pock. jr, Schuylkill and Susquehanna naliroati Company. OFFICE, 227 S. For= STREET, 1 PaIIaREI.PLICA, April 4th, 186. rpHE annual meeting of the Stockholders 1 this Company and an election for President amd x Managers will take place at the Mice of the cempaay Monday, the 2d day of May next, at 12 o'clock, L. ap6.dtm2 W. H. WEBS, Secretary. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THEe partnership heretofore existing be twen the undenignod, in the military. Claim Agency BuElness, is diasolved by mutual consent, from and after this date. THOMAS C. M.tcDOWELL. THOMAS A. MAGUIRE.. 'Harrisburg, April 28, 1861 BURLINGTON HERRING. THE first of the season, line large Burling ton herring, just jived at & FILIZER, ap9 (succmr.-cira to Wm. Cicath, jr., Ap %Luguyilt Uunee,,at .) SHISLEIi A FRAZER (SUCCeWirS to W Pock ,jr., & ex..l EIM "I lab; U.EL.E.1311.5.TED V.LIULN.LA OM Lot AIX, and Day & Martin's lAmdon ranking. just re -4elred and for , sale by SHIBLER FRAME, fel - '(successors to Wm. Dock. Jr...ti Co) FUR SAI.E—A very handsome Two-noise PEDLER WAGON--cheap for cash. Direct letter to BOX No. Sp, Harrisburg, Pa. mar/14i BRIEN'S GREAT SIIV, PER.FORMERS, TOlll KI EXCELSIOR, CIRCIUi•-1 (From Daliinioro anti Washington) CCIO3MIN 13 ! HARRISBURG TUESDAY ON LOT ABOVE COTTOI PACTO:. Sole Proprietors I. ]MMLETON THORASIUNG.... With a band of music, will bu made at o'clock, A, r.. on the day of opening, listing of the splvinlid Cl:ur:tlt "s e a alre drawn by twelve .thoroughbred steeds Arabia. tnle Lemma The Troupe is composed of the follov. named skillful Artistes: Mad. LOUISA TOURNAIRE! The daring French Equestrienne and B.Lre.- back Rider, whose unrivalled perform- Graceful and charming, will appear in sir 6 le or double acts of Equestrianism. Mlle. LAVINIA ! BOOT . AND SHOE It is ale only HILTON SACS. & CO., Proprietors, Providence, R. I LAINT & 11AGI-NNIg. ap29 d2.xv ANIVSF.M.E7-i AND IMEI iilDr-TESDA MAY 3d AND 4t-b, )1 GRAND PR9CEBTfq! cruces have thrilled the world. Mlle. VIRGINIA! A Scenic Equestrienne and fascinating ran- 5c , 914-. JAMES REYNOLDS I The People's Clovrn. • ,TIriLES WARD! The great Perterrning awl Trick Clowr, Mons. ROCilq.-tli LLE! Unquestionably, al the mast profound eri,' .s say, the best Gymnast it: the world. WILLI-1H NAYLOR! LOUIS ZAN FRETTA. ! A wonderful Acrobat and Gymnast. JOI-IN NAYLOR ! The great Tunilikr and Lcaper. Signor G. WA -, MOLD I As the Man of many WILLIAM H. I The great Horse Tamer, Hercu and Sir. Horse Rider. WILLIA.M SMITH! Inhis. graceful divertisement, known in the • French language as La Pemhe. KING ! Whose name is well :mown ir, the will demonstrate his grs-At :•3at.:-.!ltu As a Vaulter and Sin*: er Double - Act F.questrian, he Lai no Peer. The Horses arc all thorouglibrad, won --- fully well trainer!. The beautiful Pony, DER, the pet of the children, is the srnai*, , equine anined in the world. The T-t•-•:r. Horse, GREY EAGLE, and that beautif.:l:y spotted Charger, CHAMPION, and last. not least, the ec,mieally erlii,lated Mules, Ti and JERRY, from Aeayulco, Mexico, will exhibited, and made to demonstrate fieir wondrous powers during the exhibition. Price of Admission— 4o Boxes 25 - cents NO HALF PRICE! IL L. STEBBINS, ap22-tnitt General Business Agent. GARDNER SI 1' 1 IDIIIIMI kl AR AMERICAN CIRCUS DAN GARDNEI This large and elegant Equestrian Compare will exhibit in lIARRIE.BURG, AT THE FOOT OF SLIIIKE'r STRF On loudly, Tuesday nit Wednesday, - 21 2d, 3d. and AFTERNOON AND ET -WING, Each day. Doors open at . 2 and 7P. M. P formance to commence half an hour later_ Admission 25 ct Reserved seats 5U c Among the many attractions of this M moth Establishment is a GROEJPE OF REAL ARAI FIVE El NTTIMEIS, THREE MALES AND TWO FEMAL headed by Zara, The Benirafii3. Arab The only Female Contortionist in AmerLT ALI I€l.il..S'A I'4T, The Wonderful ..Vabion Gymnast, In conjunction with the ..Lrub Troup, large Troupe of PEAN AND A:JED - NAN ISTISTES, wil pear in every variety of Equest:. and Gymnastic entertainment. THE STUD OF HORSES AND PON', arc the best trained colloctirn in the wort':. Td2 GRAND PROCESSION will enter the city about 9 o'clock on the • of exhibition, heade-d Magnificent C: tale en manufactured expressly , t.) . 1 team. ), cost of $6,900, York. It will be drawn by a of SPLENDID cll_kr,!.:.:-Er_s, • coNT.w.az.G FRITZ lIIIVIBLAIC'S ruit.lnzinr_l. BRASS 8.A.: and followed. by the entire Cortege. W. W. A.l4Atil DON'T FORGET THE L: AND DAT..._ Will: exhibit in < c. Hummelstawn • • Sktt anlay, Apri Carlisle ..,.Thursday, Ma; M2l Trens - 1 Dirt.:ctr . .an Dire MANAG MEI
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