TIIE,,TELEGRAPH pumasaEo 2JORNING AND E VENTIVG, 1.3 IT GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR IVA L NUT. rEnms OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE :,;1;!k-..CRIPTION 1'1; E i/AILV TELIiGRAPII is served to subscribers in the c:;y at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $3 CO in advance. Those persons who.neglectto pay in advance will be charged $8 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. THE TEEM RANI is also published weekly, and is furnished to subscribers at the following cash-rates Single copies, weekly.... Three copies to one Post Office 'Pa copies to one Post Office NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: JU LIU S ROSENDALE, 29i Co IDEGS to inform the inhabitants of Harris- Li) burg and Vicinity that ho has removed to No: 29 North Second street, two doors from Walnut. Thankful for the confidence and patronege bestowed on me during my stay on Market Square, I hope to-merit a wntlnpanoe of the same at my new stand. PARTICULAR ATTENTION is called to the - CELEBRATED TINTED PARABOLE SPECTACLES, for which I claim the undermentioned advantages: • Ist. That from the peculiar construction'of the Glasses, they a_.;sist and preserve the sight, rendering frequent elianga quite unnecessary. I. That they confer a brilliancy and distinctness of vi sion, with an amount of ease and comfort nottitherto en joyed by spectacle wearers. 3d. That the material•from which . the Lenses are , ground is. manufactured specially for optical purposai t aid is PURE, HARD AND BILILLIA-NT, and no: liable to become scratched. 4th. That the frames in which they are set, whether in phi, silver or steel, arc of the finest quality and finish, and GrARASTRED PERFECT in livery respect. Oth. That, from their peculiar color, they prevent a su perfluity of light affecting the retina, and therefore strength icing the optic nerve and rendering it less liable to Amanrosis. Constantly on hand, a large assortment' of Achromatic Nhcreseopes, Spy Glasses, Opcm, ;Marine and Field Glass es; Stereoscopes and Views, Magic Lantern.' Wiroziieters Thermometers, Magnets, ko., Ito. • ',. Remember that Rosendale's Institute will be 'permenent at No. 25 North Second street, five doors from the Buch er House._,_ _ . ELECTRICITY. DES. WYETH 4n.d. CREAMER, Eclectic and Eleetropathic physicians, respectfully. O'er tiler professional services in all the various- branches: of the profession, for the treatment of all,acute and chronic forma of disease. The remedial means they employ in the treatment of disease consist of Magnetism, Galvanism, Electro-Misnet. ism, the Swedish method of I.4cali.zed m6Veauenecure, a few Eclvetiz medicines when deemed necessary; and in fact all the natural curative agents that may succenfully he brought to bear upon the , disease. . They do not wish to be understood as arrogating to themselves any superiority of proftssional skill, but-they believe the remedies they employ in the treatment of dis ease far superior to those generally employed byphysicians, from the fact that they act in perfect, harmony with the laws governinghnd controlling the human , system. To this, and the fact that they confine themselves to no par ticular lathy or system, they attribute their success In controlling disease. The principal_ agent they employ in the treatment of disease,liamely, Electricity, is' au agent wonderful in its phenomena and powerful in its effects for good or, id. It is an ever present., alhpervrding principle, governing all things, from rolling worlds down to the invisible ilartioles or Bass...au:a matter. , We see kin the lightning's Bash and thenianitestations of its .pewer - in the mattering thunder. It is the cause of. all. decomposition, recompo sitlon and transformation. Ittnicites all motion. It the exciting cause •of life, growth, decay and - death.' •It cause, steretion, excretion, digestion. It lays hdltrof the crude fad iu the stomach, converts it Into a meteor flu idity, transpiutes it into arterial bioudiAnd senile It on its important Onice of supplying nutrimmttzlicomtthirto the necessities vrthe body. Itis the,nettedvital.flaldc the peat agent. through which the Mind acts upon the body It Is the cause of all causes exc. ptthe first 4grdit: caul; the Infinite Mind wLlch oreatedh and brought"it into use These may appear like - mere assertians, but they are facts admitting of strong and trresistible proof. Is it then, to be wondered at that an agent so wonderful in its Ate. hotness, co powc, ful, in its mend'. statioos and so-intimate ly conutotca ..perationa of the hamirn. , sys. tent, should be almOstabsolute in its power ave./droning disease? tertaiuly not. It Is a natural sequence'. and follows as surely as day follows night.; Among the diseeses which are found to yield readily to Electricity, in conjunction with pruperadjunct treatment., maybe mentioned the following; Incipient Consumption, Paralysis, Elpiliptic, Hysteric and other Cotivillsions; Neuralgia, in its worst forms, Rhaematism, inflammatory and chronic; all diseases or the nervous system; Dyspep sia cured la a few treatments; all diseases of the urinary and genital organs; Female Diseases, Asthma, Piles-and Prolapsus Ani ; Amaurosis and all kindred affections :of the eye; Auretus, Strictures, all skin diseases, &a.. Persons calling will be told whether they can bo hone fitted and no ease taken where some relief cannot- be af forded. Consultation free. Office, South Second street, below Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa, Office hours Truth Bto 72 a, 5.,15,1 to 5 and 7 tog P. M. ALEX. R. WYETII, M. D., 1)K. J. 6111.T0N I.:REAMER. OS FIRST IN FASHIONS, CHEAPEST IN PRICES. TTIHE subscriber has tho pleasure to : inform the ladies of Harrisburg and v,iotriity• that she 'vow opening at . • No. 13 Mark - et street, between Second 'and Front, at Boger's Old Stand, the most complete and Isaltionablo stock of FRENCII AND AMERICAN every exhibited in this city. Having been.tong connected with and conducted one of the most extensive houses in this aim*, she flatters herself to enjoy, advantages and facilities to carry on a first.classestahlishment sot Shared by many, Having bought from manufacturers - .and im porters only, and intending to sell at small :profits, she is confident to establish a reputation not only for taste and fashion, but also that of selling at -the , most reasonable prices. In addition to a complete stoultf of Millinery;. em bracing Hats, Bonnets, .(made up in.. great variety and made to order ut shortest notiee,) . SILKS, VELVETS, FLOWERS FEATHERS,. LACES . Rt?CHES, she offers everything pertaining to LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS; . „ such as Noon Skirts, Corsets, Hosiery, Hanalkerchiofs, Gloves, collars ' Con, Belts, &c., &c. - ••' magrullcent stock of Hair-nets Head-dresses, from 25mems to $0 00. . • I most respectfully solicit a libiralliatronsge. L • HRS. Of. 114.1.r.EH, No. 10 Market sAreot. api dly PLUMBING AND GAS PITTING. undersigned, would- respectfully . in form his friends and the public generally, that he has associated with him a Prnctical Plumber, and is now prepared to do PLUMBING iii alt its various branches, spch as Hydrants, Bath Tubs, Water Closets, StaAonary Wash Basins, &c. Galvanized Iron, . Copper Platished, lead and Iron Bath Tubs, Plain and Fancy Wash. Re sins, Water Closets, Traps, Brass and Plated Cocks, and , l de scriptions of Plumber's materials and gas tintliai kept constantly on nand, and furnished at tho loweSt city prises. (:1.0. A. OBELSBY, No. 25 South Second St., ap26-dlw Harrisburg, K. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Photograph Albums. Photograph Albums.- _ . Photogrpph Photograph Albloins T EEE largest and cheap* variety Of I'HO ToGRAPH ALBUMS in the city are conetantlykap at tutarl2 . l . BERGN..'S CHEAP BOCIESm ' E. • FOR. SALE, THU valuable .property, corner of Second 1 told Pine streets, being fifty-two and a half feign Se cond and one hundred and sixty-eight feet on Pitje treet, running back two ndred full buil ding feet to .Barhara alley, there being space for lour lots, and a , most de sirable site for a Governor's Mansion or public bdildings. For particulars enquire of Mrs. - HURRAY, corner of Se cond and Pined reels. in4A-tr ,NGLISH BREAKFAST TEL — AO* re ceifed a Sze Chest of English Etrughtuttt.ica;sl SIIISLER & FRAZERA, (Successors to NYm. .I*Ckpr.) 'ESS BEEF and MESS oittAce article of Mess Beef and Pork at SHISLRR & FRABER - -(successors to Wm. Dock, 3r4 kOo.) ap9 -* * titn, tianti,Ll--7 a i r tn t a: p bid* $1 50 4 - .10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. 29 KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OFIRON. AKUM „ A - and-rio_werful TONIC, Corrective , and Alterative,. of wonderful efficacy in diseases of the STOMACH, LIVERand BOWELS. • *. Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints Headache, General Debility,,Nervousnem, pressiort of Spirits, Constipation • Intermittent Fever, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the ,Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Difficult Breathing, Yellow ness of ties- Skin and. Eyes, Fever and Dull.pains_ in the Head, . Pain in the. .Side, Back, .Chest and Limbs, will '.04,1fe every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility,- Dip:ages of the Kidneys and Dial*ases arising from, a disordered Stomach, Goud. for, Male • _ or .Fernalk, Old The 11108 i: b e noficial medicine known; gives bettersatia faction and cures more.diseases than' any , othOr prepare ties offered to the Xdblic. Prepared Middy byS A. -KON LEL & BRO., 1181farket street, =Hurisburg- • For sale by Diugglats and Dealers: everywhere. • . • • BEWARE OF' Vic° C6unterfeifs As Kunkel's. Bitter Wine of Iron la the, only .sure. and effectual ran:lady in the. known world for the permanent cure of . gad,pebiiity,'andaktheroare a cumber of iniitations offered to the pnblic, we would caution the community -to Imre:l4Be none but the .gennine - artlele, manuractured by S.XI/MUM & Bao., and has, their stamp on the top . tlikcork of every bottle., tbe..very fact thalligherkiiria attempting to, Imitate. Able valuable remedy ; proves its ~portit and speakkvolumea in Ita favor. The,flitter Nine of lien is put up in 75 cent and . $l. 100 bottlea„asat atoltl.bytall , respectable druggists ' throughput. t he country.: Be particular that every bottle beats the ac risfat Of:thespropriatior'salign , • • . •., • - . Twit neludes the most 'agreeable and eilicient Salt of /MD we possets;' Citrate .- of Magnetic Oxide 'hetri binedt with , the most enertmtic of 'Yregetable tonics, 'Teliow Veruvian bait.. The'Wrap to many cases of 4ebillty; loss of appetite, and general prostration, or an otUctent Salt of Iron, combined with- our valuable Neive Tonle, Is Most happy. It augments the appetite; 'Mika the* pelse, talces oil ingsculort flabbiness; mucerid the Oilalbt of debility, and gives allutid 'vigor to the countenance. GrENJRAL DEPOT/ For sale by all respectable dealers throughout the ountry. tra - CONNITTEE FORA OAF'S LABOR. GREAT . CENTRAL SANITARY FAIR, bomurrzza av ".LABOR INCOMZEI AND RiVIENTTEB;" OirFICE NO.IIB S. Ssvierrn ST, Purtaa4 ' . JOHN W. CLAGHOZN, Treasurer. . , . T HIS COMMITT EE has a special work, to w it: to obtain a day's "labor," a dayja "IncoHrp," and a day's revenue," from every citizen of the., th,ree States of Penneylvanitti'New Jersey and Delaware;for the benefit of our sick and mounded soldiers. The Committee's Vow fully organized at the above ad dress, and calls far co operation of all classei'M the community. We want.to'shoW what the industrial claiscs can do,for their soldiers! , What the.peOple can do in their separate trades! What Pennsylvania can do! What. New Jeisey can do! What Delaware can del What each county cati,do! What each city and town can do! " ' • What elan profession can do ! What each trade can' do! What each occupation can do! What each manufactory can do ! . . What antitank, insnrance company and railroad can • • What ea& Mine can do ! What each workshop can do I . . What each family can do! What each-man can do What each woman Mtn do! What each boy and girl can do I We want to show to the world what Araericanmenre of are ready to do for their soldiers I This is a great -work Mid the time short. . - The way. to da so Is to organize I Organize in. our workshops—in your familins. • Let the men organize. Let the women organize. Let the tradenorganlze. Organize everywhere. Let the workmengive with their einplOyers, the. gm - ployers with their workmen. It is easily done. If the workmen will authorize their employer% to deduct one day from their week's or month's earnings, and the'employers will add to it a, day of 'their profits, the 'whole stim Will be acknowledged together to the credit of ths: establishment. We say to all, go' to work at oncernith us in. this great work. Hurry focutard your contributiMis. Every acknowledgment will stimu late others to follow your example. . Circulars with full instructions will be sent upon appli cation, by mall or otherwise, to the undernigned. To work! to work! ' • L. MONTGOMERY BOND,. 'Chairman. Mrs. E. W.IIIITTER, • Chalr'man of Ladies'Oommittbe. M. J. lIITGITESON, Secretary. ap2o-d4*wks- Lykens Valley Railroad and Coal Com parry. • . IVOTIOE. The annual meeting of the 11 Stockholdens of the Lykens Valley Railroad and Coal Company tie held at the office of Edward Gratz, Esq., No. 4 South teventh street, Philadelphia, on Mon• day, the 2d day of May next, at 12 o'clock, for the:elec tion of a President, Secretary, Treasurer. and cAverilLan agars, to serve for the Mulling year. at. _ GEQ. WHOP - JILIN. apldlm • Preatt,E.'-y. R: R C. Co. FRESH FISH, EVERY TUESDAY .AND FRIDAY, CAN 154, hag. at TgE,Fiturr STORE ur :TORN WISE, ap26-dtr 'Third street, near P7abrat. ORANEML-SIBANGESi — A large of of suPerior . YERDSII,IO Siaily Swine ; foritale in iny quantitYst AMR DOM ZONItPra MEDICAL. 118 MARKET STREET. HABRIIIIIVAG, "THE UNION—NOW AND PO4EV--ER-2-' 7 - Webster HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENING, MAY 2, 1864 MEDICAL. THE .6-!REAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," KNOWN AS " lIEEMB 01A Xi 9 GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ: SEMIBOLD ESTBACT "RUSSIA" riELmBoLp E'•YTRAC3' SARSAPARILLA, HBLMBOLD IMPROVieD. ROSE WASH. HE1:51,1440,13'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. CONCENT,RA_T,ED" -COMPOUND FLUID, EXTRACT BUCTIU, A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR 'TtIMLASIVO OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS. GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS • rpar' s Medicine increases the pow of Di- J._ gestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS Into healthy action, by which the WATERY or CALOEROUS• deposi tions,, and.all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are re ducedras ,well as. pain and inflammation, and is good for MEN, WOMEN or CHILDREN. lIELMOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses,. Habits of Dissipation,. Fatty In discretiowqr,Abuse, ..Y V Y:N:11)~I I~~.JYY: `Y:/:rte yt)~ t/]\'JIYt~YW\/ J Wlsl=~ Indisposition ,to, ,Exertion, Dryness of the Skin, Load of Dleniory, • 'Loss of Power,' Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Horror of Disease, Trembling, Dimness of Vision, . Wakefulness, Urilversid Lassitude.of' the Pain in the Back, Muscular System, Flushing of the Body, • Hot Hands, - • .'Zruptions on the Face, Pallid Countenace, These symptoms, if allowed to go, on, which this utedi clue invariably removes, soon follow. • . , IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIOFITS, . . In one of ..whlch the patient soay, expire. Who can say that they-1 . 616i frequently followed by those ."dinefol INSANITY AND CONS lON ,Many are aware of. the . CaIISQ ;9f their : sufferings, but none ; will'confess. The'eords or the insane asylums aid the - melancholy death's by Consumption; bear ample wit ness to the truth of the assertlod. `.- qnrg CONSTITUTION, ONOE .AFFECTED WITUORGANIG WEAKNESS, Requires the aid ottnedleine to strengthen and invigorate the system, JO:doh zjieknpald'a ,R,xtract itueh invariably idol A.ltlal will convince the sriesthieptieal. 4 FEMALES-FEMAL)?,S-FEMALES, OL OR YOUNG, SDF4E, ISAIMIRD, OR p)NTEII - : PLATIIV In many affections pemdfax to femides the Extract Bu Chu Is unequalled by Any 'other remeciy, as in ehlorosis or Rotention,4rtegul,arity,PaitithiLnese, ex lnesu, supprmaion of the cuStotnary'Eitactiationsied‘orSiiiiirrOWState of the Uterus, Leucorrhea or inites, Sterility, and.for all com plaints Incident to - the sex., 'Whether arising from Indiscre tion, Habits of Dissipatical or tu the _ 11ROLINN OR p1f..4.11 , 'GR OF 740. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT Talc eno Balsam; ilegc;try, or Unpleasant Medicine for. Unpleas,ant and Diusierciut Disease& ' • .HELMBOLD'S EXTRAIOT BUCHTJ, Cures Secret Diseases in all their stag es; at little expense; little or no change in diet; nolnconv.snience and no expo sure. It. causes frequent desire, ant gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructioals, preventing and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and linflam mation,.sp frequent in this class of di's:a sea, amtexpelling Poisonous; Diseased., and WOmout Ifladtor. .Thousands. upon thousands wtorbave been the vifitims of quacks, and who have paid heivy feetto be cured in a short time, have found they were deceive:4 and. that the "Poison" has by the use of "powerful Astringents," been dried up in the aysterk.te„break but in an agtiavatect foym, and perhaps after marriage.. ' Use:LIFIALBOLD'SErNtAVIUCI SU tor. all Affections end Diseases-of the. UrinarkOrgans , whether existing in Hale or Female, from whatever cassis originating, and no matter of how tong standing. Dise aces of these Organs requ ire the aid' of - a Diuretic. i.LI.I3OLD'S EXTRACT BU.CRILis the Great. Diuretic, and , i Its certain to have the desired effect in. all. Diseases fo r wkich it is. recom- Blood—Blood-L-Blood. Helmb , Ad's Tru• s hly Concentra ted Compound FLUID EXTRACT SAS:3IP9 SYPHII LIS. This is an affection of the Blood, and. stings the Sexual Organs, Liniegsnf the Ncee Ears, Throat, Vind pipe and other Mucus - SUifaces, making its appearance in the form og UlcerS. ileimbolet 7 s Extract Saraaparilla pu rilleslhe Blood, and removes all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, giving to the Coniplexion a . Clear and Beata).- Color. It being prepared expressly for this class of complaints, its Alopd-PurlfyingProperties ar o preserved to a grkaief exfsititillan: any other proparatio n Sarsaparila„ HELMBOLDro ROSE- WAS.Et. • - An excellent Lotion for diseases of at'Eyphilitic Id; ‘ 01 _,.°4 and as an injection in diseases of the Urinary Org 7 r.„. arising from, habits of dissipation, used in connection ;In the Extracts Ihichrrand Sarsaparilla, In such diseases as recomorended. Evidence of the most responsible bad re liable character will accompany the medicine& • CERTIFI CATES OF CURES from eight to twenty yews standing with names 7 knoWn' to 'Sciene9..apd .F9:1310. For Medical' Properties - ofl3 ache rise ,Diitipensa°, ry - 1" the United States. See Professor DEWEE'S valuable ~ , orks on the Practice of Physic. See remarks made by t h e late ce l e brated Dr. PHYSICK, Philadelphia. So', remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM MODOWELL, a e'alebrated Physician and mem. ber of the Royal College of 's urg n; eo an d pu bli s hed in the Transactions of the Kir'4,s and Queen's. Journal. See Medico - Dtdrunima Rev' .ew,publithed by BENJ. TRAVERS, Fellow of the Royal C o ll ege of surgeons.. The most of the late sranthr° w orks on Medicine. Extract of Buchu, $1 00 per bo,tty, or six bottles - Tor $5 00. Extract of SarstiPfuiSsi F -A 00-per bottle, or six -for $5 00. Im proved Eon .. .Vasil, 50 cents per hottle, or six. for $2 50, or 4'4 a d 'aXenmach fer.4l2 40, which wilLbosufticiOnt M. rite moot onstinameases, if „directions are adhered to"i D i aliviriid to any addresn, securely packed from ab sent:don. Describe symptoms in all communications- Cures guaranteed: Advise'. gratis. ..:AFFIDAVIT. Of Philadelphia, 'H. T. Halmbold, who, being" duly sworn, Personally appeared- before me an Alderman of the city doth say, his preparations contain no narcotis . no nier onry; or other injurious drhga, 'and are pUTOIY Vegeta.bie• H. T. HELMBOL. ,Bwom and subrioribed before me, this 23d , day of P 'HIBBARD Aiderthan, Ninth street, ab. Race; Pbll Address letters tor reformation in confidence. Address letters T. HELMBOLD,..cheIMsti• , Befit 101 loath 10th - elikeet; beiow Chastain, ramual Pbbi. 'royally. FOR SALE. U SALE The subscriber offers fbr sale the stock and fixtures of his , well known 'WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE AND RECTIFYING tSTABLISHMENT. Ike will sell, the whole or part of the stock, aild'the entire fixtures. The busi ness hes beeti Carrieton about fifteen years, and is well established. With the store is bonneeteda Good "COPPER R , TLI.J., It.issituated on. Canal street, between Pennsyl vartia railroad . and canal, and has a private siding suitable for forwarding purposes. Possession given immediately and lease given for from one to ten years. Terms to suit purchasers. For further information apply on :the pre mises xp [mar24 .7 tf] 11.1:r?T. EEL. Plt IVATE of the best location 4 for IRON 0 'WORKS in the State for aale, at a very reasonable •primy.tointrpnrchaser-who will improge %catenated with in a short distance of the city of Harrisburg, between the 'Pennsylvania railroad andipanak abbot five 1 , 4 , tad' feet widiVand alatigalaveript liqst IlitestoonlI" 2 the aidi'jlet close to aTbOdVit'llipikeflroad; rag% for-. itateicinders foillftyFeirs, "'vitt:tont pay itegibt.thelland -- Agply to DAVID HUHMA, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, No. 24 North Second street, - - Harrisburg, Pa.- Whilattel p. phiVreNt insett•three times and-vend bill ie thindltlott • t : ' REAL ESTATWAT — PRIVATE SALE. 'The dovOial PrOperties of the &tate of IVILLIATI AL LISON, deeeasedOntlie,dity flarrighurg, consisting of Houses thtFront street and Chestnut Street, at and near the corner of Fronton(' Chestnut streets, a vacant lot on Mulberry street, near Third street, and 1034 acres of land 'atthe, 'eastern tetrmlnus, ofiMarkht 'street, are of fered Fet terms of saleapplYto the undersigned, Seventh and Noble streets, Philadelphia, (14141 H) . THOMAS MICITRAN. . GROCERIES. NEW GROGERY AND PROVISION STORE. . BAYER & KOERPER, W EL O . IsEZA LE AND RETAIL DEALERS co. G'~:OCi It E S Queoa'sand Glass Ware, AND ALL HINDS OF • D N T R Y 0 DU •CI E , TIITAVE just opettedli large and well selected stock of goods'itt . their Stand, N 0.3 lilarketSquare, Harrishurg, Pa., to which they Write the attenticer of the public p i enerally. nolO.dly :31 H E' l i THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, lIABAIS„pURcr, PA, \ WHOLESALE . AND-ItEIAII: MUM IN CONFECTIONERY FRUITS, &C., : :Citrons, Moss Paste, Fige, Dates, Fig Paste f'ruues, Harshtailow Gum Drops, Alreionds,lValquts, 'Oream,Chbildinte ;Drops, : Filberts, ; Plain Candies, &c. Cream Ntits, ' Oranges and Lemons, 'Ground Nuts, Co. Frelts, ' Pecan Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, Teas and Spices, all kinds, Cranberries, Palx4Bags, ; RomlnY e nd -..Beans Cider Vinegar, Cakes and Crackers,' Fresh and Salt Fish , itys Sweet and Irish Potatoes, sone:• . - ' Green and Dried Fruit.% Vegetables in 801113011,.... And Country Profuse Raisins, season, Gurr:uks,l 0et1.3 q Iff ItteT z eLk (Sucoes.sors teW in. Dock, Jr., it Co.) ' '• ELLER§ IN FINE FAMILY ,GROOE-• Jur RIES CiPposite handa fine selection of BAN B DLES, of different vintages. • FINN AND COMMONIPTNES,. • , , ,!:• • Description. WMSKVS. • OLD BOURBON : , IMONONGAILELA; FINE IRISH AND SCOTCH Whiskys. The hest over brought to this market. OLD WIIEAT; • • • FAMILY NECTAR, And the celebrated CHESTNUT GROVE WHISKY. . , • CUAI%IPAGrNE WINES. BHLOSS JOHANNESBURG, SCOTCH,AND IRIS:13 - *4LES._ - • I LONDON BROWN STOUT. • WILD CHERRY,• : • • • • PLANTAVOS, WIGWAM TONIC BITTERS With a complel.e. stock of . 'ENGLISH. AND -AMERICAN PICKLES And Condiments of every descrititiOn now in the market, ' and at . FEE LiGiVBST RetT.F . LOS VISITING, WEDDING, INYITATION AND AT H.O7IF.IPARDS.,;-W special arrangement with one of best engriivers,in 'the country; ;nude of any description OA be executed' in the higheet style of art, conformable with the latest fashion, and, supplied premptly; aylower prices thin ere,cluirged by the,station ectact.blew, York or . Ftdjadelphis. , For siMplei and prices hill at - - 13ERGNERiS BOOK STORE-. Xnehttiti - ; TO THE PUBLIC THE• • - . .DIRECTORS. OF THE BOOR Dau . pttin county have, TWENTY CHILDREN; froin two, to twelve years of age, which . they are, desirous of indeit turmg to proper parties. For‘forther information apply to Die ,Lopls-tf] DIRECTORS °FAME POOR . flon's SPAREDNg, tEI . O.T.*,the best manufactured,)uit received and' fel (suczetioors to Wni. 'Pock, jr., & Co.) NA T I V E FINE BLACKBERRY and ELDERBERRY WINE. Warrarded pure. Fot wale at . : • SIDSLF,R & FRAZER, jan2s (quomsors to W. Dock, jr & Co.) 1 -5, 0 0 • 0 la' 'IT A ATS.—Fiftsen thou sand ibs: Alichenerls ExCeltior Hams cured expressly for family use arid for this market. L dtle at . SEMLER & FRAZER; feb2 . (successors to Wm. Dock jr.,r& Co.) APPLES.-200 barrels of New York State Apples, of a choloe variety, just received, and sold Injany quantities, to Enat purcbwrs, at tbe, new grpce..y of [6l4] , . BOXER MOr BOOKS, GAMES, &o —A Large as aartmuma ot Toy Booka, Games,: &m,Just'neeived at nol9. SOBEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, .Barrisbmg, , —• • - NE TV B iv STRAPS • DAYS OF SHODDY :NA :received ut, SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE.: • CORN MEAL—.A. • fine article. ' Just re ceiveitat• -,613:18123,* FRA.ZER, .mftral .• esso -to Wm. Dock. jr., Co.). A PPLES We !IWO...lust doe seloction of 411t1.'LESOn Prime order. For . Ism 1?3 , the. barrel, bushel . or. small quantity - • " SHISEER & FRAZICR, • Otrocessors to Wm. Dock, jr.,-?i.!.G0.) • GAS, utloi:47),ider 40 ' -:l2arso9—X.B BOXES: ,O ;10013Urre 14 5 iiftHOICE APPLES for Bide t a. feb6 JOHN WISE Fruit Store EVENING EDITION. Death of the Piesidetit of the Farmers' nigh School. Special to the Tele,:aph.] Bminvoxmv., April 30. Prof.. P,ughe, President of. the Farmeis' High SchOol, died yesterday, after a very short Illness: He was a man of Splendid at tainments, much respected by all:who knew him, and hfs death will be a serious loss to the college. From 'Vii'ashimvton: AN' IMPORTANT ORDER. - - -. .WASHINGTON, April 30.1 A-special orderisanedtbyPtheMar Depalit ment this moirdng "fdclnires - all enlisted men, nowin.this eitpon detailed duty, to repOrt forthwith tolheir regiments in the field un less they can produce, from the proper med ical authority, certificates of iiityq q al ity, and are unable - to perform dutieS in the field. • " 2- While the Senate amendments to the army appropriation bill were tinder consideration in the House to-day, representative Sohn*, uhairman of the Military Committee; prepoted rto substitute for the section relating to' negro' soldiers the Senate bill equalizing the pay of all soldiers of the army, which had been pas sed upoitby dig 'C'onatnittee: with some mod ifications, also increasing.the pay,- the Senate having, become impatient atthe delay of the House ,in not acting , upon their bill incorporated its provisions in the army ap propriation bill, which provisions with amend ments by the committee of Ways and Merzys, and those of the military committee, forn;ted the basis of the House proceedings of to-day, and still is as stated in congressional slim marv. The subscriptions to the 10-40 loan repor ted at the Treasury Department to-day, amounts to 1854,000. XXXVDIth Ongress---First `Session. WASHINGTON, 'April 30.. • Mr. Sumner (Masi.) introduced' bill Ifor -the greater efficiency, of the civil service. pi dered to be printed. Mr. Wilson (Mass.) offered a joint resolu tion, that no officer - Of the regular or vohin tear torces whose appointment is required by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senype and who shall l a ve resigned his coramissicin, and whose rest a tion' shall have been accepted, shall be 'entitled to hold or exercise command inthe said forces until again appoiuted thereto by the Presi4ent, with the advice and cod - sent or tile' dentt.v. - Refcired'to`the Committee on Military Affairs. HOUSE OF:REPRESENTATIVES. Mr Garfield (ohic) introduced the res6lii tion which 1)11r. Ancona (Pa.) objected, to yes terday, in which he . quoted the ,remark,here tofore made by F. P. Blair, to the effect that Secretary Chase is making use of the - lucerne 'trona abandoned plantations, to carry out The programme of Pomeroy's secret circular, and waS against the AclininiStration whiak-eiave 'place; that riobodY, 'believes he`"r'et'ired tie a candidate for the Presidency; although he has said' so in a letter, liut as wonting underground, and using, his public .position to.promote t his own political ;. e _ernes, thus ninningthe Pome roy 'machine. 'The preamble further states from the New York York IFOr/d.andthe Constitutional Union, which papers e.optained articles charging frauds in the fractional currency, and, as pie Hon. 'James Broolighas to-day repeated ,the substance of these' articles, therefore, Resolved, That, a, committee.of five' be :4- ' pointed by the Speaker of the House _tip in vet.tigate the truth of the allegations above quoted, or of any other allegations affecting the integrity of -the Treasury. Department, and that they.haxefpower to send for persons and papers. Mr. Holinan llndiana) suggested that the committee consist ofnine members, with leave to report, at atirtiime. MIMI Mr. Garfield consented to the amendment. Mr. ,Broo,ks did not object to the resolution but the misrepresentation of his remarks as quoted in. the preamble. Mr. Garfield replied, that he had adopted the remarks as taken by the official reporter. Mr. Brooks said his remark was millions upon millions of public money in the treasury. Bureati' of printing 'had been placed'at he peril of sacrifice. Mr. Garfield. I took the exaotwords of the reporter- and cannot change thein. Mr. Brooks desired to have his remark about the'printing of public Money properly stated. - Mr: Brooniall (Pa.) objected: Mr. Brooks remarked that he ought to be allowed to report what he actually,did say, but as objection was"made, he:would take the, re- Solution as reported. The resolution was then adopted. . • Mr. Garfield requested that he be . not placed on the committee. • . • Mr: Stevens reported'," from the 'Committee of Ways and Means, the - Senate amendments to the army appropriation bill. Among them is one, which was adopted, .appropriating $45,000 for the purchase of artificial limbs for soldiers and sailors: The next Senate amendment was read; and in which the committee recommended concur rence, that colored persons mustered into the militia service shall receive the samenniform, clothing, ants; equipment, rations, medical and hospitalattendance, pay and emoluments as white soldiers, from and after the first of January, 1864, and every person of color hereafter Mustered into the service shall re ceive' a bounty not exceeding ono hundred pdr. Holman said, white soldiers, now re ceived $l3, and colored soldiers $lO per month, the proposition is to raise the pay of the blacks to the:former amount; but there is no effort to increase the. pay ; of the white soldiers, while, in addition to equalizing the,pay for the benefit of black soldiers, the Government is sled supporting the wives and children of col ored soldiers.. , - SHOULDER Destruction of. Rebel. Solt Works in Florida. =I 4._ ,T9ift G a T A T ' A P ril3° ' ' The Navy DepaAMent tins received p, com mnnicationlroin icting Rear'Admiral Bailey, commanding, the Fait Gulf BlOckadintiSqoad ron, giving details of two expdditionp-io the vicinity of St. Andrew's Bound, Florida, 'un- PRICE TWO CENTS. SENATE E NT.I o.ll'1 0 10 E, APVS33T,ISE6 'the foilinving are the rAuss'for iidoeitiithig id thr cotArn. These Fyav , nig edvertising to do 51 1 4. h ri 7ordeu lifer referem!..., Four lines or iess-cormtitute one-half FT:nre: mum than four constitute a,square. rm. A ma.? SQVAILE. One day ¢--80 Two days 30 Three days One wee- T 23 One mouth S 01:k Two month. 4 50 . Three. months' 5 50 Sic minicabs One year lb 00 I natrunistratien biotic= Marriage Notice. Auditor's Notices Funeral Noticeseachinsertim sor Business notices" before Marriages and each ertion. roa'ovz sqr,Aßn. One day To/4days, . 141 ?kat days- 1 IA One week 2 . 25 One month fi GC Two months... . 909 !bre? tnonths.i.,. - ... ;II 1.0 St.i months 15 0 One ye* 26 0 o $2 26 • in the Local" COluann, or Emir Cmgn PER Lecs [la der direction of Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Wm. B. Brown. The first consisted of eight refugees in a dugout canoe,vilid ascended WetaphoAiver some twenty Miles - White Bluff; and there destroyed 2,000 buShels of salt and brought away the sacks, captured *a barge thirty-six feet long, eleven Met beam and three feet deep, which he is fitting with a howitzer for future operation& Twenty-three refugees were brought off. The other expedition consisted of twenty-two men in the boats of-the-. Restless, who pro ceeded up. East Bay. They succeeded in des roying two governnunt salt works wt'i 3CO bushels of salt. There are five companies of Rebel cavalry in that vicinity to guard these works, who rebuild them.as fast as destroyed. MARI:LETS:BY- TaLEGRA en. PHILADELPFLIA, April 30. There itr• nuch -inactivity yet in the flour market ; holders.: maintain their views with increased firmness: - - There was but a fewhtm dred sold for export at $7 50()7 75 for extras, ssgs 25 for extra family. The sales to the" return to retailers and bakers are small, at a range of 57@,7 25; for superfine npto`s9olo per bbl. fancy brands accord ing to quality. In rye flour and corn lineal no change. Wheat is scarce, and small sales of red at at Sl 8001 90; white ranges from $2 to 2 05. 'Rye, if here, would command $1 50. Corn - wanted at $1 35@136, with but little offering; sales of 6,000 bush. Penn's. Oats at 900. No change in clover or timothy; seed sales of flaxseed at $3.40. There is no qUercitrort bark here, and it is firm at $4O Provisions are the same as last rated: retro learn—the market is bare of crude and refined in bond ; in the absence of stock the market is quiet, and prices nominal. Whisky is un settled, and nominally held at $1 27(01 30. Stocks inactive. Penn'a 58, 981; Reading railroad, 675; Morris canal. 82; Long Island, 46; Penn's railroad, 731; Gold, $1.78A; ex change on New York, par. NEW AD V ERTISEMEN TS. Steam Weekly , to Liverpool. TOUCHING at QURENSTOWN, (Cork Liar bor:) The well - known Steamers of the Liverpool, Now York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in tended to sail as follows: EDINBURG, Saturday, May 7, CITY OF WASIMCGTGN, Saturday, May 14, CITY OF ALa_NCELETER, Saturday, May 11,und every succeeding Saturday, at Noon, from Fier 44, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE, PAYABLi IN GOLD, OK 11.8 EU Di V At. IJVAT LN OURIaLICOY. FIRST GABIN $BO 00 STEERAGE • vso oo do to London 85 00 do to London 34 00 do to Paris 95 00 Ido to Paris • 40 00 do to Hamburg_ 90 00 do to Hamburg..... ' 37 09 'Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen,ltotte.r -darn,. Antwerp &c., at equally low raws. . Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, $75, 435. $lO5. qt , ...r.10• - evr their.frteuds can buy tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Mara - int , s Offices JOAN. G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N: Y., or C. 0 7.1N1 id ERNI AN, liarrisbura lf2kdly sOLE• AGENCY FOR, 'THIS crEY lAFi happy to offer to the public a large and Splendid assortment of SU PE R. 104 GOLD PENS tn4nnfitetured by , - . . LEROY IV. ' FAIRCHILD. 'Then Pens are isell flalsbe i, elastic and will give 2131 i/ e satilactiou. • PLEASE TRYMEI& SCHEFFER'S P.OOKSTORE, Second street, opposite Piesbytei tan Church,. H.Arrisbuig, Pa. ITV; LINERY GO 0.1) S. , M.RS. J. HIBBS, • . OAS QMO3I:O B AT • NO. 8 MARKET SCLATARE.,, (Next door to Felix's Confeetionerv.) ~GTHERE SHE IS PREPARED to sell to the ladies of Harfisburg and vicinity the Latest Styles of Millinery and Fancy Goods. At cheaper prices than soy house in eta city. Thequaiit of her goods cannot be surpassel. , DRESS MAKLIVO 1N THE LATEST STYLE Will be neatly execute - 1 — Ladies cailand'examinp for yoursetc.i MOTH SACHET, POWDER, , 7012 PERFUMING LINEN ANDPREFENTING MOTH. 9 1 BIS POWDER-a • corr*lincl of ralOable articles for the destractiori- insectstil,trthuted among or dusted over Furs, Woolens; Carpets, Clothln', &c., packed away for slimmer, ;WC]. effectually preventmoth. Being-alsq a delightful, diffusable , perfume it Will i,n pregame clothing, &e, with te Lasting and pleasant odor. The,flnmt.tabrincannot be injured by its Prepar,ed aod sold at • KELLER'S Drug and nuacy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. . . 111.0.t - trassaes I Sp,rlng-.Beda Comforts : PA.L2II UR AP HAIR TOP BIATTRASS'Et. 4 . Palm Leaf.; Cotton Top Ilattr. Corn Husk Mattrassel. - Patent. Sprikg, Sktt i3eak. Peacher and Boistera _ Cott i Comforts and Spreads. Ladles' Willow Work Stands. • Carpet Camp Stools. Door Rugs, Carpet Hassocks. Iron Bedsteads, latest pattern, &c., & N. B.—Sofas, Lounges, Cushionie Chairs and Mattrass repaired.. Bair and Spring Mattmmot made to order. N., 109 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. • DR.. B. M. G.T_ILDEA, -DENTIST, RESPECTFULLY inforins the citizens of .Harrisburg and vicinity. that he has removed his of free from Market street to Third street, next door, to the Patriot and Unionoffice, where be isprepared. taitecosi. modate all who may desire his profes.Vpbal,ser.vices. aprl4 ' ' REMOVED. SCIEENFEIVS 1100.1ISTORU. AND , JOB PRINTING OFFICE To • 7 SOUTH" SECOND' STREET,. Two Doors Below Hardware Store. OPPOSITE THE- PRESETTEELOI CHURCH. SCHOMACKER & CO.'S PIANOS souk -GRAPES TFICIO well , known in-this el , y to need corn - mu:dation.ln use by PRESIDENT LINCOLN, GOVERNOR CUENN, JUDGE. PEARSON, . And midiVetber diatingolebed - eitizens. The 'undersigned offers these superb instrunaents_at pfices tt iat , „ mum rail to• Command public painknage. N. Et.—No OLDsaid: ori banal e Aito, Ap er d for tbe•Palivalled • •—• STEINWAY PLANO. - • - • - BRADBITEIPS, .Cr 4LEEICATEM: ;PIANOS. Chickerlng's'and 'dil ei fife . eery best naakre.. None but perfect instrlatients - - Cal] and see largest stock out of great 'Pale. max2B-tf S.-WARD, Third street Music Store, 1 E,43 41,;% 11 J. T. lIARNITZ.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers