rillE TELEGRAPH LS POOLIBILED ziND E VEIN' 1."\" Li, 4t: RGE 13E1tGNE R e •,IFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. LO SUBSCRIPI'ION. :RIPI TELEGRAPH. is s:Tveri to subsCribers in the cents. per weal:. Yearly subscribers will be 00 in advance. Those persons who neglect to vance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. L.; TELEGEAPIIiS also published weekly, and is furnished ‘lbscribers at the following cash rates; aria copies, weekly._ ..... • ...... • • • • ...... $1 60 copies to one Post Office .......... 4 00 c pple-.; to one Post Office 10 OD EDICA L. GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE! Tah, LONG-SOUGHT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST Cherokee Remedy, . AND CHEROKVE INJECTION! co3ITOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. CEEROSEEE REMEDY, the great Indian Ditiretie, Ores all diseases of the urinary .organs, such as Inco nence of the Urine, Inflammation of the Bladder, Inflam mation of lb Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Stricture, Gravel, Gled, Gonnorhea, and is especially recommended in those cases of Fluor liens (or Whites in females) where el the old nauseous medicines have failed. 4r. It is prepared In a highly concentrated form, the dose only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three times per day. gg.. It is diuretic and alterative. Ire Its action; purifying on cleansing the blood, causing it to flow in all of its N ipinal purity and vigor; thus removing from the system ,iI pernicious causes which have induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or assist sot to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should bo used. In conjunction with that medicine in all cases of Gonorrhea, Girt, Fulor Arhus or Whites. Its effects are healing, soothing and demulcent; removing all scalding, heat, cbordeo and pain, instead of the burning and almost nn- endurable pain that Is experienced with nearly all the tiny. pock Injections. arlly the use of the CHEROKEE REMEDY and MIEROKEE INJECTION—the two medicines at the same time--all Improper discharges are removed, and the weak evil organs are speedily restored to full vigor and strength. 4g-For full particulars, get our pamphlet from any . drug store in the country, or write us, and we will mall ire, to any address, a full treatise. I fs_ Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, 22 per bottle, or three bottles for $6. r - a.l'rlce CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or twee bottles for $5. o,..Sent by express to any addreis on receipt of price. $1„ Sold by all druggists everywhere. - - DR. NV: B. lIPIVIN & CO., Sole Proprietors, arlo-ecdly No. 58 Liberty street, New York CHEROKEE CURE THE GREAT INDIAN NIEDICINF., 00b5POVNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. An unfailing cure for Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weak ness, Nocturnal Emissions, and all diseases caused by self pollutioni such as Loss of Memory, Universa/ Lassitude, Pains in the Back, Dimness of Vision,TPrematuro Old Ape. Weak Nerves, Difficultg of Breathing, Trembling, Wake/ul nas, Eruptions on the Face, Pale Countenance, Insanity, Consumption, and all the Direfill complaints caused by de partingfrom the path of nature. iltsT•This medicine is a simple vegetable extract, and one which all can rely, as it has been used in our practice for many yearssfaii4 thousands treated t it has not' Toiled in a single instance. 1 . U3 curative powers have been sufficient to gain victory over the most stubborn case. SalrTo those who have trifled with their constitution, until they think themselves beyond-the reach of medical id, we would sey,Wespair tiot l the CERROKEE CURE - Will restore you to health and vigor, and after alt quack doe tots have failed I ..14 . • partio.ulars, get a Circular from any Drug Store in the conntry, or write the Proprietor, .who will mail freo to any one desiring the same, a full treatise in pamphlet form. SirErices $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and rorwarded by express to all parts of the world. ZirSel.l by all respectable druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. lIERWIN & CO., " SOLE PROPRIETORS, marl° madly No. 59 Liberty street, New York. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JULIUS ROSENDALE, 29 OP TICIA.N, 11QEGS to inform the inhabitants of Harris _l3 burg and vicinity that he has removed to No. 29 North Second street, two doors from Walnut. Thankful for the confidence and patronage bestowed on me during my stay on Market Square, I hope to merit a continuance of the same at try new stand. PARTICULAR ATTENTION is called to the CELEBRATED TINTED PA..RABOLE SPECTACLES, tr which I claim the undeimentioned advantages: Ist. That from the peculiar construction of the Oiasies, may assist and preserve the sight, rendering frequent change quite unnecessary. 2d. That they confer n brilliancy and distinctness of tam, with an amount of ease and comfort not hitherto en joyed by spectacle wearers. ad. That the material from which the Lenses are ground Is manufactured specially for optical purposes, and is ruse, HARD AND BRILLIANT, and not liable to become scratched. 4th. That the frames in which they are set, whether in geld, sliver or steel, are of the finest quality and finish, .tad cmaiticarszu PERITOT in every respecL - g,th. That, from their peculiar color, they prevent a id wrifulty of light affecting the retina, and therefore strengthining the optic nerve and rendering it less liable . . to imaurosis. c ,.:4t,antly on hand, a large assortment of achromatic tws, ro Spy Glas.e es; Opera, Marine and Field GIRO- Micro : open and Views, magic Lanterns, Barometers': es; Stereos,' Taermometerst Magnets , t...., no. ndsle s Institute will be permaneht Rememher.tnat . five doors from the Buch er Souse. at No. 20 North Secol:.4 street, ap7-d&w3m - DR. B. M. 9 -11, DEA, DENTIF , T , -RESPEOTFULLY informs the citizens of 11bb Earriabtirg and vicinity that he has removed his of ere from Market streetto Third street, next door to. the Patriot and Union office, where he is prepared to accom modate all who may desire his professional services. aprtt • FRESI3 FIS EVERY TUESDAY AND 'YJDDAY, CAN be bad at THE FRUIT STORE aOl2l WISE, Third greet, near Walnut. skpW-dtf lA-WM INVOICE OF NEW CITRON CURRANTS, PRUNES tiGS &C. • At SHISLER & FILV/Eit'S, 144,03 (Successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & co.) tuTODtha BY GEORGE BERGNER. MEDIC/Ui. KUNKEL'S BITTER. WINE OF IRON. A PURE and powerful TONIC, Corrective 'and Alterative, of wonderful edlcacy hi diseases of theSTOILJOIEL, LWER-andIIOWELS, Cares• Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints Headache, General : • Debility Nervousness, De ' pression of Spirits, Constipation Intermittent Fever, ,Acidity of the. Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food,. Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Difficult Breathing, Yellow ness of the Skin and EyesiTever and Dull pains in the Head, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest and Limbs, will cure every . case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Dise.ces of the Kidneys and Diseases arising from a disordered Stomach, Good for Male or Female, Old Or Young. The most beneficial medicine" kriovut ;vices better satis dhctlon and cures more die than any other prepara tion olTered to the Public. Prepared solely by B. A. KIJN KRL &-BRO., 1.1.8 Market street, Harrisburg. For sale by-Druggisti and. Dealers everywhere. BEWARE OF Counterfeits e=e As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the only. sure and effectual remedy in the known world for the permanent cure of Dyspepsiaaud Debility, and as there aro a number of imitations offered to the public, we would' caution the community to purehase none but the genuine article, manufactured by S. A. Strax.EL & Bizet., and has their stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. The very fact that othersare Attempting to imitate this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speoN volumes in its favor. ' The Bitter . Wine of Iron is put up in 76 cent and $1 00 bottles, and sold by all respectable druggists throughout the country. Be particular that every bottle bears the ac simile of the proprietor's signature. • This Wine includes the most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxide com bined, with the mostenergetio of vegetable tonics, Tallow Peruvian bark. The effect in many oases of debility, loss of appetite, and general prostration, of an efficient Salt of Iron,,combined with our aaluable Nerve. Tonic; is' most happy.. 'tenements the appetite, raiseithe puha; takes oti musculor flabbiness, removes the pallor of debility, ant gives a florid vigor to the countenance. GENF I .KAL DEPOT, For sale by all respectable dealers throughoit the ountry. . ELECTRICIT Y. DRS. WYETH and CREAMER, Eclectic and Electropathic physicians, respectfully offer their professional services in all the various branches of the profession, for the treatment of all acute and chronic forms of disease. The remedial means they employ in the treatment of diseath consist of Magnetic Galvanism, Electro-Magnet ism, the Swislish method of Localized movement care, a few Ecle.etio medicines when deemed neceseary, _ and in fact all the natural curative agents that. may, successfully be brought to bear upon the disease. They do not wish to be understood as arrogating to themselves any superiority of professional skill, but they believe the remedies they employ in the treatment of dis ease far superior to those generally employed byphysiciens, from the fact that they act In perfect .harmony with the laws governing and eentrolling the human system.- To this, and the factrhat they confine themselves to no par ticular pathp or system, they Attribute their success In controlling disease. The principal agent they employ !lithe treatment, of disease, namely, Electricity, is'an agent wonderful in its phenomena and powerful in Its effects for good or ill It is an ever present, all-pervrding principle, governing all things, from rolling worlds down to the invisible particles of gasseous matter.: We sec it in the lightning's flash and hear the manifestations of its power in-the muttering thunder. It is the cause of all decomposit4on, recompo sition and transformation. It excites all motion. It is the exciting cause of life, growth, decay and death. It causes secretion, excretion digestion' It lays hold of the crude food in the stomach , ' converts it into a state of tin idity,, transmutes it into arterial blood, and sends it on its important Mice of supplying nutriment according-to the necessities of ihe body. It Is the nerve vital ny.l 4 , the great agent through , which the mind acts upon the body. It is the cause of all causes except the first great catalog the Infinite Mind which created It sad brought it into use.' These may appear like mere assertions, but they are facts,admitting of strong and irresistible proof. Is It then, to be wondered at that an agent so Wonderful in its phe nomena, so powerful in its manifestations and so intimate. ly connected with all the operations of the Mumma sys tem, shonid be almost absolute In its power of controlling .disease? Certainly not. It is a natural sequence and follows as surely as day follows nigtkt. Among the thsceses 'Which are found to yield readily-to Electricity, in conjunction with proper adjunct treatment, .may be mentioned the following; Incipient Consiimption, :Paralysis, Elpi.liptic,• Hysteric and other Convolsione; Neuralgia, in Its worst fones,- - Rhuematism, inflammatory and chronic; all diseases of the nervous system; Dyspep sia'cured in a few treatments-"all diseases of the urinary and genital organs; Female Cheeses, Asthma, Piles and Prulapsus Ant; emaurosis and. all' kindred affections. of the eye; Anietus, buictures, all skin .diseeses, &a, pelsous oiling will' be told .whether they can be bone fitted and no case taken where some 'relief cannot be af forded. Consultation free. Office; Smith_ Second street, below Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa, Office lonia from Bto l 2 d 1,4 to 6 and to 9 e.x. ALEX. R. WYP;TH, M. D.,: • • Lt! J. MILTON ClUaldE,R. 29 apl3 PHOTO GRAPH ALBUMS. Photograph Albums. Photograph AlbUMs. PhotograPh Albums. Photograph Albums. rl:largest and cheapest variety of PRO 12'0GRAPH ALBUMS In the city are constantly kep. at [marl2] BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. FOR S ALE, trvaluable property, corner of Second aTi Pine streets, being flfty-two and a half feet on Se: cond and one hundred-and sixty-elglit feet on Pine 'street, running back two hundred add ten feet to Bartuira alley, t h e ft being space for four fall building Iota; and a most de sirable site fora Governor's3diunsion or public buildings, For particulars enquire , of MTh REIJSRAY, corner of Se. cond and Pinest teats. numittf 3jW.W.W and lith'S PORIL—A choice article of Was Beef and Fork at W. & FRAZER sp9 (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr, "THE - UNION-NOW AND, FOREV=ER." DYSPEPSIA,. GE umsoi vurripus, ITIBLBSE Bitters have performed more cures; hive and do give bettersatisfactien; have more tes timony; have more respectable people to ;vouch for them, than any other article in the market. 199 defy any one to contradict this assertion, and. will paysl,ooo to any one that will produces certliffiate pub lished by us that is not genubie.; 'Holland's German Bit ters, yet cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseases arising from a dis ordered stomach." Observe the following symptoms, re sultiing from the disoniers of the digestive organs: Con stipation,. Inward Piles, Fullness ,of. Blood to the head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight inthe - Stiffiutoki, Sour Eructations, 'Sinking or fluttering at the:ffit of thestoreach, Swimming of,the head, Hurried and difficult breathing, Fluttering at the heart, Choking or suffocating sensations when In a lying posture, Dimness of vision, Dots or webs ,before the sight, Fever and dull pain In the head; Deficiency of prs piratlon, Yellowness-of the skin and eyes, Pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, &c. ' Sudden flushes of heat, Burning in the flesh, Constant imaginations of eril, and great de .. prussion of spirits. Remember that this Bitters is not alcoholic, contains no rum or whisky, and can't make '4unkappa, but Is tie best Twee in the world. 118 MARKET MEET HARRISBURG, PA HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAX - 4;,A864: MEDICAL. DISEASES RESULTING EROM DISORDERS OF TRE LIVER AiVVD DIGESTUff *GM, ABE `CURED' BY HOO LANDS THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC. READ WHO SAYS SO From the Rev. Levi G. Beck, .Pastor of the Baptis Church; Pemberton ? N. J., formerly of the North .Baptis Church, Philadelphia.. - , * * * * *- * * I have known Hoofland's Gerinan Bitters favorably for a number of years. I have used them in my own family and have been so pleased with their effects that I was in- duced to recommend them to many ethers, and know that they haVe operated in a atrikingly beneficial manner._ I take great pleasure in thus publkly proclaiming this. fact, and calling the attention of Woe° afflicted with the .e.y.B for which they are- mconamented to. these Bit ter's, knowing from =pertains .thif:tuy.reocimmendation. will be sustained. I do thia"mOke 'cheerfully as Hoof land,s Bitters is benefit the aftlieted, and 'is "not a rum drink." YOurs. truly.. LEVI G. BECK. From lky. J. Newton Brown, D.M., Editor of the En cyelopedir Of-Wiens Knowledge aMkOhristian Chroni cle; Pldlahelphia. • • • - - Although not disposed to favor or. recommend Patent Mehleines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I-yet know. of no snftleient - reasons :why a man may not testify to the benefita l t .r 3 a pgieves himself to have received from any simple pro ion, in the hope that ho may thus contribute to the benefit of others. Ido this the . More readily In regard to Hoofland's Ger mandlitters, prepared by Dr. C. Di. Jackson, of this city bbeause I was prejudiced against .therst for many years, under the impression that thiy were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. am indebted to my friend, • Robert Shoema ker, Esq., for the removal or this prejudice by: proper tests, and for encouragement to by them when suffering. from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these' Bitters at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restora tion to a degree of bodily and mental vigor' which I had not for sixanonths before, and had attest despaired of regaining. _I. therefore thank God and my -friend for di reefing rue to Ihedse of them. ' J. NEWTON BROWN, Philada. From. Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor. of Baptist Church, Germantown . ; Penn. - • Dr. C. M. Jackson:--Dear Sir:—Persoual experience enables me to say that I regard the German Bitters, pre pared by you, as a most eXceUent 'medicine. In cases of severe cold and general debility I have been greatly bone fitted by the use of the Bitterm.and doubt not they will produce similar effects on otheri Yours truly WARREN RANDOLPH, Germantown, It. From Rev. J. a Turner, Pastor of. Redding 3f. E Church; Philadelphia.' Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear Sli:—Having used 'Year Ger man Bitters; in my fatuity frequently I ma prepared to say that it has heel of great sertice... hellisve that, in Meat cases of general debility of the system It is the safest and most valuable remedy of-which I have any knowledge. Yours,vespOctrully J. a - TURNER, No. 726 N. Nineteenth street. . Front the Rev. J. IL - Lyons, formerly Paitor of ths Columbia (N. and:Milestown (Pa.) Baptist 'Churches. Nirs , Roottems, Y. Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear (coin epic/ewe thee, of my own accord, to bear testimony to the es:Celesta of the German Bitters. Some years since being- much at flicted with Dyspepaiio Used them with very beneficial results. I have often.reonzunentied them to persona ,en feebled by that tormenting k d Nara, and have lo*rd for - them the most flatteringtesilinonlals as to their great Ix asses of general debility, I behirce it to be a tonic that cannot be surpassed. . IL LYONS-, From the Rev , Thomas Winter, Pastor of Roxberellgh Baptist Church. . Dr. Jackson :— Dear Sir hat h' 'due to" , your excel: lent preparation; Brief:land . 47km:tan Bitters, to add -, mg' to the 'deserve& reputation it has obtained. I. have for years,, az times, been troubled with great disorder in my head and nervous sphinx . ' I was advised by friend to try a bottle of your German Bitters; did so, and have experienced great and unexpected relief; my health has been very materially benelitted.. Loontldently recom mend the article where I meet with =ea similar to my own, and have been assured by many of their good ef fects. Respectfully yours, T. WIINT'PER, Roxborough, Pa. 'From' Rev. J. S.. Berman, of the Garman, Reforpied Church, Kutztown, Barks county, Pa. , Dr. ". C. M. Jackson :— Respected Sir —I have' been troublecipith Dyspepsia nearly twenty years, and have never used any medicine that did the as much good as Roofland's Bitters. lam very much improved in health, after having taken five bottles. TOWS with respect, PRICES. -I.4rge Size (holding nearly double quantity,) per bottle—half doz $o 00 small Size-75 cents per bottic;,half doz. 4 00 "BEWARE OF COLIN. TERFEITS I See that the eigruature of "O. JACKSON" Is on the WRAPPER of each bottle, • Should you neareat - drUggist not have the article, ,do not be put or by any of. the Intoxicating preparations that may be Offered in kb place, but send to. us, and we will DMR/41"4, securely packed, by orpresa._ Principal Office and Manufactory, NO. 031 ARCH STREET; - PHILADELPHIA. JONES & Nir,ANS, NOOo•faar: to O. At. liookooncE PiedricisTOßS. Foi dole by Druggista!tuld Dealers In every town in the Ilnitoolltattot : mylo4.4ily EVENING- EDITION. Pennsylvania Legislature. IWlZlW:.l%. 4 .M4: 4 4:4pf . f.lfirfinLe);M& SENATE. AFTEENON SESSION TUESDAY; May 43, 1804. A large number of, private bills were con sidered and passed. Arrkung th'em, Mr. FLENCENG called up. and had passed the House bill to increase the rate of taxation in the pity of Harrisburg. At 330 ZefenraPo. FroiM Washinigtim. '4.1... ConvietiostAind .Slispension. of Commodore , . • - . Wilkes, . . ' WASH IN GTON, May 3. The N nal Repubtican of this Afternoon states tliaV ommodorelgilites has been found guilty by , e 441: Court Martial on every count andlentenexito three years suspen sion witho Ipay, , ',.; (SEW* DISPATCH.) Wesnaxlmort, 11/1t,1)1,• /SO.—General orders No. 33.-- 3 ht a -patFak.'general court martial recently erravenidlrt...the of Washington, Commode. Chailes4Wilkes of the navy was tried upeg. the ,follewing charges preferred against lam- by the Department. 1 • Charg --!.. ,Disolioiclienee,of lawful orders of his supe apex. while in the execution of his office -•-+. Charg ~ ,Iniubordirulte conduct and neg ligence, earelessinxibeying orders. Charg Disrespect and disrespectful language his.snperior Officer whilst in the executio fliii o ffi ce. Charge • Refusal , of obedience to lawful, general or4qrs,and. regulations issued by the Secretary of f - the naVy Charge 6. Conduct unbecoming an officer and constituting an offence made responsible by article 8, of the articles adopted and put in force for the government of the navy of the United States. Of each of the charges the accused was found,' by the court,,,gnilty and was.sentenced in the following terms : and the court does hereby sentence ;:the, accused, ' Commodore Charles Wilkeirt,o-be - publicly reprimanded by the Secretary of the navy; and to be sus pended from.duty for :the term`of three years. The finding:of -the court`in this case is ap- Proved, - and:the sentence is,confkined. In carrying Vito execution thatpatt. of. the sentence which • requires that tOommOdore Wilkes shill be ,publicly - -:reprimanded, I hardly need say more - to an officer of his aze and experience in the service, than that the promulgation - of such charges, and Of the decision upon them. by a court, com posed of officers , of the highest rank in the navy, constitutes - in itaelt a reprimand suffi ciently poignantotnid severe to any one• who may have the desire tor preserve untarnished his record - in the service. ,•' "` . • The Department Would gladly have been spared the unpleasant duty. has devolv ed upon it inthis case, but the-appeal made to the public by the accused in the papers which the court has• pronounced to be of an insub ordinate and disrespectful character contain rug remarks and statements not warranted. The facts renderedit necessary for the de partment to-tolerate the disrespect and sub- Mit to the unfounded aspprsions ,or refer the case to the Investigation and decision of a court martial. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary the Navy. ADDITIONAL FOREIGN NEWS Movements' of Garibaldi. • • • LONDON April 24. A telegram from Gibraltar on the 23d says, an Austrian Squadron of five ships-had just rjailedifor the German ocean. .- Madeira advises to April 10th, say that the Florida and U. S. ship., St. Louis had-been there together. The St. Louis was allowed twenty-four hours start 4U-the Florida: Gamer. Barrenr..—Garibaldi -finally quitted London.- on the 22d, proceeding to -the-resi- deuce of the dowager Dnchess,,of Sutherland. near Maiden Heald, where he would remain in retirement for a few days, embarking for Cape Rea on the 26th. The Prince of Vales wentto. London,. and paid an hour's visit to Garibaldi. The Gen eral breakfasted with a party of "Americans at the S. Con.sul's 'on tile 22d. •He expressed himself warmly in favor of the United, States in the struggle with the slave power and would go there at once and - tender his ser vices if they :were needed, but: was glad to learn that they weraubt. He remarked that England and America united in sentiment, and could keep the peace of the world.: The limes affirms that 'the. advice •to Gari baldi was simply on account of his health,,: and-not in any way political. - • The , Dcilly News asserts that 131,e,viait had, political motives. • . . • , France proving a faithless friend :toltaly, Garibaldi issued a farewell address to the peo ple of England, and offers his heart-felt grati tude. 'Re says his primitive object was to think England for her sympathy, and this is accomplished. He regrets - the necessity for his departure, and hopes, to return'- again at no distant time. • Tice Rebel General Forrest a Cold-Blooded Illurderer-Let ter from Geilietail Shialey. J. S. HERMAN. The 'following letter" from Major-General Stanley, which appears in the Cincinnati Com mercial, describes the character ,of the rebel General Forrest, and gives an incident of his career gramittLIITEES FraiT Drvisimr Fourern A. C. DEPArrzaami or TEE CIirDEBERLAZth Mars Smgctal: Tenn., April 21, 1864. • - The late butchery at FOrt Pillow - by ,For rest, seems to have filled the communitY, with indignation eagl„ earpzise. To 'those in the front of our army who know For rest, there nothing at all, a.stonidi ing in . his conduct, at Fort Pillow. I. know that this very much reopeote4,,confed- leitkoadp. -- Webster Adjoumed. FMCE TWO .CENTS. crate hero has;' upon a former occasion, COll desgended to become his own exedutioneer: To .show the style of the man Jeff. Davis and the Cincinnati .Enquirer delight to - honor, I will relate the., Sollowing, which Was stated to me last" summer bYsti - rebel-titizen Middle Tennessee, tvinan. Of high standing in , this enniinrurily,.*ho:had. it from his 'nephew, an (Sleet' serving wader . Forrest. About the middle of the summer of 1862,. Forest align' is ed the pod of Mnifreesboro, commanded by Brigadier {general V. T. Crittenden, of Indi ana. Thir-garrisonAva,s compesetl:mostly of the 9thMichigan,and 2d Minnesota Infantry and the . 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry. After some little fighting, .the troops were surren de'red. A mulatto man. who-was a. servant to one 'of the officers of the Union Jorces, was, bro*ght out to Forrest on horseback.. .The .10ter Mquired of him,', with many" 'oaths, 'what he Was doing there?" - The mulatto answered that he was a' free man, and came out as a-servant-to an offlaernaming au of ficer. Forrest,,who was 011.. horseback, delib erately put his`hand to his holster, drew his pis tol, and blew the man's brains out. The rebel of fiber stated that the Mulatto man came from Pennsylvania, and the same officer denounced the act as one of cold-blooded murder, and declared that he would never again serve un der Forrest. This murdered niiia was not a soldier, and, indeed, the occurrence took place befor the 'United States Government deter mined to arm neg,roes. Of the truth of this there is not the shadow of a doubt, and it can be established any day by living witness. Your obedient• servant, D. L. STANLEY, Major General Markets by Telegraph. PIitrADEAPRIA, May 3 The flour market is dull, but prices are un changed; small sales at $7 25 for superfine, $7.50 for extra and $7 75®8 25 for extrafamily. Rye flour is steady at $7;. for corn meal; pri ces are nominal. There is not much demand forty/heat, and only 4,000 bushels sold at $lB3 ®l. 90' for red; $2 05 for Kentucky white. 1,000 bushels rye sold at $1 60. Corn is very quiet, and yellow aells readily at 51 37. Oats are strong at 90c. Crude petroleum is steady at 35@,36e; refined at 55k®574; free at 63@, 64 cents. Provisions are held firmly; sales of mess pork at $27 50®28; hams in pickle at 16i017c, sides-at 14, and shoulders at 12k. Lard is dull at 14k®144,. kegs at 16®161c. Whisky moves slowly at $1 25, Stocks inactive and dull; Penna. s's 97V, Reading-. railroad 64k; Morris Island 83; Long Island 46; Penna. railroad 654; gold $1 77, exchange on New York par. Stocks dull and lower. CaMberland prefer zed '62'; Michiguit Sonthein 90f.d0. do. guar anteed 130; New York Central 130; Read ing 128; Hudson River.. 1391; Canton Co. 35; Missouri 669; Erie 1111; Michigan Central 135; Harlem 233; Quicksilver 68c; 1 year certificates 981; 5-20 Conpons of 1881 105/ ; Gold 1774 t An Important Act AN ACT imposing adrt.tional texas for Sate •purposes, and to aboliskthe Revenue Board. .t-sortear 1:. Be it enactect - by the Senate and Hulse of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania in General Aramibly nut, and hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That in ad dition tolhe taxes now imposed by law, here after , every railroad, steamboat, canal, slack water navigation, or other transportation com papy doing business within thdsCommcinwealtb, shall, by its president - treasurer, •cashier or other fivancial officer, make quarterly returns' to • the Auditor General, commencing upon the first day of July, next. Said returns shall be made within thirty days after the termination of each quarter, under oath or affirmation, and shall= fully, and particularly state, the entire number of tens of freight ttafflc carried or moved by said,company or corporation during the three months ending on the first day of that month; 'and said company corporation own ing or managing said railroad; steamboat, slackwater navigation, or other transpor Cation company, shall pay to the State Trea- Surer,for the use of the Cosamonwealth,the fol lowing taxes, to wit: Upon all tonnage carried upon or over their respective lines ot transpor t tatlon ,tolregraduated as f glows: First,upon tl e prodifcts of mines, for each ton of two thousand pounds, two center: Second, nook this producis of the forest, Olt unimal or vegetable food, and all the other agricultural prod,ucts,thece cents. Third, upon merchandise, manufactures and at' other articles, five cents. In all cases where the same freight is traasported over different but continpons lines of transportation, then the tax hereby imposed shall be paid by the seVeral corporations carrying the same, .each in propeation to the `distance carried, es `stay be ,adjusted among them:elves; the State. Trea surer bekig and he is hereby authorised to col lect the whole .of said tax from either of the "companies carrying the. frieght asr he _may' -elect: Novieled, That freight shipped through. and over one or seve al lines of transportation,. shill-be chargeable with but one tax as afore said. !no. 2.' --That every, private banker and bro ker, and every incorporated and unincorpora ted banking-and Skiving institntion, and deposit and trust company,_ evert, gas comp . spy, ex press company,bridge Company, insurance com pany, foreign insurance Company; biiilding and Rind' assent:titan manufacturing, mechanical, alining. and quarrying company, and all. Other companies and corporations doing business in. this Commonwealth, except those specified in the first section of this act, net paying a tax to the State upon dividends uncter . exigting laws, shallannually, upon the first day of-November of each year, make a report to the Auditor Gen eral, under oath or affirmation, setting forth the amount of net earnings or income 'received ,by said individuals or corporations from all sources during tee pyrTding year; and upon such net earnings or locome, the said individ nab; or corporation,. as;the case may be, shari pay to the treasurer, for the use of the State, within sixty days thereafter, three per centum upon such annual net earnings or income in addition to the taxes nowimposed by existing . , laws: Provided, That institations, individuals or corporations pityingounder this Section are not to be also taxed under the act of the six teenth of May, one- thousand eight hundred and sixty ono, relative to private bankers and broker - is, and the . act of the ninth - of A D. 1856, and fist of May, A. D. 1861, except so far as the-licenses-therein. required _relative - to foreign insurance companies: provided fur. then That any . corporation .which has_tailed to make returns to the Cormaionweialthois re- rated by 'the act for AprW twen*fitat, A. x.',1858. entitled An act for the Aetter se curing to, the,9ommonwealth thereiiinent of 'taxes due by Lueorporated loini;eudee, may ST BA .p_Offl ES ADVERTLSECG RATES—DAILY TELEGRAM The fellof4;ag ere the ratea-for advertising, Lu the 'lms. Those Navin : alveftising on ;Rai h v—e vanien tlor refereak.e.... . Four Linea or lei,. -c c lostitnto !Ines mere then nar evastitnie a sluar,. roe A RAI.P BQW4S-:.1: SaiZ:AP.X. One day 7 3J l llea 41 0!::: ..%‘y., ... . .....$ a,, . Two days... 59 I Two day..... . ... 7. tit' Chree .4ers , 70 Three- day. .. i 720 One week 1 S One week' - - 2 Its tele mental 3 00 One month • 8 CA) Two months 4.50 Two months - " - 9.00'. Three months 5 50 Three, months. 11 CO Six Months 8 00 Six months - 10 0 One year 15 00 One year , .. 25 00 Adminietratten Notices $2 25 Marriage Notices andimes N0tice5..........., Funeral Noticie each insertkaa garessiness notices inserted In the Local Cohavoir before Marriages and Marini - Elio= CEng reit. Lceir for nuke each return within sixty dAys efier the pareage of thla act, any law to the contrary aotenthatanding; and all delinquent comma:A railing or relating to make lull returns and payment to the Szate.aa required by the getirral. taws of thia Commonwealth in teiati , m thereto, 3trall .have all their rights and privilege elated forfeited by proclarhadon from the ewe- rnra Sia 3. That every president, Areasurrr, cashier or other officer cf any company incor porated; or that may berelfter be incorpora;w.", which pays interest to its depositors, bond hoid- ere. or other creditors, upou which, by the laws of the Cemmonwealth, a State tax is iwpmeci, shall,; before payment of the same, retain from aid ciepoeitors, bondholders or creditors the amount of State tax inverted by exisilug and alkali pig ever the same to the Skate Trea- ,carer and that all tha larva regulating the mode of such payment in tegard to treaenrsre of county dee, •clti , s and bortughe ee aid the same are cceretT txt.nthd to the tio4ncial c. cre the eof; cud thy are lac roby it quircd co CucleGt and day over the taxes due to the State on inch pay ment of interest, as provided - in this stctton, to be done by t facers of ineoroorAied COMpMllut; And ILL MU Of any officer neglecting or rtLsing to retain the same, be shall become pe t s:n A ily liable for the amount. Sao 4 ( ..f :That the treasurer of each county and city, the bargees or other chief officer if each incorprated district or borough of this Commoblealth, within ninety days after the crissege of - this act, shalt make return, under oath or affirmation, to the Auditor General, of tike amount of scrip, bouds or certificates of in debtoess outstaudiog by raid county, city, dis trict, baronet or incorporation, us tie stiall'ti.• , stid on first day of Jaalvoy, one ctlowarsd tight hnasred std si.tq -four, and 'of each succeeding year theteafter, to .ether with the ratty of iotereet thereon at each of those periods, under the penalty of five thousand doll , rs, the amount to he settled by the Auditor General, awl the amount thertof surd' for and collected es debts due by defaulting' public officers are oolitbttd: .Prcrvided, That on Ehe receipt of said return's the Auditor General shall proceed to settle the 'Accounts of each cenoty, city and borough with ,the Common wealth,. fix the State tax due and unpaid, and crania:it notice of the amount by mast' to offi- cars pliking said returns; and it tire auinunt tio tound , dne shall not be paid within sixty days, the Attorney General shall sue awl collect the dame, with htterest hem the tlate of such settle ment; and hereafter it shalt be the duty of the treasurer of every county, city, borough and be corpurated district in this Cotemonwe aith to de duct the said State tax, or dividend on pay- meat :of any interest, on debts c tie by the county, city, borough cr incorporated district, awl pay the saute over to the State Trea'nrer withiW thirty days atter the said interest or dividend has fallen due. • Sao. 5. not in case any cfficere of any "cor poration, or any person or persons requird by (Ira act to 'Asks return under oath or effirmn.- don, shall falsely make such returnl he or they dhall, - oyi conviction thereof, bq heid guilty of pillory; and in case he or they neglect and, re fute to 'make any return required by this act, he:or they shall be liable to the Conan:din wealth for a penalty of five thousand dollars for every such neglect, to be stied for as ether shines now are; and if the said corporation, or company upon. notice given, persists in I#s.-re fusal to make return and pay over the tax here by imposed, it shall be liable to an additional tax of one per centnm upon the amount of its gross receipts; and that the Auditor General and- State Treasurer, or.any agent appointed by teem, are hereby authotisud to examinelhe books and papers • of any corporation, company, individual or individuate, to verify the acturracy of anyre- turn made to them, or either of them. NEw Yorig, *ay 3 Sete & That every incorporated company' whose lams extend into any other Settee, and every corporation created under the lees of any other State, and holding and enjoying any fren ehisese property, railroad, career work or privi lege whatsoever within this State, shall make the same returns to regard to the trutrage of such portion° of their lines vs de within this State as if the whole waa within; and if any president, treasurer or other financial ollioitet re quired to necks retains shall, after demand for thirty days, sill neelect and refuse to make tie r.4.turns or pay over the amennt of such tax, the same shall be handed over to the Attorney General, who shall forthwith institute proceed tugs to annul the corporate franchises of such company or corporation within this State. SEC. 7. That so much of the forty sec'tind bectfon of the act approved the twenty-ninth day of April, 088 thousand eight hundrid aud - forty-four, as provides for the abatement ot lire per centum on the amount of State taxes paid lit teen, days prior to tire first of - September, in any yeir, be and the same Is hereby repealed; and hereafter it shall be the duty of tbia'Audie - tor General to add five per centum penalty,to each county, on alt State taxes remaining ui.pre!d on the first day of August, one thousand ere ht hundred and sixty-five, and-of each year there utter, which shad be charged fri the . duplicate against each deliequent tax-payer in arrears on and after said day. rb at iu addition to the rexte already imposed by law, all appeinted to en office Webs Governor or elected under the provi-100 of any law ot thivCorumouwereth, the gressiecelptis of wfrote cffics shall exceed six hundred donors and nut exceed twerve hundred dollar% 'shall pay into the treasury of the State a tax of one per centum; and on all amounts over twelve hundred dollars and not exceeding twentrfive hundred dollats, two per centum; and en all amounts exceeding twenty five hundred dollars, five per centum annually: Provided, lhat the revenue derived 'lrma this act shall, so far as necessary, he first applicable to the payment of the ordinary ex.penies of Government; and the, reeidtte not needed fir such purposes ehall be transferred to the sink ing fund, as directed by the act of the twenty emend of April, one thousand -eight handfed and fif y-eight. EEC 8. That so much of the act to reduce the State debt and incorporate the Pennsylvania railroad company, approved twenty niutia day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ferty -four, and the several supplements thereto. re quiring the appointment of revenue commis sioners hem the several iudlcial districts of the State, be and the same are hereby repea'ed; and that all the powers granted to the raid board, and the duties enioined thereupon, shall here after be vested in a State board, to conga. of the Auditor General, the State Tria-terer arid the Secretary of the Gminionwealth; and that all acts of Assembly Inconsistent with the provi sions of this act, be and the same are herraby repealed.' HESRY C. JOHNSON, Speaker' of the Th.neei-cif Repieventativee. . . JOHNPENNEY. - - kpaiker of the Striate. Approved the 39111 day of April;. 1 F64. AG: CHR,TIN. .. i ' s
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