= - MEDICAL. ES 122:222 CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, OOMPOBED - OF lODIDE POTASSIUM, With the Compound Concentrated Fluid Extract of VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOMS AND HERBS, =I Will. H. GREGG, M. D., Graduate College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., for merly Assistant Physician Blackwell's Island Hos. pitals, late Medical Inspector New York State Volunteer Depots, under Goa. Edward D. Morgan OO.\•9TITUTION LIFE SYRUP HAD PRODUCED A REVONI TION IN MEDICINE. What may seem almost Incredible, is, that many dis eases hitherto considered hopelessly incurable are fre quently cured in a few days, or weeks, and we cheerfully Invite the Inveatigations Of the liberal minded and saint title to cures which have no Parallel at the present day. Our medicine is peculiar ; by it the seat of any dtsetuni is directly reached, and the equilibrium restored. Those whohave suffered long from painful and. obsti nate diseases, those who have vainly sought relief froin advertised medicines, those who cannot be cured by other physiciress-- ARE INVITED TO USE COIITIITUTION LIFE SYRUP. During the past five years we have contended with, oh- Uncles and overcome opposition as herculean as wore ever encountered by any Reformers. RAPIDITY OR CURE Some'say, "Your cures are too quick," while others doubt their permanence, and think that disease can only be cured by the "slow recuperative process of Nature." This is our reply: . • In health, the body, like a well-balanced scale, is in a state of Equilibrium. But when from any cause down goes one side or the scale, we have the effects or disease. What Is requisite is, to restore the normal balance of the scale. CONSTEruTION LIFE SYRUP, A positive and specific remedy for all diseases originating from an IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD, and for all' thamdltaryl DISEASES tranamitted from PARENT 10 GOBI D. PARALYSIS. Berniplegia. Paresis. Paraplegia. Paralysis Agitans. It is so universally admitted that Constitution Life Syrup' is the only effective means of 'restoration in the' various forms of Paralysis, that wonciod not reiterate that it to emphatically the Great Life Giving Power. - DYSPEPSIA. Indigestion. Liver Complaint. Constipation Weight at Stomach. Biliousnesa Want of Appetite. Flatulence. Bad Breath. SCROFULA Glandular swellings. Strums. _ . . King's Evil. Erysipelas. Salt Rheum This taint (Euarsorraar and ACQUIRED,) tilling life with untold misery, is by all usual medical remedies incurable. REIEUMATIBAI. (Arthritis] Neuralgia. Gout. - Lumbago. • Sciatica. Tic Douloureni. . If there is any disease in which the Constitution Life Syrup is a sovereign, It is in Rheumatism and its kindred affections. The most intense pains are almost Instantly alleviated—enormous swellings are redncod. Cases, chronic or vicarious, of 20 or 80 years' standing, .have been cured by us. NERVOUSNESS. Nervous Debility. Shattered Nerves. St. Vitus' Dance. Loss of Power. Confusion of Thoughts. Epilepsy. Thousands who have suffered for years will bless the day on which they road these lines. Particularly to weak, suffering woman will this medicine prove an inestimable blessing—directing their footsteps to a Reps which Dahlia more than It promises. MERCURIAL DISEASE& Rotting of Bones. Salivation Bad Complexion Feeling of Weariness. Depression of Spirits. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP purges s the system en tirely from all the evil erects of Mercury, removing the Bad Breath, and curing the Weak Joints and 'Rheumatic Pains which the use of Calomel is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gums, and secures the Teeth as firmly as Over. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Eradicates, Root and Branch, all Eruptive Diseases of the Skin, like Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, and all other difficul ties of this kind, which so much disfigure the outward ap. pearance of both males and females, often making thorn a disgustin; object to themselves and their friends. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP CURES ALL SWELLING OF THE GLANDS, Either of the face, Nock, or, Female Breast, and should be taken as soon as the, swelling Is detected. thus preventing their breaking, and producing the troublesome Discharg ing Sores, which diallgure so many of the younger por tion of the community, from six to twenty years of gage. LTchildren are very subject to inschrurges from the which depends upon a scrofulous constitution.— These cases soon recover by taking a few doses of the Life Syrup. AU scrofulous petxons suffering from general Debility, RotaciaUon, Dyspepsia and Dropsy of the limbs, abdomen, and in the female , . Dropsy of the ovaries and womb, gen erally aocompanied with Inflammation and Ulceration of the Uterus, are permanently cured by Constitution Life Syrup. The disease known as Goitre or Swelled Neck, the Life Syrup will remove entirely. The remedy should be taken for some time, as the, disease la exceedingly chronic and stubborn, and will not be removed without extra Wort. Tumour of the Ovaries, Tumors of the • Breast; and swelling of other glands of the body will be completely reduced without resorting, to the knife or operations of any kind. Epileptic Fits, Sympathetic or Organic Diseases of the Heart., as palpitation, Diseases of the Valves, producing a grating or filing sound, Dropsy of the Heart Case, and all rctions of this important organ, (persons suffering from any acute pain in the region of the heart,) will be greatly relieved by Constitution Life Syrup. IMOKIN-DOWN I* DELICATE CONSTITUTIONS angering from Indisposition to Exertion, Pain in the Back, Loss of Memory, Forebodings, Horror of Calamity, 'Fear o Disease, Dimness of Vision, 'Dry; Hot' Skin and Ex tremities, Want of Sleep,' RestlessneSs, Pale, Haggard Countenance, and Lassitude of the Muscular System, all require the aid of the•Conatitution Life Sin FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES, ether of the Nose, Throat, Tongue, Spina 'Forehead or &adp,•no remedy has ever proved its vied. , RUTH PATCHES upon the female face, depending upon a diseased action of the Liver, are very unpleasant to the young wife sad mother. A few bottles of Constitution Life Syrup will correct the secretion, and remove the de posit which is directly under the akin. If Diseases of the Liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizzi ness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, or an once rated or can cerous condition of that organ, accompanied with burning or other unpleasant symptoms, *ill be rite - Cad by the use of CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. ifirANIVENESAL BLOODTURIFYLVG AGENT, TEE .lara Sißap firezma Untarrersami BY err PREfilel Tic& m; TN WOB.LD. Diseases of the Spine, as usually developed in theyoungi Hip Diaeaso, Neuralgia, and all NervotisTiseascs, and La dies who are suffering from Diseases for which they are at . a leas what te.de, we would Adrian the Use of CONSTI: TUTION LIFE MDR It will restore their pallid mien. tonnes, strengthen their weak back and aide, give theca new energy, new life and happiness • TJIN RICH AND POOR • Ara • . liable to the mine diseases. Nature and, science .has made the Constitution Life Syrup for, the benefit oc aIL PUBS BLOOD Produces healthy men and women; and if the eenstitukka is neglected in youth, disease and early death. 18 the re sult. Do not delay when the meanaare so..noarht hand, and . within the reach of all. TO MO7HERS AND .711Alt.E.EED LADIES. It is the 'safest and most effectual medicine over discov ered for purifying the system, and relieving the suffering attends* upon childbirth. It strengthens both the 049inar and the child, protents pain and disease ' and fn. , end mulches the food—those_ who ,have used it hick t indispensable. It is highly, useful both before end after confinement, as it prevents: diaehse attendant upon childbirth. • CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP IS THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND AND THE RICH BLESSINGI BUY rr, TAKE 7, AND AtE,bp,ED IT IS tairvratsm, IN ITS EFFECTS. WM. 11. GREGG-, M. D., Bola raorlarroa, NEA Yak. Laboratory, Brooklyn, L. L PRICE EA PER scorns; 37 BOTTLES FOR $5 Nif•Sont by orprooo to all parts of tbe country] MORGAN & ALLEN, 7halegale Dreggioto, AGENTS, 48 Cliff street, New York. SOLD BY jaa964odaswem JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWDIN, PHILADELPHIA, ' . KUNKEL & BRO., 11 Market eine% Haritsburg, A. N.lll ALL DRUG 61.6,T11 Ulcerallon. Air They cure Green Sickness (Merest's.) ../rThey cure Nervous and Spinal .theotions, pains in the back and lower parts of the body, Heaviness, - Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, &c, In a word, by removing the irregularity, they remove the cause, and with it au the effects that'spring from it Sir-Composed of simple vegetable 'extracts, they con. lain nothing deleterious to any Constitution, however delicate, their funotion being to substitute strength for weakness, which, when properly used, they never fail to do. Aches in Bones. lar dinette's seeking Information or advice will be promptly, freely and discreetly answered: a4rFull direotions accona r pank each box. ss-Price, $1 per box, 'or six boxes for $5. garSentby mall, free of postage, on receipt of price. ,Sold by all respectable druggista. DR. W. R. 'MERWIN k CO., Sole Proprietors. marll•eodly No. 59 Liberty street, New York. For sale in Harrisburg by S. A. JECNILEL & BRO., Ile Market street. P'hotograpit A.lltriimos. BOlllliD , in FOR MOROCCO—panelled, gilt and mounted with two lioevy gilt damn . 80 Pictures for $3 00 40 it tt . 860 50 " it 400 • . together with minus other styles of binding, sizes and prices, which will howold cheap. Soldier,s you cannot buy a prettier, more durable and cheaper album anywhere. Call and see at . SCHBEITERIS Bookstore, marl2-dtt . Harrisburg, IS. "iILERE IS NO RIJOH WORD AB FAIL." TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRAOT OF This preparation is particuhuiy "reconunended to the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the P 17111.10 for the prompt and certain cure of DISEASES OF TILE BLADDER, KID NEYS, URINARY ORGANS, ETC. It may be relied on as the beat mode for the administra tion of theta) remedies in the large class of diseases of both penes, to which they are applicable. It never interferes With the digestion, and by its concentration, the' dose is much reduced. _ N. B.—Purchase s are advised to igir. ihr TARSANPS COMPOUND 'EXTRAGP OF CUBSEIS AND COPAII3A, And take nothing clan, as imitations and worthless prepa rations, under *spar names, are in the market. Price $l. 00. Sent by impress on receipt of price. Manufac tured only . by; TAMMANY &_, CO., No. 278 Greenwich street, corner of Warren street, New York, and for sale .071221da0ct22-dly For B:„ A ; 11,172.1111 la BRO., and by . Draggieta • -generally. , ~ A N AMEOBTMENT OF . 100 . .-STYLE S OF POCKET JBOOKS,. , PURSES , . . . 0 D • pOTLITIVICONNA.IES FOE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT ICELLEIVS - Drug? Fasfoy GaAs Store - 91 Market -. 4reet *- The Nisi hinrocco TRATELING SAT.C.H.FoLS, And a general variety of FANCY GOODS, suitable for Presents, now on hand at 11.EIJAR'S Drug Store, marl 94: No. 91 Market street. • rORTANT TO ALL—It will restore the sick to health ;. the intempetate - to temperanke. The Rhubarb Wine Will do it all. Dorn think the Creading - of the advertbseritentwill - do; we don't clairfithat. 'But if you wiugo to 0 S. KELLER'STrug"Stores 'g'et some of the Wirae and examine it for yourself, it will set yon right; I will warrant you on 'that 'Orders , for wine and wino plants taken and.ffiled by - .ourauttiorized..agent, C. E. KELLER, No. 91 Market stroeti Harrisburg; PL. For full particulars apply to or address thenbove...:. HAVANA MANGE'S; just recedica - a RELTSLER & FRAZN% no2o. (successors to, Wm. Dock, Jr., & .) . , 'OROSSE as - - BLA.GEWELL'S. ENGLISH VV PICKLES, ft rare article for table use, Just received and for sale by SHISLER & .P.RAZER,, (iniceeesora to Wm. Dock,. &CO3}. QIIPERIOR • kJ! easEtwi Urnslt :FOß TABLE USE, Just received at wrigLER & FRAZER'S., 65(1CCIMMII tO W.m. Dock, Jr., & Co.) ERGI"111" DAIRY and. . . NEW YORK MATE CHEEBRI At rzioni : BOY/CR, avRORRPER. APPLES.:. AITTNgt.I.6O lablt _of_York auto Awes of. every variety, -- Also" - York State Behar, fir sale at jai 80/74: "af :1-44Itr•L BUCKWILEAT I%BUCKWHEAT 17- - lot bat superiorquality of Bfielpv . hpagy'Aiqt9 4 from To*randie, , -Pa ,, for gale by the sailior eigiut,- at. jaeSSV: BO IreErtPlitt. 11A - VAX.4: OBLW3E-Etatiltutit reciii3ved- at „ *26 • ~.. ' ROYER 4 /WEEPER; MEDICAL: DR.. 'WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE Prepared from Pare Vegetable Extracts, containing aoth leg Injurious to the most Delicate. —The Rejuvenating Elixir Is the result of modern discoveries in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely new and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old and worn-out systems. isirorlds medicine has been tested by the most eminent medical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age u-One bottle will cure General Debility. irig•A few doses cures Hysterics in females. sarOne bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart. garit. few doses restores the organs of )pmeratien. .—From one to three bottles restores the manliness and full vigor of youth. Mr& few doses restores the appetite. ,Three bottles cares the worst case of Impotency. agrA few doses cures tee low spirited. /WORE bottle resters mental power. gErA few doses bring the rose to the cheek. Aar-This medicine restores to* manly vigor and robus health the poor, debilitated, worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure. ehil•The listless, enervated youth, the over-tasked man of business, the victim of a nervous depression, the In dtvidual suffering from general debility, or from weaknsers of a single organ, will all 'find Immediate and permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. ,-Price, $2 per bottle, or three bOttles for . $5, and fbrwarded by express, on receipt of money, to any ad dress jsirSold by all druggists everywhere. PR. W. R. BEERWIN 4 CO., - .Sole Proprietors, marll-eodly No. 59 Liberty street, New York. OHERORRP4 PILLS. SUGARCOATED f FEMALE REGULATOR, HEALTH PRESERVER. CIE S TAIN AND .8 API, Siribr the Remota/ 9f Obstructions and the insuranas of Regularity inche iecurrenee of the Montidy Periods. sarThey cure or obviate thaw numerous diseases that spring from irregularity, by removing the Irregularity itsolf ,Thep cure Suppressed, Etna:Sive and Faintid Men struation. iorThey may be eifely used at any age, and at any porton, EXCEPT ESTRUM THE MET THREE MONIES, during which the unfailing nature of their action would Infallibly PRETE= pregnancy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT ALBUMS WITS CIIBEBS AND COPAIBA. JAMES R. Milford,-Pike county, Wholesale Dealer in Wino Mute mar22-dtf D. W. GROSS & CO. Euxrit. D. NV"; GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MARKET STREET, HASRISB VR6, PA DRUGOLgTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS'. , We are daily adding to our assoittaont of goods all such articles as are dWra*e,:ando3ll d :nwipectfully call your attention to the Iligest iikikbilst selected stook lo this city„of ' ' DRUGS, CREIGOAIS AND PAINTS, 0116, Yarn'Awe andialuee,v Dya43taps, Masa and Putty, Mulling Fluid add Alcohol, Lard; Sperm end Pine 0115 Bottle; Vika an!llamp PEREIMEERY AND TOILET ARTIOLES, selected froliithe best inanuficiurecs and Poit'amere of E4Ope aid le cpuntry. Being very large dealers in FAINTE, WRITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL; IiADNISZIES, - W - INDGW GLASS, ARTIST S .LIZT/SPS BRUMES IN ALL' THEIR TARIETIM, We respectfully Svelte a eaai Miles coathleat that we can 'apply the watata. , of all otitorms to their satiefoc- TEETH;:_: TN:WM Artv wirnmst Nmezzary TEETH, PATENT AtEDZOINAY AND • .N4lll ILDSTO4UTIM, Of all kinds, direct from ttke Proprietors • SAPONIFIER' AND ooNcernasTED LYE. MTh °lase.% Agents fbr Saponifier,ithlahie eilis ,- a' 2 i • al it can be p#onmied In - Aneciues:" ;THAYER'S MEDICAL. FLUID EITRAGfTS. COAL OM! CARBOX OIL! Being large purchasers in these Oils we can offer in ,Coal'oll Mint* of the most inioroved patternU, 'ehaap, Ali Itindi oC Lampe °banged to-bora Ooal OiL , . 4 .) . • FARMERS ANDIYRk7.I-EBB Those ere wike,hayeznet Weimer RORSE AND CAT ! TLE MWDY.Rfka theilab;w • ilei7hiqiiittlieric;rity ' and the adinatitia' they are In keeping. Horses out Cattle healthy Insand good Orinditlon: —• • • . Thotteanda.clut teetify.to • the: profit.: they have derived (rein the tale otour Cattle Powiiiiiktry the indreased • , - _ gnan ftyand qualttr of adik, Imisidite . 'hp**ng . the "general eslth and appaprance of theireettle. . , Our long experience Inthetnelnefir Wee tie the advan- tage of a their& keowtediel Of the' tiade,luld om ar- ; rangemeata in ; trie bitten are such that we can, in a very - • . tiptt time, furnish anything appertaintarto cur business; OD b St of 0 n Xi Thankffil tot the liberal patronage bestowed on our ho we!lope by dal" atten tfon - td- Nielson a careful select ot: • .PU4E DiteGS, _ . . at fair price; and the desire to please all, to merit a con tintlance or the favor of a discritaliutting public. , . „ . • . . ••. „ . . -c1.,-EtmITEL ..4.ttcankey-at-Law;. 'te a Haritiburg,:lsL' All •thwinewt• entnaiweil to hini will be. promptly , attended ••.- • • • Bountigh% pensions and Bal*Tli t rist OfiioOTtl oollected. • 4610: " A FERE ASSORTMEITEOF Jak.- _ PORT FOLIOS! PORT SOLIOSI VHDEII34: MEN! 1 15.ECKGYJOION BOARDS 1 Rixidsma at 'ItHIETZIt'S BOOICSME. - . ENGLISH DAIRY 'And ' • Inviv YORK STATE ORE M& At [no2o] WM. DOCE, Ja.., lc CO. ICKI /ES! PIC.KLES - By t 4 a barrel, balf barrayjar•or doMe, at - luzzq . BOYER & ROMPER. A FRIASH supply cif:lidlieneleti Ceebtat ed: ASugar Cured- and Dried Reg; -„ )2425] - BOYER i s c IaiiCRPER. 011.10$111D - I 1,3 .A. CROWE LOT .w Dom, & W3O Mu wish a *rod 13014, - Tea? trl ACCUP 7 I4I IIIO O I .O4 . " NO. 19 Artlst's Colors and Tools, 'llim around Stdoes, &me Soap, SPongee °mks, &a, &a, dm, &c., 3/4c., With s ' pneral variety : of , COLORS, PAINT AND cozoßs - Am) aziozmzs ' l ' RAILROADS: CUMBERLAND VALLEY MCI FRANKL I N RAIL ROADS. CHANGE OF HOURS.—On and a ft er Mon day, April 4th, 1864, Passenger trains will run daily, as follows, (Sundays escepte4:) FOR CHAMBERSBSRG AND HARRISBURG: A. IL P.M Leave Hagerestown 7.00 2.45 •' Greencastle 7.87 3.35 I Arrive at 8.17 4.20 Cbambersburg, Leave at Leave Shlppeuaburg Newville A, M. Carlisle - 5.55 10.10 3.12 " Mechanicsburg 825 10 42 2.42 Arrive at liarrisburg 0.55 ILIS 3.40 FOB OSAMBERSBURG AND EAGERSTOWN.• Leave Harrisburg 8.05 1.32 420 4, Meehtusicsburg 8.47 2.15 4.54 Carlisle -- 9.27 2:54 - 5.29 ~ Newville , 10:22 3.29.---. 1. ,, Shippensburg 10.33 4.00 chambersberg, {Arrive at 11.09 4.30 . Leave at .11.10 4.40 Leave GreScaStle - - - = - .11.55 5.30 - Arrive at Hagerstown Making close connections at Harrisburg , with trains for Phi ladelphia, New York and Pittsburg ; and with. trains for all points West, sksirThe' Trldn leaving Harrisburg at 4.20, r. It., runs only as fak - astiarlisle. - a N. LULL, Bui.4. • R. R. Office, Chambersburg, April 4,1864-ly READING -I RAMA OiAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. GER A T TRUNK LINE FROM TEE NORTH and Northwest for Philadelphia,New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon; Allentown, IMston,Stc.,lke. Trains leave Harriaburg for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, PettsVille and allintermediate station/3, at 8.00 a IL, and 100 r. New York Repress leaves Harrisburg at 6.30 arriving at. Now York at.1,;45 the same day. Fares from Harrisburg; To New York, $5 15; to Phila delphia $3 35 and $3 00. Baggage cheeked through. Returning, leave New York at BA. sr. ,12 noon, and 7 P. N., (Pittsburg Express.) Leave Philadelphia at 8 15a. llt„ and &80 P. n. Sleeping cars in the New York Express Trains, through to and from Pittsburg without change. Paisedgers by the Catawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.50 A. X., and. 2.115 P. X., for Philadelphia., New Yorit„. and all way points. Trains leave Pottsville at 9.15 a. 31., and 2.80 P. Z., for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and 'New York. An Accommodatkm Passenger' train leaves Reading at 6.00 a. and returns from Philadelphia at 5.00 r. -All the above trains TIM daily, 'Sunday excepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7;11°4. tr., and nil. 'dolphin at 8.15 P. XL. Commutation, Mileage, Swan and Excursion tickets-at redmied rates to and from &Upon:an. G. A. IsICOLLS, General Superintendent. November 14, 1888—d&vrti" HOTELS. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, HARRISBURG, ,PA. D, 11. HUTCHISON, Proprietor. rrS well inown itetelia.now in a cOndi iron to accommodate', the traveling Tulin.; affording the most ample cenvenlencea alike for the transient guest =tithe permanent hoarder. • , THE 'UNITED STATES HOTEL.has been entirely refit. ted throughout, and now has accommodations. equal In . extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the , best in the • State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and la close proximity to all the public offices and business la Willa; of the city. It has now all the conveniences of • A 'TROT CLASS HOT - EL, and the Proprietor is determined to spare neither ex mnm, time ()ribber to &Mire thircoinfort of the guests The patronagtirthe traveling public is respeetfully dtf toll jell- ' STATE CAPITAL HOTEL, CORNER OF THIRD AND WALNUT srREErs, 11ARRISBURG,'PEITIVA. THE undersigned having purchased this well known house has enlarged and thoroughly renovated it. The rooms have been re-painted and papered, and the entire estalishment elegantly re-furnished. Being plea santly and eligibly located, and - Ordvided with everyeon venience, it ollbrs to themubliaall the nOmfortff andluxu ries of a first class hotel... Trusty. and olfliginuservants always, in attendance. Aber well stocked withleboice liquors is attached to the establishment. de26-dly W. G. THOMESDN;iroprietor. JONES HOUSE, Corner of Mgket Atnet and. kUrket Square, HA aIuR,BURG PEifNA. cuAs. H. IVIANN, Proprietor. nob-dtf 141.4.1141EF1S SAFES ? *, CHILLED ASTD WROUGHT IRON. t•—t e- , - c$ Sj CUT—Showing the Net Wort of Wrought Iron Bars. _ TEE attention of business lien generally is invited to the . supertor itdvantagrrt of this Safe over all others, in Fire and Burglar Proof qualities. They' are all secured by a Combination Lock,.. without key or keyhole, and the whole outside of the Safe is CBILLIXI IRON, (from 13g inches to 2 inches thick) and is prod' against the punch or drat and the use of powder, - akfre; quently employed by burglars in their operatrons. isriptive dream furnished by GEO. W. PARSONS. 1.1.0 Market street, HarrMbur b .i, Agera.for Central ream • HOWE'S STANDARD SCALES, Every description of Dormant and Portable Platform scales, Nay, Coal and Stock Scales, Railroad Depot and Track Scalds, Furnace Charging, Scales, Army Scales and 'Counter Scales. These Scales have several IMPORTANT ADVANTAGES. They receive the wear friction always ortchilled iron bails under the platform, instead of, receiving it upon the. knife pivots and dulling...them- --No- jarring of .the, : plat -formaffects the working 9f the ' Have no Check rods to roam , th,e. Platfernt- , Will Weigh :when., out of level. Large scales require no.deep,pit and cost iess for laudation, AC., theft any, other, wales. . • , . Eall information furnished by the subscriber, who agent for Central Pennsylvania, and_ sells at marnitac. gurees prices. ~ , .. GEO. W. PARSONS, feb9-d3m , 110 Market street, Harrisburg. NEW BAKERY,- - 'Broad Street; - between Second: an .;;Third; • _ I,4I2.RISBURG. • - T ilE =del:signed:has opened: a new BA. KERY, in the Sixth - ward, where is prepared'' supply BREAD AND CARPS at a reasonable rate:, ,'.Het Warrants satisfaction to all who will giye Win a call.' Ale will sell his bread at the rate of - FIVE CENTS .FERF.N:D, and fall weight guaranteed. JOHN ALCORN. yule-Mr • Shade Trees. A FINE assortment of . Maple, Norway Maple,' Taller ad l, Hone Chestnut, . . European Linden,' Catalapa, Magnolia. or cucamber Tree, &c: kb: at REYSTO.NE NEESEAY. ;. Harrisburg, March 1!5,-1864„ `BRANKESiiier. `S: o ffered marl . "Lti kw . uevanik. by the.gair loAlor Oat . - t - 8111814)L8Uptatv 046 , figgiallMittftik Dook, Jr.; aCo k . 4 t it s e= l 1/.1 8.30 19-55 9.00 1.23 9.32 2.00 DR. JOHN. L. LYON'S FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS FEMALE REGULATOR, Are the only known remedy that 'NM saceestattuty and invariably restore and regulatothefernalesystem, remov ing all irregularities, and priidueing health, vigor and strength. - LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Aro a fluid preparation, the only true one of the kind ever discovered in this coontrf, and sots directly on the parts' affectekwilLs and powders ma only reach them as they work through sympathy," but •tot at alt direct and positive Are you suffering from a 'constant anxiety Int the regu lar return of nature's prescribed laws? EGive yourself no unon.tume, for Lyon's Periodical Drum irtaken a day or two before the expected period„ . will posi tively and invariably regulate its coff*og, as sure as effect follows cause, as ()wilds as daylight follows darkness. Aretyon sick, enfeebled brdbiesse, or unable to beefed's labor and danger of increase! LYON'S PRRTODICLffr DROPS Came to post as a bleisteg, for is uotprevention better than cure ? If regularly taken, it is a certain. preventive, and will save you. much _ peril and many hours of saffering. Have " you been *Meted for many years with complaints inpidentto the lex, that hatie bnffied the skill , of physi cians,.and ate hurrying you on to an early grave t LYON'StIi%IIIODIOkL DBOPB Are the mostrelialderegiiltdor ever knee* and camitke magic; all those Irregularitiea that. havedefied the dowries Will you waste away with antrerit g" from Leacaiihais, ProlipsawDYinienerrhcea, and a thousand 'ether tititoull. -ttos,. alLsammed up under the mama of atipzeweed , andF obstructed nature, when - aa tavaillzaent of oho tiellagdu LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPEI will serely ; savelom • Do.not_use,the drops when forbidden in Uurdireetionsi• for althotVt. a. prod: ye. cure, and harmlesser,all other , times; they are so powerful and lbielf ealculated'to adjust and govern the functions of the sexual organism, OA if taken atiralizbper.tinitai, they would produce restate rani trary to nature, against which all, particularly those who would reproduce, should oire- which. grant LYON'S.. Fpil9DN.o, DROPS Cannot barm_the moat delicate constitution ab any time-, `yet the proprietors wish to guard maxim fity.monFy. hoping that a thonamid bottles will be osedlbr a goodpar pose where . ono usedlor illegitiniatetate: ' . • LirOkiiI6DICAL " • DROP£;, --• , . the never-failing Female Regulator, is for SI& by orrery •Druggisti in the city and country, and do not, If you value Your health and wish for a reliable medicine ) buy any other.i, Take no other,„butif „the Dnurgist , WtiOnr You apply aim not:girt-it; make blur send, and get it for you. , C. G CLARK &. CO., [lireto Haven, _Cann. 'At:Who:ewe tor JOHNEIraN,:HOLLONILLY &COWDEN,- `B3 No rEli 9taEh StnA ii!i'la4l4jkla, Pa - • Ci 14:14, tr . - • • f, /i 4 : • , r 1-19: MEDICAL. °-1 Amt (t) Vd = - CO - C' " IMI THE GREAT SEE ESE _._ -.sv ~: _. ~.zt l r la ' o z MISCELLANEOUS. =I NEW GOODS-JUST OPENED! AT BERGNER'S Book and Stationery Store Embracing every new and improved etyle of POCKET BOOKS, MAGIC CURRENCY HOLDERS, CALF SKIN POCKET BOOKS, IMTGITSEJN PURSES, POKT MONNAITS, kc. at prices to suit all cimmeatances. POCKET CIITLEMELY, Casalatiog of a fine assortment of Westenhelm's Seoen or Pocket &nice& QOLD PENS, From Newton's celebrated manufactory- Ever aria a ptrrantee. FORT FOLIOS, WRITING CASES, ROSEWOOD DESKS, PAPETERIES, ;se Together with every article loudly found In a Slim Book and Stationery establishment, at myl2l BERGNER'S, M. Market street PEIPIIERIS DAILY LE.Vi. BETWEEN PHITALDELPHIA, Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Nu. cy, Uniontown, Watsontown- Lewisburg, Northnmberland, Sun. bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, XiLimburg, Halifax, Dauphin, AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally lowed, m e drayage will be at the lowest rates. The Conductor gee, through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goodi hitnegted to the line. Goods delivered at the de pot of FREED, WARD k. FREED, 611 Market street, Philadelphia, by 6 o'clock r. a, will be delivered in liar ' the next morning. Freight Always as Low as by Any em u . Line. 4 - 08. MONTGOMERY 41 CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Foot of Market street, Harnsbcm act2l-tf WAGhS! .BAGS! BAGS! EW AND SECOND-HAND SEAMLESS, BITRLAP AND . GUNNY Et S , 'LODE AND SALT RAGS, ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. B A TY.EY & CO., No. 113, Korth Ront St., Philadelphia. feb26413n2 IRTIIINTOUR'S PECTORAL SYRUP. rrEas INVALUABLE SYI3:UP, whkh is en j.. tkely vegetable in its. Composition ben been em ployed with wonderful succeea for many Years in thecure of diseases for the MR PASSAGES and LUNGS. For any ibtin of the disease, such as COUGH TICKLING of the THROAT, SPITTD/G OF BLOOD, DIFFICULT BM:MEM, HOARMIESS,LObN OF VOICE and HECTIC FEVERS, its use'will tieeattended with the happiest results. It is one of the best and safest medicines for all forms of HRON. CHMS and CONSUMPTION. Are ketuktmeat or prepare, gion (if Ofiun an sty shape syrup. PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. For sale at BERGNER'S Cheap Book Store. DANIEL A. MU . ENCH AGENI OF the Old Wallower Line, respectfully in forms the public that this Old Daily Transportatior Line, (the only Wallower Line now in existence city is In Successful operation and prepared to cam freight as low as any other individual line between Phila delphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Wiliiamsport Jersey Shore, Lock Haven, and all other points on Ito Northern Central, Philadelphia end I. and Williamspor and Elmira Railroads DANIEL. A. XU&Vaff, Agent. Harrisburg, Penn's. Goods sent to the Warehouse of Messrs. Peacock, Eel & Illoctunan, Nos. 808 and 810 Market s treet, above Bth Philadelphia, by 4 e'clock, r. at., will arrivaat Harts burg, readylbr dellyetir, next morning._ " Ispatavdmyl BVAii.,EHOUsE. 43.:5'.11.F. R - V.l & Co MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., MAIMFACTURETts o f DOUBLE STRENGTH MANU A L.& PA_PKII OP ALL SIZES ROLL WRAPPERS liand or made to order. Higbast price paid for 'rope in large or small quanu Yea. Marl-dam PUBIC CONCENTRATED cOFFEE` SUGAR AND MILK. PERSONS nniking up boxes to send to their hien& In he army, will find-this an elegant article; one box making .forty cups of coffee, equal to any Java COMM, antiwith little labor. For Wile at • SBISLER & FRAZER, tattgcessors to Win. _Dock. jr., s Co.; I= 411721 PECTORALS are useful to soothe a VI -FT" "Pay ; TlFithng _in the Throat, to relieve Hoarsenees„ Narri; ,Soie Throat, &c, They contain .Colisfeloc Hdrehomok Tpecacuanha, Senega and &Pun, (the meet reliable expectoranta known) are the chief se constituent so blended with Ginn Arabic and Sugar, that ismh•kwentpaciantainwa mild and very pleasant dim. Mannflicturedsolely by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., jen27 • Apothecaries, illniarket street, Harrisburg. • A. C; ATTURNEX'— ALT LAW, removed his Office from Third to 'Wal nut street, next to the Prison.. All business in trusted to him will receive rumpt and careful auenuua apt . _ JUST OPENED; AN ASSORTMENT OF ROSEWOOD &ND lid-HOGANY WRITING DESKS ) Of &taint die% for Lola at 4SCIENTER'S BOOKSTORE. MORTON'S, GOLD "%NIS. 'AI other lot of Morton's Irtrit rVA L 11.11 GOLD PRAY'S, Tad nbectrxt at Batavia's Bookstore. Allplitirwaxistmeri for one veer. trisLlc 60.11.u0L6 " 'SCHOOL SLATES of different sizes, Willson's excellent aerial otSpellers and 'Readers, published by Harper it Brothers, together with all other School Boots and Writ ing Materials are offered, wholesale and retail, at decT• BEHUTEE's BOOKSTORE. MniMIAMEI Another lot of Morton's Unrivalled Gold Pena for Or.le sctIEFFEws BooKsros. All.pens warranted for one year. - tdes NORFOLK OYSTERS—Ada salts, nn&er the Jones HOW. York Hirer Oysters, acne article, under the Jones Hoes& /deo, TenniPins, which will be served up in fine style at short notice under the Jones Honse,..by no 30 JOSEPH.: VELY. PICKTARR 1 . MKT:P.BI I By. the Barrel, Half Barrel, Jar or 'Dozen, at .0320 ' • : SHISLER & FRAZER'S, (Successors to Win Dock, Jr., /S t:O3 A'W HUNDRED of the best PEAR TREES, of valuable leading varieties, ever oared kir sale in Harrisburg, are now on hand at. the Keystone Nuraery. [uPl] JACOB Ma. CIDER ! CIDER !! Two Barrels of sweet and nure-CIDER just received at marlB BOYER & ICORRPER. AVOILIDIEWS excelsior hams, of this sea son's curing. Just received and for aide by SHISLER & FRAZER I to Wm. Dock, jr., az CO decls 00.KBT BOOKS, -BUCKSKIN PURSES FORTEBLONNAIE2I, and a general variety of LIRA.- AYR GOODS, joltt received at • BERGNIZOS scow STORE. FINE ROMANO SH.RICEY, 'imported 1.8411. Wateuatect the Itekeet- Sherry Wine in thi e country. For ode et SHISLER & F . Isnecensons to Wm: Dock. APPLES ! A.PPTARS I—A fine lot of Green thse, raceived'at NEMER & 7110 , 4 Pulliiimen to W Jr„, # 2=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers