aik Ettegrap4 HARRISBURG, PA WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 20, 1861 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Business Notices, ➢larriages, Deaths, Sic., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be aecont par'ed with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. CITY ITEMS. Muzne 014 314fq bought or collected. Ap plication by mail attended to as if made in person. JOHN 4 BIGLER, Attorney-at-Law, Harrisburg, Pa.. ap2o d4t' I=2=Cl Bourrims, PENSIONS, Back Pay, Subsistence and Military and War-claims of all kinds col lected promptly, by A. C. Smith, Attorney at Law, Walnut street, next to the Prison. aplBtf INVALIDS, WIDOW'S AND Mormaa's PPNS/ONS collected by SI S. Child, Claim agent, Harris burg, Pennsylvania, at the price allowed agents by the Government, five dollars each. "No charge for additional evidence." aplBdlw AloNay due on PREMIUM CERTIFICATES Col lected by S. S. Child, Claim agent, Ilanis burg, Pa., at five per Gent. ; single certificates, one dollar. All orders by mail promptly at-. tended to. aplBdlw Low. Bowrrrse collected by S. S. Child, Claim agent, Harrisburg, Pa., at five per cent, when the amount exceeds one hundred dol lars; all others five dollars. aplB-dlw I=r3=l Tangy hundred thousand dollars worth of watches and jewelry. See W. Forsyth & Co.'s advertisement, in another column. mar26-d3mwaza:tw TOWN AND COUNTRY. neeting of the County Commit- CM The County Committee will meet on FRIDAY awning next, April 22, 1864, at seven o'clock, it the office of H. C. Alleman, Esq., for the purpose of selecting delegates to represent this county in the next State Convention, and transact such other business as may be brought before them. H. THOMAS, Chairman. Loon affais are uncommonly dull. Scarce plaything worthy of'noto has transpired the past day or two. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE Mi .171EILS )P THE PENNSYLVANIA. LEGISLATURE.-=NOW in dress, and to be issued on Thursday, April list, a 144 page pamphlet, containing, full and reliable biographical sketches of. the Sen-, tors and Members of the House of Itepre: entatives of Pennsylvania of the session 4 of 861. Members and others supplied at the ate of $3 for ten copies, or twenty i copies for /5, on applicati .n to L. 0. Evans, box 146, Harrisburg P. 0., or Oliver Yoder, House of Representatives. ap2o-3t* Crams Comm I—Gardner and Hemmings' great American Circus will exhibit at the foot of Market street,' in 'this city, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 2d, 3d and 4th. Also, at Hummelstown, on Saturday, April 30th. THE prices of marketing are gradually de-,, :lining. This morning butter was offered ! at3s to 40 cents, eggs at 15 cents, &c. There was in abundant suPply of greens offered, but the majority of our citizens were not gh•een enough r.o purchase at the high prices demanded. Ax adjourned meeting of the Hope Fire Company will be held in their hall on Wed, nesdafeyening, at the usual hour. Punc tual attendance is requested, as final action' will be taken on the matter that was before the company at their'ast meeting. apl92t A Joinisrowx paper says Mr. Joseph Moore has arrived in town, looking well and. hearty. The rumor of his pardon has proved to be true. Life and time must now feel doubly sweet to him. We understand a petition is now in circulation,, to be presented to the Court, praying for a divorce from the. onds of matrimony. = ' - NEW blrra . a.-- , Two new rolling- mills are about to be erected in Allentown—both by joint stock companies. One of the compa nies has a present capital of $75,000, and is called the "Jordon Manufactuing Company." The other is the 'Test PennsYlvania Iron Works." , Ground has already been broken for both mills and the work commenced. A Bra Wsr.z, ox THE Rms.—The Prarli t hr L (Pa.) Citizen says: Much excitement hpa been caused in the past few days concerning the oil lands on the Allegheny river, Iv the ru iner that a Mr. Phillips, who har ; been.lioring a well somewhere between Oil City and Wal nut Bend, on the river, had_ struck a heavy vein of oil, and that the, we ll was flowing from 700 to 800 barrels 'per day. Cannon Dsoroarroi N ,.....o n Sunday_ morning next, at 10 o'clock , the dedication of the 'Weis-, leyan Union Cb - Airch, corner of South street and Tanner's alley, will take place. Special arrangeinss%s have been made for the accora=. modatiou of the white population. In the afterno'Jn the exercises will be Rev. 3. •Walker ,Jackson, of the Locust street E. •Church. The public are invited to at tend. See advertisement. • . Tns , ROBBERS !—Sailbr's Great German Tragedy 1 !—At the theatre, to-night, will be produced the great thrilling play entitled Tem Bossism, in 'which the whole Star Combina tion company will appear. There is &splendid east of characters. The mere announcement of The Robbers will attract - an overflowing audience. The entertainment will conclude. with the laughable farce, Nan, the GoOdloy Nothing. Go early, to avoid the jam. Se cure your tickets at Bannvart's drug store. Mr. ROSSO having engaged the celebrated Campbell Minstrels for the balance of this: week, the dramatic company will not apps after this evening, until Monday next. ..Go to-night and see the best company th a t ever, Tim Northern Central railroad collpany has contributt.d one thousand dollars to the Maryland Sanitary Fair, now being held in Baltimore. ATTENTION, KEYsTorra BASE BALL Cr-vs I A. meeting of this club will be held in the office of Chief Engineer of the Northern Cen tral Railway, this evening at 7 o'clock. Every member is requested to be present, as arrange ments will be made to open the playing season. By order. Tni CA= OF Mortaan BaraN.—We have al luded to the trial and conviction. of Morgan Bryan, for a homicide committed at Cham bersburg during the early part of the war. The defendant was sentenced, on Saturday, t 6 ten years' imprisonment in the Eastern Peni tentiary. &ammo's OPERA. HousE has been crowded to excess, since the appearance of the Singing Dog Dick. This famous canine wonder will appear every night this week, as will also the celebrated Bordivell family, the clog champion Joe Childs, and Mortimer, the lion banjoist, besides the whole opera troupe. There is a magnificent bill for this evening. To-morrow evening, will be performed, for the first time, an original play founded on facts that occurred in our vicinity, entitled "Incidents of Camp „Lie ; or Hyw to Cure a Mute." This is a capital hit, and will draw immensely. AT a meeting of the Wailing Women's Re lief Association, held at Benson'. Street Hall, Philadelphia, on Monday night last, the fol lowing resolution was unanimously adopted: , Besdued, That the thanks of the worldrig wotnen Of this assembly and of the State 'be tendered to the members of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, who, for the last three ses sions, have so nobly advocated a more ea tended• industrial sphere for woman,'' and shown by their liberal appropriations that they, are alive to the necessity of a more thorough and practical education, and a 'higher social and moral condition for woman. The action taken by the members of the Legislature in duce a hope that,-at no distant day, the in dustrial training of woman may become a State movement, and inaugurate a position of usefulness and independence for the entire sex. Poracz Arreass—Before the Mayor.--John Dunsmore, soldier, drunk and disorderly, was arrested. He bad a large amount of money, which was taken in charge by the Mayor un til this morning, and then restored to him. Dunsmore was handed over to the Provost Marshal to-day. James Daley was arrested on a charge of larceny, but was discharged. He had .been entrusted with a lot of money, as "stakes!' on S bet. This was refunded, Joshua Harris and John Fry—the latter a lumberman, drunks and disorderlies, were discharged, on payment of the usual fine and coats. • G. W. Glasgow was found asleep and drunk, down town. When he became sober he dis covered tho a lot of dry goods and all his money lied been stolen. The Mayor thought - he had. suffered sufficiently, and discharged him this morning, without the payment of a fine. Before Aiderinan Cole.---Anna Smith, Ellen Stewart and Smith, arrested for disor .derly conduet, were committed for two days. . . • John llf!Donald, charged with stealing shoes and stockingelroin a house in West Harris burg, was committed to prison for trial. Before Alderman Maglaughlin.—Four indi viduals, John M'Cane, Wm. Krealey, Betty Krealey and Mary Huber, charged with rob bing a chicken coop, were committed for trial at next court. COBrasPounrayr writing to the Cincinnati Chriition Advocate, March 23, 1864, says: Patent medicines are like doctors, some good, some good for nothing, but all haVing their friends to recommend them, and each receiving a share of publie favor. For instance, the Constitution Water advertised in your paper, I happen to know is a 'reliable ar ticle for some of the diseases for which it is recommended. I have conversed with several intelligent druggists, some of whom are physi cians, who speak in high praise of it for the cure of diabetes; and without the knowledge or acquaintance of the proprietor, I can say to such as have that troublesome and fatal disease, try its - It has remarkable virtues without a dotilit. W 41. Mai:mann% April 19, 1864. Diger Harrisburg Telegraph: The follolivirig resolutions were passed at a - meeting of the Young Men's Chiistian 'Asso ciation, held April 15, 1864: _ . e WHEREAS, It bath pleased God, in His in 'gcrutable providence, to remove from our midst our..late fellow member, Charles -H Zinn; therefore, it is Besolve'd, 'That in his death we : Sustain a .less which will not be easily repaired, for in social intercourse he was all that could be desired, and, those who knew 'him best loired him most. Resolved,. That we extend our young hearts' -`sympathy to: his bereaved parents and rela • - • _Risolved, -That the members of the Y. M C. A. wear crape for the . spade of thirty days in memory of our late member. Resolved That a copy'ofthese resolutions be published in the daily papers of this city, and a copy be presented to his parents. • (Signed) -JPHN W. HAY, MNRY SMITH, JOHN WALLOWER, BYRON BOON, Committee. SPECIAL NOTICES. Cloaks I Cloaks 2 Cloaks I Large assortment of cloaks. Cloaks at all prices. Black silk sacks and cloaks.-4 Cloth for cloaks, all colon& ..- .Hoop skirts at. 75 c. to $l. Spring shawls from auction. . , Splendid assortment of ginghams. Dress goods, a very large lot 'front auction. — Stockings for ladies; all prices. Stockings at 25 cts. per pair,itoin auction. Muslins bleached; the best in town for 25 cents. • •:Bilks from auctiox at low prices. 'lBlack silks at all prices. - Received from New YOrk audtlon, a very large assort ment goods, which we will sell at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction. S. LEW/. COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, la such univocal de mand, la made from the ishosasert materials, is mild juid emollient in Its nature, flagrantly scented, and extremely beneficial Ornaaction upon the skin. For sale by all Druggists and May Goods Dealers. Jaii2s.dawly Bann.vart's Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Thru. L eases, &c., are specially recommended ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manulactured only by C. A. J3annvart & Co. ' Itarriaburg, Pa-, whom all orders should be addressed. cold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen:. RABEISEVORG, Feb. Bth, 1864. C. A. BerrxvAar—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. EL EOBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. gilfrl agree with Mr. Robinson as to the Value of Bannvart's Troches. W. 0.-CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. HANBISBITRG, Jan., 1864. To C. A. Beratvenr—Dear Sir: In the habit of speakin g very frequently, . and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to .any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effectiveness of the delivery of public ad dresses. Yours, 3(.4., JNO. WAL JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. Rourvairr—Dear Sir: Having used your Troches, I am free to say they are the beet I have ever tried and take great pleasure - in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of -voice. arising from public speaking or singing. Yours, dro., G. G. RAKESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. Mariam Ai-roux - Ex . 's OFF/CE, HAMBISBIIRG, Feb. 29, 1864. To C. A. Bearsvearr—.Dear Sir : I have found your Troclies to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bene fit to all public speakers. A. J. HERR Coughs and Colds. The sudden changes of our climate are sources of PUL MONARY, BRONCHIAL 210 d RSTIIMATIO AFFECTIONS. Expe rience having proved that simple remedies often act speedily when taken in the earfy stages of the disease, re course should at once be had to "Brown's Bronchia/ .Troches." or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough or Irritation of the Throat lie ever so slight:, as by this precaution a more serious attack may,be,effectually' warded ME IV LEO SPEAKERS and SINGERS will find them effectual for clearing and strengthening the 'voice. Soldiers should have them, as they can be carried lathe noeket - and taken as occasion requires. nur29-dawlm • HAIR DYE ! HAIR DYE !! . Datelielor's Celebrated Hair Dye 18 THE REST IN THE WORLD. The only Harmieu, True and Reliable. Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfedt—changes Red, Rusty or Gray Hair instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the. Hair soft and beautiful ; Imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and realties the affects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIAM .A. BATCFI FLOE. Ail others. , are mere imitations, and should be, avoided. Sold .by all Druggists, &c Factory--81 BAR CLAY ST, N. Yt- BATOR:MOWS 2iRW TOILET CREAM FOR DIMMING THE ELUR je23-ly T' CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OP AA INVALID. Published for the benefit, and as a CAUTION TO YOUNG !LEN and others, who suffer 'Gem NervousAirt bility, Primature Decay of- Manhood, So., supplying at the same time Tint Kraal .or SELINCome. By one Who has cured himself alter undergoing considerable quackery. By inclosing a post paid addressed, CM - elope, single eopleimay be had - of the author. ' • NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq. febB-3mdftw 3 Bedford, Kings Co., N. Y.. Military Business Attended To Bounty, Pension, Back Pay, Subaistence and Military and War Claims, generally, made out and collected. Per eons residing at a distance can have their business trans acted by mall' by ytding EUGENE SNYDER, Attorney-at-Law ' dol7-dly Ttdrd sweet, Harriabarg,.Pa. Mrs. Ball's Reint.diei. I take this method :or cheerfully thluakings thd .public for past favors, and still solicit their kind.attentiorr to my medicines. To tell 'of all the wonderful Cures I have been able to perform would be impossible. I would call the attention of the ladles particubtrly to this valuable medi cine. I think I can safely say it is the very best offered to them. It will regulate the whole systemr"can taken at any time; no, fear need, be apprehended in re gard to it. I have also s valuable Salve to.klll pr,oud flesh, and another to draw and heal. This ties .healed sores that have run 20 years. My Dysentery Drops ? In•. tam cordial and ,Cough Drops have been well tried. `l' need say nothing in their favor. I have constantly on hand those Medicines and Salves. MRS. L BAI f marl 6 No. 27 South Pine street, Harrisburg, GREAT BARGAINS IN.. JEWELRY - ! WT FORSYTH & 00..,, • 42 AND 44 NASSAU STREET, NEW YOT R. • • (Adjoleing.the Post Office,).., • •• Offer for sale the following magnificent liataf WATCHES, CHAINS, JEWELRY ; - ;&C., VALVED AT $300,000. EACH ARTICLE ONE DOLLAR, AND NOT TO BE. PAID FOR UNTIL YOU K.DTOW WHAT YOU ARE TO (.ET. 150 Gold and Silver Watchea.. $l5 00 to $lOO . OO each 200 Ladies' Gold" Watches 35 00 each 500" Ladies' & Gems' Silver do ' 16 06 each 5,000 Ladles' GoldPencila ,400 to .6,00 each 6.000 Gold-band "3;00 to 10 00 each 10,000 Lockets, Chains and Rings. 260 to.' 6 00each 0,000 Cameo, Mosaic and Jet Brooches 4"00 to 600 each 6,000 Coral and . Florentme „Ear- • • O X O P S . 4.00 to 800 each 10,000 Gents' Breast '240 to 800 each 15,000 Sleeve Buttons, and. Bosom Studs 2 .50 to 600 each 10000. Sets Ladles' Jeweiri..• . 0 .. 5.'00 to ':10;00 each 0..000 Lava and Florentine Sets.: 4 00 to " 6 00' 10;000 Gold Peas, Silver-mounted Holders . 400 to 500 each 6,000 Gold Pens, with Silver Ex- ' • Pension Cases and Pen- • cils . 400 to 600 each The articles in this stock of Jewelty are of the neatest and most fashionable styles. Certlficat'-s of all Inc va rious articles are put in sealed envelopes and mixed, thus giving all a fair chance, and sent by mail, for 25 cents' each; and on the receipt or the certificate, it Is at your option to'send Oas Doman and take the article named in it or not. Five certificates for $1; 'eleven for $2; thirty for $6; sixty •for $10; one hundred for $l5. Certificate money to be enclosed with order. Correspondence . promptly answered. Auxars WANTED in every town and regiment. Send or a circular. 'Address W:VORSYTH & CO., 42 and 44 Nassau street, New York. mar2s-dwas3maw3m, SCHOMACKER & CO,'S•PIANOS! SOUR GRAPES. MOO knowii in thiri - 014 to need coin m,endation. In use by PRESIDENT LINCOLN, - GOVERNOR CURTIN, * JUDGE PEARSON, And many other distinguished citizens. The undersigned offers these superb instruments at prices that cannot fail to command public patronage. N. B.—No OLD stock onhand. Also, Sole Agent for theunrivalled STEINWAY PIANO. ALso, BRADBURY'S CELEBRATED PIANOS. Chlckering's and several other of the very beat makes. None but perfect instruments sold. Call and see largest stock 'out of great cities. nutratf S. WARD, Third street Music Store. 1110 LADIES.'=tt you wish good LOU Papert._ Dine , you ,Pons, or anything eise in the stationeryJinni you • • win 4°4011 by cairn at SORRITKEVS'BOOKSTORE, NEW AD VE. 4TISEMENTS. FIRST -IPC "FASHIONS, CHEAPEST IN PRICES. THE subscriber has the pleasure to inform the ladies of Harrisburg ant vicinity that she is now opening at No. 13 Market .street, between Seaond and Front, at Boger's Old Stand, the meat complete and fashionable stock of FRENCH. AND AMERICAN -IIILLINELY, every exhibited 'LC this City:, Having tietia long onteatelt: with and conducted one of the most extensive houses In this country, she flatters herself to enjoy advantages and facilities to carry on a first-class establishment. not glared by many, Having bought from manufacturers and Im porters only, and intending to sellat small profits, she is confident to est..bllsh a repttation not only fur taste and fashion, but, also that of selling at the most reasonable prices. In addition to a complete stock of Millinery, em bracing Hats, Bonnets, (made tip in great variety and made order.itt shortest-notice,) - SILKS, VELVETS, FLOWERS, _ FKATHERS, LACES RUCHES, she offers everything pertaining to LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, such Its Hoop Skirts, Corsets; Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Belts, &c., A.c. .fleirA magnificent stock of Hair-nets and Head-dresses, from 25 cents to $5 00, I most respectfully solicit a liberal patronage. • 'MRS. M. MA.TER, No. 13 Market street. JULIUS ROSENDALE, 29 OP TICIAN, BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Harris burg and vicinity that Ile .has removed to No. 29 North Second street, two doors from Walnut. Thankful for the confidence and patronege bestowed on me during my stay un Market Square, I hope to merit a continuance of the same at r.. 7 new stand. PARTICULAR ATTENTION is called to the CELEBRATED TINTED PARABOLE SPECTACLES, for which I claim the undermentioned advantages; Ist, That from the peculiar construction of the Glasses, they assist and preserve the sight, rendering frequent change quite unnecessary. 2d. That they confer a brilliancy and distinctness of vi sion, with an amount of ease and comfort not hitherto en joyed by spectacle wearers. 3d. That the material from which the Lenses are ground is manufactured specially for optical purposes, and is nuts, BARD AND sium.tAsor, and not liable to become scratched. 4th. That the frames in which they are set, whether in gold, silver of steel, are of the finest quality and linish, and CIIIARANTEED PERFECT in every respect.' sth. That, from their peculiar color they prevent a su perfluity of light affecting the retina, and therefore strongthining the optic nerve and rendering it less liable - • . . . . Constantly on hand, a large assortment of Achromatic Microscopes, Spy Glasses, Opera, Marine and Field Glass es; Stereoscopes and Views, Magic Lanterns, Barometers Thermometers, Mlignets; &c., zeo. • Remember that Itostridak's Institute, will be permanent at No. 29 North Second street, Ave doors from the Buell: ler Rouse. ap7-daw3m PIANOS. ALBRECHT RIERES BCH) IDT'S. . . . EXCELSIOR PI A N O S. SOLEAGENCY W. ENOCBES, i3,llarket !Area, Harrisburg. FOR REASONS perfectly satisfactory, to MYSELF I have taken the agency* , Of the aboVelnost excellent Pianos. The public is illy:nod, to come and ex amine for tnemselves: A few Sehonmelter k.Ce's Pianos on hand yet will be sold mar2s-t1 .NOTICRI• TO CONTRACTORS. . OF/701 OF •TEIII, COLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT R. R. Co., Comet JA, Pa., Apri1.6th,.1864. SEALED PROPOSALS for the Gradation 1.7 and Masonry of that portion of the COLUMBIA :AIVIY "TORT :DEPOSIV- 4 1CATLIIOAD between Colymbia and the head of the Old Maryland Canal, a distance) 0f,29-milen,. ,(( in, sections of,ope t ailed will be receeved - ht the'offiCe in Fintit Streit; bel'o'w Locust, .until noon of the 25th !net ! , ~,Plana and, Profiles of the work wl,ltherein ekleibited `for "one week previous to that date. „ C. S. KAUFFMAN, President. A." San/YY, Chief Engineer. apB-dta26 IMO NEW PIIILADELPITTA CLOAK STORE. eLOAJKS, 1 lAATILX4kg,, ,CIRCULARS. 1,000 OLOA.KS - from $7 Oa to* $25 00, , •• AT TEE NEW CLOAX STORE, MARKET STREET, D. W. • GROSS? :,.NEW BLOCK, HAURISDURG. WI JOHN A. BIGLER & Co., MC 1f.. . ,1 V4 Ir F .. 5... MARKET STREET,ABOVE I 447—TT, VciADAms < Eximass W 4 auts , .Cleiriir - uoVeininent - So s. ttiitteir Clieeks Vouchers, &e., lwh4d. me.llB(l24i! Valuable Farm for . Sale. /AFFERED for sale, at a bargain, a valuable 11 1,,,Farm on, , ,Centre Co ., Pe.,:about miles frog' Bellefonte and 3 from the Farmers' High School, con abctut 310 acres, 230.9f . jAh10h tuo,oleared ,and It . good state cultivation . There are lare and suitable farm buildings on the,preglises. The quality of the soil is or the very beat limes - time, with a' good prospect, 'of the 'best Hematite ore, large quantities of which have been faiied on an adjoining tract and 'worked at-Centre Fur , nave.. The Mifflin and Centre county railroad, now in the couire of, construction,willgsoss.within 2.,asiles...For formation as to quality of koil and desirableness of loca tion appiy to 11, T. Milliken, or H.,, N. .11PARIster, .Esq. Bellefonte. Pa. TOT tali descriptlim and terta,an. apply to RALPH 1.. ILACLAY apl3-deod3w*- - • Attorney-at-kW, Iliirriebdrg, • 65 .valuable; Building Lots :for Sale. 6M BUILDING LOTS are offered for sale CI near the Round House and rennsyltraniaAtitil , road Shops. These lots are very desirable for building purposes, as they are located on a good,and dry spot. A good opportunity for pedions wanting lots:. . For any information concerning the above lois in quire of JOILN MILLER, Ja., at the Pennsylvania Agri cultural Works, corner of Spruce and North streets. apl&3taw3w*,. „ , FOR SALE , • - 91111E-valnable...properp h -co.rner—of.Seiond 1. and Pine streets, being fifty-two and a half feet on Se. coati ;and bite handred'and sixty4fight feet on - Pine street, running back two hundred and ten' feet to Barbara alley, there being space for [oar full building lots, and sr moat de eirable site fora Governople ; mansion or public bitildhillß. Tor particulars enquire of Mrs. MURRAY, corner of Se. cond and Pineal reefs. itiaro-tr . . .. . FOR Awnings otWagen Coven 4to . of i the • beat quality, at one-half the pike noun be purataqed anytthein Apply to FRANKLIN REILLY, Kelkeei Hardware Store, corner o 1 Second. and Market,Sqwg . e, where emaples can be seat ' ' ' ' 'apa'-dtf HURLiNGTON 1-IERILING. first of the season,:fine latge J. ton Herring, jun recelve4 • - • SHISLER & FRAZER, apik (snceeesore to Wm. pocir, fir; &Cal GREASOAT A SELECt43 OkitHiNG SCHOOL, far li pils of both sexes, located six Mike west of Car lisle, on the Comb. Valley palms a d m itt e d at an y and charged only from date of entrance. 'For circular call aty.ißrieche's Mule Room, >l3 Marc. '344irms: - - Nurrnmd sa r- iorrulgi t hise, apl4-41131 Plainfleid, ra. C:=l:73 29 CAWAS; BRANT'S HALL. BR,ANT'S HALL. SEVENTY-EIGHTH NIGHT OF THE GRAND STAR Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic 'Company, Combination Dramatic Company. CROWDS TURNED FROM THE DOORS UNABLE TO GAIN ADITISSION The Great Protean Actress and Cantatrice MISS FANNY MISS. FANNY DENIAL KISS FANNY DENHAM ROBBERS. ROBBERS. ROBBERS. ROBBERS ROBBF - R.4. ROBBERS. To conclude with NAN, THE GOOD FOR NOTHING. NAN, THE GOOD FOR NOTHING: NAN, THE7GOOD FOR NOTHING. The whole company in the MIL Secure Seats and Come Early; For particulars see small bills. S'ANFORDN MALL. THIRD STREET, BELOW MARKET STREET, REAR OF lIERR'S HOTEL. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 19. • FUN FOR THE MILLION! JOE CHUMS, The Champion Cloggist. J. IL MORTIMER, The Lion Banjoist. F. DIAMOND,, • The World Itcnowned Dancer. Mr. J.FRASER, ' • The Pleasing Balladm" t.- OLD' GRIMES. SINGING DOG MR„ AND MRS. BORDWELL • To conclude with Plantation Festival Scene. SANFORD AND TROUPE. Orchestra Seats can be procured in advance at Bann vart's Drug Store. Doors 'open. at 63g. Commence 3•4' to S. Police always in attendance to preserve order. Admittance 26 cents.. Orchestra chairs, 50 cents. . Private boxes, entire, $5 each; single seats, $2 each. jan2l-d5l. HALL. CANTERBURY MUSIC. RiLL. WALNUT ST., BELOW THIRD: J BUDD. OPEN EVERY EVENING, • With a First-class Compacy, of GINGERS, DANCERS, 4.XIMEDLINE, &c., &c. Admission. - - 15 cents. 'lsms in Boxes. ..... ...... 25 " MISCELLANEOUS. Useful and Vainable `Discovery. HILTON'S (RUIN! MISOOVIEELT INSOLUBLE' CEMENT b 3 of- more- general , practioal utility than any , invention. now before the afilict It hasikeh r thoroughlY tested dunng the last two years by practical °I P/711717r l' 1 0 .11 1 ° 1• 3 7 e * r .94hesive Preparationa,ltxtown. APP I 4 I 4 I e. —JO _ asetalArts. , INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is a new thing, and the result of years of udy; on ' - Eciezdffie - PrinAiiges, And under no circumstances or nlyinge of t.iimmature, will it be cotneT.orrurit: or omit any offensive smell. A new thing. , . Its Combinialtin BOOT AIVI) SHOE Manufacturers, Using Machines, will find it the best 'ankle known as Cementing for the Channels, it works without delay, is not affected by any chknge of temperature,. , Boot and Shoe Bran ttfacturers. , "Will find iti sufficiently adhesive for their use, as has been proved. Ye i vrelers. /Cis Esrieciany 'Adopted Eesaio t lAM we claim_ as an . gspecial thht 'stinks Patches , •to &lots and Shoat surilcientiy strong without toning. - Faixaeir IZIQ Ull OEMEItI illiqui(L Extant that itt a sure thing for mend ing k • And articles of 'Hoilschold Cse • REMEMBER" lirurosr'S insoLdimac- Cm :Kim • Is Ina liquid form and as easily ap Plied as . Huron's lxisoLinms Omani. Is insoluole in water or oil. ' ' HILTON'S 4901 . 118 LS CtIENERTi Adheres oily subsumes. - Supplieg :113 4 7taally or :Mxinufac mreria tankages' m 2 ounce's tol.oo lbs. HILTON BROS. CO., - 4 . ,Trojpiriegiip, t Providence, P. L Ri - memtior. "~ .> 4nis• • Iphle, • Agents in Philid felBAly RATS, ROACRES &c. At Spring approaches ' Affl S and ROACHES Prom their Mies Comevut; And MICE and RATS, In spite of CAT.% Gaily skip . ahcied., . E4TERMINATOES. COSTAR'S. For R: at „ Mice' Roaches, Ante, Bed Bugs, Mosetutt ne, wis An i mals, e t c , ts, Woolens, etc., Insects On PlaPts. 0 4 9.5 years established in N. Y. City.". "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poirons.". "Not dangeroah to the Homan Family." "Rats'oome ont of-: their holes to die." Air Sold by all Dniggists everywhere , jigirl I I 13swiss I I I of all worthless,imitations. _ Air" , Costar's" Depet, N. dB3.Broadway, N. 1": ,@g-Sold by " D. W. GROSS dr CO., Wholesale and retail agents, Harrisburg. marl.6-d.twem F . ,C . 111 AS the Person who leased my Warehouse and Grounds has failed in meeting his engagement,. now offer the same for rent, and possession given 1112/111e diittely. It is situated on State and Canal streets, and has a private siding for forwarding purposes. Apply to - in& C. H. ANTES, Front and North streets. aprl6-deodliv 1 11711.1 X . SELL CHEAP, _ANEW three-story DWELLING, " with a store in it, doing a good business, and can be easily erted into a Public House, it de-fired. $6,000. Enqui IS OFFICE.. HEAVY HAULING. ". MOSES FLECK respectfully annatuideB to the Public that he ‘ fg prepared to do all ,khids'of I:ISAVY HAULING at reasonable rates.. Horses and carts f ri miehedby the day or , single laid. .M 1 orders left at the Second Ward. sense, corner of Chestnut and Second meets, will be promptly attended to,, • TAVA,iippipa and, ~...s , _.-nE a r s '.2l 3lAzs ee at it . `'ne4B yracciestora.tow. Dock, ,fir., & MOTICE IS HEREBT: GIVEN to the own -1.1 ers of the following nant=d, articles, The Adams Exp.;less Compan), claiming to have a lientheremt for the costs and expenses of transportation and storage thereof, will proceed to sell the same to pay said costa and charges, at the expiration of thirty days from this date, March 22d, 1861, as renter called for. Lieut a Anglin, 1 box R A Kiltsloe, 1 pckge A Apeman, 1 box W Kosher, 1 pckge Win Ankiin, 1 box Dan'! Koh, 1 Wm P Anderson, I pkge T L Lindsay, I. box Lt Sam'! Adams 1 box N Leavenworth, I box Capt Breckeiaridge, 1 box F Lewis, I box A L Bachofer, 1 box W P Lilley, 1 box W Bordenhart, 1 box . S Loughrey, 1 box 3E H Brown, 1 box II Ltebtrue, 1 box Dann Bash, 1 box Jno Lehman, 1 p box Win A Barton, 2 boxes A C Leirly;l 1b 'bag W R Royer, 1 box W Myers, 1 box W Borger, 1 box P Manzose, 1 box G B Boyer, 1 box C .ILoUrcr, / box '... J A Buckley, 1 box H Miller, 1 " , H Bennis, 2 trunks H S Miner, 1 box - R Brown, 1 box . H J Maim, 1 trunk - A H Bums, I pckge ' ' Nancy Moyer, 1 trunk N Bradley, 1 1 3 HMumma, 1 casting D Bolton, 1 " ' A Mosier, 1 b bag Win Boyles, 1 " Miss It Mills, 1 b bag D A Bartlett, 1 pckge C Myers, 1 valise and bdla Dr Bennett, 1 •,. Jno Morgan, 1 pckge L Barre, 1 pckge C Mht,r, 1 •• J B.etz, 1 " J W Marshall, 1 pckge D L .13..umgardner, 1 pckge Lt T A Menai, 1 G W P Beatty, 1 pckge Fred 11yer, 1 " James Bird, 1 pckge • A Miller, 1 bundle ca ' i sat Mrs E Burgett, I pckge L Mill ,r, 1 pckge Surgeon Cuyler, 2 boxes Lt A C Relish, 1 empty bas- James Carmichael, 1 box ket S Childs, 1 steam gunge Jno Maine, 1 box \V E Conrad, 1 box II C Musser, 1 pckge J A Conway, 1 box Jar; Mitchell, 1 ' Mrs Jos Crisswell, 1 bundleJ Mllard, 1 piece iron M Clark, 1 bag C R M'Curdy, 1 box C G Cabins 1 box TP. X'Elrath,2 pages- ' ' 0 B Campbell, 1 box Prof M'Coy, 1 " Jno Caclueb, 1c bag Collin M'Curtlic 1 pckge, ' ' F Clay, 1 b bag • H K Tif'Ciure, 1 lot castings ma Rev A A Cattieman, 1 pkge A if Nelson, 1 box P Carpenter, 1 pckge G P Naugle, 1 box J C Cutter, 1 pckge Morgan' Nash, 1 box W S Cart, 1 pckge Miss M. Norris, 1 trunk Daniel Cohen, 1 pckge R G O.cott, 1 pckge - • ' K. A Gompretos, 1 pckge Win Page, 1 box Chas Conner, 1 box A B Piekel, " - P Cain, I p box George W Phillips, 1 box JM. Denn, 1 box . IL K rarsons,l casting SR. Davis, 1 box . C ?touch,' box A CDitsworth, 1 box James Powell, 1 pckge J W Deal, 1 wheel Wm Pool, 1 pckge M Dickson, 1 b bag • - X Quite, 1 • J S Davis, 1 pckge . d H Rester,' box M Dugan, I.pckge D Reyster, 1 box John L Dawson, 1 box . Serg't Rotie, 1 " Jis Danker, 1 box , Robert.Renshaw, 1 bn , • Jno Dean, 1 pckge -. .• H Replay; 1 box A C Dexter, 1 pckge If Reichard, 1 box • Mrs J Dilfenbaugh, 1 pckge Capt J Itahre:, 1 pckge G B Dechart, 1 pckgo J K Rinetau, 1 box C It Dounough, 1 bag Thos Reechorf, 1 box W Harnett, 1 b bat Copt D Id Rose, 1 box Thus Eaten, 1 p box Wm Report, 1 k sack 1 H. Ells, 1 pckge Reese &. Co, 1. bundle Ensign R D Evans, 1 page Jas Robertson, 1 pckge - t It A Follett, 1 b bag HP Rodermal, 1" Jun Fritz, 1 b bag Fred Rifle, 1 b bag Jll Furnam, 1 keg ." Emery Round, 1 pckgo .. G J Flick, 1 pckge , . J G-Switok, 1 box . S E Flitch, 1 pckge W Smith, 1 box Geo Funk., 1 pckge • • T Swineford, 1 box . J Freeman, 1 saddle. X W Sherbondy, I box Jacob Fleming, 1 pckge J Sassantau, 1 box - H Faulk, 1 belle trees Miss R Schockey, 1 trunk 31 A Fieiden, 2 pckges J 31 Strube, 1 box H Guipe, 1 box - Ina Sheets, 1 box 31. Good, 1 bundle F E Steers, 1 box. ' G W Griswold, 1 box Henry Shroyer, 1 box S Gross, 1 box . Geo Saab, 1 box II Gut:worth :1 box , Capt Stillwell,l box J Greenly 11 sack II E Sturgeon, 1 h trunk • C Gregg, 1 pckge - Peter Sharpe, 1 c bag . . Lt W Garret, I pckge J Snyder, 1 pckge .. . A Gibbony, 1 pckge . A T Smith, 1 pckge A Gibbon s 1 bdlo G Shays, I page . _ S Gordon, 1 pckge N Stom..l, 1 pekge Capt Goben, 1 box R N short, 1 pckge ; Chas Hagan, 1 •• - Mrs J H Su - divan, 1 pckge J Hoffer, I Mix Rich Schilling, 1 pckge _. .3 Herr, 1 box Surgeon in ;barge Hmtlaalt' J H Rock, 2 boxes 1 pckgo ' . , F W Haas, 11xlliv Henry Trgor, 1 box •' -' : ' A Roster, 1 casting C D Tingley, 1 " Geo Hines, 1 bdlc Jas Taylor, 1 box ' ' C Ila.bor, 1 pckge ' ' R A Tenet, 1 c bag J N Hick, 1 " 3 S Thomas, 1 pekge • ' J B Halm, 1 " -- S Thomas,.l piker:,' H. C Hickox, 1 pckge 0 P Thomas, 1 pckge Stool Haines, 1 ''' WH H Thomas; 1 pckge Lizzie Hoene, 1 pckge -John 'Underwood, 1 pckge Al 3 Hamilton, 1 ", Lt T M Ulley, 1 sword M C Hallowell, 1 " ' ' ' Capt VanSwatara, 1 box .0 Hanover, 1 " G Valentine, 1 box •-•-- Jas P Howe, 1 ti ' ' Col J H Wells, 1 box 'ilt. B Kays, 1 - cc... ' - Jno A Weiner, 1 " '- Serg's R ILaeral, 1-box . Peter Wagner, 1 pckge '' Jacob Human, 1 pckge J A Wendworth,l pckge ADI Halberstadt, 1 gen Mel Jas Wren, 1. box' - A J Henderson, 1 package - Hon David Wilmot, 1 bet ' ' 411 Jordon, 1 package 0 H Wheeler, 1 box -'' r •W J Jones, 1 ". John Wallace,' box '' ' J Jones, l'pckge - Capt Watmough, ',stove' Serg't A L Jones, 1 box '• B F Work, 1 pckge ' t -,--. \V W Jackson, 1 box White & Sutton, 1 pckge -'..'• Sorg't I' V Johnson Jr, 1T It Wilson, 1 pckge pckgo 0 '' , 7 Warden, 1 pckge '''';•'; Surgeon J King, 1 box C." cs Wallace, 1 c bag • . DrKing, 1 pckge • . , W Witmer, 1 keg - Jai Knox, 1 box , - - Lt F A Whiting, 1: pckge ~Wm Keenan, 1 box Win Welsh,l pckge ; • Abe Eisler, 1 box - •LouiSa Young, 1- pckge oDr R R Kenn, 1 verge 11. E get:lin - tan, I.,,pckge Chas A Knoi, 1 boi Font: black bags, I carpet A King, 1 bundle hoops tbag, one box and seveAg . 13 Kane, 1 pckge , packages without marks. Jan2s ")le Lease JBWRLEM Sale to take place on FRIQ.&Y,"Aiirn 22, 1864, in their room at. the lower end of Depot, commenc ing at 9A. ar. It is iho. only March 22, 186-1, :.- 12ta4w „ . New and Popular. , Hook. riIBEE WIFE'S . EVIDENCE,' a novel, by the auLhor of "Notice to Quit.' , Paper • 50 eta INDUSTRIAL BIOGRAPHY, by Smiles, author of "Self' Help." ' - $1 25: IN WAR Tlmrs, and other Poems, by : Whittier. ,C1:11/10i CAPE, the most popular bonts,of the day. , . $1 50. TEN; ACRES ENOUGH, showing how a very large fam ily may-live on Et very small ram LIFE OF LINCOLN, containing all,speeches. proela• mations, &c., to date. Paper Cover. - • 50 cts, Aiso, uniform with the above, LIFE' OF Gr.NERAL - ArCLEur.aN, " - • EMMA DIEADE, ,‘ GRANT, =I 864 CLOAK srroicv., CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS* • AND FINE SPRING SiIeIWLS: open on the Ist of April. [mar2l—dly • Open Market for Cavalry Ho rses: ASST. Qtrarrsanasren'iOraMitil TN HARRISSCEG, Penna., April sth, 186*. TIL further orders, HORSES, fit- for u Cavalry Service, will be purchased at this place in open market. . None will be received under five, nor over nine years of age. Must not be urtdes:l.ligivit. v For particulars apply to E. C. REICHEE\I3ACH, aps-dtf -.Capt,..and Asst. Quartermaster. DR. B.I!I.GILDEA DENTIST, 13111 ESPECTFULiLY informs - the Citizens of 111,) Hartsborg and vicinity that he has remoyed his o :lice from Market street to Third street, next door to fife Pftriot and Union office; Where he is prepared to aeeom • modate all who may desire his professional services. 01.14 . ap9-d2weod* I. Three Brick Rousts for Sale ) FRare°Ndesintlrly G n Xb th allt e iv il it e b S tit er jbed oia --7 t* T tailat=i7k Md a half stories high, attic firdahel p and a good base ‘rofent kitchen, above ground. These.4a - desirable private residences, and will - I:Ono% OA further articulars apply at is TBLIE OFFICE. K . .apri.6-fitf • Netlittit of elate" Ca .'• aft .nk, for Mao at [maw] JOHN WISH'S. ADVERTISEMF.NT'S. NOTICE OF LIEN. THOMAS HINGHAM Agent TEEEWIFE'S SECRET, by Mrs. Stephen. $I SO. ANNIS WABLEIGH'S FORTUNE, a note!. 50 cta. LES MISERAI3LE,S, Victor Ungo's.great book. ta For sale at" BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOS-STORE. aprl6 NEW PHILADELPHIA IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, .NooE:et Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES OF FASHIONABLE =I EIMI 50 cts. 25 .$ EEZZI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers