4E TELEGRAPH I 5 PUBLISHED VOILVD-G AND EVETECG, OEORGE BERGNER.. (-4'7'loE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. El IMlllllllllll=l Fl NG LE F•U'ilCrtlyrl(l•...: TWIN TELEGRAPII is Ferved in the • v at S cents per week. 'Yearly subscribers Vial be $5 00 in advance. Those pereons who neglectto advance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, TELEG:...oB is alsopublished weekly, and is furnished 1.. -,nbscrihers at the following cash rates sgle copies, weekly.... ..... ihree copies to one Post Mice r..a copies to one Post Office NEW ADVERTITSEMENS. G- IR. A_ PP Er. Steam Job Printing ESTABLISHMENT, THIRD STREET, NEAR 'WALNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. fralslG recently added to our Jobbing Department a large amount of sew type, several p.s fast steam presses or the most improved machinery, aid other material, we are. now prepared to execute at ~hurt notice, and in the most approved style, ALL KINDS OF MILITARY BLANKS, • LETTER SHEET lIDADINGS, CIRCULARS BILL HEADS BUSINESS CARDS, RAILROAD BLANKS, POSTERS, iu one or more colors, PROGRAMMES, BILLS OF LADING, PROMISSORY NOTES, LEGAL BLANK AND JOB WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, PLAIN .OR ORNAMENTAL. Orders from a distance attended to promptly. marlo-dAwtf A. F. ZIMPeIERMAN, Practical Watch Make - 1-, No, 52 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. DE.III.7EIt IN FINE WATCHES, CHAINS, RINGS, SETS OF JEWELRY. FINE SILVER WARE, PLATED WARE, TEA SE,CTICES, AND ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY. coutautly on hand a woir selected and elegantly aieorted stock of FINE WATCHES,CAINS, RINGS, AND SETS. FINE SILVER WARES. AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, Both in Gold and Silver Cases. Also, a fine assortment of LADIES' WATCHES Calmatly on hand A LARGE VARIETY OF EIAEG-ANOL' CI_4OCK.S, Of all descriptions; all of which will be sold at the • .10WEST GASH _PRICES. .e.• Call and examine the goods. ?articular attention paid to repairitm" of fine Watches, as Chronometers, , Duplex and other celebrated I , :;,alieS, and all Muds of Jewelry neatly repaired. None but the most competent workmen employed, and the whole matter under my own personal supervision, A. F. ZIMAIERMAN, mat2sl No. 52 Market street, adjoining BrantialialL T. F. WATSON, MASTIC CEMENT 31A..NTTFAC2'UR.ER, PIICTSJEiTikr.Gr, TS PREPARED to furnish and coat the ex terior of Buildings with the MASTIC CEMENT, on a new system. This material is entirely dliterent, from all ,!her cements used heretofore, and is the only reliable, ilapc,risnable coating for outside work. Mixed with pro p k.r proportions of puro Linieed Oil it forms a solid, dura tie adhesiveness to Brick or ntone Walls, Making a boa:4 7 tine water proof surfaec mad finish equal to Brown e;.L.ne or any color desired. Among others for whom I have applied the Mastic" Co. to,ut, I refer to the following gentlemen: J. Bissell residence, Perm' Street, Pittsburg. J. IL'Shodnberger residence, Lawrenceville. S. llonvelet, Jambs M'Candlcss, " Allegheny city. Calvin Adams, " Third street Pittsburg. James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, . " William Vohel, Girard House, Ran . S' oser, architects Dispatch Buildings, " John B. Cox, residence, Front streellarrisburg Pa. A. J. Jones," • Please address T. F. WATSON,. P. 0. Box 1306, Pittsburg, Pa., or; Penna. House, Harrisburg, Pa.. MEM TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS. Collection of Pensions Bounties Back Pay and WV Claims, . . til , FicF,Rs , PAY RORRS, MUSTER ROLLS AND RECRUITING ACCOUNTS MADE OUT. • -- • THE undersigned, having been in the ein -1 ploy wont of the United States during the last eighteen' es. Clerk in the Mustering and Disbursing Office =')d (Aire of Superintendent of Reeruiting - Servieu ~. , a nAylvanitt, respectfully informs the public that he has I,lrd ac (Alice in the DAILY tint.salt.trn Building for the i' , :mse of collecting Pensions, em Bounties, Back Pay and filar CiaiMS ; also, making out °M' Pay Rolls, Muster and Recruiting Accounts. All orders by moil attended to proniptly. • coral-dtf SULLIVAN S.' CBILD. 3 1'FADDENIS MARBLE YARD. CORNER OF WALNUT AND FIFTH STREETS, Harrisburg, Pa. rfiRE undersigned having opened a Alarble 1. Yard in this city, beg leave to intent theit friends: aL.t the public la general, that they are - prepared to ftir- L.:11 MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION SIICH AS aluenments, Tombs, Head Stones, Mantles, Ind Ilouse Work in Marble and Brown Stone Give, us a call and we will guarantee satisfaction... 11l'FADDEN k'CO. • a—Lettering neatly none in English or Gernian. mar2o-dly VISITING, 'WEDDING, INVITATION, r AT HOME CARDS.—By a spacial arrangement 'Lill one of the best engravers in the country, cards of ati' description will be executed in the highest style of Conformable with the latest basnion, and supplied Prigiiptiv at lower prices than are charged by the station '," in Nev York or Philadelphia_ For samples and prices Call Ed . BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. _ A RA LARGE INVOICE o.!' NEW 4.4.. ISIN'S, CITRON, cuRRANTs, PRUNES kIGS, &C., SHISLER I; FRAZER'S, (Successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., aa Co.) , At ;1020] Soldiers' Portfolios. A LARGE assortment at BERGNER'S CEIEAP:BOOKSTORE, ele r lB Sob] at Waolesalr. or retail at low- prices- 1,00. E sal Lß e S_ : Geu ge Stusitl. &°F°.R.A.7.l3Ehisi:or (Stooessors to W i u Jr , & cm)WOOSGoet cele bratedtte (S i jtreeeired , 4l for bale by SRISLER & FRAZER, (eueeessors to W. Pr-' Jock. ,iiT;ac).) smallbut very fine lot Sweet Cider, just received at 4 SHISLER & FRAZER, 1 44 , picaeasors to W.;Dock, Co.) • ~ AA Ifill*- - el iiip i ‘\ i , ..e- , - _ • _., t A rtitsV s - Iti , :-_,„. • -.'4 Si _____.•-- jt.;15.,,,, 74t;j, - • • • . ';••• 4 $1 50 4 00 10 00 BY ..GEORGE BERGNER MEDICAL. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," KNOWN AS "ll EIAIIBOLD 9 599 GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ lIELMBOLD EXTBACT "BUCHIT," HELMBOLD EYTRAOT SARSA PARSED A , HELMBOLD IMPROVED ROSE WASH. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" FLUID, EXTRACT BUCHU, nsrilyt AND SPECIFIC REMEDY POH DarAsEs OF.TH:II BLADDER, 'ETI)NTYS, GRAVEL AND DROPVAL SWELLINGS Trnseclicine increases the power of Di seetton, and excites the ABSORBENTS into healthy action, by which the WATERY or CALCEROOS deposi tions, and, all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are re duced, es well as pain and inflainniation, and is good for MEN, WOMEN or. CHILDREN. HELNBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU, FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Exet.ccus, Habits of Dissipation, Early In discretion or Abuse, A. _ a . e :a 0 •• • a S Indisposition to Exertion, Dryness of the Skin, Loss Of Dlemory, Loss of Power, Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Horror of Disease, Trembling, Dimness of Vision, Wakefulness, Universal I , gaitude of the Pain in the Back, Muscular System, Flushing of the Body, Hof, Hands, . Eruptions on the Face, Pillid Countenace, These S:,:mptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medi cine liWariably removiA soon follow Di - POTENCY, FATM - TY,'EPILEPTIC FITS, Lb one of which the patient may,e*pire. Who can say that they Are not frequently followed by those "direful diseases," INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION Many are aware of the cause - . of their sullerin6; but none will confess. The records of the insane asylums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample Wit ness to the truth.of the assertion. 'nig CONSTITUTION, ONCE AFFECTED WITH:ORGANIC whANNESS, • Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Ilehnhold's Extract Buchu invariably does, A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEMALES-FEMALES-FEMALES, OL OR YOUNG, SENTGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEM PLATING ALIUIRIAGE In many affections peculiar do females the Extract Bu chu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosls or Retention, Irregularity; Painfrulness, or suppression of the customary Evacuations, lllcerwted or Schirrous state of the .Dterus, Leucordhea or - White-% Sterility,. and for • all com plaints incidentdo the sex, whe their' arising from Indiscre tion,Habits of Dissipation or iv i the ! • • DECLINE OR MANOR OF LIFE. NO F: LILY SHOULD BE %VITI[OUT IT. Take no Balsam, Mercury - or Unpleasant redloine for Unpleasant and Dangerous iiisea ses. HELIII:BOLD'S EXTRACT BUOIIu, Cures Secret Diseases in all their;sagas; at little expense; little or no change in di , • st;, no inconvenienoo and no expo sure. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby remck ring .obstruCtions,, prevent:Lag and curing Strictures of the. Urethra, allaying pain and inflam mation, so frequeat in, this class of di - seasm., • and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and' Woniout Matter. Thousands . upon thousands who have boon the victims of quacks, and who have paid hear y fees to be cured in a Short time; have found they were de( :eived, and that ;the "Poison . " has by the use of "powerful Astnngents," been. dried_ up in the system, to break out.. in an aggravated form, fuid,.pepapa after marriage. Uso RELIIBOLDIS..nMRACT . BUCHU for all. Affections and Diseases of the U rinary Organs, whether existing in Rale or Female, from - whatever cause originating, and no Matter of bow long si =ding. - Diseases' of 'these Organs require the aid of a Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S .EXTRAGT BUCHIJ is the Great 13 .iuretic, and it is certain to - have the desired effect in. all Diseases for which It is- recoil'. .biended, _ I. Ilelmbold's Highly Concentra ted Compound FLUID EXTRACT SARSAI'ARILLASYPI3II - This is an affe , iti on of the Blood; mat attacks the Sexual Organs, Lining s of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Wind pipe and other Mucus Surfaoes, making its appearance in the form of Ulcers_ F lelinbold's Extract Sarsaparilla, pu rifies the Blood, azAd removes all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, giving to the Con iplexion a Clear and Healthy Color. It tieing prepared expr ossly for this class of complaints, *its •Biood-PurifyingPro perties are preserved to - a greater extent than any anther preparationof Sarsaparila._ KELM:ROL IYS ROSE N'irll. :An excellent Lotion far diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and , as an injeciion in d.ise:w.s of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits ofdia 31pation, used in nbnnection with the Extracts Buchu and Sarieparlila, in such diseases as recommended. Evidence: of the most responsible and re liable character will accon ipany the medicines. CERTIFI CATES OF CURES from eight to twenty years standing, with names known to S mance:and Fame. For Medical Properties of Buchu, see nspensary of the United States. See Professor DRIVER'S vtaluable works on the Practice of Physic. See remarks .made by the' late celebrated Dr. PIIYSICK, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM McDQWELL, tc celebrated Physlcianand mem ber of the Royal College of :Surgeons, and published in the' Transactions of the Elnf,,orc and. Queen's Journal- See Medico-Chirurgical Reciew,p. ablished by BENJ. TRAVERS, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. The most of the late standard works on Medicine. Extract of Bimini, $lOO per bottle, or six bottles for; $5 00. Extract. of Sarsaparilla, $1 00 per bolt le, or six for $5 00. Im proved Rose Wash, 50 cents peer bottle, or six for $2 50, or half a dozen each for $l2 00, which will be sufficient to cure the most obstinate cases, If directions are adhered to. Deliyered to any address, securely packed from ob servation. Describe ay - tenni/1s in all communications. Cures guaranteed. Advice. gratis. • AFFTDAVIT. Personally appeared - before Ins an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, R. .T. Reinhold, who, being duly sworn, doth say, his preparations contain no narcotic, no mer eery, or other it:undo/as drugs, and• are purely vegetable. EL T. HELSIBOLD. - Swam and Imbscrilbed before ine this 23d day of No vember, 1854.. ' . 'VAL ' P. HIBBARD, Alderman, Ninth street, ab. Race, Phila. Address let!.etu.for. information in confidence. .BT. A . RT 'OI.D Chemist.: pb , Depot 140011,19tp c litreet, lielb.W.:94ootnrity Thalia*. NOW. COMPOUND "THE UNION—NOW AND FOREVER.",--Webster. HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY EVENING, -APRIL 19, 1864. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ELECTRICITY. DRS. W xETH and' CREAMER, Eclectic and Electropathic - physicians, respectfully offer weir professional services in all the various branches o the profession, fdr the treatment of all acute and chronif forms of disease. The remedial means they employ in the treatment of disease consist of Magnetism, Galvanism, Electro-Magnet ism, the Swedish method of Localized movement cure, a few Eclectic medicines when deemed neoessavg, and in fact all the natural curative agents that may successfully he brought to bear upon the disease. They do not wish to be understood es arrogating to themselves any superiority of professional skill, but they believe the remedies they employ 111,We treatment of dis ease far superior to those generally employod byphysicians, from the fact that they act in perfect harinony ' with the laws governing and controlling the huMan system. TO this, and the fact that they confine themselv,es to no par ticular pathy or system, they attribute their, sureens controlling disease. The principal agent they employ in the treatment of disease, namely, Electricity, is an agent wonderful in -its Phenomena and powerful mita effects for good or lit It is an ever present, all-pervrding principle, governing all things, from rolling worlds down to the invisible particles of gasseous matter. We see itin the lightning's Rash and hear the . manifestations of its power in the muttering thunder. It is the cause of all decomposition, recompo- Bitten and transformation. It excites all motion. IL is cue exciting cause of lifergrowth, decay and death. It causes accretion, excretion, digestion. It-lays hold of the crude food in the . stomach, converts it into a state of flu idity, transmutes it into arterial blood, and sends if on its important office of supplying nutriment according to the necessities 'of the body. It is the nerve vital fluid, the great agent through which the mind acts upon the body. It is the cause of all causes e4c..:pt the first groat cause, the Infinite Mind which created it and brought it into use. TneSo may appear like mere-asserticins . , but Mei are facts admitting of strong and irresistible proof. Is it then, to be wondered at that en agent su wunaerful in its phe nomena, so puwe,ful in its nutrufestations and so intimate ly connected with all the operations of the human Eye,. tem, snould be almost absolute in its power of controlling di,eese? certainly not. It is a natural sequence and follows as surely as day follows night. Among too disteses which are found to yield readily to Electricity, in conjunction 'with proper adjunct treatment, May be mentioned thefollOwing; Incipient ConsmuntiOn, Pnralyois, Elpiliptio, Hysteric and. occur' Convulsions; Neuralgia, in its worst, forms, Ittmematism, inflammatory and chronic; all diseases of the nervous system; dyspep sia. cured iu'a few treatments; all Maus., of the urinary and genital organs; Female Diseases, Asthma, Wes and Prolupsus AM; anuturosis and - all kindred affections of the eke; Aurettl; ntrictures, all skin disease; am. Persons calling will uu toid . whetber they can be bene fitted and no case taken where some relief cannot he af forded. Qonsuitation free. °Mee, &tall Second street,.. bc , olV Chestnut, Harrisburg, 'Pa.. Unite hours from 8 tO I4' al. to 6 and 7 to . ALEX R. WYETH, M. D. aPla Int. J. MILTON' NO. 4 JONES , ROW. ' THE 'UNDERSIGNED rpapectfully informs the public that he has parchasea the HAT AND CAP STORE Late the property of T. J. BURNETT, deceased, and that he will - continue the business at - the old stand, where he will constantly keep on hand a general assortment of HATS, CAPS, &c., OF TIRE LATEST STYLES, which will be sold at reasonable rates. A liberal sltare of patronage is Tospectrully solicitod innr2B-d2tn H. a A LONG Market Street Property .11[A.RitISBURIa . GAS STOCK AT PRIVATE SALE.' ":"•' I ' 7 ' l ; - THE HOUSE and LOT, oh Market street, 1. .between Fourth and Fifth streets, in :the. City of :Harrlsburg,.knownas.No. 9t) Market street; and lately oc cupied by Dr. Geo. Badey, is offered at private sale, until the Ist of May. The Lot is 29 feet on Market street, run ning back 210 feet to Strawberry alley. The House is a first-cease Mansion, with all the modern improvements. . ALSO Eight. shares of Harrisburg Gas Stock. • For terms and information apply to aVT-d2w ~.L.ykens Valley Coal Company. I\TOTIO.E. H The alumna meeting of the 1.1 Stockholders of the Lykens Valley Coal Company onll be held at the office of Edward Gratz, Esq., N0..4 South• Seventh street, roilAdelp4in, on Monday, the 2d day of May twit, at 12 o'clock, for the election of Seven Directors to servo' for the ensuing year. L apl dim Likeiis•Valloy Railroad 'and Coal Com- . . .pany. . NOTICE. --The annual meeting Of • the .ttockholdfirs of the , Lykons Valley Railroad and Lout Company will' be held at the tolfice•of Edward Gratz, Esq., No. 4 South Seventh street, Philadelphia, on Mon day, the 2d daY of lday neit, at 12 o'clock, for the elec tion of a President;.Seeretary; Treasurer and Seven Man• agors, to serve for - the ensuing year. ' . • GEO. K HOFFMAN. apldlm . V. It R. & C. Co. Mattrasses : Spring-Beds ! Comforts 111 PALM . LEAF - HAM TOP - MATTRASSES. Palm Leaf Cotton Top Mattresses. Corn Husk Diactrasaan' Patent Spring, Slat Bods. • Feather Pillows and Bolstens. Cotton Comforts and Spreads. Ladies' Willow Work Stands Carpet Camp Stools Door Rugs, CaspetHassacks. • Iron Bedsteads; latest pattern, &c; &e.. N. B.—Sofas, Lounges, CIIShiOII% Chairs and Mattrass repaired. Hair and Spring Mattrasses made to order. No 4 109 Market street, llarrislitirg, Pa. r. marl-d3m ' J. T. BARNITZ."" SILAS WARD, DIAL= IN PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SIIEET MUSIC, VIOLINS, Flutes, Guitars, Banjos, Strings, Drums, Fifes, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. Picture Frames, Looking Glasses, Photograph Cards and Albums, Ambrotype Geros, Engravings, Pictures, &c., &c. Rememoer the place ; No. 12 Third street, the larger Music Store this:side of tbe great cities. jan2B-ttsf Dr. R. A. MARTIN RESPEOTFULLY informs the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity that he has removed his mace from the Union Buildings Au his residence in.. Third: street, three doors below Pine, where he will be happy to. receive the calls of tils old patients and those of the com munity who may desire his prefessloiaal services. April Ist, 1864-d2w PRIME LARD. Kettle Rendered LARD, just received at SEMLER FRAZE:II, tnirSl (successors to Wm. Dock, fit , & Co.) FOlt SALE.—A Five-horse-power STEAM ENGINE and BOILER, in good order. Apply t 0 F. GEETY, feh23-11' 'Walnut street, below Sixth. • 110ORTFOLIOS ! PORTFOLIOS ! CELESSbLEN and Backgammon Boards, a fmeassort leant, just received at SgHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. QMOKED SALMON.-FINE SMOKFT) SALMON, just received at SHISLER & FRAZER, feb3 (successors to Wm. Dock, jr., & Co.) A PATRIOTIC GIFT BOOK. OUR CONSTITUTION, GOVERNZsIENT AND UNION. "Our Government," an exposition of the Constitution, &e., for popular use. By IL irlfassET:- Price $l. For sale at . del4 BERGNER'S BooxsTORE. MEE CELEBRATED VIRGINIA 011 OF ALX, and Day & Martin's London Blacaing, lust re coved and fur sate by SELISLE.F. & FRAZER, fel (succestort to Wm. -Dock, Jr, -Co.) BREA_KFAS'T TEA.--Just re ceiyed, a fine chest of English Breakfast Tea, at SEMLER & FRAZER'S,. (Suedessers to Wm. Dock,.Jr.) ivriaccE KUM —A fresh lot just received I.7.:lL`tout for Polo by [do4l BOYER 3 / 4 ROERFER. Mr..TN0.13. SIMON, Harrisburg, ()rico SAM% A. HOLMAN, Altoona, Blair 'county, Penns drEO. R HOFFMAN, Prost L. V. C. 00. GROCERIES. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. BOYER 4,KOVAIPER, ito,L E BALE , A.ND RETAIL DEA tali" - AG It . 0 C E Qu,eenls and Glass Ware, . . ; AND ALL Imps OF 00-UNTRYP-RODUOE, AYE, just opened a large and well selected A stock of goods at their stand, No. 9 MarketDquare; HerTisburg, Pa., to which they invite the attention of the public generally. noladly _F I N B LI QUO RS. Shissler & Frazer, (Successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) TIE4LERS •IN FOE FAMILY GROCE LI RIES opposite the Court House, have on hands tine selection of BRANDIES, of different vintages. FINE AND COMMON WINES, wmsxYs. OLD DOVHBON, MONONGAHELA, YEW YEISII AND SCOTCH Whiskya The best ever brought to this market. OLD WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR, And the ,celebrated _ . LaubficlUT GROVE WHISKY. CHAMPAGNE WINES. SHLOSS JOHANNESBURG!, SOOTOH AND IRISH ALES. LONDON BROWN STOUT. wro CHERBY, PLANTATION, WIGWAM TONIC BITTERS. Wlth,a complete stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICKLES And Condiments of every description now in the market, and at THE LOWEST BAT= JOHN WISE, THIRD sTaBET, NEAR WALNUT, 11ARaussuRG, PA., WHOLIZALE AND RETAIL DEALER LV CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, &C., Citrons, Figs, Dates, Prunes, Almonds,Walwats, :Pilberia, Cream Nus, Ground Nuts, Pecan Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, Cranberries, Hominy and Beans, Cakes and . Crackers, Sweet and Irish Potatoes, Jujube Paste, Mess Paste, Fig Paste Marsh Mallow Gum Dropsi Cream Chocolate Drops, Plain Candies, &c., &c. Oranges and Lemons, _ Canned Fruits, ; Teas and Spices, all kinds, Paper Bags, Cider Vinegar, Fresh and Sah Fish in sea Son. • Vogqtables In seam, ranta, octl3 FOR SALE. FOR SALE The subscriber offers for sale the stock and fixtures of his well known: WHOLESALE 'LIQUOR STORE AND RECTIFYING ESTABLISHMENT."He will sell the whole or part of the stock, and.the entire fixtures. The busi ness has been carried on about fifteen years, and is welt. established. With. the store is connected a Good "COPPER STILL It int nutted on Canal street, between Pennsyl vania railroad and canal, and has a priVate siding suitable foi forwarding purposes. Possession given immediately, and lease given for from. one to ten years. Terms to suit purchasers. For TurthOr Information apply on the pre mises to [truti 4 24-tf] GEO. G. KUNKEL. PRIVATE SALE. ONE of the best locitions for IRON WORKS in the State for mg', ;at a very reasonable price, to any purchaser who will improve it,aituated with in a short distance of the city of Harrisburg, between the Pennsylvania railroad kndcanal, about live hundred feet wide, and alongside or the best limestone quarries in the State and close to a good turnpike road; also, 'room for waste cinders for fifty years, without-paying for the land Apply to DAVID MUMMA, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, No. 24 North Second street, marle-dtf Harrisburg, Pa. [Philadelphia Press insert three times and send bill to. this office.] REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. The several properties of the Estate of WILLIAM LISON, deceased, in the city of Harriablarg, consisting of Houses on Front street and Chestnut street, at and near the corner of 'Front and Chestnut streets, a vacant lot on Mulberry street, near Thirdstreet, and 19% acres of land at the eastern terminus' of. Market street, are of fered for sale. For terms of sale apply to the undersigned, Seventh and Noble streets, Philadelphia. de2l-dtfj . • .THOMAS. COCHRAN. To Railroad Contractors. PROPOSALS ere invited for the Gradna non, Masonry, Bridge. Superstructure,,,,_ Ballast, Cross-Ties..and Track Laying of the PITTSBURG AND COSTNELLSVILLE RAILROAD, between.. Cennellevills and Cumberland, Embracing a distance of about EIGRTY-SEVEN -MTLE3, in sections of about one mile each.. Specilications will be ready at the Company's Offlce in Pittsburg, on and after the Ist-of APRIL current, 'and proposals bo re ceived until thO 28th of APRIL enbabg. BENJ. H. LATROBE, President rearlB-td Offloo P & C. R. R. Co. Pittsburg March 16, 1864. STEEL ENGRAVING or The Most Rev. J. HUGHES, MIST ARCHBISHOP Or NEW YOBS. THIS most excellent engraving is now of fered for sale at W. KNOCHE'S, apt-lm , 98 Market street, Sole Agent. C OB 'S SPARKLING GELATIN, the best manufactured, just received awl for mile by SELMER & FRAZER (succemore•to Wm Pock. yr., & Co.) in A GRADUATE of Duff's Camercial Col . lege, Pittsburg, Wishes a situation as Book Keeper. A line to BOX 272 will receive immediate attention. _ apl4-dlw • • - NirESS BEEF and MPS'S PORK.—A choice article of Mess Beef and Park at SHISLER & FRAZER ap9 (successora.to Win. Dock, jr., & Co.) BUOKIVIEEPAT --Just received. small lot. Fine choice BUCKWHEAT at SHISLER & ktAZER, (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co.) maral DM MUSTER.IS, the best imported, just received and for sale .by SHISLER & FRAZER, febl (somata:ma to Wm . Dock, Jr., & Co.) FOR SALE—A very' e Twg-horse PHDLER WAGON-cheap for cash. Direct letter to .1,30 x No. 31S, Harrisburg, Pa. marll-tf ORANGES! ORANGES 1----A large of superior Oianges, and Sicily Havana, for sale in any quantity at iantiq BOTER R !WEEPER. A LARGE lot of beat quality o f 31broor ,414111: Po r tatnjust received and for sale br BOYER - ac decl2.llff No. 8 Narkot Square. EVENING EDITION. REPO 11316iD .11,12.11.FASLY. FOR THY TELEGRAM HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. - MONDAY, April 18, 1864. • The House met at 3' P. 1.1., and spent the Whole of the afternoon and evening sessions in the consideration of the bill proposing to increase the revenues, of tha State ~by addi tiOnal taxation on railroad.s, barilm, brokers, etc. The bill, as pasied finally, providei fora tax of two per cent. on the gross- receiptS of railroad companies, when exceeding sixty thousand dollars, and a tax of one per cent. when less than sixty thousand. Adjourned. 33t) Tereortii)Q. FROM EUROPE. Of Every/AmorVim. The steamer Glasgow has arrived . from Liverpool on the 2d, and Queenstown on the 4th. /ter news via Queenstown is somewhat later. LONDON, April 4th.—The Hews reports that measures are being taken by the Tory oppo sition to muster its utmost strength for a well organized attack on the Government in Par liament. `The runes says the prospects of the Gov ernment have improved since the Easter re cess; but there is a rock ahead, vii: the case of Mr. Stansfield, whose defence from the charge of connection with the late attempt oh the life of Napoleon shall, it thinks, be made at a private incumber of Parliament, and not as a person connected with the Government. Mazzini has addressed-a letter to the Times exoherating Mr. Stansfield from any connec tion with the above named scheme•of Grecco , and others. Consuls 1 o'clock on the afternoon of the 4th, were quoted at 914091 f. Advices from Rome' confirm the apprehen sions for the life of the Pope. His recovery-is not, however, despaired of. Prince Napoleon, it is reported, will go to Sweden. The Paris Pays speaks Of a serious conflict said to have taken place in Jutland, between an Austrian and a Prussian regiment. 'The Vienna papers give a positive and offi cial denial to the report that a revolthad been planned among the Hungarian troops in con soquence of the wholesale executions'which had taken place. The transfer of the,lonian Islands to Greece takes place on April 28th, i - The Pain, one, of the gunboats sent out to China for the Emperor, has arrived.back at Plymouth. Green and Dried Fruits, And. : Country Produce in Beason. JOHN \risk. The Department of the Monongahela hav ing been abolished, and, annexed to the De partment of the Susquehanna, Gen. Couch gives the following official notice on assu_m mg command: HEADQUARTERS DEPANTMENT OY SEBUM EANNA, Chambersburg, Pa., April 12, 1864. The following extract' from the orders of the War Department is published: . VAR DEPARTMENT, ADJETANT GENFRAX,'S OFTIOE, April 6, 1861.—The Department of the Monongahela will be annexed tO . tbe De partment of the Susquehanna, and discontinued as a separate Department - By order of the Secretary of War. E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant 'GeneraL In accordance with the above Order, the undersigned assumes command of that por tion of this Department which has been. an nexed. All orders and instmotions from Headquar ters Department of the Monongahela Will re main unless otherwise directed. The current orders of these Headquarters Will, govern where there , is a ccnfliot of authority. A very PRICE TWO COTS. Pe,nnsylvania Legislatitre. I MPOItT /IN T N•EWS NEvF You April 18 The Department of the Seisquehanna Officers whom this order affeets, namely staff officers, commanding officers of bodies, detachmentsand ; of, troops, including those of ,the Departmental Corps, will report their station and duties without delay to these Headquarters. The following are the Staff officers of this Department, together with their stations: Major Jno. A. Schultz, A. A. Gen., Chain beisburg, Pa. Major John B. Burt, A. D. a and Inspector General, Chambersburg, Pa. Capt.:James G. Johnson, Chief: Quarter master, Chambersburg, Pa. Major C. H. Meneely, A. D. C. and Com. of Misters, Chamberabing, Pa. Capt. H. F. Beardsley, A. A. A. Gen., Chambersburg; Pa. Lieut. CoL John L. Leconte, 'Medical In spector, Philadelphia, Pa. Surgeon John Campbell, Medical Inspector, Philadelphia, Pa. - Capt. Brownell Granger, Chief tom. of Sub sistence,Harrisburg, Pa. Lieut. C. W. Taylor, Ordnance-Officer, Har risburg, Pa. D. N. COUCH, Major General U. S. Vols. Official—lL P. BEABDSLBY, A. A. A. G. Parade of CoAored Troops in.Bsditimore BersnaortE, April 18. Three regiments of colored troops,• part of hlaiyland's quota, passed through the streets this morning, fully equipped, and under marching orders. They made a fuze display. This day three years ago the PennsylVania troops were assailed by secession rowdies on the streets. The event of to-day presents quite a contrast. Great preparations are making for the Ma ryland Sanitary Fair, which opens to-night. President Lincoln and Speaker Colfax will be _present. There is a military parade this af ternoon in honor of the event. The hall of the Maryland Institute presents quite a magnificent display, and excels any thing of the kind ever seen in Baltimore. Bill Signed by the Presideut. Wesumerrox, April 18. The President has approved the act extend.: ing for two years, from its date, 'the tune within which the States and Territories may aecept the grants of" land donated - for the 'vs-: tablishment of colleges for the benefit of agri cultural and the mechanical arts. West Viri Olio is now included within ttk-proiisions - of tlis law. STftH PRINTIN.k 0111111, The/allowing aro-the rates ror auferuslogjn;elibjaszi uautit Those having advertising to do will find 1: rob: venien tfor reference. fjc3• - Four lines or. less constitute one-bait square fight tines (t more than four constitute a SOON' iro . - , e oim Ooomm. One AlaY,--- ,, -- ~..6 -61- Twoilayll, ' ' '.• .. "1 00 Iluee.days. .. 125 One month . • ' ' :. '6 GC Two months '0 04 Three montha....._ 11 00 Six months , .O One year .. 25 1 b GO - 76 25 • - ' :'l7 . . 150 FOR. A sums simast. One day... i .80 Two days -60 Three days... . .75 One week... ....... I. 125 One month 3 00 Two months 4 50 Three months 5 50 Six months 800 One year 15 00 Administration Notices.... Herring° Notices Auditor's Notices... .. Funeral Notices each insert' :tor &Wire= notices before Marriages and Des each indeition. In the LOW: o...hte^g:g.: inner thnue rim Lars tbr Fortress Monroe. EXPZDITION TO REBELS CAPyinum—awavra, OF UM ON PaLsoii: ,ERS FROM cia poncr. Foirmss Motn:toz, April 12. An expedition, under command of tieneral Graham, consisting of the army gunboats, the 9th New Jersey, 23d and 25th Massachu- • setts, and 118thNevrYork regiments,together with two sections of artillery, left here on Wednesday night, and landed at different points. • They concentrated at Smithfield, Va., on-- Monday evening, and succeeded :in routing rebels, capturing one commission.ed. officer and five men. They also took seveial'hories and carriagei, together with the commissary stores. A rebel mail and, a •piece of artillery for merly taken from the gunboat •Smith Briggs were captured. Fifty contrabands were alse brought off. • Onr loss was one missing and five slightly wounded. A French armed transport, with a bark in tow, started up the James river this,morning, intending to load with tobacco at Richmond, belonging to the French Government: Eight bushwhackers , were optima on Cobb's Island, near the eastern shore, , at 2 A. at. on the 15th, by Captain Chiunber, of tho Ist loyal Virginia, and the men brought to the Military prison at this place. The steamers New York and Express, from City Point, have arrived here, with ssa sick and wounded men. The remains of Lieut. D. C. Forsyth, acci dentally shot in the *Libby Prison, were brought down. . Capt. Shaw and two turn, captured by the tug Fin, were brought down sick and taken to Baltimore: From Port Royal. ;caw Yoax, April 18. The steamer Fulton from Port Royal, ar rived at Fortress Monroe on Satorda.y, front Port Royal on the 14th. • The side-wheel blockade runner Alliance was. captured by the U. S. steamer South Oar 'Wine. Her crew, thirty in number, were all, found a sleep. Her passengers, six in mull ber, escaped in a boat. She had an assorted Cargo valued at £17,000. The vessel. was of ~. 700 torus and worth $125,000. The 'efforts to save the vessels, winch was ashore, would probably. be successful. A. large number of colored troops from An- :.: napolis had arrived at Hilton. Head, and more were e i pected. The steamers North Star and Weybosset; had arrived from New York. - • t . • The'frigate Wabash left on the 12th for the. Charleston blockade. 'The Palmetto Herald of the 14th inst. con tains a full list of our wounded in the bands of the rebels received from Gen. Andersen. A torpedo had.been picked up in the SL John's river. The schodner Spunky, with twelve bales of cotton, was captured on the 7th inst . -near Cape Carnaveral, by the IT: S. sehocineisPosan, regard. • The garrison of Port Pulaski celebrated, on the 11th, the anniversary of its capture. NEW Yomr, April 18.—The steamer T.,ouisa Moore, from Port Royal on thee 13th, has ar riTed.at this port. . ' From North Carolina? NEWBEELN, N. 0., April 14 , According to the Raleigh Progress, the tplo ple of Western North Carolina recently Ming several Confederate office and soldiers'for attempting-to enforce the conscription. The Raleigh Confederate says: "The election in North Carolina depends upon the success of oar (rebel) armies. If they are successful," Holden will be defeated; if they meet with's repulse, his election for Governor by a large majority is certain.". , There are frequent arrivals of steamers at Wilmington with valuable cargoes Tor ' the Confederate authorities. The railroads of North Carolina are .bulsy transporting rebel troops and supplies. • - Recruiting for colored troops is going on briskly in Newbern." i LOST OR 11.11SCARRTEit: A- SMALL 11A.M LEATHER TRUNK was lost or miscarried, on Tuesday night. A liberal•re , ward will be paid for the recovery of the Trunk by reifying it at No. 1 Jones' Row, - • apls-d3t* GRAPE VINES' of all. kinds, principally. Concord, Delaware, Diana, Muscadine, Louisa, tot belb, Catawba, Oporto, linton, Creveling Taylor orßur- DU, &c., ito, at Keystone Nursery. =rift NA TIVE WINE. FINE BLACKBERRY and ELDERBERRY IFINE.— yrarranted pure. For Went SBISLER & FltA2*. - fan2.s (successors to W. Pock, jr:, & Co.) - 15,00() LBS,„;•"IS• —Fifteen thorn: • ~•• mid Michener's• ExceLs c ioi Hams cured expressly for family use and for this 'market, , male at SEMLER & FRAZER, - feb2. (succeskora.to Win. Dock, Jr., S. Co.) _ APPLES.-200.bfwrels of New York State Apples, of aCchoice Variety, just received, and sold low, hi any quantities, to suit purchasers, , nt the new gnicany of [del] BOY ER & EBERPER. Cri' BOOKS , GAMES, lam& sortmens or Toy Books, Games, ka.,, just recgive4 at, nol9 SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, HaniStinie XTW . , AIME BOOKS.—TEA Oka/ • 11 &RAI* ' DAYS OF SHODDY Judi received at idelfil SCHEFFER'S SOOKSTORE. FRENeH BEANS—A. rare article inst re= cidTed at , SELMER itc HIAZER i rebs (successors to Wm. Pock & co.). VINE NO. 1 MACKEREL, in Kitts ; jug, re x: mired at SELiSLER & FRAZER, ma gi . (successors to Wm. Dock, je.l Co:) CORN MEAL—A fine- article. Jitst re ceived at 8111SLER & mar3l BOCCOSSOTS AO Wm. jr., & C°.) APPLES. --- . We have just received a line selection of AFPLES,III prime order. For sale by the barrel, bushel or mall quantity at . SHISLEII k FItAZEV: _ reb3 - •. , (successors to Wm. Desk, .11: 7 Se Cci.) 46BOXES ORANGES, in goiid oil also, 100 Barreds of. CfIOICE-APPLAS;faajnie • lobe. ' JOHN W,l.S . F.,Fruit store CI . ATSITES AND SAUCES ? , of the meet In perior and choice branda;lust received did fPrente " - PIEUICLER &.S.ItAZER; • OucgmEa'rB to by febl. _ ri BOXES..OBANOVA; seleettsii , tr,piwati m- importatithiOrid the superior ever firma • to thismarket at this season, just received and for t(9 . ; SRISLER St FR febl (mccessore to Wm. Dock, =a) GEORGE W. SAN-DP.4 J. MIMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers