THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED MORNING AND EVENING, B y GEORGE BER.GNER OFFICE THIRD .ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SUBL-CRIPTIOS Tat DAILY TEIPH. 19 served to suscriber in the city Te at 8 cents EG per ILA week. Yearly subs b cribers s will be charged ss' 00 in advance. Those persons who neglectto pay In advance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPK TEE TELSORAPIE IS also published weekly, and is furnished to subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly.... Three copies to one Post Office Ten copies to one Post Office NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: = TE"EE Job Fri:italic. - EStABLASHMENT THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, HARRLSBDRG, RAVING recently added to our Jobbing Department a large amount of new type, several new fast steam presses of the most Improved machinery, and other material,. we are now, ,prupared to exenufm at short notice, and In the, most approved style, ALL KINDS OF MILITARI BLANKS, LETTER SHEET HEADINGS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, RAILROAD BLANKS, • POSTERS, in one or more colors, PROGRAMMES, BILLS OP LADING, PROMISSORY NOTES LEGAL BLANK JOB WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, PLAIN OR ORNAMENTAL. Orders from a distagoe attended to promptly.. marlo-dawtf A. F. ZIMMERMAN, Practical Watch. Maker, No. 52 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, CHAINS, RINGS, SETS OF JEWELRY. FINE SILVER WARE PLATED WARE, . TEL SERVICES,...- AND ALL BINDS OF JEWELRY. Has coustautly on hand a well selected and, elegantly assorted stock of ' ' . FINE WATCHES RING CNS, S ,. , AND SETS. ' • , FINE. SILVER WARES.I AVENUE, ENGLISH AND SWISS -WATOMEASI Both In Goldand Silver Cam. . • • Also a fine assortment ill' ' • ' • LADIES' WATCHES Constantly on hand... A LARGE- TARUCTY OF FILE GrAlWr CLOCRS Of alldescriptlons; all of Which will be soldat the' -., LOWEST `-` .e;E - Call and examine the, goods.;' Particular attention paid to repairing of fine Watches, nett `as Chronometers,' . Duplex and other oelebrated Watches, and all kinds or Jewelry neatly .repaired. Nono'but 'the most coMpetont workmen einployed.,, and the whole Matter under my own personal.supervision. A., F. 2151514BIL01:,. toar2Bl No. 52 Market street ' , T. F. WATSON; - • .• ISIASTIC CEMENT 1112110FACtUlt68, Plrrrl`33tT.ll,*Gi- 'Pa TS PREPARED to toinish , anti coat the eV _L terler of Buildings %%Idyllic 11131.STIC DEMENT, on : a new system. "This material entirely different from all other cements used heretofore, and is the only ,rehable, imperishable coating - for. oni.W outside': work. IWieripro• per proportions of pure. Linseed Oil it forms a solid, dura ble adhesiveness to Brick or -.tone Walls; making a beau tiful, line water proof surface and finish equal" to Brown Stone or any color desired. Among others for whoin I have applied the Mastic Ce: toot, 1 refer-to the following gentlemen: J. Bissell residence,, ; Penn street, pittsburg. , J. D. Ml'Coyd, " J. a. siasitherger residetton, LatyiencetTle.; Htietilisr, Jamei " Allegheny olty. Calvin Adapts, " • Tatra Bonet, Pittsburg, James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, William Vohel, Girard Houma, ‘, Barr & Moser, architects Ditpatch Buildings, John B. Cox, residence, Front street, Harrisburg, Pa, A. J. Jdnes, " Please address " T. F. WATSON P. 0. Box 1 g oose, - .llarrisburk, Ps.- febl9-d6m TO OFFICERS : AND SOLDIERS. - Collection of Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay and War Claims. • • --•- • OFFICERS' : PAY ROLLS, 'SfITSER ROLLS RECRUITING...ACCOUNTS' Af.A.DR OUT. THE undersigned, having. been in the ein- , 1 ployment of the Knited States during the lasv eighteen • ninths, as Clerk In . the Mustering arid ...Disbursing. Office: and Office of 'SuPerintendent of Recrtilting • Servlce 4if- P ennsylynnia, r,espectfully informs .the•publicAtisiziselias ,, opened an office in the DAILY Teurbii.sen Building for2thel Purpose of collecting Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay and Mar Claims ; also, making out Officers , 'Pay Rolls, bluster Rolls and Recruiting Accounte. All orders by mall attended to promptly. norl-01'. SULLIVAN S. MILD, 3PFADDE.DPS MARBLE' : u Colaqit'op' WALNUT AND FIFTH S1;161% . Harrisburg, Pa. ►jIHE unileriigned liaying °pone& ble -IL Yard in this city, bog leave to inform their friends and the public in general, that they are prepared to fur- Mai MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION si7a( es Monumenth, Tombs, Head, Stone's, Mnntles/ . . dud Rouse Work in Marble and - Braotn Stone Give us a call and we will guarantee satinti . betton.. M'FATIZEN CO. N. B.—Lettering neatly none In Englisilii*pr Gdictitia. nanr29-dly VVISITING, 'WEDDING, INVITATION, AND AT HOME CARDS.—By a Special arrangement with oneeof the beet engravers in the country,* cards or 4 ir description will beexecuted in the highest style of 're conformable with , the latest fashion, and supplied promptly, at lower prices than are , charged by the station ers in New York or Philadelphia:: For samples and prime call - BERGNEItigSOOB STORE, . A. LARGE INVOICE OF NEW AGE C ). MIRA IMsTEir, At FIGS, &Q., SEMLER & FRAZER'S, Inca] (Successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., cr Co,) Soldiers' Portfolios, A LARGE assortment at • • • BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, ad at Wholesale or retail at lower CZ3 - rge Codfish, for. L 6132 - sale LBS at . St sai.Lit.•& •••••":', WeElBOyS tO WM. - 1 fInALBS. CODFIsI of ie . 611 t - brated St George brabd, JIM reeehted tad for We 1371 SIUSLER & FRAZER, ten - G dokit,ar eta) QWF,tacron,,, :_ I _ ,4 '--------------------- , ; 4all but vey, ...R tie fie t..) of SiegirEider, Just received, at , tivra Aiit-t.:,.8818LE1 Ftairat, w ;,, kern - - uccessor:ft° Vf. Dook, Jr.,k 4.) - ---_ . , ,' • -•-_ .. :t ,_ - , . \ 11, ,/ ',..‹.' -. ' "-* * " .`",.': 0 . '- ,\ NII el fi y / ~....__ -..., ..,\ , ~.,...... .„...- -(I--- _ . e‘ -,•,-.- i•i . .7. , . ~ ~, -_,c,._ --- :.-...: .__ -- 'A tap . 4 / -",,, ,5,.-, f _ ... $1 50 400 .10 00 BY GEORGE`: M 221 - MEDIC`IL. TUE GREG; '_.:_;_. "AMERICAN REMEDIES," KNOWN AB 66 11E11318 Sl9 GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VTZ: RELMBOLDEXTROT "BUCHU,7 . . HELMBOLDEPTEACT BABE APART Lief, HELMBOLD IMPROVED illaNiTr.4SH. HELMBOLD',S' GENUINE PREPOMQ*..., H.I(IHL;Y•C`ON=C'Ei PR~A`l'iD' , - Roxpopivz) FLUID EXTRACT BUClttli • , ":If • sti • A NYSITIYE,AND , SPEMIC REMEDY' • Tare rnswairbir rmg • 4-• ••• ..4 BitADDE?., AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. the -toci*eri - otiDir gestion, and eltcites the ABSORBENTS-into healthy. anthill, by which the-WATER - T.:or 'CALCEROUS , • , deposP Limn, and all lINNATURALPENLARGEMENTB are ducedow well,pain andinflammation x . and, la soold Or, ALEN; WiAtEttorigglLDllliN: Xi.); ; lIELMBOLt'S,EXTRACT BITCHtt, FOrt . mm?plAEstEs Arlsln from-,Exc6ases,flEabitsfef-TissipatfolV-Eariy:ln i , • discregon, 6r Abuse,-: . , . aTTENDED WITH 7OLLOWD4G :MOdPT • Indisposition to it:esti:in,' ' Dryne thlS Skill; Loss of Memory, 'Loss ot•Power, Weak Nam's, .) • 1 • : Horror of Disease; trembling„ , Dimness of Vision, ' • Universal , t,rutitode::iOf ilieraln .in' uscular Flushing of the. Body,. Hot Hinds, ---- ' ' Erulitions Pallid Countesses, - fr: iiigired to go on, Which this midi cipe invariably removes ; soon follow' • • 111:EPOTFa j *CY, FATUITY,,..PITS, Iu one,cpor„hich the:patiTitimay explra r;Whh eanTtlyi "that they ate not frehheinkr followedrbk t Mote "dire M l- mrs - r dirTsroN {,'Many areasire4"-thii ''eauser of "their' siderings, but one will &infant The, records of thilusene asylums and . the melancholy 'deaths by Cinisardßialen, beer • an44elyeit:- nims tiithelmth-of the assertion: THE CONSTITUT ION, ONCE , AFFECTED 'WITH OEGANIO VIIAKisTESS, . Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the System, whiCh-Helmbold's Extract Buehu:lnvarlably, doea. A trial will convince the most idceptipst ' •' FEY AT , VS-4EMA LAS-tLitj OL Oft YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, PLATING =kI3:UGiE. . . In th many ar pec to re . es the 'Extract Ba , chh Is unequalled by any other remedy, as in,Chlorosisor ;Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, .or simpressiott,oX the customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or,ScliirroussuetoOf the Uterus, Leucorrhea or Whites, Sterilityiand rot: all conk . Plaints incident to the sex, whether. arising hUm.l.Milscre l 'thin, Habits of Dissipation or in-thi . - DECLINE OR CHANGE OE LIM 'NO FAMILY SHOW& 13Z1V4919,17:;7.';', Take no Balsam, Mercury, or Maplognant.,Medigine- for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. HELMBOLD'S EXV&AGT, AII03W; Cures Secret Diriao 3 elin a llthaf 844103; at ittstae:fglielkse;. lidUci or no change in diet; no - Inconienlenoe and to expo-, • bore. It 'causes"frekpietit. "dsslie; and Oyes. ..titr4i4t4 to lliinate thaiebY'rdnalViliig pospontlng CdVing Strictures Orritie" - UtUairc ipcpidr!.suid tiiiition so freilitentin thia class of as a 4 14Pigns, Poisonous,' Dlstasid; and 'Wonniitt. upon thousands who,ltve beekilhO subgPlsor l kicT"'.°P"' who have!pal . d 'f idayl tibbe atired* Akio* , n ave, found 'they 'oleiViivedValid that the' '"PelsouJ..ltas' :the "powerful + . 4. 1. 0. n ag gloiN'il.PeeP- 4E04 ; in.Ltho sy4em, to brealcoui tn. agtsvittixl, fcirra, per haps . - after marriage. Use HELMBOI3S I SEMTitA' ar. all .Affections - .and pladases-of the Urinary Organs;vilicithisr Vale or FemaP J , from whatovercaugsorigtnating, and no :matter of hoy.v long standing. Diseases ~f these Organs loquirVtba"ald.,of a Diuretic. -- . , rifiELABOAD'S WRAOTI BUCHII IS the Great Diuretic, and it is certain to hant the desizied %fleet in all Diseases —for which . ; 11,4 recom mended., • RelmbolcPs High ly Concentra-. ted.Ce.mpound ITZED EXTRACT SARSAPARIL,LASYPEL: ' This is an affection of the Itle — Fd, and .attacks the Sur dal Organs, Linings,of,the;sfise; Eipt.,')Enoat, Wind pirde and other Mucus Surfaces, making its appearance in tie form of Ulcers. HelmboliPs Extract Sarsaparilla rifles the Blood; and removes all Scaly .Eruptions of the Skin, giving:to the Co.mplezioria.CleaLandififealthy.Color.: It being ,preparedvxpressly rot thicciaasi - , oomplaints,t. Its,Blood-purifyingltoperties are - preserved 'to .4. greater ; latent than anysttiter preparation of Sarsaparila. - *6 - yrlnioDlLD',s IPSE,WASS., An; excellent Lotion fbrAlseases of a Syphilitic Naturr.,,, and nn nn Aided"f 4 in, diSelsol. of Atileitrlialulii94 lo6 4 , arising tiom habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Palmas Buchu arid Barsapaille, in such Ammo as 'ireconamendeit tiidenie of the most responsible and re- Character will accompany the medicines; OERTflei- CATES O.E COELEktroweight - 10 - twohkralcars , -MandM4B with • natima 'to - Science and Fame. For Medial]. Properties of Buchu sea Disrierksity of IliiilDdied_Sialirs. See Professor DE WEE'S valuable works on the Practice , Physic. See remarki made by the late . celebrated_ Dr..: .PHYSICK, Philadelphia. . See, remarks, nisihk, ,py Dr. EPARAIII IicDOWELL, a celebrated PhysiclaTiiiikl mem ber of the Rbyal College of Surgeons, grid published in the Transactions of the King's and Queehs' Journa. See. ' Medico-Chi rurgical Iteidew,pubEshed bp BENIPIDATERS, Fellow of the RoyitlAktilege:.9l !donee= moat ',of; the late Standard works on Ifedlclne. Extract of. Buchu,. $1 00 per bottle, or six • bottles lor - $5 011.'''Patnict or Sarsaparilla, -21 00 per bottle, or 'Ali for ,Im -proiell Rose , Wash, .50 cants per bottle, or six Tor , $2 . 50,„: or half adorn each for $l2 00, , which will' bwsuffloient bionic the most obstinate oases, if directions de adhered Delivereirto- any address,secure2 packed from ob servation: :Describe symptoms anomunicatiuna. , jeureai guaranteed, Advite graUri„ . AFFIDAVIT. ,P.ersonally appeared before me:an Alden:clan of the city , ' ,ticcyhtlacielphin, B. T. Holn**l, „whwitonss duly sworn, :kkath say, his preparations , cotwan. no . narcoac,,no war- Oiry, or otherlninritins dugs; and' are purely vegetable. 6 '' T. HELMHOLDi ~ ),Wtorn end subscribed lefbre me , this 2W day of No. Velisber, 1854. WM. P. HIBBARD 'AldeTtain; Ninth street, ah Baca, Phila. ; Addieissietter . stor inferroatidh'intduaAdenoe:- ~= : 1 I WlLlABClLDeeirtienist .,rct-Depr IN WOW - 10th street, tallow MMus, Ptabithil= 4 . 0n22814: "THE UNION-NOW AND F o A„N y-E BnGNn; 7 '. HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNE SDAYEVE N - `2) 1864. OR COMER: BM ALARGE. lot of.besi quality of 7 Aercer PotatoesJUat received and for sale by BOYE4 HOEDIF LpER, ; . erAzdtf;r:-.:: • !tics *wk.` vs,yuale: ADVERTISEMENTS. ELECTRICITY. DS.' and CREAME R, 'E'clectic • and Electropaddc physiffudis, respectfully offer wed' professional services frt-ail.the - vartous branches of the profession- topne:treatinent of aff acute • and chroni The remedial means they the treatment of diaease consist of Magnetism., Galvanism, Electro.Magnet jsris,Abo.Mwedisti,method offLtriffailsteil movement cure;' `few Eclecito medicines when deemed necessary, and lu fah all the natural curative agents that may successfully bebronght to bear upon the •diseaso. Therdo not, wish to be - understood as arrogating 'to thetdgelvei any superiority of professional skill, but they beheve.:the remedies they , employ In the treatment of die m:safari:llion:for to those generally employed byphysicians, from, the fact:that they set in perfein harmony with the -laws governing and controlling the human system. TO . this, Anit.the fact that 'MeV confide themselves to•no 'pee -1 Ocular, pathy or station, ; they attribute their success in 1 'controlling disease.- ~ - , . The principal agent they 'employ in the treatment of dblease, namely, Etectricity, fs .an agent wonderful in its phenomena, and powerful in its directs for good or 11 It -Is sit ever' present, all-pervicilmg principle, governing all things,,,from telling worlds dorialfrik. the invisible particles gasseous matter. ,We see it ilvtke lightning's dash-and hear the mannestatiens Wits-poltii in the muttering thunder. It is the Cause of al decomposition, recompo ; aitioriandlransformation. .:It'excitei Milltown. It Is In& wafting cause of, life, growth; decay, and death. It ...aahats, secretion, excretion,,digestion.. It lays hold of the crude: food iiitbe stomach, converts it into a state of idity, inniamutert it into arterial blood, and sends it on its important' office of supply ing.nutriment acifording to the necessities of the body. It. *Abe nerve vital fluid, the great agent thiciugh which the inind acte;,upon the body. It IS fbecatise of all clines except the %rat great cause, the Inlinjto Mind "which created it and biblfght, It into use. Triesty may, appear like mere assertions, but they are factsadMitting of strong and Irresistible proof. Is it then, to be wondered at that an agent'so wonderful in its phe .nomena, sopowerful in its minifestatione and so intimate lyconnectett! with all the operations of the. human sys• tem, sliofild be almost absolurikin its power of controlling dit'ease ?„t:ertainlyffitjt. IC; js 'a. n atural sequencer and fullowa as Surfdiraajdity followS Melt , Ambrig the which:ha found to yield readily to 7 ; Electricity, in conjunction with proper adjunct treatment, may no mentioned the following; - incipient Consumption,. P 4 ratysiss,Apippkic, , Mysterie and, otuur Qmvsikdons; :Neu - Talkie, in its wordt fbrins,‘lthnerifittism, ittilmitniatrirj?' and chronic; all diseases of the nervous system; iryspep. sin mired treatmente; diseases of the urinary. .and4ronital Organs; 'TemaloiDtseatee; `Asthma,• Tiles and. Trolapsus Ani; Amaurosis and all kindred affections of the eye; Auretus, strictures; alliskin - diseases, Mc. Persons, calling,„wtll,De lord whethenthey can, be bane-.fitted radiate' casb-thken whine's:fine relief cannot be If- , *forded. Chnssultetrips, fres.r (Moo,. Smith Second street, be.ow Chestnut; 'Harrisburg, BIZ Office 'Mash fr.,m Sto a. I% to IS and 7 toif p.m., ALEX. R. WYETH, M.. apl3- •-• Mit; ‘I! 141MN-UittAKla• .-.ATO: 4 drONEStAROW,... f:v u irt 1 , rpac' UND*AlSlGXEl),reappetfully informs the public that he tuts purchased the '..44T IYND .CAP STORE ' Late the' iwn'perty. - of T. S. BURNETT, deceased, and that - fie will continue the business at the ald stand; where lie . cero,tanyy hew on. hand a genarak aasortnient: of SATE; • C A'P & c OF THE. LATEST pyinekwAll pe 40,4 at raponahla rates.. A Ohara! sly a.of i eatronNe hvespectfully i.n 1 .4 11 4 1 4 L'ONq:..', 1: --ykenku.Walley pa Com'pa'ny: NOTICE. -L . :The annual s meeting alp ".1.11-Stockholdeis' of tho likkails Tilley pour comps92l W i 1 be held atthe bilk* of -Edward r Gratz,- Noi:4 South Seventh , sweet, Philadelphia, on litonday;tho 24 day of May: ne3tt,. at 12 °Mock, the election,-of. Seven Directors to seisetbritie entiii*drear, • Xf!•WY Railroad and . . • Pan . k• • • . . NOTICE. -_The amn4 . ,_ineeting of the 1.1 Stockholders or•tho LykQna:Nalley Railroad and upal Company will he heldnc tlait [Men 'of Edirird Gratz, Esq., South Seventh street, , ' Philadelphia, on Ron day,, ;the 24 day of May next ; at 12 o'clock; for • Pie eieu 7 tion President, secretary,'Treasurer and Seyon.Mann ageri, to ierve'for the ensuing year. ; . . • • GEO. E, .HOFFMAN. 1144/In : • .rres'lLT. R. R. &C. Co: , . . Mitirasips Spring - B eds 12 Comforts iIDALM LEAF...HALM TOP NEATTAA.SSF,S. Palm Leal Cotton tuf, Mannino% • Corn husk Mattmssea. Patent Sprin4 , -Slat Beds. FeatitTrrillew4 and P 9 !Am!. Coiantmefortatind Sp re ad Ya Ladles' Willow WorkAfaiitla." Camp • D YA r 1 4 , mt; _ - Iron ; Beate:Eta; TaLBdt pilttol4l; &C, N. , Bil—BofinkoLounges, pashioitse ant fatalism' repaired: BaieandSprinj Mattrasseatnadb tWordetn Nog 109 Market street, Harrisbigg, mart-dim •_ ' J. T. BARNITZ. •••1' SI_LAS ., '•WARD I PIANOFORTES; i IaODEONS; .SHEET 101810, , ,lulolittis,-'Flntedvthiitiirs; - 131pijo 4 ,i-Staiii g s ; Fifes, a all kinds oY.bitialcal I[Aichendiae is *titre Frames, Looking Glasoee, Photograph Cantsiand ambrotype_Gems, _Engravings, „Pictures, am, Ste. Rememoer the placo,,No. 'Third .street,- .the larges KUWO Store this sideof thel'enat - ' )aii2.B.dtf pjunnt • L ARD. • VENE Kettle &witted LATIMpiI ist xeceindi ..L.l at , paISLER & 1,11.12. Ea, nasal. (successors tolfra. Dock,iji.;& Cci.) Ll OR 84,44 = AAve-liorpe-power, STEA* tbnlTNWancr - 80t,M, , •litgocki se 4 iiiVP F. GEETY, 1...:ib23 7 tf - • W.oinnt streett.below.Sizth,,,, 11011ORTFOLIOS ! FORTFOLIOSI I ,• .PLIE-55.14,FA_PR0 kipkaminon smrdn, a AMILVort... mactirjusc-receyied-at-----SCHEPPICIVS-BOMESTORK— KOKED BALM smoKED S SALMQN, Just 'received , SELMER- ' • • fi#4l • • ,••• (scfccossors to Wm: Dock, :L PATRIOTIC GIFT BOOK. k OUR CONSTITUTION, GOVERNMENT LED UNION. "Our Gevi.enimieig, , ,!.llll 7enicitglen Oke.; conifithiltion; lea; for poielar use. By M- rr: Price. $l. For eats at del4 BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. IVEE CELEtßATrib..Vrabrink. On OF Bay &Martin's Lendon -Blacking, - •jus4 - :re-: oared and for sale by SH'ISLER & FRA.ZER., , • fel (successors tcr,Vlrn. :Dock, jr , & Co.)' .ENGLLSH .BREAKFAST ;TEA gust . ' calved a fine chest of English . Breakfast Wm at . „ • ,SHISLER .k . ,FRAZEIVS, • , - .1 (Successors to, Wna..,Book, Jr.) . MESS BEEF arid MESS PORK. choke 131 &nide of Mess Beef and Pork at Slag:Eß. & 'FRAZER aP 9 AslmPeWrri NA4.91001E,,;& BIJOKWiItAIT Just reoetped. A very mania, map choIeiBUCKWHEAT at P l P t 4 l t-malSl7 fs IFIURHANE 111.IISTA_R , the beet importe4 . just received and by • - . & FIELZEIg, febl (successors to Wm Dock, Jr.. e g o 3 O,E. SALE - -Avery. handsome Tvro•-horce PEDLAR WAGON,-cheap.fbr caatt.'• Direct letter to X No. SLR Harrisburg, Pe. . r RAN.GIIII3.! _ORANGES 1. 7 .-A large W of eoverioraranges, sulk akar Havana, , tor sale aantityat •niriSkilr B9YER & HOER? ,ER. ; #, ; r .—A fresh lot jrs Ist re4eivea I ' sad t9r gala DT EOM # 8001/24. e %4 . . ~1 41 .....r11.,--; ;17.141 ... 1, e .4 . , .: n us , - -.-. '' -, ..§. Pennsylvania; Legislature. ES2RESSIX , / 98 • TAB SENATE. T.9 10 W, Awn - W. 1864 . The Senate re-asse mbled at 3 ii'Clook, P. M.r Ilir'Speaker PENNEY in the - chair. - ' • ar.w4D Fianna nr..reat, =rare= insytoz. s Mr. , ST. CLAl2,, , from the select committee Appointed to investigate alleged.frandri in the military service t Maden.lengthy report. - - .• IMPORT OP ' , TEX Annot t iar oottnerrrsrs. Mr. Jon6 - sOft;obitirmitai of the Oliznzat-; tee - ,on the Judibia4, to which Wah'reidirol:4lie: differences 'betiveeri*.the; two honeei,idicifer ence to, Senate" ;bill, ' eritifted'diree k t inithe tune and manner of Stft4itting to the, pecgde, for their tatiflcatibit or rejeeticis, i the: propoSed arnendorents to , the 'exhud;ittition. of the State, made, a report, reconmteriiiing, that the Senate non-concur in 'said amendmenti; The House amended the ~Setrate bill by' striking. it entirely out, and inserting a now bill. The House amendments "were non-con• curred in. " ' Mr. LOWRY called"np Seniste,l3lll N0..660, - to 'Otiange the venue in the .ca s e of aftrey 'Wells' Wetherell:froni Monroe county : 'tec the city of Philadelidiii: _ The defendant Werj a United Stites detec tive, and in the fearless c'chrirge of a sworn duty shotA,desetter, which; caused the`lek ; ter's death. :The , r oopinarh4ids.:of: Monroe county are desirous; ofhanging him; but we, Opine that sl;lyalyhiladelphis jury will save the* the tr ouble : -- ' • . ' • The billi,iasied to' thiid reading and was laid over. - :-, Adjourned. . HOUSE OF REPRFSF.NTATItFS. .- ' 1 • . i rOPODAIS April 19, 1861. The afternoon Fieseiori was 'spentin"thi con siderSida anilqinal pastaige of numerous bill s on the private calendar. In the evening, the Senate adportionment- toill was considered., • Several amendtnents; 'after discussion; were adopted; and the 'ftitit. - •serition was pending' when the House ' - z •.: Adjottrned.- • ' . . 4 , 1 , . it From CaMornia. =I • Spctitsziorsce, April 18 , The steamer Orig, from Panartt, rp;ige, Ae4P41 0 9 i 2 PA - , The ocenetiimii„pf,,-,951Amt,14-2,000. :Rrepek ,troops is'ecinfirmed:, Proposals hate beeir_iiisitier.te, old „Trials Al verez to acknoiriedgeitheVeripre: declined to listen to' them, antr.esid' ,the .French *ire' the , e n enlies of his codeto3 , , thit he'would` resiitilierh- to the' 16'1V extreirtitse - It= i i te liesel thivOreheh will find the-motaiteineers of Gnerrebemongst•theleniost nnios4i*able` • enenaieS iirlfesico. • 1, The' latest , advieeiVein Ojaca state. that ,Gen. Diag held that city with 6,ooolileticans, and was 04:OMNI:It or his tif:LlAWidihat State against toreseift'PrOnch faOki.' 1 : In an efiergenoThe 'etild Safely 'retreat Chiilpas • el- Otterree. 3 The natives of 'theie States artihOstile ,to:tha FieiLah. ' • G.#9C-EkWIS. • NEW • . . 110thit K4ARPER, • W El r 0 L E . frA:L B NT , II: I L. ''• iiarsair . 1.. ' S Queens and ,(Lass Ware, AND maelampepr . t :1. C 0 IT- T WY - 1i 11 - 0 . 1) IT 0E , 11 - 1 AVE just openeda - It e and well selected Juu 'Stock of gonna arp e a r a No.:Bl=glinakb:, HarrisbilW l Par toirludiethef- ' %lurk or the public generally. n01.0411y (1.11:11T.:;' WTI S:E -; ' - TB= WALNUT, . I Ligittii*,• o4 - • • 3579 L *04 . 4 1 D-Vit.tizAhNwrtf CONFRUTIONgIa, • Jyj u iidopidi fy .• . ~ Moss,Prist,o,, . F Pliigs; Dates, rig Paste, nkeitt Marsh Mallow Ginn Avg ; alumnae, Walnuts, • Cream` Chocolate Drops; "Filiksits,',. • Pirdn Candles - chic., ese. - Creak Kati, Oranges WA Lemmas ; Ground Canned Fruits, Pecan Nuts, Jellies,, Cocoa Nuts,. Teas and SpirA danberrisir — Paper m a k u ir. a ass a g u ip..;:iA Cider Vinegar, -Ciirsgsakikaiesny i Fresh a sea l & K ept al* frish,Potatrias, son. -' • ; Vegetables seision; dndLCepntrp _Piodßee' Raisins, ' • Currants, octla : irito • S s-s-1 & .I" , r•az el,r (stammers ti• Wm.. Tiodr, Jr, a co.) _- TyPatroms mit - lim= GliNE !mks oiTogita'a eciaitstroilKtisr• S$ laFidagne select/OLO ; • • , • 1 oP dlrerenkTtatigm, 17.14 AND COIJKOZT wiagroy, r• • • -se Of maylkserifibles• . WHISKYS. OLD lteklltztoy • . • .m&worreAlrx.r .IFINAmrSII7 Alak SCOTCH ' The twit ever terOutt to tLla market OLD . WHEAT, • • re.N,B,r izoTAR; .And, P4O .**Tioced.!: CRESERTIZIMONE VINVRET. WAS CHAMP r th CLLRET. SCOTCH ZgliTH AL LONDON;BSOSVN STOUT. ES. '*1133 CIL• 0' With n cempleee Wei of Plclc!4 And: t o t o . ndim . etqz re every dieeriptl9A now In theinork" and , . VET &AVER T RATE& Da t by ATSUPS per ; O ; and liND.' . = hoic :S o k ra y m. PES; of ma tke ratj nieust. l armion mccer m 1114Dadr,111. ) rabl BEE HON . C M'Cl. Nal E SS 3EI1A,103:1130* THE iBUTIMI-DISTRIOT, 9ia1kii13111411.114- 7 1br 'the Payment of `X.P.terli.st4n AslP,ATtoteke N.l4e. IEIE3 Mx: MIOANDLE3S. Mr. Speaker, in the oouree of this discussion, it has seemed to me most ex traordinary that Idanators on the. other side 1.1 - the floor, - in:need' of illialiVsing thin queition, . ;Arty and , , preporly, hate made it: 0* eccasieril , foria , tircide-of abuse apdhat , theirnwn 'Govern- Ment .. , 'We , haveheard tit:jibing 'frointhat side' ,pt the chamber, shwa . this '.discossion , meniiid, , bnt abutie of. the Federal GOverrinient— .riitthiattoliesiten,theltedital.peweraddleive, iffitrengettiWthirellichrty. SetnitonvenotluCether-side besela by:factiner. uplignickeinrefereeisethiheltationatdent, and thernimesicetbei ticsociriekevtikaPtheunitional Batinit,l6. - thetriatio c nal dent' :is gisalivdiktbey desliethatthe interest tinthe : ;itscadettshall bentedeelarser thaeltriow is. ,by the foolish mode of leg elation that they propose:- •Thifytell .4DV-that the of the Federici Geiererneng lirlenornioriel Al k eSen Ater who has suet spoken tells us tbat, dition to the , State, national and the • , amount• his :district cyanid have. rely of it, would be six , millions of , dollars, ,, and• that their entire . assesied •valuation - zile.sevete millions. Thus leaving only one milliOn no ntottgaged ; and yet that Senator, and all the Senators on the other side; with one or two ex , ,ciiptions, vote againet this bill. Notwithstand ing that they cry out that the property of.tbe Stabris -Mortgaged, they. desire to mortgage atill , furiber the Mate of Pennsylvania; and - te. throw upon her an . additional million of om which baie it , in , cnir -Power 'tt relieve ber:' The tairpayers of 'thk_ecimmore: wealth will: hold ;nit:: a. strict aocountability for our action. here,' :We..have it in our power to pay the interest on the ,, State debt , in , ibe legal currency of one conntry,lmade each by a . power that cannot balloubted= : s. ixtiver which ass been in the highest legal tribunals in -the land, and determined= to be ccinstltn clonal. Yet, when we propose to paY the State lobt in 'this currency, they tell ns, no—the Federal debt is 'too great: Why, sir, that fa chtereason the State debvshould be less; and, instead of making it lees, they are attemptieg . - cO heap - on us more than -a million - dollars in the 'coming and every , infectelding. year., Straege and fallacians argument They do not care about the debt of 'the National:Govern , . , meet; their desire is to'sink her in a ti - opetain debt. •If they saw :their Government robbed I .before their eyee, they:would sayoirnenitonti • It has been alleged- that the , payMeittraf the interest of the State delit , 'in thn.carreney of tirieconotrywouldtie.n'othit.g short-of tepndia ion:" Now, sir :why is , It repodiadoe -The poweri.oft that United States tender* the Constitution has the right to make; adage' drfdtinnagettliattetrishictyrwiiiii the? , choose. They have given ns a legal entreat& Welch we arse boundin considei as 'good - as chat which it took the place of; and yet they re, Use to allow us to ofrirtir'creditors in that, 'currency; beeriest: 'titia:Ligitlictilre Of 1840 passed 'ciresolutiontbatitdedildebtB(lo,6B•ol. the (RSV ;unguent shonhi:be paid in coin. Howconkt ike.Lesighttrire of 1840 bind the action of .this legislature -tiere tti'd:ty What. - prevents - us rontrepetiling'the act of the Liglicla cure r Nothing. Areal:mire anie: vested riglatil under theta* beyond , watch, we, cppP4t ; go? itterdebt of the State . wgs -created„.pro-, v :don' irlihthade for the payment'of ,the inter est andthat •Leglidatiire kir Swine reasons ,nest katiwit . to_ .themeelvesi :declared that ietereet falling, ‘ dug;,- on Pennsylvania stuCks alwais be pai'in, specie Or . its Nutt:dent. They also declared that the credi: , tots of this Comnionweaith ehouid be paidi in specie or its equivalent ; ; yet all the creditora :of this Commonwealth .ttAay are rightfully and Justly: paid in_the legal currency, of the country—the United States treasttry. motes. Why Telt, lir, that we receive one compensa tion as meribers, and all the pnblia servants of (hk; Commonwealth receive their conipentettion in A* Pertenne, thetsi 13$Pitalistenr. bond-. holders, preferred.above all other: icAtt r gat '.,1 4 :nit;P1X 1 44 1 49:9141Att stilikr,ii i t id: tisea n .haveAtegin - otes paidithgctld.l.. - 7 - And here, :may_ }kat kay that a te ll ers: thati if -Hie Seale Crea=nrer had acted-wisely and , junk-ion:ay, be necithe power, tinder the- Fade r making- United States treasury when a,legal tender in 'pkyment of all detots, when our friends on tea: 1 aide of Chaniber prevented Our passing tid e hill,into a 'before - the 'first of Fehr:nit); Jest, tirlantrover United Stittee treesurycionsi .to the* eapitalista;'and - thda'.ll4S - save. - the: tespayemnef this 'Otinntortivetilth about sin ; hundred thOtteatid dollars. 1 • It was also said by another Senator on that side of the floor that it *twin invasTonof don sittutional rights for the State of Peinvlivinta to •rnakti tine currency a legal' ttieder. ' 'Mc , I.4)slatute of Pennsylvania dies mit make tta. allegitHeinder: The legtiitlittire ildirer Of United Stites hati inadeit the - legal currency of the country, and we do nothing but adept the legalised, currency of the United' ,States when , we propose to ply the interestotdin• State debt init. 'lf they' tielleyetinit.thelidth and cr4di of theffitate bet:Pleidittid by the Legiala tare of 1840-`-having some meet soottivinineht qealitiespeseelied by tiol,egietattiresince—why do they not inaugurate sothe fioaticialsyrifem by' which these bonds Wilt be redeemed, and create anew loan on an original basil, With a - contrail to pay the interest as it accrues in thelegal crir- Linty of the country Why, sir, bi-Cliniaithn'y wish to find l haat with the State and NatiOnal Government. If they can fled fa7.llt, that. all 'the Part •they tiesire to . 'take thil great - struggle .• -.Sin c ee.the' comniencernent of the war, until the pre.ent 'haii.q ea pieeti folded their arms and allOwed:t4i, publictdPaity'fo bear the brunt 'of thi,eitrtig gin; and 811 they have found to has Henri to carp at. the' acts of the Federal GoVernment, and ittep l an account of What, the war costs ,; and" iiiiniiitheStateVoiierznitelit has got 'entirely Into thilinds of the Ilepittlinan party, to tad -fault with their acts. This appears to be the peculiar sphere of Senators on the other side , of tnetioor, and the - party they reprenent. All the dennuciations .which should , hate 'been burird againtitthe rebels"and - tteitotioire to. served for Salmon P. Mum and AMal:ird:Lin- . oele,:and those on witok ithimiderslfie Gov atne& of the United States 448 dey*.iii at. thLi tearful crisis. • - * Now, the question is merely,will the State of Penn s 3 'viola pay tilt it creditors in the legal cur rt nem of thiticeuutr) 4 And;payltiattit i tie Leg's- Imre pa (tailgate thfi ini,itrittpayhe'r Creditors i n the 4egel carreucyjnvelving a,ravhig of more than a million of dollogsthe people' will Bold them-to an- acobuntabhity, and the, l Yp ar tffit-POwer 4111 beliiiiliati - fierir.their-spail' t t ik d a. That great party which in 1861,41. tfio-Javlegskip of sh* put, catatuaudar, Sams J=tl WISE RRlct, TIN" . CENTS. RsitM3,Ks , oo r Ksk ~,_.a~ . 'STLt. PI INT tfl 0F F 1 CI; Apra*Titi4 it4a 4 -v - Thie,folickving itieWiate, &for iidirerturink OP.APEf: Those barktadverilsing . to do 'nil find is eeh, .renien lfor reference. it:y - roar lines A:mien constltitte one-haif square. ZitEht - -. in vs , i more than four copritute_a square_ ~,.. , FOR A ITALY 144E111, 1, ; , - ri • A -tot terirsitzurft. - - One day . .s r 0..A.y,..,.. r „....„.... 1.. /.6 Two-dhyS.:. . - -..t . .. ?..t -- TweOkni.• ... .?..,:..... - 1 do ' Three days . Ti Three.days .. ~.. .., . 1 ?1 - _. One week - 1 25 - One weft: .:. . ' 2 = One month 3 09. 411n4 inoitth r , .' a 6 CV Two months 4 50 Two months 9 OW Three months 5 50 "Tires months. 1.1„.-6P, Sia months. Bao Ate inintilii.,LA.l. l ...:.-filia "! Ono year 16 00 -Oneyear. ...... .-.-44-.-26-1.0 - . Au ministration Notices . _. _ ... 4 , S ` 2 °. -. K Marriage Notices , '.. '.' ''' ' " Illf:1:"-: ! "' Auditor's Notices - . ' - -'4.1:4..;:11.10-: Amaral Notices each Inserting . 50 xis - Business notices Itaanted in the Ursa a Altfiiiis.? )l before Marriages and Deaths, Nam Crams az iAst,..rrx -,,,,c eaditisertion. Buchanan ; handed to us two goveromadVE stead of one—the rebel Government and. this 6 .fioveramentof:thellnited Saates,—want hack. Into . .power again. They desire-to crush .: ha 'finally, 'in order that their brethren the Smith may Effected: - Senitors have made . '" %%teals that they iffUl'briog us-back -to = (husti— ;,•.• tution andlaws. refer them to the,4th of April„ 1861,, and ask thembi what condition they left their country when they handed it over to Abraham Lincoln and` the-present adorinta trasiom ,Buchanan carhabito power withlataes 4 `14 _Plenty all over the land, and through his-. .lutliecinii handed over to his sucCessor two goy arninente with - a fearful ravuludem itiangura eel;: They , add that they had tio power to coerce se-' .cedmiStates, 'and te-day,, when this . Adtainia-a tit:44,4as taken a vigorous hold of .the ratite of ~o+Seriflnetif, and is crushfoi 'riot this vilerehm. efinfederanyWhith - was -- thn"dielstion "of WWl' . mrtir,-they-tsit"-doWn.• and kvill over itetiftd-- count thesost. When amen of:honor serfeldm-sz. house consumed and his family dishonetrefL i dtm, tie Mt down aud_ count the coat' ofSpiinishing c . the fiend who has- thus violated - his - penrefel - Oearthstone ? Yet these gentlemen, leaving • thellepubllcan party to carry on ,the as, sit down wnd count how many dollars and pents n it is piing to take lnorder - that this Governinent may be successful in crushing out the reliAlion. : if itonly , coebithent 'aixtY.trimdollars, taxman , I Ent:lpso, they. *II agree to have therelle.. srushed; butit it should cost. seventy deihne,they, . - will'altallowthe rebellion CO=succeed and,orie. • great and gloiiinis Government to be deatioyedf I think, sir, when. the lifts; of the-nation-is at _ Mahe, when the questiorKlies. between lib.-. and Mavery, fot our Selves and our posietity,. it is too nice a calcnlation —too nice question fOr . the cialculatfon as to-bow touch it will' civet' to maintain the glorious liberties et our °von try. It is too close a calcolatla, Mr, and think it insults Manhood to it. Ev e ry, loyal heart says tO the Federal Government, it mortgages every ache we have, we will give 1 all our acres, all our houses, ,iLllour. Janda ;yes; all our lives, to hand duaktto our p: sterity a flee Government; and our posterity will thank God -that they had such noble ancestors" But. if they had au ancestry thatcould sitilowniintr figure np tharit would cost seventy dollars tor freedom surlonlysixty-siadollar s torslavery,md, then choose slavery. because itcusts he laistnto 7 „_ coy, would curse their mean and penurious an cestry. leak, gir - thitt this matter in relation-hi' • the policy of: f he:National Goternment is only -dragged into-this -question. Is is -only an "tev.: - .pt, on the part if these Senators, to the , Goternment, that protects theirfireside§ 44 sue - their famines. and will guarantee for t hin anal their Posterity freedontenetw and fo.nWer. ' sir, the only qttes.tionhare is it auk sOlicy of this State to pay her public Ben.Vantek, Lad all her creditors in the legal currency.of ,thectittntry, or teepaytold iostead of thittlegit ; _tairrency to kind of uristocracy.holoing !the ~ittte • tiebt thiftis i , wben ; tbe . emanittter oy. 4 ihose gentlemen examines ,this,qomtif3p,thyy t .„.... will ten' theut that they consider themse - vps tritsrepresented on this floor. Whed we hsve a 'dear right to doit,. it is certainly the policy of - .tra.State to pay one dollar inete,ad ot •-cfniethin — ,g like onetiollar and siatyloar.cents. I say, - sir,' that it would be rimaincAirleivcield, be frilly--foi-ofoto-ftill to pave al4.ti`o bleb alit. d•-• ' lie right to pay :Milli interest the %gat ern rency .of the country. If. thou Sena,rors arts-ln 'earnest, Ida wilt get up'some financial scheme by which these blinds might lie redeemed fp legal currency, and new couteacts Made, I will:: . • uti.M.erqt o"thialt:a scheme, by;.whicti. it may ber.:lf ioneAhsflpwer,rato,of.intert at than -that .they ggay rn gold:to-4;14—one that werucl rff lieVetliemirom the neces s ity of What Mel call ndiatioria '.We can' change the system i• ofn cOnsci.ence orates us; we can redeem _ bendainthe legal currency of the United elates, smiting new bonds bearing, perttaps; a lower rate of intereaL • - • • 'Believing, sir, tbat the party in power will not • foolishly arid recklessly lay an adeitional amount of debt of over a million of dollars upon the tax payers. to pleme 'the bond-holders, or any one 'else,..Earabw that the butiefore the &Mite will 'and Ought to:pars4tand.wacau say twitenators :on the other sichN Own wpfureet themiazakti at. the polls, ifLort hid trakthr power in .1864f0n the' floor thir Leghlettire, year would have '1)0 an. additional debt. cif one Million of dollars annually upon the people of this Comriroia.- wilikth • but you, failed., because Yet!. )4)0 Pot; - . RaWoad Contractors. PAPOSALS are invited for the - Con, Masonry,. *tilt* RePerstruc Pallast v .. l tkosi.Ties and. Txnck Laying of the PITTSBUEG Abip CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAIr, between' • Connegsvills And Cumberland, _ 'Embracing a distannn,of,about EICHTIUMSrE.bIMILIMV : 4wanctioniref itiOntinie vile each. Specifications wiltha reAdy:at MinCompairs PittSbARV on and after .the jai ! of . APRIL. cnrrent, - and proposain, will be re ccdreil'until the MCI" of APRIL enacting. = . . - TATROBX, , ;• Circe P & C.R. It: Co. President Pittsburg; March 15,-1864. • • marl 9 td , , OX'S SPAMIDIAMG GELATIN, "the best sulasfacttusak, just received cad -for sale by SRLSLER. & FRAZER ' ' (sneetioarsto Wni Pock; J r.., tied.) N - A T I V E ,FINE BLACKBERRY and—ZLDERBERRY Wsmanted pure. - For sale at , iniStEit'&4l(AZtat,"' 1847,11, ' - (Summers to W., Dock, jr., & co.) 15 000 LBS. 11-Al'lB.—Fiftee"l°n-' 9 . sand lbs. Idtchencr's gacelsteclWas cured eapressly for family use and for this market. ; sale at • • - • SHISLER FRAZEtt, feb2 - . _ _ (sum:easors to.Wm, Dock, jL, Bsectol ;.• PPLES.-200 barrels of 'New Itorit : -Statett Apples, pin choice variety,. 'just received , -,and n:44 , low; in any quantities to suit inuirkaisets, at the nen. grocery op„ . [dot) BOYER:k • 0Y BOOKS, GAMES; &43.--;A: T aortment of Toy Books, Gaon; &R.,jitst plyttised pol 9 SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, Harrisbayg. _ _ ' _ • NE W BOOK 8. - -31111 811 - OtILD' Es STRAPS -- DAYS OF SHODDY jfaat recalTed at [4481 HR'S; BOOKSTORE VRENCH BRAlet4 mr * aitidle, just - 4 42/Pd I . l s - ,twisizjt& FRAZER, _: L. feb 3 Wm. Pock. ir Oic re..) •• - - MACKEREL, in K.itts, • eeired SHISLER & FRAZER,. • marl . (successors to Wm. Dock. Jr.. •4 Hay!: 3••-yf DORN • MEAL — A fine article.' Jvs p ie- V.) ceivei at eILISLER & FRAZ" ; 0 maral to ALES . . We bane just receivedkatint:&timan ofiApitaipti prime urdt..r. For -sal , tha,bouTel„ bushel, ur AA@ quantity at • 'SHSLDWIk Marr s `• reb3 , • CE91 4 . 1 %.11.1Aa11Fm. Dogic,Jr.,,t4olostiz, A n BOXES ORANGES, in good orderifbrf rug ino Barrels of CHOICE APPLES for rale at bb JOHN Ina nun Stare,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers