la 4 Ettelvao, HARRISBURG , FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH IS, 1854.. NOTICE',TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Easiness Notices, Marriages, Deaths, &c., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accom panied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition a r e inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. CITY ITEMS. A CIGAR Saow CASE, for gale cheap, at C A. Bannvart & Co.'s drug store. marlB-3t TASE NoricE.—Committees and persons who have in charge the filling of quotas for sub-districts can obtain the most -reliable as sistance, at moderate rates, at the -law office of EUGENE SNYDER; Near the Provost MarshaVs Office, marl 7-2 w Haitisburg; Rum - ma's Bronchial Troches for hoarse ness and throat diseases, for sale at Dr. Riles' Drug store, corner Third and North streets, and Dr. Wm. H, Egle's Drug store, Ridge Avenue. jan3o-dtf TB celebrated , ' Crystal spectacles properly adjusted to, the eye ;. microscopes fron4.oo to 700 diameter ; tower telescopes, field glasses, defining.= object from one to tcniniks, and all kindS of optical; mathematical and plailo sophilol instruments at Rosendale's- Optical Institute, 8 Market Square: Artificial ; eyes inserted. Send for a circular ! ' ' janBcltf 'OWN AND COUNTRY: A i"..A.LIIABLE PONY, suitable:for - child ren to ride or drive. will be sold it tli Mar ket house, to-morrow (Satufday) : mohmg, by G. W. BARR, .A.Uctioneer. C OUNTIIM-HOUSE DESK AT AUCTION: —A good walnut counter desk, With two chnivers, will be sold nt the market, to-morrow morn ing, by - BARR. ' Tia hat and cap store of the latea'...J. Bur, nett will be sold, at auction to-morrow eveni4,; ' t at 7 o'clock. THE ELECTION RETCHNS.- - We trust 'tkat our friends; will send us the retiqns of to 7 iday's election, f,€ early as possible, this evening. THERE will be public sale.of bread biscuit, hominy, &c., at the GovenaMent: ; bittary in this city, at ten o'clock to-morroin _ . Iv any of the voters in this - city ;mark , not been at the polls to-day,'they shonld - gb at once, and vote the whole Union ticket._ I=l WE are Again enjoying. pleasant \leather. But look out, for a storm. On Monday next (to use an old expression) "the sun will cross the line," • - FURNITURE AT AUCTION. —Danisi neayr w i l l sell to-morrow morning, between the maikets, a lot of good furniture, in first-rate condition, embracing cane-seated chairs, reeking Chair, marble-top walnut wash-stand, lounge, hair cloth chairs, parlor tables, &c. Naw Musrc.—"Remember This, 1 4 tove Thee Still," is the title of it new ••song set to music by Mr. Frank Sheaffer, leader of San ford's Orchestra. This is a splendid piece of music, that will meet , a ready sale. , , There is a great demand for it. Get a cop . latitrofiehe's Music store. T Mayor has issued a proclamOlon offer ing a reward of one hundred'aolliirSior , information as willlead to the .arrest and-con viction of the person or persons Who set fire to the buildings recently destroyed, or those who may hereafter assist or conspire to !set fire to any property in this city.. Read the . ; proclamation, in our alertising columns.' THE ADJVT.6.I:T OF RECIWITTNO S:E.F.TI9F., Of this Division, Lieut. F. W. Liedtke of the Invalid Corps, is winning golden opinions of the officers detailed to recruit for their com mands in this State. Lieut. Liedtke is one of the most faithful men in the army, distin guished as well for the ability with .which he discharges. his duty as for the urb'anity with which he treats all having businkss with hull. I=l=l SAKI O ORD'S OPERA Housa.—Great honkei are the reward of industry. Sanford and his Troupe are now in the full tide of success. The entertainments are relished by thepa trona with delight. Sanford appears each evening throughout the whole performance. The Four Lovers is the afterpieee thißiVen- Mg, together with the Eutaw Indians, who are in themselves an attraction.' 'Go _early, to secure seats. 4 • TIM SILVER Surp."—The attention dour readers is called to the advertisement of that great story and sketch paper, The k7eto York. Weekly, announcing .a new roinance bearing the above singular and attractive title. The story is from the pen of an author extensively known, but wb,o chooses on the present oc casion to write under the non de pturne of Louis Leon. We are assured that the romance in question is one of the most powerfilicind exciting ever given to the world, and thiitl is especially interesting to lady readers. The New York Weekly has the reputation of being an excellent family journal. 11.1 GRAND SHAESPEApEAN NIPEq• --This-m.411)e the fiftieth night of Rouses Star: OoMbinatfion Troupe, at Brant's Hall. The season has been one of unprecedented , and unvarying_Artcosss. On this occasion will be presented _Silak speare's sublime tragedy, in five apt,s,,entilled Othello, the lfoor of Venice, with the :follow ing splendid cast of characters: Othellaplr. J\yir. Jennings; Ingo, Mr. F. I.l.,.:ltent;'Ro dlo, Mr. W. A. Reuse; Cassio . : Ciro en; Brabantio, Mr J. Dunn;-114intam), Ware; Duke, Mrs C. P.' T17111.504o • 'rico, Nr. W. H. Hardie; Grationo,MrWAL Murra7 \ 4larco, Mr. G. L. 'aright; Pa4O, fir. R' Smytliv Desdeinoria, Miss `JosephicLay ion; Amella,Miss A.' Wilford. The whole Tto conclude witi.. \ tbe roaring farce, entiaea ,S(r;• -Youm Moi, or 21.. Diabdica/ Hat. ITM. I WE learn that several deaths from scarlet fever have occurred in our city within the past week. , The victims were children. One family lost two SmarroArasm. —Samuel H. Paist, the Blind Test Medium,. at the request of many friends, - has been induced to resume his seances, com mencing to-day, Friday 18th, and continu ing on Saturday. Hours from 9A. in. to 12 in., and 2to 5 P.- at. in Exchange hall. mI72V SIXTH WARD abuNcrosvzi.—Dr. Win. H. Egle has accepted the nomination of the citi zens of the Sixth turd for Councilman. The Dr. will make 'a faithful Councilman, and we .. hope to see , him elected. Let every citizen of. the Sixth ward go tO the polls, and cast their vote for Dr. - Egle. • DEATH OF MEMBERS OF THE 76TH PENNA.- RVIIMEIN'T, AT DICHNFOND.-.A. letter from Rich mond announces the death of the following members of the 76th' Regiment, Penna. Vols. : J. Miller, Co D; Hefner, Co. I; P. Hunt, Charles Deal and James Decker, Co. H; • Rigby, Co. ELSergt. Snodgrass, Co. B. They all died in Hospital 22, at Richmond. This notice is pul&hed for the information of their friends. • • YORK COUNTY. —On Friday night last, the tannery of Mr. Michael Smyser, in York bor-: ough, was fired, and the bark mill, bark houde, , filled with 'bark, and a barn and stable, con taining a horse, two cows and a quantity of grain, were destroyed. On the same night, the dwelling house, of Mr. David Aentzel, in Dover township, abon five miles nUthwest from York borough, was consumed by fire, ,t9kether idthiniticigi its ci#Ofilfa4 'among which - ' " 6 11 " was $3O in gold: NOTICE TO RECRUITING OFFICERS AND TO ALL PERSONS PRESENTING REcnorrs.—S. S. Child is now ready to make out the necessaay papers for the collection of premiums for presenting recruits, and_ still continues to make out Dora' recruiting 'accounts, - pay rolls and all kinds of writings connected with the military departments. Haling had much experience .krjiings,.hel."ls7f4llst capable to transact any kind of business connected with the various departments. Office 'iii Deus TELEGRAPH Building, Third street, Harris burg. mars-d2w Li2l SELLING A HIISBAN - D. —Says a Carlisle paper:. "A Germau_ namediQuuch; who for a number of years, resided in this place, but is now at tached to a cavalry regiment at ChamberS 2 burg, was arrested a few days since, by ! Sheriff Ilippey, and brought- to .Carliale, charged with haying more-wises than the laW allOws. It seems Gouch became tired , of his lawful wife' and wooedand Won-the affections of a:damsUl. at Clunnbersbure and waddedlier, whereupon wife No I brought Wit Wit- for , bigamyagainst liiiii.7.)fin:dierli - Oating a:the:age,: aciiCh offer ed $5O to his indigrithit -Sponge . for liis free doin, which she accepted, and he went, re joicing, to rejoin his new wife. ._FRIGHTFUL . SfrEpra.CLE FOH THE OBSEare; TICSN ' OF THE ' gblio7j ,2ll OF' ONE OF OUR PUBLIc Scnoor.s.—lt occasionally becomes our duty, in these columns, to call attention to matters of fact and-subjects involving the welfare of Aiffierent . localitics in the community, and in 'dohig.soc:perhapswer 46,iindlwhat some may 'deem of taste, intireit or frinehise. To such as these, we can only offer as an ex planation, that we never direct the attention of the authorities to a violation of the law, in the maintenance of a nuisance or the disturb ance of.ffie peage, ;without huirtg - appealed to by citizens aggrieved by such derelictions. With this explanation, we proceed to call attention to a most grave if not appalling fact_ wkich has only recently been brottght to our notice. In the rear of of the School house on •State.between &bond atid:TiiirA Street's, are itabaHid.SOme of the lowest brothels in the country, the' daily resort bf dinnien men and women; whose pollutions and profanity are within sight and hearing of the young girls who attend the school on State". Street. Now, we candidly ask the school directors of the ward in which this sohool is located, whether this is not a case for their most serious bonsid . oration —we: ask the_pollce; . Whether, Tor . the ":deden.bysit.the these nuisances shoind• not be abate'd antl: abbliihed--fe.askjhe parents of the children who attendthis school whether they will submit to this outrage? Would it be any trouble to drive the bawds from these locality—into the river, if necessary—so that the tender -Irinride'Of 'the rising generation may be saved from the fell influence of an evil example, and the holiest/ffection of fathers andmothers protected from.destnmtion. isthis :question worth-svitatine*.elhozi!pito4 girls of 'Etatilig wiirfhir.4 being protected from au evil example? We submit these questions to the authorities end ; the scbool directors, 11111 AN OBLIGING R4LBGAB OFTICEJL —Having hail occasion :til i • - vistt - VarrisPl4, a, few days siride,'We 'We're'kotilittliKeliagrined when we a'returiatipkat at that office in that glade: , We'offeredrthe verypolite ticket agent a two dollar bill in payment of a ticket, whekhe veryjrytignautly:,threw it back to us with the remark; "I - Can't be changing all the time, you must make the change:" We were therefore compelled to go in the city and hunt small change among strangers. The postal currency is se. abundant that it would be a very easy matter for, such, officials to have a supply on hand for the accommodation of the traveling -publik.birVio'ing people' can't help, when placed in certain positions, "getting ;too big for their'breeches." We would advise all persons visiting Harrisbusg to provide themselves with small change before applying for return tickets in that city—especially if the cars are about-aeaving and they do not wish to be left behind. - We clip the above from a Carlisle paper. The reader can easily :discover which railroad company's agents :are-alluded to. There are persons in the world who grow very rapidly when placed in any pU e blic position. Oyu NEW SAISMAN:=It is customary for ris to announce to the:pa:Ale any new arrival of goo d g oods, but the especial p.urpose of this notice is to infortetle acquaintances of Harry Armen, favorablyz : Alitown in the dry goods business in conmxtion With Eli. Moore, of Dillsbnrg, York munty, that he is now loca ted with' C. L. wman, No. 1, corner of Front and Mar * streets, Harrisburg, and would be pleased to see them when they visit our City. I=l ==l =I For the Telegraph. Our Com.rrion. 5ch0015.....N0. 6. It is exceedingly to be regretted that the administration of the common school affairs of our city has become mixed up with polit ical issues. What imaginable connection is there, bet Ween them? If the e ducation of our children were not altogether too serious a matter to be trifled with, it would be rather amusing to .look at the process by which our community manufactures its school directors. In their nominations for candidates for other offices, there is usually at least some regard paid to the adaptedness of the man for the post he is intended to fill. But it is notori ous that the chief qualification now regarded M a candidate for school director, is his polit ical availability, the strength he may be ex pected to add to a party ticket. If he be a clever fellow, and would be likely to help run the machine, put him in; he'll help the ticket. And if he happens to have deserved well of the - party, give him a - little office. There is no, salary, to be sure; - but there are jabs to be given out, houses to be iK;c:; let him have a chance. Is it any wonder that the admirable common school law fails of a fair and effective admin istration under such circumstances? With some show of reason are objections here made and prejudices deepened. against, the whole common school system. And this is especially mortifying right here in the capital of the State, where the system should ba ?Unstated in alll its features, and where the public should take-an honest pride in having the most care fully ,graded ,and well apfoinfed schools in Coinnionwealth: Certainly there should be a reform in this matter: The' whole business 'of selecting school' directors should bg , taken out of the hands of the politicians. The solid people of the city should look about them and select such of the citizens to serve them in this capacity who really believe in common schools and have some idea of what they should be, and MaY he made to be; who will faithfully exercise the law finder wbiph they have their ; appointment;who will consider them at present goon enough to send their own children to them, and will try to utak:.o thou better• Are there no such men in our city? What difference does it make to what political party they may happen to belong? Why not secure the ser,-: vices of those really , qualified for the work to be done, irrespective of all such considera tions? Now, it is to my mind perfectly clear, that the real issues that should be discussed, in connection with the election of the Board of Controllers, three from each of the said wards of our city, (as the law provides shall be done, so soon as the school property shall have been committed to their care;) ought to, be, the liteiraiY and business qualifications of the respective candidateS, and the views.they may be known to entertain and represent in re gio:d•to the ,Variorus topics and measures that may, from time to time, be agitated in the community, with reference to the proper ex ecution of the laws and the steady improve ment of the schools to be placed under their care. • _ For instance,.at the present time, the test should be, in choosing between candidates intellectually and morally upon an equality, whichof them is most decided in his deter initiation to carry out the law in its letter end spirit, with reference particularly to the grad ing of the schools and the establishment of a single school, of the highest grade, for 'each of the sexes.. Upon the public street com mon schools of • the'higher grades have been pronounced a failure, a failure in New Eng land, a failure in Philadelphia, &c.; and that it is useless to talk of carrying out this grad ed-system in our toraninnity. was asser tions of this kind that, induced me to inquire, - at the Schotil Department of our State, for doctunentaryeVidenCe upon this subject; and, through the kindness of the present S4perin tendent, C. R. °churn, Esq., I_have been furnished with some communications that will suffice to convince any unprejudiced reader that these higher conmon school have not proved a failure anywhere, but are all the more highly prized where they have been longest and most thoroughly tried. I offered them for pubfcation in the other office, and I am Sorry that they have not been placed before-the voters of all parties in ad vance of the presentelection, for such issues as these; in my opinion, are the test questions that shotddhe ;voted' upon; and not the mere good-fellpwship or partizan fidelity of the respectivig tandidates. .A_C - FIRTSTIALN TAR-ENT. NOTICES. BANNYAIIT'S . BkONC4I4'IIIIOQtE, For the cure of--Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are SpeciellY repommended to mirdsters, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak inpublic. Manufactured only by C. A. 13aruavart- & C 0.,. Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. Read the,followirig testimonials from some ot'our eminent elergyanini: TTAmirtsause, Feb. Stia; 1864. C. A. :Bainivear—Decir Sir:. I have used Bro vn's Bronchial TrOches, Wistar's Lozenge's and other preparations for hoarseness and throat:troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully -commend your own as a most admirable specific for •,public speakers and singera, in cases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. • I have found them serving in time of need, moat Yours truly, ~ .- T :a..AOBINSON, :Pastor; of 11. S:Presb*riari Church. Oft-lagrec with Mr. Robinson as to the value of B6E:divert's Bronchial Troches. W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. Emmaus% Jan., 186 4 - To C. A. Bmoiverer—Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found'the need of some gentle expecto rant, and. that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of th es e voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing the effeetiireneis of -`the delivery of public ad dresses. Yours, dko„ JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To-C. A. Raiurvesm--Dear Sir: - Having used your Bronchial Troches, I ana free to say they are the best 'I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing• Yours, Sco:, a G. RAXESTRAW, Pastor - of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DISTRICIT.A.TTO7NEY'S OFFICE, thlitiißtrAG, Fe b.e 29, 1804. To, C. Q. BANtenr—Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarsenes,s and in strengthening the muscles of the, throat. They impart clearness to Ahe yoice, : and are certainly of great bene fit to all public speakers. A. ,T. MEER rCO.TUTSSI9NS - AND —l 3 — x -PEATEIiCE . . , ..--. ,i-Or A s mum. - bibbed for, the . "benefit, and, as a CAUTION 40 , YDElNG'ldMand'others, who suffer from Nervous rDe bnity,Preniature Decay of Manhood, &c., supplying at the same. time Tun Mknii or Szw-Cars,", By origio (t h bas at Thinielf aftet undergoing coninderiOl. Oa • EByAleolosiiiica , pia , paid addressed effetope, 'sin i copies may be had of the author. NATBANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq. BedfOrd, Kings Co., N. Y. febs•9md&w Mrs: Ball's Remedies I take this method of cheerfully thanking the public for past favors, and still solicit their kind attention to my medicines. To tell of all the wonderful cures I hare been able to perform would be impossible. I would call the attention of the ladies particularly to this valuable medi cine. I think I can saibly say it is the very best offered to them. It will regulate the whole system; can be taken at auk time; no fear need be apprehended in re. gars!to it. I have also a valuable Salve to kill proud flesh, and another to draw and heal. This has healed sores that have run 20 years. My Dysentery Props, In- fant cordial and - Cough Drops have been well tried. I need say nothing in. theirfavor. I have constantly on hand those Medicines and Salvos. HALL, mann \0.'21 South Pine street, 'Harrisburg, Pa. Sore Throa Cough, . , Cold; and similar troubles. jr suffered toprogress, result in se rious. Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic affections, oftentimes incurable. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES are compounded so as to reach directly the seat of the dis else uod give almost instant relief. feU22-d&wlm Military Biasiness Attended To. Bounty, Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence and Military Aud Aar Clain; generally, made gut and collected. Per sona residing' at a distance can haye their business trans acted by mail, by addressing EUGENE SNYDER, 4ttgrgoy-at-Law. Third groat, ITarrisburg, COLGATE'S HONEY. SOAP This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such universal de mand, is made from the choicest materials, is mild and emollient in its nature, fragrantly accosted, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the skin. For sale lw all'DruggistsTaaney (foods Dealer - jan`2,s-danly • LMAZMIMktaaILUIjOGII 1864 ROAt Eg, bG As Spring clPP,roachat A.N.23 and ROACHES Pront their hoics come out; And MICE and BATS, In spite of CATS, Gaily skip about COSTAIn : EXTERMINATORS. • For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Mosquitos, 111411 s in Bars, Woolens, etc., Ilisebt's on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. "15 years established in N. Y. City." POnly infallible reniedies known." , 'Tree from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family.' "Rats come out of their holes to die." girSold byall Druggists everywhere girl I I BEWARE 1 1 of all worthless imitations. Jar" Costar's" Depot, No. 483 Broadway N. Y. ItiirSold by D. W. GROSS & CO., •• • Wholesale and retail agents, marl.6-4Lw611l Harrisburg, Pa FOR SALE.—That valuable Hotel property known as the PARKE HOUSE, situate 'on Market street, near Third. For terms inquire of JOHN S. DETWEILER, Harrisburg, Pa. - • marl2-d2w FOR SALE THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY, No. 7, in this city, adjoining the Jones House premises, fronting twenty-five feet six inches on Market Square and extending back one hundred and fifty-seven and a half feet to Rasyberry alley. Terms accommodating. Harrisburg, .March 11,-1803. CHAS. C. HAWN. rn arl2-d2w -.• FOR SALE—A very handsome Two-horse PEDLER WAGON—cheap for cash. Direct letter to bOX No. 313, Harrisburg, Pa. marll-tf GREATLY REDUCED. The subscriber can furnish plants of. the LAWTON BLACK BERRY, large, thrifty, bearing plants, at 75 cents per dozen; $5 per 100; ALSO, • CURRANTS, White and Red, bearing plants, at 20 cts. each; $1 75 pet dozen.. HOUGHTON'S SEEDLING GOOSEBERRY, bearing plants, 20 cents each; $1 75 per dozen. J. MISH KEYSTONE NURSERY, March 16, 1864. "DEAR TREES—Dwarf and Standard. of the best leading varieties, anti or superior growth, &who furnished at fair prices atthe Keystone Nursery. nuwl6 . _ J hfISH. CARD - • Te:: ; .finr - Friends and the Pnblit- Generally. F OR reasons satisfactory 'to :ourselves, we have`4emoved the - agency of our PIANOS to the MUSIC STORE of, SILAS WARD, Third street, which will hereafter be our only agency for this city and vicinity. Orders for tuning our instramentiviirroceive prompt at tention fronaldr.'"Wann. 'SCHONAKER & CO., mar 9 Piano liftinufacturers, Philadelphia. FOR StiLE, THE valuable property, co'rner of Second and Pine street's, being fifty-two and a half feet on Se cond and onehundred and sixty-eight feet on Pine street, running back tyro hundred and'ten feet to Barbara alley, there being space for four full building lots, and a most de sirable site fora Governor's Mansion or public buildings. For particulars enquire of Mrs. MURRAY, corner of Se. Vend and Finest recta. mare-tf Recamiting .41,5 en• cy. O FFICE in the rem. of Herr'a Hotel, Harris burg, Pa. The LARGESTWCAL BOUNTIES paid to recruits. COMMTITEES-from districts and sub-dis tricts in the State Wet* promptly 'furnished with MEN to_till QUOTAS, byapplying to mar4-dlm D. J. HUMMEL & CO. "TIM: WORKING PARKER," ALSTANDARD authority in. Agriculture and Horticulture, says: "Dr. E. Ware Sylvester produces a very superior Wine from his Oporto Grape. We have sent out large numbers of this vine as•premiume during the past year. ' Havicg been appointed agent by Dr. B. I can furnish vines of theOporto at from 25 to 50 cts. each; $2 50 to $5 per dozen; $l5, to $3O per 100. T. RISE. KEYSTONE Nnassur -March 16,1864. Shade Trees. A FINE assortment of • Silver Maple, Norway Maple, Taller Ash, Rome Chestnut, European Linden, Catalapa, ' Magnolia or Cucumber Tree, &c., &c., at KEYSTONE NURSERY. 4-Rarrisburg, March 18,1884.` " , • • PUBLIC S ALE OF A 'IIAT STORM. . TEE subscriber, will 80, at Public Auction, to ttko highest bidder, the stock, good will and fix tures of the Hat and. Cap Store of the late T. J. Bunaett,'de ceased, in Jones' Row, No. 4, Market street, Harrisburg, kith lease for one year from the first of April next.- Safe to be on the premises on Saturday evening, March 26th, at 7 o'clock. Possession given Immediately. Terms made known at the sale. • SUSANNAH BURNETA Harrisburg, March 17, 1861-41td Administratrik. • PUBLIC MEETING. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC GROUNDS. THE CITIZENS OF HARRISBURG, friend ly to CAPTAIN WM. E. SEES for Superintendent of Public Grounds, are requested to meet • AT THE COURT HOUSE, On Saturday Evening, at , half-past Seven O'clock, for the purpose of giving expression to their preference. We call upon all who.sympathize witha soldier, who has lost his health in his country's cause, to rally in his be half. Let us show whether our defenders shall be honored, or cast aside as useless, when sick or crippled. Friends of the soldier assemble! marl7-dtd AUNT' CITI2ENS. PRIVATE SALE. ONE of the best locations for IRON WORKS in the State for sale, at a very reasonable price, to any purchaser who'wlll improve it, situated with• in a short distance of the city of Harrisburg, between the Pennsylvania railroad and canal, about five hundred feet wide, and alongside of the beat limestone quarries in the State and_close to, a good turnpike road; also, room for waste cinders for fifty years, without paying for the land Apply to DAVID MUMIfA, Jr., 'lo 2/ -on d stv Attorhey-at-Law, No. 24 North second street, marl6-thf Harrisburg Pa. • • [Philadelphia Press insert three times and send bill to this office.] • Evergreen Trees. • NORWAY FIR,. SCOTCH FIR, Balnm ti:Ner Fir, _ English. Yew audEvergreen Shrubs, ' . Treeßur y liabonia Aquafolia, Irish Yew' thc. .c. at KEYSTONE NIIRSEItY. March 16,1884. GRAPE TINES of all kinds, principally Concord ? Delaware, Diana, Muscadine Louisa, Isa bella,. %ler* Clint's); Crawling Taylor or par &c.,.&e„ at ligystoin Nursery. - FSAILE—A Counter, some Shelving FOR and a Window. Enquire at No 29 N rth Second street., marlG-d2t* DR. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR -CORDIAL IS THE VITAL PRINCIPLE OF THE PINE TREE, Obtained by a peculiar process in the dis tillation of the tar, by which its highest med ical properties are retained. Have you a Cpugh Trove you Sore Throat ? Have you any of the premonitory symptoms of that most fatal clisease,, gottsumpticai? Those who should be warned by these symptoms generally think lightly of them until it is toa late, .Frorn this fin perhaps more than any other, arises the ski preys /ence and fatality of disease which sweeps to the grave at least 'one-sixth " of death's, victims. Consumption has destroyed more of the family than any other disease, and the best physicians for many years have despaired of a cure, or a remedy that would heal the lungs, but for more than two hundred years the whole medical world has been impressed that there was a mysterious power and effi ciency in the Pine Tree Tar to heal the lungs; therefore they have recommended the use of Tar Water, which in many cases had a good effect; but how to combine tie medical pro perties so as to teal the lungs, has eier been a mystery until it vas discovered by Dr. L. Q. C. WISHART, of Philadelphia, Pa., the proprietor of "Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cor dial." 1864 Marty, not only of the people, but physi cians of every school and practice, are daily asking me, "What is the principle or cause of your success in the treatment of .Pulmonary Consumption ?" My answer isrthis: The invigoration of the digestive organs— the strengthening of the debilitated system— the purification and enrichment of the blood, must expel from the system the corruption which scrofula breeds. While this is effected by the powerful alterative (changing from disease to health) properties of the Tar Cor dial, its healing and renovating principle is also acting -upon the irritated surfaces of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each dis eased part, relieving pain, subduing inflamma tion, and restoring a healthful tendency. Let this two-fold power, the, healing and the strengthening, continue to act in conjunction with Nature's constant recuperative tendency, and the patient is saved, it he has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure. I ask all to read.the following.certificates. They are from men and women. ,of rmques tionable worth and reputation: f. Da. Wiesen—Dear SITT-4 had a very dreadful cough and sore throat for one year, and my whole system was fast giving way, and I was prostrated on my bed with, but little hope of recovering. My disease bellied the power of all medicines, and in a short time I must have gone to my grave, but thank God, my daughter-in-law would not rest until she went to your store, No. 10 N. Second street, and related my case to you, purchased one bottle of your Pine Tree Tar Cordial and I commenced to use it, and in one week I was much better, and after .using three bottles I am perfectly well, and a wonder to' all my friends, for they all pronounced' me past cure. Publish my , ease if you think proper. REBECCA RA mrTiTON, No. 1321 Wylie street, Philadelphia. _ . Dr.. Wishart's Pine Tree" Tar 'Cordial is an infalliable cure for Bronchitis, Bleeding of the Lungs, -Sore-Throat and Breast, Indanuna tion of the Lungs. • - • _ Mr. Wean says: Da. WisHerr—Sir:—l had Bronchitis, In flammation of the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, and Palpitation of the Heart in theif worst forms; 1 had been treated by several -of the most eminent physicians in Pldhrdelphia, but they could , not stop the rapid course of my disease, and I had despaired of ever being 're stored to health. I was truly on the verge of the grave. 'You Pine Tree Tar Cordial was highly recommended to me by a friend; I tried it, and am tluenkful to say that, atter using four large, and one small, bottles, I was restored to perfect health. You can• give re ference to my house, No. 968 N. Second street, or at my office of Receiver of Taxed, from 9 A. Sr. to 2 P. tr., coiner of Chestnut dad Sixth streets.. JOHN WARD. Read the following from Utica: • f Ds. Wissurr—Dear Sir:—l take pleasure in informilig you through , this source that your Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which was recom mended for my daughter by Dr. J. A. Hall, of this city, has cured her of a cough of more than five months' standing. I had thought her beyond Cure, and had employed the best of medical aid without any benefit. I can cheerfully recommend it to the public as - i safe and sure remedy for those similarly afflicted, as I know of many other cases besides that of my daughter that it has entirely cured of leng standing coughs. Yours respectfully, JOE IX V. PARKER, Daguerrean Artist 126, Genessee street, Utica, _Nj Y. * • * c=l have used Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial in my family,and can cordially recommend it - as.ra valuable and, safe medicine for colds, coughs and to those -pre disposed to consumption, Dr. G. A. FOSTER, 160 Genessee street, Utica, New York. The above are a few among the thousands which tbis great remedy has saved from an untimely grave. - We have thousands of letters from physi cians and druggists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they nave never used or sold a medicine which gave such universal-satisfaction. The Tar Cordial, when taken in connection with Dr. Wishart's Dyspepsia Pills, is an in fallible cure for Dyspepsia. - The Pam Taxa TAB Cormra., will cure Coughs, Sore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Diptheria, and is also an excellent remedy for diseases of the kidneys and female complablts. BEWARE . OF COLN.a k.RvErrs The genuine has the name of the proprietor and'a pine tree blown in the bottle. All others are spurious iMita , „ . prdos Purr Urns and Orin Doman per Bo1122.:1 pre pared only by the Proprietor, , _ No. 10 North Secdnd Street, Phlladelphb4 Pa: . . Sold by Druggisis . everywhere, at Wholesale by; all Phila delphia and New York Wholesale Druggists. ruarlo-1y For rale by S. A. ItICrNIC_EL & BRO., No. 118 'Market street. MEDICAL Dr. L. Q. C. Wishart, Ajtkuszneripilk, BRANT'giaLL. BRA HALL. =EI GRAND'SiiCESPERai rlrrlzTir 37Gar. OP = GR,,,t I ND STAR Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company, CROWDS TITILNZED FROM THE DOORS UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION. SHAKESPEARE'S GREAT TRAGEDY. OTTIRLLO OTHELLO ! OTTiFTJIO ! OTHET4,O ! oTHELL 0 ! OT ;W_LLLO - OTHELLO ! OTHELLO ! OTEEELLO ! OTHELLO! OTIiELLO ! 011:LELLO! OTHELLO! The Side Splitting Farce - SARAH'S YOUNG4L4 &WAR'S YOUNG MAN, YOUNG .314 SARAH'S ror - xo JrAx. OR THE DIABOLICAL H,47 KM 'FANNY DENHAM, MISS FANNY . DENHAM, MS FANNY DENHAM, MISS FANNY DENHAM • in her great part of • • SARAH TIBBS. The whole companT in the bill. Secure Seats and Come Early. For particulars see smallbilLe. SANFORD'S UALL. THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET STREET, ' REAR at KERR's HOTEL. OPEN FOR THE SEASON SANFORD AND TROUPE. DRAWING ROOM CONCERT THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 17 SERIOUS FAMILY. BUT W DT 113 lA. N . . FOUR LOVERS. SANFORD AND TROUPE. Orchestra* Seat& can - be procured in adyance at Bann vart's Drug Store. = • Doors open at 634. Commence y, to 8. Police always in attendance to preserve order. Admittance 25 cents - Orchestra chairs, 50 cents. • - Private boxes, entire, $5 each; $1 each. jan2l.-dst CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL. WALNUT St., BELOW THIRD. J. BUDD. OPEN hv.arl. - EVENING, With. a First-class Company of SINGERS, DANCERS, COMEDIANS, &e., dm. Admission. .................. - ]5 cents Seatsin Boxes .. ... ..: . . ... .............. .. 2 Gaiter DISCOVERY I A new thing: Its Combination. Boot and Shoe Mai ufactumit. Jewelers. Faithlift% It is a liquid. Remember. ~n~ Agents In Philad jela-dly WRLISVILLR, YO h R E CO., Pa. Marc 8, 1864. LOST—A large roll of finished 'TEARITESS LEATHER, weighing over 100 lbs., from 'a wagon. between New Cumberland and Harrisburg The - roll of Leather was marked " WELLS, BIDDLE & CO., Pitts, burg.” Any person finding said .roll will receive the above reward by leaving it at the Pa. Central E_ R. Depot, Harrisburg, or at Shell's Tavern. Bridgeport. ' marti . WELLS, BIDDLE & CO. Proposals for Coal. FCCISYLVAITL& STATIC LUNATIC HOSPTTALa March 7,1364.' J PROPOSA_L,S•wiII be received until P. NE. 1. of Thursday, March 31, 1864, for Supplying Hospital with Six HONORED TONS of A No. 1 Broken Cord, of the tent quality and free from Slate and other impuri ties. The coal to be delivered on the wharf of the Hospital on the Pennsylvania antal,the weighty) be determined by the weigh kick at Hatattburg. Proposalstohesout to marl-td JOHN CHRWER, Superintendent Oporto . ' . /11RIE WINE made, from this GRAPE so A. nearly resembles Pert in- body and color that none but the best-judges could distinguish It from IP:m ine imported Port—as tt need to be. • The subscriber has been appointed agen t for the-nue or • VINES . of this grape by an extensive grower in Westem New and can furnish them in any quantity at moderate price. tiplisl,rial to the demand. 'The wine is at pi:went selling at frOM $1 50 t o ao• cording to age, and the supply 34C0It t NISH. : •ne Nursery, Feb 20, 1864_ -fe626 APLOT of Groning foznitne g Chafiniit street 52 feet 6 inotini,'sting Dinbitiy alley 210 feet to cherry with 4 , frame houses. En qthre qt . ' ' ,WA ( VW t'-'I6,IPT Z 5 ,00018 11. 1if .A ction 1S er's Rt . en - or Hams cored -rxpressly for family use and for this market,'. - sale at feb2. WM. DICK, JR., it CO FIFTIETH NIGHT. jan2s 0= llseful and Valuable Discovery. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more general practical utility than any invention now before the public. It has been thoroughly tested during the last two years by practical men, and pronounced by all to be SUPERIOR TO ANT lAdhesive Preparations known. Twee INSOLUBLE Czirawr is a nett thing, and . the result of years of study; its combination is on . . Scientific Principles, And under no Ciramistance-1 Or change of temperature, will it, be come corrupt or omit any offensive smell. ' BOOT AND SIIOE Illanufacturers, using Machines, will tind it the best article known as Cementing for the Channels, it works without delay, i 15.1101. affected by any 4onage of temperatur • ' JEWELERS Will find it sufficiently adhesive for their use, as has been proved. Ilia Especially Adapted to I:var.-, dwe claim as an especial merit.. that it sticks Patches to Boots mai Shoes sufficiently ' strong without stitching. It isthe only CEMEHT liamt that is a. sure thing for mend Furniture, Crockery, Toys, Bone, Ivory, And articles of Household use REFER En.ToN'a liamiuncas Crag Err Is Ina liquid form and as easily au plied we pane. HILTON'S INSOLLOISIS Ceausc2 Is insoluble in water or oiL HILTON'S lasotontag Casen-r . Adheres oily substances I &applied in Family or blanniar t trer's Packages from 2 ounces to .100 HILTON BROS. .1k CO., Proprietors, Providence, L Phia) ' LAING & MAGENITLS. $5 REWARD. volt silm.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers