MEDICAL. • CONSIIIITTION WATER. coNsTiTIITIoN WATER. coTrrNsTiTuTioN WATER. CONSuTioN WATER ooNsTiTtrrioN WATER. coNsTITMON WATER. coNsTrrt7TION WATER CONSTITUTION ''WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION - WATER. WNW/fit:TWIT 'WATER coNSTITIITION 'WATER. coNNTTNTION,WATF.R GREAT REMEDY SOR THE CO•NST-ITU - .TION; AND. THE ONLY KNOIVN REMEDY • :FOR DIABETES. and= DISEASES of the RIDNETS and-BLADDER, CONSTITUTION WATER . Has been pronounced by the Medical Faculty and the public, to be the most wonderful remedy for the perms, neat care of all Clialips of the STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS and BLAD that has ever been offered. It is not a MINERAL WATER. It is from exporienc that CONSTITUTION WATER has anointed, and wo now nay let no man doubt, when a single bottle has been k now n to cure diseases Whiclithe best medical talent in, this country has failed to relieve. A remedy possessing the virtues of Constitution Water cannot be classed under "quack" preparations, as it, is now used by the most scientific practitioners in this It is only second class physlcian.s that try down poplar remedies, while the better skilled make use of .every means to accomplish a cure; and the' success of: the . phy sician increases as his knowledge of &lett& remedies enables him to produce it cure, While cithere'fall 'in the at tempt. Science is &dialled with the truth. _ Give Constitution Wafef*fair trial-We .mart you who are undersome ificeisdistr's care Troia Year to year, and wo particularly allude to ladies who are constantly resorting to local trezdancA arid - all - Serts of local applications for diseases,' With as niiticti Ohanco of success as there would be from local applications to tho throat. for diseases of the brain. We have bceutll' if careful to use language IE our circular that could tit. hock the moat delicate organiza tion, but we receive se._ many conimunications from per sons for which Constitution Water Is adapted, and of whose diseases uontention has been Made, Gig we have come to the concinsion that if the remedy is capable of producing a cure, no matter what the disease may be;;,it should be made known. Tito mediehte la Put up for the public, and there shmild be no exceptions. We would sty,: Constitution •Wator is not like a gilded pill, =it to ' shit th 6 eye and taste; it is a medicine in every sense of the term, placed in the hands of the neo , pie for their .relief, and if taken according to the dire; tior.s it will, in every .case, produce a radical care. We would say that the directimas ta - regard. to diet, etc., re late only to the disease under which they occur, . DIABETES.. Is a disease of the stomach and liver, acting through the kidneYs, and is, without doubt, tho most. obstinate disease, except ton..cvmption, thst.Aircets the human constitittlen. Wo have no spate for diecamiftig causes, but will Mato that the effect or the disco= is the..conversion of thee starchy. ; winciplo (or vegetable portion - of.. the .foodynato sugar, which stimoWes the an ez:esaiva - -twcrotion of Water. Many Nwrsons suffer from this ammo ho aro ignoracal of it.; that is, they pass largo - quantities during the day, and arc obliged to .get up .frbimbne to fifteen or Minty times' during the night. ' `NS'riotide IS taken of it until their attention IS called to the'.huge discharge:of water, and often When it is 41) far adranced as to be beyond the control.of ordinary remedies. • Another symptom Is the groat thirst, which, when the disco= is fully =tab lished, is intolerable-44 patient drinks constantly without being satisfied; also dryness of the mouth, cracking of the lips. a .swoct breath, in the nioic advanced cases, and finally tom of appetite, emaciation, and the patient grade aly. sinks from exhaustion. CONSTITUTION WATER IS, without doubt, the mil? ktiown: remedy for Diabela, and we have as much cordfddifca that ft is a specific as we have that opium will produce sleep, and truthfully say that ft bas cured every case in v. hichilt has been used.. STONE IN THE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRA VEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSIT, ETC., ETC., Diseases arising from a faulty secretion—in the OLIO case being too little, and accompanied by severe palm, and the other a too profuse secretion--which will be voatily 6:trod CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION• WATER CONSTITUTION' WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY 'FOR THE ONLY KNOWN.REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR 'THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOW - M. REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN :REMEDY FOR DIABETES. , IRRITATION OF, THE NECK OF THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF - THE KIDNEYS, OATAIMIL . OF THE BLADDER. BTRANGUARY AND BURNING, OR PAINFUL [FRI NATING. For these diseases It is truly a sovereign remedy, and too - much cannot be said in its praise. A single dose has been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms. , Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the small' of the back and through the hips? A teaspoonful a day of the Constitution Water will relieve you like magic. PHYSICIANS Rave long since given up the, use of bnclxu, cubebs and juniper In the treatment of those diseases, and only use them for the want of a better remedy. CONSTIT UTION WATER has proved itself equal to the task that has devolved upon it. DIURETICS irritate and drench the kidneys, and by constant use soon lead to ctronie degeneration and confirmed disease. We present the "Constitution Water to the public with the conviction that it has no equal in relieving the cLass of diseases for which it has been found so eminently suc cessful for curing ; and we trust that we shalt be rewarded for our efforts ln placing so valuable a remedy in a form to meet the requirements of patient and physician. RF ID 1 READ ! 1 READ! 1 ! Dan-rtm.s, Pa., Juno 2. 1862.—Dr. ICaL H . Gregg--- Dear Sir: In February, 1861, 4 1 was iffected with sugar Allabetes, and for Eve months I passed more than two gallons ot,water in twenty-four hours. I was obliged to got up as often as tenor twelvo times during the night, and in (Ivo months I lost about fifty pounds in weight. During the month of July, 1661, I procured two bottles of Constitution Water, and In two days after using it lex periencod relief, and after taking two bottles...l was es• tirely cured, soon after regaining my usual -good .hoalth. Tours truly. J. V. L. DE WITT • Boston toga s's, Hee. 27, 1861.—Ww. H. Greg . ak—Gente: I freely give you liberty to make wee of the following certificate of the value of Constitution Water,' which I can recommend in the highest manner was shacked with pain in tho shouldomorholc. length of the back, and in her limbs, - witil:EVPiltdient of Vie Heart and Irritation qf the Bladder.- r a physician, who attended her abed throe Menthe, When,he.ledi hor worse than he hail found her. r tgi!iien*qpiii,imio. of the beet physician's I could find,. Who.atlend.ed l lier for about Mao months, and while slie was Under bill care she did nut suf fer quite as much pains He finally gave her up, and said" "her case was incurable. for," said. hp, "she has such a combination of complaints Mae iLataftisirgiresi for one ove rate: against some other of her dtputlefii." About this time she commenced the use of Constitution Water,and to our utter astonishment, alree4t, theittief dose seeiped to have the desired' effect - ,-and. she keg: PAKimproting rapidly under its treatment, and; noi,./. -siverintendo.en tiroly her domestic an tire. Site hits net,taken-any ef.the Constitution Water for abont foOrWeelM, and we are henry to say that it has produced a permanent cur,e.,l'• • tCII it VAN BENSefErfar. -Wmmmusrrnat, Corm., March 2, 186.3, ;:-Dr. if Grepp—Dear Sir:—Havote keen your advertiiithent of "Constitution Water," - recommended for Infia.theiltibri of t h e Kidneys and „Irritation of the }Madder, having suffered for the past throe years,"ind tried the drill of a number of phystolima vittlionly temporary - reitaf,./icasindatted id try your.reedioine. • "procured one bottle of yourfitgenfir. at Hartfork mesa& :Lee,•BiSsoll & sad , 01.1011 niad.used hair of it, to my surprise I found a groat'. change 412' my health. I have.nsed.torolbottles of it, and am .where I at it is all never expected to be in my life, well., n eed spirits. and is I cannot ealareern.plattitlille for I feel th and more than yekrereomMilui ij to be. May the bleashig God ever attend' yOiehr your of love ' Yours truly , ~'- • - • "LECiNARD RICELOW.: FOR SALA' BY ALL 11Rt,GGISTSY PRICE St ' • 'WM. lI , G &L O O, Proprietors. . , MORGAN & ALLEN General Agehts, 11M26-datiern-o3d No. 4 i B Cie streett N?Nir °rk JOHNSTON, -.1101,14WAY & 001'941, nuiOwn:Li AL, A, N,D D R_II G EC - - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Steam 'Weekly to Liverpool. TTOUCHING at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Har bor.) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, NovrYork and Plaladolphla Steam.stip Company, are in tended to &di as follows: ETNA, Saturday, (March 12 • CITY OF NEW YORE, Saturday, March 19; FDLIVEURO, Saturday, March 26. and every eacceeding. Saturday, at Noon. from Pier 44; North Ricer. RATES OF PASSAGE, TATABLS GP GOLD ? OR ITS EQUITALLVT_LV CIIRRRIVT. rritstCAßLN $BO ok STEERAGE ........ $3O 00 do to London 86 00 do to London 34 00 do to Paris 93 00 do to Paris 40 00 do to Hamburg.... 90 00 do to Hamburg.... 37 00 Passengers also forwards to Havre, Brethen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &c., et equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: lot Cabin, $ 75 , $B5, $lO5. Steerage, $3O. Those who wish-to send for their friends can buy tickets hero at these rates. For farther information apply at the Company's Offices - ,10AN131: TALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N. Y. or C. 0 ZIPMERHAN, Harrisburg. Tanga =Y Dimurnm - r OFFICE OP COMPTROLLER OP Tff ' IC CURRILNCT, Wasantoxon Jan. 16, 1964. TUVIDIEJO' AS, by satisfactory evi d ence, pre '''. seated to the undersigned, it has been made to ap pear that the First National .Ba. of Harrisburg, in the county of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized, under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled "An act to provide a Na tional currency, secured by a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," approved February 25th, 1963, and bas complied with all the provisions of said act, : reqUired to be complied With before commencing the business of banking: Now, therefore; I, Hugh M'Culloch, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the First. Natioind Bank of Harrisburg, county of Dauphin and State of Pennsylva nia, is authorized to commence the business of banking under the act aforesaid. ft. a.] In tostimony'wherior, witness mi "band and seal of ofilee, this 17th day of January 1864. ' 'HUGH WCULLOCH, ' Jan 19-2rn - , Comptroller of the Currency. - KTOTIOE BIJUDEBS AND CQN -131 . TRACTORS. The undersigned committed or.the Paxton Fire Company, turite.proposals for the ereettein and completion of an. Engine „Howe, tyro ; story Iniek, to be located in Second street near Vine. Fur plans and apecifteationn call upon DANIEL E:WILT, bia'Lumbor office, foot of Second street, Bids will Co reneti - ed up to IRIS day of March, 1864. DANIEL E. WILT, GEORGE F. WEAVER, _ . DAVID CRAWFORD, .ALEX. KOBER, • niara•dif . . • Buildint.Conunlttee. HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA 'BALM, 10OR beautifying the complexion, eradicat, _l2 ing freckle,' eruption, sunburn and ten. It is the most ontraordimuy delightful toilet article ever die 00,tered. It changes the.stiliburnt, face and hands to a pearly Uko, satin tolttumAnd rayiellingbeauty, leaving t.hosOMplordon .fresh, transparent mad smooth. It re- Mov'es pimplel,'tatter, bur 'alit ioughnev. le what ,every. lady shbuld have, and Mine dispenne with when once:mot Sole agents for: OAS city. For, sale by civil:4We or dozen. S.. A. KUNKEL & BRO., A.Othermica, 11.8 Harlot street, Harrisburg. • • 11, A 8. .W A 11 3 PIABOTORTES; MODEM, SHEET EEC, A - Tioro;a0; Prato;, Banjos, Btringe, 'V . Druele, Bier:, and all'Linds nY Dfiisicai Merchandise. L'ictatelitaans,;Lookiog - Ghissos, rhotegroph taurda and 4.lhurph..A.m.hrotype Genie, lfatgrAvlrigs, Pioturavke., Remember the plum,. No. 12 .Thirtt.ofreet, the lerges Ifitsic Store title side of the great citte:F.. , jah2S-dtt Importaxt to Trackers and Gardenesr. LiEEDS by therBUSEEL or PUUN. D, of all the leading iind'host. early va.rietic.:. ret., Beaus, Radish Cabbage, MVinningstadt — & Co., fleet, Carrot Par. aropootabaga, Onion, &e., &c. The above aced offered for aro raised• In NeW York SifttO, by one of the me t respomihieseed growers in the country. I have pu chased front, them for a number of years Mid always fetihd therretruir ' to: name and much earlier an seed fattlierSeuth. • .T. ileyetoaa leanik:atal Nursery, Ifarrishurg,. S. --Orders Aanting.immeiliate tdieution drop in the Nike..: will be taken for any kinds of Iced hs than by, the pound, or one pound of four varieties. Lftibss] 'MIMI. . tkit.B VtILLDEA - ' DENTIST,' NO. 1:19 MA.RKET, STREET,. Teeth positively - extracted without pain by the use of nitrous oxide- . • , 0011-dtf :4 - uk,r OPENED, • AN AS§OliVit:NT OF ROSEWOOD AND MAHOGANY WRITING ,DESKS Otditferent sizes, Sonsalwat . • . - • nol9- . . SCIIEFFER'S‘BOOKSTORE. A PATRIOTIC GIFT BOOR. OUR CONSTITUTION, GOVERNKENT AND UNION. "Our Government," an exposition of tho Constitution, for popular use. By IL M'lfistorr: Price $l. For sale at del4 BERGNEWB BOOKSTORE. TBACCO AND CIGARS. .400 BOXES CONQRESS.AND NAVY TOBACCO. 100,000 FINE CIGARS. 100,009 COMMON CIGARS. 'For wile by • ffeb29-1*. 4 1 EBY A: KIErisTICLE. ALl,ritin*ttaying Grape Vines of choice Pe varieties, whica they tyish4o have pruned, can have 'it datie'in the best manner and free of charge, by addres, sing &mote through the ?oat Office to JACOB MISH. N. B —The present season and weather arelnest , ftivora: hie fuqr the purpose. • ~ rebid I\TOBFOLK OYlSlMltil—Real Salts, 'under L L the Jineelfounci.• York Inv& Oysters,siine *Aide, under the Jones House., • • • . . :Ago, Tamping, whictimin to served up in fine. style at stiortnotiauh4or the Jones House, by " • riciBo JOSEPH' SNIVELY. ORANGES!.ORANGES! 1-20 boxes in prime °Man Just received wholesale and retail. fob 2 WIC DOCK; JR: & CO . IRENGH - 13RANS—A rare sulacle, j j ust:re- CdVed - at • 00) W. DOCK, .VDTE - 310MANO SHERRY i , iniparted in Ny4117 . 43004 the r inest,Stierry Wine in this eauntrT„ :Forvitly , ITAL. pOCK, CO. VOA •TELE OKIEBRATED - VitGlNltk OIL OF • Alx, Laski:4w & Murtin'e•L•andoti , l3lackin,g, just re. OSied smirk o, by [fol] . 141 g. DOCK, 4 . 1 5 ., &co riLOVER , SEED. —Ono Itind.rixi Fifty Busholei prime Obio'Clover Seed for sold by ry..BYA: KUNKLE, .00M:SPARKLIAG GELATIN, the best rnamifactured, Just received and for side by fel WM. DOCK. JR., & CO CATSUPS AND SAUCES, of tho most so:. perior, and choice bnui.d2,Juat received and for Rao . [Cell] DOCK, JR., /c.!.;.9. 20, BOXES' ORANGES,' selected from late -iimportatione,lnet the moat superior crer brought to this market at this season, just received and for sale by [Gehl] ; Wld. DOCK Js k CO. A P LE S . We have just received a,fine selection of APPLES, in prime order. .For solo by' ino barrel, bushel or small quantity at • [feb33 - W. - DOCK, an., CO. _ . QlitOßE' 1) SALMON.- Fr -74- BM-OILED IJ SALItON, jut received at. .A 033 & CO. P..r,LES 1 ARRT.LES 11 ,- --.1.50. Obis. of . York _ Sate tpple4 ovary variety. Also, _York State Butter, fOr sale at jai* BOYER. & SbERPER . T EA & PERM'S WORCESTER SAUCESI ljt the most popular and the purest ever ofreredlo the pablldijnat , tedetind-and-for.ole by - - • 4 1 4 ' WM: DOCK, A, 44 CO. . . . A LARGE lot of best axiality. Of :Lfere . ex .rA4toes rocelya and sale by decl2-flit':l7a 8 Maitd Square. ZOBOXES. 'OItiSGES . , in. good- order ; FLA 100 Barrels of CHOICE APPLES tur sale at Itts JOHN WISE Fruit Store. DRIEA.M. MUST/OD,, the blot imported, just received and for :ale by fobl WIL DOCK, Jr-, ..t.• ORANGES ORANGES I—A large lot of . superior Oranges, and Sicily - Havana, for-Wain any quantiLyat lan29] 'BOYER & KOERPER• IVl lo .l sl ENEWS.excelsior 31.111 . 5.0:41titUsoai smell eating. - rocoiiii.l and FOri agkleEby dear, _ „ W. DOCK, Jir-, P.,! - APPXI GrirßF - S . E---Norton s ce'o tt Mated, at [no2ol - WM. DOCK, JR., & CO. t F'ORANGFS and LEMONS for sale at JOHN TAB'S, whole:ado and rstaiL RAILROADS. Penns3rlvania Rail Road I. UIIIIE - I II 9, - • . .is. WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND EMIR FROM PHELADEDELPHIA. MONDAY, Nov. 16th, 1863, THE Passenger Trains of the Pens.' sylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Har risburg and Philadelphia as follows: EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 145 A. Is t and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 A. as FAST LlNE•leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 6.00 A. N. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.10 A. as Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. WAY ACCOMMODATION, via'lifount Joy, leaves Harris burg at 7.20 A. as, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.26 P. PA FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrieburg daily (except Sunday) at LOO P. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.20 P. IL ii,eiRRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 5.30 P. M., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.50 P. N. • WESTWARD. BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) ; at 2.20, A. M. • Altoona, 8.00 A. N., talon breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at LOO P. 3r.. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 3,20 A.M.; Altoona at 8.40 a. ar., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at L3O P. M. HAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 r. to ; Altoona at 7.88 take Supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.10 A. X. FAST LINE loam Harrisburg at 4:15 P. Y.; Altoona at 9.10 P. M., takes suppesband arrives at Pittsburg at. 1.40 A. IL HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Itilndel~hia at 245 r. x; and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 MOTU JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves. Lancaster at ALIO . sr., tuTices at Darrisbarg at 1:40 P. .11i. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Affair Div. Pcnn'a R. R. Harrisburg, Nev. 13,_1862.—dtr Northeni Central Railway IiVINTga !MIN, WAILBLE. T E ELI T*:/rIIT_S D.A.11,Y TO--`ND -12T.0U BA'LTIMOItE AND WASHINGTCITY CITY. Connections made nith trains ottrennsylvtuala to and from Pittsburg and the West- TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from tho North`and West Branch §rinquehtumn, _Fal ,, tra, and all of Northam New York- rIN and after MONDAY, NOV - BM:6Elll6th, 31,,F • 188; therPosecages Trains ;of the Berthdrn Con ira! Hallway villarfive at and &pan Iron Rarriaburg and Baltimore as follows, viz: • • SOUTIEWAR.D . .'. 14. 1 111, TRAIN leaves Sunbury, daily (=Copt SnmilkY) A. as 'leaves Harristilarx L2O s. ar ..._aiTivetafßaitimore - 5,40 EXPBESigßAl.N.leavesannbury daily (except -..,Sunday) 1L42 p. N. loaves Harrisburg (except :Monday) /50 arrives , at BaitiatOre daily (except Monday) 7.00 A. X. ITAHRD_ 4 BI.SIO; 4000MIODATION learns gar- . N- 0R • it IV- A 'it D - MAW TRAIN leaves .I . 3altimero daily (except StuidaY), arrivesat Stinbuiy - ET PRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore da11y...: 9.80 x. arrives at Harrisburg Waves Harrisburg daily (en ' cept Monday) 0.25 a: x. " arrive:l itHunbury— 0.25 A. IL HARFtLSBURG ACCOMMODATION-leaves Bal. timore (earisiot Sun , day) • • .1.00 P. is. " artivesCat .-.7.50 P. IL For fur - Mier information.applzat the Office, In Ponnsyll s-aule Raitromi Dopes . .— DtrBARRY, Harrisburg Nov. 10 1803,.-dtt -* . Gen; Supt. . NEW AIR LINE ROUTE. AND MEI - .... s . , •irkritliDVEPHLit. • ::41 7 1Ta MONDAY, November t Paileager Trains will leave the Phila delphiaa Reading Railroad Depot., al Harrisburg, for N ° elv i o 'i r P k n,d a l 7 B (l 6 Philacielphia, a 4 f O l owsr viz E AS t*A. UR EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at &SO A. ar., on ar rival of the l!eanutylvaMa Xtailroad. Express Train from the West, arriving in. New Teiltitt L 45 A. tc A sleeping car Is attached to the train' through from Pittsburg without HAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at &00 A. r., arriving In New York at 5.30 r. za.,-and Philadelphia at 1.50 P. 14. FAST LINF. leaves Harrisbutz at 2.00 P. It., arriving in New York itt 10.25 P u, and Philadelphia at 7.00 r.,11. W . 'pEITWARD. . FAST LIRE leaves New Yorkat7o. 00 d. M. and Phila delphia at 8.15 arritiqg atilarrisbarg ae1..15 P. IL MAIL TRAIN leaves Now :York at 12,00 noon, and Philadelphia at 3.30 r. m., arriving at Harrisburg- at 8.20 EXPRESS MIN leaves New York at 7.00 r. re, ar riving at Harrisburg at 2.00 A. at.i.and,connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train forrittsburg. A sleeping car is attached to this train. ' Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern °antral and',Cumberland Valley railroads, and at • Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkesbarro,-Allentown, Easton,Sa Baggage chocked through. Faro between New York and Harrisburg, $5 15 ; betiveen Harrisburg and Philadel phia, $3 iu No. 1 atrs, and $5 l 2 For tickets or other information apply to • J. J. CLYDE, noll-dtf General'Agent, Harrialkrg, 1863. 1863. , , Fast a • till 17 _ IL -IL: - , 11 , 411Vii - 9111111Me i •• -- Philtidelphitt• : kill e. - • .1. ITIMS great' line frsiyorseslliti,Northern..and Neith , s'est - codilliaB 6f Feniisilviinia '6 the eat e r Erie, on:Lake Erie. It has beeialeased by 'the Pssiviruvartuf'. Amateur) COM- Petiy, and under their 'anspieei Is being rapidly opened throughout Sts entire length. - It is now in. use for Passenger, od 'reight business from Warrishurgtd . Empsrium'a9s billeel.en the Eastern Division and from Sheffield- to EM (18 miles) on the Weston:Division:- : , ,• - - VILE OF ZAESENOLER TRaltra ALHARRISBUJIG. Mall Train leaves N0rth,,.... 145, Express TrainloavesNorth 3.25 Cars run through wirkeriT EELLI6JE both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock - Haren, and bc f.ween Baltimoye and Look Hagan - Elegant Elegant 131 0P.Izat aard ani,Eapress trains both ways be tween Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information.m.speettug Past:m.lpr burtooss apply at the S. E. Corner Nth and Market streets. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: B. Kingston, Jr.. -corner 13th and Market streets, Philadelphia J. W. Reynold?" Eric- •-• J. IL Drill. Ageta.N. C. Ft P.; Beltimare. 11 EL. 110,USTON,; General Freigkt agent, /14iVa. LEWISL. HOUPT, . • General Ticket Agent /lam JOS. ..II:VT.8, n01641.y] General Maureen WiGiatn PAPER. WA.REHOIUSE. FA RRELI,4, IRVING Jr. 00., `no MINOR STEILEt, piTTLA MANUFACTURE RS of ROLL w.B44 , l*xtg, DOTJBLE,ANti•SINGLE O.AP AND CROWN 31.9NILLA, r h4nd or.r.umdq to: order. Highest. priuo-paid -1.1% rope W Imo , or email qyAnLI .oupp - R; - -BRANDIES 'eye; otrered in this market, Irelbcittleir Etlld . -toXlthe gat. otrbr.quart Ideelq wm. DOCK, JR: o% _ RAILROADS. 1863 WINTER 1864 ARRANGEMENT CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN RAIL ROADS. CHANGE OF HOURS.—On de after Mon day, November 17, 1663, Passenger trains will run daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted* FOR CHAMBERSBREG AND HARRISBURG: A. 714 ,P. M. Leave Hagen:down ........7.00 2.45 " Greencastle 5.37 3.36 Arrive at 8.17 4.20 Charobersburg Leave at— - 830 12.65 Leaves Sbippen.sburg 9.00 1.28 Nevrville 932 2.00 it c a m e 10.10 2.42 " Mechanicsburg .10.42 2.12 Arrive at Harrisburg n. 16 3.40 FOR OHAMBERSBURG AND HAGERSTOWN: A.M. P. M. Leave Harrisburg 8.06 1.36 " Mechanicsburg • 8.47- 215 " Carlisle 9.27 2.56 .10.02 3.29 Shippeneburg, ..10.33 4.00 Arrive at Cbanibersburg 11.00 4.30 Leave Chamberaburg ' ..11.10 4.40 " Greencastle - 11.65 5.30 Arrive at Hagerstown .12.35 6.10 gal- Making' close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg ; and with trains for all notate Meat. . 0. N. LULL, apt. A. P. Mee, Chambersburg, Nov. 17, 1362-ly M.l - =MVIIDIMI - q WINTER ARRA.NeEMENT. • CI_RE A T TRUNK LINE FE,01.1 THE NORTH and Northwest for Philadelphia, New. York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon,Ventown, Easton,&c.,&.e. Trains 'truce Harrisharg 'for . Philadelphia, New lock, Reading, Pottsville and all intermediate stations, at 8.00 ..New :York ;Bomar leaves Harrisburg at 6.80 a. it., arriving at New York at L 46 the same -day. Fares frdm'llarrisburg To New York, $5 16; to Philit delpida.sB , 36 and $3 00. Baggage checked through. • Returning, letive.Now Yorleat 8 Apar., 12 noon, and 7 P. X., (Pittsburg Express.) LettveThilatielphia at 815 s. 11.11 d 3.30 r. st. , - Sleeping Ore tithe New York Express Trains, through to AM R= Pittsburg withoutchano. Passengers by the Catawissa road leave Tamaqua at 8.60 . t. lc,. and 216 st, for Philadelphia, New York, end ali way points. - - Trains leave Pottsville at 0.16 A: st,, and 2.30 r. tr., for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. ' An Acc.omrtiodallon Passenger train leaves Reading at 6.001 and returns front Philadelphia at 6.00 r. 10-411 the above trains run daily, Sunday excepted. A.Runday train leaves PoUsville at 7.30 a. is., and adelphis. at 3.1 S F, : Conunutation, Mileage, Season and Excursion tickets at reduced rates to and front all,poirits. NRDLLS,. ' • General Superintendent. • November 14, 1863-41kwtt •, „„ THE UNITED- STATES HOTEL, lARRISS PA. ()OVERLY .is iltiVplallSON, Proprietors. TiilSwell known Hotel is now in a condi , - tt:Et-to accommodate' the traveling public, ailbrffint the most ample conveniences tilike for the transient guest and the permanentloarder. _ • TEE LTNITEO STATES HOTEL has been entirely refit ted throughout,. and now has accommodations 'equal extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Its location is the best in the State ' CapitalOming In easy access to all the railroad depots, and Itcoloaeproilmity to all the piblic officio and business lo calities of the city.. 'lt has omeall the conveniences of = L FIRST: Cr.L.ASS .11.0TBL, and the Proprietors are determined to spare neither ex. pens*, time or labor to - ensure the comfort of the guests. The patronage of the traveling public Is regieratillr Th e e 'jos dtf 9.204 Y. 1.45 P. X. STATE CAPXTAL MOTEL, CORNER OF TITI:RD - ANO WALIitT . • • HARRISBURG, PRBB , A. ?TIEDE undersigned having put:aimed this well k•ismr. banse Onlined and. thOitnighly ritiorated It The roomsrhave been re-painted and papered, and the entire estallshment elegantly returaLched. Being plea. eantly located i endprovided with every . con. realm:lee, it offers to the public all the comforts and luxu ries et a 'first elassehetel. Trusty: and obliging' Servants. always in attendance.. bar troll-stocked with choice liquors is attriehed:to the esuthlishment, ' de2B-diry W. G. 11110,XPSQN, Proprietor. J0 ; 11 ts frozs - k Corner of Market street and Market Square, FIA4RiSit rr RO, PR! NA. CHAS. 11,. MANN; Proprietor. nO6-dif ; NEW BAKERY, Broad Street,. between.: Second; - and Third, 11:6•tuidersied..11as 'opened a new B4A. T KERY, In the &alb ward, where he is prepared to apply BREAD ANTl`c 41.10 ES at. a reasonable rate: Be warrants satisfaction tO all who will give him a' call: He will sell hti bread. at literate of • FIVE CEETS-PER - PaVED; - and, full weight guaranteed. JO= ALooltx jan6-41tf . LILLTE7S SAFES. CHILLED AND. - WROUGHT IRON. A Z -, CD • 1- 4 pq - CUT—Showing the Net virorli -•• of Wrought Iron Bent attention of business men generally is invited to We tsupertor advanlages of this Safe over all others, in,Firit ant,Berglar Itoof,.qualitiee They are alLsccured by aVonddruition Lock, Without lrgy or keyhole, ant the Whole entiside of Ahe ISafe OW,LED IRON, (front-IX inches to 2 Inches and 'lsipniof against the punch or drill and the nee of, powder; _ asfre: qucritly eiaployeiity burglars In their operetta's.. De; , scriptise circulars furnished by . CEO. W. PARSONS: 110 Market Harriebur Agent for Central Penn ROWE'S =STANDARD SCALES. . Every deeaription of Dormant and Portable Platform Scat Hay, Coal and Stork &aloe, Railroad Depot and Track Sual_ee, Furnace Charging Soo*, Army Scales and" Counter Scalms. These Scales have several IMPORTANT ADVANTAGES.'. They reeeiveThe wear MI friction always On eisiTled iron balk under the plal.form, lush:l44 receiving it:upon the knife pivots and dULing tHem. No jarring of the pbtt, ferns affects the working :Of- the scale - Have no cheek" rods to confine the platfkm; weigh' when out; of level. Large scales require no deep pit ; and cost lestr.for foundation, 4c.,...thanaiikdther wake Full Information furnishedlirthe sulitianber, who is agent for Central. 'Pennsylvania, and sells at -mapufae turer's Priem GEO.. W.. PARSON; febO.dBm . 110 Market street, Harrisburg. VSITING,, WEDDING, - INVITATION, & D AT HOME GARDE.—By a - special arrangement with one orthe beetengraveis hizthe country; cards of an y description he executed in the. highest :Ityle of art,, conformable with the, and ,Inipplied promptly, at lOWer prices than are charged by the_Mation ers in Nevi York , or Philadelphia; For' wimples And prices cell _ _ ; BERGNEIt'S BOOK STORE: mehti-dir . . . SPrj p -- muiCE jusrede ► ved aid for salopy DiSf AgrEeEREPI. inale.l7o,L o.ll4GUAlifit ja, , • . VW:M s Aki it 00 HOTEX 4 S. MEDICAL. t" DR. JOHN L LYON'S FRENCH PERIODNAI MOPS FEMALE REGULATOR, Are the only 'mown remedy that will successuuty and Invariably restore and regolateths females , remor. ing a/1 irregularities, and. producing th, vigor and strength. LYON'S PEEtIODIOAL DROPS Area fluid preparation, the only true one of the kind ever discovered In this country, and acts tUractly, on the parts affected, whilst pills and powders can only reach them as they work - through sympathy, but not at - direct and positive. Are you suffering from a constant anxiety for the raga lir return of nature's prescribed laws? Give yourself no uneasinale, for Iyon'sPeriodiad Drops, ff taken a day or two bribes thii expected period, will posi tively awkinvariablrregalatalts cooilng, rai,ifure as effect fellows came, as certain as dayttett follow“aakneas. •Ariftott tek; enfeebled by &man, OF an.bield.besir the labor and danger alumna? LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS - Come to you as a blessing, for is riot prevention better than care?, resnlartylaken, it Is a certain preventive, and will salve you much peril- and many houresoczninning. Have you bean afilicted.for many] eam with complaints incident to the sex, that have baled the skill of *physi cians, snit are hurrying you on , to at early grave! LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Are the most reliable regulator ever, lmown, and ware, Ulm mar all those Irregularities that have defied the doctor's Will you waste *M. with as lbrilig from Letie°= Probroms, Dysmenorrficoa; and a thousand other Iles, anted mined up Wider the n a me of suppressed and obdructed nattmk when an. investment of one dollar in PERIODICAL DROPS will surely /eve you. Do not use the drops when forbidden in the directions, for although $ petals , . cure, and harmless at all other time; -they ore so powerfel and finely estimated to adjust and go the functions of the Anted orisliken, that if taken it' times, they woad" pitedllea results con &numb>Eger e; legalist wldett, all, puttattlarly Ilion who mould reproduce * should carefully guard. 1 LYON'S PERIODICAL DROP 4 , • Cannothmat the most delicate con.stitnUon at any time; •yet umproprietorn, with, to:lard against We tams; hoping that a thousand bottles will be ,ttiest War a good pur• Tose where matte need for an Illegitimate one. LYONS PRRIODICA DROPS, • the never-falling Female Regulator, is for sale by every . tang=n Melo-Sty antreolunry, and do not, Lc you value Yelir tad' islithltar • reliable medicine, buy any other.. Take no other; NAM the Druggist to whom you "itiftlY . Rot goLit r make him send and getlt for: you. 0 ; - Oz 'AME &CO At WhoUsaln, 40111INSTON,, HOLLOWAY. & COWDEN, 23 North Sixth &sok, Philadelphia, Pit Ealila I~l'p . , - 1 :1 - ' I" W.:7ttv ; - E2l .!1 'PO 0.• = • BM TIM GREAT Paorlirszeona, New Raven, Conn. 111111{1 MISCELLANEOts NEW GOODS-JUST OPENED! as BERGNER'S Book and Stationery -,t.:Jrt Embracing erery new and imp: zed ‘lti^ POCKET BOOKS. MAGIC GUMMY HOLDERS, CALF 'MT POCKET BOOFLi. REGIECSICHS PORTMONNAi-7.= at prices to mit all rettinstance... POCKET crTLERA-, Comisfing of a fine assortment of Westezhc. Pocket Knives. GOLD PENS, Prom Newton's celeinsted manufactory. Ercr , ,, - . Iviik a guar:rite,- PORT FOLIOS, WRITLNG CASES, ROSEWOOD DESKS, Together with every article asualls- found Book and Stationery estalilishmect, at mylSl BERGNER'S. bi Mar_ PELIPHER 2 S DAILY LI:1-i : Bk /LEN PIEULADELPIIIA, Lock Hawn, Jersey Shore, Williailliperi, cy, Uniontown, Watsontown, Lewisburg, Northumberland, Nim• bury, Treverton, Georgetown Lykenstown, Miilersburz, Halifax, Dauphin. AND HARRISBUitc, m i me Philadelphia Depot being centraffe ms" will be at the lowest ratas. The - through with each train to attend to the safe de - all goods iatrusted to the line. Goody dellvetpd at otpo FARED, WARD & FREED. F.ll 21r.-;:ct by 5 o'clock P. ra. ro dpnyer.-a :- Mahan next morning. Freight Always as Low as by Any tit Line. JOS. MONTGOMERY S: l ) , Philadelphia and RPadin.- FOOL of Market street. Harr. ' oct2l4t B AGS! BAGS! BAGS! NEW AND SECOND-HA AT) 13EAELESS, BURLAP AND GUNNY 33 A G S , FLOUR AND SALT BAGS, ALL ..s;: ;a PRINTED TO ORDER, • JOHN T. BAILEY lc. CO„ Vo. 113, North Front Si., ;.: feb2643m PURE CONCENTRATED COFFEE, SUGAR. ANDMILI, PERSONS making up boxes to seta •,)tier friends in he army, will and this an ono box making forty cups of coffee, e.y. coffee, .and with Ilttle labor. For sale at no 24 WM. DOCK, DPCLINTOCII PECTORAL NI E: TitIMAU:TABLE SYRUP, ely vegetable In its composition 1- : . ployed with wonderful success for many of diseases for the AIR PA.."AGES and form of the disease, such as COUGH, THROAT , MUTING OF BLOOD. DIFFICULT bit HQ '...1.111911.Wai11it, W OF VOICg and HECTIC 1 me will be attended with the happie.t of the best and safest medicines for furmi • CHI= said CONSUMPTION. /Vo baudar:, r- Um* qf Opitan in any shape in this syrup. PRIDE $l.OO PER BOTTLr. Fbraale at BikRGNEIt'S Cheap Book sp.,. DANIEL A. MUENCH Ai Etir OF the Old Wallower Liae, respetalll-.• it forms the public that this Old Daily - reansl , iii; - Lineathe only Wallower Line now In existence is In successful opejation and prepared b t as low as any other individual line between : delphb, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, William=- Jersey More, Lock Harem and all other peints e : Northern. Central, Philadelphia and Erie and William- - and Elmira Rath-cads. DANIEL A. bEOLNCII, ez Harrigberg. Goods sent to the Warehouse of blelßsra. Pesc., k Hirschman, Nos. 808 and 810 Market strrt , z.z , Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. x. , Will arm , burg, ready for delivery, next morning. Look Here SOLDIERS, YOU WILL DO WELL RI MU\ SCREFFER'S BOOKSTORr, SIGN OF THE "AMERICAN FLAG' And parebese your NOTE PAPE:RAND EIPTELOPES, PORTFOLIOS POCRE J T BOOKS, POCKET NI KSTANDiz, VALENTINE :3. PHOT(Xiltarti A MORI- liAEt - Made of the very best material, sad or r--. prices. Remember thil, pla ce, r SCHEFFER'S Jao29 Sign of the American Flag. Harrit.hz.u. MUST BE SOLD! WALL PAPER / BORDERS SUKEPFER'S BOOKSTORE, Has to be removed on the first of April next s of Wall Paper mnst be reduced, and will, tter.f'r• sold at very low prices ; although price of Wan rap , still going up, Persons desirous of Papering tiled it/ will do well to examine his assortment and prices. Docemiter 1,1863. THEO. P. WWI cents cash paid for clear mixed k, pound. Old Books wanted for—easb. 0_13711 PECTORALS are useful to soot: : k A ll cough, allay Tickling In the Throat, to r:. : Catarrh, Sore Throat, They co.:. Ocilta l oot, sorehoand, Ipecacniinha, Senega : (the moat reliable expectorants known,) are the eh/ • titre constituents, so blended with Gent drabs and 6-i Until:ash lozenge contains a mild and very pka.;ar_t 2buteractured solely by S. A. KUNKEL S: BRO.. jan27 Apotheaanes, us Market stmt. Harr.rsurg. MORTON'S GOLD PENS. Another lot of Morton's UNRIVALLED GOLD PE:: Just:received at Scheffer's Bookstore. All pens warranted for one year. FOR SALE. —A good small thoN 641-1: nearly new, ran be purchased cheapby catImi 'W.STDEQEON, F. H. ICREYNOLDE F. C. A. SCHF.FFER. Trustees of Dauphin Lodge No. 160, L 0. 41 Harrisburg, February 1864.—dtf pUBLIC s OHO 0 LS. SCHOOL SL 7S diffbrent sizes, WIMSOV'S aeries of Spellers and Readers, published by Harr , : •c Brothers, together with all other School Books int Materials are offered, wholesale and retail, at deer SCHE7FER'S BOOKSTORE MORTON'S GOLD. PENS -Another let of MOrtionse Unrivalled Gold Pros at SCIELEFFER'S BOOK:= All pets warranted for one year. f E GrLISH DAIRY and NEW YORK STATE CREEi r . , ROYER & KOEICER At [no2s] VOOKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PER-"D-' POICEKKONNAIES, and a general variety a LE , ' TH:118 GOODS, just received at BERGNER'S BOOK STOPS "A-laIIANACSI AIALCRACS!! XL_ BEAR'S LANCABTER ALMA -V A hog received and for see at. non SCHEFnR , S BOOKSTORE I • • • -1 ' • A. just recieverat ■poss - EWER & .60ERFP ALBS. ,CODFIS.II3, of the et: 110. 11 _ Dv tweed t, - ,George brand, just itc 4 " it - Mc DOCK, =MI k - RLaCuom,vs P.lgKLEVaxel*latMete.foitable rec eir-- jfebl] WM. DOCg t AU-, S CII _ • - • • -10FAMVIEFAATI BUCK' :ID iotibat superior quality of Bucks; Towsmar„ bi.-tor saiO by the crack or r _ direc A f m rm a ! A %Mfg&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers