TILE TELEGRAPH LSI PITBILD3HED MORNING AND EVENING, BY GEORGE BERGNER. '3FFICE THIRD ST., NEAR IVALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SWGLE SUBSCRIPTION Tur.D.artx TELF.e4APTi Is served to subscribers in :Inc city at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribbrs eUI be charged $5 00 in advance. Those persons who ueglectto RV in advance will be chaCked $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. Tut TKLEGRAPII is also published weekly, and is furnished to subscribers at the foaming cash rates Single copieS, weekly__ ..... , Three copies to one Ten copies to ono Post Office MUSICAL. =EI A. P. TEUPSER, TEACHER OF MUSIC OFFICE -AT WARD'S' MUSIC STORE, . 12 N Third Sirefi. Residence: Third street, above North. ATELQDEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. MNTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, ONLY GOLD BEEDAL toyer won by t liaateurnentS of. this class) has been. awaidedlo , . , MASON • & -HAMLIN'S -INSTRIFIEONT'a A full' assortment of the.se instrements 8.14.eys ett.hand. at . KNOCHE'S, Sole Agent, jet-2tawly] ' ' 93 Market street, _H.E INT RY. 0 R T.. 11-• /TEACHER 070 T 1 PIANO, ALELODEON 1. AND VlOLlN:—Terins reasonable. -.15 'Third. street, between Market; and Chestnut streets., PROFESSIONAL. ELECTRICITY WONDERFUL DISCOVERY AND WONDERFUL • RESULTS. R. J. M. CREAMER , would—fOgpectfully. „If inform the pthifoln general aid he ditteased to particular, that he has 'Opened an office in .. ScaittSechnd street, below Chestunt, 'Harrisburg, Pa:, Aere - ho will treat all diseases entrusted in care,in aoccirduncewith the system discovered' and . , taught by Prof: 0. "Belles,,of Philadelphia, with whose histitution he has beeir con vected, and to Whet:who takes plat - aro he refeiring the public fur information with respect to . his succesS trolling ducasc . - Nu drugging We system With unceetain Medical age:tits. All cures poribrited gagnonsin;ttalsitnisth and other modilleatiuns' of Metittielly;.without eltecles or - inty. an.. pleasant sensations: ''After' an Eleetrinal Diagnosis.: a: guarantee *alio' giVen', if desired by the patient. Diagnosis ; : further informatien tall and geta pamphlet *hiela con tains hundreds of certificates from meditallareitaind oth ers proving the superiority . of this systern ,of prioticu over all others. , Consitnedien' free.l:olll4e litAirg.'9 0.12 h. so., :5 and 7 to 9 P. Or. DR. J. MILTON CREAMER, feb3-d3taw2M-Au-th-sa ' ' ' ' TAR. ALEX. R. WYETII, Surgeon, And Dr. J.'IIILTON CREAMBiI, Electricianovould announce to the public - lhat they have tills dap entered into co partnership in the practice 'of medicine, and that they treat disease by the systems of Electropathy and, the Swedishh method of Localized Movement Cure. it , Office, South Second street, below Chestnut Harrisburg, ; .ALEX. R. WYETIV,I2,: --- ' Dr:J. 111LTOM AMER. Miil7,s-742t*-tuitli yaii4 14th,180. ii.LL .KT ER. .T"':0- FOR HORSES TAIIRING.a. practice of . 111aily years in this _IJ coramtrnity, .DR. HITE has satisfied bhnself that MIA ?owder is vastly superior to aay other article in use, FOR THE; CURE OF YELLOW WATER, and is of great service to Homes that have ost; their APPETITE • • - HIDEBOUND FOUNDERED r - DISTE 111'P "HARM D. Also, that it will prevent " • • GLANDERS, COLIC. AND THE DOTS, When faithfully used two or three times a week—lnvigo rating and fattening. 'Fir improving the condition of a Horse, he asserts there Is no Better medicine, as it will strengthen the stomach and assist digestion, cleanse the intestines of offensive : matter, and regulate the bowels when costive, purify the .blood and, promote digestion—thus the skin is.kept the pores are opened and a lean, scabby Home becomes fat and comely.' ' _ . The Powder can be used for Cattle, Sheep and Hogs with liirectione With' aektige. 'PIEtEPARXD ONLY AND SOLD AT KELLER'S DRUG STORR, No. 91 Market street, HarrLsburg ,Jan 14 GROCERIES. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. BOYER Si ICOERPEIi;. WHOL.ESALE ANDUETAIL • DimEitsThr G.ROCERIES, Quke'enls and Glass Ware,: • AND. ALL NE4I)B OF, COUNTRY PR'ODUC'E,". L[Avr, just opened a large and well selected stock of goods at their stand, No. 3`Marketpguariq rrisburg,.Pa., to which they invite the attentionanr the publlc'generally. - • • • :r noto,day " 'JOHN' W iViOD STRErr,„INTEO, 744137, ILLIRRISUCIIIG, PAL., TrITOLESALE AND RT'Atf..l*6.P.P,ltTltr' CONFECTIONERY .FRITITS, &C., Trijube Paste, Citrons, goes - Pa.ste, Flgs, Dates, Fig_Paste Prunes, Marsh tiailow,Gum Drops, Almonds , Vat:nuts , cceatit Chocolaid Drops, Filberts • Plain Candies, ice., &a. Cream Nuts, ' _ Oranges and Lemons, Ground Nuts . , , Canned Fruits, Pecan Nuts; - - Jellies, Cocoa Nuts, Teas and Spices, all kinds, ..Cranberries, grottatv,, Hominy awl lksantl, „l, er Vinegar, Cakes and Crackers,' Fresh and Salt Fish in sea- Sweet and Trish Potatoes, Green and Tfiii.a Frults, Vegetables in season, And Courctry , Pr o duce in liathins", season " Currants; ocll2 IIITPO WINES AND . LIQII . .1 4 AtrmAN, s T A pr, & CO., , 128 . SOUTH /17NT/I STRET, Bunt .1.14 , r tap AND VAT-Ntri - k b P I G. 11..T.AtnifAN, 'A. BALLADE, A LAItGE.INVOICE OF.-11 - 11w iNs • crilrtoki, c'otßAYrs, PRCT . NES hos, &c., FIL. DOCK, Ja., & CO 111 Ino2Qlo BUTTER, .• - .•.; ; FOR Ulla - USE,: • Just received WM , DOCK, J&,. CO tree resembles Tag closely in form and-046Vanani, :bet, tArlmitAmvamore Mixiedy ''.F o t 4,Reptone Nur, D'o24-diw) . ' " • "—vgattAusa. ;AWE BOORS, GAMES, ; as : , mtittenyoftTilygokNlGraties, jost=tv, n 01.9 SCIIRFFEWS BOOKSTORE, u a rg• I PICKLES! PICKLES! I—By the Barrel, Hate Barrel, Jar or th.rz en, at nO2O WM. DOCK, JR., & CQ PettitsD $1 50 4-00 meam .10 OD DR. JOI-INCON, dIS-tf. LOCK HOSPITAL, 10[AS discovered the most certain, speedy ' and effectual remedies in the mirkefor': • A 00.! 11 7 arravieci, or No Charge, in from are :11 F eaknes,s : of •tite%Back, Affections of the Kidneys and 'Bladder, Involuntaxy,;Dischargos, Impotency, Romani De- bility, Nervousness Dyspepsia, -Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of; the Heart, Timidity, Trerablings, Dimness of Sight or Glddinew," Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver; Lungs, Stomach or •Bowels,-those olerrible disorders arising frOm the Solitary 3,labitaof TOutli—those Secret and solitary, practices ' more fatal to theft rictlins the song of Syrdris'to tricillarinelfor lEliynses.hioting .their most brillianchOpee'cr antleipatita* rendering marriage, do., imposalblB ; , . , rh haVehecota the • ViCiill3B of Solitary Vice, Zt'Ve Lki a 3 d r fl and destructive habit which anon: -weeps to afiLiintimely grave thousands :of VOung biett- of the meat-exalted talents- and brilliant "intellect, who might otherwise havelmtranced liseesiug Senates with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to : ttotasy the liting. lyres may call with full • ' ' • ' Married persons, or Young Men: contemplating marriagO`, l being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, dam , : &c., wedily. cured. .. He who plaCei!hkrWelf Sfider the care of •Dr. J. marnit-„ liglAusly,contli4e In big, honor as a . gentleman , and ;Ml- - ...deafly rely upontis skill as a Physitlan. • mmediately cured, and full vigor restored; , This distressing olfaction—which renders life Miserable and marriage impossible—lithe penalty'paid py ,the vic tims of improper indulgence. Younrpersonware too 'apt. to commit excesses from not being aware, of „the dreadini, consequences that may mans. Now, who that under stands. the subject will pretend to deny that: the ;power, or procreation Is lost sooner by those falling Into improper habits than by the prudent Besides tieing- deprived 'the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most,. . and .de structive symptoms to both body and mind arise, 'the system becomes deranged, the physical 'and . mental functions weakened, loss of procreative 'power,:nersious irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility, a wasting of the, tritnie, eatigh, con sumption, decay and death. • , Left-hand side-going from BtatiMOre. Street, a few doors fromi7o3 . o.ol'ner. Fail dot 'to observe namb and Dunbar. Letters tanst be paid and eontalti a stamr. ThePootor's Ilinhitintee hang to his:office. Member of the 'Royal-College of Surgeons, London,grad nate from one orthe most esidnenicellegesvinshe United Statwi ana the-greeter Fart or...whose lire. hie been spent in the heopitaln or:London, Parisi:Phlladelphia--sn& else whera-; has effected some of the most astonishinu cures that-were everimown ' - many troubled - with - ringing - in:the head and cars wheifasteep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashruhaess,. with fnmuent blushing; attended Soketimes Witirdetangantencormind were cured Immediatelk. . • .Theno are some of the sad lid impeach : Mi . 'glade pro- AtidedliteiTly naiiitA of youth, vti : weidthees of the back and ti pates_ the head, dimness of eight, 'toss Of muscular potreiciotl i vitation or the bean ) dyspepsia, ner vous irritability, symptoms of `clinetimptkies &e. tlui - mirid are mach to be ereadciiL:roSs mblicirgi confusion of Mealy de pression; of spilt; evil .forablidings, aversion •to , society,. self, distrust, love. of eolitOde, ciOdity, &c., are' some .or the preduced. ' ' ' . Who have injured' thamigelves bra ce . iu praCtice in dulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, - or .at. &Mall, the effects of which, are , nightly felt, even when, asleep, and If. mot cured, renders marriage ,upo3sible,itilid destroys both mind ruid'body; should, 'MD. mmethately. What t hat a yeiting man, the hope of his Cewitry, theldrirling Ada parents, should be' nnatched. from all prostidOts ase enjoy-lappet pf life, by the-consequence of deviating Vain the path.: Of. 'nature and Indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons mum, before contem plating Reflect that around mind and body are the most necessary equisites 'to promote connialilid happiness. Indeed, with: out thnsh, thhlcatmsrthroileir,life becomes a weary 4riniago..; Aix; pri*,peet_honkly dfotens to the view; the IMO becornes`shOdi t hvreir witr, despair and filled With the - Mehuicbilt - Nrctifibiiiliat"thei happiness'- of another be bomesl:•lighted'*l6l. cijit own. •-• • •-• • . ,!1()FIN 'WEE. TE . R ) :r.' : -4 • pISRAREe.OF:TPRIMENCE` When Ake misguided tunprepr,iident ,t4 - ,417 otpleasure finds hasimbibed-thd 'seeds" of. this painful airfease, I I too often happens that 'Mimed sense of 'thainnor the dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who from edicrition'and respectability, can alone bitillendhim. He falls unto-the bands of ignorant-and-d g-preterid ei* who„ . ineapable of curing, filelChla: Pitlinf..y sub stance, keep him trifling month , afteras or long 88 the smallest fee oan,hl obtained,,end, in "deeptii"l64o him with ruined health-to sigh over hisgallingilisappointnient, or, by toe ustflif 1216:deadikEpoik.bn, Mercury, hasten the constitutionalsymptonssorthisterritilddlwe. 9,.,,sulehrtertifec tions- of the Rea 4., Ttu'imAy.l%l9so, o.lflreasing with frightful rapidity- U d i gills a ; mod to his dreadful suffegs to that,, country trout whence no traveler returns. • The Emmy - thousands Ormitt atthlinitittition year after year,and. dm -- numerous meortant - surgical eperations : ,,parfarinaby.,Pr. Johnsol . ynuapa*l' by thp reporter thOiS*,cliSPl*;ln 4 4l l kailY Qtberpa c llcLftmat , orwbub: iiatve "TTSIPOI a g# I I, I 7 4I 94144 Y of rcev.tbEl IT O % beside& ',1:4,81/uplhor as a - gra eta* clminOter and ;gespeaki 'll4llEy4bitir-aufacient guarantee to theiflllotolf: .1 „ 6 „ 1„\I rt‘T Disp , AsES spREDIGY CURED. Ocoee oThipauth . Frederick Street.) BY GEORGE _BERGNER. I.VIFDIC~. • BALTIMORE DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE RELEERINT SIX TO Tw.b.lVE HOURS'. NO :111EROURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS: to Two Days._ YOtrgd• MEN" !:::t _e...NEARIMGE. ORGANIC WEAKNESS ORRICE No. 7,,500TH FREDERICK STREET, DR. JOIINSOI,i, TAKE, i'ARTIC;IILAIt - NOTICE YOUNG MN INDORSAWK,OF Ttik.l PRESS "THE UNION NOW,. AND Iro-.III.VER'." TIARKSBURG, PA., SATURDAY EVE . MN4' , :: - . - gatoll..iq 1864- GLAD NEWS FOR THE lINEORTUNA. DISCOVERED AT LAST Cherokee Remedy, C .. EIEEROIIEE!ENTECITION! . . . COMPDONDRD Fitox. ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES CITBROKEEK REMEDY, ! the Orce4 Indian, Diuretic. cures ail diseases of the urinary organs; such as Inconti nence of Oe . ET7l7l4,_Dfkim*s),; ,of ,the plodder, Inflam snation of,iha Kidnayr,.Rtonein Um Bladder, Stricture, Gravel, e • o,onnorhexi, and .is.especinky- recommended in those cases of Fluor Athits (or 317/rifes fn. finualee)_ 9here all.the fanauseaus xger .It, is prepared in a r fdedy concentrated form, the' dose onlyteing fromi - One+4otvgi teasiic'anfilsAhrejs tines per day.: tt di4reteC and:Oratlie ,In its action pil'rifying and cleansing .the blood, causing it to flow',in ell of its original. utity and vigor; thus rainaving . fromthesystem all pernicious causes which have; induced "came., CEmtolak DT.TECTi9Zi isAntemleAWan Or arsist ant to the CHEROKEE .REMEbY., and should:be used in , -conjunction with that medicine in all,ceeed of ..GenorrAele,. Meet, Inter Albus or- RINI. Its offeets heahhg; ..thotking and demulcend ; removing all scalding, hod, chordoo and pain, instead+ the burnirig and altnest un-' endurable"pain that is' etperidnied with, nearly , all the ofisap rack injections. - "• • • :• • . .atir•By the; use.- of the 'CHEROKEE REHEfflo CHEROKEE IH*TIORthe two Mediein i es the same limo all Impippefdischarges arc and the wdai cried organs;speedily restored to vigor' and; strength. • ' • ' I ,tar For full particulars, get our pittoP4let frog fgy r: drug.itore in the country, or write u 4 and we will mall free, to any addiiss, a full treatise. ig /0;77. Price, ,CHEROKiE Rparly, in per bottle, or: three hettles for $5,„ ' • WinKrice; CHEROKEE IN•JKOTIOI,T, $2 per bottle,' .three-bottles for $5.. :• , 4W" Sent by express .to any address on reeeiptt or gir Sold by 9li draggista - everywhere.' R marlo-eodly No.-' 69`Libbit'y stio§t;..l.T6s , Torii ' ROOTS; - )3kg. • 44 • ^, v no cure erjpermatorrka, Seminal Ig tale, : suss, Nocturnal Emissions,. ariZadt de a . taaa aria* by oeif f :pogigion; m;ch as • - Memory l 7 ol *slat slat i 7 !, .. rain; ialAe Racily. 42 7 . M7*Vef .'. •Pramagara,.ol4` :A9 B keak r .erlYsaAiricallSe.firrilkaattiag, "R'enailint/ijrcfW. nen; Laraptions on :the ace, '.Pak :Coiagenantry:insanil.Y, ichrtswinpliet4and all thaDir.efuteinaprOst.reasalarkii Iteiin4:fient nature. Fo? thealaite is a'alnaitit vegetiaileiatraet, , and one. on which all can rely, asithas been used in our practice :for many yearsrang-:With 41w/diddle treated, it has ant failed in a single instance. Its curative powers hpve peen. sminetenito texhii , le,torseCer the ihost.stuhhOinease.i MEE= • al-Tolhoie who havh'tritlnd'*ltli. their- cenatitution,.. until they think ilarnseliet beyond the Reach o~ njeihral aid .Qcq Would6Y, bisparr nor! the CaeßpsEE Ccns'. will resf,4o youli) after: all iivaelt dop", Coriaye:failed .gge.For full partionlais o : from ... , any D ritg Store in the country ; or Writ:6' Pr r eirietor; who , 8111 ; mail-.tree to any one desiring the same,•a. fuli tereatii r e is pamphlet form. .g Prices $2 per bottle, 'or .three'liottlei for $5,.' 4 and forwarded by exprifis to all parts of the-.world, ritEir Sold by all respectable druggists overywhure. Dit Sots ...Psortitsrous. I: marlO eodly No; 50 12berWaireet, Newlrork. ATICTION*; SALE,- CONDEMNED ItORSES. [ Wax Dep.urrasorr CAVALRY BURRAV, ' , : OM= or dame' QUARTIRMASTE ;;; 7: .''.‘l .V.aztgoriti,;:DZO.l.Fab:licarl 1 -} TILL be'mie we pia,b 4 o., Auction, thee: the: , ty.-.lll4dest biader, ailrg aPotrina.datesaiolsted.be:( ..... . lie kw, viz:. • ••'‘ • . " '.; . -.by.: : ,:. •. ~,..,. .::.. At IdiMitt,-I*e., .300 H:coerf,Piidgt, -, i4ill.arett ; ', . At l'illlioelieek Petrie. ; 300; #9iiel;•Tam4l B t' l/ March. At Altoppe,,Tonaa,'3oo Iforses,..Friday, lith March.' At New 8niiew1ek,„14;',..J.,.396 Horses, Tuesday, ,15th Marel _ I-. '.,-- - • , I. .., : - .. - :, : : ,-. /.ll.l.i.i'ili At.....K. 1 019)1,...Yi1uM; 4 , (l4:ierses,..ltiday; 1 1 3th March. , .. At Newark,sT. J., • SOOT Iforaea - 'repeat-MO . 4'o ; th, .." At Lellanoic Penna. '2OO-Eqrage,; Friday'Uth: r -', • At Willcesbarre • , X'elatia. ••'8007:3 - loises, SieadaY, 29th March. I . ,'' ':' . -,' ' -......1-: These'Rozsestri*e 4 'h4tfktlhdbrnned as unfit for the Oara.lrrgerviS•94 l fte:V. ll l . o4otilteStAiii,T. For road and. f lumrirPosVi 14a47.-looft bargainsmap. be../4. 1 1 1 , • •...I;zaa ..1: :“; Hortes wllliba sold elngli% - • • , , 3a lea ' begin at 10 - 1, - ,21. SOCcontinukdaily. tilt all are Terms Cash, In - uniod St4:ollTri3as,u7l'dtego4lY. , • • ,„ %7.411 KS 1°140410429..Chief P. WATSON, 111 A T Tiff -C.:IF:111E1EN Pi, JILEIMPACTITRER, PErTSI3".:OWor; TS PREPARED to fikrnisb. and coat the tenor of Buildings with the mAgip:opktENT, on a new system. This material is entirely" different frOta all other cements used ,heretofibre, and is 'l.lthe • orily reliable, imperishable 'coating %routs' ide'weirX` - thed with P l ' 3 " . per proportions of pure Li, weed OR It fontotraoltd; diii*. ble adhesiveness to Brick o c.StoneWalls; making a beall - e tiful, fine water proof„aurfnice and finish equal to Brtim l :. Stone or any colorAlegfed. .Aniong others for Whimi. Tliilvis 4 'aipliffea the ithistic.oe -1 ment, I refer to the rollowien-gentlement i -„1 a J. Bissel&reside g oN g etur stre pit J. IX Shoenberger residentos,- , Lawrenceville..;• A. Hoeveler, 1,."! James H i CandleSa, ..," , AVeghenY ally er , Cid Adana, • Third - stresti,Pllsvh rg. James Wood, ceal l sr . cI4OA githroy i t • 'Mad voh.elitittiiiNfNcruslii.- • Barr & Mc/Am, ithliittiOthPiiiplatch Buildings, " 40114..4.,..tees.,..rosidence,,Erond.street t Hanisbarg, RA. 14 1? Io address '_: T. P. g 049 1„. , r, potha f .!l.o . • T°LADILES.—If you wish good :tier Paper, 76nvelopea, Ink, Pena, or anything else in the stationary lirm, you will do well by oallhigsole at SCHEETIMS BOOKSTORE, Harrisburg. I' from U. THE ;LONG. SOUGHT-FOR CHEROKEE ZIFILE I.: .t..,... ; wi i. ::, , .. 1 :..,:i. r: • ' *,-, ...:1 TNOT A ti 4 1 OPIPbTF lis;k rlirl;.l . I. GOIIFOCNDED FROM - - , . :IR TW GR 4T , =4===r= ll 1 / 4 ..x • , Ititntapb. NEW :ADVEIITISEMJM... AN -ASSOWIIreiT:Ort. - . Nr• - 14 - 61 - S . Y 14 - E. S iPOGLET BetOKk !PUitS,Eg . %CI r TT 4/:.) I 'V A ' , FOR fLADIRSIAND_ICIETTIMILEN; --KELLER'S iVo...9l44farket street. 1 TRAVEL - I - IPG -- S - ATCH E•LS, And Nguema: variety, , m GOODS; sttitoble Vret6nts, tiatott'on hltne.... 4 `" - "XELIER'S'Drug - Stoie,' marlo-tf t - F t r i Nisl bfamet street TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS: • Collection of Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay - ar , Clauns. -•- OFFWERS' PAt NOLL'S,: maszezt ROLLS AID )7:1 ISEOBLrIII4W GOO UNTS -.4IMPE OUT: ; 111EICE due • having been in the cum- • 'ploymeniof the Vetted StateiVerhoglbtilhst ilihteen rabtathe7WClerii:in' the itleeforing tnd Disbursing Office arid. Office !of - . iSeperinteddenC.of ReornitingoSor vice of ,Peunsylvitpia r respeptfully.if4orms the public; that he has ' alif. t ae (pee Of6;Daix..K . "Nixon:silt Bolding tor the : gurposo of 16011eCtiitz; Pcaioiis,"Botintlee;"Back Thy and Wei Mime bo, making-out Oflicare phy-Ront,'Muster Rolls-andAtocruleng Atceentai- • All orders by MEM attended, _ novi-dV .. • •SULLIVAN camp. AGEDAMIDDILEL VOltAltiV to 'ailt ui the capacity of NURSE, to takerchirge':cif chit. dsPo:rar.ltat4Pl3u l o, l4 '4 o PaChad:•papoialehco. , tni nursing. ,Roe,r RsElletsh ortScutck -Wonaan 4 .prefeziod. To such wscgts*lll ba - ptdd, - . kilt a good tqfaiiiiided.— Applk"at '11:01311-83; Stato r reaPitOU'Riatel, 710iaiO6n , 10 o'clock, a. sr., and 6 P. M. gipr.Bedtf : A GENTS .9'4311' tit& 'Standbail 200;000 Hig tery-oF•the•Welv-,mArinin chance to make money. liS,lOO to Stoo p,er sflVsi t lieano4.l" for filitul4-4 Iddresi Jolts novit CO., de 30 —wee- Publisher.% Baltimore, lid. 4)hili JAL' ',''' klkielPosAmili h, ~ ,ri ~, -.. : ;-i- , .i.: ...,t$ 1 i - J. , ,' ./Ii For the Ereetiol.4. Fifty Dwelling bo ne.. *-4' tit r -I, XI -'`. :3„ 1 1 .W.Ponatte , ,lgarch.ll., disJ:i 131 O Cl . AY; t ' fry are mvied ' fkir lhelittildingi jt. of five blocks - of tkirrhouses each, of wood or brick, - ?. ktmitelior 9y,grounds , -9fithrilichielf IT Mill - Plans and specificatkes may he 'seen at the office of .1 .m a coldpr... . , .. . . , • , Profilslnlltifxif reonl;OedVdt onColtarthr& blocks until. April 12th. . ~ „..Addseaspeepai , VTILLIAIW - COLDBR,' '.. ,„.trettnAltapl..9*, .Chairman Building Committee. i ' • 1 VA.I4I[3 : AItf.LE Pit OP:FAR,TiIr P U - 33 L. - .X.,:.0. :f:S :, 4: :IA 'AO_ - a "'"v. -- tt ., , . 1 sold t .1 be - - t Publicp 1/ §rde s : • - - '' "4717RD'AcY • - 01119 1864 .4Jiii.4 4 ;FCittA '. ;tOtSti`iii . i? - 04:4: ! 44i , at . 2 . - . o:cl 4 ?.4k,''R, :14-,, , t4e;- ---: ; . r I .-, ~ 4, .. ST.EitIVIL IVEUWP.IIO.PUEIita'Y .. , __ ~ , Tra t;:... - : . - n.,....1.4. ;.11.-ARRItaURG;.VENNi.A. - , • I . i - . :Lanifel oSites j i;Stain Strimitz" - .TAIS , fai - trisi meal valuable :Ixopeirty4ll the ;city, leither..lorm:heteltror.rnanfaefaring %pitrimsge;:. It. la lop4p,d ; ip,pe,inprortoorkipity . 0( toe• Aetna whicill;tli,e. Penniy.iwymi galliva.46o4ll24'gbbtent ' plate eitoenlyin'ainCt a nevilrisiss finger depot, andWithlh, one-half square of the canitaridita....he int Is 53 lbetA4nobis t ion:State:sttMAK 0W7(114.2%1= Poplar Lane, and 96 feet on North alley.:',,Ttte aniadationtor the gill, whibb ifits binned in`lsao; . ts sturttantling,' which contains nearly 200 perch of good building atone: Theib is stlirick-• store house on-tifevopiriy,l2 by 42 feet three stories high ': in which therelsabout : 76,ooo.brick,: - , on the back - part of, %property are .two flame dwelling houses and a frame bit ' This prapertyWilltur sold in one block. or in lots-to attiopurchatere.-- A mop of the property nark .110,.seen. atAtasthangetOlftcs.o S. L giculloch,,:No.,l2b "lifaikee.. street;liarrisbuYe 11.' 'For fartßer particulars I inquire of _ _ , ...__ _ _ S. L. M.TULLOCIE; _ . , Marc 41, 7.86-1.--41. w .. ,A. .1. rpNES. ~. • rok t sIRAIILE ,:SITTIUMEti.Aff ItESIDEIY,CE „ 3721xltt11 7 :=44:7 i °t''' o .J Sitgt!.t.doMt.ttoJj:D.UVWAaitM_Vrll.Pilqf, t h e limits city .1 TWO-SWlDAYrklaatEr-i*ntana;g9 l 7 SE ' Barth and oihei • , ,W9Riturttkeimigtl94.kitm.9,quirs , , r 4488 B. Tliwli".sols, • ' ' between Walnut-am marl°, Itifiblareec, :Mlm*l . 1 7 AgMlic;g3t.NsOV,r;A*:7,l4A-W, iita: r t o r•i:# 04 , A.1.-D::-'6i1:41.T • AfAitl4SßlfiG, PA, • • • Atil*igiliplis'..b'tl,oloo .Lx. win receive' tii.t rcieript: And exzeral'attentiou. maralioaveitur#l, r c.. • Bt. fel MEM First-Nationala • Bank of Harrisburg, 1R0Y41;9, of, it:Kerma-, .Ing it to- gago,ote .. . TlieState Capiyal Bab . orgentied under the act to provide•ii- , NatMnateinhiency; underthe above ,reapectrully.olters its services for the collection of Notes, Dna; Sills of Egehankc, receive money on deposit, and bit' gel] exciiM4i.on retria ef the cotintry. ..kholiusnieseiisrinteconducted at the comer of Second Floindt etttiote,-.hylho follosygig nettied,ilit,ctors,tuad goers , * • - .- . ESY,;. • • SIMON GAMMON, Dams inn29-d2m GEO. H. g3ni1.14 . - • Mattrasses spa,ingrgpalk • 1 -• IID ALM , TAAP 3E(AI;.TOP Palm Lixikeoltton__ kittllol.l ), •%1 Corn Husk mattrassea,. • 'L •• , P . "lt ,•; ran tpli l ltZ il idfp,c4ter;• Doitchrdonaforts and:Spii3edsaii _ • /-44 1 tA 4I MPON !Motif! §4a411!... - ..L. - • ICAT'LC.ImPPto°I 9 .., • • ' 4 ; • - noit Rugs,- Cateet cks; 1:- litieftd.g.tads;ititeit toast; &c., &o &N. IL—Sofas ;Lounges, CusbiOn.Be.Chairs aDA 'Alattram liainaFtd, Spring Mattnise?es,ma,4e to F ier. ,No ..aliEeiltregtijiarittinfg, Pa. , ' , riaarplain • - ' ' • J; T. liAltNrrz. Tree tilv4l 4 o - ".. • , • - --' I:.,Te c r o sit i : l ima k otgarAgrwolia ti 'I •,. CRAPE VINES Of all kinds, PriniciTa Concord, Delaware Liana Muscadine, Louisa, Isa bella, Catawba, Oporto, Clintoo 'crovering Taylor or Sur litt, 40. j Bm., at Keystone marle- J. lava —Webster p-I -• PiT.ODEt SA.L.P. OF A HAT Arreit.m." T' subSeriber will sell, at Ptzblie Auction, to the highest bidder, the stock, good turei erthe Hai aid Cap Store or the late T. J. Buraett; de cease., in...Tones' Flow, No:. Market street' ,tetr• with lease for ene year from the of April nest Side t% to o n - t he ` prenalses on Saturday , evening, Me ioh , 28th, • at, 7. o'clock.;. given immediately. Taupe made known at. the sale. SUSANNAH BURNETT " I Hairtsbunp liareh.l7, 1864dtd administiatrit.l , , ' , -Peg SAE, ' • . • riNEIE-"Saluable property • ,- corner of and Pine streets, being fiftm-t i wo and ahalf feet,on Se cond mitt one hundred and sixty-eight . fee Con Pine stfet, Tithiiinig-back.taVo hundred and.ten.feet.to there .being spats tor four full building lots, and a most chi t . sirable site for a Governor's Ifensiiiii br public '- buildings. For iutrticalars:eitizoire of Mrs.'. , MURRAY corner.o( cond and Pine A reets. , :roarfrtf FOR SALE. . • THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY,. No. city; -adjoining the Jones House 4r.iiiashs . ; fronting twenty-five. filet six inches on Market Squire• and extending . back 'one hundred andlltty-Seven and half feet tmlitasyberry , alley_ Terms accommodating. ' Harrisburg, Mann 11,,1804., , RaWn marl2-d2sc .1' A SECOND-HAND PIANO, • snitabli3 • for beginners. Also, a r larg,e Tbreo.Comered .Window and Handsome Flag Mad: All will be hold .qry 'haw, if called for before the Ist- of April: Enqiiiie; at .SCaEFFER , S Bookstore; Harrisburg, Penna... marlo . , REAL ESTATE . AT PRIVATE SALE Thesereral properties of the Estate of WILISA.M deCeasod, lathe city of Harrisburg, consisting of Houses on Front street and Chestnut street, at r fuld near the corner of Front and Chestnut streets, a vacant let on. Mulberry street, near Third street, and 19% 'acres of land at the eastern terminus of Market street; arei of fered fOr sales - For terms of snle apply to the ii.r.derslgtiod; Seventh and Noble streetsy Philadelphia. , . THOMAS COCHRAN. OTS FOR SALE.—A. number of 'lots 1.4 have been laid out on the Jonestown Road, ationt one mite east of the city of Harrisburg,, which !are lieing sold at low prices. To persons desiring, to secure a home for therriselves,, and to ;be; Tette - at . from 'the prent exorbitant rents„ this 1.4 a raze oppottunlity. A number of lots baire-aiready been golden& but few ro , main on band:. The plup- of said lots oext be seen IA 'the Sheriff's office in 'Harrisburg where - persom desiting to purchase are requested call,and see the same.:. - ' J.. gzi. • Harrisbnrk, Jan. 15, 'IOC '`" • ' JanA. cF".r • SALE.---That valuable liotel4M* ' known as the PARSE Hol.l§Eii situate Marian atreet, near Third., For terms inquire 'of ' DETWnifirtt. Harrisburg, Pa- , , marl 24- : FOR sALE____A. very halidsome BEDLER-WAGON—cheaplor cask Rirect lettt to BOX No. 313, flarrisburg; Pa. • f • , • VOX?. SALE.—A Five.horse-power ST I R* 1.. ENIGINE and BOILER; in good order. I Aliptylw . , . , ,F. GElay4 fe - b2.3-If ' ' Walnut street,' Wow Stitt'. INLVIY ADV:E4I,TISENENTS.; R ' 11864 BO A C A t'ITB4 1804 Springapproaches - • .A.N4S and ROACHES , • Pram their holes come out; Asachi - AUVE 4nr:i.. RATS, . . ..lu.spa e °IT-CATS; • &illy skip about: STAB.. . XT F 4.1111 NATO-ES. For: - Ants; Moitquitos, Moths - lIIa. - Fars; Woolexis,-.0,ci,, Insectii D-nApAnaals,ete.,...• 4 1.5 years established in N.Y. : `Oily infallible remedies known." '"Free froth Poisons." .dangerOus to UlO "Rats come out of their holes to die." S3p - Sold by all .Droggists everywhere: • . ,gar! !I BEWARR I I of all worthless imitations. jam" Costar 'ii" Benny No 483 Broadway, , arSold by D41 4 1. GROSS & ll'holesato and retail-agents, mar'lo-ilaw6M • 7 ' Harrisburg; 'r E, E pi- )A. F . Stearn:- Job EBTAI3LISIIMENT - • • THItID ATRtFac, NEAR WAlsta t 4 . • ; recently added to- pui Jobbing Department a large amount of lien type, 'several netv'fast steam Presses of. the Moat 'lmmured machihery, and other material , We are ney ; prepared -to execute at and Malec, and in the most approved etyle, • 'ALL KINDS Olt MILITAIVI SUANKS;' , r ; - LEVER SHEET-HEIADINGS, CIRCULARS,' • • ' • BILL•ILEADS,, • • • - - , . . . ; .13USUiESSCARDS • • •• • ItAILROADItLANKS, ITST4RS, in one or more, colorn, , rionammEs; ' - • • BILLS OF LADING, • ' . , • . PROUISS, ORY NOTES t . LEGAL *ItL.ANXS, JOB WORK 0 p ALL- Dt:TaTt. P'T N - ORNAMENTA Orders from a distanc,"* Vltended to prottiptty.';,' mart.o;lliNttf : . . . Ami Thus TItA.TION NOTICE. . Letters of Administration baying been Lorded to' the undersigned, by the 'Register of-Tfauphin - countg on. the estate of Jacob }colts, late o,l' .the city. of Harrisburg, de ; ceased, all persons knowing - themselves Indebted to , the said estate are requested to intake immorutte -payment, • and those having;claims.will please, present theta for set tlement. ' O. F. HUE,SICH, maril-dletv6C • • '• - •,,Administrator. Recruiting`gency. OFFICE in: the rear of Heir's Hotel', Harris- IL/ burg, Pa. The .LARGEST , L9CAL BOUSTIF.S..paid to recruits, COMMITTEES from' districts and' siiti , dia- Mots in the State will. be proatiptly . furnished WA: to fill QUOTAS, by applying to t h ar .g_dini _ D. J.-IiTODIELIt ccTlkF WORkiENG A STANDARD atthoirity hi AgriOuit - are and.Hortieulture, says :. - • . ix. E. Taro. ylvestor produces a ttry ,supt:ripr Wine tiom his" ()pelt° Grape: We have sent out large numbers of this vine as premiums,-clnrint the past year- , . - Havink,r been appointed agent by Dr. S. I eau furnish vines of the Oporto at Aim 25 toWets. el*" $2 .50 to ss . .per dozen ; $l5 to $4O, per 100. J. ,11L11. IcKVSTONi ITuastirT,,Efarch - A F 1.61.0. asso o Sflver-Maplo, Norway Maple - z - z. s . • Taller L - n Ash, ean Hom id h i ma ts apa • .Magnolia or encuniber Tree, 6c.; at.• • KEYSTONE NII4SE.P.Y. . garrisburg, Thireh 1602 a.. T 0 Our. Friendg and Ihe Public Generay. FOR reasons' iiatisfaotory to ourselves, 'we ' 'bavw removed the agency of our mums :to the 51USIC STORE of SILAS WARD, Third street, whizh will hereaMer be our only agency for Ms city ittid vicinity. Orders for tstnlng our instruments will Prottitarsit wows"Onif,X-1"; Wean SCHOMATLER & th a ra . <-'Piano Mitatiflialuisdkirbilaiiippbia. 1,0 0 n LBS. St. George Coclfthh, for 1,./ sale at Whf. DOOK, & CO, l'itlersTWO CEM. FOR FOE SALE Tiges CARD . • $ TA: A URI N G Off 'ADVFit RATat-DAILt TELECRAPEL e-f okowingare the rates for advert/mug in the Tr-E -d:Life. Those bacthg aotterzigng to d will find Lt cGa ri.nfent fbr reference.' ;:••••Zloor lams or less cor,sevatr ono-half spare. LA: or - care than roar-co:lstituto & sciaaro. .... ros-a- 3t.7.F. , 60c.t.55. : _ Fos oxs zor.Aga - One dnf - - .S . SO - OM day . .3 SO Taro days__ ... . 50. Two days . 100 Throe day. . 75 Three days 125 One we2ek....... . . ... .. 126. One wee1t.,..... .. 225 Ono month.'..'-' 2 ., 0. One month .. 600 Two mouth? 4 60 Two months .9 00 Three monthss 50 Thrso tricioth6 - - - ..... 11 00 Six months.. . . .... .'.''S 110 - Six monthi - -15 . 0 Ono year •• ' • 15 . 4)0'j0)se peer ..25 00 Administration Notices $2 25 ..... Marriage - Notices.. 75 Aodit.oes _Notices. • • . 1 60 - • ........ • • . Funefal bincices each insertion - • 11 , 7____ . • • uw - sir-Businesa nentes- inserted in the':2o4 woffitent.or before Marriages and Deaths , Entum C vnrs elis,lxsz 3 . 01 .eich insertion. - - - ' - EVENING EDITION. Our Common Shools.---No. 7. In proposing the' transfer of the Academy . property , on Front street _to the city for High School purposes, I said that there was no doubt the board of trustees would consent to such an iii•rangement so soon as they wer.i convinced that the 'public will demand it. The question may have occurred to some of your readers - as to what right the . public would have to make any demand of that sort. If. anyyhave serurdes Sf that kind' it lay be stOcient-to reply, thatthe institutiortwas no intended - to be, and never hes _been .regarde sei4 is privetc institution, or as _,meant fcs • ,the accommodation' of any one poition c the corninniiitY. It *as - eStablilted — ;at time • when 'educational facilities were-more end costlyi-and this institution leas. founded and fostered at the , public ,eapense. Per haps your xeaders will be surprised - to 'learn that it has received nearly fivethousand dollars in direct appropriations from the State. The figures are as follows: in 1809, $lOOO, wit:, which two lots were purchased in Market street, now occupied by the Parke House, sal a fraine building adjoining it on the corner of the alley; inlBlB, $1000; in 1825, $5OO, in con sideration of returning to the State a lot on the corner of the public ground below the arsenal, that had been bestowed by the State to the institution for the purpose of erecting 'an academy building upon it; in 1833 $500; in 1838, $225; in 1839, $375; in 1840, $44.1 67; in 1,811 3 $300; in 1842, $450; in 1813, 275; making a total of 84,986 67. • :In 1848 the Trustees owned the whole sinare included between Front, State, Seconduand South streets. - Could they have held it until this day, what a magnificent endowment would itnOt have been to plsce the crown upon the graded common schools of our: city ! But it has passed beyond their controL . All that is left is the property on the corner of front and South streets.. And I think it pretty plain that no. one crua'l;easonably object to a very strong claim on they part Of the public to those btdldings yid grounds:after what has been shown as to , the liberality of the Legislature toward the institution. It was with reference 'to precisely - sUch cases that the late act was passed, which I quoted in proof of-the asser tionthat the.Ttustees have the right to trans fer the „property to -the city for high school purpose% - In the days ,when this institution was,,fa&ded; that - was the manner in - which 'the public funds were expended; "forieduca tional purposes", .and when the State after wards established t her - system of common school education, shafelt thatshe hada right to expect that the - property that had been built:up'under her fostering care, for the bene fit of the general public, should not new be used forth advantage afprivate interests, and in • prtiefical rivalry with. the improved . system of general e ducation that she had now- introduced. 1 And I believe that when the community once comes 'to understand the real facts in this ease, there - will be such a tolaninious demand fox:the trattsfer that has been proposed, that the Trustees' Will instantly comply with it A OIMISTL&N PARENT XXXVIIIth Congress--FisfSessiim. HOUSE OF REFUESENTITIV49. • ; • IVA.umarox, March 18 lir..Juliancind) made a speech:in support of ti bill heretofore reported by hith . from the "Conimittee on Public Landstet extend the principles of . 1110 :Homestead law', tq persons in the military and. naval service' on.ponfis eated and forfeited lands.. MARKETS BY TELEGBAPiI PEILADELPIIIA, March 16. -Flour drill and:prices-drooping,. 500 bls ES: tra family sold at $707 50 and low grades at $5:75®6. Small sales-of rye-flour at $6 and cornmeal at S 5. Wheat dull and...sells only in mall way at $1 54®1 61 for red-and $l. 70 GC. 90 for whits. lye commands $1 25@1 28, Corn holds with more firmness, sales 01 6,000 bus. yellow at $1.1.'601 Man& white at 51 17_ Oata firm at 83c..-f-Petroleum unsettled, sales ,crude44.3lc. refined at 460 471-. and free at 5.6®58c. P_rOvisions.-held firmly,-sales mess Bork at 523 50, 300 tierce hams in pickle at $134013;,o: and lard at 14c. Whisky ranges frdm 93®,95c., the latter for prison. . PHOTO.G.ILA_PII ALBUMS. ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT . . PMII. oto 'el- . a. p Aj. Tc• it*" mi. :11De OUP in F.WE. MOROCCO—panelled, and mounted with two heavy gilt clasps 'ALBUMS WITH 30 Pictures for, together with miens other:styles-of binding,sizes and _prices, which will be sold cheap."` Soldier,s You cannot buy a_prpttier, more tllitable and cheaper ;abate: anywhere. Call and see at marlitldter MEM SCHEFFER'S - Botik.store, • . • Rarriabqrg, Pa. , Steam Sa* „Mill for . Sale or Rent. HE undertigned offers for sale a' desirable PROPERII, situated on, the Haig — Gehenna river, at Duncan's Island, --fifteen miles west of. Harris burg. This Property- , has the advantage of S Timber Market, and is accessible by canal br rantvay. ;The m in is geared in the postimproved style, wan a good (Morris & Co.) engine, which drirmittn - o Gate Saps, one with forty and the other with eighty' feet of carriage; Aso, th ree circular saws tor the mane:Fume Stiingleg, Lath and Picketts. ' - - • ; • The above property for ale or rent on reasonable terms. For particulars addr_ j ess o_ sFb:pygsmrsa.mil,7lhor calt D:nv i: cann - s pe iie,s rs pulan o . n, o. o .d, n pa. _ Inars dlm _ _ hiqvialrLiltuctolumatimirlNlPAll QmaplTN - 9'ErytAcT OF - ABWCOPAIBA. This preparation is particularly recommended to the trRnIcAL TIVFV.SSION, and the PULIC for the prompt and...certain OrDISRASES OF ntE BLADDER, KID NEY'S, URPTAATPRgA/ 18 7 ETC; it may he relied on as the best Mune for the administra tion of these remedies in the large`dass of di d woof both ,sexes, to !hick ;they AIM 7ippllcable.. It never interferes With the digestion, and by its concentration, -the dose is much reduced. • . • - - N. B.—Purebasers are advised to aelr gpx,.r..e.ruumrs COMPOUND EXTRACT CIF CITBEBR AND?. COPAIRA, ending° nothing elite, as iuntatibrautfr4 :, , siorthlem prepa rations, under similar names, are . tn the market. Plies 'SI 00. Sent by es;prees on atatelPt 0,11-1411.3e.,:.1.tannfac . bind only by TARRA,I9' - St -Pe, ..274 G reemm b stree t, corner of Warren street;'Neier York; ciracjar sate " inverrirre • __—.„rier22.dia For sale by S. LI:pm:EA and be Draggtsta generally. - a IDERiI CIDER ! !—Two Barrels of sweet C aqd pure CIDER just received at malB BOYER & ROERPER, For th , ..! Telegraph. 83 00 3 50 4 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers