THE TELEGRAPH TS PIJBLISHED .EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER; TERMS __SINGLY snanturronv. The DAILT TYLAGRAPH ls served to subscribers In the City at ti cents per week Yearly subscribers will be charged $4 00, in advance WIEEKLY AND SIiND-WIERLY Tatzusseti, The Tereus:ten is also publistied twice a week during the session of the Legislature,, and weekly during the remainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the following cash rates, viz: Single subscr.bere per year Semi-Weekly:3l 60 Ten 14 " ..12 00 Twenty " " ..22 00 Single subscriber, Weekly.. ..... , „ 100 THE LAW OF NINSPAIMILS. It subscribers order the discontinuance of their news• papers, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. 11 subscribers neglect or ref use to take their newspa. el's from the office to which they are directed, they are re3ponsible until they have settled the bills and ordered hem discontinued. ilclirai. JOHNSON 'Mc -t' LOCK HOSPITAL., A.B discovered i La) 11108 i certain, speorl .Lo effectual remedy in the world. to UTSEASES OF IMPRUDENCE- IMMO , IN $ll TO TIT TINT tiOURII, No Derrary or Noxious Drugs. .eirA CUk■ WAILRANTID, 011 740 thlAutill, lit PROM ORR V ppio Weakness or the Rack or mhs, Strictures, Palos iu he thins, Affections of the kidneys and Bladder, Organ', Weakness, Nervous liability, Decay of thePhysiea ors, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spiiits, Confusion of itation of the Heart, Timidity Tremhlings, Of Sight nr Giddiness, Disease of thcStomach, Mycelium of the Dead, Throat, Ncse or Skin—those terrible (Ilse, dare arising from the indiscretion. or Solitary Habits Si Youth—those dreadful and destructive practices whirl produce constitutional debility, render marriage intuits and destroy both body and mind, YOIINCI MEN Voting men especially who have beconie the vtottmoi solitary Vice, that dreadrut and destructive Habit whict annually sweeps to an uutimely grave thousands of young mon of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listettiny Senates with tho thunders of eloquence, or waked to cc um the living lyre, may call with full nonlldence. MARRIAGE Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, be ne aware of physical weakness, should Immediately eon ruit Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEARN.W Immediately cured and full vigor restored Re who places himself under the care or Dr.. 1., may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and eon, Meetly rely upon his skill as a physician. AgrOttlee No. 7 South Frederick street., Baltimore. aid., on the left band side going from Baltimore street, leers from the corner. Be particular to observing the name or number, of yen will mistake the place. Bo par ticular for Ignorant, Trilling Quacks, with false names. or Paltry Humbug Certificalffs, attracted by the rennin lion of Dr. Johnson, lurk near All letters must contain a PostageStainp, to use on the -eply. . DR. JOFINBTON Dr. JohueOn member of the Boyal College el Surgeons, ,iondon, gradualefrom one of the meat eminent Colima/ )f the United States, and the s - reateet part of whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of Loudon, Paris, Phila. delphia and elsewhere, has effected some el the most as tonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great nee 011ftLICEN, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness with frequent blushing, attended sometimes a‘ith derange ,ent of mind were Cured immediately, ,TARP PARTICULAR NOTICE. ,•dresses all those who having injured them solves by rivide and improper indulgeucies, that seem: and solitary obit which ruins both body and mind, un hitting them for either businessor society. TileS,. are some of the cod and melancholy eu;cts pro duceo Dv early habits of youth, viz : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, LOSII of Muscular Powtr, Palpitation of Op Heart, Dys :mpsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of r iumump• lion, .kti. ' ' MLNIALLY gIINTALLY, the fearful effects on the mind are slush to be dreaded :—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, NS pression of Spirits, Eva Forebodings, kvenuon t0.g0e,:4 ty, Solf-distrust, Love of &Mode, Timidityr,dm., are some of the evil Keefe. Thousands el pardons at ail ages, can now judge what le the cause of their decline in health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have * singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and symp ma of consumption. YOUNG MFN who have injured themselves by a e.„,rtalti practice, in Mitred In when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil oompanions, or at school, the Ohms -of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body. should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes ol his noun. try, the darling ol bin parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in certain secret habit. Su ih persons must, before confess plating . . , MARRIAGE, elect that a sound mind and body arc the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed Without these, the journey through life becomes a west, pllirlmage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind 'becomes shadowed with despair, and Ailed with tit melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be. comes blighted with our own DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR OR' • GAM WARM'S& By this great and important remedy, Weakeeskof tht Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. fhonsands of the most nervous and debilitated wht had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. At impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Dismiali6- mtion, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion tie the most fearful kind, speedily cured. TO :+7kIANGERB The many thousands cured at this Iniliution within inc last twelve years, and the numerous Important einrgica perations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the n. porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before tha,public, besides Ms standing as a 7endenuxn 01 character and re: wenn/A/14i, le tik suilicioni guarantee to the afflicted. insFASIO3 OF lidl'ittlllliNOE.—When the: misguided and imprudent votary of pleautureflnds he has imbiber the eeeds of this painful disease, it toe often happens tits; an sense of shame or dread of discovery deter, him from applying to those who, from education and re— spectability can alone befriend hire, delaying till the eon. eiltutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the head, throat, nose, skin, inc., progressing on with frightful rapidity, tdi death put.. period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to “that bourne from whence no traveler return." It is a mei. suchnly fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible Inman owing t i p the unskilfulness of ignorant pretend ers, wh o,l by the use of I hat deadly poison, Inerceiry, fuls the constitution and make the residue of life miserable. . _ To STRAmezes.—The Doctor's Diplomas bang hi hie office. air Letters must contain a Stamp tons on the reply Sir Remedies sent by Mall. —No. 7 south Frederick street. 13altimore. *erlh•dawty 1 3 11EIIPELIMEVAI , DAILY. an LINE Between Philadelrthia Leer RAVEN, JERSEY SNORE, WILLIAMSPORT, MUNOY, UNIONTOWN, WATHONTOWN, Maxon, Iswiseusta, NORTITUDIRERLAND, SILTNIIIIRT, TREEORTON, GEORGETOWN, LYEENSTOWN, MILLERS BURG, MimeAx, Dimestair, AND HARRISBURG, Tho Philadelphia Depot being centrally located the ~ Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A Conductor goes -, through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of l i .• all goods entrusted to the line. Goods dellwred at the '' Depot of '...FREED, WARD &FREED, No. 811 Mark et Steel, Phila delphia, by 6 o'clock P. M., will he C.elivered in ' Harrisburg the next morning,, ~ Freight (alwaye) as low as by any other line. . • .:.; Particular attention paid by this line to prompt - and Speedy delivery of all Harrisbur ;.00dg. .-'-- The undersigned thankful for past patron 4e hopes by MOM:attention to business to merit a con'l o nonce of the same. T. PEIPHER, Philadelphia and Rea.dinz spot. •dem Fool of Marko:, 'Dr.',, . Harrisburg. SCHEFFEMS 300 K STORE. or,AR TUB UARRISIMRO IMMO UNION ENVELop F ,, s. NOTE PAPER, of six different designs, printed to two colors, sold by the thousnud nun by the roam at City Cash prices, Also, Flags, Union Breast Fin 4, Engles, Union ttinge and Badges at very low prices. Call at toy /1 FICEIBFFER'S BOORBTORE. FINE TOILET:7O APS, POMADES, HAIR OIL, POWDRBS. COLOGNES and EXTRACTS, of many styles, prices and manufactures at KELLER 8 RUG AND GAvilv JIAIR, TOOTH, NAIL. CLOTH, HAT, LATHER end INFANT BRUSHE 3, in great varlely LLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE. Elp A \ 41) -Asp 0/ • • tan. , tigt • —7 - -- • VOL XVII Pennsylvania Legislature. REPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR THE TELEGRAPH SENATE. MONDAY, January 27, 1862. The Senate met at three o'clock, r. M., and was called to order by the' Clerk, who read a note from the Speaker deputing the Senator from Washington, (GEORGE V. LAWRENOE,) to preside in his place during the day. Mr. LAWRENCE took the Chair, when The journal of Thursday was read. PETITIONS PRESENTED. Mr. STEIN presented a petition of citizens of .Northampton county, praying for the pas sage of an act relative to landlords and tenants. Referred to the Committee on Judiciary. Mr. RIESTAND presented a petition of citi zens of Lancaster city, praying that the re ceiver of taxes of said city be elected by the people. Referred to the Committee on Judiciary. Mr. LOWRY presented a petition of citizens of Summit, McKean, Milicreek and Washing ton townships, in Erie county, asking that the Erie and Edinboro' plank road company be not permitted to abandon a portion of their road, unless they abandon all of it. Referred to the Conimittee on Roads and Bridges. Also, two petitions from citizens of Erie county, complaining that the officers of the Bank of Commerce, at Erie, were guilty of fraud and perjury, that they have robbed the people of Crawford, Erie and Warren counties, and asking that a joint committee be appointed to investigate the charges. Referred to the Committee on Banks. REPORTS OF STANDING OOKRITTEES. Mr. IRISH, chairman of the Committee on Estates and Escheats, reported, as committed, an act to authorize W. G. Freeman, adminis trator of the estate of William Coleman, de ceased, late of Cornwall township, Lebanon county, to sell certain real estate. HOLM AMENDMENTS, To Senate bill, No. 4, entitled, "An Act relating to the lake and harbor defences of Pennsylvania," were concurred in. BILLS READ 1N PLACE Mr. CONNELL read in place an act to pro vide for the more correct and faithful assess ment of real estate in the city of Philadelphia. Referred to the Committee on Judiciary. Also, an act relative to prothonotaries in the city of Philadelphia. Referred to the Committee on Judiciary. Mr. STEIN, an act relating to landlords and enants. Referred to the Committee on Judiciary. Mr. BOUGHTER, an act for the settlement of the claim of Thomas Morley. Referred to the Committee on Claims. on arob rating to roads, highways and bridges. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges. Mr. KETCHAM, an act to incorporate the Hyde Park Cemetery company. Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. SERRILL, an act for the relief of Chas. Johnson, late Treasurer of Delaware county. Referred to the Committee on Finance. MAJ. GEN. JOHN C. FREMONT. Mr. IRISH read in place, joint resolutions re lative to Major General John Charles Fremont: The resolutions were read, as follows : WHEREAS, The policy of liberating the slaves of rebels, declared and adopted by Major Gene ral John C. Fremont when in command of the western department of the army, is the only policy compatible with success in crushing the rebellion and restoring the integrity of the Government; And whereas, He was removed from command while at the head of his army, in the field and in the face of the enemy; And whereas, A thorough and prolonged exami nation of his administration while in command, has failed to sustain the reports and charges by which he was assailed, or to disclose any facts calculated to shake the confidence of the coun try in his prudence, courage and patriotism, therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representa tives of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, That in the opinion of this Legislature, the ex igencies of the public service require that Major General John Charles Fremont should be imme diately restored to a command in the army. The preamble and resolution was committed to the committee on Federal Relations. PRIVATE BELLS PASSED Mr. LAMBERTON called up Senate bill, No. 31, entitled " a further supplement to an act to establish an asylum for the insane poor of this Commonwealth, approved April fourteenth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-five." Passed finally. Mr. CONNELL, called up House bill, entitled " An Act to incorporate an.Athen.Tum associa tion in Germantown, city of Philadelphia." Passed finally. Mr. CRAWFORD called up " an act for the relief of Dickinson College, in the borough of Carlisle, Cumberland county." Passed finally. SUBJECTS OF TAXATION. Mr. LOWRY offered the following joint reso lution : WHEREAS, During the continuance of the diffi culties which threaten our national existence, the enormous expenses consequent thereon must be borne mainly by the loyal part of the Republic - And whereas, Justice and equity demand that the burdens of taxation, which now rest teeavily on the farmer and the laborer, should be equally divided so as to press lightly on the people, yet yield much to the government ; therefore, Resolved, That the Finance committee are re quested when in conferrence with the board of Revenue commissioners to present for consider ation and respectfully to urge the incorpora tion of the following suggestions in a tax bill to be recommended to the House of Represen tatives for enactment, viz : The repeal of all laws exempting property of any kind from taxation. A tax on all kinds of tobacco. The passage of a law for the more strict sup pression of the sale of ardent spirits, wines, or malt liquor without license, and for the taxation of all liquors manufactured, kept, warehoused, or in private vaults or in, transitu through this State; said taxes to be increased on a graduating scale accordiag to the amount of adulteration in all liquors below proof, and confering on excise ofll7:ers extraordinary powers forlhe discovery, I testing and taxation of such liqucirs. An increase of hotel, mercantile and profes sional, and all other kinds of licenses. A judicious system of revenue from stamped paper, acknowledging and recording: of deeds, wills, written contracts and other legal docu- "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 28, 1862. ments, and upon oaths and affidavits taken or administered by judicial or executive officers, clerks of courts, and commissioners, auditors or arbitrators appointed by the authority of a state or court, and from an increase of fees 'for the issuing of every sort of civil writ or process. A tax per capita upon every man in the Com monwealth. A tax on all incomes or salaries, civil or military, above a fixed medium of fam ily wants, on a graduated scale, increasing with the income. A tax on all money, hoarded or in the hands of creditors, co-partners or agents, and on cir culating notes or certificates, whether on inte rest or not. A tax on all bank notes, checks, bonds, cer tificates of deposit, mortgages, obligations, or any other evidence of indebtedness, whether under seal or not ; on all stock in or of auy corporation of this Commonwealth, at the cash value thereof, and whether the same pay divi dends or not. On all stocks of any foreign corporation owned and held by any citizens, or residents of this State, except stocks of the United States; and on all shares of any association, not incor porated ; and on all foreign or domestic corpo rations, or municipal indebtedness, either by bonds or other evidences, which may be due to, or owned by, or held in trust for or by any citi zed, or resident, corporation or association of or in this State. A tax upon all legislation asked for or granted to corporations. An increased tax upon such charters as may hereafter be obtained or applied for under ex isting laws or laws hereafter enacted ; and on all insurance companies transacting business within this State; whether created by the laws - of this or any other State in proportion to the amount of business done. A specific tax on the track, lands, depots, rolling stock or other property of all railroad companies, whether created by the laws of this or any other State, and lying wholly or in part within this Commonwealth. On all vessels, ships, ferry, steam or canal boats, tugs or other water craft on any of the waters in or adjacent to Pennsylvania, or on any of its canals or slackwater ; and on any interest which any resident of this State may have in any vessels or other craft of whatsoever description, whether in the waters of Pennsylvania or elsewhere and on any shares or other interest of any citi zen or resident of this State in any steamboat or other navigation company or association, in corporated or unincorporated, doing business upon the waters of this State or elsewhere.. _ . . A tax on bills of lading, shipping bills, clea rances and invoices. A tax on all manufacturers and ,manufactu ring companies, whether incorporated or not, and on all shares in any such corporation or association, and on all shares in any such cor poration or "associatioil of this or any state which may be owned by, or held in trust by, or for any resident of, this Commonwealth. A tax on al i l,_coal _banks. rar xniexes, 00...1 roactBrAfido mg stock of the same. A tax on all coal, or iron ore, mined or raised within this State, and on pig metal, blooms, railroad, bar, sheet or other iron, and on nails manufactured in this State. A tax on all mineral oil (so called) which may be raised or flowed, and secured within this State, and on salt manufactured in this State, or elsewhere. A tax on all oil, coal and mineral land to be levied on their milting in addition to their ag ricultural values or value from location or other causes. A tax upon newspapers and telegraphic mes sages, and on Railroad tickets. A tax on tickets of admission to theatres and places of amusement, and a tax on circus hor ses and all animals and property owned in or coming into this State for exhibition. A tax on Dogs. And that provisions be inserted in such bill authorizing assessors to administer oaths, and compelling each taxable to swear to, or affirm, the correctness of the list of his taxable pro perty, furnished to the assessor, and that such list includes every article of taxable property owned by him, and a just and true valuation of the same, and making false swearing as to such returns punishable as perjury.. Postponed for the present and ordered to be printed. Mr, KETCHAM read in place, a joint resolu tion to authorize 'the Auditor General to re open and re examine the account of Samuel D. Brobst, former superintendent on the North Branch canal. This bill was taken up, and after a lengthy debate was Referred to the Committee on Private Claims and Damages. Mr. KETCHAM called up Senate bill No 28, entitled "A Supplement to an act relative to Courts in this Commonwealth. After a lengthy debate the bill was postponed for the present. The Senate then HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. MONDAY, January 27, 1862. The SPEAKER called the House to order at three o'clock, P. M. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Moore, of the First Meth odist Episcopal church, Harrisburg. The CLERK read the journal of Friday, which was approved. The SPEAKER laid before the House the report of the Auditor General and State Trea surer, relating to the claim of John Kelly, of Lawrence county. Laid on the table. Also, the annual report of the Delaware and Hudson canal company. Laid on the table. Also, a report from the annual report of the Pennsylvania institution for the instruction of the blind. Mr. HARPER presented a petition from citi zens of Washington county, for the repeal of the act relating to brokers and private bankers. Referred to the Committee on Banks. COCHRAN, a memorial from the Cen tral association of banks, asking for a law for the suppression and destruction of counterfeit bank notes. Referred to the Committee on Banks. Mr. ROSS, (Luzerne,) a petition from citizens of Carbondale city, in the county of Luzerne, praying for the repeal of a certain clause of the ninth section of the act incorporating said city. Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. HOPKINS, (Washington,). one from citi-. zens of Windom' and East Bethlehem town- An increase of collateral inheritance tax ACCOUNTS OF S. D. BEOBST AN AOT RELATIVE TO COURTS SPEAKER'S TABLE Laid on the table. LEPIERS, PETITIONS. MEMORIALS, ETC ship, Washington county, praying that certain lands be re-attached to the township of East Bethlehem. Referred to the ConiMittee on New Counties and County Seats, Also, a remonstrance from citizens of Wills horo' against re-annexing the said lands to East Bethlehem township. Referred to the Committee on New Counties and County Seats. Mr. M.'COY, a memorial from sundry citizens of Butler county, praying for the repeal of the act relating to private bankers and. brokers. Referred to the Committee on Banks. Also,the memorial of Henry Pillow, John Glem, Samuel Lesson and others, in regard to a State road in Butler and Venango counties. Referred to the Committee on oads, Bridges and Canals. Mr. BARRON, a petition from citizens of Bogg township, Centre county, for a change of the place of holding elections. Referred to the Committee on Election Dis tricts. Mr. BATES, a petition from sixty-one citizens of Crawford county, praying for the erection of a new county out of parts of Crawford, Penang° and Warren counties. Referred to the Committee on New Counties and County Seats. Also, one from members of the bar in Craw ford county, praying that said county may be attached to the Eastern district of the Supreme Court. Referred to the Committee on . Judiciary, (general.) Mr. MYERS, a petition from citizens of Lan caster county, praying for ,an appropriation to the Ashmun Institute, located in Chester county. Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. TRACY, the petition of S. S. Henman, of Monroeton, in Bradford county, praying for the passage of a law divorcing him from the bonds of matrimony. Referred to the Committee on Judiciary, (lo cal.) Mr. ABBOT, a petition from citizens of Philadelphia, praying for an appropriation to the ,A.limun Institute. Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. M'CLELLAN, one from citizens of Ches ter county, of similar import. Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. SCOTT asked and obtained leave of ab sence for Mr. BANKS. Mr. GROSS, for Mr. MENOLD, a messenger of the House. Mr. MOORE, (Railroads,) as committed ; imp plement to an act to incorporate the Oil Creek railroad company. Mr. COWAN moved that the rules be sus a khc64 -- LtUurfrr - prOGeea uo LIIO consideration of the bill. The motion was agreed .to ; and the bill was taken up and passed finally. CONTESTED ELECTION FROM TWELFTH DISTRICT, Mr. DONNELLY, (Philadelphia,) asked and obtained leave to present a minority report from the committee on the contested seat of Mr. W/LDET ; which was read as follows : The undersigned, being a minority of the. committee chosen to try the contested election case from the Twelfth Legislative district, of the city of Philadelphia, respectfully reports— That, by the act of the seventh of March, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, relative to elections in the City of Philadelphia, it is plainly stated that the qualified electors of the city of Philadelphia shall vote for Governor, Senators, and members of the_House of Repre sentatives, and members of Congress, by deliv ering to the proper officers, one written or printed ticket, designating not only the name of the officer voted for, but also the office.— There is no such office as "Assembly." It is "House of Representatives ;" and being so designated by the statute, as well as the Constitution, it is, to say the best of it, a ques tion whether the designation should not be strictly followed. I admit, that heretofore committees, in the trial of contested elections; have exercised a discretionary power, which enabled them to look more to the intention of the voter thau to the manner in which the tickets are printed. But it may well be asked whether this state of things should longer con tinue. Acts of Assembly mean something or nothing. If they disregard certain things to tie done, they should be strictly followed; and those who choose to pursue their own opinions must incur the responsibility. The undersigned, therefore, in view of the fact that the majority of the committee have decided that the designation of the office voted for by the use of the word " Assembly," is good under the Constitution, and the statute enacted under it, respectfully submits that it behooves the present Legislature to enact such declaratory provision as will hereafter prevent any question being raised as to the meaning of the fundamental and statute law of the Com monwealth. Adjourned. JAMES DONNELLY The report was laid on the table. Mr. McCULLOCH read in place an actincor porating the borough of Freeport, in the county of Armstrong. Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. TRACY, an act to annul the marriage contract between Stanley S. Henman and Mar tha, his wife. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, (local.) Mr. GRANT, an act to enable the commis sioners of Butler county to adjust certain Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, (local.) Mr. SMITH, (Chester), an act to incorporate the New London association, for the .detection of thieves and recovery of stolen property. Referred to the Committe on Corporations. Mr. TATE, an act to prevent hunting deer with dogs in Columbia county. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures. • Mr. ROSS, (Luzerne,) an 'act to repeal a cer tain clause of the ninth section of the act to in corporate the city of Carbondale. Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. BROWN, (Northumberland,) an act to incorporate the Dewart Academy of Northum berland county. Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. COCHRAN, an act for the suppression and destruction of counterfeit banknotes. Referred to the Committee on Banks. Mr. DENNIS; a further supplement to the act incorporating the city of Philadelphia. LEAVE OF ABSENCE ItEPOBT' OF 00MIUTTEIFS PHILADELPHIA. I= BILLS Ili PLACE Refereed to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. COWAN, an act to re-audit certain ac counts. Referred to the Committee of Judiciary, (l 0 cal.) Also, an act to extend the provisions of a certain act of Assembly, relative to selecting sites for school-houses in Chester and Delaware counties, to Warren county. Referred to the Committee on Education. Also, an act to incorporate the Allegheny transportation company. Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. CESSNA, an act to provide for the pay ment of a direct tax. Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. BILIB CONSIDERED ON MOTION Mr. BROWN, (Mercer,) moved that the House proceed to the condemnation of Senate bill No. 14, an act authorizing Michael C. Trout to sell certain property of the Sharon Iron company. The motion was agreed to, and the bill passed finally. Mr. ELLIOTT moved that the House ad journ. Not agreed to. Mr. MYERS moved that the house proceed to the consideration of House bill No. 32, an act authorizing the Reading and Columbia railroad company to borrow money. The motion was agreed to and the bill passed finally. r. KENNEDY moved that the House pro ceed to the consideration of House bill No. 34, a further supplement to the act incorporating the Duncannou, Landisburg and Broad Top railroad company. The motion was agreed to, and the bill passed finally. Mr. STRANG - moved that the committee be discharged from the further consideration of the act relating to taxes on unseated lands in Tioga county, and that the House proceed to the consideration of the bill The motion was agreed to. - Mr. COWAN moved to amend the bill so as to extend its provisions to Warren county. The amendment was agreed to, and the title was amended in accordance therewith. The bill then passed finally. Mr. SMITH (Chester,) moved that the House proceed to the consideration of House bill, No. 35, an act to incorporate the American Engra vers' company. The motion was agreed to. Mr. WILDEY moved to amend the bill by inserting the name of John M. Butler, as one of the corporators. Mr. JOSEPHS moved that the further con sideration of the bill be postponed for the present. On the motion the yeas and nays were re quired by Mr. JOSEPHS and Mr. WILDLY, and were as follow, viz: ims-=Messfs..Abliot, Bates,SOileau,Caldwell, Cessna, Cochran, Cowan, Crane, Divins, Donley, (Greene,) Donnelly, (Philadelphia,) Freeland, Hall, Hoffer, Hoover, Hopkins, (Philadelphia,) Hopkins, (Washington,) Hutchman, Josephs, Kline, Lehman, Lichtenwallner, M'Culloch, M'Manus Neiman, Peters, Potteiger, Quigley, Rex, Ritter, Russell, Ryon, Schrock, Scott, Sellers, Shannon, Smith, (Chester,) Strang, Tate, Tracy, Tutton, Wakefield, Weidner, Wil dey, Williams, Wimley, Windle, Wolf and Worley-49. NAYS—Messrs. Brown, (Mercer,) Dennis, El liott, Rapper, Kennedy, M'Clellan, M'Coy, Moore, Pershing, Ross, (Luzerne,) Smith, (Phil adelphia,) Ziegler and Rowe, Speaker-13. Mr. RYON moved that the House proceed to the consideration of the bill No. 23, an act to authorize the election of but one supervisor in and for the township of Rahn, in the county of Schuylkill. The motion was agreed to, and the bill passed finally. Ur. CRANE moved that .the House proceed to the consideration of House bill No. 30, a further supplement to the- act to erect the vil lage of Honesdale, county of Wayne, into a borough. The motion was agreed to; and the bill passed finally. Mr. HAP PER moved that the House proceed to the consideration of House bill No. 20, an act relative to penalties on the Cumberland road. The motion was agreed to; and the bill passed finally. Mr. ROSS (Luzerne,) moved that the House proceed to the consideration of House bill No. 21, an act to authorize the trustees of the pro . - prietor's fund of Newport township, county of Luzerne, to appropriate said fund toward the purchase of a farm and poor-house for the said township. The motion was agreed to; and the bill passed finally. Mr. ZIEGLER moved that the House proceed to the consideration of House bill No. 40, an act relative to the collector of school taxes in Jefferson county for the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty. The motion was agreed to; and the bill passed finally. Mr. SCOTT moved that the House proceed to the consideration of Senate bill No. 5, an act to refund to Samuel J. Walker certain moneys er roneously paid , by him for collateral inheritance tax on'the estate of Joseph T. Marshall. The motion was agreed to; and the bill passed finally. Mr. PERSHING moved that the House pro ceed to the consideration of House bill No. 36, an act fixinr , . the place of holding elections in Clearfield township, Cambria county. The motion was agreed to; and the bill pasded finally. Mr. BROWN, (Northumberland,) moved that the House proceed to the consideration of House bill entitled, "An Act to incorporate the Sha mokin and Bear Valley Coal company." The motion was agreed to, and the bill passed finally. Mr. WINDLE moved that the House proceed to the consideration of House bill No. 25, an act authorizing the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church of Downingtown,to grant and convey certain real estate. The motion was agreed to and the bill passed finally. Mr. FREELAND moved that the House pro ceed to the consideration of House bill, entitled an act to allow the taxes on a certain island in the Susquehanna river to be paid to the county of Dauphin. The motion was agreed to, and the billpassed finally. Mr. DUFFIELD moved that the House pro ceed to the consideration of House bill No. 22, an act to provide for the appointment of fence viewers, in the city of Philadelphia. The motion was agreed to; and the bill passed finally. On motion of Hr. COWAN, the House Adjourned. ham tinting flu. having procured Steam Power Pressea, we are prepar ed to execute JOB add BoOR. PRINTING of every descrip t on, cheaper than It can be done at any other establiah meat in the country. RA I R.; uF A DVERTISING Ilkir Funr lines or less constitute one. half square. Eight roes or more than four constitute a square. Half : , quare, one day one week .... if one month..., Id three months . I< six months.. fi one year..... One-Square, one day one week.... -" one month... f !three months six months. " one year Sir Bnsiness notices inserted in the Lroxi Column, or before Marriges and Deaths, FIVE CENTS "1T fx” . Q. fnr eachinsernon. Na 20 Marriges and Deaths to be charged as regular • vernaements BY TELEGIAPI From our Morning Edition. FROM WASHINGTON. The United States Brig Perry. Successful Passage of the Potomac THE REBELS STRENGTHENING THEIR ORKS AT COCKPIT POINT. The United States brig Perry, which for some months past has been anchored just below Al exandria, fitting out for sea, was put into r,ad bless in the early part of last week, and on Thursday night ran down past the rebel bat teries in tow of the Pussey. She was not fired at. The repairs to the Island Bell were com pleted at the yard on Saturday, and taking on board Gen. Sickles and some officers of his bri gade, she ran Jown past the rebel batteries on Saturday night without being fired at, and after landing her passengers at Liverpool Point, laid by until Sunday night, when she returned to Indian Head. Ou her op trip, six shots were fired at her by the rebels, none taking effect. The rebals appear to be enlarging and strengthening their works at Cockpit point, as if to make the Ocouquan their main line of de fence on their right wing. XXXVIIth Congress--First Session CONCLUSION OF YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS.] Mr. SHERMAN', (Ohio,) presented the petition of the mayor and authorities of Springfield, Ohio, relative to the national armory. Mr. HALE, (N. H.) from the naval commit tee, made a report in relation to the answer of the Secretary of the Navy to the resolution in regard to the Morgan contracts. Mr. WADE (Ohio,) offered a joint resolution in order to develop, concentrate and bring into effect the mechanical resources of the United States for the suppression of the rebellion and future defence of the country. The resolution authorizes the Superintendent of the Census to perform such duties under the direction of the Secretary of War, and collect such war statistics as in the judgement of the Secretary of War may be right and proper. On motion of Mr. FMENDEN, (Me.) the latter part of the resolution was modified so as to read: "the Superintendent of the Census is authorized to furnish the Secretary of War with such war statistics from time to time as the Secretary of War may deem necessary for the use of the department." The resolution as amended was passed. Mr. HALE (N. H.) offered a resolution that the Secretary of the Navy be requested to in form the Senate what was the cost of the ship of-the-line Pennsylvania, how many cruises she has made, and when the ship Alabama was built, what cost; whether she was fit for a sail lug vessel, or can be altered to a steamer. Laid over. Mr. Wascat, (Mass.) introduced a bill for the more effectual suppression of the slave trade. Referred. Mr. ICING (N. Y.;) presented a resolution from the legislature of New York instructing the Senators from that State to vote for the abolition of the franking privilege. Referred. Mr. WADE (Ohio,) called up the resolution Making au addition to the joint rules of both Houses, to wit: that during the present re nellion when any member of the House or sen ate shall rise in his seat and state that the ex ecutive department of the qrovernment desires immediate action on any matter pertain ing to the suppiession of the present re bellion, the Hone or Senare, as the case may be, shall go into secret session and proceed to the consideration of the measure proposed, and the debate thereon be limited to five min utes to each speaker, and the vote be taken be fore the adjournment. Any breach of secresy, unless the injunction be removed, shall be punishable by expulsion, if by a member, and if by any officer of the House, be punishable as the body in which it occurs, shall impose. Mr. WADE, (Ohio,) modified the resolution so as to strike out the limitation of debate to five minutes, though he had spoken five minutes. Mr. SUMNER, (Mass.,) offered an amendment that the question of secret session shall be sub mitted to the body in which it is proposed, and if the majority decide in favor, it shall go immediately into secret session without de bate. After some debate, the resolution was laid over till to-morrow. The case of Senator Bright was then taken up. Mr. LATHAM, (Cal.,) made a speech in de fence of Mr. Bright, and again.t political pro. scription. Without concluding the subject, the Senate went into executive session, and subse quently adjourned HOUSE OF REP.RESENTATINTES. The House then went into committee of the whole upon the state of the Union, upon the West Point Academy bill. Mr. &Imams, (Ky.,) addressed the House on the state of the Union. He opposed the emancipation of slaves. Mr. RIDDLE, (Ohio,) made an anti-slavery speech, contending that the administration was behind the spirit of the time. Mr. SHEFFIELD, (R. 1.0 censured such radical opinions. Congress had no right to interfere with the President in time of war. This pro miscuous debate was closed by resolution.when the military academy appropriation bill was read and reported to the House without amend ment, and passed. The consideration of the executive, judicial and legislative appropriation bill was resumed. F. A. CONYLING moved an amendment that no provision in the bill shall be construed as giving authority to any Senator or Representa tive to receive more than two mileages for this Congress. The chairman ruled the amendment out of order, as independent legislation.— Without concluding the action on the bill, the House adjburned. SO 25 1 00 2 00 3 00 . 500 . 800 2 00 3 DO 5 00 10 00 15 00 Blockade =I WASHINGTON, Jam 27 WASHINGTON, Jan. 27 IN SENATE
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