THE TELEGRAPH LS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, GEORGE BERGNER. TER3l9_—Sisoti BIIR9CRIPTION The DAILY TELYGRAPB IS served to subscribers in the City at 8 cents per week Yearly subscribers will be charged $4 00, in advance WEEKLY AND SEMDWIEKLY TCLEGRAPR. . . . • The Tin SORAPR is also publisaed twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and weedy during the remainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the following cash rates, viz: ' Single subscribers per yeir Semi• Weekly. .$1 to Teo " i 4 " .. 12 00 Twenty ~ ii 44 ..22 00 Single subscriber, Weekly „ „ , 1 00 ME LAW OF PICWSPAPEIPL _ . It subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. 11 subscribers neglect or refuse to take their uewspa ,,ers from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered hem discontinued. illebical. I) it . JOHN SON ~tg7.'Z'Y~€C7~.~: LOCK HOSPITAL 11AS discovered t he most certain, speed) and effectual remedy ;r1 the world ha- DISEASN. OF IMPRUDENCE. (ELM ni Hix TO TWILIT HOURS. No Alisreory or Noxious Drugs oar A 071111 WARIMATIIID, OR 00 0MM:ill, IN 11107 i OM , T. TWO CaILLIZI Weakness 01 the Back or mbs, Strictures, Pains Ir ho Loins, Alfeesione of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organs Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of thoPhysicA Pow ers, Dysiwpsia, Laugnor, Low , ' Spirits, Confusion 01 doss, Pall nation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings bounces of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of the Bead, Throat, Nose or Skin—those terrible disor ders arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits ai Youth—thole dreadful and destructive practises which produce constitutional debility, render marriage haws eible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN Young anon especially who have become the victims!•[ solitary Vico, that dreadful and destructive habit, wilier annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young moo of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Sonatas with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to er 'Amy the living lyre, may call wish full confidence Id AAR] bE Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, he ng aware of physical weakness, should immediately one mit Dr. J., and be restored to perfect healtb. ORGANIC WEARNES immediately euied and full vigor restored. Ho who places himself under the care of Dr. J., mar religiously Confide In his honor as a gentleman, and eon ddontly rely upon his skill as a physician. *W.Office No. '7 Routh Frederick street, Baltinao , add., on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, RIM from the corner. Be particular In observing au_ name or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par ticular for Ignorant, Trifling Quacks with false natr.o,, or Paltry Humbug Ceti/loofa, attracted by the reputa tion of Br. Johnson, lurk near All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the -epry, DS. JOHNSTON Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Purgeona, ..ondon graduate from one of the most eminent College: if the United Stelae, and the greateat part of whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and eleowhare, has effected some of the most a,. tonishins cures that wore ever khown. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great ner vousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derano , went of mind wore ()tired immediately, ,TAKE ?ARTICULAR NOTICE. j. t—uressem all those who having Injured nem selves by r vote and improper ludulgeneles, that secret and solitary shit which ruins both body and mind, un fitting them for either business or society. Theo, are some of the sad and melancholy en.sta damn by early habits of youth, vlz : Weakness of tho Hack and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Nwor, Palpitation of the Heart, naps's, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Ihgestive ennotions, General ,Debility. Symptoms nt' lion, Ate otbNIALLY aisarramdr, the fearful effects on the mind are much v. oe dreaded :—Lose of Memory, Confusion or ideas, fie pression of Spirits, Evil' Forebodings, Aversion ioSocie ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Are., are some of the evil effects. Thousaiialif of persona of ail agea, Cal:1110W Judge ;Mal lathe cause of their decline in health, losing their vigor, becoming meat, pale, nervous and euriacistert, have a singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and syrup• ms of consumption, YOUNG KEN who have iniured themselves by a certain practice In duffed in when alone—a habit frequently learned from in II zompanions, or at school, the effects of which are sightly rely even when asleep, and if not cured, reisders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes ol tae noun. try. the darling ol his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyinents of life by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in certain secret habit, Sin fb persons must, before content plating cdARBIAGE, tact that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote' coneuhial happiness. indeed without these, the journey through lire becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view' tht mind becomes shadowed with despair, and fitted with th melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be. conies blighted with our own DB. JOHNSON'S oyIGURATIIIG REMEDY FOR OR: EFANIC WEAKNESS By this great and important remedy, Weakness dit the Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored; nicautande of the most nervous and debilitated whe had lost all hope, have boat Immediately relieved. All impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqlialifi .llstrein, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or Via meat fearful kind, speedily cured. TO STRANGERS Th. many thousands cured at this Inetiution within trie hat twelve years, and the numerous important Burgles r.parations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besktu Ms standing_ as a 'enamel of character arid re iwosistaity, is a sufficient guarantee to the aillicted. DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE.—When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, h toe often happens that OA ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re• spectabillty can alone befriend him, delaying till the eon. 'Muttons] symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the head, throat, nose, skin, un progreseing on with frightful rapidity, till death puts a' period to his dreadful sufferings by Hooding him to "tear bonnie from whence so traveler returns. It is a mei ancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing t i p the unskilfulness of ignorant pretend en, who, by the use of that deadly poison, mercury, ruin the eenetttution and make the residue of life miserable. To Eisassreins.—The Doeter's Newness bang in his office. wirLeitell must contain a Stamp to as on the ,eply /.-Remedies sent by Mail. • jorNo. 7 South Frederick street, italtltuorc. arril-davolv 3PIEII3PI3MIE3 7 IEI DAILYLINE! all Between Philadelphia Loos RAVIN, JENNE! SWIM, WILLIANBPONT, Muria', Unionowx, WAVIONTOWN, MILTON, LIWIOBURU, NORTRIDIBIRLA, ND, RINHORY, TaavoaTor, Gloaarrowa, LTICINSTOWN, 11111.5138- BURG, HALrFax, DAUPHIN, AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of - all goods entrusted to the line.. Goods delivered at the "Depot of 'RIND, WARD & FREED, No. 811 Mark et . Steel, Phila.; ', delphia, by 6 o'clock P. M., will:be delivered in Harrisburg the next morning. .rreight (always) as low as by any other line. li;', - ,Particular attention paid by this line to prompt 'and g . ,.." 1881 y delivery of all Harrisbur.i Goods. 4 ,The undersigned thankful fur past patrol .• e no* by ec • odd attention to Imams to merit a cone ,u a nee of the i Om*. T. PRIPIIBII, t. Philadelphia and Rooth] . • .460) Fent of Market titre e . Ekrriabusg• ' sCHEFFEMS BOOK STORE.: oni&B, TRH HARRISBURG BRIDGR.) UNION E NV ELOPES, NOTE PAPER, of six different designs, printed in two colors Hold by the thoegaud ape by %h w ream at City Cash prices. Also, Flags, Union Breast Pins, Eagles, Uuintk Ri ng , and Badges at very low prices. Cull at aIY.B SOREFTER'S ROOKSToRR. VINE TOILET t."O APS, POMADES, LLAIR on, POWDERS, COLOGNFS and EXTRACTS, of m any styles, prim and manufacturoo at KEGLER fi If CO AND EANCv "'!u a• "(TAM, TOOTH NAIL, CLOTH, ;HAT, ind WANT BRUSE{ErViri gtaftyarlety IiCILLKR'S AND•FANCY STORE: I I A IX. titilettlit a „7 cegii/ • • ‘• - t _•„,„ VOL XVII Mistellancous. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION uHIG , LY CONCENTRATED" COMP( CND KAM EXMACT.BUCIELO A Positive and Specific Remedy Per Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAV:..L and LMGPSICAL SWELLINGS. MIA Medicine increa.,e3 the power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS lot .':boalthy action, by which the WATr:RY OR CALCARICuUt; depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGESSENTS are reduced, as well as PAIN AND INFLAMATION, and is good for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits, of Dissipation, Early In. discretion or Abuse. ATTEN I iED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, Lee?. of Power Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Universal lisssituile of the Muscular System, Hot Elands, Flushing or the Body, Dryni•ss of the Skin, Eruptions on Om Face, PALLID COUNTENANCE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this med icine invariably removes, soon follows IMPOTENCY. FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FI IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EXPIRE. Who can say that they are nod Tren/13 tly followed by those "DIREFUL DISEASES," "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, BUT NONE. WILL CONFESS. THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the Melancholy Deaths by Consumption, BEAN AMPLE WITNESS TO THE TRUTH OF SHE ASSIETIRN. TECH CONSTITUTION ONC , e AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the System, Which MILHBOLD'S EXTRACT RITCHU invariably does A TRIAL WILL CONIICE THE HOST SKEPTICAL. FEMALES-FEMALES-FEMALES, LO OR YOUNG, SDTGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEMPLA TING MARRIAGE, IN MANY AFFECTIONS P.EOOLIAR TO FEMALES. the Extract Rocha is.unequalled by any other romedr, ab in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Suppres nof Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of tho Uterus, Leueorttret Whites, Steril ity, and tor all cotriplAints ineidaut 6o the sex, whether arising from Entiscretiou, Habits of. Dissipation, or in the . DECLINE. OR CHANGE 01 LIFE. SEM SYMPTOMS ABOVE NO FAMILY BELOULD BE WITHOUT IT 1 'PARR NO MORE BLASAM, MECUM', OR lINPLEASANt MEDI QNE FOR UNPLEAFANT AND DANGEROUS DISEAFIF3. . . _ HELMBOLD'S EBIRA.C.P BUCHU OURRB SECRET DISEASES. In all their Stages, Little or no change in Diet ; - And no Arposure It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate : thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing, and Curing Btrietures of the Uratura, Allaying Pain and 'inflammation, so frequent In the class of niseases, and expelling all Poisonous, Diseased and worn-out Mailer. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS RHO HAVE BEEN 7HE Vier MS OF QUACKS, unit who have paid HEAVY FMCS to NO cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the 'POI PON" has, by the use or "SOWSsFEIL ASTRINGENTS, - " been dried up in Leo system, to breitc out in an aggravated, form, and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. Use Reussectris Exikscr Bum', for all affections and diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW LUNG SYANDING. Diseases of these Organs 'require the aid or DIURETIC. ' ILELMBOLD'S EXTRACt RUM° IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And is certain to have the desired enect in all Diseases mix WHIM IT IS RECOMMENDED. Eroid.ence of the most reliable and responsible character will accompany the medicos. • CERTIFICATES OF CURES, i'rontB to 20 years& standing, Wiirt N.imas KNOWN To SCIENCE AND FAME. Price $1 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00. Delivered Lo any address, securely packed from obser vation. DESCRIBE SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS. Cures Guaranteed I Advice Gratis I AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the ' city of Piiiladelphi..ol. HSLMBOLD, woo being duly sworn, loth say, his preparations coat dri no narcotic, no mercury, or other injurious drugs, but are purely vege table H. T. HELM.BOI. D. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23d day of No vembee, 1854. WM. P. HISSER°, Alderman, . Ninth St. above Race, Phila. Address letters for information in confidence io H. T. BELMBOLD, Chemist, . Depot, 104 South Tenth St., bel. Chestnut, Phila., BEWARE OF COUN'CR RFEETS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose "OF THEIR oars" and l4ndiaa " ARTICLES ON THE REPUTATION ATTAINED BY Delmbold's Genuine Preparation s, -....xtract Rutin, " Sarsaparilla, " Improved Rose Wash. Sold by C. K. Keller, D. W, Gross, J. Wyeth, C. A. Bahuvart. AND ALL DI2UGFIST3 EVERYWHERE. ASK FOR HELSIBOLIPS. TAKE NO OTHER. Cut out' the advertisement and send for it, ANDAVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE. novl3-dly sErwsu NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL ANltlig AND' EMBARKING :.•.E.(4 ER' , at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver. pool. New Cork and Philadelphia Steamship company intend despatching their full powered Clyde-built iron Steamships as follows : KANGAROO, Saturday, Jauuary 18 ; CITY OF NEW YORK, Saturday, January 25 ; GLASGOW, Saturday, February 1; and every Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44 North River. RATES . 07 . rABBAGN FIRST CABIN ' $76 00 I STEERAGE .........$3O 00 do to Loudon $BO 00 do to London ..$33 00 do to Paris $B6 00 do to Paris .... $3B 00 do to Hamburg..sBs 00 I do to Hamburg $35.00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &c., at equally low rates. Persona wishing to bring eut their friends can buy tickets here at the following rates, to New York: From Liverpool or Queenstown; lst Cabin, $75, $B5 and $lO5 . Stcerage from LiverpOul 'B4O 00. From Queenstown, 330 00. These Steamers have superior accommodations for passengers, and carry experienced Surgeons. They are built in Water-tight Iron Sections, and haie Patent Fire Annihilators on board. For further information apply in Liverpool to WILLIAM INMAN, Agent, 22 Water Street ; in Glasgow to WM. INMAN, 5 I% Enoch Square ; in Queenstown to C. & W. D. SEYMOIJR & CO. ; in London to EIVFS & MALY, 61 King William St. ; in Paris to JULUS DECOUE, 5 Place de la Bourse ; in Philadelphia to JOHN G. OnLE, 111 Walnut street ; or at the Company's offices. JNO. G. .6.4.1.. E, Agent, . . • 15 Broadway New York. Or 0.0. Ammerman, Agent, Harrisburg-. Jba-PASSENGEBb FOR EUROPE.—By order of the Secretary of State, all passengers leaving the United States are required to procure palsports before going on board the St amor. Passengers will not be subjected to any trouble or de lay in procuring them, if they call for instructions at the Company's Offices, 15 Broadway, New York. jan2l-if JOHN G DALE, AGENT. CIGARS and Tobacco,.of all kinds: Ex tensivcassorttnent of Cigars. at NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S, corner. Front and Mar ket , street. IVO. 1 MA.CKERAL in Kitts, half bar ; refs, and barrels, at the Mew Grocery and Provi sion More, Front and Market Streets.. moms & BOWMAN. 'INDEPENDENI IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN. NONE." HARRISBURG, PA MONDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 27, IMPORTANT TO INVALthd. HAVE YOU (30N811 LTED Dr. Addison who is styled the Walking Clairvoyant? If not, tale is to inform you that he 13 now stopping at the J. ,ms' House, Room No 46, for medical practice, whore he invites heirs and gentlemen who arc Hollering f the want rd health to call from 10 A. M., to 6P. M. ha exanatnations for disease; are nee charge It is hard ly necessary to 'state th t Dr. .fd.lisen is widvly xuown in this country as a practitioner, and has acquired great enlebrity for the unsurpass .d skill in treating all forme of chronic diseases. Comparatively few patients apply to his method of cure until their case is quite hopeless. However, Dr. Addison has cured thousands who hal given up all hopes of relief and tauught health guile for ever (8e his Circular.) jan2s.dti FOR Gil WING MACHINES JONAS BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON, 200 Qi 500 YDS. WIME, BLACK a COLORKD. CMS thread being made particularly for L Sewing Machines, is VERY STRONG, SMOOTH AND ELASTIC. Its strength is not impaired by washing, nor by friction of the needle. For Machines, use Brooks' Patent Glace, FOR UPPER THREAD, and Ernoks Patent Six Curd, TM Ticket, FOR UNDER THREAD, : Sold by respectable dealUrsThroughbui ttie country.— Also, IN OASISS OF 100 MANN MACH, ASSORTS° NOB., by WM.. HENRY Salm, site Arent. no9.d6m 36 Veseydrea, New York. At little Expense ; No i nconveme oe ; CHOICE LIGHT READING. I , IHE SUTHERLANDS, by the author of "Rutledge," Price $1.25. also new editions of . RU PL EDGE—uniform with "The SuLher - lands," $1.25. BEULAH—twenty-fifth edition—sl.2s. EAST LYNNE—A new Novel-50 cents. TOM TIDLER'S GROUND, by Dickens, 25 cts. LIDR BETTER, FOR WORSE, 38 cts. Together with all the • New Books, soon as _published at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. E. M. GILDEEL, I D. D. S. STALE STREET, OPPOSITE THE I3RAPY ROUSE. Allopera ione, 6urgical and Mechanical, scientifically per Dinned.. Charges Moderate. jeß VITALLOWER'iii LINE, DAILY tiNEW.IIOI, Wm. B. Burk, Aye7u, 8.1:4 Market sired, Phaaaci phis, formerly Limnyston df Co. tAkuiluottA lit oilarg,o 01 e Av i, ta:ootts.delivered ai tue wArotiothio,!Luta • at 13 o'Cithm d., no d vr • ;IN auxt tn.ening; J. yY ft.L.LoW ti; Jit.,..kgpm., -teadint, ifepot, r u Joan a tillitirlilre ' ' BOOT &SHOE STORE COI NEH .SECOND AND WALNUT - NTS. Harrisburga.. .P. . . . . . A .I..WA IS on band a largoiassortinent oi Ll_ BOOTS, SHOES, brAITERS, A itf m., , toe very :bust sououes for ladies, gentlemen ; aud .chltdroue'.w r.,-- Prices to suit the times. All kinds a WORK - I.'o ORDER is the best style by superior workmOd . "Z. ltd.PAlitING sous at awn saws. . urt.l6-dtf - •KliiN tl. SALIM, iisrristiarg. NEW CLOTHINGSTORE. SIIELLENBEIWkAt & B4OTHER NO. 80 JiTARKET ,STRESt - (Room formerly occupied by the Postogice.) f 1111 E. uudpreighhtl have just ; op.eq4cl . tiew and large' iMMrtinent of %lie fltest 'dints of ciottuug. We are also prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of Gents Wear, cut to the latest styles and lath ions. We NINO always on tumid a large stock of Ready made clothing cud Gonileuldn's k'untisiting Goods. nog-dam Q. SGEL:LENGEUGS.Et & BRO. DR. T. 2. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST OFFERS his servicas to .the a Harrisburg and its moon ..y. He solicits a snare the public patronage, and given _sin/ranee thai his best endeavors shall be given to rend r satisfaction in his pro fession. tieing anold, well tried f, cutlet, he feels Sale in' uviting the public generally to 'call on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with his servlees, Olilce No. US Market street, in the house formerly ne. copied by Jacob it.- Eby, near the United... States Hotel, Harrisnurg,Ya.myn.fily P.ROP. ADOLPH P. TEUPSLit. iikr MILD .tespectfully • inform hit . ' 010 7 7 patrons and the public generally, bat •ne Win continue to give instructions on the Plateo.4o.liTh, LODEON, VI.OLLN and also in the science of yucksouti.4 BATS. Re will w‘th pleasure wait upoe pupils at :licit nomos at any hour desired, or lOSSODs will beliVen a his residence, in Third street, few doors -below if. German Reformed Church- deolo-A CHAVSI E. Ul~itYs iv [LILL ti.N BUlLllitit. Rendena No. 27 North &cora Plr VN•l4`r, (at old prices.) SHEETINGS, Flannels, Ticking, Drillings, • Giuglimus, Calicoes, Towlings, All kinds of Domestic Goods, A splendid Line of Shawls. nov4 TpHESH FRUIT.—In Hermetically seal li Cans, a large bt comprising Peaches, Tomatoes, Sweet Corn, no., and a select assortment or Preserves and Jellies, just recieved and for sale by jlO WM. DUCK, Jr., & Co:. At LW ai.lvertiontents BLEACHED MUSLIM All kinds of Men and Boys wear, In great variety to be found at CATtioAUT'S, • Market Square, ott4 ot it itl Iranspartatio, Northern Central Railway , Mr, -C. - _ I"; . CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Mtn TRAIPIES DA!LT TO AND /RON 13A.LTIIILORJEj. Close ConnectiOn made at Harrisburg TO AND FROM NEW YORK. SLEEPING CARS RUN ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. AND „AFTER SUNDAY, NOV. 24, 1861, tb. , iitinsenger Trains of the Northern CAitral vi!larthe at and ddpart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as biz • GO I 'NJ :4O I T AIL TRAIN arrives at Harrisbuig 1.05 P and servos " 1.2) P. M. EXPRESS " arrives at and leaves ot. NG NOR T &LAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore at 8...v6 A. M. and arrives at Harrisburg- 1.00 I.' M. and leavlis North at. .... : . ... 1.20 P. M. BILTRRII TRAIN leaves Baltimore at...—. 3.00 P. M. and arrives at Harrisburg._ 8.00 P. M. and leaves Nortlyat..... 8.10 P. lid. HABItI , RUBB ACCOMMODATION TRAIN I eaves Harrisburg for Baltimore . . . . 8.46 . A. XV keturning—leaves Baltimore 8.30 P. M .The only train leaving aarrieburg on Sunday will be tile - Express Train,'South M 8.20 A. M. .1:or further information apply at the Orme, in Pnna't 14,41 1, •ma Depot, JOHN F. UHRICH, Agent. 1! ,. .!72 , Nov. 23. 1 8431.—dtr WINTER TIME ARRANGEMENT. 'Mt AIR LINE ROUTE. TRAINS DAILY TO. NSW TORII, AND ;.1- ) II ILAD I, JP I-I , I A WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. CIN AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEM -40 HER 4,1861, the Passenger 'Trains will leave - the Pbiladelphla Headlngytallreadi Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphk,' as follows, ids .MAIEVRWARD. EXPRIUAS LINE leaven Itarrithuri at 3.80 a: in:, on ar rival of Peonsylvannt Railroad Express Train from the West, errivingin New York at 11.5 a. inr, and at Phila delphia at 9.00 w..m. A elet;ping car In attached to the train through friim Plthinurg .without change. - ' NAIL TRAIN leaves Haririeburg at 8.35 a.. m.; arriving in NvW Yink at 5.30 p. na„: and Philadelphia at 1.26 p. m. 'FAST LINE leaves'l3arriaburg st.L4Bp. M., on arrival of Penonvlviuda Railroad Fast Mail, arriving is New York - at 9.50 p. m, and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. m. wEtrrWARD...- FAST LINE 'paves New York at 6a. m ~and Philade I pink at 8 a,. M., arriving at Harrisburg , at 1, p, m. 11A1J., TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, anti Phil:. adelphia at 3. 16 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 p. • , . . . EXPRESS LINE leaves New York at 8 p. m., arri ving at Harrisburg at 3.10 a. in., awl connecting with the Pennsylvania E x press Train for Pittetterg. ' A sleeping ear is OW attactidB to this train . -.- . 00111.18Cii01.1B are made at *irrisburg with mina on the l'esinsylvatilit;Nortiden Peutral add Cumberland Valley Railroads,•and at. *Reading; for Philadelphia; Pottsville, :Pillikesbarre; Allentown, 'Easton, &c. Baggage checked through.:, Faro betweeh New York and Harrisburg, 26 00 ; -,tietween Harrisburg and Phila. delahitt, 63 26 in No.l car, and $2 70 2. For ticker* or other infOrmatfon apply to • J.. 11 CLYDE, not, • , General Agent- Harrisburg. sUpertiontents. WE OFFER TO CIIS'TOMEItS A Now Lot of LADIES' PURSES, Of beautiful Styles, substantially made. A Splendid Assortment of . GENTLEMAN'S .WALLiTS.. A New and Elegant Perfume, 4 - KNIGHTS TEMP LAMA' BOQII ET, Put up In Cut Glass Engraved Bottles. A Complete Assortment of HANDESITCHIWP PERFUMES, • Of the best MEtnufacture A very Haudsoeie Variety of POWDER BOXES,. SELLER'S DRUG ? STORE, aeplB 91 Market Street OlabrEßS' Nick MACK'S, Camp Sale at • ' J t : KELLER'S DRUG hem FANCY STORE . Camp Writing' Cases, Needle or Sevying`Cases, - Shaving or Razor Case's, Toilet Cases, - Match Caves. Pocket Ink Stands, Pocket Mirrors, Pocket Knives -- Pocket Combs,i Fine Combs, Camp Mirrors !Pryer Pipes, " ' Tobacco Pokes; India Rubber Tobacco Pouches, Wicker; Leather &Matins Flasks, Leather Drinking Cups. Pens, Penholders, Pencils; Paper, andEnvelepes. . Soldiers 'Tit see at a glance that the place to get an outfit in small wares is atNo. 91, Market street. mr•See "Fort Pickens" in the window. nob ti PORT FOLIOS! tirr ffiliqGr DESKS, v TRAVELING BAGS, PURSES, PORTMONALES, And a general assortment of FANCY. GOODS` have just been received at • BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE GOLD PENS i GOLD PENS I rFOIE largest and most varied assortment of j_ GOLD PENS is for sale - at MAGNER'S CHEAP - BOOKSTORE. WALL Paws VirARRANTED. DIARIES FOR 1862.—A great variety id out:1(401410w prices, it • - • - • • OIIgFIERVIOOMITORS , • 862. BY TRIG! From our Morning Edition. FROM WASHINGTON. Communication from Gen. Sherman. He Denies any Misunderstanding between Himself and Com. Dupont. Maj. Arnold, of N. J., Appointed a Brigadier General. Brigadier General r. W. Sherman, command ing at Port Royal, in a communication to the National Inlelligencer, deems it to be due to the interests of the public service to publicly pro claim the utter falsity of the statement made in several journals of the country and repeated ly brought to Lis notice, that a projected plan tol the continuance of the expedition was aban doned inconsequence of a disagreement and misunderstanding between Commodore Dupont }mid himself. He says the most friendly and cordial feelings and entire harmony of action nova always existed between tuerm To-day being devoted by the Seeretary of War to business with members of Congress, a very large number of them are availing them selves of this arrangement. The President has appointed, by and with the advice of the Senate, Major Lewis G. Ar nold, of New Jersey, of the 'First regiment of artilery, to be a Brigadier General of volunteers 2.47 A. M 3.J0 A Itl FROM FORTRUS MONROE. THE STORM SUBSIDED, EXCHANGE 0 F PRISONERS. Transport Louisiana Beached and Burned DESTKCIOTION OF A LIGHT BOAT. The Rebel Crittenden to make a Stand at Monticello. BURNSIDE' S FLEET NOT VISIBLE IN PAMLICO SOUND: • The Rebels Admit Their Defeat in THEIR ACCOUNT. OF THE BATTLO AT MILL SFIIINO. The storm has cleared away and the sun is shining. In consequence of rough weather the Washingten has not made a trip to Cherry Stone since Tuesday. •. The Ada!aide did not arrive from Baltimore until about oue o'clock this afternoon. The Georgiana, detained from last night, left at about the same time this afternoon for Bal timore. A flag of true this afternoon took to Crimp Island several rebel officers, who arrived yes terday morning from Baltimore. The boat also brought back several passengers to the north. The United States transport Louisiana, of the Burnside expedition, formerly of the line be ; tween Old Point andßaltimore, has been beach ed to prevent herfalling into the hands of the rebels; she was burnt. All hands were saved. The light boat on the middle shoal, placed there to supply the absence of the Cape Henry light 'house, went ashore last night on Pleasure house beach. The crew were taken to Nor folk. A despatch from Knoxville says that Critten den has retired and Will make a stand at Monti cello. The Day Book of Saturday contains not a word of the Burnside Expedition excepting a paragraph on the weather, saying that it is un der the impression that the Burnside Expedi tion is the cause of it all. Somebody relieved themselves yesterday by wishing said fleet would either go to the bottom or go home, as they were tired of such bad weather, and never expected to see better while they were mena cing the South. An extract is given from the Newborn Pro gress of Thursday last, which says with reference LO the reported presence of the fleet in Pamli co sound, " up to this writing, Wednesday, we are not sure whether there is now or ever has been a yankee gun-boat . over the awash at Hatteras or not.. The latest news are from Captain Hill who arrived here yesterday from Matamuskeet, Hyde " county, through the Sound in the shape of a gunboat. We shall probably hear before going to press as Col. G. B. Singletary sought and obtained permis shin from the commanding general to go on a reconnoitering expedition down the river.— He left on Tuesday evening." A" P: S." ad ded to the above article says " Col. Singletary had not arrived when we, went to press and we are still in doubt." The rebels at last admit their defeat in Ken tucky. The Day Book says, under the head of "further particulars of the Somerset disaster." It is not so bad as at first reported by our side. Six thousand confederates attacked rourteen thousand fecterals. The Petersburg impress sends us the follow ing: Gen. Crittenden began the attack at seven o'clock on Sunday, morning. The enemy was supposed to be but fifteen hundred; but was af tervvards found to be foutteen thousand strong. Gen. Zollicotter was killed early in the morn ing. Gen. Crittenden was mounded. Col. Car roll took command of the forces and recrossed Cumberland river. Our loss is three hundred. the enemy lost four or five hundred. Rut ledge's and McClung's batteries were left on the field. We marched seven miles. The en emy were repulsed three jiffies and fell back to their fortification. They then outflanked us ; we retreated to our breastworks, but were surrounded, and, crossed Cumberland river under fire. At eight o'clock on Sunday night we lost all our horses, tents, equipments, and eleven guns, spiked or thrown into the river. Colonels Powell, Butler, Stable and Cummings were wounded. major Fogg was wounded in the hip. Zollicuffor's body has not been re- COVered. Our forces were six, thousand. We are still falling back. • A second despatch dated Petersburg, Jau.24th, says: " A dispatch , froni a friend at Klioxville, NO. 19 I=l=l WASHINGTON, Jan. 25 Kentucky. FORTRESS MONROE, Tan. 25 fttam tinting flats. Iborhag procured Steam Power Presses, we are prepar ed to execute JOB add BOOK PRINTING of every deacrip • Lien, cheaper than it can be done at any other establish. meat In the country. RA IBS OF ADVERTDANG. iser Four lines or less constitute one-half square, Sight Ines or more than four constitute a square. Half Square, one day one week one month..., three months I six months.. one year..... Onepquare, one day one week.— " one month_ IA [three months Months, s one year, ilar Business notices Inserted in the Lical Column, or before Marriges and Deaths, FIVE CENTS ~ ".1 . • tor each insertion. sfir Marriges and Deaths to be charged as regular • vertisemonts has just been received, saying 'Crittenden ral lied at Monticello, and will made a stand there. The disaster to our forces was very much ex aggerated by the fugitives.' " A dispatch dated Wilmington, Jan. 24, says: Heavy wind, east north-east, all last night, and to-day, up to 8 o'clock this morning. There is nothing new from the coact except, au apparent are& drifting shore-wards this morn ing, fifteen miles east of New Inlet. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. I=2l NEW YORK, Jan. 25, 1861 Cotton, nominal at 31®32c. Flour, firm, sales 7,500 bbls. state $5 50®$5 60. Wheat, firm, 21,000. sold at $1 42, lowa, $1 35, Mich igan, $1 45, white lientackey $1 62i. Corn, firm, sales 31,000 bushels at 64®65c. Pork, buoyant at $12®12 75. Lard, firm. Whis key, 23i-®22c, stocks closed higher but quiet. Affairs at Savannah. A recent number of a Savannah paper coa tains the following : "CONFEDERATE STATES OF A MERICA, "Headquarters Military Dept of Georgia. SAVANNAH, Dec. 31. 1861. " Smut ORDER, No. 396.—Front and after the third day of January, 1862, no person, either civilian or soldier, will be permitted to enter or go out of the city of Savannah, by the several railroads or other routes, without a pass from the proper authorities. " Civilians will be required to have passes from the civil authorities of the cities whence they come, or the clerks of the several county courts, or justice of the inferior courts. ," Officers and soldiers will be required to have passes from their commanding officers showing their rank and companies, and the reg iments to which they belong. Few of the stores in the city are open ; goods of every kind are exceedingly scarce, and even of provisions, only rice and corn are abundant. The schooner which arrived from Nassau, just before the Fingal tried to go out. hrough War saw and was stopped, brought 300 sacks of cuffee, which was sold at seventy-five cents a pound. Spite of the 20,000 troops in and about the city, no confidence m its security was gen erally felt. When Fort Walker was taken, 600 families fled, many of whom have since re turned, with the purpose to remain till Fort Pulaski is captured, an event which they went to consider only a question of time. The barbette guns of the Fort have been re moved to the casement. A telegraph connects the Fort and the city, which was built, at least part, by negro workmen. Negroes are daily car ried from the city—two or three car-loads by ev ery train. If their masters have plantations in the interior, they are removed to them : if not they are sent to whatever is thought to be the most secure retreat. Most of the troops were armed with Enfield rifles, but coarsely clad in grey homespun, with small attention to uni form appearance.. Much the largest portion of the forces from te inland counties of Georgia. LOYALTY IN RICHMOND.—The Baltimore American has been assured by quite a number of the released Union prisoners of war, who ar lived there on Saturday last, that they had rut- doubted evidence of the loyalty of a good num ber of citizens of Richmond to the old flag,' and that but for the fear of arrest they would open ly avow their sentiments. The following para graph from the Richmond Examiner of Friday last confirms their statement : is Das War ?—Con New Year's Day we saw quite a number of Northern men briskly peram bulating our streets with passes to Fortress Monroe. They were making a number of "calls." Among them we noticed Dr. King, the Rhode Island "lion," at the Arlington House, at large, and in as high a glee as the Union men he has been confining with. There is a sombre aspect on many laces, and the be lief prevails that if the war is not waged in earnest we are doomed, and that Virginia and all the border States must inevitably be occu pied by the Federal authorities. hut we differ with the faiut-hearted in one respect or opinion —we think the army will not submit, whatever may be the stipulations of others. Armies of Europe. The A-manack de Gotha, for 1862, has just been published, and gives among its portrait• • of sovereigns that of President Lincoln, not a very striking likeness to be sure, but still re cognizable. From the Almanac I obtain the following statistics in relation to the armies and navies of Europe : FRANCE.—Land forces—War footing, 767,- 000 men and 130,000 horses. Peace footing, 464,818 men and 73,850 horses. Navy-608 vessels in construction and afloat, carrying 13,353 guns; 373 of these vessels are steamers, 56 of which are " plated." The navy contains on the peace footing 37,375 men, which in time of war may he immediately in creased to 60,000. The marine troops number 26,879. ENGLAND.—Land forces, 212,773 men and 21, 900 horses. The navy consists of 893 ves sels, carrying 16,411 guns. It contains 78,200 men, of whom 18,000 aremarine troops. There are 9,500 coast guards. Russrs..—The land forces number 577,859 men, besides 136 regiments of cavalry, 31 bat tallious and 31 batteries of irregular troops.— The navy consists of 313 vessels, of which 242 are steamers, all carrying - 3,831 guns. There are also 474 stationary and transport ships. AIISTSIA.—The army contains 587,695 men, and the navy 58 steamers and 79 sailing ves sels, carrimg 895 guns. Paussu..—The land forces on a peace footing number 212,649 men, and the war footing, 622,866. The navy contains thirty-four yes sels, of which twenty-six are steamers. ITALY.—The official effective, on the 10th of June, 1861, amounted to 327,290 men, and the navy to 106 vessels, carrying 1,036 guns and 18,000 seamen and marine troops. Add to all these, the million and a half of men in arms in the United states, and we have a formidable series of figures, which may well shake our faith la the proximity o f that mil_ lemal time when " swords shall be beaten into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks," . MR, &WAVE'S REPLY TO PRIIESTA. ---- lir. Seward's reply to the note of the Prussian Cabinet is substantially the same as his answer to Austria. In suggesting the expediency of improving the occasion by defiuiug the laws of neutral rights with accuracy, he says: It is only in a spirit of the utmost respect and deference that I take leave to remark that the periods when the 'United States will have occasion to act the part of a belligerent will probably be few and brief, while, judging from past experience, we cannot yet hope for so constant a preservation of peace among the nations of the eastern continent. .30 25 . 1 00 . 200 .300 . 600 . 900 2 00 8 50 6 00 .10 00 16 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers