that) Ceitgrapb). OUR PLATFORM TIEN lIITION-4113 CONISTITUIION--W mit lINFOROIkKEINt OF TEit LAW. HARRISBURG, PA Wednesday Morning, October 23, 1861.% ADAYOI THANESOIVINO AND PRAISE The following efoquent and appropriate pro• donation, appointing a day of general thanks giving and praise, has just been issued from the Executive office of Pennsylvania. There is something in the composition and tone of this production,. unlike any other proclamation on the same subject which has ever Wined from the same department, and we cannot but commend both Its elegance of diction and really eloquent sentiment : PENNSYLVANIA, SS: In the name and by the authority of the"Conenton wealth of Pennsylvania, G. CORTDT, Gov ernor of laid annnynawealsh. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, every good gift is, from above , and comes down to us from the AlMighty , to whom it is meet, right and the'bounden fluty of every people to rendcr thanks for His bier- , cies ; Therefore I, ANDREW. G. CURTIN, Governor of the Poeunqnwealth of Peruntylva nia, do recommend to the,people of this Com monwealth, that they set apart THURSDAY, 28rn OF NOVEIHDER NEXT, as a day.of solemn Thanksgiving-to God, for, having prepared our corn and watered our fur- : rows, and blessed the labors of the busbandnoul, and crowned the year with His godliness, in the increase of the ground and the gathering in of the fruits thereof, so that our barns 'are filled with plenty : AND for having looked fa vorably on this Commonwealthand strengthen ed the, bars of her gates and, blamed , th . o, dren Within her, and made men to be of one mind, and preserved peace in her borders ; Beseeching Him also on behalf of these 'United States, that our beloved country may hate de liverance from these great and apparent dan gers wherewith she is comprised, and that He will mercifully dill•the outrage of perverse, vio lent, unruly and rebellious people, and make them clean hearts, and renew a right spirit within them, and give' them Owe that dal . may sew the error of their ways and bring forth fruits meet for repentance, and hereafter, in all godliness and honesty, obediently walk in His holy commandments, and in submission to the just and manifest authority of the republic, so that we,, leading a quiet and peaceable life, may continually offer nut* Him our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, 111111:101*en under my hand and the great seal elfthe State at Harrisburg, this SIX , =rd. o . of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and of the Commonwealth, the eighty-sixth. A. G. CHEM. Br TAM GOVIIIINOR ELI Swift, Secretciry of the Commonutaltk, DEATH OF SWAM. BAKER . . The announcement we make to-,day, under, our telegraphic summary, of- the death of Sen ator Baker, Colonel of the California regiment, which declined I -in the battle near LeesburK Va., Idll:elicit the profnund regret of every loyal-man in the country. A more daring or chivalrous soldier than Col. Baker has not drawn a sword in this contest, nor 'had any man `so blended hi ids character the essential qualities of soldier and statesman, orator and sage. Cel. Baker was a native of England, but was brought to this country by his fether When he was yet a yonth, and for: marry raw: resided in the city of Thiladelphia. He studied law in that city; and then removed west, making the state of hie home ' In 1845 he was: elected to' Congress. finiikedQid.i after, his electiOn, the Mexican war commenced; when he raised a regiment and went out to 'reinforce Gen. 141 iii. lle returned home as alie'arei of deepate, resumed his seat 'in Congrr* which he resigned to join his regiment. He was at the seige 'l3f Vera Cruz, at the battle of Goad - Gordel, and when 'Gen. Shields was diaahlad; Col. Baker, took coanmand of his brigade durbig the ware . - After the war, he was again elected to Congress- from Illinois,' for - the session of 1849-l0 Be left 1111Upis his'Peri e d in the service of the ; Panama, railroad company, and returned again with • his health and fortunes sadly ittipilred. In 1852 he 'settled -fir Califor nia, and San' FianClice, took nhiOi position as a litivieie About one year ago, COl. Baker removed to Oregon, anti immediately after- his arrival" he was elected 'to the 'United States Senate.' - Yeeta4. , . . Y:the life of Col. 13alser was given .to his country§ while rallying a, regiment of • loyal. troops. It was a sad thoughisrilliadt ending of a life isinirentfor and glorious. Tme,Rsasts,m Mumma have the advan tage of . tint' kora:citizens in the fact that when a Union mat leaves Ids 'home to light for the govenimerit, he expeai hissmiceis . 3kin neigbbore to do him all the harm they can. He may ex pect to find , his house and stacks' burnt, his no groes and horses stolen,' and his cattle But the sata3h feels that thewar is being earned on by tbe government upon hunianitarian prin ciples, and that his property is safe. He is not afraid the Union men will burnhim out, confis cate.. nix mimes, slaughter his stock or insult his family. The consequence is, while the Union mien 1 feel 'under obligations to act se Home Odarele; the &OW proceeds to join the annies-of 'their friends., Tao Bowd of fixfperviOrs of •Detroiti gan; hidf fikalniafelt $17;000 foiiihe of voinnfinen4 . ••••1 ~4 Rq Tim Psraxor AND thoox splurges in an article this morning, in which it misrepresents an arti cle in reference to its course which appeared in the Philadelphia Press yesterday. a . In order that our readers may see hovilust the strictures of the Press were in relation to tfie:course of the Patrie4, we giv!e the Words of.: 4 oke Press. That journal observed, that hie Harrisbnrg Patriot and Union, a paper, that eall34hows its hostility alike patriotism h i nd thiktnio,n, is horror-stricken because thehliress, preferring to the West Chester Jefersonian, insisted that that and all organs of treason should be crushed —if not by the 'ettrlit;rthett - lirtliernafttiffr arm of the Federal Government. On the 17th instant, the Patriot and Union said : Here is a delibeate — atfempt to deprive a citi: men of the right of. , t, benefits of a trial by, a, jury of- hispecrs, the y r ioet sa4re&ri thaeat-• taphes to 131101 W. p* utroallt f jealofe3ly, guarded 04141 tr kn and its blessings appreciated. It is ti l ii4Atibi9f that ,evisi one sh be eohlildemild hinoeitlif r. according to the Press, if.a reckless politician choct ii t°4euraral n t r ! i l4 3 l l lSAMCPSias -r frays' forind' 'mous ennug corm him when guiltless, th&lialiirsity arm must he invoked, civil law overridden; and the worst kind of despotism -.established to gratify the `spleen of a sinking ; partisan. This paper professes intent° affection 'for :the. Union men. of - Kentucky and Tenziessee- , Crit-' tenden and Prentice in the one, and. Andrew Johnson:in the outer. It 'insists ' , that 4Poirire thing shall be done to strengthen the lends of these great:leads/al. butitdees not admitthitt. simply for defending the 'cause of the toll:mitt - Ir, such tribunes as Johnson are outlewe& and made fugitives fromtheir - own • homes , by the Men who are-encouraged by papers , in. the 'free States like the Patriot and Union. The coarse .puninedlOWardellidinitrita lit the - traltoni weistatedeh re= cent date,. as MOWS : There is every, rpasqri to believe ~t the policy so foreshadowed is lib* the `actu 014" of theiConfeders,tie•StitesAnd throughorititheir lengthl44 ;breSd..thois..pftiroesi:Jigorously. and. Azi will I?eiseVitithe. po ! 1 271 . j%001"; hnmau as the policy of Tientii:cky is inhumane. Whilst the latterkdiiedi that be iciolestedkon lons,' that 'no citizen's property shall beltarken' or confiscated becarise-ig9idetropt6 , Bald that r Aniritii t ti b lini • 6 and ithin to tteir pr vateobusiness, until le UV, Rib* atuwelh B 8 - their fail:dues, are entiqedAndand stall receive, thefullest protection of the„floveminent in the enjoyment of dick L li vezp u their liberties, and their property,"the fonner, in the, spirits& th e bloodiest inteeriPtion, declard that -Mei:Wien ynion , opinionwshall. , be' fri3B from' thin, • that u every prnpertiyishall • be, confiscated, a4•hiiip.S.ra9:l kralorlsras&W iled because of his opinions, and that 'the man who will not fight,--aid-hi who daisdetire s date the credit•oLithe ••Government, are traitors: ,In *Orli tim,Confederate..polioy ex, tiogoishes tiR PoßfederVot4is- 44 , vestige of freedom of pigitical'op ; riv eting chains onthesonlii lxidiesycif Cow ering.people,.: Suchds•tbsoruetty.that titles in the rebel realmifropLone end to,the other. • .` ll e4 4f Oilli,44PltY mstald.ipretierve. your own li berty and etnimpepWruKlßY: t Illy to arms, and at ' once driveback e myrna-, dons who cornett; coarse iutn - the - robe zeubn4t,theikayonet'spolut. -We isthe-work befoXe jou, and these are the motives for doing-. the work. If yon,Are kt i. foy liberty tyranny,for yob will do In i:.olPleYivezda,_traitors are to be ame r ed . to, ,print and preach trniseon, and when officers of the 'law, tinder instrectiops.from ; the ,govern- went, arrest them, the traitors Aire. defended an d t4ecgicterlii4o3.44sl; 080 1 1. 13 4thMuch champions of, the Bri?chhiridge .D,eremacy William Reed and the. Adria (=Laden. ~ In 'the south brave men arfitreittedas tiraitors i gerea. on suspicion of ..ailegianee !to, the fing AO :the Conatibition of theitinthers, h'reedore;ot. the presi in the.loyi4 states, =Whig to MUM, R Reed and. iicileeli.ree4Re the eareekieted right to weaken the arm of the, conntry in ;the, present stanggle 77 a .dochfani Viich the remit assoCiates. and present adrairin of these au. thorities in, the seceded states, nod only noketheir °lint *.ieliMiqi and ielierisea wii 4 ? Are ,Bar Pad V 1 1P 0 0 2 9 ii• Alarm redently-escapelfroin Virginia, says the. Pittsburg Despatch,:telbuns: that on the I oc , car3bin of an Alarm: among: Ain rebels' iri the IfiWn where she waanskling, fronka report that the !Union • troops •'were • coming through* the town, theariniabls old•Secessbm ladies - phisbned their preseiveli andAthei nice things, and when the rumor provedifalse,tthey felt a little 'sorry,* no doubt, as thepreservel were all gone • "for nix." :Thesameladriaysithatetherel wes not one lard of calico and but one hoop skirt for sale * the toWn. -What•Werideribit lathe - 0061in were savage at " Linizold," -titiltheknetinifaki the tretiblete think that he -not to Vain& if thetptiople chOselo *nib hibrifitiddent; an d a . . • Om • V tk 'the 84:00-hiidli "orb* . to kick out of theltaceisivlieit*-14 Ulan). before. ' • , l ELT Tuna vassats left Neifriirk — YeeterUay with three hu? 1 # 0 1 1 . Reigged.,..POMlCloll board for Aalti. -of.these 'from Canada, one hundred mid "'fry from Penn uylvinia; and the rest "liaiethe city of New York. There was one iihite'n"uti . iiitlcallaCk. - wife l and two white oifeil' A igtt' . byack d hands. Tha . ethigiantif 'go lO'dt...iib l iikiraitd: and will settle on farms given thinnbY the joy ernmefinu the vicinity of that' THE Lornaturam ,Toionter, says !' 'Radlids of those exceedirtily sebaltive Kentuchians who so eloqieitli-prodai*d" t44"o* could take np arms southern states `rose Much as tiiOSAi states Were Kedfftaksleiters L ' havo rails 'Wren ea* 'for' the: pgnesE9f' Kentucky herseff. Tern thit 'enough tO"b . :161 the devil laugh? Taw. Mamma Appeal offeirtlietpiio*big •y , l= low covered' invitation : "Latihif barn of a beilitly despotism -:thineini: a "Tti4 ablibter-peas are ready, ~QA.Xarikee _blOOd dial flow as free as festal wine:, Amiable, vend - • Tim INAIon Siiiikennilltettiti Of Niiiiiitivi PF o 4fiicriii3!:4 ll 4.*ll l #l ( .i - it *PM lrooTigiqa. in. raig*d, Anti itai rakCiaithitithil- . :. O ft men 4iii iiii& au . 4 0* ifor *t o i lk IF,i, i t 10 - 44 oc, ~..i #l . l4iiii it:. i.,:.1;1 Affairs in Secessia• From the Baltimore Patriot, Oct. 21.1 We have bad an opportunity of conversing with several persons just , arrived from the inte il'in defile South ain *tee, some of whom left 7:itetththe t han take oath of allegiance to the new pfedeilicy; and others, because their bu 'illness was broken up byreason of their still ad hering tt. ;Abii - Wal faith and their ancient alle glen,. , ''.'.•`,- _,.. ..'; Oniin th. I. i ties left Richmond, where he 'had, ns. ' ebruary; on lhursday morning last, s= : . Friday biNorfolk. Ile informed us that there was still a fierce enthusiasm seem ing to pervade the Secessionists throughout the &nth.- women,ann,children, as well-as menl that they have a complete confidence in their ability to i . naintain tbeir , position i ;that there were,. tO his' Orsonal knowledge many Union men 11:L. Riclunond, and. in_ _Norfolk especially ; that the counties of Eastern Virginia, as well as alZn' towns, were swanning with soldiers ; that ost every man wore uniform, and was at- ; be,ttl;tftsotrte fftllitsgystOsstfazation ;:tbsultle 'troops wero,-14-.)elanTettlietOraggediaind'htetery few cases VnifOXD;ell; ,that tlieir clothes were of , tntesimit . , ,'dyed wlth :the ,iyfdinti4dr, or some .• ~ • an substance, to, seenrewmethin' g like uni formity of cOlor among those of the same corn papy ; that they Were:, verf badly off for Shdea, had very: feW ' blanketsk still fewer.tents; and were well armed 'ord in certain ,plades) as at Manarseus, and in, Varta of Termesdee, having brimght each "ma n' his squirrel-gun or fowling piece, with finch 'fixtures ashe Could:provident home. e `also 'said` that certain inialieinekwers very ' ce, , and some'it was Inipbmilile to Obtain. oniel 44' Werth fifty celled en ounce, and i ditlinkl-te :NYE:ad in ; Richincitidf Qiiibitie, the rte Weis none 'to - bVilad. at ally:auk store th rif inicWedifendley!l z 1 .an d lOdide 1 ni4f po tassium "and ? m ile . f * ou r n ti d al so il M AS : 'Op li i 'e u r m e .li a l t - , N rfelk, brit neither of the others. , The Tredegar iron works were said to, be tunatn( mit one r large genia l day, , ihe impel ilea werellitely,l lad as ginte'ivere int h needed, sefast 'as they noul4 ir Plaauf,lre d ll. toe Y wwe went to their fiOoeti:-' in Itiehmon :them a l s not much diairdeldi behavior intheitreetti an no drunkenness, that he saw, among the Soldiers. Among the operatives,iuld Tr il l especially,- the ' triiiiiihelbig WAAt i4:ISP ,i ' 1!4„. no nire could'daid fo give el,prOibn Wif , : ' he, Upton' Men,' heive:ier, ki*Vir ea4t i dthe.i, 'im4 . we e ehieetSof,SbapiAdn',o it'd who Oiled i gal those Who upheld 'them. `` ' Therettudedge that a man still adhered to , the Union, was suf. ficiWto derive of eIPOPYI4IAItW take fyty , custom , from' his store; '"`Maky Onor t ,me who could get away had left, bathe great i l iB l of course , , could ,upt get o ff , add they see e waiting ) , in , hop, r tbe arrival of the Alia-. ral hrinrei3 to releiti3e 'them frcini,the oenreassaa which was exerelsednver them. " The Union men: would: Would Midogiallyjo i n the United Stitt& flagassoonss it coW .be.dis- , plated:amonghem. Thousands would iloelt to it Who now were, Okico, ti. 44" who 3 1 , 4 re actiil {all 0 4 11 , 01efOre ' d to NarkiFT o Watilli it, Whst . 1 -iA t e relative admit. strength of:. the - .P4stiles the e, !Oki' impossible to • say. No test could, i d lie —no election held ender Rrmnt pirotai,, 'eta. ceatin' `these' States ymild,affedinny sit, even if it were pible to' run a Timm, pan 'date. None such , could show himself, nor wn dit be safe-for any votek to vote for such. , The, disunionistetivelliknow thia, as Well es' the 'fact' i that :there are • thousands of Union Men, and, their, fear of , allowing the • Unita 'Men to fpidi out, their -own strength,. causes theta , to for bid nd dual eatany'attempt it a diniondfiLl _ Borg. .t ~: e secessionistewere,qn , many'plact* in the I'or, ihetitiel*.ff to; be..eatirely ', eick7of this ta s 4 of affairs. , t.Ceffee, fifty ivents a pound— Tar4 l s ,ll gir ;hotel, now ; . gave coffee—some had - - 1 - #00249 1: 1 ) AsissAhi,gti. :Bacon, twentyllltrie emis A.p fl u l ait. , Salt, ; eight a dollars a saok.:— Flo i ,eisght anstnine..dollarS4k ba r rel. ~ ~, I North Carolina, where one of the parties wi whom we,conyened. h ad: been staying scan months, wheat was worth eighty-five to • Mill ty- five cenbl a bushel, 'and the stomata*: t ir to &fanner,• in, his.: hearing, that .shortir it quid be a bushel of wheat turn. pound'of cof fee. Gold' „and Avg neveri seen._ i Mink notes Of e different States, and Confederate money, of e , denoinination ilof $6 l and `upward-all 1 .06 8 . galannsbstrediof sbireplashns' and' empero; do m:omiseetto-ptip,fivianti ten cents (vrhen -$6 Weis presented) in Yhtinik, tams*. . . t 3 ,the western and , mountainoria region of .North Carolina, and especially .11astTenneesee; Unibn men daredatill i to gather together and ,s out,Acept in thoso , • pentsmtdch were Y lcublObil4: 6 l.rirt"is Intilliens." Pekk 1 I No them .Alabarrat,,.too, about. Huntsville, RatEin P l oFtkei/40/A,4 I, OIPPIPRit as 410.0 8 among the kirOti...peinfais,, • alpeg „t/te ...niv e l* Union feeling, wkriici .iairtitrorli ; :Ma mowtheard bib Man say at a "gathenng" that "if he eiteld , only V!, q 4 e. PM StArs4n4 sld*alke'..walgd.arY; yet ui. ° "' ll , sf i ht gatell#Ado sslVi in., 41 , 0=d NO Olk, andllo,oo6 at and - a tit Mu:leases.— Ano er =runt statet . , itb.9 . 4 :443Z at rfOlk' Sen4l Mit . ; ,1, 1 !Aims daily. It was nits P1i1•MV. )4 49 . ' • sr. ABYthaufbmactly Rt, ..sitirin or number. . s so4idpratp B did not ow the ,neyniqmtengii- i -publish anything. 'The .. moments o n sadpotere,known aleief, i,, oath, it Riolukondlihtili; . inlikothre* t traitors and spies in gpyernmetit Offices, he:}. uldlnotetiffi—'ibl'a pefffidtctuffidence was 'felt . Ahoy. had. seemed ind-wordd-Innatirdn the independence. I, The-fleetibwc'aesenibling at . P'toik Beals gave gr,erit-tlneaslinifir to - the oniste, and they , are alarmed - and' Pei - pie d. glut:hare thetinain Poinia ilf the state me , which seem to us very fair and candid, rind relifthlel ,fAt' 04 1 1 1 10'i Ulm 44 tfr4i)'4l.ll4l 1 -net er lateral tior.iwWhith' , state - outer than i 1 # Remarkable Court Martial. , r e Fifth New -.. :y Ills enl, Col. Spas - '"' tY' 4 Of :1 ' 1, ~ . 1 .,...7: 1 11 l i: . iltAiittkirt.B atm: . .r. ~ .., . : . . n so:ailments wilal. ' sex. The editor of the Trenton paper, g from thealrgass sa d ettir e rrits beautififflady - whom dintnitl lurtus and no one suspicioned an • .• .g wrong gra ,4 , • er, Ili J; , ,• i lii , t ht,rP i l . Ir eix, r a II : ~ I . l e, ' l tic ~.1 k. . , L ' ..• . W .. . er t ai r, refusing even to give her funds to return friends ht ;thii Bbfqltd Blieltippeilitil to SEM ;had wife It a ftt , h urt martial for redress, and, says the . .r it • ee, tifitige t * fx) w • a e should fort with make • y his lawful wife, and give her an order Government Paymaster -for one-half the _ _ theb 15 11 '' (5f th' 114- t due him—being some $l6O. He refused ::~ iit. tAn..abide,4*the Sjp4lneAkok the ootiM wii . - - ' .Efstkiford'w'ds pro'thlitlYtiikeiCfromiiim, aild' glial V lAti V i tr ilin49l3a tir i n copj him u de y, an"kr 1. - a i a fur, r reedit% dm j s ett a bitile tber4ci t Ai. A clergyWa* tlinvjthe t*Wwere la y united in matrimony, in the presence cf so e twenty witnesses the husband gave 94e. Die; on the U. S. Paymaster fqr half, his Wag -Lockgratulatiotis Were eidlikuged'intonk 'all p tAtuthe: court.teem, and all went gab. arat t ricing, save the husband, who went:bif all nettled, though a "second , sober t.. . 1 . t',' will, d ;40;1 d 6 47.o l edel*W titni ar .1; .' d right{ ' 'Joule twenty other cases were disposed of tleugh the day in a- like peremptory man , er. 1 B' 1 °F lu V t ritt 'Or WW I % .9 I PSIVO ~ri Ng, resvroy_wed, ~, ••k iolikre Iftiiritt iiiioilifiruster Plea= ,• • • ~* ,to Mexico, i ,ut for ' % a of Yidg, ,- '' ' was recall igalmtvAkiaseutoutt - . -rior air . • • ..: ~.f.••, g_irai - vi r Irg • 1 : , From our Evening Edition of Later From Washifigta • NEW 11.ATTF3110, EREIKI). AT MATT-Hts POIN . LiJ - A - Ofli f dr6 17.- 61.' Contiadietio t e - apart° ap e of Vessels by the:Ttebols. FROM THE UPPER POTOMAC. . Our Forces Sti ll Hold *air Position at Edward's Ferry. THE ARREST: OF JpgcE ,MER:ICK. , t , .... , .. . -....- Wssnumrior, Oct. 22. a The Harriet ne ,arrlved ,up ,from Indian 'Head list nikht - S titi reporkoLhatirew bitteries chlive * been ere cted at Matthias Point. The Freeborn an 4 Island Belle while , making & re connoisance at the Point yesterday threw some stint into the woods and the fire was ret jj. d by snin9+iviba*etie4 ofeithtgeri heftily . '7, .., Isrdediately lhereimon the woods and lin. dr tlsh were cleared away, exppshrg the batteries tc'evie w. ...",%. ' 1; ' 'Vessels in passing this point are obliged to hug ticie•V i iiginb.shom„and expotteli Ate for a tlisisinee'of some foui or five miles in doub ling it. Ng vessel puped„tipwiN the..river ltist aught, and it is ntekiibwn'tibti, any 'came hp The river men report that the rebels have a manlier: of Ae).l,iu.lloqtg apitAllng Boat spinictaled thetreeks mid inlets between Acquia creek and °cool:Juan bayonyl tha,t ,phsy are Ititc#, building 1l 6h - 'lvithlt view Of either to effect a crossing into. Maryland or to. Seizelveitsela pmt "r " The run l 4;,thatia4tAlnlinr. of gesso le bound down have been taken by the rebels is un-. fdrinded, • 11.) !_. - most,reliable,accpurds j ..from ! the upper. Potomac this ag itch that our troops had ''reiurriA pritiopi wud's. tibiL tialA Mc. limicipmeth • oict the Virginia side of the Potomac. - - Judge Merrick to-dale sentla =letter ,to MS .brother judges of the circuit court relative to his arrest, which gre*tat bilifoltfergdingeeincern ing a recent habeg„Appfs.:4*M.....bbldiers guard 'Aim in his own house as a prisoner. It should be stated` that' the - 'aboVe named cause of arrest is the Rugg ippmsion, though 'nothing positive is known upon the subject and it may be for some - other , - teakon. The Court ,tik,day made an. order 'citing Gen. yprter to,, ap `pear and shevecaiiieWhirlatill ofdered the 'arrest of Judge MerrWartd thus obstructed the coarse of justice. Another Vdetoryin Missouri j 5 '7l l .14% ;Rent of the Rebels under Thompson • and Loire. WM 4 M THEIR LOSS -VERY -HEAVY. CAPTURE AUA? .HEAVY -GUNS. 1,1; CM 841344;;A4P4R, mum) PILOT KNOB • ae:t. 22. iThe following dispatch was roceivedthero this psi:Sitting and forwaycle4 to Aesd,guattels,,at St. Loids : %- iFicas or-BArrx,B, lrederickton, Oct. 22. 1 In company with Coi. Plummer's command we have routed the rebels_ of _ Thompson and .owe, estimated at ANIL ThikAx l s . was heavy while ours was smallavf confluql,tprincipally to *lst Indiana cavalry, IVe captured four '-heavy -gitni. Lowe, flits rebel leader was killed. Major Gavitt and Capt. Hyrien of the IntkilttAVOry were killed in . *charge on a bait*. - The command of Cel. 'Plummer referred to above, were on Friday mording last ordered Eli& Cape Gino:lean with instructions to move toward Fredericktown and cut off the . ret reat of Thompson and riii6fs 'army : ' - ' "" " is force consisted of Marsh's:lBth rent, a section of Taylor's battery and tert and Lep:sumaspcsateuliee of Cavalry, 'from Cairo ; deb Part 'of Pludnher's 11th Missouri, a part of Itosc2ist, Iffinobi.al4.a ear.- Von of Cainpbellirbittiziry; all from 'Cape Gir tirdeau. The force frolP P2b s o._ wool (nmpoted.: the 20tfi Illinois; Co . Carlin ; 83d Illinois, Col. ; 21st Illinois, Col. Alexander; Bth Wis consin, Col. Murphy 1-Elkandbinkciairelry, Col. raker ; Capt. Havikin's Independent Missouri Cairtdry, and ,four 843oluad!:u.s and two 2,l,pound ers Under `Maj. 'Schofield , of the Ist Missouri 4g/A V4abirT. . .4moir-^ ' • ' • FROM aTOk'S COMMAND. . LATER A3D-DEPtlittiNT FALL OF COLONEL BAKER ' i Wikiescioii, - Ob ."21.—linbought: General Stone, o r ossed ..thq Pqtgonw, this.. 48 4 k; iiith tae portion of ac 10 . •• -: .'s ~ Ferry. Bald • anotherlut 7 Harrison's ?t lid. , 1 ' 4' '.'S iit4yQiiii 'bi•iire•ei'i - th. - i3Wenly'in k ;m: 1 o3rtanintikbeitinnd4.part.of General! Shine's 1 cominand, as early as nine o'clock in the mow-, ing, and continued, without much effect, until. a cs# five cl;closislu t tlie,aftpr. noon -,,when i large prcemeratitthe ehtiny'lippes:itottullonbili 1 • (, 41 4 9 14 1 I S m°2 1 /I ;49 (I I7zC O AT i etA 34IO ,4I, # na • rfrcfra iegtinT , '''" '-' ' ' ' Thai. Union, force; magegixitintMilieredi about one thousand,eight humir . ed n and s were attacked 33! a.; foie"Stippolitil .r tolafi - faun' five t6' c leii I " d. :,, : ! .7. , , '. t-: I i t ' f this` junct u re, Col. Baker fell at the head ,of ran brigade, gallantly cheering on his men 6 the son- Ini'MedlittielY, hefer6 le * fell, iiis `diiiiittei4 Major Young- to fileneaid~Stone to .arlfir%O.hirw A.Vie cYldig. 9 l4.. affai4 k an 4 ArtEW•ntl gtOne immediady• proceed in person inward` the righ(tqatake comunuid; but in the; confusion created by the fall of Colonel , ,llaker,, the right, wing !sustained a repulse with coifisiderlible'losa. TEI3 FITINTER4 OF THOMAS wfulgy. - BALD:molts, Pci. The funeral of-ThornastWildey the founder of t (-1°,8141 P ,n thisc9uPYY, t99kalacp, this,, morning. There was a very large turn out In -eluding delegations-from various sections,of the order; throughout the country and a numberpf udlit4ry officers; several military bandi - were also in the procession. „ ..; • NW' YORE gV)CXX4IOM. : .-114/WYtisx,!Ootu 22. _ 4 .kssoldlatimitem wAPAII: ten Pi; 13mcl,ipg i 3A,;firginiallie; WU ilEtio`9lMirre NnaMes 82 ; Onoiblinis 8 8igtddialk08 , ,0 MO Vs, 862, 96i; registered !slue, 1881, • FROM FORTRESS MONROE The severe gale which has prevailed here, but ismow •ratingilnts someithat retarded the prepara : for tl*Aleparture of vessels from A this pol 7 . -3.4! hinent of 260 men of the llassachu se Atalion whO were sent out from New po ewe this mo .g for fuel wereattacked b e rebels but . . their ground. The Ist ; = th New York :regiments had been sent out tolaupport_them whim the steamer left for Old Point. 1111! ONE.RDANg-LATZBF4ROM EUROPE, Arrival of the Steamer North Briton The stomper Yorl4 Briton from Liverpool is below„ .and %Awe point about 13 o'clock. Her adviees'bi tetegraph via Queenstown, Will bet the nth inst.; one day later than received by the Etna from Cape Race. Ws find the subjoined statementin the Wash ington correspondence of the Springfield (Mass.) ROublican, and have reason to believe it true : That Gen. McClellan, backed up by Seward, Cliiiisel2the President and Bates, refusei to ad- Vance upon the reli4:4if except by the shiw pro cess of fortifying , all,the-hills,hetween this and Riqhmond, while 'Vali, Climeron, Welles and Smith, with: Gen. Scott, urge and immediate tidiance upon Maniussas and Richmond before weather pad an end to the campaign.— NoW facts have come to light, and I believe that Gen. McfJlellan is 'opposeti to' an' inunedi ate,advance... It is said that. Gen. Scott agrees with Min, except upqn a single .point, Scott tagrpes ihat,it were better to wait, a month long er-rie it were possible—but that a month hence it Will be:impossible to,advance an army over 014 Virginia roads, and that topostpone a bat tle.°ft month ,really means to: postpone it till next orqiine: There is tolerably good evi derice that McClellan if he advances at all within - a fortnight;Aiti - cli) s o rehictaktly." e • -: - -1 t. Li ie. lila MDTI' 'lO6l c by, r by R 4 IL . ' Wee iffailtalti ificOttorrow, all of. leibPkin county, . ) ."„P,` alto at the mile Hole rind plgP.e, by the same, Mr. Jatiers K misa giraezi BAtpucin, all of Dan ettiii county, Pa. ' tbi4 city, 9ctoher 22:1 by Rev. Martz, Mr. Joidc R. Ltintioorrori to Mite Suzann"' KAVIPXA N., all 01 Da4phla county; Pa. Nets 2Duertistments. E=l: HORSE FOR SALE. • 9111. F. subscriber offers for sale at sixty .0 dollars cash a goodteaiy Fraught Horse about trn yenta 01 , 1, works well single or double and has been used fort rucking, the last three years. Sold Or want or use; _„.. cot22-314._1, 1 + "1" qOA t po„Rwii tt ad( CO4 1 41 ' rfiaTILAW w - Vco - . w — ant tlie real OldGenuine l i f Fashioned Phlegmy° Coal from the L iorborry nes (by Ile Gar ' i ' dor•othcfwir ea P . P aNgpio6, , J ' ,., S. & S. ftailroad office. oql2g-lmd A 00 . xuaitr WORK, JUST PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE AT BERGNER, - 'S CHEAP BOOK STORE, N(9..'SI__MARK,ET STREET, HARRISBURG, PA.' : I . -, I, •%..p. 1 ,-,---- .., .• ; Es 'or• General , MoClellan's Works. ARMIES OF EUROPE : comprising des ; criptions in detail of the Military Systems of kngland; Frifacc, Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sardinia. Adapting their advantages to all arms of the, Unitedrata,tes,§cryk,Wl: 4414x45,-. ing 'Abe itepOrt 4310bierlations in 'Europe dur ingtthe Crimean War, Itti fitilitark Corrolaissichi er ftom the United States Government in 1855- 56' By Cao. B...ticasmAii, Major-General U. i S. Army. • 4 . Originally publislieTiunder „.the; direption of-th 6 'War Deritirtment, - bi order of Congress. ,, 1 vol. Bvo. Illustrated with a fine steel Pintridt and several hundred Engraiings. $3.50: , ~ .. ' This most interesting volume, prepared with great labor by, General 1110am:um, from copi ous notes taken during his tour of observation in Europe, under orders from the War Depart ment, opens to the reader much of his own military history and' 'culture. Here will be found his matured views on subjects of imme diate and absorbing interests, and 'the noble and' bold suggestions , contained. herein he is now in position "to, realize, and is, in fact, eve day ;applying in -practice. The book is icstrllr ing prophecy . of which his present,pOiithin and his assured fame are . the bright 'fulfilment: REGULATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR ;THE DRIP SERVICE OF THE IL S. CAVAIr BY IN TIME OF WAR. By Gao. B. McCzza- Lex! Major-General U. S. .Army. To - which is 5 added, the Basis of Instruction for the U. S. Cavidry, from the authorized Tactics, including the formation of regiments and squadrons, the ditties and posts of officers, lessons in the train ing use of the horse, illustrated by 'numerous diag‘ranm, with the signals and calls now in use i . also, instructions for officers and non- commissioned officers on outpost and patrol , . 'duty. With a drill for the use of cavalry as skirnishers, mounted and dismounted 1 vol. l2mo. Fully illustrated. $2. PROPOSALS,' FOR ARMY SUP PLIES. •Quawrgas Plumsszvexte Micrxeta. QUAILTERMASOIifIr DEPAItTKENT, Harrisburg, Oct. 21, 1861. 'srED pixthseis.„.„, Will be received at •. , his , office until 2 o'clock, on Monday, the 28t day . of OCtober, 1861, . for the following Army Supplies, deliverable at :the Military. Store, Harrisburg, in quantities as required : Bd,ooo Grey, Thaddrshirts, two-thirds Wool. 24000 Insignia Swords for Cavalry. 2000 Brass Scales . ; " " Said proposals to be publicly opened at the ,timeiarid place named, and the successful bid der to be announced as thereafter as conveni ent; the right being resesved to increase or di ndialph the number and quantity of said arti cles.,, Every proposal to be endorsed "Proposal .for Army C. TrArrr n .„; octal - 3t OuarteireasteiGeneral. GH4I)ICE STD.& W DERRY PLANTS. 11114f.:CAUSE of the, annoyances to hied' Ajl lie is constautly.eultkted by tress pass& of sog! ...Rigs: 0 . 9 padersianed has, giran up Ida. lease of, the pgp., mites on which he now rticides, adj acting Camp audio ars for sal his large collection of choirs . •Ahe assortinint comprises : " i‘cei t mews• Albany Ileddlings. 50,4100 Hovey Seedlings. :i20,460 Early Scarlet. 16,00 Scarlet Magnet.. AO some other flue 7h, Isms are young and Verona. , T . tmxwerre Wee l ed wi ircat ca re , and for fruit cannot be excelien. 4 rare 9ppllnclAfy ere xresen ted todaditerui alb th o,,pro4wke,. choiCe tontortnient for Si 11.4r10soid cheap. l er " 3 14f tt the Post hire, r &yam* Actati lir e l i rClY 4143 hying!. 14141 • PM, FORTRESS MONROE, Oct. 21 FATILIELL POINT, Oct. 22 _____,.. 31 eD3 `2t bet' tis enunts FIELD FOR P ROMOTION ! ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY, WANTED AT ONCE, 800 YOUNG MRI.I. l ite . Fi g E , n a , 3 n D t If B s .. A . it T r T aD A. try l : L eo l F OR inttd O od P hy T ki li „j! Will. A. Stokes 'the Patriotic young men of Pennsylvania should eag. arty embrace this opportunity r = p ch. Ailing this slendel Rifle Regiment enlisted. Recruits will be uniformed and disciplined as Bean as Good clothing, Food, Quartets and Medical attendant*. frtie of charge, and the soldier in th e ilegimoot at tendance, promptly RM. It is important to remember that the or ganizatios oi this Regiment is such that yo .ag melt who ha theW atling of soldiers and who-are Inspired with the n par a nd Stripes for marching under the folds of the old tqars and od will have in this Regiment the o pportunity of from th e grade of privates to that or R. col t ,i s &mod i Dicer in the Regular Army, as oee third or the officers will to =a , en tr.= the rants when the Regiment has its complement or men. All the pension laws apply to all mon iu the Regular servica every sick and mewed softer will De e. ,,,,, rortably prow dad for In. the ".=coldiera Home," establish the Government. Apply to 3. M. EYSfgR, Capt. G. S. Army, Reereitirogwece r 18th U. S. lotautry, Recruiting Rendezvous "Exchange," Walnut street, HAI riabytg. Pa. Oct. la, 1861. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. HEADQUARTERS PENNSYLVANIA ) QUARTERMASTER'S D EPARTMENT, I.' Harrisburg, Oct. 21, 1861. 11 'A.LED PROPOSALS will be received at thi6 t office, up to twelve o'clock on Friday, 16. 25th of October, 1861, to furnish the following supplies in such quantities, and at such plart', as may be directed at this office : 1,000 CORDS OF OAR. WOOD. •The same to be inspected by proper person:: serected - as provided by the act of Assembly Bids will be limited to 250 cords, but pe r „,i, s may bid for one or more lots. R. C. HALE, QuarterMaster General 0021 8t C. K. ZELLER, SOL b.: AGENT Fuji MITHELL'S POISONED WHEAT, 'to Poison Crows, Rats and Mice, CASING THEM TO DIE ON THE sPOT optis-aw* Ql7loli U. S. COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE, I VOLUNTEER SERVICE, Harrisburg, Pa., October SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed "Proposals for Rations" will be received by the undersign en at his office until 12 M., ou the 25th inst., for supplying complete army rations, vaw,) fur the companies mustered in and to be blustered into the service of the United States at Camp Catneron. Said rations to be, delivered at such tisp3as may be designated by the proper officer and oa his requisition , Bids must state the pike per ration delivered as above. A contract, which must be executed (with bond for faithful per forcaartee) within three days after notification of acceptance of bid, will be awarded to the loWest responsible bidder for the period of two inohths from Ist November 1861, unless terminated by the U. S. Commissary General. The undersigned reserves the right to reject all unreasonable bids. W. DONALDSON, Capt & C. S. U. S. A. octl9-dtd STEAM WEEKLY k\ ISETWKEN NEW lOU AND LIVERPOOL. ANl'lNu AND EMBARKING NONA , at QUIOINSTOWN, (Ireland.) Thu t "cr poo N or.: and Philadelphia 8 teameht p mow, intehd despatching their full powered Clyde-burd Irot Stexiinotema follows : CITY OF WASHINGTON, saturday,October 19 ,9L I? GOty, October 2U; and NINA, Saturday November ' end every Saturday at Noon, from Pier 44, Nivel Sher. 1.41.118 07 mastic ./PDAST CABIN ~.$76 OD Bra:WAAGE ..„ ..... fnitt Ott do to Loudon $BO 001 do to Londua 00 dO .10 Karla 186 00 I do to Park ~ $34 Ott do io" Hamburg-186 001 do to Hambore f;5 Oe JPassengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Kotler dam, Antwerp, dicr., at equally low ratios. /111raiirsoas urlntilng it/ prong outmodr lrieede so bay A lakpeii,beret .at the following rates, to New Tort Front , UrerpoOl or Qlteaustowo; let Clothe, 176, 186 eel nos. Sloquge from averoo,o Ste 00 !train qiwoooovi., s3o'oo. „Theo° Steamers bare 'uliorlor accomnmetiiiiis tor paineugers, and curry esperlettood Surgeons. hey ore built in Water-tight Iron Soolldmi, sod have Fire Annibllatorii on board. For further inneematlon apply in Liverpool to WI i.t.LO INMAN, Agent, 22 Winer Street ; is GlaAgow to WY. b St. Bedell Square ; in Queenstown 41C. k A. D. Iff.SII.MOI3R & CO. ;in London to NtV k MALY, it King William St. ' • in Parts to ADA'S DECODE , 5 Place de la BOIMe ; In Philadelphia to JO4N G. DALE, 11l .Walautatreet ; or at the °employ's offices. JNO. G. DALE, Agea, IS Broadway, New York Or 0.0. Zimmerman. Agent, Harrisburg. eaixt SONEFFEIBS BOOK STOREI (NIMIt Till 9AYBtBBDHQ 81LT.D09.) UNION ENVELOPES. CiTE PAPER, of six different deeigne, praded la two dolor& gold by the thousand and by LW:l'llAm at City Ouh prma A l ° l. YLI V , Onion Eirdaal Plus, Eagles. 011111.1 Rune ad s gory I.lw pried oth at %Of :40FiliPwR Boigtiroo, OUR newly replenished stock of Tio et and Fancy Goode Is unsurpassed in this city, and foetiog confident of readeriag sitlstaction, we would res pectfully Invite mein. KeLLEd, 91, Market Wait, two doors east of Fourth street, south A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT OP LADIES' TRAVELLING AND S I-1 0 P N 13 S Atoall pricesjor sale at 811RoNVIV.? CHIMP BOOKOWIIFt 41 Nlttrket Sues CHANCE. FOR A BARGAIN. O 1 '431'684 ap the concern the entire Tstook of SHOES, BOOTS, dal.,date or °Viler Be um ' deceased, in Lilo rooms to the Market s,' 5.. 41 eare! I will 14)1d at private male at COST; sad the Marne will he re./tted e t erm ins pukrartser if &sired. tho i Wgent, ill „,A;, be e2B, - ' iwl7.dif 1.111 a 0. ZIMMERMANN BANNING STOCK, BILL AND COLLECTING oPTicg HOS been removed from No. 28 Second St. TO NO. 130 MAKKET STREET HARRISBURG, PA. TREASURY NOTES TAKEN AT PAR. sep24-titf _ HORSE FOR SALE. POR Sale, a good cad and wagon hoes "IL__ ;lour Years o!.d, and broken to harness, will 'P, .upat) (for want of use) and pay taken iu cash or farm pra..aace. - To be seen at the SAGO: WORKS ' ,9 41 4 7 caw DAVID 11AVNES, 110 MARKET, ST. HARRISBURG, Agee' for 1.11.1-IE'S P A TENT Wrpaght and Chilled Imo e ,•• od Burglar ?roof f f Ofikia..W &:: 13. Strictly the ONLY Meroanl l i S:lte wade, that is both coteAl (1 11 ' re and Burglar Proof.. AIL KAIL situi naI, CLO j gr aill ori A 4 T i ; , „WO' larMa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers