. .. „.....- „lON . e• — •• 1 • iro • . .. , - . . . . • .. . . Cil .- . , . . • , .. . . 4 . . . •_.„ - E„-± 1 .4, "4‘ \ - . . : _ .• \\ I ~ - • ... . . .. ' . • . 7 • , . . . . .. . , . . _ . . . .. . . . I V 4111.... . .. - - •'-_- - E'-',-7 -7, ' r,_-:: . - ,."l•=__-- -- -_-_ ----- _-f - .. -- _ -- i --- .1 -,.. 40 1 ~,----- -- - - :-. :.-.- _-- - --- -' .--=, -- -`= 7 - '. ice' - ' --;-----,_.= ' • . . , .. . . .. , , ..__ . . , • . .. , BY GEORGE BERGNER illtDital )1t . JOHNSON 3E3.i!LL'I'IIVICCO Xl.lll LOCK HOSPITAL. I AS dies avered! he moat certain, speed s and effectual remedy m the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. ttLIIP 171 MX TO (AIM" HOURS Nn Merrory or Noxious Drugs • 4:111. %Sr ,TWO O lt T 21.101 NO CHARON, IN PROM OAP r DAI, Gi the Hack or Limbo, Strictures, Pains iD !he on Ank.ttaltv, of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic W. :,%116141. Nervous Debility, Decay of therhysiet pow. DyPpejwiA, I.ogilor, LOW Spirits, Confusion 01 .dens, ti t ,ben ihe ID,rt, Timidity, Trembling; DUMDUM nt :,,gbt Idiu6l3, 0 , 10180 Of the Etotnaeb, Affectlone id we flead, lan! .1, Pe or tilrin-Lthate terrible dime arising from the iothreretion or Solitary Habits 01 Youth—tiara dreadful and destructive plaiting which produce roinditutomal debility, render marriage impoe eudo, and destroy both body and mind. VOCNO MEN. especially who have become the victims of eulnnt Fire, that dreadful and destructive habit which aouuepy ;weeps to an untimely grave thousands ol wen of iii most exalted talent and brilliant Intel woo nee rd otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of elequenee t or waited to ec t„„r th e seine lyre, may call itd.ll fall confidence. ' MA-Ulna& . , ure-ried persons, or thoseaentemplating marriage, 'Di aware of physical weakness; should imniediately onn mu le.. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WFAIINRS immediately ewred and Mt vigor restored He who places himself under the care of Dr: J.,. may uelY confide in his honor as n gentleman, and con Ed. ..t.‘ rely upon his skill as a physician. se Mice No. 7 South Frederick' street, Baltimore. , no the left hand side going from Baltimore street, 1 lours teem the corner. Be particular in observing the 3aw or number, or you will mistake, the place. Be par Li, a for Ignorant, Trifling Quacks. with false names, 3r i'aitry Humbug Coritjtoatos, attracted by the repute tiro Dr. Johnson, lurk near. au letters must contain a Postage Statap, to use on the reply. DR. JOHNSTON Ur. J.dineon member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Conlon, graduate from one of the meat eminent Colleges of Like Coiled States, and the greatest part of whose lift hag beet' spent In the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phlla driplua and elsewhere, has effected some of the most an toni4Jing cures that were ever known. , Many troubled and ringing in the ears aid head when asleep, great nee• 7011111. as, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, a al, frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangs rt,m,l of mind were mired Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE pr, , t., (tresses all these who having irdnred them eel ,, s by privtit and towropes indulgencles, that secret and politest( 'chit which ruins both body and mind, un fitting them for either businesses society. The - are some et the Sad and elancholy micas pr 6.. duom by early habits of youth, 'via : Weakness of the Bask sod Limbs, Paine in the Head, Dimness of Slight, Long of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dye putts, Nervous Irritability . Derangement of the Digestive Funstious, General Debility, 03ymptome of ,r,lensump lion, tic. MM.:TALLY. lINTALLT, the tearful eatill melba mind are mush C be dreaded —Loma of Memory, Confusion 01 Ideas, De. presides of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion toßoeie• ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, /Se., are some of the evil effects. Thousauds of persons of all ages, can now fudge what le the Cause of their decline In health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have t linguist appearance about the eyes, cough, and symp of commotion. . . YOUNG MEN she have injured themselves by a certain practice, in deiced in when alone—a habit frequently learned from es II .lompaniona, or at Sehool, the affects of which are aightiy felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately, What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his moo. try, the darling of his parents, should be matched from all prospects and enjoyments et life by the consequences of deviating tram the path of nature, and indulging In s Certain secret habit. 5111% persona meet, before contain , plating mAIIKIAGE, effect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requieltes to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the Journey through life becomes a woary rg 'lmage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mint becomes shadowed with despair, and Ailed With the melsucholy reflection that the happiness of another be• conies blighted with our own Ds JOHNSON'S INVIOORATiNG REMEDY FOR OR; HANN WRARNMS. By this great and important remedy, Weakness:of the ' irgaaa are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. thousands of the most nervous and debilitated whe had lost all hope, have been Immediately relieved. All Impedimenta to Marriage, Physical or Mental 'Manuallll. calico, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or the meet fearful kind, speedily cured. TO STRANGERS The many Ibetuseade cured at this lostlution Within tnit last twelve years, and the numerous important Sergio'. operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, Wales Ms Winding at a gentleman of character and re *Quad/Se, la a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. DISEASES OF IMPRODENCE.—Whon the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds be has imbibed the seeds o f this painful disease, It too often happens that an 1114imed sense of shame or dread of discovery deter, him from applying to those who, from education and re 'potability can alone befriend hint, delaying till the coo lUD/Donal symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the head, throat, Ease, akin, an., progressing ' an with frightful rapidity, tali death pate period to hie dreadful su ff erings by sending him to Ilthat bourne from whence so traveler returns." It Is a mel ancholy fact thut thousands tall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the uaskilliihials of Ignorant pretend. are, who, by the 1198 W i thal deiseito pnison, mierctiry, rats the constitution and make the residue of tile miserable. 'to gritualass.—Tho Doctor's lapiomas hang in hie Asa. ailKettora must contain a Stamp tone on the reply lye - Rosnoillea sent by Mall. sa-o. 7 south Frady . ink street, Baltimore. aorl34lawlY NOTICE. TUE UNDERSIGNED has opened his Lynn, oFFRIE corner of • Bloch. h arry alley, near Herrla Hotel. Third str c.• 0 " Lumber or all Linda and guiltier. I' uLle Lp MURRAY. rae un deraigued 44,1„ for will sell Hones, Carriages and bar Team ........._____ALSO—Hotte* wed. 11 t.. White et the semen& jaika, B IPRANK A. YUARAYt to tied alibi% In the way Perlithel7. glistellantuus TREES I TREES 1, I TREES I ! ! rrHE undersigned invite attention to their large and well grown.stock of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, 4brube he , embridlog a large and complete assortment APPLES, FEARS, PEACHES, PLUMS, DIESERIW, APRIOOTS, and NECTARINES, Standard for the Orchard, and Dwsrf for the garden. ENGLISH WALNUTS, SPANISH CHEEINUTiIh-: _ HALLE. NUTS, ha , RASBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, CURRANTS and GIESEBERRIES, in great variety. GRAPES, OF CHOICEST SLATES ASPARAGUS, RHUBARB. &o &a. Also a fine Mock it, wtl formed, bushy EVERGREENS, suitable for the CenietrY and Lawn. DECIDUOUS TREES for street planting, and a general assortment of Ornamental . Trees and Flowering Shrubs. ROSES of choice varieties, CAMELLIAS, REDDING PLANTS, Em. , Our stanch( remarkably thrifty and fine, and we offer ' It at mines to suit the times. garOatalogues mailed to all applicants. Address EDWARD J. EVANS & 00, Central Nurseries, York, Pa. aep2s-2md im_mri3mls.rvs DAILY jan LINE! Between Philadelphia 'LOOM RAM, JUR=Y SHORN, WILLIAMSPORT, MUM; UNIONIOWN, WATSONTOWN, MILTON, LIMBURG, NowEn:annum), SUNBURY, Tinvoziox, Gicatorrowls_LYNllNEßOWN, BURP, HALMS, DAUPHIN, AND HARRISBURG. ,The. Philadelphia Depot being centrally located the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A o.indisotor goes through with each train to attend to the sale delivery of all goods entrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the Depot of FREED, WARD & FRNED, No. 811 Nark at Sleet, Phila delphia, by 6 o'clock P. K., will be riAllvered ht. Eiarrisbarg the next morning. Freight (always) as low as by apy other line. Particular attention paid b 7 this line to prompt and speedy delivery of all Harrlshur weds. The undersigned thankful for pest patro .te hopes by strict attention to business to merit a con , is ante of the T. PRIPHF.R, Philadelphia and Roadie; op .1, j01646m Feot of Market Strut . Harrl4horlt JOHN WALLOWER, .111., Agt. GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. GOODS AND MERCHANDISE promptly forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Central, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Raibetide .ad Canal- - ISIAIILINd AND DRAVINN to and from all parts of We city to the different Railroad depots will be done at the vary lowest rates. Algitigg removing win be ptbataly atteudeetii. Orders eft at Brant's European Hotel, or at the store of E. S. Zußinger, will receive preahn attention, Con— signmenta of freight respettfully solicited. apt Ottle JOHN WALLOW= toMed JR. iu , Agt Depot. WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY I , 1111 E beet defining and pronouncing Die denary el the lftglatti Language ; Aim), Worceeteer School Dictionaries. Webster's Pictorial Quarts and School Dictionaries fer Bale at SCHRIPPKIVS BOOKSTORE, apla4i Noir the Efirrlaiirg Bridge. A New Feature in the &doe Trade! IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS E. R. DURKEE Sc CO.'S SELECT SPICES, In Tin NA (Lined wen Paper,) and BLACK. PEPPER, GING MUTE MI WRITE PEPPER, ALLENT F., lIACR ". CAYENNE PEPPER, CINNAMON, CLOV EDUARD. . EN THIS AGE of adulterated and tee te 1_ less hpicss, It is with confidenee that we Introduce io the attention of housekeepers these superior and genuine articles. We guarantee them not only ABSOLIJTALY AND PERFECTLY PURE, but ground from fresh Spiral, selected and cleaned by us expressly for the purpose, *miaow reference to cos . They are beautifully packed in tin foil, (lined with WEto prevent *Jury by keeping, and are VJI GHT, while the ordinary ground Spices are almost umariLbly short. We warrant them, in point of strength and richness of flavor, BEYOND ALL COMPARISON, as a 'tingle trial will abundantly prove. Every package bears our Trade Mark, Etnufactured only by If. R. DURKEE & CO., New York For stile by WM. LOOK. JR. It ID. • [fmli NIA II; SI PARAMNE OAND LEE,' SPERM OANDLEB, , : ADAMANTINE OA.NDLES, STEARINE CANDLES, STAR OANDLID3, OSEMIOAL SPERM CAIiDLES, TALLOW CAN DUE. page lot of sue above in score and for IPA dathe low st Woes by Vit bOCIR JR. . & 00., Opposite the Court Houma FRESH ARRIVAL •. • 11loamy, Burr, Baraz Mom, HOWIST, Sams Ooze, arm Peke, HARM, MALUX/W FAT Burg, Wien Pike, eco., &o. Just received end for iptle et the WWII, CM MEM fibre WY. DOOR AL & 00. ALDERMAN. • HENRY PEFFER. OFFICE-THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW,) NEAR MARKET. Residence, Chestnut street near Fourth. CITY OF HARRISBURG, reasx'A. myl2 WH OLESALB UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY ! :No. 69, Market Street, below Third, Rionnmrmo, PA, M. R. LEE, MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PARAAns endWALKING CANTS, will furnish the Fasts.ro cities. Country merchants goods at GAM PRICES than cat be bought. in to Of call and examine price e and quality, and convince them selves of Ms fact. will do wel lto 444123-aY• TO FARMERS I B UTTER (good, sweet and fresh) in Me pound rolls, and freah LAGS la large and mall quantities taken at ea ewes and cash tati a or groceries given in exchange. Regular market rates thwart PIK Vat. DOCK, ag., k 00ang19 °Mahe the Oman Room V I,MMmun.K.E -4t 3:1 , t 0 le 'bin [roma own paroneatt as '4 1 RUG ECM, 9/ Market straw HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23, 1861. M. tO. , : , .roos & to.. 1 4 7." - - • .... • D W. GROSS & CO., 111/11011ADISALIA AID JRZTAIL DRUGGISTS, MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PEAN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to , our aripitment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, ORENIOALS & PAINTS, Oils, varnishes and Munk Dye-Staffs, Glass and Patty, Artist Colors and Tools, Pure Ground Spam, Batning Plaid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine OM, Bottles, Vials and Lamm Glebes, Comfits Soap, Sponges and Corks, dra., dal., dgo., &e , Ara., act, &a With w gqqrlravarlOy of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES. selected from the best natinifacttirers and Per turners of Europe and this . qouritry. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S OOLOB3, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BBIISHES IN ALL THEIR VAIIIETIES, - COLOIIB AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, u ft 0 He ai We respectfiuly inviLo a call, feeling, oonfi dent that we can supply the wants of all 'on tortes to their satisfaction. TEETH I TEETH 1 I JONE'SAND WHITES'S POM;;UI:N• PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR g:11 kW 51;: Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors.- Saponifier and Concentrated Lye! Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we eel as low as it can be purchased In the cities. , flrpoVir (11.1 M 41) II 'Apt* WAL OIL 1 CARBON OIL li Being large yerebaiers in these Oila, we can oiler inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lampe of the most improved patterns ) very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to buns Coal OIL 'FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, we of you. who have not given our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in g.,od condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the Increasing quantity and • quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long .4-parlance in the traduces gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our *arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage beetowe en our house, we hope by strict attention . to Woos, a careful selection of Pt,* DRUGS - " • -- "*Pdil*PAI/ the *mho to, prime to mail , icsitio ' t soimoo of Abe Mot of NO, 19 New 24Intrttatments Proposals for Putting:np Winter Quarters in Camp Curtin. HsauQukirrrai, hitITISTLVABIL MILITIA 9umusaimirsa ‘ s ' Tispihrarawr, llsuarninuo,-Oct. , 23; 1861 S, . BALED i'RCiFOSALB will be received at this office np to 12 o'clock on Friday, the lst of November next, for putting np 2 in Camp Curtin, near Harrisburg, Winter Quarters, for two thousand men. Plans and specifications must accompany each bid. The right to rej any, or all of the plauwis reserved. &sled proposals ,will be received-at the same for bowls and scantling, necessary for the erection of said Quarters, in, the, event of. the, Department's rejecting the above bids. The boards required will be white, pins of a.good . , quality of callings. . White pine or HeMlgek scantling of different-king* ana aizes. oct2B-dtd Books for the Military I TIIST BECIEVED AT BEEHMEII3 CHEAP BOOKSTOEE,,Ho. 61 Market eked. HARDEE'S , TACTICS. • Rifle and Light Infantry Tangen t fpr the exer cise and manoeuvres of TrooPs when ailing as Light Infantry or Riflemen. Brewed under the direction of the War Department. By Bre vet Lieutenant-Colonel W. J. ELRDEE, 11. S. ;A• Vol. 1.--Schools of the Soldier and Compaj, ;• instructions for 'Winds/Lem.L—ool Vol.„ Of the Battalion. NBTRUC PION& IN FESE.D LLERY Prepared by a Boabl of Artillery Officers.— One vol. Bvo. $2.60. Cor. S. COOPER Adjt.-Gen. B. S. A. Sir :—The Light Artillery 13oard asienabled by Special Orders No. 184, of 1856, and Special Orders No. 116, of 1858, has the honor to sub mit a revised system of Light Artillery Tactics and Regulations recommended for that arm. WM. H. FRENCH, Bt. Maj. Capt. First Artil lery. WILLIAM F. BARRY, Captain First Artillery. HENRY J. HUNT,Et.' Maj. Capt. Second . Ar- CAVA LRY TACTIC'S. . . . . PUbliehed by order of the. War Department. First Pait—,School of the Trooper • of the Pla toon and Of the Squadron:Dismount:3d. Second Part—eCthe. Platoon and of the Squadron ma lt:lo4W . Third Part-Evolutions of n•Regi- Three vols. 18mo. $8:76., Was Dasawerssr, WASH: Meow, February 10,1841. Not= of OaVanddlititeatethe orgilnizatian of Dragoon regiments, havingg been approved by the President of the Dui States, is now published Ilk the government of the Said service. Accordingly, instruction in the same will be given after the method pointed out therein ; and all additions to, or departures from the ex ercises and manceuvres laid down in this syvtem are positively forbidden. • J. B. POINSETP, Secretary of War. M'CLELLAN'S BAYONET.EXERCISE. Manual of Bayonet Exercise' a. Prepared for the use of the Army of the United States. By GEORGE B. M'CI.FIT.T.AW, Capt. First Regi ment Cavalry, 11. 8. A. Printed by order of the War Department. One vol. 12mo. $1.25 Haarxusavars or TEO Array, t WASHINGTON, D. C., Deo. 81, 1861. I Hon. C. M. CONRAD, Secretary of War. Sir :—Herewith I have the honor to submit a spite= of Bayonet Exercise translated from French by Captain Geo. B. M'Clellan, Corps,' Engineers, 11. S. Army. I strongly recommend is being printed for distribution to the Army ; and that it made, by regulation, a part of the "System of Instruc tion." The inclomd extracts from reports of the In spector General, etc., show the value. I have the honor to be, sir, with high respect, your most obedient servant, WBT~'7~LD SCOTT. Appmved: C. M. COI , IIIAD, Secretary of War, January 2, 1852. B. JONES,"Adjutent-General. Any of the above.works forwarded by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of the published price. Bemitt auce can be made in gold dolling and postage stamps. Address GEO. BERGNER, Harrisburg, Pa. FREIGHT REDUCED I Howard &Elope EXPRESS CO.'S SORT &. QUICK ROUTE TO AND FROM NEW YORK. Goods Ordered in the Morrdng Returned the same , Night. LeaYe New York at . 74. P. IL, by the Fast Through Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg at 8 A. M. WITHOUT OUNGE OF OARS. Order Goods marked via ROPE EXPRESS CO., General Office, 74 Broadway, New York. •, t 'Bram*. '1.,. 41.2 _. .41.$ Or rlwo ' Tor forth 6 r ffi nosti‘o' "it at ` 7 '' 7, .... ~.. A 74 . Dieffziii - ' ,- , ~ i . ~ , 1 r BY Tm. Latet from Wasitington. The Blockade of the Potomac Officially tipoibitcV One of our scouts, IntiT tbinW in Igen 'Fairfax, reports that the roads idthe .vicinity were schbad a week since that thdirebels were .forced to. leave six ,cannon4neari:thei tkteY have just succeeded•in.removing. The following deaths ,of Pennsylvania' and New. Jersey volunteers cht:cl::rmilyesterdayin the hospitals here: , Thomas Graham, Company Fifth Pennsylvania Infantry ; David Brink, Company ,F, New Jersey Cavalry, and. Charles Ryan, , Company F, peventh • New Jersey Infantry "" 1 5.F9 ° 7 an , c)f PenDR/N 7 z4atilii . ,inhi@City• Thle morning Commodore Craven, Flag Of ficer of the Potomac flotilla, reportad to the . Navy Department that the Potomac is closed by:tau: 3 4lW yesterday he discovered a list- tery:of eighteen guns at Matthias Point, which efflausillyblocis the . navigation, even ;if the battetiee at'this Ode were'df no effect. - 8.0. HALE, Q. M. General. X ant enabled te eta,* on good , autherity, that the case of •,general Fremont remains in data quo. • --'• • . - Tire atthe ekin Mills, Philadelphia, Interferon° with -the ithnolliotare of This ram*, alaut7 o'clock, a fird broke out in the drying house attached .to .taie.. extensive manufacturing, establishment knimi 'as the ketkin Mills," under the - management of ldr. Solini, located Jima. Ilia SchuyMl, l , at the AP per end of Manayunk. The building s which Was of stone, and three stories in height, con tained a large quantity of wool Whlbh • 'vras in probess of,drying. The material 4Pies ihied tiy means of hot air which passed through iron slat ted floors. The flames Spread with great rapid ity through the combustible matter, and for a time, the 'destrnetion'` of the main seemed, Inevitable ; but.. by bald -work, ielxl management and good fortune - the catastrophe was averted. • The mills Which are run by water power, are largely engaged in the manufacture of army cloths, and they are kept going night and day, employing'about two hundred- hands: 'At the time of 'the discovery of the, fire there was a full force of , workmen•-on the spot, and by means of bucketir and the ample supply of water at hand the men were enabled to keep the flames' in cheek until the arrival of the Mana yun.k firemen. These exertions were rendered available by the favorable -direction of the wind. A breeze from a westerly direction wonid have 'driven the fire directly into the main buildings, and the Cake range et struc tures with the adjoining factories would proba bly have fallen a prey to the fiames. The actual damage consisted in the destruc tion• • of the wool in the drying house, and the gutting of ',the building. • The litter was of stone, new, and had been in use but a week or two. //The loss on the stockls covered by in summit*. The mishap will cause considerable inconvenience to the proprietors of the mills, as it will somewhat cripple:their operations at a time when the wants of ,the government for army cloths are making an extraordinary de mand upon their resources. When we left the grounds about, noon, workmen had already commenced to clear away the rubbish to begin the work of rebuilding. The origin of the fire is attributed to some defect in, the hot-air ap perdue:. At thelreaking out of the contlagration, its threatening aspect induced theipolice of Many unk to seed to the city,force, and this fact gave rise to exaggerated reports of the im portance al the fire, , Preparations already being made ior rebuilding the bunit.pOloA. DETAILS Of -THS NUM NEWS BY THE NORTH BRITON. THE NORTH The limperor.oi France Petitioned to , de cognine the Southern Conlederacy. Passim PooT, Oct. 22. The sisanaer' bTorth Bri,ton . has passed here Lord Houck and - suite are aboard. The steamer New York arrived on the 10th and the Kangiroo on the 11th; It is remted that the principal Chambers of Commerce in Fiance have memorialized the Emerpor to recognise the Soi4em Confederacy and raise the blockade off the sOuthern . Ports. Liviiimoon.—Cott.on has advanced id(Nd Bales of the weekl2o,ooo bares including 64,000 to speculator& The sales on Friday es timated at 29,000. The market dosing buoyant. Fair Orleans ; middling 10}d; uplands ' Breadstuffs have advancing tendency. Fro visiOns quiet and drooping. I.‘onixer.-Consols 921®92f. The bullion in the bank of Englandhasincreased £7,000 during Um week. Naw roux, Oct. 22. Cotton quiet. Flour heavy.; sales of 18,000 bble at $5 30®5, .55 for State, $5 5005 85 for Ohio, Southern uncha nged. Wheat—sales of 860,000 bushel aVit teeliiie of 1(42d; Chicago SlormiKSl 1401 .18,11111waukie eitib $1 17® red, $l. 2.744.1 Tote,. Air agal, 484 klorn,-talea'Of 198,9 w at afilecaptle lai,2e • sales' n'ti! BetiOd, a elosirr aelOc. e &Ma Torkiheavy at $16®16 50 Annum dull at -•~:•- WassixaToN, 22 Oovernment 600119• Fnu.Absinne; Oct. 22 NEW YORK MARKETS PRICE ONE CENT. STILL 'LATER I FROM 'EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMSHIP TKVTONIA. ST. Josras,pet.. 22. . - The steamship Teutonia from Southampton on the 10th inst. passed Cape Race on Sunday. Her news is mainly anticipated by the North Briton. " The King of Prussia was received at Com , :ne with great enthusiasm. Francis I will not be represented at the King of lltnssia's coronation. The Bank of Turin has raised its rate of dis . , cpimt to 64 per cent. 'lhe Queen of Madagas car is dead. Her son has been proclaimed kitig• and formally demanded a French pro tectorate. • j.l FROM GENERAL ROSECRANS WASHINGTON, Oct. 22 A dispatch was received to-day from General Rostecrans, dated Camp Tompkins, near Ganley Bridge, where he has been encamped for some time. He reports everything quiet.. The rebels, it appears, are falling back from their position, and from the best information which can be ob tained of their movements, they are concen trating in pretty large force below, to co-operate with General Johnston, who has separated from General Beauregard. CAPTURE OF A CARGO OF FLANNEL AND BLANKETS. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. The ship Thomas Watson from Liverpool at tempting to run the blockade at Charleston on the 16th was pursued by the steamer Flag. The ship was run ashore. Her crew escaped. The ship was loaded with a cargo of flannel and blankets which was taken possession of and the ship burned. The Originators of the-Conspiracy. Chief among the conapirators of this rebellion, and who are now the leading directors of the same, are to be found -I.—Yancey, one of the Coinmissiors to Europe, whose public history proves him to have been engaged in his efforts fur twenty years to accom plish a dissolution of this Union and to establish an independent Southern Confederacy, with an eye to the invasion of Mexico and the neighbor ing Southern llepublics, to unite them in, one vast oligarchy, founded on slavery ; his private history shows him a convicted homicide, if the papers of his section are to be relied on, having murdered a physician at the South for some fan cied insult to his son. At the Charleston Con vention, last Fall, a Douglas delegate from Ma ryland, anxious to determine what the leaders of the South really did want, asked Yancey the question. The emphatic' answer was, "Cheap Negroes!" intimating that a great object was the opening of the African Slave trade ! Thus cheap negroes, combined with a slave oligarchy, or strong military or monarchical government, by which thellaboring or poorer classes were to be divested of every semblance of power in the government, were the objects of the chief agita tor and his colleagues in this rebellion. 2.—Jeff Davis, the President of the bogus Confederacy, whilst a member of the U. S. Senate, and having sworn when he entered the Senate Chamber to support the Constitution of the United States, and whilst in his seat, and receiving his pay from the Treasury of the same Government, telegraphed; conjointly with his colleague from Migßigaippi and the Senators from Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana,i Florida and Texas, to the Governors of their respective States, to seize , upon the forts and ships and arsenals and mints of the very Government which he had sworn with an oath to sustain, thus committing treason, one of the highest crimes recognized amongst men, as well as l 2 —Slidell, S.—Slideu, another of those worthies, from Louisiana, who is now said to be on his way to England or France, as a Minister from the bo gus Confederacy, to offer to commit their corm- , try to the protection of those empires, will be ' remembered as the arch villian who concocted and executed the celebrated Placquemine fraud, by which it was intended to cheat Mr. Clay out of the vote of Louisiana, at a Presidential election in which there was some reason to be lieve that Louisiana's vote would decide the fate' f the day—showing him to be a fit instru ment for any deed of villainy which the mind of man was capable of devising, and a proper leader in such a diabolical conspiracy as that which has raised its hydra head in our beloved canary. •-• 4. —Floyd, a General in the Confederate army, watt Secretary of War in the last Administra tion, and connived at the robbery of the bonds held in trust by the Government for the poor Indiana--he also sold Government property to associates in his villainy; at prices not a tithe of their value, and far less than was actually of fered for the same. He it was, whilst in the Cabinet, used his position to order the troops and arms and munitions of war, to be placed in such distant positions of the country, that when the plot was ripe for execution, the Southern traitors, with whom he was concocting his schemes, might the more readily be able to put the Government at defiance. A more damna ble deed of villainy was never known in any age or country, and for which, as well as for his other great crimes well known, but space does not permit us here to dwell on, the fiercest wrath of heaven will, we have no doubt, even tually rest upon his perjured head. 4.—Cobb, as Secretary of the Treasury under Mr. Buchanan, was also steeped in the iniquity of this plot of treason, and is now one of the shining lights worthy to preside in the councils of secession. their present Secretary of War— thens.l-dal lostin i°i as r ter General—and others who have prominent positions in their government, were among that band of Senators who perjured themselves by aiding and abetting treason in the advising of their Governors to lay violent hands on the property of the Government,- before, let it be born in mind, they had even the excuse for their conduct that their States had passed acts of secession,' for no' State but South Carolina had at this time. seceded. The list could be,extended to embrace prober bly nearly all the most prominent actors on the publio`stage in the civil Idepartmentspf this , Government, without taking into the account the; ingratitude of such military and naval i,traltois as,Twigigh-. Huger,. ,If.oilins,.-Aaauder, and ahem, 3v 11 9 !rve if 4l3 - "Pr r id sup, dovirinnkit - Lay have turned their parraeidal hands?- nark their latter end. •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers