71ai(l) ititgrapt. II It ISBU ,PA iiednesillo Morning, October 213, Mtn Dress. —These delicious birds have bets quite plenty on the Susquehanna, since the recent rise in the river, and a number have been captured by our sportsmen. , • lAFTllio.—Sincialhe recent rise in the Segni:Le- Wet, the river has been in good condition for rafting, and a considerable quantity of lumber b a s passed down to the lower markets. Int peoraAmeo meeting services in the Vine Strcet Nletlielkt Episcopal Church will he con tinned daring the present week. , Preaching every evening. Exercises will commence at , lock New Conissoorr.—Col. Meredith, of Phil. mlelithia, has at.bluneti command at Camp Cur tis. The Colonel has the reputation of being au experienced military man, and will no doubt di sc hwe lice duties imposed upon him to the satiefartiou of all concerned. , TIE c o g Attu VISIBIB.—The great comet which attracted kJ 11111 ell attention last summer while it lay stretched across the heavens, is still seen with a tele:Dye not far from the star Eta in the eowtellation Hercules. It is entirely shorn of that wonderful appendage known as the tail, and t willing remains but a nucleus o.voopid, in II nebulous shroud, the whole not unlike in :we IrOIICC It small planetary nebula. I=l=l A RESPECTABLE lady while walking along 3d street about 8 o'clock ISlonday night was met by a collier at the corner of Pine street, who insisted on accompanying her. The lady quietly s ubmitted to his ungentlemanly conduct, until they arrived opposite State street, when sud denly raising an umbrella which she carried, she let drive at the soldiers head, with a force that sent him reeling back against the iron rail ing of the Capitol enclosure, and then succeeded in making her escape out State street. Verdict of the Jury—served him right A Fans rOMPANY.—A company of one hun dred volunteers from Clinton county, com manded by Captain Shaeffer, arrived here on- Monday to join the cavalry regiment of Col. Wynkoop, at Camp Cameron. We noticed at the head of the company, carrying the " stars and stripes,'! .. pw old friend Capt. Brady, of the state Senate, looking hale and hearty, and ap parently as proud of the position with which he was honored as a juvenile is with his first pirotnew boots • ' -...-.--.. TICKWITNG ita7mtpum VOLUNTRFAS OVER TILE RAILROADS.—At l nvention' of the ticket agents of the various railroads of the country, held in Detroit recently, a plan was reported recommending that a committee be appointed to consult withlhe General t Sripeintendent the Government Railways and Telegraphs, for the purpose of arranging upon some system of ticketing returned volunteers and others, and to provide a mode of settlement •It itias also recommended that wherever practicable the troops should be transported by regular rail road or steamboat lines, at a charge per mile of 3 cents by the former, and 21 cents by the lat ter method, including meals. A committee was appointed, consisting of L. L. Roupt, of the Pennsylvania Central, E. F. Folger, of the New York Central, and Mr. Greenough, to see the Government authorities at Washington in regard to the subject. I== Ponce—Mayor's Oeice.—ln the absence of the Mayor, Justice Baader "held court" at the Mayor's office yesterday. Four rough-looking negroes were arraigned for gambling in Shell's lumber yard, on the op posite side of the canal. Remanded to the lock•up A part of seven negroes were up charged with disorderly conduct at one of the churches in Tanner's alley. All remanded to the lock-up, except one, who paid the required fine, and was discharged. A negro, said to be a preacher, who has been loafing about Camp Curtin for the last two weeks, was arraigned for stealing segars from the store of Mrs. O'bonnel, corner of Walnut street and 'lanner's alley. Remanded to the lock-up. Mrs. Mullin, an Irish woman, was charged with the larceny of five dollars from Mrs. Per kins in Fourth street. Remanded to the lock up, Sam Anderson, employed temporarilly as a porter at the City Hotel NM arraigned, charged with stealing money from the drawer in the office of that establishment. Sent to prison to answer. PLEASANT NEIGLIBORILOOD.—One's pleasure, after all, is much effected by the quality of one's neighbors even though one may not be on speaking terms with them. A pleasant bright fac d at the window is surely better than a dis- contented cross one ; and the house that has the air of being inhabited is preferable to closed shutters and unsocial blinds, excluding every ray of sunlight and sympathy. We like to see the glancing cheerful lights through the win- i dow s of a cold night, or watch them as evening deepens, gradually creep from the parlor to the upper stories of the house near us. We like to watch the little children go in or out of the door to play or to school. W e like to see a White robbed baby dancing up and down at the window in its mother's arms, or the father reading his newspaper there at evening, or any or these cheerful, impromptu home giitnpses, which, though we aro not Paul Pry, we ‘vil assert to far to make apleasant neighborhood to those Rho live for comfort, instead of show. Sad, indeed , b`icae morning, on waking, it is to see the blinds down and the shutters closed, and to know that deaths angel, while it spared our threshold, has crossed that of our cheerful neighbor. Sad to mien the w hite-robbed baby from the window, the and see the little coffin at nightfall borne into brniseSad to see the innocent little faces reseed at eventide against the Wind""*' hill long borne. watching for th, e dear Palm" 0,9..84gig1e ANor:rim OLD Crrrant GOYA—John B. Thomp son, one of our oldest tilliens, died at his board ing hoiu3e—the "Union House," Market street —in this city about one o'clock yesterday Mr. Ih4mpson, for many years, carried on the tin and copper smith liminess in this city, which he only relinquished several years ago on ac count of his advanced age. The funeral of the deceased will take place from his boarding house ai two o'clock next Thursday afternoon. dm of the weather seems to be just now a gentleman with strong southern proclivi ties, and insists on putting on southern airs to art alarming extent. We have no doubt it Ts all very congenial to the growth of turnips, and other "sass," but we ivimild suggest, mildly, to the head of the Meteatttlogical Bureau that it is net always April, and-het northern weather would be just now more in accordance with northern sentiment . ' than the danip, moist, juicy atmosphere, iu which we are struggling to'exist. COUNTY Isorrrtrrs.A County Inst.ittite will be held in Harrisburg - Cn . Triestlay, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 24th, 26th 26th and 27th of December Prof. B. P. Bates, Mr. Amos Row and other educators will assist in conduct ing the exercises. Messrs. Hoffman;_' Miller, Buck and Peters will entertain teachers at re duced rates. We trust there will be aj general attendance of the teachers of the county, and that Directors will grant them the , time. A general invitation is ,warngy extended to all who are interested in the cause of 'education. SEILIvIIB ACOLDIGNT.-Mr. Jacob Garman and his wife whilst coming to market on Saturday morn ing, met with ax acciderifwidat niighthave re sulted in their death. It appears that when near this city their hOrse took fright arid ran away, throwing them both out of the wagon. Mr. Gar man escaped with a few hiuises, but his wife was stunned by the fall, and when she returned to consciousness it was found that one of her limbs was , broken a little below the knee. She was immediately taken to the office of Dr. Seiler, who dressed the wound, and she is now doing as well as can be expected wider the circum stances. Tue following smart but shameful "sell" Nt as not long ago got off through the papers, eman ating from the "Hub of the Universe" : "A great bargain.—To all who may enclose $l, I will send, by mail, post paid, a flnely-cut engraved portrait of George Washington, the Father of his Country, together with an elegant portrait of Benjamin Franklin—either separate ly at four shillings. Address H. C., Boston." A 'gentleman, noticing the above advertise ment litirrtity paper,' Sent in' his deltaic - Ear OV- tained in return a three-cent and a one-dent postage stamp, ornamented with "finely cut en graved" heads! NEWS AN EXPLAkATION. —We have tor several clays past heard a rumor on our streets reflect ing very severely upon the conduct of the Com mandant at Camp Cameron, in the case of a young man from the interior of the State, who recently visited that camp for the purpose of seeing his father, a volunteer in one of the companies stationed there. We forbear at the . present time giving any of the particulars, , for the simple reason that they are of such an' attrocious nature as to be almost incredible, and we only make this Oieetee, to the affair with the view of giving the j Coinniandant an oppor -1 tunity to "rise and explAin." • =I A Walt Itionnurr.—The Springfield Republi can reports that the "Di Vernon Phalanx;" an enterprising and charming company of young ladies at Pittsfield, was recently disbanded by dissensions among the officers, resulting from marked attention paid to some in the ranks by prepossessing young gentlemen who ought ,to have looked higher. At several "tea fights" in the village, where the Nude= was quarter ed, it seems that not only cap but hair pulling was theorder of the day, "10 bligrie:_noryt.' tary organization can exist where such practices prevail. The unfortnnate &moralization of the entire , body is repurteti sa lling greatcr than that of our troops atßull Rqn. A Gams Armen TO SwoorA.—The Gies eland Leader says the mails are now flooded with cir culars appealing for oontribittions to the "11. S. Humane Society," which professes to act by consent t of the GoyerximeAt, and under; its au thority, in obtaining funds for the army ambu lances and hospital Stipplies. The modest sum of only thirty thousand dollars is required, and subscriptions from a dime upwards are Solidted. Dr. S. W. Tolhurst signs the circulars, as Gene ral Western Agent, Cleveland, Ohio. The Leader says no such man is known there, and it exposes the whole thing as a base and'covradly attempt to swindle the patriotic public by crea ting an impression that this movement has something to do with the Sanitary Commission, which is quite another affair. I=l GEN. ld'erartteres Amass or Eintorm.—Messrs J. B. Lippincott, & Co., of Ails., have just published a handsome volume, containing the report on the armies of Europe, made by direr:. tion of the United States ,florwatint in 1856- 56 by Maj. General,ihen Capt., Gee,. B. M'Clel. lan. The book is an Bvo volume of 600 pages, handsomely illustrated• by numerous engrav ings, and young officers cannot' fail to profit by the immense quantity of valuable *information it contains. It opens with a sketch of the war in the Crimea, where the author arrived after the fall of Malakoff, especially describing the siege and storming of Sebastopol. It then treats of European engineer troops ; of the French, Austrian; Prussian, and Sardinian in fantry ; of the Russian army, in all its varieties of force ; and, finally, of European and 'United States Cavalry, concluding with an Appendix of " Regulations for the Field Service of Cavalry in time of War." Even civilians may read this book with pleasure and profit, fOr it con veys the best as well as latest information re specting the constitution, discipline, force, and character of the armies of Europe and the United /States. The book is tor sale at Bergner's cheap Book store, Market street. * / We i / I M l 'Wood'sadverthiementin sikAi.thr Punt*yank 04'6 144411 - 444 j, liktipatft lapinint ettaataVilbilisti Commun. roe Brier.—Mr. B. S. Kunkle, of the firm of Eby & Kunkle of this city, is one of the successful bidders for the army heel con tract, which were awarded at Philadelphia at neon yesterday. Mr. Kunkel'e bid was $8.49, and although some were lower, his was selected as being among the best—the award depending upon the charieter of the sureties offered. RAMBO 80.11ORMIL —WO learn that many of the farmers in the western part of- Chester county have raised parcels of the Chinese sugar cane the present mason. The crop has lidded well. Mr. James Cloud is manufacturing the molasses by stesm, and the mill is running day and night. As Odgers have raised in"Prfce, the crop will be profitable. It has been abundantly proved that sorghum can be raised in our lati tude. Several years ago a prominent sugar-re - aging firm of Philadelphia demonstrated the fact mOst conclusively, and the results of the exper iment were bailed with mtisfaction by the agri cultural press of the entire oouutry. A Novel. Ateowerio TACK H1101121..- - The tri umphs of invention have been written and sung so often, that the subject has almost be come threadbare. Nevertheless the theme is prOlitle, and new schemes are developing every day; therefore let us write a little mare, and sing - another song to the worthy sons of genius,; who are doing so much for the progress of the world in material things. The last thing out is a Patent Magnetic Tack Hammer. No more potanded fingeris ; more' curses onilie hem mer. TackAtipritig is, at length reduced ; tp a sciisnce, andlierlui ft er the world will KO smotlthli and free from friction, so far as this important branch of domestic industry is concerned. An ingenk n is 9er ,1 ) 111 100 1 . tack hatinintikatitiatiksitilaciti,lliegsirp;: an 3 4hexe, 9 18 7 ' ll , l * 11 , 1 191: their appointed duty. What a convenient thing this will be, miatitotf` nib bles of Abe fingers, and how, rneny poundings will thus be , saTed Intumu4woinan,l4n4 by the introduetilin - Of tide a nd Oliftinient tool. WORD /sow Tine Fasexosa—The nets (of whom weluvre,a podly number of the . belt in this city) will won be wor king under the highest kind of pressure. Winter bdrinets already grace some of the show:rooin wintlows, and in a short time they will be run down with buyers. Fortunately for the business, &shabby' bonnet is a hopeless affair. An old dress may beiturned or dyed ; buts bonnet once battered or faded, is ruined beyond. ,resnsoitntion. A woman may deny herself almoit anything else; but a duck' of a bonnet is the grad' Prolequig ite of her costume. For this Touren, millinera will have a " good time," let the depressiOn of trade be what it may. Let fortune hpriteratidte noOce, and instead of running after sti-called heiresses, invest their gallantry and affections upon enterprising young milliners. The chances are that in a pecuniary point of view, a dozen of years would bring about a reversal of their circumstances. We are told that the extreme of fashion in bonnets is outre as usual. One person speaks of a very expensive article in -this line Which . wait flattened upon-the top—suggesting, when uppn the head, the possibility that - the wearer might have bid* the ish6dbuilding of a- -four - pormd " They must be very trying to any kind of face. Sur rotindhig a hatchet-shaped or strictly oval face, , such a head-gear muitlook ver o dd, today the leapt. To a plump round face, on the contrary, the new style must be becoming.. One important change in , ladiea' dress is of such benefit that it &Ist not pais' by without remark, and it is ba the adoption of heavy Bhg lhfil shoes. Balmoral boots and fur-lined shoes insure good health and happiness to ladies, and they begin to enjoy the benefit of wearing them. A dainty foot is by no means disgraced by an elegant Bidmoral. Fun Niw Tom AND PILUADILPNIA.—We hays the pleasure this morning, of stating that our senior parner has just returned from New Tot* and Philadelphia, with a "Choice assort ment of fall and winter dry goods. This stock of goods was bought on the in*. bmrainble terns& Purchasers will And , special ,edvantage iri looking over our new. stalk. I nn cheap store is at the corner of Front and litarketlstreets. Thum & BOWMAN. • Us GUMMI , gAzailis now Nsw Ifolut Aubiaoa I—The Obeepart Goods Received Id /- 40 pieces of 54 bleached Pillow Cane Roan, 12/ cents. l[oo dozen of woolen Socka damaged by water, 8 cents a pair. ' 26 pieces of dark heavy Pant Staff, BS, 26 and 37 'cents. SO pieces Canton_Flannel,l cat' 61.. . ' 100 of black andim Malts; ; final 03. 150,, • 12 dozen of ladies' woolen Bantsia - ',Tar 4/4061P -4c! dcimn of SraY. . 1. 040 Utak° :Undershirts and Blasius, 75. cents.. 60 pairs white woolen Blankets, at priael; 100 dozen of Lidice' and childien's wool Stock ings, 12 to 37 Dents.` - • 51) iktfxxs df white, red and' . Yelketßlarinal, at all prioee. • Countrymerchude We would invite to dell; as we have a ia*a.staek Gd 4 3, and e r e res4elaS itidods 6 6 11 4N:44k Auction, which we All sell it wholeiale at City prices. -S. DM; John Ithoadtold stand. • 0. F. IVIUENCH • • - TRAVELING ACCENT OF THE _ :4.5L:1k=10:14121, - ..-.: rmer..^..‘2•4ar.4 °X° WATAWMIIi „ .44;:trE. XilllB OLD TRANEXCWIA.T.J9N la MEI oralbrianivrepiredlid eatill flint as LOW an any ptber individual ,between la • delphirsEarriaborg,Gunbtiey, teildburig, Pur Jersey Shore, Leek Garen,. and a 8 points an the itertnern Central, PhiladelPhin ind • Nrk, and Williams port and Elmira Raliteana. . • Local Agenrat Harrialanig,. , L. A. MG/WM. Geed sent to PEACOCK, ZELL & MitIcEEAEr, voa. 808 and, 810 Market street, aboVe Eighth, by 4 Obelook, P. IL,' will; arrive at Harriabarg, ready for delivery, the next 0. F. MUENOrI, Me3-tf Tray - ilium Agent. ...-..ifk,-,-, , a CAI 4 P111.V4 AIVIBS DR DIIPONOO'B_ GOLDEN PILLS 'VON TEMMINE- 7 : 7 * : •.18.111b1 • .11. isicesdni;" - ierdairg, onstructionso - min jr K opever Slit.. cofranfp4 O,aMON 4.40Mt.. t.. rias, win f uwiktegrOßEfir.,47lslo27 j tie &storsTcli many years, to France eau America, with. unpiuntlielelt SUOcelli every.olBB4 ui he is urged by many itioneseu Audios sgtioiseed,9 c o r E , make the Pills public for the alleValles - , from any irregularities iitiatter.; we* t an innvolPo 'badly tfkaolasolltlistill.siol.perbalt Females particularly spunAokue - ktinoe ArPrIE selves so, are cautioned again& th eta Pi w ' to that ci3nditkK iVelr 4 aD a 2er r3° -4) r in= '64l= the prop tt it no iiitlponsib ninon, khongfi Aiqr.zalldneas prev,ent...acty, tail t chief t o bialtrt-'-omethoriair the Pinsi: are rieorinieulted. Vtal a r d i2M ir IIZTIMV44 OO7. . II Oil liefr . :old le eta by cligmin act wypts.irr; rlolies - Row; Harrisburg, Pa. • Ladles," by veiiiiitt tdiri ttr4 Harrisburg Pest Ottlee, bave-indiller genii free erobnerattpon to any part of conbtry Qtbblidentgallyriald "fre4 epos tsioe” by nutaite.-.Soktausu „wawa, I.l.otton6rzrin i p L MAKOIR,LebaaI" • ,•-• r; J. A. welo• ??, Etch._ iLitai i 4-4.4 1 7•1Y 1 44# 2 0-417,' , " druggist every c y and Al in the union, and by s• Bow l 4 "Er gariki 11.—Lock ont ror_oounterreits. oo Hoiden rt , o r, ally Pilriaie; I i l tbers are a line imposition' a - Queer therefore, in got value your !bruit to 4 wok = fut r , ax entlniag of be hg humbugged Out yr Wlll.'lllo6oo' 1.0 lef the WttUAl l 44}Rds4lo .UPPISWie•Ot• 3 4 . '4 l -: Rir4Ns nt , PritritiO4Pay which hat recently es .0 404,10 ..ieeetiet of the Pills aator erentitertelio7.7 . _ , , , Irletrti• 1111EPORTAILM itf)..11.114.4; • • r• DR. Og I VRSVge:rA ?ILLS PreeilS bY qoPrilY4 16 , 011 00 31 4 141 , . 4. D 7 :K.Nr..,:3501A! e r:T. • • . /11E1 Eoff,ipKreogietits,ua tkese nos arithd 614 eitewielrawc.. T0, ,, •r0c:0 LBO MAkeirotstratioatited otrictiditiMorreelkele alitrregn kittlition t Patient eidestrantione, rocooolosirdilko ,streottoue, whether from cold or otherwise, headietie4 Pelo /it iheifde, 4wiPtiotikend'„ltt bear(` w fdteogli Roll* votu sO ationii,l7 ; 4l 4 o 4 ,,roggooppon,_ .the,neek and mete, disttirtmellie6o,"Wittel Meet Whit teterrup tioh ••••~ 1 0416, / • • • 5 TO- 6 WWlELtristd4ls4 Dr. Cheeseman'a PWs are Invaluable, se they will bring 'cape monthly period witboreguLtairri Duties woo have been Waspy) nted in the use of other Pills can place the utmost - canfidtaiel Oti4licitostivs,RUs &Mg all. has ,t 330 _rem seanao - do. • • ,:• • .. MOT-10i there is one condition of the freak system in Welch ad Psttcannot bi Wen Mrithood predrein .ar PETlOteleta . RICSULT. Thecosedition referred to u paggickeor= As now -arisa,isimoz. , - Seich:iethe.:6 4 neeptibfooMM :=l . the medicine to relddie Gniiinatatitaaiajar-ta tt coaditfon,thot eau the rcrrodeecjioe power of na titie Maid reitt3SLi - • L a sV rao:.l Warranted purely vegetable, -- and tree from anything Silhdensi gavlion dirnotionse which Should itiOrModgosi burs any snob box. 'Price Si Hiient by mail on *oche =to EM Conasums L. Cowmen, Box 4,531, Post N q r zo r ripv r 4. r• s on, bto th. igletimewcy town Male UMW guar B, HUTCHINGS,. , General t Agoi/Tifol the'thittitt• &Moo. i.:(1 4 .019 1 .001N-Aw* fork, To. whom all reloolemiejraorejoublißembampesob. Sold in Harrisburg , ' liy:Ot 6.7 - • nov29 dimly HAIR D'irkr '''HAikirig.l 1 Win. A. The onikFilu'unlecia nr4 e Ku wn I Alt others are mere Itnitstletts:Shd . tthoald be avoided . Hypo wittlytoesoitmstd!Oubs•-• ' - GARY, Rat OR .RUSEIf, HAIR. dyed . Instantly to a beautiful and ittigeol.pDttpls-glatiar,_sisiUdskitestleast injury tußalt Sitkri •••, ' 4 " - 7 " . r- 4 ' • 44- FIFTEEN MEDALS cip t iwpll43,43sa been awar ded to Wm. A. Boviiapstßilt-sia AIE9, aud, ovpr 260,000 applications bave boob mide tallielbaiir; the patrons or bk . HAIR DYE iirbdricat a color not to - WM*IIM nltidirttattitarand WV' • not to Wore in tbs±!e_W-Aopsyey v longityaex.l% moo ned, and the 111 ZrebVlWlLLithe4tlede4l42 ,- In Livigooded for IA by thia_laPlandtd oYlerkrch be prgp arty applied at No. 16 tiofidageleite*. dold abut and towns.olcibe Unlbai Slates. by' •DrOwabbilddr4biNOVdetAtiasiliba e; hoc= The Gewaine haa the mama 44 WAlia in A. Itawbeloc." and addroam upon a ateedidai ithibilbur 8140 of each box. 1 Late =kW:midway, New York. p4A2.llawly ' been restored v Pm ADTflimissat, hoe i v i to health in AR, ifeelleg a t d i r a ii lltat t ne p t i kilLte having saillitoteeterw l l° 47 441 % VitithMigrrill= Mg t ''''' all e it * La mi nfrttit i r i delM : Non Wg' 111 ,4 04 1,. Q. Tr INFf:VoiILAPIV: a cure* Obbsywo , _, ~ .t. _ 0 ~, 1 on objent.ontond . ~ V lA, sl Kw? °idiot on le benefit the afflicted, in apt ' itiferiliatktn which ha PIM *Ai iNasigebieOltdatobeifftetialkintt-, I I re r iti l try AN -ronlad/Ole iteeWroolt4ougnagt 4D may prove a brees4 Partite wiatitng the riptlon Inn flimusoadd*s • , - ' V.:NDWaItI3 to <WILSON, , i . - • -- wiliiinwheriti, , I; nay county. New Tort. ' , . . qilBl-wly movaroax MEr :14811 - KW - RESTORED TIIST Published in a Sealed Envelope :; ef Plow ow 1 A.Lectare on the Natnini traatintrl' and indlealetre of Spetinatonbcaa ta*.t,leinttuil :Weak% nap inVolail*yAgabelonb,,.9o4uel Dablitty l and IMPOil: lilalnk la minlsisoieriny,Nervonsilin i tnass9Ven apsy and Ft's: nentn and Papaw] ' &ink 31 itl u it frop_44lf Om, &o.—qy ,fttLfq. J,„ t,u;,vsa w , iii.-VvAttlbar44 nie-dlieertirik.: aa , Ilbon to . Awanditarerfalt iii? r iiitr 1 17 aordoWtO , i.., dr $ i csk,, ,st An Gents, or twos 4 .` b . Cif. J. d. - ic a, 127 Vasty, 34,0n4fort, t gott, tqloiailloa44B6. sapto•danfim' - ' *.'"" t.' " - -4 '... "2 ' - • .PUBS ? - /roe front a litteral owe of Sorottuu. Mbers Sourvy, or Eruptfolurof' thb ,, Sitte, the operation o Pigar,4 z " I.`—'2& l4 barn by!their p ing e blood. Ballow; TIMM PoverJuut Attic:llp stimigit /Ad Widow*, MI" ail 6 2:10 VitiZett4othaSrlitrits tlOl Wa ll y . wi , the m , n y ttinely , Put OM* . p ro w ci tia EH T .I ii .e,P.A.i.nta 11 " for:rale by .ly igtfr-*luitt; Sant ta - 11.1 HOME , MANIJ,PAIMBE. THE C'EqAP.7I,4T - ItTl 7 l4' AitairAT. uniteisigebl4ipting openedphi Manutyat9rjr_grg.hcc. r . NoJ2 Weal *At,'?!:. r as, .' 6 o l °lta r PO- Palf o ol o *Ad r ‘ *ln *te: Ge4le.ln&` an a l lincobtota to the Iblioirkeassortin at of 'geode all Tiara are our,Eie 080mitk own manufacture : • 8 • :111URTI. 1 • 0:11..LA88, CUFFS, WARM aND MGM' . Sui •• `, dtc., Also IhevartiOidar &MIURA oribe Ladles to our-large assortment of unnertprmants 804 (frina,limlitast im-. 'proved dmatett styles,) •14.888 1 -COLLARS, "COM, 81 MIttitc.,84 - tiat-variettea,mtl - of-utnton•loMB oun owo nuusisofaottust wo aid- cheaper .than can be purchased elsewhere. remota, desirous ofhphadagAtictemn mykterials, one base cutting , Dewing Bic; et eiory *eddy doe n.:eord ing toorder. odtbasiborsimmeditoodttfitir ,WNI niske to - Measure, guaranteeing-to-fit i and - gty• entire saltafactionto-tbe. purchaser .11w etyltriduiability and m „ell special, orders i tyl4..iss, prpreptly at tended to upon the shortest notice and most: reisanable tortes.., 4/ 80 Miu.nhaign sunned upon. 4ba.. moat TINA!. • . - - S: Ladles w;l4las,sldris Or: slider „gement% of any dnartpUon, can have them made to order by sending sample sue ? 1 A4 8 .1 1 0 01 0' — AM No. 12, Nu t% street, . 4 =neit.Ja64 , ..W I#ainit4r>Dlonllbr `- ro so r *. _ New %burttlictments -- _ - • It dresses the hair withoat Soiling the ifo g erk It effects a xxviog or one-hair in the useofhatr prepay. , d o n.. Istifesie*p 'greasy hatilolt *ties. 1 1 415.11. arthatithan. Catania inarhalaillitab. It tegul, tkiwginenAty or fluid tit a dropi: It WAYatctly over the, unk ocon the toilet. It carries enough of any preparation to last for a voy age or a kg% janrney. Its plots It moderate, and it saves lia own cost in three months.' For For vilest Beller'a Drag and Palley Store, 91 Market +greet tb doors east of Fourth atz4et, south 0(410- - ixArrolartimAlltml _ LTA WeeLnear , Third , street, a few dnore.belaur ariclest Holey, Harrisburg.' A Abe , ne Mosso .- Ready - made 0611Ins•alward on bawl and n ttyllandied to order— , sniper plates; deo. Urals tea. •_•: - L7.{4980.48011 s.< •.- C. sAsss. UP-1107;STERING. PALM-LEAF M* R 1 ' 433501141%3E4n- 'CZ • lit - dusmorTS, Airtin JUMP STOOLS &c., On handand for-nale at the eery leweiVraten for reel. liairMattresses aad'Sprlng tetottenni made 10 order. 807 1 AS, LOtikkeNEV ' • t- I CHAIR% - HAISMATTRESsMiI &c., 4.plrett and elide 40111 to netr'very retsonnble, Al it Ne.;•100. Market street, between Fourth ant Path. by • r •,Ha*isb/ * lift a "hitinufadtory' SECOND BTILEET BELOW 011,ESTNUT. VENITIAINr BLINDS made to order, and an repairing neatly and expeditionely dine. Per. 1.0n4 at a-dlstancteittilinve their work dimie by addren- Mog atelier to the tifiderelgnhd. Tlninkfttl fbr plot iptd ropigete bintes, , bY'serfet attention to huetueas, to nterlt hmtintuumer tinreatne inplstisfaatton guaranteed 4th onto time and work.-11!* A. P.. MARE.. orrte.dent a U . -GO 0 D FOR , ixturr Altrirr tram . A 8 13,12, PiHstsy3 Milafiets47-. chats ; • .04i, i nrinkine Cups, Sic., 4- NOR, SASS sr 4 . SAL4I7:IIg, ticirth Bide 'Market Spare, neselkehler's Hotel, HAREM - HP.4V, VA. k 0.149914.10.11031. V .2 -Dalas* Pekehtent et the Court of Coasmon pees in the.Pwulith.lediniel District, consisting or the omit tit a or Lebtoun and Daiiphiii? awl the Don. A. O. Haman and Bob.Faux .tinitunr, Assonlide Judges in Dauphin coupty, basket .-lesuod .theieprecept, baiting date the 23 Jay , egeptembery tenie•elireeted, les holding a Court otOyer and Tertnioer and G4niiiral Jail Deli very d,Quartito Basilian of the Pew at derriebtirg; Mr the cianhay tif .Dauptiki, anal° commence OW TIM 38. D Moo. DAT WS NOTANDIKI TOED, heingthe ism DAT on Novice a, 1841;110d to continue two weeks. I , .btleeit therefore ‘hereby given tolhei-Cloroner,'Jus , wok of toeireaciteoudermen4 and. Dobstables of the Salll county of Dauphin, that they bu titbit and. ',herb In their prober pomons, at 10 o'clock lu the DininOon orsald day, with their see.irda, hiquisittona, examinations, and their ow' came w uo;oqpo littlreltti•!°i47l.T' Id reeogniaanoita.to pio patiosagainst theysrisonere arelor shall bitha mie .10 L 0,0+901/I 'ran% - I )e•then "'Ad** to elg lgyl,!t#*Aairakit4eakful..oo4o,Wool., uM 4-1 1 1 dc'rz4 Sergil* i*Arri e Z, .490 1 1 in 1100...ip the . 44144 Pr.o4 4 1 . . lotoakt Aufskstauts. • • . moss,,stietts. aglainAi oivi' Heirlaburg, Oeititier 12. 1861.} on i r'rastprj gum FR4MJ I. A:Nto (3 - 111373 R itanuraaurer.of ,Lciding-teasa and Picture filo-nea t , 6 , 1 i!A1tYk0MP‘0,P4.4 00 419a.14. 43 _OBIENIZEtI3I7III3IT, NEAR SEGOND. • HAIngSBURG, PA French ptiSfP . +Wt. Dvta Portrait arraases of,torarY dOttmelption.' OLD Pipoolls•t l i,r ‘ -eq.- 4 1 , TO NEW. 11+1617 NOTrollt-* Iconeepiiii-L 4 : 4 6f kb' E ; Mahal:tit/no the Arme( W. J Z'Bilttioe and .rla hereby given that' the booth OV/halite Arm'are in panda dt-theaarviving partner:— CI persona ktiow log gheinaelvesto be indetitad to the late Aro; and all thole-having alums, will prompt, them, duly autlienticit-' led„ tbr settlement. &own KLIN atal-dtmarilits ; Sur Ving partner. wr AlitteLP a Nl*Ct*. x '7"-'-"--- C..41 2..• . i ZDER, , :.:" Dings' era an d . olgra - OIL Wood igirEOUTEsikigria L igi," 44 4 L oaqrAying Jul with beauty, .. ...... , .„!, .. i .. t .da,„ Original designs foralaheu fi* . '7l' - , ... A I, . :f„A :. • , ult.' Persons litshing outs, by 'AMID.; , L ~ '.., -. . • ,", r 1 • nerreot.ipe, can; bar yieleta ~o 1 . `.es,, pilicchsh, iliori‘ Frcit.la, /6 4 1 10 r t.„..,,, e g.-o#o 1 4 *94 fINIM* I O.4 well. OD par ,Benalji iilloatictit.. .• . .. - ..,, , , . -Ono Jail°. ifi' 4 6 Vt4' 8 4 1 44,-' , / 4 0 bv. I s llo 4 Vialtbig-1$ , j ab' ,611ini.41, :oligTai 3...`.n . dm Iligliellt . or li illif&4 l #4./.*P5.P.49 0 . - o r ,79c e. ""ehlilk ,line; fag& tam seti, the liiiiatrataii 41 - *" 4: W T . 4 04 60 4 * C• 94 *: l 4: l !liV 6 r *ca.,. 0006./.te - ORtit - 4biltllt Ittlikß UT,OLYAI: ' ,citigao,WHHy inform:. his old that- be will , epatinne guresuelbeegons melba . BLit NOO#o.lalty ILK= ,r0111:0N, VlOgN iiii=oAki,hutme4lß• HASS. He erN WA , drew,* tomes atemripur or ieBSOLU3 will be &one. basreeidalieliMe ThW %Woo, few doom below th' aerpet /tedoiciaitel decl6-d<l o. To Married Men or those Contem- rifialltriageepr.,. . j, RE undersigned will sive, internist - ion oh a very t i anutiag bpi istleKult subject, ihich wtU he valued more than is thousand tunes its cost by uve7tiltrkriCtoPPle of .auy age et eandltion in lhe.— The,' 4l9 o ll4 4. 4 WkaPe4 l ,laLinoiLatk,aay adelnes th'seta ?,4dfess „ H. B. MORRIS, N. D., 'Auk Box 00, Bur Msße• N, no Mimbeg, be , ts ...wren to be am . . P 7 faust.Olory . )n, every tostsuct Aregardless of souta ineutaj ag;surxumßlllon in Bilh,) Or tith niml4Wl ll togided. Aillatirt—ihooitfro - directed to B. Morris, LW% Bui4 o . 43o etca, Maas.) 3 0 #ka. Pildn idiPlature and 'ddrsasslbr 'reuirn. oculdeodnurwlm _ . FORK bi'r ACOM FORNAPLE DW EL LIN HOUSE , . noir ?Xs Wator Borg; with, or Without sreßu as niaTlMPftvfnlffileagi•ii rwm. Harrisburg, botolr-r.50,186L,..41,1i0 REMOVAL: NEW NATIONAL LOAN. Seven and Throe-Tenths Per Gent. TREASURY ITOTBS, NOW READY FOR DELIVERY AT THE OFFICR JAY COOKE & CO., IsA NKERS, No. 114 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Pursuant o Instructions lrotn the Secretary of the Treasury, the Sub criptiou Mott to the NEW NATI tNAL LOAN of Treasury NoteS,..onaring inter at at the rate of seven anti tnree tenths Der Cent per annum, will remain open at my 1101ce No. 1 14' S THIRD STREET. until further nonce, from 8 A. 11, WI 6 R. M., mod on Ahmdasstitl n It. 8.. • • • • ?heap not s nil be of the donOtniudion al FIFTY DOI 1 , le".. ose: Aing, FlVa -H l)REtt THIASANIf DOLIA.ES, ami FIVE la - tisAND INJLIW63, and are all "datnil 19th of augur t, 1661, payable ro gold. lo three% Yeal 4 9 or con. ternble tutu a twenty year' 'lx per pent. loin, at the option of the ?wider. Each Treasury k.cte bas tot , rsut coupons ttarhed, which Call be cot of tied roltectel to gokl abbe Mint every eta month., and el the rate .dono cent per day 'n each fifty dollars, P &Yrnal l S ut 804CriPtIO , a may be mtde in Gold or becks, err %cuts of any el th linladeima Hanks. PAR7II3 AT A DIST•NCIC C.II remit by their friends, thri•ustithe mail, or by expr,a4, or through Banks Cod the Tre,sory NOth...R aid he immediately delivered. or sent t r e Ch Silh3Crih:r as they may severalty dirt et. Partiln remitting timid omit the intPreat from lOtat of August, the date tit all the co:es, to th (lay the remit tamed ratchet Plaide'phta, at the rate of he cent per day on each fifty dollar?. Apply to or sodross It COOKS, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, Caro of J A Y COOKE & CO., Makers, Om No 114 South Third Street, l'hihidephis. E OFFER TO OUSTOMERri LADIES' PURSES, Of beautiful Aybo , ,substantially msde A Splendid Assortment of GICNTLEMEN'S WALLETS A New end 'Nugent Perfume. BNIOIiTB 'PRMPLAB.-4P BOQUICT., Put up In Cut Blass Pitgruvel Bottles. A Complete Assortment or ElANDKRittlitiEr PRRFOW KS, A very ilieida , ane Variety of ritittErgit PtTrie Bt)XEs, DRUG titiOttg, 91 14..rket street. sePlB ST. NIgHOLAS BOTEL BROADWAY, NEW YORK Board Wooed to $2 per Dv, siNce, the opening of this vast awl cool moelotts Hotel, in 1814, it has heen the single en. deittrer of the proprietors to nta.e it the mteit sompoons, idlinimoiout and comfortable home tor the citizen and stranger on ibis stilettos AtlatltiO, kild whatever ties .oente•l iikeiy to administer o the demiort or its gnosis they h tve eildeavoriid, without re gard to cost, In provide, and to comidno all the elements of, I dlvidual aild social ehj , yalal which modern art has Invented; and modern tame approved ; and the pea roh Pe which it has commanded dui lug tit, pot six years the gridifying proof That their °Worts have been appro. cute.' To meet the exigencies or the time 4, when all are re qu rel to ortotioe the most rigid etutoottrty, the und e r ott ue.l Have Reduced the Price of Board to Two Dollars !per Day, thoname :Oaten none, ,‘f thJ lesurks with which tttoW table has letherte ecco supp ie I. THE ,DtrEt.• vrmrcowa & co. New York, Sept 2, ISB..—scpo- 13m* „INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWA.R6 IdUTA.L SAFETY INSURANCE .CONIPANY. OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1835. CAPITAL AND ASSRTS.... $004,907.51. THE INSURANCE .00M - PANY OF NORTH. AMERICA. OF PHILADELPHIA. L INCORPORATED 1794. AND ASSETS- ...... —54,219,41'5.1 . T HE undersigned, as Agent for the , well known Companies, will make Insurance i i g a ie e t ham or damage by fire, either perpetually or an nually, on properly in either town or country. //arise and bawd Transportation Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to WI-LIAJI SUMMER, Harrisburg, Pa. or.l4'6l.stawl7 octl4-dAirtd TAKE NOTICE! 11-IHAT we have recently added to our al ready fell stock OF SEGARS LA rlonturta, HAM van, LA BANANA. OF PERFUMERY • FOR RIM lIANDRIRCUIRP : TOZELSIII:B ,4 II,NCE, ODER OF MUSK, LUBIN'S ESSENCE BOUQUET. FOR THE HAIR .14U LVSTIIALR' ; - ; CORY.tir t iliZgeirOMA v T i tla s• 46 Ritt.Lit . AND lialettiaTOU. FOR Ttleß 00 . 111111:110N : TALC OF VKNILE, ROSE LEAP POWIEM, • NEW !emit HAT FOWLER; BLAND LE MMES. 1' SOA=P'S ` &twit mOss Russ, - • ESNZOIN" LATER , TEN NSW MOWN HAY Juoic4ir etua. Ravin the largeat stook and best assortment of Toilet Artlides, we fancy that We are better &Weil:lea Oar,Coll3l. patitOre [eke/ CIO a complete Toilet Set at any pr.ce titie Cali and see. AlWays an hand, a FRESH Stock 01 DRUGS, hiEDI.- 6114.1 r; CHESICALE, &c., consequent of our receiving almost daily, additions thereto. KILLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORK. 91 Market Street, two doors Easter Fourth ihreet, South aide. 1 tSCHEFFEWS BOOK S'l'olll . (Near the Barrisbuty Bridge.) i g. JUita REORIVED from the isugh .o ae JO NtiliS a lotta One VOtlligitelAt. NOTE tal'istr waita we will ROI! at SI.Q per rate.. ' 2,d41 per ream Cur NOTE' PArgtt, dooorAte , i with 1 th e latest *ad very handsome embiem. MA Hinriletk• of 113.001) Corinne WaTTE ENVFLOPES. With UMIODZI .414 agjidtio embleme, printed io two eda , ,,-. -- Tieitse give ne a mil. 'mg . F. it‘flitEliritEß, legiA liarriaburg.. W Seljet ilottoolis for Boys and -- fnl FRONT STREET ABOVE Lipcxygrk . ' TAB Fall term of ROBERTkI'ELWEIrd, Echoot for boys, will open on the first Monday:4i Seetxinbet. rb , room ventilattlO, 'clAtitOttolly f urins h t .d t and in every' reapoet (Waimea !or school pm , .- Zirmt,RlZihl lirELStflEO3'33 School ror girls , locate t u the same tluildilL, Will open r9rtho Kul term at the same nine. Tlie room . has been elegantly llttotl up to promote hA L lsonith and contibrt.of scholars. sugtoltf FI NE TOILET LO - A POMAVES, LIAIR por.4 COLOGNES sad EXISSCTS, ,of many ; ityleti, prices and maestesisrde et KELLlgit'ls DRUG AND /INDY. " . 14 ElisteltantauL A New Lot or Of the best ManufLoture iii. MONO, .1l VINEGAR !! I choice and selected Apples, toed bruit to,tie strictly miss. •vm. DoCIFC Si CO. 4:idtlsl.d. - -I'wo ttatiariou Nor . A z4 Wino Bartkiied . 4* 4 .) WY. DOOR JR. &CO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers