laIi& gilatttoug LADIa::S' WINE, SPEER'S S AMBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal :Elder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE CELEBRATED for its medical and becc. Scial qua'itis as a genuine Stimulant, Tonic, tin ratio and Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent iihysi. clans, and 801110 of the first Willies in Europe ant America. SPEER'S SAIIMUCI WINE is not a nil - Pure or manufactured article, but i; mre, from cultivated Portugal Eder, recommended by ,inem bats and l'hysiciaus as possessing medical pro )erne3 su perior to any other , 'Cin,s in use, an excel te: arti- Cie for all wnak and deb:tattled Persons, and the aired and infirm, improving the appetite, and benefiting fedi., . and children. A LAlmEcs , becawe it will mot intoxictte as inher wines, as it Con tai"s no mixture of spirits or other liquors : und is a mired for its riot' peouliar flavor and nutritive properties , Imparting a healthy tone to tno dign:tive ord• Os, and a blooming, salt and healthy &du and complexion. None genuine unless the signature of ALFRED riPERR, Passaic, t. J., is over the cork of each bottle , " _ gAKE: (NE TMAL OF THIS WISE. A. SeENIR, riOprielOr. PaEsalo, N. J. 02he 203 3roadw3y, New fort. J. R. EATON. Agent, Philadelptik. For sala by 0 W. Gras, & Co., O. K. Keller, John Wyeth and by ttraeghthi ge Jyl—dawly• 1C 3MI ONLY PREPARATION WORTHY OF Universal Confidence & Patronage. FOR STATESMEN, JUDGES, CLERGYMAN, Ladies and Gentlemen, is all parts of the world testily to the efficacy of Prof. 0 J. Wood's Hair Restorative, and gentlemen of tile Pt - 12,S are u,auitnou.s in praise. A few testimonials only call be here given ; see circular or more, and it will be itimoi_ sible for you to doubt. 41 Wsll direct, New York', Dec. 20th, 1858. Ga.NritsmeN : your note of the 15. b inst., has been re. Moved, casing tbz.t sou had heard that I had been Ilene. fited by the use of Wort,i's lair ftestoratice, and request ing my certificate of . feet if Ib aq , bjection to give it. I award it to you cbeornify, Di(i use 1 Mink it due.— My age is about 50 ) ear:; ; the , o'or 01 to) attOurn and iochned to earl Some Die Or OV. ears since it cc gan to torn gray. end tb ,-nain on the t•rown of my hem to lose its sort..i.olity anal dauorull to form e9ou it. East of these OiSagreealohm.s lacy eased wits Lone, and about four mom hs since a fourth was added to them, by hair falling elf the top of my head and threatentug to make me bald. In this unpleasant predicament, I was induced to try Wood': Hair iceswiative, 13141 UL. 10 arrest the falling off of ,my hair, for] had rcal , y no expeetalloa that gray hair could ever he re-aoted to its Original color excep front dyes. I was, however, greatly surprisA to find after the use of twit troy ties only, that not, only was the 4 failing oil arrested, but the color was restore. to the gray aire and sensibi•ity to the scalp, and dandrull ceased to ma on my head, very much to the gratification of my wire, at wuuse solicitation 1 was induced to try it. For this, amolig the many obligations I owo . to her sex, I strongly recommend all husbands who v due the • 1.1- . Miration of their lie.v,e to profit by my example, and use a if growing gray or gelling Very re .3peett ly, n r'.N. A. LAVENDER, To 0 J. Wooct & Co., 4-14 Broadway, New York My family ale absent nom the city, anti I am no long er at No U Carl place. Siarnasion, Ala., July 20th, 1859. To pavr. 0. J. WOOL : vear Sir : You.. "Hair Restora tive" has done my h so much g ood since I commenced the use 01 it, that I wit.h to make known to the PUBLIC its effects on the hair, which are great. A man or wo. man way be hearty d. priced of hair, and by a resort to your "Hair Restorative," the hair will return more beautiful than ever; at lea t this is my experience.— Believe it mill I Yours truly, _ _ _ P cuu publish tc.e übove if yuulite. By peb Hailing in our Southern pal ers you MI. get more patron age bomb. I one several or your CertilinateS .11 the )t0 bite Mercury, a si.roug, Southern paper. WOOD'S HAIR P.VSTL-iATIVE, PEOF. O. J. WWI) oear rir : Having had the misfor tune to 1.36 e the best port,on of my hair, from the effects of the yellow fever, in New Orleans iu 1851, .1 was in duced to make a trial in your preparation, and bound it to answer as very thing needed. My hair is now ttock and glossy, and uu w.irds can express my obliga tions to you in giving io the afflicted such a trffisure. The Restorative is pot up in bottles of three sizes, viz iarge medium, and small ; the small holds half a pint, and retails for one gollAr per bottle ; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars for bottle; the large holds squad, 40 par evnt. more in proportian, and retails ;Or $3. 0. J. WOOD & CO., Prop , letors, 444 Broadway, Now York, and 114 MarKul. street, St. Louis, An. .and sold by all good oruggitts anti Fancy Goods Dealers. jyl3-,J'eweow Great Cure. DR. LELLAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE ONLY KNOWN RENTF.DY FOR Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia= AND A BURR man FOR All Mercurial Diseases. It Is a conveniently. arranged Band, containing a met noted compound, to be worn around Min Waist, without injury to the most delicate persons, nu change inhabits Of living is required, .trim it entirely removes the disease &Om the system, without producing the injurious clients arising from tho use of powimrtmii maternal medic Ines which weaken and destroy iIL e institution, and give temporary reimf only. By MI6 treitment, the medical properties contained iu the Baud enme hi contact with the blood and reaches the disease, thr.uigti the pores of the skin, effecting in every insiaime A nerfect cure, and restore ,he parts aftlimed to a ii;nittity dominion. This Band is also a most powerful Ainn-Mceculitet agent, and will entirely relieve the system from the pernicious ef fects of Mercury. Moderate misses arc cured in a tow days, and we are constantly receiving testimonials of its efficacy in aggravated cases of , otig standing. Paws 8: 00, to be had of Druggists generally, Or can he sent by mad Or express, with is LI threeilullS for use, to any part of the country, direct O‘oos the Principal Office, No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. N. B. —Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. .44.-.IGLNT6 WANTLeD EV,BYWHERE—aIf IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. DR. P. H. ALLABACJI, Surgeon Den tist, Manufactureroi Mineral Plate Teeth, the only method ihat obviates every objection to the use o` arti ficial teetn, emnracing partial, half and whole sets of one piece only, of pure ass itideatruet le mineral, there are, no crevices for the anneum nation also:till particles of food and therefore, no oll;:n-ive oder from the breath, as no me tal is nand in their cons.ractieq, there can be no galvanic action or metatic tskte Hence indiv local is notan noyed with sure inroat, headache, Cc. Office No. 43 North nocond street, Harrisburg. octl2, dly STONE FOB. SALE. BUILDLNG STONE or Stolle suitllted for thrntliking 14 , 6' i+o delivarod to any par of the city or ita vicinity. Apply to toar92 WM. COLDER, Jr, AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. AND for the speedy cure of the sub joined varieties of Disease : Scrofula and Scrofulous Affection such as Tumors, 'Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches,. Boils, Mains, and all skin Diseases. OAKLAND, Ind., 6th 3une,1859. J. C. ATM Sr, Co., Gents : I feel it my duty to ackeowl ?Age what your Sarsaparilla has done for me. Having inherited a Screfullus infection, I have suffered from it in various ways ibr years. Sometimes - it burst out in Clue son my hands and arms ; sometimes turned in ward and distressed me at the stomach. Two years ago it broke out on my head and covered my scalp and ears with one sore, which was painful and loathsome beyond description. I tried many medicines and several physi cians, but without much relief from any thing. In fact, the disorder grew worse. At length 1 was rejoiced to read in the Gospel Messenger that you bad prepared us i , lternative (Sarsaparilla,) for I knew irom your rep utation that any thing you mane must be good. I sent to eine:mien and got it, and used it till it cured me. 1 took it, as you advise, in small doses of a teaspoonful over a month, and used almost three bottles. New and healthy skn seen began to form under the scab, which after a while fell off my skin is now clear, and I know by my fielings that the disease has gone front my system. You c,n well believe that I feel what I am saying when I tell you, that I hold you to be one of the al . °sties of the age, and remain ever gratefully. Yours, ALFRED B. TALLEY. St. Anthony's Fire, Bose ror Erysipelas, Tette!. and Salt Rheum, Scald:Head Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Hosert M. Preble writes irom Salem, N. Y., 12th Sep., 1859, that he has cured en Invett rate case of Drop sy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the perse vering use of oar Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous at tack of Malignant Erysipelas try large doses of the same; says he cures the common Eruptions by it constantly. Bronchocele, Goitre or SwelledANeck, Zebulon Sloan of Prospect, Texas, writes : , •Three bot tles of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a Gerrins—a hid eons swelling on the neck, which I hod suffered from over two years." Leueorrho3a or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases. Dr. J. B. S. Charming, of New York City, writes ; "I most cheerfully comply with the respect in your agent sayiug I have found. your mareaparala a am it excellent alternative in the numerous complaints - for which we em ploy such a remedy, but especially in Female Diseases of the Scrofulous diathesis. 1 h the cured many inveterate cases of Leucorrheea by it, and some where the com plaint was caused by ulceration of the uterus. The ul ceration itself was soon cured. Nothing within my anowledge equals It f.r these female derangements." Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala,, writes, "A dan. gerous ovarian tumor on one of the females in my Mindy, which had defied all the remedies we could employ, has at length beau completely cured by your Extract of S ar separate.. our physician thought nothing but extirpa ' then could afford relief, but he advised the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and it , roved elfmtual. After takiagyou remedy eignt weeks no symptom of the disease remains." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. New ORLEANS, 2501 August, 1959. Dr. J. C. AYE t.: Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re quest of your agent, and report to you sums of the effects have realized wits your Sarsaparilla. 1 have cured with it in my practice, most of the corn pla'llts fur which 14 is recommended, and have found its • llhcts truly wonderful in toe cure of Venerat and Her curial Diseases. tweoh my patients had syphilitic: ulcers .e IRS throat, which were consuming tint palate and the top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured him in live week. Another was attacked by sea ondat y symptoms in his nose, and the ulcerate') had eat en away a considerable part of it, to that 1 the disorder would soon reach his brain and kill him. But it yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla: the ulcers healed, and ne is well again, not of course without some disfiguration t., his face. A Woman wao had been treated ter the same oisorder by mercury was sulLriug rein this puisou in her hoods. they bad become so sensitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered excreta:atm; vain iu her jams and bones. She, too, was aured entirely by y ear Sarsaparilla in a few weeks. I knew from its iermula, which you agent gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratory must be a great remedy coustqueutly, these truly remarkeble results wan it have not surprised me. Fraternally yours, G. V. LARIMER, M. D. Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. lararSaD,NCE, PrebtOn Co., Va., fah duly, 1659. Da. J. C. Ayes:lir, I have been afflicted with a vain ful chronic Rheumatism for a long time, which belied the Sidil of physicians, and stunt to me in spite of all the temethes I could ha , until I tried your Sarsaparilla.— fate nettle cured me in two weeks, and restored my gen eral health so much that I am far ocher than baler° I was attacked. I thins. it a wonderful medicine. J. BREAM. .lutes Y. blotched, of Ss, Lasts. writes : "I have been afflicted for years with an affection of the Liver, which destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing Jailed to relieve me ; and I have been a broken down man for some years from no ther cause than de rhanament of the Liver. sly beloved pastor, the Rev. Mr. Espy, advised me to try your Sarsaparrilla, because he sail he knew you, and anything you made was worth trying. By the blessing of God it has cured ma, I feel young agate. The best that can be said of you is not half goad enough." Schirrus, Cancer Tumors, Enlargement, - Ulceration, Caries and Exfoliation of the Bones. A great variety of cases, have been reported to us where cures of these formidable complaints have result form the use of this remedy, but one space bere will not admit them. Soma of them may be found in our Amer can Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased to farhisn gratis to all,whO call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilep sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia. Many remarkable cures of these affections have been made uy the alternative power of this medicine. It stim ulates the vital functions into vigorous action, and thus overcomes disorders which would be supposed beyond its reach. Such a remedy has been required by the ne cessities of the people, and we are confident that this will dolor them all that medicine can do. WM. H. GENEDY W. fl. Renedy .FINLE JOHNSON Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Con sumption, and for the Relief of consumptive Patients in advsnced Stages of the Disease This is a remedy so universally known to sur pass any other for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that It is useless here to publish toe evidence of its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs acid colds, and its truly wenderml cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout the civilized natious fir the earth.— Few are the communities , or even families, among them who have not some personal experience of its effects.— some living trophy in their miest of its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and as they know, too, lb e effects of this remedy, we need not do more than to assure them that it has now all the vir tue; that it did have when making the cures which have. won so strongly upon the confidence 01 mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYBR & CO., Sold by 7V. A. Dam:Evart, C. K. Keller, 11 W. Grose & Co., J. M. Lutz, & Co., Armstrong, Harrisburg, and deal ers every where. oetl4.Bmdaw IMPORTED BOLOGNA SAUSAGE.-A very rare lot just received and for sale oy WM. IXlint JR di CO A VERY HEAVY STOCK .0.1? BLACK AND SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS I OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JUST OPENED. At ) 4.10z0 the Cost of importation. CALL AT CATIICA.RT , S, map! Nen door to the Harrisburg Bank. HARRISBURGandPHILADELPHIA. Wm. E. Burk, Agent, 812 Markel sired, Philadaz pins, formerly Livingston Se Co, Qpecial Conductor in charge of each train. Goods delivered at the Warehouse, Philadel. plant, at 43i o'clock P. M., will be delivered la Harris burg next morning. J. WALLOWER, JR, Agent, my2l•dtt Office .Reading Depot, Harrisburg, glennepluattia tlegraph, Ql'utsbai) Afternoon. ectobtr 22, 1861. ~icDicxt FOR THE RAPID CURE 01' Lowell, Mass WALLOWER'S LINE, DAILY BETWEEN fftistellanezus SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES! I igf - A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE wORID THE CHEAPEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORI D THE BEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE re the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend yogi. Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots, aro IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of that expensive Cut Glass Bottle IT WILL MEND IVORY, Don't throw away that broken Ivory Ilan, it is easily re paired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken Was Cups and Saucers can be made as good as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked out of your Marble Mantle can be put On as strong as ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter if that broken Pitcher did not cost but a shit ling, a shilling saved is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly Alabaster Vase is broken and you can't match it, mend it, it will never show when put together. It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything but Metals. Any article Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT ,OLUE will not show where It is mended. EXTRACTS "Every Housekeepers should have a supply of Johns & Crosley's American Cement Glue."—N. Y. Times. "It is ao convenient to have in toe house."—N. Y. Ezpress. "It is always ready ; this commends itself to every body."—Thclependant. "We have tried it, and tied it as useful in our homes as water."—Wilks' Spirit of the ECONOMY IS WEALTH. $lO,OO per, year saved in every faintly by One Bottle of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Buyers. TERMS CASH. sjrFor sale by all Drugglsts, and Storekeepers general ly throughout the country. :OHMS & CROSLEY, (Sole Mao ufacturers,) 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of Liberty street. NEW YORK Important to House Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Rail Road Companies . ImpOrtant to Farmers. To all whom thin may concern, and it maim every body. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S IMPROVED GUTTA PGRCHA CEMENT ROOFING, The Cheapest and most durable Roofing in use. IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied to NEW and OLD 1100F3 of all kinds, steep or flit, and to SHINGLE ROOFS without removing the Shingles. The Cost Is only nbout One• Third that of Tin This article has been thoroughly tested in New York Lily and all other parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies Omni' and South America, on buildings of all kinds, such as FACIORI, FOUNDRIES, CHURCHES, RAIL ROAD DEPOTS, CARS, and OM PUBLIC BUILDLYGS generally GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS. &0., by the principal Builders, Architects and others, during the past four years, and bat proved to be the CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE ROOFING in use; it is in every respect A FIRE, WAIER, WEATHER and TIME PROLE covering for ROOFS OF ALL RINDS. • This i the ONLY material manufactured in the United States which combines the very desirable properties of Elasticity and Durability, winch are universally acknow ledged to be possessed by GOTTA P ERC HA AND INDLI. RUBBER. No Heat is required in making application. The expense of applying it is trifling, as an ordinary roof can be covered and finished the same day. It can be applied by any one, and when finished forms a perfectly FIRS PROOF Sur face with an elastiellogy„ which cannot be injured by fliar, COLD or &Mass, t*RLDRINCI of Boon Somme, nor any ex ternal actien:whteTer. LIQUID GIITTA PERCHA CEMENT, For Coating Metals of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of the Weather, and FOR PRESERVING AND RE FEARING METAL ROOFS OF ALL KTNDS. This is the only Composition known which will success fully resist extreme changes of all climates, for any length of time, when applied to metals, to which it ad heres firmly, torming a nody equal to coats of ordinary paint costs much less and will LAS 2 THREE TIMES AS LONG ; and from its elasticity is not injured by the contraction and expansion of Tin and other Metal Roofs, consequent upon sudden changes of the weather. It will not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN LIV WARM WEA2HER, AND WILL NOT WASS OFfr. Leaey Tin and other Metal Roofs can be reedily repair ed with GUTTA. PERUHA CEMENT, and prevented from further corrosion and leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly tight roof for many years. This Cement is peculiarly adapted for the preservation of IRON RAILINGS, STOVES, RANGES, SAFES, AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEEENTS, do., also, for general menu fecturers use. GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT For preserving and rcpaing Tin and other Metal Roofs of every description, from its great elasticity, is not injured by the contraction and expansion of Metals, and will not crack In cold or run in warm weather. These materials are ADAPTED TO AIL °LULUS.% and we are prepared to supply orders from any part of the court• try, at short notice, for GUTfA YEHCH.I ROOFIAG in rolls, ready prepared for use, and GUTfA PERCHA CE MENT in barrels, with fall printed directions for appli cation. iPAR)DIU Al DI We will make liberal and satisfactory arrangements with responsible parties who would like to establish them selves in a lucrative and permanent business, OUR TERMS ARE CASH We can give abundant proof of all we claim in favor of our Improved Rooting hiving applied them to several thousand Roofs in New York City and vicinity. JOHNS & CROSLEY, SOLE MANUFACTURERS, Wholesale Warehouse 78 William St., Comer of Liberty Street. NE W YORK. Full descriptive Circulars and Prices will be furnished on application. o :3-dly MILITARY GAUNTLETS ANEW LOT, just received, of the bes quality, at CATEWART'S,inext door to Ilarrisbur Aauk. sep7 Chug at 41.ravil $4 it ranspartatiai \ o rth e ill t , e,utra,l Ra way tv, ArE NOTICE. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ?RAIN TRAIN.? D. 11.17 TO AND TIMM TIMORM N AND AFTEIi SUNDAY, JUNE 9th, the Paasenger MOUS of the Neriberi. ONOrii FAD. war will leave Harrisburg and Baltimore as folio , Fs OtNa4 MAIM TRAIN will leave. Harrisburg a• 1 20 P. 51. BXPRESS 3.00 A. 1141181.-111 1 RG ACCOMMODATION 930 " RETURNING. MAIL TRAIN will leave Baltimore W. S 15 A. Di .EXPRE&S TRAIN as_ 4.35 P. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODAIIOII... .... 8.00 P. DI 4,olktt-; NORTH. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1 n P. Si SXPRE,S ..... ...9.33 " The only train leaving. Harrisburg on Sunday will be the Express, South, at 1.00 A. M., and leaving Baltimore at 4.35 P. M. For further Intbrmation apply at the Office, in Penn'a *taltroad Depot C. SCHEEL, . Aver.: --....ryisourg., May 20, tse4.—rtif NEW AIR LIMB ROUTE. ON AND' AFTERNIONDA.Y, JUNE 10, 1861, the Passenger Trains will le4ve the Philadel phia awl Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, viz • EAST WARE. EXPRE.S.3 LINE, leaves Harrisburg at 9.30, on 'to rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 4 p. M. A sleeping car Is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a. in.. arriving in New York at 4p. m , and Philadelphia at 1.20 p. or. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p in., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fan Mail, arriving in New York at 8.45 p. in., and Philadelphia at 2.40 p. m. WESTWARD FAST LlNEleavea PZo97.Vortc :It 0 a. ta., and Phil%4ol oda ut Ba. m., arriving at Harrisburg Ip. m. %lAN, TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelpttia at _3. 15 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m haPRESS LINE leaves New York at 8 p. m., anti wing at Harrisburg' at 2.80 a. in., and connecting with th. Pennsylvania Express Traio an. Pittsonrg. A. sleeping , car to also Warted to tnia rain Connections are made at Harrisburg with onins on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Ctunuerlan t Valley Railroads, and at Reading For Philtdelphin. Pottsvil le, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, &o. Baggage checked through. rare between New York and Harrisburg, 85 00; between Harrisburg and Pb il, dolphin, $3 25 in No. 1 cars, And $2 70 in No. '2. For tickets or other information au Ay to J. J. CLYDE, myth General Agent, Ha rriaberz. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL. ROAD; '16V.41 , . . • 7-....erze.a. SUMM ER TIME. TABLE FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA IM HONDAY, JUNE 10th, 1861, Cho paaseuger Ursine of the Pennsylvania Railroad Coro. ptuy whi depart from acid arrive at Barra:burr aria Philadelphia az follows EAST*WitilO. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg every morning (except Monday) at 1.15 a. in., and Arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.10 a. in. THROUGH. EXTRE& TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 9.20 a.. En., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.10 p. ut. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun day) at 5.15 0. tn. and arrives ma Went Philadelphia a 10.15 p. In. These trains make close connection at Phnadtapnia with he Yew York Linea. ACOOMMODATION TItAIN, No. 1, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburir at 7.00 a. m., and arrives at W. - Philadelphia at 12.00 valf.d!;,,_ , HARRISBURG ACCOMIIkObA . N TRAIN, via Colt bta, [eaves Harristurig.atlao It, 0: and arrives a W.: Philadelphia it 6, 25, p...m. -Y . 7` , :' AGBOAMOD4ON'''TIiati; : S42, via Mount Joy, leaves HarristentiaV.s.l6 ti. n14,-,"...Onneeting at Diller olii, w ith rd 7 5„ hid: Orly* at Weal rhiladel phis. at 10.16 p. ' RAIN, _ ~......---. .....,..o s a A r .4...::: . .. ~ •. -.- 7 - ;;;! . .f . 191rE ii D . ~, THROUGH EXPRESS T eaves Philadelphia at 10.20 p. m., Harrisburg at 2.35 a. m., Altoona 7.80, a. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 noon. . . MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., Harris burg 100 P. m.,' Altoona, 6.5) p. m., and arrives at Pitts burg at 12.00 midnight. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.20 a. m., Harris burg 3.35 p. m., Auciona 8.10 e. in., and arrives at Pitts burg at 12,30 a. an. lIARRISSUG ACCOMMODATION TRAlN,leares dolphin at 220 p. in., Lancaster 6.08 p. m , Columbia 6.4 a p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.05 p in. This train connects at Harrisburg, at 8.05 p. m., with North, ern Central Railroad Train for Sunbury Williamsport, Lock Mssen, Scranton and all points North, ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00, p. m., Lancaster 7.50 p. in., Mount Joy 8.21 p. m., Eliza bethtown, 8.37 p. in. and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.30 p. m. Attention is called to the fact, that pasengers leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. ra., connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY" ACCONIMODATION TRAIN, and arrived at Harrisburg at 9.30 p. m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East, trio. Ponca. Railroad Harrisburg, Juno 7, 1861.—dtf JOHN B. SMITH'S BOOT. & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, Sic., of the very best sualities for ladies, gentlemen, and childrens' Prices to suit the times. All kinds of WORK MADE TO ORDER inthe heat style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. 0ct.16-dtf.." JOHN B. SMITH, Harrisburg. B. M. GILDER, D. D. S. STA7E STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. A il opera ions, Surgical and Mechanical, selentittc-ny performed Charges moderate. jeS klandred Extra Sugar erred 'lama just received by W/d . DOCK JR. .for CO. filtbical Holland Bitters _TYYSJPEPSI.A., Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &e. Tun succe.shil introduction and nse of this cele brated liemedy has been the signal fur a literal flood c,,tupt.umls called "Bitters," offered in various !bans, from a quart bottle to a Svc-gallon keg, until this word "Bitters" is but another name for "grog," or some villanous whiskey mixture. But the really great relief derived from the minute dose, one teaspoonful, of our medicine, &BEHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS, n o ,/ the enttre absence of after prostration, has esti, blish.ll for it a reputation which the bretof imitatinne end counterfeits have failed to undermine, It isposi tively a vegetable preparation, with barely autlieieut pure spirits to preserve it. Rut one size of the genuine, (Half-Pint Bottle*,) price ONE DOLLAR. it is a medicine of long-tried efficacy for Parifyirg the Blood, so essential for the foundation of gnat health and for correcting disorders of the stomach and towels. Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects. The stomach will speedily regain its strength, a healthy action of the liver, bowels and hilners will 800 D take place, and renewed health be tilt` quirk result For INDIGESTION, Try Boorhave's Holland Bitters. For ELEARTBURN, Try Bterhave's Holland Bitters. For ACIDITY,Try Bo rnave's Holland Bitters. For WATEXBRASEi. Try Iliernave's Holland. Bitters. For HEADMJECE;, Try ficernave's Holland Bitters. For LOSS OP a.PPETITE, Try Ihnrnave's llollri_nd Bitters. env COS'ITV ENESS. Try eterhave's Holland For ES, Try • : ••Witil Dave's Rolland Bitters. . • •,, • • Rheumatic, arid Neuralgic AM., lions, I numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. .neacl Carefully! The genuine, highly-concentnited MERIPLVE'S LAND Hirruas is put up in half-pint bottles only. an r. tailed at One Dollar per bottle The great dent for this truly celebrated medicine has induced ne-• imitations., which the public should guard ag.,ile-t [4n-dewing &war , : of iMPOSVinn .Ste that our name /4 qf bottle you boy Benj. Page, Jr. &Co. MANUFACTIJEE::: . i.; PITT.'7TUROI-1,. " For sale In the city of Elarrisb iIY D. W. GROSS .0 e33nrd—seent-derwly J W W AI'6 I EIEB CLUCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C. ALFRED F. ZIMMERMAN di CO; O. 52 MARKET STREET, Ilarriabarg, IA Pa., oppositeHeat's iorti. and adjoining the i'.ustormoor HOTIL, itacriug purchased the stoca or E. F lennings, and added a large assortment of NEW JEW ".L.EtY, we will sell the same at the lowest cash price, and olleit patronage. Watches, Clocks and Jeweiry neatly and oroinpily re mitred and delivered. ALFRED F. ZIANIXAMAN & CO liairtng disposed of my Jtecs, et' Jewelry to A. F. Zim merman & Co., I cheerfully recommend them to my for mer ouitoMers as practical and csperteractid Watch WO.llerc, and eelioit for teem a continuance of the patron ,gC which haa.been so generously extended to roe Unique the mai nix years, Jur,e9 Ir. IF.NNIIXIIB. DENTISTRY. rA, GOO V. „ \C; gradu-tt© of the altitttora 041 , 0 t; oral Surgery, haying perma neatly located in tlin city of Harrialiura and tagen the [dice bermerly be,tmin,,l by Dr. Corgis, on Third street, between Market AM I. Walnut. re:spectral ly informs his friends end the Junin: in general, that he is prepared to perform all operatimis in. t•te Uenta., i irote,Nou either surgical, or me:main:ill, in a manner that elute not be surpassed. by operators in this or any muer , My. His mode of inserting artidoial.teeth is domii in. proved seiendflo principles, Teeth, from one to a lull set, Ll3olllll.thl nu tine Gold, SI ver, F'lattna plates nr the Vulcanite Base. I take great pleasure in recommending the anove gen: iceman to all my former patient, of. Harrisburg and vi. Malty, and feel confident mat he will partorm all opera: tione in a scientific manner, from my knowledge of hla shinty. imy3-dtf] F..J GORGAS, D. D. S. STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG FARE REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH TO GETTYSBURG. THE undersigned has established a regular LINE OF STAGE. GOACHEe' hem Mechanics burg, conneollug every other morning with the Cumber ,„ ud Valley Railroad Cars. The coaches leave every . • • 7, Thursday and Saturday, returning every o :• - ls • . Passengers for Sheppardstown, Dillsburg, .urg and Gettysburg ire carried at reduced rates. WILL J. TATE. NEW COAL OFFICE. lIHE UNDERSIGNED having entered in. 41. to the COAL TRADE in this city, would respectfully solicit the patronage of the citizens. I will keep on hand Coal of all sizes, from the most celebrated and approve) mines, which will be delivered to any part of the city, free from dirt and other impurities. FULL 11VRICIA 1 '4OARAHTXRD. COAL FOR UIR HT TEN BOAT LOAD, OAR Loan on i.1.114GL11 Peririas purchasing by the Boa• or Car Load will receive 2,24otrounds to the Ton. °Mc No. i 3 Market street, second door from Dewher ry alley Yard on the Canal, toot 01 North street, 0, ders let tat either place will receive prompt attention. tora.4 W. HALT,. agent. ;3E -11 1 - lEikliar.. SHAD, No. 1, SALMON, No. 1, HERRING, No. 1, COD FISH, No. 1, MACKEREL, O. 1. Of he above we have all the tittle: ent sized packager rem the tan to the ELLIMILL in store and for sale at the omen market rates. THERMOMETERS ! THERMOMETERS, Ornamental Mantle, Japanese Metal. THERMOMETERS, do do Bronzed do TetERMOMETERS, Distillers Tin Case, 12 inch. THERMOMe.TERs, do Brass Bound Double Scale. THERMOMETERS, Union Case, 10-12 inch. THERMOMETERS, Meta.lic Frame, 8-10 inch. THERMOMETERS, Black Walnut Case, 10 inch. THERMOMETERS, Tin Case, 7.8-10 ition. We have just received a ias lot or THERMOMETE It of various styles, cunt are selling them low, HELLER'i DRUG STORE, ap 91 Mitrket street. HICKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD for sale, 0171 IX/ STOVE OR CORD LENGTH TO SU.II PUBULIASBRS. ALSO, LOCUST POWS AND OHE.3.7Nra RAILS CO TO ORDER. ALSO, SIONR AND SAND FOR BUILDING PURPOSES loqu of the subscriber at Ms residence on the Ridge road, niposite the Good Will Migino Roue, or at th e Yard, corner or Second mid Broad streets, West Har risburg. [my27-tf ) G B. COLE. SIGN OF THE Glorious Star Spangled Banner ! MOTHER SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER, Ll_ BORDERS, Ste., SPLENDID WINDOW BLINDS, to which we call the attention or our friends, and cordially invite them to examine our goods and prices. We are deteimined to sell cheap. Mind the mime, PAGREFFER'S BOOKSTORE, Near She Varriaburg krido. EMI Throat Confections, GOOD FOR CLI RGYIIEN, SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECIIrg LA DIF1••A A RE DELIGHTED WITB SPALDLNG'S THROAT CONFEcrno. CHILDREN CRY FOI. SPALDING'S THROAT CONFEPTIOS They relieve a Cough instantly They clear the Throat They give strength and volume to the cvre. They impart a delicious aroma to the breath They are delightful to the taste They are made of simple herbs" and cannot ht t zul one. 1 advise every one who has a Cough or a dais or a Bad Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat package of my Throat Confections, they 1,11) lehaery nstantly, and you will find them very meful tut ant while traveling or attending public meetrao ing your Cough or allaying your thirst. If you Irjx, package lam safe in Baying that on will ever wards consider them indispensible. ion will gult -, at the Druggists and Dealers in Medicine? My signature Is on each package. All other Ire ern I= A Package will be sent by mail,;prepald, on rizqa Thirty Oenta Ad I reser , SICK HEA DACHE ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE By the use of these Pills the perm Ito attacks of Yr vow or Sick Headache may be prevented; exd ti teiu the commencement of a.o attack immediate pain and sieltne.i. ..e obtaMed. They seldom fall hi removing Nausea and fleada.i , c which females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels, removing Coiti:44,l For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Fe nets, an.t persons of sedentary habits, they are vd:iir6i Lomatlee, improving the B.PPITM, giving ton ANs Ount to the digestive organs, and restoring the oacurai can! city and strength to the iviole system. The CEPHALIC PILL S are ILe residi u] im.Emtat gallon and carefully conducted experanouci, tack, ccet in use in many share, during wain Limo vented and relieved a vast amount algal: , -urea, from Headache, whether originating in the saran! Y tem or from a deranged state of the stomach. They nre entirely vegetable in their coinparnm may be taken nt all awes with poi - Teel making tiny change of diet and the absence gt anS lira greeab/e taste renders it eon to administer thee nCAtidrts The genuine have five Signatures of Henry C on each b ex "Sold by druggists and all other dealers In mAlkoa A Box will be sent by mail prepaid on reeelpt of the All orders should be addressed to *ire single bottle of SPALDINO'S PREPAELD tLi 473,1. DOCK, J➢. & CO de accidents luta kalpii, ever. niteta - Tegta tited/0"1 It is vary desirable to have some cheap and way ibr repairing Furniture, Toys, Crocker!. a• meets all such emergencies, and no household can Itrar i to be without it. It is always ready Ind op to the snot. ngipouit "USEFUL IN EVRIIIIHOUVI" N. IL—A Brut!) accompantee each bottle, Price ea Addreu LIMY C. SPALDING, - - Aa certain uaprincipled persona are attempand t° pat's MI on the unauspectiot public, imitations at my 11 PARED GLUE, I would caution all persona to axaaant before purehaajog, and see that the tali oatuat iIirSPALDINWe PREPA Lila onlaide WTapirer;4l l nt4ers Ca' -7.11,h 1? illtbical "They go right to the Spot!, DiSTANT RELIEF STOP.TOCR:G.tGE/ PURIFY YOUR BRLA.Ta i STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE SPALDING' s AILE GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPE.kKEhy, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOB CONSIIIIPTiv&, GF.NTLEIIFS CAp,p,y PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 CHUM STB.FSS, NEW TO3i CEPHALIC PILLS CUBE NERVOUS HEADACHE, CURE BEWARE OH COUNTIKRFETrr. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS HENRY C. SPALDIIia, 48 Cedar Street, New Ymc will save ten times Its cost annually:lA SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE; SPAL.DING'S PREPARED GLUE! BPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SAVE THE PIECES H.CONOM i Agr"gEffliClß U -TalbB4lrl6 SPALDING'S PHIPARKSSLIJA No. 48 Cedar Street, New Yore. CAUTION DL-PATCII
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers