pailp iettgrao, El A R tt.l S IiURG, PA Tuesday Afternoon, October 22,1561. WILD DucKs.These delicious birds have been quite plenty on the Susquehanna, since the recent rise in the river, and a number have been captured by our sportsmen. RAFTINU.—Since the recent rise in the Susque hanna, the river has been in good condition for rafting, and a considerable quantity of lumber has passed down to the lower markets. =1=:1 THE PROTRACTED meeting services ni the Vine Street Methodist Episcopal Church will be con tinued during the present week. Preaching every evening. Exercises will commence at 71 o'clock. A NEW COMMANDA_NT.—OOI. Mental], of Phil • adelphia, has assumed commaud at Camp Cur-- tin; The Colonel has the reputation of being an experienced mili!ary man, and will no doubt discharge the duties imposed upon him to the satisfaction of all concerned. THE COMET STILL VISIBLIL—The great comet which attracted so much attention last summer while it lay stretched across the heavens, is still seen with a telescope not far from the star Eta in the constellation Hercules. It is entirely shorn of that wonderful appendage known as the tail, and nothing remains but a nucleus enveloped:in a nebulous shroud, the whole not unlike in appearance a small planetary nebula. -.- A RESPECTABLE lady while walking along Third strg:out S o'clock last night was met by a soldiei at - the corner of Pine street, who insisted on accompanying her. The lady quietly submitted to his ungentlemanly conduct, until they arrived opposite State street, when sud denly raising an umbrella which she carried, she let drive at the soldiers head, with a force that sent him reeling back against the iron rail ing of the Capitol enclosure, and then succeeded in making her escape out State street. Verdict of the Jury—served him right A FINE COSIPANy.—A company of one hun dred volunteers from Clinton county, com manded by Captain Shaeffer, arrived here yes terday to join the cavalry regiment of Col. Wynkoop, at Camp Cameron. We noticed at the head of the company; carrying the " stars and stripes," our old friend Capt. Brady, of the State Senate, looking hale and hearty, and ap parently as proud of the position with which he was honored as a juvenile is with his first pair of new boots. 1=1:=Z1 TICKETING RETURNED VOLUNTEERS OVER THE RAILROADS.-At a convention of the ticket agents of the various railroads of the country, held in Detroit recently, a plan was reported recommending that a committee be appointed to consult with the General Superintendent of the Government Railways and Telegraphs, for the purpose of arranging upon some system of ticketing returned volunteers and others, and to provide a mode of settlement. It was also recommended that wherever practicable the troops should be transported by regular rail road or steamboat lines, at a charge per mile of 3 cents by the former, and 24- cents by the lat ter method, including meals. A committee was appointed, consisting of L. L. Houpt, of the Pennsylvania Central, E. F. Folger, of the New York Central, and Mr. Greenough, to see the Government authorities at Washington in regard to the subject =I Pouce,--Mayor' s Office.—ln the absence of the Mayor, Justice Be:nler "held court" at the Mayor's office this morning. Four rough-looking ntgroes were arraigned for gambling in Shell's lumber yard, on the op posite side of the canal. Remanded to the lock-up A part of seven negroes were up charged with disorderly conduct at one of the churches in Tanner's alley. All remanded to the lock-up, except one, who paid the required fine, and was discharged. A negro, said to be a preacher, who has been loafing about Camp Curtin for the last two weeks, was arraigned for stealing segars from the store of Mrs. O'Donnel, corner of 'Walnut street and Tanner'S alley. Remanded, to the lock-up. Mrs. Mullin, an Irish woman, was charged with the larceny of five dollars from Mrs. Per king in Fourth street. Remanded to the lock up. Sam Anderson, employed temporarilly as a porter at the City Hotel was arraigned, charged with stealing money from the drawer in the office of that establishment. Sent to prison to answer. PLEASANT NEIGHBORHOOD .-ORC'S piCESUTC, after all, is much effected by the quality of one's neighbors, even though one may not be on speaking terms with them. A pleasant bright face at the window is surely better than a dis contented cross one ; and the house that has the air of being inhabited is preferable to closed shutters and unsocial blinds, excluding every ray of sunlight and sympathy. We like to see the glancing cheerful lights through the win dows of a cold night, or watch them as evening deepens, gradually creep from the parlor to the upper stories of the house near us. We like to watch the little children go in or out of the door, to play or to school. We like to see a white robbed baby danci eg up and down at the window in its mother's arms, or the father reading his newspaper there at evening, or any of these cheerful, impromptu home glimpses, which, though we are not Paul Pry, we wil assert go far to make a pleasant neighborhood to those who live for comfort instead of show. Sad, indeed, some morning, on waking, it is to see the blinds down and the shutters closed, and to know that death's angel, while it spared our threshold, has crossed that of our cheerful neighbor. Sad to miss the white-robbed baby from the window, and see the little coffin at nightfall born e i n t o the house. Sad to see the innocent little faces pressed at eventide against the window-pane, watching for the "dear papa" who has gone to his long home. fettmluania Mails telegraph, ZnesOctp "Aftertwo n, Octobtr 22, 1561, GOOD TEMPLAYS.-A regular stated meeting of Washington Lodge, I. 0. of G. T., No. 1, will be held at their hall, at 71 o'clock this evening, Nomination night. ANOTTIER OLD CITIZEN GONE.- John B. Thomp son, one of our oldest cilium, died at his board ing house—the "Union House," Market street —in this city about one o'clock this afternoon. Mr. 'I hompson, for many years, carried on the tin and copper smith business in this city. which he only relinquished several years ago on ac count of his advanced age. The funeral of the deceased will take place from his boarding house at two o'clock next Thursday afternoon. THE CLERK of the weather seems to be just now a gentleman with strong southern proclivi ties, and insists on putting on southern airs to an alarming extent. We have no doubt it is all very congenial to the growth of turnips, and other "sass," but we would suggest, mildly, to the head of the Meteorological Bureau that it is not always April, and that northern weather would be just now more in accordance with northern sentiment than the damp, moist, juicy atmosphere, in which we are struggling to exist. I=l COIJaTY INSTITUTE.—A County Institute will be held iu Harrisburg on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 24th, 25th 26th and 27th of December. Prof. S. P. Bates, Mr. Amos Bow and other educators will assist in conduct ing the exercises. Messrs. Hoffman, Miller, Buck and Peters will entertain teachers at re duced rates. We trust there will be a; general attendance of the teachers of the county, and that Directors will grant them the time. general invitation is warmly extended to a 4 who are interested in the cause of education. 1=1:=1 X A SERIOUS ACCIDENT. —Mr. Jacob Garman and his wife whilst coming to market on Saturday morn ing, met with an accident • ,lid have re sulted in their death. It "01! t when near this city their horse to.L. d ran away, throwing them both out of the wagon. Mr. Gar man escaped with a few bruises, but his wife was stunned by the fall, and when she returned to consciousness it was found that one of her limbs was broken a little below the knee. She was immediately taken to the office of Dr. Seiler, who dressed the wound, and she is now doing as well as can be expected under the circum stances. The following smart but shameful "sell" 'was not long ago got off through the papers, eman ating from the "Hub of the Universe" : "A great bargain.—To all who may enclose SI, I will send, by mail, post paid, a finely-cut engraved portrait of George Washington, the Father of his Country, together with an elegant portrait of Benjamin Franklin—either separate ly :It four shillings. Address H. C., Boston." A gentleman, noticing the above advertise ment in a city paper, sent in his dollar, and ob tained in return a three-cent and a one-cent postage stamp, ornamented with "finely cut en graved" heads! NEEDS AN EXPLANATION . —We have for several days past heard a rumor on our streets reflect ing very severely upon the conduct of the Com mandant at Camp Cameron, in the case of a young man from the interior of the State, who recently visited that camp for the purpose of seeing his father, a volunteer in one of the companies stationed there. We forbear at the present time giving any of the particulars, for the simple reason that they are of such an Atrocious nature as to be almost incredible, and we only make this allusion to the affair with the view of giving the Commandant an oppor tunity to "rise and explain." I= A LADY liscrusyr.—The Springfield Republi can reports that the "Di Vernon Phalanx;" an enterprising and charming company of young ladies at Pittsfield, was recently disbanded by dissensions among the officers, resulting from marked attention paid to some in the ranks by prepossessing young gentlemen who ought to have looked higher. At several "tea fights" in the village, where the Phalanx was quarter ed, it seems that not only cap but hair pulling was the order of the day, and of course no mili tary organization can exist where such practices prevail. The unfortunate demoralizatkt of the entire body is reported as beinffil <Van that of our troops at Bull Run. I=l A GROSS ATTEMPT TO SWINDLE.—The Cleveland Leader says the mails are now flooded with cir culars appealing for contributions to the "U. S. Humane Society," which professes to act by consent of the Government, and under its au thority, in obtaining funds for the army ambu lances and hospital supplies. The modest sum of only thirty thousand dollars is required, and subscriptions from a dime upwards are solicited. Dr. S. W. Tolhurst signs the circulars, as Gene ral Western Agent, Cleveland, Ohio. The Leader says no such man is known there, and it exposes the whole thing as a base and cowardly attempt to swindle the patriotic public by crea ting an impression that this movement has something to do with the Sanitary Commission, which is quite another affair. =l= GEN. M'CLE.LLAN'S ARMES OF EUROPE.—Messrs J. B. Lippincott, St Co., of Phila., have just published a handsome volume, containing the report on the armies of Europe, made by direc tion of the United States Government in 1855- 56 by Maj. General, then Capt., Geo. B. M'Clel la,n. The book is an Bvo volume of 500 pages, handsomely illustrated by numerous engrav ings, and young officers cannot fail to profit by the immense quantity of valuable information it contains. It opens with a sketch of the war in the Crimea, where the author arrived after the fall of Malakoff, especially describing the siege and storming of Sebastopol. It then treats of European engineer troops; of the French, Austrian, Prussian, and Sardinian in fantry ; of the Russian army, in all its varieties of force ; and, finally, of European and United States cavalry, concluding with an Appendix of " Regulations for the Field Service .of Cavalry in time of War." Even civilians may read this book with pleasure and profit, for it con veys the best as well as latest information re specting the constitution, discipline, force, and character of the armies of Europe and the United States. The book is for sale at Bergner's cheap Book store, Market street. CONTRACT FOR BRIT. -Mr. B. S. Runkle, of the firm of Eby & Kunkle of this city, is one of the successful bidders for the army beef con tract, which were awarded at Philadelphia at noon yesterday. Mr. Kuukel's bid was 53.49, and although some were lower, his was selected as being among the best—the award depending upon the character of the sureties offered. RAISING SORGHUM. —We learn that many of the farmers in the western part of Chester county have raised parcels of the Chinese sugar cane the present season. The crop has yielded well. Mr. James Cloud is manufacturing the molasses by steam, and the mill is running day and night. As sugars have raised in price, the crop will be profitable. It has been abundantly proved that sorghum can be raised in our lati tude. Several years ago a prominent sugar-re fining firm of Philadelphia demonstrated the fact most conclusively, and the results of the exper iment were hailed with satisfaction by the agri cultural press of the entire country. A NOVEL MAGNETIC TACK HAMMEL — The tri umphs of invention have been written and sung so often, that the subject has almost be come threadbare. Nevertheless the theme is prolific, and new schemes are developing every day ; therefore let us write a little more, and sing another song to the worthy sons of genius, who are doing so much for the progress of the world in material things. The last thing out is a Patent Magnetic Tack Hammer. No more pounded fingers ; no more curses on the ham mer. Tack-driving is at length reduced to a science, and hereafter the world will go smoothly • so far as this important '.3 c industry is concerned. An has invented and patented a at lifts its own tacks, heads up, anthitlieret;:• L•irlkang until driven home to y. What a convenient trt#044,1.•;;, • , d how many trying nib -1144 :nd how many poundings willW.7—)e saved to man and woman kind by the introduction of this humane and convenient tool. A WORD ABOUT THE FABRIONS.—The milli ners (of whom we have a goodly number of the best in this city) will soon be working under the highest kind of pressure. Winter bonnets already grace some of the show-room windows, and in a short time they will be run down with buyers. Fortunately for the business, a shabby bonnet is a hopeless affair. An old dress may be turned or dyed ; but a bonnet once battered or faded, is ruined beyond resuscitation. A woman may deny herself almost anything else; but a duck of a bonnet is the grand pre-requis ite of her costume. For this reason, milliners will have a " good time," let the depression of trade be what it may. Let fortune hunteis take notice, and instead of running after so-called heiresses, invest their gallantry and affections upon enterprising young milliners. The chances are that in a pecuniary point of view, a dozen of years would bring about a reversal of their circumstances. We are told that the extreme of fashion in bonnets is outre as usual. One person speaks of a very expensive article in this line which was flattened upon the top—suggesting, when upon the head, the possibility that the wearer might have broken the fall f rom some unfin ished building of a four pound brick. They must be very trying to any kind of face. Sur rounding a hatchet-shaped or strictly oval face, such a head-gear remit look very odd, to say the least. To a plump round face, on the contrary, the new style must be becoming. One important change in ladies' dress is of such benefit that it must not pass by without remark, and ii is in the adoption of heavy Eng lish shoes. t.timm 11 hoots and fur-lined shoes insure good health and happiness to ladies, and they begin to enjoy the benefit of wearing them. A dainty font is by no means disgraced by an elegant Balmoral. ...-,i1k,.-... FROM. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA.—We have the pleasure this morning, of stating that our senior parner has just returned from New York and Philadelphia, with a choice assort ment of fall and winter dry goods. This stock of goods was bought on the most favorable terms. Purchasers will find special advantage in looking over our new stock. The cheap store is at the corner,ofalrent and Market streets. Moen & Bowman. TELE GREATEST" BARiliaiiki! , MOAT NEW YORK AUCTION 1 .- I :The„ Cheapest Goads Received Yet 1- 50 pieces of 5-4 'bleachedVillow Case Muslin, 12:',•• cents. 0••:: 100"'damaged by water, 8 cents a patV, 25 pieces o • heavy Pant Stuff, 18, 25 and 37 cents. 50 pieces Canton Flannel, 12 1 1- cents. 100 of black and grey Cloaks, from $2.50 up. 12 dozen of ladies' woolen Sontags,very cheap. 40 dozen of grey and white merino Undershirts and Drawers, 75 cents. 50 pairs white woolen Blankets, at all prices. 100 dozen of ladies' and children's wool Stock ings, 12 to 37 cents. 50 pieces of white, red and yellow Flannel, at all prices. Country merchants we would invite to call, as we have a large stock of all kinds of Goods, and are daily receiving Goods from New Yolk Auction, which we will sell at wholesale at City prices. S. LEWY, John Rhoads' old stand. --40,._-__- See Professor Wood's advertisement in another Column. C. F. MUENCH TRAVELING AGENT OF THE OLD WALLOWER LINE. rii - THIS OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE is still in suectssful operation and prepared to carry freight as LOW as any other individual line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbur y, Lewisburg, Williams art, Jersey Shore, Lock leaven, and all points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Era., and Williams port and Elmira Railroads. Local Agent at Harrisburg, D. A. MUENCH Good sent to PEACOCK, ZELL & 61NCHAVAN, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street, ahoy° Eighth, by 4 o'clock, P. M., wal arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery, the next .• . morning ap:l-1.1 DR. T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST CIF F ERS his services to the citizens o eur Harrisburg and its vicinity. He solicits a share 0 the public patrenagt , and gives assurance that his best endeavors shall be given Si) render satisfaction iu his pro fession. Being an old, well tried dentist, ho feels safe In inviting the public generally to call on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with his services: . . °Mee No. 128 Market street, In the house formerly oe: Curried by Jacob R. Eby, near the United Mates. Rotel, liarrlaburg, Pa. alyS•dly VARD TO THE LADIES DR DUPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. kJ correcting, regulating, and rerewriug ohntructions, from whatever cause, ;till 1. ways successful as a preyed) ti L.7.1±; PILLS B. AV E BEEN USED BY the doctors for many years, both in France and America, with unparalleled success in every case ; and he is urged by many tuousann ladies who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of thom suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it particularly situated, or those supposing , them- Aelven ro, are cautioned against these Pills while in that condition, as they are our.. to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this admo• uitiou, although their mildness would prevent any TOW chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Price 01.1 per bon. Add wholesale and retail by ciFfARLES A. BANNVAST, Druggist, No. 2 Jou ,m Row, Harrisburg, Pa. •l.adtea," by seeding him $1 00 to the Harrisburg Oliire, ran hove the Pill:, scut free of observation to aoy part of the eouutry (conf.dentla!ly) and "free of pee ; ag o , by With, Sold a:Ao oy S. 6 , rsvaNs, Reading, IoANFON, IInLLOFAY & COWDEN, Philadelphia, J. L. Lim ikballoll, DANIEL R. HEITNIW, LEINNINter; J. A. WOLF. Wrightsville ; E. T. Wawa, York ; and by one druggist in every city and village in the Union., and by Hews, ole proprietor, New Yorl N. ll,—Look out for 4:4llll.lterreit:. Boy no GOldeu of any kind unless iivory box is signed othors are a hale imposition and mit therefore, you value your lives ~ ad health. (to F r : Ay nothing of be humbugged ant of your oloney,) buy only•of thou. who slow the ,ignatore ‘,l N.. O. Howe ,o, opery boa, which has recently oe-r. ,o" o ust of the Pill, beirw I , onnterloitr . ,:44.dwaswly. fftWORTAN 4" - 1 . 0 PERIALES Dh OFILESIIIMANPS PILLS Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D., r rilE combination of ingredients m these 111 s are the remit ot a long and extensive mitotic*. They are mild in their operation, and cert ,in in correcting all irregularities, Painini rtionstruations, removing all eh strontium, whether trout cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the site palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous atti:etions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the hack and limbs, &c.,•disturlied sleep, which arises from interrup tion of nature. At TO 111.11.4R1ED LAUD, Dr. Cheeseinan's Pillnetre invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity, ladies who have been disap i o nted in the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence i u Dr. Cheeseinan's Pills doing all that they represent to do. . there is one emdition of the female system in which the Pills cannot be taken without. producing a PECULIAR RESULT. Thee( ndition referred to is PREGNANCY— the result MISCARRIAGE - 7. Such is the irresistible ten d..:acy of the medicine to restore the sexual functions to a normal condition, that arm the reproductive power of na ture cannot resist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. Exhibit directions, which stolid be road ac cm. any each box. l'rice $1 S,nt by mail on enclos ing $1 to Da. Lossrams L. CHEESE/AN, Box 4,531, Post Office, New York City. hold by one Uruggk tin every towa iu the United States. S. B. fIU iCRINGS, General Agent fa' the United States. 14 Broadway, New York, T. whom ail wiNiolesitle orders shoulapeaddressed. Sold 111 riarriSbUrg oy C. A. BANVART. nov29 uawly HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE!! Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Bye 1 The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided if you Wish to e‘ampo ri iicul e. GHEY, BED ul3 RUSTY HAIR dyed instal:My to a beau ul and natural Brown or Blank, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MFD At 8 AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wu. A. BATCriTiLoR sin - '.e IS 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the heir of toe patrons of his famous Dye. Wm. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished Dorn nature and is WARRRNTRD not to injure in the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill dues of bad Dees remedied. The hair is idrigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which is prop erly applied at No. 18 Pond Street New York. sold P: all the cites and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Gouda Dealers The Genuine has the name "William A. Batchelor,” and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four sides of each oct2-d&wly THE ADVERTISER, having been restored to health in a few weeks ky a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung &Oct ioo, and that dread disease. Consumptien—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers Mu means of cure. To all who desire lt, he wili send- a copy of the pre-. script ou used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing - and using the same, which they will find a sure cure f COOSU motion, Asthma, Bronchitis, &o. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be nvaluable, and be hopes every sul ferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address RIM. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, nge conoty, New Yorit n.,tai-wty HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED TEST Published in a Sealed Envelope ; eJ Price 6 cts : A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and radical Cure of Spermalorrhma or .eminal Weak ness, Involuntary Emissions, fiexuel Debility, and Imped iments to Marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy and Pits: dental and Physical Incapacity, re suliing from self Abuse, Ste.—By ROBT. J. cIIL VER. WELL, M. D., Author of the Green Book de. "A Boon to Thousands or Sufferers," sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by .Dr. Ca. J. C. KLINE, 1:27 Bowery, New Yarkqoit:Oface, d0x4586, sep9•daw3m MONNAT'S LINN Pun AND PEIGINIX BITTERS.-- ftree from all Mineral Poisons.—ln cases of scrofula. Ulcers scurvy , scurvy, er Eruptions of the Skin, the operation of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing is a few aays, every vestige of these.loathsome diseases by their purifying ettects on the blood. Billions Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and Iu short, most all diseases soon yield to their curative properties No family should be without them, as by their timely use much suffering and expensomay be saved. Prepared by Wit. B. MOVPAT, M. D., New York, and for gale by all Druggiete norgw-ly SHIRTS 1 SHIRTS 1 ! SHIRTS 1 ! 1 HOME MANUFACTURE THE CHEAPEoT IAT THE MARKET. lin undersigned having opened his Manufactory of Shirts kc., at No. 12 West Market street, Harrisburg, Pa , mos trespectfutly solicits the patronage and attention of the ladies, Gentlemen and Merchants to the following assortment of goods all of which are our own manufacture : SWRfS, SHIRT BOSOMS, O ,l l_,LAitS, CUFFS, WRIST-BANDS, NIGHT SHIRTS, kc., &c., Also the particular attention of the Ladles to our large assortment of under garments Arc., (from the latest im proved Loudon and Paris styles,) LINEN COLLARS, CUFFS, SKITS &c., in great varieties, ail of which being our own mounufactura we will sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. Persons desirous of furnishing their own materials, eau have cutting, sewing am., of every variety done a.ieord ing to order. Alt of the above named goods for Gents wesr, we will Make to measure, guaranteeing to fit, and give entire satisfaction to the purchaser for style. durability and m.terial. All special orders will be promptly at tended to upon the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Also Merchants supplied upoa the most reason ub'o terms. C. F. ItIUENCEI, Traveling Agent P. S. Ladies wishing skirts or under garments of any niscription, can have them made to order by sending sample of such kinds as may be desired. JAWS A. LYNN, No. 12, Mlrket street, au29-dflut Harrisburg, Pa. }looms next door to Hummel & lilliinger's Grocery Store. AHI: 6UBSCRIBER would respectfully inform the public that he has removed his Plumb ing and Brass rounding establishment to No. 22 South Third street below Herr's Hotel. Thankful for past pat tronage, he hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of it. apl24tf J. JONES. NEWYORK CITY NOTICE Whole3o.le.reactory, 81 Barolav St., Late 'Xi3 Broartw.y, New York TO CONSUMPTIVES MANHOOD PURIFY THE BLOOD tro ahertistiments. REMOVAL. "Airotrtuarmints. •- J. R. IttGERSOLL'S PATENT FOUNTAIN HAIR-BRUSH. It dresses the hair without soiling the 'fingers. It effects a eaviug of one-half in the use of hair prepar ations. It dees away with grew-y hairmil bottles. It is handsomer artici thin the COMIRCII hair-brush. It regulates the quau.ity of duid u ed, to a droll. It is perfectly TIGI3T, and cannot spill over in the trunk or on the toilet. It carries enough of any preparation to last for a voy aee or a long journey. Its vice is moderate, and it saves its own cost in three months. For rale at Keller's Drug and Fancy Store, 01 Market Area two doors east of Fourth str. , et, south s de. EILWALIK3E3II., MV•iximmunilw4 STATE Street near Third street, a Jew doors below Brady's Hotel, Harrisburg. A fine new Hearse it ,, ady made Collins always on band and neatly finisbed to order. Silver plates, &o. Terms rea sonable, [.u3Oe3s*j C. BAK El:. UPHOLSTERING. PALM LEAF MAT TRESSES, COTTON TOP MATTRESSES, HUSK MATTRESSES, COTTON COMFOR I S, CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, CAMP STOOLS &z., &e., On hand and for sale at the very lowest rates for cosh. Hair Mattresses and Spring Hottoms made to order. SOFAS, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, HAIR MATTRESSES &c., Repaired and mad' equal to new, very relsonait le, all at No. 109, Market street, between Fourth an t Fifth, by oct9.2mid J. T. BARIVTZ. Harrisburg Blind. Manufactory. SECOND STREET BELOW CHESTNUT. VENITIAN BLINDS made to order, and all repaitiag neatly and expeditinusly done. Per. sons at a distance can have their work done by addres sing a letter to the undersigned. Thankful for past pat ronage he hopes, btr strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same. gir Satisfaction guaranteed both auto prices and work., - . oct9 d6m GUM GOODS FOR THE ARMY, ' SUCH AS Beds, Pillows,,, Blankets, Coats, Cups, Leggins, Drinking Cups, &c., FOR SALE BY WM. S. swarrEs, North Side Market Square, near Buehler's Hotel, HARRISBURG, PA. aug2l d3in* PROCLAMATION. Wi-lEREAS, the Honorable JoaN J. PF.ARFON, President of the Quirt or Common Pleas to the Twelfth Judicial D.strict, consisting of the countt s of Lebanon and ilauphin, and. the Hon. A. 0. Hisbila and Hon. Fuss NissiEY , Associate Judges in Dauphin county, having issued their precept, bearing date the 23 day of September, 1861, to die directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deii very and Quarter SesSions of the Peace at tnisburg, for the county of Dauphin, and to commence mi THE 3RD MON. DAY OF NOVSHBER SE.s.T, being the 18TH DAY OF NOVARBER, 1861, and to continue two weeks. Notice is [heroism hereby given to the Coroner, Jus tices of the , 'ease, Aldrvinen, and Cense...hies tn the said county of Dauphin, that they be then and there iu their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their ree .rds, inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrances, to no those things which to their office appertains to be done, and Weis who are bound in reCOglik2AUtleS to p tosecule against the prisoners lb,. t are or Shall be in the Jail of Dauphin county, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall he ju Given under my baud, at Harrisburg, the 23rd day of September, in the year of our Lord, 1861, and in the eighty-filth year of the independence of the United Slaws. J. D. BOAS, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE Harrisburg, October 12. 18e1. ocil4-dtwttl GILT FRAMES I GILT FRAMES I J. BIESTER, CARVER AND GILDER, Manufacturer o£ Looking Glass and Picture Frames, Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings &e. 43 CHESNUT STREET, NEAR SECOND. HARRISBURG, PA. tore,:ea Mirrors, ti.onare and Oval Portrait Frames of every deseription, OLD FRAMES R -GILT TO NEW. jyl6-ly NOTICE. IN consequence of the death of W. J. E Bishop ; one the firm of W. J. E. illettoe and KLINE, no tice is hereby given that the books of the late firm are in the bands of tbesurvivinwpactner. All persons know ing themselves to he inieht-d to ISO late arm, and all those having claims, will present [hom y duty authentica ted for settlement. SAMUEL, Wei i, an3l-dtaw6t* Surviving partner. VAN INGEN & SNYDER, Designers and Engravers -on Wood N. E. COB. .FIFTH 4 CHFSTNUT STS. ; Philadelphia. EXECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving With heainy,turrecturss dispatch. Original designs furnished for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons wishing cuts, by sending a Photograph or Ih,ging-reoi, can have views of Colleges Churches. Stori. Cruets, Machines, Stoves, Patents, Ac., engraved m well an per caual Fancy Envelopes, Labels, Bill Headings, Simi, mils, Visiting, Business and other Cards, engraved in the highest style of art, and at the lowest prices For specimens of fine engraving, see the iilustruted works of J. B. Lippincott St Co., E. EL Betitr &Co. ont2s I.yd PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUit'SER, wOULD iespecttully intorut iis olc patrons and the public generally, that he Val, GOTIMPIIe to give instructions on the PIANO NI )RTE, LODEON VIOLIN and also in the science of TI3OROUGE BASS. He will w'th pleasure wait epee pupils at theii homes at any tour desired, or lessons will be given a his residence, in Third strew, doers below lil t (-Jarman Reformed Church. To Married Men or those Contem plating Marriage, • 11HE undersigned will give information J_ on a very interesting and important subject, which will be valued inure than a thousand times its cost by every married couple of any age or condition in hie.— The information will be sent by mail to any address on the receipt of 25 cents (coin silver) and two red stamps, address H. B. MORRIS, M. 8., Lock Box 60, Boston, Mass. N. B.—This is no humbug, but is warranted to be am ply satisfactory In every instance (regardless of senti ments, age, or condition in life,) or the money will be re funded. All letters should be directed to H. B. Morris, Lock Box 60, Boston, Mass., with a plain signature and address for return. octlldeedlm&wlm FOR RENT, ACOM PORTABLE DWELLING HOUSE, near the Water Basin, with, or without 'STABLING as may be desired. Possession forthwith. CHAS. C. _BANN. Harrisburg, October fa, 1861.—Imd REMOVAL. E SUBBORIBER has removed his PLUMBING AND BRASS FOUNDRY from Market street to Fourth street above Market, oppeaitc the' Bethe church. Thankful for past patronage, he hopes, by Ariel attention to business, to merit II continuance of it. mar26-3md . INDIA RUBBER, BUFFALO HORN RAW HORN and SHELL DRESSING DOMES, of al ins, at KELLER'S DRUG AND RANGY STORE. NEW N ct.TIONAL LOAN. Seven and Three-T:nths Per Cent TREASURY NOTES, NOW READY FOR DELIVERY AT TEE OFFICE JAY COOKE & CO., ;;ANKER'3, No. 114 South Third Street, PLIII.ADELPHIA. Pursuant o instructions from the Secretary of the Treasury, the Seb3cription nook to the NEW NATI tNAL WAN or Treasury Note e, ,erring inters , at the rate of seven rin.t three-tenths per cent per annum, will remain open at my office, No. 114 S THIRD STREET. until further notice. ri,,n 8 A. M. tills p. 81., and OD Mondays till 9 r„ These not a will be of the denorniu Lion of FIFTY HOU , H.', ONE ' a lIOL FIT?. 11 N !IRE") HoLIAIV. NE THOUSAND IS /lAA WI, and FIVE tlI HS IND DOLLARS, and are all dated 19th or Aug°, t, 1891, payable in gold. in three year., or cou• vertible into A twenty years' , ix per cent loan, at the option of the bolder. Each Treasury Note has interest coupons ttached, which can be cut oft' and collected io, gold at the Clint every ox fronth , , attd at the rate .4' one e,ent per tiny mm each fitly dollars, Payments 01 subscripom s may be made in Gold or leCkS, or okts of any of th Phi folopia Bauka Parris AT A t , IST.NCE v.. 11 reti4it Uy Ilion. Triendg, through the mail, or by expn-ss, or thrtah,h Banks and the Ire tsury Votes ismt hi, immediately delivered, or stint VI e ch subscriber as they may severally air M. n,rties remittin4 mess add the interest from 19th of August, the date ot ali the no:es, to th du i : the remit tance reaches thiladelottia, at the rate of ' cent per day tin each fifty Apply to or u,dlresu JAY COOTIE, Bscß ll' CION A“ENT, Core of JAI' COOKE K CU., Bankers, oc3-ri lin No 114 Third street, 1'1111.0,1,Na W E - OFFER A Now Lot of LADIES' PC It sIIS, Of beautiful Styles, substantially made A Splendid Assortment of GIiINTLEMBN'S WALLETS A New awl Elegant Perfume, n'N'tf4tlTS TEMPLAR s' Put. up in Cut Glass Engraved Battlo. A Complete Assortment of HANDKERCHIEF PERFUMES, A. R. SHARP A very 16,ds.ute Variety or POWDER PUFF BOXES, KELLER',3 DRUG STORE, 9] Market street ISE ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Board Reduced to $2 per Day. QINCE the opening of this vast and coin mouiou, Hotel, in 1834, it has been the mngle dvavor of the prop; ielors to 111:1.,..; it the most 311111p1.110113,. convenient and comfortable Lotne fur thm citizen and stranger oa stae the Atlantic. And whatever has seerno 1 likely to administer o the eornfort of its guests they 11 Lv..t eodvavorrd, without re gard to cost, to provide, and to combine all Om olOMellt6 of individual and genial enj :ytoeut. which modern art has invested, and modern taste approved ; and the nat roua;:c which it has commanded during the past six years is it gratifying proof that their elf/rtz hove Urea appre ciate To meet the exigencie.l of ihe time., when all are re qu re) to ...rActiee the M 931, rigid eeouomy, the unih r. sp:me.l Have Reduced the Price of Board to Two Dollars aper Day, at tho same abating notia of the luxuries with which their table has hitherto been supptie t. 1.; , , WHt rcost & co. New York, Sept 2, 196 —sei•9-63tn,: INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARs MUTAL SAFETY - INSURANCE COMPANY. uF PLIELARELpHIA. INCORPORATED 1835. CAPIrAt. AND Az:INV $904,907.51 COMPANY OF NORM AMERICA OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. CAI'ITI7. AND ..........$1,219,475.1 . TIRE undersigned, as Agent for the AL well known Companies, will make Insurance against loss . - Jr damage by fie, either perpetually or an- nually, on property in either town or country Mari..n and Ini,nd Tran,pdrtatinn Riaks also taken Apply owsnoally or by Ptier to oct4'6l-dawl7 TAKE NOTICE! r HAT we have rocetitly added to our al ready full toe t,A NORM ATIS, OF PERFUMERY FOR THN IiANDRENCLIJEF TUKRISiI ODER OF MUSK, LUBI4'S ESSENCE BOUQUET For THE HAW. : EAU LU6I' , :ALr, CRYLTALIZED POMATUM, MYRTLE AND VIOLET POSIATLIM FOR TUE COMPLEXION TALC u.E L'ENI. E, HOSE LEAF PONVuER, NEW M. 'WO; HAY PO WLE BLANC DE PERL&S BAZin's Nioss Roe BENZOIN, UPPER TEN, VIOLE NEW MOWN HAY, .10 ILUB. Having the largest st•tck and best assortment of Toilet Articles, we fancy th it we are better able than our com petitors in get up a complete Toilet Set al any price de aire 1. C,ib an=: see. Always on hand, a FRESH Stock of DRUGS, MEDT- CltilkPiz, CHEMICALS, &e., consequent of our receiving almost daily, additions thereto, KbIi_ , LER'S . DRIJG AND FANCY SPORE, 91 Market Street. two doors Baiter Fourth Street. South side, 8013EFFE Ws BOOii 81'011E (Near the Harrisburg Bridge.) w Luau we wilt itett at $1.1.5 per rit.t.m. $ . 4.44) per foam Cur NOTE deuer,totl with the latest nuti very handsome emblem.; and mottos. $3.50 for 1000 WHIT , : ESVP'I.Oi . RS, with tlatiaDul r.e.t patriotic emblems, piloted to two calory. Please give mi e Tap; . i.SCH r.FFEic 1e2,-.1 • iiorrixborg. Select Schools for Boys and Girls FRONT STREET' ABOVE LOCUST. f HE Fall term of ROBERT AI'ELWEE'O m:1001 for buys, will open on the first Monday In Sept-mber. Ph, room is well ventilated, comfortably furuishrd, and in every respect adapted for school per. pssea. CATHARINE WELWEE'S School for girls, locate 1 n the same buildin_!, will open for the Fall term at the same ti m e. The room has been elegantly tilted up to promote he health and comfort of scholars. aug:L'idif FINE TOIL ET ;1 , 0 APs, POMADES, HAIR OIL, POWDERS, COIA)GNES and EXTRACTS, of many styles, prices and malmfAcLures at KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCV • . 44E, CIDER It ! VINEGAR !I I iNIADE from choice and selected Apples, and gurtriulteed by us to be strictly pure. el - 4-4 . 111,01:: k Co. uAI-tilikiA6. —Two liuricirod Itu Empty Flour, Sugar and Wale Barrela of all tit, Bcriptionm and prices. apS ialtstetianeans. CUSTOMERS Of the best Mauefteture THE IN:3URANCE WI _LIAM BUEHLER, , Harrisburg, Pa OF SEGARS LIARI KART, .1 MONO, f.. 4 BANANA OF SOAPS WM. DOCK JR. & CU T 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers