ISZEi fiLebitaL Ay er's CATHARTIC PILLS. ARE YOU KICK, feeble arts complaining? Are you out of order; with' your systole deranged, and your feelings uncomfortable! Thesenymptoma are often the prelude to serious illness. Some fit of sickness 'scrimping upon you, aid should be averted by a timely sae Of the right remedy, Take Ayers Tills and cleanse out the dlitairdered huttiorit—purLy the blood and let the Linda move nu. stunisuritatee in Walt ti again. They stimu late thetanetions,ol the body into v igorous activity, pi- NO_ ,thi t Xtelo o liont disease . A gold settles eomewhare • hr tne , obitriietalta eater/it functions. These, ell oat MOW, react upon themseires and the surround- Inguritanni producing general av4rava non, suffering and dimme r While in, this condition, oppressed by the de- SZ,• ' !, o : l 4bis. ifie Ayer s ?WS, sod see how directly they r tlie'riatural action ei the system, and with it the Inlays* feeling of health sitafti. What is true and so apparent in this wired sad 00113,1100 complaint, is also true in many of We deep-Baited and dangerous diatom tlsra . tab saute purgative Ono expels them. Caused 'y ilmilar obstreetione and derangements of the natural Amnions' of the body, they are rapidly, and many of m eg ia surely, cured by the same means. Nona who know the virtues 01 these Fille t will neglect to employ when buffering from the d borders they cure. Statements tram leading physicians in some of the principal aides, and Item - other well known publin per. stuns` a Penmen Itlerctuult of St. Louie, Feb.l4, 311160. DE; ... Your Pills are thi. paragon of all that Is great In ' They have cured my little daughter of idderoalt;- sores' •uwon her hall 8 and lot that had provedinliorable for'years: Fier m nher has been long grim/Jotter afflicted, with blotches and pimples oe her akin her bait. Alter our child wee cured, she also It led') our Pills, and they have eared nor. NURGRIDGM. As • FAN= Pima. Wont Or. N. W. Cartwright, New Orleans.] Roar Nth and the prince of purges. Their excellen t qualities , sorpetet say-cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and afloat'sl in their tuition on the boweni, watch nitro them fessiusble to us in the daily tiNtteigat'ol disesSai • • 11aMMInuildrom Elapses; Fon Bronson. ••••'• iFetitn : Uttlldanid Boyd, Baltimore.] Bulk Ob. Unit : l cammt answer you weer plllll6l.lllsgo cattalo with your better than to eay GOO*ltto.eiar Vag gaga a purgative fevaic me. 1 place groat dependence on au adamant osthartie in my daily contest th . dia9sate, and believing as Ido that your Nigro lathe bust we have, lof cease Value them t• - •_ • PrrnunraG Pa., May 1, 1866.. / have been . repeatedly cured of be* /*Maas anybody can have, by a dose 'or two Plihr. it dooms to arks) from a foul stomach, whlo6 they Malmo at come. Yours with peat respect, KU. W. eItIIBLK, Clerk of Steamer Clarks). BILIOUS DISOIWIIIia.—LA Ila CIOMPLAINTIL ifrOla Dr. theodore Solk. sn New York City.] Not only are your eiile stun rattly adapted to their purpose as au apertent, but If ti d their beneficial mime upon the ihier`vitry knarked tattled. fhey nave lu my P.m** . yree4l4' more efleetual tor the cure. .Betione uotepw . inte than any ono remedy l can MOuLloa. ' I sin. Screly.isleinettiat we have at least& a pargatiTe which I :10 the oomittenee of the profeemou and the DAPARTMEMI OM MB 11111.111/1014 Wasbingtuu, D. 0., Iln Yob. 1855.1 . 1 tukyo used your NU to my. goaeral and !wapitis 1 passinnefeirar ainen/yott ,saitle Mein, ion Cannot neonate to lay they are tho nest cathartic we employ. rneir re. ginasw i t maim, an we I.vor is qinck and decided 4:wan quautly utop..arean att.iurauie ramecty. for derangement of that carom. . twined, i uavu auldova Wend a Case of innortil 0113111 lite !mid it did not readily yield to them. fraternany your d, ALUNLO BALI, M. D, eh)/ eiatao ot the Marina hospital. DTISLATIMIT viAItiLUOLA itYL&X, Weave itProut 11)r. J. U. Green, 014Jhwage. Your i'dniltive runt . 4 Aug tettd n my pruttue, and / hoiditiem in:esteem as unu 01 we toast. %versals I have ever tonna, their alterative ennui. upon the liver makes tMindut etotellem remedy, whoa given mull oases tor BUIMIs Dysentery awl ili.i.rrhoori. ruolrsugar-coating mattea.titem very.soceptaine and uouvenient tor the use el woman sod Whir= . Ditatuireta, laireurry or ma Bump. (Prom Rev..l. V. thollea, Neter rayon& Church, Heston. Dr. Aram:. Utioru Used your eau with extraordinary 1111008118 in my family and among those I am caned to visit In ,tistresa„ to regulate the orgaita of digestion and pu rity the kolfko4. Way Are Lou very beat femedy L have ever Ithovin, and t Gee coundoutly recommend them to sty rrlautha Yours, .1. Y. HUM. WAIN& W, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 7{, 1855. pilau is aup, using your Qsanurtte eget In my prattee,littittla3tnaut au excellent, purgative to Cleanse Ibilystqui and parill Ms fountains of Use blood, JOHN G. blialuiCtiAM, 11.11. SUPNUNSIoIf, awl; Niniitalkiia, !MUM?, I'ABALTSI2I, Free, am Intotti-Dr. J. r. Vaughn, Moutreal, Canada.] too much OMILUOL be said ol your eats for the cure of Goativeuene, It coulees ot your truce catty nave hand them ihdethdardomrns l have, they should Join me' In pro itior 6tia OOMMIL 01 LW tuulatudes who suitor trout that complaint, *daub, although bad enough In h etet, la linliprog9lWOC qt others tom are worse. f bailee CoattirenOilit'ortibutnt la tido laver, but your Paw - sabot that organ and cure the diseaste. OrCOUI Wm. &eery Paysages and Aldwite, dogtrot.' pug ono or iwo largo 4A0x104 01 your Elthit o taiioll at the pt time, are essmilest promotive& or toe Nature/. 110p14100 weeny or partially suppressed, esti also nry ediests 11 sioulaxss the memos mid IMPEL WOMB, They era go much Mc best physic we hers that scam mewl ao other la diy ttieins. Ela 0/Kos, 01 the Method's& iipticopak PimesitsMoulds, Savannah, 4.1 a., Jae. 6, 1866: linstiamt Yin: should 114:1 ungrateful for tee relief par birabila brought we it 1 dit not report my caws to yob; A cold Settled in My limb; tad brought on =fra c:Wing leettredgio paws, which ended in aureola Rhea neat"Notwithstanding I oad tne bon of pityslomme, lho elleedse gra* WerSu 4U4 ,rose, until by the advice 011, , OUrbglelledt to istitintore, Dr. Maltensie, I tried 'oar •Ettair ethane were Mow but sure. By pereeeet digm the two el them, 1 am now entirely wall. gistaati Damn% eaten Meek), La., Dee. 6,1855. Da, Aria d have been entirely cured by your hum, et StiiiiisAgio ikualal disease that nod tilllioted Meier yelinE VINCI:NT 6LIDAILL. 20041901. of We Pi/la in MLitt% twatain Mercury, whit*, elapse' a eammule remedy m skilifui bands, is daagerupain* public pill, tromthe dreadful consequen t:ea tdiMi t irequently follow Ito Incuutious ass. These Sontaln no mercury or mineral +whine:ME. whatever. Price WI cents per box, or 2 boxed tor *l. Prepared by DR. J. U. Airlift & Mass. Sold byo. A. Bannvart, O. ii. IEOIW, D. W:Gross a J 0,4 M. /Atli tiOiniattl & 00., Armstrong ; Harrisburg, anti dealers every where. ' ap27.6tudaw • irjAVID . tiAYNEs, 110 mA2KET, IiLiWIIURik Agent for .WILLIE ' S PATENT wrwiltirvigi .l timed * btu V.v.:. nil Burglar Proof. iWNS. &dotty the ONLY •fderoanhle date nutde, that is both re •anditurglar Proof. mar29-dly XVITIQE is hereby given that applies 'ion will be made to the Executive of this Com monwealth for the pardon of Simon Green, convicted over five years since of a felony. Oct. 2,11151--d Bl. CANDLES! PARASTINE CANDLES, MEM CANDLES, MIINE CANDLES, E OANDLES, 3TAN CANDLE.% aIVEIVOAL. SPICEN. CANDLES, OWN' CANDLES. bo z o iot Witte above in store and for sale M'the low- ArPSOMAY WM. DOCK & CO., jaw uppoette the Court Holum A Vtitt iItANT STOCK OF BLACK AND SEOO ND MOURNING, }DRESS GOODS I 10w EVERY DWirearnON JUST OPENED. 414.1W0m.! 4etine. the Coarot importation. CALL Al , • cvrEtosaT,S, alaY B • *.: 4 l Cre ?lti!r /111 Militri age. _ . WALLOWER'S LINE; , DAM/ =mum HAREViIiPRG and 1 4 111LADELP I 1 A. Wm. A. Ani,Apont, 8 1 2 Alarkil ainle4 Phaada , pedobtoone4Lamvskin Co. pebisl 06Adidthr charge of each 'dalvired at UN) Washout's; ,PhlkWe 1- 1770„.40kotolOok P. X,' *Oil beidelifored'irc Mille borg next morning. J. WALLOL'lM . , _Ja.„tionitar ins Illokt• I', • it , 4. 1 1k10 fitrrkburs. ;Ir.:1 , 01.14 ILI .1111isa4antous. SOMETHING FOR THE TINES! grA NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE wORLD THE CHEAPEST GLUE IN TILE WORLD. THE MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE BEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots, AG. IT WILL MEND GLASS, &we the pieces of Out expensive Cut Glass Bottle IT WILL MEND IVORY, Don't throw away that broken Ivory Fan, it is easily re paired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken Chins Cups and Saucers can be made as good as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked out of your Marble Mantle can be put on as strong as ever. .IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter If that broken Pitcher did not cost but a shit . ling, a shilling saved is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That cony Alabaster Vase is broken and you can't match it, mend it, it will never show when' put together. It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything but Metals. Any article Demented with AMS.RiCAN CEMENT ,GLUE will not show where It is mended. . EXTRACTS ' , Every Housekeepers should have a supply of Johns & Crosley's American Cement Glue."-IV. Y. T'intes. mills es convenient to have in toe house."—N. Y. Sorest. "It is always ready ; this commends itself to every body."—/rukpendant. "We have tried it and hod it as useful in our homes as water."— Wilke Seri/ of the Times. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. ElO,OO per, year saved in every r ['unity by One Bottle AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bettie. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to 'Wholesale Buyers. TERMS CAS ET. ai-For sale by all Druggists, and Storekeepers general. ly throughout the country. JOHNS & CROSLEY, .(Sole Kan ufaotureroj 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of liberty strool.. NEW YORK. ImpUrtant to House Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Rail Road Companies. Important to Farmers. 2b all whom this may concern, and it concerns every body. 301EINS & CROBIAPY'S IMPROVRD GIITTA PERCHA CEMENT ROOFING, The Cheapest and most durable Roofing in use IT IS EIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can be applied to sew and OLD ROOFS of all kinds, steep or flit, andtti Simms Rinws without removing the Shingles. The Cost le only abont. One-Third that of Tin AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. This article has been thoroughly tested lo Now York City and all 'other parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies Central and South Ameriza, en buildings of all kinds, such as FACTORIES, FOUNDRIES, CHURCHES, RAIL ROAD BIROS, CARS, and on PUBLIC BUILDINGS generally GOVERNXRNT BUILDDIGS, &C., by the principal Builders, Architects and others, during the past four years, and has proved to be the CHEApIiST and MOST 'DURABLE ROOFING in use; it is In every respect A FIREVWAIBR, WEATHER and TIME PROOIf Covering for ROOFS OF ALL HINDS. This it the ONLY material manufactured in the United States which onnbines the very desirable properties of Elasticity and Durability, which are universally acknow ledged" to be possessed by OUTIA. P. 101011.4 AND INDIA RUBBER. No Heat is required in making application. The expense of applying it is trifling, as an ordinary roof can be covered and finished the same day. It can be applied by any one, and when finished forma a perfectly PIRI PROOF our face with au (Antic body, .which cannot be injured by Hsu, Cow or Stroane, dueniauct of Roo, Beams, nor any ex. Wind action whatever. •LIRA ID GUTtA. PERCHA CEMENT, ?or Coating Metals of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of the Weather, and FOR PRESKEVUNG ,9ND MPU,IIII'TG METAL ROOFS OF ALL KINDS This Is the Only OoMposition known which will success fully resist extreme changes of all climates, for any length of time, when applied to metals, to which it ad heres firmly, lorming a body equal to coats of ordinary paint., coats much less and will LASI . THRHIR Ti,tlo, AS LONtel ; and from its elasticity is not injured by the contraction and expansion of Tin and other Metal Roofs, consequent upon sudden changes of the weather. /twat loot CRACK IN COLD DR RUN IN WARM `WKAIIIIIR, AND WILL NOI WASH Ont. Leaky Tin and other Metal Enda can be readily repair ed with GOTTA. FEMORA CEMENT, and prevented from further oorroaion and koaking, thereby . el/awing Per fectly Ite,ht riot' for - many years; - ••- - - This Cement is peculiarly adapted for the preservation of IRON R.AILINGS, 'STOVES, RANGES, SAFE. 9., COLTI.JRAL IMPLEMEMS, Am., also, for general menu ''' fedoras use. GTJTTA PERCHA CEMENT For preserving and repaing Tin and other Metal Roofs of ,every description, from ite great elastioity,, i 3 not injured by the contraction and expander' of Metals, and will not crack in cold Or run in warm weather. These materials are ADAPTED TO ALL OLERATES, and we are prepared to supply orders from ally part of the coun try, at abort notice, for GIITrA PERCHA ROOFING in rolls, ready prepared for and GOTTA PERCHA GE. KM in barrels, with fdll, printed directions for appli catkin. AGENTS WANTED We will make liberal aid satisfactory arrangements with responsible parties who would like to establish them selves in a lucrative and permanent business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can give abundant proof of all we claim in favor of our Improved Roofing having applied them to several thousand Roofs in New York City and vicinity. JOHNS & CROSLEY, SOLE iILiNUFACTIIRESS, ' Wholesale Warehouse 78 William St., Corner or Liberty Street. NEW YORKI Pull descriptive Circulars and Prices mill be furnished on application. 1003411 y . • MILITABY A NEW.. LOT, just r reoeived * -of -the boa 11,4:"Uti/14 41tz,41aRICE OctLu Dinifsbor , ft:•• • • ,-I„,,e—pl • ..12..5105, pennolguquia 10 atilt; iffeigirapip f fridurbag 7iftftit Gott Orlobsti 444 fflB6l SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal lder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, CELEBRATED for its medical and bane ficial qualities as a genuine Stimulant Tonic, I Diu relic and Sodorific, highly esteemed by eminent laird clans, and some of the first families in Europe and America. SPEER'S SAINESUCI WINE is not a mixture or manufactured article, km is cure, from cultivated Tortuga] Elder, recommended ey iniern ists and Physicians as possessing medical pro.wrties su perior to any other Wines in use, an ian excill 3.)] art'. cle for all weak hod debilitated persona, and the aged, and infirm, improving the appetite, and benefiting lull . and children. A LADIES' WINE, because it will not intoxicate as other wines, as it con tains no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and 114 a'- mired for its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties imparting a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and a; blooming, soli and healthy skin and comolexion. None genuine unless the signature of ALFRED SPUR, Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of etch bottle, HAKE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE. A. SPEER, Proprietor. Passaic, N. J. Office 208 Broadway, New Yolk. J. H. EATON, Agent, Philadelphia. For sale by D W. Gross, at Co., C. K. Keller, John Wyetti and by druggists geouralty jyl-dawly. Great Cure. DR: LELLAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia. AND A BURB OURS nit All Mercurial Diseases. It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a me. 41 anted compound, to bo worn around the Waist, without intury to the most delicate persons, no change inhabits of living is required and it entirely removes the Wenn from the system, without prodeciug the injurious enema arising from the use of pow.frroi internal medicines which weaken and destroy thc u.naltittitiOn, and give temporary relief only. By this tre itment,.the medical properties contained in the Baud, come in contact with the blood and roaches the disewte, through the ports 01 the skin, effecting In every ilia taat:e a perfect aura, and restore the parte afflicted to a heatthy condition. This Band is also a most powerful inert-Mstactrmat agent, and will entirely rellevo the system from the persieu Pus ef fects of Mercury. Modentto eases are cured in a .ow days, and we are constantly receiving testimonials pi its efficacy in aggravated cases of long standing. Paws $4 00, to be had of Druggists generally, or can be sent by mail Or express, with full dwectiona for 11130, to any part of the country, direct on the Principal office, No. 409RROADWAY, New York: G. SMITH CO., Sole'PrOpriatori. N. B. —Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. jar AGENTS WANII9D EVARYWHKRE.Jay jyl3-daw WE OFFER TO A New and Elegant Perfume, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS' BQQIIET, Put up In Cut Glass bngraved Bottles. A very Handsome Variety of • POWDER, PUFF BOXES, HELLER'S DRUG STORE, seplB 91 Market street. FLAGS 1 FLAGS 1 1 NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES with National ceetine, LETTER PAPER with a view of Weeny of Barristrwg, printed and for sale at 13011KEFER'S BOOK STORE, a 424 Natilthe Harrielnira Bridaa SURGEON DENTIST* OFFERS his services to the citizens o IL/ Harrisburg and its vicinity. Re solicits a share o the public patronage, and gives assurance that his best endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro fession. Being an old, well tried dentist, he feola safe in nviting the public generally to call on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with his services, Of No. 128 Market street, in the house formerly °C oupled by Jacob R. Eby, near the United BLttes Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa. oayB-o.y. JOHN WALLOWER, JR., Agt. GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT CLOODS AND MERCHANDISE promptly tu• toriarded by Philadelphia end Reading, Northern . Cenral" Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania 1411reade .Inl Canal. HAULING AND DRAYING to and from all parts of the city to the different Railroad depots will be olone at the very lowest rates. FANILIEI3 removing will be promptly attended to. Orders eft at Brant's European Hotel, or at the store of E. Zothnger, reaelye prompt attention. Con signments of (relight respectfully ,solicited. JOHN WALLOWER Jit alb Office Reading Depot. woRaveTERI3 ROYAL QUART O - DICTIONARY ! THE best defining and pronouncing Dic tionary of the Eng( Ikugusge ; Also, Worcester's S o boO ' Dict i 9 .l 4 . thB ' WebittritEPl94or*Saalla t 11.04. SohbOlDlctitineries for sale's SCHNIFFKR'S BOOKNiONE, epTS-tf Near the Rarrlaburg Bridge. CIDER II I VINEGAR. ! 1 MADE from choice and selected Apples, and guaranteed by us to be strictly pure. 0124 WM. DOCK h CO. ..... - - STONE FOR SALE: BUILDING 'STONE or Stone suitatag .fortprnpllcing purpose. wilt be delivered' to any par , oftbie oitg ors Its Vildnity Ap ply to mart , , MM. COLDRR, Jr. • . 4 -CPP.ST-41-4 , 4411AVNE. ,, L.Wq. Nora" 14,1 , w4101000431046101...7. 4 jui . • Otis, famous LAD/LB' WINE. CUSTOMERS A New Lot of LADIES' PURSES, Of beautifal Styles, substantially made A Splendid Assortment of GENTLEsiIiN!S WALLETS A Complete Assortment of BA'NDKER,OHIE.F 2.EitP-1111E8, Of the best Manufacture DR. T. d. NILES, CMS of 'grand & transitortattot. NM Alit LINE ROUTE rim TWO TIWNS DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT CHANGE OF OARS. QN ANE AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, Hi% the RASsenger. Tralnd will lens the Phlladel p a sell ßftdingitailread depot, * Harrisburg, f r New York and Phlladelptdaots follows, viz t EAST WARD. EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 9.30 a.m., on - ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from tbe West, arriving In Now Yorkat 4 p. m. A sleeping car is the train through from. PlUsburgwitboat change; MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a. in.. arriving in New York at 4p. and Piniadalpt4' at 1.25 p. in. PART LINE leitites : .ftrrisburg at 1;40 p' m., on arrival of !Pennsylvania Railroad ''tat Alan, , arriving in New York at 9.46 p. in., and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. m. WESTWARD. tritEll LINE leases NerC Yam at 6a. in., and Philtdcl pain at 8 a. in, arriving it Harrisburg at 1 p. m. EAU TRAIN !wives Naw Yontat 19.00 noon; find Phil adelphia al 3. 18 p• m., arriving 4 Plirrisbarg at 8 p.m. )IXPREB3 LINE leaves - New York at 8 p. in. , at 13arrisburg 42.30 a. in., and•conneoting with be Pennaylvania &spriest Train for PRAM:mg. A sleeping ear *also attached' buts irate . • umP.,ucWi cat! era [pads at IlaArkkoarg with trains on the Yeansytvaola, Northera deurwl and Climberiand Vufey Railroads, and at Reading - lir Philadelphia, Pottsvil le, WUireebarrd, Allentown, -, 'Saito'', Ate. Rartge • checked through. gam between New York old aid:Antra; itarrisharg 'auel delphla,lßA:26 th NO..sit=l,llhodSk Vito No. 2. , For ; debris or other information apply to apylA • Geearal Agept, liarndburg. 'ettoisYLvAtim,..:RAlL :,.ROAD BUMMER TIME TABLE. FIV , E : . :TRAITsD, I 9LY TO AND FROM _PHILADELPHIA- ON AND AFTNE' 410,1.4:06.3r, JIINE 10th, ittg, Me passenger trains of the Pennsylvania BaUroad Oom patty will depart from and - arrtve at Harrisburg and Philadelphisoas folirows EAST WARD. FAST lorrie Marchyg every morning (except Moidiy) itt 1.15 a m„ add'arrivee at Went Okaiiiitopma Attu° In. • - . • ~ 03:901113H.118,PEM ..T.4.1114 learn Harriabarg daily at 9.20 a. m., and at West Phlladelphla at 1.10 bIAIL :TRAIN leaven NalTlehorg daily (except. Son• day) at 6.16 p. m y and arrival at West Philadelphia at 10.16 These, wales make oloas oonueotlou at Piwademnia with •Ite Now - yoa Lines. • . 'ICON/lODATION TRAIN, No. 1, via Mount Joy towage- HarriotOirg •at 7.00 aim., and-arrives at :Watt 144/2401P910 al*N-F 1 9 13 '.4. • . HARRISBURG ACCOMINODATION •TiLitN, via, Colum bia,leaveallatehtbarg at 1:111 only** a 'West Philide,ll44_"!/: 21 !, , • . A4XXIddIiopATIQN TRAIN, No. 4 , via Mount Joy, p: wino:tint at'Eeler oillo ofitJ) MAIL TAAIN, and Arnim' at West Model phis at 10.16 p. m. W E.CE W A IL D 111710IIGH EXPRESS TRAM leaves Philadelphia at 10.20 p. m,, Harrisburg 4;24 Altoona 7.20, a. and arrives at Pittaburcat. 12,00 noon. Nun TRAIN lear3s Pialadeliihta at 7.30 a. m., Harris burg 101:1 P M. , - Altoona; in., and knives at IlLts bin /AAUP 14110gti!,, FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.20 a. m„ berg 3.36 p. 4 m.'",Viltoona 8.10 - p. Di, and arrivesat PEW . , burg at 12,30 a. m. :NaIthiSBIONG ACOOMMODAT.ION TNAlN„leavesi . 2.40 p. pitiOitter. 6.08 p: in., Co l umbia and arrives-at Nerrisbureat 0:05 p. Ibis triiineonseota It Harrhstiergoit 3.06 p. an., with afinth ern Central Reßroa4„Train. ter Elunlory.,:WEEarneperz; Lock Haven, Scrantonind po int North. •, . . AIXANSIONATION - 'NUM, leaveiPlitladelphia at 4.00, P. ni. t .ta140i 0 1 1 0r.. 7 .0 0 .p. la., Mown Joy 8.21, p. oh., Eliza bethtown, 8.87 m. and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.80 p. in. - .. Attention is the taot, that *mongers leaving , thihwielphia at 4.00 p. m., connect at. Liu:toaster with htOUNTJOIF A000*400211101(TSALIN, and' 'arrived at Herriebarg at . 9 4 0 P., pl. . SAIIIIEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East, ay. Penea.liallroad, Harriebum, June 7,,1881.—da • .470iLlit • B •-13.1411TEC13 - BOOT - - it'SHOE STORR. &AMER BEIX:6113 AND WALNIITSTS • • lialo l3 bufg, Fa. ALWAYS on hand•alarge aaaortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS' ate., or. the ,Terylost Chanties for ladies, gentlemen and chlldrens , wear.— Prices to snit the times: -- All Ada - of WORK MADE TO SERER In 14 treat onuperior worgmen , ItgrAiststyddne seshOrt'notlee ' 'netl6-dtr JOHN-B. iiirra, graTfsburg:. • ._ . , ... . V• „.; .. . . i ; - •B. 14M'' GIFpXB,'- : D . : .D... S. . , — ..,i an ~.N, fit 1 I,r t, -, •;,'. •-:sTitug !STREET, : oppogaiilME , MUM" WlJ§s:.,,` • bati or& ViTTAMSO-4VANlPalglifiltift NOW efteit . IblK.o4reigaisiagsrailaiiiifid byfraox: 7.4 11 - -.703 .SinignidIaULAILNIVOIX latbitai HAVt, s , Holland Bitters 633 DYSPEPSIA., Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &c. - rus vocovwful introduction and use of this cote ltrietly has been the signal for a literal flood .t 1 C.llllll.llllKid called " Bitters," offered in various t.rnizy ham kt quart bottle to a five-gallon keg, until this word `Bitters".is but another name for " grog," or some rillaroup whiskey mixture. But the really great relief derived from the minute itev, one teaapcswifol, of our medicine, BODDUVNS HOLLAND BIITEItS, owl the entire absence of titter prostration, has ma. Wished fort a reputation which the boater imitations d counterfeits have failed to undermine. It in perei. kefy a vegetable preparation, with barely pure visits to preleirve it. But one size of the mains, (flalf-Pint Bottles,) price Oas Dorset. I t Is a medicine of long-tried efficacy .for Purifying the Blood, so, eefputink for the. foundation of good health and die correcting disraders of the stomach and Input& Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects ' The stomach will speedily regain its FtreiVh, a...healthy action of the liver, bowela and kitneys will soon take place, and renewal heallb be I he quick result.' For INDIGESTION, Try Barbara's Holland Bitters. For HEARTBURN, Try Barbaro% Holland Bitters. For ACEDITY. Try Bternave's Holland Bitters. For WATERBRASS, Try Berhave's Holland Bitters. Eor lIE.A.DAULLe. Try Bterhaves Bo!land Bitters. For LOSS. OF 4 , i.F.PE'I'STE. Try Bternave , s Holland Bitters. .W 0 1: COSTrV EWESS, Try Biernasel Rolland Bitters, For PILIEB,.Trg Berbare's Holland Bitters. In all Nervous, RIIIMIMAHO. and .NennSigle AMT.. Lions, it Mut In numerous instances proved 'Uglily beneficial, and 'in others effected it decided corn. Rear} Carefhlilyi . The genuine, highly-consents:used .11thussves 'tub. (AND Birrsus is put up in helf-pint bottles only, ulil 1.-lailed at 008 Donna' Oei bottle The great &mete! for this truly,oekibruted medicine bee induoed away Imitations, wlilth the public elboulil guard against purchaglpg. Beware of tmpositirm! See that our name is on Me I of entry bottle you buy. Benj. Tage,.Jr. & Co. SOLE ,IVIAIAJEACTURERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. For Wale the city et Hareleb,ag ay D. W. @ROBB A JEWELRY :WATCHES 01 4 00118 a . PANOS. GQQDS • • &a • ALFRED F.I.TmIiPtRIAN , 4; 00: km. 52 'MARKET STREET; ilarfidlYarg, ;LI ea., oripoisita a writ, And adlefignil the ldnioriala am., fairing purerweed ;he stook. r Jennings, lied sdrded a large aseardiesnt or NEW JEW ELRY, ; we wtfl alteenamat the Ippon. Assn prtoe, and solicit patronage. ..Watftes;'Cdoeks and 'Jewelry 'neatly and promptly it paired , and fiellyored.ALFßED F. tritiolfrideN Having disPoW4= Stuck of Jewelry to d. Dna merman & lath recommend them to my ror. son" enetpmere pr, rudsJsJ and experienced . Weigh Warne, and, soli& fbe them a continuance of the patron. age mhinh:Min been so generously ezasaded lo me during thejud ids yearn. Kula F. AWNINGS. DENITSUY, • G b 7,1). th r graduate of the ilaltlrnors ani.) iteutel Surgerr, paving parent mouldy toeitteditt 'any of aerrisunre gait Sarno the ace lormarly 000npted by Pc.,Gotgiot, TAlrddliFOOty betwoou Marius' Ind %Voitit,l'espodtrally. Informs his friends and the i niono:ni gestalt, Unit ut.preistrei to pellbral all Op3ratians in WO Dental orootoonotittaer aureola' or timenitnisid, in a manner' Itite Shall not be Itanettctob by alamffitara la this ,a! laY!ltaar,nity. me more of insorung ortidnuil teeth upon roa Intuit m. Mowed *kinetic principles. Teeth, froth one to a lull sot, MOW*, I, on tine Gold, M eer, Pliant plates or the Vele:ewe time. 1 boo great gleasuro iq reAmittondbig tbo &novo, geo4, Homan to SU my former trutontt Harrtionrg and vt finny, and,feel confident IVA tto,wal pnralent . all opera: li an a to a scientific manner, trom knotaledge of bla &batty.: .; imy3.4ltfi b. latlftGlSJ3, D. D. STAOF. I,lla FOR GETTY - SBURG, ifiettLa FARE REDUCED ID $1.25 THROUGH TO , • . GETTYSBURG. TEE ,undersigned has established a Togralli LIRE dTaGE CO tem tie& koolunlea. burg, cenneettecevery ether morning with the Vamber• land Valley liallroad oars. the ceaohea leave every every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, returning every other, ,day. : .Passengers ; forSheppardetorte,,.Dhluburg, Patersbarg and Gettysburg are earrled afreduced jenAlrf • • • - WM, :J. I'ATIL NEW COAL OFFICE. •1 ARE UNDEMIGNED having ' itt' 'to' red in- A. to the GOAL TRADE In this city, would.respectfully solicit the patronage of the citizens. 1. wjll keep on hand Ood aims, frOmthemost radiated and approved mnies,, which will be delivered, to ..tolY,part of toe :city, tree from dirt and other impurities. Ftni, wsiaai ausatierile. COAL YOU SACS litY. tel Sao LaD, CAA LAIAD ea . Haul ZON. • POMO); putehsehaig by .%hellolll of Car' LoiteCwilt teoeive 2,240 pouodas to ihe Ten. • !large; second_ door from Disbar 'ry 414,1 , 'Yard on the tlinni, Wet of Nona street. Ur :dere let titsteieiiasce will tecehii prompt ittenuon. loam a?, HMI , Wa n t. • 3F 1 X451:1E3C- S • . 811111),:N0.1 , , - • • SALMON, No.• 1, ELEat. UN% No. 1,. COD. FISH, : No. 1 1 • liiii:OKEREL, o. 1. of he above we biro el[ she effilo: ent steed package; Awra. ihe =Mk+ the MalrFai p store sad for Bale at the °west Market rates. table Wll. DOCK, .7a. & 00. TRauatt' oureTErts ! THERmowegs..ccir.....fai ](Antler Japanese Metal. TaRaIdOKETteXS, do do Bronzed. do TiIERMOIdETERS,DIeIILers Tin Cue. 12 inch. - THELRISOMa..Tiak4, do - 'Bran Bound Doable Seale. THERUQKWEERS, Union Casa, 10-12 inch. ITHERSOitIfrERS, Ketalic Pranicii_B:4oinch. TRERMOACEESSO II aak.WaInua Liam, / 0 inch. THRILKOMIITE9B, Tin Case, 74.10 loon. We intiro juil received nee lot or THERMOIIiSTE It c ol various styles, and are selling Ahem. low. - • KELLER'S DRUG STORE, ap 91 Lar9el, street. . a - LOWRY, OAK. AND PINE WOOD AlLtor sale; , .T) ; 8.297 E OR , posp yiNG2.B" 270 WU' ALSO, LOOM, ro,§2,s ANDVHESINUT RAMS Wl' To - CADRE. • ' • ALBO, STON3 AND WO IVA BrIZLDING PURPOSSB Inquire of the subscriber at bis rxElldtlee on the Ridge road, ep posito' the Good WM' Engine Renee, or a t the Yard, cerner. *rood and Srolut sirs*, * ea t Har risburg. (my27-tf ) '" C B. COLE. EIO„I41 - OF: TILE loliona ;: , Stat. Boangled „ Banner 1 1.144 W Al. NOWIEREEFFIAr OF AIM PAPER,.. *vl BitiNt i r pada ire eall o oar inanc ad 09rdi wigwam, i = ; V t lll62 2o4 l P.Vgattsligb il lfea r Wad& Near Os ilarristwifaiNo.6l. ifltbital "They go right to the Spot," rMSTANT RZUPURIFUIY YOURSI:EYATHURI'i''n'II STRKNOTTIEN YOUR VOiCt SPALDING' Throat Confections, GOOD FOR CT ' YMEN, GOOD FOR LEL'ruBERB, GOOD FOB PUBLIC SPEA GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSI:11111 VE- GFNTLEHFN cAßiti SPALDING'S THROAT cON F F.k."l LADIES ARE DELIGIITF D w SPALDING'S THROAT rONprrfhiS CHILDREN CRY Finn SPALDING'S THROAT CONFD:TIOS, They relieve a Dough instantly They Weer the Throat. They give strength and volume to the vro,, They Impart a delicious aroma to the ht. u, They are delightrul to the taste. They are made of simple herbs end harm I advise every one who has a toun or or a Bad Breath, or any dialculty of th , •; parkage of my Throat Cloafections, they IE7, and you will and them very 11 , 0 :i v I 'I, ant while traveling or attending public Ing your Cough or allaying your thlr,t. ir Rr package I are safe in saying you u wards consider them indlspensleir, YOU V, at the Drrytglists and Dealers in tletirlui?,. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENT' Ity ahlnatnre to on each package. All terreit. A Package will be seni by mall,,prepaid Thirty Oasts Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, NO. 48 OIDKR STRUT, N ti o."t 0. OEPH.ALIC PILLS SICK HE ADACHE [JEE NERVOUS BEAT. CIII. CURE ALL KENDS aF HEADACHE By the Side Of 111080 PlllB tho periodic an/i.e vow or dick Ileadache may be prevent , d, the eommeneememt or as attv . . , x , •• plan yid Blekneas nrky Iteobtalne4. They seldom Intl in removi eg Nausea at,' 34» Which females are so subject ,Theyast gently upon the bowels, remiseu; for Literary lien, Students, Delicate Femme, s pentane of sedentary babas, they ere Lantsiise, improving the APPITITI, glctug, 1....1 OD to the digestive organs,an_ di restoring city and strength to the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are there-•:n.. , ••:: Elitil*And carefully conducted exptrur in use in many years, during WnICII vented and relieved a vast t. from Headache, whether originating .n r. tem or from a deranged Mate of the sto)muD. They are entirely vegetable in their cuini ,, 11 ,. . 1 msy be taken at all times with per:Let fiy,:rty I,r. at making any Mange et diet awl tee able* , 4 an) gretabis task rangers it easy to administer !q , c 04.1 EIEWARZ OP COONTligfElm The gear:line have Ave ei g eatura, of li t ,nt, C. on each box. Mk" by draggefin end all other Seniors in wit t'tte A Box will be semi by mall prepaid ea tvelpi r, t:a PRIOR TWIINTY•FIVE ORS'IS All orders should be addrossed to HENRY C. SPALDL,:ki 48 Cedar Stre,:. WA litngie bottle of SPAI.OINo'e Will save Lea these Its mg animal:y.4t SPALDING'S FREYA RED 1,0 E: SPALDING'S PREPARED UL1)I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! vg TaK pIXI3S ECONOMY *r“WErrrrea ler Tall ~11Ant8 Nn7."410 As accidents aria lurpon, eoen l awell4 rolled MO It te'very desirable to bare some clioop and coorderi way for repairing Furniture, Toys,• tiPALDING'S PREPARED.GLIII 11111"411 all each =agencies, and no household can RO I 10 be without lt. It to always ready and up to the std . blePOlnt.' "lIBIO7L IN NViIItYLIIONS.g." N. 11.—A Brush accompanies /ma bottle. Price ctll wares.RFSBY C. SPALDIN , . No. 48 cedar Minot, NeW YOTk CAUTION Al aeraatt naprineipled persons are attemptior to e l .Og! . oa the nnetteproting public, latitatlone of roe" k* Gun!, I would caution all persoo to l Et roaretiotratating, and see that the (all moot ;. 100A104.111 pRENNEDGLue....o -4 2 tie tiiiiskto.wianiertitll others are eirtedifog leer oflsAairty • vireos DLTATC , ii
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