/ ".. ~..: -.. . . 1 • -•- *,-• . • , - i ) .. -,. _. - -,*- " 44( \ - - . . , . ' \ \l •', '''! 1, ' , 4 * .3. 1 1 ' . .,, ''' . ' . , '4C \ . /./ , • I • . . ir - „... tt, i 0 : l• _ pr ,„ - ll_ 0 ihU =AO. it.... .. BY GEORGE BERGNER. illtbitat. . J 011. N SON ktoSPITAL, ' • ;:t3i',lsT - Teti the MOM certain, speed) tj .. Ciferleal remedy lb the world for 1)1SE/I.E 8 OF IMPRUDENCE. rsirl, IN FM TO MOOS HOMO. 'tory or NOztotto Drugs. A Coo' 15'...::RANTIO, DAV ON NOI. C Oi AON, IN now Usl to Two , A , • e. the 13ack or Limbs, Strictures, Pains In Lnc . ",US 01 the Shiner and Bladder, Organic -S• 7.csuu= lu , bl:ity, Decay of the Physiea pow. f.S - t tootor, Low Spirits, Confusion el deo% r:d , . Itrurity, Trambliega, Liannese .• .; •-, of the Scemeatt, Affections Eir,id, I brottt, Ms, or Skin—those terrible disor• dord orhohg, Itoro the todt.,toretkm or Solitary Habits o, dr, And destructive practises which tt,,,ttt "MO de. , ility, render marriage !moos. ~h 1 , ., aid destrol tool) body and mind. YOUNG KEN. clay who have become the victims of 4,biari tb,i dreadful and destructive habit which mount:o -Nt,i.h to au untimely grave thousands of ,„„„ mo most exalted talent and brilliant Intel , mi.: la otherwise have entranced listening b the thunders Of eloquence, or waken to ee ibi t;‘, I; ring lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. piTeuts, or those contemplating marriage, be 11,iware or physical weakness, should Immediately eon. Aux In. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WKAKNES immediately cured and fedi vigor restored. who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may ously cos de in his honor as a gentleman, and ran, ,tly rely upon his skill as a physician. ,4-oflice No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, ou the lett hand side going from Baltimore street, 7 era ruin the corner. Be particular in observing the am or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par _ . lur lor ignorant, Trifling Quacks, with false names, Humbug G'critficater, attrantod by the swans -01 Pr. Johuson, lurk near. aii letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the DR. JoiLvaToN. Or. Johnson member of the Royal College of Surgeons, 1 Lton, graduate from one of the meat eminent Collagen the United States, and the greatest part of whose life r..,6 been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phi's ;phut and elsewhere, has greeted some of the most as. letting cures that were ever known. Many troubled :11 ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great net , A 311.111, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange • of or mind were cured immediately, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. .1. a., dresses all those who having Injured they is by private and improper indulgennioe, that secret ~.1 solitary ',obit which guiris both body and mind, ria ..l,llng them for either busineasor society. I be, are some of the sad and melancholy attains pm ey early habits of youth vis : Weakness of the and Limbs, Pains in the head, Dimness of sight, ,t 6 01 Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys ;main', Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive FULICtiOUN General Debility, gynaptan. of . c onoomp . ton, &c. MENTALLY.I iIINTALLS : the fearful effects on the mindere moth to be dreaded :—.Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De ;lento,. ei Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion toSeele ty, Self•distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &e., are some i t the evil effects. Thuniundu of persous of all ages, can now Judge what .e the cause of their decline In health, losing their vigor, set:au:nag Weak, polo, nervous and emaciated, have a cngular appearance about the oyes, cough, and aymp ma of consumption YOUNG MEN who have injured theinseivos by a certain practice, la noleed In when alone—a habit frequently learned from cvd ,iompautons, or at school, the effects et which are sightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders ni.trriage impossible, and dettroys both mind and body, mould apply immediately. What a pity that it young man, the Elopes of hie won try, the darting of his parents, should be snatched tram ail prospects and enjoyments of lite by the consequences of deviating from the path of uatuire, and Indulging In certain secret habit. gu persona must, before contain. plating • • atARRIAGS,3 effect that a sound mind and body are,the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through Me becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be comes blighted with our own, DR. JoirssoN , A INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR Oa: 6ANIC WEAgIIESS By this great and important remedy, Weakness of tk• Organs aro speedily cured, and full vigor restored.' t'housands or the most nervous and debilitated who had loot all hope, have been immediately relieved. Ali impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental ManuaMtl. mtion, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or Exhawition or the most NAM, kind, speedily cured. TO STRAIkiGERS The many thousands cured at this Instiution within teal last twelve years, and the numerous important Surgical operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re. porters of the papers, and many ther persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his Standing as a jottlemae of character anti re irixotaiins, is a sentient guarantee to the afflicted. DISEASES OF IMPRUDENVi..—When the misguided and imprudent votary of pliewure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painfel disease, it too often happens that an 111-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re. spectabillty can befriend him, delaying flll the con. siltutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, adectiug the Road, throat, noes, skin, no., progrersaig on with ingrate' rapidity, nil death pats a period to his dreadful sullerings by sending him to "that bourne from whence au traveler returns." It is a mel ancholy fact that thousands tall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the tiuela therms of lipior set pretend ers, who, by the use of thst deadly pesos, nereuey, rule the eonstitution and make the residue of ine miserable. To OrigAisorts.—The Doctor's Diplomats bang In his /firLettelli 1111/St Co1:114in a biatnp taus on the reply WReniedles sent by Nhy"No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. norla-dewle SCHEFFEIBS BOOK STORE, (NaU 'U HARRISBURG BREWS.) UNION ENVELOPES, NOTE PAPER, of six different designs, oi the timed in twh colors, sold by the thousand and a City Cash prices. Tin adges at A6o, Raga, U very ni olaw peen Breast n. Pins, ll Eagles, Union Rings ii C a at BOOKEtron. TO FARMERS! BUTTER (good, sweet and fresh) in one BU and freah EII 3 B in large and small taketi ht ell times aml cash Pal u 81°Ceriel Siren in exchange. ii,gular market rates always piod AVAL DOCK, & CO. OPPoshe the Court House agog D. lU. Qorozz : -.....-• ' 'iiitA," - ,-•-• :-:1 - : -- _ .... .. . .. . _ _ . , D- W. GROSS & CO., W.ROLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19, DECIDIJOUS TREES for street planting, and a general assortment of Ornamental Trees and Flowering Shrubs. ROSES of chess varietka, CANELLIAS, giudiftld PLANTS, lkc Our stock is remarkably thrifty and One, and we offer it at Mon to suit the times. WOMalogues mailed to all applicants. Address times° J. EVAN.; At Central Nurseries, York, Pa. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, I Bl/P26-223d M AR:K E T S TJEVE RARRISBURG,:PENN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully mill your atention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS di PAINTS, 011 s, varnishes and Glues, Dye-Staffs, Glass and Patty, Artist Colors and To ala, Pure Ground Spices, Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine Oils, Bottles, Vials and Loon, Globes, Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks, &c., &0., &0., &a., &sc., &e, With a general variety of 14A71411 , '11:4:Vislif al:4440,0:1 selected from the best manufacturers and Per fumers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers' in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW al.A 0 .. q, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEM VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL SINT*, ~!.. ui 0 02 Ft 10 C - -; \ • \ ------------7 R'l2. ' .- PP 0 ND. , 11*4. to l a 0 2_,,::........, We respectfiniy invite a call, feeling, cord dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH I . TEETH 11 DP40110.14 BUR I Dt•iiii cil) :TO 'A OF-VIZ Di [4 In PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR p *if 111) /.10 hi ILI :f: Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Concentrated Lye ! Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we eeU as low as it can be purchased hi the cities. rHAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, COAL OIL I CARBON OIL I ! Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can ofter inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, ose of you who have not gives our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDEBS a trial know not their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in good condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long ex perience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the beat of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage beetowe °II Our house, We hope by strict attention to basilicas, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, ttk merit a continuance of the favor of a diiirful" rifting public. HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1861. filistellanzaus TREES ! TREES ! ! TREES !! ! THE undersigned invite attention to 'their 11 large and well grown stock of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, lko embracing a large and complete assortMent APPLPS, PEAES PEACRES,"fitIotS, CHILIteIE 4 , APRIWTS, and NEOTARINIIS, Standard for the Oichard, and Dwarf Mr the gardea. ENGLISH WALNUTS, SPANIdH CHESNUT% BULB; NUTS, Ste., RASRERRIES , STRA WBERRIES, CURRANTS and GOOSEBERRIES, hi great variety. QRAPES, OF CHOICESTXBIDS ASPARAGUS. RHUBARB, he , &a. Ale 9 a BeM..eleek well formed, bushy EVERGREENS,- • suitable Ter the Carnets,' and Lee n. P Dil T mWS DAILY an LINE! Between Philadelphia LOCH RAVIN, JOVEIIiT Swats, Wallas:wow, Morcrr, lISIONLOWX, WAHIOIMOWN. HILTON, lawasusa, NORTIRIXHIELAND, SUxaaxY, Tairvoirros, ilsozarrowrlLTszAryirs, 1411/342- BIM% • HALIFAX, DALLIMM, AND HARRISBURG. The. Philadelphia Dept being centrally located the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A Cmdactor goes through with eadh train to attend to tne safe delivery of all goods entrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the Depot of FRIIRD, WARD & FRRIID, No. 811 Mark et Steet, Phila delphia, by 5 o'clock P. M., will be redivered hi Harrisburg the next morale:. Freight (always) as low as b any other • ine. Particular attention paid bi this line to prompt and speedy delivery of all Harrisburg .:oods. The undersigned thankful for past patrol ae hopes by strict attention to husiaess to merit a con' , . canoe of the same. T. PRIMER, Philadelphia and Readied *put, del7 .16m treot of Market 4lrle H wriosere JUST 'PUBLISHED. A MANUAL MILITARY - 813aG Y OR, HINTS ON PHE EIBELOIGENOIEti OF Field, Camp, and Hospital Praotioe, BY . 8. D: QIIOBB, M. D. 111,01 , 4380 R Or HURanitY to rtn 1111 1 712110.11 antacii Al' THITADILPHIA. for rile al - BERGNXIMI CRIMP BOOICIMIRR; may 24 •SCHEFFER'S BOOK STOKE 1 wow the Harrisburg Bridge.) • 05 .1.25 • J s Fe a toi ß!OE e r c V om ED fro& N th: AMA, ',Mob we will m 31110.51.26 per roam. • NA.6O per reain for NOTE PAPER, deoorated with' the Must and very handsome emblems and patriotic mottos. $3.60 air 1000 WHITE ENVFLOPEI3, with national and patriotic emblems, printed in two Galore, Please give us a call. THE . F. SCHEFFER, .1.39241 ... • Harrisburg. CAUTION. GUNNERS and atl other persons are cautioned not to trosspass upon the farm formerly ornuoied by Thomas Morley, in Rye township Perry county, without permission from THRO. VENN. sepBo.lB6l..diw TAKE NOTICE! 'FRAN we have recently added to our al ± ready fell stook OF SEG-ABS LA NORMATIs, HARI KARI, EL MONO, LA BANANA. OF PERFUMERY Foz ma HANDEsectinEr : TURKISH ERAINCE, oDRR OF MOST /r LUBUVS ESSENUR BOUQUET. Fos Tar HAM EAU LUSTRALE, CRYLTALIZED POMATUM, MYRTLE AND VIOLET POMATUM, FOR MR COMPULLION TALO-OP VENDA, RIME LEAP POWDER, NEW MOWN HAY FOWLER, BLANC DR FERLIDI OF SOAPS BARN'S Futinr iIOSS RCSB, RESUME UPPeli VIO LET NBW MOWN HAY, JOCERY Having the largest stock and best assortment of Toilet Articles, we fancy that we are better able than our com petitors to get up a complete Toilet Set at any prate de sired. Call and see. Always on band, a FRESH Stock of DRUGS, MEDI CINES, CHEMICALS, Ac., consequent of . our receiving almost daily, additions thereto. ICELLEVI3 rem AND FANCYWORK, 91 Market Street, two doors Bast of Fourth Street, South side. THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. rirlHE vast amount of property destroyed ± annually by lightning ought to be a warning to prepeuty holders to secure their betiding& All orders far Lightning Rods leR at the auction store of W. BARR, will be attended to. Bode put up In the latent improved le and 'warranted. jell-d C . 0. ZIMMERMAN'S BANKING STOOK, REILAND COLLECTING OFFICE Has been removed from No. 28 Second St. TO NO. 130 MA tiKET STREET HARRISBURG, PA. TREASURY NOM TAKEN AT PAR. aep24•utf A ' R AE CIDER 1 I I—Strictly pure, spark ‘,/ ling and sweet—has received a Sliver Medal- or M iami% at every State Agricultural lair Mum 1866. For ae by WM. DOOK & 00. SPICED SALMON 11 VIRESH AND VERY DELICATE. Pat up needy In live pound Gene. jab • WX. DOCK, Jr.. 410). REMOVAL. rpHE SUBSCRIBER" would reveotfully worm the public 04 he how relieved his - plumb ing Ankikami foondiug eltiabilahment In No. SI Sou tit nOrtts t strot helevEligeote.„ 4440- Itookilollor PIM ',.. 1 91 001 DY sOteotleo to boujoeks secit omit WS: >' I Illisullantuni a. W. MC 17 INI NC'S TkaVRLING AGENT OF TEN ()LI) WALLOWER ',IN E. qll6 OLD TRANdPORTATION LaNi L ia still in ssonessrol ins:rabon sad pr. , :parod to carry trelifht its LOW &ley ether bee bottseeo ridiadetphia, I larrlshurg, Sup bury , lowisb4rg, Wtllitms purl, ]arse. Ahore, tone gay.o. •ad all points on the Northers Central, Philadelphia •nd Palo, And Willtamp port and Mining Rallro.dp. Local naaat ri Ilarriaborg, 1). A idWINOII Goods sect to 88.800011, ZELL & 11111401:111AN, Nos. 801 &arl 810 Market street, above Iligtoth, by 1 o'clock, P. will arrive t& Harrisburg. ready far dollyeeY; the the" ... NUENOII, - age& - 11TraLvelies &see - REGULATIONS. Mumma Darearentrr, t Hartaissusa, Sept. 8, 1861. f 1. No pardon will be granted until notice of the application therefor shall have been given by publication once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper printed in the county in which the conviction was had. 2. No pardon will be granted unless ' notice of the application therefor shall have been given to the District Attorney of the proper County. 8. No pardon will be granted without first consulting the Judge who presided at the trial of the party. By order of the Governor. ELI Stnlillt, Sec'y of Com. GMT FRANKS I GILT FRAMES I J. BIESTER, OARVER AND GILDER, . Manufacturer of Looking Glass and Picture Frames, fillt and Rosewood Mouldings &c. 43 CHESNUT STREET, NEAR SECOND. HARRISBURG, PA.?: French Mirrors, Square and Oval Portrait Primes of every description. OLD FRAMES RE-GILT TO NEW. jyl6.ly TH~7 ONLY PREPARATION WORTHY OF Universal Confidence. Patronage. FOR STATESMEN, JUDGES, CLERGYMAN; Ladles and Gentlemen, in all partner the world testify to the efficacy of Prof. 0. J. Wood's Bair Restorative, and gentlemen of the Press are unanimous in its praise. A few testimonials only can be here given ; see circular 'or more, and it will be impassible ibr you to doubt. 47 Wall Street, New York, Dec. 20th, 1868. sa Grrizxas : Your note el the 15th inst., has been re cloyed., saying that you had beard that I had been bene fited by the use of Weed's Hair Restorative, and request, big my oertiflage of the Stet If I bt4 no qbjectlon to give I award It to you cheerfully, because I Mink it due.— kly age to 50 yeard; the color of my hair auburn, and Inclined to curl. Some five orate yoara sinew it be= turin USA ski list scalp en tarn crown of wiy • to Wiens nendelllty nut dondriurto ibrm upon IL Boob of these disagreeabilides unwound with time, and about fbur months since a fourth was added to them, by hair Whig off the tap bf my head and threatening to make me bald. In this unpleasant predicament, I was induced to try wood's Hair Restorative, mainly to arrest the falling off of my hair, for I had really no expectation that gray hair could ever be restored to its original color except from dyes. I was, however, greatly surprised to find after the use of two bottles only, that not only was the falling oil arrested, but the color was restored to the gray hairs and sensibility to the scalp, and dandrall ceased to form on my head, very much to the gratification of my wife, at whose solicitation I was induced to try it. For this, among the many obligations I owe to her sex, 'I strongly recommend all husbands who vslue the ad miration of their wives to profit by my example, and .use it if growing gray or getting bald. Very respectfully, BEN. A. LAVENDER. TO O. J. Wood & CO., 444 Broadway, New York wy family are absent from the city, and I am no long er at No. 11 Carrol place. Stamaston, Ala., July 20th 1859. To Pam. 0..1. Woon : Dear Sir : Your "Hair Restora tive" halt done my hair so much good since I commenced the use'of it, that I wish to make known to the PUBLIC Bs effects on the hair, which are great. A man or wo man may be nearly deprived of hair, sad by a resort to your "Hair Restorative t the hair will return more beaufital than ever; at heist this Is my experience.— Believe It aB I Yours truly, • WM. H. KBNEDY. P S.—You can publish the above If' you like. By pub- Balling in oar Southern papers you wilt get more patron age south. I see several of your certificates in the MO bge Newry, a strong Southern paper. W. H. Kenedy. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. Pao,. 0. J. Wool" : Dear Sir : Having had the misibr tune to lose the best portion of my hair, from the effects of the yellow fever In New Orleans in 1861, I was In duced to make a trial of your preparation, and found it to answer as the very thing needed. lily hair is now thick and glosly, and no words can express my obliga tions to you la giving to the afflicted such a trettiare. . The Restorative is put up in bot h of LE th ree slue z ,vi ; large medlunt, and small ; the small holds half a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle ; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large hchis a quart, 40 per cent. more In proportion, and rem Us for $3. O. J. WOOD St CO., proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market street, Bt. Louie, Mo. And sold by all good Drentlata sad Fancy Goods Dealers. Jyln.eiweow PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, WOULD . respectfully inform. his Wu patrons and the public generally, that he will matinee to give instructions on the PIANO FORTH, Nl' WDZON, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOM/WM BA.SS Re will with pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any hour desired, Or lessons will be given a. his residence, 111 Third street, few doors below th„ German Reformed Church. deolffril ry , ALDERMAN. HENRY PEFFER. OFMOR-TFIERD STREET, (SHELL'SIROW,) NEAR MARKET. Residence, Chestnut street near Fonrth. . OM OP RAERISEMIG, PleKdeA. tayl.2 dtt WHOLESALE UMBRELLA ItA.NIJFACTORY I N 0.69 Market Street, below Third, Hasuazemut, PA. M. H. LEE, MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS and WALKING CANES, will furnish goods at LOWER PRICES than can be bought in any of the Pastern cities. Country merchants will do well to call and examine prices and quality, and convince them selves of this fact. ang23-dly. DWELLING HOUSE WANTED TO RENT. A comfortable two or three-story dwel- JCL. Hog house, with eft or eight room•, with rent not to exceed $175 yer anneal, lbr the three, or $l6O for the two-Story bailee, will be rented imitedlately On aOO ll Ol4- don et thin:tam - • • negig-tr EMPTY FLOUR BASRELs: 1 VAJL&RGE Nimetifititait EMPTY N AL, nouRBARKELEI taped eanditiortlaersh Y UdSI BOOT, Jr., &OD. BY TRIG ' FROM NORFOLK More Rebel Amounts of the Attaok on Wilson's Fire Zona,ves in Florida. I== The Confederate Government PIM chasing Coffee. Arrival 01 the Prisoners -ot the Fanny} The steamer Louisanna arrived at Baltimore this morning. She brought nearly one hun dred passengers, including sixty from Norfolk who were permitted to leave by the rebel au thorities. A large proportion are ladies and children. Before being permitted to leave they were closely searched to prevent concealing newspapers. One gentlemen who had placed a Norfolk Day Book in his trunk escaped detec- tion. The Day Book contains the .dispatch from Mew Orleans giving an account of a desperate fought battle between Billy Wilson's Zonaves and a thousand rebels, about two o'clock on the morning of the eighth nit. The rebels were commanded by Gen'l. Anderson. They crossed the Bay and landed at Santa Bose, near the Zonave encampment without discovery. They drove the pickets in, stormed the place and in less than an hour destroyed all the tents excepting the hospital. They also captured a large amount of rations, equipments, stores, munition and spiked all the cannon placed in position. Among the rebel loss are Captain Bradford of Florida, Lieut. Nelms of Georgia, killed; Lieut. Bugler and Syro, badly wounded. The rebel force consisted of dirge companies of a Georgia regiment, a portion of the Mobile Continental, three companies of regulars, detachments of Mississippians and Georgians, two hundred Ala bamians and a number of naval officers and seamen, commanded by Capt. Breat, formerly o the federal navy. Lient. James E. Slaughter, while carrying a flag of truce for a cessation of hostilities, was badly wounded. Major Israel Vogdes, of the Federal second light artillery, recently at Fortress Monroe was taken prisoner. .. • The Richmond linquirer says, the work of transferring the Jamestown into a war vessel is rapidly progrifssing. Passengers from Norfolk and Richmond give a glooming account of affairs. The . poorer clas3es of citizens are suffering ranch and are really tired of the war. The Government authorities have purchased nearly all the coffee in Richmond and Norfolk for the soldiers. Benjamin Huger, ,formerly in command at Pikesville arsenal, has been commissioned a Major General. The prisoners captured on the Fanny reached Norfolk on Wednesday night as follows : Lieut. F. IL Peacock 11. B. Navy, commanding the Fanny, Lieut. Isaac W. Hart, Quartermaster of the Twentieth Indiana ; Cor porals J. E. Luttle, Hudson county, G. Ever axd, New York city, both of the New York Ymth. The following are the privates—New York Ninth: Rowan Havens and Ragan, all from llndson county, Cunningham, Richmond coun ty, Dougherty an Es Essex county, John Carson, James BeM and Frank Trothen, New York city ; also Capt. Refer of the Twentieth Indiana, Sergeant Bartlett and twelve privates all Indianians and Illinoisans. The prisoners captured at Chicamacomac in clude the Sergeant Major Comly of the Twen tieth Indiana and four sergeants, two corporals and thirty-seven privates also of the Twentieth Indiana. Also George W. Gerbee, colonel's boy fifteen years old and Henry Hines, -cap tain's boy fourteen years old, both of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. FROM WASHINGTON, WASELENGTON, Oct. 12 Everything along the lines of the Federal army, as well as on those of , the rebels, is re ported quiet to-day. The opinion gains ground that atm. McClel 'sea plan for orgardzing his army into three grand divisions, which bas heretofore been ob jected to by General Scott, will be adopted. Generals Heintzleman, Franklin and McDowell are spoken of as the respective commanders. Several large transports came up the Potomac this morning, running close to the Virginia shore. They were unmolested. Mr. Henry May, M. C., from Baltimore, has been released from Fort McHenry. The Mends of several other Baltimorians, now under arrest, are working actively for their release. FROM FORTRESS MONROE FORTRESS MONROE, via Beim:Komi, Oct. 12. I A party of New York Zonaves sent out from Newport News this morning to cut fuel were attacked probably by a scouting party of Con federates, and driven in with the lees of one team. Two Confederate tugs appeared at the same time on James river. The steamer Ex press went up a short distance on reconnoisance, but was unable to reach the enemy. The 43- R. Spaulding sails to-night with a /FP shiPinent of Quarhainsiter and Commis- PIM fiterui,lller amend. , Willhonfilpaeti with her and will assume tikw ride( oontiriana. at Hatteraa inlet. A late number of the North China Herald con tains the following : "Well, we certainly must say that the dis ruption of the United States has soon assumed those calamitous characteristics, for which civil wars are so celebrated. The U. S. Naval store keeper at Shanghai was a politician named "Judge" Cleary—we believe he earned the title from having been a magistrate in California.— It seems by last advices from Shanghai that this man in connection with "Colonel" Ward (the celebrated filibuster), Captain Allen (who brought the steamer Surprise from California), and Captain Lynch (for some years in command of the steamer,Antelope, and lately of the Con test), purchased the schooner Neva, - equipped her. from the-U. S. Naval Stores, and intend to cruise off the coast as aprivateer. The steamer Saginaw hurried up yesterday on the intelli gence being made known, and we have no doubt will capture her. "Ward is a desperate character, and has a large sum of money which he made in the Im perial service. He was connected with Walker, and is a sailor by profession. Lynch is a Northener. We fancy the affair will end in grief. The craft is too small and a suitable crew can hardly, be had in time. "We beard that two of the Saginaw's officers resigned upon learning the obct or: her trip, but subsequently withdrew the ir resignations." Bexamioas, Oct. 12 Doctor Hays, Who left this country some fif teen months ago, with the intention, if possible, of going farther north than Kane, the gallant martyr to science, had penetrated, has returned, but was unable to fulfil his purpose, the channel being closed with ice. With a sledge party he was to the 80th degree of latitude—about as far as Kane and others had previously pene trated. We are inclined to apply the question cur bone I to all these perilous expeditions—and ask what is to be gained by discovering that there may sometimes be an almost inaccessible passage, near the North Pole, between the At lantic and Pacific Oceans ? It is not expense; great as it is, but the hazard of life, which should prevent any further expeditions of this kind. What could we gain by knowing that the waters round the North Pole are free from ice ? What equivalent to the life of the most humble seaman on the voyage? A Know= ON nra Masora.—We are inform ed that as a Methodist minister, residing near Rose Valley, was at work in his cornfield, a few days since, there came up the road near by, a neighbor, whose hens had of late sorely troubled our clerical friend by reason of their frequent visits to his premises, and their . free and easy manners on such occasions. s The minister call ed to his neighbor, and securing his attention commenced to narrate the misdemeanor of his fowls, when that irrascible gentleman cut him short by informing him that, although he did, on stated occasions, grace the sacred desk, he was an unmitigated liar. This was too • much for a minister, even, and after a few more words he sprang over the fence into the road, stripped off every article of clothing excepting his pantaloons and boots, and "pitched into" the neighbor without ceremony. The neighbor struck back, but without injury to his clerical antagonist. A few "rounds" were fought, the minister succeeded in encircling one of the neighbor's eyes with a beautiful ornament of bluo and black hue, receiving no injury him self excepting a scratch upon one hand, caused by hitting the neighbor upon the front teeth. Whether the antagonists were separated by other parties, or abandoned the "mill" volun tarily, our informant smith not. —Lyons Re publican. AN INOIDIST WIEN A MOBAL.—A Chaplain in one of the regiments on the Potomac narrates the case of a sick soldier, which strikingly il lustrates the reasoning of many men in the camp and ont of it. Some one had mentioned to the soldier the case of the Vermonter who was sentenced to be shot for sleeping on his post. ' During the evening following, the fever set in violently, the sick man imagined that he Was the one sentenced to be shot. The Surgeon b,eing called the following conversation ensued eDoctor, .1 am to be shot in the morning, and wish you to send for the Chaplain. "de sire to make all necessary preparations for • My end." ' "They shall not shoot you, take care of you. Whoever comes to take you from here, shall have them arrested and put under guard ." "Will you, dear doctor f Thank you, thank yon—well then, you need not sendfor the Chap lain 'just yet.' " LATENT FROM ELIBWOILTH'S Zorravis.—When the &naves arrived at Fort Monroe rather an amusing interest occurred. As is usually the case whenever any vessel approaches, the ser geant of the dock guard reported to the Provost Marshal that the steamer Octarora was coming up. This steamer generally carries cattle for the camp, and the Quarter Master of the post notified his men to go down on the dock and. take their ropes with them. When the boat ‘ neared, the fire boys looked with amazement On these proceedings, and one of them ventured to remark : "Why, my God, you ain't agobf •to hang us right away, are ye?" The Provost Marshal, who, with all present, heartily en joyed the joke, said, "0 no, you needn't be afraid; we only thought there were some wild beast on board." "Well," was the answer from on board, "there are some." KZIPINO Arruss.—lf .you want your winter apples to keep well you must carefully observe. the four following things : 1. See that the surface or outside of youunp pies are perfectly free from moisture before you store them away. 2. Avoid putting them in a damp Place where moisture can have access to them. 3. Exclude them from the air by h ur yhi. th em in dry earth, the drier the better, or•oov ering them m the cellar with such earth. 4. Keep them in as cool a temperature as possible, but so as to avoid frost ; for heat, air and moisture are the three active agents that must, when active in conceit., soon heat and rot your apples. And the same is equally true of winter peen and also of all our foot crops, such as cabbage, carrots, parsnips, beets, turnips, po tatoes, etc. IN WANT oa BoAv.—The Itiehinond Dispatch is instructing the farmers of Virginia in the art of making soap, of which useful article rebel dem appears to be in'great need. It world re quite avast ionounfrof soap to washroutthe ini -41008 of K94 o 44 lo wrimeics.leaders• If "all t Ileptima r s ocean " 'were converted Into, a h--tab, and filled with suds, it would not Tie stglident to puilfy tho hands of "Old IMO." PRICE ONE CENT. Traitors in the China NW. The Last Artio Expedition.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers