pailk ittegrao. HARRISBURG, PA Honda Afternoon, October 11, 1861 &WING CAas.—The Northern Cen ra RailNroad Company now run handsome sleeping ears on their road from Sunbury to Baltimore. WAN.= —An active, Intelligent boy, who can write a good hand and can read manuscript readily. Apply at this office between 7 and 8 o'clock this evening. Ebt'APß OF FRISONERS.—Stephen Gross, Bowen, and J. Ackerman, made their escape from the jail at Easton about dark last Friday evening. They had cut the iron bars of the jail, and after letting themselves down in the jail yard, scaled the walls and left for parts unknown. Gross aad Bowen were awaiting trial for the Bethle hem robbery, committed some time ago, and Acke' man was in for robbing his uncle in Mount Bethel, a month or two since. Gross and Bowen ate adepts at the thieving business. DISMORED nom PRISON. —The soldiers lir Gee, Thompson and Miller, who were arrested and confined in prison some time ago for maltreat ing the keeper of a lager beer saloon and his wife, on the poor house road below this city, a notice of which appeared in the TILIGRAPH at the time, were brought before Judge Pearson this morning on a writ of habeas corpus, and on motion of District Attorney, discharged from custody. The men were at once handed over to the military authorities, and will be sent with their regiment, the sth artillery to Kentucky. Pala—Mayor' s Court.—Bill Jones was ar raigned for malicious. mischief, drunkenness and disorderly conduct generally. Fined $l. John Williams—a "vag"—was up for lying around loose, and discharged with en injunc tion to leave the city forthwith. A dapper little Irish lady, with cork-screw curls dangling around a pair of red dumpling cheeks puffed into a smile as bright as the harvest moon in an unclouded sky, was ar raigned for the offence of drunkenness. Her name was registered on the police sheet as Catherine Bradley, 'and this was her second ap pearance before his honor within a week. She received a severe reprimand, and was then dis charged with an injunction to sin no more. Before Alderman Kline.—Peter Smith, Wm. Purcell, James Moore, and a man who wouldn't give his name, were all arraigned for drunken ness, and sent to prison. 1=1:=1 ',TAUREAN SYNOD OF WEST PENNSYLVANIA. - The Evangelical Lutheran Synod of West Penn sylvania, commenced Its sessions in the Lutheran church of Mechanicsburg, on Friday evening, the 27th ult., and adjourned finally on the fol lowing Tuesday evening to meet in Shippens burg, next fall, at the usual time. The terri tory of this Synod embraces Cumberland, York, Adams and Franklin counties. The number of ministers is about forty. The Synod was organized by the election of Rev. E. Bridenbaugh, of Greencastle, President; Rev. Alleman, of Hanover, Secretary ; and Prof. Jacobs, of Gettysburg, Treasurer. During the sessions of Synod, considerable business of a local nature was transacted, and a spirit of harmony characterized the proceedings. There was no business before the Synod of an exciting character, and hence there were no very pro tracted or exciting discussions. On Tuesday evening a number of young men were ordained to preach the Gospel. The services during the Synod were of an interesting character, and the preaching and addresses were of a high order. Loons Balms. —Who has not uttered curses both loud and deep against the loose pavement bricks which encumber many pavements in va rious sections of the city? In these days of stub-the boots, half the pleasure of a walk is lost, especially at night, because one is in con tinual terror of these torturous impediments. Every person who lays any claim to the posses sion of humane, or even human feelings, should make it his or her invariable practice to kick or push from the walk every loose piece of brick they encounter. This should be done both when your toes have been bruised by striking the obstacle and when they have not. There is something of sublime philanthropy in going out of the way to kick one of these bricks, "more in sorrow than in anger," when it has not molested you ; whereas, to kick it off out of revenge for its abrasion of your foot, is yield ing to cerebellic rather than to lofty cerebral impulses. There is a scientific way of approach ing these bricks, and sweeping them into the street without stopring your walk, which all true philanthropists should learn. Tam Vormrremt, named James Gehr, belong ing to Col. Sam. Black's regiment, whose arri val here was noticed in last Wednesday's Tara (MASH, still remains at the City Hotel, in a very weak condition. After the refusal of the keep er of the Poor House to keep him, on the order of the Mayor, last Wednesday, Mr. Thompson, the keeper of the City Hotel, secured an order signed by two of our city Alderman for the ad mission of the man into the Poor House, but this, it seems, was also disregarded by the keeper, who reiterated his instruction from the Directors, "not to receive any soldiers." Under these circumstances Mr. Thompson again re turned to town with the soldier, and made a second application to the Mayor, who went with him to Judge Pearson, when that gentle man informed them that "the wants of the sol dier must be properly attended to" and directed the Mayor to secure him good lodgings, medi cal attendance and such other comforts as were necessary, and make out the bill against the D irectors of the Poor of Jefferson county (where the soldier resides) who were bound to pay it. Ceder these instructions the Mayor obtained giuga for the soldier at the City Hotel, where his now domiciled, and receiving the medical aul ttention of Dr. Rutherford, under whose skill_ treatment it is to be hoped be will soon be restored to health sufficient to join his regi nient. 4 " alumna Longs, No. 160, I. 0. 0. F. of thisl city have subscribed three hundred dollars to the 7.30 government loan. THE HARMONY CLUB, will give one of their de lightful re-union, at the Exchange in Walnut street, next Thursday evening.. THE season of the 'sere and yellow leaf is here with all its deepening shades of a dying year. The woods are still beautiful, like old temples as they are, but yet sombre and full of low mournful whisperings. But there is a wealth in all these that makes the harvest full and enduring. A SuccEssoß TO linnor BOWMAN.—A special convention of the diocese of Pennsylvania has been called by the Right Rev. Bishop Potter, to meet at St. Andrew's Church, Philadelphia, on Wednesday, the 23d day of October, at 10 o'- clock, a. in. The object is to elect an Assistant Bishop, in the place of the late lamented Bish op Bowman. JUVENILE DiPRAVITY.- -Last Saturday evening the neighborhood of State and Second streets was the scene of one of the most disgusting spectacles we have ever witnessed in our repor torial experience. Surrounded by a group of a dozen or more boys, was one, apparently not more than eight years old, in a state of beastly intoxication ! He was shoeless, coatless and hatless, and with his bloated cheeks, and dis helved hair, matted and tangled, half concealing his blood-shot eyes, be presented altogether a picture of moral degradation scarcely ever equalled in the annals of human depravity. Even his juvenile companions seemed to be im pressed with a proper sense of his degraded con dition, and kindly sought to assist him to the residence of his mother, a poor hard working woman, in South street; but to these well meant efforts the drunken boy made resistance, follow ing it up with a string of oaths the most shock ing in the vocabulary of. profanity. He was finally, overcome, however, by an elder brother, who succeeded in pitching the young delinquent across his shoulder like a bag of oats, in which position he was taken home, where it is to be hoped, after he had recovered from his drunken debauch, that he was submitted to a vigorous application of that which Soloman in the ma turity of his wisdom enjoined upon parents to "spare not." 1=1::=1:1 Tax "Cnrepnwas."— The Thirty-seventh Pennsylvania volunteers, Col. James Miller, who have been encamped for several weeks past at Camp Washington near Easton, arrived here last Saturday by the Lebanon Valley Rail road. Quite a number of the men of this regi ment have been in the three months service, and their experience tends to increase the effi cienciof the command. It is a noticeable fact that the regiment contains men of the very best fighting material—a great many of whom are countrymen of Corcoran, Mulligan and Meagher.• The Colonel, James Miller, served with distinction in the Mexican War, as Cap tain of the "Stockton Artillerists," of Mauch Chunk, Second Pennsylvania volunteers. Major General Quitman, in his report of the battle of Chepultepec, speaks of the gallant Captain as leader of one of the storming parties. The men of the Thirty-seventh need never wish for a brave or experienced Colonel, while Jim Miller rides at the head of their column. Capt. Eli T. Conner, of Mauch Chunk, has been chosen Major. A better selection could not have been made. Major Conner is a civil engineer, and in every way qualified to fill the position to which he has been called. The field and line officers are all gentlemen of experience and ability. The "Musical Department," under the charge of an old printer, Fife Major Charles D. Sig man, has fallen into competent hands. 1=:=1 WHAT is IN THI %MOON ?—lf two persona are to occupy a bedroom during a night let them step upon weighing scales as they retire, and then again hi the morning, and they will find their actual weight is at least a pound less in the morning. Frequently there will be a loss of two or more pounds, and the average loss thoughout the year will be more than one pound. That is, during the night there is a loss of a pound of matter gone from their bod ies, partly from the lungs and partly through the pores of the skin. The escaped material is carbonic acid, and decayed animal matter, or poisonous exhalations. This is diffused through the air in part, and in part absorbed by the bed clothes. If a single ounce of wood or cotton be burned in a room, it will so completely sat urate the air with smoke that one can hardly breathe, though there can only be one ounce of foreign matter in the air. If an ounce of cotton be burned every hour during the night, the air will be continually saturated with smoke unless there be an open door or window for it to escape. Now the sixteen ounces of smoke, thus formed, is far less poisonous than the six teen ounces of exhalations from the lungs and bodies of the two persons who have lost a pound in weight during the eight hours of sleeping, for while the dry smoke is mainly taken into the lungs, the damp odors from the body are absorbed both into the lungs and into the pores of the whole body. Need more be said to show the importance of having bedrooms well ventilated and of tho roughly airing the sheets, coverlids and mat tresses, in the morning before putting up in the form of a neatly made bed? Perhaps the worst of all bedroom evils is the feather bed—but ac cording to the notion of some, if it is old and dirty it is so much the better—if it was slept on by a greategrandmother, and has absorbed the exhalations of the body, the disease and de composition of three generations, it is a capital bed. A grand mistake. Being an insulation against the free circulation of the electric forces of the system, and being a body of constantly decaying animal matter, a feather bed is the w f oret of all couches to sleep upon. A person • onweg7r rlisikeeafrlothm one constit utio n without feelingweidr willessch takes hour s to recover from. The mois ture and vitality of the system has been ab sorbed without being replac e d by an equal amount of lifecapital ; and Particramp, when the room is poorly ventilated will the &shrub tive and weakening Winences of the feather. bed be felt. Our advice is, to disonithine their Use entirely.. gituntigluania Sail v -telegraph, liattban 2tfttritoon, October 14, 1861. TOWN.—Lieut. Horace Porter, U. S. A., son of Ex-Governor Porter, was in town this morning, looking remarkable well. Lieut. Porter, is attached to the staff of Brig. General Sherman, Fifth Artillrry, as chief of ordinance, in which capacity he has already distinguished himself. A LADY KILLS A RATTLESNAKB.-- 7 011 last Friday a young lady in the household of John Hormel, Esq., of East Bethlehem, Washington county, encountered an enormous reptile near her residence. The heroic girl, instead of run ning, as many would have done, gave battle, and soon vanquished the loathsome symbol of Confederate treason. Upon examination it was found to be a rattlesnake, forty-three inches long, and bearing eleven rattles. PENNSYLVANIA EDUCATIONAL CONVENTION. - The Convention of Representatives of the dif ferent classes of schools and literary institutions in the State was to have met in Philadelphia, on the 21st of last May, but was postponed in consequence of the then recent disturbance of the public peace. It has been again called to meet in this city on Tuesday, November 26, 1861, at 10 o'clock, am. It will continue in session four days DISORDERLY Houss.—The 42 section of the revised penal code comes at disorderly and ill governed houses in the following manner : "If any person shall keep and maintain a common, ill-governed and disorderly house or place, to the encouragement of idleness, gam ing, drinking or other misbehavior, to the com mon nuisance and disturbance of the neighbor hood, he or she shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and on conviction be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or to undergo an imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both or either, at the discretion of the Court." Ma cool weather has turned the attention of the soldiers to the ;construction of temporary fire places in their tents. The plan adopted by one of the New York regiments is to dig a trench a foot wide and deep, running from the interior to the exterior of the tent, to the exterior of the tent, then to cover it over with the exception of a foot at either end, the inside serving as a fire place, and the outside end, covered with a headless barrel, serves as a chimney. This invention is said to be of Cali fornia origin. AN EITEOTRAL OMB FOR THY EAR AOHR.- Take a small piece of cotton batting, or cotton wool, make a depression in the center with the end of the finger, and fill it with as much ground pepper as rest on a five cent piece, gather it into a ball and tie it up, dip the ball into sweet oil and insert it in the ear, covering the latter with cotton wool, and use a bandage or cap to retain it in its place. Almost instant relief will be experienced, and the application is so gentle that an infant will not be injured by it, but experience relief as well as adults. Ocrossa.—This month was called Domitianta, in the time of Domitian; but after his death it was, by the decree of the:senate, altered to Oc tober, every one hating the name and memory of so detestable a tyrant. The Saxons called October Wyn-Bronat, for, although they had not wines made as in Germany, yet, in this season, they had them from divers countries adjoining. Peachum describes October as clad "in a gar ment of yellow and carnation; upon his head, a garland of oak leaves, with the acorns; in his right hand the sign Scorpio; in his left, a basket of services, medlars, chestnuts, and otherfruits, that ripen at the, latter time of the year; his robe is of the color of the leaves and flowers decaying." On the 3d of the ides of October, the Romans had a festival called Imam/la, wherein they adorned their fountains and wells with chaplets. Forwram HAM Bauss.—To travelers the new patent brush is an article of the first necessity, inasmuch as it abolishes the hair oil bottle; the reservoir, when charged, containing a sufficient quantity of fluid for two or three months. Greasy fingers are the necessary re sult of using hair oils with the common hair brush, but all fluid preparations for the hair may be used with this cleanly invention with out soiling the hands in the slightest degree. Moreover, it is the only brush through which the fluids used in dressing the haii can be equally distributed, and by which the quantity to be used can NI regulated to a drop. Dress ing wigs, toupees, fronts, false ringlets, &c., usually a very troublesome and unpleasant pro cess, is, scarcely any trouble at all with the Fountain Hair Brush, and involves no necessity for ever touching the fluid applied. For sale at Keller's Drug and Fancy Store, No. 91 Market street. See advertisement. VOTES or Coml.—The following is the result of the vote polled last Tuesday by the volunteers from this county stationed at Camp Advance in Vixginia Pearson, 6 ; Isaac Mumma 8 ; Young, 8 ; Fox, 8 ; Freeland, 7 ; MUler, 1; Prothonotary, Young, 8 ; Buck,.6 ; Speel, 3 ; Marqnart, 8; Moyer, 8 ; Enders, 8 ; Peffer, 7. The following is the result of the role polled by the Dauphin county soldiers, at Fort Ethan Allen, also in Virginia. The returns were re ceived at the Prothonatary's office at noon to day: Pearson 6; Mumma 6; Young 6; Fox 6 ; Freeland 6.; Prothonotary Young 6 ; Buck 6 ; Moyer 6; Marqnant 6; Enders 6; Peffer 6. It will be seen that the above returns very materially decreases Speers 'majority for County Treasurer, and as there are other camps yet to hear from, it is not at all improbable that in the arse of our friend Jack, the truth of the old saw that " The battle is not always won By they who fastad run, &Q." may yet be folly realized. Cake Caninou.—We visited Camp Cameron yesterday afternoon, in company with Col. J. B. Keene, (late of Camp Cruikelaanks,) and was received by our ancient friend and officer of the day, Capt. Isaac Waterbtuy, with all .the urban ity peculiar to the soldier and gentleman. We noticed as a soldier our good-looking friend, Mr. Hugh Moony, of Philadelphia, also, J. S. Royal, Esq., of the Home Guard.. The camp is pleasantly situated some two and ;OW. ;mik es from the city, and contains at irestatt about thirty-five hundred troops, all of whom are uniformed, except a company of sharpshooters; the anitracdkir wideh Pfirbffirrria be awarded Tinich &.13owroan, at the Cheap Btore, comer of Front and Market Streets. [octl4-2t. I=l ARRIVAL OP NEW (aeons, LAMM ASSORMENNT —We have now on hand one of the best select ed and - largest stock of goods in the city. Hav ing enlarged our store, we are now enabled to keep a Lull line of all kind of goods. 100 pieces of new fall DeLaines. 25 pc. of plaid Poplins. 25 pc. splendid figured all wool DeLaines. 15 pc. black Alapacas from auction. 100 proche and wool Shawls 25 pc. of plain French Merinos, all colors. 200 dts., of ladies' men's and children's stock in gs. 75 pc. of heavy brown Muslin. 100 pc. of bleached Muslin, all prices. Large lot of Shirt Breasts, Hoop Skirts, in fants' Bodies, Collars, white Oambrics. 50 pc. Canton Flanels and Crosh. Thankful for past favors, we most respectfully invite the public to call, and we promise not to be outsold by any one ; S. LEWY, sept24-dtf Rhoad's old stand. s UAltii TO THE LADIES DR• DITPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. nfaillble o correcting, regulating, Anil removitig obstructions, from whatever cause, and I ways successful as a preven tive. THESE PILLS HAvE BEEN USED L the doctors for many years, both in France an, America, with iniparalleled success in every case ; and be Is urged by many thousand ladies who used them, le make the Pills public for the alleviation of tho-o gni:feigns from any Irregularities whatever, as well is, to prevent an increase of family whore health will not portals it.— Females particularly situated, or those supposing thew. solves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in that condition, as they are soy. to produce misouriage, and the proprietor assiumos no responsibility atter this admo isidoo, although their mildness , would prevent any mis chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended. Full and explielt directions accompany each Lox. Palate $1 00 per box. ;Mid *bolo - sale iusi retail Oy A:MANIAS A. BANNVAIST Druggist No. 2 Jones Row, Bliarrwhorg, "Ladies," by dandies him it 00 to the Harrisburg Post Office, can have the Nils sent free of observation to any part 01 the country (oontideutially).and "free of Cage" by by mail. Sold also by S. 8. Avrvites, Reading, JARMO) , 110LthwAT t Cowinl4, Philadelphia, J. L. Lan. MIMI% H. Elmnsam, lanctustor; J. A. WoLP, tVrighlaVille ; R. T. Baum, York - and by one druggist in every city and village in the Union, and by S. D. How", ole proprietor, New York N. B.—lnok oat for conoterfeits. Boy no Belden Pins S. of any kind unless every box is signed D. Howe. Ai others are a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health ; (hi say nothing of be ng humbugged nut of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature ul S. I). Howe on every box, which has recently weed Added •u• sornunt of the Pills being counterieu , d . deg-dwaswly. I.IIIPORTAN r TO FEMALES DR. CHEESEMAN'S PILLS Prepared by Cornelius L. Chememan, M. D., NEW YORK CITY. MBE combination of ingredients in these lis are Abe re;nit of a long and exteusivo oraotice. Mel , are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularlties,Painful Menstruation , removing all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the sfse. palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pMn in the back and limtis doe-, disturbed sleep, which arises fro& interrup tion of nature. TO MARRIED UMW, Dr. Dbeeseman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladle; who have been Wasps° nted in the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Oheesemau's Pills doing all that they represent to do. NOTICK. There is ose condition of the female erten in which the Pals cannot be taken without preduesng a PEriULLA RESULT. Theconditiors referred to it PRZONIANCr— the result MISCARRIAGE. Such is the Orate/44 tan. a n6 e= the nesikine to restore the sexual functions to a conduion i. that euen the reproductive power of rev ; tiara armee resist st. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything Injurious. Explicit directions, which should be road. ac com;any each box. Price SI Sent by mall on enclos ing $1 to Da. aninautis L. Chigssintas, Box 4,631, Post Office, New York City. Sold by one DruggLitin every town is the United States. B. B. HUM/HIM:IS, Genera! Agent for the United States. 14 Broadway, New York, To whom all'wkoleaale orders abouldibe addressed. Bold in Harrisburg uy C. A. &truer. novIS dimly HAIR DYE 1 HAIR DYE 1 I Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye I The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed Instantly to a beautiNl and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN lIIikDALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wu. A. Banemos ein-e 113:.9, and over 200,000 appllcations have been mado to the hair of the patrons of his famous Dye. Wm. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is WARRENTSD not to injure in the least, however long it m ty be contin• ued, and the ill cffacis of bad Dyes remedied. The hair is Invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which is prop erly applied at No. 16 Bond Street New York. Sold in allthe cites and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name n William A. Batchelor, ,tt and addreea upon a steel plate engraving, on the four aides of each box. Wholesale7actory, 81 Barclay Si., Late' a Broadway, New York ocl2-diwly PURIFY THE BLOOD MOFFAT'S Lin PLIAS AND Paula BITTIRS, Pree frost all Mineral Poisons.—ln cases of Scrofula Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation of the Life Medic/hies is truly astonishlug, olteu removing in a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases by their purifying elands on the blood. Billioas Fevers, Fever and Ague, flyspepaut, Dropsy, Piles and in short, most all Mileages soon yield to their curative properties No family should be without them, as by their timely Use mush searing and expense may be saved. Prepared by WM. B. MOFFAT, M. D.. New York, and tamale by all Druggists uovew-ly TO OONSIJMPTIIO9I6 Tam ADVIRTINKIL, having been restored to health Ina few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung *Oct. ion, and that dread disease, Consamptien—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who dwaire lt, he will sends oopy of the pre scription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the flame, which they will find a sure cure fer Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, ha. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription Is to benefit the afflicted, and spread inibrmation which he conceives to be nvaluable, and he hopes every suf ferer will try his remedy, as ii will coot them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please addresel RIP. NOWAPD A. WILSON, Wfillamsbargh, amps county, New York. oatBl-wly MANHOOD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED JIIST Published in a Settled 'Envelope ,• Price 6 ate : A. Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and radical Cure of Spermatorrhosa or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Imped imenta to Marriage generally, Nervousness, tonsumption, Epilepsy and Fits dental and Physical incapacity, re sulting from self Abuse, &o.—By ROBT. J. CULVER WELL, IL D„ Author of the Green Book tic. "A Boon to Thousands of Sufferers," sent under seal, n a plain envelope, to any address, part paid, on receipt of six Gents, or two postage stamps, by Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE, 127 Watery, New fork, Post Office, Bo:4686. sep4•daw3m G - UM GOODS FOR THE ARMY, BOOR AB Beds, Pilloars,l Blankets, Coats, Caps, Loggias, Drinkiag; Cups, FOB BALE BY WIC S. SU/LIPPER, North Side Market Square, near Buehler's Hotel, HARBISBDBG, PA. align. Om* EXECUTORS NOTICE. j EWERS testamentary on the estate of LA Elizabeth Thompson, deoNL, late of the city of Harrisburg, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, residing these, all persons having demands against the estate are requested to make known the same to him withont delay. DAVID IL ROBINSON, tseentor. 8018 ■ AIR, TOOTH,- NAIL, OLOTH, HAT, II Lamm AadDIKANT BRUSHIP t ia vela Fark!t7 HILLOWBDRUG NND FANCY CM& tw 2tmertistmints. SEALED PROPOSALS; till tha 21st of Octo ber, 1861 , at 12 o'clock , m., are invited for supplying the Army with Beef Cattle on the hoof, to be delivered at Chambersburg, Harris burg, or York, in the State of Pennsylvania, as the Government may designate. Bidders are requested to comply in all parti culars with the form of bid published herewith. Government reserves to itself the right to pay in Treasury not s or other funds it has for dis bursement, and to reject any bid and for any cause. No bid will be entertained unless the bidder is present to respond to bis bid. The Government will restive 4,000 head un der the contract, and will reserve the right to require any additional number up to 16,000 head. Deliveries to be made weekly in such quanti ties as may be required. The Cattle must average 1,900 pounds gross weight ; and no animal will be received which weighs less than 1,000 pounds gross. No conditional bid will be received. The bids to be directed to Capt. A. BiCENFTU, C. S. U. S. A., Washington, D. C., and endors ed "Proposals for Beef Cattle." FORM OF BED I, A B, do hereby propose to deliver to the Government good Beef Cattle on the hoof for - per hundred pounds gross weight. The Cattle to be delivered at Chambersbnrg, Harris burg, or York, in the State of Pennsylvania, as the Government may designate, according to the terms of the enclosed advertisement. The Cattle to be weighed on the scales, and the weight so determined to be the purchasaweight. I hereby agree to give a good and sufficient bond for the fulfillment of the contract, and to receive Treasury notes or other Government funds in payment for the Cattle. The first delivery of the Cattle will be requir ed to be made about the 10th of November, 1861. ocl-dtoc2o STEAM WEEKLY -wz , '*i-- - °.\\., UETWEEN NEW YORK -C•4,3 - 74.;.- "'' ' ' .. •'- - AND LIVERPOOL. LA.N !,IN 4 . AND EMBARKING PAB -p; A, .t QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Laver• ;awl. N.w i or.. and Philadelphia Steamship company. Mien . a+•apatcidng their full powered Clyde•built iron Stemusnine .4 follows : aDINBURG, Saturday, October 12 ; CITY OF WASH INGTON, Saturday, October 19 ' - and ETNA, Saturday Outohet 26 ,• and every Saturday at Noon, from :Pier 44, Morin Elver. 1,. FIRS' CABIN $76 fel Branca. $3O 00 I do to London $BO 00 do to London ..1.33 00 do lo Paris $B5 00 do to Paris .... $3B 00 do to 11...mburg..385 00 I do to Hamburg $36 00 Passengem also forwarded to Havre. Bremen, Rotter dam. Antwerp, ko., et equally low ratte, ear-rersons winning to °Aug enamelr friends can be) tickets here at the following rates, to New York: From Liverpool or QueOnatown; let Cabin, $76, $B5 sad $lO5 . 86.xlinen from LiVerPool 340 00. From Queenstow u, 830 00. These Steamers have superior accommodations for passengers, and carry experienced Surgeona. They are built in Water-tight Iron Auctions and have Patent Fire Annihilators on board. For further inrormation apply In Liverpool to WILIIAId INMAN, Agent, 22 Water Street ; Glasgow to WV. INMAN, ht. Enoch Square ,• Queenstown to C. &W. D. SEYMOUR & CO. ; in London to lIIVr.S & kLALY, 61 ging William St. ; in Paris to JULUS DECOUE, 5 Place de is Bourse ; in Philadelphia to JOGN G. GALE, 111 Walnut Street ;or at. toe Company's offices. , JNO. G. DALE, 'Agent, ocll j 16 Broadway New York. Or 0. 0. Zimmerman. Agent, H arrisburg. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL BROADWAY, NEW YORK Board Reduced to $2 per Day. SINCE the opening of this vast anti' oom modlous Hotel, In 1854, it has been . the single en. cleaver of the proprietors to make it the Moat Sumptuous, convenient and comrertable home for the citizen and stranger on this aloe the Atlantic. •And whatever has seemed likely to administer to the comfort of its guests they have endeavored, without re gard to cost, to frovide, and to combine all the elements of individual and social shiny - moot which modern art luta invented, and modern taste approved ; and the pat ronase which it has commanded during the past six years Is a gratifying proof that their efibrte have fAeri appro . elated To meet the exigencies or the times, when all are re quired to practice the moat rigid ocoi.omy t the under• signed Rave Reduced the Price of Board to Two Dollars ►per Day, at tho same abating none of the luxuries with which their table has hitherto been supplies. TREADWELb, WHITCOMB & CO. New York, Sept. 2, IStit.--sep9-dBinio WANTED IMMEDIATELY.-10 to 15 TONS uF HAY, and 1,000 bushels of CORN. Apply to CAPT. B. DuBABRY4O. S. U. S. A. 0ct11412 J. R. INGERSOLL'S PATENT FOUNTAIN HAIR-BRUSH. It dresses the hair without soiling the fingers. It effects a swing of one-half in the use of hair prepar ations. it does away with great' , hair-oil bottles. Ulu handsomer article than the common hair-brush. It regulates the quantity of gold wed, to a drop. it is perfectly nen; and C 140091. spill over in the trunk or on the toilet. It carries enough of any preparation to last for a voy ago or a loug journey,.. , • Its price Is modorateOuld it saves its own cost In three months. For sale at Keller's Drug and Fancy Store, 91 Market street two doors east of Fourth stet et, south side. octal UPHOLSTERING. PALM LEAF MATTRESSES ) COITON TOP MATMESSEPt, HUSK MATTRESSES, COTTON COMFOR 16 , - - CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, CAMP STOOLS &c., &C., On band and for sale at the very lowest rates for cash. Hair Idattrceses and Spring nottome nude to order. SOFAS, LOUNGES, CRAM% HAIR MATTRESSES &c., Reraired and made equal to new, very reasonable; allat No. 109 , Market street, between Fourth ant fifth, by oot9.2tad J. T. BARNITZ. Harrisburg Blind Mauufaotory. SECOND STREET BELOW CHESTNUT. ArENITIAN BLINDS made to order,.and all repairing neatly and expeditiously done: Per icles at a distance can nave their work done by addres s' g a leher to the undersigned. Thankful for past pat ronage he hopes, by strict attention to bust omm, to merit a conthmance of the same. :a-Elatisfasttun pargu3teed both as to prices and work.-p, - A. B. SHARP. oct9-dem FOR REN T, A COMFORTABLE DWELLING HOUSE, JCL near the Water Basin, with, or without STABI.LeG as may be desired. Poesessien forthwith. • CHAS. C. BAWN. Harrisburg, October 6th, I£o3l.—lrud • • REMOVAL. rFEIK BSCR KR hes removed hie PLUMBING AND BRASS IruONDRY Trim Market street to Fourth street Above Mirka, opposit, the' Bathe thatch. Thankrat tbr ppt patronage, he hopesby ettlei , A tt en ,j o u to business, to Inork a CANtainuatio3 or it. marts :Mod WM TABICHIL A. CHANCE FORA BARGAIN. TIO close up the concern the entire JL ItOdr or SHUM,IIOO' &a:mateor Myer. Be man, deceased, in the rooms in tee Market Square will he *Wad at private sale at OOST; sod the rooms wbl be Vented to the purchaser if desired. The torms will be made easy. iell-dtf woes Agent. =ICE I SMOKE! I SMOKE 1 I'l-It not 4004.411bUtWbon from a cmG4,.pa r kidi e d ae DRUG STORM, 91 Market street. ' • ELLER'S DRUG STORE tie the p . find anything in the way 'Perfumery.' inisullazteom CIRCULAR NO. 7. HEADQUARTERS PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA, TRANSPORTATION AND TILYOBAPH DSPT. , Ifarrisburg, Oct, 10, 1861. I. All Pennsylvania regiments, and unattach ed companies preparing to enter the United Bates service on the call of the Governor, having been directed to raise their organizations to the maximum standard required by the War Department, viz :—lnfantry company 101 ; in fantry regiment, (10 companies,) 1010, com pany officers and enlisted men. Cavalry corn pany 95 ; cavalry regiment, (10 companies,. 950 ,company officers and enlisted men, the following regulations to govern the recruiting thus made necessary have been adopted by this department to take effect from and after this date: U. Recruiting will be done by officers de tailed for the purpose from each organization. The State will furnish transportation, on appli cation to this Department in proper form, and will pay all proper expenses incurred in recruit ing. Such expenses are, Ist. Rent of office or recruiting rendezvous. 2nd. Advertising to a reasonable extent. Brd. Subsistence of recruits from the date of their being sworn in before a magistrate, until their entrance into a state camp. The actual expenses will be allowed not exceeding forty cents per day for each man mustered into the United States service. More than ten days for any one recruit will not be admitted. Twenty cents additional will be allowed for each day ne cessarily consumed in traveling from the recruit ing rendezvous to a State Camp. Subsistence will not be paid for when rations can be obtained from the Commissary Department. 4th. Transportation by railroad, steamboat or stage line when not provided by the State, may be procured by the recruiting officer if he sees proper, but only half the regular fare ou the Pennsylvania Railroad, and two thirds regu lar fare on all other lines, will be refunded to him. 111. forms of Accounts.—These must be pre sented in the name of commissioned officers only, on forms furnished by this Department, accompanied by bills of all matters charged for, with date, particulars and receipts of the parties to whom payments were made. IV. No officer is permitted to have bills for recruiting expenses charged to the State. He must pay all liabilities of this character that he incurs, and be reimbursed by this department on the basis heretofore stated. By order— JOS. D. POTTS, Chief of Transportation and Telegraph Dep't oe9-1w INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARs MUTAL SAFETY INSURANCE COYIPANY. OF PHILADBLPRIA. INCORPORATED 1885. OAPIrAt. AND ASSETS $904,007.51 THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. OAPrr LL. AND ASSETS__ $1,219,475.19 T HE undersigned, as Agent for the well known Companies, will make ineunioes "going lose or damage by tire, either perpetually or an nually, On property in either tone or country. Marine and Inl'nd Transportation Rieke also taken Apply poreenelly or by letter to acl4'Bl•diwl7 NEW NATIONAL LOAN. Seven and Three-Tenths Per Cent. TREASURY NOTES, NOW READY FOR DEGIVERY AT THE OFFIVE JAY COOKE & CO, BA MUM, Ro. 114 South Third Street,. PHILADELPHIA. Pursuant o lostructions from the Secretary of the Treasury, the Subscription Book to the NEW NATI( 'NAL Loex of Treasury Notes, bearing interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths Der cent per annum, will remain open at my office, . No. 114 S. THIRD STREET. until further notice, from 8 A. M. till b P. M., and on Mondays till 9 P. M. These note will bo of the denomination of FIFTY DOLL RS, ONE MOND& DOL ARS, FTVeI li 19- DEED DOLLARS, YE TIIOURAND DOLLARS, and FIVE rIUMSA ND DOLLARS, and are all dated 19th of August, 1881, payable lb gold, to three years, or con. vertlble Into a twenty years' six per cent. loan, at the option of the holder. Each Treasury Note has interest coupons Molted, which can be cot of and collected in gold at the Mint every six months, and at the rate of one cent per day on each fifty dollars, Payments of subscriptions may be made In Gold or becks, or Notes of any 01 the Philadelpia Banks. PARTIES AT A DISTANCE can remit by their friends, through the mall, or by express, or through Banks and the Treasury Notes will be immediately delivered, or sent to e ton subscriber as they may severally direct. ' Parties remitting must add the interest from 19th of August, the date of all the notes, to th day the remit tance reaches Philadelphia, at the rate of one cent per day on each fifty dollars. • Apply to or a !draw JAY COOKE, ROBSORIPIION AGENT, Mire of JAY COOKE A CO., Bankers oc3•dlm No 114 South Thtrd Street, Pbiladelplli. SHIRTS! SHIRTS I ! SHIRTS ! ! ! HOME MANUFACTURE. TILE CHEATE , T 1N THE MARKET. THE undersigned having - .opened his Manufset.ory of Shirts &c., at Ii o. 12 West Market street, Harrisburg, Pa , mos 'respectfully solichs the patronage and attention of the Ladles, Gentlemen and Merchants to the following assortment of pods all of Which are our own manufacture : SHIR 03, f., SHAM BOSOMS, OOLL.A.GL, 4 CUFFS, WHIST-BANDB, MGM saws, &c., ato , &c., alb° the particular attention of the Ladles to oer large assortment of under garments An., (from the lama im proved London and fans styles,) LINNN COLLARS, CUFFS, SETTS An., in great varieties, all of which being Our own mannufnetare we will sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. rerscras desirous of furnishing their own materials, CID have cutting, sowing Ac., of every variety dons az cord ing to order. Alt of tbe above named roods for Gents wear, we will make to measure, guaranteeing to lit, and give entire satisfaction to the purchaser for style. durability and in Serial. AM special orders will be promptly at tended to upon the shortest notice and moat reasonable terms. Also Merchants supplied upa.) the most reason able terms: - -11 P. S. Ladies wishing skirts or under garments of any discrlption,,can have th ew. made to order by sending Sample of such kinds as may be desired. JAMES A. LYNN No. 12, hlarketlstrealtoon t, • au29-dent Harrian next door to Hammel & BllH>rgei im Store. tyliaMP3ElI-ELT.BIEM t MMr Q TATE Street near. Third- street, a few doors below Brady's Hotel, Harrisburg. A See now Hearse Beady made Collins alirays on band and neatly floished.taooer. silver platas, Atoo : .!ft - :_Lragr- I !finable. ' [anBo-63to] C. Bmx. ~ - ' • AL - xtrivir LOT 02'' LAM I B' ENOPPNG & TRATBUNG BAG ato ,4 ~ - n ip ning a amber at new styieweßldriP and IL ' , 4' UV Jiloaey Parser and , Wallow., dad. aka , J ii,eivedend forsideoi. ' : ...A . . MAlREaffil. izatiwitoossioits,i, -.. WI.LIAII EIIIIRLEft, Etarrieborg, Pa Ormiiiet
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers