aii(Eciegrapil. 01OR PLATFORM THE lIITION-THE caNsTrrtmoN—AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW. UNION COUNTY TICKET. President/edge—MO. J. PEARSON Harrisburg Jimmiele Judges—ISAACMUSESNL. Swatara MOSES R. YOU, Wiconisco Assembly—THOMAS G. FOX, Del. JAMES FREELA.ND, V' lersburg. Prothonotary—JOSlAH C. YOUNG, Harrisburg Itryitter—SAMUEL MARQUART, Londonderry Trrantrer—BENJAMlN BUCK, Harrisburg. amwrissioner—HENßY MOYER, Lykcne. Director of the _Poor ENDERS, Jackson Auditor—HENßY PEFFKR, Harrisburg. HARRISBURG, PA Thursday Morning, October 3, 1861. THE DIFFERENCE In Lancaster county, the Democracy with their organs are beseechingly imploring the people to support what they call an independen t union ticket, because its success promisrm to die organize the Republican party. In York county the Democracy are clamming and howling an d protesting against an independent union ticket because its success in that county will have the tendency of exposing and preventing a repeti tion of the frauds peculiar to the Democracy in that region when in power. This is the heighth and depth and breadth of locofoco love for the Union. In both counties the extremes for and against union tickets are composed of the oldest hacks of that party, and in both the common purpose of achieving ane mias for the patronage it will bestow is carried out, while the Union or the struggle for its Maintenance, concerns them less than it does the flesh eating canabals. —Such is modern democracy when fairly scrutinized ! "A Hamm.," who writes to us in relation to our strictures on the sermon preached by Rev. W. R. DeWitt, has forgotten, or perhaps has not read our proposition in relation to a defence of the Reverned Doctor. We proposed that he should write out his sermon, or that portion of it to which we referred and condemned for its. treasonable proclivities, and if a corn ndttee of his own 'congregation, which we would seleet, would pronounce such writ ten' copy . a true report of what Dr. DeWitt had uttered on Fast Day, he should have the benefit - of its publication, and of course the full credit of his own language from his own mouth and his own pen. • Further than this, candor wilinot permit us to go, and in justice to our selves, we cannot allow any outside interference in a matter involving .our own veracity, and the allegiance of Dr. DeWitt. If the Doctor is too elevated to stoop to this fair proposition for his own defence, he is also too high for our ac cuSation, in which case, his injuries cannot be very severe; at least not sufficiently so to require an annonymous defence on an accusation biolight against him in the streets of Harrisburg by nine-tenths of his hearers immediately after his congTegation was dismissed on Fast Day. MONTDOMERT COUNTY, which is one of the ancient hot-beds of locofocoism, the county convention of that party exacted a solemn pledge front its candidates before they were reg. ularly nominated, that, in case they were placed on their ticket, they would not accept the nom ination of any other party, on the plea that a Union or independent ticket would disorganize and defeat the detectable Democracy of that region. This is another specimen of the game in which these old political tricksters in every count] in the state are engaged. The real Union sentiment of the commonwealth is op• Posed to them;and it matters not whether they apps in thislocofoco garb, or put on the robes of patriotism, as the ass put on the lion's skin, they are still the same corrupt and designing horde,' intent only on power for its benefits and patronage. COLONEL ANDERSON, whose health is known to have been affected by his long confinement in Fort' Sumter, is thought to be physically in competent to the command in Kentucky. His presence in that state, however, had a wonder ful influence ire restoring the confidence of the Mends of the Union and putting such of its foes like Breokimidge to flight. In this connection we are reminded of the singular coiacidence and fiszt, that locofocer journals of this vicinity are mute on the subject of the escape of the trraitor Moo/ice President. They merely announce the fact, withoet a word of comment, doubtless wittethe - understanding among their friends and Ilouth, that their silence is to be re_ gardba as, sympathy for the mart and mute con gratulation on hils" eScape. Tn Ointasamarm (1(d.,) Civilian and Telegraph, of the 26th itu3t., says that Col. James Gilliland, acting paymaster for the State of Pennsylvania, had visited that city, and paid off in full all bills against this'itate, contracted by the First and Fifth Pennsylvania reserve regiments. The OiviTissa . adds that these are the first regiments whose debts have been Paid off in that city. Geed for Pennsylvania. T. T. Woata, editor of the Lebanon Courier, lies hien appointed a Paymaster in the 11. S. Aniaia This is a high and deserved compliment to a meritorious and intelligent man, and with *s e majority of our cotempotarles of the intedi; itnboifil l atraato /W. Worth inn• hio Boo' am. BE NOT DECEIVED. The real Union men of this county, who have stood by the government and the loyal states, from the hour this rebellion developed itself in the armed resistance of the people of South Carolina to 'the legitimate power of the gov ernment, must not be deceived by those who are now so loudly protesting their devotion to the Union. ,In this hour of trial and danger, we must measure men as well by their antece dents as by their present practices, and there fore we have no right to trust those who have passed their lives in alliances with the leaders of this rebellion, or accept their professions of loyalty after they have been forced into alle giance by the influence of their own corruptions and the corruptions of those who are busily engaged in the distruction of the Union. The men who, in this contest, like Dr. Heck claim that they were Union men im mediately after the firing en Fort Sumter, are the most unreliable candidates in the field, while others who assert their adhesion to an au thority they have sought to traduce and disgrace, are not the men to invest with responsibility or elevate to power. There is but one Union party, and that is composed of the men who rally around the federal government. Those who oppose that government or its administration in its present hands, have only a different ex cuse for engaging in the identicalwork in which the rebels are now employed. The rebellion culminated in an opposition to the election of Abraham Lincoln. Treason had long before been rife for action, and needed only some flimsy excuse to give it force and violence. It found that excuse in the free voice and prefer ences of the freemen of the north, and now thoie very same preferences are being sought to be controlled to endorse or if needs be excuse treason. Every man who reads, can under: stand this fact, while it is this fact which has aroused suchen oppositionto the People's Union ticket of Dauphin county. If the Patriot and Union clique, the old apologists for rebellion and defenders of traitors, can accomplish the de feat of that ticket, it will be claimed as an old fashioned Democratic victory in favor of slavery, its right to rebel when it is politically disappointed, and its privilege to secede and convulse this Union, whenever it seeks to con trol legislation or monopolize executive patron age. Bat if the People's Union ticket is tri umphantly elected—if the majority for the ticket is large, there can be no mistaking the influence of that result on the rebellion. It will teach the rebels that the loyal men in the north are true to their nationality, true to the Con stitution and laws, and firmly determined to sustain the one and vindicate the other at every hazard. There must be no mistaking these facts at this hour. There must be no waiting until the knives of traitors are at our throats before we assert our adhesion to the Union, 'as Dr. Heck waited until Fort Sumter was in flames and become gory with the blood of the brave defenders of our flag, before he was willing to admit that rebellion was wrong, that traitors deServed punishment, and that the muscle and money of the people of this commonwealth should be appropriated to acchieve such-a 'phr pose. If the People's Union ticket is, defeated next Tuesday, it will afford more gratification in Richmond than in Harrisburg. Remeutter 1 this, freemen, and vote accordingly ! IMITATIONS 0,7 TREASURY NOTES. The new Treasury notes have already attract ed the attention of the villains engaged in the counterfeiting business, while another class. of persons have adopted a• different plan by which they unconsciously make themselves partied to frauds on unsuspecting or ignorant people. We allude to the fact chat a large number of fao airnilier of the new Treasury note having been issued in New York and Philadelphia of a high order of workmanship, with the intention, oNri: deafly, of employing them, as advertisements of the business of the person causing them to be prepared. Many of these are executed so well, and resemble the genuine notes so closely that an expert swindler or other villain, could, without serious difficulty, palm them off as genuine upon the artless and vnwary. A practice so dangerous ought to be discon tinued at onee. Of course we attribute no im proper motive to those who have designed these fac-airnilie Treasury notes, or used them for ad visitking ; britibeg may be the occasion of mis chief, and ought not to be placed where un principled persons can employ them for pur poses of mischief. • THAT ADVERI;SXMOT.-Ifir. JOhl/ Ifiddoman. published . a card 'this morning in the late Brack inridge organ, stating that we refused to pith: lish a certain advertisement in our coltunnsi We acknOwledge frankly that we did refuse to publish that certain advertisement, and we can inform him further that the whole party has not money enough to induce the proprietor of the TaLsonAPn to encourage treason or disunion in any shape whatever: Being fully convinced that the only manner to sustain the govenunOnt; in its energetic suppieision of rebellion' is to elect the ticket nominated by the Peoplip't; Union party, we will not, in any shape whatever, encourage those who are now doing their ht-: most to elect Dr. Heck and his assosiates. I - vote cast for Sum. Fisher and' Wiest will I be, giving in part two to Dr. Item, who refused ' to vote for the necessary appropriation to supprialsi rebellion. Is there any intelligent man in this cominu nity so blind to believe that even Jona Han- DAMAN iiittotelf 'will vote the ticket which ihe mainly nominated, and which he pretendsi to support so ardently. We put this question to every sober thinking man in this city, and know that 'he will answer to 'Mine* ttif x. HaldeMan will vote the whole'Dernocratie tick et, from top to the very bottom, notwithstaid big he acted as secretary of another meetini.7 We have not as yet'been able to discover how the true friends of ' Abrahtun Linoln and the Government, men who have fought locofocoism in all its shapes in this county and state, Can think for a moment to vote for a third 'ticiLet, which 'stiinds no earthly chtuice of an electron, and thus nontribute to the succes of. men Whtt are k n o wn . as regular Breekinridge Demeeratk 1 4: 313 a0 13 .., 3 4 0 7 141 , o f., c(m A / Puks ik , PeiPiii.MkhilAidinitkined:riteentria Ono of the military'havitigs in Washington city. THE MILITARY FORCES OF PENNSYL- VANL4 The people of Pennsylvaniii have responded to the summons of the federal authorities, for aid in maintaining their power, in a manner which is deserving of the highest distinction, while the state government has been untiring in its exertions to organize and consolidate those forces, so as to render their appearance on the field and their services in action as prompt and as effectual as possible. The efforts of both the state and national administrations depend for success entirely on de responses of the people, and therefore we must again urge the valor, the patriotism and the ,enthusiasm to these res ponses in a manner' that will best subserve the public interests, without regard to the ambition or the claims of any man or set of men to posi tions of command. The material abounds im mediately to organize a large force in Pennsyl vania, but from circutre - rtances over which the state had no control, that material ltas fallen into the hands of a number of men incompetent to command, and where unquestionably compe tent, too corrupt to be invested with military au thority. These cases are now the impediments to the prompt organization of an effective mili tary force, and while dealing with them the Governor must expect id provoke much bitter feeling, more resentment, and perhaps danger ous confusion. All this, however, can be avoid ed if the volunteer soldier is true to himself, true to his country and really anxious to serve that country, in the most imminent hour of peril in its history. 'We need men MEI 001Elicer warn TEE ilEt. woks or Au: rim crams, wallow asoADD To THE POSITION ANY SINGLE INDIVIDUAL HAT DESLES TO 000UPT, On rue noses. AND raorrr MEN HOPE TO DERIVE FROM THIS anon& Impressed with these facts, and doubtless appreciating more fully the crisis iii whiCh *a ate involved, on ac count of , their facilities for deriving knowlekige, • the state authorities are constrained 'to appeal to the people, and urge them at' once to' such organizations as will enable them to be sent foraird 'without delay to'the scene Of action. The mere preference for a captain; the anxiety of:a colonel for his commission, or the steady persistency of a brigadier to retain ; his power and emoluments, must not be permitted to im pede the military organization:of the state, nor dareGol. Curtin much longer refuseto collect the men who are scattered Over thestate; or who are crowding camps in this vicinity, organize them into regiments or brigades, and see that they are promptly put on the march. If a few indi viduals fail to be made Colonels, the loss is their own, and not the country's, because thou sands of men will be contributed to the service by such loss and such promptness—and if even the fragments of brigades that are foraging in the country, are consolidated to make a respecta ,ble regiment, let it be done at once for the sake of economy in the commissariat and promptness in the organization of our forces; We trust that the men who are to compose our armies will at.oncesee the necessity of their sipeedy organization, and interpose no flinzjey objection in the shape of a persothil 'preference I for anofficer. The cause in which they are to fight isa good one, and it matters net who , leads them into battle, so that tbey are Smi by im perienced and trusty men. Such men will lbe I secured to thein, if they confide in the state an thorities.4p reginient will be allowed to leave the state unless competently officered, and no captain or lieutenant wilt be commissioned by the Governor, unless such officers have ability to command and valor to lead. These facts we desire to impress on the molds of the volunteer Soldiers; while We commend them to the con& denoe of the Governor, and the Governor' to their trust and reliances. - When this is estdb 'sked, l'auri4lvania will' have "a force In the field superior to any other state in the ninon. CAIVB ZgES'.ENTATION. The following, correspondence 'between , Big. den. Negley and staff, and 'Gem. A. G. Cm*, is one of the'refieshing inaidentlithat occasionally occur amidtit ;the muldfaiious =duties and io ePonsibilitias of the Governor, to assure hind of the possession of the personal . confidence Mad respect of those 'by Whom he is surround6l. The "presentation Of the "cane,' in thuingthice, , wegia- spontaneous Set'on thepart of the &nen, and reflects, as much credit on theinselves a it seeks to ' bestow 45p. the Executive; of Petudyl vania. We invite the attention of the readed to this pleasing incident in the military and cavil intercourse at th'e state Capita' ' ' ' • lismarsamm, 'Sept.; 21, 1861! • PEAIt. ililit :7 - 9eneifit PlClfilfa Ptud.gtitff - , , cideit. your acceptance of, this simple'gift, accompl t ed 1 ' with - Sincere assurariols of , petthrial' respepe ' n gratitude for the lively interpst . , you. evMce in the welfare of the Pemisyrvania volunteers. •• • Yotirs veryftruly;: ~_,. 4461E8 B. /inanagyi Major. Wm. B. Mills; Capt. F. 11. Guosk ' ' I Staff.' ' Capt. War y . J, To r y. A. bunzeic 'Harrisburg, Pa. - Patinauvama. Faract amiss& 1. 1 ' Warttffnay,'Pa.,. - Seit. 25, 1861. masit,Srer:-My thinker hie due to yourdelf I aad stair, for .the,pfegent . reogirsd-I v ith -pion,. of - 21 s t Wt. Vire "kind apresitchit with which you have:seen fit ,to accOnipan3rit greatly an hallotted" ere anCe the value of - your beautiful gift. ,In m y 'have' lkhoted' faithfu ll y to go my, part :towards tin p sal:Premien of 'the Inca strow3 rebellion whi ch is seeking, to prost r ate and deatroy the iiiiiiitutlthas of our country It is truly grateful, whilst , 4evoting my bast en k er- , , glee to this worts thus to receive such'words from officers Whaerdelity — , ability, and seal 4 as Penneylvania volunteers, have earned for them the highest cortniendation. I shall over prize the girt, and will not 'cease to cheriah the ity timente you have conVeyed to me. With - cersA wishes for the welfare of yourself and the Members of your staff; • I am very respectfully and obediently, A. G. OtfRTENt. To Clerk. Jams S. Nuns! and Staff • , Tag Chicago Trantne says that the (Irish)” &i -dlers taken prisoners at Lexington, and dis charged, were not required to, obligate %L- K:lves not to fight kriter on the IsTatiomil and that the great body of them will mocked at once to St. Louis, to , be reorganized for the war. ' CautialiCountr; it is stated as "an 'gaol to an i fact, has, one thousand one hundred'iken in he fielf l 7:94o llll 4 l .flieftk4ila, the cignia,r, ! f This is one-third of the whole Toting 1 0 4. 9 „1 0 'Tully" for little Cambria. EC a s From our Evening Edition of Yesterday. From Washington: FCINERAL OF GEN. GIBSON. -.- ANOTHER STORY FROR - A. CONTRABAND- WASIEING'rON, Oct. 2. The funeral of General Gibson took place at noon, and was the occasion of a grand military display. The President with the heads of de partments, Gen. M'Clellan and, numerous field and staff (Aden participated in the procession. A contraband came into our lines yesterday morning, near Falls Church, and was taken to the head-quarters of Gen. McDowell, at ilpton's Hill. He stated that he was the servant of the surgeon of the 15th Georgia regiment, which was encamped, together with two other regi ments, tour miles from Falls Church, on the road leading to Fairfax Court House. He also said that there are no rebel troops there except ing those just mentioned, neither were the:e any fortifications this side of Fairfax Court House. He gave as a reason for the recent precipitate retreat, of the rebel army, as mentioned by offi cers in his hearing, that they were fearful of a flank movement by the federal army from the direction of Levrinsville ; that he had heard his master, the singeori say on Thursday last that the fortifications on the river below Washing ton were very extensive, and that Gen. Bemire gard lad given °riles to close the navigation of the Potomac to ouivessels. THE REBEL PRISONERS. Foams* MoNms, Oct. 2. The Spaulding has not arrived from Hatteras Inlet & ling of three to-day'conveyed a num ber of wounded rebels nu* prisoners in west ern Virginia to Cranev Island. Crane Niti) 2irsertistments sir POLITICAL ADITERTISem.Earts muse be paid for variable i n advance, to insure their Inge n in the Telegraph. Swan or Paszermveara., 017103 SICENTARY Cogsoswasrze, Harrisburg, Oct. 2, 1861. All the corps, resliments, batteries arid com panies raised in Pennlvania under direct au thority from the War De partm ent, having been now put under the command of the Governor of Pennsylvania, and covered by a requisition ,from the President of the United States dated Brat October , 1861, they are now recognized!as being regularly in service as State regiments, ,and will be entitled to exercise their election !ranchise. This notice is given, because from want of ,time the appointments and commissions cannot 'e made and issued prior to the day of election, for field officers of such corps, regiments, batte ries and companies. By order of the Governor. 111,1 0c2.6t Secretary of the Commonweal • wrANTED TO RKNT.—Two furnielawd Roomi, by a lady with one child, for which • got d price will, be paid. Address , I . Mrs: ElserbiliserP4. - SECOND JIIVEKLE'CONCER .. . AL T on t: D il i t iv .. ol o/1 1 Mal i . L 4 C i r . ! 4it te r t , r ,wfru e t,. Mk itEit assisted WTwo:de of 150 Mont 7 , .. nrerk4 oral star singere from Lent:alder, wiHilve a 'en. tertaloment„ such -al Ptounds, Duette nod' , flolot aid Choruses, &o. The rrogramme willof 80 different pieces. Tickets 10 cents, for sale at e deer, too ls co commence at 7 3i watoct. ' ocmatt* SHIRTS 1 SEaRTS 1 I SECERTS 1 I I HOME MANUFACTURE. THE CHEAPEST Ilf THE MARKET. THE undersigned having opened his Manufactory of Mitts Itc,, at No. 12 West Market street, Harrisburg, Pa , mos trespectfully solicits '•the patronage and attention of the ladies, Gentlemen had Merchants to the ibilowlng assortment of goods all of which are our own manufacture : OEM BOSOMS, OMURA, %118T-BAlipA, NIQRT SBTB A 3., aco., ao., Sta., Also the partleolar attention of the ladles to our lite assortment of under garments &c., (from the lateet, - proved London and Paris styles,) LINEN COLLAES, CUFFS, SETTS &0., in great varieties, all of which b4ng our own matuntracture we will sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. - rorsons deshousof furnishing their own materials, can have cutting, sewing bo n of every variety done se(r ing to order .- All ofthe above named geode for Gents w ar; we will make to measure, guaranteeing to fit, and gi ve entire satisfaction to the purchaser for style. durab ty and materiaL All special ; ardent will be promptirat: tended to upon the shortest notion and Most reasonable tonne. Also Merchants supplied upon the most ration. able terns. P. S. Ladles wishing skirts or ender garments of Slily dlSOriptiol2; can bRVII them 'made to order by sending sample of such kinds as may be desired. JAI( A. LYNN, No. L?., Market, street, I ante.delm . , Harrisburg; Pl. Booms' next` door td Ilsonntel Atliallingdess firodary Store. Writing, Book=keeping and CopyinEi TIROS. H. EVERETT 4. practical acco4n 1, tent, Reporter sod Copyist, ha taken an office yd fetNng:the Adrierund Union, on Third street, when" he will prepare young men for bookeepers, clerk", he., nod assist...them to situations In.buidness fa Philade lphia and New York. He will also attend promptly, to the adEist. mein of difficult acme:nisi Opening and closing boeki.' general copy work of any kind. Re h mrting, (WA and tetter.wridng, Time-tables, Muster and Pay Bolls for tee Army, Notes, Mortgages, Bonds and Advertisers ,huts carefully made. Charges moderate Rehm to Hon. Edward Everett, Boston. Dr. J. Henry Pulesom, Phoenixville Pa. Hon. George L. Caw, Banker, New York. William Dock, Jr , Esq., Harrisburg. sepl.9-2wd • PROF. 'ADOLPH P. TE UPS E VITOZLISI respeptfully infprgri his +id VT pittOoniiiid the public kteeritll) 4 , - that Le pill opaline° So,eave inatpletleas on Me PIANO Mag. Mx. LODICON..TIOLIN abtelh the acieeie'el THONOUtt Bassi' li e loth icoui pleakei 'waft' wale ' homes at any hear "dashed, or lane= be eta* al hie •kehrtakthsos Tblr I t s 4001.'lirtqw thr German kefoimeA Mnrrh— tenth': I ALDhitMAN. HENRY - I , gPFTER: OFFICE-THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S BOW, ) NEAR MARKET. ; Residence, tßsestinst street- near - Fourth,: lays OF itesarslitraci; nxif j, , mr - ELLEIVB DRUG STORE is the phice 11 so flea anythilleht the Ara Perftunery, 11- HAIR, , TOOTH, • NAIL, OLOTH, HAT, LATHER and INFANT BRIR3EUV..III great "witty at ittaLLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STidgic• DWELLING HOUSE WANTED TO'RENT. . . . 4 comfortable two or three-story dwel ti,_ ling house, with six or eight rooms, with renenot to exceed $176 yer a 0111231, for the three, or $l6O for' the two-miry house, will be rented IMlllpiiateiy en app4a- War at tbigi aloe. - • , seplit tr. Q NOCE 1 SgOK.E smoilE ► uovoldeabiliM•wen 'purctuuleitiii * 4 l 1194- M DRUG I 4TQACt 14arkettarew UNW GED BOLON* BAUSA,M44A T " 14gellare Pat 'NOMA abi for nab *nu 1 WM. DOOR M. 00 New Wrsertiameute SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES! I trA brEastrn - IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORI D. THE CHEAPDT GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE MOST DURABLE GLEE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORI D. THE BEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL. MEND WO&D, SAVO your brolrenTurnitare. IT WILL M 1 ND lEA.TEI E, Mend your Harness, Sul* Halts, Boots, an. IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of that expetatve Cut Glass Bottle IT WILL M END . IVORY, Dou't throw strati that broken Iliory bay It la easily re paired IT .% ILL RENT! CHINA, Your brotin Mg% (tips and Worts can be inside as food oe nod. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked out of year Marble Mantle cm be pnt on as strotg as evier. . i f • IT WILL MEND PORCEVAIN, No matter it that broken Firer did not cost but a shil ling, a shilling Raved a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND A. liA t BThR, l , k That costly Alabaster Vase la b ini and you can't match It, mend it, N will never sh ben put together It will Mend Bone , Coral vs, and in fact everything bat e tale. Any article Cemented with ANbitiO CIIIIENT ,GLUX will not show where It is m ded. EXTRA T& , 'livery Housekeepers should have a & Croeley'a American Cement Olne.'"--. ' , leis 8) couvenient to have In t • “It Is always ready ; this comma belly."—hickimkulie• "We have WO it t and !Lod it as water."—* sike Spirit of tke ECONOMY . IS $lO,OO per year saved In every fun of AMERICAN OEMEN Price 26 Cents per Price 25 Cents per t Price 25 Cents per Price 26 Cents per Price 25 Cents per B Price 26 Comte per <: Very Liberal Reductions to W TERMS. CAB: aar-For ago by all Druggists, and Et. js 'brownout the cqu ITOHNI3 & CRO pole Ilasofiol 78 WILLIAM ST Corner of Liberty stmt. Important to. Rosa 01 ImportazilloanDders, linticortant 4o nailit IMportaidlo Var Main lb an whoii th i Incei CORCeI7I, COMM= ary bede• Z zommel caokrirs WIMPY sarra FltditA OEME: The Cheapest am IT IS FIRS tma be applied' steep or 114, The Cost Is oulty . AND IT IS' Thla article bait My and all other west Indite Cecina all kinds, such ea ROAD Dame, Cosa, Genes Wort BUILD! Architects and can biu proved to ce r ROOFING Ia nae,• It WEATHER and YULE ALL HINDS Ms &di Zi Eisia which combing iflasCicky and BlacEllinA lodged to be possessed /PIMA RUBBER. Na Heatie rer The expense of api can be envoi It can bf and when dsisha d adth an elastic body, Coin or iitrppts.,Bluumw tonal action 'whatelref. LIQUI GIITTA PERCH For Coating Metals of all to the Action of the " FORPRESERYWGANDR ROOFS OF ALL This ht the only Conipositlon Imo fully resist extreme changes of length of` ime when applied to berm firmly, limning a body equ paint; costs maehlear and will Uinta • and_ from It; elasticity contrae‘loa and - exPansion of Ths consequent upon sudden thermal It will not CRAOX IN COLD B I WILIIHAS, AND WILL NOI " Leaky Tin slid etLerltetal Roth ed with GOTTA PERCRA CEMENT, farther eorretioa and leakieg, ther feetly tight roof for many years. This Cement is pecoadly ada of IRON RAILINGS, STOVES, BAN CULTURAL LiIPLESENTS, a restorers we. GIITTA PERCHA For pnewarying and replan Ma and every deicriinloe; from Ka great ': by tbe.contracalon ancl, aapanOon of crack In cold or mita warm weath These materials are gun= so are prepared to supply orders from try, at'ehort , ntalite,lor WIT* rolls, ready prepared for.nee, and RENT In barrels, with nu printed catkin. AGENTS 'W We will make Mere, and male VIM reeponalble parties who would 1 Woes in a luozative and permanent OUR TERMS ARE WO can eye abundant o proof of of oar Improved Rooting laying *pp thoomand Roofs in New York City dO.EINS & CR SOL 3 hWIUF Wholesale Warehonse'7: Corner of Liberty Street. Pnu dVicrlVVe ar c 2141,13; 0..3-dl7 IT raamiliLLW A - NEW LO, rem). • Zit. Vain CAMAWS ners Bank. - - Aro:Jassy G aNrati. • HAR ILIALTRTT. My opinion is requestc,i the following uestion,,, • L What volu q nteers will at the appresieliing general p , • camps ? 'Whether the Vote, can vote fur Comity .nicer. I. I. I am clearly of Ow unteers will be entitle,l except such as are in conformity with law, v i vice under the authority ( „f the requisition of the T, States. All the field olio r, will be commia. - oneil by ti,,. holding of such comntia,ii.,., cers will be a fair teat of tr.,. • merit to Vote. • 11. The Act of Ai:setnbl volunteers may exercise t e of coarse they hare as much County officers as for any IV. :M. NI Au. : "Since writing the above al. tion has been propnumled men fmm several counti, s are L. pang, what course simeld of opinion that in such ea , t, separate ballot-boxes, tally county, and the votes sholii •, each county, of the v..ters..ll:l: such county." W• M. Mienoirii, Att. Sept. 28, 1861, A OHAN(%F. FOR A IRio, rjro cloBe up the cotice i i mock of Boors , , man, dm.. .sad, to the be sold at private Ralv ,At r-E.T, A.. muted to Moo pomh Aser if ,1 5 , r , . I made sals. )el dtf - TREES ! TREES I ! TREES rrHE uuderßigned large and Well ttruwa st, . FRUIT AND ORNA M ENT.I I, :s.hrobs, embrac ing a l.trge aild y 01 'pot Jobii nom. ouso."—N. Y. User to every APPLPS, PE4hS CHPRKIE-, Standard lar die 0, eh trd, an t Ikvar t ENGLISH WA SPA NUTS, &e RASaSaid SS, sIR %%v H 11I: and 00uSEBEKRI KS. In le re.t v kr is our housed as by One Bottle GRAPES, OF T . ASPARAGUS, VHF wet formed, busby EVERGBEEN suitable far iha Ceinoiry DECIDUOUS TEL , tor street planting, and a r.• rai,-• Ornatneotwl Trees and I , .1 lig ih!lN Itntl6B of chone rariebat. PLANTS, &o GLUE. Ourstret Is rimiirkslil, - thr ftv, • , ft et prices to sui. the ttm,‘A igro,udo it ues milled t '1..1 , • Addra.4,4 it , toWAit untr, s . • sep26.2md Buyers w4ems general- MI GENERAL ORDER NO HEAD-QUARTARS PfINN•YL Vl\ .‘: liarriabur i•; L No Surgeon or • ceive a commitiaion from U.,' (. Sylvania, unless he I ; I.; p tion before a Board of with the Act of n, c.: No. 25 of the War A Medical Board for t Surgeons, or Assiiitant such, in any regiment t Pennsylvarda, will be 1.• - bergd„ 1861, at 9 a. ni at Willard's Hotel, on October, 1881, at 10 a m By or , l. r Governor anti it. i. 7 CRAIG BIDDLE, A. D. T, TOM. Companies THUNDER AND Llii II VNIS';. THE vast auinatit of prorri: annually by 1 i Property bolder's to secure ktte.r ' roz Lightning Rods ioft at the aac ou -1 • ,` -A Will be attended to. It pat le and warruit,d. THE ATTENTION OF Id., ia.Y,:! fs solicited to our very larg• e 5,,,,, lIDISISKIIILIS /CID DRAWitm or tkv,-; - : , / OXIMIS . JOOTIN Kim, ho 4 ~,, • ..-- '-. Aill the Intermit bal. o f won', G. larval .., Larva assort/nem of tiotork V al , , OUVATII, 81:110IND1114, rIANDkIIiCHiv. ,A 6:: -..:.... And everything in Genus' wear. ri GILT PRAXES J. BIESTER, CARVER AND 011.11i.-1:, Manufacturer ~c Looking Glass and Picture Fr Gilt and Rosewood Mou ldll 'fir, 43 CHESNUT STREET% \ HARRISBURG, PA French Mirrors, Square and Ovid l'ortni I Frames of every dem Option OLD FRAMES RE.Glt,i 10 NO EMEPOT when enpaLed er, and GMETAL ITAZI INGEN & SNYDER, Designers and Engravers OD \ T ;•\ . “ . N. E. CON. FIFTH A CIIE-1.N 1 : 1;.1.\ VXECUTE all kinds of IVuoti 1:4 with beauty, oorrecic,ss s.; deaigna furnished for Floe „; wishing oats > by sending a Eh PM have views of Gullet , -. ; illachlues, Moves, patents, Al.. Cl.;l".trt .1 sena) application. ,0. 4 Fillwrlltivelopes, Labe, Et; V 1101414, Business Wigliegt "ire of art, ant at a- , For specimens to fine . worlcs of - J. R. Lippincott ,t u *WM lytt blob winsitoops i . cUmatos, tOr lin). ~ to which ad. coats of or ry FERMIS ALS i t. Injured by i the : .er Metal Biota, , weather. UN IN WARM • On. . . 4 rekdtly repair prevented (tom aosurlng a per. preservation fidner.,lll general menu- TAKE NOTICE! TRAP we have recently a, to :r ready full stock OF SEU.A.E.t MENT Mot.' Rood of , Is no, imbued and will' not LA NORMATIS, HARIKARI , 0 , 0 hL lj 1 1 E OF PER Foie noe HANDRERCEDE,F ‘ : • TIIILEUSH mUSg, - E Du` r ODFF 0 - - E- 4 : -.R -LL • snit! we I of the ainn- ROOFING in I A PERCHA:CE tions for appli rOR IMS SAM : Ear LUSTAAL I4 , CRYLTALIZED OXIATC.II, AIYESTLK. AND VIOL,I?o,J.- Witllgem4nts eitabllah ttienz- fOlt sin COMPtarioN: LUZ Or ROST LEAH POWDER, NEW IltrWN HAT BLANc. F ~.r OF SOAPS claim in river em to several RIMINI TIMM . MOSS BOER, BREZOIN, UPPER TEN, VIOLET, %OWN c't Ravi the -08 Largest sock akd bc.4. Articles, we fumy IRA we are better dive Pe"Pre to lip a cotapieta Viet S,. -t at .abed. MIL and see. AlwaYar hand, a FRESH Stock 0 G 1141114 eaIagSALS, &e.,toe-e4urt or ,- /111-1111441414:40011102.9 [beret.). .81adriAtlDEUG AND FANCY S -."'"'*o4l64B4rest, two doors Nader I,ria z.. 1 Roan side. Y REM, 1 I WYO K. be farniihed .•• • ' ~g. f the' mirtheur SC97 ivtin Aburrtiscluents EMI ESE Ki•xt tn
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers