THE TELEGRAPH LS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER, TERMS.—Suicas Sesectanno. The DAILY TemOn eon in served to subscribers hi - the CIO' et 6X o•uts per wean Yearly eubacribeta will be barged 14 00 Muni v Ante Sitei-WISILLT The Teta:genii in :deo publitluat twice a'vieek during the sennion of the Inisiature 'fttld veeetly Miring at reinalnder al the year, and tnerdsbod to subscribers, at the !allowing Men, 7IZ : Single sUbSeribeta per peep..., 14 Seven " Ten 78111 ISIV or swamies. It s ubscribers order the discontinuance of their nein poem the oublisher may all continue to send them until arrearages are wild. 31 subscriberivutiglect or reluse , to take their newspa • from t °thee to which they aue directed; they are re vonsible WWI they have settled the bills and ordeied sem dlscootosed. SIMS ltiebual. i)11. J OHNSON 13.ATP!X IXN( cM -In LOCK: HOSPITAL. lAS dianovtireti the moat certain, speed) and Om:taut remedy in the world for ['WARM OF IMPRUDENCE. scan IX MX To mum swum. No hiareory or Soros* Drugs. ro gir it Una Wanganui, ON NO DIANNA, ix rams Oxa Two vi e ,, K uoss of the Book or Limbs,fillirldinw r Paine la the Loins, Ailections of the hidneywand Elladdee, &gawk Wesk mess, Nervous nobility, Decay of the Physics ipow. or., i ry , pp..., languor, LomSpirits, Confusion of ideas, fall Ration of the Heart, Timidity Tremblings r thocooa of sight or Giddiness, inseam of the Stomach, Affections of the }lead, Tbrost, Aso or Skin—those terrible disor ders arisiog from the indiscretion or Solitary ,Habits of Youth—Moo dreadful and destructive practises which produce (=solutios!, debility, render marriage Japes gide, and destroy both YOG body and mind. UN MEN. young tuuu wwootaily who have become Lbe victims of solitary Vice, that dreadiul and destructive bahlt Whir& a nomaly sweeps to an untimely pave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, woo might otherwise have entranced listening Seoutea with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to on iony the living lyre, may call with full &madam. maImAGE.; Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, be 'ng aware of physical weakness; shouldlramedlitely con• mit Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC iniavadiaiely oared and NU vigor nttorvi Be who places himself under the rare of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con, aloofly rely upon Ins skill as .a physician. sgrOßlce No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, /dd., on the left band side going from Baltimore street, 7 lours troth the corner. Be particular in observing the mime or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par. titular tor !porting Trilling Quacks, with false names, or Paltry Humbug , attracted by the repute. lion of Dr. Johnson, lurk near. ell letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the reply. DB. JOHNSTON. Dr. John= member of the Royal Collage of Surgeons, London, graduate from one of the meet eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greatest, part of whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most as tonishing cures that were ever known. Many. troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great nor vousmee, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with:derange. meet of mind were oured immediately, TARN PARTICULAR NOTICL Dr. J. audremes all thee. who having injured them selves by private and improper indulgeneles, that Emmet and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, un fitting than ihr either busineasor society. Theac are some of the sad and melancholy eMmtit pro duce by early habita of youthods : Weakness of the Beet and Limbs, Nies in the Head, Dimusis ,of Sight, Lou of liftmen's,* Tower, Palpitation of the Orpart, Dys pepsia, Nervonskvitability EktriPagelnent Or th e Digeathin ronetions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consump tion, Sc. VENT4II4. . MUMMA', the fearful effects On the mind are mush to be dreaded t—Loes of litomory, Confusion of Ideas, De pression of Spirits, 8711 Forebodings, &Version tolitoote. ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &e., are Mad of the evil effects. ?lionesses of ,porepus of an ogee, oac now liege who) is the cases of thelelleoline in healt* treNtgtheir vise % becoming west, pels nervous, la 4 sinam4*tte4, have a singular appownisidg about the eyes, OOLlgholUld wimp me of consumption. YOUNG MEN who have injured thenuelves by a certain practice, in dolled in when alone—a habit frequently learned from zommanions, or at school, the affects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured; renders marriage impassible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply imm ediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his mom try. the darling of hia parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life by the come:mamma of deviating trom the path of nature, and indulging s in a certain secret habit. no h persons must, before comas. plating milliftLAGS,j effect that a sound wind and body are the moat necessuy requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without Wee, the journey through life becomes a wear' pllgrimagA the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and 511.4 with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be• conies blighted with our own. DR. JOHNSON'S IN VIGORATtNO MUNDY /OR 03' GA.NIO WEAKNESS. aßy this great and Important remedy, Wealthatsit .1/nt Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored, .Phousands of the most nervous and debilitated mitt had lost all hope, have been Immediately relieved. All Impedimenta to Montage, Physical or Mental Dlsqualill. cation, Nei roue, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or the most fearful kind, speedily cured. TO STRANGERS The many thoustutde enred at this buttintion within the bat twelve years, and the numerous important Burgle/I , operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re. porters of the papers, and many other portioas, eotioes of which have appear ed again and again before the public, bendea his. standinpas a gentleman of charact er an d re• neraffiflay, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. k.DEWED OF iIdMIDENCE.—When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finda he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, It too often happeas that an illaimed sense of ahame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re. speolability can alone befriend him, delaying make COO. 'Motional symptoms of this horrid dbease their appearance, effecting the bead, Want, noeti, akin, dm, progressing on with ghtfal rapidity, Ull death " teat period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to that bourne from whence so traveler returns." It i s a met. anoboly fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilliffnese of Ignorant pretend.. erg, who, by the use of that deadly poison, Ka p retend. erg, the oonatitution and make the residue et life mhearable. To Sigamonsac—The &agent iriptemas hang in hie office. Sir Letters must contain a Stamp to as on thererd,r sa-Remedies sent by Mail. sir No. 7 south Frederick street, Baltimore. aprlttilawly SOHEFFEIRS BOOK STORE, (BELE IBM ILLIMEttraG BRIDGs.) UNION ENVELOPES, NOTE PAPER, of six different designs, printed in two colors sold by the thousand aaa by the ream at City Cash prices, Also, Flags, Union Breast Plne, Eagles, Union Binge rani nd Badgea at very low prioes. Cali at Bowman BOOKROEUL TO FARMERS! 11111TTER (good, sweet and fresh) in one Mond rolls, and fresh EGGS In largo and small geauxthios taken at all times sod oedipal o or grotales 'lves szcame._Regalar market atelltlwit"'Plild' opposite the Comot Nome 4 419 . _ .--- ' klifir,V;" I , • 1 66 .. 111 k P 5 , , • i . 1 - ` I 1 111 7 • 1 --.- 0 ' fit ,is. -- V"' - P,- - -7 7, i , -',-.- • ' 4 --, st.- . . _ . . , t _ -' =;i' , .' ' ,-,•`. ---': = „..7. , .. -- Al .I , ' "--. • 1t....... - _ , = 7:- 52 00 12 00 15 00 VOL. XVI. ))D L Grimy 84 eici • IMO - -' • - D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLE6ALNI AND RETAIL DRU GSTS, MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PENN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We„ are daily adding to our ifisortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call yOrti atention to ihe largest and best seleoted stook in this city, of DRUGS, f~HEMIOAL~ PAINTS, Oils, varnishes and Glues, • Dyad tuffs, Waau and Patty, Artist Colors and Tools, Pure Ground Spices, Barnini Mind and Maidial, , . . Laura, Spasm and Pine Oils, Bottlat.ihala and Lamp Globes, Cast:lda Soap, Sponges and Corki, &a., &c., &o.; dic., &a., &c., die With 6 , gentwol Tartoty of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES; seleeted from the best milmfaetwers and Per tumors of Europe and . this country. Beingvery lsrAesieslers is PAnin• irl#ll4p, LINSEED VAIOSHES, knifirs pArET Arm *V' 1 4 41 ,AAPEuat, i 41,14THIni, °GLOBS pip 1318 OF ALL /UNDO, .; • . a r • " We respectfutly invite a cell, feeling, conft dent that we an stipPly the wants of all on terms to their [lathier:titan. TEETH TEETH • JONE'S AND 1471MWEI1.0110ELUN TEETH, PATENT MEMddiNES AND HAIR MTORAI'I V ES Of all Medi, direct from the Proprietont. Saponifier and Oenoentrated Lye I Wholesale Agents fot fl!ponifier, which we sell as low as it can be purchased in the thank MAYES'S ititafEdit, PLOW EXTBAOTS, 00AL owl' OkdiON oat Being large purchasers in these Oils, ive can offer inducements to close buyers. Clog Oil Lampe of the, most improved pottirris, very &slip. All kinds of lamps ciiiagell to burn TAMERS AND GILLUERS, ose of you who hate not given our HOME AND OSTIZE POW/AM a trial know not their superiority, and the isliintage they are In keeping Horses •nd Cattle healthy Sad in g.xxi condition. I t N • , Tboimande can testify to the profit they have , derived from the use of Our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long ex perience in the bushman given us the advantage of a thorough knowledgeiof the trade, and our arrangemeate in the cities are such that we CAR in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our baldness, on the best of terms, Tbankfullor the liberal patroonfe beetowe On our bocis'e ;14 hope b y strict - attention to business, a careful selection of U P RE DRUGS at fisir prices; and die <166 14) please i f dip to pork a conthnuum of the f tiAdilerlin riAaner per. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL= THINGS---NEUTAAL IN NONE." • OAgRISRURG, PA., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 2, 1861 NO. 19 LET THE' RECORD' SPEAK! Dr, Heck's , teitimate of the i Safety of the Country and the C'onrage of its Defenders. • He Refuses to Appropriate ionell to, tie eur.e the National Honor aid 'Uphold the Federai itithorlti I If Min LND SOLDIERS of DAUPHIN COUNTY, BEAD While the -hot shot andx)mbs were filling tilt& arid fast the gallant blind who were `de fending their country' s , liolLor in Fort Stimteri Gov. Curtili. had Nent into' the Legislature of OW state, then in session, a mit* suggesting the better org tioni of the militia, and„diking for an appropriation of five hun dred thousand dollars to 'place the state on a war footing., The bill as it passed, can be foOnd. in the la'St voltime of the laWs of the state, page 299—and the proceedings attending its, , pas sage in the House, in the &ung of 1861, page 957. We etract the yeas and nays as they ppear substantial on the Journal Of the House : Yam—Messrs. Abbott, Acker,: Alexander; Anderson, Armstrong, Ashcom, Austin, - BsII, Barnsley, Bartholomew, Bisel, Baler ? Blair, Blanchard, Bliss, Boyer, Breeder, Brewster; Burns, Butler, (Crawford,) Byrne, Clark, Cowan, Craig, Douglass, Duncan, Eilenberger, Elliott, Frazier, Gibboney, Goehring, Gordon, Graham; Rapper, Harvey, Hayes, Rittman, Hood; abills, Hulm, Irvin, Koch, Lawrence, Lelsenring, Lowther, - M'Gonigal, Marshall, Moore, Mullin, Ober, Osterhout, Patterson, Pierce, Pruden, Pughe, Belly, Ridgway, Robinson, Rolhir, SAW er, Shafer, Sheppard, Smith, (Ekirks ' ) Smith, ( Philadelphia , ) Stehman, Strang, Taylor, Teller, Thomas, Tracy, Walker, White, Wil dey, Williams, Wilson end Davis, Byeaker-46.1 Nant•--7Messrs. Brfiditead, But*, (JarboK) Caldwell, Cope, Dismant, Divine , Don*, Duf field, Dunlap, Gaskill, Hill, Kline, liehtenliallner, M'Ponough, Mani fold, Morrison, Myers, Randall, Reiff and Rhoads-21, Freemen of Dauphin cointy I Soldiers ! who went at the first call of danger to the capital of your country, and who still rest upon your arms night and day around the limits of that c4pital, are you ready to vote for a an who so lightly estimated the.hOn or of your country and the lives of its defenders? Dr. Heck is one of the old Breckinridge Dein ocrats who sympathised with and still sympathise with and confide in the course of the trai tor Breckinridge, and showed his attachment for those *ho are at the head of this rebellion by' refusing to make an appro priation to arm the great ' state of Pennsylvania to aid Vi4ir overthrow and its suppreiaion This man is again before , you; and again solicits your vote that he May again disgrace the ;hanii of legmlation , with his'pretence and. his conduct. He desiies to be returned that he may aid in embarrassing the 'future &oils of our noble old commonw6alth in assisting to redeem the huid: from rebellion by enforcing 'Pie laws and vindicating the federal authority. No patriot, no Vitae,' loyal lover of his country can vote for br. Heck. HOW .13121XXINRIDOE RAN Y; AWA The inglorious flight of an ex-Tice Fierd.:t of the United States is thus recorded by . . Louisville (Ky.) Journal of the 25th instant : "We learn from Mt. Sterling that on ;Friday morning, about four o'clock, a buggy contain ing two gentlemen and a negro boy !passel' through that town, stopping for a few minutes at the house of an ex-official, and took the state road towards the Virginia line. "Several gentlemen met the buggy ion: the road. One of the travelers was closely muffled and whenever they were about meeting any, ne the negro boy raised himself so as to cover the muffled figure. One of the secessionists *Mt.' Sterling revealed the fact on Friday that John C. Breckinridge had gone through on his way to Virginia or Tennessee. Lincoln's 'Hessian cloak' is forever eclipsed "now.`. "The ex-offrcial at whose house the travelers celled was not in Mt. Sterling on-Frbilay A number of the state enentidole a portion of thastate arias' on Friday;after de*, and start:: &ton Ake r9ad the biggy had tat.. P yier scpc,zn ad linxidarklipi tind corn i 1 ea a guard." (Ely itztegraplj. • ~c .. LINES l i ma /ascribed ki, desinencery of Made la minted . Jima ' Chrism; *the New..Yorktilighlatici. ' . kr: e..ti• . '_...'; 1 , ...: + --- : -.7-7- . . " ,It. j • . A, R 164 150 4 7 4 PPKVBD - TO. MN. ht &lir . '- ' * Vika' iti 'ftthali ilia* A: ii: W r# l l% roF the T e ta . . . XI RAC MD chief ofd ng the . Yip Ill * own, * lives, mighty, dead: All hidlOated-bk ye hatoirl ixami = o464l, Nollesitar . • I .:Ar. head. Brave. Warrior rest egby.thw penoefid Though loved ones now no longer hear'they jet , 644107 sigh, and turn tliarlieadtttki weep! An fat. front' thee; in 'Freedom's light they eigll *time. • , 1 4 1 qatTioceeigkPreatimo th t.ornb; 4 c! i v a l=t4? . with grateful tears; recalls Sphit;:tkatk — el to heel.thecalMon'S bo4ib, Liketicipio4 shade 1 ;:avenged be tm, &- fend our Fame. I , Colunibfeir iiittilltitehowned; as aluill be, , Evok'd by thee, thou Hero,- braveal of the :Thea,wave thy sword, exclaim, 1 , 1 Scot follow Shill Bootle live, *bile ketrlet meets a name= ase Eorlid i ltHeav ve en l i then brave thy .ewiord, ,liallowed be, , , ' Thy Pea a * bove I and &Oita And het hc;me thee. • Bsocacorzt, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1861. MAJOR ABNER • DOVBLEDAY B,keieb or the 141 e of a on Sumter Hero, . - Abner Doubleday was NMI June 26, 1.819, in the^ village of Ballston Spa, - Saratoga ;cotuity, N. Y. illOuther -Xerhoved the same ,year to Auburn, j and for, Man,Y y ears published the. Carayer'irah4l. HO - WAS t w ice 'elected to Con-. glees; anli'viss a staunch aubbiter of Jackson's Ow= at t4o;4Bo.etfotirteun was anexcellent Latin and mathematical anholar, and tiani, an evening crag of his &their's ,apprentices, which; while *hiring ilefal to thetn, served to impress( hisown.acquirenients more thoroughly op his mind. , #ll9 - I.4tudy s having somewhat ini4e4l4 B kies44., he silPYBe civil euSinPering as tliktihifeadoa moat likely to give erblire iii , the open air; had •liiirhatilthiria speed ily 'adore& indmadepermanent in the course S=SPlisequen.44olu different ; parts of.. the, p t New York Central Railroad. -was, iiithhoila in Ilisw , ,:t4atiba 'l4' ani4 -" ilia ikiroad wiiitti'ofithe Toksitri'anttrikei Maim and. apentsome weeks's, the ahntost . broken wildrmieseatumnll.4lm/limcoe. . _The, urn:ie. lion . , PIA.. an end_, 4 to . „* stay, and he turned 1101A6 - til fi nd that'liehid, doitoi - his taiinai) ~ truzi received'. the aPpOintaeht of cadet t West Point, where ihe:paasedionr years. PI WS PletSwerelioecuuut, Pope Meade,. Mea4e) now_ General s in our , army, and y Dorn, thaiitreeq Andition and 818, itOri i Gen erals in'the mrial-isty:' He was bratted sec ono: Lieutenant . in= tthe _ Third artilldry, .and stationedlin various pf.the forts on our 4outhern seaboard, at one time :serving with[Biaggi Cbmpaiy. . • Prtenottaiii ryas 'tiny' aloW hi taula3• days; andit waa not till-1846 that he teethed bissumnissionliatull.Moond Lieutenant .in the, Mist artillery, which he joined at Fort Preble e -Verde* in artillery, .... In August; lithei denikal Taylor occupied the of , -the: Nueces, he was !ordered thlther,, end arrived at Corpus °pried in, ptem ,F. ,While on day. on duty as aid& liiii of guard, a Bistur b ' ce took a t 1) e place in a -Mitlie within our Thies; °Chided by a Tanui desperado, who .on the approahh-of ._tha IttOr&threatetnedi: to. shciat.the , first , ; that cp:lned, his'threshhold.. The sergeant t for Lieutenant Doubleday and reported e fa cts. „aia That :officer ordering his men to 're '' out: side;: mitered : the house -done, and ' ted:the proprietor, in .spiteof ;the guns levelled at his heed, by him and his ,tellows, who, hbriever.,„ cowed by his 'deteiminatkin, made no !further ' resistance, but quietly . Submitted. • On, the ar rival of the army = . at the Bio Grande ills com-, perky was stationed ; at Point Isabel, andihe con- , quakily. Alcl.-Atokparticipate in.the brittles of, Pap ,Altoand pagaca.da_ta Palma.... ' _, , , Determined,not to remain guarding f 'lll 4. i t e P9fk , WhenPlPMManli work. . was to be one', he susUpedlid in ezolumging companies ith .an-1 9.. 1 ' • 0 / I ,*.ri-. and, ass one of the artill ry. hat tahOn underCqloreslghilds, behavedSo gu: in three clan lighting atollionterey,as earn the special nolice alad , _preaseiotthat. (*Oa' hi* official .misirtf , :=-.Bo.,remained in ' • :at: Monterey until_the enemy appeared . _fone= - .419P) 94=-Philitlon Nueva,. w en his . 494;SPPY Wet Suddenly ordered to equip envy' lstery and haste to :General Taylo Js s eals -' nkce. Gefientl Manahan , - . lvith'i k .°' 'of t" MMilreo, and ' fifty men .and knx-110S i star ted,_ . P= ol3 l ) **=§4PlLO"FiCm"*.' o l4 l ll s'4juS - IncWris ;Or= by a rkersenger ' ord ers Art*,',OirSatid Tay* to linifylt, ii,.fil feanid' ) 107 r00tad:v . , :4:4 16- 0444Litilii14 tion , ht Buena =`l . The AO liorljed kir ' ~ t a nd she ne W d 4r:= ** busing . Jto ~tokil in 1 4.44144. *Oa r*F . oquid tso 444411.. c liiirrd though_ 'they were . tipty, -- aie miles : t.- 4 S li .—_, .? t bOr I 4 63I =SAIM4u4iWig#:POSSI•-t4 t r ws l : 4l 9,Ausoevgita,A4. l o ns..te*ck j P A ., • Al l Otaiszt.K. : US. ,M4 l was . very .11 illit.. i4: 4 - =t4 0 1 A•V'll I tc! be drekra uP ibuihiluirlth ropes` by tb/3440 . 404/011 plain. ; in : the smile inanner. Nyhmusil* General ,•: e i : order ea IL ' h'alt tS* kkfts9l4*,..thci con ~,..: 4 e4l. sg's, "-glistOr : . .) 4 1'itsf;:'L,4 0. 7sid ; ' -'' ! • aot,bo4kAiine." Mine of these brave i ellbihr Were AmOng tho defeadia l raiggo# hum , ~- ' '-i This hearten ' iliii of 'the enemy sho - = i tkio, the whole - coin :ray Weis roused , but they ism, no large force until. their Winched - . Banta Catalina, w 4 r o , ttligfollak4grge -camp ..foit, whose ' ialit aiii,o4 twoo i thriusand whiry drawn up in , bat-: tie array 'a shori'disiamo AMP the'rhad.l Gene -rat3tinlid4 &oho' etiibirnisie d with'', on train Milt's itilleisig,-ondered his men" ' ' f, and with lighted: matches . the - eras- passing Pas Sing in front of the enemy, when the ,enty four poutukas_salMoila_the.nmd. An, track, was expected, put to , - .. •-, t,ristonis' imlent, of OM' trikoillithit'•(_,•, ..te oil' thinly .., mall '111r; gums_: _ .., • 1 7„rr. ~ , ' . = lhelittle 7, lumn - wriszent bilidghjyrlikelyvist=t6tkinbatil : 7 '! d= =an •= ...* =.. ..,". • upa4cothoiglui . ,- . , 0 'ii if -. "/ 4 , . . ~ , ,tagira . _ Santa through a .. .", ~, 4' , -..--• .•-' - :, t— llid Banta ' Anna - renewed • the attack, the he vy guns would have silenced hie batte ri es an denabled our troops to maintain their position. •• -- On the 8d of March, 1'847, Lentenant Double `d4r irrothoted to a first lieutenancy. At the close of the war in 1848 he was stationed at Fort Brown, opposite Matamoros. Smite thefts .of public property having occurred, the com 'Mewling-officer ordered that all persons found Without I•istiriiition on the public grounds should be • put in irons in the guard house. Lieutenant Doubleday, on receiving the order, respectfully represented that none but a magis trate had anthcirity to imprison a citizen, but offered to take all unauthorized intruders be fore's, magistrate, and make complaint' against them for trespass. Being perempUnly; ordered to obey, he declined doing so, and watt . placed arid& arrest. The complaint agairait him was disalissed atike War Departanedt, his conduct apProved, a ti lettered to.his command whichhad been removed to New York where he remained' until October, 1860, when his cotapatty wassent fo'Foit McHenry. - • Iv 1862 he was married to Missittatylfewitt, of Washington. When the Oardinei hands were discovered, he went to Mexico as one of this boaimizsionere sent there to investigate the case, and his testhnony proved Very important. In Mt he was sent to fit: Duncan; Teas, and remained there till his promotion, in !March, 1856, to a Captaincy. He was statiOned. at Fort Monroe till October, 1866, when Jefferson Davis; then Secretary of War, ordered the gar :Aeon to be sent to Florida, so that the fort could be seized by the secessionists in case .Fre 'merit was elccted. In 1868, when the Indians Were 'removed from Florida, he was stationed at Fort Moultrie, and remained there until the transfer of the garrison to Fort Sumtei in De cember last. As one of the Fort Sumter garrison, his name is`now dear to the nation's' memory. The de tailed history ofthe long Beige in Sumter has written; but it, is known that Captain Doubleday was among those of the officers who filidwed the niost'uncompromising devotion to the honor of our flag, and his ability dud en ergy aidedgreatly in.the preparations for de fence, and in the defence itself. The President has made many Colonels and Brigadier - Gel:kends, some of whom, at least, never'smelt powder except at a pigeod match. He has made .Captain Doubleday Major of the Seventeen* infantry. Major Doubleday was for some time in the column of berieral Banks, but was some weeks ago called to =Wathington and placedon; General McClellan's staff, as chief of heavy ordnance in the forts opposite Washington. Thus McClellan iiheWs that he knows the value of a brave and skilful officer. - FROM THE FEDERAL CAPITAL: Oorrapoildeaci of the Telegraph Wesimarbs, Sept. 800281. From all appearances yesterday, I was satis fied that something would transpire duiing the, ni t ight. Regiments by the dozen marched , over the Long, ridge the entire day, supplied with two or thrixrdisys' ration ; and the countenances of the men- betokened that something itartling occur... -was woke up this morning by the startling intelligence that. Munson's Bill Was ours ; and about an hour afterwards I took a stroll up the Avenue to learn the truth of the news, and had the satisfaction of hming it sa tisfactorily and authoritatively corroborated. The city wait in a Earle of enthusiasm over the result--old and yhung rejoicing at the victory achieved without one drop of blood benag spilled. It seems that_the rebels got wind or suspicioned that Gen. M'Clellan was About to 'mike a mere, and retreated in the direction of liniason's Hill; taking with them all their can mon but two,. which are now. in our poeseesion. 14i9bigaP.AvkittRePt is, now at ittunsoik's Whine, it is , said, siege guns of immense calibre Will be ' moulted immediately. 'Four or five prisioners were taken, Iwo of whom were officers —non-committal ones. They would hot give information of any importance. Perhaps after they are confined awhile, they will not be so contumacious:. Bre this letter reaches its desti nation, you will no doubt hear of a detnonstra don at Mason's Hill, about two. miles distant from Munson's Hill, where the rebels' are said to be atroligiy entrenched. Union men in this iregidi still entertain the opinion that they (the rebels) will not make a decisive stand this side of lA* Bun.. "Tempus own* , We have also oews of important and success ful operations by Federal vessels along the . We in the Metropolis have no ' fears of any 'reverses in arms . hereafter. Our lorce in this vicinity is strong enough to march success fully to the• Gulf. -The batteries along the Po tomac, if any serious harm is done by them to our. vessels , will be silenced in a short time. Before long, poems will be sung all Over the liforth in commemoration of splendid victories Achieved, and'the old stars and stripes Will wave Aftefiantly over every inch:of land that has been stolen by traitors from the Government. ' [C;Ctli111161104.11/Xl. Ma. Beattnisa-:—yott will do me a favor if you will oorrect an error ptiblished in the Tinsinimsr. of Saturday last, which, if not done, may pm*, hly'do me a great injury." In your report of the proiitiedings of the Union County meeting ` held lathe courthouse on Friday afternoon, to settle a Union County ticket, you. say I retorted sharply to Mr. lintheriord, by reminding him Veit my lint& sentiments could not be doubted,' as 'I bad "four #oi); ih the army." That is incorrect; Idl id not say so. said I was opposed at this •time to. party nominations, that . I believed the time had come to lay party names aside, 'arid all unite in nominating a ticket without reference to party names—true -and .honest Union men, that will support the 141dzdstration ; and. if the chair would again put the Oneida/. 9, 11 the adoption of the report, I had not Vie :least 'doubt that we would not only carry It by it large • majority in the meet ing, but could- elect the whole ticket in October; ths X had four teas fa my family, (I have only three Wee $Ol3B : the • youngest served three Months, willing Ito'berve longer ; the oldest feats , commanding one of - Campbell's batterieS, In which he, volunteered for three years ; ,the !third is home, sick ,) ad I can command more votes at - the election than any poor man in 'Harris , ling. If 'the chair would take the vote over again, encithis meeting do what is right, I was determined to exert all the feeble, efforts Clod had given me, to elect Vie. ticket -and aid the State and liatibmil Admit:o;4llmi inputting an end to"thiacrttel *rebellion. •I did then say - that, in order toiest-the voice of the meeting fairly, I would move _to reconsider the vote on the adoptkm.of the committee. .I made the mo-; Lion,, jge question being pat by4e i chairman, it was almost unanimously decide:A VittindeatiVe. , *talon c o t ihelidestbm Ant VW 00 7 LlMtutkilr e t:my. •A) I.l4Port.' BAIWOC I 4- 1- 74 16111 _4 1 . W. &AN „Clam tinting mart Having procured Steam Power Presses, we are proper ed to execute JOB add BOOK PRINTING oftivery ueserlp Bon, cheaper than it can be done at any other establish amain the country. Sa- Four lines or lets constitute one-half square. Sign t lines or more than to conanirde a square, Half equare, one day one week one month three months... id iti months 14 One year... One:Square, one day . ...... One week.,....... 200 eat" one mouth. three mouths 6 00 lain" atm months ..... .... 10 00 ~ .. One year ...—• ... .......... -.16 00 Business notices inserted in the /cost Colman, or tore Marriges and Deaths, FlVi Cs.NTS PER LINE for each ftwerlion. tar Marries and: Deaths to be charged as regular ad- NO. 30 t t U. From our Morning Edition. Later From Washington. NAVAL COURT OF INQUIRY. ESC &PP. OP A REBEL PRISONER. APPOINTMENTS FOR THE TOLVNTREM 81CHTIOS. A court of inquiry, composed of Captains La velette, Pendergrast and Morris, was opened to day at the Navy Yard, to examine the conduct of Commander. Chandler, of the steamer Dawn. Geo.. W. Weston, Esq.; acting as Judge Ad vocate. Xt has been, ascertained that Howell, alias Frnack, alias Emerick, alias Addison, etc., who stabbed Hr. F. W. Walker, the correspondent of the New York Repress,' iiiinumle his escape into Virginia through the aid afforded him by the secession friends in Maryland, The , borus and equipments taken from him by . Walker are in this city. The latter is recovering from his wounds. The Kentucky cavalry regiment is still with out an officially recognized colonel. A peti tion is in circulation recommending Lieutenant Colonel Owens for the commander. Prince Sabst-Salm was some time ago appointed, but at his own request a change has been made and he is now attached to General Blenker's staff. The following appointments for the volunteer service were made to-day : ldelanctou S. Wade, of Ohio, Lovel H. Rousseau, of Kentucky, and Alvin Schoeff, of the District:of columbia, late examiner in the Patent Office, to be Brigadier Generals. Major Hunt., 11. S. artillery, has been pro p►oted an aid to Gen. M'Clellan, with the rank of Colonel. Capt. Coppinger, an English officer, late in the Papal military service, has been C DUMAS stoned a Captain in our volunteer, service, on the recommendation of his holiness,.the Pope. This makes the fifth European Menorah who has recommended officers for service in the United States. " , LATER FROM EtIFF6OPE. Arrival of the Steamship Bohemian. The a ornfthip Bohemian from. Liverpool on Thursday 19th, via Londonderry, on the 20th, passed this point about two o'clock this after noon. She was intercepted by the news yacht of the associated press. The steamship Hibernian from Quebec,arrived at Liverpool on the 16th. The French government refuses to allow thei r officers to join the United States army. The steamer Great Eastern has arrived at Liverpool. The gale which she encountered and disabled her, was of a fearful character. 1 Over twenty five of her passengers sustained fractures by concussions occasioned by the tre menduous rolling of the ship. The accident is mainly attributed to the breaking of the rud der. The Eighth regiment of New Ter* volun teers left this city to-day for the seat of war. The officers are Col. Johntion, Lieut. Colonel Martin, Major Tnrwin, Adjutant Johipon, Sur geon lacKelwaY, and Assistant Burgeon Taylor. They were taken by the cars in eitarge of Col. Halsted and his aid-de-camp; Dr. John H. Phillips. The ninth regiment, sharp shooters, is organi zing rapidly. This will mike two more regi ments of volunteers for three years than the State has beiraitinired to furnish. A large meeting was held laat night at which chancel& Green presided, in favor of sinking all party considerations and nominating candidates for the Legislature in favor of the Union. Judge Potts and numerous leading politicians of the city participated. NAVAL OFFICERS SENT TO FORT LAFAY- Lieutenants Loyal, Batts and:Stevens of the navy have been sent to Fort Lafayette, for re fusing to take the oath of allegiance. The British gun boat Rinaldo reports the frigate. Susquehanna and gun boats Albatross and Cumberland at Hatteras Inlet pp, Friday. Powusa Stawass.—The II ntted Stit 6 powder magazine at Chelsea, Miss., "hr!tigifn'rapidly filling with powder. ldr..3_ , C. Bitt,i4;the effi cient keeper of the magasine, has received this week from Hartford, Portsmoutlt and Delaware 110,000 lbs. cannon powder, and fifty barrels, of 100 lbs. each, of rifle•powder. The follow ing is the quantity of poWder and shell put on board vessels for the Gulf, says the iferald : Steamer Curlew,.s,ooo lbs. powder 60 32-pound shells and 126 Parrott shells and shrapnel; ship In°, 6,000 lbs. poWder, 80 32-pound shells, loaded ; , herk.W. G. 'Anderson, 4,120 lbel. pow der 6081-pound shedls, loaded ; bark Ethan 291 ea, 4,130. lbs. ,powde, 60 32-pounci, shells, roaded:' The new "powireacb!lat gat the HaVii lrilkd from the' tiiiigasine Pro bst:ll3qm alitniehte-itlisant#7-Akt , Powde r i when she sails, for supplying the fleet.—florkw Jour nal. RA !MU? ADVSKTISING I=l Esankaa. POINT, , Oct. NEW JERSEY AFFAIRS MORTON, T.; Oct. 1 Yotta, Oct 1 FROM HAT ; IERA.S INLET. Nmy You, Oct. 1 SO 25 1 00 sOO 8 00 5 00 8 00 , Oct. 1
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