e---j" - ` • . . •- _ , ii 4 i • *.. _z_ _,,, ~,... , . ..... BY GEORGE BERGNER. ~ixDital 1) JOIINSON 13.A.X.sTINICC ) X 1-13 LOCK HOSPITA.L. HAS dtleiasecciouvarz.mtiotihyeinmthoestwcoreirdtr, speed) IMMISES OF IMPRUDENCE. away us MT TO TWILIT ROOM. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. 'Gra 0311.1 WARRANTED, OR Da NO CHARON, IN TROY Oat TO TWO rs.-ein Weal:newt of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains In the buns, Allections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weal:nese, Nervous Debility, Decay of thePhysica iPow. ere,' languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, tali 'tattoo of the flout, Timidity Tromblings, Dunnos. Dt Sight or Giddiness, Diseaee of the Stomach, Affections of toe Head, Throat, Nose or Skin—those terrible diner• ders artriug from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits el Youth—those dreadful and destructive practises which produce eatnglitutioual debility, render marriage Imo,. slime, and dt,truy SOIS Rudy and mind. YOUNG KEN. Young lan enlo oWty WhO have become the victims et solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to all untimely grave thousands 01 young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thoudars of eloquence, or waked to ea• my the livieg lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE,: Married persona, or those contemplating marriage, be• ng aware of physical weakness, should Immediately con. !lilt Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAKNES immediately eared and fell eager restored. lie who places himself order the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con, lideetly rely upon his skill as a physician. Wolllce No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, tie., on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, 7 lows irom the corner. Be particular in observing the dame or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par. Ocular for Ignorant, Tri fl ing Quacks, with false names, Jr Fa/try Humbug Clivitficares, attracted by the reputa tion of Dr. Johnson, lurk near. all letters must contain a Postage Stamp, b use on the reply. DR. JOHNSTON. Dr. Johntion member of the Royal College of Surgeons, tendon, graduate from one of the meat eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greatest part of whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila• delphia and elsewhere, bait effected some of the most as tonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the oars and head when asleep, great nec. voussese, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfniness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange. went of mind were cured immediately, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who having injured them seises by privet() and improper indulgencles, that secret and solitary cubit which ruins both body and mind, n etting them for either businesSor society. Thee, are some of the sad and melancholy everts pro.. duos by early habits of youth, : Weakness of the Rack and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous Irritability Derangement of the Digestive Facetious, General Debility, Symptoms of fkinsump lion, &a. MENTALLY. lerrawr, the fearful effects on the mind are mush to be dreaded :—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De• premien of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion toSectle ty, SeLdistruat, Love of Solitude, Timidity, dm, are some of the evil effects. Thousand,. of persons of ail ages, osn now Judge wnai is the cause of their decline in health, losing their vigor, becoming weals, pale, nervous sod emaaisted, Wu a singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and imp me of consumption, YOUNG LEN who have injured themselves by a certain practice, In deiged in when alone—a habit frequently learned from sell zomenions, or at school, the effects of which are sightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cared, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his Goan. try, the darling of his wants, should be snatched trots all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indelgincin a certain secret habit. Su lh persona must, before contain. plating DIAIUIAGB,3 effect that a sound mind and body are",the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the 'view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be. comes blighted with our own. DR. JOHNSON'S GANT INVIGORATING MWEARNESL ARDI FOR 011: ° ally this great and Important remedy, Weaktiesspi the girgans are speedily oared, and Nil vigor restored. Thousande of the most nervous and debilitated whit had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. All impedimenta to Marriage Phyeleal or Mental Moquelik• cation, Nei rons, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or the most fearful kind, speedily cured. TO STRANGERS The many thousands cured at this Instlution within the last twelve years, and the numerous Important Surgical operations performed by Dr. 3., witnessed by the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, !folio:lee ot which have appeared again and again before the public, Etudes Ms standing as a //enamels of character and re. wmutbility, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. t" DIAEASES OF IMPRIIDENCL—When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the semis of this painful disease, it too often happens that RD sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re. ipectability can alone befriend him, delaying till the con. 'Motional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the head, throat, nose, skin, dm, progressing on with frightful rapidity, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by Sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveler returns." It is a mei anoboly fact that thousands fall victims to UM terrible disease, owing to the unskilfulness of Ignorant pretend ers, who, by the coo of that deadly poison, mercury, ruts the constitution and make the residue of life miserable. To "Stworasse.—The Doctor's Diplomas hang In his ales. arLetters must contain a Stamp toes on the reply Sirßemedies moot by Mail. oprNo, 7 South Frederick Street, Baltimore. aprl3-dawly All Work Promised in One Week 1 0 . PEN NSYLVANIA STEAK DYEING ESTABLISHMT, 104 Market Street between 4th and sth, HARRISBURG, PA., NIVRERE every deaeription of Ladies' and Gentlemen, Garbienta, Plece Goods, 3yed, Cleansed and Walled la tba beat manner and at Pirehortest notice DODGE & CO., VovB-dawbr proprietors SCHEFFE'BS BOOK STORE, THI RABRISBURG BRIDGE.) UNION ENVELOPES, NOTE PAPER, of six different designs D , printed in two colors, sold by the thousand ane y the ream at City Oash prices, B 4 ids,. . ags,ion on Breastes. Pins, Eagles, Union Rings nys ing Fl es st very low pric Call at, BOREFFEIR'S BOOKSTORE. BUTT TO FARMERS ER ood, sweet and fresh) in one Pound roll s , ,and fresh EGOS In large and small q ua ntities taken at all thrum and cash paid or groceries given la each inge.jkliegaltir market rates always paid WM. DOCK, & 00. ,Ospcsite the Omit Zoos, %Uilil v, rose D. W.:O-ROSS7& 4 1 %indkALIC AND =TAW. GLF,TS NO, 19 M.A.B I AF I ET=STIIEET t 1 ILA MBURG, P.EttiN' A. DRU TS, PHYSICIANS, STORE KEE RS AND CONSUMERS, We, y adding to our assortment of goods all ch articles as are desirable, and would tfally call your atention to the largest best selected stook in this city, of DRII 01011[0ALS*PAIIITS I 011y ti r s nlidkra and Glues, turfs, Glass and :IPinkikv, , , !Dolor' and Tools, Plilhe Ground Spioss, B bald and Alcohol;"' . ' perm and Pine OBA . Vlidsland Lamp Globes, • ie Soap, Sponges aid Corks, Sadie., dm., dm., die., &c., die, Ass 3 ••4 a general variety of P :it 71 $ • & TOILET LiiTIOLES, selected' in the best manufacturers and Per fumers and this country. Being irylarge dealers in PAIfl, WHITE LEAD, ME= OIL, VAIMISHIN, I WINDOW (}LAS S , ABTIST'S counts, PAINT AND ARTISTS UMW • IN VAIMMES, • • BEI AND BBONMEI . OF ALL KINDS, • . - V Q —7----- en D.\., , C., R -.,...- 11:1 '.. -., :P. (D ~D ., 'AR le . , It l't;,, ---------- i 6 1 , 3N*4.* '14R1.,..'..t...:....- We reaptfulininvite Wall, feeling, confi dent thate can supply the wants of all on terms to Ur satisfaction. EETH I TEETH 111 fo;o:4:riVil:ll44DClßFLO:4J:dffis;64N:iii:l PATER MEDICINES AND HAIR RFASTORATI v.HB a Of all hie, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifi and Concentrated Lye Wholeadkents for 9aponifler, which we sell ea low as ian be purchased in the cities. I'HAYERIEEDICAL lIMD EXTRACTS, ai l ow l OARBOIV O.AT, II Being tar purchasers in these Oils, we can offer indinente to close buyers. Coal Oil [amps one most improved patterns, very cheap. .! kinds of lamps changed to burn Coel Oil. FAiIRRS AND GRAZIERS, oee of i a who have not given our HORSE ANDO/LE POWDERS a trial know not that'. en ority, and the advantage they are keeplj Horne and Cattle healthy and in good o4ion. Thoutb3 can testify to the profit they have derived n the use of our Cattle Powders by the inciting quantity and quality of milk, besides iroving the general health and ap. pearancil their Cattle. Om it ex parlance in the business gives us the adyage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, your arrangements in the cities are such thre mu in a very short time furnish anythinppertaining to our business, on the beat of no. Thant for the liberel patronage bestows 011 our ae, we hope by strict attention to budnea careful selection of lIREI DRUGS at fair ma, and the desire to please all, to merit affirmance of the I f aidtmetm PagniOlkl• HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 3, 1861. Illisullamous PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL BLOOD RENOVATOR. Is preciselyi,what ;Its name indicates, for while pleas ant to the taste, it Is tevivifying, exhilarahug and strengthening to the vital powers. It also reviVille!., re Instates and renews the blood In all its orlinal and thus restores and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It is the only preparation ever offered to the world in a popular lorm so as to be within the reach or all. So chemically and skillfally combined, as to the most powerful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted so AS TO ACT ' . 7 1 10 " T A 0 111 0 0 0441 101 WIER TEI &two or wArtran, awn 'imotaslittli filmset Romeo! a*, woe up tha lit. gait - organs, and allay all norvow3 lrTlt ttion. ills also i by trOersrindepitereir n and iri t it i i t s in n n ev m er . posed entirely of-vegetables , d thee: thor r angly edam pining' powerftil WOO and moo g properties, and con a guild) , can never tajare. a mu* prevenddre and aura of . -. '-'4' 90ON8IIMPTION„4 BRONCHITIS, :INDIGESTION, lics- PEFSIA, UV I D! APHIT.par, 19.11j1: VOUS S IR ABILITY, N ' ' .PA i.PITA.. TION OF 111111 MAR r , NI ' , HYPO-' i CHONDREkrIiNGHT 13 ItitTA - LANGUOR, GIDDIDEE44:A_ IM ND ALL ,HAT' icp..v.s OF CASES BO FRANIL IF.AtiL CALLER FIREILIS WEA KINS, AND ..-- iULetITi — THERE. AVitarmortia fisikQuAL. also, Liver Inkatigtaments or Abreldlty;tind Liver cern plaints, Diseasetairthe Kidney, or any general derange ment of the Urinirrargans It will not oulptare the debility naming CHILL.% and FIVES, but all prevent attacks arising from Miasmatic Influences, and. Gott the diseases at once, if already at tacked. ~ irsiwiders she* haves bottle with them, as it will AL rantifiblY l* Went inft dale lone consequence., follow. nig upon changer:C*lllWe water. ...tait prernate iwaliyanas engtbens to. digeslive orgine, it should be in the hands of all periods of seden tary habits, 11.adiessiot.litWasiomed to much out-door exercise shoolkalwayerines#:, *others abooki, ow ft, for It Is a perfect relief, talon a inaidii or tirti,heftirt the final trial, she will pass the dreadial period With *feet ease and safety. ' ?finis Di io =furs Atom re. THE column: ID ALL WE atAisk •ros 1r t i t • • Matters Try A: I • - • i . And to you We Weal, to detect the-illness or decline , not only of your daystars before it be too late, but also year sons and , hosbande, kw while the,former from false delicacy, often go down to a .premsture grave, rater than let their wandldon be known in trne, the latter e nt often so mixed up with the orciteeneof business, ta t if it were not for you, they too, would travel in the ea e downward path, mill it M too late; to . .arrest their f al MIL Bat the mother ' is always viaint, and to you e confidently appeal; tar we are surtilpln; cover tailing affection will' unerringly point you 4.6 h PROF. WOOD'S PASTOBATIVD cultism, AND DLOOD:DBaIuVATtne as ;the remedy which should always bookhailtd in titni of need. . 0.7. ¶OOD, Proprietor, 444 Brasthiritt; New York, and 114 Mirka Street, et. Lon* Mo., and mold by all good Druggists. , Prios One fletlar per Bottle. 1311-daw-eow WIMLESALE UMBRELLA MANUFAOTORY I M. 69, AI4M , Street, below Third, ? PA. Pit AliOliketunß i bv UMBRELLAS, PARASOW sad WALKING OANES, will furnish goode at LOWER PRICES than can be bought in auy of the Eastern cities. Country merchants will do well to call and examine prices and quality, and convince them selves of this fact. aug23-dly. O. F. 1161D-JEINCUEL TRAVELING AGENT OF Tay OLD WALLOWER LIA Ie 1111.113 OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE ,j. Is still in suiteesshal operation and prepared to carry height as LOW as any other individual line Gamma Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williams • port, Jersey Shore, took Haven, and all pointu on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie, and Williams. port and Elmira Railroads. Local Agent at Harrisburg., D. A. 111:1ENCD Goods sent to PEACOCK, ZELL At HINOELMAN, Ns, SOS and 810 Market street, above Eighth, by 4 °Work, P. M., will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery, the next morning. 0. F. MUNCH, Travelieg &geol. JUST PUBLIS El D. A MANUAL MILITARY SURGE KY OH, HINTS ON THE EMERGENCIES Field, Camp, and Hospital Praotioe. ET S. D. GROSS, M. D. •:: 11•;61 tuj, •-•;`ef.• For sole at BBREINXB.B.O3IIAP BOOKSTORS. may 24 NOTICE. 'IIHE UNDERSIGNED has opened his LUMBER OFFICE, comer of Third str e‘.l tad Black berry alley, near Herr , a Hotel. Dr, umber of all kinds and qualities, 13r Bale by W. MURAL The undersigned will sell Horses, Carriages and har ms low for cash. ALSO—Horses and Carriages to - hire tithe 112IMIC office marll !RANH A. id URBAY. EXECUTORS NOTICE. ETTERS testamentary on the estate of _La Elizabeth Thompson, deo'd., late of the city, of Harrisburg, Pa., baring been granted to the undersigned, residing there, all persons having demands against the estate are requested to make known the same to hlm without delay. DAVID Y. ROBINSON, Executor. sepl6-doaw.l3w EMPTY BARRELS. —Two Hundred Empty Flour, Sugar sad Wine Barrels of all de scriptions and prima aid INDIA RUBBER, BUFFALO HORN, RAW HORN and SHELL DRESSING COMBS, of all Mies, at KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE. SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE 1 (New the Ikarriebtwg Bridge.) AP.Ertio r in jIIST RECEIVED from the I•2efie ki ll s a lot ol fine OOMILEROIAL NOTE watch we will sell at. $1.26 per ream. 82.50 per resin for NOTE PAPER, decorated with the latest, and very handsome emblems and patriotic mottos. $3.50 lbrd.ooo WHITE ENVFLOPES, with national and patriotic' emblems, printed In two orders. Please give tiff a call. THE J. P. SCHEFFER, Jratt-d Harrisburg. CIDER 111 VINEGAR. I-1 I MADE from choice and selected Apples, In and stiiin, J!,144 , d by us to be subtly 024 , KNK Dr. Heok's Eestimate of the Safety of the Country and the Courage of its Defenders. He Refuses to Appropriate Money to Se cure the National Honor and 'Uphold the Federal Authority! FREEMEN AND SOLDIERS OF DAUPHIN COUNTY, READ I WhiV the hot shot and bombs Narefalling thick and fast around the gallant band who were de itsUdvig their country's honor in Fort- Aumter, Gov. Curtin had sent lut e ".,:*: the Legislature of the , state r nin session, a message sugges g the better organiza tion the militia, and asking for an appropriation of five hun- Adr.ed thousand dollars to place the state on a war footing. The bill as -it passed, can be found in the last volume of the laws of the state, page 299—and the proceedings attending its pas saged* the House, in the Journal of 1801, page 957. We extract ckhey4as and nays as they appear substitttial on the Journal of the Roue4 ' Ynts,;LlMessrs. Abbott, Acker, Alexander, Ande4, Armstrong, Ashcom, Austin, Ball, Barnsley;, Bartholomew, Bisel, Baler, Blair, lilanchaid, Bliss, Boyer, Breeder, Brewster, Burns, butler, (Crawford,) Byrne, Clark, Cowan, endg, Do: nglass, Duncan, Ellenberger, Elliott, Freder; Gibboney, Goehring, Gordon, Graham, Happer;Efarvey, Hayes, man, Hood, Hans, Huhn, Irvin, Koch, Lawrence, Leiseming, Lowther, Itt'Gonigal, Marshall, Moore, Mullin, Ober, Osterhont, Patterson, Pierce, Preston, Pnghe; Reily, Ridgway, Robinson, Roller, Seltz er, Shafer, Sheppard, Smith, (Barks,) Smith, ( Philadelphia , ) Stehman, Strang, Taylor, Teller, Thomas, Tracy, Walker, White, Wil dey, Williams, Wilson and Davis, Hpeaker-76. L 7 -Messra. Brodhead, Butler, (Carbon,) asildivell, Cope, Dismant, Dlvins , Donley, Ditf field, Dunlap, Gaskill, 3E/30 JEK, Hill, Kline, Lichtenwallner, M'Donorgh,Mani fold, Morrison, Myers, Randall, Reiff and Rhoads-21, Freemen of Dauphin county 1 Soldiers ! who went at the first call of danger to the capital of your country, and who still rest upon your arms night and day around the limits of that capital, are you ready to vote for a man who so lightly estimated the hon or of your country and the lives of its defenders? Dr. Heck is one of the old Breckinridge Dem ocrats who sympathised with and still sympathise with and confide in the course of the trai tor Breckinridge, and showed his attachment for those who are at the head of this rebellion by refushig to make an appro priation to arm the great state of Pennsylvania to aid their overthrow and, its suppression. This man is again before you, and again solicits your vote that he may again disgrace the halls of legislation With his presence and his conduct. He desires to be returned that he may aid in embarrassing the future efforts of our noble old commonwealth in assisting to redeem the land from rebellion by snforcing the laws and vindicating the federal authority.' No patriot, no brave, loyal lover of his country can vote for Dr. Heck. Amor SWDO/ING Banr.—A curious invention for the use of the army has just been ex perimented on at Paris. It consists of a swimming belt on an entirely new principle.— An inverted truncated cone made of thin metal, fitting closely about the waist, is di vided into a number of small impermeable divisions, so that in case of accident to one or more of these the apparatus would still be effective ' • the whole does not weigh more than eight pounds. The experiment was made by the master of a swimming school on the Seine, and a non-commissioned officer in the military establishment, and was deemed perfectly satisfactory. The river was crossed and recrossed by what is known to bathers as treading water, cigars were lighted and the ac tion of using a musket gone through. The swimmers then made an effort to lie down on the river, and even to turn over, but tbe appa ratus always brought them back to the vertical position. Wit. DOCK JR. k CO. See Professor Wood's tetral;iwzkent in anothe alunut. LET THE RECORD SPEAK I=l FROM THE SOUTH. The following paragraphs are from New Or leans papers of September 18 : ESIWRISSON OF MOM Fermens AT NW ORLIANS The banks of New Orleans suspended specie payments at the request of the Governor of Louisiana, who issued a proclamation on the subject, stating that the step was necessary to maintain the credit of the $100,000,000 of trea sury notes issued by the Confederate govern ment in order to supply the means for carrying on the war. The banks are to receive and pay out these notes at par. This action of the banks at once created a scarcdty of small change, the effect of which is thus stated by the Picayune: There was a great commotion in the different markets this morning on account of the great difficulty in procuring and making change among the butchers and market women. The purchasers, or marketers, were also in great distress, as they found their bargains stopped after having concluded them by the impedi ment of procuring the ready. All aorta of plans were resorted to; the butchers offered a premium for change, and on failing to obtain it, made up the balance due in dimes and picayunes by giv ing extra weight in the meats sold, etc. The hucksters did the same, and made up in pota toes, beans, turnips and cabbage for small change due. We learn also that the Lafayette and Carroll ton cars have refused to give change for over fifty cents, and that they now give tickets in return for change. This plan will no doubt be resorted to by our city railroads, and thus facil ities will be afforded to passengers'. It is said that proprietors of bar-rooms, restaurants, &c., will also resort to the issuing of checks for drinks, &c. But the checks proposed to be is sued by the Common Council will supersede the necessity of this. In a few days our new cir culating medium will be in full operation. The city authorities propose to issue small notes of five, ten, twenty and twenty-five cents, for one, two and three dollars, to supply the place of change. PROM TOM POTOLILO --TM ADVANON OP TH3I OPN- .4 - 41).1:W.4111.1:1'1141 A letter in the Delta, dated Camp Leesburg, September 7th, says : "Thank Heaven, our commanders are as fully informed of all norhern movement:ten if telegraphic wires ran into the offices of the departments in .Rich mow; and despite all the threats of Fort Lafay ette, our Agents are numerous and sleepless, braving every danger, and successfully accom plishing their hazardous missions with the stealthiness of crows or blackfeet indians. "Of our numbers and preparations in and around here, I shall not speak ; buteverything is as our best friends could wish. Maryland, opposite all our camps, is in a fever of excitement, and large bodies of men are nightly joining us at Acquia creek, whenever they can elude the Federal craft ; but should the enemy ever dream of advancing into Virginia again, nome of them 'will be left to tell the tale." arsanSNO RIINOR. Under this caption the Savannah Republican of Sept. 17th, says : "A soldier who came up from Fort Pulaski last night reports that an engagement between the Lincoln fleet and the fort at Fort Royal commenced on Monday afternoon and continued through the whole of yesterday. The guns were distinctly heard from Fort lidaski." tainn-coesr pianism The Picayune argues that the capture of Hat teras by the Federal fleet Will prove a barren victory, inasmuch as it has aroused all the sea board States to make vigorotas preparations to repel like invasions. It say : "We but speak of the feeling which is every where manifesting itself in reference to this matter, among us. The Enemy, whether he approach by sea or by land, will be met as vig • orously here as he has been in Virginia and in Missouri. The energetic measures which are everywhere in progress for his reception, under the active and judicious direction of the Confed erate and State authorities, will result, we have no distrust, in placing Ma in a complete state of defense." The police jury of St. Mary's Parish have ap propriated $50,000 to be used in home defense, $40,000 to be placed in the bands of Confed erate officers at New Orleans, to be expended in the parish, $lO,OOO to be applied to supply the wants of absent volunteers, kc. The Mayor of Mobile advertises for one thou sand men to work upon thefortifications of that city. Two launches have peen completed at Mobile, to be used as wast-tuard from Mobile Bay to New Orleans. Fotir more are to be built at New Orleans. What they will be able to accomplish may be judged from their dimen sions and armaments, which are given as fol lows : "These boats are 87 feet long, 9 feet beam, 8} feet hold. Each boat earries twenty-four men, one 24-pound howitzer and 24 muskets, and is handled by twenty oahmen." By Tniq II i t THREE DAIS LATER ROIL MORI. Arrival of the Steamship Niagara, The London Times on the American Loan, Sr. Jonas, N. F., Sept. 2. The royal mail steamship Niagara from Liver pool on the 21st inst., passed off Cape Race this morning and was intercepted by News Yacht. Her advices are three days later. The cotton market of Liverpool closed firm with small sales. Breadstuißs were quiet ; pro visions dull. London consols 931(4,94. The assertions that Garribaldi is going to America are continued, but were still contra dicted. The latest dispatch from Turin declares that he will not go. It is inferred from an ar ticle in the Moniteur that his departure would coincide with the French policy. The steamer Groat Eastern has anchored at Queenstown. The London Tuna in an editorial ridicules Secretary Chase's loan appeal. SHOOND DIBPATCH The business in the Liverpool cotton market has been unprecedented during the past week. The new iron plated frigate Warrior has made a successful trial trip from the Thames to Ports mouth. The London Maar in an editorial on the ap peal of Secretary Chase to the American people or their telbecriptions tothe National loan says : If the rate of interest offered is a sufficient ap peal to Patriotism, any torments ad to the Ildety'of ihyeNtoiont are unnecessary: - it it is PRICE ONE CENT insufficient, the remedy would have been to in crease the rate of interest instead of appealing to considerations, which when lightly viewed amount to little more than a confession of weakness. The people will be more ready to believe that sufficient provisions will be made for the payment of principal and interest on war loans when they see that provision has been made for leaving even one farthing of expense out of the income of the year." The Sec: etary of India has delivered an ad dress to the Manchester Cotton Association and other merchants, relative to the natural advan tages of India for cultivation of cotton. Later From Washington. AFFAIRS BEYOND iHi*POT-01161C. The &bola Still Falling Back. AMERICAN CONSULS IN TROUBLE IN SWITZERLAND. WABBINOTON, Oct. 2 Renewed evidence has been received here to day, that the enemy is falling back on Maneasa,s Junction, making that place once more the centre of operations, as it was before the battle of Bull Run. There is a pretty general impression here that part of Beauregard's and Johnston's army has been sent to Kentucky. The absence of any large force of the rebels from the Upper Poto mac seems to confirm this view. Hon. John A. Gurley is here on business with the Government, in reference to Gen. Fremont's command, of whose staff he is a member. The officers and men of the New York Thirty seventh regiment, deny the charges that they were engaged in burning houses in Virginia, during the advanc 3of Saturday night. They say the burning was the work of the rebels. Mr. Haley, one of the refugees from Charles ton, now here, says that Fort Sumter is pre pared to stand a siege, and • that an attack on Charleston was anticipated by the rebels. There is no war news up to the hour of send ing this dispatch. Col. Max Einstein, of the Twenty-seventh Pennsylvania regiment, was yesterday mustered out of service. Col. Joseph P. Taylor, brother of the late President Taylor, has been appointed Commis sary General of Subsistence, in place of General Gibson, deceased. He succeeds to the position in the regular line of advancement, and, dur ing the disability of General Gibson, he has administered the affairs of the Department so well, that it is very proper that the President should appoint him, instead of selecting a poli tical favorite, as he might have done. It will be of Interest to the military to state, that troops in campaign, on detatchment, or on instant service, will be allowed sutlers, at the rate of one for each regiment, corps or sepa rate detachments, to be appointed by the com numding officer of such regiment, corps or de tachment, upon the recommendation of the council of administration, subject to the appro val of the General or other officer in command. The Government for some time past haw been making experiments with iron wheel transporta tion wagons. It appears that Mr. Bernais, the American Consul to Zurich, has not yet received his exe quater, and that the Consul to Basle will likely fare no better, unfavorable reports being in cir culation regarding both of them. As to the former, it is said by the Swiss authorities, that while editing a newspaper in the West, he fre quently indulged in severe strictures against the Swiss Government, which has "determined not to grant him an exequater until his reported malicious language toward Switzlerland finds refutation from parties - authorized to inquire into his antecedents." PEON GEN, BANK'S OOLITMN. DARIMSTOWN, Oct. 2. Nothing of importance has occurred in this section within the past two days. Isundum, the murderer, is quite resigned to his fate, and appears to have experienced an entire change of heart, through the ministra tions of Father Dougherty. The new pannier ambulances for mules are being tried at the wagon camp. By these, one mule conveys two wounded persons from the field in an easy manner. It is an amusing sight to witness the first experiments with them, and the freaks of the mules in their attempts to di vest themselves of their weighty burdens ; but after one or two unsuccessful manatuvres they quietly submit. The remains of three mutt, none companies of the Nineteenth New York regiment, have been consolidated and three other companies are forming to fill up the regi ment. The Weakly &maid, of Rockville, a secession journal, is dwindling down; and a new Union paper, called the National Union, will be hened nest week. It has already evidence of good support by advertisers and subscribers. A peace meeting was to have been held in Rockville yesterday, but was postponed, the &OW nye , "for obvious reasons." The cold weather of the last few nights has t urne d the attention of the men towards the con struction of temporary fire places in their tents. The plan adopted by one of the New York Regiments is—first to dig a trench a foot wide and deep, running from the interior to the exterior of the tent ; then to cover it over with the exception of a foot at each end, the inside serving as a fire place and the outside end covered with a headless barrel, serve as a chimney. The invention is said to be of Cali fornia origin. Firing was beard in the direction.9f Edward's Ferry, night before last, but the %um of it has not been asortsdrod. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers