geltgrapt. gARRISBURG Tuesday Afternoon, May 7, 1861 • Valor; Entruopite, Note Paper and Badges tan bu had at Bergner's Book Store. FOL ND - Yesterday morning, on Market street, below Third, a ladies cameo breast-pin. The owner can ha he same by calling at our (trice, and paying or this notice. IRS UNION GUARDS, Capt. Yates, Is the name of one of the five volunteer corps, contributed to the State quota by the county of Susque hanna. The company is located at Camp Curtin ..-..-.1. Tns "LOCRIZI , Ours" of this city have or dered their uniforms in Philadelphia, which will be manufactured and sent here f In a few day 4. The "Grays" will then proosed to Washington fully equipped, and with the Penn sylvania troops already In that city, be organ ized into a new and independent regiment. FILL IN a Fn.—Daring the session of the House of Representatives this morning one of the spectators In the gallery experienced a via. lent epileptic fit. The circumstance created a momentary confusion in the proceedings.— Through the prompt assistance rendered by Dr. Hill, a member of the lime, and others, the man was soon restored to consciousness: tN THRLOCIE-VP —A rough hewed spedmen Of humanity, who responded to the Isamu of Alex. Hill, was introdnoed to the Mayor this morn lag, having lodged over night in tke lock-up. Alelauder wasebarged with having been drunk and disorderly, and as he bed hardly yet re ( 0 ered a state of sobriety, and showing a pgna- Lious disposition, he,irsi sent moss the way for forty-eight hours. LOCAL LEGIFILLTION..-TIO *LITAIT FUND.- The following bill was read is the Roue of Representatives yesterday by Vc. Heek : AN ACT authorising an addition tax in the city of Harrisburg. Sac. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Common Council of the city of Harrisburg be and they are hereby authorized to levy and collect a tax of two mills on the dollar, on all property in said city, taxable by the laws of this Common wealth for State purposes, and that the pro ceeds of said tax shall be applied to the pay ment of 'he loan or loans made in pursuant* of resolutions of Council of April 20, 1881, appro priating the sum of 85,000 to; the support of the families of those resident in said city or vicinity who have volunteered in the service of their country, said tax shall be levied and collected for the present year and no longer. I=l CAMP CIITIN.—The fine weather to-day caused an increased bristle and activity in and about Camp Curtin. ' The following are the regiments and unattached companies now in the camp : Fourteenth Regiment—Colonel Johnston, Lieut. Colonel M'Michael, Major Watts. Fifteenth Regiment--Colonel Oakford, Lieut. Colonel Biddle, Major Bradford. Lochiel Grays, Capt. M'Cormick ; M'Kean Rifles, Capt. Blanchard ; Cameron Rifles, Capt. Eldred ; Elk Rifles, Capt. Winslow ; Potter Rifles, Capt. Overton ; Welleboro Rifles, Capt. Niles ; Welleboro Invincibles, Capt. Sherwood; Wilmot Riffle Guard, Capt. M'Donald ; An- derson Light Guard, Capt. Holland ; National Guard, Capt. Johnston ; Sullivan Rifles, Capt. Card ; Washington Rifles, Capt. ,Waltman ; Montrose Guard, Capt Warner; Irish Infantry, Capt. McGee ; Northern Invincibles, Capt. Bradley ; Bradford Union Guard, Capt. Mason. A company from Easton, and a company from Johnstown. Col. Richard A. Oakford, ie the command ing officer of the Camp. Tne St7NDAY LIQUOR Lew.—By the following it will be seen that Mayor Kepner bao deter termined to enforce the provision of the Sun day liquor law. MAYOIe I °MOIL Harrisburg, May 7, 1861. 1 Within the last few days it has been dearly shown that the peace of this community has been greatly disturbed by the disorderly and riotous conduct of drunken men. This evil has increased since it become to be understood that the authorities would connive, for the time being, at the sale of liquor on Sunday. That this was a mistake and a sad one too, the fre quent violatimi of law in various forms amply testify. Its effect has been demonstrated, and calls loudly for correction. With a view of checking the evil, I hereby notify all persons engaged in the sale of intoxicating drink, that from henceforth there will be no leniency ois played towards them, but on the contrary a rigid enforcement of the penalties of the law. Aod I wish it to be further understood, that there is no power outside of the Legislature either to change or modify the law as declared by that body. I sincerely trust that there will be no neces sity imposed upon me to execute the warning herein contained. Wit. H. Zulu, Mayor TUB CHSNIIR AND DILLWAIIII CAVALRY CON. PANI.—We regret that Captain Samuel Davis' four companies of cavalry of Chester and Dela ware counties which were tendered to the Goy ernor so promptly on receipt of the President's first proclamation, have through some over sight been omitted in the Adjutant General's list of companies which have tendered their services, published in yesterday's paper. We understand that Captain Davis has maintained this organisation for upwards of twenty-seven years, and since the recent hostile develop ments in the South, has been in the practice of drilling his companies twice a week until they are now as thoroughly drilled set of men a 43 are to be found in the State. These four cora mice consist of two hundred and forty men who are anxiously expecting an opportunity to enter the service. Captain Davis came to Harrisburg on the 22d of April expressly for the purpose of tendering the service of his four companies to the Governor, and has been hold ing them in readiness ever since. We trust notwithstanding, no mention is made of his tender of four companies in the published list, that the Governor may be able to accept them as part of the reserved corp about to be organ ized and established as a State orgaaleation. GONE TO THE WARE.—We see bythe St. Cloud (Minnesota) Democrat, that Stephen Miller, Esq., formerly of this city, has resigned a fat gov ernment office, to share the perils of the war with a company of volunteers from that State. 1=1:1== RIORIIITB fon THZ GIJASDB. —Ten or fifteen able-bodied recruits are wanted for the State Capital Guard of this city, now encamped at York. Persons desirous of joining the corps, will present themselves to Lieut. Chas. Davis, at the Mayor's office, this evening, and be ready to start for York to-morrow morning. Both our companies now at Camp Scott have received their uniforms, and are in a fine con dition for active service. It is understood that the volunteers at that camp will move toward Baltimore next Thurs day. -••.--- Nzw ReautoAD ARILLNGIIMMI, The New York and Pittsburg Express trains over th e Rest Pennsylvania and Lebanon Valley Railroads, will commence running next Monday—a week later then was originally •'' • raagement Is also iiifigially itt t aid, 44 *I instance, as we are informed, 01 the Central Railroad Company of New Jersey. Instead of the two daily Express Trains, each way, that was originally agreed upon, only one—the night line—will be run, by the following time table : Going West. —Leave New York at 7.80 P. M. Arrive in Reading at 12.45 midnight; and in Harrisburg at LOS A. M. Going East.—Leave Harrisburg at 1.80 P. N. Arrive in Reading at 8.28; and in New York at 8.80 P. M. This line will be independent of the passen ger trains at present upon the Rut Pena. and Lebanon Valley roads, and will stop only at the principal stations. The night traingoing West will be provided with sleeping ems On . the same day this arranMihtintlbeiribto edme important changes of•hourain the regular passenger traps ,00 l tke Reading, East Pennsylvania and Lebanon Valley Railroads will be snarly Communes OF Pomo Saran.--The Commit ;ee of Public Safety are requeated to meet at he Court House (Bract's Ito . ) od riateThura day evening at eight o'clock The following are the names of the gentle men composing that committee : Gen. A. L. Boumfort, John C Lingle, Jas. W. Morgan, A. B. Hamilton, Jacob D. Hoffman, Joe. Bowman, J. W. Forster,. John Shannon, Thos. Worley, E. M. Pollock, John Care, Chas. C. Bairn, John H. Berryhill, D. 13. Boas, J. M. lEreiter, Val. Hummel, Dr. G. Bailey, Hamilton Alricka, John R. Brooks, Richard Hoagland; Wm. P. Hughes, Geo. Zinn, Maj. J. Maglaughlin, J. B. Simone, Win. Dock, Sr., D. W. Gross, D. A. S. Eyster, Geo. Trullinger, J. C. Kunkel, John Brady, John Martin, , Wm. Morris, Alex. Bergstresser, Henry Omit, John Shoemaker, J. B. Hutchinson, R A. Lamberton, David Harris, Joe. Royal, Wm. H. Murray, John Lowry, Lay. Bernhard, John Raymund, Chas. Buehler, Wm. Buehler, Jacob F. Haehnlen, David Fleming. Alex. Hamilton. A. L. Bounifort, President, J. C. Kunkel, Ches. C. Bawn, Secretaries. D. A. S. Eyster, I=l Rzaa's Yx Fr Era OYEITZIL-Why at the Ex change of course, where all who want the finest of bivalves should call, ktaste and judge for yourselves ; "roll them like a sweet morsel un der your tongue," they are fat, juicy and pal atable. Remember, that although Davis is at the Seat of War, the Exchange is yet flourish ing like a green bay tree. t ...--.......--.... A CARD. Ida. Enrroa : —As there has been so many and such conflicting stories in relation to the arrest (which occurred in Mulberry street) and difficulty which occurred between the soldiers and myself, on last Sabbath, and sal have been severely censured by a portion of bystanders, as they style themselves, I would join with the "Buck Tails" in asking, at the hands of our citizens, a suspension of judgment, until the matter has undergone a fan judicial investiga tion, which, let it be distinctly understood, I am fully prepared to meet. Respectfully Yours, JOHN A. Ninricax, Special Police Officer. ...--.....-...-. [Communicated.] Cage artsa, May 6, 1861 We the officers and memberti of the Wash ington Rifles, Tenth Regiment, Company F, return our warm and sincere thanks to the citizens of Chambersburg for thelr kindness which they have shown towards us since we are in their midst. We respectfully return our thanks to the ladies of this beautiful borough of Chamberaburg for their kind favor of pre venting us with those luxuries which we were accustomed to partake of when in our families. And at our homes we must confess that it re minds ba of old times, and they were relished with the choicest of blessings to rest upon the fair ladies of this borough. ladies we thank you for your gallantry and soldier-likeconduct. When arriving and passing through your city we were exceedingly pleased to see and bear the cheering for the Stars and Stripes. May the God in whom we trust shield and protect us, and grant that the flag may long wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave, and eventually bring us safe back to our fami lies and loved ones. We now offer our resolutions: Resolved, That we the officers and members of the Tenth Regiment, Company F, tender our sincere thanks to the ladies of Chambeusintrg for their kind favors received on Saturday last. ?day the choicest of blessings rest upon them. Bawled, That we also tender our thanks to the Rev. Mr. Harden and his congregation for his and their kind endeavors in pointing to us the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world. We hope that it may have its de sired effect, and particularly that profanity and evil doing may be banished from the camp. NINIr Aaaiveis ! Nsw Aiunysis I—Just, re ceived a large assortment of New Spring Goods. We name in part ; 10 pieces of beautiful chal ks, 124 worth 184 ; 10 pieces of traveling dress goods, 8 worth 124 ; 60 pieces bleached and unbleached muslin, at 10 worth 124 ; Also of bleached muslin, at 124 worth 16. Also a very large assortment of Camimeres and other summer stuff for men and boys wear. Also Stella Shawls, very cheap. Brodie bordering, at 25, 87 and 60 cents. Also, a large stock of Cambria and Swiss Mnslins , very cheap. Plum call and examine at S. Lewy, Road's old Stand, 00r. /ticket and Second streets. + Peuttspluattia DaU qr &graph, eutobav - Aftexttoon, ap 7, 1861. BY THE 1 . I THE WAR FOR THE UNION, AFFAIRS AT ANNAPOLIS. ANNAPOLIS, May 7 The Star of the South, convoyed by the Harriet Lane, touched here this morning. She is going to Washington with the 28th New York Regiment. Two suspicious looking crafts are fitting out at Baltimore. They will be overhauled in the Bay. The bth New York Regiment Is guarding the Railroad, and detachments of the oth and Bth New York Regiments, up to the Severn River, suffered greatly from cold and rain since Fri day morning. A large and enthusiastic Union meeting was held last night. Prominent citizens partici pated. Resolutions to sustain the Government were pass. Dennis Claude , who fought a duel with Scott, presided. The appointment of a d a Public safety was strongly denounced. Se cation recalutiosti by Judge Mason, ex-Collect or of lambkin:we, were received with groair and Mama. _ G. Baler left bait Yesterttly e WM' }Tonle, whither the 6th M` went and other troops also Proialailed Strom Washington yesterday. The immediate desti nation is Harper's Ferry. So mush has bans pired. pv:i 3 SwYwz9llarkeY,S;f3Flvllo):l s o Tal TROOPS AT._ TR. MAX HOMO .Barmrants, Hay * The troops, at the Belay lions° are actively engaged in fortifying their positioa on high ground on the weatbank of the Patapsco. One battery combitands thestone,viadact connecting the Washington toad with' the` , Wektaiii road. Another commands the turnpike and railroad on the t aosite aide of the`tiver, which is nu row , pOnt. All ail rittipped and searched it the Relay House. A quantity of military cloth was seized to-clay. The troop are uncomfortably situated, espe oisalfthe Maichrisetts troops, who have not , yet received their ramp equipage. A gentleman who has just arrived at Fred erick from Fredericksburg, says Governor Let cher will order the evacuation of Harper'e Fer -17. ORR DAY LATER FROM MORI,: Arrival of the North American The Canadian company'.- screw steano North American, from Live 1, April 26 :- via Londonderry 26th, arri off Cape on Saturday afternoon at 1 o'ci , where she was boarded by the Ansonia ma news yacht. Her advises are mainly anticiptOriky the City of Baltimore at New York. In the British House of Common the 24th, the bill opening the burial grouts Church of England to dissenters, was • . by a vote of 286 to 166. The French journals republish, the Popesi protest against Victor Emanuel assuming the, title of Sing of Italy. Prince Napoleon has been appointed Prod dent of the commission of representatives France at the great exhibition in London n_ year. The Path Bourse on the 24th was weak Renter closing at 68f.85c. The Italian Chamber of Deputies, on the 24th, adopted a resolution declaring that the Nation al Guard of the South had deserved well of the country during recent events. Gen. Bolds proposed to the Chamber to ad here to Garibaldi's project respecting the re formation of the national armament. The Austrian Representative at the German Diet had been instructed to incite the Diet not to recognize the title of Kingdom of Italy. MISCELLANEOUS. IT is said that a man in Virginia has given Jeff. Davis a $lOO,OOO check. Gen. Scott may give him a bigger "check" than that.—Louis vile Journal. A Naos° Pamo.—A negro panic has seised the people of New Orleans. The negro churches have been closed by order of the Mayor, and all assemblages of negroes, slave or free, have been forbidden. Paasows from Richmond state that President Davis bad notified the Governors of all the Border Slave States who are acting with the Confederate Government, to repair immediate ly to Montgomery, to consult upon the mo mentous Issue before them. Taa Charleston Heronry makes this state ment : "Major Robert Anderson has made it a point at every stopping place at the North to com plain of our 'inhuman treatment' in tiring on Sumpter after the barracks were enveloped in flames. Did anybody prevent hien pulling down his dirty satres?" Tsa Boston Pall understands that a commit tee of a hundred persons has been organized to wait upon those who decline to express their sentiments in the present state of the country. A number of politicians who have not yet com mitted themselves are on their Mt, and will be visited. PATRIC:MIL—An undertaker In Ohio publish es the following consolatory • "Nonoi.—lf a death should occur within three months in any of the families of those whose husbands have volunteered their servi ces to the Federal Government, I will furnish a coffin free of charge. "L. B. Genus, Undertaker." THE number of muskets purchased by Dr. Blackburn, the special agent of Governor Ma goffin, in Louisiana, is said to be 20,000. He also expects toget 10,000 in Mississippi. These arms are obtained upon the promise of the Governor of Kentucky, that they will be used against the Federal Government. They are arms stolen from the United States. WH•T 00111121NETIE • STATE ? What constitutes a State? Not high-raised battlement or labor'd mound, Thick wall or masted gate; Not owes rair, with spires and turrets crowsed ; No 1 Men—high-minded men-- With powers as far above dull brutes endood, In forest, brake, or den, As besets excel cold rocks an] brambles rude Hen who their duties know ; Know, too, their rights, and, knowing, dare maintain ; Prevent the lone-aimed blow. Apo crus h the tyrant while they rend the chats ; These a State. Gan. Pruow, Gen. Ely, and three prominent officers of the Confederate army and a large number of Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennes see troops are at Memphis, and heavy guns aTe arriving there daily. Col. Prentiss, the com manding officer at Cairo, has just received the following dispatch from three of the most pro..! minent citiaeos of Cinchunti : "Gen. Pillow hwesevecal steamers ready at Memphis. He meditates an immediate attack 04 Clairo." — Col. 'Prentiss replied : "Let him come—he will learn to dig a ditch on the right side, I 411047.., I=l ST. JoHN's, N. F., May 7,1861 r Viremorrr has a population of about three hundred thousand, mostly farmers, and yet has made an appropriation of not less than one million of dollars to aid inmaintaining theaters and stripes. Many of our States have done nobly, but none, resources considered, have equalled this. Volunteers, too, are organizing in all parts of the State, and there will be no more formidable men in the field. The pure atmosphere of the mountains develops the sternest breed of patriots. THE Amami/my On WiLLII. —The Venango Spec actor of this week gives a report of the yield of the different oil wells now pumping in the Allegheny oil regions, a synopsis of which we subjoin. The Spectator states that the figures were collected by a special reporter, and may be relied upon as correct. Oil Creek wells, River wells, Franklin wells, French Creek wells, Totals, In addition to the above, there are many new wells about ready to work., waiting for engines, &c.,-and many of which yield oil in paying quantities, but which are suspended for various reasons. The depth of the wells in the differ ent districts is given as follows : Upper Oil Creek, average 125 feet. Central do. do.' 260 do. Mouth do. do. 850 do. ALLIGHANY 11/11116. Tidioute, average 126 feet. Hemlock, do. 275 do. Walnut Bend, do. 274 do. Lower Group of Wells, do. 850 do. Borough Wells, do. 800 do. French Creek Wells, do. 260 do. Deepest Well in region, do. 677 do. The majority of wells up the river have been bored deeper than when first pumped. The wells in Franklin borough are yet pumping at their original depths. Tau PLAIN Or mithisar.s—Tmar latinrms nas Dzaratuorros OF WABIUNGTON.—We find the fol lowing abatement in the Louisville Journal: "On Saturday a gentleman called on us, who, on account of ill health, was recently a sojourn er in Florida, and who has just come through Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama and Missis sippi. He says that the people of the rest of the county have no conception of the rush which the people of all those States have for some days past been making and are now mak ing for Richmond, the headquarters of the Southern army, destined for the conquest of Washington city and the District of Columbia. He says that in all his journey he did not see a solitary railroad train going in the direction of Richmond that was not loaded with troops and munitions. From Charleston alone, during the two days he was there four thousand armed men started for the Virginia rendezvous. He states that these general and rapid movements are not reported in the papers of the Confeder ate States, but he has no doubt that the army at Richmond will prove tremendous in its strength and numbers. He tells us that all the men he met with, military officers and others, spoke of the conquest of Washington as a set tled thing—just as well settled as if already accomplished—and that the avowed determine on is not to preserve the public buildings of the Capital for the use of the Southern Confed eracy, but to , demolish them utterly, not leav ing one stoup upon another." TIE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES OLARKEI3 OILEBRATIED MINA= PILLS. mil' f rows a PrescripZion qf Blr Olarke, M. D., hymcian Metraordimary to the Omen. This invaluable medicine Is outfitting hi the aura of all Pahlitd sad deageromadiseases to which the *male conStitalion is Subject. It moderates all' exams and re. moves all obstructions, and • speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED TaLDIESI it in peculiarly suited. It will in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Bach bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. OAUTION. These Pills should not be taken by *nabs during like FIRST TERSE .JlO2l 7 lTILW.Pmmilv, as they are sewn to bring on Miscarriage, but a t any lime they are sale. In an cues of Nervous and Spinal Affectlens, Pain in the Back and limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Pulpits tion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, hese Pills wil Greif. a cure when all other means have &Bed ; and al• though a poweribl remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. Full directions In the pamphlet around each package which should be careitilly preserved. N. 8.-41.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills, by return mail. fro , sale by 0. A. BAXIITS2I. lye dearly IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CHEESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared 17 Cornelius L. Oheeeeman, M. D.; NEW YORK OITY. apß combination of ingredients in these Pllle are the result of a long and extensive practice. ey are mild In their operallon, sad certain In correcting all irregularities, Palatal Menstruation", removing all ob. struotions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous &Mello ,ns hysterics, fatigue, pain In the back and limbs, Ac., disturbed sleep, which arise from Interruption of camel TO MARRIED LADIES, Dr. Cheesemait'a Pills are invaluable, as they will bring en the monthly period with regularity. Ladles who have been disappointed in the use of other Pills can,place the utmost confidence In Dr. Cheeeeman's Pills doing all that they represent to do. NOTION. There is one easelition of the female system in which the Pifla cannot be taken sodhout producing a PECULIAR RESULI. Vie condaion' referred to ie PREGNANCY— Ike suit MIXIARRIAGE. Sack is Pe trretietele tendency of the medicine to redone he sexual flasetione to a normal condition, that even the reproduotive power of nature emenot rend M. Warranted purely eetpstable, and free from anything inkirklue. Explicit directions, which &odd be read, ac company each box. Price $l. Bent by mail on enclosing $1 to Da Commas L. Oncesnuar, Box 4,681, Past Moe, New York City, Sold by ono :mist In every town In the United Staten B. HOTCGIN General Aral tbr the United GB, Stays 14 Broadway, New York, o *kola all Wislesale orders should be addrAsiel. Sold br Harrisburg by PA. Bantus 0v.29-dawl MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED JUST PUBLISHED ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERMATOR RHICk or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervous. flees, Involuntary Emissions and Impotency, resulting from Self-abuse, 80. By Bobt. J. Cniverwell, M. D.— Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post oak, on receipt of two stamps, by Dr. CHAS. J. C. RUNE, 127 Bowery, New York. Post Office Box, No 4,586. m2o.oindaw NOTICE. Couoas.—The sudden changes of our climate are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic Af fections. ittperience baying proved that simple reme dies often act speedily and certainly whin taken In the early stages of the disease, recourse should at once be had to "Brown's Bronchial TrOebee," or loaengee, let the Cold, Cougk-or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may be Warded oft. Public Speakers and Singers will fled them effectual far clearing and a taengthening the voice. See advertisement. delo-d-swawftm PURIFY THE BLOOD• Mormea's ark Pizza AND Piraeus BITONIL— Free hoes aft Mineral Poirons.—ln awes of BorofWa Ulcers, _Scurvy or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation the Lure Medicines is truly astoniabbag, often removing in a few an every vestige of these loathsome Mimeos by their Meoft on the blood. Bliftoaslevers, Fever and Ague, rojapapeta i , Dropsy, pfiss, and in short, meet ail'Malmo moon iield to their =l , we Prelate** No gamily 's=houTwinld be without them, se by their timely Wig math be saved. Prepared b WM and B. MOBTAT, X. D., New York, and r isle by all aorew-ly DR. DDPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES, uhillible u correcting, regulating, and removing a obstructions, from whatever cause, and al ways successftd as a preven tive. THESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BI the doctors for many years, both in France &LW America, with unparalleled success in every case ; and he Is urged by many thonsana ladies who need them, lc make the Pills public for the alleviation of those aufferinw from any irregularities whatever, aa well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit lt.— Females particularly situated, or those supposing them selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while In that rendition ' , as they are sr. to produce miscartiage, silo the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this eenm olden, although their mildness would prevent any We chief to health--otherwise the Pills are recommended, Fall and explicit directions accompany each box. Price $1 00 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by . . No. Bbla. per day 61 507 69 686 9 51 6 44 ORABLRS A. BANNVART, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa. "Ladies," by sending him $1 00 to the Harrisburg Post OlSce, can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (confider:Malin and "free of pos Cage" by mail. Sold also by S. S. Salmis, Reading, Jonsson, HOLLOWAY & CoWlear Philadelphia, J. Sao 'LebanOn, HAMM H. HtIININIII Lancaster; J. A. Wmr. Wrightsville ;E. T. Ham, f ork and by one t in every oily and village in the Union, and by 11/Vow; We proprietor, New York N. it—Look out for counterfeits. Bey no golden Fill, of any kind unless every box Is signed S. D. Howe. Ai others are a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, a; you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be lug humbugged out of your money ) , buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added on account Or the Pill. being counterfeited dadwaswly. EEO The Confessions and Experience of Pulliam= for the benefit and as a warning and a caution to young men who sutler from NerVOili Debility, Premature Decay, etc., supplying at the same time, the means of Self Cure, by one who cured himseli, after being put to great expense through medical Impost Lion sad quackery. Single copies may be had of the au thor, NATHANIEL MATVAIR, Bedford, Kings county N. Y., by enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope. spl9-3md PHILADELPHIA NEW "..* BONNET • STORE N*', '‘7-' 2- • HAS Oki.g - WITH A FULL essortmon from the Philadelphia and New York most fashionable establishments, to which. durlag the season, additions of the latest novelties from those establishments will be constantly received. MRS. A. B. BICKERTON, Formerly A. B. Carpenter, sign of the two Golden Eagles first bonnet store from the Harrisburg Bridge. mari9.Smd THE COMMISSIONERS appointed under the Act of Incerperationof the city of Harris saris having made a plot or draft of said city, deslgnadsg the streets, lanes and alleys now existing and ope.,ing, and also Where avenues, streets, lanes and alleys shill here after be opened, and also designating within the limits of said sAy a plot or piece of ground, containing not less shin twenty acres, for the use if the public and of said city, for the purposes and uses mentioned in said act ; and having submitted their draft and report to the Clout t of Quarter sessions, or Dauphin county, for the approval of said Court ; the said draft and report have been flied by order of said Court In the office of the Clerk of Quar ter sessions rf said county for public inspection ; and un less exceptions are filed thereto by parties interested to said city, the same will be approved at the August term of said Coml. By order of the Court. myl-dtw WM. MITCHELL, Clerk. NOTICE TO BUILDERS.—The Trustees of the Farmers' High School, of Pennsylvania wi II receive proposale for the and Brick IdesJery, Car penter work, and Plastering of the remaining pa r t 0 1 their building, which consists of live stories Wet, one hundrud and finny-two feet in front, the end wing es. tending back feet and six Inches. The proposale will be received at the Farm School, in Centre county, until Wednesday, the 2Sd day of Slay, 1861, at 11 o'clock, A. 11. , and may be for any part or the whole work. Drawings and Specifications of work may be seen at , the Farm Bohool, at any time, upon ap plication to Dr. PUGh, the President of the Institution. Tee Trustees have on band a large quantity of mute, brick, sand, lumber, ttaishel doors sue windows, iron lint/es and sills, which may be used in the building, and which the contractor will be required to take at coat prices. An examination of the work to be done, and the materials on hand, would be neceseary to enable any oae to bid for my44t WORCESTER'S ROYAL ►QUARTO DICTIONARY ! THE beet defining and pronouncing Dic tionary of the En,gliah language ; Also, Worcester'4 School Dictionaries. Webster's Pictorial Quarto and School Dictionaries for sale at SCHEPFER'S BOOKSTORE, aplit-tr Near the Harrisburg Bridge. MILITARY BOOKS JUST RECEIVED, COOPER'S TACTICS, HARDEE'S TACTICS AND Instructions in Field Artillery have just been received at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. my4•dtf OF FI C E SUSQUEHANNA CANAL COMPAN Y, Baltimore, April 27th, 1861.—Notice nereby given that a general meeting of Stockholders of tide Company will be held, at this toffhte, on Monday, the lath day of May, between the ware of twelve an. two o'clock to elect Officers and Nonagon/ of too said Company. The Transfer Books will be closed on the 6th proximo, and remain closed WI after the election. By order. . . (U. 8. Gazette please publish and send bill to lb. M Abbott, Treasurer, Baltimore, or to Geo. W. Leafier, Pre absent, Box No. 998, Philadelphia.] myl-eodte Orrice or Ina LYEENte Yalta"' Coat. Co., New York, Aprilo, 1861. f THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders and an election for seven Directors of the Lykes's , Valley Coal Com pa ny will be held in Philadelphia at the omen of EDWARD GRATZ, N 0.2 South 7th Street, on Monday, the Ilith day of May nest, at 10 o'clock, A. N. The polls will open at 10 o'clock and close at 2 o'clock, A. M. WM. EIAWKINS, ap64lLawte Secretary. 022221 01 TH2 I.TIEITH' VALLig RAELROAD CO.u Co., New York, April 6, 1861. f THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders and an election for a President, ; even Managers, and a Secretaiy and Treaenrer at the Lykene' Valley Railroad and Coal Commuly will be held ht Philadelphia at the office of EDWARD GRATZ, NO. 2 Smith 7th street, on Monday, the eat day of May nezt, at 10 o'clock A. M. The polls will open at 10 o'clock and close at 2 o'clock P. M. WM. HAWKINS, aps-tawte FARMER'S HOTEL. THE subscriber begs leave to inform hie friends and the publio that he has taken the FARM ER'S RIMEL, in Market street opposite the Post Office, formerly .1. Stahl's, where he is prepared to accommo date them on reasonable terms. Having refitted and furnished the Rouse entirely now he hopes by strict at. tentleo to business, to receive a liberal share of patron. age. raptand] B. 0. PETERS. WANTED TO PURCHASE. ATWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, with back building, located in a respectable neighbor of which possession will not be wanted for eigth months. Apply at [ l ‘ 2 l TtlIS OFFICE. NO IMPOSITION. REVOLVERS AT COST TO SOLDIERS. Sold and Silver Stars, Eagles, Soothes, Lace and Trimming always for sale Also, a large assortment of FLAGS ag - BARR'S AUCTION STORE, ap27 Second above Walnut Streets. SEWING. A. lty person wishing a good seamstress to m o te b o ys clothing, dresses, fro., by the Job, d a y or week, will piano) call at Mr. Maids, SOnth street, sad. door from Front ono*t , In th is city. A CARD TO THE LADIES an Invalid. New 'Abotrtistments. EVAN PUGH. FRUYII. WATT& H. M. MaJALLIdtEB; Committee of the Board of Trustees TH. M. ABBOTT, Treasurer w:.ines of cirranel 86' iiTransportatim. \iorthern Central Railway NOTICE, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT, g AND AFTER ARRIL 29th, 1861, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Newel Nall way will leave Harrisburg as follows GOING SOUTH. AUX/MMOLIATION TRAIN will leave 5t..7.40 A. AL 3r OiNG NORTH. MAIL TRAIN will :awe at LSO P. M. &XPRER TRAIN " 805 PM. The only Frain leaving South will ho the lianiebtal ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, for the present. For further lurormatton apply at the Office, in Penn.' Droita Depot. SCEENEU., Avoid April 80, AC. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD ! SUMMER TIME TABLE 'IVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA• MONDAY, APRIL 16th, itkl, fhe passenger trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Oom. patty will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows EASTWARD. rtiAtill(4ll ERPRESe TRAIN leaves Harrisburg it 1.1 c) m. thd arrives at West Philadelphia at 6:10 a, ta. FESS LINE lemma Harrtabin at 8.20 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1205 a. m. FAST 11.411 ['RAIN leaves Fhrrisbarg at 1.16 p. so arrives at Wen Philadelphia at 6.10 p. m, these Ultimo make clan courototton at Phustdeurotto with tue New York Limes. AtOOIIMODATION TRAIN, No. I, yin Mount Joy, leavett Hartle burg at 1.4 a. m., yad armee at Wen tlattlel pia at FL 30 p. m. ILAB11.9.:111.11t4 ACCOMMuIIATION L tAuq , vla Colum• bla, loaves Hard/Aura at 4.10 p. m., and arrives al West rtillaselphia it 9 2S p. m. 4014JAIMODATION 'MAIN, No. 2, via Noma Joy, 18/LVllet Harrisburg a 4.20 p. m., mitmectiog at filler vtile ILANttLiiiCCRG AGT.AOI6IODATI.UO MAIN, and arrival at Weal ritiLuiciphia at 0.25 p. m. SY E•STSIVAII.D. THROUGH RXPRRSS TRAIN leaves IMlLatelptila at 10.45 p m., Harrisburg at 3.05 a. m., Altoona 3.06, ar. rives at Pittsburg at 12.40 p. m. MAIL. TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. at., Hdriaburg 1.10 p. m., Altoona, 7.06 p. m., aud arr.ves at Pittsburg at 12.20 p. m. Fad' LIRE leaves ehiladelphia at 11.40 a. m., Harris burg 4.0 p. m., Altoona 8.40 p. In., and arrives at Pitts. burg at LOO a. in. lIARRISBORG AtX)011.1101.AT1014 TRAIN leaved entladeipbta at 2.90 p, m. , Lancaster 8.06 p. m. , Ool lamina 6.40 p. in., and arrives at Elarrtsburg it 8.04 p. m. AOCOILIIDDALION TRAIN, leaves l'ldladelptda at 4.00. p. u. , Lansakter 7.44 p. m.,Slount Joy 8.28 p. m. , 81141- betotown, 8.48 p. in., .aud arrives nt liarrlaborg at 9.45 p. in. Attention Sa called to the fact, that passengers laming Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m., connect at Lamastar wttla JOY ACCOMMODaThibI TRAIN, tud arrive at tlarriaburp at 9.44, p. m. .pl 2 60-dtl GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES, 147111 NEW IMPROVEMENTS! AT REDUCED PRICES. THE WHEELER & WILSON ifanufw Wring Company having gained au their Cults it law, with infringing manufacturers of Sewing Mathieu% propose that the public should be beneficed thereby, and nave accordingly reduced the prices of their Sewing Machines. After this date they will be sold at rates that will pay a fair profit on the cost of manufacture, capital invested, and expense of making sales ; such prices a will enable them to make first class machines, and, as heretofore, guarantee them in every particular. In accordance with the announcement above I wit' sell their splendid Sewing Machines at prim: from $45 to $9O for the fine full case machines. It is a well estab lished fact that the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine is the best one In the market, the bast made, sioarimpla and least liable to get out o !order, and they are now as low as the inferior machines. Call and see thein a Third and Market. del-dm W. 0. HICKOK, Agent NOTICE. (11HE partnership heretofore existing be. tween SAMUEL L. GAILY and WILLIAM L BAY, unuer the firm of RALLY k ElitOraßit, was disso lved, on the 2ith ultimo, by the decease of WILLIAM L. BALLY. The humus of the Firm will be settled by the a urviving partner. CARPET STOCK, SELLING OUT, NO. 920 CHESTNUT STREET PinbADELPHIA. lu order to close up the business of the labs Gaily cib 33x•crt.laor, Tueir large and fresh stock of Fine Carpeting., Oil Cloths, &o, Will be offered for sale at &diked Prices. Housekeepers and Storekeepers will find it to their in terest to call, as every article will be offered low. apB-2wd DAVID HAYNES, 110 MARKET, ST. HARRISBURG, Agent for LILLIE'S PATENT Wrought and Chilled iron Fire 'and Burglar trooi JE6ELFMEIi. Strictly the ONLY Mercantile Safe made, that'hi'bottt Fire and Burglar Proof. inur2B4l/3, REYSTONE FARM. PLANTS, PLANTS, PLANTS, For Sale. E. York Cabbage Large York Cabbage, E. "Flat Dutch," Large late Dutch, Apple Tomatoes, best quality, Vegetable Egg, Plants, Raspberry Plants, Strawberry Plante, Gooseberry Plants, Rhubarb Plants, Irish and Scotch Yews, B oxwoo d s , zapenecses, Evergmens, &c Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees, &c, &a myl-d6t Secretary. DR. T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST FFERS his services to the citizens o Ur Harrisburg and its vicinity. He solicits a share the public patronage and gives assurance that his Wet endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro fession. Being anald, well tried dentist, he feeliJateist nvillug the public generally to call on him, insuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with'his services, Office No. 128 Market street, in the house formerly oc cupied by Jacob R. Eby,_ near the MOAN:Leases Hotel. Harrisburg, Ps- • 1578:41.7 CITY BONDS FOR ONE OR TWO CITY BONDS of $3OO each, bearing 6 per cent. interest, being a sore and good investment. Apply to feb44lmd W. K. VElingli. OR AND AFTER SAIDUEL D. YODND daps .East. Div. Senna. RalhviAl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers