tattriaL Ayer's CATHARTIC PILLS. A RE TOIT BIM, feeble and complaining? A .4110 yoh`oaf of order; with your system deranged, and your feelings uncomlbrtablet These symptoms are open the prelude to serious illness. Some fit of sickness is creeping upon you, sod eboald be averted by a timely use of the right remedy. Take Ayer's Pills and cleanse outs lllo rAtkintmOre—purtfy the blood and let the lulu is m% bbstiticted In health again. They stimu late the pi the body into vigorous activity t pu rify the ' 7 ' m Mileage. d cold settles somewhere / 4 y, IPA obstructs its natural functions . These, U react Upon themselves and the surround ing acing general aggravation, suffering and dhlealie. idle In this condition, oppressed by the de rangements, take Ayer a Pills, and see how directly they restore the natural action of the system, and with it the butqant Sailing or health agaih. What is true and so apparent in this trivial and common complaint. la also true In many of the deep-seated and dangerous ' distem egha2 same purgative effect expels them. Caused r:dlitructious and derangements of the natural 7 Tcali of the body, they are raphilY, and many of them sturdy cured by thosame means. None who kntiglbe VI/WO of , these, Pills, will neglect to employ them when suffering froth the di (orders they cure. atatmonnta from leading physicians in mime of the principal Mee, !ad from other well known public per sons. Fronin.intwirdiniaterchanter pt. Louie, Feb. 4, 1854. Your Pills are the parson of all that is They have aired my little daughter of sores upon her hauls and feet that had Proved butirah/elor years. Her mother has been long unmanly. afillott• with blotches 'and pimples on her Skin and in her hair. After our child was cured, abe abet:led your Pills, and they have cured her. AEA MORGRIDGE . . . •-• ,As 41fAmn.t Pnrima "[PrettrDr. W: Cartwright, Newprleans Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellent dualltler surname any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and effectual in their Soden on the Weeds, *Slab make them Invaluable tone in the daily armament of disease. HSIDII3II, BIOS EtEADACIts, Foot Emauca [From Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore.] Don Mao, Area : I fa:MOS answer you wear COM pliinta I ha,* tmiute with your Pills better than to say eff Malmo ever treat with apurgatioe medicine. I place great dependence on an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with disease, and believing as I do that your Pills afford us the bust we have, I of course value them kllShly• Prrrintraa, Pa., May 1,1866. Dn. L.O. Ann—Sir : I have been repatedly cured of the worst headache anybody can have, by a dose or two of your Rile. .t seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect s ED. W. PEBBLE, Clerk of Steamer Clarion. Damn DISORDIS.9.—Liven Clorvunrra. [From Dr. Theodore Bell, of New York City.] Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their purpose u an aperient, but I find their beneficial effects op= the Liver very marked indeed. they have In my puttee proved more effectual for the pure of Mous Complaints than any one remedy I can mention. I iliu m* rejoice that we have at length a purgative which io ,worthy the confidence of the profession ,add the people. DRPARIXRIT op vas livrantom, Washington D. C. 7th Feb. 1868. f : I have need your Pills in my general and hospital priastioe ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate to ea 3)t hey are the best cathartic we employ. Their re g action on the liver is quick and decided, conse quently they are an admirable remedy for derangement of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom found a case of IHUoes Disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, M. l, Physiolan of the Hahne Hospital. Haworeser, DIAEREGEA, RELAX, WOEYII. [From Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago.] Your Pills have bat a long trial in my practice, and I hold them in esteem as one of Ore best ttperlenta I have aver found, 'their alterative effect upon the Dyer makes ttiim la Wettest remedy, when given lu smith doses for 'Bens Dysentery and Diarrhoea. Their sugar-coating makes them very acceptable and couventeot for the use aiwomen and children. thamuma4, Impugn? OF,TUE %DOD jWrom Rev. J. Y. Nimes, Pastor Advent Church, Boston. Dr. Ares : I have used your Pills with extraordinary success in my family and among those I am called to visit to distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and po rgy the blood, they are the very best remedy I have ever bum', audit can confidently recommend them to my trOlk Yours, J. V. RIMS. WAitam, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24,1855. .DR43 BM' lam using year est/arta" Pills In my p_ratficeand find them an excellent purgative to cleanse tnet/ 1 34 1 3 alfdpwrify fhefountains of the blood. - ^ JOHN - G. MEACHAM, M. D. OORMWAXIO3, VOSTIVINESS SUPPRBBBIOIf. RHIMIATISMI OM, - AMR AIGLA, DROPSY, Nimmons, Frrs, wro. Mom Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Damid] Too Much cannot be said of your Pi ll s for the cure of Clomilmulass. If others of your fraternity have. found Memo eflioaclons as I have, they thonld min me In pro. tor the benefit of the multitudes who suffer frosg.Mutt complaint, which, although bad enough in it waif,* the progenitor of others that are worse. I belly. to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect thatorgau and ogre the disease. . pram Iffre..L. Stuart, Phyelolan and./Midwife, Boston,) I find one or two large doses of your Pills, taken atthe r lime,i are excellent promottess of the Natural tioa when wh lly er partially suppressed, and also eery effectual to MIAMI the aromeon and exec. weans. They are so much the beet physic we hare that I:recom mend no other to my patients. riromthe:Rev. Dr. Bawkes, of the Methodistppiempal Putaluallouss, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 6, 185 d. lifosintito Ms I should be ungrateful for the relief your skill has brought me if I did not report my case to you. A cold settled In my limbs and brought on earn. =tin Neuralgia Pains, which ended in Chronic Rhea- Notwithstanding I had the beat of physicians, the disease - greW wo se and worse, until by the advice of your; Omlleat „agent in Baltimore, Dr. Maiteuzle, I triad Pill' 'PEW Their Weeds were slow but sure. By paramerhig Intim use of them, I asynow entirety well. ~ Emus CiLutsoni, Haton.Rouge, Le., Dec. 6,1866, Dn., I have been entirely cored by your of libenmatio Gout—a painful disease that had afflicted Me for years. VINCENT SLIDELL. I—Most of ttio Pills is market contain Mercury, wEek, although's valuable remedy in skillful hands, is danneroila in a public pill, from the dreadful consegeen cen Wsi feequebtly 'follow its incautibus use. These 001111$1utihmeroury or mineral substance whatever. Mit% Ceuta per box, or 2 boxes for $l. prayssiog DX J. O. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Odd by IL A. Bannvart, C. K. Keller, B. W. Gress & 0 0 ,Ja i twohniin & Co., Armstrong, Harrisburg, rites.). - - a prUinidaw —; HAVANA CIGARS ! - al u m vertu compr i mg iiiere- FYas oun 141114 Li IMMO, tom At *On aka ettalitles, %%tarter, o w, Ah and on e * . twilit boxes, Jostretiettred and for sale lo by JOHN H. 7JCEOLFH, 7: Market Street. ME 0 za.OIIOOERIES I X.+ Ao.tta R.... A ,Rlll. VAL 1 AVING JUST RriTIJALNED from the jiji. astern etuie Where we have selected with the 4 ... es ne large and nomplekt Anisortment of so- Which enibrsee anything kept in the best 4 ,• • more restectfally and cordially invite the , east and examine our stook and stoma 'one 10 WM. DOCK JR. & CO. • M. HATTON'S' 4tV.ER Y TABLE. att/bar,/ Alley between Fifth ' and Sixth Streets. pIiAIIt . 3 . TABLISIIMENT is stocked with. RQRSES, OABBIAGIS, BUGGIES, die, ira r trildred on reasonable terms waripyin_. J. Q. ADAMS, art,. ..tgl tzuurnxidamow, .;11121 4 / CANDLES, : CANDLES, tigazanDTE CANDLES, .4 • CANDLES, ,r'r 9 CAL SPEEM CANDLES, TALLOWi .0414DLES. A op i WE &Ma above hi More and for eale[falthe • •WM. DOCK Jl:t. & C 0.,: Opposite th e Cann Aligy..4lkree Hundred Extra Sugar • ii.imllolo. received b r 0 ' • JR. & 00. ' • ' 4l • '• - .1 Att Di: Y uneri9r 11(tiele of BOURBON : fain. and tor little yo , le {iglu .I,u.t. ' li• 74/44 - 1/4114,„ •; 1044. Iniactnanny)) SANFORD'S liviP ;II 0‘; 11[0 NEVER DEBILITATES IT is compounded entirely from Unms, and has become an established teat a Standard Medi erne, known and approved , ft ; by all the have used it, and is now resorted tow_ with confidence in all the diseases fir which It is la commended: It has cured thonsands,f4 within the last two year. who badgiven up all hopes - relief, as the numerou. tinsolloited cattflinties fn my possession show. Mie &Be must beadapf.: ea to the temperament el the individna,takini it : ' aped In look quantities at teact gently on the bowels. LeLthefilittinkis year eaeo I: I. jack. MN. . ' "C" 012i1.‘ J/17001010, 'AMU' WilK sioaesitully as an 01EDIZIA. willoareffiCKßlLlll4CHE of 21,30tY MENVIII, 17 we Tenn atoommeneeineht ALL win) MI? An Orr kivor • .Sir Mi x Witter tn - the'mouth with the ilipwator, and swallavr libth together. nap OEN DOLLAR ,18 !MIL SANFORD'S FAMILY - 'CATHARTIC PILLS oonuturanD FROM PURE VEGETABLE ' EXTRACTS, AND PC ! DP IN GLASS OASES, AIR TIGHT, AND WILL MRCP IN ANY CLIMATE. . The. FAMILY CATRAR- ~ TIO PILL li a gentle on native Cathartic whichlte proprietor has Wed told Practice Moran:tan twenty ' ears. - The constantly Inc win- . Mg domandAttom Moot who have long used...theY Mk and.liii satlifeetion which all express ,la regard - t ' • alaP, has Induced ma to phicei them .within 04 i '. of all,eVi` i" , p-, .I i iir,:i., The PetinatiVell to w . dhigrenfikiheaief an different portione.of ti. -,:. bowekto The FAMILY °AMA TIC - 191.1. with due re Terence to this well °stab- liehtinicOtein.compoini. ded from a variety of th purerilegenimeiltdasets, Which act alike on qvary paivollg t komentaiy tp... nai, and are good and war In alli mem where. , earths le needed, ninth as Deming onetdeat 'aii4,llo( l l, , Pain WO An Bac and - royaisitoitioonen Pc ale irt m end Boman emir MI ~ , ~..,,,,,,,,,, ; . offeafkwilie or wdold in Cho head, an I • 1 7 7- " w" % 1 Cf,r4S eh Worms in Children or Ad- tab, - ,1 , .- - • • -4 1 71 !War of the Blood, and many -dinenniin 4.4 4 . • . 11 Heeh Is heir. too numerous to meld ai MAME .:-citair. dement. 00nn, 1 to 8. , .::14i'.',. t...,.. :::.•••,.."- 2 " 2 PRICE - - - „ Tun Loma bivineuesonwai Daum Oarkme• to Pure are retailed by-Druggists genendly,abd tiold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. EL'T: 'SANFORD,' D., - Mtaddactilieticutd PrpPrietc~,i :. le2o.elisiiid] 836 Brikadivay,-FreirYorki MADERIA, • NVELSH, BROTHER'S OLD RESERVE WINE bodied and fruity. In store and for Sale y JOHN H. ZUGLER, MI6 ~:.71111nrket street, STORACM ATORACM ! "TORAGE reoeived at the,. l # arehotple -Jame Hr waastata. COI EXTRA SUGAR CURED A MS 'or sale by TY:. DOPE. &c 0 ocV22 CITY LIVERY STABLES. 131.401031A1LY At i L u me 2218, RKLI 9.A SL rE undersigned has re • commenoed -the livery business In hia NEW mid SPACIOUS STA located as above, with a large and varied stock o Houma, OARRUGNS and ONNIEUSO, which be in ' tt hire at moderate rates F. n, swARTZr sep2B-dly AUGUSTINE L. CHAVNE. CARPENTER. AND BUILDER. Rescknee No. 27 NortA &cond &red. N. 8,,..1p881NG TIENDND To APPLE WHISKY . PURE JEASEY'APPLE _ln store awl I for sala.by JOHN a. ENGLER. Se 73 Market Street. JMPTY BARRILS: .••••-•Two . Hu idled . empty Flour; Sugar and Wine Sarnia of all de w:3l%om and prices, ; apB CENTRAL NURSERIES. York, Pennsylvania. EWARD D J. EVANS 416 , Proprie tor& Fruit and Omamental Tram, Grapes, small, fruits Rhubarb; Asparagus, Shrubs, Roam, =adding Oland!, hc., in great vailatA . • ! Ordeos tortAnctre-.11. Binall &titan State QOM Rank Will receive prompt attoption„ catalogues gnats on appuoation. nineto-imnaw . R. S ______ OUR UNION & OONSTITUTION' 44 9 1 TR, GOVERNMENT ," By M: sw, Is a work -aoataluing the CONsertrnox 07 int Nino Swim, giving the construe tion of its Terms and Provisions, showing the relations or the several States to, the Union and each other', and explaining genes rally_the_Systeinfir anverrunent the,qouitry. Price AO. *ld? orders !UMW, by .6S-BArria• Intrg:PC , - fetal Agents for Contuse and States wanted. 1 ) Ia.MILISI4I.4IVO d , . ' ALL-HEALING 'OINTMENT t : TRVlTkitittitlii.itl 2 9_ A Radical Reitorainfoof hsenallioPerTirahon : TT is a fact, beyondf.the power of j_ oonnadloikek, Bunn Is Infallible in the care of Burns, Broadi, NervOria Diseases, An t Tunsorsi riles, nororong, nrystpelai, ChlUnlittii4' Bare "'Eyes, Q,tilasi, ; Orbap,_ Rheumatism" f Cold. I 1 Cold Feat, LlteT:Paka3ll, , , A ili hnlift : 4 ,41,4 wi• DIBEABES:O - 11TRLICIEEST.' i ; eat lit s o u : - - _...tly formed ( All Healing, for there b a scarcely Disease external or .ipternal that It will not benefit, :-,. , v. ~viti? ~ . . For sale at thtkirinff Deplett ' '—` . ii ii,* ' N0.:1.43 Adman Lit/turay;iNva•Zolr.' ..... 6 Anti byail Dregiteta throng4ont the qaiteaiiitabs. _,,...ri Tee i Fulgliireet o ,N, Y. .1: Agents *entail linmedhitilil tosi p introduce lt,h li. ttc,lt. t i ltee, who may receive it on liberalteraatalos: ,i'S mare dam I ..• • NOT - Ift I-- ITHE - 17NDERL3IGNED ;hiss spOned -14ClifB. OFFIPIC, corner of ' Thled*eet and Blaab -1 P*T7 ll 1 1 49. near gairr's - Hotel. I pry =par of all ltindaand, quall;lat' for We by Bell Rcirpea;gariels“' ges ) :Find hair oes biw forleatil 1(A j0..2 4 - T 7 AM- 4 10** And..Carrisen . iothire qpnie office 'HARK d. NVIRRAY. PRZE9L.IISI I / 4 !eV every Boniniaie and dare each paokage warranted: •• • • marl I I b - 1 ; - RIOrGIARDEN and FLOWNIR SEEDS. i The large spok ',Lep e i tyM t rlo, o 79ll4 V ro n it*, ge l papers if Ore e i3ont.t tapori or muo Ds :k atTN.p, -110 liarkeidtreeL • marl24l* , ~ . 1 )F... ORTY ...13.0XES In-prime order jlaiiirlie ceivediziwgitse 0 1 ) .•_ 1: ; ii . a 1 Q-•• „..0 . wii, ammr. , 1. Airl 11111 e r d'ataofigent, .Igarftrfailea at. e 00. 4L i ltli ..„ ES ~ 2 . "y i 77_77 ptititopipattia at 1R ittlegrapb, • Judgment guide you in th TOR, and it will can iktspos, DMITSUICIRRON PLAIIITEI t )11, e 4 Difel , .• • !„. , A...130P0s 1 " Y • "Pl ai t "MI/1 ' 1 411,4 , RN am.* • ", . (u thousands oan testily} 011.111=111 TIMPIXINVIS • attack.- - • their Ceetheney In Its .—,r.so— 41 act WM. DOCK JR. & 00. V. =Ma UM . ~}i~icat 211C.A.V 1 F.ELIT'8 ' LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX RITUAL ►HEBE MEDICINE 6 have now been be fore the public far aperiod of TRU= .YBARB,and during that time have maintainLd a. high ebaractsr in al most every, part of the Globe, for. their extra4dinary and Immediate power of restoring veriest health to per suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable; . The fol lowing are among the distressing variety of he mile diernusets in which the VEGETABLE _LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleaning the first and Becond.stottiacbs, and creating a Sow of p healthy bile, insteait ef the stale and norict kind Tv, LEAVY Loss of Appetite, Reratbarn,Heatachd, Bast lewniess, i ll - Temper, Anxiety, Languor end &knobbly, which'are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, wlll-van' 'eh, as a natural consequence of its cure. COS,TIVENESS, by cleansing the whole look of the Intestines with a. solvent process, end without vio lence; all violent purges leave the bowels Costive within tWo days.' • - • • - .PEVERS of all kinds,. by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the proceed of respiratka in each cases, and the thorough solution of all intilitinalbk• sltiktion in Takers: • - • ,1 The LIFE MEDICINES have been known to cure pennanently in; three weeka and GODY le half that time, by removing local in ' SammatiOu froriiihe inusciesandligablentant thejObtts." "' DBOPSIES of an WINS; by:freeing and - Mg the iddriiipand bladder; they.operatemost d folly en .these *poi - teat .ans, and hen*, hart ever been found a certain re medy for - the vecirlit. 61118 ail of GRAVEL Also WORDS,' by dislodging-808 the 'turnings aS the bowels.the slimy nuttier _to iwhksh thme•creiturse SCURVY, ULCERS; end ISIVETBRATIS SORES, by the perfect purity which these UTE =T- O NES give to the blood, and all Mob:pore. • SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD commis lONS, by their elterele effect upon, the d r uids that teed l hi - eldif; and the Merblitstate of 'which aooastoba.all eruptive complitinte,%istiloW,laleudy; and other Alegre,- able complexions. • ' • . The use of these Pills tot a very shop, tim e effect nentire cure or sALT unmoDA add a Striking Int prevenient in the - clearness of the skin. COMMON- COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cured•by ona dose; or by two in the worst oases. • . • I PILES.—The original, OrePrieter of these inedininei, wta buted'of Pll6e, of 35'yearettending by tWaserof the HEDIUENICS alone :- ~j. SEVER AND AGUE - for this ecouile, of the Western lieestrY.• ilisee..llestielltes. will be found .s. sift , , certain remedy,. Other Medicines have the 8,0402 1 " snidest td I ; aturn efthe 111Seastea curebEypthhese Medishies permatuad.:-TRY Tatilif,ißM SA TIiIFIND, AND ,Bff GORED: . • !madams FEVERS AND LIVER DM PLAINTS.—Nnusa Dmarrr, Loss or APYITITIN and Iklatetan' or Putans—the -Medicines. have been used with the most beneficial results is meant this descrip ten.:—Kina Evil and Serefula, to its worst girms, yields le Ate mild yet powerpitkotionef these remarkable &Nis: Night awaits, Memaii Debilltl , LNerentil Co n- Walete of all kinds, Pelptiition , of. the Itearti- Paint rs? Iloilo, are speedily cured. BIBROURIAP • D15.E.A. 1 . 1 044.0041 1 11 conatitniicnriarve - bemire Impaired - byttortandiciidis" Use of Mercury, will and these'lledloines spirted cure, as they never fell to eradicate from the argenli kit the effects of Mermiry ladnitely sooner 'heaths most power preparations ohlarsaparille: Prep tared mid sold by • W. B. MOFFAT, 836 Broadway, New York. iersele by Druggists. • t .dawlv V I6I.RH AV , zw Hand Bitters rOR rvirspET)Rnt.A., Liver Camplaint, Fever and Ague, &c. ; Ins successful introduction and um of tide ear bmted Remedy has been. the sign ed for a Metal good of oompounde called "Bitten,' oflbred to various fame, from a quart bottle to a ilvoitallon 4., until this word "Bitters" Pcbeit astAbile name for grog," or some villainous tr)iftnertare,........ But the mo ll y great f arlverilnnet tlte 'Warne - ,MERITAYST ITOXLMnirnletS i o and The natter absence of prixhistiewhu eita. Wished ibr it a reputation whisk the host ofludtations and onarteribita have hiledtratuallormhm.. /Us poet. lively a vegetable preparation, with barely stakeout D sairltato preserve it.. ' Tut - on era of the genritne, Inittles,) price oz:lgtrarz. It ha medicine of long-tried erMoaeor for Purifying the BlBod, 80 essential. • Inuadation of good health and for oorreoting disconlers of, the stomach Twp octhroo dixipiOr t a ita aalatarYstredi*A th stren, a healthy , . aia3 of 4he 7:llilßtowele end kidneys will seem: - Witt t oad health be the qelek rteult.„ , For LirDIEtEBTIONI Try Beerhave , s Holland Bitten. For .1111.AIZTBITRN, 'Try palms% Holland. Bitters. For ACTDITT, Try Berhave , s Holland Bitters, For WATERBIL9.B/1, 'Try Barbara's Holland Bitters. For HEA.DAMpiI. Try . Beerha*e's Holland Bitters. For LOSS OF APPETITE. Try Bierhave's Holland Bitters. For COSTIVENESS, Try Berhares Holland Bitten. For Rum% Try Bowline's Holland Bithmrs. In . all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affec- Nona, it has in numenme instances proved highly beneficiali . anit.hers abated a decided mire. . The guanine, liighty - concentrandßainaiut's Hob. LAM) Imams is put up in half-pint. bottles only, and retailed at Onillollar per bottle. The great demand for this truly. celebrated medicine has induced many imgatksis, which the 'public should.. guard. against . Betoare qf , iptsTi*tri IVelkit our name ison e .ja 1 407•11,10u Lf ....s we - ,Benj. er. &Co SOLE MANUFACTURERS, PITTSBURGH; ➢A • • re Por i - pile in the city of flerrish,...rg dy10,..W. GROSS:* .mBOrd—eettl-tairly , . JEWELRY, WAINRES, CLOCKS, -- - 8 FANCY ! a 01) , & C. *IERED:F. EliliEßlfilli sk• 00s .., • • • „0.. SZ. laliliatSTSEST:,. X.Eariiabuirg,, , Pa., opposite , limm'a Horst and ,ad joining 'the: ma limatt„ having . purobseed; the .stock of K. P earrings, and added a large assortment. of, NEW JEW-, Fi, we wlll,OOll the same al the lowed cash price, and : iolicdtpatroneile.-:... L ... . . . ri Watelme, 14000 and J ewelry neatly and, promptly re ind an delivered . • -- Artirp . . ifir l yzonaißl,Lor aco , : ~•- “ ii i i .t•:..... , r--tT7.., , r : • . - - ) Miming life ed of my stock of Jewelry to A. F. Elm- Merman & C0.,.1 eheerpdly recommend them to my for- Mer customers as practical and experienced Watch Illakerai ttled johlototthern a. coethlUMMe:of the patron igtl which ban been ao generously extended to me during the last nix years. ' , " i *129 , ' ' EM:FJ! F. TEENDIGO. AL the Ninth Rihthition of the Maas: auras* Mechanic Araociation; 1860, fIESERB. °BICKERING & SONS , WERE AWARDEDI, THE Gprai ~M EDAL ioa TEM MST GRAND, SEMI-GRAND I & SQUARE PIANO-FORTES; • - ma rex oimy A I g I iVER MEDAL,iAL, / BOA THE BEST UPRIGHT PIANOS, WM. KNOOII..E, SOLE AGENT ,FOR THE BALM' OF MEM EIANOI, ' *O. NE I , I FAit*R.T. gARILVD3PRIL MUSCOODUAtI , 1 r64W/fki 111 *7.% ?iv- ..„ -Inc-poet If.. 1311111 Ottbicil. CEPHALIC PILLS CURE SICK BE ADA CHE CURE NERVOUS HEADACHE, CURE ALL KINDS OF HEADAOHE• By the use of these phis the periodic attacks of Her- VOW or Sick Headache may be precemted; and if taken the commencement of an a tt ack Immediate relief from pain and sickness rust , be obtauied. ,They seldom tail in remoyi ag Kates andHeadaohe to Which females are so cabled: the y act gently upon thybowele removing Cratinettem IYMlttintry - Min Etnitteita, Delicate Winkle% and ail aerselii- sedent ary habits, they -are valuable as a lamii,liiiprevtcg me aresoni giving sem AID. Nstol to the ettgeettti.OUP l2l 4 d RAgtOrqg 1 ( 1 , 1e .' WWI I 31P:14A city. and strength to thewbal. syntem., Pn.a Won and 'MAD' Deadatiatdmrjawiewmurrneottog In use 1111.1D111277731MiditrIag which *neva hit .. 2w . vented and Ca a mask amount o( pejo nrad frorPa Patch% whether tiVil4= l,ol V4 ' tem tirleb ilerangnaittate thei . ' - ITlcer iro entirely *eietsaitelu their eMnpeeliklai-itati. may be taken at sUttyriesl with igir 4 4 0 11 4110 200 i 1 4. Making any change pf-ellet, and tha, mm , dim, gmeib'e WWI* ii - eaty Miami Umeto Atria .BEWARE 011. OOHNTEFaiEfTS The genuine have Ave Arnett:item - of Henry O. Spalding on.each box: Sold by ;druggists and all other dealers in medicines. A Dox will be sent byres]] prepaid on receipt Of tits" P Cal TWANTY-FlVit . All orders,atraulti be iddralsed, to. HENRY SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, New York. THBi:OLLOWYG-,lailOggii 6 ikEY SPAL:DING'S CEPHALIC PILLS co?N )(AWL y am . IVO.) oF• r. 4 ,strt.Old HEADACHE, MAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THRIR,LNAPH, ilnthew- th e y were uml.a Mr. SP,&L.D. ipro, they egrord eneyseseffewaM . Oa .4i: 4 . CoNIY ?Phil truk. fitotnle ~ x • -,• '• ' 7 irk h ..„:1111kniw . lim' r tlit . 110) e . P. RALDENIfiir;: .17-71,F...i't7 ; , _ I have tried your Oephille illtskeili Übe 0144 1 40 - fie& that I want you to seed me two donors worth more. Part offhese are Ibr the neighbors, to whom I gave a thlrfl ittest c ha I got., E. L, .7-.,.‘ *Pero b7.f.Tr`i N ou " 1 4 14 44.„ .tt t ..._ JAMIE Y. —... 1 - . --14-Tzglirt Fab 22861. !IP.'Orm.Drea4 ' -. ...- •I 1:"i• 4' 'V ;It I wish you to send me one more nos of your Cephalic Pills, 1 have ree eined afilvai 40 11 if bOtto o frOXI thew. . , ; r.l4 ei k e ZrijiN/F 4 J9 l l4lki ' Braeos Claseci, Huntbeidon Go., Pa., I _ , ,lonuary IF + lBOl, , I ll.p. grown; - ' ' - 77 i'',i , /'7,`N ," 1 You Will 'please send me two boxes of your Cephalic PHIL , feid them 1 ,. m me nee - L,,,JIIM I . (014:- - P. 3. haii OledFirtWNWy , fie Pilliiidilud them excellent. .._ , ... ; Huai VOilonr",-.oblo,Alt/14 WWI hoar 0. SPALDING, ROI,: Please find enclosed twenty aire cents, for whirl send ins ane4her bOx or Yirt , CePtialk ) P 41, 1. , - 1 71r‘ 4 1 - , a 4l l rfie be 4 Pais .4 11 4 4 . ••'; Dire& ; • • NOM. _ Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co., U. limou.r, Mass., Deo. 11,1840. • H. O. Brouuset, Esq. I with for soma ciroubirs or -tarts ohcricbtils; to brlOg your Clootallo tills more psilioularly before, pay.-assto:. mere. /floe her) el4thleil or the 1 4tIN - Plfee f." 1 10, oMe, , ne of ray oustbmarii;iiho II isubjat' to 6.saii 611 ok 'Hisdittor s (ritudlyloatiog two &is) wag cured of an attack in boor by your Pills. wit list or • ilmmtaboannut, ZiankibiA3o., 01/toil, Antler'' 4 044. . . No. 48 Cedar Si., N. Y. ' ' -..- Daar Slr : _ • Snob:sod end twenty-live ettair, (20 crtdch.aend box of "(lopbalio l'illa."!.l3and to mar asa Rey. Win. 0. Pillar, Repnolasburg, Franklin county, Ohio. Tour BTU work 11 . 71 char m--cu re limidacke atitose instanter. • • - ; Truir WY FILLICIt. •. • . Mi1i1.,11411. 14 1881. Ma. BPALDINGI i. UR: . , Nat lonrelnce I sent to , you for a box of Cephalic "rile for thecilre'of the Nervous Headache and Coalltionias, Mad recidireirtha name, and they hod'eo pond as ebelthat ;Iwo ikdiseed toiendrlbr more..: : . Please send by return math Threat to.- . . 4t• R 121125 .c. • lf 1V11: rollinn, inch [From the Emurdoor, Norfolk; Va.] Claphallo Pala accomplish the object for istlisk:Miey, were made , Ida : Cure of heidaohelti all It: alarms. " =WI Erroill the Eztiattneeitorfelk, Va.]. They hive been tabled In more than a thousand onset, with entire enooesi3. [From the Demeet4,' St.'aoud, Minn.] . If you ire, or have been ,tionbled with the headache, send for a box, (Cephalic Pilla) eo that you toriy havie theta la oageof an attack, ; • ; (From the Ativerti eer, ProVi'denCe; it : 1') , , r - . , f .The Cephalic. Pills are.said to be a rem4l;sliti sired.. iee'reojedir for the heldrache, and onebrAtie Very Most, ter' that eery frequerit eoreplehat *MA • has ever -bee n! discovered. • . . .. .... ; ;. - -3. . [Pm!? the :Western R. R. Gazette, Chicago uj Wa enaarbe Mr SisaPilgt sni t 4i . anrtv4lte~ I W h l lk • - . . • greatthelCiutiwtul.VallW Shirr KellaWha t Va.]: , „ .- . , , .. .• We amain* that peksoda sheering with the healliehe, Who try tliisaii,;erill stiok to theiti:': --'-'; - - „, :, - , WA single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED' GUM will save ten times its cost annually:vs ' • SPALDIN nuittiißAß PALDIN( ;S . ,; PREZ6.IWO :41.4tV gp.a.i)ThiG's - yAgx4d* HAVE THE nlOlO I 6.130'..10MY •• :VIEPAIII4 • 4110 1 4Larrraz ifr sonentuti.P4ol( .; 4sficsidents *appep;ein 11;is trir7 hireersouo,. chap ititd' bonveitßtat Wad tot rept t bitl'ainitate:Toyoloarotttorniga; I r 11,1. dietoittilldue/;tissitt l eitiiiiitNett4otoolseholi t oin to be tisithoutat. 44t0. altmio -Nadi sod Adagio sibak,, point otraFUL OrtViEtlr'itOtriat' litptty lat itotOolies'ettat bOttill . addhotiC - RIMY C SPALIIING,x i No:Attattoiltreoll, Nowitork. CAUTION.. _ de certain unprincipled personearealte4tliV"Pidd off an : th e ansuafocErig per Dc,indtationa •of ?PRE PARED aunii, I would :carillon itwpo t oont t o exam * bow l purchas r deett Gintadp . t.pA ri a,„ tkdti • 'SP apiEsi elfew•-idocietr-b-i6,61146101 , so w n a tetd. at eatEr4. '4l t'l r raiL4 ,v 3.114 441:m614,4 111 Dyspepsia Remedy . D 11;, DAMI.F.S. HAM 'S AROXATIO IieVICIORAT/Ne This Medicine has been need by On Sias fir M" , iteoreaseg /mot. it nenesinsmati to Mari-Moine, aii 4 Atims . D lCti IX= or Runs he the Bowe; Miad ( milet Mancitsces, .011111" 0/114- Saints, 4pirits iwww -111rensons, intineviet IMMLIaI, BERWIdIIIIIS sue was. netibetaixiiiii - ottis' . •- . • itA. MEDlGlNErit . itripick nd effect*. a, curing titePaing„Mitri We ( . 1 DY ll Piiimds. dully Complain tit, eau all otner deluge ant of the gloms& ant BOltelic hs a iipeogr manner. It .will yp,the most.. 111811M0 SAII.I drooping KO* sod s ait the ' d 1,1 .taginalthi stratigth wno, tom ititneisidielinie use of liquors, have ad tbiW isMets erPitians shattered, "StUriNhinit% itrfn l / 4 041 4 , .letlthat. horrible . - *mint will, almost edgedyi feil 4W happy sad lesl air blViaoratlO sox. Ilswertinv*ot , I iiciaLtaQuiiiimistiitraidis meal en monies* , 1 (ssieyisss will remote eltaskik,*Asih , ~ 1 One does Will Mire Deaft-birn. ~ I Three Mies wiliquoslialgostims, .. . , I Clue 4ese vi l er) rut pi Gm* 4gpmite., . • DitiAtobst'ir shop ittiese4 pans of Dyspepsia. • One Mr rsinsieWtbe,dAtiwleg emit disagreeable : igrooti ilir dof flatureptc, and as soon as the atomoob ,swel 'llniigmeit the iilittraining lose hal '2l.lal ". reigt =l4eillathebteorc lo ll4' 1.2.44/110111110b 011: /1145 11 1.; .:i ....,, L.. _ .- A few dZr ffy l =all oltelesseimss in the "hey,. ' 1 gfrin,_,_ wh o". a . with any. kidney Oompiew ' by a dab or two, Meht:ridlbilbure by Oki seb one or two bettll4. • ): ,:• .....IAIGHTLTrADISEI/PATIOI‘ . . . Pl a s " . ..F h P I A .1 1 1 1 / 4 1 ' . 10 .411111".$ WS ninolcover night, and teer the'evu menet giebeetele thibmi, to vieleht bead Aches, dolmas at stomech„:i.mmlenees, • 41441nmes, eest., wl/1 2ne one dose will remove 111 bad Wows, Leee er ligiel4l44oeltlyseiwits24Mee. stioWillatie'tege binds Spirit threekowcailey . ; it *lll mate teem ioi r jirletonvidowslPOStnietiontlind IMO . MPPlit9rl o /". blaom et' en4beentylo OW emelserti Noe. +be Min 111 12 481 1 20 1 $1011111beletuitton bormashiensem. I rmoto gl i MiltrimmUL Alf' ir ilds, hit aal-Pla PP OP' PPOM'AIP ' 0, 1 44.-4 3 ,4 1 00 n 60 • osehiditerto $ ' . fhlnetel - 441546er Etiribit'i;lll4ll = 4 ; 41 - .:' • ' • ' M ai rta r niFi di a l / 2 v i r. EIL.'-al• and tor In b .yU. A. b .D. W. Orme b Co.: elia CAL ~ 404 bymll beeltitiliteaTterwhere FABEEIONABLE OLOTHINEh siquiro AIM kepta watts Ift PRILADIELPHIA SASEIONS. STOZEIB' ONE *10:04-.4t-FT CLOTHIMIEMPORIUM No. edr 70747.12/M7. A superb stook of ens rrenah, Ingilah and Amtwican' CLOTHS, •. • • and VESTINGS, tor city arid' aosnirt Wade, with an tutapprwiehable as lartment OL RpDT. *ow %own _at Ms lowest; mak prime Ifiritie-07111/kPßltattssakidvaid Girt at dorm* warm QRycyrassato4wAh attlola sokt I raft! ,Itiftr tertba 'Miramar department,' ina.garnants snide andsadt tteakdexiasnrst. • i ii rd y inagar w .1711er t g I ,:iguteu itana au LOW Inds ti ttiAniWa #0 ,0 4941 0 4 is - dsdnated from , sadrnmi &ado& tU prid - Ist tail aril: tits sold. lib immatseq>nidoessing rwlewassbanchim.: fa==erally, aid at the same gina to realise a 4 001111Lk- - . Arikießrair'ErS ititr!-Pi tl u*VgsF!". • ! .1.. • GMAXitaith:StOletiA' - • QIN it !RBI OEN T GAR 081 17 M P°4l94,4—rAziarer4W • . FRESH - ARRIVAL • ; • >33;u1;;;;.00i;N, out piwoulam, • • t i n Minim Fav•Bwis, Warms PIAC, die , & O. Jwt received dad for sale at the UMW CASE 1411C&S: . WM. DQ4111...111. di CO. irfandrignetp.OgptgEßOTTAL suittimit ;it re sa reiv i mad his Praeger' it 'Street opposite -3 eortitir-11o?.; wheri•lais isr ea lla,Pie , ! B !*k° rAt? w ratil t a ire his r laaP. • tr . * D - s ca! gaieu, flows, ftaglilaulOPurge V ian t iti e S ' OrdittipbrtmeatOf gollubldertes. • ammo ad s troder 011fecentrediggLawd quality. Gentlemen,' a Bogyaar d 0 d 0... do mcthir ~ Oalislmerei,l3allnelts,hans, Aditeverythlnglor ifewand.noya wear. Gentletaints' . _ 411 goals; witlinat4ndlnotlon • to style Or quality. wlll' 'be sold at a very Allgllt "prance, and less Ituto, cost of im portation Ao :RoTe r• " °A i m dOito r ib a-B biniii 2 , . _ Market kw& •Zr-IZIX-iX413131661 - QtrnioE, , , CURRANT, • PEACH, APPLE, BLACKBERRY, 1 I.,..CIRANGE;, RASPBERRY, Just, sassived ItunieNinir Yerksna .warnitiksd gnaws. Hue. ~..ffet4a. Wnl fun; . SOOTORIi./SKY-4 . ()AN41131:1100TOB, • OrtMAlTtioaf o are liri kaik • jam ,„,,a c 'DA (IZ-i:• 7.s3dinlg MAIM FOIFTItE 1 8EASON.-: FLAVORIMi firritAoll9.'-' • 1 : 1 = Vanilla, beat In market, Ilme, Lefton, .;;1 4 1 1 10_41PPIN 1119;extides Parsley. Purapitthedllose Wait* ," . Pkg 4aluog,S o W3 • . , • - Yore Orem Tartar • -• .. I ... Attralftrip *elk • • limb Canary Herbs. • ; • iiiiff,rAgEt , s DRUG 4mntz, ; lal.maVfgallfTe4c W. .A. , R&TOMMORILILUa XY/11, rWSLIWAVIAI.4.II4aBt L-PTS (hit 119 fl a siona"=ritTralif . rdra it i di wthi t i rta Hatr—remediee the absurd and is effect of Bad Dm, and invigorates the Hair for life. None are genlifini Ambile 11; E= . - - • ... .. . • • 3.l.olth iz ir 0:24, i f.,, : iii, A .0441f: 4 and ieittlion ' ' l ir in Elfailllttkilirital -, gr. M A r tiV L I ilvidikanLaidotbk.itthe ibtteseett.iour WO gt ru letrauPdithenk ie rkftlY wrre °I! 4 th, my a upon them rdlnf tolawe.' ,ht '..-..:,. ..: t.., 1, vr -;. at . fIINDMIXOLUAKK 1 „ ...,,,,,,,..,,,„,,,Arfttr,li,i,irr ti ,t . JUST , - REC.F.XVED T A:* 0 4 1 1 e l .0:1 :Tilto 8 Z ntit . ' PRINTED 97( alZaakr_RlP fitnijrl9=fltpliW i t i vlV (amdre.,,,„4 ILLY • V e r 4 ' 14, 31 MA il 0 ze0r.43. - 4 Vatint dawn ao*, - .al:4@.4 o as .f.=ol ad 4 . c.0x, -41 AtiticaL _ DR. JOHNSON .113.ALIAMMICAXI.Z I LOCK HOSPITAL, Htte covered the ui mzet w ee ori r d tt f t o il r , apeed) DISKAMB OF IMPRIMEScE. • UTTXI7 D MX TO 'MULTI ROMIG. N o INeacury Tar Noxious Drily,. ggir.i Can Waaaairren, cm so Clumsy, or- Two Dars.-sa nii.dt tin la Weakness of the Batik or Umbs, Strictures, Ki t the IcLne, Affialikloa of the Bidnerys end Bladder, t r p elt . the weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of tbe Phyd, ",;;' ars, Dystspda, Languor, LowSplrits, coal:mo n Pall Dation of the Heart, Timidity, Trembunge, Di of Sight er Giddiness _Disease of the Sumach, Mho .: of the Head, Throat, MO or Skin. , -thosa ter ,1" dere arising from the Indiscretion or Solitary Youth--theee dreaditil and destructive mo, produce conditutional debility, render mama ,•.; Ole - , and deetroylmith body and mind, YOUNG YEN. Young men espoMally who have become they Solitary Vice, that dresdftd and destruct/re nab t annually Meg/ untimely Bare I.lloasecl. young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant lest, Who 'might otherwise • have entranced meneracwith the theuadars of elOquease, or aracea t. they the living lyre, may call w1:111 full conddence MANBLIDE. Married persons, or those ondenaphaing taarrlaar hag aware of physical wesksaiss, shOuld tmmeduyl; c. silt Dr. J., and be restored IS perfect health. ORGANIC wiburram stedfaittly mired wed AM apt, rater.a. Hp who plate. himself anger theatre of Dr.J,z, religlonsty could' in his honor as S. gentioraaa, ee &lastly rely open his skill as a physician. *WOO* No. I South Frederick street, ac t KC, on' Os left hand side going lkom Baltimore doors trom the oora•r ;lv i sz iole articular in obsery tie Of U ,or you inktiske the place y. twair guselta with fete tiff.,_ ar &Wined by the re, ~ Mottof Dirr4sil Wort All lettersiisastloontathitlodgeSthatp, to uca cc t., DB. JORNSTON ' Dr. Jjobason mambo of the Royal College of 5,, , ,...„. Londe& griduste Mom one of the meet eminent (... e ,. of the (bleed Staills ami n i nst the mama part of a t...., , baa teem spent In flospitals or London, Kw, p., , tax % a and •ebtemtiore; hia Mfbeeed some 01 the nr.- , Millwir Abotm,ertkover / mown . Man) trot: with g In the When end head Whim asleep, Kr,: IfOaltbelif, Isl , llll eng. ' edbilisAnt tuddie sounds, badlifti L. with .freqnsistb 1 attended sometime with ,i.,,,,, . Mint of Wild v cored litunedtstely, iiißtictruit Nova. Dr. J. addremes i I Mese wile having IgJurri thoiL• selves by private mid inurper induirenctes, that .0 and solitary bible whia 'tubas both body and ciaot, fitting them testifier bnidbessor society. These are rams of the soul and melancholy oil • &load by fatly' habits-ofyouth i yia Weitkuem H Book mid Limbs, Pains In the old, M 11101386 or Lass of Muscular Power, Pagination of the Howl, I‘, • ppria, Mayon IrritabilitnDenutprooot of the IN , • :• FutctionalW ./ Llymptomr, (.oaaw nen, hb. • •—•- • • ,MITML;4If.! elsomux, the tbarnidunbolti on the mind are be dreaded :-Lora Contusion of Ideas. D preset= of- Spirits, Evil forebodings, Aversloo toNN. ly, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity , &a., are a , c, of the evil ellbots. potutastda or moms *Call ages, oast now Jadge Ithe Cana. cif mate IleoUtkil In hallth; loaUig their v 1,., bioosatal -weak, pitlookwroda aril smasc.sted, hay. dry aPPearlarae 0014 that "yes, coney and :yd., .. .. who have Injured tlieraielves_ by a certain practiot., dolyed in *ben akme==allitibit frequently le arned , r - el ti moineniona,.or at r i.,.....,., ofsnot:o 1 , 3 ideally felt, even when Jeep , a nd it not cured, r,t.: • , teartiege tmeoledble, eh destroy' both mind and t. 4.1. dh;g:LPPI7 Immediately: a pity that a yeang man., the hopes of his COI, try, the darling of his parents, should be Snatched /•k, ill protocols and enjoymenteed life by the consequ.mc, [deviating front the path of nature, and IndtaitiOg 11. ing 0 secret habit' - euedapersons most, borers annoy ..., oliet that atteund mind. and body are the moat ;meant 'tTh i ntbdtais to .promote counubbid happiness. Ind...e WI old these, the journey through life becomes a wee, • 'API= OW jirfia.POOt bdbriy asirkma 4:1 the view. mind " MSS shadowed with desPedr, and Ailed wI. :. inelaistably , ritaltotketthat thittippiness of mitt. , ..... comes blighted with our own. .DR. JGHNSON'd IN VitithtsTiNG 111111SRDT Yoe. • -' ' OLIOTOVUENIISIL . By Ode greet and important eemssiy, Weakliest ..t a. agents are spemilly cured, and hill vigor restored lhoilatidtVot.the most 0410100110 0210 debilitates /.. mad lost, all hopsheyrt Munedlately relieved i ibipiiitbienlilii Warri 'Phytleatior lintel DiNtdalf. ll'Dt'llillownsid r ntretb . Weeklies' or tarkau,pot the most fearful kind, gamily oared. .. , TO STRANGERS. The many niusmeds cured age* loalluttou eon LP la 'last twelve yeare,,mtd.tht_auntroue Important - 01/4111d1Obil Prfortned' TrY 4 - 11,111MIPsed by the .portarsiofth.pa 11 40.111114 Sher Ponsmusi a Ll e' atiTe again ene-agaln before the 1 , 0 , !beriikifflieweaffunia-i4iiithnitesst tor damns/. too ;irpons lastmatclent tnaran tea to the afflicted D IMPRODRKR--Whess the mksu 1 ,and imprudent votary or a tl im Or sr ellnds ho has ar, ittiteseudiet Ale pidn ft hoeenoo happen , • at%r i ft! l'EmK" , tuPete• ,oad of Olsnwty . I arscipptythit tct thane who;from education se , Aultdebillty Aba alone Wend hick delaying till the :enutional 'symptoms of this tinitid disease t 'appearance, affecting the head, throat, noes, ski.. a 112 1 4 01/ with liTightfal rapidity, 1111 death per hrealtill Waring' by sendlns him to traveler. return." It o nottely that thousands fill *cum' to this tern : diattititti" olitiogiot thikonallatittittoes of ignorant vete, en, 'who, by neon of 'that - de:l4 poison, Mercury, thb, ponegulkinnta tho residue or Ilia miserst TOEngteileeks .4—yhe a nouns how Si'Le teM must contain a & , to es on the reply MM - Bemediee mot by Mall. lli•da ,ON-140.11 wly Booth Frederick Area, Baltimore. apr CHILDFIN F 2 ET HINC --77 . ma j'T II crap, La expertensed the N r ous i e lio palg n or mothe Ph r iet he c.7l, pre soorrllo#ls"synu - 411#1.dren • , Meething, . witho'vsaitritte kik•4 4 90.. of teething, Di =o: 1 pp—pillellejdl =- EMIG ;IOAILPS4I3LATE „TM BoyfElti. pithead -St. • ye reun) Yogrgeic" • AND . 1 4i5 sr :1 I you DOW' ' . 11 '• •.‘ miles 1r over =ll/ flit/ :AND rime, Do ar mead becelabekeeebr etc etor other unxilcw, - WA, Add-t i& ORIOLE INSTANCh .1) Never did P. laint an 2t. ' "bY any one who toed It. On the andeftyv Itrat:Aellghted with lid 4 4 ', tions, and speak in term ethighest onnteeidA4 l,, its magical Wade and mediae' virtues. WeSPl at this natter "wan wa no taOtt,':' atter len ran' Asses, Aura morn one zurvzifftir les r® rod nirl Of MILT II HSU DlOLAlL'llleliblOst every low , where theinhatis pals and exhxuatlon rF Weill be found in emit minutes idler" synto adwiheaterad. • . 15‘ =04 4' • = 44119 ot tee 4 8 8 , 8 m, NUR`-: ti-tW g°4 l llAblito -bArt,Open. tied with NMI "'" . 4 = 1 :9" 3 91r °FOAM) • ftelor-anly ohm from pan, bat l ' affi . *saw thablltalViab i _ivill .Itowffila, cameo ecidttY• ',' l " ?_ jr tstratis tr i vi a lr rdieto, zu weur ...o rAte it z , be AND le system wn . w :I I ; . 1im a. " (461 ..... . iubloaadaduch it not ap5O 6 W7 "". ' '.2) .."`""1414-re,J WAIP believe it Wenn and Ko n Clk,il a idal alrisaea or DYSENTI B R a I . A: ., REA whether it sr 1 11 ~ 1 r: . - . llllPicithei 'cause. W.lwoel d gal 676. 7 3 ' . + . M bOO.lllllOlllll-11014Win Item anY o' Lt :,: _ •9 0 P1PhOtil hoe . tax Vous zaannmcw, ,, ',„. .mi qi pm" Ankbetween TOO 1 11 . 11', exit *hl theiwdlof that will be SURP-5 41, ^, ga T 13131Matt441crw the use Of this 133,6 fT, 1ti t4 5 4 4 1 414 4 1 , filitilittilllostftw xillig w lll rare% Ado s ll4 i fa°- "' '- ' 1 T.. Satonheontaidewr a Pr r , at the wised. retripittillsegtlooilL. IL,liew York. - - .1 ,161 0 VAILVIAPOntb NW Sella' N ., " .Walignr*Wil ate b_... W. arca ' t ; v.- , C-'l4ald OrilKkkilf 70'N t ad G .«. -..t. 4.) •Ein ,i. 0.,.: iaA . . Well
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers