4,ii . i . 0.0*.:: . 01ite . :11:404 - 4".• . - 4/40/1 MnlntztAi . prennat,rjn ;1, on, :Clement L. Vall4digiiinn.'nceideuta y 'shot himsilf on `Friday - night the 16th ti-..44,14eban0n; fie ,was ,„ there (lint pi of Thoia -6 Meyers. - He wag in a meth' with ex Lieutenant' Governor M.Cl3iirney;, 2 'his as; ,sista* co)riaci; ttyirigtO explain how the Mau 141eye'rslinigbtAii&e taken — his own life",accidet4ly.,.inspead, ag'heen, killed by their 11,193urney,' had expresied - doubts'iti to this rtheory, when Mr. Valkuadighato. - picked ,1 up the pistol .from the table, saying he Would show him . inialf asecond:.. .Ts olAtols - were on the table,one_utdoided, and be, by mistake ) took' uP the loaded Otie,`Prit it' in' ` mistake, et, and, withdrew -it, „keeping the -muzzle next his body. Just us it wais,- leaving his body it was diseharol, it is said; at nearly the part of the body where Meyers , -as-shot-L-41e-ejtiettl , 're ' a i " and said he had.taken the wrong While the examination .was going on he. watched'the surgeons with eager eyes, and • even'aiSiat4 them in - searching for , the hall, which could not be found. The _ , v,:ound proved fatal, and he soonbegan. to After - 3' o'clock on Saturday morning he Went down very rapidly, , and atlB-minutes before 10_o'clock_on— Sathr, , comer • to the last. During Friday night his on ly son, Charley, "in COMPany with Dr. • Reeve‘hiS family physician, arrived at bedside.eThe'.interview between fit son was brief but of the most sad and affeeting:character. There weresev eral spectators, - and every °fleshed tears. Mr: Vallandigham patted Charley affec tionately oii the head and said, "My son, my son." His vdicewas husky, but die- tire, in its utterance. A few more words , from the father's lips and the sori was de sired by Dr. ReeiTes to 'io to bed. Mrs. Vallandigham had left Ohio on Friday' for Maryland, to "attend the funeral of her brother, John V. I...McMahon, and was in Cumberland when the distressing an nouncement of the sad - °everted& was conveyed to her. kr. Vallandigham was Urn in New Lisbon, l ohio, in 1822, and , was consequently, only 49 years of age.— .He graduated at Jeffeinen - College, Penn sylvania,' , and afterwards spent two years in Maryland,the Principal ofan Academy .s,tl3now Hill; Worcester county. It wag during hi 3 residence in Maryland that he married Miss McMahon. The, funeral of Mr. Vallandigham took place in Dayton on Tuesday. The ,pro cession was WO miles long, and was sprn- Need . of persons of all political . parties ProfesSions. Business in many parts ofthe city was suspended, and the county • city, and many private buildings were (Imp* in mourning. GRAND . • Li: RATION AT BERLTS.- Friday - , :-.: :da • which will long be re, raera b er ed i l i ,„-. L . That portion of the Orman armies .. .ed from the war ; .in France made thei ( triumphal-entry in to Berlin; and in the : ti, , :-:ion id : Meng tr iln the routaisho edtothetho v. ... who had ' - assembled from partsof the Fatherland ' the numberless phieethey had gained from their ancient enemy. Theis was u.n -i bounded enthusiasm, and when any , well kiown regiment, or one that had - distin ' guished itself specially the campaigat passed ; the People broke into -the . ranks and crowned the soldiers with wreaths and overwhelmed them with flowers. Af ter the procession came the unveiling of the statue of 134,1 g William the Third, the father of the present Emperor, which was done in the presence of all the dignitaries of the Empire, victorious Generale, the members of the German , Parliment, the . . army and Count* number. of spiseta, tat , ' litat to clo9e; cirap .the ceremonies of conferring:honors on: 'the victorious coMmanders. =General Von' Moltke was , made Field MarOal of the Itapericl A.r; niy, and General Von Boon: . recei ed the title of CoUnt ofthe :Empire., _ Let it be hoped that the sword is now sheathed. for a long time-0 wine, aid, in thalangasice .of the Emperor, when'nnveriling his' ftb .-ther's statue, "May 'the':peace: so dearly __achieved be a lasting one , ttrThe natural imstincta of wotaanh! are *ging to tell on theittormon • • al the young women uterly refuse tom : the Scinta. They have witnessed the . reflation of their mothers, and decline a similae•expeziescc. As a geatilebuslands*in active dernand,*.nd the supply is *430.-,6he liberal, es se of the moseprodUctlie mines ,in the West have been found in Utah, followed by the usual rush of miners, , :Path political par ties have united. in. an egreentatet to elect no one to the Legiel*re4llo Lis polygi 7 mist, or of thatleitig andit will not; take many yearatorao - t o 134410 and his followers. With otdoge, gold inthemoun tains, an , in-rolling : tide- of unbelievers, raw arrayed in open opposition; and schism brilie..eixurch, the latter days of the Latter-Day Saints 'ere near at hand. It is a barbarism t6t;ilszutoi, survive eiv ilitailon. Themorld will sooiiihear Young's lasisigb. . , ~. ~,,. „„......t.,,cit.e.r. ofp4die,,,Liier , ~.. ~,•, 4 hire se 44.1.c0 , ntritnited , ,, .*tile --r sick* a . be , -',' , ;-ticeen ilitii • place and , Frederick nearly. : - ;: t - ' 8611,066. - . The Frederick Herald says 't r "liietity:Tusand dollars . morti' :is ,4:• • : . ,';' :: •4. '', ' . 4 . • :r,k 7 1' .0 .,.fi k 'tj. 7nrk -of grs4ation ~.,:tE..-',l7:fiff!'" i•,6 l 7 e iiithio 4, ...... $ 3l , . . ,•-. ''''..,• . ,••7•T. , -•-•:•= ,, , , ,, , ,,,,- .- -,.., • 1 .„.1. • F 441..,,,,... ., • ~„,.., ...• , • .;•, . r' , . : ' ''. . . Tilt School 11labx,•LAW:-The bill to "prverOl'equeiltehattges in school boohs" 1111sed both , honks efs,ilie State teglich!..l tu o . purisaielotihe law is eertair.o a Ood one. I4s-,43tiiiimied that durini 4,441qat ddeade e of the 'state; hive been taxed at them of two millions and 1 --- i - half dollars Per (mut in the pur 'clime of' School- Wm Mende hurdei.wa;put-ipcin them through yen itytctr w kness Of directors and comity perintendents; who ordered changes in books fronyeai to year. This • bill will relieve_the_pc*e_from an expense that is at thesame tinie'onerous and useless. It iirold'eiglisfollOigr."' SEcnox 1. That hereafter the. Board of Directors of any district," the controllers in,cities and boroughs or any School su perintendent, shall not, order or direct or make any changes in the school books or series. of text, books used . ivany _school un der, his or their superintendance, ;direction or control more than once in three years and any laws,or parts oflaw incon*tent herewith be and the same are hereby re pealed. ', • - spec. -2. Any school director, .controller or snperintendant, who shall violate -the , . ty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviCtion thereof-shall he•sentencedlby the court•'to pay a fine not exceeding two hundred dol lars and be deprived of his office. • lteN„,cinTtaptlay last Dr:H. H. Bean; of Chart's epunty,,in a high .state. of ex eitement," seized a shot gun and shot an ard 'colored man named, Proctor; "Zits': . ally tearing off -5ku11;227--An--inquest-was--heldr_a_verdie.t rendered that the deceased came to his death "at the hands of H. H. Bean while laboring . under a temporary fit of insani ty," and the murderer was released 011 • . ch is the name of the 13 Magistrate. Had the poor "nig" done the deed the verdict would doubtless have 'been 'differ ent. ear 'No* this is really fearful: ' Hobert Toombs, who didn't call his slave roll on Bunker Hill, made a speech at Augusta, Ga., recently, in which he said.. "When you can tear the live thunder from its home in the burning ether, and bind it a captive at the footstool of tyranny, then, and not-till-then, -will-I-except the situal. tion." Will not some humane individual have , an eye on Te'onal"' lest in an • un guarded, inornent 'he should do - himself some irreparable injury ? , tegt.Dr, Sel4pkis still petitioning for a pardon, and' clairas the promise of, an. interview with the Governor.. Probably no sentence involving the death penalty, has ever occasaioned an Executive so much trouble as has that of Dr. Paul Schceppe. , His council in a. letter, says, "Dr. Schosppe was never legally ixmvict, ed, and I do not hesitate for a moment to say that he is innocent." trLal. young lady of , Cleveland, Ohio; received a letter.= the eve •O s t,ber wed-, ding saying that her lover hatra wife and two children in a neighboring town-- The poor girl reatlie letter through, turned her face towards her mother, Who,;vas in - the . room, and exclaiming, "Oh, , ma," dropped dead upon the floor. 'VaThe amount spent last year in this country for, ministers, churches, and mis sions, home and foreign, was about eight millions of dollars ;axid that for artificial , sowcr~ - which vanity-r-fifteon . Siii - There is a' young lady in Camden New jersey, studying Latin. She has a beau... He asked her what eic transit .9/aria mundi meat. •Shelrauslated it : "Come and see me on Monday • He went and had a good time: The old , folks, were out. • , N. • - se - A Poor colored woman in New Haven recently In'queathed between $2,. 000 and s3,ooo—money,she had saved by life of toil in washing • and scrubbing-- to - educate any poor ixilored student who might enter Yale Divinity Scliool to ,be. comes preacher ; and if no colored - stu dent is presented, then the money may be applied for the benefit of a white student ~n9IA recent London lettareays:Thoa . , .de of well.dressed inteligentymang men • , h woman are leaving the peen of Dub. ' . , I riL , Cork, and Waterford for the u tt it e „l tee. The Inman li ne of steam bra 'n i s i_ • cream' during the month of a 7 bytiuk t rechase of two ocean steam , r d . * e i rs t o increased demand for paa- , . d Sum oErr tram.—nrs. Snyder, wife of Solomon Sayder,anddiughter of Chria• Negley, Esq., died very suddenly at. her =dilemma the. Western Tanspike, a abort distance fruia Uageratews• ( *AV night a week front an attack of Itaatt.dior ease, eia„;The peiarJ neive 33 Mg r tod that there is'grest distress is Paris, too lieu= droll and forty thOnsand people being deo pendent ca charity forfood. le&-tt petition to,the Prisident, doted by persons irrespective of parties, ie in ,cir culation, asking the pardon of C. C. Sew en, recently oonVietedofhigszny me-Tho motion, for's writ of error and stay of proceedings in the-Street Car mur der in New York has been refused by the Court. Mir Send to R. P. Hall & Co., Nashua, N. Proprietors of Hairs Vegetable Sicilian Hatßenelyer, for a copy of their Treatise Eite , Hair.. A vihiable little book, free to all. g,oliv ii.;:aii.:.4.,4 : ,' i,i' ,;4 . :11' ....# -ri,:::;.F. ~.• ~ , : oti. , 4 .. . 1.u5 ,,, ,.6 -'- rm. :: : :. .4 .: 1 4 1 i _, ,% : i r., 31 ‘ be i l, . o , f oiii paPer'comm "aricetifs. ne7 , olinne irti':',a rni ,_., f-. ' • ~:1"- pies --, ' tlpyt_dF.63s we send co , p ersons' who Sierra now ants cribers, ' i e have never , songht `to force' the RECORD :where it was not wanted; nor do 'We' 7 .Clesign ' doing ... so now. ''.'Whilst:the"Tne4oyears .ago' , and agents for- other , papers have since canvassed the: aunty .t. - subscribers, we hive the first '''',- t i:-' • " Id-into our 'own. .'.0% i 0 ,5,.. , . or adjoining townships,' igl, havei:afgU, ourself splicited a subacriber. If therefore those, to whom wesend a copy of- this is sue feel disposed' to patronize . - iis for, one year or even six months, we will be , phased io add their names to our list- At theeipir atiOn o£ ten days from this datethe nazm es of such perions - will be entered upon books as subscribers imiess.thepaper is re:: • I turned , in the' meantime. ' ' • ' O UR ATRCNB.-I T z 1:‘: I 1 , • present' the .Recoretto its patrons in a new driis and enlarged . form—an addition - of about four columns. Twenty-four - years ago . lasi-March the paper was established by Dr. D. 9...81air (late of Illinois, dec'd). and ourself With the exception of about two years; dUring, which time it was pub lished by our deceased pnrhier, we have had control of its cOltEts interval. o time many c anges wrought* in. society and among our county entemporaries. Of the, latter who' haVe been' 'gathered home, memory recalls a Crooks, Sniith, Boyd, Rine, Mish, Merk • *,, , ; , " ir,-Sprickleri*nd-the-gifted-and lamented, Bonner. Of the publishdis of that early tithe, and' later dates, in our e'ounti, , we are alone. • Those who sur vive have removed beyond our borders or engaged in other pursuits. Of course we have not,. though Provi dentially, spared• to enjoy good health, been exempt from the usual obtacles and trials which beset ,the pathway of most, if not all, who engage in public enterpris- es. These at times have crowded upon us heavily, , and though the viCtim of rogues here and rogues there, our good paying, patrons have enabled us to keep with the tide. Through them we have been ens bled to withstand financial,pressuies, re lentless and Most unjustifiable ,Rrosirip flown Rebel, raids to the pillaging and pieing of our office; the intrigues of ene mies who ,'sought our ' pecuniary destruc tion; but thanks to PriAridence and these friends, we have so far, in all, cases, been equal to the emergendy,,without co pro: raising our manhood, an ', e same agendes trust to ' ' e'-tO continue so in the future. At the ince'ounf . the Re= hellion, though publishing paper neutral 11 in , Polities, in our humble , pacitY we',es pousixl. the "side of our Gav rnment, refus ing for the Sake of pelf to ecupY a ire& 42 tral,ground between its rig dully consti tuted authorities and th who . were seeking its oVerthrow and 1 - Osiing to, this cause we inci pleasure and r forfeited th't:, many who . luui:. been frien u since regained more than and today the Recprd appea an enlarged fain, but in a mo condition thiM at any former history. Apart from some i journals, 'it ranks among the aging ' mediums 'in our Solidi counties: . But ,to cl4u2ge ourr . subject, "financial mixture," which se widespread, makes it rather business men to incur, withem, capital, np . at a anindebtOni we have ventured to do .with. capital in the:tun:Oa of our patrol on their promptness and gene ; ;:ity ventured the purchase of a new' press; fundture and Material,' believiii; that; if an enlarged and more creditable,Sheet in appearance was presented to them they would not-fail-to come to our hclphy as early iettleliatitofion s fiitauding acteeuiti and more prompt payments in the'rutUre. We leave the 'matter with their conscien ces ixasting4hat the result may: proVe that we ventured.wisely.•• ‘, • Goasurraa-pers are The lice and itch of OcietY , and most communities are infested by them.• To tell • all they do would be almost impoesible. To tell all they knovr, sad much more thap,',they. know, is their chief - delight: - 'Thriy,ihave an aptness in'gathering the history of ova ry oecurrenos and 'person and astosiishiner They never tell iusy thing they know, saveito One of their kind, and then only after an. Oath-of eternal se crecY; they ask thavatb only to haveithic pleasure of spreading the , pingo° tiOn• selves, and are.very apt . to any one who, violates the oath, e • • - nevec know anything ;but what "they " Thew liee are of all kinds, ages; isizes ocinditkes, and are found *all the := of life, and vermin-like, "Wolf all whom' they come in oentact'... They the itch which constantly, keeps freicq and communities active in investigating ' each others bUsineas and doings. Ati blessing they are :-not desired, and as a curse are the abhorred of all abhorrearesZ FUNERAL.-A verylargo . funeral-pro- cession, a:plating — of upwards of. fifty carriages,, attended the funeral° of Mr. Jacob Shoekey of Ringgold, who Was buried 'tit Price's Church grave-yard on Monday the 21st inst. TaiMIRA.34R RAii.ROAD.= 7 -The Coin riti;tee on the propased,,Mirarnar.Railrond eXinSion have not yet *liable tei4l4,:e 1 if, f#ll report, but Wps . " understand thifs - in* petite for theroad areili eneoura*g. gt. ,the amount of stock' required is tinliserill the question of the road will besetiledand that sPee, ( 4l7-; qP' l oete, 04 1 - I .t,ees _ are . ' Offered that the grildini_Withel fi nishe d in fourjnoritlia,and the eorupytion-with 7 in tivelVe 'Asa 'Committee ex peels to ohtain.these written guaranteesin the.oonrse of,a . week secured by,_ amplebonds, then-vigorpus :action should he had totake up the stock flulifieripgons tit pace. The greaLiitlyantsgel.fifered by this road in opening the immense re sources—Of this region, and - the.' cominuni cation with the coal and handier regions, as well as the general-- avenues of trade „and travel . ," are' yttond It .therefore behooves ns to_Wake , up and not :allow this gold_en opportunity,to slip thro' our fingers. , _ FATAL 4cOti*7.:7-431# , last :Friday morning, Dr. Greo.,Ztaffman residing near : Brown's , and ,Mrs., Mum*, a oun! • married lady (couisin to tbe!doetor's wife 'from Harrisburg; started out riding • n buggy. The. doctor stopped on' tit:- way to see a patient, the lady chose to re main in thebuggy:; thehorse was carefully hitched, but inn. few minutes broke loose and runaway. 4r. K. followed after as fast 'as he could and found Mrs. M. in a . outs-. uarter ots, mile 1 • in_ onthe road- aide in a cl , in: condition. She htid receiv ed a severe euten the head," supposed to be from a broken tire of the buggy.. She expired in less talihalf an hour. She was the daughter of Holt A. II: Bell of Harrisburg. I Her remains,*ere sent to To-r •home on' Saturdi .The funeral.of the deceased took place at Harrisburg fm Monday. A large pro cession of moarning relatives and friends followed her remains to their last Testing place in the cemetery. She was in her twentieth year; - Girtr.s.—Thc girls of theirinciple towns in this country are noted tars follows : Biltinicre, the handsothest. , New York, the'vticst cold, 'most expen sive in &ex. Washington, the most airy and super Philadelphia, the most refined and la dy-like. . . ChicagO, the-fastest and most dimipftt- ToicAo, ttte . biggest feet: . St. LoUis;the"lnost reckless. Cincinnatti; the : greatest flirts. proudest. Detroit, the wildest. • Cleavelatti, the nost graceful, and en tertainintlaTeonversition.' Boston, the Wheeling, for making thetest Wives. .Wotieshoro', the greatest street walk ers. 'KEP'YOUIt:BO I IB A.T N'tpirr.--It is estoniphing fiii i ewhir a' large', number Of small lioYe,ranginem eight to twelve years, of age, are permitteil,to run atlarge through the. street at night.' They rapid ly acquire bad habits running ,around in that way—ltahits that may hp the cause of lauding : them imprison , for thl, commiss ion of some crime.. Assents shcivid:remem ber, that `in granting: such hcer to; 'their boys, they are granting them ail injury they will never efface. 13ad'hatlit's , fOrmed in early youth are like first imprea they always ,remain. What a fearful re sponsibility, m!te,onthosewho,permitthair children, to acquire bad habits in early youth, by roaming about the streets at night,,smoking, drinking and.cuising. estruetion.-- rrecl; the' ctis ultrontige ; but have tikus lost,' not only in P roB Pq 462 : ptlnty seat' est achiiir wn tier of I e present ma. to ',be, rilous for ' This surplus, . Our TYPE..—The press 4nd material upon which this number orthe Ree f brd is printed was obtained frop the well-knON6. Foundry of Messrs. i tc. Johnson' & Co., &mom Street, Philadelphithe-first American Type Foundry, baving, — Seen established as far back as 1796. The firm .at present is,-;lllacKellar, Siniths Jordan.• ' Our dealings for more than twenty- years have been with thic.:estab. fishrnent. 'We therefore commend these; gentlemen to our 'editorial frienda prompt and strictly, fair-dealing -business., men. SU.O S.rnop.. 7 -The heatod term is here, • the security against Sun Stroke' is ,t, --- Thae . the head coal . - Wehaven have better advice' togive on thit'subjeci, thin' this Go to UPdei rali l s 4 21 , of their Sumner Style's of Efits and ifyou are contlielied to go in :the sun buy ette'of their: - Buirthubrellas,_tbey care just the thiug far Protection fret's the Sun; Aug ULU.' thibg better for ram 114itria. teirY 4PP:0 43 Washingica!# o kW, , /likgers - Uwe. 4ve ) 01 0e4 , antegal alimlderMe' Ads yearn rspberries Lairs been field streeterfor several - dap!. Vilottleberries made their first ap pearanee in tba a for le ranch wilier ; ' " 1/' 4 :daily. , s upplied Om . kWh' meaticeedTat; very. modevate .priors. 1//1141ii3 bur:MCnintOn la-41m' :Thad iire'tew other towns whir* haVe fruit latialght,'io the , doors Ogart4li Waynesboro':. teare4leriCkWeckler, lini4in pretty eaft„erisiFely yeitis - ngO,„ as a *gloye dealer, is isbont : llyiig of 63013*.t0 at Boons boro', Md. • SiirTerms, Home-markets, &e., next week.' - Rxiipp Gupta:lL—Mr. E. W. li.karrit, forperly of tbis place, ancl,fo?*ini yearsj, Et u q ol )4a i l3 44o.hi'MPorctiiivr*:l l 4*(4 2l 2 i hiSltglie,CarthiigeOfo. e f , ' . t 4 4.ht ,''.:, lPesa.4sl; 4 iVelave,l4 - f1a1141,.. ." aG` uk4,..AliNs orthr• :' LI, % Four years ago the population was., . _ , 2 , 5 , qtf,',A 3 . I .;I II . I ,XASA9A-Rge-.*5..;:1 0 g ,,, rige-fietiky,papel - r-liutO4,-b - - reNvei*,_fiThur..., o h!Felie=?. o 44 I!. , tkik.O.W.-,44 o . o A:liktzitese:l l Carthage must be a .liye plaee surely with, a population awake to the cause - of 1 .education. MMEI . . - PErporrAL;.-44 . 151 sucic-of-the-Mer•-• one day last' gets out a neat -and,apicy : paper, .and deserves well at , the lands of ,flaoodeitmena cersbarg and country surrounding it. ' ' He acquired first 14ioNidedge of t:titho art preservative of all ante.. lb...this. ofri.Ceyitind A-enaaihe ,pormiiied:to , take :his ; boy= hood as , a criterion, , fiAaore lionorablO or trustivoithy young publisher .be' haid - tir findin'o46'degendate Writ was, a mend belief 'among the • _ridians obtained 'their :s pplies of kaolin the South t Mouiltain evitere -in the vicinity. gf Royer's ing. The Indians used to go in that diiection for lead ,nxid . return with the much coveted metal, and would allow noite of the-whites to accompanY them on any consideration. -Severe attempts were made by the "pale faces" to. ferret out the _place_butiOn'o _purpose, Geary . at the R.'R. meeting in this place al'eW weeks ago, wia: phonographically reported by our young Mend D. D. Fabi-, ney. It • was published in : the phia—Press,-and—pronouneed—by-411,Lwbo .examined it, a correct verbatim report of what was said. has justly "earned the name of being a correct - phonographic reporter. - farniers generally have finished harvesting, and we are pleased to learn that their expetationw have been more than realized. The wheat crop pecially is said by many to be the finest harvested in this section for twenty years: We,now want good prices. to malt* tnoney more, plenty and times better., This:state of-things, so ninth coveted; we trust may not be far distant. • A FrxE tailtovE3xEut—Mr. l'Adnm Forney is now re-moddling the dwelling' 'house adjoining that of his, father, forier ly the Smith propertY.' *He has added, an, additional ' story, , making, the btlilding three stories high. Otherwise it' is being finished according to the latcst style• of architecture., , When completed tt 'will' contribute -mach to the p.ripeztrax tillage in tbatquarter of,onk 'town, nt•,, f • MOVING OFF.-4iVEGT Jl2ol7lillg' for sometime-past we have :Titneagain •train ,of Grain Separators from the well-known ManufaidtFing'Es' tabliightiaent of the'Gel; ger 'tilaniifaCit#ing , . town for the itailroact either, at Greencsit ; tie or Hagerstown. .o •gratified to learn that the Orders so far for this ma chine are largely in. e#l . ti-s , of 'O9 and '70,1. Sir Some , little; erlailfront town who hadlieen,;',Ookryik ,Oti l e day last week, net with an aOold4it on. their return from Mr. A. S. Moues. A., holt camel out. ,ox the shaft of the wagon in , which they - were 'riding; the horse run oft: upsetting the wapon, . throwing , out 'the.';gixls and the drivor. Thei got off With a few: scratches and bruises.. . I , Supp.miD.r.wrg. 77 Mr. Thomas More head 'was fpurtd Alead **bed :in this, place on-• 'Monday, morning. the 19th inet.• Mr. M.‘ was the mainsupport of a.widoW -0.1 sister and two orphan children, who are thus Calk to., mourn t4lckse of' a kind filel4 and 'benefactor: He Waki aged FpnivAL.- 7 , The good Templar's F . estaiveJ, .which was ele'sed . rit the, •Town HalL.on ',Mouldy evening of last week pioved‘ gtito a. sixecess, yielding , tlieni in•o#t ,o'f',O;ek. $lO6. The roetnl4s•Of the soc id*Vill . *§4,le .c * "oirt-f;k44.o'r, press ent I le ; a .in k rge ; plegnFkk Pound pligep.! lefLrn &At .N r .. Jrabn , la,XoeYitr, a;Wq47 l 6 1 014 13 , .111u.ch respected citizen;ktulerly cfithis4icinity, coilimittedSuicideati;4iidoit on' Sittirdiy nicirnit% ",by' hanging. • ' La ct _intervals foritsrf l or twelve 'yee : rs. ;He was upw , ards , ot6o -years. • I . , Str,Datx the wife of MrAnlotruni Say.: okeiitid4ig tiit: ilia • :Wcaiiiin Turngke; t9,14er. , 44"vAi7 ae *AO, qa usual. on Suiday.nigt4 in apparel)* good Nowirseg with her luial)and aslate al; P " " • OaTei-The , retreithing sliotfanic.4ith tegiett hail' been :ftiiNkia ipiro4.4 co*, ,We s not 4 1 kve*fcill eteri; but Itt fanlike is ant' of the cpteetien.. „ • n ' :: • , s.l r, We have ; taken posecesion of s ya#,,s' of oirneighborßeininger'efroom, bet the• elfbitsalti tenni mity:be•tolted at hie host: The preeeziee Ofi s the (onr)'`beitil,notii,VJ J ing.Oriven him away. . ",good fhp:tir evaded in bringing acre* goodW,Jot squirrels. • „ - IGH - Pirvesting has made our town du] alit : tag the past week. _,..,,,,c0up.„ ~,,. Taw': ncy*,,l3ET it: tf t ;.. 6 , ;-',e ' ~:,• In L t ,, o)tr re!' Cei4g)i, 5ii4,,, - ,, . ~! I kN; ~, 1i ; *Wes ' fralplittgli.i , :t '..',,- i:'" I ittUother me , d '•' ~ i;! - --'-nit ? - ',4k'. We ,lAin'atin at ''cale;:4: . '. l. ';ol , 4a.Piige . nt. ilo 'Cincinnati, 040, he's kW, dt.o.ttcr• 'sevintiff I , AVIIMPA.O-101 4 . 69440 . 4404 1 1. $J -,; r 4 '3,- r or Piiiitnaa:" ' Oti",-'7';;;', :theyinuk9ne wholesale., ageiai r now they have about twenty. A year ago , ' -they had one two-horse fancy, wagon, Itilsr trey. have fiye. Dr. Farhney's Panacesr, comes a standard bgood medicine where- - :tha14r1 41 4 41-1-i iii 4 A ls; s 4 4* -4 4 nine 1 74 1 m e -Y. illPßaii!On.theNlo4ftirm.• It should be tried , by the :afflicted`: e" where and-kept-in 'fill'fiit‘ ventive. lila Wariantedf*, " "." BARN i rdesdnY evenfrii last the . laiie • Banit Bata belong~na, to. Geo. l‘ict'heran; sen., abont milenorth of Funkstown in this . county ..was • de stroyea by fkre;:with about twenty:tops • ` of hay, two iiagonS, His losS trill pert* reach $2,909. No pnrticnlars, as to ,:the canse of the ire laia7llrb.Sialanei : Garve.v, of 'Green town : shrri, , and ',I: W. Douglass,• - Esq., 'of Chata-a -berab,tirg,'hasie been ,appointed Coniinis siOnere. to go ;through' another faree:eat adjudicating the &dins for , 'sus tained by the citizena' Franklin county, dtirbag the war., ' • • Bia.'Persn.--"Seroggine,"• Sorrel Geldinl , that so • a uentl ,*-Itrotted • urion the Fair Grout' • nowown7 7 97=r. Willison, •of Cumberland; took a . purge of $1,250 at the late races in Baltimore % trot? ,ting mile heats hest three in five .to -har ness, and heating White , Stonirtain. , and 'Ellen Davis.,--Hagerstdion Irma. "Seztoggnis".ifori — Tr - 1 - e - rly belonged', to pop. eal:ig l 4, of Carlisle: ' m,,Rev.l3enten Blair, it rebel chaplain nho was in.eset'#, With M'Cinslind's'ineeii - - diaries when Chainhersbarg,. was linyne4, died last week 'at • his father's residence, near Shippensburg.'.• Na relation.. • NEWS P. Lowell "kill open a , peists'depot'at thei Teleigiaph , OirEC:e. iti this . Place' in a' few days; I . 3kbere , all' the' most pop at ; e1 ,eNo can be had, atid,slso Danner's I'4t.Cloth 'es Dryei, the:best now in,use7 '4 • nrrirOn last. n o and in 'the einplOy of the. S.P. 'R.-R;.t CO.; in pass-. ing from Car to' a ; 1..0 . a eihistniction , `train. fell between two, cars. tirkd 44i, se !badly - erneked by.the: Wheeli that it 'was inot expected. be could -reccivar; .lTifie',Barnes wtose...injurio frpro . being thrown. out, of a, wagon Nye ailizomi& coiti)fe. of weeks :EA irecoveri4g froiii the of cts 'of t . aiii:" • BeirThAd:otagolim "ehetTy; tiabi" lias linen arridin giirrdepartng as itsuatfrona t&9.a"Da:... ~. 11 promixuutt c# 7 .. izen .ofOiatiLlairiitsurg, expiteebni Thurs..: 'day lait. Ser - The.regatlar meeting of the , Fnianck -lirce,ounty'llediOal Sberkyh will bn . ' : ''held in; , chambeniSiti:g on *esdity',inii 4th, 11* -- E. Elden has, receivedia fell stock #f goods.. Cell 'Ana see•Ahem'and get the prices." . • " "" • ••••! ' • •,•.1••••;:.• • ~; It .is an uude.niable fact that nearly all the dealers'( inliger beer :aid, portly uiid rUhnit—Wafreibordnot . eiCeiteif: zer-WednEeday, June 21st, was thelon gest' day.of the ' • Eau.—Vranii., Wunderlich, formerly 'oft = County; Idied , iccently llt Pit6tburg. Oniaberlamil (41;1.) Ice Cm& vender manufactures the article by Steam far Thi- is the spits= for "gate•siork= ingi! and:it is dottepretty,_oxienbroly. • .~l3Bj 19 hugjiwntb._ „ ~#-T.iss,***Et',', S. 3$4J Cp..:ars the pioneen intr.Othicirimi - i First-Class' Shuttle SeWing l'ulsbhine and low Price;. — This 'has ,canied ''*any 6 1!4ipil nies to spring up, and-also fOrned torgra the .436*w:ties selling. the higher priced bihchiiies to red* their 'ON. foi:o 4 "* kder:fii,i) o 4o bgin:frauilnler4ly tionithern;not tobuy nny ; sewing pactine Without first obtaining a Writutivitmultk. for five pars, - ch — retrfiiiiiii7t4:karingal.- tiro 3o f:*: ll 44 ll o, 4 111 4,fii_ ing.,the' warranty, warrant cair.inachinnafoiZoagif . #veitiare;:.**4llo'it4iitt.cPgdarriritee 11 4 iff4.!°4o#;4ll-4 41 !iii i: ` , 40 1 ,4 1 : onu*j l 44 o 4. o ,'44 l oifift*li 1444):' --Tweekto44oo,l4ll44ie , fiTs:T tiy , Old* , *Ad. ?a:* TK 1 4 1 49 1 (4, 1 *: 1 4 1 . AO* of people,. ,"0 ~.WasoviSpaxstarbt4izarxn 'EYert Pelt= the POit'P CrOkini.B;aie:l7:-.tYlliPe4l)P.Vr.ra : Rriees fa, follows :-7,31e.53 , . 044, 4.15; /C0; , 6-,‘plairvetivOrgt.s6;l, ,,, •No.: 7, flctait 'ished pineittfester,'llss; tiohi't finished cover silver, plated, pl; esilainet Will sew (rani the finest Swigirto four thicknesses of the - heaviest. ecfluroy el er Cloth. A. E. Ways ANT, Agent. vEST GOO,DS:--tPrinierNw.e °Hearts slasses-atrolin sugars--white-- sugar, Pulverised doi; Very fine sfr4gin ger. soda, spices ; all' 144: peas of fine flavor, coffee, rice,,lemens,; dishes, spoons; tumblers, glass jars; sagar , buckets;eheeso, knives and forks; dessiftted' cocoanut' which can be"usied iir,averY ;Way'ihat' . the green, nut *- 00. il l y , - - thing in my line enlist ",MeFicanillow. ' , . • , 11"...k REID. SzEnr.oscOi*ANDVOws. - ---Ainiing the stereoscopic:views just r'ec'eived at the Di amond Gallery are. Valestie, ,White Mountain Trenton Falls ra Snm mer and whiter; Yosemite Talley, Union . • Pacific Railroado&c.„, A lot of fine Chro-- mos are. also `On exhibition. • PrioTOGRAPs.-7-45e:I'v,BEylti photographs, the victoria, cabinet and card size, taken at the Diamond : gallery, De not fail to have your picttnv 'taken, at ~ onee, for life uncertain, ,ii. j 'hildrens -pictures (new style) taken in, fe l om,s to 10 seettids. Nnw this summers '"Catch" received at , iimp!s G.tq.- eery StereL . - . three s dellqrs a quarter barrel. , • Icr..—Pifsons 'wanting ide CEPI lave it ,clelivetodlit-their 4fgula,fl,,y :;every 'rooming, .or applybag to ,Boaeinake, druggist. • , TAILOR, WANTirkl---A -Jouitozman ;Tailor will flog Constaiit• tit 13o3rner: u :ilraynaat;:- -WaynaAxiid, at Iliberal wage's: • • :' s• " P.illiViS.--Par ties in need 4se paint ing fti itn . large axalr fresh ,Stock at B.oriebrake'sdrug store. Call and .examine. ~:. ) ma-Corns, 'Bunions Ingroivhc . Nails s rnd their attendantills, have beet on years gone by, and, will, be In ,years• to • (come, a ' course numb discomfort and: unhappi ness to those. wbware •annoyedi By persistent elf its and , untiAing,' verence, Dr.• J r riggs,gage the •suthilug • ,huniatkity 2 bis ,remedies--Alleviator- and 'CitrAtive.„ The..pow/A o..wiliektheiqutve, gained; and the entire satis*tion. derived). ;from thutOna'e,.,ts Well.kidWa end can- be attested by all Classes, who have withered with Col7B,Bunions,ingrv4ngNatlSPhiE, Wins' Bliataed §9ld Y. 4 11 0*ta- Exl.m.--took-400hOse,features aml..sce •the siOtry - depieted! in.,lthe , face., , ,It, .Cannot: be"." helped -while' ilui.,trOuble :,ttarmini.— Thesurenngfrord pilesisofaverpaggkava-) toldecription.- • You eabnot.wallt with , any "cotafint;• you cannot, ride blpeao4”. You.cau-' not sit, with ease,- and thelsuirering ,when. attending to .natu i re iik•almostombearable, and,causes.,suclsfeeling:of ,dread that is put Watt greatikrifiee to Voulth and coin fort, , in many instandesincreasingthe - cultyto;artalarilegatent.l UseDt.•Briggs' • ..Pile:Nanetliesacomeg . to directions to:eurc. internal,eatcfreal, itelungorbleedingpiles. They,are..mild rind: reliable,:and wfuTan- I ted as represented., . Sold. by Drunists. - -.1 " • • :14,Envors Difii:sig.- 1 4.1ciir'Many thous andi of the most refined- ladies the land afe slaves to nervoinsdisettakii iii" +axioms ibling;livitching, find ;jerkhig' - of the neiVeti, , l4ithiolke; hySteri* sudden • ontburstihrteiiipgion tribal 'Occasions, ' des.: •• tin' any unhealthy' cOffftiOn'if.fliejapiirchis:iotcm,"llrige over the nerveif et i entifigPiidibare.%nge'aila , ** . hive cure : 861cf•i#1: A'biitirinikkf•-,/k.,hd dr,110464&01/Y‘, . f,, ......-,,,,;.,-.: .i..;. , i., ..,..""' .'' .!' : r •% 1- F' . , wy!.,-.l lul l , ......wigg . it, ~..._..., ~ •;,„i ti • . _,,-• •,. - It IR4 t " - -Xi:9178 t- • . - It is a perfect,igt we, artrc,e. es baldnes& Maltee'liairtro - ..:'l, l 'hette.z. hair &easing tliintr!iiiii; "011' f .idt"Irdmaturri."--- Softens traidg dry and, wiry hair- ihtO'bentl tifilWairen treaselt :. Bp ty the, great, •wundexletheptin_ditysithshich • itogitares' piray liair. to its Otierial - Gobi' -The ~shitivit. .. ', sorer , lookinS hair re turnee its yo . .' .1 , h*itity hy its use." It doeit not dye - the . 2 but atrikes.at the 4.3.5 t and fine it with ties bleturd:coloritgmattet.. Ask for Balls , Sicilian, Hair ,Renewer,';. no otherr article is at all like it in'effept. • '__ , • . See that each 'bade :has our private Gov eminent Stamp over thetog of the bottle.— .4n others "arc imitations. = R. P. HALL Itc CO., Nashua; N.:. , Pro: prietors. For sale by' Pri=ists. ' , • NEW Y011164-- - itei: OW s, or - tle '' '''le v "i' . ' 1 . , I' ' iiiiif , 'sonli 171, B , AtibA , came this y.At? yr, i; 'woOkste*liet*tinuttuti.- The,Oes - O ' ii4b+Ata V - Orfoet - stag- - *tote, e '' Dr 64441 .- :iinde, , and 'intilkiiters It ,( 11 bberfic4,/,p-' AK with•heniy• stocks on th'itr.linxi4, 'which they are;:vil.' o,„(10k10.:91,* almost an Atininatirli:iirl - iiire l tntiOkiiii-" - heavily A therredi- very heavily 'a. Ans • :ritcsoind are • now prepared to eilerr l - at: prices far' below-anything heard -of since sixty-ono.' ' Ten-eases of these goods have already arrived•andinorS'aii,dn'e‘iri.**:;;4llity embrace every_inown_. ; fabric for • .. .* Buffo tr4vin - White Marseilles, Piques, &c:, besides Poplins and Mohair goods,. suitable for the fa . (1.,,. These poSitively be sot* at Iss thanrimlf.thepriceessited else where for* same materials:- !Cahlwell & co., right by the :dourt ' , • , Efust.e.• P* 4 41:14G, MGEit) 47 ,11 0141weirw4armtkorlot of Ho7e Sewing 3fachines 1;40 additional unprovementS.: ' he " neknowl- - edged to be •Of the lending (Seising ALlcht l3 o -1111 *,-atil/E . fro l , lll Y rience opeiating; it ; ,alid4Aer ninchines have no heitOon:4prououncingit • sec— ond to none; and much•cheaperthan , the• low class peddled through the country: ' ;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers