tee , 'at zN:Ar York 44aed • • yerdidt mitiending, hint from bisposition Aes!stant Agent of the ,If9olt:,Coneert!. OP ', 1 5 41 41 8 . 13 0 44M0u65*0 16; fge'dee•WeitOf 4iLi C 6 4, The beard-or Bishops have re=_ fized , to C.oneF,:in.-th9..petion;of the Cont. eqspe nding • , ter will be. referFecl, to, the nest Genei*, :ronferenee„. ~ • ,S~:A.RRS.A:C - I-ES. . , r r On the 6th inlet. / by th e e Bei. John Lesti eiliftai of diria*Snit $ aignMarr, AtifiE, daughte,r am E. Bboth of Antrim twP. , • In dale place - on the 22d lust., by, Rev; 011eri Mr.. 'Ernm.ept Dicxson, of Montego. to. Miss FLORESCE V. POOLE, -of , Frederick county, Md. iWaVVinit On_the .14th near Greenvillage, Mrs:SABA)" KELLER, aged. 37 yeare, 9 month' and •27 days. • On the 15th inst., at his rasp ence near Grindstone Hill, Mr. JACOB, KELLER, a ged 63 years, .3 month. arid 2 days. r l / I :UJLDELPHLi, June 26. FLOUR—The flour market is - without improvement, the demand being _ limited, to,tke,innned,htte,„vpnts'of this ,houte „con guiiiisovfitise furatas&i • foot lip 1,000 barrels, including superfine at 95,25@5;- 50, extras at "$5,50@6, lowa and Wiscon sin extra family_atV 60 , '6 75 Minneso ta do do. tit $7,12i Pennsylvania do. do. at $6,25@6 75 -Indiana - and Ohic do. do. ats7oT 7,50,. and fancy $7.75@8,50, as hi quality. GRAlN.=—Wheat Western red at $1,50 0,1.55. Corn . at 75€06e. Oats at 65( 66e. ' GRATIFYING" INTELLIGENCE! Has now on hand a Full Line of GOODS JUST RECEIVED. Look at the List! HATS for Men and Boys; All the Latest Styles BOOTS,, SHOES St GAITERS For nett tivd - Boys - Wea — Ladies Surg-Gaiters,, . ; , • At very low prices. • Also, Ladies Shoes, , , Litestand Bes Styles. Missesndehildrend Shoesin great variety. Our Motto is not to be undersold. JPILET,TM; CLOCKS;O6I# PENS WAICICHAINE Finger Bings,,Charrn, Bracelets, and sgrea.t;variety of other things pertaining to the Jewel . ,• ry Business. • FAIERI OBLIMIS &ND CUTESI, • Neckties, . ' Sitspendens, Priving and Kid, Gloves, a large stock of all kinds Fancy. Goods and. Notions Tobacm, •SlSggnr.and Snuff. of all kinds and vaiidies te),..lVteches, clocks and Jewelry rcpaired at short notice and warninted. • Thankful for past Favors he hopes by fair dealing to all to merit a continuance of pub licpatronage. June 29, 1871 NOTICE TO THE LADIES! NEW.MILLINERY GOODS MISSES STICK-EL &GORDON =noun, - .I.TJLes to the ladies of Waynesboro' and cinity . that they nave just opened out in the. corner.rcioni oppoigite the Bowden House a comi)le . Was4ortment,-", o,3lillinerY' Their stock embraCes Hats and Frames of every variety, Flowers, 'Ribbons 'and ' jogs of, every otlescription, including white trimmings, Stamped,gonds, Corsets, collars, fans, netts,jeivelryjicimiry i ttc. Ladies are invited to,ealt and examine. late' styles and prices. " 4 "' April 27. &rtilibing, L ßrashetir-sohli cheap— , , ShOe'BitaJhes, WhiteWashßnishes Cot ton WaSh Lines, Bed Cords: painted Buck ets, School and .:31arket Baskets, Crystal soap for washing , paints—iShas : no equal. June 29. ' • • . REID. BBACOR-a-Cotuitry sides for sale by Jtine29. " NT. A' REID. PRICE &, BOVIDIAN'S STEAM Ititi3it An BOILER WORKS, WAYNEIS t, FRANg.T.III COUNTY, PPIN'A. . . . STATIpNART PORTAELE. STEAM. ENGINES , Boilers Tanks,,and Shget-I,ron Work llachNst'sr Tools; Wood Working Machinery, Shafting, P,ulley_annd 13Iangers; - Gear tuttinay _Portable. Circular Saw-Mills, Felloe-Ben _ ders, Laundry Furtmees. Also , Aiente for Stillwell's Patent Heater, Lime Extractor and Filter, ciunbined; Cameron dr.,Co's 'Stweial Steam Pump ; Saws of all kinds; ( piston's manifracture;) Iron Pipe and Fittings; Brass. Work ; Gum-and Leather- Belting ; Manu facturers and Engineers' Supplies, generally furnished ,at lowest Retair.Prices. :All kinds of Foundry Work—heavy, or light, Iron and Brass Castings—made to order, 'REPAIR ING carefully done. further particulars, send for Catalogue and Price List. Waynesboro', Franklin County, Penn a, June 29,1871. ITCD''' . 6l t 7T" " •t t • f , 1( r CGPSV.: • ;CIZEWP-s4avSTORBMii MARYI.i'AND; :I , • •"eiiiiiSilei.'Ficeh HANDSOME DR&S 000,A,57: , • „ Stylear,at'lti.;4loc., -20 c. an4.25e, 'fat'ya*di ?head ate the Gi'eateat'llitgains • Offered thiateascaa . ' ' fr.". CottOnsde,;. ' • :04ejcid ; Stiiped : Shin ring .WEA:IO. w,: Chew •t.urid Best iri Tone. - *sir ot.ifr -muszzlb: the.celelnUtedAilantic Mills. This' mrsuN is fully toi ''ff44l l- 17 'as the LatitarD. • We have now Over 50.dikerent styles and qualities of ran. in: - in price fan 50c, to 025:.. . I • C 0;,(.. ; - C.N.LIAVELL•ez , West W.cngton:Street, . . Right hY. , th6,,C,ciirtAduee, gaieretowii; 'Stine 29,18'71', .., • R.MP01:211 1 OF,the Condition of the , First National Bank of Wayneshoro,'•' Pa., at close of business June 10, 1871. • ' • IZOIMCES: Loans and Disdotints Overdinfts U. S. Bondi,to,Becure:Cir-: • cu1nti0ri.......... . .. U. S.:Bond's on hand • Other Storks, Bonds, Due from Redeeming Mid Agents Reserve • Due' 'froth , other 'National • . : Due from oilier Bank: and' Bankers" - Checks and other .Ca'sh items Bills of other Natioial Banks Fractional . Currency and. regal Tender Niztei Capital Stoelr, . ~ .. .. 7.1,060.00 Surigns ' 13,000 1 :60 Intet&t, Exchange; Profit ' rind ..... ..... .. ...... tiTerilatio,n •NOtes' i t4- I .i • -' Standing ";, ' "," , 65,700.7.0.„ Dividerids " • • 9 70.00' Individual Depogits" " • 34,010.59 Due to Nationalliaidre... „ . 893.60 Due' ' State National Bankers. . $198,000.38 1 ' I State .of Penniyhenfa County of Franin . • k 1.., • S: S: . . - I,,JOhti,Fhilicis; Cashier of the First. National Bank of Waynesboro', do solemn y swear that the above statement, is true to, the,best of my knowledg_e and belief. • JOHN PHILIPS,"Cashier. , „ Subscribed and'sworn.before me this,lsth day of Juno, 1871:r J. B. A:mm.lnm ? N. P.. E. 'ELDEN Correct Attest.: • 0 .1 1" - 1 • IME undersigned, having received letteis , JL of administration on the estate of eathe.- rime Diffendarfer, late of Wayneaboio', de ceased, hereby gives public notice to eagle creditors and debtorsTof said deceased,. the former to present their. claims, and the lat.+ i ter to make poyment of their ndebtodne,ss without necessary, delay. . E. J. BOXBRAKE, PHOTOGRAPHER,,,, S.E. Corner dale Diamond, WersEtilpito', PA., • fAS at ' all thins a fine assortment of Pie tures Frames and Mouldings: CaU 'and aei)Tpeeinten pictures.. . June tf. Ll.Onrrizs DINIEL NV,. S. AnpEssox, Directors 31.0paz,77.,,JJ itivo;lasornat ; " 4: 4YIP . Vi r iarrSiditt " " Wltofeitaleeand Dealeri.and ; . turer of ' • • i10113Z:4 4 , U,R N TVRE • • : 1 ' ,'9TI? ; 41 00*Ottri:.P. , Itak * *4l3llotrilfifiiidi:amniiig . his cuitozn. " • lit4ntblio ; :that he has -from It - `4llr.ou - Ok . oE Addirrtrag, Wrtd.ttveiity, 4 per!Ont. the - I "advantagaliti; 'hascovertther acturers lie *4ll, sell,Eninittzt:sitla less price a thaiu yOf erPliiiiiii**tin the State. bilih...:slciV ROOMS, :1111ediyi.'Weitery,nplettiiiiturei-fronr aVisinio9l#l4oll,art/63,*(tlifOttest in use, .he feels -mitirrii/ate4,•;rni• Ear: that he cat ' PhaWall OF TRIMS. §5,47, to 8 , - Solid Walnut 8,4, to 10 Jettny.:Lind-r-3-Ah Top_ • ; 'Wal tc nut ",14;16, to 18 84t.dh. TOp - Round, Corner- g t, 3 PaneliWalmif, 1 : '• • • ,Cary td ••• • - 25t0 30 -le " Poot, : 'Walnut, Moulded 30; 35, to 40 Antique—New Style 25, 30, 35, 40, to 60 Fine Antique Chamber Sniia, e • -ISO to 175 35, 38, 40,45, to 60 60, 75, to 85 Cot. Chamber Suits Solid Walnut Suit* . ' `.. • . • • BUREAUS. • Im. Wal. 4, draiers, with glass, - wood top ' - 14, 15, to - 16 Ira. Nal. 4 drawers, with glass, . Marble top 17,18, to 30 Solid Wal. 4 drawers, with glass wood top 20, 22, . 23, to 32 " " Marble top 25, 30, 32 ; io 60- 10, 12, to 14 Imitation • mining Table , aislegs, . Bxeak fast do., four 190) Mai. do 2Q. dia . patents, EitemitgnTatdes-pey-fe WindiOr or Wood seats (k dozy $5, 6, 7 to,lo Cane seats a doz.) 9, 10, 11, 12/ to 30 (Have over 600 of the above on hand.) Wood Seat Rocking Chairs, 1,25 to 5 Cane Seat Rocking Chairs, • . 2to 7 Willow Seat Rocking chairs, 2 to 10 Spring . Seatecl Chairs, , Pholstered Hair Cloth, Brocatel, Rep and Terry, , ranging in price per half dozen from 'Rocking Chairs uphol. as above Tete-a-Tetes,•uphol: as-above, • (each) from 20, 22, 25, 30 to 75 fox or plain'SolaS, frOm • 18, 20 to 30 Lounges upholstered in Hai: Cloth, Brocatel, Rep, Terry and Da masks 'Spring Seats reach) . from . ' 8, 9,:10, t c ,"3o . -WARDROBES. Imitation Walnut,for---$lO,-12,-14,-16-to-3 9 'a nu, or' • 0125 to 60 - 118—Also, side Boards, Wash Stands, 11Iat tresSes, and in fact everything iu the Furni ture line. The limits of ,an advertisement is entirely too narrow to give a full list of Furniture made,atgthts establishlneut. CALL Sr, SERIOR YOURSELVES. MEM 75,400.00 .28,600,00 ../,q98.50 7,080.43 -4,647:58 DEE 1,285.00 re.„Remember,ilte place, I. 8.-IVHITMORE, 'Greencastle, Pa '170.5 :15,451.00 Dec. 1, 1871. $1p3,000.38_ BOOT .1741"/I-SHOFIVT A RING. TIDE subsorica' - OUld inform the public ghat he is at'all.tirries prepared to make to dtder Gents otirse: or fine Boots, also agrse or fine ctrockfotlAidies or Misses, in cluding the'latu4trityle Oflusting • Gaiters.— Itepairinkt done atiihdrVntlbice, and'measur- Ca.taken private families if desired Shop on East MamStreet;ip 'the doom formerly occupied. bY.,.T.':Eldeu, as a....t10ur and _feed store, ..29829 july D._ _AL - STO u DENTI,ST', GREENCASTLE, PA. 7 1 ' ' • • 4C6t , i74." , tivc,Fgropi Experienced in Dentistry, will insert you sets, of Teeth at prices to' snit the times. Feb. 16,1871. e U $l3 THE co-partnership Which heretofore:ex -11-land betweean Ronzer Prantz, at Pikesville, was dissolved by mutual consent on the lst'day of March, 'lB7l. The books and accounts of the firm are in• my hands. All persons padebted are requested• to call and settle immediately. ' • PETER. ROUZER. Apiil 13th; 3m NOTWL • NoTroE. t ia hereby that the undersigned has been appointed assignee of George Lisinger !of. PikesTilleo Franklin en, ;Pa., undec,a,deeil of voluntaty, assigamcni' for the benetltof creditors. All i c a rsons indebt ed to the said G eorge er will make payment, and those having* 'ma will pre sent the same properly•autherusted for set tlement. PETER June 1-3 t ' : Assignee. NEW mulkiNtant, , lPTOßEl KA#4lTrovElvAiinouicois to AUL thelndieltnfyirglxtesand.v.leinity thiitishirittWdeliiiiieneed - thellium% bus in9(ia.in frcint'iNsm next door tri.th'eard ivaite3torei of $7 BAtineihatt,:iind litaikopen ett,'.out f141:11116 - Spring and • l3ll4:rimer Gabai-J er i k boot ig - ail :theAateslt t i • a4l.ittvttetfko call,ity mine her, Vibe suligcriber respeetraran i tunniees to 1: the eitizenkeof Wayncslibrirthath4 has provided himsOlf With Brat-elaziamilCit cows and will continue to 51 .. pp17 nll'ichCkvilt pat ronize him, regulail*Aurmt,#oong and summer. seasons; itiorg*,itnclOottnixtg,Avith milk and cream, stlwasniable*Ctifor Ake cash. - ENRY7CABBNITGH: • J05P.,7. 3 1-1. MOTTG-14.4 6 4-S, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, , WAYNPBCFRO', PA. • Practides . in the severs ourts, of Frankhn "" C • and adjacent Counties: • • r - N. B.—Real Estate leased and sold, and Fire Insurance effected'on reasonable terms. December 10, 1871. JOHN A'. MVSSONO4 ATTORNEY AT LAW, • , lAVING been admited to Practice Law t the several Courts•in Franklin'Conn ty, all business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to: Post Office .address Mercersbuirg, Pa. , J, B. AMBERSON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,- WAY3.7IterBORe, Office at the Waynesboro' "Corner Drug Store." [jane =NE TABLES 5 to 6 9, 10, 12 to 15 CHAIRS •! THOS'.4. HOLLINGSWORTH ~: -- G DNEWS CAN RE -REABD Ay THE SPORE OF ~~d+J:3:.; . I have, just bought in the East a choice stock of gogda. A Alas:4ply ..... "RI E, COFFEEEI r . F TEttg, 2II -' •• • ;, , ;W ar ,(Coiree, i craeltedlOaf att;d2plvenzed.), P.R.• and N. o..Molasses , andrByrupe,lDried -loruit;Sugar-Curint Ila 'iSmokodißeef In the way of Pure S tides gen drally7and• fl the quality stands u forget to look - at our 10 I I amprepared , td•keep 9HEESE.—The very winter and summer: GRADEERS' I get my goods fresh James Masowand Co. ent kinds. The newes /t „ • fl FRESH AND S The Fish department vs will play second tiddler the pro .er season we g sell them right that is t them fast. Customers iv 100 waited on, with th, Housekeepers Nvautiug for the summer Should b • MACKER I now have in store ancl lot of Mackerel in--whole quarters, at about one-ha of bacon. There is nothin the provision :line as.,M note of this. • GLASSWARE.--Look a ers-s _ QUEENSWARE.Gran very porter in tes sets an' • by tlt , kizen and half dozen'; Also a large stock ~ common Teas , -- • and di: es. NOTIONS AND SUNDR • S.—Baskets, bucket-brooms, tubs, brushe=qqaps, clothes , . pins, p t ket books,_ es sences„ , low's blue, chewin.l tobacco and se„%ars, ~, itc. I ask the public to call a. examine.— Will always try to make the Ices suit cash buyers. April 20, 1871. "if A. REID. 25 to 75 9 to 15 .• 'INVALIDS DON'T DES rt ftl i fSsi i Thousands have found reil ~ ',A A ition -ands rill tutu tJ this dna, af.or ochausting their :44: and anticnco In search of b thdduto•s cattle head. dullnass of • hrya'h, coa-ca tongue, loss of appetlie, _r i p,. In las stomunLenlicA_Pfli floss of the aldo, constant fever - an4. — ffil dlcullsh for Wiriness, pie tore or any !neut. F:stivAtcy's yscraczo. 1f taken ... a TOWin e.n Iliremote thin \rho) toms. The ttutds,or the body become elear, the stomach e - reng hened, the 't e dean, ow appetite improved, and the whole grate benefited that cllaetbe, In bad weather, Is lees Ilab atillet you. I' Dr. P. FAHRN F Y'S . iii ,• z; • • . Celebrated , Blood Chaoseror P_ ac es, As a 'medicine tbr children, the Ten& way, calculated to take the, place or the of drug d which are annually •sold for.tia which are often - eery inprione. A. medic Bait:led the qualities of a cathartic tiliVett ante. and which is capable of arrentag d the least Nett to the child, Lt orlincWett every mother. At a eatimrtie; it le Very deal not, flatten la proper quantities, cal diaress to the stomach or towels. It is 1 tott taste; which is a very mpor'an medicine for,eltildren. a a prgreatirs t t 114=irerhtigittlWaSercirs dl mO.3C e detiticasnedielue ewer o ered to th if:lVenregitlarly. andlterattreringly;thos cateeveo common to childbenniaybe anti 4 Pie grad IeLP. Talinsey's_Bro Co,t arnes ro, and ;Dr Alt 'Korth .11ear foe. it.,Crtidatect. PricelttSirperitot • Ibr cite kty, 'Wholesale and -P '4- 0 • eaten.. And by „, F. FArthman,,J. B. Amb,ersoyt o ~A.:,S:„Bonbrake, Waynesbor 430,1741,:pa,,P14e5vi11e. , [Dec. 4,, 'HOW IS THIS FOR T 01.11%; FORD in returning than: ttP public for their patronage anno he intends removing MS shop to merit of. Walker's Building, (and ing town as is the belief of many) intends carrying on the BOOT.Ati BUSINMS as usual. , All persons knowing themselvesilebted to me will please call and settle it ac counts immediately, for I pay cashr my stock and , must have ray _money Don't want to see the face of that tmwelco Nisi. tor, the Deputy from 'FortFletchar, rowl ing about my shop • seeking whom may devour, &c. . .1' Customers will therefore find nas. Basement refered to after the first next. jau 26S ' FAIRVIEW FAMILY FLOUR, ETC. rr TIE under Signed having refitted a I . ded the latest. improvements (formerly Frantz's) announ* . public that be is now manufacturing perior article of FAMILY FLOUR, will be delivered to persons attnark et He has also on hand a supply of STUFF of all kinds, 'which he ,will _ sale or retail at the e or deliver - sired, at the lowest market rates. g refitted his Mill with the most improve chincry he feels, that he is enabled to e general satisfaction. • The highest market price paid fort at delivered at the Mill. COOPER STUFF wanted. mar 24—tf) DAVID PATTERS CONFE,CTIONARY! I MILE eubseribeis'announees to the pa] t hat they have opened a Ba kery and fectionary on Main street, Waynesboro',' polite the Bowden House", where pe at all-times earisuppliedwithfresh.Br: b 4 Rolls, Pretzels, all kinds,-of Sweet Ca • wholesale or retail. A fll supply of C dies, Nuts, Fruita r ete.,, always on han. 10ECREAIM regularly supplied during , season. • • Having erected at considerable expens first-class Bake House they axe confident t in this department of their busineSs t can •give general satisfaction. They the fore solicit a share of public patronage. may s—tf BLEUS3I.kiN , & MORT Mitr .3M .T.a .11bE .1E - THE subscribers announce to the pub that they have now forsale at their lc 2imiles Nortlieao Waynesboro', a sup for article of Wood-burnt Lime for Plant= ing, Whitewashing &c.,which,they-will co tinue'to have on Midluringthe season: Teims reasonableY feb 23-6m] : " HESS & BRO. 23. 12,713 M 12; I.wq-.7. , , • rsubscriber infOrmh the. public that cEtinnes the Barbering business in th room next door to Mr; Reid's Grocery Storo and is at all times prepared to do hair •ctr ting, shaving,s hampooning etc. in the bet style. The patronage of the public is respeo fully solic ited, Aug 23 7871 A. P L 4,4IttSHOLTS, RESzpEmT DzikrxasT", •r • 1 • Can be found- found at all times at his office where he is prepared to insert teeth do the best basis in use lin& aepriceS to suit the *times. Teeth extracted, without pain by the use of chloroform,' gather, nitrousexid egas or the freezing process, - in a manner surpassed by none. • . - - • , We'the undersigned being acquainted with A. K. Branisholts forithe past year, can rec- • omraend - hint to thelaiblie - ,gsnerailly:to — be - '1 'a:Dentin Well.:qualifietttdyierforin all brie rations Belonging':foßtintistry in the most, skillful manner. ices and baking ar r oringaitietes, &a - 4 .45ed.,.,..!..14.0 not, •nt andle3TY supra. *th tkie market. .est quality on hand _ . . Drs. J. B. AUBERSON; I. N. SNIVELY, J. J. OCLLIG, A. S. BONBRAKE, DRENCH. KANDSV om the factory of aye many differ= thing out is the sept 29tf ] CMIIOII3 LADE II he is proprietor of the Buss line running ail y between Waynesboro', and Geencas le,' heretofore run by Wolfersberger & Stun •r. With good horses and a first-class four orse Omnibus he is enabled to convey pas : - •• I •,. •r r:- TED FISH. keep lip full, and none: All thro' string fish, iced reason we sell .tang one shad or same• alacrity.— lay in a supply . very soon. ' His Buss. will leave Waynesboro', at 6i A.-111.,,arriving at GreencAstle'at 8, making quick time and sure 'connection with the -first Passenger 'train at 83: A. .31. . Leaves Greencastle at 5 O'clock, P: 1% , L, arriving , at Waynesboro', at. 6 45. Ile is himself .Pro -prietor, Contractor and Driver. • Delivers , Adams Express matter to and thita -Green castle. All Express matter expressed the same morning and through to Waynesboro' the Sable day it: arrives.' c'Personis Wishing • .en - oiggoods bv r&press•aiitra - o — wel - r - y giving him a call. Persons wishing to go to -Hagerstown -should - lake - this Trout. The -train-leaves-at-9-15making-conneetion-with the Washington County_Railr. WOLfEBSBERGER. forsale a choice bls, halves and he price peril). .else so cheap in .-eral, Make a tte goblets, tom- Fismall-dishea [• —ware - of --the - 'pat make fin. aug 20 tfl ANTIE-TAM MAIBLEIORKP H. WAL'K'ER 'isle . BRO. - • .111ANTI1`ACTITRERS AND DEALERS IN Nonforrents; Tomtis,!geactstattes;*..4lv., . . WE call attention, to our assortment of 01 tha aboi•e, comprising the newest and most "approved styles. Having the advantage of Water-PoFer, and, a long experience in the ' • . STONE CUTTING BUSINESS, ' • NVe are able to iill orders at the shortest no tice and on most reasonable-terms., • d. - qv as p . r. rnhat, tatl4 . ns and wroak fir _ NNI,I) a total of oznploj.,:. l'ereveroa •- . Give us a call at our Yard, near Antietam Junction, on the - .Waynesboro' • and 'lagers-, town Turnpike, twomiles from. theformer_l ..tct. - - - Post -l efrice - tuldress; --- Wayneaboro; a.' , N. B. Orders can be left atthe Tillage Rec ord Oltlce and will receive prompt attention. April 3—tf... IL W. lk BRO. ads Ofivrap and mind. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, NOB IP station this ez. tedicine cgdoys, from its mares, Which are=ul ms. bur Scrofulous dia. apt:Me sa th ari fi e rtem with have been ad cured by it. ,e affections and s,whichwereag 1 by, the scree. _ athmlnsticeruntil they ware painddly have been radically cured in such great numbers in almost everyseo. don of the country, that the,publla warcely need' to be informed of its virtues or uses. _ . in every' ii ' ._. l r l l Y se, art a ct ni r l which pos• mild mite: , • o 'without le value to live, yet it nausea or • plen,unt flatus 6 . 1 , a , ) sea .° it is' ! a ocive or. , I it is the i 'ble ; and, IS Alpttiltdis i . radicuted. To ~ • • `, 7 . A and. Rouzer, , 1 ,171-4 y. , Scrofulous poison is 'one of the most destrue. tive enemies of our race. . Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines tbo con stitution, and invites the attack of enfeebling or fa. tal diseases, without• exciting a suspicion of Its g i r r e a sence. Again, ' it seems •to breed infection ughout the body, and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of its • hideous forme, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tubercles may be suddenly deposited In the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it shows its presence by eruptions on the skin; or foul- ulcerations, on some part, of the body. Hence the occasional use of a bottle "of this,Sarsaparttla is advisable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons af flicted with the following complaints generally find immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by t isis use of this SARSAP ARILLA:- St, Ass sw's Fire Rose or .E'lwaipelas, Teeter, -Rheum, Bead Head, ltirtyworns, Sore.Eass, Sore Mars, andother eruptions or mixable forma 'of Scrofulous ~diseluteZ Also in the more ems, Coaled forms es' Dyospota, Heart, Disease, Fits, Ep sib Neuralgia, and the various Ulcerous affections of ant muscular and nervous systems. Syphilis or nutmeat and Mercurial. Dis eases are muted by it, though a long time is re. quired for snlaining these obstinate maladies ley any medicine. But longoontinuell use of this medicine will core the , complaint. Leueorrlscea or Whites, Uterinoljtoerottema, and Female Diseases, are commonly soon relieved and ulti mately cured by its pmifying and invigorating effect. Minute directions for each case are found in our Almanac, supplied gratis. „Rheumatism and Gaut, when caused by accumulations of ex traneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, nealso Ideas Comptaints. TOndadielb Conass- Jim oritellammatiars iteleteert sad Jaun dice, when suiting, as they often do, from the Ppoisons in the blood. SABHA- FiILIRIT.I.4 is a great restorer fort he strength and vigor of the system. Those who are lon paid and Listless l Despondent, Sleepless', and troubled with lemons Apprehensions or Years, or any of the affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find immediatexelief and con• vinclng evidence of its restorative power upon to the ee that . Base; ' bear-, •re he 'HOE JOHN F' ad the SU *eh Dr. Jr. C. ATER, do , CO., Lowell, 11lawk, Practical and Analytical Ch4maitta. BOLD zr Aux DEVI:MISTS • • :4: E subscriber announces to his custo mers and the public that he will contin ue to furnish a prime article of Beef at the Seller in the Welke Building on Monday evening, Tuesday morning, Thursday evegi ing and Friday 'morning,- regularly during the season:. Customers also supplied with Veal and Lamb when desired. , Thankful. fop - t patronage he hopes by selling,xiothin ut the choicest meats to merit a COI uance of the same. may 25—tf THOS..J. CITN.NINGHANI., Dissoiscrrio. T"partnership heretofore existing be tween Miller & Beaver was dissolved on the Ist, of March 1871, by mutual consent. The Books are at the old stand and will be settled by.J. W. Miller. All persons indebt ed are requested to cull and settle immedia tely. The business will hereafter be conducted by . J. W. MILLER & mar W-tf SURVEYING AND CONVEYANCING. L , T i fi undersigned having had some ten 3 rs exPenbnce,as a practical Surveyor is pr e aced to do all .kinds of Surveying, :yin out and dividing up lands, also all, , -ands of writing usually done by Scriveners. 7 1)arties wishing work done can calton; or ddrws the_undersigned at Waynesboro', Pa. feb 2-41.] , • A. B. STOLER. 'LUMBER, .LUMBER, 'fie subscribeihris fOrlitleChestratt Shin- gles, Pailings, Plaiterini Laths, Shing ng Laths, Pine Lurnber e from a half to one ch.. All other sizes of. Lumber Tarnished order. - Also, Oak, Pine arid Chestnut Wood by the load for sale on the ground. IQ - I.le has al'o Ice for sale. ,Alirif 23 , • A. S. MUNN. W. A. PRICE GF WHOM .1131400304 PREPARED .II Y ' BEEF, 'BEET'. A GREAT MEDIAL DISCOVERY WAIX:FaIt CALXFORKLA. GAIITTITTERS % .4.7 -,. .-, 11,.24.6 f,:Thatupok an :. z....," ,- • t 1 • Bear testimony to their "Wernaer., ,r e 0 5 fel attritive Effects. "4 =lm o; ti WHAT ARE THEY? . : ; 4.. 0 " 7.1 .5.- . . • , lag o I: ..c 0" P. . q -,s- L. , PP . Ed o 7;1 Ed - g;II 4 8 & ... 4 7". 0 . 0 ..... me .to E P ° V W ' 0 . ...4 1 e,.- 4ZO ° F 4 ~.. i.... ' V ... t. 4 ''' 4. . " 61 01% c gl Vil g l ii .. = F --- . 5 1 P 77 • 0 a 4' C'E ;3 .411 E. ;HEY .. NOT .A. TELE . - _ a n , e t 4 1 v. FANCY- •DRINIC.-:egii Endo of Poor Rum, Whisker. Pray , ' SPirita &tad B t otilec I4opturedoctored,spleed tuadeFcot. cactl'ao pleaaVtlic tact(); called " Tonice, "•Aiipatiz• e:::," "I:eaten:or," LC., that ]cad the tippler on to ~ • • ••• e.l • ^f:ont the NAVA° Roote end Lterbe of ,Callforrda,fre f:om_r.lJAlcdltoleStltuelanto. They:are : Ct:Zl3ll'.l' El-ban PCILIFIEIt etfid A 11111 Cii7INC/ PRINCIPLE eperfect Renovator an Invigorator of the Systeni,earrying off all poisorto.. , Inutter tend restoring the blood to a bealpyieonditio. ton and remein long unwell. $2.00 willbe given for an incurable case, provided the - bones aro not destroyed by mineral 'poison or other meats, and the vital organs wasted beyond the ;Kantor rennin. • . , • For Inflammatory and Chrdnie Übonma. Cam' and tient,' Dyspepsia, Or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers DlSenses of the-Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have been most success ful. finch -Diseases are caused by-Vitiated Blood, which Is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. • In - GESTION, Mad . ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the - Chegt, Dizzine4, Boar Ertietatkins of the Stomach,_: Bad testula the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation Beart, -- IWlainination - iirtlioLutigsTPain in tho . ." • . qqy , mulls brrcreend ether _p t• symptoms, ore tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. ' Thry invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the tor• pia liver and bowels, rldeh reruler them ofunequilled efficacy in cleansing the bloodof all impurities, and imparting now life sad vigor to the whole system. FO S. SKIN DISEASES, EruptionS,Tetter, Salt Enema, tiotebta, Spots, Pimples; Pustules, Boils, Cur. buncics, Ding-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysip• clan, Itch, Settee, Discoloration of the Skin, Rumors and Diseases of the blrin, of whatever name or nature, cru literally dug up and carried out of the system inn short time by the -so of those Sitters. One bottle-in such easels will convince the most incredulous of their curative °Met. • Cleanse the ,Titiated 'Blood. whenever you find ' Impurities bursting through the skin inlimples,Erup liens or Soros ; cleanse It when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the Talcs; clause it when It is foul, and your feelings will toll you when. Eceptho blood pure and tho health of the system will follow; 1 3 1% 'TAPE and other WORMS; lurking in the system of so many Ooziest:o9,Am nifcctrially destroy ed and rt. movod. For full directions,-iead circutr.r around ouch bottle, printed fa four tar, eyes—English Sermon, French and-Spirait. MS= 'roprkWr Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Gal. and and SA CoreraerenStroat, New Tork•. VT SOLD DT .LL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. ALEX. LEEDS, Next door to the Town 'Mall, has now on hand a fine assortment or eiC. IF-• lab (f! Milk_ tAW 9 Celected by himself with 'great care. A ...,large and well'sele&ed assortment of WATCHES, Swiss English & Aperican manufacture rssl X aEVI L E 7 cheaper than ever before spld-in ..Wavnes boro, allitte„lateAt styles. kept conitontly on hand. variety Of,Cuff44uttons. A fine, issortiner4e;:!:•-,,.'` FINGER. AND ,RINGS Solid Gold. • Engagement and WEDDING RINGS, Silver Thunbles.and Shields, Cae.- tors, Forks and Spoons;aalt Cellsri, Butter Knives of the celebrated Roger ''Manufac , tore, 'at reduced rates. SPECITACLEnc? suit.everybocly's eyes 14VMP . , few glassCs,.pUt in old frames. .131Ri`Tlocks, 'Watches anaJewelrypromptly and neatly repaired and warranted. ALEX: LEEDS. Next door •to the ,Town Hall, under ,the Photograph Gallery. July 31: NEW GOADS 'NEW 6121.10 S r i gapg tyonE FrillE subscriber announces to his cu to -oill mers and the public that he has returned from the , East with a fine stock of • "'SPRING ANPSUNDIER DR ic GOODS, •Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Glass ware„ Oils, Hats and Caps, 800 sand Shoes, Notions, and other goods sue as are usuall kept in well regulated eounti ores, all of which willbe,sold choap for th Persons in want of, am= article i s I ne are invited to call:, and examin s st, and learn.his prices, as liis•obi ,y,.s to ma , -? ."tpliek sales at short profits.” ' • stock e brace:f•Drugs and Patent - TNIe es, inchi. ilifi:'•giertelebrated Fahrneyja nacea. ' i•A rt#4o9, ap tf 11:4311.0WN. • V 0,1 7 1..; S • • • A large Merchant Mill, situate in'llarford li County, Md., abCout liMiles from Edge wood; on the Yhira. Balt. R..R., has 4 run - of Burrs, with, ca.pddity.of 20,000 bar rels, whieh with a small outlay tail be in creased to 30,000' barrels. Also, a fine farm adjoining the mill, containing 340 acres, 200 of - which is cleared and in 'a high state of cultivation. There ire_thrie houses on the farm, also, barn, stable, corn house, &c. E. .T. SNOW & CO., No. 10 Spears Wharf, Balt., Md. May 4 3m. „• „ „ FOR S -A_ subscriber offers sale MORTIC IL ED CI NUT POSTS for Post and Rail or Failing fence. Also Locust Ponta for eith er kind of fencing: He is also greparecl to supply the public 'with burnt Lime and Corn by the quantity. - •• • miry 11.-7tf '; • ALEX HAMILTON. „gIatLyZZIMMY - Oa • TO THE LADIES! - l' its. C. L . HOLLINBERGE . 4 has just ..Ldireeeivhd a fall supply of new 'Millinery goods. Ladies are limited to call and examine ncr stock. , apr ,;~ ;;~ Tl,l - • • ,CCION,& ST.CiNEELOI7SE . : Respectfully announce :to the public that they have opened at their store?!, room; on the SOuth-west corner 'of tip - Dian - lad, ix Waynesboro,' a' large. 'and well: selected '.` StCrerof, - '• - • DRY GOOns, GROCERIES, . HARDWARE,' AkID 7 ,CUTLERY",-• Iron, Steel,4CallaCoachmakers Goods of ev ery deswiption, Queensware,' Cedarware, Shoes, Carpets, 011 Cloths Paints, Glass, Varnish Brushes, Fisk, Salt, and all kind pf-Goods' kept in a well regulated Aare. -Our—goods ore- all-new-and -freshiard-have been bought for cash at the late, decline in prices. s), We flatter ourselves that from our long experience in business, and a determination to_selLgoods at small-protits;we-shall-olfer unusual inducements to buyers who desire to save money. Please call and• see' for yourselves. f.73 , 04 ( ii We lave Ala: d well assorted stock of staple and suer Dry Goods, embracing CLOIS I - CASSINERES, Satinetts': Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonades, Cords; Stripes ; Cheeks, Ginghams, Linen nud Cot ton Table',Diapers; Crash for ' towels,S4ll-, .c.oes, Detains, Atir<tecas, " Fancy DRESS GOODS, DRILLINGS, ''"'"^:" "771= - • I • 'a. a an Shirtings, Ticitings, LinenS, Flannels, White Goods[Gloves, 'Hosiery and Notions. We are receiving ne* goods every week and .will supply any article wanted that we. have not on hand in a 'few days. - ". We pay the highest market price for all kinds of Country -Produce, such as Bacon,: Lard, Butter, Ens, Dried Fruit, Rags, Nov. 3, 1870. ait - . - - •' . Elea a complete ussortmeu► MISSES AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS Sams ANB. &UM& THOMPSON'S "GLOVE- FITTING , COR SETS," at • • SMITH'S. SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONARY; or all kinds at • • -SMITH'S. HATS A:1 1 / 4 1 - EY G PS, , A: full stock now ready, consisting of all th latest styles, at , PAPER' COLLARS, TIES, GLOVES . , -Susponclers,- everraiing - In that. line; ct SMITH'S Nov. 3 1870 .11cDONALD 4 CO., NEW MN I NEW' MM. L im STUES t, LaWi PINES. t DOERICEII, hrive just open ed at the Co 12N CLofHriu&rons,asglet did line of FItENCII, _ _ , - • • . • AND' k.'3IEIiICAN ' ' GOODS;‘". embracing Clothes' of various ,grade. and colors.. • , PLAIN 'AND 'FANCY C.AS,SIgERS; latest styles 'and best qualities, -Doeskito i Cheviots, Tweeds, Linen and Crape": Coa l, jugs, stylish Vest Patterns,-etc.., All of which will he made - to order with the best Trimmings and.in thebest manner. A l - ti.)OD lacAs...o.vg!..n in very case no-salc. Paper - Coilirs, Ties, BOAC'S, Suspencicr,ll.63- iery etc., alway:4 on hand. Orangemen desiring r.nd good fit-. tine clothing should give us a trial. " . BOERNER YiN.A.NT, S. E• Cor. Diamond. 7111 HE undersigned would most res - piettlnlly .I. inform the citizens of Wayliesborb' and vicinity that he has opened a now, Tin Store on East Main street, - opposite - Stover- & Wolff's Dry Goods' emporium, and keeps constantly on hand a good, supply of ~. • 2 COOK & COAL FrOVES MORIIING GLORIES, 'etc., at prices to'Tnit the times, All kinds of work,.done, in tiuo with nelttiess • and' ~dispatch,"such as rootling, spouting, and repairing,. Noll '‘v . :ll find it to your interest to.give him a call br fore Rtlrchasing, elsewhere. 'Tie-sign of the Big Red coffee Pot, .A:lwas on the Thankful - fo'r past favoro he hopes fora.con tinuance of the same.., - , CARPETS! . CARPETS! I. H. WHITMORE- - has just returned from the cities with the largest and best assortment of C R.PETS! OIL OLOTAS! • OIL AND LINEN V.TINMCYW DROGGET A3ND CRUMB CLOTkis Italer AND MATS, COVERLETS; COUNTERPAN_ES, • ever offered in Oreeneastle. ' ACE CURTAINS, with all ! he fixtures for puttibg up. , -RAG CARPETS constantly on hand and made to order • • —•- 4.'Selling low& than! 'any, othltome in the county. Pa - Call bed "near.,viees. Greeneastle,Dae. 1; WO. CC>ACllrsff A iNG_ Who, subscriber annouriees'tO his friends and the public , that,' he Inis pureflated the'eqach Factory formerlyowned by - 75r.u.4 liesk:andis ngtv engaged in the abore bur iness; on Ilan :Street, at the East 'end of -Waynesboro. 'Haying a knowledge of the btanness, and employing none but . tho beet workman -and by strict ,attention to Nisi neß.'he hopes to merit a share of patronage. All kind:l<A new work on band'ordom Ailed promptly. Jim. 140. ANTVT 4 ,-,J;:.• • FOR.NEY & SOS will piy thelighest market price fdr-'6W cords"Of Rock and Black Oak Bark delivered ut tkeir Tannery in 117:4-nesboro.. Hidegyind skins taken in and•weighed the ceihir of'c. Ritthe§' Shoe Store, 4or h jell the highest marfick-rprice will be ga!(1. APTA : THOMAS- - FILBERT, - .11EkelIA 2' TAILOp, • .• . , AND AGENT Illat , • SINGEWS 5EW1NG‘,.:,421.(711PNE44:. UMIRM Call and see goods and get prleeS ENGLISH READY3LtDa CLOTIIINO NEW TIN STORE. Yours Respectfully; • CLAYTON.N.I. PREY GEO. BALIWKLP: ' ' s ' i ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers