tat priartmEnt. "To Intimidate the Disaffected !" We have the very beSt authority for saying that Secretary Staatun ,n tl3 as order, which is in existence, upon the representation of scheming politicians in this C mgressional District, for the sending ot a regiment of military into this county to be present at the election yesterday, tor the purpose, as the order says, ot "INTIMIDATING THE DISAFFECTED"—in other words, to help the conspirators to defeat Gen. Lazear . for Congress ! We have our eyes upon SOME of the men at whose instance this vile scheme was concocted. We know one Lincoln office holder who exultingly expressed the belief to the other precious scamps, his fellow conspirators, upon the occasion, that this movement "would reduce the majority in Greene County, for Gen. Lazear, to twelve hundred ." Many of the people will not know till the election is over, this damning rascality by which their rights are threatened ; and it is, perhaps, sell that it •is.so, for we should not, otherwise, be. willing to answer for the consequences But we Lave many reasons for believing that this nefarious scheme Will not succeed. The Democracy of Greene cc,linty will not tolerate the trampling upon their dearest Constitutional rights, and we say, woe be to the man, or men, who gall attempt it, and be caught at it ! Returned: Our young friend, MAJon .TAMS B. LINE,- sat-, has just returned ', the Eastern Cit ies where he has purchased one of the largest and most complete stock of goods ever brought to this market. Jim, though quite a youthful merchant, buys the litgest stock of goods that are brought to this County.— His store is crowded daily,—which is the best proof that he sells his goods at very low figures. He purchased bi s goof during the recent panie in the East which enables him to offer extra inducements to his custo mers. His stock of Boots and Shoes cannot be surpassed anywhere. His Hats and Caps are of the styles and are very cheap, We would call the attention of the ladies in par ticular to his flue selection of Dress Trim mings, White Goods, Furs, Ribbons, Hos siery, Gloves, Corsetts, Collars, Netts, Worsted Goods, and in fact everything usually kept hi'a first class Trimmi ig store. If you want anything in his line give him a call. You will find him or his gentlemanly clerks ready and willing to show you his goods. See his advertisement 03-Dr. I. H. Longdon, Practical Medico- Electrician and Electro-Physiologist, of Pittsburgh Pa., will lecture ... in the M. E. t Church, Waynesburg, Pa., on Thursday evening, Oct. 13, at 7 o'clock, on Electricity as connected with the mental and physical chanws, and Mysteries ot human life. Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to attend. Also, on Friday evening, Oct. 14th, at 7 o'clock, to gentlemen only, on Repro.: dnction, Marriage and diseases. Seats free. Dr. Longdon with his assistant, Dr. Orr, will have professional Rooms at the Robert's House, now occupied by. D. A. Worley, from Thursday, Oct. 13th, until Sat mrday, Oct. 29th, where he may be consult ed in regard forms of diseases and their treatment. Dr. L pays special atten tion to chronic diseases, in which we under stand his practice has been remarkably sac cessful, effecting cures in many cases that had withstood all other treatment for years. Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pronchi• tis, Catarrh, Deafness, Spinal Affections, Diseases of the Throat, Stomach, Heart, Liver, Bowels, Fomale Diseases, Debility, Se , Sze., are all promptly and permanently cured by Dr. L's treatment. During the past few years he has registered hundreds ot !cares, references to which he will be pleased to give those calling upon him. lie m'ght present a volume of certificates of cures, complimentary notices, &c., but the best reccommendatious are offered the public in a personal interview which may be had at his rooms free of charge. He invites all affict ed witlt any form of Chronic disease, to give him attstiexo call with the assurance of speedy add permanent cure. His principal agents ate E lectricity and Magnetism, by the application of which he equalizes the vital forces of the body, eradi cating disease and insuring a state of perfect health. He does not give electrical shocks in any case, but applies the current by mani pulation, passing them through his own sys tem, vitalizing them with his own magnetic power before applying them to the patient. Electrical flagellation, the electrical moral electrical aura, electrical spark and electrical bath are all skillfully employed in his prac tice. We feel quite sure that the doctor's system is new in this community,* and we ;hope he may do the good among us that his ,practice has effected elsewhere. We know 'him to be a scientific man, and thoroughly educated in his profession. Superior electro magnetic machines with medicines may be had at his rooms. We advise the afflicted to give his treatment a trial, Removal. We understand that R. K. C&MPEOILL, the Daputy Provost Marshal of this District, was notified of his removal, a few days ago, without any cause being assigned therefor.— This is a matter iu which Democrats claim no interest, but we presume the reasons are satisfactory to the powers that be. More Drafts. Gov. Seymour, of New York, says if the Republicans carry the election we will have more drafts. A few days ago he said s “When I said to the offieers of the admin istration, that a man .enlistad far three years ought to count as three men tor one year ia the coming conecriptlou, I was bald that the propel credit would be given in the next draft to be made.” Tail law:Nation mdiable. Elect Lisa cola aid drafts will be coati need. • ar‘‘He made a few desultory re marks," said the schoolmaster. Mrs. Partington stopped suddenly in the bus tle she was making around the table for tea, and gazed over her specks thought fully at him. Leaning on a plate edge wise, as if to enforce her views by the support it gave her, "I suppose it was because he was weak," said she, "but Aver's Pills will cure him. I nev er knew 'em to tail. They are very solitary in such cases." lteally, mad am," replied he, "I cannot guess your meaning." "You said dysentery," said she, lying down the plate and putting a , poop in the preserves. "I. said desul j tory," said he smiling, "quite a differ ent thing." "No matte," said she, looking up in - time to box Ike's ears, who was putting paper down the chim ney of the kerosene lamp. 'The Pills are good for both, I dare say, for they cure almost all the diseases in the corn ! ueopia." ea - A soldier of the 85th P. V., writes to a friend of the Genius Df LLiberty from camp near Petersburg, Sept. Ist: "I got the Genius C. sent me; feel very thankthl for it, and would like to see the next one. I read Cowan's speech, and was much pleased with it. I never saw such a change in political matters as has taken place in our reg iment. Uncle Abe will get but a few votes in our squad" cr. Mr. Lincoln draws his salary in gold. The laborer and mechanic re ceive their wages ip depreciated paper. The Executive who has driven gold out of sight demands his m in it, and com pels the poor man to re his hire in greenbacks, which he himself refuses to touch. a-Hon. Brutus J. Clay, of the old Kentucky Wiiig stock, is actively sup porting General Me Clellan. Democratic Mass Meetings. For Dunkard, Perry, Monongahela and Greene, at Mapletowu, Saturday, Oct. 22d. For Richhill, Alleppo, Springhill., Centre and Morris, Tuesday OA. 25th, at Jaektown. For Franklin, Wayne, Whiteley and Gilmore, at Strosnider's Store, Thurs day, Oct. 27th. For Washington, Morgan, Jefferson and Cumberland, Jefferson, Saturday, Oct. 29th. Hon. J. L. Dawson, Hon. Wm. MONTGOMERY, Hon. S. A GILMORE', Gen. S. B. Wirsos, and others are expected to be present, and address the meet ings. A. A. PURMAN, Ch. Co. Corn. rtlvio. Election in Connecticut—Democratic Victories in Town Elections—Large Gains Everywhere—The State Good for McClellan. HARTFORD, Oct. 4.—The result of the town elections in this State are highly gratifying to the Democrats. At the rate of increase in the Democratic vote, the State is good for McClellan. Bridgeport elected the Demo cratic ticket throughout for the first time in seven years. Even where the Republican candidates have been elected, the Democrats have gained largely on their vote of last year. Besides Bridgeport, the following towns were carried by the Democrats: Derby, Middletown, Waterbury, Waterford, - Glasten berry, East Lyne, Preston, Wallingford.— Later returns will show still larger Democrat ic gains. Connecticut is all right Election in Delaware—The Little state Redeemed—Large Democrat• is Majorities. WILMINGTON, Del., Oct. s.—At the Inspectors' election on Tuesday, the Democrats carried New Castle county by 52, majority, Kent county by 903 majority, and Sussex county by 450 majority, a total Democratic majoity of 1,405. In New CCstle county the Repub licans had 432 majority in October 1862. ST. Louis, Oct. s.—The following re ply to a statement in the New York Times Washington correspondent, tel egraphed from New York on Monday, is sent by request of General Rosecrans: To the Agent of the Associated Press, St. Louis : The New York Times' Wash ington special says that Gen. Rosecrans is in some trouble. Gen. Rosecrans pronounces this a falsehood of some sin inter character similar to Lhose which were sent broadcast through the country on his removal from the Army of the Cumberland. Having seen the effects of these slanders remaining uncontra. dieted, he owes it to his words and him self to meet this promptly. (Signed) W. S. ROSECRANB, Major General. A train of 23 cars and 2 locomotives were captured by the rebels at Miller's Landing on the Pacific Railroad on Monday, and take est with them. Heard Gasconade be was burning, and train ran into the river. One car contained 800 Sharpe's rifles which the rebels took. Considerable force were seen in Washington county yesterday moring west. Another body of rebels, supposed 800 strong, crossed the • Mis souri river below Merlan yesterday. Information of Price's movements was received to-day. NEW YORK, October 5. —A Herald's City Point correspondent says In the fight fur the Southside railroad - about 2,000 prisosers tell into the hands of the rebels. belonging principally to the 51st New. York, 21st Massachusetts, 45th Pennsylvania, and 7th Rhode Island, but both the Times' and World's spe cials from the scene of action, put the number at only a few hundred. Now Yoaa, Odober 6.—A correspon dent of the B erf4d iFeak trSy Polo says it is se oar cavalry re. took six of the ?liehmeere eel:I -tem' by *0 tabdiajlr thltillielsg sear Poplar Tree Obamilk The News. NEW 'roil, October 5.—A Herald correspondent with the cavalry on the left of the army of the Potomac, says of the cavalry fight on Saturday :—The rebels were led by Gen. Wade Hamp ton, and Generals Butler, W. H Lee, Dearing and Young, each with a bri gade. They thought to secure an easy victory. They succeeded in driving our small force which was commanded by Gen Davies, from the lines of their slight defences and dismounting their brig.ades made a d..!sperate attempt to dislodge us from a third line. Our force consisted of the Ist New Jersey, Ist Massachusetts, 6th Ohio, 10th New York and a battallion of the Ist Penn sylvania with four guns. ' The fight was terrific. Time and again the rebels charged up to within a few feet of the line, and were hurried 1 back with deadly showers of bullets.— they then attempted a flank movement, at the same time charging the breast ., works, but they met such a warm recep tion that they were glad to return.— Their loss was heavy. As soon as it was discovered that the enemy were falling back, our men climbed their breastworks, and, with a cheer, charged the flying rebels. Our loss was slight. NEw YORK, October Tribune special, dated at Martinsburg on the 4th, says: The latest intelligence from Gen eral Elteridan is to Saturday morning. At that time his infantry were still at Harrisonburg, while his cavalry were east of tne Blue Ridge, reconnoitering in the vicinity of Char lottesvelle. The rebel report of the disaster to our cavalry at Switthead Gap, is untrue. Instead of meeting with a repulse, we gained a victory, captured about 100 prisoners, and driving the rebels through Browns Gap, which they had thrtified. Rockfish and Brown's Gap have been strongly fortified by the rebels, and are defended by a considerable force. The position is flankable o.a either side, and it is probable that the next infimnation we get from Sheridan will come via Al exandria. Supply rains continue to go to the front, and here is direct indica tion that Martinsburuili and Harper's Ferry are to be abandoned as a basis of supplies. HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE POTO mAc, October 5 —Tke utmost quiet has prevailed in the front of Petersburg since Friday, In going over the late battle-field I fOund our dead entirely stripped of clothing, and some of the bodies horribly mutilated. Several had been murdered after being wounded. FORTRESS MONROE, October 4.—The steamer from Point of Rocks reports that General Terry assaulted and captured a rebel battery on the Newmarket Road. When is not stated. MARRIED, Oct. Gth, by Rev. J. S. Gibson, Mr. THO MAS C. HUFFY, of Bucyrus, Ind., and Miss LIZZIE SEDGWICK, of Rice's Land ing, Pa. NOW IS THE TIME NEVER PUT OFF UNTU, TO-MORROW THAT WHICH SHOULD BE DONE wco-0c0.A.-ir ! "El TIN 1111:11 BY TgE PAST." Goods arc eileap to-day. but will surely be higher i❑ a few days. Gold Steadily but Certainly Going up! BOOTS AND 'SHOES are now being sold at James B. Lindsey's LE Panic Prices ! •'Delays are dangerous.•' C•tme then all ye that wont beneil ted. Remember that Jr. lIN USEY was the fluty Merchant in Waynesburg who bought GOODS during the recent panic,he g east at that tithe laying in his Lail and Winter Goods. I am now also opening my Fall and Winter ass of Trimmings and Notions ! I carefully gelrcted for an exclusively RETAIL 'TRADE An I will se:l at lowest in.trket prices: Trimmings, Embroideries, Gloves dnd Hosiery, Notions and Fancy Goods, Skirls and Corsets Undershirts and drawers. Fur Ladies, r:entlein..n and Children in every varie.y GENTLEMEA FURNISHING GADS, and a splendid a.sostment of LADIES & GENTLEMEN'S FURS! LADIES' VIOTORINES, LADIES' MUFFS, LADIES' OUFFS, MIMI'S Mil Ili COLLIIB A full line of HATS AND CAPS, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Ladles Turban fiats, Black Canton Saratoga, Waterfalls, Felt Velvet Trimmings, &c., &c . Gent's Fine Silk Hats, Fur, Wool and Cotton Hats, OF ALL ?EWES AND STYLES. WON%11M514 1 4111) PLUMES AND FLOWERS, Of the very latest stylea. and can pe purchased at ex ceedinry. tow picas. These goods were purchased IMIIISPIELY USK sad Mil be SW f or "'ay .Lon prolhs. a . 4 so 4 . A0 11 r WNW LeasAmmg 11 " 1116.141 4 1 . 101 kft 8' . REGULATIONS r .llll , - Is %WOO Zoe •=i on * *-% t=il NAMES OF COMMITTEES, jefftrson Agriattara l socitto, TO BE 111.1 D AT JEFFERSON, GREENE COUNTY, PA., COOTC:OI3M3EL 210 T ML 211.0ar, 1804. OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR 1861. PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT RECORDING SECRETARY - CORRESPONDING SECRETARY TREASURER MANAGERS. —T. McClenahan, John Powlin, H. C. Honlsworth, J. T. Bayard A. Rush, Stockton Smith, John Prior, S. Riggle, B. B. Smith, F. P. 'Mouldy, M McGovern, J. Kelly, H. Davis, H. Bell, C. C. viy, D Rose. RING MARSHALLS.—Dr. S. Smith and Jacob Rush, (Clarksville.) STocit MARsittus.—H: C. Houlsworth and Win. Davis. MAR§TIALLS ON MANUFACTURED ARTICIX.S. —B. B. Smith and John Cotterel, Jr. RULES AND REGULATIONS. lsr. All competitors for premiumsmust enter their names with the Recording Secretary previous to 10 o'clock on the d:Ly of exhibition, together with a de scription of the animals or articles to be exhibited. 2ND. No horses or vehicles of any description will be admitted within the (Er closure, except to compete for premiums. inn. All persons are prohibited from occurying positions inside th ropes without permission of the Ring Marshalls, except judges of stock exhibited on the track. . _ 4-rn. The several Committees Will report themselves to the Chief Marsh ill by 10 o'elo-.•k ~n the day of exhibition of the respeoive articles. ryrii.. All prealihnis awarded will be paid on the last day of the Fair, at the office of the Secretary. (PLeference given to persms living at a distance.) Exhibition to Come off as Follows: First Day.—Stallion, Brood Mares and Colt.. Draught Animals, Three Year Old Colts, Two Year Old Cults, Yearling Cults, Cattle. Sheep and Swine. Second Day.—Trotting, Pacing, and Riding Horses. Diving and Matched Horses, Manufactured Articles, Grain, &c., &c. LIST OF PREMIUMS CLASS lIOItSES Bast Stallion $5 CO 2d ' do 3 lin 13 , st 3year old Stallion 3 ea 2d do do 2 tal Best Brood Mare 4 Of , 24 11. , do 2 HO Best pritueht Animal 3 Ho - 2:1 do do ~. '2 Hd — JUDGE3—Sam'I P. Bayard, Isaac F. Ran. olph and John Ray. NO. 2 Bo). 3 rear old rre'ding T 3 0) Best 2 year old horse colt 2 tlo 21 (it , do I 0.1 ;test yearlin g Hors • Colt 2 00 21 do do I r;0 Best 11 t'sur 01.1 Mare 3 00 Best 2 y; ar old Mare Colt 2 Oa 21 do do 1 0;1 Best yearling Mare Colt 2 as 2d do do • 1 1.0 Hest Spring horse Colt 2 do 21 do do 10n Hest Spring Mare 1 oft 2 00 2d da do 1 00 JUDGES—Aaron Bunnell, laaae, Wood and Zadoc Gordon. NO. 3 Hest pair Matched Horses 2:1 do un west single Di iving AlOlO3l 2d do do do Hest Riding inimal 4 uti . Het Trotting Animal RU nu 211 do hr 5 oi. Rest Pacing kisional 10 00 ~tti do do s 110 'Jest pair Mules 5 00 JUDGES—Wm: Hughes. John C. Flenniken and Joseph B. \Vise, Washington county. • CATTLE—CLASS :do NO. 1. Vest Bull Rest 2 year old Bull 2 do do Best yearling Bull , 2 On Best Bull CAlf (It months old) 2 oo JUDGES—Thornas inghram, Houl,worth Harper and John ROSS, jr. NO 2 Ilf t row Best 2 year old Miter 2el do do Best yearling Heifer 2,1 do do Hest Heifer Caif (ti months old) Batt pair Oxen Best tied' Auilnat 2d do 00 2 00 JUDGES—EIi Long, M. W. Denny and John Clayton. SHEEP-CLASS 3RD NO. 1. Ben Sronfsh Bock 2d do do Beat yearling Buck do do Best Buck Lamb Best Lot Ewes (ti in UUMille!) 2 do do Liest Lot Lambs, (6 in number) Best Lot Fag ettewp numttar) 3 eV JUDGES—Sam'I Braden, Esq., Thos. Haw kins and Ellis Bally. SWINE—CLASS 4TH. NO. 1. Beat Boar $2 00 Best Brood Sow ed do do. Beet Litter Pip 2 00 2d do do JUDGES—Hugh Montgomery, Wm. Y. Scott, Esq., and John Haver. POULTRY-CLASS STH NO. I. Best Rooster 2d do Best: Lot Hens 2.1 do do JUDGES—T. R. McMinn. Noah S. Funk and Wm. Gwynn. MANUFACTURED ARTICLES. CLASS 6TH—NO, 1. Best Fulled Cloth 10 yds) Si 00 Best Red Flannel DO yds] ' 200 24 do do do 100 Best Drees Flannel 2 00 2d do do 1 00 Hest pair home made Blankets 2.00 24 do do do 100 JUDGES—James Flenniken, Thomas Ross and Wm. Black. NO. 2 Vest pain iloots Best Tanued Vairpkin Best aids Unser Leather KEA sloe Buie Leather Bert Doable Har ear Heat t4ingt., Hamra' Vest side Saddle Best Mani saddle U. JUDGES—Jonah Randolph, John I'. Hook and W. T. E._ Webb, Esc - O. 3. eat bran Camisole ka 14 1 4 6491 4 OS 44) bit pair Paati• tie dos I J vast 4: imt JUI)cES—EII. A . "A. a. u., It MU a 44 Jima Moredaak. AND WITH THE OF THE NO. 4. ileFt Carriage [made by Exhibitor] hest Baggy do do tie.t Wagon lo do Itcst Spring W.teori do .1. do Best Wileelbwrow do do tm t.so il, arse 1.t00411 ci Hest :orli Pluogfi do lies , Harr so' do Rest Cott iv ator, do -NO. 1 11::•1 Ft.F.l Cutter Cradle nest alowolg :Machine do )Ic•.I Ilay Make. CO Beni 4:ratn Drill do JUDGES—Solomon Huge, John Crago, jr and :Solomon Riudie. Best Secretary, made by Exhibitor e 0 CO Best Bureau do do 2 Od Best Beiisteods do do 1 00 Best Vi lashing I .achlue, mask by Exhibi , or 1 10/ Best set ~1 iliairs do do 1 on Besi 5,1 split bot.iiiii Chairs do i Oii Best Chain do do I tdi Best Alar!oe Work do do ' 2 Ito Best Cookity4 Stove do do 2 10 Best Parlor stove do do 2 I Bea Dr;ttiglit Cloth' do do 1 00 Best Axe do do 1 Oil Best :Matto. 0 do 1 no 14,A1..Spade, do 1 V Ittst :Obit e l do I I 0 Best Alatoire Fork do 1 00 Best Ilas Fork do 50 Br ti I land Rake [t in In d• bfl JUDGE:•;--A. liiildred, John Snyder and Daufei Boner. 115 r 0 400. 4 uo 2 Oti newt Barrel of Fleur K , •-t r 'on, Brunlns In in otvoner) lon sl./nev [5 Ills 51 11 , Si SOrSilline - doreinon 31..iasses Ono Maple Sugar [:ilbe o NOW , . Molasses I On JUDGES—Jeremiah Price, Alexander Davis and Wm. Moredock. Pea: Tight Barrel Wet Po k Barret (leo. Flour Barrel 55 00 EED JUDGES—G. 11. Moredock, Uriah Rine hart and Wm. Cree. jr. 3 01; 2 U Best Coverlid , 62 00 2ii do I 00 !lest White Quilt 2 00 2d do do I 00 B.ist Fancy Quilt 2 00 24 do do I 00 Best scrap Quilt 2 00 241 do do 100 JUDGES—Mrs. Lizzie Taylor, Mrs. Robert Wylie and Mrs. Peter Hewitt. S 4 00 113 3 00 2 04, 2 00 1 00 MI CEI 2 00 Best pair Woolen Hose ISCI SO 2d tin do 25 He-Ft pair Cotton it .se• 50 2.1 do do 25 Best Woolen Socks 50 Item Cotton Smits 25 JUDGES—Mrs. Henry Bell. Mrs. John l'a ver and Mrs. Edward. Parkinson. 4 Oti 115 00 200 Best home made Carpet [lO yds.] $2 no 2.1 do do L'° 100 Best piece home made Litten 2 00 2d do do du 100 JUDGES—Mrs. John S. Bayard, Mrs. W. D. Rogers and Mrs. Henry Sharpneck. 3 1.00 2 WI BM 5 O, 3 Ou Best Bonnet $1 00 2.1 do 50 Best made Dress 1 00 2d do do 50 Best made Nhiit 5o JUDGES—Mrs. Stephen Crane, Mrs. Dan'l Moredock and Mrs. Joseph F. Randolph. 2 00 I 00 Hryt Ladies' Collar HO 50 BASH 11 iiderslee yes 50 Hest Pocket Ilmidierrhief 54) Hest eilk Embroidery 50 Heat Tapestry • 50 Best Lamp Mat- 50 Hest Stand Cover 50 Best Hearth Rug 50 JUDGES—Misses Martha Mowdy, Sarah Neal and Mary Milliken. SO M 25 • Best selection of Flowers it 00 Best Designs 1 00 Best Cactus 517 Beet Boquet 00 JUDGES—Mies Ortha Weaver, Best Peaches SO 75 2d do 25 Hest Quincess o . Best lotatettatade 50 Best Q 4 ince Jells 50 Best Apple Jelly So Hest Grape Jelly 50 Hest Carran i Jelly so JUDCIES—Nire, Wm. Stewart, Mrs. John Harnml nod AUL John Smith. Beat 41e.0 of Bread BO 50 Best t.tkkt 4 ake 511 Lima eetttot Cake 50 Rel.' dl , ot4e Cake au Beat Fruit Cake 54) Bohn Cucumber Pitkiee 50 Beat P. earaaed Corn SO JUDGES—Mrs. John B. Oux, Mes. Solon B. Swan and Mrs. Rev. CliiWWI Tiltall. la SO iOO is 1 Ott 3 Mr 9 00 EEI Rest aiteter Us" Sot Masse gie Beetlelst *sap JupdEs—gra. Y. P. Me*, Wri.,loPiA Haden and Mr s Hugh C. Houlsworth, - I u:' ._ .. Cor.. T. P. POLLOCK L. D. LNGH RAM. SA MU EL BAYARD. E. H DENNY. D .MOREDOCK. NO. 5 do d, of ) lo d) NO. 6 NO. 8 NO. 9 NO. to .NO. 11 NO. 12 NO. 13 NO. 14. NO. 15 NO. 16 FRUIT-CLASS 7 Best se leetlntr of Apples SI CO 2d do do RI Best specimen of Apples [ l peck] tO 2.1 do do do 15 Best cone tian of Pd.. .510 •` Plums 50 •• •• (1.1.00• es 50 JUDGES—Mr. George Denny, Fayette count), Michael McGovern and Sang Smith. GRAIN-CLASS 8 Hest sp.‘cinien of IVheat Cori! Rye I tats 14 , 1 ley JUDGES—John Cortoit, Solomou Hogue, and John Milliken. VEGETABLES-CLASS 9 Best E , per imen Sy, eet Potatoes •• Irish " Ileettt [halt' bush.] •• " Plitodk his " Cabbage Best eoltert'om of Gulden Vegetables '2 f do do do JUDGES—SamueI Huston, Jacob Green lee and Win. Braden, Esq. T. P. POLLOCK, Prez:2r. SAMUEL BAYARD, Sec'y. I(r c lb 1.4 v JUST AutuvED T SAYER'S & HoSKINSON'S. ATSAYERS' CORNER, FOR FALL 'AND WiNTER. 'IIIIIEV are GT ring th Lirge,t, best au.! ti I_ .1 DRESS SILO, Ilpaceas, (oburgs & Wool Dela:nes ! In a 33•nr! 'V. !lave a lull SUpply or !lie I it , ,! s• 3'e II; Lal. CoE4.tiN I e.• - zaol- ta.. I GlOkea t Itry, best quality K.,1 Gioc. a. Pr'lll , and Glng,,alll, am. 'l' lamu (It (4. Ribbons. I;rauls, 1;111,..9, and Nmions of all nitta,t"tt, if) I ention. 14OU.RNING GO )S. A I: , rga I assortin,nt of the in Fashinna' le• Nl,,ttrnina tin..di In a eorzil a . , We'i Jean., G , r•o:r,Je: nen+. 11•nnr. , 4 all ij,t, and Cale,, I. - dies'ilals, iloads and Nubies. .11 A.R D A 2, , QUEENS VTAB.E AND GROOERIES 1141,,erir16,hing GI. 8, , 91,1•Tilr'S, Pu 11111 C a-1 Ii e inq. C./ tOll /WS. Be.; Tx 1, , and rk ni.!ovt• Lornitle:e ie every and if eur ft all we h Ivr 14, tills is 111 r! :Lien as MI/ ItO Is: QUI! SALES, AND SMALL PROFIT 3. Come one and all, as we are goia , 7 to seil the Goods as low as they can 1;:i had in Waynesburg. Mark this. MME Proclamation S 5 00 5 00 5 00 4 0 0 on I t 100 1 ru g:eate.st e ever coifere.' Ir, buy Jewelry at Low Prices ! Ito,lh - 0 trhe,. eh-tins. nulis bracc•!clA zit•is of it w- I: y rens &c. TO BE SOLD FOR $1 EACH, Aud not ro be Paid for until ycu kr,cw you are t, get. 5 Ito I t 3 00 Certifl'aleß ;tll artit le and ::“ i•%l - in .Sr ele I :1.11 ti 1131 A.,!. ii , re nt'Al I. I. SP.., hi moot tittHy address OH 11 ,• ei;.t I :e.ctisr.ttit !IS Nits. Five 1%., I. 'flinty fn :.'r.s. Tier 1'..:1 uure. 4,, , t the vault of vosr w.AI 1.,1th•-•6 22g Ilroa '‘• ay. N. A;,ri; 13:14-1y I LEVEE TO YOING MEN, Just Published in a .Sealed Envelope A LECLII eon the Nature, Treatnt •tv. and 11..x:1 . r.11 ar.• of Sperttual•ollun3 or , •I+lllllllll Inv olll . F meAtons, Sexual I),.hiwv, and 1.13111,1- 114eOrS io 11 r g •tterttl:y cot so - tion, El Fits 11,ntal 1111 i al I. ca,.;. fly, ..e.ooting from self—Abuse. &v. Bl' lit )I:FNT CC I,C E::l\* El. , M. D., author of the &c. rue world renowned otrhor. in this .101,6r:it& L t ..- tit e, CI •arly troves 'f on: lite own expetirou aI . a: tti, awful eoll;equenees of • 4 .-11-Ahwe if.: r he 4 Irf eufflly rr.mnvel wit you: nttedi - ine,. and P trii4 , lll tialit , r r BEI avig c.rl ope a !tins trodo•o s, r io u g, or cor dials, 0r not apo'ird• ioo of ill F rite—polo: !He ain , de of core. at 01,4 t simple, cer.aill dod effer ti I y utrxns Of wflfi'll every „+'f,-re r, 110 Wallet \V ~a. Clltilfiff . .llinay be, mac care hoosolfclituely, pr:vately, and v. TIII . 11,J3E • Wll,l. PRIIVE A ROCIN TlllOl'S AN1 ,1 114)1,1 , AN1 A. Stn, and, a plain AlN,ll,pe, to 07.3 . ad !ri• A post-paid. on rAia•ipt iirSti CAWS, 1.1 lino poet Adereee the paid:dice, 51 (41 1 Pll I:111A. J. C. tii.iNE & CO . 137 lA.we•y, New York, Pus: office box. June •. " 2, ESTRAT HOGS. ri AM E trespassing on the prom s. of the sub. r NJ in Centre tow nehip near Henry Oarner's 11 I . o" the Ist inst., T:tREE HOGS suiumsed in wrist. about 1 0 plainds sari'. Two Itarr..w: a-id one er w One bee a ' , hen tail; all sheer , are 'spoiled whi aattdhl k. Entered on Township C l erk's B k. (hi 7.11 Oay 01 rkt„ 1844, by Jun as 11.)berts, Clerk. ExEcu r ron 1./ Lie 'DT virtue of an order of tit, orphait's rt of 'jibe county of Favet:e, Pa.. we will sell the tallow ine deser b• 11 Real Estate of MA It :4 PRI \GER late of Fayette county, der.'d, - all that certain TRACT OF LAND situate on the Mo-onyhela River in Outakard '1 p , Greene county, Pa : . containing ONE HUNDRED ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands of Isaac Morris, Hannah Morris a:id others, on which are a Log Dwelling House and a Log Barn. Also that certa at LOT OF GROUND situate in New Geneva, Fayette county, Pa . adjoining lots of David Parks and Dr. James ilious.psoti lii - street, out which W erected a MAINZ DWELLING 8017 SE a story and a half high, and outhitilings. The sale of thus Fayette rowdy property will take place on the premises at le o'clock a. ni ,Flaturday. Oct, 911th, '64, and the sale of the Greene county property On the premises at 3 o'clock, p m., of the same day. "1".101=11.210E,91. One half t f the purchase money to he paid on confir.. lumina of sale, and the residue thereof in one year theteafter, with interest from date of COlifirliialinfi. SUSANNAH SIPRI N JAMBS T SPRINGEtt, Ex'r. Oct. 5, 1864, PETROLEUM BANK OF CREENE COUNTY. IVCATXCZII I 8 herelby given that the Odd Fellows Association at Wavneshurg has filed in the Attorney t4neial's Office. of th. Sate of Penney Ivania, a cvnifi.-tite that said Areneiation desires to change tii e came Into a Hank of Issue. DllOOlllll and iteporit, to he knOWit by the name, a yle 111111t1 title of •he PE MI:ILEUM BANK OF GREENE COUNTY to he hwated in Waynesburg. Groans county. Suite o Pennsylvania, with a cadital stock. of FUIT TROWILB DOLLARS, with the priwillette of teetotaller the same te 'MAZE EE 11101.1.4 AND DOLLAIK, in pwenanee Mao Act **tilled "aleppleaktut 10 itio Act to en/441( h Wen Hankins in Pen , .ertinanfee." ice., weed the 3rd AV of May, A. Lk,. hi 64, 1. 7. 11011PLIS, Seel% 4141. 111Altilletrf. Pen& lA M. A ?NITER. Tee net. Oct. .5014-43 th. so so NO. 1 ET] Cr] MEI dA'iEKSQ.II ). I ISS')I A. J. IlAttl'Elt etc 0., MI v. he,. 1 ,Pr, JAR. 11 BABBITT ;ay. contamination is varioully caused by nr(..e:G•ial disease, low living, disordered digestiun frori unhealthy food, impure air, Mat and 51 , 127 habits, the depressing vices, and, above al', by the venereal infection. Whatever be it, orig:d, it is hereditary in the const:fution, ndinq "from parents to children unto the thh. 4 fourth generation - ;." indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says "I will visit th ties of the fathers upon their childm. `the diseases which it originates take varion names, according to the organs it attacks. '.TI tiro lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, Lci anally Consumption ; in the glands, sw , dlip_:s which suppurate and become ulcerous sores ; in the stomach and bowels, derangement., which pro duce indigestion, dyspepsia, and liver com plaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutoneotni affections. These all having the, same ori;in, require the same remedy, viz. purification , ind invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you can not have health ; with that " life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disca;:e. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectual anti dotes that medical science has disco , - , a ,,, for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure or tec, disorders it entails. That it is far to any other remedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial. That it due., com bine virtues truly extraordinary in their cf*:e-,n. upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of public.: knownand remarkable cures it has made tit' the followinu 11, P , ..... 2 • ItfuWes INI.I or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erap tins, Pimples, Blotches sad Sores, Ery sipelas, Bose or St. Anthony's Fire, &c. 16 Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from berculous deposits in the haw. s, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, -Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in AYER'S AMERICAN ALMANAC, which is furnished to"the dru 6 gists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may ho learned the directions for its use, and some Jr the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies had failed to alien . ' relief. Those cases are purposely tuken from ill sec tions of the country, in order that e.-ery render may have access to some ontrwl.o tail speak to him of its benefits from personal exi- cziorn e. Scrofula depresses the 3 , al eneries. and thus leaves its victims far more disease and its fatal results than are healthy ci.,n...i1.7- tions. Hence it tends to shorten, and dors greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of theme con,:ilera tions has led us to spend years in pert: , - ing a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the nsine if AvErt's SARSAPARILLA, although it is com posed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sarscqxtrilla in alterative power. Ey its aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood; purge out the causes of disease, end vigorous health will follow. By its pc. - .'ziliar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital func tions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst oat on any part of it. We know the public pave been dec , qved by many compounds of Sarsaparilla, that pi ornised much and did nothing; but they will neither l.e deceived nor disappeioted in this. IN vi•-wes have been proven by abundant trial. .^.r 1 there remains no question of its surpassiiy: for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is in tended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different mecin f.om any other which has been before the peo:le, and is far more effectual than any other whiab has ever been available to them. .EVY:-Elt 7 B CHERRY PECTORAL The World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has been so Inn? used and so univer sally known, that R.) need do no more then assure the public that its quality is kept np to the best t: ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYES & CO., Practical and Analgtiial Chennits, Lowell, Mass- Sold by all druggists everywhere. 1:1 •• r r Will. Creigh. Waynes b,rg, Pa. May 31st, '44 1 lii 1 - 1 "-' (4 — TwoTo Sit aJ'Pill., BOXES or TU SPZIOZEINI 'Pr WILL PColirrLY AND PERMANENTLY CCUE AITY CAE Sperm , ' torrhen, Seminal Weakness, oa Involuntary litgbUy oa belly Losses,. nowzvta OZ PALLY ()Arrest), oa now - avna Ao- GRAVATED tY cn.tr.Acren ; while they will speedily correctthoee terri..le morbid conditions which spring from t he primary d isear-e,orfrom secret rke. TIII4 IiPD'IFIO PILL le equally applicable to . ! the Man:tent of every Lind of G&W:al or Urfware Irritation L lteapocity, or Impotency; .Diahe ,, a, or"BricZ- Due' Deposits in the Unrern; Diachargez ; I.lfirmunation or Weakness ollhe Ei sseye,elos. Oterp myereoSiwlenta,and allwho follow sedentary occupati,,ns, or whose Bra in and Nervous Systcm aro over-worked, ero r'euliar:y feet to WC.1!:12C3 , C91 of the GE :1110-r RINARY or.ostrs. These sloula t Ito UM 'IIIEI EiPECiI'IO ri Persona arKeted ar.y one or more of the above tf border% art, sure to have several, and some times mat, of the rom.ovrate 33 - "5t.M1: 1 2"0244C5. Doran ad 7,088 of Appecte; Loss of Flesh; Constipated 13orceli; fiYul - and Xerso-i., or heart' sleep, lath lustful creams; Breathing; Pailternof Voice; Irregular action r; no Boort; Pustutotts Eruptions 04 the f ace and neck; Headache; Afections of tile Eyes; Loss or Memory ; Bud** fhishesqf Heat and BP:slaws ; 'General ' Weakness and Indolence; Aversion to Rooidy; Relaxed Condition, or Diminished Size, of She Genital Organ.; Ihrolmntasw Nightly or Daily Emissions; Frequent desire to pass Water, WM:peculiar attending sensations; 11e&melholy, deo. Professional Opirtiono.—" I have used your girscirro Plus In many eases of Spermator. rasa, and with the me/ripe:loci intoress."—J. Mm. row 13 earotas, M. D., LL. D., Broolayn, "It is as near a 'specific' u any medicine can be. I have cured very severe cases with from stx TO TEN nosra."—E. Kam, M. D., £d Repertory of Ned. Science, Xeto.York. "I know of no remedy in the whole ..ifateria Xediea, equal to your Sractsto PILL in Seminal or Urinary Weatncues."— Anoun Bins!, it D., .Prof. of Organic a misery and PAyeiqogy, Y. Y. Personal Opinions.—"Xr. Winalearer to vOILTIIT OP ELL CONFIDENCE, and devotes hinuell. emahrelataiaaW to there Preparations."—D. Maas- Dr= Rens, AL D., LL. D., American Jledica Gasette,New-. lork. "I nave a pereonal ki.ozolcdpo c f 31r. Writcass tait's HONESTY A.ND INTEGRITT, sad can assure the Profession and the poblie t :vat nts Pu.itemtanoNs eav SZiaLLIMON."—JAIL R. Cint. - rox, .LLD., Chemise, Y. 1. THE SPECIFIC PILL to not s Homeopathic remedy, nor does it oontail% Mercury. Iron,Cantharidea, or arty injurious ingredient. or wee: $1 per box, SIX boxes (talon. oraore4 cd mem for $5. Sent by Mail. bold Wholesale and Beta% et the Bela General Depot In the United States, by Ininilangas 36 John Meet, N. Y. 7 S.TZICL&L NOTICE. 1 would respectfully inlorm utv friends throughout the Cototy, that I at now at home, in Waynesburg, and have arranged my visits so as to spend front the first to the twentieth of every month at Waynesburg, this my customers may depend upon. Very respectfulir S. 1. '4'TON. March 2, '64. EMI 'HE peculiar rain - Ifection which wt. r.:g7 CRO• rL lurks to cotastitut'_:yns tultitutle , 4 of iii It ither prolloP , :s or reduced an en • : =tat.) the blot', rot thid.beconies in ornpetent sustain ie vital for. in tL,•ir igorotts :ayes the s•ster - t to 1 into di:.4 . .,rde, and
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers