nrultwal. Low Headed Fruit Trees. Ti.<3 Maine Farmer, invariably relia r,lthority upon whatever horticultu al toTic it discoUrses, understandingly cduclies us as to the advatages of low ;; ing, judiciously trained fruit trees ',rimming fruit trees; we should al --oe careful to secure the trunk 11.-0,1 the rays of the summer sun. Solar y being long permitted to come -intact with the bark, is said to iie circulating fluids, and .thus many of the diseases which affect trees in this climate. The fo- only should he fully-exposed to the inilaence of he:,t, far that is capable of ~g it unharmed, and even to profit v wh.n most intense.. It has been .ted by c\.perieneed terraculturists, trees whieh aiv permitted to branch I ,,, ,v—say three or iiour feet from the -2 . n,'!nd—are rarely attacked by "fire "frozem-sap blight," black spots, ,:her diseases of the bark or limbs. There is also another advantage at tc,n,'.l,lg this practice. The soil is kept looser and more freefrom weeds, 1 i here is no netessity of mulching.- - winds also almost harm (.l. 'he trees, and have no power rack and break the branches, 10 detach the fruit, as they. do e the branches aspire and are A writer on this subject : --The trees will be much longer c more prolific, beautiful and profit- They are more easily rid of des tri:ei ire insects, the fruit 'is much less (fail thi floilitios: for It are much greater; there is danfrer in cliMbinc , and less danger breaking the limbs. The trees re &lining, scraping and washing—if 11..2 two latter are thought necessary— the-roots protected from the scourge the plow, wh'ch is too often allowed to wit and mutilate them. =I ;:roper shape for fruit trees is that of an umberella reversed. 'When this shape is communicated by pruning, the iciinge is- more freely exposed to the action of tine solar rays, and to the air, -17 - ilien ought always to have tree circa the foliage and fruit. By communicating a conical form to any Free, although it may be rather more and elegant in its effects upon .4kedscape. we certainly injure it in ninny - ways, if looked upon as an object of profit. The fruit of apple trees which grow on the interior limbs, where the surrounding foliage and branches prevent the sun's rays from penetrating, and where the direct influences of heat c never felt, - is, to a certain extent, in si it does not mature thoroughly, hot keep so long or so perfect ly as.that. 'which grows on the inside bi , webes, exposed to the mu and wind. IL also varies b 0 much in shape—and es re,:ially in color—that we have known two plates of apples, selected from the zaine Baldwin tree, one of which was lr: ron wedby a skilfpl fruit grower to he •,he Baldwin, and the other plate au 4,her variety. 4'fZAIN. —Thrash as fist as practicable, f:ktore in vermin-proof granaries,— t.:-Rrcise good judgments in marketing. is difficult to predict prices. Sell a good pliee is offered. WHEAT.-SOW early. It. is best to A top-dressing of fine um- ill 7e, is desirable.: Sow the timothy after tiw lzr;fin is up, if sown this or it may injure the young ‘v ;;oat. :-., - utGrnym.eut before any frost : and host to work it up at once, though -iil keep ACWHEAT.—Cnt before frost at any but best m lien it begins to ripen of the seeds. i 1 at the ground as soon shows a fair glaze. Tlils Ic , q , ler green and sweet, ii ear and v, - (di dried. 'l7ll AND 1 rnoN.—The Arch ' .h9p-of . 1::'!r -1 0.1)nry said one day to :t - ,,,10rtn me how, •it is : * 6 rifc&tircroen of the stage can' alOit.or3- with things imsg iet;uey lygre Teal, while we of 117.1.r. -. 211 speak of thin ,, ,s real, which 7 -I 'npy of . onr .econgl egation receive as "Why," replied ,thek, ‘• the reason is plain. We speak of things imaginaryas if were real ; while too many in the , it speak of things real as if they were Ills grace bowed to the neror. ].o ,, TNE:,.—Thufe is a greatness h every other shrinks into or,! when clearly seen t„s . tree dignity ; produces a most -1: the heart. It is t• lt nudociatinir rote le that love of virtue, n.len to seek the best inter (,ll.:(-s, that integrity of soul h binds man 11- , flor every circrim :.:::ue to truth and duty. and rears for .1 a enci.eled by that •r radiance -which 1-.gmes from the o 0(1 :1-10. k_ Methodist 41nd a Quaker having ;11; public house, agreed to ) 'ittue bed. The 1110.hodist L irmytal fervently, and con :: - eattlk,gne of sins. After 1 ..„1:ik•-i- observed, "Really, 1 7 if :1;1 rs t, r,: thou sayest Trt, I think I dare not sleep with 1 . ' Tice 1 nct find best of precepts shouid be exhibited to ycuth in Ow dmeloprilcnt of their is and AIL formation , of their ehariu3- ME iri-Ituniikty is the, fore/1411W pf E - ,1-o,neement and hotior, alad — anatiCWn nkbinger of destructip Mgt ruins yea No thing willgain more rep utation than an humble and serene 40142, • • cu t • ' - 9,), c I v iN ce NEW rIIOTOGRIPII. GAL ERY„ Wilson's Frame Building, one door east of the National Bank, WAYNESBURG, Pa: • Messrs. Wallace & Craig HAVE fitted up a splendid Sky-light Gallery, the first regular picture-taking establishment ever in stituted in the place, where they are prepared to execute PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, MALEIANOTYPES, CARTE DE VISITES, And all other kinds and sizes of pictures, in a style equal to t e beet artists. Especial attention will be given to copying pictures and enlarging them. All applications will be promptly attended to. Their rooms are commodious and attlacti , e, and every de sirable, accommodation will he rendered to customers. This is decidedly the best opportunity to secure accur ate likenesses every offered to the people of Greene County. Call any time it suits you. Pictures taken any time in the day, and in all kinds of weather. Photograph Albums always on Hand. Waynesburg, April b, 1661.-tf. lAMB IS OLD-10MB IS Mt ~t ~A~~~ INFORMS the citizens of Greene county that he has given up the Daguerrean business mad resumed the same old trade the sxLvra. Sri:LITE IirSINMSS. Ile is prepared now to repair Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, in the very best style, shoitest notice, and nn reasonable terms. Ile Itas on hand the very best Clocks Wr s HOP .—Carn pbe ll's Rowe, next do , )r to Squire NV t• bbs vc,,yr,(..l,nr E , Pa., May IS, WAYNESBUIZG WARBLE AND NON] 1-03 KS SAYERS X RINEILVRT Practical Marble and Stone Cutters. Third Door East of the Court Douse, Main S - 1 Sept. ADAMS' HOUSE, WAYNESBURC, PENN'A• 9 MOB WENDERSHOT, TARES pleasure in infoiming hi; friends and the traveling public. generally, that he has taken charge Of this popatar house of entertainment and feels conli dont in saying that he eau render perfect satisfaction. Every effortwill be made to meet. the wants and wish es of hia gutsts. The RAIL and TABLE wilt be furnished with the hest articles frond in the market. Ample and convert , ient molding. Give its a trial. Waynesburg, April 13, 1$&14. tiIiiiDGEPORT HOTEL, At the bridge, one mile east of 'Waynesburg, SMITH GREENE, PROPRIETOR. THE undersigned hereby notify the citizens of Greene awl wkio Writ , counties and the DROVING and 'FBA V MANG PUBLIC in general that he has hen charge of this Ilutel and is fully prepared to en , ' tortaln the traveling public in the very best manner lie respectfully solicits a liberal share of patronage of the public. The BAR will be• supplied with the choicest Lig UHRS. The Table furnished with the best the coun try ran afford. The STA ISLE will be carefully al ien& t 1 call and try us. .lan. 13, IStil. Legal Notice. LETTERS of Administrgtion upon the estate of Hon. JAMES LINDSEY, dec'd, late of Waynes burg, Greene county. Pdena , having keen granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to Pay the same, and those having claims against it are re quested to present them duly authenticated for settle ment. R. li. LINDSEY, MWMM Sept. 14, '64 Orphans' Court Sale. IN pursuance of an order of the Otphatis' Court of Greene county, the undersigned will offer at public outcry on the premises, on Saturday, October 15th, 1864, the following described Real Estate, late the property of Coleman, dec'd , to wit: A lot of ground situate in the village of Newtown, Greene county, bounded as follows : On the East by Tthin street, South by Lands of Merit Gordon, on the %Vest by lands of lieruy Lantz, and on the North by lot of rry Norris, on which are erected a Two Story Log house, a Two Story Frame Tan !louse. and Frame Bark house, and the necessary Vats fur a Tan erv. TERMS—One half the purchase money to be paid al the confirm:ohm of tale sale and the remaining half to a year from that date, with interest. MARION. CIIALFAN, Executor. Sept, 21st 'G4 Farm For Sale. A FIRST class Farm in Benton Co.. Pnd , containing 9G acres' well improved land, a I in der fence, in slant of Oxtbrd, the comity seat only two hours drive from a Railroad Station an I !lye hours drive from La fayette. Tue improvements consist o" a Two Story Frame Rouse of Seven Rooms, a large Frame Barn with Granaries,. Stabling, Sheep t•thetts, Cow lious,s and Corn Cribs, Two tenement M.u,:es with stabling, &c. A young thriving Orchard t,lchoice fruit trees. An abundance of water. Graz ioc grounds for any quantity of Stock adjoining the farm. This'tract can be divided to advantage into two, three or fmir Farms, and will be sold on ten equal annual payments, each payment can be made off the facto.— Far further particular , address, WI .LIA 11/Lk SN ; Indianapolis Ind. Sept. 28.!1t, Incorporation of the Union Literary Society. In the Matter of the Incorporation of the Union Literary Society of Waynesburg College. A All now to wit: June "Ith, 1864, the Court boy ing ' examined the an ides of Incorpration and finding therein nothing injurious to the community as unlawiul direct said Articles of Incorporation to be Wed in t e .! 4 rothonot ary's office, and direct no tice of the lame to be inserted fur three weeks in a newsp,per publisi.ed in Greene co , giving notice that application has been made to the court for Incur poratien, which said incorporation will he granted an less of jection of injury or unlawfulness is made against the some. RY THE coultr. Atte-4, .1. F. TEMPLE, Prothonotary, Waynesburg, Sept. 28, 1864. 1111MIE".7FIMMISIC 0 1V ri , IIF. annual exhibition of theJetTerson Agricultural etuciely will be held on the grounds of the society near Jefferson, on TIMPODAY and FRIDAY, THE itOth and 21st days of ()dither next THOtii. I'. roliocK, Pres. . SAW!. BAYARD; Sec'y. jetrerson, kiept.2l, Auditor's Notice. Tru,3tees of Greene academy will take Notice I. that the of Greene cminty, Will meet at the Academy at Carnlichaele, on the third 'Tuesday of October, at I o'clock, for the purpose of Auditing the ac,,,onts of said Instituti.m.. 110N1 A. 4 aCfvlT, SRAEL L. BREE,S, JOHN CLAYTON, Auditors. fleet. 95th, lE+64. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. lETTERS Testamentary upon the estate of Jacob j 'Rose, deed lat, of Whitely tp., notice is hereby .given to all persons indebted to said estate to make inflated' tte letyment. pr , rsolis having claims trill pre sent them properly authenticated for settlement. ciaIiA.RWEE RUBE, Eeri. ItO6g; ELIJAII CHALFAN, EVra. Sept. 21. 1864. Aejourned 004140-10. 4 itilj rvIlE Jura; somdfon ed Ibr t it the 4th. Pleaday of Sept. Term of Court 1884, wilt Nike otice'tnai, their uttourlance is required at the ad journed Term of rust Court, to meet ou Monday the 11 t. day of October next 111114,wititout Surber mace. Take Notice and govern yourselves ttooortisnely. j. TempLa, PretkY• Sept. 29th, 1864. - • _. .. - rrC~r+a' yaxewc.,v=Ke+.~eax fiv - Af coops EU James B. Lindsey's NEW TORE THE undersigned has opened a new Cash Store, in 1 the room thrmerly occupied by N. Clark & Son, in A Ilisoris building, immediately opposite the Court House, Waynesburg, Pa , where he has received and is now openiag a very large and excellent assortment of • BOOTS AND SHOES, - Hats and Caps, Trimmings and Notions ! ! These goods were all purchased for CASII, at the low. st market prices, and will i•e sold at a small ad vance on first cost. I have determined to do a strictly CASH BUSINESS, and will be able to sell at small profits My GOODS are ENTIRELY NEW Moat ,f which have been made to order, by the very best workmen in Philadelphia, expressly for this mar ket. I invite your attention particularly to my stock of Ladles' and Childeren's Hats, Gloves and Hosiery, Ladles' Collars and Corsetts, Shaker Hoods, &c., My assortment is large My work is good! My prices law! if you need any article in the Slice line, FROM THE LARGEST TO THE MALLE T! From the Finest to the Coarsest, GAbia AND BE SUITED AND SAVE MONEY! Call and examine, it in no trouble to show goods frr Greene County Orders taken at par for goods. .1 AMES B. LINDSEY, Waynesburg, March 30, '64. Allison's NEW GOODS, Just Arrived at SIBECMABCM HA VING made extensive improvements in their storeroom, are better prepared than ever to ac commodate their customers. They are offering the largest, best and latest styles of Dress Silks, Alp] cca j.u,ters, all colors, Mozainbiques, all kinds, Poll de Chevres. Figured Wool Detentes, Solid Wool lie lames, Solid Silk Challies. solid Mixed Challies, in a sword, we have a full line of the latest style of Ladies' Dress Goods I Sha sis, Cloaks and Mantles, Collars a - id Sleeves, Em broidered Sets, Bonnet Silks, Head Nets, Gloves and Hosiery, best quality Kid Gloves, Prints and Ginghanis Balmorals anti Skeletons, of all sizes and prices.— Trimmings, consisting of Quilled Ribbons, Braids, Buttons Also, a large assortment of Linen Handker chiefs, plain and betustiched. Mourning Goods A large and full assortment of the most fashiona ble Mourning GJods that could be had IMIDEDVISS NAT Cloths, Ca.qsimeres, Vestings, Tweeds, Jeans, Cotton ades, Chiming Flannels, &e, HARDWARE, allaigni 1111 =Ma Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Tobacco, &c. tc HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, 3-4, 4.4, 5-4, 10-4 bleached Sheeting, 3-4, 4-4, 5-4 unbleached Sheet ing. Cotton and Linen Table Cloths, Linen Sheetings Bed Ticking and Winduw Curtins. soar stock is complete in every line, and if our friends want good bargains, all we have to say is that this is the place to secure them. call soon before the rush begins. May 4. 1864.—t f. Look at This! To all whom it may Concern! undersigned would respectfully in :04j torte his old customers, friends and the public generally, that he has returned to Waynesburg, and opened a SADDLERY SHOE', On Main Street; one door east of the Farm ers' and Drovers' Bank, Waynesburg, Where he will keep constantly • on hard all articles in his line, sfich as Ladies' and Gentlemen's saddles, Bridles, Martingales. Collars, Harness, in fact every thing usually kept in an establishment of the kind. Persons wishing to buy will please give us a call and examine our work before purchasing else where. as we flatter ourselves we can sell as gond work as we ever did. All work manufactured of the best material in theilkiarket, and made in a neat and substantial manlier. "Warranted not to cut in the eye." J. T. HOOK. Waynesburg, April 27. 151t4.-tf. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR THE 311EXI-ar-aICON ! WM, BERRYHILL "Despectfully informs his customers and the pithlic JCL that he has removed his Hoot and Shoe establish ment to the frame dwelling apposite the Methodist k.piseopal Church, formerly occupied by Joseph Taylor, where he will keep or. hand or make to order FASHIONABLE BOOTS AND SHOES, Fey Gentleman, Ladies' and Children's ware. All work will be warranted to give satisfaction and not to rip. Orders will be filled promptly, and every effort made to please. deparing done on short Notice Waynesburg, May 11, '64.--funo• IL DOUGHERTI, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, Respectfully informs the public that he his located in Waynesburg, Pa., where be Intends to manufacture Carriages of Every Description, From his experience in the business, he feels confli dent his wsrk will give entire satlsfa'tion. He will use no low priced material, in any part °ibis work, and will not employ any but superior workman. All new work will be Warranted for One Year. ehopon Greene street, one square South of tileCouri °use, Way nesburg„l art. 25,1250—n0 U. THE UP-TOWN GROCERY. • sTRosNIDER & simiNGTolv HAVING purchased the stock of Groceries lately belonging to Green & Strosnider will continue the business at the old stand. They will in a few days be in receipt of a large assortment of Prime Groceries and Provisions, Fruits, Confectionaries, Notions, &c., &c., which they will sell at the lowest prices for cash. Corn Meal, Flower, Butter, Eggs, and Country Pro duce generally always on hand. March 4th hli3. Greene County ACRICHATURAL SOCIETY. LHiE Annual Fair of the Greene County Agricultural ' 4 °cietY will be held un We. Sopiety 's Grounds seat iclutela on Wednesday and Thursday, 1117 4 12TH & 13TH OF OOTOFEBNEXT The ¢acpiuiftien is expected to be Wier than user and4PW*C'eUractive. A long list of Psetniems,isof fermi tW.NktiliNpo li # isig•ilkls6*-6*; ^ ' - " P" HOLD TO YOUR ACRES, RAILROAD CERTAIN R ONNING Till 110 UG WATILISSIV MAC CONNECTING WITH THE OHIO ! N. CLARK & SON HAVE elegantly fitted up the room formerly men pied by Thomas Bradley, and having mode heavy puiell tees in the East, are now prepared to offer a ger and more lasbiouable stock of . ZTilllfill AB 21121111 Clothing than they have ever done, and would kindly invite their many good and faithlul customers, and all others who have ne ver been so fortunate as to give them a call, to stop in TWO DOORS WEST OF THE ADAMS INN A nil they will show you styles and qualities that can not Mil to please, "and at such reason:lld • prices you will imagine yourself" living in the good old days of peace and plenty. tiur assortment cannot he surpass ed. Melts' and Boys' wear of every grade. Vests from the finest silk velvet to the cheapeit enamel - Me-- Plain and Fancy Cassimere pants, of French and Amer kali •oanufacture. Also lIIABSEILLEti, LINEN, riATINErr AND COWONADE pants. COATS OF EVERY STYLE, Frocks and darks, Linen dusters, and Sumner Cass mere Overcoats, and the very latest, the English Walking Coat. A fine assortment of HATS and CAPS, comprisin all the best and newest Eastern s yles. A grifter va rimy of Notions and men's furnishing goods than will Colored andin any similar establishment. White, and Negligee Shirts, Searle and Ties—among which are the Tubular, Harvard and English Ribbon Tie.— Suspenders, G%oves, Hosiery, Linen Cellars, Plain and Embroidered, and 5000 PAPER COLLARS? A great improvement on the Lockwood Collar, GRAY'S patent Enameled Molded Collar. superior in style, durability and tit, in boxes of ten, and one hun dred. Read the Sign—make no mistake—Two doors West of.ihe Adams Inn, and nearly opposite - Joe Ya ter's Confectionery. May 4. NM BOOKS, NE N BOOKS. SUNDAY SCHOOL LIBRARIES, Sunday School Testaments. Sunday School Hymn Books. In any quantity at DAY'S BOOK STORE SBEIOOL & MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, A t'eneral assortment kept constantly on band at DAY'S BOOK STORE. SINGING BOOKS. Melcdeon, Minstrel, Ellesia, Jubilee, &e., &c., a , DAY'S BOOK STORE. BLANK BOOKS. A large sssortment, all sizes, good paper, at old prices, at .DAY'S BOOK STORE. Wall Paper and Window Bands. Wrapping Paper, all sizes. Also thg best assortment of Stationary ever brought to Waynesburg, Call at DAY'S BOOK STORE. 24 Sheets of Letter paper for 10 cents. At DAY'S BOOK STORE. Cash for rags as usual. June B.—'G4. LEWIS DAY. AGENCY OF THE DUTCH EAST-INDIA COFFEE CO, DEPOT: 168 READE ST., NEW YORK. ITIIE above Company are known all over the world I as the owners of the Coffee Plantations ofJava and liatavia in the Dutch East Indies, and are the largest monopolizers of urine on the Globe. The undersigned (who is appointed their sole Agents in the United states and in the BritMl Colonies) will have for sale three different kinds of Coffee, which, f tbr regularity of grade and cheapness of price, will de y competition. Our Batavia Coffee. never before introduced in this Country, but extensive ly used in the A Ten ies and Navies of Europe, and rich ly valowd, will be put up at prices to reach all consum ers, :odour Extra Java he the "Magnum Bonnet' • Coffee of the age. We will have for accommodation of Grocers, Fami lies, and Government Contractors, samples (dry and drawn) for testing I Orders solicited. On receipt of cash, coffee prompt ly f.rwarded as directed. A. LIPPMAN, 188 Reade Street, New York, Aug. 17, '04.-2in. Sole Agent, a, E 1. C. Co zlabcll~i. f- Afflicted Read.--- REAR, „ y Hundreds afflicted with Consu iiip • .. non, Epilepsy, Palpitation of the Torpid Liver, Palsy, Irrita bility 01 the r ystent General or Locffl Pains or Weak ness, Night Sweats, Dimness of Sight, Fits of Despoil dency, Muscular Prostration and all diseases o f the Nervous Centres, never dream of the CAUSE of their several affliction.. They treat results as it they were cruises; and so no relief is found. WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF THESE DISEASES very frequently 1 There is the secret—solitary self abuse, practiced by thousands, Commenced when boys, at school or elsewhere, it is kept up even during young manhood, producing mental and physical pros. tration. If continued, these diseases, and even mad ness are the result. If the victim be conscious of the cause of his decay, and t . uit it, he suffers under those terrible nocturnal and involuntary emissions which weaken and shame him, tilt life becomes grievous.— Thus place between certain decay and premature death arid horrible suffering, the wretched victim rush es to SELF•DESTRUCTIoN. or sinks to an untimely grave. If he emancipates himself before the practice has done its worFt and enters matrimony, Ir is marriage is unfruitful, and his sense tells him that this Is caused by his early follies. SUFFERING YOUNG MEN, Let no false modesty prevent you from explaining your case to one whose acknowledged position in the medical profession, and respectability in prvate life, point him as a private counsellor. Think not to ewe yourself, and so tamper with a•faculty, the destruction of which renders a man truly inlserah'e. Come to Dr. KINKELIN, confide in him as thousands have done before you. In short, to be cured radically of all foims of secret diseases, and ruinous effects of self-indulgence, apply to the most successful and experienced Ur. KINKE• LIN, Gleastsn Pninneissi, Northwest corner of Third and Union Streets, between Spruce and Pine, a square and a half from the Merchants' Exchange, Philadel phia. Remember that STRICTURES of the URETHA are rapidly removed by the application of a new therapeu tical agent, only used by Dr. K. • PACKAGES OF MEDICINES, ADVICE, &c., for warded to address, in any direction; put up secure from damage or curiosity. ,trr POST PAID LETTERS addressed to Dr. KIN KELIN, Philadelphia, will be answered forthwith. April 27, 1864—1 y. mARRIAGE !—lts loves and hates, sorrows and an gers, hopes and tears, regrets and joys: MAN- I HOOD, how lout, how RESTORED; the nature, reatment, and radical cure of spermatorrhwa or sem inal weakness, involuntary emissions, sexual debility and impediments to marriage generally ; nervousness, consumption, fits, mental and physical incapacity, re- . sulking from SELF-A itUSE—lde folly explained in the MARRIAGE GUIDE, by WM. YOUNG, M. D.— This moat extraordinary book should be in the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and every man or woman who desire to limit the number of their offspring to their ci , cumstances. Every pain, disease, and ache incidental to youth, maturity, and old age, is fully explained ; overy particle of knowl edge that should be known is here given. It is full of engravings. In fact it discloses Semis that every one should know ; still it is a book that must be lucked up and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of twenty-five cents, in specie or postage stamps. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG. No. 416, Spruce St., above Fourth Philadelphia. ila - AFFLICTED and U.NFORTUN ATE, no mat tes what may be your disease. before you place your self under the care of any one of the notorious quacks —native or fpweign, who advertise in thief; pro other paper, get a coprof Dr. Young's Book, a d quid finite esla 7 r l ; ly isy . osebodu l r tw he il ave l ith be wpo, t d m p e ol a ss n it s o ly f i) s .ite as uidgr in& y eom rt ee, , dl . 7 lo 7 4 do m i- , Dr. VOUNI can be controlled on any of the discus-. Eppece drt.; abov eleurth Philadelphia. llarrOdke 104 111111‘plVtid tifeiteit du*. Pow. . Wanamaker Brown, OAK H dc ALL. FINE READY MADE CLOTHING, Corner Sixth & Mar ket Streets. PHILADELPHIA. Special Department for CUSTOM WORK, No. 1 g, Sixth Street Aprli 13, 1864-Iy, ISRAEIJ GOLIIA) WITH 301 R ~0 Dahl (11001 a IMPORTERS & JOBBERS OF Hosiery, Gloves, WHITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES, N 0.28 North Third Street, Lately occupied by .1. T. WAY & CO. JOEL J. DAILY, lIENRYJ. Philadelphia. ELTON B. (ALFORD. etAIVPIL W. VAN CULIN June 1,1864-Iy. SOWER, •BARNES St CO., PLUILiiiIERS AND DEALERS IN Miscellaneous, School and Blank Books, AND STATIONERY, No. 37 North Third Street, below Arch, CU. G. SOWER, W. H. BARNES, j PHILADELPHIA. F. C. POTTS. Publishers o f p e llowy Outline Maps and keys, the largest and best Outline Maps ever published. Sau— der's new Readers, Greenleaf's & Brooks' Ariabineties, &c., Blank Books, Writrng, Wrapping, Curtain and Wall Papers. Aug. 19. '63, THE GIRARD HOUSE, Corner Ninth and Chiestnnt Sts., PHILADELPHIA. H, W. KANAGA, Proprietor. April 1, 1864-Iy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Syste.nui—new and reliable treatment—in reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—bent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Ad dress, Dr. J. SKILIN HOUGHTON, Howard Associ ation, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philada., Pa. April 13,q4-1Y• ELY HOLDEN, No. 708 Market Street, between 7th & Bth, sb UM SIDE, PHILADELPHIA. Importer of Watches and Fine Jewelry. MANUFACTURERS' CZA 4 03 - 1101783 M, wnoLusALE RETAIL. ALL KINDS OF CLOCKS REP IRED AND WARRANTED. ug. GILLESPIE, ZELLER. dr. CO. Wholesale Grocers, A N D COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N. W. Cor. Sixth and Market Sts., April 13,'64-6m• PHILADELPHIA. GEC. F. WARDLE. CHARLES N. REED. WARDLE, REED dc, CO., Wholesale Grocery, Tobacco and PUMICE COMMIBBIOI MERCIAITS, N. E. Cor. Sixth and Market Sts., April 13,'64-Iy. ' YIUILADELPHIA. Vittsbag ''l,ltriertisements. DRY GOODS. Jo W. BARKER & CO., 59 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Have in store the largest stock ever exhibi ted in this city. embracing NAM CLOAKS, BIAIO3 260 DZ Housekeeping Goods, GENTS' & BOYS' WEAR, Which they offer at • WHOLES A TIE & RETAIL. Country Merchants supplied at the lowest Eastern CASH PRICES. March 16, 1864 J. O. FACKINER. JOHN M . FACHINER & IRWIN, 1111ANLITArTIITILRER8 Or Furiature and Chairs, No. /03 Smithaeld Nov 4,'68.1y. PITTSBURGH PA. NO 66110.66 PAU 91RE cabinet business wall be carried on at thy old wand, by the and • 4rt, where all tilde ct, Fnanitturrabfli,and order. A. *AAA )tepa:in readlities tit salad , „;..„.. • . :I `7t 11. zast AAA . WIEMEII ME CI AI NM OF THE WEST. Pittsburgh Cloak and Mantilla Store ! 73 Market Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, - DARN, London and New York Fa!l and Winter Fashions for ltitid and ISO now ready and on sale at our sales rooms 73 Market Street. We have now in stock everything desirable in Ladies and Misses rich elegant and fashionable Fall and Winter Cloaks, Hasquidl,' Sarques, and Lima lass, in Cloth, Velvet. and other heavy fabrics for whiter wear, and having purchased largely of CI. the and other fabrics some eight mouths ag o , at 50 per cent. below the present prices, we are able to sell Ladies Garments 50 per cent less than any other Cloak House, in the United St des. And shall keep our stock full and fashionable through out the season. and shall offer inducements to buyers of Ladies wear, not equaled in the United States. . . Country Merchant's will find us folly prepared to flit their orders with dispatch. Remember Market street is the only exclusi•"e Cloak 'loose in the City. Sept. 21, 1861. M. J. SPEIVCE. J. & If. 11111,1111, 26 & 28 ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Manufacturers and dealers in FLOOR, FURNITURE & CARRIAGE ctoTtr. , Table & Window Shade Oil Cloths - WINDOW SHADES, SHADE FIXTURES, &c. ALSO, DEALERS IN LEATHER DLLTXNG, Lace Leather, India Rubber. Belting, Hose, Steam Packing. and Robber Goods geihral Iy, N. B. Sole Agents for Allegheny county, for the sal of Metropolitan Co.'s t: UNIVERSAL TIIES WRINGER. E Wholesale and Retail Boyers will find our stock large, well assorted and at reasonable prices. April 13, '64 The Very Latest News 1 RIZ EiIIRCTORY, Oppolsite the Greene arouse, WAYNESBURC, PA. CHARLES B. BRADLEY TS now receiving from the Vast, and manufacturing 1 at his own establishment the largest and hest as sortment of SADDLES, lIIIIDLL'S, HARNESS, COLLARS, WHIPS. TRUNKS. and SADDLERY HARDWARE ever beihre presented to the public.— Ile invites one and all to give him a call, as he is le: [ermined to sell at prices which DEFY CODIFETITION. Having workmen who have worked at the business many years, lie feels assured that he can turn eta as good as any establishment iu the State. Farmers and pie public generally would do well to ive a call before purchasing elsewhere All 1,‘.-k done in the neatest and most fashionable styles, and warranted. Remember the place, opposite the Greene Honse May 2,5, 'b4-tf. CHARLES B.IBIRADLEI. CLOAKS! CLOAKS I. CLOAKS 1 BUZIOLI za-crvv- = And Receiving Dail} New Additions, CLOTH AND SILK ! Paris Cloak and Shawl EMPORIUM. H GUNSENHAUSER, & CO., 68 MARX ET STREET. 3P itt •sk:rti.r.glao Pa. 10D113 4,D2 'lan qilllc "DEAR MOTHER, I'VE COME HOME TO DIE." A Song of this Returned Volunteer 25 "BROTHER'S FAINTING AT THE DOOR," De scrihing a Touching Incident of the War- • • • • • 25 "BABYLON IS'FALLEN." Sequel to 'Kingdom Coming" 25 "0 WRAP THE FLAG AROUND ME, BOYS." A Song of the Dying Soldier 25 "0, 1 Wlstl THE WAR WERE OVER." Sung of the Lonesome. Waiting Maiden 25 "WHO'LL S AVE THE LEFT 'I" Descriptive of a Charge at the Battle of Murfreesboro 50 "WITHIN THE SOUND OF THE ENEMY'S GUNS." Describing the Battle of Geoysburg• • 50 CrAny of the above sent by mail, on receipt of the Price. CHAS. C. MELLOR, 0ct.21,'63-Iy. No. 81 Wood St., Pittsburgh 8.1. CON, IE. PETTIT, WM. M. COOK, E. COOK, JR. COON, PETTIT & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And le:tiers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Wool; Grain &c. No. 12 Smithfield St., Corner First, Pittsburgh. REFERENCES—Springer llarbaugh & Co , Pittsburg; Hitchcock, McCreery & Co., Pittsburgh ; George A JEndley, Cashier German Tract and savings Bank. Pittsburgh; Mitcnell & Ladd, Cincinnati, 0.; W. H. & .1 D. Ladd, Richmond, O.; don. Biro's, Cashier Mt, Pleasant Branch Bank State Bank Ohio. Sept. 39,'63.1y. Young's Eating Saloon, CORNER VIRGIN ALLEY ANP SMITHFIELD STREEIb, Where OYSTERS snd all the delicacies of the season will be served up in the most palatable style. ELI YOUNG. Corner Virgin and Alley Snotlttle at Pittsburgh, Oct. 14, '62.-y WM. N. OGDEN &. CO., MANUFACTURCRS OF ta. 1 11)11 bll 1111T4 ♦ND Silvered Glass Reflectors, Knobs, &c. No. 69 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa. SePt.3o,'63-Iy. PITTSBI7RGH, PA J. N. ANDERSON, PROPRIETOR - - This popular house has recently been thorough ly refitted and furnished, and now forms one of the most pleasant stopping places in the city. Terms mod erste, and satisfaction warranted. April 8, '63— ly S. IL A; C'. P. MARKLE, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN BOOK, CAP, LETTER, A ND all kinds of WRAPPING PA PER have reinov ed from r‘ O. 27 WOOD s:TREST to No. 33 Snithileld Street, rirrsimacit, PA. -r Cask Tradefor Raze Nov. 13, CORNUCOPIA. SALOON, No. '7 Fifth Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. FRED. WEISS, PROPRIETOR. October r I 12 ly ST. ninieimaki MilanMit CORNER .GRANT AND STREE PITTSBURGH, PA. A.Pril -Prfortetai. - ; EAT MENA Importers anti Dealers in HOUSE YURNISIIiNG FOODS Na. 30 FIFTH STREET, First door below Exchange Bank, PTTSBURa, WHERE EVERY INSCRIPTION OF Housekeeping Articles, Consisting of Hardware, Plain and Plan ished Tinware, Brushes, Wooden Wate, Baskets, Plated Ware, Cutlery, Iron Ware, Japannesi Ware, and Cooking Utensils of all kinds. A great variety of Shaker Goods, Bird Cagss, etc , can be obtained on the inost reasonahte terms. Refrigerators and Water Coolers, DOOR MATS AND FANCY GOODS. KAY & RICHARDS. Sept 30, 1863 3FITJEILD4TIMMT3ELXII _AL-NYC) CANE AND WOOD CEAIRS, SELLING OFF WHOLESALE OR RETAIL JAS. W, WOODW ELS, 97 add 99 Third street. opposiNe E. Edo ondson & Co and 110 Fourth street. Aug. 0, 'll2. tltiv ,Roth. mptly and Ce IN ALL STAGES OF CONSUMPTION. They 't 771^7? edlately i n eren.r, the litreligfh, and despot, the color o f the pale blood. T::cy eubdno the ( '7l inr umad Peter, end diminish the Expectoration. '141,4 chic* the ?tight satiate, always, in from se ran, to fourteen. clap'. The appetite is at once ieltigaratea, and ilia patient rapidly gains flesh; the ro ,, g7t, and the (1/ITh_ul/t breathing are spcedily relieved; She sloop becomes calm nag refresh ; the etnenittion+irdP lar and wry - 017 n. ALL 'llll2. GENERAL SYMP TOMS DI :3 A I'PEAIt V, IT li A r,„%. PIDITY TILt.T SEEMS MARVELLOtB.—J. F. Churchill, IL D. TILE VEYPOPIXOSPEZTES are an appropriate and aracrwic mTNIEDY frYr every this order charts ;zed by any otse or morcofthe following gee'' SICIVIPTOMS: 3 PL,ricult,lniye7lect, c.. too Rapid Preativing, mess oft/re .Extreneil:cs; X7,j1.1 or if r,:ing Ilectic;! Irdaing el birth, Eniargoni.lit of ike Glands, or Swellings; C'ouglb; lowt of Strengt!.; • 'atching of the verres or muscles; Ailanall:g Pains through the St oulaers, Chest, Face or Limbs; Partial or Total Loses of the Ude of the Limbs; Headache; Gielciineeq Exce.cdre Paleness; ICilk; L.:weals, bort of Appetite, heart -Burn, OIV of the Stomach., alter, or Sint /rig of the A/010(1,4 bilopo eolt a; cleat or Sour .5:, , nz0, ; Irr - f ,•td I', ;- lies of the ,Corel8; Salto?, ; :Dormice tnents of the lirer Eidneye; L e b dirowl*, or Delayed. Dentition, dn. chi iliV'en; E:: tteete Aiin,t4- tiroiesa to Cold; 417 c., as in tha ser(ral atrigc:i of Coneumpliov,in Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Dys pepsia, ScreVula,.Neuraigia, Poralycis,(partia Sr comp/etc), cke., and Ilwperinfly v.llK‘n.y:le order or Uterine Irreguiaritiee, such as po'l;a.l, Painful, Suppressed, Scanty, Excectire, Dola: ; ex 4, Pre/I/Ad/WM or too .Fre126.47.1tikda.1,-trucaivii. WINCHESTEFS HYPOPHOSPHITD3 are the beet rernolif known to Medical Reieneo, is every case where t I‘e physician e , ,utrat,;,'y vreselll,,es "tonics," iron, wh.i.s4:.y, 0,.1(1-itt:CV ecl, Winchester's Genuine Preparatio? OF THE ITYPOPITOSPIIITES is tho only Pelkib:s form of this LenoW,y,iall is appro•.-e.l by the Medical. Profession generally. /".•..frlt'o 0711.E.2:, .NOR E .11 ifD Y ('()ArrAllirLl , l . • _ war rIZICESt—In 7 oz Bottles, sl—Six Ilottles for $5. • In 16 oz. Botaes, s.2—Tliroo for $3.. C;rZ/lurfit free. Sold by ell iespectsblo Druggists, and solo General Depot In the United Sts es, by WINCILESTES, SS John,Street,y.ix • "rit 'Pulmonary Disease*, tho Ituest ttos tiro treatment should be Furst" during' the Summer months, the 'pert 11 - heti most patients nutrisely the um of the ttsumedy. Arril 27,764.1 y. For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Moths la Furs, 'Wool ens, &c., Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c. Put up in 25c, 50c. $l.OO Boxes, Bottles and Pasha, $2 and $5 sizes for HOTELS, PUBLIC INSTITUTIOSS, 800, "Orly infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons " "Not dangerous to the Homan Family." "Rats come OM of their holes to die." . .,17AT'S Snld Wholesale in all large cities. 1 - Sold by all Drugg'sts and Retatlers every where. t -, .* - A...!!!BEwARE!!! of all worthless imitations. /0 - See that "CosrA Cs" name is on each Bon, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. ..Address HENRY It. CuS I'AR• 7M "Principal Depot 452, Broadway, N. Y. ..Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Drug gists in Waynesburg, Pa. Feb. 17, 1864.-Bm. • MINDED: OW LOST, HOW RESTORED j usT et , u s b l c i s e hl e d a new e d i ! : itt i Essay D c r i . ll C l e ul r v ad e i radical cure (without niedlcine) of Sitermatorrhsea, or seminal Weakness involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar rime, etc. ; also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, in. duced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. irr Price, in a sealed envelope, only rt cents. The celebrated anthilr in this admirable essay clear ly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practise that the :Vanning consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of tpteinal medicine, or the application of the knife—pointing oat a mode <Ka cure, at ones simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure liimself cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addrme post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers. _ CI-Pol. J. C. KLINE & 127 flowery, New York, Post Office box 4236 June 22, ISM. $l, $l, $7, $7, $l2, $l2 The Greatest Chance ever Offered! Beautiful Gold Plated, or Silver Watches, Perfect Time-keepers., Sent Free, by Mail, for only $7. Elegant Hunting Case Watches, sane as ahovr, for = 11: A lso, Watches, Chains, sets of Jewelry, Gold Pens, Bracelets, Lockets, Rings, Pins, etc., etc., TO BE SOLD FOR $1 EACH, Withotit regard to value, and not to ue paid tor till yo k now what vcit are to get. Send 25 rents Sro a Certificate and Circular containing ;full list and particulars, anti in Ici IDS you what you can have ford . 5 CERTIFICATES FOR 1 , AGENTS WANTED. Circulars sent free. Addrese A. J. HARPER Box .52191'. , New York. 205 Broadwry, N. I $225 SE`, - i:N OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO-FORTES, S22S Grovesteeu & Co,, 490 Broadway, N. Y. NEW E GEO SCALE PIANO FORTES, with &ii the laieet improvements. This years' experience with greatly increased facili ties for manufacturing, enable us to sell for CASH at the above unusually low price. Our Instruments re • ceived the highest award at the World's Fair, and for five successi ve years at eh eAmerican Institute. War ranted five years. Terms Cash Call or send for de scriptive circular. March 9, 1694.-Bonus. : - , • OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. REDUCED PRICES,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers