r L'S r:1L:SI .it. ;,s.' -"( (Successor to HULL A WUITN KY,) 107 Wafer Sired , 171 E A DVILLE. PA. Ts the place to liny nil of the First Class PIANO FORTES, T GREATLY REDUCED FRICES. ALSO Organs & Melodeons ! Tfavlng the exclusive Agency for Craw forti, Venango and Mercer Counties for the following celebrated makes of riANO FORTES: Wm. Rradhury, Steinway A Sons, hickerinir A Son, C. Kurtzman's W. J, Emerson, Urovestecn, Fuller 4 Co AND Whitney and Slayton's United States ORGANS AND MELODEONS ! And having constantly in my store from Tv.elvi to Eiglitean PLno3. rnrties wishing to purchase, will find it irreatlv to tlieir interest to purchase direct from me and pet a guarantee with each in strument for live years. Thee Organs and Melodeons are consid ered by good Judges to le the liest R-ed Instrument made. Should other makes be prctercd. I will furnish them as low as can be bought from any one. .STOOLS AA1 SPIIEADS AtCD ALL KINDS OF Singing find Iutruction Books. UITAR8, BANJOS, VIOLINS, FLUTT8, FIFES AND MIVMS. BRASS BAND INSTRUMENTS. "FURNISHED TO BANDS VERY LOW. Agoolstockof GENUINE ITALIAN STRINGS Always on hand. Dealers furnished at New York prices. --All orders or com mi'"!tfious promptly attended to. -tf J. C. HULL. Hat stood the. test of seven years before the pii'i'ic. ; mid no prepar ation for the h.iir has iet been (Un covered that ivi.'l produce the same beneficial result. It is an entirely tieie scientific dis'-unrn, cmnhin ina man ii of the most piiiciiful find restorative aqeuts in tlie. V.:CT ABLEKINCD3M. II ifrfW,CBtY HAIR TO ITS ORICIUAL YOUTH FUL COLOR. It mokes the scalp white and clean; cum dnudruif find humors, and I'ill 1 in vr out of 1U liairt will make it ftrow upun bald head, ejccept in rrri oacd persons, an it furnishes the nutritive principle on which the hair is nourished and supported. It in nl.es the hair moist. soft, and a'ossu. and is unsurpassed as a 11 A I It li 11 V S SI MO. It Is the rlii'i;cht preparation ever o)'ercd to the imhlir. as one botile will ac complish more and last lonrer than three bottles of aim other preparatlnu. It it recommended ami used by Vie First rtlcdicul Authority. The Wonder ul result produced b.y Sicilian Hair JSenewer have induced many to manufacture preparation for the Hair, under virions names t and, in order to induce the trade and tlie public, to purchaso their co-mjumnds, then have resitrttul to falsehood, hi cl.iimiii! then were former part ners, or had nome connection with our Mr. Hall, and their prepara tion was similar to ours. lo not be deceived bo them. I'urchase the orlninali it has never net been rruulltsil. Our Treatise on the Hair, with rertiiicates, sent fret bit mnil. Sea that each buttle has our n ri rate Ilcveuue Stamp over the t ip of the botile. All others are imitations. R. P. Hall Si Co., Prop's, Nashua, N.H. Su'tt lt all Ttnifpiitt aud iVi in Mitirim. J. C. LONG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in HARDWARE AND OIL WELL FIXTURES Or ALL KINDS, TJIDTOTTTIEJ 1?J First Door above Exchango Hotel. 4-f DELAPIERE'S ELECTRIC SOftP Warraoled better and cheaper than any other, l or Sulo in riiiltuU'lpInu, J',Uh i.'in t;li Ac., hv .limi'-' t' Andrews, T. Cinrnwif Co, 1 i-n it h Molnu, liai lon Sun 1 1 1 m . i- Mmu-ki r Rcirt' 4f llarvv V crinnn f" Voung, W. L. i raver, Tli'iiiii (' M"rris, J. II. Kratisn, Wain wr'.ulit it' Co. Jtoberts f t Wuteriiia?i. Son Co. S. J. iliimphr; HorUon. IL.ar it Co. If. J. lloil'uer Mvers iV ('. J. S. Morimn K. Kbv Jt Co. Ji' Hi-ill t'o. T. Panics. W. J. Kirli Kov.l d- Co. Ogden fit Co, Arbu'kli A' Co. of Pittsburgh, ami many other. M-f.. Tlt Republican Office T ' I .TP rnnst i IV s i t!u( :ii nl : is"-"t ins, V.'ar 1 rj .rdjMay rm i on hand a larce as- lM-c.i . MorlLagoh, ZinJJUiHI, oVo., to tf. CP. HALL'S teelaHe Sicilian Hair Ronewer s mm uirnx timnn .Or. VAtKKR'S 0 .UfOtiNI VINEGAR BITTEES us! Hundreds S Thousnr.ris Pent V-t'f-T 1 tVtf VoruVr- i- v u sPs WHAT ARE THEV?grE o o . c ,; I.' Iff M ' HI ( 441 pi or , TatT ns hot a ran -Si FANCY I DRINK. lt-cof :"or Im, Wkltkrr. Pre.if .Irlrs Lud llifusn I.tgaurs doctored, eplcct ud.w.cv tm.-d V.t tlomtdUio tat to, cft,.ledlonicc,'MAppctt cn," I.n.crcrt," c, tl.tt iod 1. tlppltr xm d.-xal:ei:r(a &1 rula, but mr ft trn kfrUiciM, mftd f.-om t:. Nst.vo l.bottftmt Hcrbiof Catlfornls, frr frntit itlf AI-obillo tHIitialnnts. Thoyut Hm ;I A T Itl.OOII ri RIHEU and A LIFE tltlNU l1 U I.N t t PI E Israel l.coov.tor ud Iavljoriitor cf t!iu Eykton, carn'trf off ftlt poleonouft Bibttr a.d r.torlnL' tl'9 llucd lo ft bcftltLy contUCon. t p.noa cftn tu'Kft lhc TKUrs ftccorUlLg to diroo t!o:i .id rcni&inlur.s ni.wrll. bltO given for fta larnrU tac, prorMcd t:io Loots ftrt uot destrored tr mineral polaon or ctlicr ciciri, ftr.t! t:n ViUl errant voted bejrood UK fo.r.ttlr-loir. Fnr IuQumn:i.tflrr and Chronic Itkeamaa tipm nud tjout, I)vpcpsln r Iadlffeiloo Litious, UeniltU'iii Bid laceraiiiicat Fevers llL.rnktei.1' the Utued, Liver, Kldncye, end iUaducr. ttn-co IHttcis 1 ftvo been Dioftt tacouft fcu Isach Elicasts ftr cucrcd tjr Viilntcd Blood, wliich It ycncratlr irodeced tj dora&cemcnt cf xuc lllarftilvo Urpin. I;V7E1'SIA OH INDIGESTION. Hi-ftd ftebo, Taiu lu tba etionldtrv, ( ont;hs, 1 !fcl,teu of Ul Cact, Ulzsmc&ft, tonr Ercctftllonft cf thft Etcirftch, Ltd taau Ij Uia llooin, B.llooft Attaclu, ralp.taticm of tUu llcart, lLtlftnm:liUoa of tbft Lougs, Pftin In tl:e rcflou of tuo Uldncra, ftDd ft hundred oUicr pftinnu tn-.r.tomi, fire U;e oCbprmgs of Dybpcptta, Th t luTisoraU tlio Stoniftcb and stunmats th tor pid .TcrLd bowels, T. iilch reader them of usQtiall:d iCccryln eltanslcg the blood of all Impuilttea, and nr.pmlnr new life l! rigor to tlia wliol tyttcm. Kill SKIN IHSEASE8.Ernptlon,T.ltcr.Elt Llietan, Blotchea, Epou, I lu plca. 1 tutnln, Colla. Car. LoncKt, lilnf-Wormft, tcala-Iload, Eoro E to. Erysip elas. Itch, hcortft, liltcolorfttlons of tba kln, namora and DiSwiiics of Uio tkla, of wuatore. pame or nature, are llteraliy dng tp and carried out of ttic system in s alior time by tlto use of these Bitters. One bottle in Micli clscs will convlnoo the most Incredulous of their uriLliTd effect. t ka;:sa the Vitiated Elood wh-nevor you fl..d Its l:i parities burstlnc tbronsb the sicln In rimples, Lrup- :lous cr Cori i cleanse H when yen find it obstructed ant tlucsish In the Teuift t e'eanso It when ft Is faui. and your feelings will tell you when. Ccep the blcn-. pare and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAl'U and other WOKJls, lnrlungtntha system cf so many thousands, ere ctToctually destroy- j i an J removed. 1 or full dirootlons, rod carefully :io circular around each bcttlo, prlutcd tn four tan--&4;4H-lIi.ClisUlGoruianl French and Spanish. -.W.VLiEIl. l'roprlctor. rt.n.ilcDOKALD CO, .-acKlsts aud Gen. Agents, Ban Francisco, CsL. aad t aud tl Commerce Street, Kew Yorii. TOrj) BT ALL DHUQGISTS AND DEALEIta. GRCVER a EAKER'S si:v. i; v( iii.ls. Tje following are selected from thous ands of testimonials of similar character, as expressing the reasons for the prefer ence of the O rover tfc Raker M whines ovor all others. "J like the firover t Raker Ma hine, in tiie first place, bivauso if I hud anv other, I should still want a Orover ft linker; and liavinir a firover Raker it answers the purpose of nil the rest. It does a greater varietv of work and Iseasior U icarii than any other," Mrs. J. C. Cro ly (Jenny June)' "I have had several vears' expe rience with a (trover A Iiaker Machine. wliich has given me great satisfaction. I think the G rover A Dakcr Macliine Is more easily managed, and less liable to get out ot orner. 1 prefer tlie (trover A linker do (!idedly." Mrs. Dr. Watts, New York. "I have had one in mv familv for somo two years; and fjom what I know of its workings, and from the testimony of inativ ot mv iriemis who use fiie same, i can hardly see how anythinguould be more complete or give better saUslaction." Airs. .en, (iraut. "I believe it to be the best, all things considered, of any that I have known It is very simple and easily learned ; the sewing from tlie ordinary kmioIs is a great advantage; the stitch is "entirely reliablo; It does ornamental work beautifully ; it is not liable to get out of order. Mrs. A. M Spooner, 3ft Bond St. Brooklyn. "I am acquainted with the work of the principal machines, and I prefer the tt rover A iiaker to them all, because I con sider the stitch more clastic. I have work in tlie house which was done nine vears uironiucn is sun goon. - mth, nr. Ale cready, ro. 43 Kast StU street, N. Y. "More than two-thirds of all the sewingdone in mv familv for the last two yenrs bus been done by (trover A Baker's Machine, and I never hud a irariiieut rin or need mending, except those rents which frolicsome boys will muke in whole doth It is, in my opinion, hv far the most valu able of Bny I have tried." Mrs. Henry vt uru ueeciier. "The & rover A Raker Sewing Ma chine has rendered in every resiiect. tlie most perfect satisfaction. It combines so many advantages with beauty of execu tion and economy in price that it is a no cesity in every household." Mrs. Gover nor Geary, ilarrisburg, Pu. "I have had the Orover A Baker Ma chine for ten or twelve ye n's in constant use in my house I have seen ami known every kmdot I atnily scwinu. Uitli ner Honal and household, accomplished upon the (trover A Baker Machine, to the entire satisfaction ol all concerned, Rev.. Stephen II. Tvnir. "I find theGiover A Raker Stitch will wear as long as the garments do outwear the garment in fact. The stitch will not break on bias scams, when stretched, as others do; and neither does it draw tlie work." Mrs. Dr. Whiting, 4 East twenty-fourth street, N. Y. The Orover and Raker Sewing Machine Company manufacture both tlio Elastic and Lock Stitch Machines, and oiler the public a choice of the best machine of both Kinds, at their establishments in all the largo cities, and through agencies in nearly all towns throughout the country. Price lists and samples of sewing in both stitches furnished on application to Orover A Baker S. M, Co., 17 Wood Street, Pitts burgh, Pa, OO5 A WtH'kNulary !- Young men wanted us lociu and travel- ling a'cHiucn. Adre iwiilisuiuip) K. H Walk Kit, 31 Park Row, N. Y. 3u-4t A WATCH FREE for everybody and $ Ml per lis v tun e. Busines liwht and honorable. No Cii t enterprise. Nohum bug. Addres),K, Mouroti Uvuody. Pluav baij4a K. THE BOOT AND SHOE STORE. TF YOU WANT n perfect fit and a (rood 1 article of limits mid Shoes, of the fluent workmanship, goto II. I,. JloCAXC rs, 3d CF.NTUK STKEKT, OIL CITY, PA. ;K4TMatisflction minranteed. 2-S3 tf. ROYAL HAVA.1A L0TTERY. Prircs cashed and information furnished by OKOUUli Ul'HAM, Providence, U. I. 30-4t WANT KD AoKNrs To sell "the tMii gon Sewing Mrtolilno. It ts Licensed, makes the "Klnstie tM-k Stitch-' and is warranted for 6 years. Price ?l."i. All other machines with an under-feed sold for 15 or less are Infringements. Address Octagon Sewing Miichine Co., St. Louis, Mo., Chicago, 111., Pittsburgh, Pa., or Bos ton, Moss. 13;tm $10 A Dav Husinessentirelvnew and 1 J honorable. Liberal inducements Inscriptive circulars free Address J C HAND A CO., Hiddetbrd, Me 13 3m FORTUNES offered to live men. Rare Chanrxa. Send Stamp. Dlmond K. Co., Washington, Del. l-.'m. THE highest Cash Price paid for the old State Itnnk Ourrencv : Hank of Craw ford County, Venango Dank, Oil Cltv Ilnnk Petroleum Dank, or any of the old state Hunk issues ; also, for mutilated Scrip of !) issues. A. H. STKKI.K, Cashier. 48 2 Tioncsta Savings Bank. A WATCH, pair of Blankets, Quilt or Shawl, for One Dollar, appears almost Impossible, but such may bo hat, and hun dreds of other useful articles, by patron lr. ingGEO. A. PLUMMERA CO.'S -'ONE DOLLAR 8 ALE.-' Their system of doing business has been examined by the authorities, and a Decis ion rendered from the Internal Revenue Depaitment, at Washington, dated Nov. 4th, INtiS, declaring their business perfect ly fair and legitimate, and entirely differ ent from the different gift enterprises. Of course all do not get watches, blankets, Ac., for On Dollar, but in every large club, one of these articles are sold for One Dollar, as an extra inducement, and soino member of the club has tlio chance of obtaining it. A new fenturo introduced by this enter. prising firm, is to pay their agents in cith er esh or merchandise, and to prepay the express charges. No bettor opKrt'unity ran bo ottered to cither ladies or gentlemen having leisure tiuio, to lorm clubs fur this firm. Read their advertisement in another col umn, and send for catalogue. .Till COM It. Will ehang" an v colored hair or beaid to a permanent black or brown. It eon- tains no poison. Any one can use it. One sent by mail lor . Address. MAGIC CO.MU CO., Springfield, Mass, 3- 3m TEA STORE! The place to buy every variety of the VERY BEST TEAS AT THE L 0 WEST PRICES, is at the extensive Tea Store of H. T. CHAFFEY, whero von can always find a large assort ment of the best Teas at New York prices. a nirg assortment oi Groceries and Provisions, uned iqualed in quality and cheapness byany er store in Warren county, always on otlie hand. The people of Forest county will save money by purchasing tlieir supplies at this place. Bust brands of FAMIL r FLO UR, delivered at any depot on the line of the R. n. iree. Store on Main St. near the Depot. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Water Street, ADJOINING THE HOLMES HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa., M. CARPENTER, - - - Proprietor. Pictures taken in all the latest stvles of Die art. Uo-tf READ ! READ T The subscribers having re-rented the UlYIXH iKIfT MILLS. Would say to their old customers, and the community' generally, that they keep cuiisiuijiiy 011 iiuiiu u large hiip k 01 FAMILY FLOUR of all grades, Chop Feed, Shorts, Rran, uui uuu uiru, v 1111 our luciuiics ior OO' ing business, we purpose not to bounder sold hv any establishment in this section of tlie country, and would say to tlio linn Imriiien and dealers of Forest county, that mey can ue SLTrLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than from any other point, liniueiliiit j attention given lo all or del j lioiii u distance, E. JONES A CO. LOTS FOR SALE! IX THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 79, Nassau St., New York City. I Oubs:ribe for the Rkfublica., Uie beat 1 -J pBr m fa exmsMfr, ERIE RAILWAY I 1.4Q0 Miles under ono management, 800 Miles without change of Coachs, 1I1E BROAD GUAGE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE. TiKTWKKJC TUB ATLANTIC CITIES AND T1IK WEST AND SOUTHWEST ! THI RAILWAY EXTENDS FROM Cincinnati to New York WSOMilcs Cleveland to New York i-jft Miles Dunkirk t New York 4m) Miles Buffalo to New York 4it M ilcs Rochester to New York 3(45 Miles And is from 22 to 27 miles tlie short est route. New and improved coaches are run from Cincinnati. Dayton, Urbana, Marian, Gallon, Mansfield, Ashland, Akron, Cleveland, Warren, Meailville, Dunkirk, Buffalo and Rochester to New York, without change, only one change to Bos ton. On and after Monday, Dec. nth, 1870, Trains w ill leave CORKY at the folluving hours, vU t GOING WEST 1.82 A. M. Day Express, dally, Mondays excepted, inr Cleveland Cincinnati, and the west and south ; connects at Meailville for Krauklln and Oil City; at Clarksville for Sharon, Now Castle and Pittsburg; at Iv ittsburu. Sundevs cxeentrMl. for Ynntiira. town; Cleveland with Lake Shore R.K. for west and northwest; at Havcnaw itliCleve land A Pittsburgh for Alliance and Pitts burgh J at Akron for Orrvillo and Millers burg; at Urbana with Pittsburgh, eincin natl and St. Imls (ailway tor liidianiusi, lis, and at Cincinnati witli the C!iio Mis sissippi Railway lor tlie south and south west. A sleeping car is attached to this train at Hornulisvillc, running through to Cleveland. 12.35 p. m. Night Express, daily for Cleveland, Cincinnati and the west and southwest ; connects at Mwlvillc, Sundays ex.-opted, for Franklin and Oil City; at lA'avittsburg.Sunday excepted for Youngs town ;ct Cleveland with Ijike Shoro Rail way lor the west and northwest, and at Cin cinnati with the Ohio A Missi,ppi Run way tor the south anil southwest. Aslcep ingcar is attached to this tram at N. York running through to Cincinnati!. 7.25 A.M. Express Mail, Mondays except ed, for Cievciaud and the West: .suuiocts at Meadville, for Franklin and Oil Citv; at Clarksville with F.rieA Pittsburgh Rail road, tor Sharon, New Castlo and Pitts burgh, and at Cleveland with Lake Shore Railroad for the West and north-west. A sleeping car is attached to this train at New York running through to Meadville. M.05 1'. M. t reight and Aucommadition duily suudays excepted. 6.55 P. M. Freight aud Accommodation, Sundays excoptud. 2.35 P. M.Way Freight.Sundays exeept- ad GOING EAST : 3.46 A. M. NewYorK Day Express, dal ly Sundays excepted; connects at (treat Bend with Delaware, I-ackawannu A Wes tern Railway, for Scranton,aud at N. York with midnight express iruiii i.l New Jer sey Railroad lor Philadelphia. A sleeping car it attached to this train at Cleveland running through to Hornells ville connecting wish tram having new aud Improved Drawing Room Coaches at tached, running through to New York. 1.00 P. M. Lightning Express, connect ing daily at E.nnr.i wmi Northern Central Railway, for Williauisport, ilarrisburg, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and at New York tor Boston and New England cities. A sleeping coach is attached to this train at Cincinnati running through toN. York. 7.65 P. AL, Cincinnati, Express daily, Sundaysexcepted, connecting at Kinghaiii- ton lor Albany ana tlie celebrated sum mer resort Sharon Springs, and at New lorn tor jtostou aim 1111 Aew Kinrlaim cit ies. A sleeping cur is attached to this train at Meadville running through lo New 1 orK. 4.00 a. m. Stock frelirht and Accommo dation Suudays excepted. 4.15 p. m. Kriuht and Accommodation. Sundays excepted. 0.45 a. m. Way Freiirht. Sundays ex cepted. Roston and JVew Emrland nassemrcrs. with their Ramrare are transferred free of charge in Aow York, The best ventilated and most luxurious Sleeping coaches .rr-in tlie World-fc- ac- ouipauy an ingni trains 011 tins railway. is-Thr Erie Railway fVimpanv lias 0- pened a new Ferry from their Jersey City in'jsii. 10 me 1001 01 ja street, inns ena liling Passengers to reach the upper portion to I'lie city w lthout the expense and annoy ance of a street car or omnibus transfer. The scenery aion the entire route of the Erie Railway is of the most pictur- usque anu ucautiiui cliaiaeter. Admirers of nature s Uauties, in a,duylight journey over tins Line, will find in Us ever chang ing landscapes subjects of continual ad miration ttiui imeresi. JJAUUAUE CUKVKED THROUGH, and Fare as Low as by any other route. ASK rCn TICKETS VIA ERIE R'Y. Which can be obtained at all the princi pal Ticket Otnc.es in tlie West or South west. W M . B. BARR. L. D. RtTKKn, Gon'l Pass'r Ag't. (ten'l Sujit. AGENTS WANTED FOR AND ITS Votaries, by Dr. Jno- R. Ellis. The most startling book of modem times. Tlio whole subject laid bare;aud its liideousuess exposeii to universal execration, w r.iieu in the interests of Ci viliiilion, Christiani ty and i'ublic Morality. Send lor circulars and terms. U. S. Publishing Co., N. Y Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Iouis. 30-tt OCT OKI? 11. 18 GO. J. & P. COATS' BEST SIX-CO FD IS NOW TUB O 1ST TJ "Y" Thretd put up for the American marker which is SIX-CORD IX ALL NUMBERS, From No. 8 to No. 100 inclusive. For Haml and Machine. Hook AgriifM 33 n lie s0 to Snooper Month by selling GREAT FORTUNES. And How i iiky H'krb Mahk. By J. l, McCabe, Jr. New fresh and 1 rhrinul. Pro fusely illustrated and beautifully bound. It shows how a poor school-master made tut.uiio.ouu; now a xr iiail-Ptuiil sailor be came a great hanker, a butcher y itpprcie tice tho wcaliliiest man in America. 1111 un known mechanic a millionaire in seven vears, witli many more such examples 1 iw energy, talent, and patient industry live a, way inel with success when pro- : .-rly exerted ; how money can bo made jpestly and without sacriliee of princi I al. Send for Circular, etc., and notice I ly extra terms (too. Macleuu Publisher, riMsrnsom aH., Pbiiarlolphia. t-4t FREE LOVE, W. A. tit lift AM. C. i. RRAUCI ixuiiam it iniM.u, PUBISES, B9 JUSEL LERS, and Stationers, WIIOLJCSALB AND RETAIL DEALERS IX 11 kinds of School, Miscellaneous, Law, Uodlcal Awn MUSIC BOOKS. Depository of the, Rlblo Society, Sunday School, and all Religious Publishing So cieties, KO. 52 CHKSTNUT ST., MEADVII LK, PA., WO. 101 SITKBIOR ST., CLEVELAND, O. 15 JACOII KIIUIYUll. Having lilted up a first class PLANING Mil , Are prepared to furnish to order all kind of manufactured lumber such as FLOOIilMO, SID ISO, SCIt FACE DRESSED L VSIBER, SASIT, DOORS, II HMDS, AMD EVERi' DESCRITTIOM OF TLA IMA MV FA M- CY MOVI.DIMOS. Dealers will find it to their Advantage to CONSULT OUR TRICES, Before purchasing elsewhere, as our loca tion in the heart ot the lumber region gives us superior advantages in the purchaso ol lumber that will enable us to undersell those less favorably situated. Address Mar. 4, tf. JACOB SHRIVER, Tionesta, Pa, :sit ih.it Dr. lltili.ick's .Stoiii iicli Hitters increase in salt pveryyear? Kccausc Thoy are the best coniUna lion ever ni.ule. Why Dnij2j;ist3 recopi . lloluick's Hitters Ho the mend Dr t their customers ? Because After vears of experience ami trial they have beer, proven to bo a sure cure for Dyspensia and Indiges tion. YVh Js it that Physicians use nnd reoominend Dr. Ho baek's Sugar-coated Mood Pills? Because They know the ingredients of which they are made. Why Are Dr. Roback'a Mood Purilier and Mood Pills the best remedies taken to gether for the cure of all diseases of tho blood? Because The Mood Purifier is the only article in tlie market whichcontains the celebrated costly Drugs imported ex pressly from Sweden for its manufacture, and tlie Pills contain the active principle of Podophyllum (Mandrake Hoot.) aud is a substitute for Mercury. Why Are Dr. C. W. Hob.t.kV Stomach Hitters, Hlood Pu rifier and Hlood Pills tin three greatest remedies the world lias ever known? Because After eleven years' experi ence and trial the sales have increased each and every year, and thousands of let ters (unsolicited) of the re markable cures they have performed bear witness. Read the letters in. Local Column of cures by these medicines. VENT UR E HOTEL. APJOINiNJ TOE DKI"OT, WHITE OAK, Forest County, Pa. IIUMMASON, ERO'S, Tropr'. THIS house is new and fitted up In first class style, and is headquarters for nil persons visiting the great oil held of Hick ory. Tlie bur is furnished with tho best of liquors. The proprietors w ill spare no pains to make it tlie most desirable stop ping place in tlie oil regions. 12-ly AGENTS Wastkd -'25 per month by the American Knitting Machine Co., iwatnn, Masai,, c arrt (, m. mm PENNSYLVANIA CEN TRAL RAILROAD ON AND AFTER 11 P. P. Sundny May 1, ISro, Trains arrivo at and leave tho Union Depot, corner of Washlnton aitd Liberty street, aa follow) ARRIVE. Mail Train, 1.M0 a m ; Fast Lino, 12.12 a m ; WeirsBccommodntion No. 1, (l.'JO a m ; Brinton accommodation No 1, 7..r0 a m; Wall's accommodation No 2, s.A'ia m :Cin cinnati express IVJU a m ; Johnstown ac commodation 10..VJ am; llraddock's ac commodation No 1,7.00 pm; l'itlxburgh express J. SO p m; Pacific express l.W) p m ; Wall's aocommiMlation No S, 2.:W p m; Homowood aitcommodatlon No 1,9.5,1 pm; Wall's accommodation No 4, ft.fiO p m ; Brinton bissuii modal Ion No !i, 1.10 p m; Way Passenger lo.L'O p m. DEPART. Southern express .l.'JO a in ; Pacific px- rress 2.40 a m ; Wall s accommodation No , ri.HOa m ; Mail Train S.I" a m ; liriuton s acconimislatioM 1 i.io a in ; Rraddock's ac commiMlation No 1. rt.10 p 111; Cincinnati express 12.3.i p m ; Wall's nei'oiomoilatlon N 2, 11.51 a m ; Johnstown aissuniimiatiou 4.0a p m ; Homewood accommodation No 1, 8..M) p m; Philade!ihia express ,'l.Wl p in; Wall accommodation No:l,S.0"p 111; Walls accommodation No 4, fl.01 p in ; Fast Line 7.40 p in ; Wall's No 5, ll.l'O p m. Tho Church Trains leave Wall's Station every Sunday at 0.0 a. in., reaching Pitts burgh at I0.H5 a. m. Returning leave Pitts hnruh at 12.50 p. in., and arrivo at Wall's Station at 2.10 p. ill, Cincinnati express leaves dally. South ern express daily except Monday. All oth er 't rains daily, except Sunday.' For farther information spiv to W, II. BECKWIT1I, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Comimny will not assume anv Risk for llicrgage ex- cept lor Wearing Apparel, ntw! limit their rsponsibiiity to 'fie Hundred Dolla tie. All baugngo exceeding that a in value wdll ho at the risk of the unless taken by special contract, A. J. CASSAl General Superintendent, Altoons Md ount .ner, Pa. BOOKS, STATIONERY, AND "WALL 3? tPEB. DAVIS & E 7HOLS, (Near the Co ,. House,) FRANKLIN, P E N N ' A . Have a general assortment f School Hooks, Law BooVm, Histories, Bibles nnd Testaments, Hymn Books, Music Books, Blank Books, Envelopes, Note, Letter nil d" cap writing papers, Pens, Ink, Slates and everything in the ROOK ST.l TIGS Kit Y n VStMEftt. All of which they offer to sell WHOLE-. SALE OK RETAi 1., at lowest cash prices. DAVIS & ECHOLS, Franklin, Pa. PATENTS. Inventors win wish to take out letters Patent are advised to counsel with Munn and Company, editors of the Scientific American, who havo prosecuted claims bo.n.'o tlio Patent Ollice for over Twenty Years Their American and Cur mean Patent agency is the most extensivo in the world Charges less than anv other relia blo agency A pamphlet containing full instructions to Inventors is sent gratis Ml' NX & CO., 37 Park Row, 13tf New York COAL! COAL! CT.S. BYBRHART IS Prepared to deliver the best quality o Ootl at the old Evcihart Bank, two miles from Newman ville for 7 cents per or at Tionesta and vicinity for 25 CENTS PER 15U.SIIEL. lie always has a largo supply on hand, Now is the time to lay in a largo supply Orders promptly attended to 2 9 Moiiouguhrla Valley INSURANCE AGENCY, ESTABLISHED MAY 1853. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND LIVE STOCK POLICIES, ISSUED IN FIRSTCLASS COMPANIES. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJl'STED AD PAID. A. C. SAMPSON, Gen. Agent. J. D. HENRY, Oil City, Ag't for Venango Co., Pa. Applications received and Information furnished by A. 11. St tax:, at Tionesta Savings Bank. apltf. TOIOUTE EMPORIUM M. P. GETCHELL, Dealer in DRY GOODS Xoiioiis, stools A ftlioesi, HATS Sc Cj.I?S, &c, &c, Ac, CORXER MAIM tt- DEPOT STS., TIDIOUTE, PA. Has the Largest nnd most Comple'o Stock now on hand, of uny store in WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. IIaviii(r purchase'! my tdock since the irrent ducline in (odd, 1 ciiu sell pootU clienper llititi nny Dry Goods House in the till Legions. Persons purchasing goods of me will save percent. M. 1'. 1 iF. ICHLLL. Ti.lioute, April 11, 1870. 4-Gin AOENTS WANTED FOR Hon. Win. SEWARD'S (IRANI) TOTR of Jcxico. Adventure and Sight seeing in "Our Sistef Reptqlio." Is a work of rare merit' profusely il'imt ra ted. Send lor circu'ars to Columbian Book Company, Hartford, Ct. 28-31 SU iisT'RI BE for tFoTiTlUipiiLUgru ItwilliMf. Oil Creek & Allegheny BlTcr By WARREN A FRANKLIN, FARM19TV1 A OIL CREEK RAILROADS CONSOL IDATED New and Most Diwct TouW to Up OC Regions. WINTEIl ARRANGEMENT. On and After MONDAY MAY80Tn,70 trains will run as follows t I.FAVK rORR ! (1.00 A. M. EXPRESS .SpartBnsbnraf B.2H; Tryonvillo 1 Hvdetown 7.11 ( Tl tusvlllo arriVo 7.20, depart 7.27) Mlllor Farm 7,50 1 Pioneer S.07 1 Petroleum CVn frearr. H.I5, Ivs, H.I7, Columbia H.23, Tarr Farm H.2 Rvnd Farm , Ro sevill. K.:W; Oil (My H.55 Ivs'MiO. RockwooJ Walnut bend (Heopolis o 2', contiect Ing with train for Pithole:) Ilenrv s lle:ul . Eagle Itoi k, Tionesta K.(4, Hick ory White (ak ln.IU, ai r. 'l ldloute arrives 10 51, Iv. 10.50, Thompson's arriving at Irvington at ll.ik'ia. m II. it) A. M. MAI l Spartanshurg 11.45, Centievillc, 12.7 p. in. Trvonville llydctowii 12.10, arrives at Titusvlll 12.(0, Ivs. 12.4"), Miller Farm 1.04, Pioiusir 1. 17, air. Pet. Centre 1.2"). Ivs 1.27, Columbia 1.31, Tarr Farm 1.3ii, Rvnd Farm Rouseville 1.17, bit. oil City 2.05. Ivs. 2.1 1, RiH-kwood , Walnut lle'ud oleopo--lis 2.40 connect with train for Pithole) Henry's Bern) , Eagle Ris-k .Tlon- csta3.HI, Hickory , While Oaks 3,4)1, arr. Tlilioutc 4.1.2. Ivs. 4.07. TlwunpsonV arrives at I rvinetoii 4..'0 p. ill. rt.0.- PM .AC('().MM'l)A'N,Sir!fuisburg" 0.30, n-ntrevilUi 7.C0, Trvonville al H vdetown 7.25, arr Titusville 7.3 1 ivs 7.45, Miller Farm x.05, Pioneer l.2 arr at Pet. Centre K.L'S, Ivs H..V1. Columbia H. ll, Tarr Farm 8.44, Rynd I'linn ,RoilsovilJe8,f5 arrives al Oil' City O.li) p. in. t.KAVKN lltVINKTON. 1 1.45 A. M. .V V I L-Thompson arf. Tidiouto 12.30 Ivs 12.3X. V iiite Oaks 12.53 Hickory, , Tionesta 1.20, Kaule Rock .Henry's Rend Oleoiiolis 2.05 (con nects with frnin for rifholo) Walnut Bend , RiM'kwooil ,nrr Oil Citv 2.30 ivs 2.42, Rouseville 2.51, Rynd Farm Tarr Farm 3.10 arr at' Pet. Centre S.20 Ivs. 3 23, Pioneer 3.30, Miller I arm 3.4"), arr. Titusville 4 01. Ivs 4 14 Hvdetown 4.24 p. 111., Trvonville Ce'ntrrvillo 4.50, Spartiiiisburg 5.14, arr at Corry 6.45 p. in. 5.00 P.M. EX PRESS Thompson's at arr at Tidiouto &.5o,lcvs 5.52,White oaks (I.07. Hickory , Tionesta 0.37, Eavlo Rock , Henry's Rend Ole opolis 7.13, Walnut Bend Rotkwoml arr Oil Citv 7.40 Ivo 7.47, Rouseville 8.03, Rynd Farm Tarr I arm 8,15, Col. unibiaH.IS, arr Pet. Centre 8.2' lv s 2S. Pl oikst 8.35, Miller Farm 8.45, arr. Titusville 0.10. Ivs H.15. Ilydclown 0.23. Tr vile Spartiiiisburg, 10.7, arr at Corry 10.35 p. 111. l.KAVK Ol I, CITY. 7.00 A M. ACCt i.MMiip.V I I oN Rouse ville 7.15, Rynd Farm , Tarr Farm 7.25 Col 11 una 7.20, a, r Pci. Ccn re 7.. 5 I ve , Pioneer 7.45, Miller Farm 8.110. arr. Titn-. ville 8.18, lvs.s.i.3, llydctowii 8 31, Tivci -ville Centervdle 8.V, S.arlansbii g 0.10. arr, Corry 0.35 a in, All trains connect at Corry with trains on Phila. tt Eric Railn.iM and A. .fc U. W. VmA and West for New York, Philadel phia, I larrishurr. Erie A' Cleveland, and with Burtnlo, I'nrrv . Pittsburgh Railway for lliitl.iloand all points on thoN.Y.Crii tral liai.w iv. At oil c. iv won 1. a. ns on Allegheny Valley lUilroa I, and Franklin Branch A. A (i. W. At lrvineton with trains on Phila. A E. Railroad cast and west. C. J. HEPBURN J NO. PITCAIUN, SjiM.rJiiteMili.iit (Jeii'l Manager. EHIE & PllTSEtlilGiriL'R. On and alter Mondav, Nov. 15, 1h trains will run on this road as follows: LEA V E ERIE St lUTI I WAR I). 11:55 a. M. AiroMMniiArinv Leaven Newcastle at 7:05 and arrives at Pitlsbiiriih 10:00 it. in. 10.25 a. m riTTsnrnnij vx., stops at all stations, mi I arrives al A. A ' I. W. R. It. Tranicr at 1 : vi p. ni., at Newia.!!e at 3:15 p. in., and at : ittsbiii-ii a' i'.:0.i . m. 5:05 A. M., ACCOM M'UIA I lo. l'r..in J uocs- town, arrives at A. .V (I. W. II. i:. I raii-'. r al 5:40 a. 111., at Newcastle U7:'i5u. m.,aml I'lttsburgl, al lii;nti a. 111. 5;0i) r. m.. Mixed 'Irain leaves Erie for Sharon, stoppinir Ht all Intermediate points and arriving at 10:15 a. 111. LEAVE PI'l TSUI' lt 1 II NORTWARD 7:15 A. M., khik KXrni:ss, leaves New castle at 10;0n a. in., A. AO. W. 11. P.. Trans fer at 1 1:2' a. 111., and arrives at Erie at 2:30 p. m., nnikinclos.. connection for Buffa lo and N iicjara Kail' 3:35 r. M. Ar.'iMof).vnox, leav5 New castle at B:3n p. in , A. . (1. W. R. It. Transfer at 7:'5 p. m.. and Jnmcstow ti at 8::l0 a. in., connect with ni.xed trains thai arrives in Erie at 1:55 a. 111. (1:30 r. M.. Mixed Train leave Sharon for Erie, and arriving at irard at 12:30 a. m., and Erie at 0:55 a. 111 Trains connect at Rochester witli train for Wheeling and all points in West Virginia, and al Pittsburgh connoct ions for Philadel j'hiii, ilarrisbiirgh, Baltinio.e and Wash itigton via I'ennsvlvauia Central Railroad. Erie Express North, connects at (iirard with Cleveland and Erie trains Westward for Cleveland, Chicago, and all Hints in tho West; at Erie with Philadelphia A Erie Railroad for Corry. Warren. Irviiiirton. Tidioute, Ac. anil with Biiflalo A Erie ltai r .s.l for Bullalo, Dunkirk, Niagara Falls and New Yor City. F.N. FINNEY. (ionerul Sup't ALLE G H E N rVftLLE Y R A il R 0 A D ! GREAT THROUGH ROUT15 ' The Oil Uesionslo PUlsburgli, THE EAST AND THE WEST! SLEEPING OARS On all night trains. Passengers and bag giiL'O transferred at Oil City, Fit KB of I'HAiioi:! Tra'.ns make direct connection with ail Roads centering at Oil City, aud leave aa follows: Day Express leave Oil City at. Ariivesat Pittsburgh ' Night Express Leave oil City. Arrives at Pittsburgh 2 .10 a m It Oil p ni 0 20 p in 0 15 a m .Mad Triiin leaves nil City 0 05 a ni .WlllUdtll, I'llLIOIir'll 5 50 n in Day Express Leaves Pittsburgh at 7V0 i m A rrri vt-sat Oil lily n! 2 15 p in Night Express l eaves Pittsburgh 8 40 i in Arrive, at oil City 6 1 a in Way Passi icrer leaves Pittsburgh 15 a m Arr. vis at oil C.ty 7 p m I'asscnireis travellinir by this Route w ill liud better accommodations and make bet ter time than bv anv other road from the Oil Regions to Pittsbiiivh. I. J. LAWRENCE, ("Jen. Supi. 1 Centre St., opposite Post Oihce, OIL CITY, IENN'A. Di:Ai.r.ns in FOREICN AND DOMESTIC DS1Y GOODS, Dittos QUODS, CAItPLTlSO, Oil. ( LOTUS. BOOTS d- SHOES, U ATS A CAPS, TUIMM1XGS NOTION;, ETC.. ETC. Dn. Iawiifxies Woman'b Fhixnd tuias aii itihuM jiMiui&r ts Ftvaudea 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers