IS rUBLISIIKD EVERY TUESDAY, IV "W. R. DUN IT. jmoc in Knot's BuilttlnSi F.ln Slrrsct. TT.KM. $J.l'0 A VI" A It. n r-Vi!ierltions received for a tdiortcr period mail tliroo inntitliH. ( "urn hu'iiiiI men solicited from nil purtM "i'll.o country. No notice will betaken of uiiii):iyiiiiiH 'eoniiiiiinicai.inii.s. Mtr.l:$w ami Heath lioticox Inserted l.'t:its. ,'U3t?JE3 DIRECTORY. TION u.STA LODGE, NO. 47 7i I. o. o-. t: n Toots every Wednesday evening, at S Hi clock, J. YVINANS, YV C. T. - M.CI.AKK, W. S. . WitWroS 1'KITIH. Mll.r.H W. TATB. x. T T T C . TATB, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . TTOXICSTA, rA. Ijaao A?h, TTOTIXKY AT T.AW, Oil Cltv, Pn. Will I'rnetice in tho various Courts of Korost County. All busiiiAH entrusted to 4U care will rcecivo prompt attonti n. 1 ) ly . W. n. Lathy, TTORNEY AT 1,AW AND ROLICI " IN HAN Iv ltTT'TC Y, Tionosta, I'nrrKt Co., 1'a., will practico In Clarion, Vcnamro and Warren Count ici. Ollioe on r.llll ISllCd. IWU UOOIS UUO.U iJttniuiiua TTOUNIJV AT I, AW. 0 (Tire on Klni V .Vtii'.rt, tvSmvo Walnut, Tioiiesta, Pa. C W. Gitfillan, TTOUNTA" AT LAW, franklin, e- 11 tri" Co., Pa. tr. N. U. Smiley, A 'nOHXKT T LAW, Petroleum Cm--i-V tr, 1'n. Will practice in thu several C, mU tf VVr.'st County. :5-ly , ilwlini-s House, rpKNr.TA, PA., (.imoi.itn tlio iVpot. 1 c. I'. Pr.ipri'Vir. 'Joo.l Sta bling connected wi'.li tin; h-uise. tt'. OTt ACTli'.U, Ilar.n ss M; V cr nr.d K.'id i dier. Three (! nortli of Hn'.nios llni-.', 'i'icnesta. Pa. All work is war- intit.d. tr. Syracuse Houso, rpiDIOUTK, Vs., J. ,t D M.'.eirr, Pinpifl- rellt'ed biI'INiiow In tlio first -c!as,s order, -Ai'h.iho of aceonimoda'ion. Any in n iiiadou eoiiooriiini; oil Territory lit tills point will bo I'hwi i'uUv furnisliP'l. -!v, J. iV 1). MAOKR, Ji.xr,liant?a Hotel, T OWKR TIDIOUTK, IV, I. R. IUmv Xj m:i;i. i Sn.s I'nm'H. TliIslionn linvins; j'la'-o in TMiouto. A g iod H.lliaid itoo u attached. 4 ly Motional Hotel, r.VINr.TON, PA. W. A. Ilalnbarli, Pi-oTietor. TIiih liotcl is Nnvv, nnl in ,iv ojK'i) ns is first clusv hoiisi, k j n t at re junction nl'tlip Oil (ie'k A- Allegheny .-liver und l'!iil:i lcliih:a A' Lr:o ailroal, )pos,ti' tlic )i'n'l. Parties liavin to lay M r trains will tinil Hiis tin1 most eonvcii r:;t hotel in town, wild liist-clnss necom- nio, Unions ami 1 a ionnlilu ehiii nc s. tf. Titlt Sons & Co.'s Ni'.W KNiilNLS. Thoniulcrsiixncfl havp lor sale a:;,l will rcecivc orders for tho hove F.m-ino. Messrs. 'J ill't Sons A Co. hi now sendiii''; to tins market their 12 Ilorse Power Kn;:inH w ith 1 l-lloie Power Boiler peculiarly adapted to deep welis. Oi'l'ii i s at Diinenu A ClKllfanl's, diMlera In Well l'ixtnres, llnrdw.ue. Ae., Main. St. next door to Cliaso House, Pleasantyillo, unj lit Mansion House, Titusville. tf. K.' lilt KIT A SON, Apcnts. John I- Hallock, A TTOHNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of j"V Paients.No. ,ri(i."i l'reitch strectopposile Peed House! P.i ie. P11. Will pr.ieiiee in tin s "veral Stale Courts ami tlio United featis Courts. Special attention (.'iven to u..!...ili.. . ivid.nlu I .1 e..ll tol-M i 11 fiv 11 i,n. n.ll.l. I- ....... .... , tiient ., re-issue, and exlension of patenta .ireful ly aMeiwl(-(i to. Hel'eri'iices: lion. J 11 u'N Caiupliell, Clurioii; Hon. John S. McCalinont. l-'ranklin ; 11. L. A- A. It. iuelmiond, Meadville; W. K. Iathy. Ti onesia. 7 Dr. J. L., pKYSlcrAN AN11 Sl'lKU'.OX, wholiiiH I hud lifter n years' experience in a lar:o mid Kiiciissfuf practice, will intend all Professional Calls. Ollice in his Di u and (ir.ii'erv Store, located in i'idiiHite, near Tidioiite House. IN HIS bTOIlK WILL I IK FOUND A full assortment of Medicines, Liquors Tobacco, drill r.s. Stationery, liinss, Paints, oil Cutlery, and line tirocei ies, all of the best nuality, and will be hold at reasonable, rules. 11. It. P.l'Ilt; PS, an experienced Prurr risl In, 111 New York, 11:14 chaiiie of the si.n o. All inscriptions put upaeetiralely. tl. V. 1 Morcilliolt, Attorn v y a t 1 a w . JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND T I O XLS T A, VA. 2T-tf .'OHN A. ':A' fc. PHfa T. O'lN A. PlrOPre, Pitt- bT A H &Ti CI C. CASMR. TIOH.ESTA. T.. 11, 1 - I u , -t 1 ., Pa. This Pank Iniievi. ,.. a t luinkln;?, Collecting and K..-li!.u P.n.-i- ". Inal'ls on the I'rine,;. 1! 'iuc of the Vt.iteil Suites and,.-.' iioc-ill an.) sold. ..,1.1 im.l Sili-r fii.ii iiiin rninelit Seen: ilies bought and . 1 . 7-:iU lionds eonveiled on tile 1110M i'.:vor;ibU terms. 1 nten -t nliowtil on time deposits. Mar. -1, tl'. DK. J. X, llOLAKP, of Tidioiite, lias n tiirii-d to bis practice afler an ali heiu'c of lour months, sjicnt in the llo. pi lals nl' New York, wheiu ' will a'.loud calls in Ins pr- ii'e .ion. iil'iice in Euieka lru;j Sloro, lid door Hb'ive the bank, Tidemie, Pa. 4l( ; N 11 II'. I. and ill I Vimsy i vania for 4 jin-.l i ood sl"i Km, ' Towiiscud J r. .. I;;; t;.h PWird S, JtiUa. Sl-4t "Let ui3 havo Faith VOL. III. NO. 40. GREAT EXCITFEREBT ! it thoStore of D. S. KNOX, & CO., Elm St., ionesta Ta. ,'e aro In dally receipt o t'ae r0Mtnd MOST COMPLETE slock and rnovisioss, KVlin EROUSHTTO TIIISMAIKET LOOTS & SHOES ! fop. tiii: MILLIONS! which we lire determined tooll regardless of prices. AND Furnhliiiig Goods, Iron, Nails, Machine tools, Agricultural Implements, Ac, Aa Ac, which w offer at greatly re duced prices. FURNITURE I FURNITUHE1 ! of all kinds, I'AKLOn SUITS, CHAMBER SETS, LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, BPKLNtt HEPS, MATRKSSES, LOOKING GLASS ES, Ac, Ac, Ac, In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see, r-tf P. S. KNOX, A CO. A (i ENTS WANTK1) FOIt Til K I L1HK.MIY OK l'OKI'lty AND WlXII, Tho handsomest und eheajiest work extent. It has ho. .if tiling in it of tho best for every one, for the old, tho mid-dic-aired anil Ihe vountr and must becoino universally popular. ;xi-eiiliii.r the l'.ililo this will be the bo k most loved and the mcst fie'iuentiy reierred to in the family. Every jnijro lias passed under tho eritic'al eve of the reat poet, WM. CULI.IIN BRYANT. Rare clianeo lor best agents. Tho only book of its kind ever Hold by Hiihsci ipiioii. Send at once for circulars, Ac., to tlKo. MACLEAN, Publisher, .'W-lt TlUSansoni St., Philadelphia, Ta. SEAsbiJ or isto-tT MASON & HAMLIN CABINET OI1UAKS. Important Improvements. Patent June 21st and August 23tl, 1S70. R E 1 V ( T IO X OF P 1! IC ICS. Tho Mason A lluuilln Orpm Co., liav? the pleasure of announcing important im provements in their Cabinet Organs, for which Patents were irianted them in June and Ainriist last. These are not merely'iejoiiN ailaeliiiients, hiiteiiliaiict, tho .substantial excellence of the instrument. Tlicy are also enabled by increased facil ities a larc new manufactory, they hope hi reader to supply all orders promptly. The Cabinet Onians made by tins Com pany moot such universal reputation, not only throughout America, but also in Eu rope, that lew will need assurance of their supcrioriiy. They now-offer pour Octave Cabinet Or inu.s, 'in (juile plain cases, but equal aecerd in:r to their capacity to anything they mako for i'AI each. The same, Douli'e Reed, Five 'Oc tavo Double Reed Orpins, Five Stops, with Knee, swell and Tremulant, in elegant ease with several of the Mason and Jlamim improvements, rj5. 'the khiiio Extra vvi'h new Vex Humana, Automatic Swell etc., il.-iii. 1 ivOeUve., tlireu Kets RikmIh, seven h" ps Willi Eupuoiie; a sjilcndid in birumenls, -j"i. A new liiustraied caialouo with full informal Ion, itn.l repuced prices, is now reii'ly,- and wil bo sent free, w,tl a testi monial circular, presi i:t n;r a e i eat ma.-'.s of evidenee as to the . " j erio. i'y of these tit sii ii meiiis, to anv oi.e s nilint? his e r.lress i.i.MAmi.Wv uA.MI.IN ulb.AN Co., 151 'I'reniDiil Street, llo. toil, os ot:l Uro.elway, N. Y. &U -it 1.00 P. M. Freight and Aeeomin idatiou daily. l.v lti:v. T. Di: Witt Tai.maok, Tho most Popular Preacher in America. AuciiM wan lid every where, male or fo male, to M il this (ii-eal woi k , is better than Mark Twain, Hint no troulile to hell, lie; Fronts. Send lor terms and illustrated l-i Eiie i ircular, Evans, hUsldari ,li Co.,Pub .aheis, No. 740 buiisoiu St., I'hilu lei nlna. that Itight makoa Might; and TIONESTA, PA., TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1871. iwu. J mm lA'virmwv THE FATEJF A NINNY. BY RICHAUD rK.NWICK. My sister glared at me like a tiger. It was after ilintier on a summer after, noon, while I was tranquilly smoking in a cool, sli.nly, pretty arlior, and feeling like anything but a contact with my quick-witted relative. "Mr; Kugoo Barnard, I tliink-you are really a ninny. You know she likos you, you know cho is beautiful, you know she is kind, gentle mid very ftfTectionate ; you know her brothers, her sisters, her father, and her mother all like you; you know she has as much if not more property than you have; you know you in condition to marry, and still you seem to forget her altogether. I declare, it is a shame!" "My darling inou?e," I rejoined, "there is an obstacle." "An obstacle ! an obstacle !" she re turned, highly indignant. "And what if there is an obstacle? That is one half tho delight of love, sir!" "Your delight, no doubt. But mine is too serious to bo laughed at; really too formidable." "Any pray, sir, may I ask what is your obstacle?" "My obstacle, ia two fearful words, is a man." My respected sister drew herself up, stared straight at mo for a minute, breathed fiercely like a pairof black smith's bellows, sighed a long sigh of contempt, despair, sorrow and objura tion, and then stalked solemnly out of the room, and forboro to look at me fur twenty-four hours. The yotitg person under considera tion was an exceedingly handsome girl, whom I had met several times, but who,' I frankly confess, I did not think had the bad taste to take any particular interest in nie. I, privately, liked lu;r very muoli indued, and . wua overwhelmed with joy at the particu lar statement of my sister, vho indica ted a reciprocal fancy for mo. But there was an obstacle without doubt, and that obstacle a man, as I had stated. Now this man was a fierce ugly-tcm-pered fellow, though handsome, and was intelligent enough to be consider able of a power in the large colony of cotton weavers in the town where he was tho overseer of a mill of great di mensions. I had experienced his ill fuvor on the two occasions when I had casually paid visits to Miss Ma'.is and her parents, nud was given to under stand that he considered himself a suit or for her hand.and was accustomed to ho violently jealous of any one whom he chose to imagine a rival. Fired by tho intelligence, that I should be more than wejeome in the house of tho Malices, I of course paid little attention to the past scowls of this dragon, and made up my mind to go immediately down to her home in tho country, and to lay regular siege to her hand. At this particular time there hap pened to bo' to bo innumerable trade riots and disturbances throughout the cottou towns, and especially in War wick, where I was about to go, and 1 beheld tho name of Devon (my antag onist) mentioned in the papers a man particularly uetive in the interest of tlio operatives against some new regu lations which were being uiado iu tlio mills. I do not, to this day, know what theso regulations were, or what awakened such violent opposition to them ; und I am only aware that the promoters of the new ideas were in ex tremely ill-favor wilh tho operative, and that, in many eases, personal vio lence bad been ued to get thein from the town. This however, had in my mind very liltle to do with Miss Malis, or my vis it to her town, and so I went, as I planned, much to tho delight of this sister of mine, who instantly began making estimates for a house of fearful dimensions, which was to be occupied at an early day by mo and mine. 1 descended at the station of Warwick und looked about me. Tho first per son I beheld as ho stood with a group of hungry cotton-spinners (eyeing all who catuo by tho train with savage looks of suspicion), was this self-same Devon, who scowled at mc and follow ed me with his eyes. I thought little of it, and drove to tlio only hotel of the place, notieiug, as I went, 'hat crowds of men wero abroad, singing ami ho,tin, that many Republican in that Faith let us to tho end, of the shops were closed, and that the place had the appearance of indulging in a rather disorderly holiday. I instantly went to the Malise.", a good two miles into the country, and was there received with all becoming warmth which could bo shown to a man not yet in the family, yet who might be heartily welcomed if he chose to be one of them. She (Miss Mai is) was lovely. Bhe was rather a tallish girl, finely proportioned and strong. I mention this, ns it appears hcrafier in a rather extraordinary way. I was pressed to carry my luggage up to their house, but as I observed that thero was a great deal cf company present, I refrained from doing so. I threw myself headlong at Miss Mali.", iu the midst of tho kind smiles of the people about, and I am happy say, Miss Malis was weak enough to throw herself lu-adlong at me. There was no boldness about it. I approach ed her frankly, and she frankly receiv ed mc, without any further ado. There were walks in the garden, a niee tea, and then more walks in the garden, and thero happened to be a moon. We could hear tho shouts of men in tho villiage, and some distant roars as if there was some street contest go ing on, Misi Malis grew white and clung to my arm. "Oh, how frightful ! And you must go among them to-night? Cannot it be prevented ? I wish it might !" Here she burst into tears, which I gloated over and endeavored to double by assuring her that nothing could pre vent mc. "But at least go armed, won't you, please? Please do. I will givo jou'a revolver of mine ; it is a pretty toy, and not only a toy, but it will shoot, I know, for I once killed a dear little pet pttppy with it. Ho ran mad and was biting all the fowls in tho' barnyard- Now you will be careful and take it won't you ?" I gallantly replied: "No, Miss Emi ly ; my best inducement to bo careful is my hope to sco you to-morrow." She looked at me and laughed a lit tle, but I always felt that we became much nearer to each other from from that moment. I parted from the family at a quar ter past eleven, and from her at a puar ter to twelve. It was a parting to be remembered. She again pressed he revolver upon mc, but I declined it on the same grounds as before and went away. I walked for full a mile, one-half tho distance, and pissed through a wood. ' As I was leaving a man spoke to ine from the way, and ap proached me. lie was rather civil in his manner, and tool; oil' his hat and gave me a strap of paper. I lighted a match und read it. It contained a single word "Leave." I looked up. The man was gone. I called to him, but got no reply. I rumpled the paper up, and threw it away, diviuing instantly what induced the note, and who was tho author of it. I of course took uo notice of it, oth er than to keep my eyes about me, and cyntiaued in my lodgings, where I stayed, as I intended. Tho streets, in the morning, seemed to be much more disturbed than on the night belbre. Mom men were about, and were much more uoisy und quarrel some than on yetenlay. I descended to the street at eleven o'clock, ami was instantly approached by a tall fellow with sleeves rolled up and a paper cap ou his head, llo grtidiy demanded: "Be ye goiti' to leave V I told him no; that I had no such intention, und turned my back on him and walked av.ay to the Malises. I found them all grave and mysterious, and Emma was a little pale. Hhe drew ino aside, and said that they were forbidden to entertain reformers ut the pain of having their hoti:e eud proper ty lired upon their heads. 1 iiuiautly set about quitting tho house, but tho old gentleman met mo in the hall, ner veous and excited. . "My dear boy, you shall not stir a step. You are uo reformer. I know they havo been misinformed; but if you wero forty reformers, they shou,d not induce ono to leave. Therefore, stay." I would not think of it, however, and I hurried awuy to find the fellow Devon, who had made all the trouble. I looked through the villus, hut got dare do our duty as we understand it."--LINCOLTJ. nothing but impertinent onswers. I soon satisfied myself that he was not in the place, and drove to a villgo ten miles off whore he wn?. I found him him addressing a crowd of workmen, and exciting them violently with his language. When he had finished, I approached him civilly, and asked him to withdraw his charges against me, and also the notice to the Malises. lie refused, with a skow of indignation, and again re peated his order to leave the town be fore night. I prompily knocked him down. He floundered about, and I left the place. Tt was a clowdy day, and was dark when I returned to Warwick. Emily was in the parlor of tho hotel, and she ran to me wilh clasped hands. ' Oh, Eugene, Eugeue!" (You see ehc called me Eugene now.) "Thank Heaven ! Oh, how I have trembled for you. Wc have been in torscnts of fear. They have been looking for you high and low, and are very savage and fierce. Now, Eugeue, I know you're not a coward at ail but really, Eugene" The short of it was, that she wished mo to go away. It was plain enough that I could have more solicitudo for her family and her peace of mind than I had reason to remain on account of my own personal ideas of bravery, and so it was. J assented, but told her I I wished to go to her father and warn him of what Devon had throated, add then would go. I also bogged her to go to my house, back to the city, where she would find the warmest welcome from my sister, who was her closest most intimate friend. Sho assented, and I set out for tho Malises in midst of many prayers from Emily to be al lowed to go with inc. She had her ridiculous little- pistol by her still, and aimed it at many imaginary foes by way of showing how easily I might ilf&ncl mj-oclf Rgainol loglen, hut I would not tako it. I went ou my journey in safety. I found Malis, Senior, at med to the teeth, with all tho children and ladies dis tributed between garret and cellar. He was a little vexed at my going atvay, as ho understood tho reason well enough. But my object was not so much to tell him of Devon as to ask permission to pay my attentions to Miss Emily. As I fully expected, the kind old man shook me by the bund, and declared that I made him extremely happy. I set out ou my return. I com pleter! tho woods, and was emerging from the shade, when I was fired upon from the bushes. It was blinding and stunning. I felt my hat twitch, uud I took it off and felt of it. It had two bullet-holes, two inches above my head. 1 dashed into the bushes, when two men broke cover and rushed upon mo. They seized me, and we struggled buck into tho road they trying to throw mo down, and I trying tog.'t my arms free. It was quite drk, and wo fought gallantly, when, like flashes of light uing, two streams of light shot dowa, two sharp cracks were heard, and my principal assailant fell. The other was iustautly seized from behind with as perfect a garrotte aj ever was, and was half strangled in a second. By Jove, it was Emily I Sho had followed mo wilh her pop-un. A broken arm for No. 1, au l a severe foretaste of his mode of death for No. 2 was the result. Hhe fell into my willing arms, and of course fainted, the gem! No. 2 turned out to be Dnvon, in all his wickedness, and both were taken in charge by ti. j military, who arrived in town next day. Need I ray Emily and I were mar rried? No. . How a Father Recognized a Long Lost Son. A correspondent of the Dubuque Times, writing from Waverly, Iowa, under ilato of 1 UIl lilt.. Sl'.vs: C'harle3 McCoiiniek is tlu father of eight sons, all now grown up to man hood. Tho family formerly lived in Madison, Wis., in fact, the family were brought up there. About fifteen years ago, Charles, the fifth sou, I ihiuh, was taken with tho Western gold fever, and like may others, went to seek his fortune in tho hiddeti recesses of moth er earth upon the l'aeiiic hhoie. Eor u short time his parents heard from him occasionally, but after a time ho ceas ed H write. As venrs rolled by his S3 PER ANNUM. father's family gave him up as lost to them. They mourned his death, ami when his name WU3 mentioned it was as referring to tho memory of the dead. In 18C4 the family removed to this place, where all but one son now re side. In tho meantime our v. as not dead, but was delving away for the shining ore. In an unfortunate hour tho mine in which he was laboiing raved In on him, and only by terrible efforts wits be rescued a'.i'i'c. IIo re covered from tho effects of the fearful accident, in a wounded and mangled condition, afler suffering- tlio amputa tion one of his r.n;i3 and sustaining other permanent injuries. A.) may le supposed, fifteen years of exposure and adventure made a gicat difference in the appearance of him who had left his father's roof a fres-!i r.nd joyous boy. Last summer Charles attempted to revisit Lis family. He came to Waver ly, and, on inquiring, found his broth ers. He told them who ho was, but they could recall nothing about him that was natural. In tho meantime, tho old gentleman, who livc3 three miles away, was sent for. lie closely scanned the new claimant upon his pa ternal affection, but fi.iled to recognize a single lineament of his feature:-', and was inclined to think t lie young man an impostor; yet tho latter mentioned many things that occurred during the boyhood days. At last the father says: "Do you remember our oi l horse, 'Jack?'" "I do," ssid Charley, and described his color. "Well," cays the father, "was there anything peculiar about Jack?" "Yes," says Charley, "he would never carry double." "You arc my son Charly," exclaim ed the old gentleman, wilh tho tears glistening in his eyes. Aud, indeed, it was his long-lost boy for years mourned dead. All were hero to meet lritn-lmt his toother,-wubfliodalitrGt five years ago. Five Hundred Weddinrs a Day. The London News says: Marrying and giving in marriago are such char acteristic occupations of society that they probably went on within the walls of starving Metz, and we know that they are going on within the walls of belengured Pari.".. There is, however, a certain definite relation between the prosperity of the people. Even Eng lish men and women, as a rule, only marry when they have something live to on, and in hard times they put off their weddings tiil they aro better oil'. Duriug the depression of commerce the marriages declined, and it is one proof of reviving trade that during the spring of this year tho number of marriages rose as nearly as possible to tho usual average. During the quarter ending June GO, thero were nearly lO.Oirt) morejiersons married than in the first months of the year. Tho number cf weddings in April, May and June was 43,701 tin average of a little more than fiOO a day. Fivo hundred iage-j a day, though they are scattered over tiia wholo sur face of England, gives a tolerably large aggregate cf ::oeia! happiness and com fort. Fivo hundred new households set up ever day give its a vivid sense of tiie increase of tho nation. Of course wo should have to set over asainst these several hundred? qf Jltafi j households dissolved every day by misfortune, death, cmigratiou, all tho influences which disintegrate society. But thero would sti'.l remain a large margin, quite largo enough to answer the question put every day in every growing city and town iu the King dom "Where do til the people, conio from to fill all the bousej?" Itistli se 5D0 marriages a da;', forming 500 now hounjhold-, wl.ieti aro at once the means uud the sign of our national prcgieis. A Remedy for Small Pox Tho Stockton (California) Herald publishes the following: "I herewith append a receip?, which hrs been used, to my knowledge, in hundreds of cases. It will prevrnt or cure the small pox, though the pitting are filling. When Jeiitier discovered cow-pns, in England, tho world of iceinee hurled au avalancho of fame upon his head; but when tlio most scientific school of medicine in the world that of Paris published this receipt" as n panacea for rntall pox, it Rates of Arlverthiaz. One S pinro (l inch,) on" Insertion 8t Oni S-pitire " onn month It! Ono S pi'irn " llirci) miiri:':n...'i1i l; "no S'pinri " " (i:io year ....... P' "'' Two S'liurw.ottn IV '" i!.vrt'U-Col. ;1,oh Half " " r,C) Onn " " '' Hiis'iHO'-. Card', not oxeedit g one iti"h In lrn;;th, $10 per jear. Legal notice's at established rates. These rates aro low, rod no e'evia'inn -vill'bo live!", or liiseriminntion nnionsc nlron. Th" rai v: nilcred mo mieh, i.s v, ill m.-.'a; it to th H Ivauta.'oof men d i business in thn limits ol'thn circulation r.' i:.r i .Kn v t' advertise liOcrailv. r-m fru?irrwili --.,.l Huhov.icd; it it r.s unfailing in fate, r.nd conquers in every instance. It is l.nrm!cT.s ?:cu taken by a well person. It will alio cure -"arlet fever. Here is tho tcui'.J a-: I havo used if, tin ! cured my children of scr.rlct fever; hero it is as I have used itocttre small pox ; when learned physicians said tho pntirnt must die, it cured , Sulphato of k' nc, one grain ; foxgl jve (digitaU one grain; half a Ua ppor.ful of a --"-J tor. Vt'hca tI.orot:g':ly mixed, add four ounces cf vai-r. lake a spoon ful every ho.'.r. Either disease will dhappcaV in twelve hours. For ft j child, sm.ulc r doses, according to ngc. If countks would compel their physi cians to ti.;o this, theic would be r.o need cf p'.ot houvv?. If you value ad vice and experience, use this for that terrible disease. Vcmg Sacrerr.cnto Scamps. During the. last year or two Sacra mento and its vicinity Iniu been plagued by a band of natife robbers and incen diaries, without being able to detect and punish iW members. But now it is found that the young ruffians are not driven to crime by df?tlt'ifion,bitt nro the sons of respectable people, who havo undoubtedly allowed them to run at large, or r.-ad such books as "Six teen -stiing Jack," "Paul CHlmr.!," and 'llitmMo Kiitaldini, and captain of a baml of robbers."' Two of tho precious boy?, named "Al" Geary and AV if;t, have been miuong a co Cession to the following r-floct: Tho band consisted of nine young men, having signs, passwords, ciphers and all other appliances needed in their calling. In May, 1SGJ, they fired a house; in October tried to burn a dwelling, in July, robbed a man of $207, and broke into a 'clergyman i house. Afterwards they mado a raid on the builOins occupied by ,.r Mnrrr .In Vebiiiarv thev stole eighteen pairs of boots, while October again found them in a clergy man's house., stealing over eight hun dred dollars. In July they took again to the incendiary lino of busiuass, do ing some little jobs in robbing and burglary. They then assaulted and tried to shoot' Assembly mau King, of Nevada county, after which they broke into a church and stole all they could lay their hands on, besides all of which they committed nineteen other crimes and outrages, definitely pointed out by the Sacramento Record, and alt within two years.- Surely tho West has somcthiug of which it need not boast, i a According to French journals, wo havo discovered a new kind of pa per in this country, characterized by unusual flexibility and toughnes-, adapted fir clothing of all kiuus. Tim coi-t of tho material is so cheap that a suit of clothes can had for ono dolla-. Besides clothing, wo aro also credited with the preparation of napkins, table clothes, and pocket handkerchiefs. Tho voracious Frenchman asks how Buch clothing will bear tho rain, and pre presumes that it i3 made water-tight in some wav. and thus wealliei-prooi. Ha aleo add ! that this kind of paper cloihinir in intended for the poorer ch-.iC3, and that it is impossible to dis tinguish it from tho cloln. Tho author of this information must j i j'. fan) li iatrv Wero pubiismni; It-wf-HnSTTOffffT It is about ns correct as tho news now served out to the 1 cople by tho "Pre. visional Goveriiiueut,"--i'eii?i'c .Imer- i'cuiv. A "Personal" ia a New York da' ly, a week ago, stated that "if John Smith, formerly of Philadelphia, will C'i"l ct No. Bland street, ho will heir something to his advantage. , Job a called. Thero was about 250 of him end ho lias been calling at tho rato of forty-seveu pur day ever siuco the "peiv;o:.,il.' A Ivannrs city editor speaks a flee. 'uit1 v of the death of a child, and adds "They called it pneumonia, tin 1 they bury it to-d:y." Pneumonia is the last nauio lbr a child. No wonder it died. Oliver Wendell Holmes calls a kiss a lisping consonant. lie should havo added that it usually follows a-veut!. Love's "other name" is subject to orthographic mutations. Before mar ria.o it i "ail'eetiou," afler it becomes a "fiction" t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers