I Hates of Advertising. P -JTi "TTI Republican. One Square (t inch,) one Insertion fl M OneSipiare " nffo iflorTtli 3 W OneS'iuare " thrpe months ..S" M PtTBLIHHEU EVERT TUESDAY, BY W. R. DUNN. D.'llo In Knox's Bulldlngi Elnv StroeU One Sipiare " one year TWO -Linares, one V far ' - " (Junrter Col. Ho ' if.f w oo jno 100 00 ) no-sincs Cards, not excdirvg one inch ST TEUM9, 2.00 A YEAR. No Subscript Ions received for a shorter period than three months. Correspondence solicited from all parts :f the country. No notice will be taken of unnonymous communications. Marriages and Deiith notices lnscrtod XI UtlH. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. In length, $10 per year. M Let us have Faith that Right makes Might ; and in that Faith lot us to the end, dare do our duty as we understand it"--LINCOLN. Legal notices at established rates. These rafs( are low, and no deviation will lie mwlc, or discrimination among I atrons. Tho rates oirercd are sti. li, will make It to the advantage of men dol business in the-llmiUtot the circulation of tlie paper to advertise lilwrall v. VOL. III. NO. 41. TIONESTA, PA., TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1871. $2 PER ANNUM. 4 TIONKSTA LODGE, NO. 4 7 7i I. O. Gk T. JVfeets every Wednesday evening, at 8 iM o'clock. J. WIJTANS, W. C. T. M. CLARK, W. 8. . nswroit rBTTta. MILKS Vt. TATB. . PETTIS A TATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Mlm Strttt, TTOyKSTA, PA. Isaac Ash, 'ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oil City, Pa. .TV Will practice in the various Courts of forest County. All business entrusted to lit rare will receive prompt attend, n. 1 ly W. E. Lathy, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICI TOR IN BANKHTHTCY, Tionosta, J'orest Co., Pa., will practice In (Marlon, Venamro and Varren Counties. Otlice on Kim Street, two doors above Lawrence's grocery store. tf. W. W. Mason, .TTOUN E Y AT LA W. ofllee on Elm Street, above Wiilniit, Tioncstn, I'a. C. W. Glinilnn, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Kianklin, Ve . nation Co., I'a. tf. N. B. Smiley, ATIORNEY aT LAW, Petroleum Cen tre, Pa. Will practice in t lie scvrrul Courts of Forest County, a&-ly . . Holmes House, MHO.XESTA, TA., opposite the tcpot. I C. D. Mable, Proprietor, tlood Kta bliii connected with the house. tf. Jos. Y. Saul, PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Rad I dler. Three doors north of Holmes House, Tlonesta, I'a. All work is war ranted.' tf. Syracuse House, ftMWoUTV, Pa., J. V Maoke, Prople L tors. The house has been thoroughly rctittcl and Is now in the first-class order, vit!i tlie best of accommodations. Any nt .min ion concerniiur Oil Territory at litis point will bo cheerfully furnished. -Iv J. it D. MAIS EE, Exchange Hotel, J i'WKR TiniOUTE, Pa., P. 8. Rams iJ i i-.ki. . Sun Prop'. This house having rciitcl Is now the moMt desirable stop ,"iir p'aco In Tidloute. A good Uilliard ,' .- h attached. 4-ly National Hotel, tl V'INETON, PA. W. A. Hallenbnck, Proprietor. This hotel is New, and is . open as a first class house, situate at lie junction of the Oil Creek Allegheny i:verand Philadelphia iV Erie Railroads, jMMite tint IeMt. Parties having to lay cr trains will tlnd this the most eonveii cut hotel in town, with rirst-elasa aixsim- inodationa and reasonable chames. tf. TifTt Sons & Co.'s VTKVV ENGINES. The undorsiirned have i i firsalo and will receive orders Cor the iiv Kiininc. Messrs. TitTt Sons A Co, r now send in a to this market their 12- ll.re Power Engine with U-Horse Power II-Her im'tiliarlv adapted to deep wells. tKKH'KH at Diinenn A Chalfaut's, dealers .ii Well Fixtures, Hard ware, Ac., MainSt. .n: d'xir to Chase House, l'leasantville, in. I at Mansion House, Titiisvllle. tf. K. BRETT A SON, Agents. Jotn. K. Hallock, TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of . Patents, No. SoA r reneh street(opMsite Heed House) Erie, Pa. Will practice In liesvcral. State Courts and the United H'nU s Courts. Special attention (riven to -lolicitl ' natenta for Inventors ! infrinire- tueuts, re-issue and extension of patents . ..rerun v attenaeu to. . iteierences: lion. lauiea-Camphell, Clarion; Hon. John S. MW'almnnt, Franklin; H. L. A A. H, Itichinoiid, Meadville; W. E. Lathy. Ti onest. 2 7 Dr. J. L. Acortb, IlIIXSICIAN AND SURGEON, who has 1 Ion I fifteen years' experience in a lare iiul suceeHMtiii practice, will attend all I ' r it'cssinnal Calls. Otlice in his Druir snd iirs-erv Store, located in Tidioute, near l iihoute llouse. I N HIS STORE WILL BE FOUND A ."nil aHsnrtmont of Medicines, Liquors I'.ilmcco, t'ijrars. Stationery, Glaus, Paints, Oils- Cutlery, and line Groceries, all of the IiokI i)iiality, and will be sold at reasonable rales. 11. R. BURGESS, an experienced Pruor . ixl !.nn New York, has charge of tlie iiora. Ail prescriptions put up accurately. ti. V, P. MerciUiott, ' A It ti r ii c y a i I, a w . JUSTICE Of THE PEACE, ANI Tip NEST A, ISA, 2T-tf ' JOHN A. DALi; PRtl'T. OHN. SROOEa.VICIPRtST. A. H.STEELJ, CASHn TIOUESTA 'savings bank, TiouoHta, Forest Co., Pa. !iis P.a'.ik transacki a General Banking, ic. tiiiLV und Kxchani;o Business. Col I 'nuts n tlie Principal Cities of the I III! 1 Stales and Eurone boilL'ht an.l sold Hold ami Silver Coin and Government Sri uriticK iiouv;ln and sold. 7-30 Bonds -ii i-rl.'il on tlie mobt fuvorublo terina liileri--.! allowed olltiuiu di;iosils. Mar. I. tl. XOTICK. N. BOLARD, of Tidioute, has , ; l to ins practice alter an ati "lontlis, spent in tlie Ho. pi . V irk, whura will attend t. MIIIC--H1011. ' Kureka Orng Storo, 3d door - .auk, Tidioute, Pa. 4Dtf U; A I Kl. Land in Pennsylvania for ca-ii uud g.sid stocks. Tuwnseud y,, M4 aswuh 'IWnl W. Hl, l'4- GREAT EXC1 TFMENT ! at thoStore of D. S.. KNOX, & CO., Elm St., ioneata P. We are In daily receipt 01 tlie arf est and MOST COMPLETE stock caiocuiiira and FllOYISIOXN, EVER. BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET BOOTS & SHOES ! FOR TUB MILLIONS! which ws are determined to sell regardless of prices. AND House Kunilklilnif Goods, Iron, Nails, Machine tools, Agricultural Implenienta, Ac., Ae Ac, which we offer at greatly re duced prices. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE! ! of all kinds, PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SETS., LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, 8PRIN BEDS, MATRESSES, LOOKING GLASS ES, Ac, Ac, Ac, In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see, 7-tf D. 8. KNOX. A CO. AGENTS WANTKD FOR THE LIBRARY OF POETRY AND SONG. The handsomest and cheaiest work extent. It has so. jcthini; In itof the liest for everv nne frir IIia nlil thn mill. dle-tred and theyoiintf and must become universally popular. Kxeeptinu: the Bible this will bo the book most loved and the nust frequently referred to in thelamily. i Every page has passed under tlio critical j lie jtreat poet, WM. CULLEN BRYANT, Bare chance for best agents. The only book of its kind ever sold by subscription. Send at once for circulars, Ac., to GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, 30-4t 711) Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. SEASON OF 1870-71. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. Important Improvements. Patent June 21st and August 2.kl, 1870. REDUCTION OF PRICES. The Mason A Hamlin Orpan Co., have the pleasure of announcing important im provements in their Cabinet Oivans, for which Patents were granted them iu June and August last. These are not merely meretricious attachments, but enhance the substantial excellence of the iustrumeiitH. They are also enabled by increased facil ities a large new manufactory, they hope hereafter to supply all orders promptly. Tim Cabinet Organs made hv thia Coin- pany me oi such univeiwal reputation, not rope, that tew w ill need assurance of their superiority. Tlicv now offer Four Octave Cabinet Or-rnn-. In ipiile plain wes,bni enai a.i or.i in' t i their eapucity toaiiytliingtlicy uiiike li-r 111 each. The same, Douh o Heed, M". Five Oc tave Douhle Reed Organs, Fi'e Slope, with Kneo swell and 'rreuuilaut, in elegant ease with several of tint iiam and llaml.n improvements, $15. The ksioc F.xtra with new Vox Humana, Automatic Swell et., flftO. Five Octaves, tiiree seta I tee, Ik, seven stops with Eupliouc; a splendid in strument, tSi. A new illustrated catalogue with full information, and repuced prices, is now ready, and wil be sent free, w.tli a testi monial circular, presenting a great mass of evidence as to tlie superiority of these in struments, to an v one sending his address to MASON A HAMLIN OKU AN CO., 154 Tremoiit Street, Boston, os 5'J Broadway, N. Y. so-Jt 4.00 P. dailv. M. Freight and Accommodation Bv Kev. T. Dk Witt Talmauk, The most Pojsilar Preaiher in America. Agents wauled everywhere, nuilo or to male, to sell tiiis grcHt work, is better than Mark Twain, and no trouble to sell. Big Profits. Send for terms and illustrated 1-1 Iiago circular, Evans, Stod.hirt A Co., Pub inhsr, No, 740 Siuisoui fat., Philadelphia. HEART AFFINTIES. Professor 0. S. Fowler on Love, Courtship, Selection and Mar rlage. The true basis of love and selection is similarity. Nature must keep ner j genera and species npart. If the lion ! and the lnmb were to amalgamate, their species would be spoiled. You never knew much happiness to exist between a white man at(d an Indian squaw, because their tastes are so dif ferent. The savage man should mar ry the savage woman, the Turk should marry a Turk, the Christian a Chris tian, etc. Not only so, but the same kind of Christian, the Baptist a Bap tist, the Campbellite a Campbellitc, and the Kniiw-Nothing n Know Noth ing. Laughter. I appeal to you to know if, when you love, you do not love some one in sympathy with youT There are of course some exceptions. You some times Bee a long, lean, lank Mr. Stork married to a thick, heavy, plump Miss Partridge. Then you find the heavy, courspgrained elephant married to the fine, nervous and susceptible angel. This is well, because her over-vitality is exhausted by his powerful animal nature, nnd their offspring is better than they, This a point well worth your consideration, for no sin is so great as that of cursing your children with poor bodies by an ill-advised mar riage. Wherein you are medium in any respect you may marry medium, but wherein you are extreme in any temperament or predisposition, marry your opposite. If your hair is a bright red, marry a black-haired woman. It it is medium, you may marry a shade darker, but if your hair curls, don't marry a lady who has curls, unless they can bo easily taken off. Laugh ter. I thiuk I have made this so plum who is, and who is not adapted to you, and this is the most important problem of your life. Men ate always the poorest judges of themselves. The conceited man is the last to find out his conceit, and the humble man the last to realize his humility. "Oh, wad some power the gifllegie us, To see oursel's as others see us." Phrenology teaches this: There is nothing more valuable than a know ledge of one's self. To you, young men, I would saj, ascertain whether or not your lady love can make good bread, fur if she can't, you will have to eat a great deul of dough ; and if so, it will be no great matter, for it will only be dough-heads eating dough. Laughter. The plaiu luct is that bread has to be baked, and you call llrutv your inferences, . . i Then, again, see to it that your lady-love is healthy. There are two causes of tlie female weaknesses of to-day. First, fashionable habits; and here I would say, girls, be healthy hrst, and then just as tashiouable as you please. An other is female boarding shuols. They take our daughters aim pack them be tween brick and mortar walls, and tell thuiu they must nut rump or take exer cise, because it is not ludy-iike, and uiauy of theui aie hiciully euueuted to death. The great wuui of Amen cuu society is robust, healthy moineis, and the lunger you live the truer you will find this remark. The first ele ment of a wife is womanliness, and the first elemeut of a husband is manliness. j With them, you have all ; without the ni, you have uothing. Youog ladies, you may take it as a fixed fact that if your beau is capable of mistreating Ins washerwoman he will treat you the (.auto way. Iu courtship, the first great error of young tulks is that they court by the quarter. They love here a little and there a little, whereas the first law of true love is periuautiicy. A may love his wile ever so much, but if lie dallies with other womau it will kill this love tor the wile, or her love will kill the other; it is impossible lor a man to love two wotuen at the same time. Now, wneii you whispered love to your sweetheart, was it nut an exclusive love? buppose a lover suys, Kui.', i love you lor this, that or the other, but I love LolU lit something else; what dues Kate ay? Why, she tells him, "Away with your love; I dou't want it." Be careful when you begin to love, and unless marriage is your ob ject, do not continue it. Young tiinn, don't dare to call out the affections of a young lady unless you can make her your wife. Her love is her life, and you have no business with it unless she is your prospective wife. It is danger ous to think to trille with a girls affec tions, and there is not so much fiction about uroken hearts as you mny imag ine. A lady, Mrs. Ayers, had two pidg- eons which she kept iti one cnge with only bars betwecu them, and when one of them was taken away the other flew about in prison in great distress, and I finally fell dead, and a subsequent ex- animation showed that its heart was actually burst in twaiu. So of a young lady who was disappointed in love. She refused to marry, and lived a life of devotion to her first love, though she was years in recovering from the chock o' her disappointment. At her death she requested that a post mort em examination be made, and that post mortem showed that there had been m actual sundering of the heart. I tell you that broken hearts are not eutirely figurative, but if they were, you should not tr".fie with the aflections of any one, and thus do them no wrong which can never be remedied. But you say.Professor I cannot be decently polite to the ladies without being in volved in a love affair. Well, I tell yon, no young lady uader twenty-one ever gave her love unsolicited f and here I will tell you a story. A young Hoosier once said to a Hoosieress, "Sal, is there anybody courtin' you now?'' meaning thereby to iuvuire whether or not his address were acceptable. And Sal replied, "Well, Sam, there is one fellow sorter courtin' and sorter not: but I reekon it is more sorter not than sorter" a much as to say, come on if you like. Let me advise you not to do your courting "kinder sorter," Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. Again, if you have to marry the whole family iu order to to get your sweetheart, let me tell you that the old folks will inteifere, and I advise you to open the doors and win dows and tell them their room is better than their company. By all means stick to your wife. If, as is often the case, there is a sister who is jealous of the attentions which are given to the wife, instead of the sister, and she in terferes by pointing jut what she con sidered u -Unit, and says your wife is uot such a pink of perfection after all, that sister deserves pitching out of a second story window head first. Curious Phenomenon. Parties emplyed at the mills and manufacteries on either side of the river iu this city were great'y aston ished, this morning, on discovering that the good head of water flowing in the river last evening hud been reduced during the night by some mysterious agency to l. ss than the slack supply of midsummer, und, in fact, the water power of the river was almost com pletely lost for the time. Little or no water was descending the river, and the level above the first dum had fal len three feet, wheu last evening a con siderable body of water was pouring over the top of the dam. aud the mill races running full. In the harb. r and above the bridges no movement ot the water was perceptible, Uhero quite u still current prevailed yesterday, and the ice commenced to form across the river. During the forenoon the river com inenced to gather again slowly, but it is still far below the natural level. No satisfactory explanation has yet been given of this rather startling occur rence, which seems to threaten the stability of the water power, which is the great element of our business pros perity. . Some people ascribe it a sud den freezing up of the tributary streams; others are speculating on the probability of a quiet earthquake, in some way brought about by tho total eclipse of the sun which occurred this morning.aud which, some philosophers predicted, would be the cause of un usual convulsions of mitur. But the phenomenon is still unexplained. Otueyo Commercial, Dec. 22. The Tobacco Crop of Lancaster County, Pa., it is stated is the finest iu ! quality and largest in growth ever ; raited there, aud w ill reach sixteen to seveutecn thousand cases, and at $00 j . . .i. .1 per case, a low estimate, will uo worth over one million dollar". Sponges From the Florida Reef. Sponges were very numcrous.though we were told that a large portion were not worth gathering. The sponger could rendily distinguish the best lis he pushcl his boat over them. Some of the coarser kinds, not marketable, are four feet in diameter. They are more or less concovc at the apex. A black membraneous tunic covers them, and soft jelly-like portions project in to ths pores and cavities, constituting the slight claim they have to a place in the animal kingdom. Animal mu cus and fat oil have been found in their analysis; so the vexed question is set tled by chemistry, anil the are un- questionably admitted to the ranks of animated nature, though far from ac- live members. A Blieht current is ob-, servable over the openings, aud nour- indolent is probably absorbed as it cir- dashing along iu that perilous situa culates through them. The frame- tiou, from 15 to 20 miles an hour. He work is made up of silica, a wonderful did not lose his consciousness nor his proportion, in the form of spiculto or presence of mind in the slightest de splinters. Unlike most other marine gree, but nerved himself to take the objects, sponge is less attractive in its j best chances for his life. By a des living state; only after tho soft parte parate effort he succeeded in keeping are removed is it pleasing to the eye. hi bead raised, so that it escaped the The pretty urn and other shaped sponges found on the beaches are mere ly the skeletons. A large trade is now carried on at Key West in this article. Small schooners, from ten to twenty tons burden, are employed. They are much the shape of half an egg, and as flat as is consistent with due regard to sail ing qualities ; approaching, probably, as near as is possible the mythic craft that is suid to "float in a heavy dew. These vessels lis at anchor iu the channels, wh'le the spongers push their small boats over the flats to gather the sponge. Iu some places they dive for it, and in shoal water grapple them. The specimens are very heavy, being loaded with water and the jelly like animal matter. They are buried in the sand of the beaches until the mat ter is decomposed, when they are wash ed and carried to Key West, collected upon strings of convenient length.and bleached in the sun. That portion of, Key West called Conchtown in the principal depository, where the yards and fences are loaded with them. For many years nearly all the sponge col lected on the Florida Reef was sold at Key West loan Israelite of New York, one Isaacs; latterly others huve enter ed the trade, a very respectahlo in como is derived from it JIarper't Magazine for Febrvary. Held Her Own. The Hornellsville Tribune relates the following: We are told that a well-to-do merchant of Warsaw invit ed a young lady of the same place to take a short buggy ride with him on Thursday of last week. The young lady consented, and the pair started in the direction of the railroad depot. While on the road tho young blood proposed getting married before return iiij;. The fair one consented, and they accordingly took the cars for Hornells ville, where they arrived about two n.mcK on went to a hotel, and the intended groom .ii t- - i t...- alk'U lor a rami wun a uei in u, ami I 1 1 then informed the young lady that he had secured 'private' apartments for themselves and wished to retire. But she couldn't see it from where she was; she politely told the gallant that she guessed she would "be married a little first!" The poor man begged aud plead to postpone tho ceremony until fiaylight, but it was no use alio would bo married then and there or return home on the next train," which left within thirty miiiutes. ho rather thau blast all his bright hopes and anticipa tions, he was forced to toddle up town and arouse a sleepy divine, and with the assistance of a nu'iiber of boarders, for witnesses, they were put in a condi tion to take a private room. Then the fair bride concluded she would rather go home, und they accordingly "went" j back to Warsaw, within an hour uf ter they had arrived iu town. "How do ou define 'black as your hat?' " said a schoolmaster to one of his pupils. "Darkness that may be felt." replied the youthful wit. A Portland man has sued a barber for 810,000 damages for cuttiug off his .i iiM . i t ... i : i. mousiacua i no uaruer upoiogiies vj I savin h didn't see it. A Fearftl Ride. Frank Trask, a fireman, runifing on the night freight train from the city of Providence, had a most remarkable escape from death on the 6th inst. As the train was going on the down grade, east from the summit of Bolton Mountain he weut to the forward part of the engine to oil the piston. The oil is distributed better when the train is co in 2 the fastest and he took this pBrt of the road, wherctrain gets its highest speed, to attend to it. By some stidden motion of the locomotive he lost his hold and was thrown forward on to the cow catcher. Instead of rolling off and being dashed to pieces, ns'hp exyected,the pilot caught him by a few threads in the Cardigan jacket he had on, so that he was held fast w ith his feet dragging upon the ground ground though he was hanging'close down, rod the least depression would dash him to pieces. The engineer in the meantime, had not discovered the frightful position ef his assistant till, ' thinking that he was gone longer than usual, he looked forward and there saw his shadow, by the light of the moon, ruuuiug a phantom race with the iron horse. In an instant he whis- tied down brakes, and the speed began to slack ; but iu the sudden checking ot the train, the tender threads of Trask 's jacket broke and ho was hurl ed to the ground, pitching over and over; a:id yet he retained his self possession, and when his associate ar rived by his side he was ns clear-headed as ever. He had noticed the alarm for down brakes, aud felt that his posi tion was discovered. He was taken to Wilmantic and brought back to this city. There were several cuts and contusions on his legs and the lower I1"1" f l'" body but nj fractures, nor anything of a particularly dangerous nature. Two or three months ago he was on the same train coming from Providence, when the engince ran into a turn-table at Wilmantic, and then had his arm broken, which was not en tirely healed. He says if he had the use of both arms he could have extri cated himself, but being disabled made his situation not only no re hazardous, but his escape from death more miracu lous. Enough. Adum Goodenough, who formerly kept the Tiffany House in this city poor enough, fleeced hol..o of our citi zens well en lugh, and started off quick enough, but didn't run quite fast enough, nor keep ruhvnp long enough, nor go quite far enough, got a Jeisey policeman's grip on him tight enough, and at the request of Governor Geary, Governor Randolph was kind enough to surrender the said Adam Good enough to answer the charge of forging I the name of James Ford to a check , . ... . .. . n . . . , a K ... i . ... ..... 110 win lie returned to mis city ior trial, which Goodenough will no doubt consider tough enough. The whole allitir is bad enough. Meadville lie publican. The Venango Spectator is respon sible following: Iu a rule to show cause of action iu a slander case be fore the Court on Mnuday last, the affidavit produced by the party com plainant closed as follows: "Defend ant called deponent a liar, a thief uud a 'd d son ,' all of which is true to the best of deponent's knowl edge and belief." The complainants reliance upon the legal maxim "the greater the truth the greater the libel, may account for the frank uckiiuwlcdgineut iu his I affidavit. The report that the French in ' teuded to introduce George Francis Traiti to Bismarck, with the deliber ate purpose of having the Chancellor talked to death, is now declared to have I no foundation. The Freuch may have had some such design : but they knew, if they carried it out, that they could never afterward lay any claim to civil- i'd warfare. A Magnetic Spring. The Magnetic Spring recently open ed on the ea'tcm shore of Luke Mich is really quite a remarkable discovery, and add to the list of mineral waters a new kind, apparently far more po tent than Vichy, Kissingen, Congr, Katalysine or Welden. It was reach ed accidentally, by men employed in drilling a salt well ; at the depth of two hundred and fifty feet they fetched water of an entirely unique quality. It holds, in solution. 400 Brains of com mon salt to the gallon of water, be sides the bi-carbonates of soda, lime iron, maganese and magnesium, the chlorides of potassium, cal.lum nnd magnesium, the bromide of magnesium and traces of silica, alumina and am monia. Its magnetic powers are so strong that a pocket knife left beneath its current for a few minutes will be mognciized to pick up tacks, while its its buoyancy, when heated to 30 de grees Fahrenheit, it very remarkable, floating bathers readily, lis medical qualities are of course- pulled up to tho highest notch ; nnd undoubtedly they are considerable. The place where the spring was found is a lumber depot, which, with the usual rapid growth of western villages, numbers already 1500 inhabitaiiU.with five churches.an acad emy, and an agricultural hall. One f iu neculiarities is that acres of its area are built out of sawdust.streels grmled from two to four feet deep with this material, and the chief hotel iu Spring Lake is an old saw-mill transformed, with bath rooms and nearly every modern appurtenance. The owners of the spring aie also building a hotel, and Spring Lake is likely to become the watering place of the West. The Chicago I'ot made a contri bution to the stock of geographical knowledge as follows: "The Hon. John Covode was born in Westmor land county, Pennsylvania that patt of the Keystone State that was W I "Hill 1 ed from Connecticut after the revolu tion." A teacher of geography and history would be a good addition to the Post's staff" .f editors. Young men v il' do well to remem ber that a young man who afterwards bpcame one of the wealthiest merchants in Philadelphia, began housekeeping on a salary of $300 a year, but he laid up a part of that $300; and he made It a rule of his life never to increase his expenses as fust as his income incaeased. "Out west," a miser made out a check for his nephew, and when he learned that instead of five dollars it was for five hundred dollars, he gave one Jong-drawn sigh and exclaimed "My God I I am a ruined man," then sank down and died. Twas time. In an orangery at Los Angeles California there is a lemon tree plant ed in the midst of an orange grove. The fruit of this tree is neither lenmu nor orange, but in shape and flavor it partakes of the peculiarities of both or ange and lemon. It is a complete hy brid. A Connecticut d?ac!n, who made a sharp bargain by trading a lame horse to the minister, was asked what he thought the Lord would say to him for cheating so. He said there was no evidence to show that the Lord knew a foundered horse anywny. The fools iu the world nre divided info three classes, viz: the ordinary fool the fool who is one and docs not know it. and the f ml who is not satisfied with being a fool ill reality, but utnlcrLike1 in u.lditoti to pluv the fool. An Ind ana journal is trying to promote pedestrian exercises among the students of the Suite by urging a law to prohibit the sale of liquor with in three miles of any iusiituion of learning. A physician said of a quack thnt "he was such an"ignoramus that, if he could take a luuteru and go djwn in side his patient, he couldn't find out what the matter was." A thirty-two months girl thus ac costed her futher a day or two ago: "Papa, w ill you buy me some holes to put in my ears, sol can have some ear lings ?" Female pickpockets wear the con venient Arab shawls. They fold their shawls like the Arabs, and silently steal away. Theuoctrine of female suffrage bits h4u stavieil in l'ni-ii. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers