tmbnrs .Syincritmt. r. . ium, I. WILVIRT. Editors. BUNBUKY, .TANUAB Y 9, 1874. M b. Killing ek, member of Congress from tbeLebanan district, Introduced t,blll on Monday last, to repeal tho second Sec tion of the act of June, 1872, which made a reduction of ten per cent on cotton goods, wools and manufactures of wool, Iron and steel, except cotton machinery and paper. Mr. Killinger advances, in support of his motion of repeal, the very cxcellont reason that the removal of the duty of ten per cent, has not ouly lost twenty million dollars an nually to the Treasury through the custom house, but it has seriously interfered with the interests of American producers. If ever the time was when our inductrics demanded the fostering care of Congress, . THE OOVERMOK'I MESSAUE. The Governor's Message was delivered to both houses, at Ilarrlsburg, on Tuesday last. We art unable to publish It in this issue, owing to the crowded state of our columns. The document Itself is short and gives it full and concise statement ol the financial affairs of the Commonwealth, which we And in the most flourishing con dition, the debt of the State having been reduced within the past year the sum ol one million fit hundred and four thoutand and six hundred and seventy-two dollars and seventy cents, and In addition to thin large reduction of the debt A balanco of $1,825,151.24 Is still in the treasury. In regard to the finances, he says : In 1874 the receipts from all sources will be 91,500,000 less tliau the receipts ol 1873, while the expenditures will not be dimin ished. This loss of revenue is largely due to the repeal of taxes bearing heavily upon tho industrial interests of the Common wealth, and partly to the prostration of husiness. iue receipts in vast may oe about tho same as those of 1874, but tho it is now. The stoppage of the manufac turing establishments of the country is in- expeuditurvs will be greater, owiug to the ducing, leading British houses to flood this additional outlay necessary for schools, market with their productions under the gislature aud Judiciary, under the new " , . ... , , Constitution, which will then be in full reduced duties on the above named goods. force Notwithstanding this enormous And should they be successful in their decreaso ia the receipts, and increase in places, it will keep closed many of our expenditures, it is hoped and believed that shoos and factories for an indefinite time. b? riKiJ economy in every branch Mr. Killinger's bill is a practical one, and if passed will at once set going our idle spindles, looms and hammers. Many causes have combined to prostrate them, and none more than tho want of a proper Congressional financial policy, the tinker ing at the tariff by the free traders and ex orbitant taxation. As tho prosperity of our manufactures has been maimed by Congressional action, it should he mended by Congress, and this measure of relief contained in the bill of Mr. Killinger is one of the government, and moderate appro priations, the revenues In the luiure will be sufficient to meet all tho demands on the treasury, and leave a balance to reduce the indebtedness ol the State, as required by the Constitution. I am in accord with those who believe as the debt decreases there should be a corresponding relief af forded to those interests that bear the bur den of taxation ; but at this juncture I would regard any further reduction of the revenues as uuwise. In our list of taxes, however, may be found some that are nut strictly "uniform upon the same class of subjects," and very untair in ttieir opera tht .ill in wav m.t the wishes of l". nl lluk. therefore, a revision ol the country. The first question for Congress to con sider is how it may revive the nation's in dustries, and the answer to it is for Con gress to protect them against the cheap la bor of Europe. It is only a step in the right direction, but it certainly is that.and should be made preparatory to a thorough settle ment of the troubles which have paralyzed all business in this country, and which hold the capital of the country as in a vise. our tax laws is now desirable if not neces sary. SINKING FUND. In compliance with the constitutional amendment of 1857, the Legislature In 1858 created a sinking fund fur the pay ment of the interest on the State debt, and for an annual reduction of the principal in a sum not less than 8250,000 per annum. In addition to the securities designated by the amendment, the reveuues arising from certain taxes were assigned to this fund. From that time, each succeeding year, the interest on the debt has been punctually paid, and the portion of principal redeem ed, iustead of amounting to 8250,000, has The Retiring Treasurer. On Mon day last, Albert Cadwallader Esq., late grown to the immense sum of one to two county Treasurer, retired from olnce and millions per year. the newly elected Treasurer Mr. John Hnag entered upon the duties in bis stead. The contrast with the outgoing Treasurer The reason is a simple . . ! 'I. one. The revenues set apart ior me mur ing fund, by the natural growtli of these special taxes, have become annually much larger, while the amount requiren io uo of two years ago and tho one who has just paid on account of interest, by renson of the rapid decrease of the public debt, has every year become smaller, ana ia turn way the annual credits to the sinking fund have swollen to proportions never contem plated hy thti original tripnua oi me mea sure. As an illustration, it is simply nc- .-pssary to say that tho revoouoe flowing to this luuu were last year over mm i" u n . . " ... . ,'1 link iiru mwiniM fit inn .-Mftn-. or p.).ouu.uv' people, it is expected that all citicens will yield cheerful obedience to Its behests, and unite to strictly and faithfully enforce its provisions. As each day's experienco reveals the methods of administration, the conviction grows stronger in ray mind that good eov eminent deiends not so niuwh upon written laws as upon the disposition of the people to comply with the demands of the laws, and the determination of those delegated to execute them, to see that their nlaudates are enforced, lteform, it will be conceded, cannot be maintained by mere constitution al enaclmuut, nor by surrounding offices and trusts with additional restraints. The world's history from the earliest ages has shown that no code of laws, how ever comprehensive or reslructive, will evade man's ingenuity if bunt upon over stepping their bounds, and wise and neces sary as the provisions of tho new Con stitution may be they will never secure the ends designed Unless sustaiued by a strong, active, healthful and intelligent sentiment that will interest itself in public alfitirs.. It will not suffice to enact that integrity and Illness are esscutial qualilica lions foroflice, unless the people see to it that none with out these qualifications aro selected. It is tho indiflerence and inattention of elec tors to their primary political duties, con nected with nominations and elections, that despoil the law of its sanctity, and atford security to those who willfully, disobey its requirements. Men do uot fulfill the obligations of citi zenship by merely enjoying the prntec lection our institution ailbrd. To perforin his whole duly to the State every citizen should actively engage in political concerns when the recurring elections iuvoke his at tention and interference. In our system of government every man entitled to vote is iuvested with a grave public trust, aud if through iudiuereiice or ueglect, he fails to discharge the sacred duties it imposes, he is almobt as culpable as the other who deliberately violated the law. With this new departure in our organic law, let there also be uccoinpunyiug resolution on the part of all good citizens that they, will at tend diligently and conscientiously to the selecliou of men lot wlliue whose uiguity of character aim mlellecl will be au adequate guaranty that the new Constitution will be sale in their keepiug. Uihiu the present Legislature devolves a duly involving ureal care and labor, and which it uischaiged, as I believe it will lie, with a proper regard for the public interest, 111 -...I I ... ;. ...... I: I ..... " ""u11 l . . ' . 'i Commisson. directed that four lish-ways you is commuted the important trust of .,,,.., mllfJlrlll!U!,i di.Went dams on uuk rcKumuous lino con- sB,,.,,, nn.l .Initial rivera. bo as , - - " ' lions, reports and restrictions cannot be hurtful to institutions of established credit and hith character, while they will disclose the unsoundness or mismanagement of those that ought not to exist. ' The Governor doee not approve of the present system of conducting insurance companies, nnd recommends steps towards placl. g insurance, in this State, upon a firm and- enduring foundation, and lo enact a law providing for tho organization Hnd regulation of insurance companies, both fire nnd life, which shall require a certain amount of capital as a pro-requisite to commence business, and. designate the kind of Investment to bo made, so as to guard against worthlessness and fraud. He says the Fish Commissioners havo excited a lively interest anionit our people, on account of the novelty of the enterprise and tho benefits to arise from the success ful prosecution of their labors. Fish culture, it is now conceded, has passed beyond the realms of experiment, and its success in the future is only to be measured by the wants of our peop e and the capacity of the streams, livers and hikes of the country. Pennsylvania is singularly blessed in the suicrior advantages she possesses for tho cultivation of fish. Abounding in waters admirably adapted to their needs, in the luscct ami other food they supply, there is no reasonable obstacle to slocking our rivers and streams with innumerable and delicious tinu of various and even rare kinds. The work assigned to the commission has been dilligentlv pursued and promises substantial results. Availing themselves of the use of Mr. Sell) Green's patent, the Commissioners succeeded in hatching, at Newport, Perry county, where the water is peculiarly lilted for the purpose, about 2,700.000 shad, which were turned into the Juniata rirer at that point. Two thousand six hundrd black bass were also distrib uted in the Susquehanna, Lehigh and Ju niata rives durum the months of July and August lust, and through the kindness of Prof. Spencer F. Buird, United States Fish Commissimer, 27.000 California salmon have been planted in the Susquehanna and its tributaries. The buss are not migratory fish and tre very prolific. Two or three hundred vere placed in the Susquehanna, uear llurisburg, in 1870, aud the rapidity with which they multiply ismauifeslin the great u umbers of this beautiful and choice fish that tow aro found in the river tu that vicinity. The law of 1873 authorizing tho Fish fortuity with the change about to bu iuuu guraied in the fundamental law of the Slate. Bring to the performance of this high and responsible duty all the wisdom you j.osacss.divesl yourselves of all sellish considerations, devote time aud thought to the work, and with the New Constitution kns your con stunt guide, build up a good and symmetrical system or laws, nnd let us so far as it lies in our ability start the Stale forward upon her future career, clothed with ample powers to extend her enter prise, und 11.1 1 till her great destiny. To another consideration I invite public attention. All special enactments are uot necessarily bad laws, while it may be equally accepted ns truo that all geueral enactments are not good laws. 1 enjoiu upon mo people of the whole State increas ed vigilance in their watch over all legist tion. Atumom will H,iitt..QB k ...... i.. time, the annual revenues allotted for gen- ion. Attempts will douottess be matin to ubtnj",' -Jc-ts utroujju me iubiiu- ...euiaiuy oi general laws, which, while k.cj iii.ijt utjui-ui, oue mierest or ium.n, jiruve very oppressive to retired, is remarkable. When Mr. Cadwal lader entered upon the duties of the office, the treasury was bankrupt, not a cent being turned over to him, aud all was doubt and confusion, a county debt hanging over iwof I sure, some incuiy-sevcu thousand dollars, aud the outgoing treasurer a defaulter of some eight thousand dollars, of which he was no I whiloont)il tne Jelffin the mean- doubt robbed. The xsojrfgtnfucfe"a"itate cStfilfigs does not now exist. The outgoing treasurer Mr. Cadwallader, retires with aud a handsome surplus in the Treasury For this he will receive tho thanks of every well thinking man in county. This shows the n otl7 ol electing good honest suspend payment. This condition of af- children whose wn . .(11m . . I. . : 1 1 . - nr. .. It.. I . 1. .. 4J:.. ... . . li . i . ... moo hi uiuic uu nui uiauage auairs to me I "' iuw- uw oiukiuk r uuu tummis- iow ineir oiiHiiriut m u..,.,i interest of their constituents. On the re- 'VDe.r8, '! ftn ano"alous position, from benefit our school system adbni ! ir.. n tiriDg of Mr. Cadwallader the county U 1TI4 an omcer that has never been surpassed in The nrocre(ll of tte work of nreMr,t, at school of eVJrv .hHH la!., for the cenieuuial is realizing fully the ex- """Hard to soldiers' orphans, lie recommend. H.-ciutiuim oi uur cine. jie urges ail to l , """" to luiuiBii '.iiem with trades. success and " retereuce to State Bauks.savint funds. mi iriiai I... - to euabli shad, on their spring incursions from the sea, to make the asceul of the streams The question whether shad will ascend tn artificial way is still, however, a mooted mo, aud encountering this doubt, the coiimiHsion, in the exercise of what will bo deemed a sound disci elion. con cluded t) erect but one lish-way, aud that at the L'olumbi dam. This way is 120 feet lout by 00 lect wide, is very gradual iu the indue, and made as nearly conforma ble as pissible to natural ways over which shad dt undoubtedly pass, aud will a lib id a praclual test of this experiment. If iu the it is found shad do pass up this lish-wt'V, the others required by law will bu ccmlructcd without delay. The hatching house erctced by the Com missioners, near Marietta, and supplied with water from an inexhaustible spring, is Rail' bv thuuc familiar with the subject io oe complete hi us ntraimeiueuts mm tect aud a . t -t '--j i''.oomu ivj unit: cral purposes have been less than the -Lt every citizens who has the interest amount oi me annual appropriations oi me i cauie at tieart lend his adsistance to the 4A.-uiaiui.uKj, uuu uro jniuiniuru uevcr 5t""uio nuu .executive, lo uctec Jiuuinn tvxwU vrovision for tho difference frustrate such schemes ' I lt,UUHirill lllll fit II... Fn.ll.nil.ia . I 1 . II. 1 1 . n ........ . . tTiHMHrv Kir run I'lMAtsmr m iinv i wuii ui liih iiiiiru tmivkcu.i i . the deuciencw. f appropriations out orWe "bools. and otZuZaZuZ iiVrei r i1 V'"!.n. fun,d o,r c.u'uP- "e attendauc-e Tt"rse pareuts are uuwilling to al io if In avail 1 1... ....... I 1- Kinnn in an nn....,.l..... -....:,!... r lll.o l...!. . ' ciuscives OI locality I !.u,,1!a,M;U w,th the necessary appliances anoiln-r, mm others -r V"s.prl'!,Saliu of liali. The capacity I wcre Va- erest of l0. Mw J,r"l' f ZZZf, Another Theatre In ncilna. A wilkkhfArrk's placr op amusement A PRET TO FIRE ON NEW YEAR'S NIGHT. Wilkesbarre. Pa., Jan. 2. Frauen that's Opera House, in this city, was des troyed by lire. It was caused by the ex plosion of a coal oil lamp in the basement, which was occupied hy John Lynn as a tvstauant. The first floor was occupied by Frauenihal as a boot and shoe store, and by Mr. l-engfeld's dry goods and millinery store. Tho rest of tlm building was fitted up as an opera hnuss, and a large audience was present to witness tho performance of a variety trope when I ho alarm was sound ed. The smoke rose so thick and fust that some persons were nearly suffocated before they could get out. Tho ulm st efforts failed to stay the progress of the lire. At 10-30 o'clock the flames burst through the roof, and at 11.30 tho walls fell with a great crash. Fears were ei.tertnincd that the names would spread to the old wooden dwellings nu the public square, but renew ed efforts by the firemen, assiscd by the snow on the housetops, prevented any fur ther destruction. Frauentfial's loss is $00, 000 ; insured for 10.000. Mr. Lengfeid's logs is 23.000 ; insur.xl for 20,000. John Lynn's loss is $3,000 ; uninsured. IMPORTANT FROM NPAIN. Monarchy to he Uestoreu. Madrid. Jan. 6. It is positively stated this morning that the Serrano cabinet has determined upon an early restoration of the monarchy. A Hairs in the city continue quiet. No unusual demonstrations have taken place. The nerrano cnumet tsauoO an order deposing General Morrionos from the command of the army of the north. General Domincuez will probably be ap pointed lo the vacancy. Castelar, after denouncing military violence, left tho city for Paiis. where it is his intention to co operate with the French republicans. Worthy of Note. An exchange say there is scarcely a day passes that we do uot hear, either from persons coming into our office or in some other way, of tho suc cess of Jo'mnon'a Anodyne Liniment in tho cure of couv'hs and colds, so prevalent about town just now. If we can benefit the readers of the Ame rican, any by recommending Z'ttraons' l'uryutive tills to be the best anti-billious medicine in the conulry, we aro willing to do so. We havo had about as good a chauce to know as any oue. Our Philadelphia Letter. I'iiilaoei.piiia, January ?, 1ST4. Friend Xfllrtrt 'Tis enid this It the scnou for forming jfoort resolution, nnd n lift her it bu one oi not, 1 have renolved that my long sticuce mu.H be hroknn, and once more "tnku my pen In hand tn write you a few linen." Before proceeding further al low me to witih yourself nnd your render a hap py New Year; nnd that the Improvements you tire nbout to make upon the Amvritnn may make It more than ever a puhilc irood, nnd n source of peeuuiury profit lo Its proprietor, ini- yen r ju as a timet honed o w and that by wise legislation, the possibility of such nn occurrence may he for ever done sway with. I beta-rc that very uenernlly Ihis one has been regarded ns a "punlc'' re .lly ; it Was purely such, without ntiy reul c.iiife, ns nlwi.ys preceded other similar times, us failures of crops, the worihlesfnecs of "wildcat" money, Ac., but "Vi lack ofoonndenee, a nimrust oneol when one great linn succumbed, nil binee the advent ol the The efficacy of Perry Davis' worldre nowned Paiu-Killer in all diseases of the bowels, even m that terrible scourgo, the Asiatic cholera, has been amply attested by the most convincing authority. Mis sionaries in China and India have written home In commendation oi this remedy in terms that slmuld carry conviction to the most skeptical, while its popularity In com munities nearer home is ample proof that the virtues chained for it are real and tan gibtr. Amorist family medicines it stands unrivaled. twtnn Courier. Tho Saturday Evening Gazette of Boston, savs : It is impoes bio to find a place on this bioad land wlnre Perry Davis' Pain-Killer is not known is a most valuable remedy for physical pnin. In the country, miles from physician or apothecary, the Pain Killer ischcrisl ed as thoexculsivepauacea, and it never deceives. "Perry Davis1 Pain-Kilier is really a val uable medicament, aud, unlike most of the arliclo of the dry, is used by many physi cians. It is particularly desirable in loca tions where physicians are not near ; and, by keeping it at hand, families will often 8a ve the ueccss;ty of sending out at mid night for a doctor. ' A bottle should be kept in ovrry house." Ponton Traveller. "Wo have tested the Pain-Killer, aud as sure our readers that it not ouly possesses all the virtues claimed for it, but in many instances surpasses onv other remedy we have ever known." lierald of OosMLib ertu. Jan. 2, 1874. 1m. rtUmrtttS. ninoliitioa ol Purtncrahlp. NOTICE is hereby then that the partnership heretofore exUtlng between W. H. Lnmh aud John Wert, trading under the firm name of LamD iX Wi rt, in the coal b'lslncss, neur Hern dun, Jackson township, Northumberland co. Pa., has been dissolved by mutual consent on the the ;ri day ol January, 1374. Tho notes, bonk accounts, Ac., are left In the hands of W'm. H. Lamb, for Immediate collection and settlement. Ihose knowing themselves Indebted are request cd to make Immediate payment to save costs WM. II. I. A MB. JOHN WERT. Herndon, Jan. 1), 184. tt. Talmase, Npnrgeou. T. Dn Witt Taimairo is editor of Tlui CluUtian at II or; C. H. Spurireon, Special Contributor. Tlie-jr write for no other paper In America. Three mnirniuceul (.niomos. fay larger commission than wny other paper. No tieclnrlnnism. No sectionalism. One scent recently obtained 380 subscriprious in eighty hours absolute work. Sample copies and circulars sent free. Chronios all ready. AGENTS WANTED. II. W. Adams Publisher 103 Chambers street, Nev York. TIIK THIBl.MK I'OIl IS71. A year ngn the editor of the Tribune promised to make this journal durhnr a much more valuable nnd complete newspaper than it hnd ever been before. Its facilities for tho collection nnd trnnnmisalnn of Intel licence from nil parts of the world had been larirt-ly increased j its staff of editors, correspondents nnd reporters, had been strengthened by the eiirai;emcul of some of the ablc.-t men In the profession j nnd the editor was resolved to spare neither pains nor money In the news- THK TRIBUNK EXTRAS. A new feature bas been added tn American Journalism by tn valuable Taiscsa Ext -.beets which have attained inch an extraordluarv nod ularity durlnif the past year. Thry present ths ires n rrutts or the heat Intellects of this and oth er cnuutrlM, the most remerksble lectures, tho most valuable scientific and f eonraphUal re searches, at a merely nominal price. In the ee- net or 14 extras already published will be round, reprinted for the most psit from the columns of the rinlly Tmmme, some of the latest lectnres of Airsssls, Tyndall.and Beecheri the explorations of Pror. H.iyden. the full history and description of the Farmers' Movement, the !et lessons of the iaent Vienna Exposition, end the complete repori oi me proceed I iira or the Evangelical Al liance. Mall a million of the Extras have alrea dy been sold, and the demand for them is steadi ly Increasing. TERMS OF THE TRIBUNE. Dally (by mall) 1 year 110 00 8em. Weekly, 1 year..; S 00 Five copies. 1 year 13 5j Ten copies (and olio extra.) 1 year..., 25 00 Weekly, 1 year a 00 Five copies, 1 year 7 60 Ten copies, 1 year 12 60 Twenty eoples, 1 yenr 23 00 Thirty copies 30 00 Each person procnrluif a club of ten or more subscribers Is entitled tn one extra Weeklt, and of fifty or more to a Semi-Wekklt. Papers addressed separately to each member of Clubs will bo charged ten Cents additional to the above rates. jy Specimen copies of either edition of TnB Tribcnr and circulars irlvinir full details of the contents of each Extra sheet, tent free to any ad dies In the United Slates. t-tf All remittances at sender'! risk, unless by draft on New-York, postal order, or In register ed letter. Addrest THE TRIBUNE, New-York. r Just passed will lone; he remembered I uffort to Imiku XllB TltiutNE tho very Hist hat 'tried men's souls," and tis to be 1 .)Bpj;r In tho werld. s ill not soon experience such another i t poillg to ll)c nehlevemctits of th trlckei. ' . more comlu. rtable feelinc seemed to .....nuu L ... .V" tti.iit; itrciT ill ,wt" Jiuus IISII, HI HI IS HUSL'i'llti Oil) lf' f '. "v.itiB iu lix.,mn,,. ,,, cnlaraemeut, if required. Tile f!h1i Coin- ! ,u us-.ul chB,,!i?- h,,t 11,0 " vo d - n.iesioneia f I ' ?.f ,m; I ?ur Cl . ul..f New York would h., J und lonfeivo- .i.k ,i..r. - :,i.JL-U.J,1 !I cD.?.ULc.e,.,.I,.'I.0 i i"1?" of "auks, with a view lo obtain from llmir resiH-riivn cd the crisis w.,s alune kiiiverf'V.'.rr ".:rT. 1 MaU'SBUch coucurreut k-jjislalion as will for u" ,,mt 1,18 eounsel of some such tria-- a ".Ml tlfitmnl.i tl... l .. I rOIlM lllllll mam n.. .J . ' " " t'.iftiiutii liib niiiiti null fiiitui ita ii.Ki.iB I "..a m-icu tii'tiii. tho office ho held. Mektikq of the Legislature UotU Houses of the Legislature met at llarris turg, Tuesday last, and organized. In the Senate the following officers were elected. Speaker B. 11. Strang ..( t;.. Chief Clerk-Kusaoll Errett, of Allegl.e- of lend their Aid to make it a says : I and trust coin panics he says : l'euubvlvania must not needed this nn. nave a: wayh entertained ..ri,.ita.if.t.i.i. portonily for the dislay of her rich, varied 08 to tl,B propriety of bauks of discouut auu luc&uausLiuiu urfuucia, nor reiax tier i-v "" wu uc-;)OBiis, aud am now ellorts to rescue the ahibitiou from every omvinced that this pernicious practice mischance lo which hdiflerence or distrust houlil be prohibited. Money will always may expose it. It istrue her contribution, rtow 10 Lailk paying interest on depnsits Jvavo been large, butshe must not forget Dt' 1,10 laru surplus thus a-'irreriatcd se- that the nation has lifinally honored her ,uct1 uttractive oilers, ia seut to' the people by duaignatin; her metropolis as the real nioney centies, where it uives more place for the propose! celebraliou, and she "mpulse to sH.culation, wliilo tlm sections must show by renewed exertions that she from which it is drawn sudor in oil ,i.o,-. appreciates the distuclion. euteprises from the higlier rales they are He Kive.the Gove nor's views on the new compelled to pay for the money remaiuiu" Loustituiion entire. at home. This system of purchasiii" do" THE NEW ON8TITUTION. P08'1 undoubtedly oueof the principal P.,. . . . uuses 01 mo nuanciai ens a of is-.T a..A ; jie 1 t ri f .Kn ' opIe, by a larce mtioritv. vot.?d in i, IT. Z " ?""-"ny'' u,t,r. time, of callius a Conventii to Wn l th. 1 : w "ID " ""7 ftal. innw,t.y i tha Coats, of utionorthIa Comnon wealth, and the ble. " 81 ,uuv,Ut liuiv. iv an Bjr n im. . ' .iZw" r." "W"'cu Miiniua lew years manv Stata hunt. "';"iueyer, of I 77' ' i'i"viu-o. ior tue cauinu 01 have been i-harijru.i .- . Wayue. ' ' I the same, and in coinilian. ith i. a:e oeep tnariered, ith tne captivutiun Messenger-Samuel Cliff, of Phil-oVi. visions the deleKau.. ebcted thori . T. "II"1 "ni. ?. iau. ,JK"' "tract pnm. ' b edatthSiai-r'u..;..i n.'T: 7Z " i'""1?- e oauus anil s Assistant Messemrers J. V. ifiri.. the second Tues.lav it v,...mtw. w;.i or Lawrence, and Thomas Roberta, of Ilea' and a,dJ''"'-"td sine die oi Saturday, DecemI t o rr.7, 1873-. Tlle -'ouaitution adopted by In ?ih- ?Te'- ei C1"nvenu,,i, wa "ubnitted to thiquali- la tue House the following were elected : ned electors of the Coin uou wealth, ou the , va aii' in th.. I l..ln ..... .. 1 . . ... ... v,unalc ,lvt;r, HU., i0 8U iiariuonizo the laws of the two States us to prevent a coiiilict of authority. Any su-iirestions re sulting from this conference, and submitted for your action, will, I trust, be restajct- llllltr ... ...DI.I..M...I 4 J ilu ny. Assistant r;if.rlrThomn Pn,,!,. r Lancaster, and Joseph of Wes?- moreland. Transcribling Clerks John D. Flemmimr of Al egheny ; W. A. Uupart. ofCrawford Samuel E. Xvco, of Montgomery; E Lars'tef ""0' Rnd J- 8- Kuellc- Chester: 1 S Thoma. A a. a ... Djorkeeper-J. Cromer, of Fulton. Assistant DoorkeeDer Wu.. rv,i PL. ai;.,r...!. r, . . 13', 2e.,UD1 . y. Wed i. iuemmevar. r 1 "r" , ou, iiroviou ceuea wiiu me slight attention due their luiiieti nuu cuniraciea Ideas of the 1 ue remamaD e 1111 iiiua nrn.. i. has been a blessiuj; to our iwor, so mnnv of K mm arm .mi, 1 ... ni c .. J ' i i.Ti i . i ""J 'in. Biimeor oures- tublirloueiils have since the titst of the year ro siimed to some extern, but still very, very many are si ill out of employment. Baldwin's locomo live works, which havo been for two months ou ia i iiuie, now run thiee-quurter, but only about ...... ...,,,,, ,,,, .r OI men emoloved. points to the achievements of the last twelve months wita pardonable pride. While ! Tub Tmm nb has retained nil the excellent fea tures that made it such a favorite in former days ! It has exhibited an enterprise and an acntene-8 I In its news department which have been the wonder of nil its old friends. Reinemberimrthat the chiel function of a daily Journal is to give its ! leaders the fullest, the best arraiijted, the mo" i attractive, nnd the most readable his" ! occurrences of the timo, 1' fc- ...y of the j cuerirles to ' . ., devoted its beS l been'" ' oiisiness, nnd its success bus ..uiversally recognized nnd appluuded. The J"" "' "ecu iruiuui oi stnrtllni; events, and every incident has found in The Thibcne Its P'"" I ""t accurate, and moft Derfeetlv cum iiiMuruiu. a iVmiiii,. nV.i..rJ'i 1 ' Y . ! ., whowitn,! I ti..n V ' U" Pll""-esqucdes EietDlors Kotlce. ESTATE OF GEOROE WAUEN8ELLER, DEC'D. NOTICE Is heteby iriven that letters testa mentary, have been urantt-d to the under signed, on the estate of George VVaerenseller, late of tho Borough of Banbury, Northumberland county. Pa., deceased. All persons Indebted to said cstato are requested to make immediate pay ment and thnso having claim to present them duly authenticated for settlement. GEORGE HILL, Executor. Sunhury Dec. 20, 1873. Gt. Admliiint Tutor's Notice. ESTATE OF SUSAN FERTENBACII. NOTICE Is hereby (riven that letters of admin 1st ration have been granted on the estate of Susan Fcrtenbnch, late of Jackson township, Northumberland County, Pa., deceased. All persons Indebted are requested to make imme diate pnymeut nnd those having claims to pre sent tlieiu for tcttlemcnt. AB'M BLASPER, AdnTr. Lower Mahanoy twp., Dec. '-'0, '7a.-6t. The Flrttt National Bank of Nunbn ry, Penn's. "VTOTICE is hereby irlvcn that the regular an JL3l nual election o! Directors of "The First Na tioua'. Bank ofSnnburr, Pa.," will beheld on Tuesday the 27th day of January, A. D.. 1874, ut the Hanking House, iu the borough of Sunbu ry, l'a., between the hours of 10 a. m., and 3 o' clock p. m., of suld day, in accordance with the provisions of tho act of "'ongress. S. J. PACKER, Cashier. Sunhury, Pn., Dec. 20, 1873. Dill was re- .1,.,, " t ,h . . ' V I'iuresqucilescrip- their nnti- I ''"hi...' tr;,nBacllon' f'lnsmltted by tele "t'Ject ! ,pIh' ,1C onl-v amount the public has xvt seen Inter so far ". ,i1lle"t UK" w,,ich "epended for many itF.roT i:atig iioikr. 8. E. Corner of Arch and Third Streets, Opposite the Depot, SUN BURY, PENN'A. Toniaa NcGaw, Proprietor. OYSTERS, Hot Coffee, Sandwitches, Bread & Butter, Ham, &c, served up in the best style. Passenirers leaving in the car'- ' furnished with rfresb" Th - ' -j trains will be ..ueuiii, hot roffee, &c. -cuung room will bo conducted on strictly temperance principles, und every effort made to keep It neat and attractive. LADIES are Invited to call. Refreshments and hot meals furrUhed to resi dents us well us truvclcrs. Tit A Dot rni..,n .I'll.. ...lii. i ipit .H '"""""" luc puDiic is respectfully so licited. Junliurv, Dec. 10, 1S73, THOS. MeO AW. I I ia u 1... ... .. . , . . . . ...o., n t..iiiini-oueu to tiiKo measures to proveut the whohr.ulo destruction of t0lT, -J, w'a "riPPlng of our mouoiaiu. ,i, illulr lree8. About M,.v. a- i.. p." A supplement lo th nnini;nn ..t ..r io. ;.. VZ: ". "I" . . .. """" moeroi idle . . T i "-I, nuu upon uil sides the nut. ,. iL'iuer. this It certainly a very remarkable ot-J. tor tome days nui-t the uiei-ciirv I... i .... I ... - . iviuiiiiicii BlCil Ldlly among tho sixties, and hi the cnunlrv. in proieeiea places escialy. show green grass vio etsand dandeloiD, and the trees show their t . . ' I'lainiy, jusuy cauni( in to fear gheny ?rf,CIJ'-W. C. Shurlock. of Beaver ttesident Clerk-Johp A. Small. Our Armt. The regular armv of th COlled Hiutea. accord lOty Lri tlia I-.- -I on are eulirelv diaiim-t in ........... ... . -- -- "K'iaiiou una i-uu-o-c, uuu biiouiu never be associated iu their mitnainsmeuu The oim i a i,....i. discouut iuu-uded to supply the wauls of uuoiucw, ma inner is simply a. repository tor people's mouey, limited to small lliiru J uesclav of IWvnih..,. ik7m k.. r.:.1.'15'8 votM a8a,U8t lue in secure public stock, in ZrTTj??' tllUllOII In the schedule of fli r"..i;(...: it is provideU that it shall take effect on the .i 7. ' ",u"py. J"'.. Id th act call lions. A U 1. I 1 . . . uhiik is coDuuctea with tho avowed uojuci, ui uuueut to its stockholders ; a sav iUofthaW.7Vtm '-K-fulsvasumeau'edeu: nw; PPortieTed a. folioTen reji 'tur,,, ote-rt fo HnTaMfK new 1,XTV"' f dl" n1lnl,t!fcva,r 8-7 d office?. : KWHution, ".hall be o,S. coSnUd 1. ...C 0'"'u.u '""enis oi artillery, 3.200 twenty. anu P"olihcd as the returns for I .- , Uoucauons, and the uu wneu so ascertained aud certiUed r,r.7i. riTT. J. . "'I'wiion oi t)0 ;the Governor shall declare hy PS I th- il-n .u r eU''f UC0 tUeir va,uo f" tion the result of the election... .bu.neht.of l)"t , f deuoaitors. stitutiooofl!i38,Mthenew Constitution hlJi TZ.ot fvins, funds should provide. "Hut the returns of everv ,' .V.0 le?,,''a, end. 10 1 hould be and wh r"'"' Si7 "rT l1"uoauitlu recruiu, a.- Sntfi.1 .f 1?mbr ?an we inde finitely, at .hurt notice, whenever the ex igency require, an increase ia the fore ie Uarrishnro 'v ay. ment Ila uary hia ll;.. I..J i. vwu. I,- uliu.1)ar,on. thi. mornina. i.J tar (invsm... l i. .i ... ' . I iviupuiliuil. ana n.w in tui. Th. .... ?:.7 , . c. V '""uraay I caieu up ana trans-1 n.o,r.i in n. ..i . mq aiih kulimhu ... rnHhn. i I lULLU-fl la tha .. .r... - . .. . I --" ,u fciiu Knj auUUlU llllRflMI hw i . . . " HUUIJ1H. I . KUVCrUIUODL. IIVi.Ml I . . . ... ... "J iu ni act nenrnnniln . " 7. I to Urn Pr.,i.l.m .u u . I aaviiia UUOlt WOlC 1. lllli.A H.,H rrisburg ... ,BMOrad u". .1" ? ooen.nn ..T " .u"'e.' w" to prosiriiy. ' i ut ...w aiMMai ui tinu I rwMrii mem iu l ih nnunnM ni iha i rri... -. i 11. Waa dHfluroH I:..... mmKiiM.tri,A.t. i . 4 110 uu ecu OI irUAt enmnnn d 1 iiiintnui 1 11 Liuiii iiiiiihcm fir 1 ita iinai I . . sv-o mit 1 - - t iiiw nuu wmi sembly." Uedneil. highest due lead mid bo Home. lhif.2.U!"Uo? ot Jhe cnltutionality Sf L The Constitutional Convention the last ;,VnTT,anie are i,.,vesU!d wilh very i . a tr U "rou!nt before the court bv day of it. sess,on, pawed tha rVoita-in. N r":"" "w U,tt depositories of favnr',;," . V w "bitted to the open- P"?M. nd resolution : s I T"75 -. .7 . ,u"ney a,,u thard witli i jieKkas, It apitear. bv tha rsinm, i p uo'iaemeiit oi vast and of election iu the wvff couutic. o tCe ofTs,''', lr.U'U' .1' luij State, held on Tuesdav. th i L, rU . 6,1,4 fbat their aflkirs are a- 0fSute.Tre;tTh7ouXhrb"i mrge i amount bas been expended oulhis street, for which bonds have been hued Tbey are now by thU decisiouVTl S ed llleeal. and mm. ? UWV day of December, a Constitution baa iron I e . . . .' tr ui one nundrutl anrl r,.riu.f......l. i iTh , j ua" '?l.y-lwo ; therefore, (joveruor, the Convention respectfully ation thereof wiihont a,.i. I respectfully call yourattentioo thereto, i uu uuuecessary delay in a VOW cast for and airainat Th. 7. , 1 ,. tbe ' 'd in comphauci wT h oo piata puddlera of TI.;.k.. ... I resolution of tha i. dollar, per ton.. nve 1 he New 6m.titntion havinir h.- I proved by a very decided n.aWiiw r Vtl -y ws (,111 made to makethmrar'' uaa w Timothv Tonnlr... . Ontario, on SvuiZ 'LI. lVne"011. vuicner Knife. Ila alto ai i.n,n...i .l. Of bis two nn. 7. """" nes throat. ' lueo c oi own A Washington correspondent u f tht there may bo o i 7 f0!"-f of the .Senator, thai wlJn lhe of the i Ll:L ?.b ' witclul m" ih New Cmstiiull TiZh 1 h.l".hU?,U, i-tel witlTddeUty m ;.n?;7o "heTn ".Suuiid bv i wh0 t,""ld heir manueu m"ftWoubnourJ are interest in" J " H"'u"iif tti tiieaa ifomnuni... las barriers to wihl . .' i Aliat ills Elm kiiau . ..iauuu sua it can. . be informs h 7i" ii r ""quem nnanciul panic. . of the reJu t ait, Ih.Th:. cfV ,ow ",e to therefore, that all reoueste.1 ta ia, .T. " i" T ola vinKS funds and trust com . im" mauo luoject to the oi m vwujiuiiLet tiiiiiiiinri.i hw - thorny ; that these institutions be required to publish quarterly statemonts. under I!8"?- tof t"e .nount of their assets and labilitie. and the name, of their officer. : that by a Keneral law their .totkholder. hj made personally liable for duuble the amount of aUu-k iu.ii i. . .. . - 3 ...vMi , auu mat they be compelled to have constantly iu their vault, a cash reserve of ten per cent of their net liabilities. Tliew wamina-1 ii. 18 . .""'""ded, that will forbid a "viuga lamiiy. waiving the beiie tit of the exemption, so that a household may uot be shorn in an instaut of all the necesiariestir Jite, to satisfy the gieed of a gtaspniij crediuir. K.tcreuce is also made lo tho destruction of tha Stiito lVinting Ollke by tire, the V Commission, und to the deaths of fcx Guv. Geary, lion. W'm. M. Meredith, President of the CuiisiitutLmal Conven tion, aud Dr. tVilmer Wortliington, Secre tary ot the Board of Publi.; Charities Items from the Wataoutown RArd Maria Uroiyn (pauper) a subject ilitiga tian bstween Watsouiown borough aud Delaware towuship, died in the hands of the township ou Friday last, and was bu ried at Mctweusvillo. Lam fall tho court granted au -rder for her removal from Watsoutown to the towuship. The loss of Itronprtv !i lUi.i tr..:... . I j n. j Ulillliuwn h si week, belougiug to Messrs Cambell & llagenbuch. wu ou building, $ w ; KO),d8 a. nn. insureu iu mree companies the Aetna, Ijuicaster aud Amencau. The shares of the two former were promptly Haul bv n. .... f i i i 1 rr.J place." " oi uw The annual meeting of the -Old Turbut Horse 1 rolei-tive Company" took place at I Iri alua.tlt fa II.... I : m i ... . " -"-v.. . wuiv! ut i uroutviiie, on Sa turday. There was a foil n,i..,i .. . , - - i.uuiiuwn auu u j.vwi meeiiii);. The dinner served ou the wvaaioH is n poten Ol as ueillif ..rami in iln avl 'I'l . . .. . . - va.icnio. nui year iiih nmnmu ...;m .1.-1! , f. . . . 1 "J ""1 t.,e y r iiotui, in Dcwai t. of which u.i. uaciiu iiuiuncKer will ue landlord rri.i v....n..... ii i. .. . .w . U UI 1IIJI1MH III Illia Itli..... . i ., . . .7 - M.I.D una leiiaeu tins we I Dv Mr. John It i:iii.i of Lundsdale, ilonlgoinery county, for a teriuof ihreeyetrs, atS750 a year, with too uuvnege oi leepto it live years, pro viding the nroiK- tv is not aohl 'i'i. landlord will take possession ou the first of wjiiii, uuu win aiaae exteuliva iuinrovn. meuts. Simon Odd has rented hia t... bulville to Mr. Wetxol. of Alilton urlm will lako charge of it ou the first of April. A keg of powder exploded while John Morgan, of Schuylkill county, was carry, ing it under hia arm, a spark having fallen a. tm man wa seriously Injured. Ueadino CoMPANy's Payment. Mr. u. ju. OUiul 1'avmask-r of Hu l. em fruit lamine if it couiiunes lout;, ana n1B fr06t and cold succeed, as they must .tth consldera b e certainty. For over U hours we have had an almost steady rain, mild aud warm ut tummur showers, and as I write my windowt are open. The rain has been heuvy eunuch-in portions of tlie city to cause the caviug in of culvert. over a year past a very Une epieitriun s a ue ol I Oen. Bt-olt bas been upon exhibition at Lib and Bprinir Garden, aud bus ben very groatly admired for its perfect woi kmanshlp.and Its correctness of likeness tn the old hero It r.r V 1 ?' l" esmoiisbment of Robi Wood & Co. and wus placed there hy theinteru. 'lii i "iocs oi uranlie was bein obtained to place It unon ... Wni.i i sitloti the-w, I noticed a few davt ugo that It was hem removed, und it It now no douht In Its place anion the many beautiful improve, nts of m '!?1,mF ,M,,,,8 hT0 P8d from under the ...w ...... , , new toiisutution. Althoush I belonifcd to that majority thai opposed it, bav nir done so entirely u,K.n the ground ol beinif UUWHIillf. L. ann....t . I. T. . .tifi .-..... ...o Knu piacea upon bv tho ( .w I.. ....;.!.. . . .v . 'tl"inii5imi to swallow the good with the bud, anj believing Its defeat would result in the submission, at once, or a bet ter one, at the same lime heartily believiuv It lo be In more resects K.,od than bad. I am iu 7 i more prosperous lhau uuder o V , . . 8 ,,",e, 01 roli'', fr"'" ho . .... ... .pi-cnu leu'isianon, c., may be realiied. ..... .. w iu aur, uuwever, that I fear Id tuB iiuesiinn ol ne ice or wr t.. t .. buns published the only lull and exhaustive nc count hy Atlantic telejrnph of the terrible Vllle tl IT", ll';,5tor. Civing nil the Incidents of that catastrophe ten days before other Journal! received them by the slow course of the nmiu! b cable of the adven.ure. of the Polarl.Bc,ta. a6. It anticipated every other paper In tho country. UD(l even the Government itself, by tl craphic narrutives or Custar's bailies on t"l Alliance In this cy wi.h a fnllneV. and .e7ir.cV erywhcre the subject of enthusiastic praTse! POSTPONEMENT! 1th Grand Cilrt Concert t TOR TUE BENEFIT or T.IE lH'BLIC LIHIt Alt Y OF KV, OVER A M1LL10X IX BAXK ! 8UCCESSA88CRED. A Full Drawing Certain On TUESDAY 81 of MAIiCII next., he' il wish and expectation of I.,...- 1- tuuon was in thu whole. I think, nm nn . .i.. nf arl.lV. ..... . ... , . . 1 B' oin eiuie should .....iuvu. luu innnjr political backneva rorm both parties). (Hilt vuterdav In liou with a ireiitleinan whose partner had been a member and bad resigned. I a.lipit i. i.. k.A done so, and he replied it was because ha cons), dered the Convention would not ..... dit upon itself, aud he Ihouthl he would act out. felill wub all reasonable men I bone for succits. uy long silence, caused by a pres of business, am lastly entitled to nit iiihi.ii.i ...j -h sign myself 1 ourt, Truly, OCCA RION A I.. marl.i Ii nl....-,.t..i i..--... '. ... . . ' and n. .VlT. 7 ' '"""i"'"0'" to Dtislnest mens and lit speciul correhpondcuts afterward de tenhed the condition r.rn,.ir. 1 " a..,ao tuuiig n sirictt with au ability which no other paper seriously rivaled. umoiiier Wliilo it never can be a neutral In Dolltlrs Tu. Th,scke is entirely Independent ot aT I pari gan of clhpie cannot be a thoroughly cood newspaper, aud cannot he trusted forhnparSal and just comment upon current events. It main tain, wuh the old fervor and will always defend . ic''n r",.e",, 'lity and Justice ?n n,iJ "UJ" ,he '""trol Ofit.lllnriou, '' "tBBi.ET, it was for over thirty IZ" It"1"?:.. .Bl,f ' r"lu-9 P' ol.iy priiicrpies uo"8Sl goverumcnt on souud JhM.yh.C're R lml,ular appreciation or that sort of Independent, vkorous, enterprising, aud hlKh-toued Jouruulisin or which The Triiii ne U now tbe cliler representative In this or any other couulry. Is. ultlciently proved by tho resuli. of . i.T .....utus. ine Close or 1S73 Bm! this paper more prosperous than it has been l"L Prri"; lod.of '.u hi,or.v. "d tho nev ,ur wan mo most brilliant pros will surpass those of auv nihr i... .1 .. u world 1 and on the romoleiinn n 1.. ' ...I mugninecni building it will be enabled to Intro duce vuriout Imnmvementa nf .1.., . taut character. . .mpor- THE 6EMMVEEKLY TRIBUNE. The Bemi-Weekly Tkibi ne fiat grown very ra ddly In mibllc favor or hit... 1.. . .1.11.1 iJ n17,,f,VmarJ'"',l''ns It contains all tbe oesi 01 me ti relifn and domestic the puUie aud the ticket uuld's a, for the f all 1 jueir uiKumcnt gitta, anuum.ced lor tie Fourth Oraud o, covert of m. Pubhc Library ot ' Keiucly the manmienieut liavn rii..., ,.ui ' ... .. '..' cert aud Dnming until fv-.u. ,ue cou-, the Slat of Mitrch, 1874. They have already realised OVEH A MILUOX UOI-LAB8 Aud have a great many .genta yet to hear inTw NO doubt tnlart.ln..l ..... . . ' tlore th. drawn.. T 7 Vh " . "'!" ' Ticket jM tVy will be ZrSUn XI ed ui proportiou to the uuiuld Takiia. 12,000 Cttah Giria 91,500,000 ,'TKbe.d,I,ibu,, mou h "cM holders. The tnketa are priuted lu eou) ona, of tenthe aud all LUt ofGlfla, one urand CoaU Gift One Urand Cab tiift Oue Unuid Can 011 1 .... ' Oue Oruud Caah Oifl One Oraud Call Ullt 10 deli Oifla, 110,000 each! ..--., o.uuu eacu Il'ls lit 60 CdSh Cllfta. SO Cuali Oilia, 1U0 CaU (lifia, 160 Cash Oilla, Cash Oifia, Can Uitla, 11,000 Cash Ullla, l.ouOauch.. oooeueb anOecu 300 each J0 each luOeaoli 60 each S23A,00fl lOU.OlNJ 60.0IH) ts.oun 17,600 loo.ouO 160,000 60,1100 40,0110 0,0U0 45.U.S) 6o,oo0 660,000 fl,600,OOU 1 nil I i i n Nitit.-i-.-a in kip uauy it r vet tne cully the soieiuiMc intelilueuce (Including The I'Zf'T f An"".-an scleutitic ao.iJii.-a.) with the boat of the boob r-. ... lira una- Tolul, 12,000 Olfta, All Cb, amounting t0 The obauoea for a gift are aa oue to nve. PRICE Of TICKETS : Whole tickeia, tiO; Halve., KB; Tentha, or each eon The Kourth Olft Concert will be oouducuxL in .n l'eeta. like Hie tor, which have already lZ HOT u.r,?.'ur,do,!?r. "f J??S!?i'5- ' win ho.d thev will I- Z . 77. .' r.T rTV,,.a. u DoduUt,.,iui.m.u. . h.i " A''y. "".,Lr i Iflveu to thoee who buy to mM taiiLT III lnUU THO. R. RR.ui f.Tp Aaeut Pnblie LJhn.r v.... 1 . . --aamubvum, ay. HailroaU Com a J UU Plavees ol the rv.n, I . t awf in wtaafjii t Uuring the year ending N.viiubjr30. 1873 the large sunt of four milliona turn i,....,i..i aud oiL'hty-eiL'lii dollar nn.l n,i.. ........ cents (,.205,488,37) ia monthly payments aa follow. . Dece tuber 187J. January 1873 February " Marcll " April May " Juno " July " August Sept. October " Nov. " Miner, Journal. 3:4.331.5,- 303.14.V8tl 3o5,175.ii4 370.B08.82 361.153. U8 3U1.2lH.7 373,7ml. 33 377.7U5.44 302,137.0.1 3211,704. 78 4,205,488.37 The Associated Reformed rresbvtorian says 1-or years Perry Davis' Paio-Killer naa oeen Known as a most useful family medicine. For paint and aches we know nothing so good as tho I'aiii-Killer. For inauy internal diseases it is equally gotid. We speak from eHjritnte, and testify to what wo know. No family ouht to bo wiwiout a oottiu oi uavis' rain-Killer. iUKSSUS. t'EHRY UAVI9 A Son. Frov. U. I. Oents: Although u atratier to you 1 am uot to your itivalu ible medicine, Fain- rviuer. i lormea lis acouiiintniii-n in WIT aud I am on moat iotiniutaj ti uiib nil ; experience in us une coutirms my be lief that there it no medicine equal lo Fain- n.iuer ior me quit-It auirsure cure of Sum mer Complaints, Sore, Throat, Croup, liruisea and Cuts. I have oh. ,1 it i., ,.n and found a speedy cure in every case. Voura Truly, T. J. G AUDINEK. M. D. by pur owu exiairiuu.m kI...., once makes a trial or Ferry Davis' Fain Kiler, will not full to refoinniHii.i it wi.t..iu as and unequalled lininieul.aud valuable In ternul remedy for colds and complains Eivry Month. " 7W" .natter leiaiini; lo education, the arts rellKion.Ac. It hat all ,be commerc al newj ffhmwkl"t!'","rU.i 811 lh'irricultural arilclc. of the Weekly i aud it vea. mnmn... ....i... ' " e v.!,,.rh ' 'k',r0n Pr""' 1" the bourse 'of the year three or four or the proluctiont of the most popular novel Ista. Aa n t,.i,.. ..... . ! ..' f,!Le:f,;,,:!l"em,?n"; ' enabled toKlvenn nn- . m " hirrWP"!"! I" 'he FOR THE IIOE.IPAVH. GREAT ATTRACTION. n i t;: "U" J., an, i , , j nuo r i I- T. . . . r,rIJ y" r-t omce east or the Mississippi wlibin oue or twodayt of its is- THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. The Weekly Taiat-aa bas been for the space of a eeneration the Fu'. r. -i.. ' . . ... liu Mi.icr. iw. i.tet a complete condenaatlon of the uews of tho rn,;",la',IOB,?.f ltta'r"i miscellaneous m' i,t .U" h"' J'H'rU.. , .v)iiniUB in every number m greater ,lllouut f ,, , , " Dihed bv anv d ai iwifi.i. J ti.u i. . ...iimiurai puper. thi k. . pre,pa?!1 Pr"sly for its columns bv the beataKrirullural writers and practical far mers lu the United Slates . ...a ..Pi.. JiT ...H.f .nr.... I.. - ."ii.iiuu- ... ..cij nun oi the country t will bo Valley. G the facifie tlope, or in lhe MisaiMippi treat atlei.tiou u ui,i..o HnnitiIn!!ll,Vh'r",7' ,h" U"r'1Cn' ""U ,h UjTu ' ""f,001 of ' original articles eve ry week are t.luatmia .i.k -j ..... . 'Jl'i ?uo,".li"B; of farm VoJuw. "ttli, pro n ll?.h b''a'itl'" 'f foo. and all kinds or rnercnuntllse, are Meediuir full and scrupulous. y accurate. 1 he uimoi cure la beatnw.l auc uer- he lyuoifraphlcul arrangemei.t of the paiier,. he print is a wava pIi.if ....l i...,iki. .... ... ally larKer than that of any other New-Voi k pa-per. Everybody it Invited io come and buy of tba handsome assortment of 7 oi.iue TOTS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, lu frame bulldinar. adiolninv . n... i . building, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY PA Juto.ied a freak supply of Coafeotioaoiias of every description. TOVM OF ALE. K1KD8 constantly on hand. The bent R AISINS. riQB CURRANTS 4 DRIED FRUIT. PUBE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Btiut 4 Cake, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, 4c. OVSTERS t OVSTEItS I OYSTERS ! Having Sued up a room eiprearfy for serving up Oyatert iu every ttyle, Ladi and UeuilemcS will be accommodated beat bivalves iu market, at all boar du-" the day aud eveuluir v.. ... ti ... Krin k. m.l ut .k.i. ii . a .""" - w mi u. .it. --- - -- . r-Biutillct. Wllh the best Shell or uued Oysters, as is dcslrab'e at Ibe very low-' prices. r ,u"" Cull aud a ' "celleul astortiaent of irood. aud atcer-'" ,u prices. 00(I rw.r.l8T3. ".r.XEVIil.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers