kmlmrj; American BUNBURY, JANUARY 0, 1874. Railroad Tim Table. ARRIVAL A5D DEPARTVRI OF TRAINS AT SUBBCRT, N.C.R. W. South. I P. B. R. R. Wt Elmlr Mall. H.I5n m i Erie Mnll, A.15ara Erie Mali. l'J.U " I Renovo Ac 11.10 m Buffalo E. 9 60" i Elmlra Mall 4.10pra Harr sburir AC. B. 1U D ra I Buna o Ex. 7.1U UX.BUHY AND LIWISTOWK R. R. - LenTe Bnnbury for Lcwlstnwn At 0.85 a. and 4.80 p. ;u. Arrive at Sunbury from Lewistown at 1.85 and 6.55 p. m. SHAMOKIM niVIMOff, H. 0. R. W. . LEATI ' I AKRIVR Express, 11.45 a m I Mft'l, 9.80 a m Mall, 4.30 p in ) Express, 4.00 p m An accommodation train leaves Shaninkln nt 7.10a m, urrivlnt at Mt. Cnrmel at 7.40 a m. Rcturlng, leave Mt. Carmel at 7.00 p m, arrlv log at Bhamokln 7.80 p m. PASVILLIt, BAZLKTOTt A WU.KF.SBARRI R. R. Leaves Bnnbury nt 645 a. m., for York. Re turn at 4.10 p. in. TIMB SCHEDI'LB OVER TUB N. C. K. W. FOR Washington C'itt. Bouthwarp. Triiln leaves Bunbury at 19.55 a. m. and 11.15 a. m., arrives at HarrisburfC at 5.10 a. m..and 3.10 p. m., nt Baltimore at 8.50 a. m. and 0.40 p. m., at Wash ' Infrton City at 10.85 a. m. and 8.30 p. m. Northward. Leaves Washington City at 4.48 a. m., 11.85 n. m. and 9.HS p. in. arrive nt Bal tlmorent fi.80 a. m., 19.20 p. m. and 11.20 p. in., at Harrlehurir at 1 00 p. m., 4.50 p. m. and 2.55 a. m., at Banbury 6.15 a. in., 4.10 p. ra. and 7.10 p. m. ' Accidental Insurance Tickets crr bo had 3. Shlpman, Ticket Agent, ut the Depot. of Winter Arrangement Tor the Olllce at Nuubury, Pa. Office Open from 6.50 a. m., to 8 p. m. rout except on Sunday. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrives as follows i From the East at 6.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m., " South, 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m. " West, 5.15 a. m., 11. 15 p. m.,4.10p. m., ' North, 1.50a. in. ,11. 15 a. in., 4.10 p.m. 8hamokin, Mt. Cnrmel and points on that Due, 9.35 a. ra., 4.00 p. m. Mails close as follows : For the East, 5.45 a. m., 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. m. " So-uh, 10.50 a. in., 4.50 p. m. 8 p. in. " West, 10.50 a. m., 8.50 p. ra., 8.00 p. m. " North 8.50 p. m., 8 p. ra., Bhamokln proper 11.15 p. ra. Bhamokln and offices on that route, 4.20 p. m. Money orders will not be issued after 6 p. in., pn Saturdays. J. J. SMITH, P. M. Insincss locals. The Improved Groter A Barer Bewino Ma ihinb. These celebrated machines are offered it the most reasonable rule. For particulars apply to D. G. KUTZ, Aifcnt, Feb.23,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta towushlp. Caroline Dalicb, denier in Musical Instru ments and Sewing Machines, Market street, near Third, 8unniiry, Pa. Call and examine the best Organs, Mclodeous, Sewing and Knitting Ma chines lu the market. Always on hand the Es tcy, Silver Tongue, Smith's American. Mason A Hamlin Organs. Orders tuken for nil kinds of Pianos and Muslcnl Instruments. Tho Peoples' Favorite Sewing Machines ; Domest'c and Gro ver A Baker. Persons purchasing machines from me will receive Instructions. First-class Knitting Machines for sale. Don't suffer from colds constantly contracted by poor Boots nnd 8hoes. W. W. Miller, of the Excelsior Boot A Shoe 8lore, keeps on baud a supply which are not surpassed anywhere, for beauty nnd durability. They are dirt chcnp,aud no one need lament about wet feet by wearing those selected from his larg assortment 14 u stock of gum shoes has not been equalled In this part of the country. Call and see them. TnE fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac, at D. A. Finney's hus been the topic of con versation by the best judges during the holiday's. TUo bent bargnlus arc daily made at Mr. Finny's store on Market street. His stock has been se lected with great care, which will be noticed nt once by stepping ipjp his neat store room. His goods are all ncwy'knd every one purchasing will find the articles of the best as well as of the la test style. Hats and Caps Samuel Faust, has just re turned from the city with a large assortment of the latest stylw hats. His stock is full, and the latest styles cuu be bad ut bis store, on Market street at city prices. Crapped Hands, fane, rough skin, pimples, ringworm, sull-rbeum and other cutaneous af fections cured, and the skiu ma le soft and smooth, by udng the Juniper Tar Soap, made by Caswell, Hazard A Co:, New York. Be cer tain to get the Juniper Soap, as there are many imitations made with common tar which are worthless. 4w. total Mairs. An Office to reut on second floor fronting on MurUet street, Bunburv, Pa. Possession given Immediately. Apply to HENRY HAUPT. As employee at the P. A E. yard, nt this place, named Walters, had bis two engers mashed on Monday, which Dr. C. M. Martin found neces sary to Amputate. A strong minded woman named Josephine Shire, was bound over to appear at Conrt by Esquire Purse!, for. brcaklug Into the bouse of Geo. W. 8hlve, in Lower Augusta, on Monday last. Tub firm of Rcfferer A Bower, Butchers, has been dissolved by mutual consent Tub most correct likenesses are taken at Bart lett'a Portable Gallery, opposite the City Ilutel. Many would give large amounts lor a correct llkecess of a departed friend. So do not neglect the favorable opportunity now presented If you wish to be remembered after departing from your friends. Bartlelt has a splendid assortment of the very finest Albums And picture frames. Commendable. We are reliably Informed that the landlords of Georgetown, this county, have made It a rule for several years, to close thcli bars on Christmas day, and neither sell or give away any liquor. This Is a commendable exam ple which It would be well if laudlords In other parts of the couuty would imitate. Presentation. The friends of Messrs. A. E. Freeborn, couductor, ou the 8. A Lv Railroad, aud Jacob Bnyder, conductor on the D. 11. A W. Railroad, gathered at the Clement House, this place, on New Year's Eve, and preseuled each with an elegant silver laatern, as a token of their regard. Both gentlemen are highly de serving of this recognition. The presentation speech was delivered by Mr. F. Mann, who did li np In his usual happy manner, and was respond ed to by Mr. Geo. Hoffman In a low brief re marks. We are Indebted to Mr. Peter Durst, sexton of the Bunbury cemetery, for the following state ment of the fcuilsls iu the cemetery during the year 1873 i Whole nnmber 96 f adults 56 ; chll " dren 40. Mr. Durst dug the grave of all but eleven. , The stable burned down a few weeks ago, at tacbed to the City Hotel, is rapidly reappearing on th old foundation. The large patronage o this extensive eitahlisbmeut, demuuds quick work. A Runaway Enoini.-Od Friday morning last, as engin No. 128, i about ready to take a train westward over the '. ft E. Railroad, the engineer stepped Into tbs legrapb office In the upper yard for orders. returning he found that the fireman had open the valve and step sed on the trnder, whea t cotrpllng broke, sepa rating the engine from t train. In a second the engine was out of rer i, and pnssed over the bridges at lightning Sj ed. Telegraphic do spatches were at once s t to the different sta tions on the read with oiirs to switch the run away locomotive off the ti 'k. The despatch had scarcely reached Lewlsbut station when the lo comotive came along Iik4 mcteot. At Mlllon station the switch was tilled open Just in time, and the locomotive cie rushing over the switch Into the grnnnd mrly two sqnarei before It came to a bnlt, knot-Utg the sills Into splin ters, and making the sties, lnylue on the truck, fly In every direction. Hrtunatcly the mnll tralu which was about due atMlltmi, had not arrived. Had It been on the trnk at the time, It would have resulted In a serlofe loss of life. The mnll arrived about two mlmrs after the locomotive left the track. The gilge Indicated 168 ibs of steam enough tohnvlrun to Muncy station. What Is remarkable tit onglne nustnincd .but little damage, to Its nWilnery. The cow-catcher nnd forward truck werj completely demolished. A wreck crew was ldmedlatcly seut after the ruoawny engine from this place, and In run- nlog on the siding at Lewlabtrg station to clear the track for the, mail, a Mr. Joe. Bentley full from the wreck car, and had his leg broken nnd mutilated above the knee, by Coming In contact "k ,fc Wis, BcntlV was brounht to this i-essed by Dr. Haupt'. Thb runaway engine, on Trlday last, has been repaired and started on a trip on Monday last. Tub Triennial Asbesrbent. The assessor and assistant assessors of the East Ward In the borougb of Bnnbury, completed their lubors last week, In making the triennial assessment. As there has been considerable dissatisfaction In regard to assessments of property, the assessors In the cast ward this year, complied strictly with the law, nnd went together from property to property, to examine before tbey put tho valua tion upon It. Having nothing for a guide to go by, each one after looking nt the property, put down the amouut of valuation he placed npon It, and then they compared the figures, and when they differed, made au average of the valuation. This mode teemed to be the best to get at the real valuation. In former assessments one of the assessors would go round and note merely some- of tho Improvement, and then copy the rest from a former assessment book which In many Instances made the assessment very un equal. This has been the case in properties on Market street, which was assessed no higher than property located several squares nwny, when the former really would bring ten times the amount at a cash sale. We believe that it should be the duty of every assessor to adopt the course of the present assessors, us it will not only equalize the taxes, but will give more gen eral satisfaction to every property holder. Another new feature adopted by the assessors of the enst ward was the taking of. the census. In this way the census can be taken more cor- rectly, nnd It will coasuuie no extra time. In , the east ward the number of Inhabitants Is at I present 1633. It Is also ascertained that n large number hnd removed from that ward since the change on the railroads, and have gono to other parts. A Generous Bisiness Man. Wc lately visit ed the planing mills of Ira T. Clement, of this place, where we found everything moving as ifno panic had been heard of. The mills are running HI met! run l-lipucity, and nin ... nrravu men find regular employment. Mr. Clement ge nerously retained all bis hands when the panic started, aud as work slackened,' he found em ployment for them in building new houses lu dif ferent parts of the town. He has about thirty men employed, nnd though no Income from his lumber business, lie manages to keep them ut work to maintain their families during the win ter." This is certainly showing n most generous disposition If more of our wealthy men would follow Mr. Clement in this particular, there woulu be much less distress among those who nre dependent upon their labor for support, and the cry of hnrd times would not be heard on eve ry street corner. Mr. Clement Is also offering vacant lots for aulo at low prices for the purpose of getting other parties to build to create work, thus trying to extend his generosity still further. Drawing Lessons. Prof. Hardcastlo, who has been very successful in giving lebsons in drawing, in the north-east school house, is uow forming au udvanced class iu mechanical and perspective drawing aud shading, which will meet every Wednesday evening. Those who de sire to be correctly taught in this fine branch should make application at once. Prof. Hard caslle has bud large experience In drawing, both in Etigland and In this country, and has the best recommendations as a teacher. The lessons are given at a very reasonable price, so as to reach all classes of younit men who wish to perfect themselves ns master mechanics. We have a large uumber of these In this place, who shonld not fail to accept of this fine opportunity. An Unkind Cut. Tho following extract from the Wattotitouii Iteeord, edited by that fearless Democrat, John J. Auten, explains itself: "Toe Bunbury "Democrat." and Suuhurv Amerknn," are discussing the actions of the out-troiug and iu-toming Register and Recorders ol'tbis counly, relative to a pa i eel of blanks. It appears during the six year Leisenrlbg was in office, he got bis blanks printed In Philadelphia, una wuen nis term expired no nad nearly one huudred quire led, which be sold to Bhipmun. v e are a disinterested party in the matter, not having bad any business with Juke Lelsenriog cloce be shaved us a dollar on m county order. and from Shlpman we expect no patronage nor will we ask any favors. Getting those blanks In Philadelphia was one of i.eisenring s many mean. scurvy transactions, and Shipinan did himself no credit by tuklag them off bi bauds. At a meeting of the Washington Indepeudant Steam Fire Company, held January 1, 1874, the following officers were elected to serve for the eusnlng year t President Solomon Blrob. Vice President Geo. M. Renn. Secretary Sharon Stephens. Treasurer Wm. H. Miller. Foreman H. J. Waltr. Assistant Foreman James M. Farra. Engineer J. L. Andrews, Jno. C. Miller and Jas. L. Kershner. Firemen Jas. Lyon, Geo. Mants. Torchmen E. N. Bblndel, Fred. Haxletlne. Plpemen Wm. Eugelman, Wra. Krisher, Geo. P. Krohn, John Clark, A. Lentaer, J. McCord. 3. F. Nevlus. Thomas McGaw, wbo Is becoming a popular caterer of the new eating bouse opposite the de list, cul ed In a few of hi personal friend ou Christinas Eve, and treated tucra to English fruit pudding, a favorite English dish on Cbilst mas day. Those who were present appeared to relish the treat with great gusto, uor were any of them prejudiced against the puddlug, though of Kngllsb Invention. Mr. McQaw ha but few quals at a caterer, and on this occasion all irouud the festive board, looked a happy as xlngs. We can heartily recommend Mr. Me 3aw's eating bouse as a novelty in the way of leanliuesa and good fare, aud beside, no liquor bang told, his place is quiet and orderly at all timet. From tb Sunbort Dailt. Court Froeeellatf;a'. Mondat, Jancaht 5, 1874. Court opened this morning at ten o'clock, Hon. Win. M. Rockefeller and Associate Judge Nicely, on the bench. Judge Wei ker, we were sorry to hear, has not recoveied sufficiently toejublehlin to attend. We hope next teim that the Judge will be well enough to take his usual plnca, The morning hour was taken np with reports of Viewers of roads, petitions, Ao. Ills Honor then briefly charged the Grand Jury (the fore man of which Is our townsman, John O. Murkle, Esq.), and Court adjourued until two o'clock A very unusual thing t.ccured In rcgnrd to the Grand Jury. The whole twenty-four were pre sent to be sworn. This, we believe, hus not hap ponud for a number of years. The 11 ret case this afternoon wnl Com vs Charles Btover und Wm. Bprull. Larceny, Jacob Fullmer prosecutor. The next was Sumo vs Same.. Mr. Zelgler, concerned for the defend ants, finding the evidence conducive against j them when he had partly tried the first rase, withdrew the plea of not guilty, nnd submitted to the mercy of thu Coun. Ills Honor sentenced them each to pay a fine of Hvc dollars- and the costs, to restore the property and to undergo Im prisonment In the Eastern Penitentiary, Stover for I lio term of fifteen mouths and Bproll for the term of fourteen. The) bud stolen three chlck eue and one turkey. The sentence was for the stealing of the latter. The Court did not sen tence them on the second Indictment, as they were very young men, nnd this was their first ! r j ..... - ... r..- . i.- n. .. .... person lu town who has any notion of stealing chickens or turkeys in hopes that he or she may see that for taking so small a thing you may bo sent below for so great it time, for it is a long time when yon arc inside. Next case wns Com vs Wm. Kerns. Lnrceny. Bill Ignored. Com vs John Weaver. Lnrceny. Bill Ignor ed. Com vs Tho. Heninger. Fornication and ; bastardy. Surah J. Conrad, prosecutrix. Ma llck nnd Clement for ) Boycr for defendant, j This case had been settled by the parties, Hcn i tuger paying 100 in full for all demands, and tin) 'Squire worked hard to get the Court to mi . tlgute the usual sentence ; but his Honor, re- marked that nil must be treated alike, sentenced Thomas to pay $75 fine nnd give security for j (300 more for the benefit Of thu child. Court then adjourned until 9 o'clock to-mor row. Tuesday. Court, opened this morning at 9 o'clock. The first case was Com vs Isaac Wetzel and J. Enty, for breaking jail. Boyer for the de fence, moved that the Indictment be quashed, ns the jury wheel was not properly sealed according to law. Bo ordered by tho Court. Com vs E. R. Miller, burutry. On motion of L. H. Ruse the Indictment was quashed for rea sons filed. Coin vs W. Hans, surety of the peace, Geo. Smith pros. Boyer for the deft Smith it appears supplanted Wm. in the a Sect ions of n Mrs. My ers who keeps a bonrding house in this place. Unas asserted his dignity nnd threatened to "lay low," not for black ducks, but for Smith. Tho Bbim. mvniioDei ,.ldy ueftrlK ,, ,torT rilshcg to Geo. w ith eyes distended with terror to tell him of his danger. Geo. ther. arrested Haas and the latter then arrested the former. Bo the next case was Com vs Geo. Smith. J)efl in both cases to pay costs. Com vs 8. Wool, bench warrau' for the ar rest of defendant. Com vs F. A. Hower, for. nnd bns. Mr. low er not being able to attend, a motion was made to continue. -Afternoon court met at two o'clock Com vs Edwiu Wallace, burglary. Clement and Brice for plaintiff and Boyer for defendant. A synopsis of the cusm is that Wallace concluded to have some fun ono night and took with him a couple of Indies und broke Into the house of one Mr. Dawson, Mr. D. not being nt home at the time. When ho returned he found his household goods iu great confusion and immediately arrest ed Wallace who was indicted for burglary. Now the act of asfcmbly In this case requires not only entering and brcuking,but a felonious intern, and as the evidence did not show tho last of these, which is the most Important, thajury brought In a verdict or uut guilty. Com vs Thos. Morton. Arson. Mr. Rhodes, counsel for defence. This Is the trial of Tom. for bumlug down the stables in town here a month or so ago. Evidence for the common wealth shows that Tom was seen several times by different parties near the fire, and that he said he was with a person that evening who set the buildings on fire. The defence showed that Tom was in Walters' barber (hop five minutes before the fire occurred and by Dr. Cummings that he considered him insane. Verdict not gnllty. Com vs Fred. Dibner. Embezzlement. Cle ment, Mai lek aud Ryon for plaintiff and Hill and Wolverton for defence. Tho executors of the estate of Geo. Swenk, deceased, refused to serve, nnd Mr. Dibner was appointed administra tor by the court. Ho sold the real estute to John B. Douty for thirty-flvu hundred dollars, and it is alleged that only three or four bundled dollars are uccouutcd for. Mr. Ryon opened tho case. The evening scsslou commenced at seven o'clock, aud was fully taken up by the above cuse". WEDNESDAY. " Court opened nt 9 o'clock this morning, pur suant to adjounineut. The Dibner case Is still on the boards, and will take np the greater part of the day to finish it. Some cases of minor Importance occurred yes terday which I did uot give, ns I thought my re port was long euougb. Com. vs E. Courad. MisJomeauor. Bill ig nored. . Iu the matter of the petition of J. S. Bhive for rule on Jno. B. Bliive, to show cause why he should uot relievo and maintaiu his grand-children, Fred. Bblveaad F. A. Sblve. Petition read und Court grauted rule returnable at the next Court. - Cora, vs Gilbert Blue. For. and Bast. Defen dant and Cbas. Sterner bonnd In (400 each for appearance of defeudant at next term of Court. Com. vs John 8. Bhive. For. and Bast. De fendant and E. R. Miller each entered in t&Q for appearance of defendant nt next term of Court. Com. vs Lewis Zimmerman. For. aud Bast. Defendant and 8. Ziiumermau each bonnd In (400 for appearance of defeudant at next Conrt. Com. v Ben. Seller. Defendant aud V. R. Bachman each held In (400 for appearance of defendant at next Conrt. Afternoon Session. After the charge of Ihe Judge la the Dipner case, Mr. Boyer brought Mrs. Wallace and another woman before the Court, who testified that Mr. Dawsou, who pro secutcd her sou (Mr. Wallace's) In the suit against liliu yesterday, kept a disreputable bouse. Wallace was still Its jail till this evidence was Kiven, whea he was brought down aud dis charged. Com. v Ed. Enty. Misdemeanor. This is tbe darkey who brake out of jail at the same time Wetsel did. He was caught at Gratztown und bronght back for trial. Mr. Boyer for the defendant, argued that bo was put In jail for de serting bis wife, and this was not an Indictable offence, and therefore he could not be committed on the above charge. The Court sustained Mr. B., and directed tbe Jury to acquit. secutor. Belling liquor wlthont license. Bill Ignored. Same vs Same, and same prosecutor. Belling liquor on Sundays. Same vs Same, W. Keller prosecutor. Belling liquor without license. Same vs Same, same prosecutor. Selling II quor on Sundays. , Com. vs Aaron Cobble, Renhen II. Frazer pro secutor. Belling liquor to drunkards. Com. J. M. Bartholomew. Felony. J. Bar tholomew, prosecutor. In the above six cases the Grand Jury Ignored the bills and directed tho prosecutors to pay the costs. The Jury here bronght In a verdict of guilty In the Dibner case. . Com. vs J. Blears, J. Taylor, E. Bhlpe. As sault nnd buttery with Intent to kill. John Kramer prosecutor. Dufeuduuts not guilty, and to pay the costs. Evening session. Com. vs Jos. Conrnd. As sault nnd bnttery. Miss Reeder prosecutrix. Boycr for the defendant. Noevldence for the de fence given. His Honor chimed the Jury that there could not be a conviction nnder this Indict ment on ncconct of decisions of the Supreme Court, and the only question in the case Is thu costs. Defendant not guilty but to pay the costs. Com. vs Fred. Davis. Homicide. From eight o'clock till ten was taken up is paneling a jury without exhausting the punel. though thirty-seven names were called out of the forty-eight. Court adjourned at 10:15. . Amoko tho adjourned Court Proceedlnes last week, we find thu following reported in.tlio Dally, which is of interest to our renders iu the lower end of the county t "Jacob E. Strlckler vs Jolm Welst. This wns an action of assumpsit. Jacob E. Strlckler suvd John Welst Tor the sum of (1500, with Interest from sometime In the yenr 1SD8. which sum of money he lonncd to Weist. Welst alleged that he sold Strlckler one hundredshares of stock of the Baker Silver Mining Comuny, located some where In Colorado for (50 a siarc, the par value being (100 per share. Stricter wus acting ns nsent for the salo of stock Toithe Company, and was gettlntr tired having mot with poor success, and was losing money by'thuoperniion. lie al leged Welst gave him the siok to sell for the Company and aceed that he should keep all he made above the (50 per sharo Tin-question for the Jury to determine wns i fid Welst sell the stock to Strlckler, or did hugre lilm the stock nt (50 per share to sell for Ihe Compnny T It was a hard foucht case. Tr Jnrv rendered n verdict for plalutiff for (443.83,- Boyer, Hill, Wolverton were counsel for plaintiff and Davis and Zeigicr for defendant." Mathias Cimmings, who hills from some where nbnut Wllliumsport. nnd who kept the sa loon on the coi ner of Third and Market street In this place for a few weeks, aiout two months ngo.mndc a desperate assault on constable Sam uel Bright, while that officer wis serving a writ of dispossession, issued by I'm. Eniricmnn, whose house he is occupying. Cummings was afterwards arrested nnd committed by Justice Brlce In default of (1000 bail. Maj. J. M. JouN.of Mt. Carni! borough, was sworn In ns an attorney to practice nt the seve ral courts in this counly, on Tuesday morning Inst. The Major was examined on the evening previous by Hon. A. Jordan, Win. I. Greenough, Esq., nnd Geo. Hill, Esq., und wo nre hnopy to learn stood a very creditable examination. Major John is a yourg man of ability, and will, no doubt, soon becomo an able and profi cient practitioner ut the bar. He is well known thiuiiL'honi the county, and we predict for him a bright career us a lawyer. We wish him success in his new enterprise. May he have lots of pay ing clients. A Slipe. A slide occurred on Tuesday evening below town, along the railroad, which detained t lie nignt tniiu. in m...i.s ' Does It Pat ? One of the Agents of The Cltrlttian nt Work, T. De Witt Tnlmuge's paper, recently oblulucd 3S0 subscriptions In ubnut eigh ty hours absolute work. This was great suc cess to be sure, but the ngent b'd a tine paper and superb chromos to back hint. There is room for more agents of thu same sort. Sam ples and terms free. Oflico 102 Chambers street. New York. Seo advertisement. The present weather Is not favorable to the growth of the Ice crop. Wediiinos nre nbout as numerous ns they were before the panic. Editor's) Table. Litteix's Living Aoe tor 1874. The fact Is becoming more generally recognized every year that Littell'i Living Age affords the best and, all things cortsldercd, the clteajxtt means of keeping well informed in the most valuable currant liter ature t a literature that embraces the productions of the best writeis in science, poetry, history, politics, theology, philosophy, criticism and art. The hiirhest critical authorities pronounce The Lieing Age the "best of all the olectics," present ing, as It docs, with frebhness nnd thoroughnett what Is essential to American readers in a great and Indespcnsable literature. Tub January number of Scribner's Monthly has among its contributors Bret Hurte, Gail Hamilton, Charles Dudley Warner, John G. Saxe, Colonel T. W. Hlgitinson. George McDon ald. James Anthony Froude, John Hay, R. II. Stoddard, II. 11., Frank 11. Stockton, Adeline Trat'ton, Edward Kinir, Kehecca Harding Davis, and Albert Rhodes, Bret Hurte and Gail Ham ilton contribute stories; Hartc's being entitled 'A Monte Flut Pastoral t How old Man Pluuket went Home." There are poems by MucDonuld. Stoddard, Hay, Saxe, J. C. K. Dorr. Edward King, the writer, anil t hampney. t lie niiisn, give us (iu tbe Great South series,) Glimpses of Tex as, and especially of Ban Antonio. Frond's stu dy or the Annuls or an tDirllali Abbey Is com pleted. Warner print his thoughts suggested bv Mr. Frnude's Progress. Higginsoti's sketch of Warner Is Illustrated by a portrait. Rhodes tells us about speech-makmg in Congress. Miss Traflon and Mrs. Davis continue their serials, Katharine Karle and Eartherau Pitchers. In Topics of the Time, Dr. Holland discusses Church Union, the American Restaurant, and Literature for Boys. In the Old Cabinet is some thing about New Year's, Christinas, iic. SPECIAL, NOTICEH. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A ffeutleuAn wbo suffsred for years from Nervous Dability, Premature Decay, and sJl the effects of youth ful indiscretion will, for tbs sake of suffering hu manity, seud free to all who need it, the revips and di reottou for an kiug th simple remedy by which he was cured. Hun'eters wisutug to profit by the advertiser's experieueo oau do so by adaressiug In perfect conn deuce, JOHN B. OGDEN, 2 Cedar St., New York. Nov. 81, 1S78 Sro. MERCHANTS and MANUFACTUR ICRS will best in their shipments to their destination by Using seuiiiHou'at I'ATEXT NIllFI'IKti TAUH I ukci two Hundred Millions buve becu used Ml HR i mill 11 LA 1A13U within the past teu years, w ithout complaint ot loss by Tag bccomlag detached. All Express Co's use them. Bold by Printers nnd Stationer everywhere. Pet. 81, 1873. 3m. Thirty Years Esperlenee ofau Old Nurse. Mra Wialow's) Noothlut; Kyrnp U the preaterlutioa ol'oueof tne best Female Physicians and Nurse in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never faillng safety aud success by mil lions of mothers and children, from tbe feeble Infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, reuulutes the bowels, aud k-lves rest, health and comfort to mother aud child. We believe it to bo the Best and Sures Keniedy la the Woild. lu all cases of DYSEN TERY and DIARRlllEA IN CHILDREN, whe ther it arises from Teething or from any olhei cause. Full directions lor usiug will accotuputi) each bottle. None Genuine uulcss the fac-simili or CURTIa A PEKKIVS is on Ihe outsldu wrap per. Sold by all Medicine dealer. July 13, 1873. ly. ToOpltnlUla, To Men or Mediant Jlln3, SAsisl I stll Winning .Home nnd Inn) Avoid I'ny fng Kentit. By reference to the Walsontown liemrd and Bnnbury "Gazette" will be seen a full and more explicit description of the property I offer Tor sale, either In lots or by the acie. But what I wish to more mi ticilarly bring before the pub lic Is the LIUERAL TERMS on which they are offered. . I will SELL LOTS from "lOO to (1500 nnd Lands by the ACRE from (tfuo to (500, according to thu location. Tbkms i Ten per cent, of the purchase money down, ti e balance In time nnd ninniints to suit purchasers, from ONE to EIGHT YEARS, with legal Interest from day of sale. The streets nnd alleys will he opened ns fast ns lots ure sold, so that all may be approached with ease. All persons who nre now paying rent enn hnve an opportunity of securing a home for Iprs mo ney annually than thev are now THROWING WAY lr. reht. Any person wishing to see the lnnds or lots will call on me, w hen every opportunity will be given them to hnve n fair chance lo see the supe rior advantages presented to the public. In addition to the lands nbovi" referred In. I now offer for sale THREE DWELLING HOU SES, situate on Water street, In Watsontown bo rough, the one being the larir.n nnd commodious Brick Dwelling now occupied by me, nil of said dwellings having the necessary outbuildings for Immediate use. For further luformallon call on or address J. M. FULLMER, Wntsontown, Pn. October 31, 1873. 1 yr. ' The Confesmion of an luvallil. Published by a warnlna and for the benefit of Young Men ami others who su'l'er from NkkvopS Dehii itt, loss op Manhood, etc., supplyinit the mean's of self-cure. Written by one -who cured himself after underifolmt considerable qunckery. nnd sent free or receiving a post-paid directed envelop. Sufferers nre Invited to address the nuthor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Juno H,'73 6m Box 153, Brooklyn, N. T. TO COl MITIVKS. ThS advertiser, havlmr ten nermaneitly cnreil of that dread disease, Cmisumtiou, by a siiui ly remedy, is suxious to mako known to his fellow surt'e.ers the means of cure. To ull who dewiie it. lie will sei.d a col y of the prescription used, (free of charge), with thedirec tions for preparing and usiiiR the game, which they will nun a sure uure lor uousiunpuon, ahiuiuu, uroucuiia, fte. l'arties wisbiutf ihe prescription will please address Uev. K. A. WILHON, It'4 l'cun St., TVilliamabnrgh, New York. Nov. 21, 1K73 m. Children often look Pule nnd Mick from no other cause thau having worms In tho stomach. BKOWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to thr child, being perfectly WHITE.nnd from all the coloring or other Injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparations. CURTIS fc BROWN, Proprietors, No. Ul" Fulton Street. New York. Sold by Driupiistf and C'hemit, and deakrt in Medicine at Twenty-Five Cents a box. July IS, 1873. ly. The Household Panacea, nnd Family Liniment' Is the best remedy In the world for the following complaints, viz. : Crumps In tho Limbs and Sto mach, Pain In the Stomach, Bowels, or Side, Rheumatism in all its forms. Billions Colic.Neu ralirla. Cholera, Dvsentcrv.Colds, Fresh Wounds, I Bums, Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains I aud Uralses, Chill aud Fever. For Internal und i External use. I Its operation Is not only to relieve the patient, , but entirely removes the cause of the complaint, i It penetrates and pervades the whole system, re . storing healthy uctiou to all its parts, and quick- enmu itiv iiioud. The llousiehold l'nnacea i pnrrly Vetrelnble and All Healing. Prepared bv CURTIS & BROWN, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. For sale bv all druiri-'lsts. July 12, 1873. ly. ' Site K'ldtrna.tiss. - At MifUiutown, by Rev. D. L. Bluekweldt r, Mr. Bbsj. F. Beavbh, of McAllisterville, Junin tu county, nnd Miss Makt O. Voneiha, of Montandoti, this county. Ou Thursday, Dec. lSih, 1873, tit the residence of the brides' parents, Elysburg, Northumber land Co., Pn., b, Rev. T. O. Clces, Mr. C. M. VofOIlT to Miss. Auaminta Camimikll. On the same day and by the same, In the Bap tist cinirch, Mr. S. P. Fai solo to Miss. Anna E. Aniu:vs, all of Muutundon, Northuuibcrluiul Co., Pa. On Thursday, Dec. 25tli, 173, nt thu brides' parents, bv the Baine, Mr. Wm. IIowem. to Miss Mattik P."Osmi n, nil of Roaring Creek, Colum bia Co.. Pa. On the same day nnd by the same, nt the brides' parents, Mr. Juiiemiaii Kasteshaher lo Miss. Uei.i.f. Fimiiek. nil of Columbia Co., Pa. Ou Tuesday, Dec. 30th, 1873, ut the M. E. Parsonage, in Elyshurir. by same, Mr. T. 11. KiMUKi. to Miss. Amce E. Ci.eavek, nil of Mon tour Co., Pa. On the snino day nnd by tho same, nt tho brides parents, Mr. F E. Ei.Y to .Miss. Maggie A. WooDiturr, Northumberland nud Montour counties, Pa. CEUTRM-.DfUJG STORE Q.B.CADVLLADER Is the place to buy pure ami fresh MEDICINES, DRUGS, 1'AINTS. OILS, GLASS, 1'EKFUMEltV, NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOlsAL'L'U, i,iviuit rx .ni;, innl nni-nnses. anil nil other arti- ..i... i'.-1 ..hi iii it tirt.-i-l:ss Drill! Store. Special a'Uinliim paid to coiiipoutidins pre scriptions aud family receipts by compcteut tlrupgists. bunbury, isov. i, ieo. )nLli JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Rkal Estate Agent, nnd Agent for the Puii.a LauelI'Uia Mutual Protective Lifk Inbukakce Company. Ilerndou, JVoWAtuNtxrlami County, J'a. ALL CLAIMS entrusted lu his hand will recelv prompt attention. Ilerndou, Aug. 23, 73. uios. Only 50 Cents por Bottle. It promote tno CHOW'TH, l'BESKUVUS; tt COLOR, and lncrcasctho Vluw Mid JIIIAI'TV of tho TIA1R. Ovra Thibtt Turns Ann Lion's Kathaibon roi TO a llaia win Ural p.ueel iii lus by l'roreaseo E. T Iniiaas l.vun, u pra iaato ot Princeton loll'. Tbs nam ia derived fruiu Uio Crock, " Katb ao," sip. sitfyuitf to rlidiiK, purity, rtjurenatt, or rttlort. .Thj favor it baa received, nral iho iormiarity it has obtstned, is urrwdttntd aud iumuiUe. It inertness tko Obowth M Uiavti uf Hi lUm. H is doliabtfut drasuiipT. It r,idicii'e Ii-in.'rur.'. It prevent the Jisur from turning; gruy. J i keel' tlw bend y. an atvas tbs hair a rich, soft, rW-y iipt-urauee. It is Ui SUM in UlJAWTlTYnndUl'Al.iTi a 'l' was over Udab. Taaot (Intcdv Aoo, an I wm.I U nit Uriurcialaania Country Bums utouljr l'lll t vuU Uoltl. W Sis Aathairon K Woman's Glory Is ffir Hair. LYON'S ATHAIIUm ill of LARGEST CHEAPEST Assortment of Gents Furnishing Goods, ; ever offered in this place at Popular Clothing Store. Corner Third and Market, SUHIBURY, PA. SM860X1 l7'..- s -A" ' . 'fr. Vfi.. -T 'd3 1 3s3c:-,". Tt i.V.-tsJ" V IS I'URHt.Y A VP I'T.r.T PREPARATION, com VO Islmp'.r or .ve:i.k::ora ROOTS. HER 83 enfl FRUITS, ciiMOiie d vim other propeitits, ritu other prupeitie which in .UcU- ual-.i ca o Ca' iri.inii!,. Pinreti.'.! n an. vUulji.i prt-aorvr.l iu a smDcKiut qujnti'y ot spirit from thi H'dt'l C'XNii to v-ep tlJtia In any ciunatii. wuic'i liiaiiM v.e iiKTATION . e - r 15 ITTERS onn or Ih i mopt dairr.ble Tontc ana laMsr- I. - iu ihe wo: Id. 'i Ik ra intended strictly as a Temperance Bitters only to be naed as s medicine, ted slwtys sccordlnf to directions. 1 hey are th aaert-anchrr of the feeble ssd dsblh taUd. 1 hev set upoi a diseased Uver, and sUmulat to such a dritrce tut a healthy action Is at one brought about. As a leinedy to which Wtmts re especially sub ret it la superseding avsry other stimulant. As a bpi-iiijr nut! Bummer-Tonic they bars no equal. They rs a mila and gentl I-utki:v. as well as Tonic. Ikt, Purify th Blood. They are asplendid Appstiser. They make lb vaak strong. Ihoy purity ssd invigorat. Ihsy ear UyspeprU. Constipstion and ttrsdacha. 1 hi y act a aspsciAc in all species of alsorOra which nnrtsimio the bodily a ireng ih aud break down the animal ".pirlta, Terot, 63 Park Place, Haw York. MlXTKlt A MAGNIFICENT STOCK of Trlmined Hats and Bonnets, Plumes, Feathers, Ribbons, Crape Veils, Crape, Crape Huts and Bon uets. Biidal Hats und Bonnets, and a full assortment of the latest styles In MILL IN E R Y AT Miss M. L. GOS8LF.R'8, Fourtk St., below the S. V. R. R. Every ed'ort will be made to please those who favor her wiih their patronuge. Buuhury, Nov. 7, 1873. A ti TH W ANTED. A protttable aud respectable buaintws for men or wo. en who have or call make le auretimc aud wish oom- lueu who ha: vert it Into uiouey, For oireulara a Jdrwt UTAH LAMI- NA Vt'AKK, HO Uetkuiau Kt N. Y. w. is II. II - r.t ..' i. ii'rr.i.t -.. .; . inert. Cu- i : . '. - !.;' ! ! wanu I ! IioiK-Uv, ,j t v i. ,i vvi.l.-t. l.'lt 1 lnc I- C :.t l:.-i. ,-i I5r. l-lcr-.- vi. t!ef in a-ra r.ii.lcM-imlnri in which ulcers a f '(Sl li I Ji!l.l (roni -'J'l: c'.ai : 0 lilia'ceda. (f i'.mi ,uivo-.-liil linilii liiMlm. -i ' pr.:wn, (t .111 at t'.e proprtct.w iV. ii PSW Mo J I .'v.-ord fr a o-i-o of'LcM ' or I c iic; . 7i lie can not cum. The twi. hknII- l ninnnu illlllltrunioiur a.l'y ia HciiMlon IS Fill the 5 COUGHS, COLDSIICHRSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS' CARHOI.IC TIII1 ETS. ITT VP ONLY IN HI. CP. BOX' H. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Da. J. P. Fm.M. Binir sw. sari, I graduates at tt ITalveMitrnr Ton's la 1 1 ami after SJyeiri'air-arl'-nca, rorfMtml Br. Filler's Vcgetnbielihsuaiatto Lyrnp. I roiranta ItaaiDUllibtasarefor Nerra, K.'l awraadltbaamaatodisease. Sworn to, this Ztith Arril, lrl ' P. A. OSBOCnN. notary PvhlA, Pl.i a. TTO ClarlTVBSlI WM CnH ry It, S"l w"! wtlsirronsjrr'J. nTU.nfV.Thoa.MurnhvAjl..TaiikfrH.Vblla.ri.r II. fin'.Mixlia.Pa. RT..r.R.r nrhnan.rl-!nrMcj-a.l i-t. flPto. Smith, Pittsfmrf.N.Y.Fv..TnaJsTj. Wllat Svrch. a-lUa.,Ar.AfflirtrthoalrtTmter,r.Fitlr.Phila..f'-rvirlv ciirahla uuu. N'nrnra nochaws.anaUty.&old. bj Orucsiala, Vv n il 't...,c.. Uj n.-lh lit home ; t'M to 50 prr week ; no capital re quired ; best clinnce ever otli reil. For' particu lars scud dump to M. M1TCI1AM, Fetter Lutie, Philadelphia, Pu. 4w. V A 31 V II O The Orcut discovery fur the KING" Immediate relief & cure of Klicuinuti' .Neuraluie, Sprains, Bruises Pnins, lions, Strains, Stiff Joints, SwellliiKs, Inflama Uulilous, mturrh, iVc, &c. It will not Kieuse or stuinT"nnd lor the lollett Is a luxury j In every family. Thousands will nnd now testi i fy to it great merits. Try it. Price per bottle, ascents. KKIBES HOYT, Prop r, am Ureen wlch St., N. Y. Decl9.4w. HAMPLUN acnt ly mail fur twc. that retail quick to. flu. il. L. WoLCDf T, 181 1'ua'h.iiu Squaro, X. Y. Dee.W.'ia. 4vr. The Hiirhest Authorities of Europe sny the strontrest Tonic. Puiitler nud Deobftrucnt known in the medical world Is J ii v ti b e b a It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaust inn of the nervous y.tem, restores viiror to the. debilitated, clcnnes vitiated blood, removes vesicle obstruc tions und acts dircctlv on tne Liver and Spleen. Price l a bottle. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St., N. Y. DrcltMw. jr) . l.wealed at WilIiuiuort, Pa. Kt,dliihed lHtlfl. The BEST COLLEGE in the Country. Has the best Peuman In Peuusylva nia. For College Paper, Specimens of PenmniiBhlp, Ac, address DAVIS iii OPLINGER, l)ecl0.4w Willianisport, Ienn'a. Jll P P Sent by mail to any one of 3 lC JTWlllC (lOIllb for tl. Will chance any colored hair lo a permaueul black or brown and contains no poisou. Trade supplied at low rates. Address, MAGIC COMB CO., Pprlugfleld, MaBS. Dec It). 4w. tt Hrinca vm free bv mail he verv heat P 'F. L AHT I J THU88' W .lie al ui-oe lo i'oUKUov Co., "tH Broadway, . Y. Ilec. Ill, '73. 4k. WKNTWOUTH'H KEY-UINO AND CHKCK COMBIK Kl). Oerniau Kilver aumple IS. Circulars free. Staf ford M'jtf Co., 66 Fultou St., N. Y. DecltMw. SOU I'l.tOM aud ORUAXS New aud heooud-lUud, of First-Claaa Milkers, b sold at Lower prioea for caali, or ou InstaUuieuUtiu city or country, during this t-'iiiuiicial riis laud the UoU- daja, liv lloraoe Wat era ma Hon, ro. 4l uroaaway, thuu ever before ottered in New York. Agents wan tea for the sale of WaletV IVlebriiteil Ilanoa, Ikmcerto aud Orcheatral Organs. . Uluai rated. .Catalogues niailsd. lireiit Inducements to Ihe TruUe. A huge discount to, I liurrbea, Huuday-Hchouui, etc. 'L'!' sis Frits rriiiw i i i its j 825 Wuoiesalb stm Retail. LADIES', GENTLEMEN & MISSES' Fiuu Seal Sacquca, . 1-Hue Ablritklian Sacques, Fine Seal Turbans, Fine Lyux Sets, Driving Gloves and Capa. The Largest Stock of Hockee. in the City. Ail of wiuea ar below coat of importation, at the old-eatabllahrtd and reliable atore, of LOl'lM VEKBEII, 1 835 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. 825 English Walking Jaikels made to order., ' For Three 3-rent Mtaiupw We will sond Tua Auaoua (a aer alio 01 N. Y. LJg) fur t inoutha, and aa I'remiuiu auy oue ol the following articles : One tint- ehruuio, 1 Sue (.hon giarh, 1 Hus boaom iiu, 1 Bus set nit-eve tdiiloiia, 1 fins collur buttou. hWnd st ones to Til F. Al'K01tAI'rUl.ISHlN0t'O.1Buringtt8lll1Msa. . Decl9.. . MAGNIFICENT "SsVSS- , o j,.. .u days, selliug iheComidets Douiealio BiUe, Jual out. New tyieaud taken lealures. BlKi tugravings auierii.r iajier. Eaotla eveiy way aud eellaiimck. liig tei lua to Aneuts. OuiOtlrse. For full rtu'ubus, a.ldreaa. HUUBAlil) UKUS.. Pubs., T1S Kausom bl., tuUad.-ii.Ula. Ds.-lt).w. ( 1)YCHOMANfY, r Silt's. CUAKM1NO." How 1 either aes limy faaciuate and gain the love aud alTeotioua of auy liaison they ohooas Insiautly. This m.'le auutal aoquireduieut all oau lK)sea,li-ee,by wail, lor 'w together ith a niamuge guide, -yi.tian Ora cle. Dreauie. Uinta to tallies, Wedding-Night Shu-la, Ao, A queer book. Ad.lress T. wTLUAaf k Co. full. lhua. Iteo. t,-is. w. swirl a auk. full or anol thlssw. valoabls aaants, aadtmiertant tnf 'fmaUon, an.iU-d ti r.nna. kV-f I r CO., lit XW turk, AttKNTH WAVTKD FOB ' m, KVEKVBOIiVM OH PHYSICIAN. By O. W. U1.S.ASUN, kt. B. A asagulAosut voluais abounding ill ilnl-oi-taut luloimatiuu, sua slegautly U lus'.rated. Ous Agent, .took tuu orders lu ous weak. Price and te. ma lo ailiMtie tlmea. Fo clrilaiaa4drsss H.V. McKINNKCo.,l-K.lIUa. PoJl. AD BEST Com. v Wm. Gahrlog. Ja. P. Johnson pro
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers