THE SUNBURY AMERICAN, n publish m xvert Saturday bt , XSTL WILVKBT, Proprietor, Moon DtMlninsr' Building, Market Square ' ' At la Atlraatf. It aot paid within Monthe 99. Btnr1pHmt tmkm far Uti than tic Jfmttu. OnoMNOVRD with thin establishment It an ea ten Si veNEVY JOBOrFICK,conilnlnf Variety of plain and fancy type eqtial to any establishment a tin Interior of the Btate, for which the patrou age of tbe public la respectfully solicited. professional. Wit. A. NOBER, ATTORNET AT LAW aud cormtr SOLICITOR. Office on Front Street below Market, 8unbury, Fa. Collections and alt legal business promptly attended to. ' 33taTllaliea In lnln. FRI'K 1 SO I IV ADVANCE. j JAMiJ HEAItlt, ATTORNET AT LAW. Ofnc In Haupt's buildlntr, South Eust Corner or Market Square, Buubury, Pa. Bpccial Attention Pud to Collf'-tiond. IXnVH II. MeOKYITT, . Attornet at Law and Ukitjd 8tat(s CosMisstoKim. office with 8. Pa." A?rw,"'78,.-ly'l'tb''' B,ulliu "bar. v A N. URICK, " ATTORNEY AT LAW. ABB ACT1SO JUSTICE OP TBI PEACE. Next Door to Jurlirs Jordan fcestnenee, Chst DUt Street, Uunbtiry, Pu. ' Collections and all legnl matters promptly at tended to. -J E RE M I A H8NYDErT ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND ACTIWU Jl.Tlt K OF THE PEACE. Cmnreyanelns.the col lections of claim, writing, an all kinds of Leiriil business will be attended to carefully and with despatch. Can bo consult ed In the Enitllsh and Uernvin luuvuitgo. Office formerly occupied by Solnmon M.ilick, Esq., op posite City Hotel, Bunbury, Pa. March 211, 1H73. ly. GA. OTDOK ' Allortifv-iit-Lnw, GEORGETOWN, Northumberland Co., Penna. m Can be consulted in the Enirllsh and Germ in aurungc: Collections attended to in North umberland and ndjululuir conutics. Also Aeut for tbo Lebanon Valley Fire Insu ranee Company. llll5 T,i,n?iK!K' Attorny at Law, BUN", (adjoin nit the office of W. I. Orecnoush, Esq..) Professional business iu this and adjoining coau Mes promptly uttended to. 8unbiiry, March 10, 1873.-1 y. w. c7 flacker; Attorney at Law, Sunlrary, Pa. November 9, 1873. tf. CJ T. BU1EK, Attorney and Counsellor n,i! o!,. K"0',n.!io8- 2 A 8 Second Floor, Britfht's BulldinK, BUNBURY, PA. Profession Business attonded to, In the courts of Nort hum osrland and adjoining comities. Also, In the CireuU (and Dutrict Courts for the Western Dia trict of Pennsylvania. Claims promptly collect ed. Particular attention paid to cattt In Bank ". Consultation can be had in (jer "n,e. marsS'Tr. DENTISTRY. OEOHfiR M. rpvut ' In Stmpson'a Building, Market Square, OUKHCHT, Pi., IJ-ropnred to do nil kinds of work pertaining to Dentistry. He keeps (distantly on baud - """.Mireui oi loetn, and other Dental material, from which he wit be able to select, and mt-e. me wants of his customers. All wors warranted to giresatisfactlon.or else mmiojt ruiunnea. The Tery best Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powders kept on hand. JIls references are the numerous patrons for .iom he has worked for the Inst twelve yean. l?ll SUNBURY, PA.. EMDAY MOKNING. JANUARY 9. ,1874. BALTIMORE LOCK TR. JOHNSTON, "" ttt (Joctrrj. poALt roALt coamIorantbros., KJ Bhippers and Wholesale anrf Retail Dcjilcrs In WHITE AND RED ABU COAL, BUNBURY, PA. (lowbh wharp. Orders will receive prompt nttentlon. NEW COAL YARD. 'piIE nnderslirned having connected the Coal ii i1"" ""' 1te..Ue FLOUR GRAIN trnilc, is nrparen m supply lain I lies with thv YERY IIKKTOF C44L, CHEAP FOR CAKII. Eirir, Stove and Nut, constantly on hand. Grain taken lu exchange for Coal. t . J. M. CADWALLADIR. Snubury, Jan. 15, lb7u. tf. ,ooo i. ;iftn. A Grand dift Concert. A graid gift concert will be given st Suubury, P., by the Inderendent WAHHINOTON STEAM KIRE COMPANY, On MONDAY, FEBRUARY XM, 1H74. . ouTih'.0.,,JH"t12'!;!:;?y''.,.,. ?'Pn-eof , . ,. . : - " " "in ii win im ail HUV&utium C t i."wS',r'.' ft"W'" ""r""" by fm JKf!S JUM It will be an I i Irpru.K ut tlonii.Hliy. And we i.h k. r i i V ""'era seoompllsh moro oood Willi ttte illtl Of It f..rnAr T..A .... i'. brg ,d .null to. .i,hlll ,utP,y .nlk, ? HmVlmTy" th. facilily oi swrtlng any of tlioao pkees in nm th.ii an hour'. Um. wliile l uie sm, tiIiie our tow .TiU uot IOCI 0:.ntlpiit that ull th i clnt. i. -i : ' . tl tun. above nsmed for driwTnK. "I"1'u"ca u? THE FOLLOWINO I A MKT (IK GIFTS- ONE GRAND GIFT OF ii i, ,, " i0 Han nt aw, BUN "'Ming II. K INK, A... . Urn BURY, PA., office in Masscr's tu..... Mar the Court House. Front Room up stairs i above the Drug Store. Collections made In Nor- numneriana ami aajoiumg counties M Banbury, Pa., June 8, 1 (tilt of ii 10iiisoi"'M,uu.'. 40 till is of actio. . lOOOifl.of 10.110 2i)OIIIof Mm. . BKIGifisof a.(.. 1.0 JO (litis of 1.00.., 6SI 3INI aou loo , l.oiu 1,K' 1,000 1,ii 1,KHI 1,000 1 v. 1'MT Total fr hJ" J en,rr,,ri"? u no Individual oula1lo .. surh u. tei,!.?,""1 fuful'ureput up iTtubutou, pile s" CAsS? "n0tw"ul ! iU revive u. Gil T in crthw!" "? "!,0n'', A.lmi, to Ibis Con- cert, atfl.00 each, aud at- tbe llw i hiin t,.vl i, 1 1,000 iu CASH U-ii. will be dt.triba'Jl! ' PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION. nl.i. repnaeuttng and corns - . ., ' '-"'led, will lie i.Wrd Twenty thoua.uu ... ilea if be roniintl wilb tbose on the niipt. l one whet! and cards enclosed witn tue Preiuiuma in so:. led boxes will be pi ced tu auoilii-. I'hvslcinn Of this relehrnloH T-..i..i t.. discovered the most certain, spei.,v. plcaiaut and I i,-fiifi in nie woim lor nil UI8EASE8 OF IMPRU '"KCE. V.1kneM of.the BHck or Limbs, Btrlctnres, Aflectlons or Kidneys and Bladder, In Hun gry Discharges, Impotency, General Doblll- Bplrlts. ConMon nf Ideas, Pulpit;,tlon of r'ei I.nrt' T.m,mtTl Jmt'lhigs, Ulinness of Bight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Bkin, Aff ctlons of Liver. Lr.nes. Btomach or Bowels thee terrible PUorders arising from the Bolltarr Hnliitsnf Vn,h.h- secret and solitary practices more fatal to their i " ,V, "n ,ne ol Byru" V the Mariners r V1t bllghtinn their mot: brilliant hopes ii """v,iw,u"i reuueriug marriage, c.,iin,ios lOUNG MEN especlnllT. who have lieenmn th. r aii taryVlce, that drcndrul and ilestrnetive habit which annually awei-ris tn an .... i. ... M..i,nas m young- men of tbe most ernlted .. i- i.r. . j 7,'"'! ijo Miigm inner- " ipb iiu.B ciibiunecu iiHteninir Nonai.. i.i. ............ . .,n,, , e or waxea to ecstacy the Ivlnc lvr. mil. ..ll -.lit. ft.n J lu . . " .m lull LU ..lUUII All A K Married Pemons or Young Men contemplating niarriuge, aware of Physical Weakness, (Lo4 f Procreutive Power Imixuenn.i c-- iiliiDllily, Palpiiation, Orgauic Weakness. Ner- .dHrSed" ll""r D,'"'Wo!?. Ho who places hlmelf under the enro orDr. 3 may religiously conlldc In his honor as a gcntle "cVuiiDa couUdl!luy rul5' wyon "is skill asaPbv. ORGANIC WEAKNESS. Impotency Lo?s of Power, Imineiintely Cure! and full Viuw Restored. This Distressing Affection whl h renders Lire miseinbleandiiiiirrlngcliniiogsilile-lstheiienaltv pnld by the victims of Improper Indulgences, roune personsnie too apt to commit ecesjes from not being uwuro of the, Iro li e subject will pretend to deny thutth'j power ol procreation is lost sooner by those falling Into nipiupcr habits than by the pindent f llesi.U-s being d.privixl the pleasures of heirthy .iffp,!.,.. t he most scrlo is and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system become i de ranjred, the riiysicnl aud Mental Funs.l ms Weakened, Loss or Procrentlve Pover, Ni. vous ty, Hyspcpsia, Palpitation of thj lenrt. Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a W.istiu.' of the Inline, Cough, Consuinptiou, Decay and n vi Ml''NTFn j TWO DVYS Persons ruined In health by preten ders who keep them trilling mo Hi niter mouth, taking poisouons and injurious eompouu l ahould apply luimediately. ' , I K. -li.vSI O.N, of the Koynl College of Burgeons, I.on don, Graduated front ono of the most eminent Colleges In the Un ted Btates, and the greater A Urnugcr Serenade Oh. conic, my love, and live with me, And keep my cnttnge lu ; lie glen As patient us an humble In-e, And busy us a setting hen. Oh. rest buueath my fragrnnl bower. Where sweet stramonium iloth entwine I Come, smell the gentle ptiiiliRowur And cull the mugo'-wurcl Tine. Ab t liBtcn to the rural songs I The pea shall wind bis muvio shrll A Echo plaintively pruning. The warble of the piinperutl. Beyond the vermicelli row I hear the bull frogs sigh again . The cackle of the Durham ewe . The bellow or the Berkshire hen. ' Oh, come, love, come I the mi.rn ls Talr j I'll celebrate the day with tkee ( . I'll merrily dig the Burt lei t pen?, Auii shake the ruta-bagu tree. Oh! hMinpyoisrsetfmy, And In the cause or Antl innnop We'd mulch the turkeys in Hit lull, And graft (he long clam on die hop. My sweetest ! I nm fond or m.ish, And Ihou wl'i act some nut rr me ; We II early sow the currant hush, And tap the cranberry Jolly tioo. We'll pull the wool fi o'ii oir I tie cnlf ; The cotton wood Its Oeeee sji:ill slicd. Bo at tbe winter will wa laif'Ti, An.Tguyly weed the oyster bul. We'll blithely hoc the wintur wteat, We'll chase the eggs the .unlm-ls lay, "' 'be b.iulam hoL'slnil, blent, W'e'll reed him with some clmcr hay. All savory game to thee I'll brlig ; Tne burdock knows my s,niris shnrp, . I II f hoot the dolphin on the wiijr, And hit him iu the pericarp. Then come, my love, and live Wth m. And heautily my lonely den As put lent ns un humble' bee, nd busy as q setting hen. the liil.le own bwuc-i amir Skctctts. B. CAD IV ALL A DF.R, Market Street, I From tueae wbrela, a numlvr and one of the above n-ui- bait of whose Ife has been in iiiei.n...;. ... of Londou, Pris, Philadelphia aud elewhe e, lias ellucted some of the nnmt astonishing cures .nut were ever known i nmnv i,..,,i.i...i i?i. lug iu the head and enrs when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden soauds. biuhlulncsB, with freouetit hlushln.r. nii..,..i! soiiictiincB wUhderaugeiuentof utlud, worecurej miuiCUJtltlli. TAKE PARTICULAR N' ,,, Dr. J. aduiesvca nil ilm- Jlll-K. thcuiBuIves by improper wuo uuvo lujurrd habits, which r-' indulgence and solitary tlieui for eillie' ou both body and uiiud, untllting re. ' business, study, Bocluty or inur- l'l- BUNBURY. PA. Dealer In DruKs, Mexllclnes. Paints. Oils. ks, Dairies, fcc. I'OLVERTOW, Attorney at Law. et Sauare. BUNBURY, PA. Professiou- I In this aud adjoiulng counties prompt- I to. MANSER, Attorney at Law, BUN- IRY, PA. Collections attended to lu i of Northumberland, Luton, onyncr, Columbia and Lycoming apllO-filt lOX .TIALlt'K, ATTORNEY AT LAW, is residence on Arch street, one square the Court House, near the J.ill, 8UN- JA. Collections ana an proiessionai kromptly attended to in this and ndjoin- iBtitles. Causultatious can be had in tne Un language July27-1S7a. L. T. womiaatU. ZIEVLER . ROIIR1IACI1, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, afece In Haupt's Building, lately ocmpled by de Rockefeller and L. T. Kohrtmcn, fcsq. tnllM-tions and all professional business -sDtlv attended to In the Courts of Northum berland and adjoiniug counties. Dec. 3. 1871. inscribed cirds will be tkrii .iuiultaueoualy. Toe number ao di-awu from tlie one wheel aecurea lb )re f r..m t lie ol uer. Taia oierution w ill be erformed by a blind ierBOU. aud cou.inued until Eigliteeu Hui.dred and Fifty-Seven rreiniuiua are eihaua.ed. It iae-idei.t that by tbia prooeaa, fraud or favortiani will be impossi ble. Every pereou holding a ticket will be eutliled to sdmissiou Into tbe Concert. All Hills Paid in CASH without discount. Money cau be sent for Tickets iu registered letters, or Pout Utile i Mouey Oldens, or by Expuo s at our risk. I. deatred, Tickets will be sent by Express, c. O. P. Toe lollowiug gcu.leuieu luie kiuuiy to act a. Trusieea lor the above Gift 1'ot.ceit : 8. P. Wolverton, Esq., Director 1). H. aud W. IX. R. ; Geo. Hill, Attorney at ; Hon. W. I.. Ilewart, ex niemberol lougress; Win. I. OreeuongU, F.sq., lliiec tort irat National Ujok ol Huuburj ; Jonu, tc)., ditto J Ira T. Clement, Lumberman; Win. T. Gral., CojI M'.rliunt, Hiiubury. Tne above ituined gentlemen are hitrhraitided and bonoraUe men, woo would hot lend their uamea al.d give their aaaistaiioe to any unworthy olijrct. HAMX S. HENDRICKS, GEO. M. RENN, JVM u. at il.I.l.K. .EVI SEAHHOl.TZ, PHILIP M. H111NDEL, Committee. All comniuuieittona cheerfully auswered. Address, In all cases, . ... I'll It. If M. KHIlM.f.l N. 8. EMOl.K, jrrernu1iug Been-lary. Treuaurer of 8uubur', Decamber l'i, iU'X ,R. C. M. MARTIN, Office in Drug fcre, Clement House Block, Office hours t (u. m., to 1 p. in., and Irom 6 to U p. m., lier hours, when not Professionally en n be round at residence, corner of Front in street, SUNBURY, PA. Particular given to surgical cases. Will visit either In town or country. ' ittls nvto llfstaurunts. r- " WFOKO IIOCNE. Cor. Third and 1 berry, Bueiucs Centre, WlllUinsport, ON "WINTER Millinery. B. ELBE A CO., Proprietor. D. BO, 1873. ITEI) STATES HOTEL, W. r. irCllEN, Proprietor. Opposite the De- MOK!N, PA. Every attention given to Ik and the beat accommodations given. 73. tf tlllWGTOX HOI'NE, C. NEFF proprietor. Corner of Market & Second opposite the court uoure, ouuouiy, mays, io. EAST MARKET ST., SHAH TU CITT DOTEL, SI jiULRT, PA., now open, all the novc'.ties of the season In RIBBONS, VELVETS, BILKS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS. ETC.. trimmed and uutritnmcd HATN AM) BOWKTS. Notions In very vuriety. call and eiamine the nne assort' nt una leurn tue low prices, jxi.o. ' ... irrrnnuiisMiuK of the latest and most fashionable style. MIS8 AMELIA HANCOCK, 8nnbury, Pa., Oct. 17, 173. ,EGiIEMY IIOI'NE, A. HECK, nprietor, Kos.812 and 814 Market Street, kighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, J lie respecltuiiy solicits your patruu- JanB'M. tNAL HOTEL. AUGUSTUS ), Proprietor, Oeorgetewn North'd , at the tat Ion of the N. C. K. W. nes and cigars at the bar. - - The table is supplied with the best tbe market . anords. Uiod stabling and atteutive ostlers. t JIM EL'S RENT At KANT, LOU 18 HUMMEL, Proprietor, Commerce St., BHAVIOK'N. PENN'A. Having Just rentted the above Baloou for the , V A aecomodi.tlou of the public, is no prepared to 5 Y , c jib iiwuui WIIH isd .raa, ibiiusuiuvuh, nuu r'ttk Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, aud all other malt .uors u1 W. S. KHOADS. J. PACKBH HAAS W. H. ttHOADS CO.. HITA1U DIALERS Or ANTHRACITE COAL, BUNBURY, PENN'A Orrtci with Haas, Faoelt A Co.. Orders left at Seaa'aolls & Bro's., office Market treat, will receive prompt attention. Country ostom respecltuiiy soitcitea. Feb. 4, 1871. II. XKU' VOWDN, WINTER 1ST Y EES of every description uud variety surh as Dre Ooods comprising all the novelties In fabric and shade. Woolen (aouus), Emiey Voodii. FULI. AsSOBTUEKT Off XOTIONS, hlch are being sold at ilia loweet Cash Prices. Also, Groceries and Provisions, pure and fre.h. Queens ware. Glassware, and Wood and n ILLOW IV A u is, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on liuud A very lurge ASSORTMENT OF WALL FAl'EK, both glazed and cammou, always on baud. BOOTS AND SHOES from the celebrated hand made Boot aud Shoe Manufactory ol Wulsonlowu, lor MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDKEN. BEADY-MADE CLOTHING, ' of all siies and of the latest styles. F L O U It . A constant supply of western a bite wheat flour a speciality. Tne public are Invited to call and examine our Goods tree of charge. Our motto is "0,ulck Bales and Small Prouu." and to please all. The blght-t prices will be paid tor all ktaaa oi country produce. By strict attention to ousiness ana Keeping hi all times the moat complete .lock, aud selling at theloweet piicea, we nope to merit a fill share ol patronage. Itttu 3HU i ii tn a eADDULit. Bunbury, Dec. 3, ls73. AUTIIRACITE COAL 1 TALENTIK lIET,- Wholesale and Y Itetaii nemo. B every variety of ANTHRACITE COav. VVYf.VL WHARF, BUNBURt, tNNA. ' All kinds of Grain taken In ,halll.e fr Coal Orders solicited ana nne" prompt- orders left at B. F. Neviu'e Coefecllonery 81, on Tnlr(, treet, will reeieve prompt attention, fcj mone. . aU ma u a at IliA ntHlts. ' TiiEHb arc some of the ad and raelanclio'r Buck mid Head. Dimuess ol biulit, ixs ol Mub- culur Power, Palpitation of the Lean, Uyapepsy, Nervous Irritubility, Ueraiigeiueut oi u.geative Functions, Ueuerul Uetmity, eymptouis oi ou suui tion. ke. , I VT.. .V The fearful elicits on the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression or Spirits, fcvil Forebodings, Averslou to bociety, Buif-Distrust, 1 ove of Bolitudc, Handily, iVc, ure some oi tue i lis p duced nm aiKiia of nursons of all ages cuu uow Judge whut in the i ante of tlieir declining health, losing tlieir vigor, uccnuiiiig, , yam, uud emaciated, huvlug a Bingiiiur appear-"" about the eyes, coughaud yuiiii'w' eousump- v no have injured themselves by a certain prac tice iudulgeu in when alone, a habit frequently learned trout evil companions, or at scusoi, tue etlects or which are uigutly tell, eveu when asleep, nud If not cured, renders uiurriage impos sible, ana acsiroys ooiu uttuu uou uuuj, . ItuiucdluttfiV. "'I..'. Z - , .. r ui uat a pity tuui u young man, ic i. enunlrv. the dor Unit ef his pureuts. should be suatchva from all proepecls aud enjoyments of lite, by the coueetu:uce or ilevutllug iram tue i.utb of nature uud indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons must before cuuleiiipluling VAKIUAGK. rcllccl that a souud tuiud and body arc the most n.ieeaait r V r. n iiihiu', to iirotu(te connubial happi- Indeed without theae. the Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage the proiect hourly darkens to the view j the tnlud becomes hariuwed with dcBuuir uud Ulled with theiuelun- holy rcllection, tliut the happiness ot another bocotues blighted withoitrown. CERTAIN DISEASE. When the mlsirulded aud imprudent votary of Hilda that be has imbibed the see is of this i ainfnl disease, it too often 1 appens that uu ni.tiioed sense of shame, or dread ef dUcovery, ,i. ....... i. in. iioin amilviuir to those who, from education and rcsjicclablliiy, cau aloue befriend him, deluyitig till the constitutional syuipiutua oi .Lis horri.l dia.Mtae make their appearance, such us ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, uocturul pains lu the bead and luutis, atinneaB oi nucui, ,i..:.t,,..s.. nodes on the sluu bones aua anus blotches tin the bead, lace ana exire unics, pi gresBing with lilghtful rapidity, till at lust the palate of the moutu or tue nones oi vuo mm .. in n,ui ti. vietim of this awful becomes a horrid object of cominiserulion, till death put a criod to his dreutliui suuenug, uy acuuiuS him to "that I ndiscoveredCouutry from wbeuce no uatulti. kiuimb.! It is a melancholy fact that thousands DIE victims to this terrible disease, through, fulliug into the huurts of Ignorant or PRE TENDERS, who, by the use of that dea lly Pol son, Mercury, Ac, di stroy the constitul on, and tucapable ol curiug, keep the uuUappy sutlerer after utotilu takitiK tueli uoious or Jurious coniMiuuds, amV malead of beiug restored U) a reuewal of Lite Vigor aud ilappiueas, lu des pair Itsvs him with ruined Health to sle,b ovor his galling disappointment. To auch. therefore. Dr. Jobwstom pledges lilia- aclf to preserve tbe most luvlolab'.e becrecv, uod from bis extensive pi act ice and observations lu the great Hospitals of Europe, and the tlrst it: tills t OUIliry, MI t CllglUUU, I mute, t mirampm and elsewhere, ts enabled to offer tbe most cer tain, Seedy aud effectual remedy lu tue world for ull diseases oi uupruaence. Hit. JOHNS ION. OFFICE, NO. 7. 8. FREDERICK STREET. Baxtiuou ', M. D. Left band side going from Baltimore street, a lew doors from the comer. 1 all not to Observe uauiu aud number. NfNo letters received unless ptstpaid aud containing a stamp to be used on tbe reply. Per son wining should Mate age, and aX a portion of adviitisuiuent describing There are so many Paltry, ooeigutnc ana Worthless Impnsters advertising themselves as Pbysicluns, tritling with and rululng the Lealth of all who unfortunately fall luto their power, OXLY A CHILD. Of nil poor men the most pnrr to lc iicu m mo ijiiur ric i mtin. rii.-n, .., n ..i. eo.ute povi i ty cnii be Itcliicd ; jut for the in. in who U ptior, wiih his coitrs full if K'M, tlicru is no larllily Iu.-Iuu.iik, tin lutiS HOtiiulliiiij,' gel down inbi his In nrl and OjH-n tliu wuy for the iuuomtii; ol sun liglit and warmth. Sndi a triiiiil,..niiati,.n I mice knew, und I will tell y.iti low it was wrought. It Whs hy tinly a lit tie child. ltuliis (in.Ui was really and trulyji mi. j t-r, lliouli ho Intel il'.".l).i!)lv "n-vi r ao J knowli-d-iid llnit fact l At lite age of s xty, liu lived in n close, small shab by ;-H-;S; nTiTrovv sll'i el, lli-uin wiu-iu the BUcels were lir.m.l ho O'Viu-d a whole row, the rental of which yielded what might have bet-u n muuilieelit income to anv inaii. In early life Knfus (Srote was disappoint ed, so while yet n younn man, he had shut hiinsill up willun ins sneii, ana tnniui;ii Itll .. , vt-a Hf ili-nnl lm t4 II. r ther asked nor given love or IVii-ndship. He to .k his us;ttiee, even to the pound of lleeli. it it whs due him by the bond, und he was as ready to discharge all bunded obliga tions. When people who knew Kimis undo wished to iioiut lo a man without it heart tliev pointed to him. -They declared that le lovcl no liuin in utni. - not t-veti nun- self. That bu did u-t love hiinse.f wi a vi- .I..I.I ti l hum li llll tllu jili-l. III .! u:to lo hiiiiK. li not it i-iuiiiu cimiif.i't ni me which cd throu .di the crust would find root ihero , . ..o. i ... ., orevit. in nil his manhood's lilo, so bright a thing Had tint i-n-pt nix.n linn belore - so warm a thing ns that child inli kiss hml not li.tiehed his t-hn-k. Ilu did not think of it until ho was n I.. tut In Hie tl- nnn ihu kness. and then, wlien he could see nothing t.,., w c..tiia aee thai biiiiuv ,,er. 1 niitsieal ehit rup s mnd imaiii in his ears. At tirst he would have been glatl to believe thai the child's tnoihe.r had instructed her in this, but when he looked over all n,e circiiniKUnevs. he knew thai it coun, ..i v u-,,,, ; un, , U)lt UUlI Hi "ii-pi. ue was gliul that t-ii.iu come to tutu or uc.r impuisc. Upon that hard nnnr; with only n single blaiik. t for bedilitiL', Kuftts Urote did not sleep so si.unilly as was wont. Ilu dioam t'd. and in Ins ilieums he saw n cherub, nud cherubiu nitii-. about his nock, with kises upon his cheek. Anil ho said to liiniwil in his dream : 'Surely I cannot be such an ojjre if tliesa sweet things can love me 1' In thtf iiiornitig ItuftiH Grote was up very cany, no li.ul iliou-ht. the niuht U-fore, that he had bread ailtl cheese enou.rt f,,r breiikliisl : but after llio ni..l.i' haps aliet the night's d ream -lie took new thoughts. Without exactly cotnprehend ino the l. elinj, the sense nt utter loneliness and cellHliues-t ,ad ojVi-ti plaee-ust the glimmering of a place -to a warmer setine . .iiiiiiuioiisiiip and trait-nitty. lie put his hand Hpon the clieek where the ini- i-ixbs m i!ie cnmrs Kiss ii-id fall.-n, and a new resolution came to his mind. lie went out to nnei-hliorin stn-cl com. rand juirchiised tea, and sur. and new warm bieiikliiat rnlls, ttnd n small can of milk He laid just deposited these articles uiioii us own table when Airs. Sandford made her n ppea ranee. '(in. id nioniitiij. Uncle Itufus.' she said. Hail the h.-stcauoht thatsund when ih first n t ose it would have startled him ; but t tell very softly upon bis eats now. He linn iwtife.cisiiij?. ana imd earned the salute. "Wood nwruinj;, lind. so exeeeilitiL t Sew Hfrtttn, Vol. . Xo. 41. I Old Merlon. Vol. .11, i. . ' . 1 i i If you will come nn heln nm lo take enro of I w.ll Ve n, Wmt miy y, What could she say"? sm w the new light tip..n Iter uncle's "K,t a lillll W IIL'II 1111 llilllf LfllWl'lI.l Isl I.i ADymiSlNG SCHEDULE Hbot 1 00 Words, ke Sf'n.r( j'.i S 2 R ooni.ooiito IZ ? ?' 4 0": .ii.oot.o5 4 8n One wek Two 1 bree Four Five Biz Io nio's Three " blx Nine One Year ss j-s:-2 ;roo ts.oo 20.00 ih '??; 6.5.1 7.ft,:ia.,.,tJSSSo 2-J"i -b 8.0 1 13.00 18.00 8.U0 7-" S.OJ1.VOOW.1030 00 a.fto: 8.oi, .&.. io.ooao.oo:6.o04oot 6.00; 9.1s 11.0.1 ,a.Oil2.00:S.i,050.00 "-0. 110.01 't 5.00 115.00,0.1 OTUia U.M.llit.utl.tHI; IO.00 - b.tOKO. IIOW SOLDIKliS Fahki. IV -7el I" j"....'. curi..u7.M pa,K-,s, ..., f Un,n7,Z V,e.l,,",,,,'i ' 'dlv inti-restiiisr sarins, i niiu iiein me sunnv heiul . ..i :.. ' bosom, she s,.w I In. Iil.'aai,. ..r i, . ' "'-o'-wuies it makes of u-irible i..u ti She said wi st Hears 'B I Z t 1 . ' '"'V'"1 U!,H ,n i. lA-nr uncle, if lW nd I c n make I r, l" L "t fci """" ,,:",,tud "u" 3 " l'l'Py. you may cmnnand t:s botl ,, ! 'l ITZ l", boc,,""u r""'. Ar r The.e was a reat womlt r v l et, ifus ' x L r, Z ' -' "..U-xcuw, Hi,.,, r..rth0 (irote appeared a" weil-dts J .,, S ' ,tu h rta ' I- and remained nappv man. " I I' ., Au'd h. the man,,!..,, lientath the shade Art I w, m '"'T8. ' P " ,,,,,f,i'1 of .he reat chestnut ,r.s. .ere S 1 ltZ' t ii Liii m km .i... . cold dm kiiess, and brought t ftii-Ui to love turn iritUH, Is, bu Mary.' returned Uuftis : so exceetliulv odd Was it. tli-n it,.. very ton-s of his own voice surprised him. 'W hat can I do for you this moruin.' uncle V May I o,-t breakfast for you V I will ijiit a lire,' saitl the man. 'ami tht n, ii you please, you may make a cup of tea.' The fire was lit, and then lie showed her where his diHhi 8 were. Marv S-andford was an nceoniplished housekeeper, and she could aeconiiiio.laie lu-iHelf to cit'eiiiHHtanees very narrow. While she was busy a ray of fresh sunshine burst into the ro un. liohlitu up the tliu.'y walls, und t,'lad.lutii;i ' with ii- ;i,,t,i tl... .Tt. ni.mplieie ol the place. It was little FlorW. brii-bl, iovoiisaud iiibilatit.. thtiltiinr nU, ..f )Ve in this lii-ut lutur ef tit-1 wnkio r f.-. BWCCl, ItllU-ll.llli f.' . i . i inly a r p no ol niauness uiopitn iroin ilei tis, she went to where toe out man -Mini jiiHl sat down in the corner, uud crept up aiu into b-.s lap. 'I can't reach your cheek, uncle,' site uuirhed. 'without genius; up; you are so Ll.- --..I I nm aolillh- ' Alio lltell sue Kieseu inui no "- iiisilil Delore ; out not us on urc nigu. "-,- re tliti kiiIiis Itt-ote. , With a inoveinet t ulmost spasmonic so Iranue was il tor liim-he drew the child back to him. imd imprinted n hcarly kiss upon the round cheek. 1 . . . . .IT I.I.... 1,1. Aim tile Wonts iieineii ivoa j...., ..v lo one !' fell Iroin Ins lips before he knew liad 1307. RIGHTER&GASKILL, 1307. DEALERS;IN American anl Freach Wintlow Glass, Crystal Hheet, Rough Plate, Colored, .EasmeUd aud Ornamental Qlsss, 1307 Market Street, Philadelphia. January 11, 18T8. ly. iu could itvultl giving, ttuu ui tue- name time live. One evening iust nt dusk, a coach stop ied at Hulus Orole's dis.r, and a lady dressed iu black, and Hccoinpauieil by it child, alighted thet'ulVoiu, und plied thu iron rusty knocker. Thu miser answered tne summons, ana deumuded to know the applicant's busi tless. L'nclo Kufus.' said the woniiin. I nm M irv Saud ford, ami Ibis is my child. Will v..u trive me shelter until l can nun worn r rf . . i. ..... . i.. r il.irv fNiuuioiu was tne nuty nuuiiuieroi Uulus Grote's dead sister. He Lad hearj of her husbands death, and ho had sliud Ueritiolv usked himscll more lliau once it i . .... . ...... , 1 Ullglil tioi ue possiuiu, uia wiuoweu niece would call upon him for assistance. Aud uow tlmt lite dreaueu blow iiau lalleti wiial was he to do ? Had ho followed the (list impulses he would have turued the woman uud child away with a word, Lu that would have been liilnaiiau. lie was Ciuhliu a trap. Ho had to open his door wider, and let them in. Aud when thev were in. he was forced in common de eeticy to A" out aud buy it It af of br.ud ant some cheese. Marv Sandford is ovet thirty-live slight, pale-faced, pretty wuuan, and whu ol beauty she possesseu was uuo more thd reflex uclioti upon her lace aud mauue o. her native ooduess llm i lo any otitwat form of leature. Hei clultl a cirl ol tuno years was called Flora. Shu was a plump, dimpled suiiuv-l'accd child, with the lij-lit of a teu dor, f.iviujj In-art 8parkliu; in every feature, She was really a tiunj, id bcauiy, a fieriec iv After caliu! the bread and cheese, am driukiiii' cold water will) it, Mary Sand ford told to Uulus Urou the story of her ltd ii death how lu badsuUtrcd loug mid how he had left lit i iu destiiuiioii. 'Hut,' she continued, as she saw a cloud Uhiu her uncle's lace, '1 am not come to bo a burdeti upon you. Mis. Mayna,rd will be in lowu iu a tew days, uud will give me work ! - 'Utfhl What kind of work r j-runled ltulus. '1 shall keep house for her.' Laur in the cvuaiu, by tlie dim liht of a siuiile tallow cat,dle, little Flora crept to the oid mau's side, aud cltnilied up into his lap. For a inouietl he had thought of put tiux her away, as la would have put away au iuainuaiitii; cat. but be did not do it. So the kept ou until site had both hands upon his shoulders. You are my uuclu Uufus,' sho said with a quivering aud cither smite. '1 suppose so,' answered the man, forc ing out the reluctant words. 'I haven't eot a pappn any more. Mayn't 1 kiss you befote I to to lied V The little warm arms were around his Povuitrv. Poverty puis a reurtul strain m n man's lit. 11. 'Ml V Tl. .. J', I""" '"an who lives an " Is fin ii led lo more cn-ilit than the man of w, abb. The one is lortx-d to lllitii.aiiisll.-iiipiati.n. which com,, in him under lliu yuise of waul and nei-essity thu the othi r Ims no motive except rt-i-il or aiiibitiii to (empt him fToiu n,B p.jn, of reclttiide. Vet when llm p.r innti sins ...nni, till- unvs oi tne In ii.l how fuw svui with him. or seek lo shield him fiotn 11. ,. I... t I r .... .miuimi. ue nas no frieli ou me Heaviest putushiiieut th-tt cm iiinicieu is consiileied liahti noii rh l,,r him W hen the prison doors close behind him hopu is shut out forever, for he knows Unit i tllu pardouini! power will never be uiked to intei fei-u in hit behalf. Hut I lie rich t ciiii.nitil is looked ujvmi as simply nnfot-' luiiale; he is lioui..-.!. Jusiieo bows in ' ns presence, and seems to ask his pardon lor the uiiplesaiit reltiti till VI' hi.. Is il 1... ..... towards him. II ho is convicted it is an exceptional case ; his seniem-e is mde ns Urlit as possible ; his prison life is' i..hi,.u,.d by plesuiit employuieiit. and cheerful us Buriinces that his cotitiiiemeiil will U; short anil soon he walks lottli, the rectpieut of cm cuiive clemency. This in wron. If ttn.V dislinclioi, is to be made in the 7re tt meut ol criuiiimls, we would favor leniency lo the poor und severity to the rich. Thu one may have been driven to the commis sion ol crime by cruel want ; thu other has no reasonable excuse. As "loor Hichard" Bays, "it's hard lo make no .-in-.tu stand uprii-hl.r This describes the eondi- Hon ol h poor mail nerlei-Lle. An stomach, a sutrvinx family, a forlorn nar- j ret or cellar, aru sjtious obstacle to jienirct I lUU-urily. If we would r-nn-a .-.i I .u ...K tue poor, we must hint seek to bel- .-r tueireiiutliM.iii ; iliem nxviv oiil iininsr and honest liviu-'. and fi-iv HRWiM" choice to seek ia. it tells a Mid atnri ..t il.o ...i.... tions of thu- levolutiouai v lu-na-s. -He sinu s that there ia not uf. kind of caiuu equipage HI that ,,ovei ly stricken place, tliut the uuHiUi-iiuihicr-a dei niliiiriit is en tirely empty iiiidtbat tht re is only one tamp kutuetorinhiy or wie hundred iuu.'' He ctiiiitiluilut verv l,in...u- .., ... ... .. ... ! ol Unites, uud Ih-hbUoI. 1'ickeritu t lin, ft remedy, titiilu postscript toil,., letter ia which he sas: "There is not a quire of paper or ai licle of slatiouary ut the post or ; lu the department.'' To tin, grievous complaint Col. Pick cnnn ivplted : 'T uui unhappy to inf..rtu jou thai I have not yet received one birth, mis lor any purpose whatever, n r cm et liny, there hem .emu in tllg troanury, and the articles ctm um be supplied. Vou shall hear lioiu me lU-aiu wlun I Ket t lt.nj. qu ti t. is. whuli will be when I can obtain money eiioiit-h to defray thuexitensus ofmy journey." 1 How forcible tliis corrcspondeuce illus trates the ti ials and tribulaions that ac quired lor our bii llit io,t of freedom ? 1 otatos. An Etittlish scientist has dis cov red a iact iiiiportant. lo farmers. It is thai sulphite ofhino appears to exercise a decided influence in imesiina the spread ol decay in potatos allected by the potato disease. In one experiment ihu salt was ilusied over some tubers, partly decayed from this cause, when thev were stowed a-vaj, some months afterwards the p tito s were, lotiiid lo Have suileied uo lunher in jury. A new kind of potato rot is reported to have appeared in Apola. near Jena. Ger many. Tue disease attacks the lulie at onco without apparently injuring the vines. The tubur is loutid covered with a kind of felt, ol a purplish color, which is the invceliuru of a lunuus. Tbe tuber is not always pene tiated by this mycelium, but xnerolly it is destroyed by a cancerous disease, the slain beitijj cuvcicd by a number of black dots. There are several ex-niemliers of Con-Jll-ess nuxious lt iieeure the minsion tn " SrMiin ... I IlleitUS Of i -- . ...u.uj too Il-BlgUUllUU oi I 'll.lJ 1 1 1 - w - i V.I9I1..I.CBI. nut;. ii. iu rii. ,..... ... i... - .! . , , -v inui toe 4overnineni nnnrr i t ins laoor. Hud si.uuTiTTfnTTie-oiauaias : print on for the. iin nriivi'iintiti A' t. a i....aa to . in.i.iy uovtr are by the wealthy and about vlvWfeuiutis, will be reduced avaricious. We believe thu lar-'esl peri ,uuw'u ino engineers and liretiipti on the Pan Handle railroad and leased lines west of ti.,li?iiur struck ayainst a reduction of cent, ol honesty is found aiinmjr the poor of tne lilliil. iteinovu ttui causes whicll in time ei-liUM rnuni ili lower flMk ou.l the (lerceulae ol'uime win O" 1 "w, sniiiii AViilv. the crust was lirokeh. Hut any yood seetl lalien upon tne iienii, r What an odd scene for the miser's home I A really iiood bivaklasl, a table lawletully aid. the tunics from thu tea-pot tresh and raranl, and thu surroundings cneetiui. Aftet bieakfust Uufus Grotu was forced to uo away ou business. . And on that day le concluded arrangements lor tue leasing f a buildui!' wliich was lo return lo him a thousand a year ; uud He meant when the I business was done, thai lie woum oepooier than ever, uud live on less thau heretofore, so that ho might lay up more aud more. i in i bis ki.tne dav one of liis, houses was vacated a dwelling iu otio tif the broatl streets. He saw his a-'erit. and ordered mm to let the house as quickly as possible. That eveuiuij, while Mrs. Samlford was out. Flora csiiie to Kufus Ulotc's sidu, uud looked earnestly in his svitu. L uclv, ' she said, with quaiut soiious- ness, 'don't you waut mu to "efinto your '"i'.?:. . .... u. , Why OO you asK mat r uemanueu ttio old mail. , . Mamma said 1 mustn't. She said you u',oil,:in like, it ' What made her think I shouldn't like itV IWnuse shu said vou wereu'l happy and she cried whuu she said thai her little iiirl inustu't make her uuclu ltulus uibIiku her.' , , , And whit did you say to that i" asked ltufus tiroie, with awakeitii: interest. 'I told matnma that 1 would put my arms around your neck, and hut; and kiss you, aud see if I couldn't make you love uie. And if you loved mo I knew you would let me sit iu your la-' When Mary Sandl'ord cnitie in. half nn hour Inter, she fnuud her chilli in Uncle liu- fus s lap. he sunny head pillownl upon his - KKt IIM..N, At'. Chakity Vaiv- Mix one cup of susar, two cups ol Hour, one M,uui af fA. cratus. a piece of butter the size or hen's eo, aim sptce toy our luslo. UuiLi.Nu Vkoktahles. A piece of red pepiier the sizu of your tlnuer nail, put iuto et meat or vegetables when lirst bciniiin-r to ! cook, will aid greatly tu kilhiin thu unplea sant odor-nrisiuo therefrotii Keineinlur this I lor boiled cabbage, jreeu Ijeans, onioi.s, ! chickeu.i, million, etc. J DicLiuious Fhlii' Cake. One pound 1 flour, one pouud butler, one pound white ' etiL'ar. twelve esiixs. a larjjii 'lass of brandy, a wak, and she's already j one "lass rosi water, one pound citron, two ' pounds raisins, two pounds currrams. vwo i tablespoons cloves aud ciuuamou, twoout- An Om Lady's Lki rt'nn on Hasty Makuiaok-'. "I.uws-a massy I When I was youinr 'twas Uitlereni then. Why, when folks was jjoin to ad married, they took time uud meditated upon it, ami kinder sludii-d each other nut, mid rellecl- cu aud unnstdered. aud when thny did inaiTied married iroin top to tee tliey expected lo stay married: there warn t no talk of divorces then. They knew be. forehand thai lley was to 'hev and to hold' till jzrim de.tli. aud mnst usually ditl. liut now a yotiiii'tellow sees a pretty ual. inui ttsks her to iru ry him. jul as he'd ask her lo tuk 'Vcs, sir. ami think you too' and Ihey go and cet marriid, with uo more reali zing sense of thtir responsibi'.iiv ihun. Cock Kobin has wli li he twitters to Jennie j Kobiu. W ell prcLy soou they no at it she liuds she don tlike toba-eo smoke, and he doiri like a wifethat can't do anything but Irizzlu bur hail aud s il toes trom bad lo worse, until .hey sue for a divorce. And they'll gel it t'l. For what V Why, for iinconilorlabiiitt' of temper. O, laws ii uiassyl Soul siiki's ! .Now did you ever? Uueouiibrtabiiity d" temper! ) Luly !" "lucoinpatibiliij of temper, Mrs.IIuteb insoti," her listcnel sUifstcd. "Vcs, I know if; 1 said so ; uncoiufot tability d' tcuicp- Utuin's. the words that das it. Well, is there not ulways uuoom foi ubility of tender iu every family, aud allers has becii, liui allers will la- '( Only, iu the nootl old lime, they used to screw it dowu and kec it under ; and mi you see .. , . ' ...:t,.. ....,., tliey mauaeu t'jgui, iiioti niiu """ . jour divurses.". Adelek's Uanal Boat Plan. Wo lliua. SrAitcu Polish. Take common dry potato or wheal starch sulllcient t make a pint of starch when boiled. Then add half a drachm of sicriuai.'eti aud half a drachm of while wax. and then use it ns comiuou starch, only usiiit; the iron as hot as pos sible, lu '.his manner brilliant polish is protlueed. Asoriiiiit Without lious.-Two pounds tlour. one and ihrcc-forlhs smuds suar, one pint milk, one-half pound butler, one hail t astMiotiful salt, one-half leaspoouful soua dissolved iu a little hot water, one nut-iie-j:, one pound raisius. one ylass brandy. This makes ihr.e l-uves. Warm the milk, add to it the. salt work Ihu suuar and batter to it cream, add the milk, theu the Hour, then soda, lastly spice and Iruiu Valves' Four Jkllt. Take two calves' left and add lo lUcm one Kallou of water, which reduce by boiliutf to ono quart. Slraiu it, and wheu ctdd, skim the fat entirely oil. Add to this tliu wnite hot water is tusscd. A AoillSlown jour mil bursts that this will be a ood tbiug, if for noUiilli else, because il wilt prevent the Ice from becoinini; so oold as to be un comlottublo to eit ou. But we say, ly, that we doubt the feasibility of the pipe i.Un. j llur method would be to make the bosom, and bis strong arms cnlwiniif j her. eiial bouts red hot aud to keep them ruu Tho uood seed bad fallen, aud had lukeu uiU!4 up and down by means of lucuudci t0ltl cent mules. And if this should uot be Three days afterwards Uufus Urotesaw olllcious the waU-r luiyht be made hot by his aent. and told him thai be need not be muitartl aiik-uiid along the bottom of the iu a hurry about Ulliua the empty house. canal. A mustard aud water canal would i.i .1... ......i. f tbat aaiuu dav Marv I lu. iuu-n-atiiii! luerelv as a curiosity, uud k. iii Hi,. i.:io.s tbat a New Vork man nl six i-.'itx well Oeaten. a ui'it of wiue, half proposes to kee,i canal navigation open all a pouml of loaf ausjar, add the juice of four w inter by heatiuu the water by means of lemons and let the u be well niixod. Boil au iron pipe through which u current ol tbat Dr. Johnston deems it uectwsary to say es- ( neck, aod thu kiss was upon bis cheek. The Declallv to those nnaeqnaluted witu his n-uiiia liou iliul his Credentials or Diplomas always hang In bla nllit-e. ENDUhSKMENT OF THE PRESS. The m ill)' ihousautls cured at this Ksuiblish- clnll waited a moinetit as though for a kiss ia ruturu, bul she did not get it, and she supped dowu and went with Hur mother lo the little dark room where Uufus Urol 1 tic III 1 uuusauw. v.. V a awu. wa lia. s s ft.1 lueni, year niter year, auil the uumeroiis im-1 had gtveu Opto their use Ins owu- hard, portunl Burgirui U Ai.atious periunuea uy uc. pisir oetl Jolinslou, wtinessea ny me epreai' ui uw . . 1 . .. 1... r nun.,M .. i.m nf I a. k 1 Lave appearetl aicalu uud ugA'n belore the public, besides nis stand ug a a Ke-aleuiau ot c uirjolor and retpousibllity, is a suiUeieutguarantuetotbe attlicted. Bhiu iiiaeusei speetiily cured. Marsh 1, Wi. ly F r himself, the hoft had plan nod to IV- he spread a blanket uimui the lloor iu the liv tug r.Miui. lie Had slept so belore, uuu could sleep so ajaiti. The soil of ltufus G rote's heart wa like the soil of other hearts. A seed once fore- Sandford came in with a letter iu Uer hand and found Flora nestled away m her un cle's arms. . .... , 'Uncle Uufus,' she said, 'I have received a Idler Irom Mayuard. She will be at home day after to-morrow.' 'And she wants you to take charge of her house I" 'Yes.' 'Very well. Wait till she comes.' Aud the old man held the child in his anus until U wub tune to go to oca. On the following uioruiug Uucle Uufus told Mary that ho wanted her to take a rido w ith him during the forenoon. Aud she said she would bo at his er- V And later a line eokch drew up before the door, and Uuclu ltufus caiue in and bade Mary make ready, aud lo tuake Flora ready also. . Thuy rode along ami wucu nicy .toppcu, Uuclu Uufus hauded tbeiu out before a house with great chesluul trees growlnjj in tbo yard, and Usm the footway. Aud he Uid them into the house. a.., i in tlm brond. haudsome parlor ho . . . i l; IM..... K . V... turued uuu spoae, sh..u. , j ao" fhw w..,uQ fcuiid Uunouinf..- " ',rv ' he said, this little child has pro- 1 Uble is as absurd as lo try to keep ie rom ruiaed to umke her old uncle hap, y. and I , etUug apples U i rr" i ....... i.... .... Ti.i. ii,i:ia.. u mian. fortunate urotuulogical expu-wuce, WlUUV(aitll S" - - iu cane of sudden stiMuach ache among the bojd uaviijaUirs of the boats it would be very convenient. All a sutlerer would have to do would be to dive overboard and lay upon the mustard at the vttoiu and stay there until ho got well. A friend ut our elbow suggests that the tow-path might be lakcu up and replaced with a warm cast irou tow-path, which would keep the water from freeiinr, while the old tow-path cuuld bo cut iuto leuglhs the nieces laid side bv side and sold to somebody as a farm. But this is treating the subject with too much levity. It we can't cou aider the subject with proper solemnity we duuhuo to elude tu it at all. Mr Uiuuh thinks that it is better for a woman to bo Inujhed at for uot being mar ried '.ban lo be unable to lauh because she is married. The marriage that, takes all the laugh out of a wouuiu. like the sun- . . .1 . . . . ... .1. ........, .,,.t.t.. film auinu LliaL uik.cs un inn i.wiuvm "v " " grape, is ausscecdlugly suspicious cimiuuo Uily. and ought to give lbs divorce doctors aoiiu tiiinir to do. But the idea, of trying to rccooeilo a woutau to au unpaired li:e the a hole for a lew moiueutsi stir not con stantly, uud then pass il through a llaouel strainer, This tonus a very nutritious ar ticle of diet for the sick aud convalecent. The wiue may be omitted or added at op tiou. OYE.iT Kits Stbw. Drain the juice from one quart of oyamrs, removing tliem with a spoou, and not pieiciug with a fork. Mensuro the juice, and if not half a pint in nuaniitv. add water eiiough to till the mea sure. Place over the lire in a porcelain stuw-pau, addiug a piece oi butter the sizu ot a lurge walnut, unrn n u.iue vt a boil, remove all scum thai may arise, rut iu the oysters, nnd let them heal through, not cooking euough to shrivel them ; add a little more than halt a pintM cream ; let it scald through again, remove from the store, aud season to suit the taste. Mow milk will do instead of cream, and the stove snouiu bu very hot, so as to cook theot quickly. Fruit Iuudisos. lake or suet t pound, Indian meal i jiouud, dour 1 pouud, salt 1 J leaspoonfuls, quinces 2 quarts sugar 2 tablospootifuls, v. ater enoui-h tomoisu-u. Chop suet very line, add the meal and salt, rubbing well together ; theu add tbo flour and thoroughly mix. When well rubbed together aud from lumps, add the cold wa ter a little at a time, till the mass is sufli cieutly moist to roll out being like pia crust. Holt out on a floured board, luakiu;; a long narrow crust about eight iuehe wide and '- feet loug. buvinjr ouo eud a little wider thau tha other, Chop the quinces very tine, spread over the whole crust, sprinkle tbo sugar over Ihem, aud then roll all up.corenifiiciii'j at ihc narrow eud. Roil m bk a roll of paper, close op the cuds, aud put in a floured pudding bag and boil in a pot of bo ling- water steadily for two hours. Serve with any podding sauce, apple chopped tine, peaclie cut up. or any i.f the berric cau be substituted for the quinces. 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers