- ' -, ' - -v 'V ' unburn mcricaiu H. B. MASSER, " . WILVERT. j SUNBUKY, OCTOBER 17, 1873. ENLARGEMENT OK THE "AMERICAN." Wo propose, in a few weeks, to enlarge llio Amcrkav. by milling a column to each jingo, eo that wo will be enabled to give more rending matter to our patrons. In making these iniprorcniciits wo will be compelled to make nil outlay of some fifteen hundred dollars. We therefore appeal to our friends to lend us their assistance to effect this enterprise, and exert themselves in sending us subscriplions and job work. The .-IniiTicctn will bo published nt the fmo rate ns now, viz, 81 50 in advance, or $2 if not paid in ndvance. This rule will, however, be more strictly ndhered to Tlioso who oiv us will much oblige us if they will remit, as we are in uced of the money to niako the contemplated Improvement. The result of the election, on Tuesday, in the State, is of a cheering character. The campaign of 18711, will long he remembered ns one of the most remarkable in the histo ry of politics. There never was, perhaps, ns little feeling manifested nniong the masses of the people us thero was during this campaign. Since the vote has been ascertained, it is seen, however, that the Republican majority is in every respect sat isfactory. We lotl no voles. Those who stayed at hoinu were tint dissatisfied with the candidates or our platform ; but they were loo sanguine of success. In this the Republicans ate to blame, for after nn ex citing election and success, thty are always apt to become too sanguine, and conse quently manifest too little feeling, while the opposition, who arc aware of their np nthy, bring out n s did vote. The wonder is that the Republican party has done as well as has been done on this occasion. For State officers, the majority will range from 2o,000 to 50,000, a result scarcely expected when we consider the apathy that cxUtcd. In this county, the result is not as good as it should have been. Our defeat is attribu table to the apathy of the party, and those who stayed nway from the polls have no room for complaint. M'e arc satisfied that the county i3 Republican if the full vote is polled, and it is only through the luke wnniiness manifested by the party that we are compelled to suffer '.lie dofeat of the Re publican candidates. The candidates pre sented by the Republicans this fall were good nijn, ni d in many Instances preferred by Democrats who voted foi th jni. Vt'o re gret, however, that a few individuals, who profess to bo Republicans, took occasion to cut some of the candidates on some trifling pretext, and went so far ns to defeat the party to avenge themselves upon a single candidate. There was also great inconsis tency on tlio part of some who opposed cer tain candidates because ibey were reported . drinking inca, while cithers opposed the same candidates because they would not freely patronize saloons. Some of these professors of Republicanism hare been carefully nursed by tho party, while the J others look to the party for support in their political aspirations, yet they persisted in adding the defeat of the J arty to which they look for support. We regret, too, that most of the disaffection, springing from sel fish causes, existed in this place, and parti cularly in the West Ward, where a combi nation existed which was kept completely secret, against several candidates, which had a tendency to a fleet tho whole ticket. Our opponents were aware of this fact, and conseqently exerted themselves doubly for their candidates. Those who were cngag-. oil in this matter, while they may be grati fied at tho result of their work, will now feel aggrieved to Hud that they are censura ble for the defeat of the candidates ou the Republican ticket, and that they havo pro bably injured their own prospects in the future. To those who stood up manfully in the fight, the highest praise is clue. The exertions they made to sustain tho princi ples of the party, and place in position faithful, honest and competent men, will not bo forgotteti. There has also been some complaint in regard to railroad companies, whose super intending employees were reported to have interfered with their subordinates, forcing them to vole against their principles, re ceiving their instructions from headquar ters. We are authoritatively informed that ! such is not the case, and that Older were issued forbidding any of the bosses to in terfere with their employees. Vet we arc sorry to learn that several at this place took that privilege regardless of orders. Mohk Trouble Brewing Renewal ok the Paxil Feared. It was generally conceded in New York, that Wednesday last was one of the worst days in financial circles which has been known of late. It is estimated that the shrinkage in values dur ing business hours represented a total of not less than $10,00n,000. The total contraction since the panic is estimated at over $00,000,000. Mmy prominent finan ciers now think the renewal of the panic is not improbable. Six failures in all were reported Thursdad. liarger & Co. say their succubioii is merely temporary. Every cent will be made good. Their nssetts arc 81,000,000 mill their liabillies ijCOO.OuO. Si-satouiai.. Tlic official iciuru from this Senalorliil district, gives I). F. Wagonscller lliir-ij- oho of a majority. Jay Cooke' fortune, when at the high est point of his supposed prosperity, was estimated at $7,000,000. No is uow re garded ns a bankrupt, only able to pay his debts, provided his creditors take North ern Pacific railroad stock at par. The Election in Iowa. Full returns from "M counties show a reduction in the Republican majority, ns compared with iiarpenler's vole in 1S71, of 10.SKJ2. The Kama ratio of decrease in the remaining counties ns In the ii'.l fully reported will re dues tlm Republican majority in the State to 10,000, a mluciiou from the majority of JS7I of over 23,000. The indications are that tho anti-Mono-jMiliuU and Democrats will have a majority m the next House, while the Republicans will have a Lirgc majority iuHiu Scuttle. OFFICIAL ELECTION KKTURNS OF NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY FOR 1873. S. Trea Sup Judge. Senator. Assembly. Re5 4 Rec; Treasurer. " Com sioner JuryConv AuditorT rv n O o S3 3 n 4 DISTRICTS. It-vis, . . Turbulville, . Delaware, . . McEwensville, . Turbut, Chillisquaquc, . Point. 4S 20, 5)0 27; 84 1.-.5, OS' 8.V 70! 105 105 42 1S1 ;S4 i:i7 55 74 120 87 107 48! 22 ! 101! 84 ! 150 loo! 88 1 104 I 104' 207 ! 1M21 7;tj 88! 150! 32 7 j 2211 110 55 21 18' 75, 34 15 13 77 21' 48. 185 127 23 10 Northumberland, ) E. Ward, IKij l:tr: 7.1: 87i C.1. ...... 107; 124' 158: i:t:t 207 220' lo:v r.:t: 127 1 122 40 81. !;) 107 144 01 48 74 u:i 111 27 20 I W. upper Augusta, Rush, . . Lower Augusta, . Shamokin township, Shnmokin, ft unl . Coal, Mt. Carnul township, , Ml. Cnrmel borough, Zerbe, . Cameron, . . 140 :s20 220 117 54 205 70 32 1.1 l.I 70 20 1701 124 22 18 j Cpper Mahanoy, Washington, I Jackson, . Little Mahanoy, Jordan, . . , l ower Mahnny, . Watsontown. I Snydeitown, . 1 Riverside, Totals, 3273 3434 3307 3281; Majorities, - lOL Ohio. TUB HKSITI.T STILL IN DOUHT. CiNciNXATi, (Vt. 15. The returns come in very slowly. Muskingum eounty eleets two Democratic Representatives, the Demo cratic county ticket, and the Independent candidate for judge. Vinton county has gone Democratic on the State ticket, but elects a Republican to the Legislature by 47 majority. Republicans are elected to the Legislature in Jackson and l'ike coun ties. Lucas county, except two townships and three wards in Toledo not yet in, gives N'oycs, Republican, for tJoveruor, 1,400 majority, which will be somewhat reduced by the complete returns. Tet Democratic gain in the forty-six couulies, 10,051. This gain earned through out the State would elect Allen by over 4, 000 majority. This does not include Ham ilton county, where the Republican gain is reported at over 4,0oo. The DemocraU claim the Legislature in both braehes, which the Republicans are disposed to concdo. TlmrNdH)-, November 87, u Day .ol tacnernl TliaiikNKiving I lie lre Nldeut'N l'roelamat ion. The npproaclung close of another year brings with it the occasion for renewed thanksgiving and acknowledgment to the Almighty Ruler of the universe for the un numbered mercies which he ins bestowed upon us. Abundant harvests have been among the rewards of industry ; with local exceptions, health has been among the blessings enjoyed ; tranquillity at homo nnd peace with other nations have prevail ed ; frugal industry is regaining its merited recognition and its merited rewards. (Jra dually, but under the providence of God, surely, as we trust, the nation is recovering from the lingering results of a dreadful civil strife. Tor tiiesc and nil the other mercies vouchsafed, it becomes us as a people tore turn heartfelt and grateful acknowledgment, and with our thanksgiving for blessings we may unite in prayers for the cessation of local nnd temporary sull'erings. I there fore recommend that on Thursday, Novem ber 27, tho people meet in their "respective places of worship to make their acknow ledgments to Almighty (iod for His boun ties and His protection, and to oiler to Him their prayers for their continuance. In witness whereof I have set my hand ami caused the seal of the Uuiti-d States 10 be atllxed. Done nt the city of Washington this 14th day of October. 1873, and of the innepeuuenco ot tlie l niled States tne 07th. U.S. Chant. Ry the President. Hamilton Fish, Secretary ofState. A si'UDKN flood, which resembled a daik wall of water, camo pouring down to Col orado river at Austin, recently, sweeping everything before it. The rise was so sud den nnd unexpected that a number of ne groes with their teams wero overtaken in the ford and live or six negroes drowned, with most of the animals. The wall of wa ter was several feet high. - - The banking house of Rushong & bro ther, Reading, stopped paying currency on Thursday, alter having paid out about half a million. The Heading (inzitic says, "very soon they will be able to get currency, and every depositor who wants his money will receive the same in full, with interest." Tiik Pope has so far recovered from his recent indispositoin as to he able to receive visitors daily ; nnd on Saturday declared to some visitors that, humanly speaking, the triumph of iho cause of the church was very distaut. The high price paid for certain breeds of sheep, a few years ago, when, "Atwood nierinoes" from "over the mountain," in Vermout. brought anything from 5flo0 to 20,000, nre recalled by some great sales of breeding sheep that recently took place at Edinburgh aud Kelso, Scotland, lilaeked faced aud Cheviot sheep sold for about 250 each, and Lord I'alwarlh disposed of some fancy Leicesters nt prices ranging from 200 to 500. His best ram brought 1, OO0. Moi'XT Wiiitnkv, in California, hither to supposed to be the highest peak iu the United Males, was bjUcccssfully ascended, last mouth, by a member of the Mate Sur vey, aud its summit found by accurate measurement with tho barometer to be 14, 8'.i8 feet nbovo sea level. Hut another mountain, kuowu as Fisherman's peak, has lately been discovered nnd ascended, uenr Mount Whiuey, which is said to eclipse even the latter iu height. WAUB COMI'KLLKD TO PLEAD. Oil Friday afternoon Wndo again became bois terous, and attempted to break his baud cull's. According to his own contVssiou, he pluccd them betweeu the bars of the iron door and attempted to break I lie in by a twisting process. They became so bent and compressed to the wrist as to check tho circulation of blood, aud lie was forced to beg lor relief. They were filed oil, aud we are informed that his hands have list beeu pinioned since, he having promised to be have himself if they would censj to baud cuff him. A watchman now guards him uight aud day. (Jaulle it JUihtuii. A Ixiwisburger has raised a radish which measured twenty-eight inches iu eircu.nl'er cneo and Wvi-hcd sixteen poud. M H r o J! W t"1 a m M H H S I p A j r - I w P ! r 105! 178' 34 130 53 72 120; 85 : 10(1: 104! 12.V 150 133; 2iOl 233 101; 51 120 120, 43, 78 105' 145 02 48, 74 00 108 20 20 31 20 02, 2S! 87i 150 05 78! 70 ISO1 181' 201! 140 74 88 147 327 217 115 53 180 74 35 10 14 75 2 48 187. 34 23 10 182. 44 ISO 31 142! Oil! 78' 135 84 174 118 120 152 131 200 233 150 50 130 132 00 84 50 104 141 00 47 74 04 202 20 38 00 18 100 27 01 101 0l 84 70 100 180 203 114 50 78 124 350 213 13S 150 224 07 32 31: 13! 01: 21 47 KiO; 127 15 0, s! I o J j 03' 144 140 51 150 57 154 51 102 52' 101 53 23 42: 41 20 41 H 42 20 44 22 ' 42 22 M, 180 170 100 177 01 180 104 174 102! 175 101 82, 33 34 20 32, 23 30 28 33 28, 33 28 05j 138 133 !H) 138 ti,-,1 Kit 1)0 140; SO 140 01, 170 55 45 102 55, 135, 81 105. 55, Ki2 55 102 00 71 72 5)0 73! 001 75 001 73 00 72, iio! 80 128 1251: 70 130 84 130 03 121 1 87, 1271 87 73 85 po; 02 101 SO 83. 78 85 ! 70 85 78' 100 108 108 170! 182 10S 100 200 104 202 155 207, 103 111 105! 178 110 217 82 104 105! 1) M0 140 203 128; lis! 175 151 203 125 2li; 121 212 117 190 120 177; 157 103 188 142 144 13o 150, 13", 158 130 70 144 i:u; 50 13s 71 132 72 131 71 131 74 81 273 203 33! 313 108 243 00 248 il 203 5)1. 148 252 i3l' 130 248 1 1 237 148 231' 148 233 145 354 151. i4 425 57 331 ; 150 327 155 331 J55 333 200 00 57 220 41 224! 50, 224 54 220 50 22.Y 152 123 08 152 S8 IK,' 130 115 129 115 130 115 08 43 00 75 110 .58, 127 57 12H 50 128 57, 174 42 20 l'iO 82 21l! 30, 190. 54 211 20 213' 70 80. 81 05 5)4 70, 81 73 82 77 81 77i 34 02 5t) 41 53 34! CO! 34! 50 ;U 00 34 14 83, Kir, n 100 17 103' 17 10l; 15 104 10 14 145 144 13 145 14 114 15 141 14 144 14 80 105, jioj 7H 01 81 80; 72 07 81 80 821 22 45 .jo' is 48 24 40 i 50 22 47 22 15 75 74 47 75 47 74 5:j (is 47 75 4H 1S7 01 f,5' 177 75 1S2 00 103 52; 187 04 187 5)2 108 n7; 128 108' 124' llL 128, 108' 128 108 128: 23 35 20! 21 20 22' 23 20! 20: 23 20 23 0, 38, :i7; is 30 25 23 18! 0 18 ao 18 3421 3122 3029 33o7! 3122 !1352 3300 3130 :US7 3204 ,3187 3352, j : 507! 114' ' 1111 7' i O ' 1 - The I'reNident'N View 011 Hie Finnn eial tuelion. Washington, I). C, Oct. 12. The views of President (! rant on the financial question were expressed, in substance, yes terday, duiing n conversation between him and the ngent of the Xew York Associated Press. In the first place, lie thought that the panic generally throughout the country di tiered essentially both in case and e fleet from any similar event of which he had knowledge. When such events have here tofore taken place distrust 1ms been oc casioned as to the currency in circulation. Every one in possession of currency would rush to the banks with it, or spend it in the most liberal manner. Rut now, cur rency instead ot being depreciated' is act ually becoming daily more valuable. Iu response to a question, ho said he thought he saw in passing events the first steps toward resumption, for the reason j that panics generally occur when the coun try lacks prosperity, such as from the fail ure of crops, over-purchase from abroad, &.C. j In this instanco the panic lias occurred j in the midst of the great general prosperity.. He believes he was correct in saving that 1 our exports since the beginning of the pre sent fiscal year have exceeded ouriinpoiis ; uini, 100, at a lime when comparatively no cotton, tho largest singleitem of export, was moving. Everything we produce is in great abundance, nnd the demand for it abroad iH beyond the supply wo have to spare. Our manufactories are prosperous and many article which have been impor tant are to a large extent not only being produced at home, but we are actually com peting in the supply of foreign markets. The aid recently rendered ill the purchase of an unusually large number of bonds was not so much real as moral. The fact is, the President said, tho mouey corporations of the country had become stamped, and in turn startled and stamped the whole country. Had not the Treasury seemed to aid them in some way, tho fright would have become more general and the conse quence to the country more fatal. As it was, he really believed the effect wasgoiug to be beneficial in many ways to tho coun try nt large, though Ihe cost to some indi viduals deserving of a better fate may be severe. A return to a specie basis can never be effected except by a shrinkage of values. This always wotks hard to a largo class of) people, who keep all they are worth in mar-1 gins. This shrinkage has now taken place. 1 Nelson E. Wade, the man who murdered Mr. and Mrs. McRride, near Williamsport, on the 22d of July last, will be hanged on the lith of November, (iov. Hartrunft hav ing signed his death warrant. Wade is now chained to the tloor, ns he succeeded in breakiug all the handcuffs the jailor could' put upon him. A terrible tragedy occurred near Carroll ton, Mo., a day or so ago. Robert Austin, a yound fanner, suspected his wife of im proper conduct, and, his suspicious being continued, he killed her and n man named Elijah Haley, whom Ue found in his house. Auttin surrendered himself to the authori ties. l'Kol-LE who visited the Alleutowu fair, must havo kept their jaws moving, as they ate two hundred and 'lift y bushels of pea nuts. Tub late potatoes in parts of Chester country are rotting very rapidly. In some instances the tubers are so badly affected as not to be worth digging. The Peerless va liety is said to sutler most. I O Till. PI KMC . THK PAIX-KIl.I.KR manufactured by Pi: HHV DAVIS A SOX has won for it self a reputation unsurpassed in medicinal preparations. The universality of (lie ctV in and surprising feature in the history of this medicine. The Pain-Killer is now regularly sold in large nud Meadih iwrum imj quantities, not only to general agents in every Slate and Territory of the Union, aud every Province iu Rritish America, to Rucuos Ayres, lirazil, Tracunv. Peru. Chili other South American States, to the Sanwicli islands, to Cuba and other West India Islands ; to England nnd Coutineu tal Kuroxe ; to Mozambique, Madagascar, Zauxibar, and other African lauds ; to Australia, and Calcutta, Rangoon and other places in India. It has also beeu sent to China, nnd we doubt if there is any foreign port or nny inland city iu Africa or Asia, which is frequented by American and .European missionaries, travelers or traders, into which the l'aiu-Killer has not been introduced. The extent of it uzfj'tdiuxi) is another great feature of this remarkable medicine. It is not only the best thing ever known, as everybody will confess, for bruises, i-utn. burns, Ac, but for dysentery or cholera, ' or auy sortol bowel complaint, it is a reme dy unsurpassed for elliciency nud rapidity of action. In the great cities of British India and the West India Islands and other hot climates, it has become the ntunil ard medicine for all such complaints, ns well ns dyspepsia, liver complaint, and other kiudred disorders. For coughs aud colds, canker, asthma and rheumatic dilliculties, it has bee nroved by the mostahundantand most abuudanl and convincing trials aud tesliu.ony, to be uu invaluable medicine. TJ10 proprietors are in possession of letters from lersons of tho highest character uud responsibility, tauity iu unequivocal terms. 5-( o n K l-i Ol CO c g Si f f 'A 2 H M ! -N j 8 w a a M r- yj ! " p i 2 W S 5 n c -t 3 O 1 F 101 42 172 33 137 55 73 127 84 153 148 137 102 131 258 230 153 50 130 128 31 81 00 104 144 80 47 74 Gl 108 20 30 3474 3318 3309 3315 3383 ;j:tr,il 3:!f.7 3310 3428 ;32o4 3318 ;3345 ::tii 3310 - fi' Ol : "U . ' 10 "i .1. ' 1. lir.l to the cures ed'cclcd nnd the satisfactory results produced, iu an endless variety of cases by thu use of this great medicine. That the Pain-Killer is deserving of all its proprietors claim for it is amply proved by the uuparalled poplarity it has attained. It is a nitre and fffHiire remedy. It is sold in almost every country in the world, nnd is becoming more nnd more popular every year. Its healing properties have been fully tested all over the world and it need only to be known to be prized. Sold by all Druggists. Sept. 5, 1873 1 inos. tScio Dbfrfisfinxnls. FALL 1873- MII.MXEUY. ON HAST MAltKKT ST . NKAR TUB CITT 1IOTIX, Sl'SHCHY, I'A., now open, all the novelties of the season In RIBBONS, VELVETS, SILKS, FLOWERS, FEATIIKUS, ETC., trimmed nnd iintriinmcil MATS M KOVi:TN. Notions In every variety, eall and examine the line neto! tinent and luiiru the low prices. Alio, DreNwiiinking of the latest nnd most fashionable styles. MISS AMELIA HANCOCK, Snnhary, I'a., Oct. 17, 1S73. Vol lee. "VTOPK'H is hereby given that nppllrntiyn In.s linn made to the Court nt Coinninii Pleas ol' Noiihuiiilii rlnnd eounty, hythe Suntinry Mu tual Saving Fund and Uulldiils Association, for iiinriidtneul to the Chiirter of Incorporation, nnd that the smnu will tie granted at the next regu lar term of said Court, unless cause be shown to the contrary. Hf? L. T. ROIIRBACII, Prolli'ry. Suntiiirv, Oct. 17, 1S?:. Hauled. 4 WIIOl.ESALK l'mrhasinir Agent, for the A NEW AMERICAN SKWINO MACHINE, seir tliieadinar, both in the 6butll and arm, self adjusting, tensions, gelf-hetlinij needle, positive take-up, can be adjusted to sew the cheapest and coarsest patent linen thread ; runs light, sews fast ; cheapest, best made, best tinlshcd, most durable. Written guarantee for three years. For Circulars, terms. ,tc, address, AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE CO No. North Second St., Ilarrisburg, Ta. Sept. lit, 1ST;!. :. 1110s. XOT1CK. "OTICE is hereby given that application has X been duly and legally made, on August Mb 173, to the Court of Common Pleas of North umberland county, by the Sunbury Cattle Insur ance Company, under their charter grunted bv the Legislature, approved April 1st, 1S70, to the Court of Common I'leas, by petition, and certified ropy nnd authority of the Hon. Harrison Alien, Audilor General of the State of I'cnnsvlvania for change of name style and title to the Sunbury Fire Insurance Company, and to amend section IMh of said charter, so 11s to give right to said Corporation to issue stock policies of insurance, Sci, and unless siitlleienl causes be shown to the contrary on or before the Hist day of next Term, to wit : the flrst Monday of November next, the prayers of the petitioners will be grunted, and a decree of Court entered aecnrdlnelv. L. T. RKIIRHACH. I'rothouolarv. Sunbury, Oct t. 10, !S73. Mil tll'CMMi ef New Ditv (loons, Ghockhiks and Notions. Cloths, Cassimeies, Calicos, nnd everything In the Dry Good line. CARl'ETS AND Oli, CLOTHS. Qiieensware, Glassware, und Wood nnd Willow ware. GROCERIES. A large assortment just opened, which consists of Tea, Coll. e, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Meal, Fish, ve. The Celebrated Alleutowu hand made ROOTS AND SHOES. Warranted to give satisfaction. In fact a full jssoi tinent ol everything kept in a II rst-cluss store, van be had nt greatly REIU'CEI, TRICES. for cash. Call nnd see the tine selection of new goods, und be convinced that F. J. ItYItOIH'S, near the l.ulhern Church, iu Sunbury, is the best and cheapest place to buy nil kinds of store goods. No trouble to show goods. October 8, 173. riltl.K' NAI.K OF VALI BLE REAL ESTATE. Will he sold nt Public Sale, on Salurtlay October 25, 17S, at the Montour House, iu the borough ol Dun vllle, ut 1 o'clock P.M., nil that certain Mes suage or Tenement nud TRACT OF LAND, situate In the township of Rush, uud county of Northumberland, udjoining lands uow or late of Abuer I'ituer, Johu I'iluer, Benjamin Geuruart, aud North Brunch of Susijuehuunn River, CONTAINING 4i ACRES, strict measure. The ubove procrlv U situate within 'J miles of the borough of Uuuville, und Ihe Uuuville, lluzlctou & Wilkesbarre Railroad passes through it. The improvements nre a TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING IIOCSE, Uarii uud oilier out-buildiugs. There is also au excellent Apple Orchard upon the premise, l'emous dii.li wis of W winif the premises before the day-of sale may cull upon Charles W. Zuner, ieiMiii hi iijiitmu. 1 omniums 01 sale will be iuuuu kiioHu 01 cue time und place. OLIVER F. STRoII. Oiialef 'i, IS7U U. Nil Fill Fl 'ft N A I.F.N. BY Virtue of certain Writs of Fl. Fa., alias Fl. Fn., Vend. ICxpnnns, nnd alina Vend. Exponas to mo directed will lie exposed to public sale, nt tho Court House, In the borough of Snn bitry, on Saturday the 1st dny of November, 187,1, nt 1 o'clock p. 111., the following property, to Witt All that certain piece or lot of land sitnnto in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, beginning nt a stone set forn corner which stands north twcuty-nlne de crees, enst two feet nnd eight inches from the nnrth-enst corner of Catharine Coble nnd Fred crick Coble's house thence by land of John B. Lenker, north slxty-thiec degrees and fifty min utes west, ono hundred nnd eighty feet to n stono 1 thence by tho samo south nineteen de grees and fifteen minutes, west one hundred and twenty feet to n stone t thence by the same south sixty three nnd fifty minutes, enst one hundred and eighty feet to a stone, and by Iho snme north nineteen degrees nnd fifteen minutes, enst one hundred mid twenty feet to tho phiec of beginning, containing one-bait of nn ncro or thereabouts, more or less, it being part of nn out lot -No. 13, which was conveyed to John B. Lenker by Johu O. Mnrklc, executor of Thomas Robins, deceased. Seized, taken In execution nnd to be sold ns the property of Catharine nnd Frederick Coble. ALSO s A certain lot or piece of ground situate in the vlllngc of Hcrudon, Jackson township, North timhcrlnnd comity, Pcnn'n. bounded north by lot of John Tressler, cnstwnrdly by tho Northern Central Railroad, southwardly by lot of William Still, nnd westwnrdly by the Susipichnnnn river, whereon nre erected n two story frame dwelling house nnd stable. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold ns the property of David Snyder. ALSO: A certain tract of land situate in Upper Au gusta township, Northumberland coutitv, Pcnn sylvnnln, bounded nnd described ns follows, to wit I adjoining land of II. B. Masscr nnd the Caitawissa road on the north, bounded enstwnrd ly by land of Michael Shipc, southwardly by land of Jno. J. Khincs.and westwardly by land of Anna Maria Myers, containing 'JO acres nnd 151 per ches, whereon nre creeled a one and a-hulf story i weather-board logdwclling bouse ami log stable. Seized, taken in execution nud to be sold ns ' the property of Peter Rarnhnrt. ! ALSO: I A certain lot or piece of ground situate In the I borough of Stmbury, Northumberland eounty, 1 Pennsylvania, it being a part of lot number two huudred nnd forly-ninc (IM'.I) bounded and dc- I scribed as follows : beginning nt tho corner of Ceuter aud Rnsptierry alley, thence nlong Centre I alley two hundred and thirty ('.'IIO) feet to Poke- ' berry street ; thence nlong Pokeberry street j twenty-nine feet nnd six Inches to 11 post 1 thence i n. I ...1.1. f... ...... .It.... . n 1 .11 .. INiiiiiici .11.11 vcnbic unrv 111 liasjiuciry uiiev, thence along said nllcy twenty-nine feet nnd six inches to the place of beginning, containing sev en thousand, eight hundred nnd forty.tive sipinrc feet more or less, whereon is erected a two story frame dwelling house. Seized, taken iu execution nnd to be sold as the property of Daniel Druckcniillcr. ALSO : Atl thnt certain lot or piece of ground situate In the borough of Sunbury, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit : bounded on t lie north by 11 ten (10) foot alley, on the east by lot I iiiinibcrtwelve (12) on the south by Spruce sl'reet, nnd on the west by lot number 'fourteen (14), containing In width 01: said Spruce street twenty- I live (2.r) feet, nnd In depth from said Spruce i street to said ten foot alley, one hundred aud live I (10ft) feet, said lot being marked and designated on the map or plan now in the possession of lien- 1 jamin Hendricks ns lot No. thirteen (IS). with the ' appurtenances, consisting of a two story frame ! dwelling house. Also, a certain lot or "pice f ground situate In J. W. Friling's addition to the borough of Sunbury, Pu., known nnd designnted 1 in the plan of said J. W. Friling's addition ns lot number five (5), bounded northwnrdly by , Spruce street, castwardiy by lot number four (4), i southwardly by a sixteen (10) foot nllcy, uud : westwardly by lot number six (0), containing in ! width forty feet, nnd In depth one hundred and 1 thirty-seven (LIT) feet, with the appurtenances, consisting of a two story frame dwelling house, shoemaker shop, frame stable and wagon shed. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Wilvur. I ALSO: 1 A certain lot or piece of ground slf.iate in J. W. Friling's addition to the borough of Sun bury, known and designated iu plan of said ad- ' ditlcm ns lot number lour (4), bounded 1101th wurdly by Spruce street, cnslwardly by lot num ber three (!l), southwardly by nn alley, and westwardly by lot number live (5), containing in wljth forty feet, ami in depth one hundred and thirty-seven (137) feet, whereon is erected a bakcrv and nn I e house ; also, a certain lot or piece of ground situate In J. W. Fi lling's addi tion to the borough or Sunbury, known 11 ml de signated iu the plan of said addition as lot num ber three (u), hounded northwardly by Spruce street, eastward!)' by hit number two ('), south wardly bv an alley, and westwardly by lot num ber tour (4) containing in wld'h forty (40) feet, and in depth one hundred nnd thirty-seven (L!7) I feet, whereon are erected a two btory franio 1 dwelling house and stable. ! Seized, taken in execution aud to be sold ns the property of David Frv. ALSO: 1 All thnt certain lot or piece of ground situate In the borough of Sunbiiiy, Pa., in the county of Northumberlnnd, und State of Pennsylvania, and bounded nnd described as follows, to wit : 011 the north by Walnut street, formerly Worth-berry street, on the east by an alley, on the south by parts or lots numbers two hundred and tweuly three, "IW und two hundred nnd twenty-four 'i"J4' nnd on the west by Third street, formerly Deer street, it being part of said lots iiuuil eis two handled and twenty-three 'L'2a' uud two hundred und tweuly-four '-'-4' eoutuiuiiig in width on said Third street, twenty-eight feet nnd eight '8' inches, nnd in depth on said Wal nut street, one hundred and ten '110' feet where on arc erected one two story brick dwelling bouse und other outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution nud to be sold us the property of Michael J. Hahne. ALSO : A certain lot or piece of ground situate iu tho borough of Mount funnel, county of Northum berland ami Statu of Pennsylvania, known nud designated in the lithographic plan or plot of said horougli ns lot number eight S' in block number thirty-one '111' bounded northwardly by lot number seven '7' eastwardly by Apple street, southwardly by lot number nine "X and west wards bv Oak street, containing in width twen ty-live 'SV feet, nud in depth one hundred nud fifty '150' feet, with the uppurtcuaiiecs consist ing of a two story frame dwelling house, with j kitchen attached, one stable and one wagon shed. Also, n certain let or piece of ground situate in the borough of Mount Carinel, county of Nor thumberland and Stale of Pennsylvania, known nnd designated in the plan or plot of said borough ! us lot number fourteen '14' in block number fifty '50' bounded northwardly by Fourth street east- . wardly by Hickory street, southwardly tiy Ut number fifteen 'lb' nnd westwardly by Apple strict. Seized, taken In execution und to be sold as the property of E. B. Stillwagr.er. SAM I' El. II. hOTHERMEL. Sbe'ff. PheritTi Office, Sunbury, Oct. 10, 1S7X NIIFKIFF'M NALF..S. BV Virtue of certain Writs of Veu. Exponas alias Vend. Ex nud LcviraFarins to me direct ed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, iu the borough of Sunbury, on MOND.W.thc 3l day of NOVEMBER, 1873, nt 1 o'clock, p. in., tho following property, to wit : A certain lot of ground situate in Cameron township, Northumberland county, Pennsylva nia, bounded aud described us follows : begin ning at a hickory north seventy-six (76) degrees, east thirty-one (Ul)pcrchcs toas'.one j thence by land of Weary south twelve aud a-balf (li'j) degrees, west thirty-four (;H perches aud three teulhs (3-10) to a slone,by other lauds of Mary Kern, south sixty-nine (oil) degrees, west Hftecu (15) perches nnd onc-tcutli (1-10) to a stoue ; thence uorlh fifteen (15) degrees, west 85 per ches to the place of beginning, containing live (5) acres strict measure, whereon uro erected a two story frame house and stable. Seized, taken in execution and to bs sold as (he properly of J. B. Beckor. ALSO 1 All that certain lot or pleco of ground situate In the borough of Sunbnry.on the eastern side of Fawn street now Fourth street, nud numbered on the generil plan of said borough of Sunbury at lot number being bounded on the north by properly of Solomon Stroh, ou the cast by an al ley, on the south by Blackberry now Chestnut street, and on the west by Fawn street now Fourth street, whereon is erected a two aud onu half story log dwelling house, being twenty feet front on Fawu street, now Fourth street, by sev enteen feet In depth, to which Is attached a wea-taer-boaid frame buildlug twenty-four CM) feel Iu depth, making the depibol the entire building 1 fortyone (41) feet 1 also a shoemaker shop, ait- Uttia ou lua uuriuriu tmuvi ui mu iu, wiur m frame buildlug, aud having a Irout ol twelve ( 1 J) feet on Fawn now Fourth street, by twenty-fonr feet In depth, snld lot containing In front on Fourth street serety-soven (77) feet, nnd two hundred and thirty feet In depth, southern sido fronting on Blackberry now Chestnut street. Seized, taken iu execution and to tie sold ns tho property of Cathnrino llilemnn, widow, Wnsh liiglon llilemnn. de., Edward Hlleman, Amcl'n Kiehl, Mary Wenrcr, (Mary Wright,) Iulsn Weaver, now Scott, Fanny Weaver, now Bovcr, and John Wenrcr, heirs nt law of Eliza Hlleman formerly Intermarried with Charles Wcaver,dec, and Win. II. Ruhr bach, guardian nd litem of Charles Weaver, minor child of said Eliza llile mnn, Intcrmnrried with snld Charles Wcarer.dcc., owners and occupiers. ALSO 1 A certain lot or piece of ground, situate In the borough of Shnmokin, Northumberland countr, Pa., bounded and described as follows, beginning nt tho south-east corner of Washington and Cameron streets, nnd running thence nlong the line of Cntneron street seventy-two (72) feet to a post 1 thence south by lino 11 1 rlgbl nnglcs with said Cameron street, eighty-five (85) feet to n point 1 thence enst 'jy line directly parallel with snld Cameron street scvcnty-lwo (75) feet to Washington street ) thence along the lino of Washington street eighty-firo (85) feet to tho place of beginning, being part of block No. 133, whereon are erected one two story frame dwell lug house and one stable, Ac. Seized, taken in execution nnd to be sold at the property of William Sharp. ALSO : All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In J. W. Friling's addition to tho borough of Sunbury, Pa., nnd numbered on the plan ol said J. W. Friling's addition ns lot number thiity eight (38). bounded and described ns follows, on the north by a sixteen foot alley, on the cast by lot number thirty-nine (3!1), on the south by Short street, nnd on the west by lot number thirty-seven (87),contalnlng in width forty (40) feet and In depth one hundred nnd fortv (14(1), feet whereon Is erected n one and n-half story frame house. Seized, taken li execution nnd to be sold as the property of Samuel Ruch. ALSO: All tlioso seven contiguous lots or pieces of ground situate In the borough of Shamokin, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, known In the general plan of said borough of Shnmakiu as lots number S, 0, 4. 5, 0, 7 nud 8, in block No. 311, containing iu width ench twenty-live feet, nnd in depth one hundred nud fifty (150) feet, fronting on Lincoln street ou the north, und on tho east by Eighth street, on the west by lot No. 1 of the same block, and 011 the south by nn nllcye whereon are erected on lot No. 304 a fraiii, dwelling house two stories high, nnd 011 lot No. B, n ware nnd ice house, and a well of good wn tcr. Ou lot No. 2, Ihcrcls a valuable frame sta ble 35 feet 3 Inches by 1(1 feet 3 inches j ulso, a large frame kitchen, nnd frump wash house. SclsTd, taken in execution and to be sold us the property of John H. Dewees uud T. S. Dewces, trailing as John II. Dewces A: Pro. ALSO : All that certain eastern half of lot numbered ed one hundred and sixty-four ( 104), situate in the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland con ty. State of Pennsylvania, on the north side of Chestnut street, lute Blackberry street, being bounded smith by (hestniit street aforesaid, north by an alley, west by the other half of said lot nutulicicd one bundled and sixty-four, ami eat by lot numbered one hundred 'nnd sixty three, coirainin thirty feet ill front, and tivo hundred nnd thirty feet in depth, with the nppur tenauces consisting of a frame stable, n house, nnd a well of water. Seized, taken in execution and sold as the pro perty of Nicholas Wcr.ck. ALSO 1 A certain lot or piece of ground situate in the borough of Shamokin, county of Northuinhcr land, und Slate of Pennsylvania, und known und designated iu the gencrui plan of said borough ns lot number six (0) In block number one hun dred nnd twenty-live (l-Ti), boanucd Northwnrd ly by Willow street, eastwardly by an alley, southwardly bv Montgomery street, nnd west wardly by lot number live (5) containing In width twenty-five ('.'5) feet ill depth, one bun dled nnd fifty (1"0) feet, whereon nre erected a small frame dwelling house, Ac. Seized, taken In cxecutiou and to bo sold ns the property of Michael Hrcnnan. ALSO: Two frame or wooden dwellinij houses thirty '30, feet front by twenty-four ".'I, feet In depth, of two stories Iu heighlli In front, and one auilit half story In rear, situate, in Cameron township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, upon wind is known as the Doiity tract, purchased of John Weik'.e, containing two neret more or less. Also, four frame or wooden double dwelling houses being thirty '3U feet in front by twenty four '-'4, feet ill depth, und a frnme stable two stories high, sixty by tlerly feet, the said four dwelling houses und stable, nre located upon u part of wlint Is known ns the "Douly tract, sit uate In Cameron township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, nnd purchased from (ieo. Weary ami Magdalena Weary, bis wife, by Rich ard li. Douty, buing about six '0, acres more or less. Also, ten frame double dwelling houses, being two stories high each, uud thirty feet In front by twenty-four '24' feet iu depth, with basement be neath located upon what is kuowu as the "Douty tract," Iu Cntneron township. Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, seven '7' of said ten hou ses being upon thnt part which R. It. Douty pur chased of John D. Wcikel, being about three '3' nercs and 12'J'j perches more or less, two '2' of the ten '10,ieferred to above arc located upon tho "Douty tract'' upon that part purchased from Cieorgo Weary and Magdalenn liis wile, being about six acres, und 130 und 0 10 perches more or less, the tenth and Inst house of ten houses re ferred to ubove, sil uate upon w hat is known ns the "Douty tract," being upon that portion pur chased from Daniel Knerr. Abo, one frame dwelling house situate on the south sine of Market street, ou lots numbered five V and six '0' in block number twt'nty'20'in what is known us liowen City, Cameron town ship, Northumberland eouniy, Pennsylvania, said bouse having a front of thirty '30' feet, and a depth of twenty-four '24' feel. Also, an office, being 11 frame or plank build ing one story high, thirty feel iii front by tificeu feet in depili with basement beneath, situate upon w hat is kuowu as the "Helfenstciii tract" in Coal township, Northumberland cauiity,Penn sylvunia. 'Also, n lump coal Sihiite about three hundred feet long, live feet six inches iu clear, und about live fret high, being nltnchcd In what is known as the "Douty Breaker" iu Coal township, Nor thumberland county, Pennsylvania. Seized, taken iu exeeiiliou and to be sold nt the prolan v of R. B. Don! v. SAMUEL H. HOTHERMEL, Shc'ff. Sheriffs Oltiec, Sunbury, Oct. 10, 173. TO HOLDERS OF COUNTY 0KDEKS. j ALL persons holding County Orders are rc- requested to present them fur payment ou ! or before 1 NOVEMBER 15th, 1873. J Interest will cease ou ail outstanding orders on 1 that date. i Bv order of tho Commissioners. I A. CADWALLADF.lt, ! Comity Treasurer. j Sunbury, Oct. 3, 1873. 3t. FOR COL'UHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS AND 1 ALL, TIIIIOAT IMSEASKS, j use ! WF.MN 'AltllOM4' TAKI.KT.S. ' put up onlv in blue Boxes. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists. Oc 13-4 w OHI'IIAXV i'Ol llT MAI.K. j YV7TLL be sold by the administrator of the cs- , 1 tato of Reuben (iaringer, dec, luteof Up- 1 per Augusta, nt the Court House iu Sunbury, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1873, nil that ccrtuiu Tract of Land situate in Lime stone Valley, Upper Augusta township, North umberlard county. Pa., ndjolulng hinds of E. Orecnongh, dee., W. L. IVwart, Daniel Maliek, Lawrence Keen, Antony Morris, tho late Peter Mullck, the late Rev. J. P. Shiudel, aud otbert, containing ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRF.S OF LAND, whereon are erected a new TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, New Bank Barn, aud other outbuildings. Also, an excellent orchurd of choice kiuds of fruit Sale to commence ut 1 o'clock, P. M-, when terms will be made knoun by SOL. M A LICK, Adui's. Geo. B. Relmensnyder, Dep. Cl'k O. C. IVotire ( tViity Account in Court. NOTICE is hereby given that Win. II. M. Oram, Assignee of James K. Forrester, bat filed his account iu the olllce of Ihe Prothonetary In aud for the county of Northumberland, ami that the samu will be preseuled to the Court of Common Pleas of tald couuty, ou Mouday the 3d day of November next. L. T. ROIIB-BACH, Prath'ry. Sunbury, Oct. 10, IMS. cto bbcrllstmcnt . WoUeeT - Of Filinj Account in Court. NOTICE is hereby glren that Isaac Lenker, committee or Adam Lcuker, a lunatic, l as filed his accounts in tho office of the Prothonotn ry, In and for the county of Northumberlnndtnd that the same will be presented to th Court of Common Plcni of said county, for confirmation nnd allowance ou Monday the 8d dny of Novem ber next. L. T. ROIIRBACII, Proth'ry. Sunbury, Oct. 10, 1873. t'Ol'KT IMtOCXAMATlojNoti7o Is hereby given thnt the several Courts of Com mon Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the Pence, nnd Orphans Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer nnd General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, will commence at tho Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, nt 10 o'clock A. M., on MONDAY, NOVEMBER tho 3d next, nud will continue two weeks. The Coroner, Justices of the Pence and Consta bles In nnd for the count v or Northumberland arc requested to be then nnd therein their proper persons, with their rollV, records, Inquisitions, nnd other rcmeinbrunccs, to do tlioso things to their scrcrul olllc.es appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf ol the Com monweal lb ngnlnst nny prisoner, are requested nnd commanded to be then ale I there unending in their proper persons to prosecute ugnlnst hint ns ahull be Just nnd not to depart without leuvo nt their peril. Jurors nre requested to be punc tual In tin it-attendance, at the time appointed, agreeably to their notices. Giren under my hand at Sunbiirv, tho 20th day ol September, in the year ot our'Lord one thou sand eight hundred and seventv-tbrce. SAMUEL H. ROTIIERMEL, Sheriff. Da. C. M. Mahtin. Gi:o. W. Hi.oom NEW DRUG STOKE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House BoiWins, Silnry, Pa. Bll. C. M. MARTIN & CO, HAVE Just received n fresh lot of Pure Di ngs und Patent medicines. We have nlso n full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth, Nnll,Clothe,Shoc and other brushes. TOI1.KT AMI FAXt'Y AKTIt I.F.N. KINK KXTIlAf IS, IM( KKT HOOKS, KNIVES, c, AC. REED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the sweetest perfume In America. I'arisiiiiii, 11 Hid ;iovo Wush, warranted to clean perfectly the most delicate Bhades without injury to the" kid All the leading preparations for the Hair, NF.4.AKN, THE BEST IN MARKET, Pure Wine nnd Liquors, for medical purposes, Physii lain Prescriptions uud family lecclpts compounded with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal ing to receive n share of vour patronage. September it, 1?3. GEO. EVANS. E. G. MAIZE. FALL, 1873. We take pleasure In announcing to our friends and the Public generally, that we have opened a Beautiful assortment of Goods for FALL and WINTER. We politely solicit a call from all who wish to get a Ciooil Fit. Superior Workmanship, iiikI ICeliitlilr tlatt riu!. Our perfect system for Self-Measurement, recom mends itself to every one who may desire to or der Clothing from a distance, copies of which, with Samples of goods, will be sent on applica tion. Geo. Evans fe Co., .U4 Market Street, l'hilmleli.liiii. "One 1'rice" Merchant Tailors ami Clothiers. Seinpteinber 13, 1S.73. VRAUK SIAKK rpiIE VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO.. want reliable and energetic Agents in this county. The "VICTOR" is u Lock-stitch. Shut tle Machine, with salt selling Needle, licst finish ed uud mota perfect Machine ottered. An in crease of 500 per cent, on sales of 172 over 1S71 . For terms, Ac, Address, VICTOR fEWlNG MACHINE CO.. 1227 Cncstaut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Sept. 12, 1S73.--4IHOS. DK. '. M. M A It'l l N, Olllce in Drug Store. Clement House Block. Olllce hours : from 11 a. in., to 1 p. in., and lioin II to V p. m., nt all other hours, ben not Professionally en gaged can be found at re id' nee, corner of Front am'. Pent) street, SUNBURY, PA. Particular attention given to surgical cases. Will visit Patients either in town or couulry. Fsilule of ioorg;e 7.erl' Ot-c'tl. "OTK'E is hereby (Liven that Letters of Ad 1A ministration have been granted to the un dersigned, on the estate of George Zerby, late of Lower Mohanoy township, Northumberland county. Pa., deceased. All persons knowing themselcs indebted to said estate nre sequested to make immediate yavment, aud those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. G. A. BOTDORF, Adm'r. Lower Mohanoy, Sept. 12. 6t. Ffctale ol'ChMrlt'M Iteck lec'l., "VTOTICK is hereby given that letters ofadmin istration have been granted to the under signs, ou the estate of Charles Reek, late of the Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased. All H-rsoiis Indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment, nnd those having claims to present them lor set tlement CH ARLES I. BECK, Adm'r. Sunbury, Aug. 2tl, 1873. Cw. FA 1. 1. MI1.I.IM.KY .OOI From FROM NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, BONNETS & HATS, TRIMMED AND UNTR1M.MED. an extensive nssorimeiit of Fancv Gim1s nt MISS L. WEISER'S MILLINERY bTORE, Mahket Sthfkt, Si tbi iiy, Pa. My slock of Spring goods is unusually large and varied, comprising the latest nnd most at tractive styles, selected with rare Irom the lead ing itnyorliug houses uud adapted for the present, season. October 3, 1S7X MISS L. WElSF.lt. 17S. FALL SEASON, IST3. mi.MFUY AMI FA( V t.OOUK, now open, FALL STYLES. Trimmed Hals and Hnnuels, Plumes, Feathers, Ribbous, Crupe Veils, Crape, Crape Hals aud bonnets. Bridal Hats uud a full as sortment f ihe latest ttvles iu MIM.IFUV, ' TRIM MINGS' OK ALL KINDS. Gloves, Collars, Culls, und every fashiouabla article of ladies' w ear. Cull uud seethe new si vies of GohIs ut .VISSL.SHISSLF.R. M.nkei Square, Suubury, I'u. October S, IsTli. mm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers