THESUNBURYAMERICAN, R TCBLtSnED EVERT SATURDAY BY EK'L "WILVERT, Proprietor, Moult) Dlsslnirer's Building, Murkct Square .11 SH.tVO In Advance. It not paid within 6 Month 82. Subm-ripUotn tahtn for Im than tix Month. CovvroTRP with tills establishment Is an extcn siveNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of plain and funey tvpc equal to any establishment o tli Interior oflhe State, for which tho patron age of the public Is respectfully soilcltod. professional. AX. Kit ICE, ( ATTORNEY AT LAW, and actiso JUSTICE or the PEACE. Next Poor to Judge Jordan's Kceldcnce, Chest nut Street, Suiibury, Pa. Collections uud ull legal matters promptly at tended to. J ERE Wl 1 AH S N Y D E R , ATTOKSEY AT LAW, AND ACTIXU JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Conveyance ng,tbc collections of claims, writings, ami all kluds of Legal business will be. attended to carefully and with despatch. Can be consult ed Iu the English and Gorman language. Olliec .'formerly oecupiel by Solomon Malick, Esq., op posite Cilv Hotel, Sunburv, Pa. Murchilf, 1873. ly. C-1 a7 BOTDOKFi ' X Aitornev-at-Law, (iEORHKTOWN. Northumberland Co., Penna. Can be consulted In the English atid German languages. Collections nlteude.l to In North umberland uud udini iing counties. Also Agent lor the Lebanon Valley Fire Insu rance Company. mlilS ' II. It. KNF Attorney at Law, SUN' 1 BU i!Y. PA. OlMce in Market Square, ( i Ijoluiiif I'll' ti Hca ttf W. I. Ureeii'iugh, E-q.,) I'rol'es-io : i: Im-lucss in this anil adjoining co;'u : ic pi i.i'.n i y i.f leiel-.l to. Tallinn , .V, ireh 111. ISTU.-ly. W. C. PACKER, Attorney at Law, Sun Vary, I'a. V.ivembor It, 1ST-. 1 1. !". t'!J AS. 51. JI.USTI, PHYSiC'iAN AND SUIOiKOX, Niniltiir.v, I'ciiu'it. Oiliee 0:1 Front Street, next door to Haas A Fugely. Otliee. Hoars. Until H a :n. Fro.n l'-J to 1 p in. Fro a 0 to li p in., and after '.t o'cioik p in. At all other hoars wiieu not profession illy cn .i;i'i, r:Mi be found at Drug Store, on Thir-l st., next to Clement llrt is-'. uug:i, 'T'.'.-t v SSI. ISOYI'.it. Attorney a-i! Counsellor Law. Rooms Nos. ii :i Second FI001. .Hriglit's Hull -liiiir- SUN'llURV. PA. Pi'ofersion.i oasi-.i.ns atten.lel to, iu I in: courts of Northum i'-lunl an I adjoining counties. Also, in ihe i';,vn.(:eil W-'si'iVf Courts for the Wc-tciii Dis fiet of I'.-.iusyiv.iui.i. Claims promptly collect -I. P.irllcjoir attention paid to rasin (a lhvtk- ; -i-ttey. -' is I'.t-uio 1 eia b.' h.i l iu the (ier- j man lung.l ic.'. luai-",,'7l. ' rtl. liASi:, Attorney at Law, SUN ' J lfL'HV, PA., olllee iu Si isscr's ltuiidiiig ,1 ear the Court House. Front Room up stair i!oe the Drug Store. Collections made iu Nor- ; . Iiumhci'lniid and adjoining iMiiuties. 1 S'inbnry. Pa., Jane K, 1 1 ' ' B. OAI WAM.AIER.Market Street, VT. SUNBURY, PA. Dealer iu Drufjs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, ,!, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, "oek -l Hooks, Dairies, Ve. SI. WOI.VEKTOX, Attorney ill Law. , . Market Square, 8USBUUY,P.. Profession- , .1 '.Hisiner s in this and adjoining counties prompt- I y attenderl to. nit. 5IANsiKlt. Attorney at Law, SL'N7 , HUliY, PA. Collections attended to ill ; I lie eoiinties of Norlliuiiibcrlaud, Union, Snyder. , Mont,, nr. Columbia and Lycoming. npllo-CH 8 :0L01I(1 K, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 'liilee at his residence on Arch slr-ct, one square north of the Court House, near the Jail, r-UV-Ht'ilY, PA. Collections and all professional I'lsiness promptly attended to in this and udjoin jng counlics. CuiiMilt.itious can be had in the i i-1 111 .1 1 1 language. .liilyU'T-lSi-'. i. w. zii'i.i.r.u. 1.. T. noitr.tiu 11. .ii;;i.!.t: v- i:nn:ttA m, ATTORNEYS at law, Olliec in llaupt's Iluildiiiir. lately occupied by Ju l-.'e Rockefeller and L. T. Rohrbaeli, Esq. Collections and nil professional business pi- niptly attended to in the Courts of NoiUiuai- iieiiaud and adjoining counties. Dee. -J. 1VM. " i'.jotcls aub iLlcstanrant5. TTM ir.ll NTATEK HOTEL. W F. U l I I'CIIKN, Proprietor. Opposite the ! x..t il M)KIN, PA. F.ieiy iitteiit'i.a mien to r.iv -n -s. and the best ;iea. v j.i i ; r. is:;;. tf tr v-iiii.xtvro'v proprietor, Corn iinrsr.. c. n e v f truer 01 Market v ..i--o i-: the Co'.Il t House, S'ln'mi ;. . f ,l Js.-.o t VLK;IIE"Y HOl'ME, A. i-::-:.t K - V . . . V'..., LIO I Ul I l .-i; ..i Ctsaal V'prie I , US . dentin nil .iltliuct ,'11.' ( eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, fi espeelfully solicits your putron-Jauii'7'-. v. He v V : !AL HOTEL. AUGUSTUS . . l.D, Proprietor, Georgetown North'. I 11 1! . i'-.., at tin- atutiou of the N. C. It. W. Cii n- -v.nes anil cigars at the bur. I'll-table W supplied with the best the market il n .l-.. Good .tabling and attentive ostlers. I l'5DII-:iN Jtl'.ttTml RAXT, 1 1 LOUIS HUMMEL, Propriiilo- Commerce St., S1IAMOK1N, PENN'A. Having jul refitted the above Saloon for the - 111 . .. I ; 1 1 ij a of the public, Is upw prepared lo rve jis filends with the best lefreshnients, and esh Lager lieer, Ale, Porter, and all other mult lors. -yu-jiiiiua v,iituj I . S. UIIOADS. J. I'AI'KI'.II A is r S. UIIOIDS V CO., IT t 11KTAII. I1KAI.KUS OF NTH RACITE COAL, SUNUURY, PENN'A. OrFice with Haas, Faoki.v dc Co., Orders left at ,V liro's., otliee Market reef, will receive prompt utteiitlou. Country istont resieetlullv solicited. Feb. 4, lsTL ti". ANTHRACITE COAL ! 7ALLXTIE UIETZ, Wholesale and ' Retail dealer n evcrv varietv of ANTHRACITE C( AL', UPPER WltART, SUNHUltl, PENN'A. Ah kluds of Grain taken in exchange for Coal, ders solicited and tilled promptly. Orders left s. i . Nevlu s Confectionery Store, on I bird eet, will recievo prompt attention, uud money ceiptedlor, the same as at thu olliec. I E.XTISTItV. GEORGE M. 11ENN, Simpson's Jiuildiinj, Market Square, StMiiRY, Pa., prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining lo Dentistry. He keeps constantly ou baud urge assortment of Teolb, and other Dental, from which he will bo able to select, I niee.s tne wauls of bis customers. Ml wui K wurrauted to give satisfaction, or else money refunded. 'he very best Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powders at on hand. His references are tho numerous patrous for om he bus worked for the last twelve years, iuubury, April lil, Is', 2. iOAI.1 t'OAI-fcOALIiUXN X UUoS ' shippers ud Wboltsult, uud Re.all Dcukia iu ll'l E AND RED ASH COAL, bUNBURY, PA. (i.own wuabf. j of Sole Agents, w estward, at tbe celebrated irrT'.sT Coal Jan PJ-CI SUNBUKY 1-wtuminriocl In lslO. i I'KKE 91 50 IX ADVANCE. iltbi bbcrlismcnls. 'if V NI'KIXG AND NU5I5IER (iOODN J nut Opened at the Store of Heed Brother NeHUoIt, (successors to 8. 0. Reed A Bro.) COMPRISINa OF DUY GOODS of every description nnd variety such us Dresi dioodH comprising all the novelties in fabric and sliado. White jiod, Fnney (iootU. Full Assortment of Xotions, which are being sold nt the lowest Cash Prices. Also, Giiockkiks ANb Provisions, pure and fresh. Queens wake, Glassware, and Wood and Willow Ware, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on lmnd. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, both glazed and ewmmon, ulways on baud. BOOTS AND SHOES from the celebrated tinnd made Boot and Shoe Manufactory of Watsontown, for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. HEAD Y-MAVK CLOTHING, of all elzes and of the latest styles. j F L O U R . .j A constant supply of western hite wheat Hour a speciality. I 'I'tie public are Invited lo ciill and examine our (ioods iree. of charge. Our, motto is "Quick I Sales and Small Prolils," nud to please all. '1 In' highest prices will be paid for all kiuds of country ino luce. - ! sirlet attention to business mid keeplmr at e;l times the most complete .lock, an I selling at t tie ii west pi ices, He hope to merit a f .11 fehnre of patronage. KK.t'J) '.M'.OTlir.I! A SKASHOl.TZ. Siinbiirv, .Mav i'., lSTIi. 23 i ! O g 'A H. 1 " I it tm m SOS' 3 e 'r -A -3 - 7 ' -c v: 1. w i ' x 2 . H r H IV.lSHIMi MAliK F.ANY! W ant long full at last supplied hy the Improved WASHING MACHINE With adjustable Washers, recently added, in creasing iu utility 50 iiereenl, invented and patented hy 8. M. SMITH, York, Pa. It cleans ull kinds of ( lotliiiiL' Letter aiul i quicker than any oilier Washer. It cleans per- 'ccliy uud without injury, any article from the ' finest Lace, Curtain to the heaviest Red Clothing, j It will clcuusc a half ri,.i.en Gentlemen' Shirts, I uaui.v solicit, in iroin o to H linuutcs, lucluding j the Collars and Wristbauds. Tho tteam being coufiiied In the Washer, the clothing while being washed Is also bleached. I Over SuO Machines were sold In York uud Luu 1 caster Counties and over fTO.lXKl worth hi this Stule. and Ohio, wilhiii u veur : L'ivinir suilsfue. lion. The celebrulel Self-Adjusting EUREKA linger is uttiieked to the uiiichine. In fioin one to two hours a large Family' Wash cuu be done and rinsed, with less tbun half tbo labor required by baud. ItiuNiug l done la thla Mwchiuc thoroughly ku1 riltlly. We ask no ouc to purchase without II rtl trying it merits. 6INGLE Macuinbs, US'. With Wrlugei, f J5. f II" Addrees all orders tq- IR.t T; CLEMENT, Manufacturer andKut, 8unbur, J'a, Eunbury, April 5f, 1S7J. HOSPITAL Physician of this celebrated Institution, bus ; discovered tbe most cert-alt), speedy, pleasant and ! effectual remedy In tbo world for nil DISEASES OK IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of Kidneys nnd Bladder, involun- I tary Discharges, Impotency, Gcqcral Dublli- ! i.y,. Ncrvonsnese, iJyspepsy, Languor, Low j Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease, of the Head, Throat, Nose or SkljAffbctlonsof Liver, Lunes, Stomach or Bowels these terrible Disorder arising frmn the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting, their most brilliant, hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., Impos sible. IOUNG MEN especially, who have becomo the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful nnd destructive habit which uunually swesps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talents and. brilliant Intellect, who might other wise have entranced listening Senates with tho thunders of eloquence., or waked to ecstney the living lyre, may cull with full co.illduuce. MARRIAGE. Married Persons or. Young Men contemplating nuirriuge, awurc of Physical Weaknoss, (Loss of Procreatlve Power Impotency), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other Disqualification, tpccdlly relieved. He who places himself under tho care of Dr. J. may religiously eon lido in bis honor us a gent le mur, nud confidently rely unon bis skill as a Pbv. sirian. o;:r.ANic weakness. linpoteney. Loss of Power, inrnc liatcly Cured and full Vitsor Restored. Tills Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons aro too apt to commit excesses from uot being aware of the dreadful conscqenecs that may eusuc. Now,, who that understands the Bubject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling Into improper habits than by tho prudent t Besides I being deprived t lie pleasures of healthy ofl'sprluir, the most serious ami destructive symptoms to hotb body nnd miud arise. The system becomes de ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Wcakeucd, Loss of Procreatlve Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigistioii, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting ; ol tile rraine, Cough, Consumption, Decay and 1 Death. I A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS, j Persons ruined in health by unlearned prelun ' ders who keep thorn trifling iuo it It after mouth, ! faking poisonous and injurious compoun Is, ' should apply immediately. I DR. JOHNSTON, , Member of flic Royal College of Surgeons, I.on I don, Graduated from on of the most eminent , Colleges in the United States, and the creater I part of ife has been spout iu the hospitals j of Loudon, Pris, Philadelphia and clsewhore, i has ellected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled wlthriug 1 iug iu the head and e.-irs when asleep, great I nervousness, being alarmed at sudden no suds, I bushl'uluees, with frequeut blushiug, attended , sometimes with derangeincul of mind, were cured ; iniiiiediatelv. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses ull tboho who have injurrd themselves by improper indulgence and Military habith, wliieh ruiu both body and mind, uutilting them for either business, study, society or mar riage. " I Thksk are tome of tbe sad and melancholy j etlcctj, produced by curly habits of youth, viz: ! Weakness of the Buck uud Limbs, Pulus iu tho Unekiiiiil Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss ot Mas- ! ulur Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dysiicpsy, ! Nervous Irritability, Derangement of Dale-live I . Functions, General Debility, fymptoms of Con- I 1 h i' 111 1 tion, ttc. j Mkntali.t The fearful effects on the min t I arc much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con- j j fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil- j Forebodings, Aversiou to Society, Solf-Disi rust, j I ovc of Solitude, Timidity, Ac, are somo of the t its pi 1 duced- i IHOISAKIIH of persons of all iil'is can now I j Judiie what is the cause of their declining health, I li sing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous . and t-muciatcd, having a singular appearance , I 11 bout tlie eyes, cough and symptoms of cousump- ; lion. ! i YOUNG MEN J 1 ho havo injured themselves by n certain prac tice ludulgcd lu wlieu nlone, habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, tho cllects of which arc nightly felt, even when asleep, nud If nol cured, renders niarriugc impos- .II.U n,.,l rf.wlr,.,.. I,,lh iilln.l inul sl.ollld apply iminediutoly. ! What a pity that a young man, the hope of Xis ' country, the'darling of bis parents, should be snatched from ull prospects und enjoyments of . life, by the consequence of deviating from the I "7. " B;"r.":"".r:,":: habil. Such persons mi st before couleuiplaliu MAKK1A4 r., retlecl lhat a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happi lies, ludced without these, tbo journey through lifv becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens lothe view; Ihu mind becomes fliHilowcd with despair aud tilled with theinelaii boly retlectiou, that tbo happinesi of unotle'r becomes blighted wilh our own. A CERTAIN DISEASE. . Win n the misguided und imprudent votary of j pleasure finds tbat he has imbibed tha see Is of ! Ibis painful disease, il too often happens that an I ill-timed sense of sbamo, or dread at discovery, I deters him fioiu applying to those who, from ' education und respectability, cuu ulono befriend liiio HpI,ivIi, till llie ei.nslinil svninlnnis ol ibis horrid disease make their annearauec. such is ulcerated tore throat, diseased uose, uoctural 1 pains iu the beud uud limbs, dimness of sight, j deafness, nodes 011 the shlu bones and arms, blotches ou the head, face and extremities, pro ; gresbing with frightful rapidity, till at lust the I pululc of the month or Ihe bones of the uose fall in, and the vieiini of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puis , a period to his dreadful suffering, by sending ; him lo " that Undiscovered Couutry from w hence I no traveller returus." ! It is a melancholy fact that thousands DIE , victims lo this terrible disease, through falling . into the bands of Ignorant or unskillful PRE- TENDERS, who, by the use of that deadly Pol , sou, Mercury ,.Vc, destroy the constitution, uud ! incapable of curlug, keep tbe unhappy sullen r month ufter mom Ii tuLiiur tbeir nokloud or in. I Jurious cuinpoiiuds, aqd iuslead of being restored ..- i v i.,nr..,rf ii,.,ni,,Z, i a,.,. to a reue ; pair leais him with ruined Health lo sigh over ! ; his galling disappointment. ,. . To such, therefore. Dr. Jounston pledges him- v" -.'s- .s. - ,11 7 . ' , HAI.T15IORE LOCK JR. JOHNSTON, self to preserve the most Inviolable Secrecy, aud w hal separated us, you'll excuse me, but : from hi extensive practice and observation, in ; ,le.0 tlll, handkercfiief came into reiiuisi $1 iTl! ti'u '"1 Bangs' voice fail.-d him com- 1111, tuuiivti) iia, nuiji.iiii, i t.u.v, , wm.uvi,i,i.i .....I a...... U anl.l...l tt ntr.ip Om i.n,l ..a,-- ! lain, soerdv and effectual remedy iu tbo world I for ull disease of imprudence. in;. juii.-sii.. OFFiCE, NO. 7. S. FREDERICK 8TRF.ET. DALTIMOKIt, M. D. Left baud side going from Baltimore street, slew doors from the corner. Full uot to observe name und number. 5-J No letters received unless postpaid and containing a stamp lo be used ou thu reply. Per sons w riting should stale age, aud soul u portion of advirtiaeiueul describing symptoms. There are o inuuy Pallry, Designing and Worthies Impusler advertising thoiusulve as Physicians, tritliug wilh uud ruiulug the Lealib of all who uufortuualely lull iulo their power, that Dr. Joluuiou deems ll ucccsury 10 say es pecially 10 those unacquainted w ilh hi reuuia tion thai his Credeulial or Diplomas ulwaj. hang ill bis olliee. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. Tho luauy thuusuuds cured ut this Establish ment, year ufter your, aud the uuuierou im porluul Surgical Oporaliou ierformed by Dr. Johustou, w ituessed by tho representatives of U10 press uud uuuy other pupers, notices of which have apiHuued aguiu aud sgaio before the public, beside hi stundlug a s geuUcmsn of charaiter aud ret pousibillty, is a suiHclent guarantee lo t'..o ftlicled. bhiu dlscatet speedily cured Maiuh 1, wa.-ly Is SUNBURY, PA.. FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOrER 17, 1873. OCTOBER. There comes 11 month in the weary year A month of leisure and healthful rest 1 Wbeii-tbt ripe leaves full and the ulr is clear ; October the brown, the erlsp, the bUt. My life bus little enough of Viiss ; I limit the days of the odd eleven, Counting the time shall lead to this The month th it shall l.ud to the hunter's hea ven. And oh ! for the linn uinu's crisp and white. With the sweep of I tie hounds upon tin-track ( The bai li lonfed cabin, the camp-lire's Unlit, The break of the deer and the rifles cluck. Do you rail this trilling I I tell you, fiiend, A life iu the forest la pust nil praise, Give me a dozen such months of life You may take the balance of years and days. - For brick and mortar filth and crime, And pulse of evil that throbs uud dents ; And men grow withered In-fore their prime, With the curse paved Iu on the lanes and streets j And lungs are choked, and shoulders are bowed In the smothering rock ol 11 ill and mine ; And Death stalks in or the strugelini; crowd, But he slums the shadow of oak and pine. j And of all lo which the memory cllntr", j There is nought so sweet, as the sunny spots I Wheie our shanties stood by the crystal springs, j The vanished hounds, unJ the lucky shots, j V'Vom th AliHiie. , 11 11 Suits 1 1 Y ltA.S HATED IXXiS. '( ii t nut !' 'IVitigs. tliut is inv dog !' 'Wn. I know il. Get, ynti brute !' lie h 1 1 it-il ut him uii ii'nti paper weight My fiicc lltisliiiil. 'Hangs.' s.iiil I And Vx- cusi! uii', but I'vii an nlli rtion luf thai dog.' 'Excuse ini', Pills, but I've 1111 antipathy imuinsl all dugs, (if f mil, vnti vermin !' and ho give my pi t Lluck and tan 11 vici- , oils, kick, wilt liim IpAiliiig intu the ; corridor. liiiMgs; siml 1I10 door and put i tlie key in his pocket. 1 wish, Pi1!h, flic next litni! you coino to : my olliec you would leave that lirule be.- i liind. I've 11 m-ifl uiitaiinfoiiabli! antipit- ! my a;;iiiisl nil i-antut'S, aiul Bangs might have said mure, but the I look of my faee must have convinced lmu Unit I whs seriously angry. I '.Suppose wu let this pass,' he said. 'I j was wrong, I'll admit; 1 ought not to have 1 kicked your pup, but you dnn't know how I hate 'em, big and little. Sit down. Pills, and let me tell you something thai hereto fore lias been a secret with me, a secret hidden irmn Ihe ritze of the cold, unsyni world. 1 ti l l that now some ex planation is proper for me to make, iu hopes that it may prevent u misunderstand ing between two such linn friends as wo huve, been in the past, and I hope will be in the future.' I sat down in the chair Bangs pointed to, and said, 'go on.' 'I don't know,' continued Bangs, 'that I ever any jiai tieular dislike todogi, pre vious to the circumstance which I am about to relate. J)u you remember the spring I took a trip to the country V 'Very well,' I replied. 'Thai was some six years ago. I had ciiiilined myself very closely to business ever since my admittance to the bar, and I t luugbt a uioutli in the eouiilry would freshen nie.up cousadoialiiv.' "U did not seem lo, if 1 remember rightly,' I said. 'You'll not worsR'r at it. Pills, when I le'.l you about ihe fads. 1 went down lo ll little seaside resort, culled San Marino ever been 'Never.' v 'Well, it's a very queer sort of a place. There is a line stream of water courses j from the uiouiiiuins and empties into the sea :iln nit hall a mile from the town although i hero is nu town there, oti'.v a liol.. i...t..l ) i.l.. .a :. i. . . ..i mm. . "ll,v- Ol.ll aislll a II s B IP . I. I lie ;-t''l empties into the sea in winter, dur- i"! theieavv rains, but in summer time ; the surl bunks, up the mouth wilh sand and j forms quite a lake or lannu. "J.a-'una a l'u, jtus' j8 the Spanish name. The pro- I'netor of the lintel had a few lillle sail boats fitted up ; they were iu cotihtanl use by the guests. Game is plenty iu the hills mil about there, dec rami quails ; Ihe creek is full of sir ckleil trotil ; tlie hotel is nisi j far enough frmn tin- sea to render the eli ! in. Uo delightful. The San M.iriim House j was filled to its utmost capacity thai u a ' son. It was a curious kind of a crowd J gathered there. Cily sportsmen, with dogs, guns, lishing laekle, etc. , superau i iiualed old women, ami lor I in; U uciil of ! the sea breeze, young bo;, s f.-urteen or lit , teen years of age, making '.heir lirst trip ! iroui nome alone - two or tluee grass wi ' ' " ' i 11 n; iinin null' dow i.... i'.. i i ! dort u lllu lil' " 'tis velocipede-anil 1 three or four young ladies and a doi.en Iris- I ky school girls. On the, whole, il was as ' jolly a crew as ever gathered together. I ! Wilh h iis.;b.ick tiding, boating, lishing : i and hunting, the time passed rapidly' enough. I said Ihcrei were lliree or lour ! ; young ladies, bul. so I ir as 1 was concern- ! cd. there was tm I y one - Miss Tuotic Tusby ! excuse me. Pills, bill 1 cannot speak 1 that name w ith nit em ui 111.' and li.ii'gs ! drew forth his bandUerehi. f and wiped his ! ; eyes vigorously. j I 'I cannot describe all her charms ; but, ' ! Pills, if ever there was an angel iu this ' world she was one. 1 devoted myself to ! I li. r 1', ll... 1 U'l,.,,. M 'i'....,; 1.. i 1 ,i , :, 1 . , 'n 11. o, 1 . . 1 i 1 1 rode ; il she walked I walked ; when she ! went Hsiiing. liangs went lisliuig. it she , sailed upon the lake. Bangs was there also. I Pills, I loved that girl and when I think i . ; PIClCIl ! 'Did you piopose 1" I asked. 'No, Pills, uo. Ah ! If I ouly had ; if I only had V What prevented ?' 'Well, nolhing but my own folly. I was : faint hearted wheu it came to that. I had 1 it in my mouth a dozen time and my tongue tailed me. There was number fei- I ' lo there, who made) me terribly jealous. She didn't show liim any particular favors, I bat lhat he was a gre il inliuirer of her uny ' one could see, uud I really wasn't certain j in my miud wliieh one she pielerred. She 1 might, iu lime, have shown mnuu prefer- ; ; ence, aud my doulit benu dispelled liud il , , not heeu fur tho allUir that happeued w hich j blighted ull my lulure hie.' ) 'Bad as that 'i" I u.-.ked. j 'Pills, you never wau in-love : vou never i , iosi iuo olio jieavcn assigned you i don't know ujiy thing ut nil about it.' -J'OU 1 nut's 1: ; go on. i'liero was ti rurty p.t the San Marino II , 1 - ' . Hotel lust evening, a soiree or sometime' like that they culled it. They sent up to tho city for music, aud went iu fur it gay time. I v.ts counted cat fcoiucwhal, for you know I don't dance. The other fel low did. Mom than that, he danced with Tootiu all the time. Pills, you don't know anything about il at nil ; you never had the girl you love dancing with your rival all the evening right before youreyes, while you sit in the corner like a knot i.n a log seo him iu the drills, when all the rest of tho couples take each other's hand and pro menade ; see that fellow just put his arm l nround that gnl nud en waltzing or polka inj all around the room, every time right in front of you, and that cussed fellow treading on your corns every chance he can get you don't know any tiling uboul it.' I admitted my ignorance. Well, I couldn't stand il ; il was too n uch. I rushed out and started for the sea. I don't know as 1 had any intention of suicide, but I was in a desperate mood. Tho path to the beech lay alongside of the lagoon, and by tho time I had ?one a hun dred yards I changed my mind and thought I would'nt go to the beach, but would lake, a swim in the lake. That is all Ihe accom plishment 1 possess, and one. can't show that oil' before Ihe ladies, you know not in the same way you can ilancini:. I disrob ed under the branches of a huge alder tree, or sycamore or some such tree, and struck out for the other side of tlie lake. Tlie moon was shining brightly and the water was delightful. I grew cool, and soon was elijoyino, to the utmost, the luxury of the situation. I almost forgot Miss Tusliy and i her admirer. Having crossed to the oppo I site, 1 swam into the dark shadows of the alders until I camu to the beach. Then 1 j noticed the moou was getting low. I must j return before I was missed at the parly. After a short rest I plunged iu again, and j struck out for the place where I had left ! my clothes. I could liud it easy by the ! j large tree growing there, and Pills, 1 tell j ! you. (he situation of things about that time j 1 was precarious.' 1 ! 'How's that y I ! 'I couldn't lind my clothes ! Gone, sir, ' every article except my plug hat. I rush I ed around among the brush and nettlesiind j poison oak, like a setter after a quail. Je- ! rusaletn ! Whew '. 1 tell you 1 got a dose ' that lasted me for a month. Not a rag of 1 ! clothing could I find. I happened to look i up the pathito the hotel. What do you .' ; think Isaw?" A cursed gray hound that j belonged to my rival, wilh my while vest, j ; tossing it upon his nose, and dragging it . I about amongst the dirt anil tan weeds as ' though it had been an old dish cloth. The . situation llashed upon mc in an instant. I The dog had stolen my clothes in sport, und tin re I was there in "the night air, and I no possible show of gelling in thu house j without discovery. Phasant, wasn't it V j 'Volt don't know anything; at all about ! it, sir. That was nolhing to what follow i oil.- .lust us I was wondering how iu the. I dickens 1 was to get out of the scrape. I j looked up toward the hotel and saw some thing thai fairly made my blood freeze iu ; inv veins. I saw three persons coming j down ihe path. 1 at once recouized them as my rival, Wiikius, Miss Tootio and auo ! ther young lady. They met thy dog when I about half way between the lake ami hotel, i I saw by their actions that the discovery of I the vest iiad alarmed them. They till came . hurriedly down the path to the very spot ' where I stood. Pills, that was a situation ! 1 never hope lo be placed in again." i Tudoubtedlv ! Did you t.tkj to va ; ler ':" 'I dared not do il, but it would have been i belter if 1 had. 1 had been in the water ' too long already. 1 was iu an awful shiv ! fi' gouse llesh all over. There wasn't j lime lo deliberate long. My first thought ; was lo spring up into a tree, and 1 did so. j They came rushing down to the water's j edge, under the tree just beneath inc. They were iliseussuig tlie prouaoiaty of iny neing drowned. I roosted there ori a limb shiveiiag like sin, nothing on but my jilii.,' hat, you know. 'By and by they begun to talk about go ing back to the hold and giving ihe alarm. I could hear one of the young ladies weep ing ; but hang me il 1 could tell wliieh one. L, was anxious to know, of course, for if It was Miss Toolie, the fact would be sigmli cent. at least, lu my anxiety to discover which was weeping, I eiept noiselessly out a lew feel tart lit r mi l lie mini, i inn not feel farther oil ihe limb. 1 did stop lo consider that tbe sveninore was a very brittle Iree. Mielehiiig my neck lo the utmost, 1 peered down through the leaves, and crush !' Tlie limb broke " Yes, sir; and 1 bunni invfclf .stretching out in lull length on the sand, right iu ihe midst ot them. O, J upiti r Amnion ! Pills, you don't know auvlliiog n'miii il ! 1 prayed for an earthquake lu open the ground and swallow uu- 11,1 ; bul it ilid'ut. 'The girls looked at me in astonishment a moment, and there was a liviiieinluus fluttering of white dressis as they ran back to the hotel. Wiikius burst out iu a roar of laughter and ke t il up until I sprang lip aud cnlland him. I told him if I.e valued his lite tog 1 lo the hotel ami bring my valise, w hich contained a extra sail of clothes. I made him promise lo keep mil. 11, too, un til 1 was clear of the place. He was glad lo do that, for he fell that he'd have Ihe whole lield to himself. He brought the valise as he promised, and I walked 1 ighl miles to tbe next hotel., The next 'lay I look Ihe stage for thu cily. Miss Tusby married Wiikius, uud I have never seen her since that fatal night ?' 'Ami therefore you hate dogs ?' 'Atul who wouldn't V 1 1" it. hadn't been for that dog, 1 in vef should have met wilh lhat accident. I might have won Miss Tusby, I might, have been the lather of a large and Nourishing; family, instead of a misanthropic bachelor. I might ' Hero Hangs was interrupted by some one rapping nt the olllee door. He unlock ed it, and ushered ill a disconsolate looking fellow, who, 01. seeing me, inlimali da wish to consult him piivatcly. Bangs' private oHicti is separated from his reception room by sliding doors, us he thought, but it hap pened that the track which hu ran 011 was out ol order, and the doors slid open about three inches, l.'navoidubly I listened to the whole conversation. 'You ure lawyer Bangs, aro you not ?' said the stranger. Yes, sir. Can I do anything for your V 'I think s i. 1 am unhappy in my in li nage relations. ' Ah ! that's bad. Tui.ikiug or u di vorce V" Yea, sir.' 'Ah ! Pethapsit is best where twocrniuot live together happily. Personally, I have alwajs thought the marriage statu the only happy one for a mail in tho world.' Are you married, sir t' . . . .-1. . 1 1 .. ,...' i possibly, had il uiitUn;n forttu uuforluuatc on, 110, sir ; ih, sir , nngin iiavuuevii, 1 ' - - .- -. , ! 1 oiii-h 1 j 'Vou ought to thiuk yourself lucky, tir,' : interrupted the stranger. , ' lVrhaps 9U- But Icl us attend to your Xfw Merle. ol. S. Xo. 2W 1I Nvricn, Vol. .IS, Xo. 4. business, On what ground do you intend to proceed V' . 'Incoinpatihilil v of temper, first.' 'Anything else V 'Yes, sir ; deceptions. Sho claimed to be a maiden lady.' Wasn't she 'f 'She had been married three times, and was the mother af three children.' 'Can't agree, eh ?' 'Nd, sir ; could ns soon ngren w ith tho devil.' 'That is bad. ' 'Her reputation, I know, is not good. She is nothing but an adventuress.' 'Lut I);).- get this tiling iu shape. I w ill take down your statements.' And imme diately I coi'.li! hear Bangs scratching nwuy wilh his. pen. 'Your name V1 'John lladger.' 'Wife's name V , . 'Susan Badger.' 'Name when you married 'Susan Tinkhutn. Tinkhatn committed suicide six mouths after marriage.' 'Name before she married. Tiiiklcwn V 'Plunkif. l'lulikel ran nwuy and lefl her, and she ilivoice frmn iiiin.' 'Ah, ah ! She's one of 'cm. isn't she ? What was her name before she married Plunket ? -. 'Wilkins. He lived with her ubout a year, when he got a divorce.' ' 'Wilkins; the name sounds li't'iliar. Do you know her name before she married him 'f' 'Yes. sir. It was Tusby Susan Tusby, or Tootiu Tusby. us she was ca led.' There was a dull thud on the lluir, a cry of dismay from tlie siranger, and I, throw ing open the door, rushed in. Bangs had fainted. . . &l;st.dl;mt.0iu Bnuiin's Diskask ok Tin: Kidnkys. Day by day some, well-known pi rsonage drops oil' from the scenes of life by this in- i exorable disease. lis peculiarities are not I so well known us Ihey should be. The kid- neys are very important organs of the bo : dy, and were intended by nature to be kept , ! abundantly warm. Hence in health they are enveloped iu a case of fat, so as scarce- : ! ly lo be seen, ns may lie noted any day in ; la butcher's shop. "If chilled, the blood, I ceases to circulate; it congests; becomes! so impacted in the little blood-vessels that ', , il looses ils albumen. . The ulbuineu is thu t i life, the very life, !l:c-support of the body, I ; to give it ilsMrciigj'i mrl llesh ; but when jit is passed oil' through the bladder il is lost, and the man dwindles away to u skel- : I oton; the congestion continuing, iu some i cases the blood itself follows, and death is I inevitable ; hence it is especially impor i t an L in I lie old lhat the back should be ' ; comfortably warm. Between the shoulder- blades behind the lungs are attached lothe I body, ami nt i.o oilier, point. All know : j how soon a wind on the back will give a , cold. A very few minutes silting Willi the ' j back to a closed window will causa chilli- I j ness, even iu the summer time, because ! ; there is a draught ofair through the joint- : ings ; hence the space between the shoul-del-bladis should be especially protected iu cold weather either by a strip of buckskin or of stout woollen flannel, attach- . ed to ihe garment ordinarily worn next to , the skin in the day time. But for nil over ; lifly, for the frail and feeble, a betfer plan ' ! is lo wear next to the skin, both drawers and shirt made of very thick UnUled or , netted material, and made to lit about ,'U close as an ordinary stocking ; the action of such ,i garment is to letaiti the heat-of the ' body, us well as to protect il IVein external , cold. It has. two olher iidva:itages ; il is 1 ' open enough to allow Iheinaiiations oflhe ! j body lo escape from it, while the actual : ' dampness of perspiration is conveyed from ' i the inner to ihe outer surface. As a mat- ter of mere experiment, any intelligent i reader might tty such inner garments for a single winter, nun lie governed by tun re sult for the tuuire, pulling them on nboi.t the first of December, and not lo be remov ed until June. Tin: Girl Just Married. Can she make bread V is the chorus. .',) iifcoiirso j h. can't. 'Well, our grail mot hers made invjui. What of it? Thev didn't live with a steam bakerv round the a steam bakerv round the cornel Nobody asks if Piydrick can saw wood or mow. 111s graillaliier did both : bul 10- let is sure ! red rick would station himself I Wl ots a.e uneciiv llliuei llie Clillliesuue. i and his head would be the lirst wood choo 1 pud. lie might, indeed, sally for'.h some i summer gaily swinging his scythe; : but. In fine night, lie would surely be brought home, like sonic popular actor, 'in : two parts.' However, she loels tha- she can love Frederick even if he does dill'er iu some lispcels from his reveled aiieestois. j 'Can she knit j" cries llie chums. No. 'Well, our grand uiofhej'- knitted all Ihe , slocking:; fur the families,' Vl.c absurdity ' nf thinking that l'redei iek. who cannot ! endure a dull) iu this line hose, would Wear j those coarse, clumsy, ribbed-yarn sluckijigs, even it she could make lliein. Cleaily, ihe ! woman of to-day is good enough fur the I man of to day : but, sei ing that some wn ! lets are so inl.i '. u 1 U ,1 with their grand- mothers' was aud winds, i!i.ips ' apparently Useless and iibsiiid cannon, that a man shall not .11.11 ry his grandmother, is . not so until cess ay a! . Aimer Bi dding. We are now passing through tin; proper season tnr budding mosi : trees, remarks Josiah Houpes. of Chester i I county, P.t ; peaches especially are gruw j iug Iiixui laiill v. and a laid m iwo inserled I ai. this time will iu two or three years give : a buiinteuus re. ill 11. ll is very easy to go ; to a uuiserv and purchase a lew young trees ' in spring, but il is mil quite so easy to pro- 1 I cure large ones of a hearing age. There- ! ' fore w hen llu re are any old pear, or even 1 peach trees diluting around our dwellings, il is but a lew iniiiuics' work lu put in a : , fe.v buds of smile excellent kind and llills S insure a crup that will be rciiniuciuCve iu ' time to cuine. Bv the way. the quickest, ; easiisl am! surest uielhod, when ihe bark 1 I separates easily In. 111 the s.ion, is lo cut ! ! beneath the bud, hall way through the I I scion, commencing half an hum below the ! I hud and eliding the same distance above, I At the latter point merely run iho kni1 1 nround (lie bark and I wist the bud oil', leiiv- j I iug us 11 matter tl cuut'su all the wood atllicr- I . iug to tho stick. Tliesi) in iho case of! ' pcachc rarely fail under thu worst ol treat- I i incut, uud in fuel so sure has the otieralioii 1 mw become- thul the large propagators use U' method 111 pivlcreiice to all others, I , r Josh Hillings s iy : "Most men concede i that it looks foollsji to see a boy draggint ..... '. i .1 1. in . 1. ..1 . t . 1 I 11 ueavy i.ieu up 11111 iui uiu Heeling' picd- 1 suiu ol riding down again. H11I. it uiwtenva . - n f- - to mo thai boV I3 a s lee bv the : i.ln nr .1 young man .who works hard ull the week. I und drinks up r.l! his wages 011 Satuidsy night. ADVERTISING SCHEDULE 10 Lines, or uhont 1 00 orils, make n Square I Sq So Ono weak Lot); u.ik Two weeks I .fin t.iK, Thrcu " a.tut a.oi Four 11 g..o 4.ot Five " 'J.T.', ft.lili Six li.Oe li.T.'i T iVo inn's Ji.'Ja 7.. ' 'three" if. op s.Di Six i'i.iii. " Nine " b.n Ki.oi One Year S.ii, u.u Sq 4 Sq I .-, col tjcol 1 rnl .r,ii a. on r,.i)ii s.lXM a.OO M.Su. 4. on K.on H,oo H.ol 4. .ro 5.0 u.ooiii.otuo.r) S.fM li.tKI tO.tM lii.WJ'J.MI IS.-M 7.1 12,00 IT.itDfi.MNl Teiii- S.II LI.ISI IS.IKI iT.fiO S..")0 u.u, l.-(.0ii:;ll.l'0.,0.0l II.Mi tU.llo-iil.DO ..Mil) Ill.OC 11.00'. itri.lKKb.lU'iO.OO i;;.uw i.'i.oi) iMjo-.Ti.tO Tfi.Ou l.i.iil..l.UI) to.UOi O.lOtfUO. Blue and violet llowers ')Xpn$ed to thu smoke of ?. cigar or to iiiiiinniiiaeal fumes luru green ; carinine-reil llowers color from yrecn lo black, uud while, llowers .yellow. One-half pouud of borax will drive thu cockroaches out of any house. A largn , bauolul of Ihe powder to ten giillons; of j water will ell'ect a great saving of (illy per cent, in soap. It is an excellent dentiiliop, i nnd Ihu best inatei ial for cleansing thu ealp. ' ; Constipation of ihe i bowels may be p.c ! vented by drinking a tumbler full oi cold water on rising in the morning'. i Some rats were poisoned in Alabama, and some hogs ale the dead rats ; some ! dogs ale the dead hogs, nnd some chiekeno I ate Ihe dead dogs, nud all the chickens died ; but one, which was eaten by a man, w ho j was inaiii! sick but got well again. It is 1 Mngolai tiufurtuimte lor Hid cause of j .ic;eiice luat the man didn't die, and lhat j there were no cannibals there to eat him ; and show how far this poisoning business I is capable of going before it natur..lly rut;.; itself into Hie ground. jumoroiis ! .MuMng Thing's Hiliii'. Many years ago, a negro clergyman, very light-colored came north for tiie purpose of collecting money to build an African Baptist Church iu one of Ihe .Southern. States. The people did not come down very heavily, unit sonic one, knowing old Mr. B's dislike to everything Africau, sent the applicant to him. B., not suspecting his race, relieved him graciously .and ask ed : . 'What kind of a church are you going, to put up'" " "Baptist." "How much money do yuii want to ruie. V" "Five thousand dollars." "Is that enough ?" "Vis." B., sat down at his desk, took out his cheek book, tilled it out for the entire sum and the colored brother thought he had struck oil sure. "One thing,'' said B., "J want to UU derslaud before I sigu iny name," "Certainly, anything." "The Baptist put ihe new fellers under wafer, don't they'" "Entirely, ihnt ia ot'.f style." ,-i "W ell. I want you to ugree to have tin; water biliu' hot, and cii crcry darned dai'knj lo dtatli tliut yncs in .'" Jack's Bihdk. A seafaring man, wild was recently married gives the following description of the bride and her apparel, which we think will put some ol the "socie ty" papers lo the bltifch : . "My wife is just as handsome a craft, as. "ver lull, the nnllinei'V dry dock:!, in clipper built, find with a figure bead not oflcuseei: on small craft. I ler length of keel is livu inches, over ull five feet eleven inches. dis places twenty seven cubic feet of air. of ligh!, draught, which adds to her speed in a ball room ; full in the waist, spars trim. At the lime we were' spliced she was newly rig ged fore and ufi with standing: rigging; of lace and llowers, mainsail part silk with forestaysail of Valenciennes. Her fiame, was of the best steel, covered with silkf wilh whalebone stancheons. The rigging ia intended fur fair weather cruising. Shu has also a set. of storm sails fur rough weather, and is rigging out 11 small set of of canvas for light squalls, which are liable to occur iu this latitude; sooner or later. I am told iu running dov n the street before the wind she auswerj the helm beautifully, aud can turn around in her own length if p. handsomer craft passes by." Unaffected Piety. When Chubb's wile died we culled in to mourn wilh liim, and. if possible, to cons le him iu his af fliction. The oltl ninu sat in the rockiti;; chair, with his eyes closed, chew ing a tooth pick imd rocking lo and fro as he uppa rtmlly iniijed over the years thai had sped ; so happily with bio lute partner. We geiii, ; ly approached the subject of Mis. Chubb's : departure. We assured hitn thai we syni- pa'.hized wilh him in his deep Hllliclioli, ' and Hie more sincerely because we kl:ev,' the cstimab'c qualities of his wife, ami ! were familiar with the v'utues with which ! she adorned her hoini . 'She was, iudrVd.V ! we said, "an excellent woman ; a. remr.rka- ble woman ; 11 woman of sterling qualities H, f miallected piety. Chubbs slopped I roi-L-im, iiiw look.., I 111 us lliiiill litll v. ! 11- atleeted piety V lut exclaimed, unall'eile4 piety if Thiil's just il. That is just what's the matter. I tell you, Adder,' he said, bringing his band down emphatically on, ihe arm of ihe chair, 'llie way that there' woman could roast 11 sugar-cured ban: would biing tears lo I Id: eyes of a graven image. ' Then we Jw'ciil ot'.t -and Jeft . hiuA alone with bis sorrow.' There arm son") kinds of grief thai are loo iivjred to he lightly intruded upon. At a hotel. 11 short time since, a girl in quired of a gentleman at the table if his cup was out. "No," said he but uiy collee it." The poor girl Went nway considerably ctmfuskd, but dc'.'.'riiiined to pay him back in his (. 11 com. While at dinner, iho bla.e ijrove ir.i, aud several coining in. tho 1 gentlemen asketl. "Does Ihe stage. dine bere'r"' "No, sir," replied the girl, in u sarcastic tune, "but the passengers do." A Humorous Pk ki'dlkici'.-(tiliecr Paul is detailed to duly 111 llie sanitary, squad, under Captain Yule, and is a very etht.ieiit ollieer ; but lasl nighl a joku wr.w perpetrated on him which hu will not hear 1 ihe last of for some time ; . l.:tst night, in going to his dinner, tha ollieer, not wishing lo get wet. jumped 011 ! a Bieecker street car, and, ln-fore ho hud ridden far, one oflhe piuscngers called yut, thai he had lust Inn watch. Ollieer Paul imiuialtalely licgnn to search for Ihe missing wiil' h, and ihe owner sunn lefl the ear. V bile the ollieer was still look ing for the thief ur the watch, uue of llnj passengers called to liiui. and said : 'Why. there is Ihe watch, now !" point ing to the tail of the ullleer's coal, and sure, enough, there was the watch banging li; one of the bulimia 011 the back of his cou. The ihief, lei doubt, fearing thai he might , be arrested uud the rloleu pl'oK ily lonil ! in his possessi'in, resolved to play ihu otD cer a trick. Tha nsme on tbe watc'i is i - P. A Allisot'., !cw York city." -Via' York 1. t. Cramp Cot.ic It is stud that two pills of gum camphor i-wcllowed w ill "ive relief iu twenty niitiuU n. . . , ' You oughi lo let iuo pnos hero freu of charge, considering ihe laihes-okiit nature - 1 uf 111 tf iirfift'SHhiTi." sabl 11 iilivsii-iiiii i, ti --- j 1 - - - 1 - - j - I toll esle keener. "Nut so." wits tlie rt-ule ! "you scud ton ntr.ny 'dead heads' through ! heru now." Thu doctor didu't stoji lu in'- ' guc tln (Miint.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers