SUNDURY, OCTOBER 17, lb73. nilroBl Tlra Tatye. ARRIVAL ASD DEPARTURE Of TRAINS AT Sl'HUV RT. N. C. R. W., South. Erie Mull, 1.30 ft m Erie Expros, 9.40 ' Mall, 11.18 Nlag. Expre 0.40 p m P. & E. R. R. West. Mull, 6.30 am Nlnff. EspresslS.aa p m Elralr Mull 4.10 " Erlo Express, 6.40 " SUHBURT AWO LSWI8TOWM R. R. Leave Sanhnry for Lewlstown nt 7.80 a. m., and 4-20 p. M. Arrive at Bunbury from Lewistown at 1.50 and 7.45 p. in. SIIAMOKIK DIVISION, X. 0. R. W. l.SATK I ARRIVB ttnbtiry nt 5.45 n m I At Bunbtir 9.25 a m " 13.85pm " 8.55 pm 4.40 p m I 0.00 p m, HAZI.ETOH A WILRERRARR K. R. Retrnlnr passenger tsnln leaves Sunbury for Pnnville, Cattnwissa, Ilar.lcton and intermediate tntlons, at 6.45 a. m. Returning leave Ilazle ion at 1.00 p. in. Arrive nt 4.00 p. m. LACKAWANNA AND BI.OOMSBU1K3 R. R. Leave Northumberland at 9.40 a. m. and 4.50 tn. Arrive at Northumberland at 10.85 a. m. and , U5 p. m. Accidental Insurance Tickets can bo bad Sliipman, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. of Summer Arrangement Tor the Posit Oflli-e at Munbury, Ia. 'OJJlet Open from 6.80 a. m., to 8 p. in., extept 'on Svnday. - TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF TIIE MAILS. Arrives as follows : From t!ie East at 0.15 a. m., 12.15 p. m., 4 p. m. " South, 8.15a.m. ,12.15p.m. 4.10p.m. " West, 0.15a.m., 13.15 p. m., 4.10p.m., tind 8.20 p. m. " North, C a. m., 11 a. m., 3.55 p. m. Shamokin, Mt. C'armel and points on that line, 9.15 a. in., 8.50 p. III. Mails close as folfows : For the East, 5. 50 a. m., 10.50 a. m., 7.35 p. m. soum, iti.ou a. m., 7.a. p. in. i " West, 7.:!0 a. in., 10.50 a. in., 7.35 p. in. I " North 5.50 a. m., 3.50 p. m., 7.35 p. in. I Sliamoklu proper 13.15 p. in. STiamokiu and ofllccs on that route, 4.20 p. in. , .T. J. SMTT1T. P. M. lousiness Wnls. i Tm; Imi'ikivkii & Ha Bkwino Ma viiink. These celebrated machines arc oll'cred nt. the most reasonable rate. For particulars upplyto I). G. KUTZ, Aircnt, Frli.22,'7:!.-ly. I'pper Amrustn township. ('akhi.ink1Ui.iik, dealer lit Musical Instru ments ami Scwimr Machines, Market street, near Third, Suiihtiry. Ia. Call and evuniine the best Organs. Melodcons, Sewing nud K nit tins; Ma i hiui s in the market. Always on hand the Es-' ley, Silver Tongue, Smith's American. Mason it 1 llainlin Oritans. Order taken for all kinds of Pianos ami Musical Instruiiients. The Peoples' . Favorite Sewini; Machines ; Domestic an.l Gro- I ver it Baker. ( Persons pnrchaitlnir niaehines '. from mt! wlil receive instructions. First-class Knitting Machines for sale. j Hats ami Cats. Samuel Faust, has just re- i turned from the city with a lare assortment of the latest stylu hats. His stock is full, Hud the laUsi styles can he had at his store, on Market street at city prices. Wanted. Two good trills to learn Dretunak Y17. A good opportunity is offered to those de Kirintr a trade. Apply to Mrs. A. Tweed, oppo site City Hotel, Suiibuiy, Pa. Wm. II., of the Excelsior Boot & Shoe Store, Is astonishing everybody with his loW prices. He keeps the bcsl manufactured. Hie Mock consists of the ltrgcst variety In central I'eiinsyhanin. Trunks nud Valises of all sizes, arc for sale at his store. New Fritsirrni:. A large assortment of fur- j nitiire has just been received by H. L. Hauden- ' bush, Masonic Hall building, Sunliury. Every style imil qiia.ityof luruiture is in store'.anrt sold , t the most reasonable prices. Those who de- j bire to renew their household furniture will tind u larger assortment than, elsewhere. j Tun finest assortment of fall goods can be ' found at 1). A. Finneys store on Maiket street. The selection is very Hue, and every variety of Dry Goods, Queensware, Hoots and Shoes, No tions, Jewelry, Carpets, Groceries, Arc. ice., can be purchased at reduced prices. The goods have ' all been selected witb great care, and ladies will ; Had I bo finest display that lias been brought ', from the city. Foil Loss ok A itktite, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Depression of Spirits and general Debilitv, in : their various forms, Ferro-I'hosphorntcd Elixir Calisay made by Caswell, Hazard it Co., Sew 1 York, and sold by all druggists, U the best To nic. As a Btimulcnt tonic for patients recover ing from fever or other Sickness, It has no equal. , If taken during the season it prevents fever and ! ague and other Intermittent fevers. Save Ttu u Dot ion's Bill. When Dr. Wis tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry will cure coughs, voids, bleeding at the lungs, and arrest tho fell destroyer, Consumption, it does more than phy sicians can do. The use of a single bottle, exist ing one dollar, will satisfy the incredulous that they need look no further for the required aid. The most unhappy person lu the world is the Dyspeptic. Everything looks dark and gloomy ; be feels ut of hurts,' with himself mid every body tlse. Life is a burdeu to him. This can all be changed by taking Peruvian Syrup (a pro toxide of iron.) discs of 27 years' Maudiug have fieen cured. fcVal Iffairs. 'V Si We direct attention to tec advertisement of Miss Amelia Hancock, in another column. Her selection of millinery goods Isuot surpassed, and the assortment is immense. Sudden Death. A lady named Becker, resid ing in Purdytown, retired to bed on Saturday ev ening last, in guod health. During the night .'he was taken suddeuly ill with convulsions, which resulted in compression of tho brain und ?aused her death. The election in this place, on Tucsduy last, passed oil more quietly than usual, and without .try excitement. Tlie turnout was small, and those around the polls were determined to put on their best good humor. The hotels and restau rants were all closed accordiug to the require ments of the law, and uo disturbance of thepcace occurred ; no tlrunkenuos was seen anywhere. The vote was the lijjlitcst that has been cast In this borough for some years. Suicide. The c' of Cukctawn were thrown into excitement, on Tuesday last, by a young tiiai: named David H. Williams commit ting suicide by throwing himself In front of a freight engine in the 1. St E. R. R. yard, and vas instantly killed. The engine aud sevcnil cars passed over his body, und mangled it in a terrible maimer. It Appears that be has hecu in the habit of drinking to excuss, und was tulll'diig with delirium tremens wkeit ha com mitted tho net. Au Inquest was held by Esquire Vice, uud i verdict rendered iu accordance with he facts. The suicide was about thirty-five ,'ears of age. Ha was working iu the shops us a light machinist, but was discharged recently on tccouiit of his iuicmpciancc. He hits a wife aud parents living in Pittstou, Pa. He has not lived with his wife for some lime, und wo leunt it di vorce suit is pending lu thu court of Liuerue ouuty. Williams had threatened to kill him elf ou several occusious while under the hiu ice of liquor. iTuis is another" sad wurnll j fo hose who indulge in the dangerous practice of riuUiag. We hope the w aruiug will not go un ci ded, and that nil who aYc fuiloulHg Mm to st ruction, will rcrtert before' it U Too iuti Tim Fair. The Union Park and Agncultn fal Fair at this place, last week, gave general satisfaction to visitors and exhibitors. The ar ticles entered numbered In the aggregate 1,213, which was more than was exhibited nt any fair tn this part of the country, and far excelled In character that of any fair previously held hero. The visitor, generally, were much delighted as the grounds presented a grand panaramlo dis play of every thing In the agricultural, mechan ical and stock departments. Thursday being eel apart as tho important day, the attendance was much the Urgest. Racing being ono of the prin ciple features of the day the first tiling In the morning was the half mllo race between Kate an Graj Polly for purse of $50. First heat was won by Gray Polly in 1:0, second by Kate in 1:5 and third by Kate in 1:2. Ho Kate carried off the purse. In the double team trot for a pnrse of $75, be tween "Dan" and "Mate," "Doe" and "Mato," and "Sorrel Team," Dan and Mate carried off the first prize, $50, and Sorref Team the second, $35, as follows: Dan and Mate, first beat, 8:45 1 Bay Team, second, 3:55) Dart and Mate, third, 8:23 1 Dan and Mate, fourth, 3:25. Io trot between Lady Frcck, Lady Powers and Lady Lafayette, for purse of $200, Lady Frcck won first prise, $125, in 2:53 and 2:40, and Lady Powers second prise; $50, In 2:44'. The judges awarded the three premiums to bands, as follows : first premium, $00, to Lew. tsburg Comet Band 1 second, $30, to Mt. Car met Cornet Band ; third, $10, to Seven Points Brass Band. The articles on exhibition In every dipartmcnt was filled to overflowing. Tho stork department, exhibited a very line collection of cows, sheep, hogs, Ke. Tho floral department was exceed ingly attractive and invited the attention of all. Sim Roush's flylug horse arrangement also at tracted much attention, and many of the young, acd gay took a Journey around Roush's ring in conches and on wooden hois:. Even our neigh bor of the Democrat, was induced to take n Jour ney around the noursc. The gross receipts of the fair was $3,275 21. The amount awarded In premiums will reach about $1,300. It ts expected that after all ex penses and awards aie paid, theio will be about $500 left in the hands of tho Association. Fire at Nortih-miieui.anh. On Saturday ev ening last, the oil house of the Northumberland nail works, ca tight lire, and was entirely con sumed. The ro'.ling mill In that place was in great dancer fur some time during the burning of the oil house. Jok. Bum, Esq., President of the Northumber land County Agricultural Society, took occasion, during the holding of the fair, nt Tiirbiitville, to ' celebrate his sixtieth birth day by giving n grand : Rnpper to bis friends at Mr. Drlcsbnch's Hotel. Mr. Hli d's ago docs not deter him from being still nn nctlvo business mnn. He still exhibits considerable of his youthful lgnr. Lost. The Are horn of the Good Intent Fire Company No. 1, has been missing lor some time. Any person having It in their possession, or knowing In whose chnrge it now is, will please inform the president of said company. On the side of the horn is engraved "Presented to the Good Intent Fire Company by C J Brtiucr. Em'l Wilvkht, President. The Fair at this place was nn entire success not only pecuniarily, but In tho number, display and excellence of the articles exhibited. It is true, the Judges were not, In nil cases, the best adapted for the positions assigned them, nnd that some amusing blunders should have occur red in awarding premiums, lu works of art and matters of taste, is not surprising. The receipts show conclusively that a much larger number of peoplo can be assembled at this place than any other In this neighborhood. There is no noubt that if the leak along the railroad bad been pro vided against, the receipts would have reached $3,000. Lioiit. Some of tho citizens of Chestnut strut t have an Idea that if the Gas Company In tends to economise light, they should do It In the after part of the night, and not let people grope in the dark an hour or two iu the curly part of the evening. Died on- a Canal Boat. A little daughter of Capt. John Brooks of Northumberland, nged about 4 years, died on a canal boat at Harris burg on Tuesday night last. Capt. Brooks was on his way to The child was taken sick niter starting from home, witli n severe attack of brain fever. Tho corpse was brought to Northumberland ou Wednesday for interment. Tim Allentowu Steam Fire Company, neeoin pauicd by I' e Allentowu Baud, stopped oil' hero this (Friday) morning on their return from Lock Haven where they participated iu a parade. They were properly received by the tire depart ment of Sunbnry, and made a handsomu nppear unee ou parade through the principle streets. They left iu the iifternoon train for home. List of Letters remaining in the Post Office in Suubury, October 15, 1873. John Bustiaii, O. II. Bennett. Mrs. funic. Bennett, Mrs. W. Boush, Mary Brown, Sallie Buhner, Emanuel Crone, Rev. J. W. Concry, ' David Clagclt, Miss M. J. Green, Miss Cordia Hangle, Daniel C. Herb, Elizabeth Kasslelter, : Geo. K. Miller, Maftgie McCatlrey, Catharine ', Raker, Jacob Raker, Julia Ann Raker, I. L. ' Reed, H. J. Ryluud, W. S. Iteighard, D. W. Ster- : rick, Mrs. M. E. Stewart, Mr. L. Smith. Aaron Slilcr, Oscar StrouUack, Annie fctoll, C. S. Scott, ' I. P. Want pie. J.J. SMITH, i m. i If u inur. wants n bottle of Whiskey, let him buy it and take it homo like a man, ami not j sncaK liome witu a bottle of "Bitters," or "Cor dial," and pretend that it is medicine. If he wants u tonic that is something hitter than a temporary stimulant, he should get u bottle of Peruvian Syrup, an iron Touic, that will vitalize the blood aud give durable strength to the. sys tem. POH THK AMERICAN. Autumn. Again and aguiu tho wheel of time revolves, Unfoldim.' Us Klleeensiiin nf ke.i&ntu ......l. I.. uc turn developing utility una beauty' spring with j.Fjuugiiin, BUllllllLI ItU US 5111111 blllllCS Ull- lolding earth's beauties iu such fullness, leaving for llllt.linin 1 it nrenun. nndini r.. ...... 1...- ..1... ,-...... ,u,.iv iui luiuiu iimiie. Gorgeous uro the hues with which the Diviue Ar- ub iu uuiuiiiii ins creuiiou. aiiu are inesc uiutchless tints of beauty but the mockeries of death I No, uo I Only preparatories to u sleep ; not death not dissolution. It is now. in Autumn. W nun u-llli Wl.lllt,.r exclaim, "J his world i. one of beauty." How beautiful ! bow more than beautiful ! There is beauty, matchless beauty, lu the fading flower, In the falling leaf, lu the forest, iu the vulo j beauty everywhere preparing uature for her dcuth sleep. Autuninul breezes speak the change, pv, iu niuni,-iB out, uuu low, louaer una louder irrOWll. llliLil Itin K:iH liirvin Ilia Hi'lm, ..ll u-ill ii ------ - I ""'I, win telt ilnu until inn's work la done, her beauty gone, "" rupi iu uuiuuinai accay mere is lite iu embryo, lilo sleeping, resting, to slreugtheu for the renewal of uew und wondrous beauty, w hiai winter, kind reliever, removes his icy nittu tle which Is but another wiuly,kiutl provision iu the Great Origluator's desigu. It would be sad, uye sad indeed, t Watch the fading flower, the falling leaf, tho dc3oluteness, wheu autumu's work is fully done, but for the hspe, so sure, of u return. Not a flower, not a leaf but bus its part iu the great creation, uot the tiniest but subserves a purpose lu the plan of the Most High, who though so bountiful Is not pro digal, a nd Is there not lor man u wise a great design.. Our clay teneiuculs, too, full to tho eurtu there to decay thero, too, to perform a part, us do all decay lu reuovutlon of nature. These bodies, loo. must die, and enter Into the great pluu of tte architect Divine. But they are ouiy the ierihhuble ca.kels holding Imprisoned the undying, the immortal of rreutiou the soul, and it may rise into a realm of beauty to which the autumn of earth is but fuint delineation, however rich, however beautiful its leuves and it,w,'" (BAini. rnE.Mii ji mt Of tba First Annnal Exhibition of the Union Park and Agricultural Association, Held nt Sunbnry, Pa., October 8th, 9th and 10th, 1873. Thorouyhbred Hornet. lJohn Derr, blooded mare Francis Gulp, best horse colt, 3 and 3 yr J. Dundoro, best sucking colt 'bl'd' Hortetfor Several Purpoiei. Chm 3. J. Bitterman, best mare colt, 3 and 3 yr CATTLE DEPARTMENT. CLASS 1 BLOODED CATTLE. Ira T. Rcon, best common bnll Henry H. Conrad, bull 11 years old, hono rable mention. Susan I. Scott, best Alderny cow Clias. F. Martin, common cow Lcmml Campbell, durhum cow, honora ble mention. Joseph Emcrlck, common heifer do do calf $10 8 1 50 WORK OXEN. J. S. 8nyde.r, best yoko of oxen 5 Win. F. Kline, best yoke of oxen, raised In the county, honorable mention. IfOHRS AND MULE DEPAMTMENT. CLASS 2 HOUSES. John Moore, stallion overt yrs 20 H. F. Colkct, colt under 1 yr S CLASS 8 DIlAt'OHT IHinSES, JACKS AND MI LES. Bunbury Steam Firo Company, butt pr draught horses 10 5 10 3 John Unas, single tliunght horse Lemuel Campbell, pair draught mules Samuul Reefer, mule colt CLASS 4 gl'ICK DRAUGHT. J. B. Snyder, brood m.iro L. C. Campbell, coll bet 1 and 2 yrs 10 3 CLASS 5 MATCHED HOUSES, OELD1N1IS AND MAItES. P. M. Forrester, pair carriage horses 10 John Haas, single harness 8 J. B. Packer, saddle horso S HIIKKI" DEPARTMENT. CLASS 0.. Isaac Campbell, buck, fine wool 5 J. S. Snyder do long wool 5 Wm P Kline, pair ewes 6 SWINE DEPARTMENT. CLASS 7. Geo Gaul boar 2 yrs old .5 A J Stroh, boar 1 yr old 5 A J Stroh, breeding so 2 yrs old 5 J F Derr, do 1 yrold 5 B F Kanihart, pair shonts 3 II K Fcglcy, lot pigs under six months old 5 rot'LTRT DI'.rAllTMKNT. CLASS 8. J S Snyder, pair pea fowls 2 E Y Smith, coop lame pigeons 3 J M Fox, pair llriiman gcesu 3 (5 B Cadwallader, 8 partridge cochin 3 L Hilkeit, coop 0 chickens 5 J II Campbell, three turkeys 4. W B Scbive, coop of rabbits 2 W F Klino 3 gume chickens 3 Mary B Selilve, coop common chickens 3 J W Washington, pair ducks 3 Rachacl Lax irus, Maltese rat 2 yrs old . 1 0 Rockefeller, pair Maltese, cat . 2 PJ f Iberdorf, coop of bull' cochin chickens. We Would recommend u premium of 2 I'lOWfNO MATCH. Lemuel Campbell, plowman 8 G M Kelley, 2d best plowman 4 FARM AND HOUSEHOLD IMPLEMENTS. CLASSES 0, 10, 11 and 13. Sllfcr, Walls A Schrlucr, Buckeye, reaper nud mower combined 3 Slifer, Walls & Schriner, model Buckeye mower 3 S S Marsh, Valley Chief reaper and mower nnd self rake combined Dip. II K Goodrich. Wood reaper an . mower combined with sell' rake attachment Dip. Chits Rliiuchart, farm roller 2 J W Furinun, corn shelter 4 W B Sehivc, small seed planter Dip. 8 Bouglincr, bee hive 1 II Waiize, best fanning mill 3 Payne ,t McCorniiek, hay and straw cutter 4 B. F Kelley, corn cultivator 2 C Rliiuchart, cultivator general purposes 3 P M Forrester, harrow, no competition Dip. L Campbell," subsoil plow 1 D Hull, iron beam plow 1 L Campbell, steel plow 1 Sunbury Steam Fire Engine Cbmpnny No. 1, besi farm wagon 5 Sunbury Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1 best set wagon harness 2 J S Snyder, ox cart 3 Payne & MeCormick, wooden pump Dip. S Weaver, hay fork 1 1 T Clement, washing machine 1 C Senscnbacli fc Co., krout cutter Dip. Good Intent hook and ladder truck Good Intent hook and ladders Dip. CLASS 14 Mist IXI.AhKOI s IMPLEMENTS AND NEW INVENTION. J L Muench, tulst cut rifle, home made 1 Mrs E Michael, pair home made smooth ing irons Dip. T G Cooper, pot scourer " tlo Mrs J Seashollz, do do H (i Duukelberger, I-X-L steamer and roaster do Moore, Furmau A Sober, steam washing machine do S E Smith, self car coupling tlo FARM AMD GARDEN Pltolll I'TtllNS. CLASS U, 15, Hi and 17. S N Robinson, best bid Family Flour 4 Moore, Campbell tV: Co., heal bbl Family Flour, very deserving Dip. B F Kelley, best corn meal 1 Moore, Campbell & Co., barrel rye flour 1 John F Derr, bush, w hile w heat 1 Martin Gass. bush red wheat 2 Isaac N Cooper, bush Mediterranean w heat, 3 John F Derr, bush rye 1 George Gaul, bush yellow corn 1 J Hudson Kase, bushel white flint corn 1 Clinton Kline, pop corn, deserve mention. George. M Forrester, bush oats 1 Isaac N Cooper, bush barley 1 George M Fori ester, bush cloversccd 1 Henry H Conrad, best '.; bush timothy seed 1 II F llarnhari, bush buckwheat 1 D G Kutz, bush wheat, new variety 1 CLASS 15 VEC.ETAni.EH. W B Schive, bush early rose potatoes 1 Peter Moore, bush pink eyo 1 Emanuel Cordcll, bush peerless 1 DaVid bhipc, bush potatoes Dip. P M Forrester tlo do Jos Cournd do tlo do tlo tlo 8 II Zimmerman, tlo do Em'l Cnrdcll, do do do best bush turnips 1 II T Burnsldc, red beets I J W Washington, sugar beets 1 Wellington Hummel, U stalks okru Dip. W B Sehivc, gi ml tripoll onions ('has Moore, best while onions 1 Waller, 5 stalks celery 1 M Keilz, while table turnips 1 Joseph Eiucrick, 3 lids cabbage 1 J W Washington, 13 tomatoes 1 B F Diclil, 2 largest sweet pumpkins 1 tier. Gaul, 2 do licid do 1 J G Gurtner, purple c.'g plant 1 Mrs C Mettler, 'J , peck Lima beans 1 J W Washington, gaiden squash I W Kautliuau, mammoth squash 1 Ul.ASS 111 Fltl ITS. I) G Kutz, best exhibit of apples, 1 varieties, 4 Joseph Conrad, assorted basket apple, A bin Staruer, basket ol pippins, Samuel Oberdorf, basket of bellllower apples, 1 Mrs R Lyons, basket quinces, Mrs 11 Newberry, basket of peurs, 1 II B Masser, collection of grapes, 1 Dr Jos Eysler, collection concord grapes, 1 class 17. Mis I Campbell, roll I utter, 2 Mrs 1 Mail., roll butter, Dip. Mrs M Sehivc, best home-made chccscj 1 Johu Oyster, rye w hlskey 1 do corn do Diploiu.. do wheat do ) Win Culp, 5 lbs of honey, M M Reitz, botilu blackberry wluc, Peter Moore, 5 lbs dried cherries, M M Schive, 5 lbs dried peaches, do do sweet apples, Mrs Geo Forrester, 5 lbs dried raspberries. The eihbiition of butter and peurless potatoes was esH.'eiully good and a very large assortment of audi, milking it dinleull for the committee to award tho premium. CARRIAGE, LEATIIF.R AND STOVE DE PARTMENT. CLASS 18 CAHHIAUES AND LEATHER. C Hunt, best two horse pleasure carriage, C Nell, 1 horse carriage, II Peters, buuting wugon, A J Stroh, set single carriage harness, A J Stroh, i doz. assorted collars. CLASS 10 STOVES. A Kruuse, best rooking stove, coal, do radieut home heater, do gas buruer, J B,lted, oruameulul parlor store, do. sample hollow ware, do No. rook stoves. 5 5 5 3 Dili. T B BliaHUoii, txli lou jewelry uud silver ware ,3 50 A M Meuel, i-Kbibllicii jewelry aud silver ware u Ml Owing to an error in the premium list the ex hibition of Jewelry and silver ware was published In two classes,' out committee awarding to Mr. Shannon and the other to Mr. Mcixel. The dis play In ench bcingvory creditable, we have divid ed the premium between the two exhibitors. The samo difficulty occurs In thn display o I boots and shoes, nnd wi have therefore divided tho prctnlnm. W II Miller, display of boots and shoes, Gibson & Furm tn, displny boots and shoeat, 2 50 3 50 Dip. class 20. C K Sober, engraving, C Miiihl, rout nnd vest. 8 Fanst, displny hits nnd caps, 2 J F Byrod, dlsp'lny cigars, 3 J S Sylvus, made boots nud shoes, 2 CLASS 21 PA I NT I NO , PENMANSHIP, AC. M E Purdy, oil pninting, 1 A E Zeltler, pencil drawing, 1 Updcgrntl'A Wharton, display sign nnd orna mental paintimrr., 2 Wll Richardson, display penmanship, 1 B Hall, displny photographs, 3 W M Dougherty, dlrplny marblfl work, 4 Mrs II llllllngton, china plate 100 years old, Minnie Purscl, rryotlto from Greenland, Mrs R Shissler, Family Bible 12'.l vcars old, Mrs M Miller, set water pitchers loo year old, Mrs Mllllger, Cainelian scorpion lizard, black spider from Cuba, ' Mrs M C Wilson, land warrant 1773 Dr A 8 Cummlngs, china cup and saucer li'.l years old , Rev Mlllllicn, book In Toilgnc laiigiia(,a p:li,i i on board leaves II Seashollz, miniature house and furniture Mrs J O Snvder, eopvof Freeman's Journal, pub. May 23, 17S7 Mrs P W Snyder, salt eclier made iu Europe 157 years ago DOMESTIC MA N U F A CTl' I! ES . Cl.ARS 22 CA1IPFT9, WOOL AND LINEN ARTICLES. Mrs P F.eknian, bust 15 yjs woolen carpel lug I " E Hou?el, 15 yds rug carpet 3 " JB Snyder, 10 yds LViemadc flannel 1 " P M ForiTster, pr lin. sheets 2 " Jacob Wilvcrt, 10 yds homemade linen 2 ' L Rockefeller, pair oolen blankets, home made 2 " G Miller, pr woolen blankets, homemade 2 ' E Einerick, houicniadu soap 1 " Mars Bnrrcl, tlo do 1 " C Mettler, 2 lbs woolen yarn, homemade 1 " O Hill, homemade iicai tu rug 5 " R Kelley, pr white wooten blankets 1 M E Smith, door rug ', 1 CLASS 23 QUILTS, KTtJI KINO?, AC. ' R Campbell, pr home knit woolen hoso 1 " R Shissler, pair knit cotton half hoso 1 " C. Miller, linen knit hoso 1 " 8 Forrester, homemade mittens 1 . " G M Forrester, woolen half hoso home made i " John F Kline, homemade counterpane 1 , H Mailt k, do do do 1 "MO I, von, do po do l " M M Miller, do do do 1 " II I) Wharton. do do " R Lyons, delaine quilt, pat", w tlo " ii iicniiricKf , calico, tlo M C Wilson, delaine, do " JB Morton, quilt, patch werk silk CLASS 24 WOIISTED WoliK. Miss R packer, best Arghancro i ' Kato Young, do crotchet tidy tlo tlo toilet mats, Vet ' . A M Snyder, crotchet tidy , Mrs (ico Smith, best Ottomaii cover Miss L E Cumniings, do do ' M Hendricks, best crotchet sola cushion ' E Seesholtz, best loilct cuskiou, G Zeigler, do do, Mrs (! Harrison, do slippers inn cloth Miss M Kline, toilet pin cushion Mrs 8 B lleneh, infants Afghan E Einerick, reception chair rush Geo Irvlu, crochet tidy ' H Billlngtoii, variety worsted work ltoed, white quilt Sallie Bright, knit tidy Lizzie Knsemnn, thread tidy , ' Emma Painter, crotchet tidy Bessie Milllkcn, set toilet mats CLASS 25 MUSLIN WORK. -Mrs J fciegler, embroidered yoke for til; ,'llt tires Miss Mary Heck, embroidered band and sleeves for ynder garment ' A Gossler, variety tatting (i Ziegler, tatted sleeves and band Mrs (i 11 Cadwallader, childs dress ' A 8 Irvin, piece tucking E 1 Milllkcn, child's dress h m ' J II Kase, colluraml cull's h m ' J Pyatt, dis'y embr'y, doz nap ' Dr Unlick. cinbr'ed pillow cases CI.ASs 20 FANCY. Mrs L G Sticker, wax h irp J Wilvcr, ornamented shell woik Mrs G W Gcrringcr dis'y bead work ' J C Ii vin, hair lluarrs Miss Lou Shissler, tMfday millinery goods Mis E A Shiudle, displav leather flower ' II S Walters, fancy top mosaic murble I. line Miss 8 Zimmerman, uir cnstlo (fancy CLASS 2i CAKES, I1IIEAD, AC, Miss Mairgle L Shiudle, best homemade G Sleeiler, bakers bread Mrs Sol Malick, sponge cake ' (J M Forrester, jumbles " Ra.hacl Kelley, biscuit CLASS 2S riiLSEUVES. Mrs L Rockefeller, preserved quinces Ira J Renn, preserved strawberries " John ileck, preserved tomatoes " H Newberry, "aimed plums Miss M L llciidileks, canned pears Mrs .1 B Haas, canned cherries " W W Moody, canned apples CLASS 20 JELLIES. Mrs John Heck, current jelly " J J Renn, raspberry jelly " John Heck, blackberry jellv " W W Moody, best quince jelly " Robert Lyons, grape jelh y " John Simpson, ciab apple jelly " Lemuel Campbell, tipple jelly " class 30 I'll Kl.t., AC, " G M Forrester, apple butter " Jos Hanisoii, quince butter " Mary Miller, pickled cucumbers Miss Matilda Oyster, pickled peppers Mrs Amelia Smith, pickled tomatoes Jacob Senscnbacli, inirad pickles " J C Irvin, tomato catsup ' 8 II Zimmerman, samplu cider vinegar " C 8 Renn, spiced pears class 31 Fl.TlW EHS. G F McFarlaud, collection of Flowcis, owned by the person present David Clitic, collection of green house plants 2 J W Washington collection of German aetors 1 do do do paiisies 1 Mrs J B Packer, hanging basket growing plants 1 Geo F McFuiland, rustic Hand with growing plants i Mrs II II Cadwallader, scarlet geranium 1 " Win Culp, line Jerusalem cherry tree 1 Geo F McFarlaud, hand boquet 1 David Clitic, variety of dablics 1 I Washington, floral ornament 1 Mrs Go C Cadsallader, arranged basket of flowers J C L ASS 32 M 1st E.t, A KEOC s . M L Hendricks, collection of curiosities 5 MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT. I) Helm A 8.m, display of hardware 3 McClay Gearhart, display of coiiltvtioiicry 3 A U t'ostlew ait, display of coal 3 MUSICAL DEPARTMENT. Lcwisburg Comet Baud, lirst premium Mt Cur m ii I Cornet Bund, second premium Seven Points Brass Baud STEAM FlltE F.NIilNE. Sunbury St Fire Engine No. 1, premium MILITARY DEPARTMENT. Shamokiii Guards, premium LADIES' EtjUESTltlANIsM. Miss Adelia Shurplcss FOOT RACE. H C Savidgo XI V WALKING RACE. George Clai k 3 RACE PURSE $100. RACE NO. 1. Benj Byerly, Dolly Byerly, 1st premium. J Mower, SliBllburk, 3d premium. Mr Deiirick, Blackhuwk, 3d premium. RACE NO. 2 PURSE $150. G B Cadwallader, Lady Powers, 1st premium. A B Cummlngs, Lady Lalayvtle, 2d premium. 8 U Kant., liliud Tom, 3d premium. RUNNINU RACE NO. 3 PI USE $jj. J F Kilter, Black mure Kate, 1st premium. i K Wagner, Gray Polly, 2d premium RACK NO. 4, Ilot'HI.E TEAM TROT, PUHHE $75. J F Ritler, Dand aud Mute, 1st premium. Benj Byorl.V, Buy Mates, 2d premium. HACK no. 5 pi use $200. Johu L Freck, Lady Ereck, 1st premium. G B Cadwulluder, Lady Powers, 2d premium. . A H 4 'Miltilit.,n I mAv I .fuiiBlM M .t.... i : i : : 1 10 5 till I IWIIII I FARMER'S TROT PUIISE $50. A J Stroll, I loi n Din. lore, M premium, liastlati Hfepp, ltoan Hoy, 2a premium. John E Derr, Lady Snow Flake, 3d premium. We the undersiiriicd, Seer 'lai ies of t ho 1'tiion Park and Agilrilllttrul Association, respectfully report i That -we have, caref ully examined the reports of the various Committees, ami tind them In the iiiitln correct and caiclnlly prepared, from winch we beg leave to submit the forgoing as the Premium 1. 1st n! the Urst Annual Exhibition of tho Union I'alk nnd Auil"iiltural Association, held at Suubtirv, October Sib, '.Mb and loth, P. H: MOOKE, T. H. H. KASE. Senretarhs. eS!T.l I II. .'H !!. ( liiltlrcn often look I'tile iiimI Melt from no other cause than having worms iu the stomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will dc'troy Worms without injury to the child, being perfectly WHITE. ami from all the coloring or oilier injurious ingredients usually used iu v orin pre hi rations. ClT.TIS ec illlifWN. Proprietors, Mo. 215 l 'l.t mi Street, New York. .V'.V h'j Ih-nitj'st tvi't i h 'lth-ty, il'i'l ('''iiVi.: i.i MnlMiu- at Tw i n i v-i'ivi: Cents a Box. July 12, 1ST:;. ly. The 'iir.'sicii ol tin Inviilitl. Published by a warning and for the Lenclit of Young Men and others who sutler from Nervous Diaiii.n v, loss or M anhodii, etc., supplying the mentis of self-t ine. Written by one who cure. I himsi If ufter undergoing considerable quackery, and sent free or receiving n post-paid d. letted envelop. Siill'erers arc invitcit to ml I less the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, June 1 1, ':! Gin. Box lo3, Brooklyn, N. Y. The HoiiMchoItl I'aiiaccii, and I'niiiil.V I.I it illicit! is thu best remedy in Hie world for the following complaints, viz. : Cramps in Hie Limbs nnd Sto mach, Pain in the Stomach, Bowels, or Side, j Kliciimnt ism in all it tonus. Billions Colic. Neu ralgia, Cholera, Dysentery, Colds, Fresh Wounds, ; Ituriis. Son- Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains mid lirubes, Chill ami Fever. For Internal and I External use. i Its operation is not only to relieve the patient, but entirely removes the cause of the complaint. It penet rail's and pel rude- the w hole system, re storing beallhv action to all its parts, and qua k 1 eniug the blood. The HotiNcholit I'liiiaeeu in purely Vegetable and All Healing. Prepared bv CURTIS ec ItUOWN, i No. 215 Fulton Street, New Yoik. For sale bv all druggists. July 12, 181;!. ly. Thirty Yciir I'.gei'ieiice ol'siu Olil i Xiip-se. ' Mrs WIiinIomN Soothing Kyrup Is i tilt" prescription ol'one of the best Female I Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and . has been used for thirty years with never failing safety and success by millior.s of mothers and 1 children, from the feeble infant ol'one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother ami child. Wo believe It to he the lion and Sure-. Reniedv in the, Woihl. In all cases of DYSF.N TERY'iind DIARUIIiKA IN' till LDREN. whe ther it nriscs from Teething or from any other cause. Full direct ions lor using will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the facsimile of CUR TIS .V PERKINS is on the outside wrap per. Sold bv all Mediclno dealers. duly 12. is?:;, ly. $clu bbcrtiomcnts. niv'-vifi.! ix, 35s. i- ii It-7.' tr.-. r-l-t. :-ji rff. jAtJ fCfix i 'i V ?Sv ik' iJ6. 'sN';r' . ftsntaltori BITTERS, .t-sd.hia. IS PCBEI.r A Xr. trTATIf.E PMErAlUTIOS, com Pbadmijlybftrc'.l.l.aiicRcinTB. HERB 3 I j tnd FRUITS, cenibiind wi'H nthtr i iituj, vuicu lu men 11111. i -j a .-a .1 . nr.itui, trltitius. Iiiiri-tii:, AiUrai v an t .utl-b li.ottd. Tha whole i-t pr.'.wfv. d iii a eurjetet quantay 01' Bpirit from tie 1 st tJV 'l ( IU.; u ku.; Ultra in u ciiu:atti( vrlucL Uikesths Ft i Fitters one- ot th l -WlnlibTiinlf nti-i Catliar tit - in .he wu:M. 'ih-jf uro luteiult-a utricuy & ft Bitters lempsranco only to bo usci a.; a nict'.irmc, &l4 alwat ftccordlng to directioli. 'J Ii)- re Ibe FhwUarchrr ot tho U rMn and deMH-tat-it. 'J boy act upeii a '.!i-o..hvd Iivit. auti unuulata to aur) a d Kri?u I kt a iifsltLy at tioii in at oiiu brought About. A a leiut-tiy to which Wo mm ort tr.'M-tirtlj ut.firtlii4 uupeiscduiff every uiIut tnnuiai.t. A t rin tf itmt hummriTuiite they lo no c;tul. 1 hoy are ft mild uud Kutlti I'uinativt fc vtU an TuDir.. Uty 1'urify lie IjIooU. Tht-y Aiv ftr-plt-uid Apjtuer. 'lLty iuk? tho ntUc et.fUK- llxy uriiy aud iuvijrurate. lluy curt l')PH'-i. (.'tuktiliuu and Ht uUat be, 1 1n y m-iu ftkxHilic uialt m fi ina ot ilimjidtTH w hich lUit'iniiUti iht LoOily LtriiifjUiciid trt-akdouuthuuuiiuul ..-ixil. : enct. 63 Park Place, New York. 13 Only 50 Ccr.iz per Cctik. it mvxvatca ti-.c :sov.:i, :t.:".!;!.::v :J; tut. Ul-U3,cinl !a lor ki4 I-1- -1 i II Vl'-l. Ovrt T;vimt Yr"" rn I vov'it TTtT':v-n-r T" '. Tltr. IU' ti !. ill'. 1 ii.'i-l in i'.io iu nket. by I'iiu'i. V.. 't in an. u 1 m i, n n.liiuta vt l'rinitfUKi t oll'ti.. The li miel ivcd fiuiu tho lueelt, " ICaiuii.i," HK to cU.ihMc, j u -'j, .rjttrtuale. of rtfi: llii tutor; una tiir .tbtutotitianuil, u utiiirue".Uni.l lint iiierxsttlil. It itwreit tlm Okotu si, 1 In'it i f t' j Jinn. H u tieiMtitlul dniiitf. it t-r.i liuiuij J nt butt. It pr'roni Iho liair tium litrna-K t'i. )t tiwM the IuniU uuol, nnd nv thu linn- u i j'b, fof?. (fliii- j.) vm.iiioc. 4l 14 Iani in Uf nSrrrv joi I (vitality h-.ii wiictcru Ucab TEA uf h t wri'MY Attn, mi. I Uikila by nit 1)1 tipyit 'H"t Cvuutrrblurcautuuiy i'lll Ccotapct iluttlo. arj !3 LuiiEHillfinrJ S3H860X 1 ICr i 1 vy.?'&rjk?&yy-:-'7 bread 1 iim 1 , m?:&$ 1 Vfc.9?-$1Z-...s..vA I vmm 1 nMsmo i mm Ma -Si vk i 21 lii fioTnfli! 5 B mi MimniTn .i.iij.uiLjnT.wi l ADJOURNED Ct'llT. I'roclnmitt ion. "ITltF.UE.S the Honorable W. M. Kockcfcl V ltr, President Judge, and his Associates, for ihls District, have Issued tli -lr inundate for tin ndioiiriied Couit lor Northumberland county, to be. he'd on Monday the 27th tiny of Octo'i. r, A D , 1H73, being the. (Hi Monday of said month, in Siinhmy. I t'icrofofs I'he. iioltee. til it at! pi r-s-ons inteie-tc 1, to be ami tipear at. the place aforesaid at 10 o'clock a. in., of mid dav. SAMUEL ll. I'.'ITHKP.MF.L, SbcrilT. PhcritPs Olliee, Snub uy, t-ept. 20, vr,.. ' ' At TIO I To nil It may Cm, t ern ! All persons are cau tioned not to purchase Hie property'..n as Mai bias Si lnnnek's Bakery, or i.t present the 'European Hotel,"' hulit tm Amos E. Kapp's land, in tiie borough of Noitliuiiili.Mlah.l : nor will any li' li be allowed if entered against the improvements on sai I lot, us lliey are at pies. nit in litigation, and are own:-.! bv tin: ii!i.lersigi,-d tllllil the Court d-eid..' otherwise. M A I 111 AS .-'1 UMi't Is. CM VMI'.KRI.IN I liil'K CD. Noithiimbcrlaii 1, P.u, 0--fh:-r 3 1. Is;.;. llUtl.T f lS.J, Ni'VMlS. A fall line id JEllliner,v fiom New Yoikuicl Philadelphia, now open nt MISS M. L. GtiSSLER'S i i.i.i n mtv vi ok a:, Irime l an I uutrinic l BONNETS AND 11 ATS, Flowers, I! ;tl ii-. Collars, Calls, Handkerchiefs, NccKties. and a general virielv of MILLINERY GOOlhS sclceteil with g-reat care from the lea Ii 'g Im porting homes iu New Yor!; aL.l l'liii.idelphia, ul MISS M. L. GtiSSLER, Foiiith Street, b. dow the S. V. R. K. Every clfott w ill lie mad to please t ho-e who favor her with their patron age. oetoher :;. is;:;. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CIIAKLES MAII1L, ii F.SPECTFUl.LY ii forms the citizens that he has just reeeived his Sprliu; ii:i.I Sumnicr (Jucils, a at hi.i . . TAILOR SHOP, i on Fouith Street, below Market, in the Mullen j building, and that lie is prepare! to make up all i kinds of j t;i',vrv wit uov.v ki ITX, 1 in the late-t styles. Having iiad much cxperi ' ciiee in the hiimss lie desires the public to give him a I rial. I Clothing will be made up in the latest Puis ' anil Amciican Fashions in the most satisfactory manner. al'.','7J. C1IARI.FS MAIHL. lii:M'l(KY a- ;kf.t kvmi io j RAILWAY COMPANY, 1 U1I1T Mi '1111.. tor 7 percent. oltl lluntis Coiiions payable l'eliricny nnd August In Gold, in New Vii; K or Bait imore. F"i S lie at 1M per cent., und aecitlcd iutcicst in e;:ncney ; scc'.il'ed by I'irsI Mortgage; executed to Farmer's Loan and Trust Co., of New York, covering Company 's ; Line, lis Fratn hi-es, FquiiMiieuts. Real and 1'er ! son al E-tate, at the rate o' la.OUi) per mile on , the Road, extending from Ciueinuati lo Ciiih-tis-j burg, t betel minus of Chi sapeake and Ohio l!o.u, j 1 1'i miles. Governments, States, City, Railroad or any 1 ot her marketable seem ilies taken in exchange, I at highest maiket rates, wit limit commission, ami K. A: G. H. R. Bonds forwarded live of i charge to pun baser. Pamphlets, Maps and fall lillormaUon nl lie rurnished on aqiiicatioil to WM. FISHER ,c stlN'.-i, ;;.' South St., Baltimore, Bankers, Slock and Note. Brokers, and Fiscal Agcnirt of the Company ; dealers in Governments and Raiiwav securities in all tJ.e markets of the 1 H.-H.or lo Banlis and Bankers inrougliout me eouutiv. Oetil-fw A WATCH FREE wc.rth .'tl, given gratis to ! x V every live man w ho w ill act as our agent. 1 Business light nnd honorable. Sii.KI made in "i d.ivs. Saleable as Hour. buys it. ;' Can't do without it. Mu-t have it. No Gift En i lerprise. no Humbug. KF.NN'KDY V CO., Oct:; 4w. Pittsburg, Pa. ' "lSYCIIOM ANCY. or SiUL t II ARM I Nti." X How cither sex may fascinate an I gain llig love and affections of guy person they choose in stantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, free, by mail, for 25i"., logi th 'r w ith a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints lo Ladles. Wedding Night Shirt, .Vc. A qil-cr honk. Addiess T. Wl 1.1.1 A M .X; Co., Oetii-lw. Publisher Phiiadi Iphhl. URDER I No, we would only call attention e t i n .Ti per day in goo I territory. It bores any ! diameter, ami ordinary wells at the rate of 150 feet per day. I'.u in, ToH tiship and Couty Rights for sale. De-criplivc hook sent on icceipt of VI cents postage. Address AUGFR CO., St. l.otiis, ' Mo. I.. C. 1 1 1 t l l ill'. A: I t).. Washington, D.C., Gen'I A'ts for I'liiu.. Virginia and Marv'd. I oci;i-iw CWVASMNG HOOKS SENT V !' E I'oll piKii'. tow 1. uses ;:ti:iT wkk ; Ou Maiiheod, Womanhood ;.ud In- ler-relittions ; Love, Its Laws. Power, etc. I Agents a 1 e selling fpun lo to 3."i copies uf h is. , work a day, and we send a canva; sin' hook free toiinv book agent. A 'Ll 1 ess. slating experience, : etc., NATIONAL I I BLIS1I1NG CO., l'liilade! ' phi 1, P.l. t"e(.l-4w I AGENTS WAN T..:t. S. ml for t'.,tal,..oi,.. ltlll('Nll- NOMiltK TJtu l-.liio t i.. . V. ll.l.f-tw. An KXTS W AN"! I'll f,u the n 'tv I o ,U. I II'!' AMI . Vll lll 1'F Ii T A It M (I by bis comrade and friend. I. W. t'. I'.'Jers, Iti fi ft l.t. I'o!. aul SurL'eoii. I'. S. A., from hi;. tiictalcd by biinse.t'. 'f be oii!y true and Aiitlien- t'u' iifi' of A nierica's iiea'et Hi mm, Tn '.rri'i:, ii r an.) Gi'in;: ever pnblislie l. Il eontaius ; I ill an! complete des, i ij,ii,ins of 1 1 1 . - In li.iu ; Trib s of i be Kau Vi:.t. as seen by Mi Cms, ,n, i who live I anions them all bi life, ii i. a full, reliable a.'i n'.ilil t.f the Mounts nil I the I Mn War. As t woil; ot Ilisruitv, il U iu- 1 aluablf. A irran.1 opportunity for agents lo I m. the money. Dur illu-lrated cileulais sent lice : to all applicant-. W: It.; and see are territoiy at . ouee. t n t . Ul'Sl IN. till. MAN .X; t o., Ilaitl'iinl. t'onn. i M:s ICE HAFT! .Ml lllili lal an. I I 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 Ill-Ion of 'flit' PolmU 11 M'tliliou I'mler tin' l it,' t'apt. Hull, bis untune. y D.-atb, liernarkabl.. Ib-sc ae ol the ibe 1'iew I'rin'n a flout inu' I'i'ld ol lee, A'so.a 1 1 T"U V ol a . I 1 lie Kx p 'dillons : tin- A in i n Wtini.u ii,, in il ,. Kai: I U'st Timi's. Piolu-i lv illiistiate.l. A .'fiita Waniel. A.I,lresS I'll 1 1. 1I'.1.PII I A Hi M K t'uMl'ANV, PIIM.A. not. ::-lw l AV V il Ks M'XI' I !!IU' r.'li 'i .ill i m i : v i: .i l i . i : i at or, I-'iVll YPAUS IN Till'. TU'lHITORll'.s. The only bi-tory ft tbit aft legion t Weill the Mississippi ail I Ibe the Pieill.': lis K. 'mil rcer, I'll mate. Inhabit nets, .i' m., ,' t 'ui io Mt Ies, tie. 1 1 e olil a ins f I I tine taiu t 1 1 iii's ot t He N-eneay, 1. in, Is, People and Curiosities of thu Great West. Agents are cll'n i; li'oni j lo o.t tuples a day, and e fend a ctiinissiu booU liic to in v book agent. Addles, statins: expe rience. .:','., NAItl.NAL I'l HI.ISIll.Nti to., l'hiladcljdii.i, Pa. t), t. ;i-w OI.I JI 11 IIS Teacher, Stu leuU, t'lcrijyiiicr, I'ot:naters, and w iile aw ake Young Men, and U omen of all ClltSSCB : You can easily easily cam a first -class Sewlm; Machine ; or books snllleieitt lo stock a Library ; or ouie valuable Pit tart lo lic.iulilv your homes; or a nice ticreoseopcj or a t;ood Timo Keeper (Clock or atch) j or a Music Hox j or u Gold Pen or n l'holoi;iaplile Album ; or a Stand KeroBuno Lamp for your I'alor i or u Fine Ac corttcu t or Webster's Illusi rated Quarto Diction ary or lioscr's World Kejiowncd htaluaiy liroupa ; or a Finn Yloliu i or a Heiuington Uille Cane; or a It' niington Double ilarrcl Hreucli l.oailinu' bbol Gun ; or M Cabinet Jo-pair V orth 140; by simply woiklni; up voi r urt.n enpied lime in a way explained ill the cii'tiilain of I tic M. 11. I". Ctr" IVi fcclly U'!!1inain nnd respect ablet inanjr would inv iiJanlliropie Addicsa XI. II. V. ' o I'jtl tut 37lU fe!., .New York. Is till. till Ml ... '.il. lu i .1 i..n..rll.ii.ii. I J - --. ......I VI, l-,!,.!,,,!!!!.. ' and l-.'ioovi.. itf l.'iiii I ti it 1 1 n .1 iu..t ' Li..,u. to Mulerhi Meiic.i., It is specially ndgpted lo eoi.slifutituU "worn ilown'' and ib bi'ituic I by tho warm -.vea'licr of Sp-iiigai.d Summer, when the Mienl U not in , .et,ve eiieiilailou, ei.;ise;ineully gn. h.ei im- linpu j rilies fiom slugui-lmes nnd imp n-fe..: nctton of the secretive i it:i!.. :,n.I is iiinnilc-ted by Tn- nors, Er;iplit,:is, lilt.leh. s, lioils, IV-1 ulet , Sei o- I'ui i. ,vc. When ui try n:,-l lairquid from ovurtvork. and iluliiicss, dp . a u. i iie tin fake I he nlaee of ' eneigv and vigor, t he system nr-ls a Tonic to tialld it tip ami help Hie Hal I',u., s to regain their rccupc i at it power; In t tie beat of Stiiinm , IV ' qii ;:i'.v "t'u. Liver nnd Spleen do not propcrlj pei f u in ii tir I'unc tioiis; the Uleiine and Urltan-v Oigpis arc lip lit live. M'odmdng i.'al;nc-s in'tdc stomach an I Intc-t iocs ami a p'c list oji:U-:i liil'otis derail"'!-in-nt. DR: WEI ! ,i t' l of .litrr.helta is piepap"! phei tlv liom t!i South Amcr! t Plant, ami is peeuilaiy suited to ali these dii'.i cnP ies : it will t ie insc'the Vitiated Ploo.i, strep c then the Lil'e-(ii ing Powers, an! riMiiove a I oh--ir'ici!ons from impaired nnd etil'el.ded OigniV It sbo'ihl bclri'i'lv taken, as .lur'ibi'ba is pp.. noanceil bv ui'-dical writers the owst ellleii.'.i ! I'm ilier. Tonic and Deobst re. . i t known inCe I whole 1 'l:i n t -. JOHN tj. KELLOGG. IS Plait St., N. Y Sole Agent lor the Unite.! Si n Pii.-e. S3 pel Bottle. Send for Circular. Oct: -''f I WOltHIXU I. ! Mala or Fcmn'o'Cb:- j week guaranteed. Respeetahiu cmloy'iieu: . I lionie. day or evening ; r.o capital i' ; t '''. ' ilistruetioiis iS; v tillable p.icltage of fj ids m ! liee by mini. Addie-s, with six cent leii. : stamp. M. YOl'N; tV CO. 17:! Greenwich Sin . .', ; New Yoik. Oct. x i: v ii it Neglcei a Cough. Nothing is morn certain lay the foundation for future evil coiisriiiem ,.. WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS :tt c a sure cure for all diseases of the Ke..-.:-i. tiny Organs, Sore Throat, Colds, Croup. Diph theria. Asthma. Catarrh, Hoarseness, Dryu- of the throat, Windpipe, or Bronchial Till : and all Ditcnsc of the. Lung. In all cases of sudden cold, however hiU?" these Tablet should In! promptly and fre. ,y ltsi'd. They equalize the circulation M'thc blood mitigate the severity of the uttii' k, and will, in :i very short time, re. loic healthy action lo the .1. feeli d organs. Wdlls' Carbolic Tablt ts are put up only -i bill'; boxes. Take no substitutes. If they cun'i be found al your druggist's, send lit tmee lo ihs Agent in New York, w ho will forward ilium n" return mail. Ilon'i lie deceived by Imitations. Sold bv druggists. Price 2." cents .1 box. JOHN (J. KIll.l.ot'G, is flhtu-st New York. Oct:!. Iw. Send for circular. Sole Agent for I I.oet.Jetl al l illhmisporl, I'a. i K-MWfknl I Stilt. Tl, BEST COLLEGE in , Country. Has the best Penman in Peunsvlva : Ilia. I For t'niit u r"tiper. f-pcHnicus i' renmausliiii I iVf., aiblrcss DAVIS it OPI. ING Ell. OclS 4w Wllliaiiisport, Pcnii'ii. Wtitc f ji- Large liltistrated Price List. Aiidress" GWATWSTfRNWc 119 SMITHriFLDSf PITTSBURGH P.V Brcct h-loading Shot f inns. J IU to f liOO. Dou ble Shot (inns, s to floti. Single Guns, f;i ti '.'ii. Rifles, ?" 10 Rcvolvcis, ?ti lo t'J5. Pis' to s.if to .s. (;,n, Material. Fishing Tac' Large dis-ouul lo dealers or Ciuhs. Aiinyfiuns Revolt! r., ,Xv.. boeght or traded lor. Goods i-cnl by express C. L. I. to be examined before Paid for. (). t:i,'i;;.4w. tTAlLr.iy CSXCESTO IWPI.0R OIKJ.VXT. t. i.'! most CteriKt it'i'l ti y' "s tli! :.. I 1 erf cc t in lor.e 5J. .i'A ev.-r s-5j'e. t S J.H10 sl t't' 1.1 Il.t bvot f" vi'.. "0" ftt r ilat l Iti uiiv rl'nal It it rrntwif nil extra se yU pe eiilinrl)' Kli tal, 'A.. &,i'ur,-.,5 'Z),.-7-l':-'"1 KOI 1. . ifil t It. I'tV,'; jr4rH5 M rfthtltf. ; . 'l I R; r 'Sr.'-g'-ei ! VOK't: it S - feMyA GREA llV. ! 1, OFFF.M. H0RACT. .77. ".Li? ... v:iT'.'l;a Mr crisi ti tA-.'?? : -'.' ' '". B:-0Kiv.av. N. Y. .i; ',(". .',00 1'1AC3 oi.t a; s ,j tir rnH r-i'i-ir, ii".,'.'ii -A''I:ltsi,, el tremc! j IcH'pricei tor rnnnv pnrl ti-'eio ' - I 't.oi s ,n IPIC.nlllly fori).),''. lcV 1 tti int s f ir-t-t-lnsii I'ltMis, fill intMlfr iniini i-mi'iit. ' r i71 " Illtt 5 -c tiiic, -?o. -ic i t li tnii. tvs, itMi:4.vroi,iio;..N'i'i, t. wi r:- l-nriti. .. silt A lh Ii CA TAKJIUtS MAJI.Ki. A f.iri dOicnuntto .Voiutt-r.', I hm; A.,, .vn,it(iti-.s lie b, T'TntieraTin Sxitti, Zudiw. ACiJIXX VA5iTE. . Oft;;-4w. " A" t.'.MlAT M'.NSATItiN! Atren's wanle.l' Casli, or CounnisSioo nlloae,!. Mliet honor able." AJ liess, 1'. A. K.I.I.S .. Char hill. Mii li. I li t .it';.). 4 i I itijtlo.t i:ic:it for iill!-(iia Ai.ei.t . lour mi, Its ma. I, a pn lii of ' M'?.i.i; f.elllnc I'm ant's l.ibi ary i' l',t ry anil otn; ; tib in . .. Week en The N'cW 1 lo lsek' epe r'a Manual. 1. 1 Miss Itcseiier an.l Mis. Siowi-. Any lit" man i-r w i nn. in t an have an acency. .1 . ll. l-'l ,x t 1 1 , New Yu:k. !', ton, t Iiiciig" or San l-'ianeisco. ! net. ",'';!. 1. 1 Winr w t hi --AoiM - W.i l rn roi: i.-. imii:i; at- Tin: 4. it r: at iti.1.1- I'.y I'rot. P. A. tios.-e. It ineludes Sul'ir.a : in, liivi.ii.'. He, -an Telt'sCrapby, rlie liscoveiies Thriiiin j Alventurcs, Whale Kishtuie.-i, an,, i-ei yi liiai' ot inien-t in ami about ineKeian Kul. t illii-l ruled. Hour., I ia sii rt i,.r ;, s, .-iui. Vet in w. helUng i.ipi.lty. l- xlia teims l.'i ak: i: City I'i io ismin.: Ilm r, i hi'adelphiii I'a. . 1 ::-1 A JI V 11 It I N I' " The Greaie-i Uieoveiy of the Age tor the in. 1 I'm.. ..r im 1 'nisi , ,.1 1 1 Irlicf ICUIl fpraios. Urn-is. "".itu 01 Chest, Hack, or I. ml.-. Mill .loin--, M ruins, tilanituiur Mie:iiugs, ;lllalion. Neuralgia, Huniolis, Cataii;.'. ! Wiil not L-rca.-c or slalu Ihe uio-t ib-li, a'e i illtla iVc. tin ic. Ti i , r.( :: which makes it . 1 luxury ill evi -, I'.un.'y. il an-l I".' colli ilici , of its t.'H at l;,.-ri,. I ru cent t per bottle, lii'riill.x' IU T, I'lop'r, ' Gr.-'iittifh Si., N. Y. ( 1,1 Tin' oltlrt ui.d iMd-t rt-iiaMf iiililiiio fur nt. l.Tniin 11 .Mi UMiiiilt lMuratitiii. Kir riK-u!.u wilio in I, lifFK SONS, Mt-liiiu', IVi. WASHINGTON ITSlf)li: ai sinr. Ai.KN IS WAN IT II lor a .oinplfle hi-ioty of our National Capital. Its 01 iti in, j'nat lb, excel h-iieies, iihuscs, heaiit'tes, and persoiiagt a aie all poitiayed in lhal graph:,- style uhit b has placed the author, Gkh. Ai.k. Tonsi:m, unions ihe lontnosf newspiipei correspomlciits ol Ihe lime. It liives bold eilling. Irulhtul iusije views of H'i'.Miinglou l.le, r d Coiigi essioioi I mid Lobbj inir mid Johlien.- Hooks for tlclivcrv.' A.'iiriss, JAM1;' HKITS .V l't'., lljjllord.'Ct. O.I fw I'ltni--. niiMl'N HOOK "TnijiU Gil THE AlU !" Koity years' ndruft' ture 1 1 '.beclouds. Complete liistoiy of lialluoi:, aud Ko'V to make and manage theiii, i nil if Thlllliug liicidcnls ami Ha i buiollll .Ilscnij's. 1. lie of Author. 1 he most lutcicttinii and cx cillnir vol lime ever isneil. Piolii-eh llluslialcd Sl'KK TO SK1.1. UKYONI) VKA KlN'l ' Agcnls hhoilhl send tilie itoll'ir f it illllit. .(. tlrcss TO DAY PI H1.IMIING t'O , ' Philadelphi.i, New Yoik, !'. js'on. or Ciiifajjii iUNWiv7.-
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