ft 173. 173. mm wmm mmm. Enormous Steels, Greatest ITaricty- Zaovjcst Prices. Just opened at S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. tlic largos I slock of SPBIWS AMU SUMMER QQSS ever oQ'crcd in this town. 1000 Coals, 1000 Vests, 1500 Pants, 200 Hoys nml CliiMren'B Soils, 1000 Hals nud Caps for men and boys, 11! lit 5J00 Liiiou auJ Paper Collars, 1000 l'air Linen ami Paper Cud's, 1000 Tics, Hows and fck:nrrs, 130 Dozen Socks, 30 different styles .Suspenders, Overalls m Ganzc and Merino Summer Underwcnr, Trunks, Satchels, Valises, Jewelry, Valking Ganes, &c. Everybody is respectfully invited to call incut. Xo ioods misrepresented, uo trouble, to show Goods or to give iuform.ilion. The whole will be offered nt Extraordinary Low Prices and satisfaction guaranteed in every way. OF9 Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, l'a., April li', 1873. 1878 SPRING 1873 EYRE AND LANDELL, FOUllTll AND KWK.W STKKITS, rillLADELVIIIA, AHi: DAILY Ol'B'IXIi cikuck xkvv SPlilNCi I)Y (.()tl)S. Sl'UIXii lilt v c;oods. SILKS OF 11 VS( )X TINTS. N KV COf.OUS STKIl'K SILKS. XEW PAISLEY SHAWLS. DARK AFFECTS FIXE SHAWLS. VLAIX EllIEXDLY SHAWLS. X E W DitESS (i(K)D.S OPEX. FOUI.AHD'S LA 1" iE SPOT. FHENCH FOULAHli CHIXTZES. FINE STOCK OF TABLE MX EX. XAPKINS XEW HOUSEHOLD COODS. X. H.-LYONS liLACK SILKS - M'tn nt-icd Vumhk. March lo. I.-.7.' Ow ilUTCHEKY ! HUT CIlEltY ! ( MewMr. HI I I i:V .V HOUCIi, Tl:'u;l Htreel. nji.iwite Centnil Hotel, M:.NIU'HY, ' KKlil ni.Jt:ait!y on hand Hie vimv choicer t 1 c-r fresh 11 n i;r, mi ttov am vi: ti which U fold lit the lowest pilfct. Me.it cm hti t ad nt allhoiirs iluriii the il iy. i Puubiiry. l':i., Junu !, 1ST'.'." BATCHELOr? BROS' TKADE MAKK PUNCH CIGARS. NOW Kelt cr llian any ei er murle hy them. tec thi.t tho boles arc hnitidcd I'lifl l.IAU 15. I. VVSi II. W'tolecale ll. jiot j SWXOUTII T1I111D STREET, ; l'.r.tu . !i23 North "i Kl liraiu h 8;17 t'heiituut St., (dn-oalte "t'ONTlNKNTAL.") ! PHILADELPHIA. ; M.-.ivh 1, ll-TJ. Hiiios. j 130 J. R1GHTER fit GASKILL, 1307. j i Americaa aul French WMow Glass, f'ryr'ol fiieet, Rjuti l'Lite, Colored, linamvUd unit On.atncntnl Ulnhif 1307 Market Sti'oot, Philadelphia. .T.iiniurT 11, 1S3. ly. NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement tae Mim, Silnry, Pa. im. C. M. MAllTIN & CO. openitij; mi entire'.)' new at " b of imnvs and medicixes, im are pupa red to fttpp!y any nrtii'leln our lino llj;t may be called fin, we huenUon full MoeU. i.f alltbeleadiuir l'utent Medlclnen. Kino Perfu nery and Tol tt Article a Mchtlit.v, a full aa nrtment of Hair, Toiilli, Nail, rdioe and oilier Urulies, lireetlii); und other ( oinbe iu treat xji'lety. . ITXE TOILET KO.tPM, a full I'm Cooking Extract, French Milliard, Choice Spices, Pepper whole or ground, Castile nud Laundry Soaps, LampChimnevs sad Lamp Goods generally. Bird beed iu large or small quantities, CARPENTER'S CHALK, fjl 'dock Fluid and Solid Extract, F.ilxexs and Pills oft'. S- P., Sugar Cooled. Strengthening, Arnica, Porous, Poor .Man's and other PlasJeis, Aycr'f, Wright's, Schcuk' Mandrake, ilcl.aoe' Liver and other Pills, our Hock embraeea every, thing found In a well conducted Drug Store. Country Physicians will Itud our stock full aud complete, aurj we guarantee to sell as low a the same article's -as be hottght in Philadelphia, choice Wine, Whiskey und Brandy for Medicin al purposes. i lobcr 5, 187;. escriDtions, UVERSHIRTS, nnd examine this most ruaguilkcnt nssort- JAJuLa ifiiflWfl W. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIOIST, AM) ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, trXlUKY, l'KXS'A. Hociir.ilhii; and I'iijx r lluitylt-g dono hi t lie lti't Itnproved htyW. Order nolieilcd, which will receive prompt at tention. HcMitenic: In l'urilvtnwu, Emerick'a liulldiiie;. hunhury, Mny ll,'l7i.-tf. i. oca i. onio.. o la tlio time to lorm Your rluba. FINE OLD KYE WHISKY. Fully Four Years Old. , 21 Jer pitllou. Or, iu largo bottles, securc- ly packed in cases, SI 1.00 per dozen. 1 VERY FIX I'.jl'AI.E SA EU1J Y, and HA It E OLD POUT W I X ES, at tame prices. (.OLD SEAL 11UAXDV, i Very Choice. ! 818.00 ihc dozen. '. Send in your orders, j II. A A. t . VAX II I I I., f o. 1310, t'H EST NUT ST., ' I'hllnJclphiii. t Afrll 11), liTH, 1 yr. simci v; oriivixu of GOODS AXD XOTIOXS. DHY Clollu, (.'asi-liiiere, fullcok, and cvcrythlnf; ia the Dry (iood line. C'AKI'ETrJ AND Ol!. l l.OTHS. Qureinivare, tiliitRWiire, and Wojd aud Willow, ware. GROCEIUK3. A laie natortmotit jiiist opened, uhlch cousiMa of Tea, C'olfee, hutfar, Molnhiea, tiee, Meal, Kih, etc. The 'elcbraled Allentowu hand tnado HOOTS AND t-HOliU. Wan anted t clre (ntUfaciloii. iu fuct a full i).irtnieiit ol werytLing kejit iu a nret-clat-a store, van be had nt i;reutly Ul'.DCl KI. PUK ES, for earh. Cull and tee Ilia Hue eleclicD of new (roods, und be eouvinced tlml r. j. ltvitoii'M, near the Lulhern Chttrcli, In Sunbury, lt the beat und chcapct tilace to buv all kinds of i-tore giKid. So trouble U thow (jood. L. April !, l7o. ly. ETI.IS Ol' ATTHAt TIO.V. I'vetyhody is Invited to coinc und buy of -the hamUonic ii.Mirtment of TOYS AND CONNECTION KK I K8 nt SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, in f i line building, udloinini; Moore A Diaalager'a building, TlilliD ISTHEET, Kf.tULKY, 1'A. J lift opened a fresh kupp'.y of t'onfeetioneri ja of every description. TOYS OF ALE HI NOW con-tuutly on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS A DRIED FRUIT. PURE 1UO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns A Cakca, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS 1 OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! Having fitted up a room expressly for serving up Oyster ui every style, Ladle aud Gentlemen will to accommodated with the best bivalve in market, at all hoar during the day and eveulug. Faiuilic will be supplied at their residence with the best Shell or Canned Oyster, u I dc. liable, at the very lowest price. Call aud seeiny excellent atsortmcul of goods sud ascertain the price. 8. r . KEVIN. Dee. 1, 1S7I. 1 of vt PEllTS. PELLETS Or Bug ar-Contod, Concentrated, float and Herbal Jniee, Antl-BHIows Granules. TUT. "LITTLE GIANT" CATIIAItTIC, or nnltnm In.Parvo Physic, v. Tho novelty of modem Medical, Chcm1r.nl and Phar maceutical Science. No use of any longer taklnp the large, repulsive end nnnseou iUi, composed of cheap, iniiig, and bulky tngrciticin. when we can by, n careful application or chemical science, extract all' the cathatlie and other medicinal properties from the innit valuable roota and herbs, and concontrnte tlicm Inioa minute Granule, scarcely larger titan n mustard seed. Hint can l' readily swallowed by tliose of tin' nio.l sensitive smnmehs and fnstiuion tastes. Kiehlltlle Piirsntlvo Pellet represent, In a most concentrated lorin.a much cntliarnc power as In embodied in any of thu large pill found fur sale III the drug shop, rrom their wonderful CAtbarlie power, iu proportion tu their else, pecplo who have not tried tlicia ure apt to supno that they are harsh or drastic in eil'ect, hut such is not at all the caw, Hat diflerant active medicinal principles of which tbey are composed belli- m hanuoiilacd and modlAed. one by tjic others, as In produce a moat acnrrlilns and ilioronnh, vt gently aud kindly opera Una; entUurtlc. $ JOO Reward U hereby offered by the proprio tur of these K-llrls, lo avy chemist who, upon an alysis, will fud In them nhy C'aiomcl or other forma ol mercury or any other tumoral poison. Belnir entirely vegetable, no partlcn.ar cute la required while usiu: Iheui. 'J'ncy operate without disiurbsnce tit the constiiiKimi. du t. or oc cupation. For Jouiulicc, lli ait In . ton mtipiition, liupuro HI001I, fill 11 111 lue Shouldora, i lultnc.o( ili- In l, lliz aincaa. Kunr Ijriiciiulons of tlao Mom ach, Had taate In tnoinli, Bllluu attacks, Pain In rifleu ol Kidncya, Intermit 1 oer, It louicd fe lliia Hhout Sto.narli, It tlk of Klond to I lend, Hivli Colored I'rine, I'liaoclability mid (;loomy InrchoJInn", tako lr. I'loree'a Fleaaaut Purjtutivo I'clleln. In explnua t Ion of the remedial it of Iny l'lireative Ivlleta over io (crctt a variety of dienet. 1 wUh to rny that thrlr 111 Hull upon II10 unlinal iono my le univernBi, not n Rlund or tisauo mcnpliiu lliolr n:iii.itlo iinnrem. Aw ih not i'up;ilr them: their ntar-ccwtinsr and Iwln enclosed iu (rhwa botiics 'riere thuir virtuea uiiiin pAired for any length of I. mo. in any climate, ao thnt they are alvvav frcll and reliuhlo, whlcli la not the cane with ttao pllla found In the drutfxturea, put up In cheap wood or panto-board boxes. lleciiUecl t1i.il for oil dUeanos whore a l.ointlvo, Alteratlvo or PurBOlivo ia indicnled, thero little l'cllcta will give toe uioet pvrfociaaiialaction loall who ue them. They aro sold by nil cnterprlalng DrugKlataatS ccuts a bottle. Do not allow any drnu'd't to induco yon to take anvthln? elo that le may Fayvis Junt lie K"d a my Vellete because ue make a larger profit ou ttuit which be recommend. If your dniireint cannot mpply them, encloaa 25 ceuta aud receive litem by return mall from B. r. PlltCH, if. I., Frop'r, DCFfALO, N. V. May 4, 1872- NEW DISCOVERY la Ciiemical and Medical Science. I Dr. CiAUVIX'S TAIl REMEDIES Cure lucipiOMt Convumptioii. Dr. iAKVIVS TAIl KE7IEDIES Curo Catari h. Dr. faAKVLVS T.Ui Ri:.HEDIES Caro Astlinia. Dr. .VUVI'S TaU KE.H BOIES Curo I Ioarl DNoitsr. Dr. AUVI'S TAB KETHWIES Curo Skin I)lfHH'h. Dr. (JAKHX S TAIl ItE.Tir.DIES l'rjnilato t'.io I.lvrr. Dr. tJAKVI VS TAU REMEDIES lri;ul;ito ihcSKunacli and Bowels Dr.OAUVIX'S TAIl REMEDIES Cure nil Ecmale WcakiiCHwa.. Dr. OARVIVS TAU REMEDIES Turifvlho Blood. Dr. (2AUVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Curo DiHo:iso of'tlte Throat. Dr. tiAUVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo llroitchttls. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure "Rose Cold'or'HayFcver" Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Curo Etintr Dis.w. Dr. GARVI.'S TAR REMEDIES Curo Constipation. Ir. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo halt Rhoum. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Kidliry Drtcoscs. Dr. GARVI'S TAR REMEDIES I'rovout ItoU ra & Yellow Fever Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES I'KTout ?I:ilurioiiH I'cvert. Dr. GARVIVS TAU REMEDIES ' Ik-move talii in I he Dreast. Dr. GARVI VS TAR REMEDIES Itcwovo Pain iu tho Side or Back. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Aro Superior Tonic. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES. Ivesk-re the Appetite. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cauae the Iood lo Diiceftt. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES lleotorc tlio WenJt and Debilitated Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Ctivo Tone to Your SyMem. Ii. F. HYDE & CO., SOLS PaOPBIBTOBS, 19S Seventh Ave., Xew York, Ileceillber SI, lS7i. ly GET THE BEST. Webster's) I nnbrlilged Dirlionnry. 10,000 H onor und Jfcaningt not in otur Diction aritt. 3000 Engravings t I6i0 Page Quarto. Price $13. "Yef heuever I with to oblaiu exact defliiitlou, I consult It. Schuyler Colfax. I7t very bcholur knows Its value. IA I W. 11. Prescot the Historian. 1 1 Veen one of mv dill' V companions. 1 ) John L. Motley, the Historian, Ac 80 far as I know, best dcliulng Dictionary. Horace Mann. ft the best guide of students of our Language. 1 JcbiiG. Wiilttier. -r-cels all other lu defining cieiit'He term. l!i President Hitchcock. J T emaikablecompeudiuui of human knowledge 11 W. B. Clark, freal Ag. College, j A necessity for every lulelllgont family, stu dent, teacher und professional man. What Li brary is complete without the best English Dlfl ' tlouarv. ALSO Wkbstek's National Pictohial Dionin.AT. 1040 PuL-e Octavo. 000 Eugravliig. Price IS. Tn., work is really u gem of a Dictionary, lust the. thing for the mil. Ion. Amtriean Educational MontMy. Published by a. t C. MERRIAH, Bprmgneld, Mast. C"i'l by all booKte.icis. ooo O O O V I V. 1 hpm W AM K?) AliliNTN for the erent aenaa t ton of hygienic literutnrc, Our dlKentlon , or, My Jolly Frienr Nee ret. Dr. DEO i.EWlS' new work ta an Immense auecesa. Havre money, worry and preclotia henlth, and ahnwa how to live well and (trow fnt on ? I u week. Airenta are cotiilnir inouey and iloluif n world f good with it. Dclny nut, but a Id rem ut ouce, (iEO. MACLEAN U.VTO.4W. Vublleher, l'blladelpliln. la uneqiiaied by any known rencdy. It will era. ill. nte, extirpate and thnronirhly destroy all pol soiioua subnaneea In the Dlood und will eireetu ally dlapet all predisposition to biilotia derange nieut. Ja there want of action In your Liver and Hpleen 1 t'nlesa relieved the blood become Im pure by delcriotia accretions, producing scrofu lous or skin disepses, Blotches, Kclotis, l'estiilca. Canker, Pimples, Ac., &e. Have you a dyspeptic ijtoiuach 1 littles d1t;c tlon is inomptly uidrd the sywtcin Is il.diililated With poverty of the Bloid, 'Dropsical telldency, jeneriil wenknesy and inert i;i. Have you weakness of the intctlurs I You are In danger of Chronic DLinhoeuur liill.uiinia tlon of tho bowels. Huve you weakness of the Vterine or I'rinary Organs f Yon iiro expoeed to euth ring in it most aggravated form. Arc you dejeetud, drowsy, dull, sluggish or de pressed in spirits, with head uoe. Iniekuche, coat ed tongue nud bud tasting mouth I For a certain remedy for nil of these dirense, weaknesses und troubles ; for clcntiitij nud ptt rllyliig the viatcd blood nud linparllng vigor to till the vital forces i for building up und restor ing rhe weakened constitution l'E J U 11 U 11 E 11 A which Is pronounced by the leading medical -I tlioiitie of London and Pari "the most power j ful tonic nnd a'.turative known to the medlcnl world." Tina is no new and untried discovery ; tint 1ms been long used by the leading physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial re . suits. Don't wenUeu nnd linpnlr thedlgi'ttvo nrgnns i by c.-ithmic and physic, they give only tempo rary tellef Indigestion, flatulency und dyspep ' sin Willi piles and kindred diseases are sure to ' follow their use. I Keep the blood pure nnd healthv Is tissnre.l. j JOHN Q. KEl.I.OtJQ, IS Plait Pt., N. Y. I Hole Agent for the I'nlted r-latcs. j Price, 1 per Holtle. Send for Circular. u5,'734w HENRY VAHf HEEClWiH S PAPEK with . the largeft circulation in Hie world, growi j wonderfully bwuiiFe it is the best paper, gives , nili'slibers the lliosl beautiful preiniuuif, and : olfcra Csuvnaaer the mom Liberal Terms. Send for Circular. J. 11. FOKD .i CO., New York. ( Huston, Chicago, or Ban Francisco. a.V73-4w. I "I'.SYt llOMAXt'Y', orSonl lirm- lug." How cither vex may faclnate and guin ; the love A ntlccl ion of ur.y person they choose iu : stautly. This simple mental acquirement all cnu posses, lice, by mail, for 35c., together with a , mm tinge guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hint . to Ladles, Wedding Night Shirt, &e. A queer 1 book. Address T. William A Co., Pub.,Viila. ! FIFiE ! FIRE I I FIKK ! ! ! FIGHTING FIKE1 ; Agent wanted for the grandest book ol the year, now selling witb ustonishing rapidity. Tells the causes of Fire ; Safe : Eire-proof lluild lngs ; Conquering Fire with Water, fleam aud flue; Insurance Is it safe 1 It History, llaiis, Management, Mow to Insure, Ac.) Vivid Ac count of the Great Fire of History. Agent end for circulars. You w ill not regret It. tent free. Address Dustln, Oilman d; Co., Hartford. CI. ii.V7K.4w. Agent wanted (or the new and startling book. The lATTTTT ItiHistort.bvtheonthor U lli V Xlj of "God in History" II- lustrated bt' I lore and Nasi, Endorsed bv iniini neut dlvinea. E. II. TREAT, Pub., 805 B'wuv, J2..4w N.JT. , WOltKlNG CLASS, MALE OR FEMALE, tCO a week gnaraiitecd. Respectable employment at home day or evening ; uo capital required ; full j instructions and valuable package of goods sent i free by mail. Addles, with six cent rinru I stamp, M. YOUNG A CO.. ( n5,'.:i.4w. 173 Greenwich St.. N. Y. : WE H AST AX AGEVT. I In this township to cauvass lor the new, valua-i ble ami fast selling book bv I). JOHN COWAN, THE SCIENCE OF A NEW LIFE. ! Recommended and endorsed by promineut minis- j ti.r nil vsleimiK- rctiirlon And ci'mlnr n:fi.rs. t No other book like It published. t40 licr week guaranteed. Address, COWMAN A CO.. 130 Eighth St., New York. a5,'73.4w. SEiYI.NG MACIIIXE i Is the best In tile world. Ageuted Wanted. Send . for circular. Address t h5,'73,4w. "-DO MESTIC" SEWING M ACHINF. Ct).,N. Y. i 7 TO 12 I'KK CEXT. " I We make a speciality of County, City, and ' Lchoul Districts Bonds, Guarantee Legality of I all bond sold, collect the coupons without '. charge, or take same as so much cash ou sales, i -f" Send for price list, j THE LAW OF MUNICIPAL BONDS , juot publlehed hy our senior, should be In the I ; hands of ull interested 111 this class of securities. j Two volumes, price $10. u.V7.'l.4w. ! ' W. N. COl. Ell A CO., 17 Nassau-t N. Y. ! X E V It Neglect a Cough. Nothing Is more certuin to ; lay the fouudutlon for futuie evil i cqucueas. I l'tq WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS are a sure cure for ull diseases of the Kesplra- j tory Organs, Sore Throat, Colds, Cioiip. Diph- llieria, Astliuiu, Catarrh, Hnarseuess, Dryuet i of the throat, Windpic, or Brouchial Tubes, und all Diseases o the Lungs. In all case of snddeu cold, however taken, these Tabids should be promptly and freely used. They equalize the circulation or the blood, mitigate tiie severity of the attack, and will, in a very short time, restore healthy actiou lo the ul fected organ. Willis' Carbolic Tablet are put up only In blue boxes. Take uo substitutes. If they euu't be found at your druggist', send at ouce to the Agent iu New York, who will forward t hem bv return mail. Bon'l be deceived by Imitation. Sold by druggists. Price 25 cent a box. JOHN Q. KE1.LOCG, 18 llhitt-st New York, a5,'73.4w.Seud for circular. Sole Agent for U.S. $.12,000,000 ACTCES, CHEAP FARMS ! The Cheapest Land in Laud iu Market, for sale by the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, Iu the Great Platte Valley. 3,000,000 ACCES IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA Now for sale in tracts of forty acre aud up wards on Five and Ten Years' Credit at 0 per cent. No udvuuce Interest requited. Mild aud Healthful Climate, Fertile Soil, an abundance of Good WUr. The best Market in the West ! Tho great Mining regions ol Wyoming. Colorado, Utah and Nevada, being tuppllcd by Ibe farmer In the Plaltc Valley. SOLDIERS ENTITLED to a HOMESTEAD of 160 ACRES. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. FREE HOMES FOR ALL I Millions of Acres of choice Government Lauds epeu for entry uu der the Homestead Law, near this Great Rail road, with good market aud all the conve nience of uu old Settled country. Sectional Maps, bowing the Land, also new edition of Descriptive Pamphlet with New Mai Mailed Free everywhere. Addret-, O. F. DAVIS, Laud ComiuUiloner U. P. K. R., n5,'73.4w. Ouiaha, Nebraska. C A I 1 II O R I W E Falu! I'alul 1'alni The great discovery for the relief of paiu and a sue and iusaiedlats cure roe raeauiatuni, chronic and otute.spralu Ar. It at a pleasant and refreshing odor, anc will not staiu or greas tb most eaJLcaU fabric, which makes It a luxury In every family. Price 26 cents per bottle. For talc by all dru druggist. a.V73.tw REUBEN HOYT, Frop'r, New York. 90th Thontond In Press. Sale Increasing. 2,000 more live agents wanted for onr LIVINGSTONE 28 yenrt In AFRICA over 600 page, only f2.50. Incomplete nnd In feelor works are offered, look ont for them. Send for circular and ee proof of the greatest ttc ee of the season. Pocket Companion worth 10 mulled free. HUBBARD DltOS.. M8,'73,4w. Tub's 7211 Siituom St., Phlla. , A gen I Wanted for the UNDEVELOPED WEST, OK, FIVE YEARS IS THE TERRITORIES. ' Bt J. 11. Biam.it, Wotern Oorrepondeni of Cincinnati Commercial The only complete history of thnt vast region between the Mississippi and the Pacific t It Re sources, Climate, Inhabitants, Natural, Curiosi ties, etc., whb life and adventure on Pntirlet, Mountains, and the Pud lie Const. Mr. Bendlc has spent Ave year traveling in. the new States and Ten Itories. snl know more about their r onrc", etc., than nny other wrlti r. The. book I Illustrated with oven 'J5 ttneeiigrnvingg of tbn Scenery, C'lles, Land. Mines, I'eup e, an 1 Cu rlnaltici of the Gr:nt West, and Is the best fullest selling book ever published. ScqditTor specimen pages and circular, with terms. Ad dress NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., M3.'73,4w. Flilludelphla, Pai t 5 o , o o o r"o it a i" GRAND OIFT CONCERT Of the Mercantile Llbraty Association of the City of Leavonworth, Kau. In accordance with an act of the Legislature and their Articles of Incorporation, the Board of Director announce their UratV . , Grand i 1 ft Concert and Distribution by tot, among the ticket-holder, of ;13J,5S5 IN CASH, at LAING'S HALL, Leavenworth, on the 25th day of June. 187U, for the benefit of the Librury. 51.U33 CASH GIFTS, AMOUNTIFG TO $332,555 This enterprise i endorsed by the Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of State, Superinten dent of Public Instruction, Treasurer of State, Mayor and Common Council of Leavenworth, and nil lending busines men of the Jtnte, and the certainty of the distribution nud payment of gift, n advertised, i fully guaranteed. TICKEI S 12 EACH. 3 for t5. 0 for $10. Memorandum of Cash Olft to be distrlduted guns '.'toll, 1873. 1 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, I GRAND CASH GIFT, ? .50.000 40,000 ! .15,000 I 80,000 25.000 20,000 i 15.000 I 12,000 10,000 s non I 'JJ5 j J i H.OUO .',500 Fot balance of pilzes send for circular. This conceit is under the supervision und rrctiou of the following dl- BOARD OF DIRECTORS: C. II. Dnrfee, Merchant, H. I.. Newman, Bank cr, H. D. Rush, Lumber. II. W. Gillelt, Mer eli.int, G. F. l're.eott. Commercial, James B. ! I Kitchen, Earmcr, W. O. Eould, City Eng'r, I'. I G. Lowe, l upitulist, ('. Ii. Morehcad. Merchant, I j J. L. Wcver, M. D., 8. W. English, Lawyer, C. I i Mollcr, C.ieli'rGer. S. 1)., E. T. Curr, Architect, j ! OFFICERS: E. U. Durfce, President. H. L. Newman. Vice i : Pre. Gcai. F. l'rescott, Sec. Carl Mollur, Trcu. I The well known character of the Director of 1 the Mercantile Library Association and the en ' dorscmcnt presented, Is a siillicient guarantee to lull nbscut lickct-noldeis, that ilieir Interest I will be fully guarded and protected. All correspondence tlrli tly conlldential, nnd uuy person drawing n pii.e need uot be known ! unless they so desire. t 'J'ickcls drawing prizes will be casliod on j sifht. This is Hie grandest, safest and bust enter prise ever presented to the public. ODicial li.ts of winning uumbci will bo sent ! to purchasers of tickets immediately ufler the I distribution, For information and ticket address, U AM BARGE A CO., General Agents, U5 Liberty Street, New York. Ticket eut C. O. D. at our expense. Agents wanted. Libcrut t'ouimissions paid ni84w W. D. MELICK, Druggist and Apothecary, (Successor to Dr. . W. Moody,) At the old established stand ou Mnrket Square, Sl'MU HY, IM. Keeps continuity on band n full stock of well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists Famey Good, COMBS, Bill': )1F., PERFUMERY, I A I Is. A I M I 1 "1 1 I.M.,lill,rALM3 i.l. SS, TI TTY, V A 1 1 M S H , I Y I iST I F I S, fact everything u-fi.iMv kept in a well ' In dueled ZDiFcTTO- STOEE. Particular utteiitlon paid to coin-sounding Phy sicians prescription und family receipts by the rropriutor himself. Sunhury, Pa., June fj. H72. A Mlit IIAMCAL "'l RIOSITY l" Every mouse caught esels the trap for an tliei ! Sample by mail prepaid, 75 ct. For sale bv the trade. R. E. D1ETZ, Patentee, 51 and 50 Fulton St., New York. Iii3,'73.4w. " A Git FAT OFFEir. " " We will pay all AtiENTS f40 jht week lu cash, w ho w ill engage w ith us ul once. Every- 1 thing furnished and cxt-ruscs paid. Address, - A. COELTER A CO., m3,'73.4w. Charlotte, alien. i Or, n il'M I' u.v Wanted ! All V" ?vU classes of working people, of either er, young or old, moke more money at won. for u iu their parc moments, or ull the time' than at unvthliig else. Particular free. Address," G. STINSON A CO., 814-lv. Portland, Maine. " AgeiilT wanted tor the New Illustrated Book, WILD LIFE IN THE FAR WEST. 30 yeors with Indian, Trappers, iu Mexican war, Ac. Sculping Expedition against Apache. Full interest and selling rupldly. The Book of the vear. Address WILEY, WATKBMAN A EATON, m,T3,4w.. Hartford, Ct. Agents Wonted for the HOME OF GOD'S PEOPLE. The grandest aud molt ueecssful new book out. Acknowledged to be the most decided success of the year now selling with astonishing rapidity. It contains nearly sum .tia-iiiiucrin hhihuhr.. Splendlu oport unity Tor agents to make money. Circulars, rontuiuing full particular and terms, sent free. Addres DUSTIN, OILMAN A CO., m,'73,4w. Hartford, Conu. BOOK- AGENTS roa THE FUNNY SIDE PHYSIC. 800 l'ages, 250 EugrNviuga. A sturtllHg expose of Medical Humbugs of ths past and preseut. It veut Hale Oua-k, Impos tors. Travelling Doctor, Patent Medicine Ven der, Noted Female Cheat, Fortune Teller and Medium, and give Interesting aceouuis oi not ed Physlciai., and Narrative of their live. It reveal startling secret, and lustruct all how to avoid the III which flesh is belr lo. We give ex elusive territory and liberal commissions. For circulars and terms addirss tho publishers, J. B. BURR A HYDE, Hartford, Connecticut, or Chicago, Illinois. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE DneivllUed Ksce oCMeu In all Countries of tho World, Belug a comprehensive account of their manners aud CUslijuis. sua oi lueir puywcai, social, Dieuial, luoral aud religious ckaracteriatic. Hy Rtw. J. 0. WOOD, M. A., F. I. S. 900 Engralv( 1500 Super Royal Octavo Fagea. Ia two VoUtaas,or two Volumes In oue. Agents are making over 1100 per week In sell, log this work. Aa early applcatloo will secart a ekolce of territory. . For term addre tb pub, llsh.r., 1. a. BURR HIDE, . Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, 111. Marck 32, 173 -6l. ff . J MOlASiLjrJtAy I 9 nuufctrtitrcrs. STOVE TIN liSTARI.IKIIMEST. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED ICR A USE, Proprietor. sl'liTllSSOH TO SMITH ft CNTintM.J HAVING purchncd the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krnuse would respeelfnl ly intoriii the public that be now has on hand a huge assortment of COOK1XG STOVES, Speer's Cook Autl-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susiuehaunn aud nthera, which are an arranged a to be used for Coal or Wood, and lire warranted to perform ealtsfuctoi l ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kind put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING STt VK8 of diUerent kinds nt wry low prices. Tlnwii't of Every Ierri;itii kept eoiist.itit! ; on Imin'.. Jioi.fln in,J Spoii'.mi.' witb the. bi-Jt u.Hlei ;u I, (lone ut shorl notice. KEPA1MNO attended to with ilisptitch. Con! Oil ud Lamps constantly on hand. Japan war 'f x.mlo. Store oppisitc Coulev' hardwurq i-siors. wive me a cnu. a. hUALat apia4-ly LTMBER AXD PEAXIAG MILES. Third Street, adloluing Phlla. A Erie R. R., two Square North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. CLEMENT, IS prepuned to famish every description of lum ber required by the demand of the public. Having all the latest Improved machlnirv for mnniifaeinrlug Limber, he 1 now ready to till or ders vfall kind of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS SHUTTERS, BASH, BLINDS MOULD! SOS, VE RANDAS, BRACKET, nnd all kind of Oniumental PcrowlWork. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A Liiior. AsaoitTMKNT or BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK und PINE. Also, Shingle, rickets, Lnthe, Ac. Order promptly Oiled, and shipped br Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. decl9-S:ly Mtt lllXi: SIIOI AXD IHO. FOl'MMtY. GEO. ltOIIIiBACII A soXsl, Nuubnry, I'enn'u, TNFO,:M tlic l"ln11'' ,,mt t,,e.T are preparwi to JL do nil kinds of CASTINGS, and having added "cw Machine Shop In connection with their Fouiidry. and have supplied tbemselves with New Lathe, l'luulng and llorlng Machines, with the lutust linproveinents. With the aid of skillful : i , . " i .... vu.uii, me- rc ennoie'j 10 define uu oruers NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, 'hat mny be given them, in u sutufactory man- tier, Gruten to unit nnr Stove. IKON COLUMNS, fur churche or other build ings, of nil i-.c. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron 'Fencing; FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS VERANDAHS, FOR YAHDM AT ItKiMOKNe'lCS, 4fM At.'. The ri.OWS, already eelclirated for their su periority, have been still further improved, and villi ulwuv be kept on hand. Aiso, TIlRErHlNG MACHINES. Sunbury, May '.'0, 171. I. 1 t E OR STORE! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Court House, SUN IH RY, PA.. Respect fully invite the attention of Retailer and others, that he ha ou hand, and will con stantly keep all kluds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consist iug of Pure Brandies: Cognlm?, Cliuny, Ginger, Rochelleand Oturd. Whiskies: l'ure Rye Copper-Distilled, Mi"n gahela, Apple und Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! Wines: Clmnipaguc Wine, Sherry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, f'hnmpagne Cider, N. E. Rum, Broun Stout und Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, Atid all others Liquors which can be found Iu the city market, which will be sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed n represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS nnd ll'lTTLES, always ou hand. l-ef" Orders promptly attendtd , and yublic patronage respectfully solicited f. NF.FK. f unhurt-, July 3. !.. ly. SF.MIl'BY' JIAKHLi: YAlilt, Fourth feilreet below Market, Sb'SHL'llV, PEX-1'A. i riIIE undersigned h.ia returned frnin the Ver- i .1. ui.iiit Muili'.e Quarries u!(h 8tt Tom of Mai ble ler MonnmentM, Grare-ritoiiesi, AiC, do. He hi bought at such figures that will allow him to sell better stone, lor less money, than heretofore. The best tMitliorhuul FuIIh Marble, which i better than Italian, sold us low us the kkmcliesu r Rutland is now Those who need anything in the Marble line, for Monuments, Grave-Stones, or other purposes, w ill tiud it to their interest to call mid examine this large stock, us better bargains eau be secur ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' round the country. All lettering will be dou in the luuitot and must Improved style. W. M. DAUGHEI'.TY. Sunbury, J.iu. II, IS73. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIIIL, KESPF.CTFULLY informs the citixeus that he ha just received tils Spring und Summer (ioeds, ut hU TAILOR SHOP, ou Foui III Street, below Market, in the Mulleu building, and that he U prepared to muke up nil kind of GliXTS' AXD ItOY'N SI ITS, lu the latest styles. Hat ing had much exper ience iu the bUbiucs he desires the public lo give hliu a trial. Clothing will Im made up lo the latest Palls anil American Fnshlous iu the must satisfactory manner. al2,'73. CHARLES MAIIIL. A. M. MEIXELL, UfALEU IS Anierlrau uad Furopetxu IVATITIFS. EINE JEWELRY u4 SILVERWARE, I'erfeeted Speetuelea aud Eye (alaaaea. GOLD HEADED CANES. Watche and Jewelry neallf rplred Sud r rauted.. Market Square, BUNBUBY, Feb. 8. 1872.-tf. Fs. To the C'ilUeu of Suubury. THE undersigned has made arraugcuieut to attend the Tuesday and Saturday Markets, with Fresh Butter, Egg, Lurd, Fotatoe and Apples, which will be sold s low as can lie ki id) here. Call at the Market siaud usar Fourth aud Mar treet, south side. After market hour any of the ahufa ar(Uh-s csa be had by culling ut his store on Spruce street between Second aud Third where tba bast trends of the eelebratad Loch lei flour la kept constantly on baud, dried Fruit, CUr, Vinegar, Ac. JOHN WILVER. Stnburv, Fetnary 15, 1872. I KFAOIAG KAILROAO. WINTER ArtUANOEMENT.9, unxnar, MrtMiien 2nd, 1JR72. Trains leive rinrrlshurg for New York as fol low i nt 6.30 and b 10, a.m., nnd B.OO, p. m connecting with trains on Pennsylvania IUIL road, and arriviur. at Sew York nt 12.35, JrSO and tf.45 p. rn., respectively. R.luruinlng i Lear New Tors, at .00 a. m. lU.SOutid 5.9op. in., Philadelphia at 7.39, 8.4 a. ra., and 8.30 p. tn. Leave llurrisburg for Heading, FutievUle, Tatnaqu.i, Mlnersville, Ashland, g bamoklu, AJ. " ' ... huh D.iu n, B4. , 8.00 nnd 4 05 p. in., itopplug at Lebanon and I principal way station t the 4.05 V m., train eoa I ne.lliig f..y Phil.ulelpt.ia. Vottille uti1 Coinm- bla onii. For Pottsvliie. Scbnviklll Uaveti imd A'.: bn iii, tin Sohnyik'.li i.nd Rris-qtieh-moa Rull i """d leave HarrUburg nt 8.40 t.. en. E-i-t Peunsyivuuia Rnihou I train leave R,t. j i.,r 'oi A;lent. i 7 an an,i in !ifi wn, t.aston and New tilth nt. I. m . II mi 4.U0 tl. in. Rj.lnriili.u. lunve N. w York at 0.00 a. in., 12.50 and 6.30 r.. tn., and Alicntewu at 7.K0 a. in., 12.25, 2.10. 4.35 and 8. 55 p. in. Why Tassenger Train leaves Philadelphia nt 7.30 a. in., conuectitig ut Reading with train ou East Pennu. Railroad, returning leave Potts vlllo nt 4.5 p. m., stopping ni. all tatlon. Leave PotrsTille ut 0.00, 8.05 Bd 9.10 a. ra., and 2.80 p. m., nrndon at 10.00 a. ii., Bhamo kinatO.OOand 11.03 a. m., Ashland ut 7.18 a. tn., and 12.30 p. m., Mahunoy City at 7.53 and 12.54 p. m., Ta.naqnn nt 8.S5 a. ui., and 8.10 p. m., for Plilludelph n, New York, Keudtug. Har risburg, Ac. Leave Pottsvllle via Fshuvlklll nnd Susune bunna Railroad at 8.05 a. m., tor Hnrrisburg, and 11.45 a. m., fur I'inegrote and Treinont. Pottsvllle Accommodation Train leave Pott, vllle at 0.00 n. ib., passes Reading nt 7.40 n. m., arriving ut Phlladeipliia nt 10.15 a. ni. Return ing leave FhiladelphU at 4.45 p. m., pnsse Rending at 7.15 p. tu., arriving nt Pottsville ut .00 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potta town ut 6. 45 n. in., returning, leaves I'hiladel plila (Ninth und Green.) ut 4.30 p. ui. Columbia Railroad Train leave Reading ut 7.30 a. nr, and 0.15 p. ra., for Ephraeta, Lit'a, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. t reluming leave Lan caster at 8.20 a. in., and 3.110 p. m., aud Colum bia at 8.15 a. m., and 3.20 p. in. Perkiomeu Railroad train leave Perklo.neu junction nt i.llO and 0.00 a. m.. 2.55 and 5.10 p. m. t returning, jnve Or r Lane at 6.15 h. in.. I 1J.3.) and 4.20 p. in., roiibeetini; with train ou j Keud'.tig Rnilroud. ,,XVille at U ' ,.,lVe IU m'..' conned! rickeriiig Valley Unilroad trains leave Flio- 10u. in.. 3. 10 und 5.50i. in. : n tnio. liver at C.M5 a. m.. 12.45 and 4.20 u tn.. connecting with trains on Rcudim? Railroad. Cnlcbrookdale Railroad trains leave PoltEtuWu at U.40 a. tn. ntnl 1.20. 0.5.'5und 7.15 p. tn., re turning leave Mount rieu.aiit nt ti.Oll, 8.0O ond 11.25 n. m. and 3.(Ki p. in., couavctiiig with train """ ji.ys n. in. and 3.(Ki wu neaiiiug iviinroait. Chester Valley Uillroad trains leave Bridge. port at 8.30 a. uu 2.40 nnd 5.33 . in., returning, I leave IXiwningiowii at 8.55 a. in.. 12.30 and 5.40 i p. in., connecting with train i u Reading Rail- ' IV.1II, Onhuu-l.ijB : leave 5cw York at 5. Si) p.m., Philadelphia nt 8.(0a. m. aud Ii.l5p. m., (ibe 8.00a. iu. tralu running onlv to Keuding,) leave Pottsville at 8.00 a. in.," leave Hurrlsburg .t 5.30 a. ni. and 2.00 p. ni. j leavu Allentax u nt 8.55 p. m. : leave Reading ni 7.15 a. ni. and 10.15 p. in. for llarrlsburg. ut 7.S0 . ui. for New York, and at 0.40 a. m. and 415p. m. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage. Hrason. School and Excursion Tickets, to aud from all poiuls, at re duced rates. Baggage checked Ibrongh 100 poSud aUowcl eich r.issmer. J E. WOOTTEN, .4if.f. ."aif. .t Fy. JiacaVy. UfAMsu, Pa., Kcci'tii'-cr 2, 1572. XovOiern Central Hailwny. "'IN T Ii R A RR A NGEMU N T. ua after ' ''ts : Oct. 27. ) '72, trains w ill run NOU1 llWAIilt. I I Niagara Express leuve Suuburv ut 12 40 tj I IM Cr V!.nr..r.. IT..Md . ..... .....,,,( . aiir I Mail arrives at !-iinliuiy at 4.10 p. ni., univo : nt Wliliamsport 0.20 and' Elmlra 10.30 . tn. I Fust I. in arrives t Sunlmrv at U.50 p. in., ' iiriiie ui Willlamswt 8.55 y. in. ! Erie Mail leaves Sunbuiy nt 8.3J n in ; Wil. I liumsport ut 8.40 u in, und "airiv, ut EStnira at 12.40 p in. 1 SOI'TIIWAKI'. Mull lenves Sunhiiiy ut 11.06 n. in,, arrive ut Harrisburg 1.4 j p. m.. H.:tiru..ie .:) p. iu. ! Erie Express ie iv.-s Hiu'.urv at H.lo a. in., i.r rive at Harrisburg 11. oO a. in., KuliUtiM.i li.ou File Mali leave Sunhiirv at li.io a. in., uri'tte ut llai ristiuig 2.45 a. ru., H iltnuore S.45 a. in. Niagara liipu-ss leaves Mmhuiy at Klsj p tn. Harrisburg al 10.40 p ni, ul I lv ut l'Mtlu oic 2 U a in. f-WA JOKlN DIVISION. l.iSrWAHH. Leave Sunbuiy at 4.40 p. tn., arrive ul fchu... i kin 5.i0 p. in.. Mi. Cnrti.e; tt.eo p. iu. Lratt! Miiibury (AecoiiiiniMtbtio'..) at 12 r . tu., nriive al Slniinnkin 1.K5 p. in. ' WfslWiKli. I Lens Mt. Curuicl at 1.41 a. m., h-.a,i.i.ku i 8.20 u. in., arrive at Suubuiy t'.'.'i u. in. Leave Sliniiinkiu ( Aseomiuodalinii,) ut 2.45 p. : tu., arrive ut Suubuiy 3.55 p. It:, j Express leaves daily. ; All other trains leuve daily, except SunJats, i A. R. Eiskk. Ei.. S. Yorio. ! ticn'l. Sup't., tieu'l Passcu'r Ag't.. IJarrisliuig, P.i. Balimoic, Ml ritllittivlphiit nnd I rle Itullrond. .SUMMER TIME TABLE. I On and after Sunday, Oct. 27th. 1ST'.1, the j Trains ou the Philadelphia A Erie Kail liuad Mill . t uu a follow : j WESTWARD. Mail Trulu leaves Philadelphia, I " " " Snnburr, I " " arr ut Erie, . Erie Expres leave rhiladclpliia, I " " " buubury, I " " an ut Erie, I Elmlra Mull leaves Philadelphia, " " Sunbury, i " arr at Lock Haven, 11.40 p iu II.30 a u 7.55 j. ir 12.40 p in 7.01 p ui 7.45 a tu 8.00 u tu 4.30 p ui 7.45 p tu 7.31 a ui 12.40 p in 4.35 a tu Niagara Elpre.s leavrs Philadelphia, " Sunbury, " arr at llr.novo,' EASTWAJID. Mali Train leave Erie, Sunbury, " " arr at Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Erie, " " sunbury, " " arr at Philadelphia, Eluiira Mall leave Lock Haven, " " " Suuburv, " " arr nt Philadelphia, Niagara Expres leaves Kenovo, ' " Sunbury, " arr at Philadelphia, 11. 55 a lu 12.45 a iu C.55 a ia H.05 p n U.35 a ut S.SO p IU 7.45 a iu 11.00 a ui ti.OO p m 3.25 p in 7.65 p in 2 30 a m Mail Fust eouuect east and west ul Erie with L. 8. A M. S. B. W. and ul Irvineton with Oil Creak aud Allegheny K. R. W. Niagara Exorcss ud Erit Expres East, nnd Erie Mail, Niagara Expres and Elmira Mail West, connect at WilliauiIort with train going north on tb Elmlra aud Cananduigua dlvltiou of the N. C. R. K. Cutawiatn passenger I ruins will be run east and west from Williuusuortou Elmlra Mall. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't. DoHTille. llualetou V M'ilkeabarra It. It. Peuua. It. K. t o, Letssre, SUMMER AEUAIsGEMENl. On aud after this date Passenger trains ou the V., it. A W. It. it. will run at follows : WESTWARD. EASTWARD. LE41B. A.M.' LEAVE-. A.M. New York, 6:00 Sunbury, 6:20 Philadelphia, 8:00 Danville, 7:02 Easton, U:25 CattawUsa, 7:V isi-thlchtiii, ,0.05 Hsxleton, V:08 r. M. r. m. Hasletou, 1:00 Bethlehem, 12:10 Caltawista, 2:40 Easton, 12 SS Danville, 8:20 PhllndeJphia, 2:1 bnnbury, arrivu 3:57. New York, arr. 8:59 Train Wee arriving ut Suubury 3:57 p. m., makes close comirclLins wUh trains on Phiiuuel-pbi.-i & Ei it. K, fir Milton, Wllliauispoet, Lock Ila4'e und all points VV'ts, Eluiira and all points North, also aiih Northern Cent lal Rail way. f.r Harrisburg and Baltimore. tjfNew and elefaul couches ruu thiotih L tweeu Suuburv uud Kaston. FRANK THOMPSON. Bnpt. D. II. A W. 11. B, St i-t's Orrirr, Wii LUMsrokT, I'. May' 1, 1573.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers