S?7!ttTT!?T!!T,!ii,",'"?,,,T,?tTt?? THE SUNBURY AMERICAN, 19 rUntWIIRD EVERY SATURDAY DT EM'L WILVERT, Proprietor, Moore A Dleshifrnr' Building, Market Pqnare, At HI.50 In Advnncp. II not toilld within 6 Month 92. ' SHbtcrlptton Inkm flrr l than rtx Month: Connected with this establishment In nn Mitcn- ivoNEW JOB OFFICK, containing a variety of pluin and fiuiry tyjie equal to any establishment n tho tntwiur of the State, rr which the patron age of the public la respectfully solicited. 8 roficssiotml. AN. 1IIIICE, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, AKO A0T1MI JUSTICK Of THK PEACE. Hoxt Door to Judge Jordan' Residence, Chcst u tit Street, Sunbury, Pa. Collections and ull logal matters promptly nt- tcridud to. JEREMIAH SNYDER, ATTORNKY AT LAW, AND ACTI.MJ JISTH E OF THE PEACE. Con veyanclug,tho col loot Ions of c1nlms,Wrltings, nn 1 all kinds of Legal business will be attended to carefully and Willi despatch. Can lie consult ed In the English sud German language. Office formerly occupied by Solomon Mnilck, Esq., op posite City Hold, Sunbury, I'a. March 2, 1878. ly. GA. BOTOOBF, Altornnv-ut-Lnw, Georgetown, Northumberland Co., IViinn. Can be consultod In the English mid Gorman languages. Collections attended to in North umberland un I adjoining counties. tnlili rp II. 11. KAMI'., Attorney tit Law, SUN X. BURY, PA. Ofllce in Market Square, (adjoining the otliee of W. I. Grecnoagh, Esq.,) Professional business In this aud adjoining coun lies promptly attended to. 'ui,!lur' March 10, 1x72.-1 y. W. O. PACKER, Attorney at Law, N'jv- P.'jlKt;;.!.-. 1K. CHAN. SI. yi V!U l ., PHYSICIAN AND SUUGKON, KniilMiry, Penti'it. OiaVe on Front dlrnt, next uuwr to Hua & F.' 're' v. UiUi.: Hours. Until S a m. From 12 to I p in. From 5toG; ui., :iuj rtlVr 0 o'clm U p m. At all oilier hoars wh-vi nut p. ol'e-'sion illy en tice. 1. iiii b found ut Driip iUore, on Third at., to t'ie.ii.Mit House. iniir",T-J.-ly O It. ROVtJlt. Attorney and Counsellor lT? nt l.t'. Ko.inn N'os. ' a :l Second Floor, llrlithi- liuil P.nsf. SI" N 111' BY, PA. lrnr.-ssina !iuiiies ut ten Id to. in the courts of Noithuru t.filiul and ull"ini'nr counties. A'n, in the f '.',:' I'll JtUtrift Courts for the Western His tiiel of I'juiisylv.mi 1. Claims prninptly collect ed. Purti-Milar atti'tilioa p.iid tij cut' in mk-rti-i'c.'. (''! ilt.iiiju ci.i b." hud in th.s tier- la. in lun r u. i. iiiurio, 71. ! III. Saul:, Ailorncv nt Law, PUN J ItL'KY, l'A.. oitlce in Masser' li ullilintf !i".irtlu' Court House. Front llootn up stairs uliue Hi-.- )r iz Store, (.'olloctlonii made in Nor t l:u'ii'i':r,un 1 :ri I adjoining counties. S jiiIhv.-v, P i., .1 une s, lSVJ. 7 J. J VI5HI.1: V . Market Street, 0 . Sl'NHUKY, l'A. I'-ilers i;i Drur, Medicines, Paints. Oils, ii us Viiraiihes, Li piors, Tobacco, Curars, r .ve! Books, Dairies, Vc. l S". WOI.VEKTON, Attorney at Law. Market Square, KUNDURY.PA. ProlVteiott- al liutmess in this and aJ.joiuiu;; eouiilies proiupt y H'.'en led lo. TT R. M ASSESS, Attorney at Law, SUN ii. HL'KY, I'A. Collections attended to in t .i e o.in'.ies of Northumberland, Union, Hnyder, .'viur.tt ur, Colu.nlii:! und Lycouiini;. npllfl-ti'.l OOL'JIIO: M AL.lt 'Ci, ATTOfiNKT AT LAW, ' i!'l . at his rea'Jeiie,. ,m Arch i-lieet, lino siiiare i.oit'i c.f t Tie Court House, near the i.iil, M'N I'.l'r.V, l'A. C.,!leetii,ns and nil proressliiiml 1 1 ur. mess I'i'titiipt ly attended to iti this and adjoin. 1 c Hiut'.e.d. Coiksull.ilinus can be had In the 'j-rinau la if;'. I'.re. .1 ulyy'.'-lt57:i. .. muurn. I. t. uohiiiiauii. '.K-Mi.i:n 'v t:n hh veil, Al rOKNKYS AT LAW, ti'Ti in !!.".! t'o Rulldinir, lately oei upled by oekelelier and L. T. Rohrbach, K-'. lions and nil professional hUHiicss ; atti'.iiied to in thu Couils of Noilhum rnd a lioinin; counties. . ! da I c ; r :n-V h i-.i'l Dv. ' jjvtch anb ilcst;tnr;tnt5. i XT.MTEO NTATEH IIOTI'E. W. F. ; J KI rt.'IIKN. Proprietor. Upposita the I)u- Vol SHAMOKIN, l'A. Kveiy uttention (jivcii to , travellers, and the best accommodation jjiveu. ' Apiil 5, l-;:i.--tf H I . J A M hNjilOTKL, I Nos. S00, 208 und 1U Race Street, l'HILADUL- I l'H i a. ; HENRY LLIIM AN, Proprietor. . late of Wormier, Ohio ! Surrci-snr to.'Win. Cliri-tuiau. TorinMt 8.U3 Ver IJuy. Market St. Curs roiineet wlik West I'hila. Pas-i senter Depots, tua.l pans of the City. j Fell. 'T3. 2 inos. i -f TfASlIIMiTON IIOISK, C. NEFF i TT Proprietor, ('oritur of Market t econd : Pireets, opposite Hie Court House, Irunbiiry, 1 l'h. May2,'7D. j AI.EEtillENV 1IOI KE. A. ItF.CK. ! Proprietor, N'os.M'J and 14 Market Street, ' fcbove eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, fa j per day. He respectfully nulicits your patron- VTATIONAI. HOTEL. AUGI'STIS -A-N WAl.D, Proprietor, Ge.iryetowii Nortb'd County, Pa., ut Hie Station of the N. C. R. W. Choice wines and dears at the bar. Tim tablets supplied with the best the market H thirds. (Jood Btablin and attentive ostlers. HIMJI E IV It EST A I" II ANT. LO U I S II U M M K L, Pro .riet or, Conimcrce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. lluviui- just retitted ths ubove Saloon for the aceomOita! ion uf I liA f.nl.ttfl (. nr.w t.r.,,,., ,-u.l serve jis friends with the best refreshment., and frsh Laj;er Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt i iuors. j HVEltEV'V IIOTEI j TOSIAH BYEni.Y. J noy township, Noithuniberland count v, Pa., un the road leiidiii from Georgetown to L'uiou town, Smith Inn, Treforlon Pottsvillc, Ae. The choicest Liquors and began at the bar. The tables are provided with the best of the sea son, biubling large aud well suilud for drovers, with (food ostlers. Every atteution paid to nuke guests coniforta tle. Nov. 11. 1H71.-1V. ashless W. S. JtHOAPB. 1. l-ACtr.lt IIAA8 WH. It II OA DS A CO., llKTilL DKAI.KIIS Or ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Owe wfTH Haas, Faoblt A: Co., Orders left ut Scasholta ,t Urn's., office Market treet, will receive prompt atteution. Country iistom respectfully solicited. Feb. 4, lh71. -it'. AXTIIUAC1TE COAL! VAI.ENTI.E DIETZ, Wholesale and Retail dealer in every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, V PPEtt WHARF, SUNBURY, PENN'A. All kiuda of Oraln taken in exchange for Coal. Oraers solicited and tilled (iroinptly. Orders 1& sit S. F. KeTln'e t'oufeotiouery Store, on TUtrd net, will recievo (.roiniH sHemian, a lid money i ..'i ij'f i)ffj( Jla- -ainc as .-.( Idle olD;c. )0nra1lInViel In lNlO. I'RICE 91 50 IN AIVAS( K. $ctu Sbbcrfisfiitfnts. oa Li coa iTcToa i ii in a n r u ohos Shippers and Wholesalo and Retail Dealers in WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, BUNBCRY.PA. (LOWER WHARF.) IST'Polo A Rents, wcatwnM, at the celebrated Henry Clay Coal. Jan 1'J-flrt OKNTINTKY. OEOIIOE M. 11KNN, In Simpson's Luihiing, Market .Sjttnrf, Bontntv, Ta., 1 prepared to do all kinSs of work pertaining to Dentistry. He keeps constantly on band a lanre' assortment of Teeth, and other Dental material, from which bo will be nhle to select, and mem, tne wants of his eustoniers. All work warranted to give satisfaction, or else the money refunded. The very best Mouth Wash and Tootli-Powdors kept on hand. His references aretiia numerous patrons for whom he lias worked for the last twelve vcarn. Sunbury, April SI, 1N72. NEW YARD. TI1F. niidcreisrnfld having connected the Coal business with ills extensive FI.OUU (iRAIN trade. Is prepared to snpplv families with the VEKY 11ENTOF COAI-, CIIEAI I'OK CAK1I. Eeir, Stove and Nut, eoiiHtantly on hand, tirain taken in exchange for Coal. J. M. C A DY A LI. A DF. II. Sunlmry, Jan. IS, 1S70. tf. aH.T.Helmbold. fc TliA.IIiJ Villi. KEAIUVEY'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, Is tlm only Known Heinedr for Waht's Din oas and litis cured etery cise of lllatH'te In wMch it has bwn eiven, Irrllatloll t.f the NecA of tbe llladtU'r aud liiltniumaiion of Ihu Kidneys, donation of the Kidneys and ItlsiUler, Reten tion if lrine. Discs... of the Pnissn Ctlsnd, Hums Id the nlsdder, Urnvel, Urirk Dust D.hisIi, aud Hucuus or Milky Mm Imnjw. and fur lia fwbIM nd DeJIcate Constitutions of lnth Kese, Bin 'nil. d with the follnwlni: ryiniitoius: I.om of Power, Lis of Memory. Ilialcultv of llreath tnft Weak Nerves. Wskernliiess. rin la I'i-i Hack. Klaslilnuof the Hoar, Kruptiouon the l uce, i'nllta Couuleimnce, tjissltude of the Sysieiu. tte. t'scd by persons in the dirllno or cimrtv life; after coulincmeiit of Ubvr pains, tard a. '. ' tlue in chlldreu. etc. In many affections peculiar to Indies, the hi trset ltm-au is unenimted hy uny other reia.'.ly As in Chlorosis or Ketenfioti, Irrciilurity. I'uin. fujnisss or Suppression of Cosiomsry rTvarnatiuns, I'lccreU'il or bchirrus stale of the t'tenis, Lcu enrrhrea or White, Htrllity, and for all com plaints incident to the vx. It Is yrcscrlhtsl extensively by the most eminent PhrsTctaMs suit Mldwives 'for enfeebk-d end delicate cunstllu. lions of both sexes and all aes. KEAItNUY'S EXTttACT BCCIIl', tlrss JH'HUf Arinintf from fmiirvdenct, fliibitt of iistipniun, A'tc, ta nil thi-tr stage, ut little uxtiensc, nttle or no cliauge in diet, no lu-cnnvenit-iice, and no exiosare. It causes a fro qucnt desire, and tires strenvlh to urinate?, ttierchy removing Obstruclious, lTevnting audi ltirbi(t Stricturt'S of the I'retlira, Allaying l'aln find Inflammatlou. so frequent in this class uf dia cases, and expelling all poisonous matter. KEAIINEV'8 EXTKACT BVCHtS tl.00 per bottle or six bottles for f3 00, dulWerwl lo tiny iiddrv-s. sts-ure from ohscn-atlou. SulU bjf drueijiatsevorvwheiv. Prepared by KF.AKNK Y A CO., 1M Dusno St.. X. T. to whom all letters for lufonuatioii should t o addressed. AVOID QUACK8 AND IMPOSTEK8. Ho Caargs for Adrioe and Consnltatlon. fir.J. Ii. ilyntt. Graduate of Jfrton Mli- nt fYwV.s, 1'liHadclphlA, author of ssivorul valnuMo works can tie c nsultcd on all disuasss of the fiexuai or Urinary Organs, (wliich ho has aiado au espiK-ial study), either In uiaiu or funiale, u matter from whsl csusu urij-iuntine;, or of how long slsiidinz. A pructice of HO years enshlue tiim to trcut diseases with success. Cures gusr antecd. Charges reasr.nuble. 1'hose at a dis tanco can forward lett.r dcbCrlliiiiK sjriaptouis, aiul cnclosiiiix Mump to irt.psy postne. beud tor the i-uiiU I" llmilVt. Price 10 cents. J. D. DYUTT. M. Ii., PhytlcUa and borceou. loiDaausSUuw Yorfc Pebruary H, 1M73. ly. EAt I ETY Alt I Kit It t i l . Tl SUNBURY ACADEMY. Classics mid Jfl nlhciimtics, Prop. N. FOSTER HIIOWNE. Prcnch l.nnguuKf and Literature, Mus. II. M. BROWNE. Ccrman Itiiuiii;e, Pitoy. DAVID RF.IMER. Teacher of Enfillsh Draiichcs, Mn. C, D. OHERDOJ'F. Advanced F.uirllsb Course, piior. n. poster hhowne. Assisted by Mus. II. M. HIIOU'NK. Primary Department, Mns.ll. M. BROWN F., J s.isted by Mil. C. D. OBEIIDORF. Instrumental Music. Pitor. DAVID UF.IMfcU. Vocal W u.lc I'Kor. N. FOSTKlt IIROWNP. For Catalogue ir nnv other Information, ui. dress N. FOSTER BROWi'F., Principal and Proprietor. Or to Miss. H. M. liHoWKK, Lady Principal. Bunbury, VKrch 15, 1873.-2 inos. THI PARKER GUN. 5CK0 STAMP F0H CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MERIDEN.CT. March 29, 1H73. ly. J. F. LERCH'S URRIAGE AND WAGON MAKINGcJg JESTABLISHMEITT, CHESTNUT ST., BUNBUBY, PA. Vehicle or all Kinis madi to Ohueu. The latest styles see' the best workmanship. Samples may be secu at the shop. Clue him call. Sunbury, Dec. 7, l-jP.'. ly. k68 SUNBURY, IlAETIMOItE LOCK HOSPITAL D It. JOHNSTON, Physician of this celebrated Institution, has discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant aud cllcctunl remedy In the world for all DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. AVeaknces of the, Hack or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of Kidneys nnd Bladder, Involun tary Discharttes, Impotcney, (icneral Debili ty, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Lnnirnor, Low Spirits, CVmfssInn of Ideus, l'nlpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Binht or Giddiness, Disease, of tbo Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of Liver, Luni;s, Stomach or Bowels theso tcrrlblo Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret and eolitnry practices more fatal to their victims thnn the souk of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulyssos, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering mnrrlage, Ac, Impos sible. 1 OUNO MEN especially, who have become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that drendful and destructive bubit which nnntiully sweep to nn untimely crave thousands of youiiir men of the most exalted talents and brilliant lutclloct, who might other wise have entranced listening Senate with the thunder of eloquence or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating marringe, nwnre of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Procrentlve Power Impotcney), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or utiy other DisnualiUcation, f ree.dily rolleved. He w ho place himself under thu care of Dr. J. may religiously contlde In his houor as a tent le mon, and conliJenlly rely uon his skill as a Phy sician. Ol'.r; A NIC WEAKNESS, Inipotcnuy. Lo's of Power, immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Lllo in Isei able and ma rris go impossible 1b the penalty paid by thu victims of improper Indulgences. Young persons are too npt to commit excesses from iiot being aware of the dreadful conseqenecs that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny thnt the power of procreation is lost sooner by those fulling into Improper habits than by the prudent) Besides being deprived the pleasures of licullhy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes de ranged, the Physical and Mental Function Weakened, Lews of Procrentlve Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigcstiou, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cugh, Consumption, Decay aud Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Pcrs6ns ruined in health by anlonrncd preten ders who keep thcin trilling month after month, taking poisonous and injurious compounds, tin-Hid apply immediately. ,-R. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon don, C-ruduated from one of the mesl eminent College In the United States, nnd the greater part of whoso lfe has been spent in the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known j many troubled with ring ing in the head aud ears when asleep, great NVOVUrntPD ULlUg U1U1 aivi ii. CU.IIJI'U cunuus, I basbfuluesB, with frequent blushing, attended 1 sometimes with derangement or miud, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injurrd themselves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body mid mind. unfitting them for cither business, study, society or mnr rlage. '1 in si: are pome of the sad and melancholy c UW-fh produced by early habits of youth, viz": Weakness of the. Buck and Limbs, Pains in the Back and Head, Dimuess of Sight, Loss of Mus- I cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangemcnl ot Digestive 1 Functions, General" Debility, Symptoms of Co.i- : sumption, iVc. I Mkntai.lv The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded Los of Memory, Con- I liu.ion of Idea, Depression of Spirits, Evil- I Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Kelf-Distruat, Love of Solitude, Timidity, iVc., art some of the i evils produced. " Tlloi'SASii of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, ; losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous i and emaciated, having a singular appearance about tho i yes, cough und symptoms of cousump- tioll. j YOUNG MEN j Who have injured themselves by a certain prac- lice Indulged in when alone, u liuMl frequently ; learned from evil cuiiipanions, or at schol, the ' effects of which arc nightly fell, even when asleep, aud if uol cured, ren li rs marriage Initios- bible, and destroys both mind aud ii aiy, should ! apply immediately. What u pity that a young niuu, t he hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should bo mateliei from till prospects and enjoyments ot life, by the consequence of dwiatlug from the path of nature aud indulging in u certain secret habit. Such perions mp-t, before contemplating MARRIAGE, re II eel that u sound mind and bedy uro the most necessary requisite to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed w ithout these, the Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair mid tilled Willi Iheinelan- ' choly reflection, that the happiness, of another becomes blighted withourown. 1 A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided und imprudent vetary of i pleasure tinds that he has Imbibed tho seeds ol this puiufiil disease, it loo often happens that au ill-timed sense of shanie, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying tw those who, from education and respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till tho constitutional symptoms ot : this horrid disease make their appearance, such us ulcerated sore throat, diseased uose, iioctural , pains in the head and limbs, dimness oj' sight, j tii.ifurss, nodes on the shin bones and arms, i blotches on the head, face and extremities, pro gressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the I'uiaie ii i oc iiioniii or lue oonea .a nie noseiail in, aud the victim of this awful disease becomes u horrid objeet of commiseration, till death puts a K.rlo to his dreadful suffering, by sending Llui to " that Undiscovered Country from nbeiice no traveller returns." It is a melancholy fact that thousands DIE victims to this terrible disease, through falling Into the hands of Ignoraut or unskillful PRE TENDER, who, by the use of that deadly Pol sou, Mercury, Ac., destroy the constitution, aud iucapabla of curing, keep the unhappy surjerer mouth ufter month taking their uoxious or in jurious compouudu, and Instead uf being restored to a renewal of Life Vigor and Happiness, lu des pair leave him with ruinod Health to sigh over his galling disappointment. T. such, therefore, Dr. Johnston pledges him. self lo preserve tho most Inviolable Secrecy, and from his exteusive practice und observations iu the great Hospitals of Europe, and the ltrst ii: this country, viz : F.uglaud, Fruuee, Philadelphia and elsewhere, is enabled to offer the most cer tain, speedy and effectual remedy lu the world for ull diseases of Imprudeuro. DR. JOHNSTON. OFFICE, NO. 7. tf. FREDERICK STREET. BiLTlMOllE, M. D. Left bund side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fall not to observe, name and number. t?No letters received unless postpaid and containing a stamp to be used on the reply. Per sons writing should state age, aud seud a portiou of advirtisvuiuut describing symptoms. There are so many Paltry, Designing and Worthless Juipnstcrs advertising themselves as Physicians, trilling with and ruining the l.tullh of ull who unforluuately fall into their power, that Dr. Johnston deems it necessary to say es pecially to those uuacquaiutcd with his refuta tion that his Credentials or Diploma Always huug iu his ofliee. ENDORSEMENT OF THE TRES9. The many thousands cured at this Establish ment, year after year, and the numerous liu- i'ortaul burglcul Operations performed by Dr, ohnstou, witnessed by the representatives of the press aud nuny other iapers, notice of which have apiad again and aguui before the public, besides his standiug as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a sutlieleut guarantee to the atllicted. Shin diseases spcodlly cured. Maich 1, 1S7S. ly A Lv "FTP c iht ny .?"" me CfT ' ' PA., SATURDAY MORNING, THE KIM. IIAItltEK KII01 18 THE SHOP OF THE TOWN nnd long has been ask history nnd she will tell you Men havo grown old In our patronage Babies on their mothers' breast To bouncing boys at play t And youths by maidens fair caressed, To stalwart men with cares oppressed, And old men silver gray. And among the honored and lasting Impres sions of limn, nnd the crash of revolution In circumstances, wo stand a living monumental memento of the Ingenuity nnd perscvernneo ap pertaining to tho Identity of progression, plying our vocation with tho highest stylo of art and perfection, nnd aspiring to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable in our humble capaci ty, nnd the sentiment of respect mid iippiobatioii which tho presence of superior appliances and es tablishment uro always wont to inspire. Always to pleasn We shave with ease Cut and comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing care, And color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the peop'o about the town. Then allow me politely request you to stop, And not go past nor from around our shop. To get shaved on the basis of ability nor as sonic, have done for our use of Hie ballot for prin ciple saercil and right nor under the. common secret und Invidious i;nio of enmity to complex ion s for the cut of a man's coat, or the color of bis skin, ought not to nllc.ct his usefulness nor Disqualification. A lair chance is i, that e demand, ti give the proof lo nil Ihe land. JAMIl.s W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. :i!iluiy, Am': 5, ,S7J: No. 01, Market St. T.LATCIILKVS Tasteless. Durable, Efficient and cut and ' lor the r.. (.'heap. The I" .-t Pump I least iiioiici'. Attention is es pecially invited to Blatehley's Patent Improved Bracket nnd New Drop Check Valve, which cm be withdrawn without re moving the Pump or disturbing the. joints. Also, thi Copper Chamber, wkich never cracks or scales, and will outlast uny other. l or sulc by Dealers everywhere. Send lor Catalogue and Price List. t HAS. G. BLATCHLEY, M.inu fnc Hirer, 50C Commerce St., l'hilad'a. Pa. S14,ly urssrow.: i urwa.ri!UW'riKiaQni ft $Tlili Njiace I ItcsortPtl for tho A pvkiitisi:mkm of PAINE & McCORMICK'S II A K 1) "W A l K S TO K V. "lurltvl Hi., Ntiiiburj, lu. irrsi CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION' To their Immense Sto k of Eon-inn and Antfrlrnn H atchet DIAMONDS JEWELltV, Stl.Vl'.K AND SlI.Vra-l'l.AVFIl Vaiii Clocks, Bronxes and Fnney Goods. Forming an' ELEGANT ASSORTMENT iu every D'. PART.MKNT. LOW I'KIt I.M. Philadelphia, March 22, 187a.-lyr. NEWTOIIACCO ANIl Nl.t.AK. AX Jilil'SH STOHK. noiitn sale or Market street net woea i. aim 4tu ffUNBURY, PA. Just opened, mi entire ucw slock of ul! kind' of TOBACCO AND SKGARS. Segars of every grade. Tobacco of every vulle'y. Pipes, both plain and fancy. BRUSHES I BRUSHES! ! BRUSHES I ! ! A large assortment of Brushus direct fi out tho manufacturer ut greatly reduced prices. Hit line of brashes are a specially aud many new kinds never before introduced Into this market. Also, Paper Collins and Cutfs lu great variety. A targe assortment of ull the popular bongs of the day. (Jail and usuilue my goods and get a list of prices. HENRT 1ETERY. November!!, 1872 ly WANTED. We will give Men and Womeu BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY from 14 to IS per day, cau be pursued lu your own neighborhood j it is a rare ensue for those out of employment or having leisure time i girl and boys frequently do as well as men. Parti culars free. Address J. LATHAM .V CO., ! UVi Wiebingtou u-, Boston, Mas. I Mar. 2J.-0L i H i rfl- mil L MAY 17, 1873. NI'ItlNt. TIME. The sun Is warm, (he sky Is blue, The buds are full, the grass Is growing) I wonder If the signs uro trnc, And Winter really Is going I 'TIs too good news, it seems to lur, That gentle Spi lug nt last Is coming, This very morn 1 saw a bee I But he was hummlne; I The seeds don't seem to show as )et I fear they've rotted altogether i The Winter's been so very wet But shall we have more settled weather I Tho-c fleecy cleuds, on high that wing, Can weep like Niohe's sad daughter. And wo perchance may find the Spring A Hpring of waters. Oh, gentle Spring ! betray lis not, We can be dry, nnd yet hilarious j And, pray, give buck the watering-pot To January's old Aquarlous j Where'er your tiny foot shall touch, Bid blossoms spring, thu greensward fret ting For we've au appetite for such That needs no whetting. CAI T. JACK or THE LAVA ItEIIS. I'm Cnpt'm Jack of the Lnvu Beds-. I'm "cock o' tho a:k." nnd chief o' the Reds, I kin '-lift the har" and r.ealp the heads Of the whole United Steles Army. Win n I go out my squaw the cries, My squaw she ci ies, My squaw she cries, Wle'ii I go out my squaw she cries, You'd b-llur look out for the ariny. O, yes ! ladies nnrl rfpnllntiipi), I'm tlie original Cuptain Jack, of tlio Mmlnc lint vis big Infill mo white nmn ho make; too much he bombshell mul telegraphy ilens puleh hut lie m ximnj tie lava bail. White man he play "liig.h' low," but he no catchi'G ili.i .lack, lor I'm Captin Jack of de Modoe braves, Am' cock o' the aik to the I iva caves. Wh 'n 1 catches Vin out. their heads I shave The bends of the braves of the iirtny ! When 1 stand up the pickets they stare The pickets they stare, The pickets they stare, When I stand up the pickets they stare And then run back to the army. Oh, yes ! ladies nnd genlkmi'ii, big; mu dieine iniiii Killem, he goitiej to ent up Mo doe chief at one square meal, but lie muku he too muchce tight at San 1'ranciseo tele graph man, ami bhoot bombshell ut Modoc cjiiaw nnd scalp only dead lngin, Charley S'i ' Captain Jack, he bullee boy with Kl.iss t yes. Captin Killem, ho jilayed nut on me une an Miiiimer tunc, j jHtsccHuHCDits. We tire indebted lo Col. D. Tngoart for the following incmoriaui ou tin. death of Get). Canby. In It'itiorlnn. When loved ones die and eBpecinlly when ties are severed by midden and appalling calamity, it, is an impulse of Huivivin friendship to interpose its humble tribute to stay tho match of that iuevilablu obli vion, which awaits without exception all the inhabitants of earth. Soou or late, in years or centuries or ages, it mu.st come alike to the lowly and the great. Caesar'a two thousand eais and Homer's throe thousand are but momenta iu Uio )r.tl eternity. Even as in lite they slrodu above the dust of their forgotten peer, ill cycles to come, warriors as mighty and poets tis great who have never heard their names, will brino iu evanescent oll'eiings to the tomb On Good I'liday, the eighth anniversary of the iissassinalioi) of the illustrious Lin coln. Edward K. S. Camiy fell by the hand of a beastly and treacherous savage. Neither the pages of history nor the le gends of ti'iiditiou can furnish a parallel to this cowardly and bloody murder. In all future ages let us hope it will stand along iu ils enormity, nnd unapproachable in tint nlutire costliuess of the sacrifice. An englc lowering In his pride of place Wa by a mousing owl hawked lit mil killed. lie has fallen iu the height cfhis useful ness, iu the early autumn of his years, and in the full vigor of his uuwasted manhood. It is hard to realize that we shall no more listen to his counsels nor be cheered by his presence. He has passed a-:ty forever, hut he has left to us a valuable inheritance iu the memory of his virtues und the bene lils that may "row out of his example. If I write nothing in his i onise, which I have not spoken iu hi life, I shall be ac quitted of any nll'ectution of Kctiliment. A little while ago ho stood utUMii; us. grand in stature, peerless iu foi in, cultured iu mind and high iu station, yet shriaking ly inodcht in demeanor truthful, bravo mul generous just nnd merciful spotless iu character and pure in heart, "without fear and without lepioach," an intellectual mid moral giant anion:; his fellow men. Ordinary business integrity looked like dross l-t-ide tlui (.'old of his refined nnj sensitive honor. Koine, iu her purest and proudest days, could boast un braver soldier nor better citizen. It seldom fills to the lot of bereaved friendship to describe a character nt once so stron; find so beau tiful. There lives not on earth to-day n nmn who can point to a stain upon his name. In tho writer's half-century of life he lias never met a truer, juster, nobler man. He was rt living refutation of the damnable heresy of knaves, that "fvery man has his price?." None but a stranger or a f.iol would have ventured to cost mark his honor. n him were blended all the Lctit attributes of manhood. Fearless of dauijer or h fool would havo ventured to in 11 iet pain or wrong upon any human heart. Jtegiitdiess of self, he was over watchful for others. He) cui tailed his ow n wants that he might minister to thu needs of the poor; aud their blctsiuj,' will follow him to the gruvo. To little children, though himself child less, he win more gi title than a mother. His great heart went out to the poor und helpless of every race and color ; even the vile wretches who slew him had no more pttticut, charitable friend. If ho had ene mies, they must have hated him for his virtues. Ho bore upon his manly front the imprets of a fearless and honorable! soul, and no one who knew hiiu will say it was a false indox to his character. Among his friends and associates there is no recol lection that is but tho thought that they shall see him no more. He will bo laid in a patriot soldier's honored grave, regretted by all who knew him, and regretted 7vtst by those who kuew him (f. If our grief is j;reat what must bo hers, who now broods in lonely sorrow, too ('ecp for team, at her woe-stricken hearth. To her, who for more than thirty years Las beeu tho worlbr compliment of his grand aud uoble life, and thu sharer of his trials and triumphs, it is useless to offer tho con dolence of our natural and most earnest sympathy ; it cannot reach tier crashed aud broken bcuit. "Ala! not for tho New NpHcm, Vol. B. No. 7. ! Old Nrricw, Vol. 3, No. a I. dpnd, but for the mourner whom ho lias left! In death even lovo is forgotten, but in life there'is no bitterness so ulter ns to feel that everything is unchanged except tho one being, who was the soul of all to know the world is the sumo, but that its 8unnhiiir. has departed." 1). T. I'orlUmd, (Jftynn, April 11, 1873. A Lancaster county debating society dis cussed the question, ""Will lager beer in toxicate V" und decided it in the negative. One of the inembo rs, a gtd temjiertinco man, nnd the father of a family, was pot salislled with the decision, nnd determined to test its truthfulness, lie thought there could be no harm in settling by evperl inent juat for tho sake of truth, you know. So ono evening he bad a bucket nf beer car ried into his oilice, und he commenced to test. AL eleven o'clock at night tint man might have beeu seen going home ou both sides of the street, when he was not pitch ing about in the middle of the road, nnd bucking up against, and npologizin to, lamp posts, and treo boxes nnd things. After trying ten minutes to unlock his door with a gootl pen-holder, lie was admitted by his horrilied wile, who thought ho had been garrotcd, maybe. As soon its ho he served, "W hasher masher wisser key-Hue) hole, lovo V tlio knew what niled him. Gently reasoning with him with it poker, she lull him and retired. When he awoke early next morning, and found his head re posing iu the ash pan, he knew right awny that lager beer was intoxicating. He kuvs now that there is no dependence to be placed upon the. decisions of debuting soei cLicu. yorriUo ii Jltsuhl. Tho burning of a dead prince in India is rather expensive. A letter iu tho London Times describes the combustion of his highness the Maharajah of Sondliporc. The corp.su was dressed in royal robes of brocaded cioih, nnd decked mil with jew elry valued al ST.iJU.H In front of the fu neral piocessiou walked two elephants la den wilh gold nnd silver coins to the u uiouut of ti'2,."i)0, which were scattered at every hundred paces among the specta tors, lo by scrambled for. The corpse, shawls and jewelry were all thtown together upon the burning pile. From the d.iv on which his highness died, live thousand lirahniins regularly received food and a largess of a rupee each at the palace gales. All tho j inhabitants, by wuy of expressing their , grief, shaved oil' their beards, moustaches and tho hair of their heads. The lamented rajah left behind him a neat assortment of i wives and concubines, who were, many of them, extremely desirous to be burned with j their late lord, sonic because they were j really grieved at his lots, and others le- ; cause it was the lashior.able thing to do. j It was not erinitted, however, greatly to , the disuit ,,f the widows. j Invitation At a Ujtciikatiox. i Thoughtful people with n:i inventive turn J of mind, often lind it congenial recroalion ' for their leisure hours in elaborating some 1 mechanical device. An English journal expresses no little surprise tit tho strange contrasts between the purpose of the inveii- ; tions and specjinens of work displayed ilia : Mechanics' Exhibition, and the "professed : vocation" of Uielr autliors. -for cxnnifilo, j a city clerk has a Mreet-Mveoping machine; a eoilee reiiner, 'a dish to prevent dishonest i b ikers from purloining; ;' u chemist, aeon- j trivatico for frightening birds ; a butcher, practical definitions of geometry ; a book seller, dried (lowers ; an engineer, sculp ture ; a post-house keeper, examples of ec clesiastical illuminations." The simple explanation of the seeming incongtuitv is that these things were the diversions of the exhibitors, and tlirirtion, as the etymology of the word implies, is a t'tniiny .,'(V from one' ordinary employment or profession. WRATiir.n Wi-uom When you wish to know what the weather is lo be, go out and select the smallest cloud you see. Keep your eye upon it, nnd, it i I decreases unci disappears, ii shows a stale of the air wliich will be suie to be followed by fine weather ; but. if it increases in siw, take your great coat wilh you, if you are going from home, for falling weather will not bj far o;f. The reason is this : when the air is becoming charged wilh electricity, you will see every cloud attracting all lesser ones towards it, until it gathers into a shower , nnd on the contrary, when the Iluid ia passing oil", or diffusing itfcelf, then , large cloud will bo seen breaking into pieces and dissolving. Shad and nil other I'sh should bo killed when caught, nnd n it left to a slow death. The difference in the taste offish killed and those nllovicd lo die is most marked ia those nf vigorous habits, and containing much blooit, such as for instance our own bluelihh, find perhaps our shad. Experi ence has shown that lish killed in this way, und bled, will retain their limitless und freshness very much l inger tii in those al lowed to die in the ordinary manner. "An, Jemmy, Jemmy," said the lii.shop of Deny to it drunken blacksmith, "I'm sorry to see you beginning your evil course again ; and, Jemmy, I'm very anxious to know what you inwud to do wilh that iin.i lad, your son ':" "1 intend sir," said Jemmy, "lu do for him what you cannot do for jour sou," "Eh, eh ! h'j.vs that ?" To which Jemmy, with a bu:l of genuine; feeling, said : "I intend to m il:o him a better man than his farther V' Bridgkt c line to her misl i s.s and usked for a needle and thread. "Do ou .taut it litio or coarse Y" asked Iho lady. "Sutu an' I don't know, tna'am," said Bridget. "What do you want it fori"' asked the mistress ; "if you ull me that I may know what lo fcivu you." "Well, mum, the cook has just told me lo string Iho beuus, an' sure tin' 1 want a nidlc nn' thrid for that." A Correspondent of ihe B.iliiiu iro, .Van says that the idled of ihe l'etiusylvaiii t local option law is already felt ou the bor ders of the couuty, many morn I'eunsyl vaniatis having business ou this side the liue than hrrclufitrc, aud oue euleririsiug man, having a house standing half in Pennsylvania aud hall iu Maryland, is said , to be making a fortune, i TiIF.uk is a little railroad in Louisiana that runs from ono part of tho State to another on a very uncertaiu schedule. A stranger inquired how often trains mada trips lo a cu'taiu township. The clerk in terrogated said, "Tri-weekly," "What do you mean by tri-weekly V" Tho answer was, "It goes up ouo week and tries to eomo down the next, ' In a recotst case for nssault tho defen dant pleaded guilty. "1 think I must bo fuiity," he said "because the plaintilf und were the only ones iu the room ; and the lirst thiu" 1 knew wus that I was standing up, and lie wns doubled over the table. You'd Uuer call it guilty." ADVIlRTi.SliNr, SCHEPm,- 10I,ines,orul)unl 100 Y mus, make n Squat i lq. One week 1 ,W Two week l.M 'if I SSq 4 SpVeol t,'nnl I ml 2.rs. ii.oo 5.0O. K.ooiruo 3.0U, 8. Ml- 4.01 g.iMll.raiH.oa Three " n.iK) B..W 4. Mr s.or .otn:j.oo"o.oo Four " 2. 5il! 4.51V 5..r0 O.OU 10. Oil if.(KI,. 6(1 Five " a.7." B.IHI U..W 7.10 IS.tXl 17.005.00 Six " H.0U 0.75 7.50 S.OO lH.tN:l!.fXlj7.&( Teomo's J.2.' 7.50. 8.00', ll.Od 15.110 ',0.00 ; o.MJ Threu" .a. 50 8.00 0.50, 10.00 IJO.Od '.fi.'O 40.0C Six ' 5.0ili 0.1)0 11.0tVi2.O0 2S.(K)l5.t,O..S).(l0 Nine Jl.Ou I0.0O la.Oi.jl5.oo fi.OO 45.10 75.1 fj Oue Year 1ii IV.. 00 I5.nu 'JO.UUlU.UU.U'.tV tl-l'U Jkdkdiaii Buciiakm, once preaching a revival sermon, was interrupted by the entrance of Aaron Burr. "Hero comes oue," says tho revivalisl'against whom 1 will testily In the day of juilgmetii,. " "Yes, sir," said Burr, "in llfty years of criminal practice) 1 have nlwas found the greatest ritsenl turn Slab;' evid ence." Ax artist, who had painted it portrait of a gentleman noted for his IVoqueiil libit lions, invited the gentleman's friends lo see it. Ono of them, who was rather lieitr sighud, approaching it too closely, the ar tist, in alarm exclaimed, "Don't touch ii ; it isn't ((ci. " "No use of looking al it., then," replied the gentleman. "It can't bu my friend." A Yankiti; madeiihjl with a Dalchmiti lhal he could swallow him. Tho Dutch man lay down upon thu table, and the Yankee, taking his toe in his moulh. nip ped it severely. "O, you are biting me," roared tlm Dutchman. "Why, you old fool," said the. Yankee, "did "you think I was going to swallow you whole V " A Ii it .u; tif ci, young girl was married lu San Francisco last week, and at the con clusion of the marriage ceremony she turn ed lo her husband and said, "George, kiss me; I am dying." The husband complied with the request, and at lhal moment thu young bride fell dead to the lloor. Wilfred L. Fitts, tho "s linn iiubulistie." hoy, now in prison in Ktetur j til. Now Hampshire, for the attempted murder of a youthful eompauion, on Sunday flight at tempted lo kill several fellow prisoners by cuttiu their throats with a razor while Ksloep. " omen of the u go of twenty -ono. yours and upwards shaU be eligible to any otlicu uf control and management uudor the school laws of this State," Theso are ihe now nnd progressive word incorporated in the organic law of Pennsylvania by Ihe Constitutional Convention. i THE Git AMD KXCAMI'M'.TNT of R'tmsyl vania I. O. O. P.. holds il next session iu Wilkesbarri: on M inday, May K'th, com mencing at nine o'clock A. M. aud tlio Grand Lodge meets in the same place, ou Tuesd ny, tl.e 20ih. at the same hour. An Indian being asked what he did for a living, replied : "Oh, mo preach." "Preach!" said n bystander. ".Sometimes itin get a shilling, sometimes two ah il lings." "And isn't that mighty poor pay V" "Oh yes, but its mighty poor preach!" A freight train on Iho Catawissa Bo.tJ partly swamped in the mud last week at Kupert. KECIE'Efi, AC. CrrvToiofs and C'jun. A corrcsp itiJ eut of the Country Gentleman says : ''Immediately utter the corn is planted, sprinkle on the hill, ovet the covered grains, about oii,i l ihlo s; ii:it u I of s lit to each hill. More will do no harm, but how much mora the com w,,uid stand I do not know. A laliiespooni'ul is enough, and perhaps less would do. That is all. 1 have butied cutworms in h.-.li.ui.l ln. thrm there it long lime without doing iheni any itppiimul harm, and they will crawl over salt with out hesitation or any seeming annoyance, but i hey will not eat (lie young corn plant if there is n little salt iu its nap. That seems l i bo the, explanation uf in protec tive in liue nee. "Allow me lo repeat that the suit should be put on the corn hills immediately after the planting, mid it nciy be dissolved by Ihe lain, dew or other Moisture in ihe air, and thus reach ilia routs of the plant greatly diluted by mixture with the soil, and there fore safe to the young and tender plant ; and also lhal it may he at the roots, where i il may cuter ihe sap of the plant, not at tha leaves, where it cau only destroy." I Pu.lW.1'1) Phi's Pi:i;i'. Boil the feet un ! til tender . while hot pick off the meat, sea sou with popper, stilt and vinegar to taste, : put the meat in pans, press it down. When ' cold, cul in slices, dip in weal, fry until ; : slijilly brown ; to prevent it falling iu ' nieces, dip the tugc in egg, or fry in dour ; battel. S.'ALLOPi.D OVMliftsi. Toast several pieces of bread brown, und butter them oil both sides , take a baking dish and put the ! toast round the sides, iusteud of a crust ; I pour your nyttcr into a dish, and ae-ason with salt, peper, butter, and inuee or cloves. Crumb bread ou top and bake in a quick oven one-fourth of an hour. To Make CoM.vu,s Hard .Soap. Put into tin iron kettle I've potiuds tiuslacked lime, live pounds a ula, aud three gallons of soft water; J.i il soak over night , in thu ; mornitig pour oil the water, then add threu and a ball' pounds of grease, b'jil till thick, turn i; to a p-iii until cool, und t'.ieii cut iu bars. No Name Cakc Two cups sugar ono cup butter, three eggs ttvtnnd oiih-lmlf cup of dour, two stoned raisins; half ia cup of sour milk, oue teaspoon soda, oue grated nutmeg, one teaspoon gciuud cinna mon. It makes a very nice cake. Tomato Ci'staud. This is a very im triiious diet for consumptives. Strain fine ly stewed tomatoes through a coarse sieve. Add a quart of milk, one piul of tomatoes, four eggs, and one tuhlcspoouful of b'JijaT. Bake quickly in small cups. CuiiKiNn Corn. In cookiu grocu corn, it ahoid be put into boiling water, an J allowed to boil from lifteeti to thirty min utes, according to its ag.i. Put no aalt into Ihe water. Cover with a uupkiu us . soon its rciuovvd lioiu tho water, for it ; cools rapd.ly. TuVA'tyiCS AND Glt.Vl'I.S'. Thi kllllpUl and delicious dish is tnudu by culling some ripe tomatoes iu half, putting them tn k buttered dish wilh some bread crumbs, hiiltcr, H.'picr, atid salt bakin;; till slightly browned on the top. Lkmo Pics. Grate the rind of tw lemons,, adJing juice und pulp. Take six eggs beating white and yolSs separate. Two cups while sugir, Ihree tahlespjons fuelled bullcr. This makes two pic. YiMciAit Pie. Mix one-half cup of vin egar in ti cup of sugar. Boil u few minutes, When cool, adJ one ugg, one spoonful of Hour or a links rolled cracker, uud ono spoonful of butter. Bake tLiie wilh two' ciusts. Tka Cake. Oue egg, one aud cue-half cu; i sugar, ouivhalf cup butler, two and ona-'i.tlf cups (lour, one cap sour milk, ofjo lialf teaspoon soda ; flavor with lemon. Sponok Cakk. Two cups sugar, two of flour. Beat up six eggs, und ndd tlio rind mid juice of oue leiiusj. TlIK girl of this ago is unfit l lie wed who dou'l uudcretand Low to make nice sweat bread. And the man is a dtim who a partner will lake, who dou'l understand cooking t offee aud tteak.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers