THE SUNBURY AMERICAN. 19 PUBLISHED KVKRT SATURDAY BY EM'Ii WILVERT, Proprlotor, Moore A Dlsstnger'a Bulldkig, Market 8o,uaro, At 91.50 In Advne. II not paid wlifaln months f2. HuboerlptUMt Utktn or lui ttut tlx Month. C'oNxr-OTBn with this oHabllshuvmt la an ex ten - IveNEW JOB OFFICE, containing Variety of plain ami funry type eqnal to any establishment n the Interior of the State, for which the patron ago of the public it respectfully toHoited. professional. A. " ,,KICE, ATTORNET AT LAW, At actiso JUSTICE or m TEACE. Next Door to Judge Jordan' Residence, Chest nut Btreel, Sunbnry, Pa. Collection, and all legal matter, promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH SNYDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND ACT I SO JCNTICE OF TUB PEACE. Con vt.vanrlnir.the collection of clnlin,wrltlngs, nu J ulf kinds of Legal busluoss will be attended to carefullv and with despatch. Cnu be consult r4 in the English aud Herman language.. Office formerly occupied by Solomon Mulick. Etq., op posite City Hotel, Bunbury, Pa. March 29, 1S73- ly. G. A. DOTOOKE, Attorni', GEORGETOWN. Northumberland Co., Pouna. Can be consulted In the English anil German languages. Collection ntteuded to In North umberland aud ndjoluing coiintlet. mhl5 T. II. H, KAMLK, Attorney nt Law, SL N- ur'iiv p rim in Mmkit houiue.. (adjoining the office of W. I. Greeuoagh, Lsq.,N a. ... ....... Professional business III this and adjoining couu ilea promptly attended to. Suuhury, March 1", lS73.-ly. W. C. PACKER, Attorney at Law, Sunbury, Pa. -If. 1R. CHAN. M. MARTIN, 1MIYSICIAN A XL) SUHOEOX, Nuuburj', I'cnn'u. Olllae on Front Stiver, next duor to liana A 'Fairelv. Olllei! Hour,. Until a m. From V2 to 1 p m. From -ft to 0 p in., and after U o'clock p ui. At all ollnr hours wlmii not profenslonally en Sel, cell be found at Drug Store, on Third St., next to Clement House. uu",'72.-ly 8 It. BUYER. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Rojiih N. it A S Second Floor, iht' Udildliiz, SUNUURY, PA. Profelona ) ha.ines iittniid'-.l to. In tin; courts uf Sorthum I berland and adoiuini cour.tlei. Also, in the f Vf( Hil l DUtrUt Courts for the Westein DIs tiiut of Pennsylvania. Claims promptly collect- ! ei. Particular attention paid to rm in Hank- ruvtcy. Co is'llta.iK i rau Wj h&s in tne iur man lanQa. ; .JHlHT-''!-- III. KNE, Attorney nt Law. SUN j . BURY, PA., nlllce In Masser's llulldini; i far the Co irt lluHae. Front Ujuiii up Hulls ubo.e Hie Drutf Store. Collections made lu Nor . ti.uuherlaud and udjoluini; ruuittici. S'jiibury, Pa., June S, MARKLK Si CO, Majkct Street, SUNBURY, PA. Dealers lu Druirs, Medlciues, Paints, Oils, fUiss, VarHiKlies, Liquors. Tobacco, Cigars, Ciicket Books, Dairies, Ac. . O P. WOLVERTON, Attorney at Lnw. O. Market Suuare. SUNBURY, PA. Professlon- il biilnf. in this ud adjoiuiiii; eouutics prompt- ( y attcuded to. j n il. MANNER, Attorney at Law, SUN- Hl'ItY, PA. Collection, attended to In j -.In; count los of Northumberland, Lulon, pnyner, Montour, Columbia and Lycoinlii g. apUO-CH CJOIOJIOX MA LICK, ATTi lUM'f AT LAW, r.l e .it his renlilKiiteuk Arch ivrei-l, one squaro i rl 'i of the t'-uUit lluuc, (lie J ill, SUN ".I'flY. PA. Collections and all professional . i-i iinmipt !y iitli'tidi'il to in tlii- and adjoin i.: i- unlii-s. Coiinultatious can lie bad in the J jnnan lauKH iiie. ul.v22-ViTr I. W. 7IKGI.KH. I.. T. ItomillAUll. 7.r:;LKit a roiiuuach, ATT0)JNY8 AT LAW, i :Ui-- lu riaiipt's llulldliiL'. lately occupied by '.i 'm- Rockefeller aud L. T. Kohrbuv-V.., Lsij. ui it'l l imis and ull prolesnliiuul liLsiness inpily utteniled to in the Courts of Noitlium- r' ':.! and a'ljninins counties. "'"'' ls71; njotcls aiiu ilestanrants. Utll'fr'.l NT AT EN HOTEL, W. F. Ki I'CIIEN, Proprlutur. Opposite the De pot KUAMUKIN, PA. Kcry aileuiiou given to travellers, and tin) bt acrouinioilalloiis given. Aliil 5, 1S73. tf NT. JAM! VUOTEE, No. BU6, 30S and 310 R.-ioe Street, PHILADEL PHIA. HENRY LEHMAN, Proprietor. I Ute of Woonter, Ohio , Successor to Win. ChrlMuiun. Terms t 2.25 Per Day. Market St. Cars connect with Vot Phlla. Pas senger Depots, to nil pans of the City. Fo'. 22, '73- 3 in. ' AM 1 1 IN GT O X IIOTNE, C. KRKK Proprietor, Corner of Market Second trefts, oppoKite the Curt House, Bunbury, Pa. MavL'H,'7D. ALLEGHENY HOl'NE, A. BECK, Proprietor, Noa.613 and H14 Market Street, uhovo eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Term,, $8 per day. He respectfully solicits your patron age. " JaiUl'72. 'XT ATI ON ." HOTEL. AUGUSTV8 1 WALD, Proprietor, Oeorjctown Nnrth'd tjouuty, Pa., ut tlie Staiion of the N. C. R. W. Choice wines und cigars at the bar. The table is supplied with the best the market .atfonU. Good stabling aud attentive ostlers. H' I'M M EIN RESTAl'RANT, LOUIS HUMMEL, Proprietor. Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A, Haring Just relltted the above Saloon for the uccomoilutlou of the public, 1, now prepured to serve '.lis friend, with the best refreshments, and fresh La;;cr Hear, Ale, Porter, and all other malt ijuore. UYERLY'N SDK? EL. J08IAH BYF.RLT, Proprietor, Lower Maha. imy towu)up, Nniihuuiberland county, Pa., on the road leudliiK from Georgetown to I' n Ion town, Smith Inn, Trevorton Poltsville, tc. The choicest Liqnors and Segars at the bar. The tables are provided with the best of the sea son, btuliling lurge und well suited for drovers, with jcood ostlers. Every uttcullou paid to make civets comforta ble. Nov. U, lK7t.-lv. !nsincss W. S. K1IOAD8. I. 1'ACKKB 11AA8 WH. RHOAItN CO., HETA.IL IIIALCUS Or ANTHRACITE COAL, BUNBURY, PENN'A. Or riCB wrtu IIaai, Faoki.t & Co., Orders left at Beasliult, A liro's.,oJlc Market treet, will receive prompt atteutlun. Country ustoui respectfully solicited. Fib. 4, le71.r-tf. AXTUUACITE COAL I VALENTINE IlIETZ, Wholesale and Retail dealer lu every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPPER WHARF. SUNBURY, PENN'A. AH kinds of Gruln taken In exchange for Coal. (Ordets ,oliclted and Ullei promptly. Orders left ,i H. F. Nsvln's Confectionery Blore, ou Third I reel, wi recjev prouijit attention, and tfiopu e'cjpteilfy, tha tain, nit the elHcc. STOBUBY I2t.rabllhed In IS AO. ) price i so in advance. bbcrlistmtnts. COAL! COAL. COALt GRANT BROS., Shipper, and Wholoaule and Retail Dealer, In WHITE AND RED ABH COAL, 8UNBCRT, PA. (lowta wauar.J t P Bol Agents, westward, at the oelebrated Henry Clay Coal. Jnn l-6 DENTISTRY. . O EORGE M. ItENN, In UnnpsoiVs Building, Market Square, Sl'sbi'rt, Pa., 1 prepared to do all kind, of work pertaining to Dentistry. He keep eoniitantly on hand a largo assortment of Teeth, and other Dental material, from which he will be able to select, and meow me want, of hi uatomer. All won warranted to glveatlfactlon,or else the money rcfuudod. The very bent Mouth Wash aud Tuutb-rowders kept on hand. Ilia references are the nnmerout patrons for i lium he has worked for tho last twelve years. Htinbupv, April 31, 1S7J. NEW COAL. YARD. THE undersigned having connected the Coal business with hisextonsive FLOURAGRAIN trade, la prepared to aupplv fumilies with the VERY 11 EXT OK COAL, CHEAP FOR CASH. Egg, Stove and Nut, constantly on Iwnd. Grain tukouta exchange for Coal. J. M. CADWALLADEll. Snubnry, Jan. IS, 1870. If. H.T.Halmbold. KEARNEY'S PLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, Is the onlr Knows Remedy fr Itrtehfs DIs wuie snfl liss rured every ce of rfbew In wrdcti it has Ihmwi (riven. Vntutlnn of thefteek of the itladder and luOamnutlon of tbs Kulnsrs, UlccTdUon of the Kidney sua Hlwldor, Keren Uon of Urine, Vlsoases of the Proeuie Olsmt, Btoris tn the Bsddr. OiaTtl. Brisk Int liopwett. and Macons or Altlky DiK-hsrues. and fi Kn Iveblert and Delicate Constitutions of both He'. rumded wllh the followliuj synintoms- l tit I'uwer, Lilfs of Memoir, tnlllculiy ot Itri slh tne, Weak Serves, Wakefnlnsss, Psln tn llsck. FlnshlBg of the !, Empilon on the fuei-, ISjlid ConoHnsnce, Ifind of the System. I scd by persons In the decline nr chsnw Hfe; after contlBcmeut or labor pstus, beil wei 1 tln In children, etc. In aianv affections peonliar to WidUia. the Kx Ant. Bueha Is unenasled by anv other rciuudy As In Chlorosis or Beierilion, vriBulArt. Psln btuiees or Sopnrwlon of Oastoiusry i'.TBcuwioni, Ulcerated or Sckirrns state uf the Uterus, Leu- corrbcea ov White. Stcrlitty, and for all com nlslnu incident to tho sex. Jt 4s ,tecribed ratenslvelv by the most eminent jhysicis. and Mid1ves for enfeebled su4 Micaie conetitu llous of both sexes aad all sg. keaBrevs KXTBArr nccnc, fnv Huatu AriMnf from tmprudnea, B.iMu 0 Murtpotfn, Etc.. la all their stagea, si iiltle expense, little or ns change In diet, so In coovtsilence, and no exposure. It cause a fra- aaent desire, and trlve Lri-cxth to urtnat irehy remov4ng Obslnvtions, leTnvln scj Cnrinr Blrlelurea of the Urethra, Allaying Psli and lnnsmmattnn, so frequent in this class ut dis ease, aad expelling all poisonous maurv. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BCCIIC, 1 1.00 per botllo or six bottle for fS.t, dsllvorej to any address, secure from observstlun. bold lijr ArnzKlsts everrwhere. I"repared by ' KXAftNXY S CO., 04 Dusne St. N. T. to whom all letter for Information should bii addressed. AVOID (QUACKS AND IMPOSTERS. Jio Obarg, for Advio, aad eouolutlen. Dr. J. H. Jtyvtt. 4raduate of Jffrmm Mrdiait CHrv, 1'hUadclphla, anthor of snvsrsl voluaMo works, can be consulted on all disease of ID fcexuoi or Urinsry "Urgana, (aiilch b has ai aa especial slinlyi, either in Jnale or female, so xnatu-r from what caaso ortgluslliig, or of how liung standing. A prattle of DO )eara euable, Lira to Irest disease with success. Cures gnsr auleed. llisrge rcanble. Those at a dis tance can forward letter describing symptoms, aud enclosing etauip to prepay pou&go. tkind far iliu mud to HwllK. 1'ricu 10 cents. J. B. iYwTT, M. ll.. 1'brsiriaa and Surgvoc lOiDuan 0l.jliW !- February , 1S7H. ly. FACCLTY A. Cl'RtttX'I'LCM SUNBURY ACADEMY. Classics and Mathematics, PnoK. N. FOSTER BROWNE. French Lnnguuge una Literature, Mn. H.. M. BROWNE. German Iainvuafri, Tmoy. DAVID ItEIMER. Teacher of English Branches, Ma. C. D. OBEUDORF. Advanced Englith Course, i'uar. N.J'OSTEH BROWNE, Assisted by Mas. 11. M. BROWNE. Primary Department, Mfis.II. M. BROWNE. ;tl.trd by Mil. C. I). OUEUDORr. Instrumental Music, Pkop. DAVID REIMER. Vocal Music Fitor. N. FOBTIK BROWN. For Catalogue or anv. other informatiou, ad dress N. FOSTER BROWNE, Pr!u!ial and Proprietor. Or to Mm. H. M. Bkown, Lady Principal. Bunbnry, UKft'h 15, H73.-3 rues. 71E PARKER GUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIR0ULAS PARKER BRtfS WEST MEWCt-H.CT: March SO, 1H78. ly. J. F. LERCH'8 CARBIAGE AO WAGON MAKING establishment:, (fJIJEJTNUT 8T., BUNBURY, VauicLMi or all Kind madc to Ouihr. Tha latest style and tha test workmanship. Sample may tM aeon at 14 hop. Civ, bin call. Banbury, Pee, T, 1S73 ly. v. LOCK HOSPITAL DR JOHNSTON, Physician Of thl celebrated Institution, ha, discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy in the world for all DISEASES OP IMPRUDENCE, Weakness of the Back or Limb,, Btrlcturas, Affection, of Kidneys and Bladder, Involun tary Discharges, I ni potency, General Debili ty, NenrrHieneee, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Pplrlts, Confaslon of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Olddlneu, Disease of the Head, Throat, Uosepr Bkln, Affection of Liver. Lungs, Stomach or powela these terrible Dlaordcr arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those aecrct and solitary practice more fatal to their victim than the soug of Byren to the Mariner of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hope of anticipations, rendering marriage, &c, Impos sible, l OUNG MEN especially, ho have becomo the vlctima of Soli tary Vice, Hint dreadful and destructive, habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of youug men of the most exalted talents aud brilliant lntelloct, who miirht other, wise have entranced listening Sanate with tha thunder of eloqueuce or waked to ecatacy tha living Ivre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married Frrson or Young Men contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Frocreatlve Power Impotency), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other Disqualification, speedily relieved. He who place himself nndor tho care of Dr. J, tuuy religiously confide In bis honor as a gentle mnh, and confidently rely unon his skill as a Phv aiclau. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotcm y, Lo? of Power, immediately Curd and full Vigor Restored. Thl Distressing Affection which renders Ll:c miserable nnd ma rrlagc Impossible lathe penalty li Id by the victims of Improper Indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit from not being an are of the dreadful Couseqcnces that may ensue. Now, who that uuderhtnn Is I be subject will pretend to deny that the power of procrcatiou is lost sooner by those fulling Ip.tQ Improper habits thuu by the prudent I Besides lieiug deprived the pleasures f healthy offspring, the moat scrlone and destructive symptoms io boll; body aud mind arise. The system becomes dc riiugeri, the Physical and Mental Functions Weukencd, Loss of Proereative Power, Nervous Irritability, Dysepsla, Palpitation of the Heart, lurTigcetlou, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Coiuh, Consumption, Decay aud Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Per Aon a ruined in health by uulearned preten ders who keep them trifling month after mouth, taking poisonous and injurious compounds, should apply Immediately. ' DR.. JOHNSTON, Member of the Rojal College of Burgeons, Lon don, Graduated from oue of the most eminent Colleges In the United Slates, and the greater port of whose Ife Una been Bpeut In the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected sonic of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled wltoiing. lug In the head aud cars when asleep, great nervousness, being alurmcd nt sudden soauds, bafhlulneaa, with freipicut blushing, attended sometimes wlthdcrnugeincntof mind, went cured Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have iujurrj themselves by improper Indulgence aud solitary habits, which rniu both body aud inlud. unfitting them for cither business, study, society or mar riage. Tiikie are some of tho sud and melancholy effect produced -by early habits of youth, viz; Weakness .of Hie Back and Limbs, Pain, io f-hv Buck ii iid Head, Dimucss tf' Sight, Loss uf Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyaiicpsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement uf Diucslivu Fuuctions, General Debility, Symptoms of Con sumption, Ac. The fearful effects on the miuj arc much to be dreaded Los of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil ForelHidlugH, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, '.jveof Solitude, Timidity, Ac, ure some of the .evil, produced. Tuoi'sands of persona of ull age, can uotv Judge what In the cause of their declining health, losing .tUcij vigof, becoming, weak, pale, ucrvou and emaciated, having . ainguluy appearance ubout the eyes, cough and symptoms ot consump tion. YOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselves by a certain prac tice Indulged in whtu ulono, a frequently lea rued from ,tvll companion,, oral school, the clleets of which are nightly tell, even when asleep, aud If uol cured, rendurs marriage impos sible, and destroys both mind tiud body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that u young innn.tbc hope of his country, the darling af his parents, should be enntchci from nil prospects unit enjoyments of life, by the consequence of daviatlug from the path of nature aud iodutgiug In a certain secret habit. Such peri-ons mi st, before coutetuplatlug MARRIAGE, refbet that a sound mind uud body are tho most ueTjcssarv rcriultltcs to promote counubial hnppl- i ness. Indeed without these, the Journey through I life becomes a weary pllgrlmuge; the prospect I hourly darkens to the view ; the uilud becomes ' ahado'wed with dcpalr and tilled with themeliin ' i holy rcflecliou, that the happiness of another i becomes blighted with ourown. I Arf'i:R'4'AIN DULASE. j When the misguided and imprudent votary of ; plcasuie Hilda that he has Imbibed the seeds of 1 this painful disease, it too often happen, that an I Ill-timed sense .of Jiiiauie, or draud of discovery, ' dotcis him from applying to those who, from education and respectability, cuu alone befriend j him, delayiug till the coustit ut iouul symptoms of I this horrid disease make their uppcurunce, such a ulei rate4 sore throat, diseased nose, iioctural pains lu the head and limbs, dluiues, of slgln, deu f nets, nodes ou the shin bouu aud, blotchc, ou the hoad, luce and .extremities, pro. greasing with .frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bouee of the uoicfuil ill, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a eriosl to hi dreadful suffer lug, by aendiug hiui.t " thai 'Cndhvovered Country from wheucu .no travcljor returns." It i a, melancholy fact that tkous&uds DIE victims to thl terriul disease, through fulling luto the hand of Ignorant or unskillful PRE TENDERS, who, by the use of that deadly Pol sou, Mercury,. Ac,., destroy the couslllutiou, uud Incapable of curlug, keep the uuhappy sufferer uionlh after mouth lakiug their noxious or In jurious compopuds, and luslead of betug restored to a renewal of Life Vigor aud Happiness, iu des- air leave him with ruined Health ,ti lj;h over lis galling disappointment. Toauclt, therefore. Dr. Johnston pledge, him self to preserve the moat Inviolable Secrecr, and from hi extensive practice and observation. In the great Hospital, of Europe, and the first in this country, Tin England, France, Philadelphia and elsewhere, Is enabled to offer the moat cer tain, speedy und effectual remedy iu the world for all disease of Imprudence. DR. JOHNSTON. OFFICE, NO. 7, . FREDERICK STREET. UiLTiMpai, M. I). Left baud sld Jfolug from JUHlmure street, a few doors from Jbe corner. Fall not to observe name and number. - . WNo letter received unles postpaid and containing a damp to be used on the reply. Per sona writing abould stale dge, and send a portion of Avdvlrtisemeut describing symptom,. There are so many Pullry, Designing and Worthies Jmpntters advertising tbomselve as aVbysMiMiis, LriUiug with and rutping ;the Lealth of all who unfortunately fall luto their power, ,thut Dr. Jobuston deem, it necessary to say e. txclallj to those unacquainted with hi rrouia- tkiu that hi Credential or Diploma always bang Io hi ottice. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The many thousand eurel at this Establish ment, year after year, and tb auincrou liu portaul Surgical Qneratlpa performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the representatives of the press and many other papers, notices of which have appeared again, and again before tha public, beside hi standing a a geutleman of character and responsibility, Is A tuthclent guarautee (o tJb afflicted. Sblu disease, sptedlly cured,. March 1, 173.-1 BALTIMORE TCTbtiic tietriTyu isoTr"rHr''cO SUNBURY, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, THE K1X BARBER SHOP 18 THE BnOP OF THE TOWN and long ha, been ask history and sbo wUl tell you Men have grown old In our patronage Bnbles on their mothers' breast To bouncing boys at play t And youths by maiden fair tarcaaed, To atulwnrl men with core oppressed, And old men sllvor gray. And nmong the honored and lasting Impres sions of time, and the crash of revolutions hi circumstances, we stnnd a living monumental memento of the Ingenuity nnd perseverance ap pertaining to tho Identity of progression, plying our vocation with the highest style of art and perfection, Htid nspirlne to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable in our humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of reaped and approbation which the presence of superior appliances and es tablishment are always wont to lusplre. Always to please. We shave with ease Cut and comb with taste tho linlr j Shampoo ,tho head with soothing earc, And color-the whisker block or brown, 'io suit the people about the town. Then allow me poliiely request yon to stop. And not go past nor from around our shop. To get shaved (in the biifls of ability nor as some have done for our use of (fee ballot for prin ciple sncred and right nor under tho common secret and invidious guise of enmity to complex Ion ; for the cut of a rami's conf, or the oolor of his skin, ought no to affect his usefulness nor his qualifications. A fair chance 1 nil that we demand, to givo the proof to nil the land. JAMEi W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Smibury, April 5, 1973 No. 9, Market st. ,3 . BLATCII LEY'S mmn cucuxbeb wibd x'umf. Tasteless. Durable. Efficient and rU Cheap. The bet Pump for the Ica-t nioner. Alti'iillon Is es pecially iiivll-d to U'alclilcy's I'.iteiii" Improve 1 liiacket and New riinn fheek Valve, which lie withdrawn without re moving the Pump or disturbing the J lints. Also, the Copper t'lniit.ber, which never crucks .or ml will outlast n nv other, lor sale by Dealers evervwhere. Send for Catalogue mid Price List. ' CIIA8. ft. BLAT'.'HLEY, Mann factual', 5uti Commerce .St., Philad'a. Pa. St4,ly I'lilsj Nptti'C 1st RcHorvt'd Tor the AllVKnTISI'MKNT OK PAINE & McCORMICK'S II A it D W A R K STORK Miirlicl Nt., Niiiibnrj, Pa. CALL SPKCIAL ATTENTIOX To their tinmen, Stock of Forrieu mid Auterlcau WhU n. " DIAMONDS JEWELUV, Silver anu Su.vra-l'i.ATEii Wark, Clocks, and ,Fapcy (loods. jCfrinlng an ELEGANT ASSOIt TMf.N r lu evury Db PARTMEST. LOW PRICES. Philadelphia, March S3, 1873.-lyr. NEW TOBACCO AND NEUAR. ANU BRUSH STOHE. South side of Muiket street between 3d und jib SUNBUty, PA. Just opened, an entire new stock of all kinds of TOBACCO AND SEGAR3. 8cg;irs of every grade. Tobacco of every varle'y. Pipes, both plain aud fancy. tiUSHE8t BRCbilEB I I BRUSHES i '. ! A large assortment of Brushes direct fioin the manufacturer at greatly reduced prices. His Hue of brashes are a specialty and mauy new kinds uever before introduced Into this market. Also, Pupcr Collars and Cuffs lu great variety. A large assortment of all the popular Bongs or the day. Call aud exutniu my goods and get a list of prices. Novembers, 1872. ly HENRI PETERY. ANTED. V We will give Men and Womeu BUSINESS THAT: .VyLL, PAY from It to IS per day, ran bo pursued ,n .your owp peigliborbnod t it s a,IMe chuiice f(j.tlio.s out ul employment or having leisure tiiuoi girl aud bovs frjueitlv do us well as ruun. f arti cular tree. Add res, J. LATHAM A CO., VM Washington St., Uoeton, Mas. Mar. M AMEE MAY 10, 1873. hilts tank Bfottfyz. LOVE ON A LOU. "Miss Hecky Newton." "Well, Kir." "Will you marry mo If" "No. I won't." "Very well : then don't, tbat'a rII." Mr. Fred Eukprsou drew away his chair, nnd putting hia fuut upon tho tiiazzit, un folded a newspaper. Mies Uccky Xewlou bit her hp nnd went ou with her sewing. tSliu w muli) red if that was going to bo the luut of it. Shu had felt this proposal com ing for a month, but the scene she had an ticipated was not at all like this. She had inluudud to refuse him, but it was to be done gracefully. She was to romain firm, notwithstanding his most eager eulreaties. Slio was lq iayo tol.J )iin that though re specting hi inauly worth aud upright cha reclcr, she could uever be to him more than an appreciative and earnest friend. She had intended to sljed a Cuw tears, per haps, as he knelt writhing in an agony of supplication at her feet. But iustead, ho had asked her the simple question, without any rhetorical embellishments, and on be ing answered, had plungod at once into his newspaper, ns though he had merely asked the time of day. Sb.o .could have cried with vcxatiou. ' "You will never have a better , chance," he continued, after a pause, as he deliber ately turned over the sheet to find tho la lent telegraphic reports. "A better chance for what ?" she asked, shortly. 'A better chance to marry a young, good looking man. whose gallautry to the sex is only exceeded by tiis -bravery in their de feline.' Fred was quoting from his newspaper, but Miss Newton did not know it. 'And whose egotism is only exceeded hy his impudence,' retorted the lady sarcasti cally. 'ik'fore long,' continued Ftcd, 'you'll be out uf the market. Your chances, are get ting slimmer every day.' 'Sir I' 'It won't be a great while before you are ineligible. You s ill grow old and wrin kled and ' 'Such rudens8s to a lady, sir, is mon strous, ' exclaimed Miss Newtou, rising hastily, and Hushing to the temples. I'll givo you a liual opportunity, Miss llecky. Will you mar' 'Not if you were the King of England,' interrupted Miss Newton, throwing dowu her work. 1 aiu uot accustomed to such insults, sir.' Aud so sayioz, sho passed into tho house aud slammed llie door beliiud her. Sbois never so handsome as when she is iu a rage,' thought Fred to hiinsclf, after she had gone, as be slowly folded up his paper aud replaced it in his pocket. 'I was a fool to goad her so. I shall never wiu her in that way. Uut I'll have her,' he ex claimed, nloud. 'By heaven I'll havo her cost what it may I' Very different was the Fred Eckerson of the present, pacing nervously up anil down the piazza, from tho Fred Eckersou a few moments ago, receiving his dismissal fiom the woman he loved, with such calm aud imperturbable exterior. For he loved Bec ky Newton with' all iiLs heart. The real difficulty in the way, as bo more than half suseclcd, was not ,9 much with himself as iu Ins pocket. Hecjcy .ewtQp hail an nihu perable objection loan empty .wallet. The daughter of a wealthy Louitana planter, reared in luxury, nnd the ruoiphCnt .of n weekly allowance of pin-money sufficient, to pay Fred's whole bills for a month, she had no immediate idea of changing her situa tion for oim of less comfort aud independ ence. IWsides it had been intimated to her that a neighboring planter of unusually aristocratic lineage had looked upon her with covetous eyes. To be sure, he was old apd ugly, but he was rich, and. in her present juiercenary stain of mind, Miss Becky Newtou did not desire to allow such a chaucc of becoming a wealthy widow to slip by uuimproved. But alas for human nature ! ,If Becky was really so indilfci'cnt to Fred Ecker sou, why did she run up Mairj after that interview, aud take the starch all o.ut of her nice clean pillow-shams by crying her self into hysterics on the bed '( It was not all wrath, uot all vexation, not all pique. There was somewhere deep down iu Becky Newton's heart a feeliug very much akiu to remorse. She was uot sure that she would uot oue day be jiorry for what she had done. She doubt she could be very kwy P3 Fred Eckersou's wife, ftf'.'T all. ' But then,"shu cried, grnwiug hot with the recollection, 'he wasjio rude, and soip suliiug ! I uever could live with such a man, never!' When Fred Eckerson nnd walked off some of his feeliug ou the piazza, ho con cluded to take a look nt the river. The Mississippi, which flowed within five hun dred yriU of the house, was nt Unit time nearly at the heigbt pf its annual "spriui; rise." Its turbid waters,. I'lisUing swiftly towards the sea, had nearly filled iho banks, and in many plnoc had broken through the levies and flooded the low-lands for many Hijlw. A crevasse of this descrip tion ha beeu made in the farther bank, nearly opposite the house, and the wiu dowsoftue Newton in. in si on commanded a view of a vas,tapd glittering jnland sea, uot laid dow,;i ou the maps. The main current of the si team bora upou it colfee colored bosom an enormous mass of float ing timber, which was dashed along the boiling llood, rendering navigation wholly impossible. The waters were still rising, and the frequent crashes far aud near told of the undermiiiiii!! power of the current, as sections of the sandy bank succumbed aud disappeared, carrying with lbc,!P the tree., w i jci qvm'hupg .tbe ibticnm. Now it haniienod that, hy a curious co- coincidence, Miss Newton also resolved to look at the river. She dried her tears, and putting gadjer hat, slipped out by the hack door to avoid Fred, and soon found her self at the foot pf a huge cottonwood tree ou the bank below the house. Throwing herself upon tho grass, aud lulled by the bubbling of the rapid flood lieucath hor, she soon fell fast asleep. Had she possess ed any power of foreseeing the future, it would have been the last thing she would have done, for although it was very plea sant dropping asleep there iu the .shade, with the soil sunlight liltering through the leaves over bend,, the awakening was jjf't at nil toher ui)(l. A terrible crash ipado chaos of hur dreams ; the grnuud slipped from bqpenih her; tha tall cottonwood toppled nud full ; aud Mis Becky Newtou found bexself .sudi'.ctily .iq.mersed in tho cold floodT.with her mouth (.!, (yf muddy water, lu a moment mora somebody's arm was around her, and she felt herself lifted uoaud placed somen hers in the sun shine, though precisely where she was as jet too biwildercd to know. Getting htr JJJ.-, ( New ftarlea, Tol. ft, No. Old Nerlfn, Vol. SS, o e. 23. eyes open at Inst, sho found Fred Ecker son 's whiskors nearly brushing her face. Well 1' 'Where am I ?' nsked Becky, shivering and looking around tier. 'You nre in tho middle of the Missienip pi VV replied Fred, 'and you nro in the fork tif a cottonwood free, nnd you are voy aging toward the Oulf of Mexico Justus last as tliis freshet can carry you.' 'How camo you hero V 'In the same ennvcynnco with "yourself, Miss lieckv. f" fact, you nud I 'and the tree all en me together, to say nothipg of a portion of your fathers' plantation, which, I fear, is lost forever.' Becky was silent. Shu was thinking, not of the ai cident or their jierilous posi tion, but ot her appearance when she was lying asleep on the grass. 'How long, were you before this happened 1" she asked. 'As long ns you wore. I was up in tho tree when you camq.' You Ijad a right 0 bo up there,' she said coloring 'a spy upon my movements.' 'N'onseuse !' he replied. 'You intruded on my privacy, and while you slept I watched over you, liko the swOoi little cljj. rub that sits aloft.' 'Thank you for the service. I'm sure.' she said, bridling. j 'You snored awfully.' ' it r. Eckerson, remove your arm from my waiat. 'Then nut yoyr arms around ray neck.' j 'Indeed, I shall do no such thing.' 'You will fail into the river if you don't.' I Becky was sileut for several moments, j while their unwieldy raft whirled along in : the current, rolling from side to side, aud j threatening every iuslant to turn com- j pletely over nud tip them oft. At last fjLo 1 said : 'What nre we to do V 'J. think, now that I am started, I shall go on to New Orleans,' he replied. 'To New Drleaus 1' exclaimed Becky. 'It is a hundred miles.' 'Yes and the cbauco of a free passage for such u distance is uol to lie neglected. You eui go ashore, if you prefer.' Mio burst into tears. 'You nre cruel,' she said, to treat me so.' '.Cruol !' extUfitued Fred, drawing her closer to him, quickly to you i" There was no help' tor it, aud sho again relapsed ulo, quite content, appa rently, to renin; iu'Fre,d'a arms, 'and evincing now no disponilion to rebyl. For once iu her life she was .dependent on , man. 'I want to go to Now Orleans' continu ed Fred, after a pause, 'because, there is a young lady of my acqurinlancc residing there, whom I have some intention of CAIN bringing iuto ihii uigiiborhood.' j imniillii, 'that-pcrhaps if you nsUi-d mo '0 I' I again the same question Ujat you did ves- 'If we don't go to New Orfeans. and ifjterday morving I Wgl, wsswer a ltttl we get safe out of this scraps), I shall write ' diflt-renl.' to.hertocotjiear-y way.' ' j Becky's head wont against Fred's shoulr 'All ' i dcr, aud her face became iiuniediulely lost '1 shall obtain board for her tit St. Jean, l to view, which will be convenient for me ns long as i 'You darling ! he exclaimed. 'I never I remain your father's guest. 1 can rule . intended to do otherwise. Tun young lady over after breakfast every morning, you ! in .w Oi-Wna was n-lmlv mvth. Hut. ! see.' 'She is uu intimate friend, then ?' said Becky. ' 'I expect ;o njarry her before Jong,' be lepueu 'Marry her ! Why, you you proposed to me this looming.' 'Yes, but you refused me. I told you then you would never have auotiior chance.' liecky was silent agaiu. It is a matter j of some, doubt whether, had' Fred at Unit' moment, sitting astride that cottonwood ; log, with his feet iu thu water and his arm j around her waist, proposed to her a so- j eond tiuie, she would have accepted him or ; uot. To be sure a marvellous changu had ; come over Becky's feelugs since her turn- 1 ble iuto tho river. " She fell just theu ihat j oue strong arm like i-hat which supported her was worth a thousand .pld imd dmre- j liid ulantcrs : nnd she i-ocoonieii thu fuel i that n man who could talk so coolly tad unconcernedly in a situation of such t - x - treuic peril was oue of no ordinary courage. But she was uot yet quite prepared to give un her coldeu dreams. The dross was uot quite washed out of hur soul, and she did li. 4 yet (mow bow much she loved r red Eckerson Besides, sho did uAt half be- lieve him Their clumsy vessel floated on, now root first, sideways, aud uow half submerged by the boiling curieut. Their precarious hold became more uncertain as their frames became chilled bv the cold water, and eve ry plunge of ike log t,b,r;jaU.ucd to cost them .U'.olhc,;- Las been diuuing into his ears con tiuce more .tclo Lc river. n vain l-Ved ! cer'ning procrastination's tendency to make endeavored to attract Hie attention of some ! off with time hi p felouious manner, iinnm one on the shore. Tlie coitouwood retain- j dit'.tely stiitrU oil' to bu tUiiro promptly, ed a .course uearly in the middle of tlie . There is no use iu the driver's trying to stream, too far front cither lsiuk to render veto the move incut, l'iggy runs between their outcries of much avail. As it grew j his head by a three-fourths majority. Be durk their siliialioti seemed inoru and more ! fore the victorious animal gels ten steps helpless, and to Hooky thorn appeared to bo no escaiHt from certain deaili, either by drowuing in the darkness or by exhaustion before day break. Yet to die iu this man's nriusfet-med not wholly a terror. Sho coulj hardly think if death miist come, of any way iu which sho would 'rattier .meet it. Was it possible sbu loved him, and must pecds be brought within the valley of the shutlu, before she could know he,r heart f Had he .hived him all along ' While she was thiuking about it chilled by thu exposure aud night air, she fell asleep. When she awoke Iho stars were nut, but she was warm and com fortable, liaising her head, she fouuo her self euvelopgd iu Fl'cd'ji coat. Fred!' 'Well ? 'You have robbed yourself to keep me warm. You are freezing.' 'No, I aiu't ; 1 look it ofT because it was bo awful hot ; upd taking out his baud arvbjsf 'W It 14 ilin ngaged hupd, 'J,e made iretcUk.'e pf wiping thu perspiration from his brow. 'How long havu I been asluep V' 'About three hours We ure drifting in shore now.' Shall we be saved ?' 'I don't know, l'ut your arms around my neck, for I'm going to take mine away.' Becky did this liuirns she was bid. She not only throw her arms quickly around his neck, but she laid her head ,upon his breast without the slightest hesitation. Iu the darkness, Fred did uot kuow that she tlupriuted a kiss upni his shjrt-boaom. II old fast uow,' tie cried. 'Hold on, for dear life.' The log had been gradually Hearing the shore fur sprpe tuwi), apd now it shot sui dtply'niju' iii"ge ijwtmpre which over hung its banks tod trmUsd .its ranches iu thu brown fJoini. 0,uicjc as thought, Fred seized the limb above his head.'ttjid -MfV'' with ;ill ii might. Tho headlong course of th cottouwood was checked ; it plunged Leavily, nod pa il ly turned over, it top became eu tangled in the sycamore, aud a -torritic crackhnar of ,1'mbs ensued. With a sudden spriiij, l"rcd ADVERTISING SCIIKDUL1 10 Muck, or about 100 Words, m ik h fqiu. - i Sq a t;.i : s.' 44q i.,-coi .:,.. ,r. . . i a.tiOj a.(s o.fio. v 8.w, 4.00' s.oon.fvi i(. -v On week 1.00 9.00 Two week, I. SO- .1.00: Throe ' ti.'.'O 8.rr 4.50; 6.00 w.uM'.i on.-..'.. Four .. 4.B0- .) .0u to.mi in.txu-J.bO Five " 2.7ft f.(Xi; 6.fiO 7.00 I'J.oo i7.O0 iA an BIX " :.00i .76, 7.50i H.OU 18.0. iH.OOi' Taomo's :3.1i T.ftO.' 8.50! ll.UO'l5.l.tOi:.0.9(l Three :.50j 8.00, .&U IO.Wid.00 5 ttrtO.Pe BIX ' 5.0lr V.lM'.ll.OO'iU.oo 118.00 Ji.1.0 ..00 Nine Q.tKi!l0.(Ki 10.00 15.00 :ir,.oi) O.LO "6.C0 One Tear J.tM18.00!l5.Hi'..OU lO.OO-'H-.t v'll.t-0 gained the. projecting branch, dragging his cliu-iing burden after him. In iiuoiher in stant the cgt(,i)iiwuod had brokuu awuy uud conliuued its voyage down thu river, whi'.ii the bent sycamore regained its shape with such a quick rebound, that the two travel ers were nearly precipitated into the stivuir. again. Fred, half supporting, hall d run ging Becky, woiked his way to Ihn trunk by a series of gymnastics that would h;tv done iid discredit to Bloudiu, and hi u, mo ment in u ro both had reached the ground 'if safety. That's -t busiuess wo uru wclf ot of,' he said, when he had regained his breath. '.Now, where nro wo ?' He looked about, A ligl;t wag glimmer ing from a habitation behiud ihciu, if short distauco from where they stood. Becky could not walk without great pain, and Fred lifted her lightly in his arms and Started lor the house. It proved to be the dwelling of a small planter, who was uot lacking in hospitality. Hero their wants Were ouicklv atltuidod to nud. under tho cheerful influence of warmth nnd shelter. Becky was ssun herself again. I They drove home the following, j Fred having procured the loan of the. plaii i tur's horse and chase for that pui p n-e, I promising to return theui hy Mr. Nuwton's j servant the day after. Thu morning wan blight and clear, und the fragtnnce of tho orauge groves was iti all the air. Becky, , who had maintained almost utier silmieu I sin-.-o their CBcajie from the cottoiiwood, j was no less siiutil uow. Fred himself did. not appear iaiticularly cotimiuuieative, I and many miles of thu long rido were taken j without a remark from either. It waj Becky who spoke fjrjt. 'Fred,' she said. ' 'Yes 5" 'Vou have saved my life, have you notl" 'Happy to do it any day,' ho remark!, pot knowing exactly what else to say. 'I thank you very much.' 'uili! welcome, I'm sure.' There was another long hilt-nee, broken only by the sound of thu horse's hoofs upon the road. Fred himself seemed to havu lost some of his habitual ease, for he kept his whip in constant motion, and held the roigns nervously. Fred I' 'Yes '" 'Aru you going to writs to that younx lady in New Orleans V 'I s 'pose so.' 'Hadn't you better try again- bef :m you before you write 1" He turned his eyes full upou her, and opened them wide. 'Try again ! Try what ?' 'I've been thinking through the nitiht,' said Becky, bending low to liide her face, j und carufullv Mnivuntintr ilu. ti-in. uf her when, inav I nsk. did vou ehim-'i! vour mind 1" ! have never changed it,' she murmtir- , ed. 'I have loved you all the lime, but f. I never knew it until last ninht.' And to this day, when Mrs. Becky Eck- crsiin is asked wheiv it was she fell in love . with bur hn.-band, she answers, 'On it log.' isccllaitcoue. lrl,lng 11 en. Did you ever set) a green hand try to drive pigs If you never did, get sorau conceited iellow of yom itcqtiaiu'tanco to undeitnku tho job just for fun, aud you watch the circus. Furnish hitu with say a couple c,d" pigs of the average kind, and engage hitu to drive them down any street ! you choose to name and turu them into ! Bidt street or alley. I or a hundred lent ! or so those pigs will trot along, humming j "'u respectable tune lik Auld Lung Syuu and moving their caudal aptiendages i.n that luysterioup and utterly ridiculous manner known only to pigs. By that- time they will have thrown the driver corn-1 pletely oil' his guard and induced him to jeer at you forgiving him such an easy job. With his jeeriugs begin his woes, for at this moment one uf the pii: suddenly re collects nn engagement up the street, and also remembering the proverb his grand- However, lie says, "r.nageiy.ent be blow I ed," and trots back to ask Ins compaiun, ' j who lias remained a silent uud amused I spectator, some questions of a private ua'- ' I.: .1. i. V , .i , I. , .ii,,., nun ll ti-iii luiffiiiiuu, iliu , n v ' u-sumc their trot toiva: il the alley and tho ! U'iver alter them. When tliey get nearly there thu driver enters iuto negotiations I for a fair accord, w'ilh meaning taunts, n much us to imply they would liko him to cut il short. He invites litem by word gesture, uud possibly iitouo tr two, to go. dowu the alley, to which they respond by passing the alley aud going dowu the stroi'l -4U a tlyj-i .calculated to bripg out the tiro brigade, llclore our now exasperated cmu- , tractor can overiawo mem, tiu-y reverso- ! liic o net in lii.liuil llliu leilllll llius-o mill:-, j.neraud place at which they went, stopping ' bv iho ulli-y to a-ait thu arrival of tho driver. He soon comes up piiulipg and i making a noiac ivscuihliug ihat of Al'rie.ii; savages spearitJg an eleplmir. The pigsru-. g;ird him with unull'eef-jd astonishment, and ask i no another where he came front. . Thus they go oh for soineihiug less tlmu au hour, worrying nnd bothering thu life nearly out of your I'rieud, und jusi when he is it'i'iy to accept the advice Job reject ed Irom las wife, lliosu pigs calmly Irol down the plley us if that was exactly" whiiti they 4iail lun lighting, k';iil lilinding,' and dyiug to do all the time. This is no lsncy. sketch, but is the result of our observation. Tub Chicago f)re, although occurring, .more tlmu liineou montlpi ngo, it seems has uot yet gone out. The puis-ra .theto meuiiou that smoke was recently siu-fi issp-i lug from ft iorlion of tlie ruins ucur ' an tturen and Clark st reel's, in'iil, un excava tion was made, a pilu of glowing coals was. found, which, wheu (,ho nir reached it, was siiccdily ('. lined into V vigorous flame. The investigators, to make i)ie fact memor able, linked some potatoes in ,(ie lire, alo a lunch uud lit their cigar afterlho repast. lH-sviiuing this surprising tenacity on tiio tlie part of what it calls the "champion blase of creation," tis, Chicago lntcr.i(u)t iuks"v,ill it newr go out V"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers